Warlock : The Armageddon (1993) Movie Script

The stones!
We have failed in our duty...
the Armageddon.
We saved two of the stones.
The amulet...
does she still wear it?
- It is gone.
- His birth is still to come...
and the battle is still
to be fought.
It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden;
Too like the lightning,
which doth cease to be...
Ere one can say ''It lightens.''
Sweet good night...
This bud of love,
by summer's ripening breath
May prove a beauteous flower
when next we meet.
Good night, good night!
as sweet repose and rest
Come to thy heart
as that within my breast.
O, wilt thou leave me
so unsatisfied?
What satisfaction canst
thou have to-night?
The exchange of thy love's
faithful vow for mine.
I gave thee mine before
thou didst request it:
Wouldst thou withdraw it?
For what purpose, love?
I cannot work under
these conditions.
Go on, go home.
Same time tomorrow.
I think what Shakespeare
meant was...
we should seize the moment.
I don't think so, Andy.
We've got to talk.
- Hi, daddy.
- Hi, hon.
Oh, let's get out of here.
- Good evening, Reverend.
- Hey, Andy.
You taking Samantha
to the movies this weekend?
- Yeah, I'd like to.
- Bye, Andy.
We'll see ya soon, Andy.
Okay. Take care.
Listen good, Devil boy.
Samantha doesn't want
anything to do with you.
Her father doesn't
want you near her...
and I don't want your Satanic ass
within a hundred yards of her.
- You got that?
- Lay off, Andy.
Look at this,
still reading comics.
Bet you wish you were a
superhero now, huh?
Kenny, the mutant crusader
and the ex-wimps.
- Back off, Andy.
- Come on.
- I'm serious.
- Show me your powers.
Oh, shit!
- Don't just stand there.
- Butthead.
(thunder clap)
(wind howling)
The sign of his birth.
Woman's voice:
What are you doing still home?
Well, you're gonna be late.
No, that's going to be a surprise.
Now, hurry up or
you'll miss the eclipse.
(hangs up phone)
Now, Obelisk, I need your opinion.
Do you think he'll like this?
Bark once for yes and...
Hmm, a growl, huh?
You probably need glasses anyway.
Now where did I put
grandma's necklace?
Here it is.
Hey, it is our only family heirloom.
What do you think
he'll think about this?
Obelisk, no.
Stay away.
Don't you want to give
your boy a kiss, mother?
Let me in, mother.
Let me in.
Fuck you!
Boy: You're up late.
You too.
I heard you making coffee.
Sorry, look, it's fresh, hot...
Why don't you have a cup?
I've got school tomorrow.
Afraid you'll lose?
Then, come on. Sit down and
let's finish this one last game.
Dad, I'm gonna come home
for holidays and stuff.
I know, but...
let's play.
It's your move.
Oh, yeah. Right.
Nice move.
Are you okay, dad?
Sure. It must be
the moon or something.
You thinking about mom?
She would have been
real proud of you, son.
Is there something
you want to tell me, dad?
I love you, Kenny.
(distorted voice) You were born
at my grace to serve only me.
What does that command?
There are five stones
like the one she wears.
You must possess them all.
Thy will be done.
You will have six days
to complete my task.
When the sun emerges
from the darkness...
your time will pass.
She, the force creator
shall guide you.
(buzzer sounds)
Who the hell are you?
Mmmm... black.
(horns honking, tires squealing)
What are you,
some kind of idiot?
It's the devil.
Hey, buddy, you must have
bricks for balls...
or you must be
one stupid yuppie.
Is this your carriage?
Yeah, this is my carriage.
I wish to be transported
to Chicago.
Get the fuck out
of my face, blondie.
I like you, Hector.
Hey, sweetheart,
I missed you last night.
...this boy from Spokane...
...threw his second
no-hitter this season.
The Giant's ain't
going to bring him up early.
But I say, hell, take the diaper off
him and let him pitch.
Good evening, friends.
Doesn't necessarily mean
what you think.
I know exactly what it means.
Diving for shells,
you show-off?
- I didn't know you were here.
- You're not supposed to.
A spy...
You know what we do with spies?
Don't touch me.
No, please. No!
I don't want to get wet, Kenny.
No! I hate you!
- I don't think you hate me.
- Yes, I do. I hate you.
I've got something to brag about.
I tried to tell you last night
but you bolted out of there so fast.
I know, my dad picked me up.
- I know... I saw him.
- So, brag.
Guess what I'm going
to be doing this summer?
You got the job.
Oh, that's great.
I'm going to have
everything set up for us
by the time you're ready
to start Berkeley.
You'll get accepted,
I'm not worried.
Man's voice:
The trees shall be torn in half.
The birds shall be severed
from the sky.
The water shall turn red
as death.
The maggots shall seek
the light.
And within the heart of each...
lay the icons of our
(radio broadcast)
...there have been some
military conflicts...
...three plane crashes...
(radio changing frequency)
...riots in the street of Tokyo...
...last night,
police in Manhattan...
...reported violent crimes were up
seventy-five percent...
...the succession of incidents has
prompted a number of star watchers
to draw a correlation between these
events and last night's lunar eclipse...
The warlock is here, ain't he?
So much for my
seventieth birthday.
Well, you know we'll have
to talk with...
No! The reverend's not
one of us anymore.
It's been a while since
I took a road trip.
What for?
There's only one way to stop
a warlock, you know that.
- It's how we always planned it.
- I know, but...
I'm just going to get in
his way a little.
If we can slow the son-of-a-bitch
down we might have a chance.
This Asgardian compass
will reveal a path to the warlock.
We have something to do.
I've been thinking a lot, Kenny.
I'm just not sure anymore.
What? Wait a minute.
I thought we talked about this.
- I know.
- I thought we had it all planned.
- Well, I changed my mind.
- Is it because of Andy?
No! I'm just not ready
to leave Logan Valley.
Why? I mean, what
do you have here without me?
My dad, for one.
He needs me.
I don't want to stay here
the rest of my life.
I mean, I want to go...
...just not yet.
I need more time.
Well, I don't have
any more time.
All my life I've heard what people
have said about my dad.
And all he tells me is people live
in fear of what they don't understand.
I don't understand what that means.
I'm going to San Francisco...
with or without you.
I'm sorry.
Oh, don't do that.
I'm just confused.
I just have this feeling
this is where I belong.
The birds.
What about 'em?
There aren't any.
Ah, great.
Sam... it's just my dad.
You're scaring me, dad.
Talk to me.
I love you, Kenny.
Hurry up! He's going to look
like aged old lettuce.
- Don't shoot!
- Kenny, calm down.
Calm down?
No, no, no.
Don't touch me.
- It's true.
- What's the matter with you?
Everything they said about you.
It's all true.
Come here.
What's the matter with you, boy?
Calm down!
I don't want anything to do with
any devil worshiping.
Devil worship?
What the hell's wrong with you?
Dead for half an inning and
you're back at the plate
with half a screw loose.
Frank, stop.
You're gonna kill him again.
You killed me?
Why did you kill me, dad?
You're not dead, son.
Kenny, just give us
a chance to explain.
(techno music playing)
Oh, one more thing...
tell Laura to stop
swaying her hips so much.
She looks like a slut.
This area is off limits
until after the show.
Look, what ever it is,
it's going to have to wait.
I'm interested in
one of your pieces.
You don't look like the kind of man
who would wear a dress.
Jewelry, perhaps.
Ancient, my favorite.
Perfect choice.
It's not for sale.
I have no intention
of buying it.
You're going to steal it?
You're going to give it to me...
freely and willingly.
Those are the rules.
Men have no rules.
I'm not a man...
I'm a witch.
- A warlock.
- You mock me.
You still doubt me?
That you're really Merlin?
Maybe just a bit.
I can prove it.
All right,
cast a spell or something...
and I might consider
giving you the stone.
- How's that for a deal?
- Follow me.
Take over for me, darling.
I think I'm in love.
I reveal my power,
you give me the stone.
That's the deal.
Faust would be proud.
Take my hand.
Are you going to turn me
into a frog or something?
Something much better.
(woman gasps)
I can smell fear and excitement
dripping from your every pour.
Do you wish to go higher?
I...I can't.
I don't...yes.
Do you believe me now?
Yes. Yes.
The stone.
Here, take it.
Ride's over.
And now, it is my pleasure
to present to you...
Miss Paula Dare.
Kenny: You mean to tell me
that the devil is
trapped in some kind of prison
that we call hell
and every 6-7OO years
gets the chance to escape?
I told you,
first there's a lunar eclipse...
then six days later
there's a solar eclipse.
Yes, and during that time
God's out of rotation.
And if the devil's child,
the warlock...
succeeds in releasing his daddy...
the whole damn planet
is shit out of luck.
You mean,
like the end of the world?
We're druids, guardians...
God gave us certain gifts.
They're for one purpose...
to stop the Armageddon.
They have the power
to free the devil.
Or to keep him trapped
where he belongs.
It's a world of magic, son...
where nothing
is what it seems to be.
The trees talk,
the birds whisper...
if you know how to listen.
I just don't get why
you had to shoot me.
That's enough for now.
Come on, boy,
let's get some breakfast.
Getting killed can build up
a whale of an appetite.
Well, we're gonna have
to tell him. All of it.
These good people are concerned.
They believe you may have had
something to do with this.
Well, Reverend?
I believe that...
...birds die.
Probably an insecticide.
- Maybe some kind of pollution.
- An act of God.
No! This is your fault.
You're all a bunch of freaks.
(man yelling)
We want an explanation.
People, please.
Who's going be next,
our children?
That's enough.
The birds are dead.
That's all we know here.
There's no one to blame.
Now just go back to
what you were doing.
All of you. Go on.
You're good with crowds,
They were just scared.
The birds scared them.
Think how frightened they'd be
if you told them the truth.
What truth?
A few birds died, that's all.
Come on, Ted, you know
it's one of the signs.
Rev: I don't want to hear it.
- He's got to
be coming for the stones.
Rev: It's superstitious nonsense.
Just grow up.
''The birds shall be
severed from the sky.''
Remember those words, Ted?
The icon of our destruction.
Two down, four to go.
Fill 'er up?
What, did you take a wrong
turn at Albuquerque?
New Yorkers.
It isn't going to work, Franks.
Only warriors can kill the warlock.
And even they need the dagger.
Will, this scroll I found says
there's a spell that will hurt him.
- An old wives tale.
- So are we.
It says here that you
can damage a warlock.
When you take a blue wooden pin...
dipped in the ink of
mandrake juice...
during the space of
the black light...
mark this stone and
fix this curseth on thee...
in the name of the four
fighters whose are...
Ryl, Yok, Zar and Lod...
who shall consume thee
as they are consumed.
Hey, hey.
Hey, mister... hey mister...
I don't know how to tell you this...
but he's dead.
Your taxi driver's dead.
He's dead as disco.
Is this vehicle fast?
What are you talking about?
I tell you,
you're wasting your time.
Yeah, but just imagine.
What's wrong, mister?
Mister, what's going on?
You're squirting blood
all over the place.
It's black blood.
What do I do?
Let's put our minds
to helping the boy.
He's the one who has
to stop him, not us.
Damn, I feel so damn helpless.
Damn, damn, damn.
I got to...
I got to get you to a hospital.
You're losing a lot of blood.
Then fill me up.
The trees...
they're talking to me.
I know, you'll get used to it.
It's like they're chanting,
but I don't understand it.
You will.
Why me?
Your birth, its timing.
It was a sign that...
Of what?
That you're not just a druid...
but a druid warrior.
You mean,
like I have to fight?
The son of Satan.
Yeah, right, dad.
I can't even fight
the school bully.
You don't have a choice.
I didn't ask you to shoot me.
Like the Phoenix rising from the ashes,
the warrior rises from his own death.
- That's the way it's written.
- Well, what else is written?
That the warlock will
come for the stones.
So, why don't we just
run with them?
'Cause he'll find us
wherever we go.
We have to stand and fight.
This isn't what I want.
I just want to go to
San Francisco with Sam.
I just want to get out
of this town.
In four days there won't be a town,
a San Francisco or anything else.
Not unless you fight him.
We were put on this earth
to be his guardians.
If I had my way I'd trade places
with you in a heartbeat.
Stay here, listen to the trees,
we'll start training in the morning.
You keep him away from her.
I don't want your son
around my daughter.
There has to be two, Ted, two!
- Good night.
- It's suicide if there isn't.
You know that.
This town's looking
for an excuse to burn you out.
If he doesn't let her alone...
I'll give it to them.
Ah, the wild west.
I'm going to show you
the power of the druid.
I don't think I want to see.
All right, don't trust your eyes.
Your worst enemy now
is what you see.
It can make you weak,
it can take away your inner focus.
You rely on what you can hear...
not with your ears but in
your heart, right here.
That's where the power really lies
and when you find it,
just stand back and admire the show.
Now close your eyes.
Close your eyes,
now sense the ball.
Feel it rise in the air.
Just sense it.
Feel it rise.
Feel it, sense it.
Did I do that?
Shall we try again?
(loud pop)
Um, I'll replace
the window in the morning.
Don't...don't worry about it.
Look, I'm sorry. You know, I...
For what?
Well, I'm letting you guys down.
No, you're not letting us down.
- Is he?
- No.
Why don't you go get some rest?
We'll see you in the morning.
Good night, dad.
Good night, Franks.
We've got three days left.
I know that.
I know that.
Look, the kid's going to be fine.
He'll do it. I'm sure of.
(loud crashing)
Kenny: Sorry!
I'm going to go find me
a nice burial spot.
Good night, Will.
Good bye, come again.
Good night.
We're your family.
They are all gone.
Sometimes I think you
actually are psychic.
Yeah, right.
You did fool those old bats
tonight, though.
That's not a bad take.
Buy yourself a big steak, huh?
How can you have faith in a god
that cannot even control creation?
How can he lead you to salvation?
There is no hope in chaos,
only in order.
Nice speech, buddy. But I've got
enough freaks in this side-show.
I seek no employment...
I've come for the stone.
You're a buyer?
A buyer...
Well, why didn't you say so?
Now, you do mean that rare
piece of Egyptian antiquity?
That is a very valuable
and expensive item.
It has great emotional and
material value.
How much?
Oh, I'd say at least...
at least a hundred dollars.
- What?
- Seventy-five.
It's worth a thousand times that,
you cretinous fool.
Do not sell to him the stone...
he is evil.
The devil of Armageddon.
You really are a psychic.
Very good.
Very bad.
Now, where were we?
(ominous laughter)
I'm here...
I'm everywhere.
(laughing continues)
Give me the stone.
So you can kill me, too?
(laughing intensifies)
I see a mirror
when I look into a fool...
but when I look into a mirror...
I see a fool.
Welcome to the other side
of reality.
Where the hell am I?
Check your pocket.
I said, check your pocket!
If you're so clever,
freak master...
tell me which one is the real stone
and which the illusion.
Guess correctly and
I'll let you live.
If you're wrong,
then this is your eternity.
You'll have to do
better than that.
You don't think I don't know
the real from the fake?
You lose, asshole.
That depends on which side
of the mirror you're standing.
I knew I'd find you here.
Make them stop.
- What?
- The dreams.
What dreams?
I'm walking to school
and they're there.
And then they're not.
And I see you, Kenny,
and I'm calling your name.
And this thing turns around and
it looks like an angel but it's not.
It's evil.
- They're just dreams.
- No, I'm awake.
I keep seeing these letters...
and symbols and
this great blackness...
and daggers.
Why do I see daggers?
- Am I going crazy?
- No, you're not going crazy.
Then explain it to me.
I can't.
Please, please.
Look, you wouldn't understand.
Kenny? Kenny?
Two days ago my dad shot me.
And then he brought me back to life.
So now I'm this walking zombie
who's supposed to save the
world from all the forces of evil.
You don't look too impressed.
You're really starting
to scare me, Kenny.
(loud thunder)
Quick, the bridge.
It tastes like blood.
Chalk by the water shall
turn red as death.
How do I know that?
How do I know that?!
- It's going to be okay, Sam.
- Stay away from me.
What about Sammy, dad?
Tell me about her.
Look, Kenny, I know how much
you care for that girl.
But right now you need
all your concentration.
Everything else you can
work out later.
Yeah, hopefully.
Hey, why don't you fire
up that barbecue?
- Dad?
- Just try.
Hey, you did it.
Your aim may need a little work.
But what the hell.
I'll go get the hose.
(bell tolls)
I'll meet you all in the town
center tomorrow morning.
Reverend, people like them
don't belong in our town.
We all have to do our part.
Good sermon.
I'll be here in the morning and
so will all our neighbors.
Thanks, Mrs. Wallace.
God bless.
I'm with you... Reverend.
I want you to know that.
Thank you, Buck,
you're a good man.
See ya... tomorrow.
Ted, I have to talk to you.
Kate, I'm sorry you missed
my sermon.
I heard enough.
Why are you doing this?
It's something I should have
done a long time ago.
You're really scared,
aren't you?
This is the one thing that can
send the demon home.
- What the hell is it?
- Son-of-a-bitch.
Ethan must have thought he
was doing right.
He's not a warrior,
he should never have tried.
Tried what?
Make sure the warlock
doesn't open the gateway...
-...then worry about killing him.
- What the hell is it?
This is going to be suicide.
(sirens wailing - horns honking)
Hi. Sorry.
(Woman's voice)
Sinclair Enterprises,
may I help you?
(Ethen yelling)
Sinclair Enterprises,
may I help you?
Just one moment, please.
May I help you, sir!?
Sir, can I help you?
Can I help you, sir!
Sir, sir... can I help you?
- Sir?
- Shut up!
Who the hell are you?
I'm sorry I couldn't make
an appointment, Nathan.
How did you get past
my secretary?
She's looking for a new opening.
I can have security in here
in less than a minute.
Who the hell do you
think you are?
A collector.
I'll give you about three seconds
to get to the point.
I'm interested in this stone.
Sorry, it's not for sale.
I never said anything
about buying it.
Please, remove it from
its encasement.
You're really beginning
to piss me off.
Shame, I thought you'd like to
see it with its companion pieces.
Where did you get those?
I told you, I'm a collector.
- How much do you want for them?
- They're not for sale.
Everything is for sale.
Including your soul?
What's that supposed to mean?
You give me the stone
and I'll give you the finest piece of
art your collection has ever seen.
And I'm supposed to trust you?
You are holding the gun.
I've kept my part of the bargain.
And I shall keep mine.
Hey, where are you going?
What are you doing?
Come on, we had a deal.
Definitely Picasso.
I don't understand.
You and my father were friends?
I remember that like it was yesterday.
It was one hell of a day.
It really was.
Who am I?
Your father and I
were very good friends.
Until the day your
mother and my wife died.
My mother died in childbirth.
So did Kenny's mother.
I'll see you later.
Don't turn away from me, Will.
Answer me.
Who am I?
Who am I?
Sammy, you want to
open the door?
Open the door.
Thank you.
Aw, shit.
Hey, come here.
Hey, little fellah.
Hi. I'm okay, yeah.
You're not afraid of me, are you?
(faint laughing)
Stop laughing.
It takes a while to
get used to these things.
We'll show 'em.
Watch this.
Well, how about some applause?
(wind and leaves clapping)
Sam: And the light
of God shall pass.
And in all places holy
the bowels of Earth shall split
sending forth that which
preys on the dead.
And within the heart of each...
lies the icon
of our destruction.
I'm tired.
You have no idea
how tired I am.
Why didn't you tell me?
I just wanted us
to live a normal life.
I'm a warrior like Kenny.
I know it.
You don't know what you're saying.
Yes, I do.
I have to be reborn.
There's only one way.
I know.
Daddy, you have to help me.
I can't.
I can't let Kenny be alone.
I can't.
Are you okay?
Oh, that was strange.
Taking that Juliet role
a little too seriously, huh?
I'm sorry, hon,
I couldn't.
I love you, daddy.
All back together
and the two warriors.
What a sight.
He'll be here soon.
All the signs are now in place.
Then it's time to give
the boy the stone.
These are the remaining
two stones.
One is a stone of our people...
the other is a stone that binds
all the other stones together.
When exposed to bright light,
it can disrupt the ritual.
Bright light during an eclipse,
good thinking.
Well, it's all we have left.
It ain't enough.
We'll make it enough.
(air horn sounding)
Girl shouting: Fuck you!
Go to hell, bastard!
I'll bet you never
let your wife do that.
The minute I saw you,
I said to myself..
there's a good samaritan.
Would never leave a lady
stranded out here all alone.
(engine revvs-tires squeal)
- So, how far you headed?
- To the place of angels.
So, you got business there?
Of sorts.
Mmm...probably going to see a girl.
I don't mind.
I'm the kind of girl that likes
to live in the moment.
If you know what I mean?
I must look a mess.
Oh, god, no wonder.
It'll just take me a second...
and you will see the Saline
you have only dreamed about.
Oh, this mirror is so small,
I can't see my hair.
It must look awful.
Doesn't it?
It does.
It looks dreadful.
I know it looks awful.
You would tell me the truth,
wouldn't you?
How does it look?
Here, see for yourself.
It's beautiful...
isn't it?
I was never allowed to
play here as a kid.
I was scared to, really.
Thought I might get swallowed up by
the spirits that live underground.
You scared now?
Come on, Samantha,
I'm taking you home.
Andy, don't be an idiot.
You've been brainwashed
by this freak.
Nobody's done anything to me.
I don't think you're listening.
Oh, what's this?
Sir Fucking Lancelot to the rescue.
Get out of my face, Travis.
I don't think so.
Leave us alone.
Stop! You're killing him.
Tomorrow, everything's
going to be destroyed.
You, us, everything.
So just go home and tell your
parents how much you love them.
I thought we were supposed to
use our powers to help people?
Including these witch hunters who
have driven us druids so far west
that the only place left
to hide is the sea?
Yeah, Andy as well.
What are you doing?
In the old days...
warriors would make love
before going off into battle.
- Good evening.
- (shrieks)
I'm sorry,
have I startled you?
Are you looking for someone?
Yes, and you could
be the one to announce me.
Are you trying to make
the eclipse not happen?
But it's happening anyway.
What are you doing?
I'm the one who's
trained to fight him.
- But I have to help...
- Just listen to me.
You've gotta keep this safe...
no matter what happens to me...
don't let him get this stone.
Where is everybody?
I thought you organized a little
tar and feather party.
Yeah... something's not
right here.
Well, I guess we found out
where everybody is.
What in heaven's name are they
doing by the church?
What are you all doing?
Please, let us through.
Excuse me. Come on, people.
Step aside, please.
Please, let us through.
For God's sake,
somebody cut her down.
Cut her down yourself!
You sick bastard!
Please, please.
What did you do, Reverend,
help them nail her up?
You're all in terrible danger.
The safest place for you
is in your houses.
There's no safe place
for you to be.
Welcome to the majors.
No! Where's Franks?
I thought he was with you.
The warlock's here, isn't he?
I'm going after him.
I'm going with you.
Dad, you and Ted get
these people off the streets.
Will... it's time to let him go.
Get this stone
as far away as possible.
Remember, no matter
what happens to me...
Give me the stone.
You'll never get the stone!
Give me the stone!
Thank you.
You missed.
No, I didn't.
My move.
Is this the best you can do!?
Nice move.
It's your last.
which of you is a second warrior?
You're no warrior...
and nor you.
Happy trails, partners.
Where is the final stone?
Where is the final stone?
(Kenny continues yelling)
Let him go, you bastard.
Sam, no!
Ah, the second warrior.
Here's your damn necklace.
You want it?
Come and get it.
you're going to be all right.
We may not be able to fight...
but we can still heal.
(screams in agony)
I believe you have
something for me.
Let's not make this difficult,
shall we?
You don't look so tough now,
do you blondie?
You didn't really
expect me to die?
I mean,
I'm older than these trees.
These rocks.
I believe your exact words were...
''Here's your damn necklace.''
Thank you, very much.
Go to hell.
It is time.
I welcome thy lord!
Oh, shit.
Sam! I need your help.
I'm too weak.
Hit the stones with the lights.
The headlights.
Concentrate on the lights.
Welcome to the twentieth
century, asshole!
They say this is tempered with
metal from the Holy Grail.
I think it belongs to you.
Wait... the stones.
The birth stone.