Warriors of Future (2022) Movie Script

[indistinct robot voice]
[machines whirring]
[blades whirling]
[gunshots continue]
[gentle music]
[Tyler] Earth was so pretty back then.
Give Dad a kiss.
One more.
[Tyler] When I told my daughter
how beautiful Earth used to be,
she didn't say a thing.
Because what she saw
wasn't the same world anymore.
In the past century,
technology has been developing rapidly,
brought about by men's continuous battles
to reign supreme on Earth.
Since the development of military robots,
wars have been skyrocketing all over.
I thought after the battle two years ago,
people would learn their lesson,
and return to a harmonious world.
But I didn't expect
that this became the time
for mankind to pay the price.
Natural disasters,
industrial overdevelopment,
and nonstop wars
made the global ecology worse and worse.
Diseases and famine shroud the world.
The air is now filled
with high levels of toxins,
causing many children to be born
with severe illnesses,
including my own daughter,
To restore the environment
so mankind can get back on track,
governments around the world
started building Skynets
that could purify the toxic air.
But while the Skynets were being built,
a giant meteorite fell onto B16.
And out of it, a giant alien plant
began to emerge.
This plant thrives
when in contact with water,
wreaking serious havoc.
[indistinct screaming]
The irony is that it can actually
purify the whole atmosphere.
Scientists have named it Pandora.
The result Pandora will bring to mankind
remains to be seen.
But as a friend once said,
"We write the ending of our own stories."
-[indistinct announcement]
-[vehicles whirring]
[Tyler] Slacking off again?
[Johnson Cheng]
Just breathing in some fresh air.
[Tyler] Breathe while you still can.
HQ sent over an entire robot unit.
It seems like
we're in big trouble this time.
It's big, all right.
But it's gonna be a big win for us.
Scared? You fly the jet,
I'll take the Command Center.
Sure! I'll fight, you'll attend meetings.
You'll fight? Then we're doomed!
Let me do the suicide missions.
I want to see my daughter sooner.
Sure. So Sissy can
call her father useless.
Say what?
Besides, if I die, what would you do?
You're sick of seeing me all the time?
Well, I'm used to it already!
Do I have a choice?
Oh, really?
[both chuckle]
The broad is here. Let's go.
Commander Johnson Cheng of B16.
Take me to the Major General.
[indistinct announcement]
[Johnson Cheng] Timora and Enigma?
I thought HQ already decided
not to use robots.
Robots are often
more reliable than people.
You have a gun.
You rely on it in combat, right?
People wield guns.
Do you trust guns or people?
I trust robots more.
People can make mistakes.
[indistinct chatter]
It's hard to repair this watch.
I'll teach you how to,
just in case I don't--
[man] Look at those lovers.
They're always like that.
Don't you plan on coming back?
Of course I want to come back.
But you know how missions can be.
It's hard to say.
Nobody's forcing you to go.
It's the Air Combat Unit.
Why? Do you want to be Commander-in-Chief?
Colonel Tam.
[Colonel Tam]
According to scientific research,
Pandora's growth rate is proportional
to the amount of rainfall.
According to the weather forecast,
B16 will experience two rainstorms.
The first one won't have
more than 10 mm of rain,
but it will cover 2 km of the area.
The second one, though,
will exceed 150 mm of rain,
covering the entire B16,
affecting its 5.6-million population.
That's why the operation must succeed
before the second storm.
HQ plans to exterminate it?
Not to exterminate, but to alter it.
This is Dr. Chan Chung Chong, director of
the scientific research institute
that developed the gene bullets.
He will explain in detail
the plan to alter Pandora.
Based on our current findings,
Pandora absorbs pollutants,
then releases harmless hydrogen.
If we can reduce its destructiveness,
there may still be hope for mankind.
Lab number 9 in F9
had a breakthrough discovery
four days ago.
Pandora's cells had an obvious reaction
to a rare virus called P7N9.
The virus triggered
its self-defense mechanism,
dropping its temperature
to negative 30 degrees,
then entered a state of hibernation.
Inside this gene bullet
is the P7N9.
If we can release the virus
inside Pandora's pistil,
we can stop it from growing.
Have you made an assessment
about the success rate of this mission?
To increase our success rate,
HQ has dispatched
the robot unit to execute it.
As long as one gene bullet
can enter the pistil,
our mission will be accomplished.
Major General, if this mission succeeds,
Pandora can be used
to purify the atmosphere.
Purify the atmosphere?
So we'll stop building the Skynets?
Do you have any idea
how much time and effort
I put into building the Skynets?
[Colonel Tam] Major General.
I think HQ has told you
about the importance of this mission.
I hope the Air Combat Unit
will provide assistance.
What if this mission fails?
Do you have a backup plan?
We have a plan B.
We will send out Orca bombers
to destroy Pandora
before the second rainstorm.
Bombing range will be 14 km.
Within estimated 160,000 casualties.
What about evac plans?
No evacuation plans?
If Pandora is not altered
before the second storm,
all 5.6 million people in B16 will die.
And do we ignore the 160,000?
Aren't they people, too?
Unnecessary panic will cost more lives.
That's why this operation
will be classified.
[siren blaring]
Program input has been completed.
That means the robots can now
execute the mission inside B16.
Commence operation.
[dramatic music]
[officer] The Commander is here!
We will be assisting HQ
in finding Pandora's pistil
in order to reprogram it.
If this mission succeeds,
Pandora will be disarmed,
but will continue to purify the air.
This is the Operation Chief from HQ,
Colonel Tam Bing.
The combat procedure has four stages.
Stage one, ACU and mechanical units will
await instructions at Central Building.
Stage two, shoot contrast agent bombs
during the first rainstorm.
Stage three, once Pandora absorbs
the contrast agent or CA,
the Skyfish will begin scanning
and start searching.
Stage four, the CA will make its way to
Pandora's pistil where they will converge.
After the pistil has been located
and before the second rainstorm,
robots will put gene bullets
in the pistil, which will alter Pandora.
After the bomb drops,
how long till Pandora reacts?
Reaction can be immediate,
or it could take a while.
How long? Three minutes? Five minutes?
What's the wait time for no response?
Can we leave at once if there's none?
How fast can Pandora absorb
the contrast agent we fed if?
This is an unprecedented operation.
Our scientists still have to
analyze Pandora's condition.
You just need to follow
the Command Center's order to the letter.
Do you know the variables that
-exist in every second of an operation?
-Just follow the Command Center's order.
-That's it.
-You don't know, so I'll say it.
We'll get turbulence flying low.
Pandora will attack!
Lives are on the line! Do we improvise?
Do you know how many of us died
three months ago?
In every mission,
there is always uncertainty.
[heavy breaths]
Only one thing is certain.
Don't lose track of the CA's signal,
because if you do, the mission fails.
[breathes heavily]
I don't care if I die,
but I won't let my men die with me.
I don't think
this man's right for this mission.
But he's the only one I trust.
Then we'll use Plan B.
There will be no Plan B for us.
After Pandora appeared, the air improved.
God is giving us this opportunity.
The mission isn't just for us,
but for everyone.
There's only one plan
to accomplish this mission.
These are dark hours
for the sky and the Earth,
but not for our minds.
Okay, men, let's go!
[all] Yes, sir!
[announcer] ACU is about to take off.
Ground crew, please evacuate.
-[trooper 1] Be on alert.
-[trooper 2] Yes, sir!
Paratroopers, ready.
ACU, get ready for takeoff.
[suspenseful music]
All units, perform final inspections.
[unit member] Orca 086, ready.
[Tyler] Command Center, ACU is ready,
requesting clearance for takeoff.
[suspenseful music continues]
Air space is cleared for takeoff.
Request granted.
ACU is taking off.
[engines rev]
[Tyler] 086 calling Command Center.
Current altitude 3,000 m.
Distance from target area 24 km.
Estimated contact with the target
in six minutes.
[woman] Here. Over here!
This is great stuff!
Not the '78 remake, but the '56 original.
This classic is impossible to find.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
[helicopters whirring]
[indistinct chatter]
HQ flew in two Orcas this morning.
And three Skyfishes
are escorting one Orca now.
What are you? A military expert?
What do you know, cyclops?
[somber music]
Hey! You didn't pay me for the movie!
SKYNET PROJECA cumulonimbus at 2 o'clock, 15 km away.
About to form a thunderstorm belt.
Command Center, ACU is right on course.
ACU's position 19 km from base.
Distance from target 5 km.
Estimated contact with target
in one minute.
Come on! Focus!
She didn't want you to go.
She's worried about you.
I know she's worried about me.
But I'm a radioman, I also want to help.
Wow! Tough guy! Mwah!
Want to make out first before we get off?
[Johnson Cheng]
ACU, maintain our strategic formation.
-[member 1] Copy.
-[member 2] Copy.
Wind speed at target area Level 4.
Air current intensified.
Expect extreme weather.
Attention, ACU!
You're about to enter
a strong convective rain belt.
Make sure to maintain your course.
[Tyler] Command Center,
we have sighted rainfall.
[Skyfish member]
Growth reaction in Pandora detected.
[Tyler] Command Center,
we are approaching the target area.
[Johnson Cheng] Attention, ACU!
Entering preset position.
Perform final inspection.
Ready to launch CA bombs.
[tense music]
[Johnson Cheng]
Skyfish, start the scanner.
[Pandora growls]
Scanner is in order.
[Tyler] 015, target locked.
046, target locked.
Command Center,
all Skyfish targets are locked.
Pandora's begun absorbing water.
Commence stage one.
ACU, commence stage one.
Ready to launch CA bombs.
Five-second countdown.
Five, four, three, two, one.
Command Center,
all six CA bombs have hit the target.
Yeah! We've hit target number two!
[Tyler] Pandora has started absorption.
[Dr. Chan] Consistent with our forecast,
Pandora will release
the contrast agent as a gas,
forming smoke.
[Johnson Cheng] ACU, track the CA signal.
[Tyler] Copy.
We'll report the coordinates
once the pistil is found.
Attention, ACU.
You've entered the rain cloud range.
Airflow is extremely unstable.
[suspenseful music]
[Tyler] CA signal is moving downward
at high speed.
Everyone, follow me!
Pandora is starting to attack! Stay alert!
My right engine is on fire.
Starting to stall. Descending quick!
Mayday! Mayday!
[Lucy] 046! 046!
Skyfish 046 down.
I'll keep tracking the CA signal.
015, I need back up!
[015 pilot] Copy!
015, let's go down at nine o'clock.
[015 pilot] Copy!
[Tyler] Coming in, Command Center.
Skyfish 015 down.
[Lincoln] Are you okay?
086's fuel tank is damaged.
Fuel level is going down fast.
Lincoln, Connor.
Prepare to fire.
Hold on tight.
[heavy breaths]
[engine revs]
[Tyler] Command Center,
confluence point is found.
Location near Central 5th Street.
Beginning the scan now.
All three CA signals are back.
[Tyler] I repeat, near Central 5th Street.
Beginning the scan now.
The pistil is below ground level.
Commence stage 4. Drop the robots.
[trooper] Fixing device released.
Paradrop released.
Enigma ready.
Timora ready.
Signal interrupted! Signal interrupted!
Try other channels.
[correspondent 4] Reporting,
Orca is off course. Orca is off course.
[correspondent 2]
Orca vanished off the radar.
I believe it is crashed.
Command Center, pistil scanning complete.
I repeat, scanning complete.
Do you read me?
[Dr. Chan] We're losing the signal.
[distorted voice]
[airplane system] Low fuel! Low fuel!
[alarm blaring]
Brace for impact!
[somber music]
[shaky breaths]
[fire blasting]
-[Sissy] Daddy.
-[Tyler] Hmm?
You should go to work.
[soft music]
This will keep you safe.
Whitie and I will wait for you
to come back.
[breathes heavily]
Connor! Connor! Connor, wake up!
Wake up!
Look at me!
-[Lincoln groans]
-Hang in there!
Hey! Hey! Help me!
Get the first aid kit!
[grunts, groans]
How bad are you hurt?
Can you still go on?
I think so.
Give me the kit!
Where is the kit?
It's on the plane.
[Tyler] Call Command Center.
No signal.
[heavy breaths]
There's a hospital nearby.
Let's see what we can find
to stop his bleeding.
Mobilize other troops
to look for survivors.
The mission failed. Time for plan B.
Order Orca 2 to do a final inspection--
The mission hasn't failed yet.
We have three hours before the next storm.
We just need to locate them first,
then the mission goes on.
But all the planes used in the operation--
No signal only means we've lost contact.
Even if they are still alive,
if we cannot locate the pistil,
our operation cannot proceed.
[Dr. Chan] All the water has converged.
They're close to the pistil.
-[Colonel Tam] Who else can go now?
-I'll go.
With what?
We have another Orca.
You can't! If anything happens
to this Orca,
we can't execute plan B.
Then I can drive a vehicle,
or I can even go on foot.
A hundred sixty thousand.
There's still time. Just let me try!
Plan B will be carried out as scheduled.
You only have three hours.
[ominous music]
Why was the signal cut off?
I've checked with the weather officer.
A current of over 70,000 volts was found
where Orca vanished on the radar.
Probably a thunderstorm.
A thunderstorm can't cause two planes
to lose contact for over ten seconds.
So don't speculate. I want answers.
My boyfriend was on that plane.
Then help me find the answer.
[heavy breaths]
Get an oxygen mask. Let him use it.
You wear one, too.
He's bleeding. Help me!
We have to apply pressure.
Press it! Harder!
Look after him.
I'll look for a hemostatic injection.
Stay there. Don't let go!
Like this! Keep it pressured.
Turn the GPS on. Wear your headphones.
[truck revs]
[indistinct chatter]
This seems out of place here.
[Johnson Cheng] It's much better here.
Something happened to the ACU, huh?
So you want me back?
After the mission, you can keep the truck.
Just the truck? Are you that cheap?
Three years of water vouchers.
I'll be risking my life.
Food stamps for four years.
I have them now.
What else?
You really think I'm cheap?
Don't tell me
you've forgotten how to use it?
Lieutenant Taron Yau!
Let's go!
Hey! Skunk! How does the movie end?
The ending is tragic.
Humans were defeated.
Aliens conquered them!
Not worth watching!
But not this ending.
We're gonna decide on that.
The seat is too damn high!
What are you, a dwarf?
We lost Skyfish 086 at 47th Street.
Rescuing your friend?
No. We're rescuing our friend.
Okay, after we've rescued him,
-tell him to apologize to me.
-Just drive!
[heavy breaths]
[heavy breaths]
Go take a look.
I'll be fine.
[tense music]
[Lincoln yelps]
Do you read me?
Tyler, do you read me?
[grunting, panting]
[heavy breaths]
[Connor] Lincoln?
[heavy breaths]
Command Center,
we got signals from the 086 men.
Location, Victoria Hospital.
[dramatic music]
-Obey orders, okay?
-Got it!
-All orders!
-I heard you!
[all growl]
-Come on!
-[girl cries]
Take this.
[tense music]
[Tyler] I'm going back
for Lincoln and Connor.
[Johnson Cheng] Command Center,
we discovered an unknown creature.
[Tyler] Hey!
Where's Lincoln?
I'm asking you.
Where's Lincoln?
They killed him.
[Skunk] Are you okay?
How dare you even ask me that?
[gasps in pain]
Why did you drive off without permission?
Do you know how many died because of you?
I asked them all to come--
That was not the first time!
Sean Li, that cripple
Skynet is all he thinks about.
The order today
a suicide mission. Can't you see that?
Yes, but the Skynets' construction is
important to the B16 region.
-So are
our lives.
We'll die out there.
If you're so afraid to die,
you shouldn't be a soldier.
[Tyler] The unit doesn't need you.
Anything else?
-What else?
Go to the armory, hand in your gun.
[breathes roughly]
Step back!
[Johnson Cheng] Skunk, find us a way out.
Got it!
Listen up. Go straight.
When you reach the end, turn right.
Just wait for me.
I'm gonna make you a way out of there.
[Johnson Cheng] That's it. Go in.
[Tyler] I'm out of ammo.
[heavy breaths]
The air vent!
[Johnson Cheng] Which air vent?
What's going on?
Hasn't HQ conducted a full assessment?
Carry out plan B now.
Major General,
the mission hasn't failed yet.
Shut up!
You can't justify it anymore.
If you dare to disobey my order,
I will have you dismissed.
Any signal of the confluence point?
Connor, send this
-Send this to the Command Center.
[Connor] Command Center,
we're about to transmit pistil scan.
Copy. Transmit now.
[officer] We have received
the pistil scan from ACU.
Send it over.
Looks almost as we thought it would be.
The mission is still on course, sir.
We have two hours
before the next rainstorm.
We won't abort the mission.
If we don't have enough time for plan B,
you should know
the consequences of this decision.
Get out!
Pistil's location confirmed.
I told you not to go.
But you didn't listen.
You'd better hang in there.
You haven't fixed my watch yet.
Do you hear me?
You cannot die.
Let's go to where
the transport plane crashed.
We must find the gene bullets.
-We're still going? We'll die!
Even the transport plane crashed?
[engine starts]
[shaky breaths]
You're sure the gene bullets are intact?
[tires screeching]
Hey! Think this over!
We'll lose our lives!
Why did you take him?
He almost blew us to pieces back there.
Are you talking about me, huh?
I'm doing my best here.
But it doesn't mean you're doing great.
Yeah! You're awesome!
[Tyler] The unit doesn't need you.
Thirty years of brotherhood, man.
[groans in pain]
You hit it hard. Of course it hurts.
You're right! Thirty years!
[phone rings]
[correspondent] The pistil is located
at Central 5th Street.
[Johnson Cheng] Copy.
If plan A does fail,
HQ's Plan B will be to bomb Pandora.
That's great, then! Problem solved!
We'll build more Skynets.
Explosion range is 14 km.
There won't be time to evacuate!
[Johnson Cheng]
There is no evacuation plan.
HQ estimates the casualty of
We must finish this mission.
[Connor] 37.5 kHz.
Signal of gene bullet box detected.
It's still in the crash site.
Command Center, we received
the signal of the gene bullets.
We're headed
to the plane crash location right now.
Let's go.
[truck revs]
[action music]
The building's seriously damaged.
It might collapse at any time.
[Lucy whispers]
I discovered something.
This morning, you lost contact
because military radio waves
interfered with your signals.
-Try to find the robot's head inside.
Okay! Let's move it!
-[Tyler] You stay behind. Watch the truck.
Don't call me if things go wrong!
Let me come, sir.
[cocks gun]
Yeah, that's right!
Or they'll think you're a loser.
Please, don't leave!
[Johnson Cheng] Stay with her!
Keep her company.
[suspenseful music]
[heavy breaths]
Sorry, sir.
Take it easy.
[Connor] Do you think I'm useless, sir?
No. Every post has its purpose.
[Connor gasps]
That's why
we are called a team.
Don't go.
When we went to the hospital
to get medicine,
Mom asked me to wait.
She left but she never came back for me.
Don't leave me, too.
-[breathes shakily]
[doctor] Your daughter's cancer cells
have already spread.
You'd better be prepared.
We've done everything we can.
[somber music]
I'm not gonna leave.
I'm not gonna leave you again.
What's your name?
My name is Pansy.
I'm Tyler.
[correspondent] Signal detected.
Gene bullet box location found,
50 m above ground.
I'll go take a look.
[heavy breaths]
[yelps, groans]
There is something wrong
with this injector.
Hang in there!
[grunts, yells]
You really are playing this trick now?
Without me, you're toast!
[Johnson Cheng]
This place will collapse soon.
We leave now or else we die.
This old thing is a useless piece of junk.
Yeah. While there's still time,
go and replace it.
Why not replace me as well?
Dream on! It's just you and me now.
Don't you run out on me!
There are two people outside.
[Tyler] Yeah, a dummy and an imbecile.
Perfect! Here we have
a sourpuss and an old geezer.
Screw you, man!
The box is up there.
It must be 20 m high.
If we both go, we might not make it.
Maybe the imbecile can help us?
If he didn't agree to drive,
you'd still be at the hospital.
Be the big man here.
Give him another chance.
[Tyler] If you're so afraid to die,
you shouldn't be a soldier.
[tense music]
I see the gene bullet!
A grenade pin?
[Lucy] You lost contact because military
radio waves interfered with your signals.
Try to find the robot's head inside.
Let me down.
[tense music]
[Tyler grunts]
[effort grunts]
[Johnson Cheng]
Hurry, Tyler. It's about to collapse.
A little more.
Tyler, hurry up.
[heavy breaths]
[upbeat music]
Connor, where are you?
[Johnson Cheng] Connor's still down there!
Tyler! Tyler!
[Connor yells]
We're dead meat!
Who says I'm afraid to die?
Hurry up! It's collapsing!
[Skunk] I'll do it!
By the way, tell your friend
I'm not here to rescue him.
And not only did I do the job,
I was so awesome.
Just do it!
[Skunk] Did I do an awesome job?
[Tyler] Yes, you're amazing.
You'll get a prize when we get out.
[beeping continues]
Here's the prize.
Move it!
Command Center,
we've found the gene bullet still intact.
We're on our way to Pandora pistil now.
What's that?
Let's go. We've only got
30 minutes. Central 5th Street.
What are you doing there?
The robots were the ones
who bombed down Orca.
I found this grenade pin
from one of the robots.
This was planned. It wasn't an accident!
Someone wants the mission to fail.
[Johnson Cheng]
Someone controlled the robots.
Whoever it is, ordered the plane bombed.
It must be that woman! She's the only one
who can control the--
Someone else can, Sean Li.
[Colonel Tam] Major General,
if this mission succeeds,
Pandora can be used
to purify the atmosphere.
So we'll stop building the Skynets?
Do you have any idea
how much time and effort
I put into building the Skynets?
There should be evidence of Li sending
out the command in this robot's head.
-Find it!
-[Connor] Yes, sir!
[phone rings]
[Johnson Cheng] We found evidence that
you sent the command to the robots.
No use denying. You're busted!
Stop already. You can still turn back.
The day I started building the Skynets,
I already knew
that I would devote myself to it.
Even if it meant sacrificing you,
or the lives of 160,000 people,
I have no intention of turning back.
Cut the crap. It's all for money, right?
[Sean Li] That's what you think? Money?
The Skynet is me, I I am the Skynet.
Am I making myself clear?
One Enigma, one Timora,
and three robots.
We'll talk if you survive.
Who knows? Maybe we will.
That's great!
Why don't we begin?
HQ won't receive any news
from you anymore.
Let us see if you can get past
Timora and Enigma.
Good luck.
We've lost the vehicle's signal.
Do you copy?
-Any response?
We can't contact ACU.
Colonel Tam, ma'am.
We lost contact with ACU.
We can't get any signal.
[Johnson Cheng]
Skunk, how long before we get there?
[Skunk] About 15 minutes.
[Tyler] Look after Pansy.
-You're on.
[truck revs]
Guys, it's here!
Enigma! Your eight o'clock!
Hold tight!
[tires screech]
Right side!
[dramatic music]
[heavy breaths]
Skunk, where is it now?
[Connor] Pulse bomb, reload!
Two more! Full load!
On the right.
[tires screech]
Is Pansy okay?
[Skunk] She's fine.
Sit tight!
[correspondent] Colonel!
We can't contact ACU, ma'am!
We don't know their current location.
[Colonel Tam] All right. Listen.
If we fail to contact ACU in 30 minutes,
I will commence plan B.
[dramatic music continues]
[Skunk gasps]
Pick it up! Pick it up!
Throw it away! Hurry! Throw it away!
Pick it up! Come on!
Pick it up! Throw it away!
[battlesuit system]
Low battery! Low battery!
I'm running out of juice.
[suspenseful music]
[alarm blaring]
Hold on!
Fasten your seat belts!
[music intensifies]
[music halts]
[all grunt]
[Johnson Cheng] We don't have much time.
Take it!
Come on! Jump!
[somber music]
[music continues]
[Tyler] Get up. We don't have time.
Keep going.
Of course! What else?
I won't let that Sean Li kill us!
[breathes difficultly]
Rain belt shifting.
Rainfall in 15 minutes.
Initiate final inspection for Orca 2.
Get ready to execute plan B.
Yes, ma'am.
[Tyler] We must find a way to contact HQ.
Or else, they will go ahead with plan B.
We're here. Stop!
It took 14 seconds for Orca
to lose contact and disappear.
So I checked the communication log.
I saw that we received a long military
radio wave at the same time.
The wave was sent by Timora.
It intercepted all signals within 5 km.
There're only two people here
who can do that.
[heavy breaths]
Come on.
Use this bomb.
Make a hole into the pistil.
Roger that.
[Pansy whimpers]
[Tyler gasps]
Make sure you finish the task.
Yes, sir!
You must hide. Find a place
inside that bus. Okay? Go now.
Don't worry.
We'll all come back safely.
Go now.
Come on!
[Connor] Be a good girl! Come with me!
Come on!
[Skunk] Pansy is a tough one!
Hey! That thing's coming.
Let's lure it away.
We'll exterminate it.
I'll take down the signal jammer.
We must stop HQ from executing plan B.
The two of us
will take it down!
[action music]
[effort grunts]
[correspondent] ACU's signal is back.
They've reached Central 5th Street.
I've already received
the robot's action records.
Cancel all robot commands immediately!
Did you think
you could get away with this?
It will rain soon.
Your plan B has already started.
They have to beat Timora first.
Even if they do that,
they have to blast a hole
and find the route towards the pistil.
You had an hour to do that.
But now, you only have ten minutes left.
[battlesuit system]
Low battery! Low battery!
Skunk, have you dozed off?
Out of the way!
Timora, right?
I'll beat the hell out of you!
[laughing continues]
[tense music]
[Connor pants]
Connor! Get out of there!
Don't be scared!
I'm gonna be fine.
Run! Hurry!
[battlesuit system]
Low battery! Low battery!
[Tyler] Pansy!
Don't go.
[shaky breaths]
I'm not gonna leave.
I'm not gonna leave you again.
[somber music]
[Skunk] Come on!
Let's see who'll die first.
[Skunk shouts]
[grandiose music]
We have to go on!
Pandora is starting to grow.
[pilot] Orca is already hovering
over Pandora's pistil.
[heavy breaths]
[Johnson Cheng] Come on!
Do you really think
I would die just like that?
I told you there wouldn't be a plan B.
We are the ACU team from B16.
[Pansy whimpers]
HQ, this is ACU. We're in position.
Ready to enter the pistil.
Suspend bombing operation!
I repeat. Suspend bombing operation!
[pilot] Orca 2, copy.
Risking our lives
for 160,000 people.
It's all worth it!
Let's go all the way.
[percussive music]
[thunder rumbles]
Command Center.
I have entered the pistil.
[people screaming]
So those bugs come from here.
[Johnson Cheng]
"The Skynet is me, I'm the Skynet"?
Well, Sean Li.
Go to hell!
[dramatic music]
[bugs squeaking]
[indistinct chatter]
Pandora has stopped growing!
[all cheer]
[dramatic music continues]
[cheering continues]
[Tyler] Dr. Chan's successfully
altered Pandora's genes.
It's harmless now.
It can even purify the atmosphere.
Although Sissy wasn't able to see it,
Pandora's arrival
gave the Earth a chance to be reborn.
We have to cherish this opportunity.
Hey! Would you stop that?
I keep cleaning here,
you keep drawing there.
[Pansy giggles]
Come on! Kids are like that.
What are you doing?
You think it's cool
to sunbathe in a leather jacket?
And look at that hairstyle!
So what?
What do you know, man?
I'm wearing this while sunbathing,
so I'd burn more fat.
And I just follow
Johnson Cheng's advice for the hair.
He said that I looked better
with short hair.
Johnson was right again.
We write the ending of our own stories.
And he disappeared
when it's time to wash the truck.
Where did he go anyway?
To a meeting at HQ.
Do you think he's off shooting somewhere?
[Skunk] Another meeting? And at HQ?
Smells like trouble to me.
It's big, all right.
But it's gonna be a big win for us.
[upbeat music]
[Johnson Cheng]
We only have 72 hours this time.
Our mission is to observe
the source of the signal.
Do not make any unnecessary contact.
[Tyler] Just observe? No contact?
[Johnson Cheng] You used to tell Sissy
how beautiful Earth was from the Moon.
Now, you have the chance
to see it yourself.
[engine revs]
[engine rumbles]
[upbeat music]
[closing theme music]