War Room, The (1993) Movie Script

...with some lingering
clouds around Kodiak Island.
Look for a chance
of overnight showers
along the mountainous areas
of South Eastern Alaska.
And now back to music on KBWZ,
Alaska listens.
Wait, you cut out. What?
No, dude,
my parents went to Europe
and they sent us to Alaska
to hang outwith my uncle.
It's fine.
Yeah, my uncle
is a paleontologist.
He collects dinosaur bones. I guess
he's taking us to work with him.
Brad? Brad, are you there?
Great, no signal.
Where are we going anyway?
I'll give you a clue.
I got it in here somewhere.
Ah, there we go!
Check it out.
What is it?
That, my friend, is
the tooth of a Gorgosaurus.
- Cool!
- Isn't it?
You know, it was almost as big
as a T-Rex, but way faster.
They roamed the Earth millions of
years ago and they got wiped out.
Their only living descendants
are birds and blah, blah, blah.
Oh, come on, man. You used to love
dinosaurs, you were an expert.
This guy must have
been really scary.
How do you think
he lost his tooth?
- The Gorge?
- Yeah.
I wonder if he was in, like, a huge
fight with a load of other dinosaurs.
My friend, Natalie, she ran into a
flagpole at school and lost two teeth.
There was blood everywhere.
Yeah, a flagpole will do that.
Let's go!
You sure you don't want to come?
I'm not really into
digging up dead things.
All right. Well,
stay close to the truck.
If you change your mind
just follow the trail up.
Got it.
Okay, bud.
Psst! Psst!
Hey, kid.
Yeah, you.
I'm talking to you.
What's wrong? You never
heard a bird talk before?
You think you're
pretty smart, don't you?
It's all right.
I'm not offended about
those things you
said about my ancestors.
Totally cool with it.
You should see your ancestors.
Three words: U-g-ly.
But you know that
every fossil tells a story...
...and this tooth
tells a pretty good one.
So go ahead and pick it up.
Come on, come on, pick it up.
Pick it up, pick it up!
Come on, it won't bite you.
Not anymore, at least.
It will, however, open a
window into the ancient past.
A vibrant world of
wonder and danger,
when dinosaurs
roamed the earth...
...and birds looked
a little more like this.
There, you see? Now we can begin.
And try to keep up, will you?!
70 million years ago, in the late
Cretaceous period of planet Earth...
...there lived a miraculous...
...bird. That's me, Alex!
Alexornis, meaning
Alexander's Bird, insectivore.
Note the beautiful plumage...
...majestic wingspan,
the classically curved beak.
Not to brag, but I am kind
of the whole package.
Of course, if you're familiar
with the Cretaceous Period,
you probably know all of this.
Now watch closely.
This is a delicate operation,
best left to the professionals.
Ah, the enticing smell of decay.
Look at this tartar build-up.
Hey, watch it!
I'm telling you, it's
hard out here for a bird!
But enough about me.
The story you're about to see
concerns a friend of mine.
I gotta say,
it's a pretty good one,
filled with
mystery and adventure...
...hope and despair.
Excuse me while I take
a personal moment. Gotcha!
By the way, this isn't the guy I was
talking about, it's his mother.
She is a Pachyrhinosaurus.
Pachyrhinosaurus, meaning
thick-nosed lizard, herbivore.
But pay attention, because the
adventures of her son, Patchi...
...are the stuff of legend.
Which has nothing to do
with that stuff right there.
Let me at it.
Hey, that's not fair!
There he is!
That's Patchi.
Mm-mm, barf.
The runt of the litter, the guy
at the bottom of
the pecking order.
- Hey, Patchi!
- Can't talk now, Alex!
Trying to work on my
survival instincts!
Excuse me,
Alpha male coming through.
I'm just gonna have a bite.
Back off, Patchi.
What about my fair share?
Your fair share was delicious.
That's my big brother, Scowler.
He's usually really cool.
He just gets weird around puke.
Mm, there's some of it now.
Sometimes you gotta
think outside the nest.
So now I just gotta
get out of the nest.
Troodon, meaning
wounding tooth, omnivore.
Alex might say I'm a runt,
but you gotta start somewhere.
From zero to hero, baby.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on.
I'm the one telling the story!
I have more credibility here.
It's my story, Alex.
Yeah, but I have
a more neutral perspective.
Wait a minute. Are you
really gonna eat that?
You know it. Mom's
cooking, and still warm!
- Uh-oh! Run away!
- Where you going?
All right, more for me.
Seriously, there's
a big monster behind you!
Sure, there's a big monster
behind you too!
So much for your
survival instincts!
Okay, so I quickly learned that
not everybody
eats puked-up leaves.
There are things out here
called meat-eaters.
Exactly, and you, my friend,
are made up almost entirely of meat.
Hey, put me down!
I am not a chew toy!
PATCHY. Good thing
my dad showed up.
That's Bulldust,
Patchi's 6, 000-pound papa.
Nobody messes with him.
Hey, Dad, little help?
Oh! Whoa! Whoa!
Thank you!
Classic Dad.
He was a man of few words.
he was a man of one word.
That one.
Huh? What is that?
That, my friend,
is a hole in your head.
But don't worry, one day that hole
will be filled with greatness.
Plus you can hardly see it.
Especially if you don't look at it.
mistakes are
natural at a young age.
Look at that!
Leaving the nest
was totally worth it!
Hey, what's going on up there?
What is this?
That is the price
of leaving the nest.
Oh, who are you?
You're pretty cool.
Come over here!
Where you going?
Hey, don't be afraid.
I'm not gonna eat
you or anything.
He will.
Hey, there. Name's Patchi.
Wanna be friends?
Wait, wait! Wait up!
I don't always smell like this!
I'm just covered in
poop at the moment!
Aw, come on! Are we playing tag?
Is that what this is?
Okay, I guess
I'm it then, right?
Ankylosaur, meaning
fused lizard, herbivore.
This thing is huge!
Which means I should probably
steer clear of his butt.
Good for you, Patchi.
You're learning.
Wow! This is the most beautiful
place I've ever seen.
It's a future oil field,
so don't get too attached.
Hey! Pick on
someone your own size!
Uh, you know, I mean, if that's
a convenient option for you.
Oop, there he goes.
You lost him.
Hesperonychus, meaning
western claw, carnivore.
No, I didn't mean me!
Oh, you misunderstood!
I meant my brother!
Yeah, he's bigger, he's meatier.
He's a lot slower!
Oh, he's so tender... Oh!
Hey, Ma. Oh, I had it,
but thanks for showing up.
And so, with
a little help from Mom...
...Patchi returned from his first
adventure a little bit wiser...
...and a whole lot smellier.
Hey, guys, you are not gonna
believe what just happened to me.
Oh, my gosh! Did you just
take a poop shower?!
Define poop shower.
They were all jealous, Patchi,
'cause you'd been out in the world.
You were on your way
to becoming a grownup.
One day I fell in love and
You took all of my heart
Twenty four hours,
blue sky, sun rays
Where there used to be grey
I Used to be grey
Say goodbye to yesterday
Oh, oh
What a difference
today made I'
Right, Dad, got it!
Knock down the tree
and feast on the leafy greens up top!
Yeah, I also got it, Dad. I'm
just gonna square up here and...
...knock down the tree!
I'll square up and
knock down the tree.
Oh, I'm gonna just gonna grab...
He's stronger than he looks.
Gonna feast on that leafy...
- Okay.
- Uh, Dad?
Are we really
from the same litter?
Okay, what's so special about dust?
I don't get it.
You roll around on your back and
you make some grunting noises.
- I mean, how is that a hobby?
- PATCHY. What?
Oh, man!
You haven't lived until
you've taken a dirt bath.
It's the best.
Here, let me
get in there, fellas.
Yeah, oh, boy!
- It's so fun.
- You gotta try...
Hey, hey, hey!
Watch the plumage!
- How would you like it if I did this?
- Ow!
- Hey, watch the nose!
- You watch it!
- You watch it!
- No, you watch it!
Alphadon, meaning
first tooth, omnivore.
Patch! Pachito,
come on, wait for me!
I'm sorry I went all pre-historic
on you back there, okay, buddy?
It's okay, Alex.
What's going on?
Major is challenging your
father for the role of leader!
It's a time honored tradition.
Oh, yeah, and Major's toast!
Dad's gonna crush him!
Come on, Dad!
Show him who's boss!
Introduce your horn to his head!
- Yeah, smack.
- Ah! Quit it!
Hey. Dad!
Wow, Dad, that was awesome!
You kicked his butt all the
way up to the stone age.
Get back here!
I may have been
smaller than my brother.
But you made up
for it by running away.
No, no, no.
I wasn't running away.
I was racing
him... and winning.
- Are you ready?!
- Yeah.
Are you sure?
I'm pretty sure.
Are you ready?!
Hit me!
All right!
- I wasn't ready.
- Yeah.
- I'm ready now.
- Be quiet.
Come back,
you coward, both of you!
We're good.
I want some more. You want some more!
Everybody wants more and more?
Did you guys see that?
Totally rang his bell.
And so the young Pachyrhinosaur
frolicked and
fritted away his youth.
Why? I dunno.
The kid likes to frolic.
But all that was
about to change.
And it all started
the day I met... Juniper.
Oh, baby
Give it up
Ain't no use I
Hi, I'm Patchi.
I'm made of meat.
That's not what I meant to say.
I meant to say, "I'm Patchi."
Whoa, is that
a hole in your head?
Uh, no.
I mean... yeah, technically...
I like it.
Ah, young love, so beautiful,
so precious. Gotcha!
Really, I've never seen anything
like that before.
- Really?
- There's my mom.
I'm sorry, I have to go.
Ah, but we just met!
I'm not supposed to talk
to guys outside my herd.
Stupid rules.
I'm sorry. Goodbye.
Wait, wait, don't go!
Just stay for one minute!
Ah, no!
Sniff me out later, okay?
Yeah! She likes me!
And she likes my hole.
Over the next few days,
Patchi returned to the waterfall...
...for he had been bitten by the
love bug, the tastiest bug of all.
But the lady
proved to be elusive.
Not to be denied,
the young lover
pursued his
passion nonetheless...
...once more returning to the
sight of his glorious vision.
And he just kept coming back...
...really to the point of
overkill, if you want my opinion.
Ah, man. Where is she?
Oh, didn't I tell you?
She moved South.
South? When?
Four or five days ago.
How long have you known this?
About four or five days.
But Juniper and her
family were headed
South as part of
the great migration...
...for the summer was coming to an
end and food was in short supply.
Especially the bug supply, which
is very, very important to me.
More than anything, Patchi
wanted to follow Juniper...
...and his impatience
was beginning to show.
The birds are going South. Those
green things are going South.
When do we get to go South?
It'll be time to go when
your father says it's time.
It's time.
Move 'em out, Patchi.
You don't have to tell me twice.
Move 'em out, Patchi.
Right, here we go.
My first migration.
Eat my dust, Patchi.
It's not a race.
Come on, guys, don't be shy.
We're all going
to the same place.
Hey, Alex,
don't most birds fly South?
It's called symbiosis, buddy. I get
transportation and you get pest control.
you're a buffet on four legs.
And the herd lumbered South
across the Alaskan hinterland...
what do you mean, lumbered?
Well, you weren't
exactly gallivanting.
Yeah, we're Pachyrhinosaurs.
We don't gallivant.
No, you do not,
but I have to warn you,
every good story
has a scary part
and that's coming up,
so get ready.
Oh, I'm ready.
I lived through it.
It was late afternoon and the
clouds were gathering in the east.
Okay, okay, let me tell it.
I have the flair.
The clouds gathered in the east.
Soon, a portent of
approaching danger
floated in upon
the changing winds...
...a harbinger in the form
of a glorious winged creature.
Danger, danger, everyone!
Warning, warning!
Did you hear that, Dad?
Of course he heard.
What'd I say, huh?
My father ordered
the herd into the forest
to find shelter from the storm.
The weather worsened,
and my friend Patchi's young life...
...was about to
change in a flash.
I'm scared.
I'm not scared. You're the
only one who's scared.
Well, you and maybe that guy.
The dry summer months had
turned the forest into a tinderbox...
...ready to
explode into flames.
I know you humans like to
think you discovered fire...
...but trust me,
it's been around
since the time of the dinosaurs.
Patchi's father smelled trouble.
Quickly, he called to the others.
This was no time
to dilly-dally.
Dad, what's going on?
- What is it, Alex'?
- It's fire!
What's fire?
Does it eat meat?!
It eats everything. Run!
Go on!
Move your meaty little legs!
Bulldust and his family
hurried toward open ground.
But there was just one problem:
For one dinosaur's misfortune
is another dinosaur's feast.
Hi there! Friend or foe?
Foe, foe, definitely foe!
Wait up, guys!
Scowler, I don't like migration!
I wanna go home!
Patchi, try and be brave like Dad.
What do we do now?
What do we do?!
Don't worry,
Dad would never abandon me.
You mean us, right?
Right, us.
Help, Dad!
Dad, over here!
That was a good idea, Dad.
I was gonna do the same thing,
bust through that tree.
Hey, where's Mom?
Separated from the others...
...Patchi's mom didn't realize
that she was heading into a trap.
She did what she
could to protect her
little ones,
but the danger only mounted.
Severely outnumbered, she called
for Bulldust to come and help.
We should go with him.
Patchi, Dad said to wait here!
I don't care. Dad!
Let me do it.
I'm louder. Dad!
Wait a minute,
Scowler, I think I see him!
He's coming back!
That's definitely... not him.
Oh, boy, oh, boy, run, run, run!
We should split up.
He'll only eat one of us.
The slower one, right?
On second thought,
we better stick together!
Over here, under those logs!
I think we lost him. The smoke
is disguising our scent.
Really? You think?
His tongue touched me! I was
literally on the tip of his tongue!
I knew he'd come back for me!
For us! You mean, us!
Right, I said us.
Get him, Dad!
Stomp his butt!
Yeah, get him, Dad!
Do you think he'll win?
What are you talking about?!
Dad always wins.
Always. Right?
I mean, he's got to.
But this time, Bulldust,
the great Pachyrhinosaur...
...the most feared
and respected of his tribe...
...had met his match.
On that day,
noble blood was spilled...
...while noble
blood looked on.
It's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay,
it's gonna be okay.
Anyone out there?
Can anyone hear us?
Scowler, you see anything?
Hello, anyone out there?
Hello? Mom!
- Patchi.
- Dad!
Patchi, come on,
we've gotta keep moving.
But what if they come back?
I don't know.
They'll find us.
Gotta get to the herd, okay?
Yeah, but Scowler,
I'm just saying,
what's the harm in
waiting a little?
I'm sure they'd
do the same for us.
They're not coming back, okay?
Hello, Mom?
I'm not giving up. Dad! Dad?!
Aw, poor kid.
I wish I could help.
Hey, somebody's coming!
It's Major! Major!
Major, it's us!
Oh, Major,
I'm so happy to see you!
It was crazy! There was
this fire, then these mean
psycho Gorges
came out of nowhere.
But Dad fought them off
and now he's gone...
- Oh, okay.
- Geez.
Good talk.
Huh. He seemed kind of busy.
I guess he's
leader of the herd now.
Come on, follow me!
Um, if he's the leader of the
herd, why am I following you?
'Cause I'm still
the leader of you! Come on!
All right. I'm coming.
We've got to stick together. It's
just you and me now, all right?
Pay attention,
and watch your back.
Yeah, I got it. Ooh!
Sorry, ladies.
Sweet pond scum, it's her!
She looks amazing.
Hey! Hey. Over here!
It's me! Uh, the guy with
the hole in his head?
Hey, Patchi,
you migrating with us now?
I've been looking
all over for you.
I went back to
the waterfall so many times.
But it was weird, it was
like you just disappear...
Aw, come on!
Oh, I see,
playing hard to get. Nice.
I feel ya.
Hey, Juniper, wait up!
Wait for me!
What're you doing?
Who you talking to?
Um, a friend.
A friend? Since when
do you have friends?
I have tons of friends.
Wait. Hold on! It's a girl, isn't it?!
Patchi's got a girlfriend.
She's not my girlfriend.
You might be crushing a little.
Whose side are you on, Alex?
My side.
Admit it.
You're crushing hard.
Nope. Am not.
Give up!
She's out of your league!
But Scowler's heckling was
not Patchi's only problem...
...for the north wind
had started to blow...
...revealing a musical side effect
to Patchi's perforated head.
What is that noise?
Wait, is that me?
Is my head whistling?
Maybe nobody will notice.
Whoa, what was that?
Ave, ya-ya,
please turn that off.
Are you okay?
Yeah, just whistling out of my hole.
No biggie.
Told you you'd blow it.
Get it? Blow it.
Patchi, is that sound
really coming out of your head?
Uh, yeah it is.
Well, I think it's cool.
You're kidding, right?
No, I'm not.
Hey, I wish my
frill could whistle.
Yeah, I wish my tail rattled.
We could do a duet.
Ow, Scowler!
Butt out, Scowler!
She's my friend.
Shouldn't you ask
her mom for permission?
I don't need to get permission
from her mom!
Unless, of course, she is
standing right behind me.
Which she is!
What a nice surprise!
Hello, Mrs. Juniper's... mom.
- Bye, Patchi.
- Bye-bye, then.
Good to see you.
"Good to see you"? Seriously?
Worst migration, ever.
The winter rains
soon descended...
...casting a pall over the valley
and all who dwelled within.
The continuous downpour soaked the
ground and dampened spirits...
...leaving many in
a very grumpy mood.
We traveled days on end.
Soon, days turned into weeks,
weeks turned into weekends...
...weekends turned
into long weekends.
Well, you get the picture.
By and by, there we were.
Just a few short miles
from the last mountain pass...
...on the way to
the winter grounds.
Many creatures had made
the arduous journey...
...not only by land,
but on the wing...
...soaring high above
the pastoral terrain.
Pterosaur, meaning
winged lizard, carnivore.
While the poor earthbound
creatures plodded along...
...those of us blessed with
certain aerodynamic qualities...
...could cover hundreds
of miles in a single...
Hey, watch it!
I have the right of way here!
You won't get away with this!
You better watch your backs!
I know some very
unsavory people.
Sky hogs!
As I was saying, there it was,
the final mountain pass.
Also known as the Widow-maker,
Dead Man's Canyon, Ambush Alley.
It had a lot of names.
Interesting sidebar
for the scientifically-minded.
Did you know that the Pterosaur
has no natural predators?
Are you sure about that?
Yes, of course.
I don't make this stuff up.
Fascinating creatures, you know,
light enough to stay airborne...
...yet powerful enough to travel
great distances without rest.
And no natural predators?
ALEX". Nope. Not even one.
The Pterosaur
lives a charmed life.
I think you might have
just jinxed that guy, Alex.
Sorry, boss, that's on me!
Keep it real, buddy!
Did I mention that the Pterosaur
did have one natural predator...
the Gorgosaurus.
Gorgosaurus, meaning
fierce lizard, carnivore.
Nicely done. But I think a
little more is needed with this guy.
Allow me to elaborate.
Weighing in at nearly
two and a half tons...
...the Gorgosaur
measured roughly
26 feet from
the tip of his tail...
...to the top of his noggin, and
if you like teeth, he's got teeth.
60 of them, and razor sharp.
Perfect for tearing through
flesh and splintering bones.
His powerful legs propel him
to blazing speeds of up to...
...well, no one really knows, but
he certainly was faster than you.
He was equipped with an uncanny
sense of smell,
razor sharp vision...
...and two tiny little arms.
I'm sorry. Seriously, I mean,
what's up with that? I mean...
Okay, sorry, wait.
I have to compose myself. Okay.
The Gorgosaurus had a
large brai...
I'm sorry,
I can't take him seriously
with those tiny
little baby hands.
Look at him, he's so cute.
Okay, I'm sorry, sorry.
But make no mistake, despite his
comically miniature arms...
...he was a very good eater...
...able to consume hundreds of
pounds of meat in a single feeding.
I'll tell you what, you did not want
to get on a Gorgosaur's bad side.
Oh, no, or on his insides, which
was a distinct possibility.
Especially if you were a big
galumphing double-wide herbivore.
And featured on the menu
on this particular day...
...was Pachyrhinosaur Carpaccio
with a garnish of sagebrush...
...and just
a soupcon of wild asparagus.
Hey, Pachito! You feel like maybe
getting some exercise today?
- What?
- Just got a strange feeling, that's all.
You might wanna do
a little stretching,
get those hamstrings
nice and loose.
Just in case you
decide to do some cardio.
Why would I be exercising
when I walk 12 hours a day?
Because you might
live longer! Run away!
Run away?! Away from what?! Where do I go?!
It'd be helpful to know!
Keep to the center of the herd, little bro!
Safety in numbers!
What's safe about this?!
I almost got stepped on!
The Gorgosaurs enacted their
plan with military precision.
Now these bad boys
of the plains had it down.
They chased and harried their
prey, causing panic...
...and introducing
mayhem in their ranks.
You'd freak out too if
they were chasing you, okay?
I'm not judging.
Juniper, this way!
Mom, where are you?!
I'm going with Patchi!
Scowler, what are we doing?!
What's happening?!
Don't worry, as long as we
keep up with the herd, we'll be okay!
And here, the nasty
Gorgosaurs separated
the young and
the weak from the herd.
Divide and conquer. Gorgon
practically invented it.
Patchi, what do we do?!
Think happy thoughts!
Whatever happens,
we have to remain calm!
Remember, they can smell fear!
Sorry, that's not fear.
Juniper, you okay?!
I think I just
stepped in some fear!
They have us cornered!
Truce, truce!
Time out, time out!
Okay, everybody, I got an idea.
Just back up and
play it very cool.
Like, we don't even care,
look at that
nice stream over there,
let's look at...
Somebody help me!
Juniper! Oh, no!
Swim towards the shore!
I'm trying. I can't swim!
Juniper needed my help.
With her mom stuck on the shore,
I suddenly realized
what I had to do.
I had to dive in to save her.
You dove in?
That's right.
- That was a dive?
- Yeah, actually.
- It was.
- That was a dive, right there?
Yeah, it was a dive.
Maybe we should
look at that again.
Yeah, there you are
with a beautiful dive.
I'll have you know that
was a reverse pike cannonball.
I'll give you a 1.5
for degree of difficulty...
...and a perfect 10
for imagination.
Help, I can't swim!
Hang in there, Patchi!
Whatever you do, try not to drown!
I watched my friend helplessly as he
was swept away into a watery grave.
PATCHI. "Grave"?
I'm still alive.
Come on,
it's a figure of speech.
Help, somebody!
Oh, thank goodness.
Oh, that was a close one.
Patchi! Over here!
Hang on, Juniper!
I'm coming to save you!
Oh, man! That was close.
I'm exhausted!
Oh, my gosh!
Whoa, that was scary! Oh, my
gosh, guys, can you help me?
No! Whoa!
Thanks a lot,
Scowler! Nice work!
Patchi and
the others were carried off...
...by the swift and
treacherous current.
Patchi! Where are you?!
I flew for what
seemed like days...
...but I do tend to exaggerate,
so, let's call it 10 minutes.
Then, as I searched for
my dear friend Patchi...
...I was confronted by the
specter of his bloated corpse...
...cast upon the sand
like a lump of rotting flesh.
- A mere shadow of a...
- Gotcha!
Hey! What gives?
See? I knew you were faking.
That doesn't mean
you can poke my eye out!
Agree to disagree, okay?
Oh, gross!
Mmm. But tasty.
Hey, where's Scowler going?
Come on, guys.
Here's the way out!
Oh, wait. Hang on!
Yeah, ocean.
I'll kick your salty butt.
Yup, that's my brother.
Come on, Juniper.
Easy does it. Ouch.
Juniper! Are you okay?!
Do not peck her eye out.
Okay, relax!
Are you all right?
What's wrong with your leg?
Oh, it's just a scratch.
Mostly I'm starving. I haven't
eaten since yesterday.
Yeah, me neither.
Whoa! Was that your stomach?
Uh, definitely not.
What is that?!
Smack. What's that?
Ah, yes,
the mighty Edmontosaur...
...enormous in length,
gargantuan in height...
...and his brain? Not so much.
How big is your brain?
It's not a competition.
Edmontosaurus, meaning
lizard of Edmonton, herbivore.
- Heads up!
- Look out, Patchi!
They look hungry.
What if they want to eat us?
They don't eat meat,
they eat very large trees.
I'm glad I'm not a tree.
Patchi. Come on!
For once, luck had
smiled on our heroes...
...for within
those enormous animals'
minuscule brains
was but one thought:
What about a beverage?
Okay, two thoughts, well,
three, if you want a side dish...
...but back to
my original point.
It was a most
fortuitous development,
for as the ancient
wisdom tells us:
If you want to know where the
food is, follow the fat guys.
You know what I was thinking?
These guys are probably on their
way to some feeding ground.
Maybe we should follow them.
I just said that!
Good idea, Patchi.
Oh, sure, Patchi,
take all the credit.
Hey! Mind if we join you?
You won't even know we're here.
In fact, I don't think you
do know we're here. Do you?
Patchi, check it out!
You go left, you go right, you gotta
be smarter than the herd... Ow!
- Move it or lose it, lard butt.
- Ow. Scowler!
Eat my dust.
Again, not a race!
Come on, June.
We gotta keep going.
Hey. Juniper doesn't quit.
I'm going as fast as three
and a half legs can take me.
How's the leg, Juniper?
You need me to carry you?
Nah, you know what? I'm just gonna
park it here for a bit.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, uh, having a lie-down,
yeah. Sure.
Scowler! Wait up, Scowler!
All right, so I guess
we'll catch up with you...
...or something, later?
Thanks for waiting!
Save us some leafy greens!
Patchi, you should go on
ahead, I'll catch up.
What are you, crazy?
I'm not going anywhere.
I'm gonna stay with you
until you feel better.
Now where are those laggards?
Ah, I should have guessed.
Hey, I hate to horn in
on your beautiful moment...
...but in case you haven't
noticed, it's getting dark.
Juniper, um, we gotta get going.
Okay, I'll be over here.
I'm sorry to wake you,
but, I don't know...
...the tide
turned or something.
I don't really
know much about tides.
But the point is, we need
to find another way out.
Okay. Good luck with that.
Okay, yeah,
I can get us out of here.
Time to turn on my
trailblazing skills.
Hey, Patchi, have you ever
had that weird dream...
...where a bunch of crabs
are crawling all over you?
No. You know, I've had
the lobster dream but...
Holy crab!
Get them off!
Here they come, they're swarming
and I don't know
if they're friendly! Ow!
Hey, back off,
shoo, shoo, get out of here!
Oh, I see you like to dance. So,
what will it be, my briny friend?
The mambo?
The salsa?
Perhaps the deadly lambada?
Tough guy, huh? Well, you've
messed with the wrong...
Ow, ow! Get it off!
Look at them wiggle.
That's right, you run away!
You look so stupid!
Oh, boy. Incoming!
What does that mean?
Hey, new friends, where are
you on the food chain?
High, low, middle?
Give us a ballpark... Run!
It's okay, they don't want us!
Then what do they want?!
The crabs!
Ew, they just eat them whole?
I guess they're purists.
Come on Juniper, follow me!
I'm pretty sure it's this way.
Lead on, Patchi,
but can we slow it down
a tad?
Still a little tender here.
Oh, yeah, of course, no problem.
You see, Patchi was
already becoming a leader.
A leader of one, but
you gotta start somewhere.
The sun set for the last time
on the western horizon...
...giving way
to sister moon...
...who would now hold sway over
the wintery Alaskan wilderness...
...piercing the darkness
with her pale blue eyes.
Which simply means,
it'll be dark
in the Arctic for
a very longtime.
It's getting kinda chilly.
We should have brought layers.
Are you sure this is the right
way to the feeding grounds?
Of course I'm sure. I got a knack
for these kinds of things.
Besides, I've also got a foolproof
Plan B and his name is Alex.
I hope there's a Plan C,
'cause I'm totally lost.
Did you hear that? We're
lost in this horrible place.
It's just a normal forest
full of normal foresty things.
What was that?
That's not funny!
Take it somewhere else, furball!
You know, someday these
mammals will go extinct...
...and then we'll have the last laugh.
Ha ha!
You know, it isn't
actually that bad out here.
Think about it:
A dark creepy forest
is really just an open field...
...with trees and
different things in it.
You never know what
you're gonna find.
Oops. Watch the log.
Uh, not log, tail.
I hope it's not connected
to this claw in any way.
Or that big toothy muzzle.
Oh, I can't bear to watch...
...but I will.
Careful, Patchi, don't
make any sudden movements.
It's another kind of movement
I'm worried about right now.
Nice little Gorgo
on the treetop
While I climb over
Please don't wake up I'
Now, I suggest you
slowly and gently...
Run away, run away!
What are you doing? Are you
trying to get us eaten?
No, I'm not
trying to get us eaten.
I'm trying to
get us out of here.
Anyway, he's probably hibernating.
He won't wake up till spring.
Maybe we should be a
bit more careful from now on.
Yeah. From now on, I'm gonna be
extra careful and keep it stealthy.
I'm gonna be like a ninja.
There are probably plenty of other
things to worry about in these woods.
Like, what other kind of
things you think are out here?
Chirostenotes, meaning
narrow-handed omnivore.
- Oh, Don't worry. This is kinda nice, right?
- Mmm-hmm.
Little moonlit stroll.
Sort of like a date.
Well, not like a date.
More like a hangout.
Like a friendly
hang-sesh at night.
- Notes!
- Whaties?!
Hey, beat it! Note-ies.
Chirostenotes. Enunciate!
What kind of a name is that?
A long one. Get away!
They give them crazy names,
I would have
called them
skinny-neck pecky thingies.
That's longer.
Maybe we should just focus.
A little hard to focus
when they keep pecking!
they don't have any teeth!
But I do!
- Got them good!
- Yeah! That's right!
Who wants to get bit? You?!
Back off,
you skinny-neck pecky thing!
Their feathers taste gross.
Take a hike, turkey bird!
Keep it movin'.
What are you looking at?
Better move on!
Yeah, that's what I thought!
And so should we!
Oh, good,
you're seeing that, too?
Just 'cause I thought it was
that rancid pinecone I ate.
It's so beautiful.
Oh, there's a river
that runs on forever
I'm gonna see where it leads
Oh, there's a mountain
that no man has mounted
I'm gonna stand on the peak
Out there's a land
that time don't command
Wanna be the first to arrive
No time for pondering
why I'm-a wandering
On while we're
both still alive
To the ends of the earth,
would you follow me
There's a world that was
meant for our eyes to see
To the ends of the earth...
There they are!
You did it! You found them!
We found them.
Come on!
Race you to the bottom!
That's my herd!
Look out below! Whoa!
Wait up!
Somebody got a second wind.
Let's go!
Yeah! Full moon, cool!
Mom, Dad! We made it!
Hey, everybody, it's us!
- We're back!
- Incoming!
Hi, Garry.
Looking good, Phyl...
Whoa, Phyllis, watch the tail.
Well, well, well,
look who's trotting into camp.
Scowler, back after heroically
abandoning his brother.
Greetings, my fickle friend.
Uh, Alex, bite me.
Mm, don't mind if I do.
Hey! Hey, hey!
Hey, Stretch,
get your own slimy rock.
To the ends of the earth,
would you follow me
There's a world that was
meant for our eyes to see
To the ends of the earth,
would you follow me
If you won't, I must say
my goodbyes to thee I'
All right, little
swimmy thingies, I gotcha!
- Aw, man!
- What are you doing?
They've gotta come
up for air sometime.
Hey, losers!
They looked. Where you
losers been, huh, Patchi?!
You left us behind.
- You left me ahead.
- That's ridiculous!
You're ridiculous!
No, you are ridiculous.
- Uh-uh, you're ridiculous!
- You're ridiculous!
Oh, so cold!
Eventually the sky,
once shrouded
in darkness for months on end...
...was brightened by
the arrival of the sun.
The Alphadon came out of
his hole and saw his shadow...
...and you know what that
means: Winter was over.
PATCHY. I thought winter was over
if he doesn't see his shadow.
You know absolutely
nothing about Alphadon Day.
It was around
that time that I noticed
everybody was
going South again...
...but this time in reverse.
So North, in other words.
PATCHY. Exactly.
Fortunately, Major was
there to give the word.
Am I wrong, or was that the
same as the word for going south?
It's a very simple language.
As he began the return journey
to his birthplace...
reflected on the joys
and heartaches of
his first migration.
Come on, Patchi.
Northward ho!
Let's get to the
front, I'm tired of looking
at people's butts all the time.
Marching to a meter set
down by the change of seasons...
...Patchi's herd traveled the
same route year after year.
They journeyed South...
...then North...
...then South again.
I mean, seriously, what's wrong
with West once in a while?
Or East, even, just to
spice things up, you know?
Through it all,
his load was lightened
by the splendid bird
that always had his back.
Patchi and I collected
a lot of memories
on those trips,
and even more bugs.
Gotcha! I'm stuck. I'm stuck.
Don't worry about me.
I'm fine.
No, I love you too. Thanks a lot.
Yeah, I appreciate it, buddy.
But with each passing year
and every migration...
...Patchi grew
bigger and bigger
and his hole grew
larger and larger.
Hey, I told you one day his hole
would be filled with greatness.
And here I am!
Yes, my little friend Patchi
was not so little anymore.
He had grown into
a young adult...
...just in time for
the annual courtship...
...when mature males vie for
the affections of the females.
You know something, Patchi?
I love the quality time
we spend together, really.
But isn't it time you declared
your intentions with Juniper?
'Cause headbutting season
has already begun.
I hate headbutting season.
It's like all the adults
suddenly lose their minds.
With all the yelling and the
snorting and the circling...
Don't forget the headbutting.
Yeah, and the headbutting.
It's so... prehistoric.
But it is how things are done.
What? What kind of things?
I cannot interfere with matters of
the heart, it is against my policy!
Patchi loves you.
Patchi! I was afraid you
weren't going to show up.
What? Of course I was.
And, wait, what am I showing
up for again?
The headbutting contest, silly.
Major is taking
on all challengers.
Who would be dumb enough to
challenge that guy? He's huge.
And it looks like you're up.
I should sit this one out, 'cause I
just ate two huge berry bushes and...
Step aside, Patchi.
Hey, Major, it's time you went head
to head with a real Pachyrhinosaur!
I'll tell you what:
Scowler does not back down.
What's the big deal?
I could do that!
I've got 50 bugs on the big guy.
If you're just going to chit
chat, I'm going to get a snack.
Hold my place.
Ah, yes, the clash of
the Pachyrhinosaurs.
One of the great spectacles
of prehistoric pugilism...
the grace of ballet
with the stupidity of
banging into things.
This was to be a very
momentous contest...
...for it was on that day...
...that Scowler not
only took on Major,
the big boss of
the Pachyrhinosaurs...
...but he defeated him.
And just like that,
a new era was born.
Scowler was the new
leader of the herd.
- Yeah!
- Way to go, Scowler! Nice.
Good fight, Major.
Too bad someone had to lose.
That was you, by the way.
Man, that was epic.
Great job, buddy.
I'm not your buddy, I'm the
leader of the herd now.
Show some respect.
- But-but...
- Patchi!
How was I supposed to know?
Juniper where are you going?
Sorry, Patchi,
it's those stupid rules.
Law of the arctic, little bro.
You snooze, you lose.
But I didn't... I mean...
Hold on. How about a do-over?
Huh? Best of three?
I'm ready now, let's do it!
We're not kids anymore!
Come on, Juniper. Move out!
Oh, and Patchi...
I know, I know, eat your dust.
And the herd marched on, but this
time with Scowler leading the way.
Okay, this is Scowler's herd...
...and things are gonna be
different around here from now on!
Rule number one,
all herd members
will walk a minimum
four feet behind Scowler!
Rule number two, do not speak to
Scowler without first being spoken to.
Rule number three, do not make
direct eye contact with Scowler.
Rule number four, never
question or contradict Scowler.
The first Thursday
of every month
will be known as
Scowler Appreciation Day.
Suggested gifts include,
but are not limited to...
As if Patchi's bruised
ego wasn't bad enough...
...now he had a big old heap
of heartbreak to go with it.
Hey! Hey, get out,
you lousy squatter.
Cheer up, Patchi,
it's not the end of the world.
That won't come for
another couple years.
Leave me alone, would you?
You wanna talk about it?
You wanna share?
Get off!
Okay, you're the boss!
Besides Scowler.
Too soon? Too soon, sorry.
The ice and snow had started
to thaw, but Patchi's heart?
Well, that was another matter.
Yep, these were tough times
for our lumbering hero.
But as the saying goes, when life
gives you lemons, make lemonade.
And when life puts
your brother in charge
and takes away
the girl of your dreams...
that's-that's a tough one.
Let me get back to you on that.
Way to go, Scowler. Frozen
water, always fun to walk on.
I wish Juniper
would look back at me,
just give me some sort of sign.
Hey, I don't remember
coming this way.
Must be one of
Scowler's shortcuts.
Come on, people,
try to keep up here.
Whoa! I heard laughing,
who's laughing?
I can't believe we're on a
frozen lake in the middle of spring.
Wait a minute. We're on a frozen
lake in the middle of spring?
Tell Scowler it's not safe!
He won't listen to me.
He won't listen to anybody.
Juniper, you have to believe me,
we need to get off this ice!
But Scowler's the herd leader.
We have to follow him, it's the rule.
Oh, no!
I told you guys to
pick up the pace!
Come on! No retreating!
While Scowler
blundered forward...
...Patchi knew he had to
move the herd off the ice.
Everybody, back to shore!
Turn back, everyone.
You guys, it's not safe!
We need to turn back!
Come on, little guy,
I got you. That's it.
Let's go!
Everybody follow me!
Everyone off the ice!
On to shore, everybody!
Just push in!
Patchi! What now?!
There's too many of us!
Okay. Think! Um...
Knock down the tree and feast
on the leafy greens up top.
That's it! Follow me!
This way!
Keep moving!
Push down the trees!
Make a path!
Take that, random tree!
Good job, Patchi!
Hey! He's taking my herd!
Oh, so cold!
Patchi's quick thinking had
saved the herd from a frigid fate...
...but not everyone was
grateful for his heroics.
Come on!
Hey, who do you
think you are, huh?!
Boy, looks like
Scowler's pretty mad, huh?
We better just keep moving.
Hey, Patchi!
Look at me!
You can't just take my herd!
That's not
the way things are done!
There's rules, you know!
Come here!
I didn't take them, all right, Scowler?
I had to get them off the ice.
You're welcome to join us!
Oh, don't worry, Patchi...
...I will find
you wherever you go!
And then we'll see what's up!
Whatever you say, Scowler.
The shadows grew long as the
sun kissed the Western horizon...
...casting a ghostly glow over
our fearless protagonist...
...and also on Patchi.
I hope Scowler
wasn't serious back there.
He's probably just letting off steam.
He'll get over it.
Surprise! Ha ha!
So glad you're here,
'cause it's time
to get down to business, Patchi!
Okay. He's not over it.
Just ignore him.
Let's keep going.
You're right, come on.
Hey, Patchi, where you off to
in such a hurry, huh?
Patchi, don't engage him,
don't take the bait.
What do you want, Scowler?
You stole my herd,
you stole my girl
and now you're gonna pay for it.
You crossed the line.
You crossed the line when you almost
got everyone killed back there.
Tough talk for a little guy.
Let's see if you can back it up.
You can have the herd,
but you're not taking Juniper.
You don't have to do this, Patchi,
you don't have to fight him.
Last chance to walk away!
What's it gonna be?
This ends here!
Give up!
Yeah, come on!
Oh, you're
tougher than I thought.
You want some more, Patch?
That's what I thought.
And by the way,
you're out of the herd.
Move out!
Patchi, are you all right?!
Okay, hang in there, I'm gonna help you.
What are you doing, Juniper? I
said move out. You know the rules.
You can't just leave him like
that, he's your brother.
I don't have a brother.
Now get back to the herd!
Juniper, don't go.
Well, this is the way
it goes for some of us.
We try our best,
we fight the good fight...
...and yet we cannot succeed
against the greater forces.
Aye, poor Patchi.
Lying helpless
with the weight of
the world on his shoulders.
What could bring him back
from the brink of despair?
Well, that's what friends are for.
Patchi, come on,
you've got to get up, buddy.
Come on, Patchi, please.
Talk to me.
What is the problem?
Are you hurt?
How 'bout now?
And what about this?
Does that hurt? A little bit?
Uh-oh. Scavengers!
Hey! Get out of here!
Return to your home,
nothing to see here! Go away!
Shoo, shoo!
Patchi, get up!
This is where I belong.
Aw, Alex, what an idiot I was,
trying to be the big man...
...thinking I could beat
Scowler and be with Juniper.
No, my friend, you are confusing
ambition with destiny!
Now, I told you
when you were little
that you were
going to be a hero!
And an Alexornis never lies!
Patchi, please, these guys
aren't fooling around, okay?
They're gonna
have a dinner party
and I'm telling you,
you're the main course!
Shame on you. Imagine what your
father, Bulldust, would say to that.
I don't care.
I have no reason to...
Ouch! Okay, that hurt.
Uh-oh. More customers.
Come on, move it, big guy!
Alex, would you just go away?
I don't want you to see this.
No, Patchi!
Don't let this happen!
Come on!
Just get it over with.
Put me out of my misery.
...listen to me.
Do not die in vain.
If you're going to die, die for
something like your father did.
He died for you.
But you have
someone to live for.
Get up! Get up, Patchi!
Get it off me!
You are not a piece of meat.
I am not a piece of meat!
Get outta here!
I'm not afraid of you!
I'm not afraid of anyone!
Wow, that was something! What
did you eat for breakfast?
I ate a bush, if you must know.
I'm back! Yes!
Look out!
Pachyrhinosaur, on the move!
Yes, Patchi, lumber!
Lumber like the wind!
What are you looking at?
Scram, punks!
Gotta get back, gotta get back.
Out of my way, skinny-neck pecky things!
Yeah, right back at you!
Gotta get back, gotta get back.
What Patchi lacked in size,
he made up for in courage.
For nothing would stop him.
Not this time.
I made it.
I made it.
He tracked along the fringes,
looking for the one
who was once lost to him...
...but who now had given him
his new sense of purpose.
Hey, everybody!
Has anyone seen Juniper?
Anyone? Anyone.
Just a quick yes or no.
There she is!
Juniper! Excuse me!
Patchi's hardships
were swept away
by the vision of his true love.
His heart sang and his spirit
soared, and at that moment...
...he would have walked through
a thousand dinosaur butts...
...or even a million, if only
to get to his beloved Juniper.
Patchi, you're okay!
I was afraid I was never
going to see you again.
Don't worry, you'll be
seeing plenty more of me,
because there's
something I want to tell you.
- Really?
- I'm just gonna say it.
Go on.
Because this is
the right moment.
- Say it!
- Juniper...
What is it?
Wait, what's going on?
What's all the panic?
Patchi would soon
realize that the herd
had entered an all-too-familiar
mountain pass.
Wait, I know this place.
Ambush Alley.
Ambush alley, Dead Man's
Canyon, Scowler's Folly.
That's a new name, by the way.
And you'll know why in a minute.
Patchi, the Gorges! We've
gotta get out of here, now!
Patchi, don't just stand there!
Get out of here! Run!
But you're my brother!
We have to stick together!
I meant, run away!
I know what you meant.
Go on! Don't worry,
I'm wearing them out!
I'm not going anywhere!
Patchi, save the herd!
Lead them to safety!
You don't owe me anything, little bro!
Don't be a hero!
What do I do? What do I do?
Hang on, you guys!
I'm going to give you some air support!
Everybody look to the skies!
Help is on the way!
Hold on. Bug break.
An army marches on its
stomach, you know.
You know I'm right, Patchi.
I'm already a goner.
Take the herd away from here!
Go while you still can!
Do not die in vain.
If you are going to die,
die for something
like your father did.
He died for you.
That's right, I'm
talking to you, tiny arms.
Everyone, follow me!
Come on!
You messed with the
wrong herd, lizard boy!
You're about to get served!
Told you!
Both sides
battled ferociously...
...but the Pachyrhinosaurs had one
thing the Gorgosaurs did not:
A former runt with
a hole in his head...
...and a lion in his heart.
But even
the greatest of heroes...
...can sometimes benefit
from a lucky break.
That one's for my brother!
And that one's for my dad!
And this one...
That's so you'll remember me!
That's right, you heard me.
Get out of here!
Name's Patchi!
And I'll see you next winter!
I don't believe it.
Patchi did it!
I was distracted. What happened?
Did we win'?
What happened? Payback.
That's what happened.
I'm telling you,
you can't make this stuff up.
After everything
he'd been through,
Patchi's moment
had finally arrived.
He was the undisputed
leader of the herd...
...and nobody was
prouder than me.
You hurt, Scowler?
I'm okay. Thanks.
You know, Patch, you didn't
have to do that after...
...you know,
what I did to you.
So I just wanted to say...
I deserve that.
Guess this means you're the
leader of the herd now.
So, you might as well
go ahead and say it.
Really? Okay.
Well, let's move 'em out!
Sounds good.
Yeah, that felt pretty good.
Hey, Patchi, you were
pretty great out there.
Yeah, you too. Remind me
never to headbutt with you.
Juniper, listen, it's time
to talk about the future.
You mean the Cenozoic era?
No, I mean
the Patchi and Juniper era.
Oh, I think I'm
gonna like the future.
With the herd at his heels,
Patchi walked across
the grasslands of Alaska...
...and into the future.
Which, as always,
was full of surprises.
Excuse me?!
Hi, there. Can I
help you find something?
No'? You sure?
Okay, then get out!
Go back to turkey
town and stay out!
Patchi, are you messing
with the Troodons again?
I thought I asked
you to watch the eggs.
I am watching them, but they
keep not doing anything.
I told you, it takes time.
You have to be patient.
I know, but we're
talking about our whole future.
Why does the future always
take so long to get here?
Shh! You hear that?
It's time, Patchi.
This is it!
I don't believe it.
Wow, look at that!
Oh, he's beautiful.
He looks just like his old man.
Well, if he's anything like
you, we'll have our hands full.
Well, look what we have here.
Allow me to congratulate you
on this happiest of occasions.
As far as names go,
may I suggest Alex?
It means,
"Ridiculously handsome bird."
And as for you, baby Alex,
how 'bout a kiss?
Okay, bye-bye.
Live like a warrior
Today, today,
live like you wanna
Let yesterday burn
and throw it in a fire
In a fire In a fire
Patchi's story may have faded
into the mosaic of history...
...but evidence of the day
that a Gorgosaur's mouth...
...ran into a Pachyrhinosaur's
head still exists.
And what happened after that,
well, that's hard to say.
It's a question
that has intrigued
dinosaur lovers for generations.
I'll only say that sometimes, you
have to dig for the answers.
A Gorgosaur's?
Looks to be.
Uncle Zack?
Hey, Ricky.
Come see what we found.
Uncle Zack...
...look, the tooth!
Ricky, did you bring it?
Here it is.
- Cool!
- Wow!
That's it, it fits!
I knew it'd be worth coming back!
Kid, What did I tell you?
Every fossil tells a story!
Hey, come and see me
in a museum sometime.
I got my own diorama
and a tiki bar!
As for the rest of you,
this is the end of my tail.
No, literally, you see it? No,
really, honestly, it's the end.
That's it.
We're done. Fade to black.
Oops, forgot about that part.
Today, today,
live like you wanna
Let yesterday burn
and throw it in a fire
In a fire In a fire
Fight like a Warrior
Today, today,
live like you wanna
Let yesterday burn
and throw it in a fire
In a fire In a fire
Live like a warrior
Feel like the world
don't love you
They only want to
push you away
Some days people don't see you
You feel like
you're in the way
Today you feel,
as if everyone hates
Pointing their fingers
Looking at your mistakes
You do good, they want great
No matter what you give
they still want to take
Give your love
and they throw it back
You give your heart
they go on attack
When there's nothing
left for you
Only thing that
you can do, say
Today, today,
live like you wanna
Let yesterday burn
and throw it in a fire
In a fire In a fire
Fight like a warrior
Today, today,
live like you wanna
Let yesterday burn
and throw it in a fire
In a fire In a fire
Live like a warrior I