Waxwork (1988) Movie Script

I hear you were having drinks with the
butler the other night.
Now you know that sort of thing
leads to anarchy
One has to keep the distance
between them and us.
It all human beings.
Oh, isn't it terrible darling?
Two more people have disappeared.
Oh really?
Were the "us's" or "them's"
Don't be facetious darling. Now drink your milk.
You're late for college.
Mom? When are you going to let me
have some coffee in the morning?
When, you're a big boy.
I mean you know it's bad for you.
But mom, I need the
caffine! Badly!
I'll think about it. Now run
along darling.
- Your books master Loftmore.
- Thank you Jenkins.
and your coff... excuse me.
Caffine sir.
Thank you.
...and uh. Your nicotine.
- Thank you.
- Allow me sir.
Will you be wanting your,
wheels today sir?
Not today Jenkins.
I need the fresh air.
Have a nice day, sir.
I saw the greatest movie
with Mark last night?
- With Mark?
- He still likes you.
I don't give a shit.
The guy's a slob
He doesn't know how to spell
"LADY", let alone treat me like one.
You know, the last time
we went out
he actually made me
pay for a drink.
- He did?
- Yes! I'm sure.
What I need is an older man.
Something with class.
A little style. Someone who
knows how to treat a lady.
- Businessman
- Doctor
- Doctor
- Lawyer
- Lawyer - Doctor
I don't care
Yeah. Okay
So why are you
dating Johnathan?
Dating? Grow up Sarah.
One night of fun.
Anyway, Johnny may have
a lot of class, but...
...but he still has something
Mark hasn't.
What's that?
A body. I mean we're talking
major body here.
China, you're awful!
Your'e the worse!
Strange. I have never seen that before
Yeah. A weird place for a waxwork.
Maybe they don't like customers.
I'm sorry ladies.
Did I startle you?
A heart attack maybe.
Startle? No.
I see you are interrested
in my waxworks. Yes?
Yeah. In fact we were just saying it's
kind of a weird place to have one.
I mean, on a street like this.
Really? Why?
The customers and that.
We got to get back to class.
Yeah. Nice to meet you.
Come on China
I am having a private showing
tonight. At midnight.
Good time. After dinner,
but before breakfast.
You can bring some friends, of course.
No more than six though.
Otherwise I'm afraid we might be a bit full.
Oh. You're expecting a crowd.
Like I said, no more than six.
See you at midnight then.
Wooooh Scaaary.
- 'morning Mark.
- How ya felling?
I June of 1941. Hitler's operation
Barbarossa attacked the Soviet Union
and the Baltic states simultaneously.
In just a matter of a few days
the Lituanians fell under the
assault of the Nazi Blitzkrieg.
The German occupation and
Hitler's announcement
of an Ostland Republic means
the end of Lithuanian culture.
but he was just a little bit too late.
Good afternoon Herr Loftmore.
Good morning sir.
You obviously know all about
the Lithuanian struggle.
Otherwise you would have
attended the first 15 minutes
of the geschichte! Yah?
Yes sir.
Good. Tomorrow I want a 20
page essay on the subject
now sit down.
- Thank you sir.
Thanks for that phone call that
I never recieved last night.
My memory must be going.
I don't remember Johnathan
letting me use his phone.
Oh. That's gotta hurt.
You went out with
Johnathan last night?
What! Are you crazy?
...and Mr. Loftmore.
I nearly forgot!
I also want a 40 page essay
on the trouble with dictators.
I can't believe she went out
with that monster last night.
Forget her Mark.
She's a bitch.
I told her, her phone rang.
Look at that. You got on top of you,
you have a better chance with a steamer.
Heh. You know what
they say about
body builders man.
Thig big.
Stop being so foul.
Hah. The virgin has spoken.
Hey, is it true what they
say about body builders?
Well, that's for me to know.
Why didn't you let me off?
Give it a break China!
Geez. Can't even take a joke.
Save it for thepowder room babe.
This man is in pain.
They're both being real assholes.
- Thank you Sarah
- Thank you Sarah
Hey baby want to
catch a flic tonight?
A little of that back row boogie?
Oh, I don't know handsome.
I'm a little tired.
Me too, after last night.
Hey Mark. Wanna go play catch?
Incapable of doing that as well.
Alright, don't do it superman.
You couldn't count one night man.
Hey Mark, I see you made
a new friend.
I hope he'll fit though
the front door.
Yeah. So now, no more jokes.
Okay, this poor guy is in pain.
What's happening tonight guys.
I gave up drinking.
Third time this month.
Yay, ya know I was thinking a
renting a horror film.
What do ya say?
Ohh. That's a new idea.
Sounds alright.
How about you Macus?
60 pages on Lithuanian
Dictators, or something...
Well. Sarah and I were invited to
a late night waxworks show
by the handsomest gentleman.
No kidding?
Hmm. It's a private show though.
We can bring a few select friends.
Nah. Waxworks are out of date.
This is the video sage
Well, Sarah and I are going.
I bet you can.
Oh you bet. We all can't be
such modern people.
Come on Mark.
Awe hell, why not?
I'll get the maid to
write the essay.
- Yes.
- Yes!
Anyody want another drink?
It's 11:45. Let's go.
What's the rush babe? Got a date
with Johnathan after the show?
Can't a girl get laid around here
without getting burned at the stake?
Anybody got a match?
I do what I want, when I want.
Dig it or fuck off.
- Ah-Ho!
- Lets' !
We need to talk.
- Yeah, about what?
- About what. About us.
'Us' is over.
You had your chance.
You blew it.
I needed taken care of.
Not, "Hey, how about a
pizza after class babe".
I'm like for something just a
little more in a man.
A little "je ne sais quoi".
A little what?
See? You don't even speak French.
Oh, I'm sorry I am not that
good at languages. Okay?
- Yeah, well why should I
suffer for that?
Suffer? We're living in America.
Mark. You are very sweet.
But you just don't get it.
Nice place for a waxworks
Yeah. That's what we said.
It looks a little bit spooky boys,
you think we should do this?
Never fear. Tony is here.
Ladies first.
Woah. What a gentleman.
I think I'll play feminist tonight.
Guys, could we clear this up a little bit?
I'm a little worried about my maid's
knowledge of Lithuania. Okay?
Well if you are in such a rush darling,
why don't you lead the way?
- Okay toots. I will.
- Toots.
Guys. If I am going to play the hero,
at least give me a little room.
- Safety in numbers man.
- Right.
You know I...
What was that about
safety in numbers?
So were thickle.
James, I want to go home.
What? It was your idea
to come in the first place.
Yeah, but this is not my idea of fun.
Come on Gems, let's just take a look.
Just doesn't feel right guys.
Hey honey. Wait up!
Anyone else not coming?
We're right behind ya.
Oh Shit.
The old "door opening by itself scene".
Welcome to the Waxwork.
Uh. Wrong picture Tony.
We were expecting more.
Please sit down.
Make yourself comfortable.
A Drink for anyone?
Your supposed to wait
until I ring the bell.
- Get out!
- Get out!
Big Party
Hye. It's a private show.
What do you want?
If those guys are waxworks.
They definately improved them
since I was a kid.
Oh yeah? Well you didn't
have to come, you know.
I'm sure someone would've
love to taken your place.
Yes darling. And who were
you expecting?
Maurice Chevalier?
"...thank heaven for little girls..."
I don't think so babe
Well this time, I really don't
see anyone man.
Must be what we came for.
This, is killer.
They won't mind if I go in for my lighter.
Alright. Who put the acid in
my drink again... ...China?
Wait a minute.
I gave up drinking.
No. A hologram.
Hypnotism. That's it. Alright.
I'm hypnotized. Alright.
Well, uh. I hope you guys can hear me.
'caue this is hell of an illusion.
I mean I can smell the pine trees.
Okay. Um.
We got a house.
We got a house.
I guess we go to the house.
"Go Away!"
Hypnotist make this guy a
little more friendly. Ok?
"Go far from here!"
I'm gonna go in now.
Why did you burn me soup?
Jack. I know your father
was my dearest friend,
but you can do
nothing to help me.
You got the wrong guy man.
You must run jack.
As far as you can.
The full moon has already risen.
In a few moments. A ???
could happen.
It feels cold in here.
Why don't I just mosey on out?
Get some wood. We'll talk.
It is...
...too late.
Relax. Go outside.
I'll get the wood,
come back. Pour a cup
of coffee.
we'll talk about it.
We'll become friends.
Think about it. I'll be right back.
Get me the hell out of here.
I'm stuck in this cold,
nowhere to go.
No Cigarettes!
What am I supposed to do?
Entertain this asshole?
Oh. Okay. Great!
Good friends. Beautiful.
Okay. Ah. I'll talk to the guy.
I'll play your game.
I'll get the wood.
I'll talk to him. What?
Wood. Wood.
You got an axe or something?
Caribbean. The Bahamas.
A pretty girl.
A body. A bikini.
Do I get a pretty woman in
my illusion? No!
No. I get dick!
This sucks man!
I guess he didn't want to talk.
Ooooooh Shit!
Hey boys.
This ain't funny anymore.
Get me the hell outta here.
Hey. Good boy. Stay!
Dammit. We're too late.
Give me the silver bullets.
Leave it. Distract it.
Ohh. This has gotta hurt?
God forgive me.
Well, what are you supposed
to be doing, handsome?
Let's just take a little look.
Welcome my dear. We thought
you were too tired to join us.
So we started without you.
My apologies.
You honor us with your presence.
Join us.
Come to me.
You've met my sone stephan.
Please be seated.
This is Caringa...
...and Emma.
I'm so sorry your fiance
couldn't join us.
He had to leave very abruptly.
but he asked me to watch over
you at least until tomorrow.
I hope you'll find our
company satidfactory?
Raw meat.
You do like raw meat?
If not, we can have...
No. That's fine. I haven't had
steak tartare in a long time.
Steak tartare...? Oh yes.
Steak tartare.
Oh, no.
No sauce? But the sauce
makes the dish.
Oh well. Our guest doesn't
like the sauce.
No, that's Okay. Um, if you
recommend it. I'll try it.
It's a little salty.
But that's all part if its charm
I must bid you goodnight.
Louvick will show you
to your room.
Wow. What an intense dream.
Great dress.
Doesn't a gentleman knock?
If my father knew that
I was here...
...he would banish me from the castle.
He wants you for himself.
Hey. Not so fast.
Darling. Is that you?
Its me. Charles.
Yes. Charles.
Your fiance.
Don't turn it on.
I don't want you to
see me like this.
Oh, darling.
It's all a game.
It's a wax trick.
It's a game.
It isn't real.
All just a sick stupid game.
I wish it were so.
Get it off! AaaaaaH!
Thank You.
Now listen to me, carefully.
The Count is a vampire.
They all are.
You have to destroy them.
No, it's too late for that now.
No. They're real.
They could only be killed
by a crucifix, wood through
the heart or decapitation.
You're crazy.
So, my pretty. You came down
for a little midnight snack?
Don't look at his eyes.
I too feel pickish.
First, the hors d'oeuvre.
The entree.
Touch his head.
Touch his head!
Now find the cup.
Look over there!
Break the chair!
You use the leg as a stake.
Break it.
Going somewhere, my beauty?
China? Tony? Sarah?
Where are you guys?
Marquis de Sade said that sex without fear
and pain is like food without taste.
We've been doing our homework.
I've always wondered why someone
would believe in something like that.
Guilt. Society. Good and evil.
I really don't know.
I'm gonna go look for the other two.
Where the hell are they?
Somewhere around?
They're not anywhere. I looked
everywhere. I checked.
I want out of here Sarah.
I'm serious.
Getting scared?
Don't worry. They've probably
just gone home.
What? Tony and China?
Oh. Jealousy wearing its ugly head.
I'm not kidding. I want to get
out of here now. Okay?
I've hoped you have enjoyed your visit.
Ah. Yes. Thank you, it was
quite enjoyable.
Your two friends left earlier.
Uh huh.
They seemed, loving by much.
Tony and China?
What is it with this girl?
One day it's me, the next day
it's Charles Atlas., and now
Tony. What does she want?
Then why do you still like her?
Like her. I don't know
if I ever liked her.
It's just you want what
you can't get
I know what you mean.
- Hello?
Hello, Mrs. Webster?
Uh huh.
Is China there?
No. Johnathan.
She went to a waxwork party.
A party at theh waxwork, huh?
Can I give her a message?
You don't happen to have the
address, do ya?
Guys. China. where are you?
Ah shit.
My god.
Good evening.
I own this waxworks.
Look. I'm sorry. You know I.
I, I didn't meant to...
I was just following a friend here
for some laughs, you know.
I'll be leaving.
Well that's alright. What's the point
of having all these beautiful works
of art if you can't appreciate them?
This for instance.
In't the figure wonderful?
Is it the actual mask?
As worn by the phantom.
In the movie the "Curse of the Opera".
They made a movie about
the Phantom of the Opera?
Would you like a close look?
Step in please.
They'll make a movie about
anything nowadays.
I would invite you in, but it's late
That's okay.
No Mark.
Why not?
I don't know.
I really like you and think
you're very attractive.
Come on.
No. I am serious.
It's... it's just. I don't know. I...
I'm looking for something else.
It's okay. It's alright.
Now go get some sleep.
Come on. Scram. Get out of here.
Thank You.
(Jabbering in Spanish)
Shhhh. Be very Quiet.
Are you finished?
Yes. But you know,
my English is not so good.
No, no. It's okay.
Great. Footnotes and everything.
You are an angel.
The trouble with dictators. I think
the dictators are the bad people
they have the shouting voices
and the small mustaches?
Okay. I'm sorry. I... I'm just a
little upset. Okay?
Could you tell her that Mark called, please?
Okay, thank you.
Hi Steve. Here, it's Mark.
Is Tony there?
He's not. Could you tell
him that I called please?
Thank You.
...and I spoke to Steve, and he
didn't know where Tony was.
So then I went by the waxwork this
No one was there. I mean, maybe
they've been kidnapped guys. Really.
Or even worse.
Boiling wax.
Mark. Maybe she had
another party to go to.
More like a motel to go to.
You know China.
No, no James.
It's not like that.
Tony and China. They're just friends.
That's not what you said last night.
Okay, so maybe I was a
little over emotional.
A little?
Sarah. I really don't care
who China is screwing anymore.
I really don't.
But I am positive that it's not Tony.
So where are they?
I still vote for the motel.
I'm going to give them till this afternoon,
and if we don't find them. I am
going to the police. I swear.
You know how many people
have gone missing in this area
in the last two weeks?
That's a hell of a lot of people
in two weeks.
And now another two.
and you're telling me they've
been kidnapped, and boiled in wax.
All I know, is that there is something
going on in that waxworks.
Come on kid.
You can give me a better story than that.
I told you everything that I know. Yes!
Okay, but if this some kind of sick joke
I'll have your balls in the slammer
so fast, you won't have
time to squeal.
Do you understand me?
Watch this. This weird little tiny
guy who is addicted to
helium is going to open the door.
Weird and tiny, huh?
- Hi.
- Hi.
I'm inspector Roberts. I'd appreciate
a look around your waxwork,
if that would be convenient.
Yes, of course. Why?
This young man claims that he had
some friends visited last
and uh. Well, they disappeared.
Ah haha. Well come on in. Please.
You know inspector, we're not
open yet, so I doubt if they
visited this waxwork.
You gonna swallow that shit?
You, shut up.
I'm sorry. You were saying?
Yes, well. It's just that it couldn't
possibly be this waxwork,
unless they broke in after dark.
What? Oh, come on!
I don't believe this.
Of course you can feel free to
wonder around if you wish.
It would be a pleasure.
You, stay here.
I wanna show you a waxwork
Oh, this is wonderful.
You know, I have always been
fascinated with Egyptian history.
Yes. It has always been
one of my favorites too.
Would you like a closer look?
It's all rather morbid though,
isn't it?
Well, it does seem to be
what the people want.
Yes. I guess you're right.
Sure you wouldn't like a personal look?
Really. I must be going.
You're gonna fall for that?
What else do you want me to do?
This isn't Russia, you know.
Whar are ya going to do? Wait for
the next person to disappear,
and then the next? Why don't
you do something?
Listen kid. I know you are worried.
Why don't you just go home
your friends probably left a message
for you there. Now relax.
That's it.
Never. Never underestimate the
political significance of
mein kampf as literature...
I'm sorry I am late sir.
I'm so sick I...
I don't know what's wrong with me.
I feel nauseous. Uh, Sarah's
gonna tell it's an incredibly contagious
disease. Excuse me, I gotta get through
here. Sarah's got to... You got to
come with me to the hospital.
to get x-rayed. Come here.
I got swollen glands
and my tongue is coated.
Pustules. It's terrible sir.
I think I'm going to puke. Things are
going to come as big as possible.
I'm sorry sir. I'll bring her back
as soon as possible.
Come on.
You aren't sick! We could
get expelled for this!
What the fug you doing?
Listen. I think I know
what is going on. Okay?
I went to the waxkork today
and met this man.
Oh that explains everything.
You don't understand. I recognized his face.
Big deal.
Are you sure you don't want
me for call for backup?
First I want to see if I am
imagining things.
'you alright?
I'll let you know.
If my mother caught me up
here, she'd kill me.
Whose is all this?
My grandfather's. Well,
most of it anyway.
He was a very strange man. He
was fascinated by death and horror.
My afamily never really aknowledges him,
apart from that portrait in the dining room.
Come over here.
Listen to this.
Last night, Millionaire Michael Loftmore
was found murdered in his drawing room.
His body was badly burnt, and he seemd
to have died in great pain.
The only thing missing from the house
was the collection of 36 artifacts.
all belonging to Loftmore.
...and the it goes on.
Now listen to this. The only clue is the
disappearance of Mr. David Lincoln,
Loftmore's chief helper of the house.
- Well?
- Well.
"This Mr. Lincoln".
And that's the man I saw at
the waxwork.
That's the same man I
originally met, with China.
But he hasn't aged.
Mark, what's happening?
I don't know.
but I know where we can find out.
Come on Nigel. Just don't stand there.
Give me a hand.
Come on Nigel.
Help the professor darling.
This one is a heavy one.
Come on Nigel. Give me a hand.
Push the darn thing.
The curse.
Those who desecrate the tomb of Rhaol
will be condemmed to a painful death
by hands of...
It's the mummy.
Let's get the hell out of here.
The door!
Push up the door.
There's a lever here someplace.
Have you got gun or anything?
Yes in my bag. Probably on the
side of the tomb.
Don't just lie ther. Open the damn door!
Hello Mark! Sit down dear fellow.
Sit down.
I am.
Sir Wilfred, this is Sarah Brightman.
This is Sir Wilfred, my godfather.
Call me Wilfey. Everyone else does.
Now. How about a whiskey?
Maybe something stronger?
No thank your sir, we're fine.
So. Now, what's so urgent?
Well, it's a long story.
Oh , love it.
I think Sarah shoould start.
Even better.
Don't have to look at your ugly mug.
Now come on young lady. HaHah.
Haven't got all day.
Well, it all started when a friend and I...
China and I were walking to class,
in the one neighborhood,
and we ran into this man...
What the hell did you kill him for?
We still need two more.
He would've been perfect!
That's alright. I'm sorry I shouted.
You got to learn your own strength.
You're a big boy now.
Very big.
Hans have better find some new visitors.
We're running out of time.
Get rid of that. It's useless.
Mark found the article in the attic,
and uh, about the murder and Mr. Lincoln.
And, so that's why he thought
we should come and see you.
This is very serious. You see your
grandfather, bless him,
who collected over the years, 18
trinkets. Belong to 18 of the most
evil men that have ever been.
Divide 18 into 3.
6, 6 and 6
Yes. The number of the Devil.
Your grandfather and I were
fascinated by all that horror stuff.
We talked about it. we played
a little. Never took it too seriously.
Mr. Lincoln, obviously does.
Who is this Mr. Lincoln?
Well, he had his own waxwork show
in San Francisco, but it failed
before he started working
with your grandfather.
He murders my grandfather 40 years ago,
and yet he still doesn't look a day over 50.
If you sold your soud to the Devil,
you'd never age either.
Sell my soul?
Any student of black magic can do it.
Most of these books will tell you how.
So what happens when you have sold out?
You've got yourself a regular job,
as Satan's disciple.
Doing what?
- Tipping the scales.
Ruining that delicate balance
between good and evil.
I think that our list to Lincoln has
found a very effective way of doing it.
As a fool to belief, if by making a wax
effigy of an evil being
containing a belonging of his that
he possessed in earthly form
and feeding him the soul of a
believing victim,
you can bring him back to life.
But what you have discovered is
even more terrifying.
You see, your grandfather not
only collected their belongings,
but also a small piece from
the dwelling of .
What Lincoln has done, is to recreate
a whole scene from each character's life.
which becomes like a small time vessel.
The wholw display is the ghost
not just the figures.
He does not need to kill anyone,
sacrifice, or use spells. He just sits
back while the display does it for him,
until the day when there were 18 victims.
A time when 18 of the most evil souls
were ever been... sould live again.
Destroying the world,
with the help of their possessed.
The voodoo and the world.
And the dead shall rise
and consume all things.
Can tis be stopped?
Maybe before the event.
Never after.
WHat can we do?
Must burn the waxworks,
but most important.
The ones that have not yet claimed lives,
that way,
the chain can never be finished.
Now, you must hurry.
I wish I could help, but I could only
be a hindrance.
You must go now.
Come on Sarah.
Thank you Sir Wilfred.
- Good luck.
Tell the others our Mr. Lincoln
has been found.
It has begun.
Why can't we just burn it
down from the outside?
Right. They douse the flames, and
we get arrested for arson.
That would be nice. Now, we've got
to burn down each displayed ourselves.
Let's find our way around back.
I can't see a damn thing.
Give me my lighter.
Don't worry, it's only wax.
There's a light switch.
Sarah. What are doing?
Come on. We have to burn the
victims and the displays.
Move it!
Come on girl. Move it.
Sarah. Come on!
To the divine lunch monkey.
Well. Do we go riding or have you
something slightly more vigorous
for this afternon's entertainment?
I don't know about you, your majesty,
but I do get so bored with whipping...
How would you like to ride this little
filly until she drops?
What a wonderful idea.
What fine lines.
So fit.
So Unbroken.
Some day you must show me
the rest of your stable.
Shall we how long it will
take to break her?
May I?
But of course.
Please. Have a seat.
What a beautiful sight. No?
First, I'm going to warm you up.
With the prince's riding prop.
And at which, I am going to hand you
to the prince and his consults
to use you like the whore
you are. Then, my beauty,
I shall beat you again.
Until you die.
This isn't real.
None of this is real.
I was forced here. If I don't believe
in you, the you don't exist.
Shit, I hope I'm right.
Grab him!
(Speaking French)
I'm sorry. I've never been
very good at languages.
I've never seen a girl take so much.
She's even a bigger whore than
her face betrays.
They why you stop Marquis?
Beat here more.
Your highness. If I beat her more,
she may not survive,
and then you won't have a chance
to feel this white virgin flesh.
Then we shall pleasure another of
your sluts.
I want to see this whore
die at the whip now.
Yes your highness' wishes.
Well, my pretty rose. You die.
Lucky bitch!
That's because she's a virgin and
gets to get beaten in
front of the English prince.
I mean that, we were all virgins once.
Don't stop.
Don't stop.
Don't let him take me.
I seems she prefers our
company, young man.
I must say, your girlfriend gave us
quite an entertaining show.
What a SLUT she is.
Until the girl dies, you don't really exist.
You're just trapped in your little world.
Your words mean nothing.
Oh. Don't be angry
just because she had her first
orgasm at the end of a whip,
and not by your touch.
- Sarah, listen to me.
- Go away.
Remember Tony? China? These people
butchered your friends.
Don't you understand?
You're being possessed.
It all started when you
looked into the display.
These people may have killed your friends,
but they can't harm you.
Not unless your mind allows them to.
Your friend has quite an imagination.
Come on.
Shoot me!
Hit me!
Or are you scared?
Afraid to look like a cowrad.
Afraid that you might see that the
Marquis de Sade can only beat little girls,
and can't fight like a real man.
See Sarah?
Don't look so slug boy.
We shall be meeting again.
This is the barrier. If you don't believe
in all of this, then the barrier...
...it can't stop you.
Are you ready?
Well it looks like your little plan failed.
Just a little precaution.
Are you sure they are going to be here?
Honey, I know as much as you.
Some guy with a squeaky voice
called and said meet them here at midnight.
They are good, aren't they?
I suppose so.
Wow, the glasses from
"Nutty Zombies from Hell".
I gotta have those for my collection.
Hey Ge...
No one's going to miss them.
-They was late.
- Shut up and watch.
It's done.
Live my children
There's nowhere to run.
What the...
He's right you know.
There is nowhere to run.
Even one of hese gets out, the world
be contaminated within a few days.
Our only chance is to contain them here.
Before this whole rotting place
is brought to the ground.
Enough with it, if we have to.
Role here. I am ready. Sir.
Good evening sir.
Very good.
Now these belonged to your grandfather.
Use them wisely.
Let's make sure that these wise asses
are dead before we burn them.
James. It's me. Sarah.
james, it's me.
It's okay.
- China. What happened?
- Shhh. It's okay.
I missed you so much.
It's altright sir.
She, um. Wasn't human you know.
She's been dead a long tome.
Come on. We've got battles to win.
Come on sir.
- Kiss me Sarah.
- Kiss this!
You've always wanted me.
Here's your chance baby.
You afraid of me?
Take this.
Jenkins! Behind you!
Jenkins. Get you some help?
Too late for that sir.
Give my love to the Mrs.
Get those bastards.
Get off.
Get off me.
Quick! He's changing!
Make my day.
You! You little bastard!
Now we shall see.
Who is the real man?
Kill the whimp.
School time is over.
Now, you die.
How romantic.
One last thing before you kill us Lincoln.
You know my name.
I should. You murdered my grandfather.
You're a Loftmore.
Old lord's grandchild.
Well well well what a coincidence.
It's such a small world.
Well then why do you want to end it?
Somebody has to.
See you in hell.
You okay Sarah?
Would you like a closer look?
Watch out. The flames
Go away. I don't .
Save yourselves.
Oh my goodness.
It's our only chance.
SUBTITLE CREATED by Carbonerous 2016