Warlock Moon (1973) Movie Script

John come on.
Let's go.
Let's do that.
You said you were going to be scared.
I was wrong.
I have a minute.
Come on.
I love finding an old building.
Let's go.
Right here.
Look, I admit it.
I'm scared.
What do I have to say?
Why did we go?
Well, because I think it's going to be
Okay, come on out.
Please don't scare me.
Where are you?
Look, I know you're going to shut that.
You won't be a surprise.
You won't scare me.
Come on out.
Please don't pause.
Unfortunately, when we talk
about deviancy in society, we
face the problem of
determining what is in fact normal.
Of all the devian behavior patterns we
find in society, perhaps the most common
is incest, followed closely by
Both of these are culturally
defined patterns, and societal
attitudes towards them vary
from one society to another.
In fact, generally, we classify them as
relative devian patterns.
Does anybody have the time?
Okay, that's enough for today.
On Monday, we'll talk about another pattern
that might be of interest to all of you.
Have a good weekend.
Thank you.
Keep working.
Actors, if nothing is happening,
if you value my life, please, madam,
may pre-tell us all.
We are together.
Do not look behind you, whatever you do.
Don't look behind, please.
Please do not look behind you.
Well, now I said, look behind you.
Let me ask you a few questions.
Did you possibly see?
Two men in dark seats, getting out of a
Okay, then.
How about two men in dark seats, getting
out of a Volkswagen with a German Shepherd?
Are you sorry?
No, I'm sorry.
No, all right, then.
Did you possibly see?
Two gentlemen in dark suits, getting out
of a rose rise with a bulldog.
I'm sorry, I can't help you.
Are you absolutely sorry?
I'm asking you, Lisa.
Good, then we are safe.
Well, you've got to pick this thing.
No, I really can't.
I've got a jug of wine.
I've got a jug of wine.
I've got a loaf of bananas.
And I've got a piece of bread.
And I need it now.
And you're it now.
Thank you very much.
I really can't.
I just can't.
I just can't.
I have too much to do this after.
What could you possibly have to do that's
more important than going on a picnic?
I have a lot of homework in it.
And I have to finish a painting and a
Are you a painter?
Oh, yeah, little, you know.
Do you know a painting called Dej unais or
Dej unais or Leb?
Dej unais or Leb?
Dej unais or Leb?
Dej unais or Leb.
Yeah, I know.
And who wrote, who painted that painting?
And was Monet a great painter.
Oh, yeah, he was.
He was a great painter.
And what is that painting up?
Could it be out of a picnic?
And what what experience gave Monet a
great power to, to, to, to put it in.
Well, I would say it's because he suffered
Because, because he worked on a painting.
And I have to do that.
And, and.
And he went on a picnic.
You're right.
He went on a picnic.
But there were two men in that picnic.
And there was a new woman.
So we just don't have the requirement.
Oh, my God, okay, I'll be moved.
Hey, why do these things always happen to
Well, look, Jenny, you have to admit that
picnic was a good maze to life.
Yeah, I'll have to admit bananas and bread
is pretty exotic.
They have a question.
I don't know my name.
Thank you.
No way.
Good guess.
Well, actually, I asked your professor.
Are you in my car?
No, I don't go to school.
I work in the newspaper.
Major Porter.
Well, actually, for the time being our
But I'm supposed to start writing in the
teacher section soon.
Well, you're right about to travel.
You don't even know the way back.
Okay, you'll see.
We should have turned left back there.
No, I'm absolutely confident in this
We're going the right way.
Believe me.
Oh, hell.
Let's see your license, boy.
Take it out of the wallet.
Hey, what seems to be the problem,
I didn't think I was feeding.
No, you weren't speeding.
What are you doing in this valley?
Just passing through.
You planning on staying long?
Not particularly.
Hey, what's going on here?
Are you going to give me a ticket or what?
Calm down, boy.
I want to give you a piece of good advice.
The people in this valley don't care too
much for strangers.
Is that all?
Yeah, that's all.
You two be on your best behavior.
Oh, okay.
Give him back his license.
Certainly, Sheriff.
City kids.
What was that on?
I don't know.
They sounded like they got their dialogue
at a some third-rate Western.
We don't cut much to strangers.
It needs your birth, so...
Absolutely positive.
It was right.
Well, it does look at this point like I'm
in a sliding.
I don't know.
That's fine.
What do you suppose that's for?
I don't know.
I don't know, wait.
Let's see where it goes.
Oh, come on.
Let's go.
Where you scared of adventure?
I lost it in the Greyhound bus people.
Aren't you curious?
You really want her?
Let's try.
What do you think it was?
I don't know.
Probably an old resort.
There used to be a lot of them in the
Australian in the 1890s.
Hey, Jenny.
Look, I was right.
The shoulder springs.
Hey, you know, it's a dumb after all.
Jenny, where you going?
I'm going up here to see what's there.
Come on.
Oh, we saw the bellies more curious.
Here we go.
Can we get a little longer?
We just come back to the picnic.
What do we got?
Kind of lost.
Well, like this.
There's no harm done.
Yeah, let's go out to the sun and try to
hide it.
I just want to get out of your book.
And then there's a regular window.
Do you want to go through it?
Yes, I do.
Would you like to see my room?
And then I left about to make some tea.
Would you like to show?
No, no, I'm just about to put it on.
No, no, no, no.
You can just follow it.
Oh, this is how it's famous for its
mineral waters.
And it's hot spring baths.
The weather was perfect.
This is one of the colleges used by guests
who stayed for a longer time.
You're going to have to choose the best in
I have used to having visitors.
I don't think they've forgotten why that
My name is Apple Curlley.
I am this, Apple Curlley.
I'm getting out of there.
And this is Tom.
Well, I'm pleased to make your
Make yourselves at home.
And I'll go to see if the tea kept this
Oh, good, Tom.
There we go.
Oh, thank you.
You can hear by yourself.
Yes, I do, Charles.
Actually, it's very comfortable here.
Why didn't the spot close?
I mean, most of the others around here
could have been in the 1930s, didn't they?
Oh, yes.
Hi, man.
Sure, problem.
I suppose.
And then there was some rumors about them.
They all know in this way.
Oh, they told you were so sad.
People always find something to talk about
in their children.
They're cruel and untrue.
Why don't you say good?
Well, I have no place else to go.
My father was head caretaker here.
And we lived time here together for two,
three years after the place closed.
And then my father came.
Then I stayed on.
How old were you when he died?
Oh, I think that's about your place,
Young girl.
Always loved it here.
This spot was the deepest, the most
expensive, the most beautiful, the valley.
But that was a long time ago.
And the valley.
Are these rooms look very comfortable?
Do you use the rest of the house?
Oh, no.
I thought it most is a mutter.
Oh, all in down in time.
How many other buildings are there?
Oh, they are 13 in the house.
And they have?
You young people probably think we are
showing that.
We think 13 is not lucky now.
And when the architect plans all the 13
buildings, they made him add an extra one.
What did the inside of the building?
Oh, they are pretty messy now.
They are all falling down.
You mind if we look around?
Would you like me to show it around?
This place really has quite an industry.
I like that very much.
John, do you mind if I just do your
Is that your answer in the comments?
I feel very presumious.
Are you sure you're okay?
Oh, yes, nothing.
It's nothing.
Oh, it's nothing.
I just like to tip you in.
I'll catch up with you in a minute,
You can't show when you're feeling okay,
all right?
All right.
All right.
Thank you.
Hi, what are you doing up there?
I'm looking for you!
Come on, don't meet on the floor,
do you have a job at the Gallo building?
Hi, welcome down.
You're getting better, John?
You're still looking in a little town.
You missed a great tour.
Oh, but there's two of the main banks with
all of them.
Come on.
Now, this is a great tradition.
Well, it's a good life.
I don't know if all of them are dying.
I don't know if there's a lot of them.
We have them all.
And for that, John, you can help us,
I want you to be shy and young.
I want you to be shy and young.
I want you to be young.
I want you to be shy and young.
I want you to be shy and young.
I want you to be shy and young.
thank you very much for the tour.
It was really fascinating.
I guess we better get going if we want to
get back before we get started.
Thank you, folks.
I enjoyed your company.
Sorry, I started your channel.
Thank you.
It's my fault.
You know, I'm sorry.
I think you may be coming down with a
fever, I will.
Thanks again for everything.
You're welcome.
Come again, something down.
Maybe we will.
Oh, hello.
Do you make a habit of dropping in on
Well, it does get their attention.
Oh, no kidding.
Hey, I was wondering when I was going to
see you again.
Hey, look, I'm sorry.
I've been really busy down at the paper.
That's another thing.
I call that paper.
Where are you?
Do you work?
And the person I talked didn't know who
you were.
Oh, well, you probably spoke to the front
Well, they don't know me up there.
I'm always in the back of the feature
Well, anyway, I was looking for you today.
I've got a surprise for you.
Oh, not another, um, sounds promising.
One Saturday.
Well, I think I'm free.
I know you are.
Well, you're right.
Where are we going to go?
Well, that's the catch.
What are you holding back?
Where are you going to take me?
So does spring spa.
John, no.
Oh, John, you know I don't like that
I know.
I know, but listen, this is a great
opportunity for me.
I told my editor about
the place and he thinks it's
a perfect subject for a
story in the feature section.
Oh, that place gives me the creep.
Oh, come on, please.
I mean, this is my first chance to do some
actual writing.
Next time you can pick the place.
I promise.
And it won't be so bad.
I mean, after I get a few
pictures and get the facts from the
old lady, we can drive our
cars back to the city for dinner.
Our cars.
Yeah, that's the other thing.
See, I'll be doing some work north of
And I thought maybe you could drive your
own car up and meet me out in front.
John, couldn't I go with you?
You can't.
It's somebody else's story.
I'm just taking photos.
I wish you could, but it's impossible.
Look, I really want to spend the day with
It would mean a lot to me.
What time?
Twelve o'clock.
You better be there.
I'll be there before you for sure.
You better be.
That rat.
That rat.
Oh, sorry.
It doesn't mean the start of you.
This is getting to be the half foot.
I didn't expect to see anybody here.
I didn't hear you're coming.
And I had a quail writing my sight.
Glad you didn't have me here.
This is Abercrombie Mine to hunting here?
The old lady who lives here.
No one lives here.
No one's lived here since the place closed
And that was in the early 30s.
In fact, no one even likes to come near
I'm about the only one whoever does.
But I don't believe all that nonsense.
And generally, the hunting is pretty good.
Not that the deer hunting is much.
What nonsense?
Well, you said that you didn't believe all
that nonsense.
Oh, I probably said that's just foolish
And then... What kind of talk?
Well, story goes like this.
What mind you?
I don't believe a word of it.
I figured the old people in the valley
Well... Well... Okay.
Back in 1930 or so.
On the 50th anniversary of the opening of
the spa...
They had a cute ball in the banquet to
The owner's daughter
had been married that
afternoon, so they made
her the guest of honor.
Well, when everything was ready for the
banquet and everyone was ready to start,
their girl was nowhere to be found.
So they waited and waited and finally they
started the banquet without her.
And then after everybody had finished
eating, a couple of the guests went out
into the kitchen to congratulate the cook
on the wonderful dinner.
And they found it down.
Well... Well, they found
that the cook had killed
the girl and cooked her
and it fed her to the guests.
Oh, my God.
It's my sentiment, exactly.
When there's a story goes, that was the
end of the spa.
It closed that night and never opened
Why did the cook kill the girl?
They never figured that out.
And they never caught her.
It's a story true.
Oh, of course not.
I think it's all legend and not fact.
But the old people in the valley really
believe it.
There's people who swear
that they seem to go to that
bride out here walking around
in a white wedding dress.
And people have come out here and were
never seen again.
And a lot of others such nonsense.
But I figure that the spa closed because
they will be just ran out of money.
Yeah, I like that reason there.
Oh, that must be John.
He's a friend of mine.
I'm supposed to meet him here.
Well, thank you for everything.
And for not shooting here.
My pleasure.
Hey, wait.
This is a quick way out to this front.
Come on.
It's back along through here.
Now, this is the back of the main
You can cut right through here.
I'm not even going to believe that.
Well, I don't believe it, but...
Thank you very much.
Don't mention it.
I haven't seen it yet.
I haven't seen it yet.
I don't know where I see it yet,
do it.
Bye -bye.
I'm sorry I was late.
Have you been here long?
Yes, but John, listen.
Everything's gone.
And when I got here and you weren't here,
nothing else was either.
I thought I was going out of my mind.
Oh, hey, so!
What did you like for surprise?
Hello, this is ever coming.
I get feeling better today, John.
I was worried about you.
Well, it's so nice to see the tour again.
Come on in.
I just put none upon to see.
I'd love something.
I don't believe me.
Just a few minutes ago, there was nothing
She wasn't here, and the room was
completely open.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hold on.
You must have come in the wrong way.
Miss took an empty guest house for hers.
No, I didn't.
Well, then how do you explain it?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I just don't like it here, John.
Please, let's go.
Now you're being silly.
What do you like?
Are you feeling okay?
Oh, damn it, I'm fine.
Just must have made a mistake.
Peace, baby!
Come on in.
We'll be in a second.
Oh, my goodness.
Let's do this.
You do must be blind and awful
Every time you come here, the place is a
Don't be silly, it's fine.
Now, don't leave.
What brings you to back here so soon?
Such an unexpected pleasure.
Well, when I got back, I was telling my
editor about the phone.
You wanted to.
Do you work for a magazine?
A newspaper.
Yeah, yeah, be careful.
It's very hot.
You see, I've done exactly work for me.
I mean, I don't ride,
but... There you go.
Thank you.
But I think I've got my chance now.
I think I can do it.
And I think I'll get it.
The editor thinks that the resources will
be perfect.
So it's very interesting.
It's very interesting.
It's very interesting.
It's very interesting.
It's very interesting.
So if you're interested, I brought my tip
for it.
And I'll take a few pictures and ask a few
Thank you.
Now, you were saying...
Oh, well, my editor thinks
that the resort here would be a
perfect subject for a feature
story in the Sunday section.
So, I brought my camera and my favorite
And if I can impose on you for a little
longer, I'd like to ask you two questions.
Oh, cause.
I found the whole thing so exciting.
Say, this is not.
I have something that might end with you,
I have a strap, but with all pictures of
this resort.
I love this here.
There's a picture in here.
My father.
Yeah, that's something.
That's something.
Some of those characters I was wondering
you all about.
Is that?
That's his father.
Oh, that's his father.
Oh, that's beautiful.
Oh, that's beautiful.
Oh, yeah.
It's just... Excuse me.
I like to tell you here.
But you want to write your own little
Hey, little.
I just feel dizzy again.
I'll go outside.
I'll go outside.
I don't know.
It's okay.
I'm here.
Won't you think?
What happened?
You left me.
I'm right.
I got the newsroom.
I got the newsroom.
Because they've got your faith in it.
You let it come back to my brothers.
Let me show you.
Mr. Derek, how he's right.
No way.
Oh, he's telling you, Derek.
Jane, please.
John, I want to hear.
There was
a... Jane, Jane's
mom is no one here.
I'm all right.
Oh, he's right.
He's still here.
John, will you go to the kitchen and get
the rag next to the station?
It's just a scrub.
That's no scratch child.
It should be bunished properly.
And when you'll get a bath hole,
you'll go see a doctor.
Here, I can go.
Let me know.
I'll see you, the child.
I think you could be coming down with a
Sounds about to set.
Be dark in an hour.
Well, that's be going soon.
Well, we plan to go back to the city for
Oh, my, I won't stand for that.
You'll stay here and have dinner with me.
And spend a night alone.
Oh, Jenny needs to rest.
And besides, you don't need any dinner in
that foggy city.
You'll get pneumonia for sure.
That's a very generous offer, but I'm
afraid you can't accept it.
It would be in a position.
Oh, no.
It would give me the greatest pleasure.
But you are planning on three for dinner.
And besides, there isn't room for us here.
Yes, there is.
There are two colleges.
Where my relatives used to stay when they
visited me.
Oh, I need a pillow and some blankets.
Of course, I'm afraid it's a little dusty
That's very kind.
This is not a crummy, but I don't have a
I insist.
You need to rest.
Don't decide.
And I won't hear anything more.
I'm going out and I'll make the bed.
I'm in here!
How did it end up?
A little dusty.
It's not bad.
It's no hotel.
Hold on a second.
I'm just so confused about everything that
can help me.
Everything you think's been happening to
Okay, so there's no proof.
But it doesn't prove that it didn't
And it doesn't change one thing.
What's that?
That I saw Mrs. Abercromme coming out of
that padlock room.
That she told us he didn't have a key for
Jenny, you got to believe me.
Mrs. Abercromme was with me the whole
time, talking about the resort.
She didn't leave until we heard you
Well, it doesn't change it as well.
And after what?
Oh, wait, wait a minute.
I thought you just told me if the hunter
didn't believe that story himself.
But nothing.
Come on.
Now look, Jenny.
You've just got to relax.
You probably got to touch a sump bug
that's going around.
It's playing tricks on you.
Maybe so.
Anyway, I'm glad I'm not here alone.
You know, a bandit's going to always
intrigue me.
When I found one around, I was going to
I used to jump in and pretend I was a
Christian being thrown into the light.
I was like, no, no, no, no.
Well, we have seen it at the end of the
So we went out to the heroin.
It's finally trapped by the grotesque
The bandit's going to walk.
Step by step.
And close up.
So we skimmed to our heroin.
Call Miss Betty.
And you.
At last, there was no one left to go and
she was trapped.
The final step.
The beast lived his lips in anticipation.
And snorted.
Then he looked down at her.
With an emotion, he never goes before.
Was it loud and steady green?
A certain tenderness, now he's saying.
And with this tenderness, he picked our
heroin up.
For a very moment.
Our hero, what he has on the scene.
Trust for the loyal, helpful friend,
he's cutting his card.
Don't be be cheerful.
Praise, please!
And, remember him.
Our hero, Dr. Bradley, who just happens to
be the creator of this hideous thing.
Congressman of the evil, he has wreaked
upon an unsuspecting world.
And now that his creature threatens the
one thing in the world he loves,
besides science.
Has come to new battle with the hideous
Slowly he approaches him.
The thing rears up.
The approaches again.
The thing rears up.
Does he rears up?
Does he rears play hands off of them?
You mean me?
You, you hideous creature.
You don't be rude.
Take that!
And that!
Hey, hey, hey!
Take that!
And the hero gets the upper hand in with
her heroic blood dies.
He's my hero, the creature is hot.
And slowly the hero takes the hero into
his arms.
For the ultimate kiss.
And final three hours.
But can he be?
Our hero.
It's no hero at all.
But threat you'll have nip you out for a
Oh, you never thought.
Oh... Oh, John.
Come on, John.
Hey, don't you know what?
I've always helped someone to come along.
Be interested in nothing.
To fix it up like it used to be.
You know, paint in wallpaper.
And pick up the lovely old gardens.
And the walls.
Oh, but that's nobody.
Feels like that or a place like this
And those days they die.
This meal's clear.
Oh, there's a lot of trouble.
I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Well, that is trouble.
You know, it's really my happy.
Well, it's fantastic.
I'm glad you liked it.
What kind of music is there to come in?
Is it these?
Well, then, lam report.
What is it?
You can always see quick family.
You can always see people.
I call it the hunter's stew.
It's fun all the time that I don't have a
It was delicious.
So before I go, you promise to tell me how
to make it.
I promise to tell you how I make it before
you tell.
Any fun.
It was good morning.
Alright, you love stuff.
You sure?
Thank you very much.
I think I was a toast.
To the hospitality of our generous toast.
Yes indeed.
Thank you.
Thank you so much for having me.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Please don't make me stay.
Let's go to my unit.
It's just a false sign of the game.
It's going to be a perfectly
logical explanation for
everything that you think's
been happening for you.
You've probably got a fever on your
I hope I'll leave your eyes.
There's nothing wrong.
Believe me.
I don't think you're a view.
Sorry, nothing ever works out the way I
planned it.
It's a story of my life.
It's a story of my life.
It's a story of my life.
What you need now is rest.
I'll be right next to her.
So now you get some sleep.
It's been tomorrow.
We'll try to figure things out.
We'll find you a hundred friends.
We'll go see what we can find out.
I haven't talked about it.
I'm just going to have a comment again.
I promise you'll help me check it out.
I'll cross my eye.
That's it.
I'll see you.
I just left it from the way.
Come on, let me see it.
I'll be right next to her.
Well, that's another exactly playboard.
Good night.
Good night.
I'll be right next to her.
Great night.
Oh, that's it.
Let's start the clock.
Won't you get me, yes.
It was on the door.
I'm telling you the door.
I'm trying to get you.
Hey, listen, there was no one outside...
Nobody had any of these as well.
Sherry, look at his door.
No, that's me!
I'm going to enjoy that.
Come on, look down, you're for better.
Do you have to believe me?
Sherry, please.
No believe me, Sherry, please.
Yeah, give her this guy, look at his
costume, remember?
I want to get him, he should get his face.
Get out!
One, two, one.
We don't know.
We don't know!
We don't know, all of you.
Hello, let's leave her alone.
We're behind me.
We'll come back in tomorrow.
Get in here.
Come over here.
Watch your house, Jenny.
Get on!
Just go through.
It's the one.
How helpful this thing looks!
Now, every time you are magnetic up,
every guy is going perfectly.
Come on!
Don't know what else we do!
richest from Martin!
Get the key to the path, you know!
That won't ruin the job.
Where are you?
Oh, God, this is the smallest.
Everything must be exactly the same as I
told you.
Most important, the circle.
Don't worry, it will be.
What do we need office?
We didn't have to with the others.
The others were not the same.
She must be just like that first bride.
Now, remember, we waited for tonight for a
So that it can be just the same.
She must die.
Three midnight, six in the morning,
a second fall.
I'm not having trouble with our health.
They're too anxious.
They can spoil everything.
Now, remember, most important, the circle,
she must enter without us forcing her.
What about Luke or the others?
If they're here by midnight, fine.
If not, we won't wait a second fall for
you for watching.
Thank you so much for watching.
Thank you for watching.
Get off,
get off, get off.
Get off, get off, get off,
get off
This is the first sentence.
This is the first sentence.
How A few of you.
Wait, please wait.
We got it!
That is the way!
Oh God, not you.
I'm sorry, Jane.
But you are so perfect.
She's waking.
How good.
It's almost midnight.
I wanted her to be awake.
What about Luther and the others?
I told you we weren't going to wait for
And let's start.
Oh, we have to wait till midnight.
That drug name we're off at any time.
We don't know how much we've got in here.
Enough did.
I don't want to hurry and spoil this.
We were too long looking for one of his
perfect decisions.
I'm so glad you could join us.
Although it's a shame
that the John and I work
so long and hard looking
for someone like you.
And I'm not going to be with us very long.
It's not used, Jane.
That shot we gave you was a local
You can see in here fine.
But you can't move your body at all.
Frustrate, isn't it, John?
But you have no idea how frustrated it's
been for John me.
We didn't always try this night.
This special night.
Oh, but it's as well worth it.
Oh, oh, I must thank you for being so
generous with that blood for the circle.
It's almost time.
Fine, Jack.
In a moment you're going to learn the
recipe of my hunt is still.
I'm so glad you're going to be here.
I'm so glad you're going to be here.
I'm so glad you're going to be here.
I don't think this for the ladies but
don't let them go through.
That's sure enough marijuana.
That's all mine.
As well as your car, ain't it?
Yes, my car, but those are not mine.
All the people have to wait until the last
It's a little lady don't turn on a private
sale, but they're down here with you.
Don't worry, man, it won't be here wrong.
Don't you come along and have to be here.
Yes, I'm going to have mine, Jack.
Yes, I'm going to have mine.
Yes, I'm going to have mine.