Wat Zien Ik (Business Is Business) (1971) Movie Script

Hurry up.
Hurry up.
- Is this the right place?
- Depends on what you want.
It's the right place.
- We haven't agreed on a price yet.
- One hundred?
You're really something.
A woman. A real woman.
You can take your coat off.
You're really horny.
- You're the first in three years...
- Want this off?
- That'll be 25 extra.
- Fine. Take if off.
- Is that it?
- 25 doesn't get you the full package.
Take this off too.
Another 25.
Mighty beast.
I want it all off, everything.
You're turning me on.
For another 100
I'll take everything off.
- Where have you been?
- Africa.
- With Development Aid.
- No girls around?
- One, a Dutch one.
- And...?
She was a nun.
It's too soon.
I came too fast.
What a pity.
That'll be 285 guilders,
including tax.
- Ma'am?
- I'd like some pumps.
- What size?
- Twelve.
They're for my sister.
She's embarrassed
about her big feet.
The largest size we have
is nine, ma'am.
- I'll take them.
- But that's three sizes too small.
- They'll pinch.
- Perfect.
- May I help you?
- I'm looking for a mask.
- For a children's party.
- Something cheerful then.
This one?
Or this one?
No, not that kind.
That one.
That's exactly what I want.
For a children's party?
May I come in?
Take off your clothes.
- You won't scare me, will you?
- Who knows?
And don't count on your chauffeur.
Hurry up.
It wasn't a hundred, Sjaak.
I swear.
Get in bed.
I'm coming to get you.
I'm coming.
You're going to get it.
It's me.
The screams were a great touch.
- Something extra.
- That's generous.
My treasures.
No, don't!
Watch out!
Jerk, this belonged to my mother.
This too?
And this too?
What's done is done.
- Hey you two. Cut it out.
- You nasty bitch.
That was close.
It's every day now, huh?
He thought I held some money back.
He's so tight.
I don't see how
you put up with him.
He had such
a rotten day fishing today.
Look at this...
- Cassius Clay in action.
- Get lost.
You should be ashamed.
She gives you whatever you want.
A sexy car, suits. And enough
rods to start up a fishing club.
I don't have a decent reel.
Here, take it.
Her screams earned it.
Go buy a reel.
Fighting one minute,
making up the next.
Here, I'm off to Leo's.
I'm not in a hurry. You?
You can't keep Greet waiting.
Fine, stomach in.
You look great. Bye, love.
I'll straighten up.
You go off to work.
Bye, sweetie.
- How about for ten bucks?
- Ten bucks?
No, you'd better try Jopie.
Good to see you.
You look great.
You wish.
It usually works.
As long as he works.
That's funny.
Don't worry,
I've never had any complaints.
Can I use your phone?
- What are you up to?
- Have to make a call.
- Need the phone book?
- No, I know the number.
Third time in they notice us.
- Found one?
- Hello, dear. That you?
Yes, I'm working late again.
Of course I could've phoned earlier.
I need to balance the books.
No, it'll be late.
- Endives?
- Sounds great.
No, I'll grab a sandwich.
Bye. Give the kids a hug.
Daddy's got the night off.
- This is my girlfriend.
- Hello.
- What are you drinking?
- Two beers.
Can't you see she's with me?
We're going to have
a great time.
- You're lit.
- No, I'm not.
You're trembling all over.
Hold out your hands.
Don't get your suit wet.
Take the glasses.
She's not the only one.
Forget it. I'd rather
go home for some endives.
- I helped you out there.
- And cost me a pretty penny too.
I've no money,
but I've got a big heart.
- So...
- I'm a contractor. I earn enough.
- You know what I would like?
- Let me guess.
Here? It's a strip joint.
Come on,
the champagne's good.
Now, one of our
most talented artists.
From distant Nichninokawat,
now in Holland: Madrouschka.
Naked in front of everyone.
- You do it.
- Not like that.
- No?
- No.
Oh dear, she's got goose bumps.
You filthy bitch.
- Here.
- What's that for?
Let's go.
And now, folks...
Sandra with her tame goldfish.
I don't have to teach you a thing.
- Will you stay a bit?
- How long do the others stay?
- How long? Half an hour?
- Ten minutes.
And you've had your ten.
Out of my bed.
- Stay, it's very late.
- Perhaps another time.
Your wife's waiting?
- I'll drop by.
- I've heard that before.
You never see them again
if they say that.
How much?
You don't have to pay.
Come on, you worked for it.
I had a nice evening.
- I did too.
- I'll show you out.
By the way, what's your name?
- Piet.
- Bye, Piet.
His name is Piet.
I bet you didn't score tonight.
Wait until Sjaak hears.
Okay children, Minnie, Lisa, Hans,
Time to come in.
Jantje, you too.
Take your seat.
Children, today we have...
The butterflies...
No, no. Stop that!
What's all the noise?
What's this mess?
you'll never guess what happened.
What happened?
Tell me, Miss Montessori.
I can't.
It's much too embarrassing.
...put his hand up my skirt.
Jantje, stand up.
Drop your trousers.
Bend over.
This will teach you,
you filthy boy.
It won't happen again.
It won't happen again.
There, I think that'll do.
Here. Clean up.
All right.
Thank you,
and until my next visit.
- Write more clearly in future.
- Yes.
- Want a bite?
- I've come for my money.
- Where's Sjaak?
- How should I know?
Got it?
Give it here.
Cow, the money is yours.
It's my money.
I'm keeping it.
- Hand it over.
- No.
Don't try that again.
You should take up Judo.
Mind your own business,
he's not your guy.
Dumb jerks.
Not so many at once, ma'am.
Think I'm a thief?
Take them.
- Ma'am...
- What are you looking at?
Creepy dike.
I put them in water.
I'm a domestic guy.
All those roses. You must be mad.
They must've cost a fortune.
- What are you doing tonight?
- Working...
Not tonight.
You're going out with me.
I have a business to run.
Close up shop.
We're going out.
What's up with her and grandpa?
She'll have an easy time.
It's getting serious
with you guys, isn't it?
Are you coming?
It's late.
- What's up with him?
- Nothing.
He's just another customer.
Who are you kidding?
You're in love.
In love?
Don't make me laugh.
I bet you leave the trade.
And I'll be on my own
with that prick, Sjaak.
- Why not leave him?
- And go where?
-You can get another.
-Like the guy upstairs?
I've had enough of that.
I need some peace.
Gentleman, 48 years old...
Committed elsewhere
two more years.
Unpretentious, honest.
Respectable man. Sturdy build.
With serious plans.
We'll take him.
He won't want me
when he knows what I do.
That's none of his business.
Dear Sir...
I'm taking up my pen
to write to you.
I am a very young woman
who has been disappointed in love.
Where you going?
- The letter?
- For the blood bank.
We're going to donate.
For good luck.
What can we do for you?
Don't be shy, it's what we do.
- What's in there?
- Naughty boy.
Scratch it
and you'll buy a new table.
Careful with my table.
Don't scratch my table.
- You have to cluck.
- I peep.
You're supposed to cluck.
You're chickens.
Chickens cluck.
I'll peep if I want.
I'm a peeping chicken.
A peeping chicken.
Stop it.
Stop it or I won't pay a cent.
No? Then get out.
You chicken shit.
Piss off.
Or I'll shove your feathers
up your ass.
Oh, his clothes.
Piss off. Go to the zoo.
Clucking costs a quarter there.
- Can we buy just one?
- We'll take a bunch.
- Where do you want it?
- Where it can be seen.
That'll do.
What if I don't like this guy?
- Just say 'Sorry, 18/80'.
- I wouldn't dare.
I'm sure he's a doll.
Come on.
Clean and bright.
No stains.
- Don't treat him like a client.
- I'm not stupid.
- That seat is taken.
- It looks empty.
- They're not here yet.
- I'll be off then.
- Yes, ma'am?
- Coffee and cake.
- Want a cigar?
- Yes, thank you.
Here she comes.
Would you please sit elsewhere?
Yes, when I'm finished.
This is my seat.
Give it to me.
- What a horrible person.
- No manners.
May I introduce myself?
Van Schaveren.
- You're late.
- I got stuck in traffic.
It's a mess, isn't it?
- Would you like something?
- Campari.
Oh, you speak ltalian.
- No, but I could take a course.
- A course...
May we have a Campari,
a coffee and a creme carr.
Creme carr.
To a happy ending.
That was fast.
Does it bother you?
Are you the lady
I have an appointment with?
No, it was my girlfriend but she
couldn't wait any longer.
So I'm here in her place.
- But you're not at all my type.
- Nor you mine.
In addition, madam,
I find you highly vulgar.
Yes, an extremely vulgar individual.
- Vulgar?
- Yes, very vulgar.
I'll show you 'vulgar'.
- You think that's funny?
- Yes.
You're no lady either.
-Good riddance.
-Yes, but look at my dress.
That guy.
Sir... Sir...
My friend has a stain.
Here's a lady with a nice stain.
Pay close attention now.
A few drops, a clean cloth...
- Would you rather do it?
- No need to be shy.
- My dress...
- Has it ever been dyed?
Never. I just bought it.
I'm so sorry.
I'll see that you get a new one.
May I have your address,
and your size?
It's under our warranty.
Hey, sir.
Leave me alone.
- I'm sorry, I thought...
- What are you doing here?
I've got your friend's new dress
but I can't find her house.
- To the canal, then left.
- I was afraid she lived here.
- I thought...
- My friend? No, she's a proper lady.
Don't those women
ever bother you?
Never. You just have to treat
them properly.
So it's back, then left.
Thanks a lot.
We'll give you a special price.
- In a hurry?
- You're not?
Staying the night?
- Want a drink?
- Have any coffee?
Not a drink?
Later. Let's take it nice
and easy. Coffee.
You're terrific.
How do you do that six times a day?
Last time with you
was the first in months.
- Sure...
- Really.
Clients are clients.
It's just in and out.
It's been years since
I've felt like this.
And this?
That's nothing.
It's been over for years.
I bring home the bread.
- Have you been married long?
- Since July 29, 1960.
- You keep track.
- It's engraved here.
- Do you have any tea bags?
- Sure.
- How are things with you and Sjaak?
- Don't ask.
- Are you all right?
- Why do you ask?
It's noon
and you're all dressed up.
Not everyone likes a woman
to look like a slut.
It's for Sjaak.
You should paste him behind
the wallpaper and move.
Come on up, darling.
Lunch is ready.
Hello, Sjaakie. Look what I've
made for you, Sjaakie.
Enjoy it, Sjaakie.
Sjaak's back.
There'll be trouble.
- I thought he was upstairs.
- No, that's a client.
Sjaak doesn't mind
a bit of bare skin.
He's still dressed.
- Please keep Sjaak busy.
- Okay.
Nice. My TV's busted.
Could you take a look?
So, Sjaak's good enough
to lend a hand.
There's no test pattern.
- Sounds like the condenser.
- Really?
It's gotta be.
But I was enjoying your lunch.
- I don't want Sjaak to see you.
- But aren't you divorced?
- He's still a bit jealous.
- Sweetie.
When are you coming again?
As soon as I can get a day off.
Sjaak, look.
The plug's not in.
Are you totally mad?
- Very funny. I could've been killed.
- Sorry.
- What's with Mr Clean?
- Two guesses.
- Whatever, it can't be much.
- He wants to marry me.
- Yes. Bob loves me.
- Bob?
Yes, he wants me
to live with him in Eindhoven.
- Eindhoven. So you're leaving town?
- Yes. And I'm quitting the business.
I'm finished with it all.
Not good enough for you
First you needed me,
now it's all Bob.
What's that crap on the table upstairs?
- She had a client.
- You feed them now too?
He was naughty...
He didn't want to eat
so Nel had to make him.
And he paid well, right Nel?
- How much?
- 300 guilders.
Coming, darling?
The money's on the table, Sjaak.
I can go fishing all week.
I didn't get a cent.
He almost killed me.
Here, for your eye.
You can't go to Eindhoven like that.
- Eindhoven?
- You're going to Mr Clean.
To Bob?
What about Sjaak?
What about him?
You've got to get out of here.
- Am I doing the right thing?
- Got a better idea?
Will I miss the business?
Come on.
This work was never for you.
You couldn't get a canary to come.
I've got to get off.
What'll Bob say
when he sees me?
- He'll love it.
- Say hi to Piet.
- What's the address?
- I'll write.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Two coffees.
It's better this way.
You almost killed her today.
What do I do now?
I'll be lost without her.
Find another woman.
There are enough around.
Keep the change.
The coffee's already bad enough
as it is. What's wrong?
First you knock her lights out, and then
you're all tears about her leaving.
I can't live without her.
- Where'd she go?
- Do you really love her?
Where'd she go?
She went to Zwolle.
Thank you.
I won't forget this.
- I'm going after her.
- But she didn't leave an address.
- I'll find her. I guarantee it.
- Sjaak...
Olga, my darling,
I'm so sorry, but I couldn't help it.
Alone is alone. And there are
so many temptations.
Oh, Olga, I've cheated
on you again. I'm so sorry.
Olga darling,
I promise I'll change.
I won't go to other women again.
I'll never cheat on you again.
Olga, can you forgive me?
- For the last time.
- Oh, thank you.
That's enough.
Put the money there.
Okay, let it down.
Going to be more careful
in the future?
It's the sultry weather.
Moving out?
- Going to Zwolle?
- Get lost.
Did you find her?
Zwolle isn't too big.
I looked everywhere.
Even at the cattle market.
A compliment for Nel.
If I ever get my hands on her...
Come on. We're late.
- Where are we going?
- Here.
- What are we going to see?
- Patience.
- A show?
- Nee.
- A cabaret?
- No.
- What's this?
- A concert.
A concert?
Why bring me here?
- You have classical music.
- Yes, for the clients.
I play it for the mood.
They like it.
- You like it?
- No, it's boring.
- Shhh! People can hear you.
- People...
A bunch of idiots.
And put that away.
- I eat at the movies.
- This is a concert.
Here people behave,
and so should you.
I don't give a damn about
behaving properly.
Or about the concert.
They're all stupid cows.
They're all just normal people.
If you're ashamed
in front of them, forget it.
It had to end anyway.
- Because of the concert?
- My wife is pregnant.
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
I didn't want
to ruin your evening.
Nice evening. Goodbye.
- I can't just leave her.
- 'Course not.
Is it too late?
They fit, madam.
Get busy.
Yes, madam.
Pardon me, madam.
Thank you, madam.
May I continue?
What's this?
Oh, madam.
Dirty, rotten, filthy slut.
- Filthy pig.
- I do my best, madam.
- I'll even dust the chair.
- The floor.
What's that? Dust?
Dust balls.
You're a filthy pig.
You'll have to go.
No, madam. Don't fire me.
- I'll get another cleaner.
- Think of my children.
Shut up you filthy...
Sorry. Was it too hard?
Oh, madam,
it's never been so good.
Compliments from the girls.
What's the matter?
I'm so surprised.
Bob likes everything spotless.
- A royal visit from Amsterdam.
- Hi, Bob.
- Here, darling. For you.
- Thank you.
Nice of you to come.
Nel doesn't have many friends here.
Hi, guys.
- Nice.
- Lovely.
Two for the price of one.
Great buy.
I'll get dinner.
That was a flop, wasn't it?
I have something else.
- But she doesn't want it.
- She doesn't dare yet.
- Put in a good word, okay?
- Tonight?
It might take some time.
Take her back
to Amsterdam with you.
- But you'll need to do your part.
- Leave it to me.
Dinner is ready.
- How are things in Amsterdam?
- Just fine.
- And business is good.
- What do you do?
She's a seamstress.
The same as I was.
- You don't seem the type.
- No?
It's really fun,
all us girls together.
- Aren't you hungry?
- No, not really.
This isn't the first time.
Are you all right?
Maybe she should get away
for a few days.
- Where would I go?
- To Amsterdam.
- Stay with Greet for a few days.
- Say yes.
Should I really?
- Don't forget.
- No.
Bye, sweetheart.
- Sure you'll be fine?
- Of course I will.
Bye, sweetie.
-Fill 'er up, ma'am?
-Yes. Can I use the phone?
In the office.
Greet here.
Nel's coming back with me.
- Where to?
- Leo's.
- Straight to the pub?
- Of course.
It's a busy night.
- We can earn a bit.
- I didn't come for that.
Come on, let's have some fun.
Hey, guys.
Look who's here.
How about 1 50 for tonight?
You hear that? 1 50.
Nel, in one shot, like you
used to do.
One, two...
Hey, there's Nel.
How're you doing?
Still in Eindhoven?
- Coming back?
- Me? I don't know yet.
You can't go back to Sjaak.
He's with Jopie now.
Give it back.
Come on, we're going home.
- Bye, everyone.
- Bye.
- Trying to get her back?
- What do you mean?
- Leave her be.
- She wants it.
Welcome home.
- Who lives upstairs now?
- Nobody.
- You were a great success.
- I can get whoever I want.
We can get rich.
- You can sleep with me.
- And for free.
Keep your hands to yourself.
No nonsense.
- What a great evening.
- Know what?
Have the operation
and we could get married.
What about these?
- Who's that?
- Albert.
- He has an appointment.
- Not now.
Business comes first.
- You can join in, like you used to.
- You think I should?
You can make some extra cash.
Come on.
Just like before?
Follow me please, sir.
Get undressed.
Lie down.
- Look at that.
- At what, doctor?
He's been touching his wound.
It's festering.
It's a filthy mess.
What happens
if you touch your wound?
- It starts to fester, doctor.
- Right.
- We'll have to operate.
- No, please, doctor. No.
Hands off your wound.
Anaesthetic, nurse.
No, no. Not again. Please, doctor.
Not again...
Sister... Enough...
The knife.
What's up with her?
That was pretty shitty, dammit.
- Sorry, suddenly I felt sick.
- A great way to get rid of him.
- I couldn't help it.
- It cost me a pile.
Great. I'm sick
and all you think about is money.
Not your worry anymore,
now that you have a gentleman, right?
- Keep Bob out of it.
- You don't give a damn about Bob.
That's not true.
'Two for the price of one.'
What a mean thing to say.
You're trying to break us up.
Jealous bitch.
Is this what I came for?
- What are you doing?
- I'm leaving.
I've had it with whores.
- Nel's on the war path.
- Dare to be out on your own?
- Where's Greet?
- Still doing it for ten bucks?
- They asked for you.
- Yes, an eighty-year-old.
Hey, we kept a spot for you.
Or would you rather
go to Eindhoven?
What's wrong?
What's the matter?
Need you ask?
She's pregnant.
A child.
...this'll do.
- All right, dear?
- Yes.
- How's daddy doing?
- What a coincidence.
So, getting on again?
Everything is pretty good now,
with a child on the way.
A child...
It could've happened to us.
I'm silly enough.
No, it's not my thing.
Come and have a look.
My wife...
See you around.
If it's a girl,
call her Greet, okay?
How sweet.
- Nervous, darling?
- No.
They're coming.
We are the girls
From the sweat shop over there
We pay homage
For Nel's getting married
We are the girls
From the sweat shop over there
We all call out...hurrah!
Out of my way.
Hey, put me down.
Nasty bitches, filthy sluts.
...to fulfill the marital duties.
What is your answer to be?
Then I now declare that...
... Nel Mulders and Bob de Vries...
...are united in marriage.
- I won't tell, but are you one of them?
- Of what?
One of those I've seen standing
on the street. What are they called?
Sometimes. Do you mind?
No. Actually, I always wanted
to speak to one.
But I was scared.
Is that childish?
We don't bite.
Stop by and see for yourself.
- I'm a married man now.
- That's true.
Nel wouldn't approve.
Do you mind if your
husband visits a whore?
I mean, just to visit...
A joke, right, Bob?
You don't think
I'd go to a whore.
He's hilarious.
- Are you ready to go?
- But I'm having so much fun.
Come on.
- You have to work again tomorrow.
- Yes, darling.
Thanks, for everything.
Off with you now.
Is this a bad time, madam?
Madam, what a wonderful...
What an ugly mess.
Such dilicious filth.
Did you save it for me?
May I clean it all up?
The whole bit.
Madam, my cap...
...my apron, my pumps...
...my duster...
When you're ready...
I'm ready.
What's this? Dust!
Dirty, filthy, rotten bitch!