Way Back Home (2011) Movie Script

- Happy birthday Jessie!
- Thank you, Daddy!
You're four years old now!
Are we there yet?
I wanna see the turtles!
There will be lots of turtles
on the beach!
Come on, kids!
Amy, what's wrong with Jeff?!
He might've eaten something.
I'll go to the front desk.
Maybe there's a doctor here.
- Okay.
- Hold on.
Let's go inside.
- You can wash up and take a nap, Jeff.
- But what about the turtles, Mom?
The turtles, Mom!
Later, Jessica.
- Mom!
- Later, Joanna. Stay with your sister.
Come, Joanna! Let's go!
Over there!
Joanna, hold my hand.
Sis, are we going to the turtles?
Let's hurry! We might not see them!
Let's go, Joanna!
They're so many!
Sis, look at them.
Joanna, look!
There are more turtles over there!
Joanna, let's go there!
Little turtle rushing to meet the sea
Broke out of your shell,
you're now free
Little turtle on a long journey
Embrace the waves,
follow your destiny
Little turtle searching for that place
Where time stands still
and everyone stays
Little turtle, have you found a home?
Where you are loved and never alone.
Little turtle, nurse your broken heart
For there's no going back
to the start.
Wow! This looks good!
No! That's for Mom.
That's her favorite!
I cooked that for her.
Little turtle,
drowning in an ocean of pain
Let your tears wash away with the rain
Come on, Jess!
We've been friends much longer!
Oh, sorry. Are you okay?
I am. Are you hurt?
Do you really care if I got hurt?
- Little turtle,
- Let's go.
aren't you getting tired
Pretending you never
really died inside?
Wow! Congratulations, Jess!
Just two mistakes!
Why you look so sad?
- That Froggy got a perfect score!
- So?
I have to graduate
as batch valedictorian.
I want to give Mom a reason
to attend my graduation.
Little turtle,
stop reaching for the sun.
In her eyes, you belong in the ocean.
Little turtle lost at sea,
Rise above your misery.
Good! 40.09 seconds!
You beat your old record!
I want to win coach.
I have to win.
Little turtle lost at sea,
Remember how it used to be.
Little turtle lost at sea,
You will be found...
Good poem, Jessica!
"Little Turtle Lost At Sea".
You used a wonderful
metaphor for your sister.
Thank you, Sir.
Okay, you may take your seat.
- So class,
- I expect that your poems are...
- It's so touching.
- as good as Jessica.
- Really, Jessie.
Now, who wants to go next?
Yes, Luisa!
Ma'am, I'll go ahead.
- Okay, Giselle. Thank you.
- Good night, Ma'am.
- Guard, I'll go ahead.
- Okay, Ma'am!
- Miss Chedeng! Miss Tasing!
- Going home?
Yes, ma'am!
Ana is so polite, isn't she?...
My child...
- Hello...
- God bless you.
It's fine.
Ana, your Aunt Tida and I
are going to the resort.
They need some help in
the kitchen and waiters too.
Really, Ma?
That would help us in our
household expenses...
especially now that your Uncle Dado's
boat isn't working.
Ana, why aren't you
wearing your shoes?
I don't want to wear them out.
We don't have money
to buy a new ones.
We also don't have money
to pay for your hospital bills...
if you acquire tetanus.
Ma, I'm your daughter.
We Bartolome kids are strong, right?
No way am I getting tetanus!
Fine, whatever you say!
Here comes San Antonio's champion!
Go idol!
Go idol!
- Go idol!
- Go idol!
- Go idol!
- Backstroke
Come, Buboy!
And the winner is Ana Bartolome!
- Sis.
- What?
Do you have something for me?
What did the thin fish
say to the fat fish?
You're off the scales!
- Sis, my turn!
- Yes?!
What do you call a fish
that wears bra?
I thought you didn't know that joke!
Junior, I'm the expert
when it comes to fish jokes!
- Just serve the spring onions later.
- Yes, ma'am.
Has Lewinsky eaten yet?
Yes, Sir. We already fed him.
Very good!
Mom is still in a meeting.
I guess we have to go ahead.
Ma! Auntie!
Ana, why are you still up?
Just finishing my school project.
I'm going to sleep.
I'll take care of this.
- Ma...
- Yes?
We don't have any
leftovers from dinner.
It's okay. We ate already.
Just get me a glass of water.
Right away, Ma.
Ana Bartolome Reminisces.
Whenever I swim,
I remember my Papa...
and how he swam
against the tides of life,
for his beloved family.
Don't be shy! It's fantastic!
I got good grades
in school for my writing.
Your Papa was just good
in one subject - recess.
I miss your Papa.
I'm really sorry.
For what?
If I went home sooner that day,
Papa wouldn't have
gone looking for me.
We would have him until now.
don't blame yourself
for your Papa's death.
It wasn't your fault, okay?
Do you remember the song I taught
you to sing whenever you're scared?
Yes Mommy!
Heaven, heaven,
heaven when I'm with you.
Darkness, darkness,
turns into night
In the gentle breeze,
I feel your gentle kiss
your love, my love...
forever you'll bring
Hi, mom.
Did you just got home?
Would you like me
to make you dinner?
I'm not hungry.
- Mom, next week, it's my birth...
- It'll be 12 years next week.
Do you remember?
Twelve years since
we lost your baby sister.
What were you saying
about next week?
Nothing, Mom.
Just don't stay up too late.
It's not good for you.
Good night.
Joanna, let's go see the turtles!
Wow! They're amazing!
I would want to take them home.
There are more turtles there!
Come, let's go there!
Hurry! Hurry!
Where are you?
What's wrong?
Where's your sister?!
I looked away and then
she was gone...
What happened?!
Where is Joanna?!
Where is Joanna?
I told you to stay put
and wait for Daddy!
Why won't you just behave?!
If anything happens
to your sister...
- Joanna!
- Amy!
Stay here. Don't go anywhere.
Dried fish!
Dried fish!
Dried fish!
- Hey!
- Dried fish!
You got me there!
Why are you still here?
Haven't your classes started?
Classes start tomorrow.
Your slippers are already worn out.
Use mine.
These are fine.
If your classes start tomorrow,
shouldn't you be leaving already?
But you have yet to hear
my new fish joke.
So, what's it?!
What did the fish say to
the other fish at the party?
Hold this.
'Sup 'sup!
It's not even funny! What's the joke?
But seriously, why are you still here?
Aren't you excited
to see your crush...
Aira! Aira!
She's not my crush!
Then it must be your
other classmate, Margaux!
The one you always talk about!
I bet it's her!
She's not my crush.
I don't believe you!
So, who's your crush then?
You are...
so nosy!
I told you to use my slippers.
See, you tripped.
Take care of your feet.
Don't you have a match this Saturday?
And my crush isn't from Manila,
and I'm not gonna
tell you who she is.
Come on!
You smell good!
Did you put on fish cologne?
- Very funny!
- Ouch!
We had a good game!
How are you?
We're gonna go, man.
- Good game!
- Next time.
How are you, Lewinsky?
Hi Jessie.
Wow. You're asking how my dog is.
Because most of the time,
dogs are easier to talk to.
They don't lie and pretend
like their owners do.
And I'm lying and pretending?
You are.
That poem about the turtle.
It's not about the sister you lost.
It's about you.
You are the little lost turtle.
Why do you hate me so much, AJ?
I don't hate you.
I just don't want to be
friends with you anymore.
You're complicated!
You once said that all you
wanted was to be loved.
Yet when someone loved you,
you turned him away.
- Buboy, game!
- Game!
Is the timer ready?
Hold on, Sis.
Idol, the tide is strong.
Please be careful, sister.
Don't worry.
I'm not going to drown.
Promise, you'll come back?
Of course!
Timer's ready, Sis! Game!
- Okay, game!
- Sis, practice first!
For Mama! For Junior! For Buboy!
For Grandma!
Even if she's grumpy?
Even so!
And of course, for Papa!
- Go Idol!
- Go Idol!
The winner...
Arnel Diaz of Morato High School!
What do fish win in competitions?
Are you ready to win a trofish?
I feel like I'm a fish
being sliced and filleted.
I'm so nervous I could die.
Why are you so nervous?
My opponents are really good!
See that pretty girl?
She's won this event
three years in a row!
So what?
You're still the winner in my heart.
You have to step it up!
You are our school's
last hope of winning!
You can beat that Santiago girl!
Are you ready?
Sir, I need to pee.
What?! Pee in the pool!
I feel like pooping
and barfing too...
I gotta go...
Jess, I want you to do your best.
You will win this again.
- You can do it! Okay.
- Yes, Coach.
Amy, where are you?
Jessie's event is about to begin!
I'm already here. In the washroom.
Hurry up!
Okay. Thanks.
You can do this, Ana.
You can do this.
Good luck.
Thank you, ma'am.
Heaven, heaven...
Ana, the race is about to start.
Come on!
Joanna?! My child!
Ladies and gentlemen!
This is the 25th Salvador-Martinez Cup!
We now come to the much-awaited
100-meter women's freestyle division.
Introducing first,
starting on lane one...
Jandy Sombillo
of Holy Spirit High School.
Lane number two,
Camille Guerrero of Ridgemont College
Lane number three...
Marjarey Kasel Politico,
- of Southridge College
- For Mama, for Papa...
for Junior, for Buboy, for Grandma.
Lane number five, Ana Bartolome
of San Miguel High School
Lane number six, Jessica Santiago
of Colegio De San Martin.
Go Jessie!
Go Ana!
Go Ana!
Go Jessie!
- Go, go, go, Jessie!
- Go Jessie!
- Go Jessie, go!
- Go!
- Go Jessie!
- Go!
Go Ana!
And the winner is
- lane number five,
- Yes!
Ana Bartolome from
San Miguel High School.
- This is for you, Papa.
- Second place lane number six,
Jessica Santiago.
- Amy!
- Ariel! Jeff!
Did you see her?
Did you see your sister?!
She was so good!
Too bad she didn't win.
She won!
Yes, second place.
No! Not Jessica, Joanna!
The winner, that's Joanna!
I finally found her!
I found our daughter, Ariel!
Hey Jessie, you did great.
Thanks Dad.
I'm sorry I only placed second...
It's okay.
The important thing
is your sister's here.
You're the best!
You're indeed the best!
You're the pride of Zambales!
- Look at this, Michael!
- Wow! Amazing!
Joanna, my child!
I waited 12 years.
I searched for you.
I always believed you were alive!
- Twelve years...
- Amy.
I'm sorry.
I don't understand...
Sir Stan?
Excuse me, lady. Are you okay?
Joanna, don't you remember me?
I'm your mom!
I'm sorry.
Are you her father?
I'm her teacher.
Your wife sounds crazy.
No, I'm not!
She's my daughter!
- Joanna, I'm your mom...
- Amy, calm down.
I'm sorry.
It's just that 12 years ago,
we lost our daughter.
And my wife thinks
that you're our daughter...
That's impossible.
My name is Ana.
Ana Bartolome.
I know Ana and the Bartolomes.
And I'm sure she's not
the child you're looking for!
I can prove to you
that she is my daughter.
- Ana, wait!
- Joanna, our song!
The song, baby!
What... song?
The one I taught you
when you were young.
Do you remember?
Heaven, heaven,
heaven when I'm with you.
Darkness, darkness turns into night
Do you remember now,
my baby?
You're not my mother. I'm sorry.
Let's go.
Joanna... Joanna.
Let's go!
Joanna... she's my daughter.
That's Joanna!
Why wouldn't you believe me?!
I want to but this
is not the first time!
But this time I'm sure, Ariel!
That girl is Joanna!
And if she's not, then what?!
Isn't it enough that we
lost her once already?!
How many times are we
going to get heartbroken?!
How long are you
going to be in mourning?!
When will you allow
yourself to be happy?
When will you ever allow
this family to be happy?!
I'm sorry,
if I'm getting in the way
of your happiness!
And I'm sorry,
if I can't easily forget Joanna
just like all of you have!
And I'm so sorry, Ariel,
if I never stopped
loving my daughter!
I'll do everything
to have Joanna back!
So just because I chose to move on,
I didn't love Joanna?!
Just because I couldn't cry
in front of you, I wasn't hurting?!
Is that what you think?!
- Ana is amazing, isn't she?
- She is!
Help yourself.
Let's eat.
- Grab a plate!
- I will!
Don't be shy.
Help yourself. Eat as much as you
want. I cooked all of that.
Why so serious?
What's up?
I don't look like any of them.
You don't have a twin.
You're the only one...
in my life...
in all our lives, I mean.
If I had a fish now,
I'd turn it into...
a flat iron.
A flat iron?
I'd use it on your face
to straighten out that frown!
There! Smile!
If losing my identity...
and my family
is the price of winning,
then how I wish
I'd just lost the race.
Is that really my name?
Dad, to be honest,
I don't want her to be my sister.
She beat me.
Dad, but if she really is Joanna,
if we can complete
our family again...
I'd let her win every time.
Dad, please.
Let's find Joanna for Mommy.
I'll go to bed now.
Go ahead Ma!
We'll take care of everything here.
Ana, the bucket is full already.
The councilor told me
he'll ask the mayor...
to give you a scholarship
to go to college in Manila.
If you study there,
you could get a job
in the canteen
of Michael's aunt.
You're so quiet.
Is there a problem?
Are you okay?
I don't look like you.
And I don't look like Papa either.
Might as well.
We're not really all that attractive.
When I was in Manila,
a stranger approached me.
She knows the song
that you taught me,
the one you always
hum to me when I cry.
The woman said she
taught me that song.
And she says that...
I'm the daughter she lost.
Ma, you were the one who
taught me that song, right?
Even if I don't look like you,
you gave birth to me, right?
you are my mother, right?
Excuse me, do you know
where Ana Bartolome lives?
Ana? That's her.
Sister, is that your classmate?
Thank you, Lerma.
Joanna is really small for her age.
Actually, she and Jessica
are just months apart.
We asked her for her name.
We only heard "Ana".
We didn't know it was "Joanna".
Didn't you try looking for us?
Ana could only give her name then,
but not her surname.
And we didn't know when and where
Ana got in in our jeepney.
We had stopovers in Manila...
- and Pampanga as well.
- We did.
Thank you for taking care
of Joanna, Lerma.
Where's Berto?
He's dead.
My son died six years ago.
Ana hadn't come home yet.
So, my son went out
to sea to find her.
Little, did he know he'll die...
Are you sure..
that Ana..
is Joanna?
It's the same child in our pictures.
And I'm sure a DNA test
will prove that Ana is Joanna.
- We can do that.
- Amy.
Lerma, you're a mother, too.
If it's your child, you just know.
For Mama, for Buboy!
For Junior! For Grandma!
And, of course, for Papa!
They play with your medal
like it's a toy.
Aren't you worried
they might lose it?
It's okay.
Contests and prizes
are not important to me.
Then, you didn't deserve to win it.
You shouldn't have joined the race...
so that the medal could have gone to
somebody who actually wanted it.
I'm sorry.
You really don't remember us?
I'm sorry.
I can't remember anything...
You're lucky,
you can't remember us.
Unfortunately for us,
we never forgot you.
You were always in our minds,
especially Mom's.
And that which
stays in the mind,
is never gone from the heart.
Brother Jeff, game! For Grandma!
And of course, for Papa!
If idol is really your sister,
why don't you look like her?
You don't look like her either.
Don't we look alike?
- Joanna.
- Ana.
Joanna, I've longed to embrace
you all these years.
I miss you so much.
Joanna, why don't you
go pack your things.
Let's go home.
Are you okay, Joanna?
It's Ana.
Ana, is there a problem?
I'm sorry.
I hope you don't take
this the wrong way...
but I cannot come with you.
What's wrong Joanna?
It's Ana.
I'm so grateful that we
meet each other again.
I'm thankful that you
haven't forgotten me.
But my life is already here.
My family's here.
You would rather stay with
them than come with us?!
You think this is easy for us?!
Why won't you come
back home with us?!
I can't decide if you're
insensitive or just stupid!
That's too much!
We are your family.
You belong with us, Joanna.
It's Ana.
I'm very sorry.
I can't go with you.
I'm sorry.
You looked so different back then.
But you were cute...
when you still had four legs.
What happened to
your other two legs?
And where's your tail?!
Who cut it?! Who?! Tell me!
Stop it!
Why didn't you go with them, Ana?
They came for Joanna Santiago,
not Ana Bartolome.
They were looking for Joanna,
but they found Ana.
Ana, Joanna they're both you.
I know I'm Ana.
But I don't know how to be Joanna.
I don't know if I even
want to be Joanna.
Do you think..
I would have a better life..
if I didn't get lost?
If you didn't get lost,
you wouldn't have gone here,
you wouldn't have met me.
But it's true!
If you didn't wander into
your Papa Berto's jeep,
then you wouldn't have
a best friend who accepts you...
as you are, fins, tails, legs and all.
I'm one of a kind!
You're lucky to have me
for your best friend.
We should have stayed.
Let's go back tomorrow.
Can we not talk
about this right now?
Yes, Mom.
Can we please not talk about
people who are not here,
because they don't want to be here?
Joanna is not here because..
..of me!
Come on!
Say it!
It's my fault!
If only I obeyed you,
then Joanna would still be here.
It's my fault, right?!
It's my fault! I'm to blame! Say it!
Jessie... Jessie, that's enough.
Come on, Mom.
Say it! It's my fault!
Everything is my fault!
It's my fault she forgot us!
It's my fault Joanna
chose to stay there!
It's my fault she chose
a different family!
It's all my fault!
Jessie, stop it.
There! I admitted it!
What about you, Mom?!
When will you admit
that it's all you're fault
that this family
is so messed up?!
Madam, where are you going?
Lerma, looks like you're
starting a bit late.
Hey, hey, hey!
What was that?
Oh, no!
What happened, Jessie?
Throw it away.
There's no use for it now.
Thank you, Amy!
You're welcome!
I'm gonna wear this.
Mommy of Idol Ana,
thank you for all of these!
Are you and Mama going back
to the market tomorrow?
Don't get used to this.
Are these enough for dinner later?
It's more than enough.
This could last us until dinner.
I hope we never get used to this.
I'll do it.
Does Joanna love
tamarind pork stew?
Ana, I mean.
- Yes! She loves it really sour.
- The kind that makes you tingle?
That kind of sour, yes!
She really is my daughter then.
When I make adobo,
- she doesn't like it with...
- Peppercorn!
But laurel leaves are a must-have!
Her favorite snack is...
Bread rolls dipped in ketchup!
She must have gotten that from you.
Oh, no. From her dad.
Mommy of Idol,
should I also call you "mommy"?
No! Only Idol Ana
can call her "mommy".
It's okay.
Mommy of Idol Ana is too long.
Mommy of Idol Ana,
the fried chicken is so yummy!
Fried chicken everyday
until the end of the world!
Is this your favorite
part of the chicken?
Yes. And Mama's too.
Ma, you want some?
How about you, Amy?
What's your favorite chicken part?
The leg.
Leave it to me.
Aren't they looking for you?
Do you want me to go home now?
Ah, it's not that.
- I just thought that...
- Ana...
Do you feel uneasy
when I come visit you?
A little bit...
I understand, baby.
You do?
You don't know..
how much I want..
to take you home with me, Ana.
But I know that if I take
you away from here,
from your friends...
your brothers...
your Mama Lerma...
I came here to bring you home, Ana.
But I realized,
you are already home.
I just want..
a little place for me in your heart...
just a small...
tiny space in your heart, baby.
That's all I ask, Ana.
- Sir.
- Coach Rey is looking for...
Jessica Santiago.
She's not answering my calls
and text messages.
Her friends told me that you
might know where she is.
So, this is how you wanna
spend your birthday?
How pathetic.
What do you care?!
Give it to me!
- No. Come and get it.
- Give it back! That's mine!
Give it back! Give...
You're such a hassle, you know.
Everyone's asking me where you are.
I'm sorry then.
There was a time when you didn't
think I was a hassle in your life.
There was a time when I was
foolish enough to think that...
when I tell you I love you,
you'd say it back.
But you just laughed to my face.
And I'm not gonna give you another
chance to do that to me again.
So, what should I tell them?
I'm dead.
Shut up and be serious, Jess.
What's the problem?
We found Joanna.
I heard.
Isn't that a good thing?
It should be.
Or so I thought...
I've been praying
for this for years...
for our family to be whole again.
So that everything will be okay again.
But why isn't everything okay?
What do you mean?
You know..
I didn't feel happy
when I saw her again.
I'm horrible, right?
I tried to feel good about it.
I even persuaded Dad
to look for Joanna.
I thought my feelings would change.
I wanted my feelings to change.
They never changed.
I'm so pissed off.
I was so mad when I saw
how happy Mommy was.
She never smiled at me...
or looked at me the way
she does with Joanna.
I was so angry at her..
when she chose not to come with us.
Because it broke my Mom's heart.
You know what I don't
want to feel again?
I feel guilty because...
I feel guilty because I'm happy.
I'm happy that Joanna..
is never coming back.
Goodness, Jessie!
Where have you been?
Quick, quick!
Sir! Ma'am!
Jessie's here!
- Happy birthday!
- Sir! Ma'am!
- I'm sorry.
- I'm so sorry.
Happy birthday, Jessie.
Your Mommy has a surprise for you.
Happy birthday, Jess!
Here is our surprise for you!
Happy birthday!
Ana, come here.
Hello, Sis.
Happy birthday.
Bad trip.
What are you doing?
Sis, let's put all these back
so that you can rest.
Where will you sleep?
Are you going to do that every night?
I'm sorry, Sis.
I thought you were already asleep.
You once asked me if I can't
remember you anymore.
I can remember that song
that Mom taught me.
That's how we found you, remember.
Yes, Sis.
What I mean is,
I can still remember that.
And I can still remember
that when we were kids,
I was so afraid of the monsters
in our bedroom.
Sis, I don't want here.
There are monsters.
I'm scared!
But then you lay down beside me..
so I won't be scared anymore.
Don't be afraid. Sis Jessie is here.
Leave the monsters up to me.
You can borrow Hoggy.
Then, you lent me your toy.
Let's sleep now. When we wake up
tomorrow, it will be my birthday.
Happy birthday, Sis!
That's so sweet!
And then,
you embraced me.
Do you still remember that, Sis?
I'm sorry.
I'm getting confused.
I might have just
invented that because...
I really want to remember you.
Happy birthday, Sis!
This is how we make a living
in the province. Dried fish.
How do you do it?
We dry the fish under the sun,
then Mama and Grandma
add salt and spices.
I see.
Jessie's finally here. We can eat!
Come Jessica, let's eat!
What do you want, Sis?
Dried or smoked fish?
No, thanks. I'm on a diet.
Please get me some milk.
Yes, Jessie.
How do you want
your coffee, Mommy?
I don't take coffee, baby.
I drink juice.
Yaya Minda prepares this
really nice juice for me.
How do you prepare
Mommy's juice, Yaya?
I don't make the juice.
Jessie does.
what's in Mommy's breakfast juice?
Jess, I didn't know that you're
the one who makes my juice.
There's still more
that you don't know.
Like, the fact that
our juicer's busted.
I'm sorry.
Maybe next time,
I'll teach it to you.
I have to go.
We are also happy to
finally meet you, Joanna.
It's Ana, Mrs. Borja.
Oh Ana, I'm sorry.
We're so used to Joanna.
We have heard and read about you...
in Jessica's stories,
poems and essays.
You may take your seat.
by the way, Ana has been
accelerated one year ahead.
She's an honor student and she will be
a perfect addition to this class.
I'm AJ.
I've seen you
in a lot of Sis' pictures.
Well, we used to be friends.
Used to be.
Jess, let's eat.
Sis, you're so popular here!
You're on every bulletin board.
Sis, you think I can
join the swim team?
It'll be fun to train together.
Oops, I'm sorry Sis.
Why are you following me?
It's lunch.
Aren't we eating yet?
Breakfast, dinner until we go to bed,
we're together.
Can't you leave me alone for lunch?
You're a big girl now.
You survived 12 years of poverty.
You're so used to living without me.
And I'm sure you'll survive
this place on your own.
Two more and we're leaving!
What fish is a karate expert?
Hey, you now wear shoes!
Of course!
You've moved up in the world.
You're now So-fish-ticated!
My sister, she's so-fish-ticated.
And her classmates too.
I wish you were in my school so that
I'm not the only one who's...
Not sophisticated?
So that I'm not the only one
into corny fish jokes.
In other words,
you miss me.
Of course... not.
Alright. Just so
you won't miss me,
I'll drop by your house
sometime. Okay?
What really happened
between you and Sis?
Why aren't you friends anymore?
Long story.
Come on, tell me.
It might help me
understand her better.
Come on, AJ. Spill!
Hurry! Shoot!
You know, I don't believe you.
I think you still love my sister.
What makes you think
I still have feelings for her?
I might like someone else now.
Why don't you try
courting her again?
Why don't you try
shooting that ball first?
Okay, if I make the basket,
you'll have to say
'I love you' to Sis again.
- Game?
- Okay, game!
Unfair! You cheated!
That ball should have gone in!
No fair!
You are the cheater! Give it to me!
how would you feel
if AJ courts Ana?
Should I feel
something about it?
So, you won't get mad
if they become a couple?
Hey, give it to me! Cheat!
Jessie, come on! Let's play!
You already have
someone to play with.
You don't need me.
Aren't you joining us, Sis?
Go away. I'm busy.
Stop it! I'm studying!
Grumpy Jessie!
Hello Mama! How are you?
How are the boys? How's grandma?
Ana, I can't hear the TV!
- I'm sorry, Sis.
- Get out!
Lewinsky, say..
'I don't like Ana'.
Lewinsky, bad dog!
Bad girl.
I'm glad you have Joanna
back home with you.
Is she having hard time adjusting?
She's doing very well.
Sis, the coffee here are expensive!
And difficult to pronounce.
Macchiato. Capuccino.
Is that how you say it?
- Where?
- Let's sit here!
- I finally got it, Daddy! Look!
- Wow!
Ice cream is such
a big help, isn't it?
- Let's eat!
- Here, have some.
This is the right answer.
Mrs. Borja is here!
She's here with the rankings!
I'm so excited!
Oh, our retreat is pushing through.
That's 2 Fridays from today.
You have enough time to get your
parents to sign the consent forms.
Those without consent
forms can't join.
- Okay?
- Yes, Ma'am!
Mrs. Borja, where are the rankings?
I'm about to post it.
Here it is!
You're still number one, Luisa!
What happened to Jessie?
From top 2 to top 8?
What happened?
Congrats, Ana. You're top 6!
- Really?
- Look.
I already called your Mama Lerma.
I told her to come here
so we can celebrate!
We should have fried
chicken for Buboy!
Ana, I'm so proud of you.
Oh, Jess.
I'm sure you'll do better next time.
Too bad you're not top 2 anymore.
You feel bad? Why?
It didn't seem like a big
deal when I was top 2.
It wasn't enough of an achievement
to celebrate with a party.
It's true.
We never celebrated
the fact that I got
the second highest
grades in my class.
But we celebrate being top 6.
Don't worry. Next time,
I'll try my best to be top 6.
Not top 2, not top 8.
Give me two more laps, Mark.
Jessie, don't be late tomorrow.
By the way, have you talked to
Ana if she'd like to train with us?
I think she could really be
a good addition to the team.
She told me she's not interested.
But why? Tell her she
could be a better swimmer.
With more formalized training,
she could be just as good as you.
If not, better than you.
This is you.
And this is me!
Who's Hoggy?
Nanny, silly!
You're Nanny!
Your sister was so
afraid of losing Hoggy,
she'd carry it even
under the shower.
And there was a time when
she'd call Hoggy, Joanna.
So that it would be
like she'd have you
beside her when she sleeps.
You were my proxy!
Now, you're clean.
You can sleep beside Sis again.
I told you not to touch my things!
Sis, wait!
I'm sorry. I just want...
You want to take
everything from me!
No, Sis.
- I don't want to take anything...
- Liar!
You're such a liar!
Even when we were kids,
you always took everything from me.
You never changed!
Jessie, Ana just wants
to clean Hoggy...
Stay out of this!
Careful with your tone!
I thought you'd be pleased...
Do I look pleased?
You just have to
mess up everything!
You're ruining everything!
You want to be part of everything!
You want to be friends
with my friends?
You can't.
Because they don't like you!
You want to be part
of the swim team?
You can't.
Because we don't need you!
You want to be everywhere I am?
You can't because
I don't want you near me!
Calm down.
You're turning mad
because of a toy?!
You're overreacting!
Take it easy.
Don't tell me to take it easy.
Because you don't
know how I feel!
Are you okay?
Hello, Ana?
How are you?
I'm okay.
Are you okay?
I just want to hear
your voice, Ma.
Please embrace me.
Of course!
Can you feel it?
Here's a super hug from Mama!
I love you, Ana.
You'll be okay.
Yes, Ma.
I'm okay.
You'll be okay.
You can do it.
You're tough like me, right?
Yes, Ma.
I love you, Ma.
I love you, Ana.
Let's meet at the clubhouse.
I really need to get
out of this house
and get away from Ana.
You said hi.
Are you going to pretend
to be my friend today?
Well, do you need me to pretend
to be your friend today?
I don't know.
I hate my life.
Why do you hate your life?
Hello, Allan.
AJ! Have you and Ana started
our project already?
I'm already at their house.
I'll see her in a bit.
Okay, bye.
I have to go.
Ana and I have to finish
our report for class.
Are you courting her?
You'd be a bad match.
Actually I didn't see
why you like her.
you enjoy her stinky fish odor.
You know why I like Ana?
I like her,
because she's not you.
- There.
- Here?
Just strum the strings like this.
That's good.
Strum a little harder.
The pizza is here!
Come inside!
- Bring in the pizza. Come, boy!
- Thanks.
Oh, sorry.
I thought you're the
pizza delivery boy.
This is Michael, my best friend.
Michael, this is our Nanny Minda.
- You didn't tell me...
- Hello.
you and Ana are friends.
Michael, this is AJ,
my classmate and future
husband of Sis Jessica.
Very funny, Ana.
But it's true!
Right, Yaya?
Hey, man..
I've heard so much about you..
from Ana's stories.
Sorry. I don't know
anything about you.
Ana never mentions you.
She didn't even tell me
that you two are busy.
I shouldn't have come.
I'm disturbing you guys.
No you're not!
AJ and I just finished our report.
He's now teaching me
how to play the guitar.
I know a lot now!
How is that again?
I forgot! AJ, help!
- I just showed you how.
- How is that again?
Okay. Here.
Push a little harder.
Good morning everyone.
Take this retreat as a chance
to strengthen friendships...
and to repair broken relationships.
Our activity for today
is to give a letter and a token...
to express our appreciation or..
to ask for forgiveness...
from the person..
that we value the most.
Who wants to go first?
No volunteers?
Okay, Ana.
Do you still remember
what I told you..
about this medal?
This is not important to me.
Winning is not important for me.
What's important to me is...
And you, my dear Sis.
You are important to me...
because you're my sister.
Because you are my one
and only big sister.
Because I love you so much.
I'm sorry if I did
anything wrong to you.
I hope we can be okay now.
Come on, Jess. Take it!
Go on, Jess!
Jessie, stop being so difficult!
Jessie, forgive her.
You have to make up.
Please, Jessie.
Take it!
- I'm hungry.
- Me, too. Let's eat.
It's lunchtime.
- Let's go, Jess!
- I'll follow.
Careful. You almost tripped.
Sis, what's wrong?
You again!
You're like a pesky dog
that just won't go away!
Sis, that hurts...
That hurts?!
After what you did to me?!
You made yourself
innocent little princess!
And I'm the evil villain once again!
Sis, I'm sorry...
You're sorry?! Sorry?!
If you're really sorry,
then stop ruining my life!
Why can't you forgive me, Sis?
What have I done to you?
You lived!
You lived and Mommy
gave all her love to you!
There's no love left for me!
That's not true.
Mommy loves you.
No! Everyday,
I've had to pay for losing you!
Everyday, I've had
to compete with your ghost!
And everyday, I lose!
I wish I were the one
who got lost...
It's so unfair!
You have two mothers
who love you so much.
Why is everything so easy for you?!
You think this is easy for me?
Easy for me to leave
the family I grew up with?
Easy for me to give up Ana
to become Joanna...
and try to live in your world?!
And what do I get?
All your snide remarks and insults?
It's not easy, Sis.
Everyday, you've had
to pay for losing me?
What about me?
How long will you make
me pay for coming back?
Tell me!
What can I do so that
you can forgive me?
What should I do for
you to accept me?
See that?
Beat me.
You're not used to
swimming at sea.
- It's dangerous us...
- I don't care!
If you beat me,
I'll leave you alone.
But if I beat you, you'll
disappear in my life for good!
You're my home and together
we shared this love for us
to be happy
and free
You're my home
and together...
we'll stay to make this world
a better place to be
Your sister will be fine.
Can I see her?
I'm sorry, Mommy.
I'm sorry.
Sorry for what?
I shouldn't have
said yes to her dare.
It's okay, Ana.
I'm just glad you were
there to save your sister.
Can I go back to Zambales?
I want to stay there.
I hope you understand.
I love being with you.
But I don't want to see
my sister hurting again.
We were apart for 12 years.
But all that time,
you moved farther from sister.
I wasn't the one who got lost.
It was Sis Jessica.
She was right beside you..
but you never really saw her.
Maybe that's why..
I should get lost again.
So that you can find my sister now.
Where is Ana?
She'll be staying with
her Mama Lerma now.
I miss Ana.
Me too.
I wonder if she'll ever come back.
Good evening, Sir!
Good evening, Ma'am!
I don't know the song.
Because I never taught
it to you, baby.
Because I never gave you my time.
Mommy, sorry for everything.
I'm sorry I'm not Joanna.
No, no, Jessie. No, no.
No, sweetheart.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. Sorry, baby.
Please forgive me.
I'm sorry, baby.
What's up?
You look so serious again.
You must be thinking of AJ again.
He's your crush, isn't he?
I'm sure, if he asks you out,
you'd say 'yes' right away...
because you like him...
I told you,
he loves Sis Jessica.
How about you?
Who do you love?
You'd have to tell
me your crush first!
Come on!
I have something to say first.
Where can you find a fish
that really loves you?
Right here.
And that wasn't a joke.
You're so cheesy!
Ow! Cheesy, huh?
How long will you be away?
Just this weekend.
Two days.
I'm gonna miss you.
You'll miss me?
I'll miss you..
cause I love you.
You always do this.
I feel so stupid for saying
'I love you' again.
Then, you'll laugh at me again.
I'm sorry.
It's just that you're so cute.
I love you, too.
Why are you being so cranky?
I'm not gonna make it easy for you!
Is that it? Really now?
Here comes Sis Idol!
Go Idol!
Go Idol!
Oh no!
Idol stopped swimming!
Miss Gorgeous,
Idol might drown.
Save her!
What are you doing here?
Saving you.
Buboy will get mad
at me if you drown,
even if it's
just pretend.
Come back home to us.
Come with us.
You need an emotional
punching bag?
Yeah, you can say that.
What if I refuse?
See that boat?
Let's race.
- The loser gets to...
- Sis...
You almost got drowned
the last time we raced.
You really want another round?
Then don't play hard-to-get.
Come home with us.
Joanna, hold my hand.
Come take my hand...
- I will never lose you again.
- Come fill your hand
With all the love you've seen
Let every child
be what they are
Be what they want to be
I already know a fish joke!
What does a fish say when
she wants to say sorry?
Fish be with you.
Here come the champions!
Go Idol!
You're my home and together...
we'll share this love for us
to be happy and free
You're my home and together...
we'll strive to make this world
a better place to be
for you and for me...