Warchild (2006) Movie Script

Hey, honey?
It's fundamentally okay.
But we're only paying half-price.
Go on, tell her.
I can't...
My boss.
Your customers left the bag in the car.
Don't want anyone saying we stole it.
What're you doing tonight?
No idea.
Shall we go for a drink?
Or to the movies?
How about dancing?
Tomorrow I want 150% or your only
fiirst-league games will be on TV.
And tonight no partying, no alcohol,
no cigarettes.
And early to bed.
Is it a deal?
No ice.
One more of the same.
Hey, something here about ex-Yugoslavia.
Only about the war, of course.
War, war, what else?
It ended 100 years ago.
I bet some buddies
us two would dance.
Let's dance and split 50.50.
How much did you bet?
-Fifty kmarks.
What, only 50?
Recently someone made
quite a different offer.
But she still wouldn't dance.
Only 50 kmarks. He's crazy.
That's in Brcko.
a LASER-BUS and little kids.
Kids, kids.
Who says they're from Brcko?
But here,
the one with the red cap,
he's Minka's little son.
What's his name? You know him.
-No, I don't.
But it's a clue, a neighbor of ours.
But the kid's on the missing list too,
the one with the cap.
Back then lots of little boys
wore red caps like that.
Almost all of them.
Hey, Leila, more alcohol,
we're dying of thirst.
Stop it. That's enough.
The last "trace" put you in the mental home
for three months, remember?
I have to fiind her.
Should I have the police look for her?
Doesn't she have a watch?
Did she say anything to you?
When I woke up, her bed was empty.
Her stuff's here. And she's gone.
I knew she would flip out eventually,
but why today?
What are you waiting for?
You want me to play for Senada?
-You want me to?
Come on, you're playing.
Is this easy to wash?
No idea.
My sister bought
a similar crocheted blanket.
Is this quality better?
Dear woman, I just sell them,
I don't crochet them.
Minka's son was
on the list of missing kids.
I bet our Aida was on the bus too.
Did you see the red caps?
They were handed out in 1994.
The picture can't be older than that.
Look, at the edge.
arms and legs?
It could be a 2-year-old.
And the magazine's date,
September 25th,
exactly her 1 2th birthday.
That can't be a coincidence.
Our Aida is sending me a sign,
she needs me.
You're looking good.
They took everything:
windows, doors,
even electrical sockets.
They would have stolen the walls,
if they could have...
I see nothing's changed here.
I work so much I can hardly fiind time.
It's only been seven years...
since you got the UN donation
to renovate the house.
The only thing I found on the attic.
You washed it?
Are any of her things left?
A picture maybe?
You don't have to be a genius
to sew a red cross on a white sheet.
When there's gunfiire,
people will do anything not to be shot at.
Somebody prints the photo,
gets money for it...
and then I have to explain
that the kids aren't from Brcko.
Excuse me, could I ask you something?
-One moment.
But the little boy's from Brcko
and missing...
Listen, girl, calm down.
You'd better go back to Sarajevo.
I'm begging you. Here...
People may have tried...
to bring her out on their own...
during the siege.
But I wasn't here then.
So who brought the children out?
-How should I know?
I was in Zenica.
But I know of a guy...
who drove a bus like that: Redzic.
Where can I fiind this man?
Salko, what about the coat?
I don't know.
Girl, who do you think you are?
If I gave out information to everyone...
who's lost someone in the war,
I'd be busy day and night.
If you're here about the bus back there,
I sold it yesterday.
Do I look like someone
who wants to buy a bus?
I bet you're not here
about my early retirement either.
I was told I'd fiind this driver here.
He was my brother.
Please tell me where he is?
He was in his house when the shells hit.
You don't know a thing about this bus?
He drove one just like it:
a real bus with TV,
toilet, the works.
But I already told
the guy back there all that.
They're all interested in the bus...
but nobody's interested in our pensions.
LASER-BUS doesn't exist anymore.
My brother said...
they tried to bring children to Tuzla.
The town was overcrowded,
so they wanted to take
the sick kids abroad.
Sick kids?
Give me a break:
whether it was Germany,
Switzerland or Austria, who knows?
All I know is my brother
brought back detergent...
with German letters:
that u with two dots.
So: Germany, Switzerland or Austria?
And only sick kids.
You see?
Back then masses of kids were sick.
Samir, the sick kids were brought out.
Aida's asthma.
It all fiits.
I looked for her for years.
Maybe you didn't look thoroughly enough.
What's up? We're closed.
Is Dzigera here?
Dzigera, you've got "patients".
Sit down.
What's the problem?
You know, time is money.
Did you bring enough "time"?
They say Dzigera is a good man...
with whom one can negotiate.
You want to cross the border?
If you'd said 2, ok., but 5...
Dzigera doesn't even
start the engine for that.
Alright, 4.
And you can pack your bags.
What's up?
Think it over.
Who is it?
Oh, it's you.
This is crazy.
Where do you intend to start?
I'll never fiind her by sitting around.
This way I have a chance.
Sell the Passat.
Don't touch it.
The Passat is my new life.
What new life?
What do you want?
Should I go begging?
Sell it.
You're crazy.
Sell the Passat, I'll look for Aida.
Sell your motorbike.
-What motorbike?
I'm not giving up my car.
Samir, please, the bike's just borrowed.
No way.
That's that.
That's how they are, women.
Now how will you sell your stuff?
I'll spread it out on the motorbike.
Europe's shit.
What do you want there?
You can't even piss for free.
You go to the toilet in a restaurant,
there's a guy sitting in front of a plate,
in a white coat yet.
Thinks he's a gynaecologist,
just because he's the boss of the toilet.
You don't talk much.
Come on, we're already late.
There, get in.
Hurry up.
Get out. What are you waiting for?
Faster, move it, faster.
But this is ltaly?
-What do you think?
Am I a taxi?
They're messing with my head.
I have to drive them to a hick town.
Down there all the roads lead to Europe.
Hey, wait a moment.
Something for the road. Can't hurt.
Good luck in Europe.
-Let me worry about that.
Get in.
Who am I mixed up with here?
Go on, faster...
Six weeks later
Ulm, Germany
Could you open it for me?
Bath, shower,
toilet are at the end of the hall...
and here's a sink with water.
Marija Zitaric.
-Senada Malkovic.
You can call me Zita.
My boyfriend Tony owns this place.
Actually his granny does.
It's nothing special.
Nothing special?
Where do you think I've been sleeping
the last 6 weeks?
I try to speak German here.
Better for business.
Are you hungry?
I hope you like spaghetti?
Do I look like it?
I like everything, just no sardines.
My God, you can't imagine...
In Vienna 10 youth welfare offiices,
one for each district.
In Munich six.
In Ulm you won't need to look so long.
But you have to watch out for police.
Don't dodge paying the bus fare.
This isn't not the Balkans.
Leave the key here, okay?
One more thing:
If they catch you,
don't tell anyone where you live.
Are you this friendly to all your guests?
Only to guests who are uglier than me.
That was joke.
Aren't you Ms. Malkovic?
I'm sorry, but we have no child
listed under this name.
Do you understand me?
Yes. Thanks.
My colleague told me
your daughter had asthma?
Yes, asthma.
In 1995 we had...
a nameless child,
a girl with asthma.
Do you have a picture?
Take it easy, we've got time.
Thank you.
One moment please.
It's possible.
The eyes,
nose, the look.
Did you look at the mother?
I don't know,
how old is she there?
Excuse please.
You tell, my Aida?
You must be patient.
There isn't any evidence yet.
My Aida?
We have to research,
check everything.
Could we keep the picture here?
My Aida?
Okay, Ms. Malkovic.
Easy now, okay?
And be precise.
Do you understand me?
Give me your passport please.
No passport.
What, no?
But at the border you...
I see.
Do you have an address here,
where you live?
Drop by ifyou like.
Senada, sing us a song.
Have you told your husband yet?
I'm going to call him.
Senada's found her daughter again.
Dubrovnik Hostel.
One moment.
Yes. Senada Malkovic.
I have bad news for you, Ms. Malkovic.
I'm very sorry but...
it was a mistake.
The lead I meant...
wasn't your daughter.
I'm truly sorry.
But we had so many children back then.
Perhaps you'll come this evening...
I once saw something on telly
about a dog.
It was missing
and three years later it was found.
You wrong.
Sorry, you lie. I my daughter.
You know my daughter.
I told you it was an error,
a mistake.
I'm sorry.
You wrong,
wrong, wrong.
I right.
Have right.
You aren't the only one with rights.
Yes, the other parents have rights too.
We can proceed.
Now the girl's starting too.
What do you think?
Open sesame and you're in?
User name, password?
you can have 20 euros.
One PC.
I told you: With one paying,
I don't want 5 or 10 occupying the room.
If it happens again, I'm kicking you out.
What's that?
Good day. What'll it be?
Pardon, I like drink coffee please.
Cup or pot?
There, it's still hot.
Milk, saccharine, sugar.
Kristina Heinle speaking.
Yes please?
I think you have the wrong number.
This is your mama.
Are you crazy?
Do you realize what you've done?
Where's the computer?
Where's the damn computer?
Do you know what it means
to break into a government offiice?
This isn't the Balkans.
I not stolen, my child stolen.
Your child wasn't stolen.
It was legally adopted.
I didn't give to other parents.
The Red Cross searched for a year
for the parents of the girl without a name.
I didn't give my Aida.
Hands off my car.
-Nobody's touching your bloody car.
I'm warning you, cunt.
When you appeared,
many pieces fiit together:
your daughter's picture, the asthma.
Your daughter came during your war -
special circumstances.
But you can't give away your child,
then ask for her back years later.
Excuse me, I didn't give.
I know what a brutal war it was.
Oh, you were in the war?
You think I don't know...
what went on down there?
I kept well-informed, through TV,
I even read this book
about the rape camps...
where the soldiers abused women.
The awful green light on the turkey farm...
the lights were yellow.
If you've suffered injustice here,
Ms. Malkovic...
there are laws to correct that.
But you mustn't act on your own.
You've got to be patient.
How long?
How long?
I will do everything in my power.
Will go faster.
But don't do that again.
no contact with the foster parents.
Fine, that'll be 4.90.
Give my regards to Eve.
Super weather...
You're always punctual.
How are you?
Nothing happened at the offiice all day...
but now they call me back.
Oh, to Ulm!
Maybe you can give her a lift.
She missed her bus.
But only if you don't tell my wife.
Don't be puzzled.
Nothing puzzles me anymore.
My pleasure.
Buckle up, I'm in a hurry.
Senada, what kind of name is that?
Polish? Russian? Czech?
And why are you in Lonsee, of all places?
And why are you in Lonsee, of all places?
Such a small town.
I'm in Ulm,
so far visit Austria...
and now Germany.
Yeah, great.
Way to go. You're still young.
And with the borders open...
Travel, to just travel,
see some of the world.
I used to do that too.
Ship, train, hitchhiking, the works.
My last trip, to Algeria,
Mauritania, the Atlas mountains...
I stayed three years.
Couldn't do that today.
If I leave my company for just two weeks,
everything stops.
who has to answer the call at 5 p.m.?
The boss.
Solar systems. We use solar energy.
The solar energy received by the Earth...
is 15,000 times greater than
our world energy consumption.
We tap this energy.
Rain tomorrow.
On such days we use water power.
Say, didn't we have a hair-dryer
in the bathroom?
Ask your daughter.
Kristina, the hair-dryer, subito.
Dinner's in an hour.
Just one meatball.
-I might as well have made meatballs.
I'm hungry.
All those terrible hunger edemas,
terminal stage.
Poor Lars.
Could you not pick on me for once?
I've had a really tough day.
I thought we were all going to
sit down at the table...
and end the day together over Cornish
game hen with cassis and dim sum.
Look, you can learn something.
Senada cleans windows like crystal.
Whatever you do, you do thoroughly.
Oh, that woman
from the youth welfare offiice phoned.
I don't know what she wants.
She wants to tell you herself.
Why didn't you tell me sooner?
I didn't give Aida.
I went to Cologne yesterday...
and saw your daughter's original fiile.
Written permission was given...
to move your daughter to safe territory.
A signature.
I not signature,
I in camp.
Do you recognize this?
Someone signed for your daughter...
to be evacuated for medical treatment.
The adoption was legal.
Did you give our daughter away?
Did you give her away?
Samir, do you hear what I'm asking?
Did you give our daughter away?
Did you give her away?
And all these years you never told me.
Why, Samir?
Aida's alive.
Our Aida's alive.
She's alive, but not living with us.
Tony thinks he can turn this dump
into a luxury hotel.
All it needs is a swimming pool
in the kitchen, right?
Why don't you use scissors,
it's much easier.
Why don't you go talk to those people?
If they love their daughter, they must be
interested in knowing who the mother is.
Go and introduce yourself.
How old daughter?
Will be 1 2 in two weeks.
Yes, her birthday's in November.
Diffiicult age.
She similar?
Does she resemble me? Not really.
Your wife?
No, she looks more like me.
And is just as stubborn.
And she gets her own way.
The latest thing is:
she wants to get pierced.
One of those rings through her navel.
Excuse me, she 12.
That's what I said too.
Not good.
Not good?
You show me your house?
Big house,
Almost too big for the three of us.
Daughter here?
No, no.
They're both visiting Grandma.
Can I work here?
I clean windows like crystal.
Everything's clean here,
more than clean.
I babysitting?
No need...
Kristina's old enough.
Nice to have you here.
Room up there?
Yes, room up there.
But fiirst I want to show you something.
Don't be afraid.
This way.
Let there be light.
That's it.
Thanks to you.
Really. You gave me the idea.
It's done nearly 400,000 km.
The cylinder head needs fiixing,
the rear wheel bearings and
a few other minor things.
But this summer I'm hitting the road again.
What do you say?
Have you got a license?
Always too dangerous for me.
Yes, Kristina's mittens.
Can I have?
I meet daughter?
Sure, if you want to.
I come tomorrow?
As you like.
I wait here?
I clean good, anything.
I do everything.
Just be here.
To the hotel maybe?
I have a few euros.
For the trip.
That's her, my daughter.
No Kristina.
Name Aida.
Birthday name: Aida, Aida Malkovic.
Birthday: September, not November.
There's nothing between me and Lisa.
Hey Marija, what about the bath?
Granny's waiting.
Do you expect me to bathe her?
-That's a good idea.
Where's Senada?
First you keep on at me to hire her,
and now?
I don't get it.
Get it now?
No advertising, please.
I talk.
We don't need anything.
Nix, nix selling.
Just talk.
I really don't have time now, thanks.
I told you already: no time!
Me mother, Aida.
Here you go.
See you tomorrow.
could you give her this?
If she stops in again.
They told us the parents had died
in the war.
Probably dead, understand?
I was dead.
Now alive again.
I've come to thank you for help Aida.
You care good for my daughter.
I with Aida...
go home, to Bosnia.
You can't do that.
I mother Aida.
But we raised her.
She doesn't know about you.
I'm now Kristina's mama.
Nix Kristina,
name Aida.
Birthday September, 12.
For years I drove her to the clinic,
I was there.
I was there for her.
I thank.
I see her?
She's at school.
I wait?
-She'll be home late today.
It's from Mr. Heinle.
...I apologize for hurting you.
Senada, wait.
Let's talk like normal people.
The most important thing then
was her survival.
I looked for her, for years.
I love my daughter as much as you do.
You're no father.
You're nothing,
This man's word is worth nothing.
You should have seen how she runs
her hand through her hair.
How she talks,
her movements.
Her eyes.
Kristina's hands -
Do you know what the worst thing is?
This Senada - that's Kristina in 20 years.
we should...
Someday Kristina will fiind out
about her anyway.
Now might be better.
It will only get more diffiicult to tell her,
"That's your real mother."
I'm her real mother.
Of course.
I mean her biological mother.
I didn't give out your address.
-You're just lying to cover yourself.
I can only negotiate...
-Our agreement...
specifiies that the adoptive parents
remain anonymous no matter what.
And the adoptive parents are obliged...
to inform the child in due time
about its true descent.
Were we supposed to tell a 3-year-old
that her parents died in the war?
Kristina is 1 2.
There is imminent danger here.
You've acted illegally. And that,
Ms Jandrasko, will have consequences.
We had agreed that you wouldn't go there.
Not near the girl.
You've gotten yourself
in a diffiicult situation,
And me too.
For you simple,
Aida not your child.
The courts here always decide
for the child's welfare.
My proposal:
You go back to Bosnia...
and I'll try...
to arrange things with the parents
so that in two years...
Two years?
By then we'll have everything ready.
You mustn't endanger this process.
Excuse me, I am danger?
Ms. Heinle threatens...
to have you deported.
If you get within 3kms of her house.
Do you want to wait until
she's 18 to get to know her?
Three kilometers?
Senada, I'm sorry.
You got my letter?
I want you bring my daughter.
I must see again.
There's no way.
There is way.
Not behind my wife's back.
That woman broke
into a government offiice,
she stole a PC.
Most likely she's in the country illegally.
She's capable of anything.
But don't worry:
My law degree wasn't a total waste.
I've gone over the court decisions.
She doesn't stand a chance
of getting Kristina back.
The woman went through a lot in the war,
Jandrasko said.
What woman?
You don't know her.
The court always decides
for the welfare of the child.
She'll be back.
I have her address.
All it takes is one call to the police.
Where is she?
the one crossing the line.
Blue, number 8.
The one getting so excited.
Will you pick me up tomorrow?
-Yes, tomorrow. Bye.
I didn't say anything.
She doesn't know who she's meeting.
I thought you should have it before the game.
-Great, Mama.
What are you doing here?
Get lost.
I'll call the police.
Get out of here.
I don't want to see you anymore.
Kristina doesn't need you.
It's time you understood that.
Hey, did you ever ask
how I felt all those years?
I thought Aida was dead.
I wanted to get her to safety.
I didn't give Aida up for adoption.
I wanted her to survive.
We were surrounded.
Then we found a bus
and painted a red cross on it...
so the kids wouldn't get shot at.
I told the driver Aida was sick,
so he would take her out for treatment.
At that moment I'd have signed anything
to save her.
When I said goodbye,
I didn't think...
she'd ever see her papa alive again.
It was war.
It was war, Senada.
Constant shelling, day and night.
It got more horrible day by day.
We were surrounded.
Nobody got out.
The children?
What to do with them?
Is this the register, what's this?
Everything's in order.
I told you Senada Malkovic
doesn't live here.
Iet go of me.
Toni, what's going on?
After liberation,
I saw the burnt-out LASER-BUS...
outside Brcko.
I thought...
I thought...
this is the end of my life.
I understand that feeling.
Tony, what's going on?
Beat it.
Before you showed up here,
we lived in peace.
Go, piss off.
Back to where you came from.
I'm so sorry.
He's such a hothead,
but he's my husband.
You can keep the outfiit.
Good luck...
with your daughter.
There's no point in hanging around here.
C'mon, let's grab our daughter
and split for Bosnia.
Ismet can lend us some money.
We'll fix up our house.
You're so childish.
From now on we do it my way.
-Are you totally mad?
Let's go.
Nobody home, see? C'mon, let's go.
Step inside.
We'll wait until they get back.
You sit in the car,
give us a sign when they show up.
Samir, please...
As soon as they park, you pull up out front
and open Moby Dick's rear doors.
Let's begin a new life.
C'mon, let's go.
Where are you going?
You won't be needing this any more.
I know where Aida is.
You two will sort it out.
Room for one more?
How're they doing?
Mommy, I scored a goal.
-Yeah, terrifiic.
-Wait a moment.
Nice of you to come.
My husband and I have been thinking
about preparing Kristina.
Slowly, step by step.
Next summer...
maybe we should go to Bosnia...
and introduce her to her mother.
That's a good idea.
We won!