Walled In (2009) Movie Script

Dad! Dad!
Get me out of here.
Dad! Daddy!
Dad, help!
Get me out
of here!
Dad! Daddy!
Daddy! Daddy.
Woman: The laid-off factory worker
and prime suspect
in the Walled In Massacre,
Thomas Sullivan, remains at large.
Sullivan has shown
a violent history
including a prior
rape conviction.
The building's architect
Joseph Malestrazza
is included
among the victims.
Currently there are
no further leads
in the case
of the Walled In Massacre.
- Woman: Happy birthday!
- Man: Happy birthday!
Man: All right!
I call corner piece!
So, Professor, how effective
do you think your classes were?
Well, I thought
I taught Sam
how to build things,
but whatever
makes her happy.
Should have known
she's not an architect.
Sam's a Walczak
and we blow shit up.
Sam, come here.
to be the first Walczak
to graduate from college.
Think fast.
There's a gift in both,
but you only get to choose one.
Dad, come on.
That's not fair.
Nobody said life was fair.
You're 25 now.
I'm offering you a deal.
Your first demolition project
on your own.
And if you succeed,
you are longer
my employee.
You'll be my partner.
Dad, this is really important
for me.
Don't you wanna see
what's in the blue one?
For those,
well, I got a little help
from Peter.
Three weeks touring
the architectural wonders of Europe.
It's always been
your dream, right?
And they're for two.
I have a friend who hunts.
He'll track a deer for miles,
totally quiet,
waiting for the right shot.
And if his aim is dead on
and the deer goes down,
he says he gets the biggest rush
of his life.
That's how I feel
when taking down a building...
studying blueprints,
exploring structure,
drawing up demo plans,
placing the ammunition.
That's all foreplay to me.
Pete, are you jealous?
Pete: Well, lucky for me,
Malestrazza's not alive
or I would be jealous.
Okay, I've passed the sign.
- Pete: It should be right there.
- No, I don't see it yet.
People still live there,
Yeah, according to your father.
Here it is.
- Hello.
- Sam, I can't hear you.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Can I help you?
Hi, I'm from Walczak,
the demolition company.
I wasn't expecting you
so soon.
Are you alone?
Yeah, for now.
I'm Mary Sutter.
I take care of the building.
Did Mr. Collins tell you
the nearest hotel
is 50 miles away?
Yeah, but it might be easier
if I just stay here.
Oh, good.
Where were you?
Just playing
with the dog, Mom.
Don't worry.
This is the lady
we were expecting.
So why don't you show her around,
explain the rules
and set her up
in room 208?
And be polite.
Do you smoke?
- Well, sometimes.
- No smoking in the building.
Those are the rules.
So this place is
in pretty good shape, considering.
Yeah, Mom likes
to keep everything spotless.
She's kind of crazy.
Can we...
can we get the lights back on?
The lights go off
every six minutes,
you know,
to save electricity and stuff.
If you spend a day in the halls,
you have to hit the switch 240 times.
Oh, and never go
on the eighth floor.
- That's Malestrazza's floor.
- The architect lived here?
That's the only floor
Mom doesn't clean.
It's in the rules.
Oh, and another rule...
don't go on the roof.
It's too dangerous.
Here it is.
Home sweet home.
What do you think he'll say?
- Sorry.
- Malestrazza.
When he finds out you've come
to blow up his building.
Hello, Peter.
Yeah, it's insane.
I mean, imagine something
from Gotham City
in the middle
of a freakin' marshland.
Malestrazza was
definitely a genius.
This building's amazing.
It's like the Bates Motel,
only bigger.
You know,
the kid who still lives here,
he talks about Malestrazza
like he's still...
hey, hello?
Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't realize
you were here.
Do you like red wine?
I also brought some bread
and some pasta, some tea.
It's not much,
but it should do for tonight.
Thanks, Miss Sutter.
No, please, call me Mary.
So how many people
still live here?
Only four.
And this apartment?
I'd offer to move you to another,
but this is the only vacant one
- that hasn't been emptied.
- No, it's okay.
It's just the last tenants,
why did they leave all their stuff?
Because no one
came to collect it.
Do you know the history
of this building?
No, why?
Perhaps it's best
you just do your job then.
Good night.
November 12, 2008,
demolition report
number 2893.
Originally designed and constructed
by one Joseph Malestrazza,
the building contains eight
individual levels
housing 120 residential units.
# Silent night #
# Holy night #
# All is calm #
# All is bright #
# Round yon virgin #
# Mother and child #
# Holy infant #
# So tender and mild #
# Sleep in #
# Heavenly peace #
# Sleep in #
# Heavenly peace #
- Morning.
- Morning.
Sleep well?
Yeah, it was very peaceful.
You're a very pretty girl.
Strange job you've chosen.
So I hear constantly.
And will you blow up
our building on your own?
No, I'm an engineer.
I analyze the structure,
examine the blueprints,
determine the best rupture points,
type of explosives,
then I pass on instructions
to the detonation team.
Wow, that's quite a big job
- for a young engineer.
- Family business.
Oh, dear.
Oh, dear!
Howard won't stop fighting
with his brother.
Denise, I need to introduce you
to someone.
He's dead set
on eating earthworms.
nothing but earthworms.
Listen to me.
You remember the eviction notice?
What eviction notice?
We all have to leave.
They're gonna tear down the building.
Oh, and who are you, miss?
This is what I was trying to tell you.
She's in charge of the demolition.
Not the most graceful girl,
is she?
Sam: To bring down a building,
you weaken the structure,
and gravity
will do the rest.
People are shocked to learn
how little explosive is needed
if you understand the building.
Sometimes you'll get a structure
in perfect shape,
beautifully designed,
could last forever,
and you know when
you're destroying it
that you're taking
along the memories
of people who have
lived there.
Well, buddy,
we got a problem here.
The wall's 16 feet closer
than on the blueprints.
That's huge.
Jimmy's voice:
"November 12th. Her name is Sam.
She's finally here,
and she's so pretty.
I watch her work,
and I wonder if she knows I'm there.
Her job is to blow things up.
I'd love for her to show me
how to take down a building.
And I could tell her the whole story
about this place.
At least what I want her
to know.
She'd believe
whatever I said. "
Sorry, no credit cards.
Machine's broken.
Do you have internet?
You gotta be kidding me.
That little liar.
Look who's here.
- Hey, what's up?
- I don't know. Just hanging out. Why?
Shouldn't you be in school?
No, I do correspondence courses.
Mom says it's better that way.
Don't you have any friends?
Yeah, I've got one
and the dog.
There used to be a lot more
houses like this before,
but most of them
were torn down.
When the factory closed,
everyone just took off.
This is all that's left.
Well, you really know how
to impress a girl.
You know, I know
about Malestrazza, Jimmy.
You don't know anything.
I know Malestrazza was killed.
And I know
about the other murders.
And you told me he was living
on the eighth floor?
Why did you lie to me?
I tell stories.
I don't lie.
You lied when you said it was
dangerous to go on the roof.
Why? Did you go?
Listen, tonight,
I'll take my mom's passkey.
We can visit
the eighth floor.
We'll see if I'm a liar or not.
Okay, we'll see.
- It's funny.
- What?
You dress like a guy
and do a job usually...
Guys do?
You're a dyke, aren't you?
Well, you get straight
to the point.
I'm just curious.
Why are you in the closet?
No, and I'm not a dyke.
Well, that's a relief.
- What did you tell her?
- Nothing.
I said,
what did you tell her?
Just don't go anywhere
near her, Jimmy, please.
I love you, you know?
She can never take care
of you the way I do.
What's wrong? Y'all need any help?
It'll go faster this way.
For you it's a job.
For us it's our lives.
Never forget that.
Did somebody knock?
Howard Carter,
say hello to our guest.
Sit, please.
I'll make some tea.
And make yourself at home.
So how are you enjoying
your stay with us?
It's lively.
You must really love reading.
There are exactly 2,301 books
on those shelves.
They belong to Mr. Malestrazza.
Here we are.
One, please.
he was a very
distinguished person.
I've heard.
But the murders...
weren't you scared, too?
Well, at the time
of the disappearances,
I lived here alone
and nothing ever happened to me.
Do you want to know why?
Because I'm a good person.
Are you a good person,
Miss Walczak?
"It was believed
that human energy and emotions
could be imprinted
in the foundations of a structure.
Fear and death were considered
to be the most powerful elements
to increase a building's longevity.
The Egyptians practiced this
by immuring
sacrificial humans. "
Ready for our little trip?
Malestrazza was a sort of
crazy genius.
He didn't work for money.
He worked out of passion.
Really secretive too. Never let anyone
take his picture or anything.
How do you know so much?
- I was born here.
- Come on.
I read things,
and I stole some books
from Denise.
Oh, yeah? Me too.
Which ones?
"Primitive Beliefs
in Architecture. "
I know.
You know, genius or not,
he could have built
a damn elevator.
Around the time of the murders,
there used to be a tenant
named Tom Sullivan
who worked at the factory.
One day he got fired
because the bosses found out
about a prior rape conviction.
That was enough
to make him a suspect.
So the tenants
called the cops,
but when they came
to question him
he was gone
and they found nothing.
No blood,
no signs of struggle,
Rumors were going around
that Sullivan
was using secret passages,
that the mirrors
in the apartments were double-sided.
The tenants were terrified,
and the disappearances
Always mysterious.
This is it.
Malestrazza's... where they found
a few of the bodies, even his
and maybe even where his ghost
still hides today.
No one could ever accuse you
of subtlety.
And they wouldn't have found anything
if Sullivan hadn't made his one mistake.
Oh, yeah,
and what was that?
He kidnapped
that little girl.
Wait. Not the little girl
from my apartment.
Jimmy: What he didn't know
is that Julie's father
just got her a puppy.
Smart little dog.
Your dog?
Yep, and when the cops
entered Malestrazza's place...
The dog ran in
ahead of them.
And we follow the dog.
Stay close
if you don't wanna get lost.
It's a real maze in here.
Malestrazza didn't have
any furniture, only books.
He lived like a monk.
Watch your step.
This is where they found Julie.
Sam: My God.
That's where they found
His face was almost ripped off
because of the cement.
My mom was the one
to identify him.
Mary? Why?
She knew him well,
I guess.
The cops found 16 bodies
in the building,
but I'm sure there was more.
Has to be.
That's where they found my dad.
Mom was there
when they dug his body up.
She was pregnant
with me at the time.
They say she hasn't
been the same since.
Shut up! Wait outside!
Jimmy, I'm sorry.
'Cause I lost my mom
when I was a baby.
I know how it feels.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
So what did Malestrazza
look like?
- You'll see.
- Right.
- Shit!
- What?
No, nothing.
It's a drawing.
Told you you'd meet him.
It's Malestrazza.
Maybe his spirit never left,
and he's hiding
behind this wall.
Very funny.
Hey, come here!
Jimmy! Cut it out.
Who is it?
Who are you?
No, no, come on.
Don't do this.
No, come on.
Don't do this. Shit!
Sam, where are you?
Where are you?
- Girl: Samantha!
- Who are you?
Jimmy, where are you?
#One, two #
# He's coming for you #
# Three, four,
cement will pour... #
- Jimmy!
- # Five, six, it fills up quick #
# Seven, eight #
# You're too late... #
- What do you want?
- # Nine, ten #
# He'll wall you in. #
Sam, it's me.
Where were you?
Calm down.
Follow me.
Come on, hurry up.
Come on.
It's okay.
It's over now.
I'm losing my mind,
I'm hearing voices.
Show me your knee.
I'm fine.
Come on.
It's my fault you fell.
Is that better?
You look even prettier
that way.
You should keep your hair down
more often.
What are you doing?
What do you want from me?
Poor girl.
You're the one, Samantha.
You're our savior.
Help! Help!
Help me!
Somebody, help!
Let me out of here!
- Hey.
- Hey.
You didn't think you could
get away that easily, did you?
- Did you do that?
- What?
That? No.
Look, you shouldn't leave
your door unlocked.
Mr. Burnett, open up.
Listen, there's no use
pretending you're not in there.
How can I help you?
Did you have fun last night
in Malestrazza's apartment?
Trying to scare Jimmy and me
won't change anything.
Burnett: Jimmy...
interesting kid.
You think I scare Jimmy?
The government ordered
this building to be destroyed.
There's nothing anyone
can do about it.
There's no point
in harassing me.
He gave that to you?
Burnett: Little souvenir.
He offered me
this apartment
the day he learned
how shitty my
disability pension was.
So did you live here
when the murders happened?
The cops thought
I was the killer.
I did two months' time
because of my good looks.
I was the perfect suspect.
Leave me alone.
Why's he still here?
Maybe he doesn't have
anywhere else to go.
Huh. Well, let's go check out
Malestrazza's place.
- You a fan of his?
- I don't know.
I haven't decided.
He's growing up so fast,
reads everything
he gets his hands on.
So full of stories.
He gets his temper from me,
but I understand.
He's lonely.
But soon he'll be free of this.
We all will.
Then you'll have peace...
just like I promised.
- That was close.
- Mm-hmm.
Oh, shit!
Mary, can you hear me?
So you're the legend.
Sam: Find anything?
Like a secret passage?
You gotta be kidding me.
Sam: Jesus, this was definitely not
in the blueprints.
Pete: Should we climb down?
Sam: Beats spending
the night up here.
Be careful, Sam.
Sam: I can't believe it.
The little shit.
He's been watching me
in my bathroom.
You all right?
- Look.
- What is it?
Okay, let's get out of here.
Is going through
other people's garbage also part
of your job description?
It was the dog's fault.
I threw him his ball
in the garbage room
and he hit the switch
on the wall.
That's how I found the passage.
I didn't do anything.
You were watching me
from there, weren't you?
And you were in on it with Burnett
the other night to scare me.
We'll deal with this later.
Go to your room.
This your husband?
He was a writer.
Malestrazza offered us this place
so he could finish his novel.
He said there's nowhere
like it on earth.
He was right.
Sam: Forgive me for being
so direct,
but why did you stay?
Most tenants left.
A few stayed 'cause they had
nowhere else to go.
It's better here for us.
We're close to him.
Close to your husband?
But part of me
doesn't believe he's gone,
and it's better for Jimmy.
The spirit of his father
is helpful to him.
I took the caretaker's job
just to be around him.
Malestrazza thought
it would last forever, this building.
Probably would have.
You're our savior, Sam.
In a few days,
there will be nothing here but dirt.
Not even a headstone.
Pete: Look, I do know
that you're overwhelmed
and things are really crazy,
but there's one way
to make it better.
Let's take the trip.
Now we could go tomorrow.
You need to get out
of here, Sam.
We'll leave in the morning.
- Okay?
- Mm-hmm.
It's probably Jimmy.
- Why would he do that?
- I don't know, but who else?
Knew him my whole life.
He was the best friend I had.
Jimmy, did you do this?
- Do you really mean that?
- Well, who else did it?
What difference
does it make now?
My only friend is dead,
and my house is gonna be destroyed.
You're just gonna leave
with that guy and forget all about us.
It's okay. We're used
to being forgotten here.
Listen, I'm not gonna forget
about you.
You don't give a shit about me.
I'm just a crazy little boy.
No, you're not.
Prove it.
Sam: " The building is vulnerable
to precision implosion.
Suggested volume
of detonation...
spread equally
at the preset rupture points.
Your very truly,
Walczak & Sons.
I don't know.
This place is still hiding something.
The blueprints are wrong.
I mean, nothing corresponds.
Okay, look,
I find this place as fascinating
as you do,
but waking up with a dead dog
as a houseguest
makes me think
perhaps it's time to go.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I wanted to apologize
for before
and all the other stuff I did.
Don't worry about it.
Pete: Hi, Jimmy.
Sorry about your dog.
For you.
I stole it from Denise's place.
To tell you the truth,
I found the secret passage from this.
Thought you'd might want it.
Is this what I think it is?
by the man himself.
There's everything
about the building...
his theories,
philosophies also.
Check out the drawings.
No wonder the blueprints
were off.
There's so much space
in the center of the building.
Of course.
Of course.
Malestrazza was inspired
by the Egyptian pyramids.
His apartment
on the eighth floor must be the summit,
and the basement
the foundation.
Do you think we'll find
any more bodies?
'Cause if it's like the pyramids,
then there has
to be a tomb somewhere.
Which would make sense
if it's behind this wall.
The Egyptians
would always make sure
that sunlight could
shine down into a pharaoh's tomb.
So there's gotta be some sort
of access to it from the roof
if it exists.
I'll go look.
Look, I don't trust that kid.
Jimmy. Jimmy!
Sure he came up here?
He knew about it all along.
Okay, come on.
Let's get out of here, come on.
Help, I'm down here!
- Jimmy!
- Sam, help!
- Shit
- I fell down.
I think I broke my leg.
Hold on, we're coming.
Okay, I'm gonna go down.
Grab the other end.
- Okay.
- Jimmy: Sam, help!
- I'm bleeding.
- We're coming!
- Good?
- Yeah.
No no, wait. I'm not gonna be able
to lift both of you back up.
- I'll go down.
- No no.
- Jimmy: Sam.
- We're coming!
Come on, it's the only way.
- Good?
- Yeah.
You okay?
Who are you?
Man: I think you know
very well who I am.
Sam: Malestrazza?
But you're supposed
to be dead.
Really? Then I guess hell
just got a little bit nicer.
Where's Jimmy and Peter?
Answer me!
Help, Sam, I'm hurt!
Help, Sam, I'm hurt!
Sam: Where's Peter?
Don't come near me!
Jimmy: " Dear Sam, I love you
and I can't let you leave me.
You'll have to live
with your genius for a while,
but don't worry,
I'm watching over you.
He won't hurt you
as long as you obey me.
If not, I'll kill you,
just like my best friend.
I'll teach you how to love me.
I'll always love you. "
What are you doing?!
Jimmy, come back!
Happy anniversary, darling.
He will suffer.
I promise.
Where's Peter?
Please tell me
where Peter is.
One for every soul.
Do you really think
a simple factory worker
could have orchestrated
those deaths?
get me out of here!
This can't be real.
This can't be real.
It's really quite simple.
The boy gives us an order
and we obey him.
If not, he'll make sure
we suffer. Trust me.
He has a lot of imagination.
I want you to dance,
both of you.
- Now kiss!
- What?
- I wanna see how you kiss, Sam.
- No way!
Nice show,
but don't touch her again
if you know what's good for you.
Jimmy, Jimmy,
listen to me.
You can't leave me
down here.
Of course I can.
I can do whatever I want.
I'll leave the trapdoor open
so that when you look at the sky,
you'll think of me.
Keep the walkie on
so at least we can be close that way.
I'll check in on you soon.
How do I get out of here?
Wait, is the garbage room
behind here?
- Mom.
- Yes, dear.
Can I talk to you
about something?
How do you know
when someone really loves you?
That girl really had
an effect on you, didn't she?
Tell me.
When you're willing to sacrifice
everything for someone.
There's no great love
without it.
Do you love me?
Of course.
Then why did you sacrifice me
for a dead man?
Jimmy, can you hear me?
Sam: Talk to me.
I know you're listening.
I'm hurt, Jimmy.
My ankle's really swollen.
I need a doctor
or at least medicine.
I know there's some ether
and rubbing alcohol
in my medicine cabinet.
Please, Jimmy, I'm in pain.
Remember the other night
when you bandaged my knee?
That was great.
I loved it.
You took really good care
of me then.
You know,
if we could be together,
I could give you
so much more.
Do you wanna know
what you're missing?
this is for you, okay?
Do you feel guilty?
He came here for you.
Your wall has finished drying.
I've been trapped here
since the day the police arrived
and everything was ruined.
Three weeks
after hiding here
I discovered my only means
of escape was sealed up.
It was Mary.
She found me out.
Mary fooled everybody.
She got to Sullivan's body
and exchanged
his dental records;
Put my ring on him
so the silly police
believed he had escaped
and I was dead...
case closed.
But here I am,
forever a prisoner.
That won't work.
When you finally accept
you're trapped here
we can progress
to a solution.
Come on!
What was that?
Sounds like the pipes.
No, it sounded
more like an explosion.
It's the pipes.
They're falling apart.
The Lighthouse
of Alexandria,
the Temple of Artemis
Gardens of Babylon,
the Colossus of Rhodes
The Seven Wonders
of the World demolished,
burned, all except
the Great Pyramids
and my buildings.
Because both
the Egyptians and myself
immured human beings
in our foundations.
- Jimmy?
- All that counts is energy.
The world found its light
only through the birth pains
of agony and murder.
is a journey to purity,
and death is the midwife
to eternal existence.
You're completely insane.
Would you like
to be eternal,
You've made a big mistake
trying to escape,
a big one.
I'm gonna punish you real bad.
No more water,
no more food, no more light.
You can think better
about your mistakes in the dark.
what's going on?
Mary, Mary,
get me out of here!
No! Please.
Mary, please!
Do you realize
what you've done, Jimmy?
What were you thinking
putting her in there?
Do you want me to go to jail
or some asylum and you in an orphanage?
Is that what you want?
What were you thinking?
All those lives.
All those lives.
This was for them.
Not you.
I know you're there.
Talk to me.
Jimmy: Would you sacrifice
everything for me?
Yes, of course I would.
I'm not stupid.
No, believe me.
I'll sacrifice everything...
except my life.
Because if I die,
then we'll never get
to be together.
I'll be gone forever.
I'll just be a ghost,
a ghost that'll haunt
every minute of your life,
every single dream you have.
When you wake up,
you'll realized that I'm not there
next to you
because you didn't let me live.
The one
who'll suffer most out
of anyone is you, Jimmy.
If I'm gonna learn
to love you,
you have to let me live.
It's too late.
The explosives people are here.
Trust me.
They already think
it's by chance you're here,
that it was only
the boy's idea.
It's your choice, Jimmy.
Sam, Sam!
Can you hear me?
If you wanna keep
any of this, take it now.
Well, what about Sam?
You should have thought
about that before, young man.
We can't just leave her.
Oh, yes, we absolutely can.
We can't let her out now.
That girl doesn't care
about you
and you know that.
I hope you know
what you're doing.
This building's alive.
It has its own arteries,
its own blood supply.
Just like you.
All that's missing is a soul.
Mary: I don't know.
She seemed fine.
She left in quite a hurry
with her friend.
Man: Peter was gonna surprise her
and take her straight
on the trip she got
from Dad.
Still, you think she would
have called or something.
Too bad she's gonna miss
her first demo.
We'll be fine, ma'am.
You can go now.
Save your energy,
I still need you.
Patrick, Vincent!
One must always
bury people alive.
- No!
- It is essential
for the victim to suffer.
Flesh and foundation
must make one.
The creator must fuse
with his creation.
I won't let you kill me!
No, child,
this is my tomb.
You're supposed
to kill me in it.
Now what are you waiting for?
Do it yourself.
You don't understand
what we need you
to sacrifice,
not some...
worker's suicide.
You're the one I chose to kill me.
- I've waited so long.
- No.
- Kill me.
- No.
Listen to the anger,
the rage in you.
Killing me is the only way
to free yourself.
- Kill me, Samantha.
- No!
- Come, child, do it.
- Do it for us.
- Kill me. Go free.
- Do it, Samantha!
- Go free.
- Girl: Free us all, do it, do it.
Thank you, Samantha.
Please, where are you taking me?
My boys.
- Ma'am, calm down.
- What about my boys?
Building is evacuated.
All entrances are sealed.
Detonation begins
in three minutes.
Jimmy, it's all right.
- Sam.
- Jimmy, Jimmy, no!
Stop everything. Sam!
Stop the countdown!
I'm sorry.
What's happening here?
Oh my God!
What did you do to her?
Call the paramedics.
Sam, Sam!
What did you do to her?
Man: Sam!
I'm sorry.
You're free now, Sam.
I'm sorry.
I love you.
Sam: In his lifetime,
designed 27 buildings,
all of which
are still standing.
This one he called
his masterpiece.
There are no current plans
to demolish it.