Wasted on the Young (2010) Movie Script

- Hey, Zack, awesome race.
- Thanks.
I guess you're looking good
for the nationals, eh? Congratulations.
Thanks. You coming to the party tonight?
Oh, yeah, yeah. As if I'd miss that!
We'll find a nice quiet corner
and you can blow me, then.
You know what, man? Fuck you, eh!
Sorry, I didn't hear. What was that?
- Got you, sweetheart.
- Excuse me?
Hey, Dazza. Good race, man.
Yeah, I suppose seventh is
an improvement.
You going to step things up for
the trials when they come round?
I'm not really in it
for the competition.
It's the shower time he likes.
Watch your arse around this one!
- Don't worry about him.
- Do I look worried?
You're two unit physics, aren't you?
- OK, that question makes me nervous.
- No, let's walk.
I can give you my notes.
Why don't you just look over
my course journal?
Look over? You mean complete.
Why not? You're good at that stuff.
- That's a whole term's worth of work.
- I just need a pass.
- Study?
- Look, look, listen, listen.
I'm actually making you an offer.
You understand me, right?
I'm not going to be responsible
if you fail.
I'll probably fail it anyway.
- Fine. Give me your notes.
- Man, you fucking rock the planet.
You coming to the house?
Shit, man, I've got work to do.
Don't be such a fucking martyr.
Enjoy yourself for once.
Well, that probably sucked for you, man.
- He giveth, he taketh away.
- Yeah, I reckon.
- Do you know what can be fun.
- What?
The sense of freedom - it's like
you can finally connect with people
because they let go of their barriers
and just be themselves.
But sometimes people can be
really scary when they're like that.
Yeah, I guess it depends.
- I'll see how I go, OK?
- OK.
Hey, he's coming.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I'll see you tonight?
Uh, maybe.
An improvement on last time.
Out of the car! Everyone out!
Out, out, out!
Techno music
Hi. What's your name?
- Nikki.
That's a nice name.
You are gorgeous. Do you model?
Dude, where are you?
How's the party, you big nerd?
Man, why aren't you down there?
Yeah, right.
Get out! Get out.
Get out!
- Hey.
- Hey, what's up?
- I'm getting sponsors.
- Oh.
OK, what's the cause?
Well, if we raise enough money,
a group of us are going to South America
to build houses for children
whose parents have been killed
by whatever crime,
natural disaster, you know.
That kind of thing.
- Cool. Are you going?
- Yeah! Yeah, yeah.
- Oh!
- Will you sponsor me?
- Sure.
- Cool.
- It's not Christian or anything, right?
- No.
- Sweet. So, do I put in, like...
- Whatever you can.
Thanks for that.
You know that swimmer guy
with the big head
who keeps sending me pictures of his...
So check studentremains.org.
- Why?
- Just...
Oh, my God!
Oh, my...
- It's not even that impressive!
- I know.
He totally had this coming.
Who do you think posted it?
My secret protector?
He's all yours, is he?
You're crushing.
I'm...a little crushie, but shut up.
'Now I stand where I struck
and the deed is done.
This was my work.
I cast my net,
wrapping him in a robe rich in evil.
He collapsed, gasping out
his last breath, his life ebbing away.
And I rejoiced
just as the newly sown earth rejoices.'
Zack? Zack! I'm talking to you.
Hey, where you been, man?
I'm thinking about finals, actually.
God. Why? It's like half a year away.
Is that Shay O'Brien?
Shay, what are you doing here?
Nothing. I'm just walking.
So which was it?
Come on.
I don't know. It's like...
Just really feels like
it's our last year, that's all.
Does it make you sad?
There's no need to fucking analyse it.
It makes me sad.
Fuck school. I just want to party.
This weekend.
You know that Xandrie chick
wants to go, right?
She can come.
She asked if your brother
was going to be there.
Now that does upset me.
That would be a messed up couple.
You don't look like your brother.
'Cause he's not my brother.
Really? What's with your name?
Uh... My mum married his dad
so I'm stuck with it.
I used to be a Hayward.
Where's your real dad?
Fleeing responsibility.
I'm Xandrie.
Yeah, I know. We're in history.
I know. You never speak to me.
At first I thought it was 'cause of
the whole swimming-team cool factor.
Then I realised
you don't speak to them either.
Uh, I actually swim because I like it.
- Crazy.
- I know.
So I'll see you Friday?
Uh... Yeah, I don't think I'll go.
It's your house.
Yeah, it's also a big house.
Well, text me. I'll be in it.
Do I ask for your number?
Look, I'll do it.
I'll see you later, Mr Hayward.
I'm dying over here
and I'm totally sick of...
Techno music thumps
Yeah, great. Just put your shoes in.
- Hey, Ella.
- Hi.
- Want to do a line with me?
- What?
You want to do a line with me?
No, thanks.
OK, cool!
Hey, hey, awesome party, man.
Hey! Zandrea, right?
Xandrie, yeah.
- Zandrea?
- Xandrie, yeah.
Guess who's here.
Would you cheer up, for fuck's sake?
People are watching us.
He's gonna get with her.
Oh, my God. Who cares?
She's just a snack bitch.
Who's that girl who's always with her,
She dresses like my mum.
- You having a good time?
- Yeah. My God. This is awesome.
I should give you the tour.
- Hey, have you seen your brother?
- No. No.
You really like him, don't you?
A girl doesn't tell.
That's great. He's a good kid.
Aren't you kind of the same age?
Hey, listen, listen.
If you want me to sort you out too,
let me know.
Maybe later. We're going upstairs.
You want to have some fun?
Aren't we having fun?
Oh God, not K. I'm smashed!
- Zack, have you seen Xandrie around?
- Who?
She's in our history class.
Used to go out with Brad. Big smile.
I don't know, man. Maybe try out back.
Hey, Daz!
Has your brother fucked her yet?
Would I want her if he had?
You know, I think I'm maturing.
I've got this new thing for older women.
That explains the smile
on your mother's face.
That explains the smile on your
mother's... Fuck off!
Seriously, have you seen
Zack's step-mum?
That bitch is off the hook. I'd go her.
Watch your fucking mouth.
That's my dad's lady friend.
Take it. I'm gone. Thanks!
Hello! We got you these.
You seemed lonely, ladies.
Oh, thanks.
- Hi, I'm Ella.
- Oh, biology. Right.
Where do you live?
So, man, are you taking anything?
Nuh. It's too risky.
My old man used them when he turned pro.
It's ancient herbal shit.
They don't test for it anymore.
- I'm still going to kick your arse.
- Yeah, whatever.
I just need a state place to keep out
of the army. Got this deal with my dad.
Brooky, my dad is
going to cut me off at the knees
if I don't get an 85-plus on my TER.
He started caring
when he married a new son.
Now he knows what a fucking student's
meant to look like.
- Fathers, huh?
- Yeah.
My God. It's boring out here.
You guys should come inside
and dance or something.
- I'm waiting for someone.
- Oh, no. Not Darren?
- Stay away, girlfriend. He's bad news.
- Excuse me?
Aim higher. You're cute enough.
Feel free to be abrasive.
I don't mind at all.
Whatever. Let's go. Come on.
- Come on, let's have some fun for once.
- Yeah.
They sure as hell don't
test for this shit. I'm fired up.
- Let's get laid.
- Oh, you dog, you.
Hey, Daz.
This is that girl right there.
She just gave me a private show.
Are you gonna hook up with Xandrie
- Only if you film it.
- It's just that you're a bit late.
- I just want to speak to...
- I think not.
Unless you're gonna suck me
better than one of these chicks,
you can just suck me.
Hey, turd boy!
Get out. Get out.
There you go.
I'm out, guys.
Awesome party, man. See you later.
- See ya.
- Yeah.
End of an era.
The last year of our career,
then we're done.
We're old, old men, out of school.
Getting old's for cunts.
Real men stay young.
Well, life is about to end, anyway.
We're dead already!
This is the afterlife, so party!
- It's a Buddhist thing.
- You're fucked, man.
You're all talk, bro.
Xan? Xan, come on, I'll take you home.
So you're right to drive?
Techno music thumps
Relax, man. You're probably
getting all worked up over nothing.
Yeah, so where is she?
I don't know, dude.
Just sounds like a good party to me.
Yeah. It fucking rocked!
- Were you two even going out?
- Shay, that's not the point.
- Dude, tell your dad.
- Which one?
or that thing that fucks my mother?
In that case, Darren,
I guess you're on your own.
Thanks, Shay. I usually am.
'In the Oresteia,
the royal line survives
through combined human
and divine justice
but only because the gods relent.
The message repeated
throughout the trilogy
that the doer suffers and learns.
Justice, and the gods' own
closed and immortal world
is largely the same
as that of mortal men.
Anything is punished
that threatens the stability...'
Come on, man!
Hi. No, it's me. Darren.
Hey. Where is she?
I thought you'd know.
Oh, I should have just stayed with her.
Ella, what happened?
- Alright?
- Yeah, thanks.
Awesome party.
Do I know you?
Sorry, Zack. Let's just bail. Let's go.
I'm just kidding, man.
I'm just messing with you.
Sort him out, will you?
Here comes your in-law.
What's up?
I just, uh... spoke to Ella.
- Who?
- Dyke.
Xandrie's friend.
Um, OK. Why, what did she say to you?
- What happened to Xandrie?
- Why, what have you heard?
I'm asking you.
- OK, let's talk at home, alright?
- Did you sleep with her?
Did I sleep with her? Um...
Daz, she fucked most of us.
It happens. Alright?
Hey, how's my physics coming along,
by the way?
I'll get around to it.
Good man.
Nice walking with you.
Yeah, I enjoy our little chats.
I'll come watch you poolside, or...
Yeah, that'd be cool.
Wait. Uh...
You probably don't
want to be seen with me.
- What do you mean?
- Well, you know how things work.
It'd be unpopular.
Everybody knows what happens
to flowers in adversity.
Not around here.
Bad is never good until worse happens.
You're turning me down.
How sensible of you.
Hey, you're home.
I'm not doing your physics.
Why not?
I'm busy.
Your mum's busy.
Not funny.
Hey, Jon, can we talk?
What's going on?
Tell me what happened at the party.
Watch yourself, Daz.
- Did something happen?
- I didn't say that.
Well, just tell me, please?
I don't know, man. She was wasted.
I didn't even see her.
Now you're just fucking dead.
You're an idiot.
Wait, wait, wait!
I'm sorry. I'm sorry!
Fuck you, man!
Where's Xandrie?
I can't tell you, man.
You know I can't.
Sorry, Daz.
They'll kill me, man.
You know they'll kill me.
You're confusing me, Darren.
About your homework?
Tell me what you're doing.
What you think you're doing.
You did something you shouldn't have?
Nothing happened.
Nothing happened.
OK, if you say so.
Now you're getting it.
Cassi know you drive it like that?
Christ. Would that mean
I'm hiding something from my parents?
Hey, Daz!
Hey. Hey!
- It's really good to see you.
- Yeah, you too.
See you guys later.
- Hey, babes.
- Hi.
So you're back.
With a vengeance.
- That's great, babe.
- Courageous. Hi, um...
Ella. We've met, actually.
So, what's up?
Just wanted to check in, babe.
See how you're going.
Mm, I'm fine.
I heard you got really trashed
and, like, hooked up with Zack and Brook
and then got arrested or whatever.
Probably confused. My dad picked me up.
You should know all this.
It's your word against ours.
Ooh, words.
Oh, my God.
I want to call home.
I don't know.
I don't know!
Please, can you come and pick me up?
Just come and pick me up!
You know she dragged me to that
stupid party so she could see you.
- You blame me for what happened?
- Hi, Ella Mathews.
I don't need to blame you.
Can I have some quiet, please?
Didn't you beat up Jonathan?
- A little.
- Why?
I don't know. He deserved it.
Like you got Brook off my back
when he was stalking me with those pics?
Yeah, something like that.
Darren, being nice for other people
is not the same as being nice to them.
- Sometimes you just need to...
- Why are you here?
I'm worried.
Don't be.
You selfish prick.
I'm talking about her.
Chicks like that get upset
when they do things
they're not proud of.
She's not even the problem, OK?
What do you mean, the cops?
Dude, how old are you?
I mean the rest of the school.
She's gonna get them excited,
they start the usual jibber-jabber.
If my parents hear anything
about some girl...
Just relax, OK?
..people don't even
make their own decisions anyway.
They just go with whatever sounds right.
Keep it cool.
- What?
- I should just throw another party.
Fuck, no! Why would you do that?
- Because people are easy.
- We're so on it.
Yeah, it'll be fun.
Brooky, you're not talking.
Doesn't matter if I get the state title,
does it?
If I cop a charge,
I'm not going anywhere.
A charge for what? Nothing happened.
You're fucking dead!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Take it easy, take it easy.
He hasn't done anything. Have you, Daz?
He says nothing in response.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
He's got his head in our shit
and you're gonna let him walk away?
He's my brother. Just leave him alone.
- Don't do that.
- Do what?
Just don't.
- I don't like it.
- You don't fucking have to.
Is everything alright?
I don't know, man.
Yeah. Yeah, I guess.
- What was he looking for?
- Beats me.
Come on, let's eat.
I'm out, guys.
Awesome party, man. See ya later.
End of an era.
The last year of our career,
then we're done!
Getting old's for cunts.
Real men stay young.
You're all talk, bro.
What are you doing, bro?
Teaching you a lesson.
Oh, bullshit.
- Hey, watch the master.
- Bullshit you're going first.
Fine. Go on. Hurry up, then.
I will.
Jono, check it out. Jono!
So shouldn't she be at a clinic?
Yeah, she was,
but her dad pulled her out.
- No way. That sucks.
- Is Zack gonna sue?
He should totally sue.
Just because she feels bad
for being a trash bag
doesn't mean
she has to make others suffer.
- I think Zack should be scared.
- Should he?
- No. No, I guess not.
- There she goes.
Look at all the bruises on her legs.
Trash bag.
I've got your phone.
It's OK. I don't need it.
It's no problem.
Really, I don't know who I'd call.
I usually carry it on me
but I forgot today.
- Why?
- Why what?
Why do you carry it?
So I can give it back to you.
Thanks for the thought.
I'm not friends with them.
It's OK.
I mean, I go along with them
because of Zack and everything,
but I'm not... not part of it, honestly.
I know I should have been there.
Oh, my God! Don't tell me that.
I have something from that night...
We don't have to talk about it.
- I can help.
- How can you help?
We'll go to the school.
We'll go to your dad.
Darren, everyone's already
made up their mind about what happened.
I still don't know.
I blacked out.
I woke up and I went home.
I just...
I just feel it.
I feel them and what they did.
It's part of me.
It's part of this school.
It's part of you.
How can you help me with that?
I'm sorry.
Don't you dare.
Now you walk away.
It's Darren, right?
- How are you going?
- Hey.
Zack, how are ya?
- Hi. How you doin'?
- Good.
- Welcome, I guess.
- Thanks.
So this is our house?
Yeah. It's weird, eh?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
So, I don't know,
what kind of stuff do you do?
Ah, not much.
Sports or anything?
Yeah, anything without a team. I swim.
That has a team. I'm captain of it.
Oh, cool. Can I be on it?
If you're fast enough.
School sends away one of our boys to the
institute on a scholarship every year.
Seriously, we're good.
I'll just splash along behind,
make you look good.
That doesn't make us look good.
No, it's a defence. I'm awesome.
So, uh...
You want a tour?
- Yeah, lead on.
- Alright.
How long were your parents separated?
Uh, three years or something.
My dad ditched my mum when I was five.
Bitch kept spending all his money,
so he paid her off in one hit.
- Shit.
- Trust me, it's better like this.
But he really seems...
I don't know, he likes Cassi.
- What's she like?
- Oh, she's great. You'll meet her.
She's my mum.
- Your dad seems cool.
- Yeah.
He told me to look out for you
while he was away.
Right. So you're the man of the house?
So. First day tomorrow.
Hey, what's our school like?
I haven't really done
the private school thing.
- Well, you'll meet her. She's great.
- Yeah?
I wouldn't call it our school, though.
But... Whose school is it?
Mr Masters,
the principal will see you now.
Great, thanks.
They seem nice.
I could have you charged.
Yeah, you went to the police,
didn't you?
What did they say?
Did they ask if you were sure?
Who else was there?
Did they say they'd look into it?
I think they got about as far as
my lawyer.
You think you're untouchable.
I've got witnesses.
Four of them. I've got a reputation.
I win medals for the school.
What do you do?
Raise money for sick monkeys?
- Homeless children.
- Whatever.
Keep your mouth shut.
You've got Darren all excited
and you're running around
talking your bullshit.
Just keep it to yourself,
and everyone will be just fine.
You wouldn't be here
unless you were afraid.
I went and saw the principal today.
You know why?
He wanted to see if I was OK.
Don't fucking cry.
Don't come to my house again.
Now you're getting it.
Oh, be sure to thank your mother
for the refreshing cola.
Oh, fuck.
What are you doin'?
Dad? Yeah, hi.
No, no, everything's cool.
I just need to withdraw some funds and
I wanted to run it by you first, though.
Oh, kind of a school project.
Of course it's for a party.
No, everything else is fine.
OK. Alright,
I'll see you when you get back, Dad.
Right. Love you, Dad. Bye.
Have you ever wondered why
kids go to their school with an AK?
Rage issues?
Outrage, maybe.
OK, let's do it.
You in?
We'd have to shoot ourselves after.
Man, you've got to think about it
in terms of a ratio.
Like the guy in Kauhajoki,
he was like 10 to 1. Epic fail.
Virginia Tech was more like 30 to 1.
That's better bang for your buck.
So that's one to me.
Dude, what the fuck? That was awesome!
So anyway, I'm leaving.
As soon as I can.
I don't know if you've noticed,
but this place isn't real, anyway.
- It's like some kind of...
- ..parallel universe.
Here we are, trapped in a bubble while
the rest of the world keeps turning.
When we came here, my mum said
that this was the best school
because it was the most expensive
- Where is she?
- Away.
She moved here to set me up,
and now I don't even see her.
Do you remember first semester history?
You gave a presentation
on the origin of moral law.
Do you remember what a martyr is?
What are you asking?
Do you?
In Greek, it means 'witness'.
Witnesses were tortured for confessions,
so it came to mean
someone who suffers for a cause.
Do you need my notes?
If you see something and do nothing,
you're not a witness.
You're an accomplice.
It's just training, man.
Don't worry about it.
I only wanted him to give up on her.
She would have been out of it.
Do you think I'm stupid?
We're gonna get caught.
Are you going to help me or not?
- Chill out, man.
- Come on!
- Hey, you.
- Hey.
When are you leaving?
It's like you said, man.
She's not the problem, but him.
With his pictures and rumours
and all that other bullshit.
He's not taking away
my only ticket out of here.
We have to, bro. Come on.
Make it quick. Come on.
- You go round that way.
- Fuck off.
Move, fucker!
There he is.
Look, there they go!
Where you going?
- He's gone downstairs.
- Where you going, Daz?
Where you going?
Get up, fucker!
Hey, how's that?
Brooky. Brooky?
Brooky, Brooky, hop up. Hop up.
You alright?
Did he get you?
What a fucking mess.
Darren, there are two types of people
in this school.
The first kind are useful to me, OK?
The second kind is what you just became.
Why do you do it?
Why do you need to drag people
so far down
when you're already so far above them?
Here's the trick to it, Daz.
When you're really above people,
you don't have to explain yourself
to anyone.
For anything.
Help him, for fuck's sake.
Jono, get him out of here.
Come on.
Take him home.
Guess he owed him lunch money.
Seriously, though, guys,
if you're going to start believing
all this bullshit he's spinning,
you're going to get dragged down
to his level.
You know? We don't need
that kind of attention. Not here.
I thought we were better than that.
Anyway, somebody call it.
I'm going to class.
Give me your keys, man.
Just get him in.
Fuck, that's enough, man!
Well, look at you.
You're a crazy bitch, you know that?
- Careful.
- Xan, give me the fucking gun.
Oh, fuck, man! Come on!
You scratched my car!
Do you want your public to watch?
I do, actually.
'Cause you know what happens
if you shoot me?
I've got a mental image.
Have a look. Have a look!
Things will be exactly the same.
You'll still be a crazy bitch.
And I'll still be the poor boy
everyone wishes you'd left alone.
- You'll also be dead.
- And you'll have to live with it.
Nothing you do will change anything.
I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, Xan.
I really am.
Put the fucking gun down.
Good luck in the finals.
Jono, let's go!
He gets away with everything.
Why do we let him?
Do we?
Everybody does.
They let him exist.
Not for much longer.
What did you tell the police?
Your counsellor?
No-one can do anything anyway.
What have you been doing?
End-of-year project.
What on?
Fuck you.
You just have to keep him outside.
- I thought you were in.
- It was a joke, Darren.
Yeah, it was.
Techno music thumps
Woo! Aaaah!
Run along now.
Were you there long enough
to see what they did?
Or did you leave to spare yourself?
Blah, blah, blah.
I'm going downstairs.
- Darren?
- Not yet. Dry the fuck up.
You can both have a cry about it,
but not me.
Are you telling me you feel nothing?
No regret?
I don't suppose you can,
'cause you're not even a real person,
you're just an idea.
You're a concept
of what boys want to fuck.
Fuck you!
You murdered a girl.
You're a fucking psycho.
Run along now.
What are you doing?
Well, that depends on you.
End of an era.
Come on.
- What's going on, man?
- Nothing, man. Let's go.
- Why would you do that?
- He needs to fucking learn his place.
we've got a bigger fucking problem.
What's going on?
- Is he here?
- Who?
Little fucker! I'm gonna find him.
- Problems?
- Don't ask.
Fair enough.
Zack, I'm almost sober.
What have you got on you?
What are you after?
That'll do.
- Hey, Zack.
- Hey.
Can we talk?
It's one of those fuckin' nights,
isn't it?
- Where is he?
- I don't know.
- You're fucked!
- Leave me alone!
Darren, what the fuck are you doing?
Jon, you wanna help?
What's he up to?
Turn around, dickhead.
You've got something you want
to tell me, don't ya? Don't ya?!
How about you fucking say it?
Say it to my face, you little fucker!
Now help.
Weird fucking night.
Fucking hell, Simone.
Look, you're pissed, you know.
We can forget about this.
Here, have a drink.
Hey, guys, what's going on?
Nothing, man.
You don't even care, do you?
I'm going inside.
- He fucking killed her.
- Yeah, I reckon, eh?
Even when you've had enough,
you just keep wanting more.
You're like fucking leeches.
OK, fine.
You want to do this?
Yeah, it happened. She was raped.
It was Brook and Jono.
They were off their fucking heads.
I try to help her,
and I try to look after my mates.
Maybe that's where I went wrong.
I guess you can't look after everybody.
But you know what? Party's over.
Fucking go home.
I try to do something nice
for everyone. Look what...
Techno music thumps
Are you gonna kill me?
It's a bad move, Darren.
Bad idea.
You realise what'll happen
if you do something like this,
you go through with something like this?
OK, Darren. You listen to me and you
listen really fucking carefully, OK?
You think this through.
I can't just hate you.
Don't get me wrong. I do.
But there's just no point.
See, the real problem is
that you're only you
because you're allowed to be.
And I don't want to live in a world
that sick,
so how do I solve this problem?
You know, I can't...
I mean, I can't take them all out, so...
Either way... the sickness remains.
Xandrie knew that.
What are you going to do?
Here's the trick.
I'm not leaving this up to either of us.
You should be relieved.
popular opinion is what you're best at.
I'm your fucking brother!
Darren! Don't do this!
Don't do this! I'm your fucking brother!
Turn the fucking thing off!