Way Of The Gun, The (2000) Movie Script

# Bob said "yeah", Bob said "no"
# Make up your mind cos I gotta go
# Gonna raise hell at the union hall,|drive myself over the wall... #
Hey! Hey!
Yeah, you. Get up.
What are you, retarded?|Get off the fucking car.
Hey, dickless,|get off the fucking car!
Hey, fuck-suck, get your slippery|fuckin' ass off the car!
Listen to me. Get off the fucking car|with your fucking ass!
Shut that cunt's mouth, or I'll come|over and fuck-start her head.
Do something. Go on.
You're gonna wish|you never got up this morning,
cos my boyfriend's|gonna fuck you up.
And after that, while he's fucking up|your fuckin' gay uncle,
I'm gonna fucking cut off your cock
and mail it to your mother,|you faggot.
Gaylord fuckin' bitch.
How do you like that?|You like that a lot?
You fucking faggot.|You like to ass-fuck?
Fontanella fuckin' baby head fuck?|Go ahead.
You like to fuck baby heads?|You like to fuck boys?
He's gonna fuck you in the ass!|He's not even gay but he'll do it...
She's got a big mouth, it's true.
I'm gonna whip you silly,|and I'm gonna fuck you stupid.
You wanna do the man dance?|First dance is yours.
How do you feel, pretty boy?
Why would you fight them?
Look at me! Look at my fucking face!
You look more beautiful than ever.
'For the record,|I'll call myself Mr Parker.
'My associate will be Mr Longbaugh.'
'There is a natural order,|the way things are meant to be.
'It says that the good guys|always win,
'that you die when it's your time|or you have it coming,
'that the ending is always happy,|if only for someone else.
'Now, at some point it became clear|to us that our path had been chosen
'and we had nothing|to offer the world,
'our options narrowing down|to petty crime or minimum wage.
'So... we stepped off the path
'and went looking for the fortune|we knew was looking for us.
'Once off the path, you do|what you can to eat, to keep moving.
'You don't blow|your ghost of a chance with a nickel.
'No possessions. No comforts.
'Need is the ultimate monkey.
'A pint of your blood|can fetch you 50 bucks.
'A shot of come, three grand.
'Keep your life simple,|you can literally self-sustain.'
What qualifies you as a donor?
I am a fairly intelligent...
..uh, good-looking man.
Physically fit, stable.
Thank you.
- Can I ask you something?|- Sure.
Are you a faggot?
See? I asked you the same question,
only I was clear about|the answer I was looking for.
I just asked if you were|heterosexual.
Well, I've never killed a man.
- I beg your pardon?|- I've never killed a man.
- I didn't ask if you had.|- I think that's my qualification.
Why is that an important|qualification for semen donation?
It's a big fucking... Sorry,|a very important qualification.
- No one's ever said that before.|- Have you ever asked?
- No.|- You should.
Take Los Angeles.
If I say that Los Angeles has become|a Mecca for homosexual migration,
I am right,|but look at what I am saying.
I am implying faggots are nomadic|if not predatory miscreants
who need to move around.
I am likening them to Muslims,|or Muslims to them.
Saying "LA is full of faggots"|is just being honest.
Why?|- Nobody brings up sex with corpses!
- It's sick.|- You brought it up.
- To say I never did it.|- I didn't ask.
- You should.|Faggot.
- Just say it. Say it.|- No. I'm not gonna say that.
If I grab a woman's ass|and she punches me,
she's fighting for her rights,
but if a faggot grabs my ass|and I punch his lights out,
- I'm a homophobe.|- Let's move on.
Are... you... a faggot?
- Any mental illness in the family?|- It's not what you say any more.
It's all in how you say it.
Can you hold on|just a sec?
Where were we? OK, listen.
Say you don't smoke two packs a day,
overlook the Jack-and-Coke|breakfasts.
Imagine you get it together, get up|early, and somehow land the gig.
Steff? Please! You're still not|cut out to be a surrogate mother.
Look, there's this one girl|comes in here, due any day,
gettin' paid a million in cash.
Sounds like a lot, right? Wrong.
Takes three times|for the embryo to take.
Turns out the couple|is perfectly healthy.
The wife just couldn't|be bothered to carry her own child.
They tell the girl what to eat,|when to go out,
bodyguards watching her every minute.
Of course it sounds fishy.|That's what I'm saying.
She's gotta live with these people|for a better part of a year.
Poor girl's like a prisoner.|It's not worth it.
All right.|If that's how you feel, go with God.
Why do you call and ask|if you're not gonna listen?
Just call the doctor.|Maybe he can help you.
No. He's in the book.|His name's Painter.
Allen Painter. Yeah.
'Here was the thing.|some deep pockets, a pregnant woman,
'some bodyguards...|and a doctor's name.
'The longest distance is that between|a kidnapper and his money.
'But we were through jerking off.'
Feel that, hon.
- It's fantastic.|- Yes.
It's fabulous, Hale.
She doesn't hate you, Robin.
She most certainly does, Mr Chidduck.
You're worried about the baby?
Come on. A woman needs security|like a man needs approval.
She wants her past, present and|future to all be secure right now.
And in a few days,
this baby will be|a part of your past.
And for you to leave|and not know it's secure...
I would never ask you to trust me.|It's the cry of a guilty soul.
But trust life.
Always trust life.
If you're careful enough to listen,
life does take care.
You're gonna be a good father,|Mr Chidduck.
And she's gonna be a good mother.|You'll see.
As soon as she lays eyes on him,|nature will take over.
I know it will.
I hope to God you're right, Robin.
Because if this baby|doesn't change the...
You didn't wanna know.|I'm sorry. I...
You did say "him".
I have to go to the appointment now|with Dr. Painter.
I'm gonna have a son.
I'm going to have a son.
- So I didn't spoil it, then?|- No, you didn't spoil it.
- Right?|- Yep.
Come on.
Every goddam time.
Four to one.
'Go ahead, one.'
I'm sure it's nothing, but could you|drive by the front of the building?
- How's your back feeling?|- It's better.
- Yeah?|- Yes. It's better.
Down here?
Bet you can't wait|for this little guy to get out.
Actually, I don't mind|if it stays in there forever.
Unless there are any complications,|I shouldn't see you until the 15th.
Here's that video, things you should|know about your delivery.
OK, boys, we want this to go down|nice and quiet, so put the guns down.
- Come on, guys. It's over.|- Hey, hey, hey, hey.
- What?|- The people, man. The people.
Can't you people|see there are guns here?
Get the fuck out!
Get out!
All right, guys.|Come on. This is no good.
Put the guns down. I'm gonna count|to three, then I'm gonna...
Oh, fuck.
What are you doing?|You're supposed to be protecting her.
- Oh, fuck. What'd I tell you?|- Shit.
Walk away.
Just walk away. They don't care|about dying, just losing.
You're not gonna make it|outta here alive.
Somebody could've called the cops.|You know they're gonna come!
- Move.|- You sure?
Move! Yes. Relax.|Try to relax. Moving.
- I got her.|- OK.
- Moving.|- Move.
- Get her.|- Move.
It's OK.
Four to one, they made a pass.
They're comin' out to you.|Do not, I repeat...
Take the girl.
Do not go to the doctor's office.
Go upstairs to the top floor and wait|for me as long as it takes.
- Do you understand me?|- Yes.
Wait for me.
No! This way!
You care about this baby?|Then we walk.
Are you OK? Miss?
The baby's kicking.
The guns and noise.|The baby's kicking like crazy.
Could you be easy, please?
It's all right.|You can open your eyes.
- I don't wanna look at your faces.|- It doesn't matter.
All right. Follow me, Tonto.
Give him room.
What's your name?|- Robin.
And the father?
You guys|had it all figured out, huh?
The sooner you tell us|who the money is...
The sooner I end up dead.
I know that as long|as I'm carrying this baby...
and you two don't have the money,|I'm alive.
We're not talking about|how long you're gonna live.
We're talking about|how slow you're gonna die.
What do you call your baby?
- It's not mine.|- Like that matters.
You need a name.
What do you think...
When you think about deaf people,|people who are born deaf,
who've never heard a spoken word...
What do you think they call the sun
or their mother... or their own|reflection in the mirror?
That's what I call it.
There's no name.
I'm not gonna name it.
For what?
'Dr Painter, this is Colleen|at your message service.
'I have an emergency call|from Robin.'
'I can't say that to you.'
'You can tell me anything.'
'I can't.'
'It's not illegal, is it?'
No, Daddy.
'That was a stupid question.'
- Oh, God.|- He's a doctor. He'll be OK.
Really. I need help.
You have too much faith in people.
How can you kidnap|somebody with honour?
Trust me. Trust me.
It's fake.
Would you get me|Mr Chidduck?
Hi, Robin. Look at me. Talk to me.|How do you feel?
I'm dizzy.|I'm not gonna make it, am I?
Am I gonna have it?
How long is it since|you've had a drink of water?
You'll do what I say, you understand?|You do what I say.
If anything happens to me...|If this all goes terribly wrong...
It already has gone terribly wrong.
I'm sorry.
Just get me a fucking figure.
What kind of a kidnapping is this?
I mean, aren't we in the demands|phase at this point?
'You can't pay, Hale.'
Certainly I can.
'It's not about the money,|the girl, even the child.
'Listen. They get caught|crossin' the border,
'caught in another kidnappin',|runnin' a fuckin' red light,
'that money's|comin' right back to you.
'That is money you're gonna|have to account for, explain.
'Understand what I'm saying, Hale?|You cannot pay.'
Joe, can't you just go over|and... whatever...
You know what... Uh... rub 'em out?
'No, no, no. If we call the police,|sweat them out,
'all they've got to hang onto|is their lives.
'We no longer have to negotiate.|They do.
'Robin is their only bargaining chip.|They have to give her up to live.
'You keep your money, get the girl,|and nobody is lookin' at your books.'
I can't.
No! No police.
Just, you know...
Hell, figure it out!
She's dehydrated.
In her condition, her pain can feel|very much like labour.
- But she won't lose the baby?|- No.
She should have it within six days.
- Don't lie to me, Doc.|- Look, I'm not gonna lie to you.
I'm concerned|for the health of my patient.
The baby is over eight pounds|and should come out by the 15th.
The bushes, man.
Can she have it sooner?
You mean induce? Here?|Absolutely not.
Don't hand me that.|The first baby was born in a cave.
- Because it had to be.|- But if you had to?
Now, as for the chances of the baby|and the mother surviving...
Forget that. Who were the parents?
You guys don't...
- Who were the parents?|- It's Francesca and Hale Chidduck.
Oil and steel Chidducks?|Vegas union buster Chidducks?
- You guys have never...|- It's not our crowd.
He's a front man for clean developers
that don't wanna get shot at|for cutting in on rough territory.
Sometimes for not-so-clean developers|laundering money out of Mexico.
He's fucking crazy.
He makes his living out of collecting|other people's enemies.
Shoot-you enemies.
Their worst nightmare,|and you don't even know him?
- How much money does this guy have?|- I have no idea.
Will he deal?
Anything to keep it quiet.
# She thinks that she's been|playin' smart
# Playin' tricks on my heart
# I'm gonna have|to turn her damper down
# Comin' on through|# Step aside!
# Movin' on over
# I seen her at the end of the bar
# She's got her arms|wrapped round some guy
# Who doesn't know he's about to die
# I'm gonna hit him|with my old crowbar
# She broke my heart a thousand ways
# Everyone around her|is sure they're gonna pay
# Comin' on through|# Step aside!
# I think I'll murder her
# Or maybe I'll just|kill myself instead... #
# Comin' on through|# Step aside!
# Movin' on over
# I'll hit him between the legs|he won't be able to walk for days
# Then I'll be|the hero of this town #
# Comin' on through|# Step aside!
# Movin' on over
# Hey, buddy,|are you lookin' for a fight?
# He hit me square in my right eye|I never knew that I could fly
# I think somebody|turned out the lights
# She broke my heart a thousand ways
# I should've let her go|but I guess I learned the hard way
# Comin' on through|# Step aside!
# Get me a doctor... #
- Hello?|- 'Abner?'
- Joe.|- 'Yeah. You busy?'
No, not at all.
- You drunk?|- 'A little. What can I do for you?'
'There's somebody|I need you to stay with.'
Listen, man.|She needs medical supervision.
She's not well.|Let me stay with her...
Don't get smart with me, Doc.|Superman never gets the girl.
- What's this?|- It's the ransom note.
Sit tight with Chidduck|and we'll be in touch.
- You're gonna be the bagman.|- The what?
You're gonna meet me|in Mexico with the money.
She'll be with my partner, you and I|won't know where until he calls.
You'll come alone. You'll|come equipped to induce labour.
If not, she dies.|If you're followed, she dies.
If I don't answer the phone|when my partner calls, she dies.
It's on your head now, Doc.
The more careful you are with her|life, the less I have to worry, OK?
- That baby's coming out, understand?|- I understand.
All right.
You got a number for this thing?
Don't say, "Who, me, he, she?"|You got a number?
We'll call you when we're ready. Go.
Are you gonna eat that other half|of your sandwich?
I was gonna,|but are you hungry?
Yes. I'm pregnant.
I like bacon.
It's from a gas station.
It's still good.
'...deadline for ratification|when the contract expires tonight.
'The shooting began
'after the suspects tried to abduct|an unidentified woman.
'The incident claimed|the lives of five people,
'including two security officers...
'Thursday night. It's time for...'
# Viva la fiesta con los amigos #
Which one of you is Jeffers?
Who are you?
I'm Joe Sarno. Mr. Chidduck sent me.
- When can we...?|- I'm workin' on your release.
Police are not ready to charge you,
but they are a bit upset that no one|will tell 'em what's goin' on.
- Are you a lawyer?|- Do I look like a fuckin' lawyer?
I handle Mr. Chidduck's laundry,
things like you.
I make unpleasant decisions for him,|which he can't and never will know.
- And he sleeps very well.|- You're a bagman.
Let's just say I...
I deal in the fine art|of adjudication.
Now... Obecks, is it?
What did you tell the cops?
Cop wanted to know why there was two|dead bodyguards and no body to guard.
I said we took the client out|and who that was was confidential.
He asked who took the client out.|I told him that was confidential.
I said the client|was removed from the scene.
He said I had all the answers.|I said it was the truth.
Was there a time when one of the|deceased could've been in touch...
- You don't think...?|- No, I don't think.
Nor do I assume, speculate|or hypothesise.
I merely observe.
And what I observe|is one frantic fuckup
on what should've|been a routine exec protect.
The way I hear it, two fuckin' yahoos|wipe out half your staff
comin' out a fuckin' building|in broad daylight, empty-handed.
"How can this happen?" I ask myself.
- She was running.|- Unlikely.
- Takin' that kid for herself.|- I had the girl headed upstairs.
You think she's gonna walk into|a hail of bullets for some fresh air?
For weeks,|she's been acting hinky.
First time she's out of sight|for a minute in nine months
and she goes for the door.
You picked her to be the host,|didn't you?
So this has to be our fault, right?|Fuck me.
I am, to say the least,|perplexed, as well as frustrated.
It is Mr. Chidduck's wish that|you two idiots remain in his employ.
He speaks... very highly of you.
He feels you'll be extremely|motivated in resolving this matter,
despite my urging him|to fire your fuckin' ass
and have you fed to the fish.
Beyond this, the matter's been left|to my discretion.
The aforementioned|art of adjudication.
Precisely, Mr. Jeffers.
To wit...
Should another spectacle
like the one that presented itself|today take place,
you will be cut loose.
And then, Mr. Jeffers,|I will have my druthers.
And I can promise you|a day of reckoning
that you will not live long enough|to never forget.
There's something you need to learn|about this business, little fella.
- What's that?|- The only thing you can assume
about a broken-down old man...|is that he's a survivor.
- You think she was running?|- It doesn't matter.
The way I see it, she crossed over|when she got off the elevator.
If Mr. Chidduck wants us|to resolve this, we will,
but our only concern|is with the child.
We have to consider the girl to be|as much of a threat as the two men.
'The subscriber|you have called is unavailable.'
- Shouldn't you be with him?|- He's fine.
What if something happens?|Aren't you guys a team?
He'll be fine.
Yeah? What if he doesn't|come back at all?
He always comes back.
'The subscriber you have called|is unavailable...'
Fuck me!
Are you sure she's all right?
I think so.
And the baby?
As far as I can tell, it's fine.
- And they got no idea?|- None.
Not until I told them.
And I'm sure you didn't|mention your relationship.
Hey, fuck you, Francesca.
- What was I supposed to...|- Hey, easy.
Easy. What good would that have done?
You did the right thing.
God knows he wouldn't want|to lose his place at the table.
I didn't ask to come back here.
You asked me.
And I will not have her, of all|people, telling me what...
For God's sake.|For God's sake. She's not herself.
More today than most,|I'd say.
If Mom could see that cunt...
Are you gonna pay?
I'm going to the police.
You're here out of a basic need.
You needed money from me.
I needed discretion from you,
loyalty, obedience.
You are here, quite frankly, because|after what happened in Baltimore,
you were for sale.
And you will do as you are told!
What about Robin?
What about her?
The girl needs to be reassessed.
- What does that mean?|- She ran, Doc.
- She panicked.|- What happened to your eye?
- Where's Sarno?|- Sarno came and went.
We thought he'd be with you.
Just hold on there a minute.
Sit down. Sit down.
Move your fuckin' hand.
- 'Are you the client?'|- I am the client.
'Tell the doctor|to get on Highway 19 south.'
Across the border, he'll come|to a town named Salsipuedes.
There, he'll find|the Nacio Madre motel.
Across from it, there is a pay phone|where he'll wait.
He comes ready to induce labour|and he'll leave with the baby.
'We'll let the girl go|when we feel safe.'
He comes alone.
He brings $15 million.
$15 million?
Uh, we're gonna need some time|to get that.
'Give me 24 hours.'
You got twelve.
'God damn it!'
Twelve fuckin' hours? Jesus Christ!|How do you expect me to...?
All right. Fine. Twelve hours. Jesus.
Is that it?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.|Small, unmarked bills.
You know how much that weighs?
Yeah, try a couple of|thousand pounds.
All right. Fine. Hundreds.
- That it?|- 'What do you think?'
- 'It has holes.'|- Well, we're new at this.
You're not gonna make it, kid.
One's backfire. Three is gunplay.
Step out.
Put it down. A cop'll come by,|blow your head off.
Put your hands on your chest.
Who are you?
Well, son, right now I'm...|I'm the button man.
I'm the guy you wake up to one night,
maybe a year from now, maybe two.
And all you'll see is a pillow over|your face, and you'll hear a pop.
Plenty more where I came from.
Yeah. I used to be one.
- What's happening?|- Looks like a bagman.
He'll make an offer, something small.
You should take it, maybe.
You can't trust a bagman.|They always double-cross you.
Tell you what|I'm willin' to do.
I'll take you to the man right now.
He'll hand you a million in cash.
You wait while your partner|sends the girl.
If she gets there, we let you go.
Sounds shaky.
It's better than the alternative,|I can promise you that.
Wanna wait here for twelve hours?
Look what happened|when you just stopped for some gas.
We just wanna do this clean|and quiet,
get the girl and baby back safe.
I'll buy you a cup of coffee.
Can we have a couple cups|of coffee, please?
So, uh... Are you the brains|of the outfit or is he?
Tell you the truth, I don't think|this is a brains kind of operation.
You think I agreed to help you|because of Baltimore?
I know that before Baltimore,|you hadn't...
I honestly hoped that if you eased|back into delivery, just...
Don't be an idiot. No one incident|makes anyone what they are.
Baltimore simply taught me who am.
As for what I am,
I learned all about the value|of human life from you,
that certainty is more important|than morality.
- So abortion is more certain than...|- Exactly.
I don't make mistakes any more.
I correct them.
So I empathise with you, Dad.|I really do.
Fascinating, isn't it?
I had no idea.
It's really got me excited.
Excited, huh?
I missed you.
They'll kill us,|the people I'm in business with.
The money I have leads back to them.
We pay, they kill us.
Any police, they kill us.
That's your bed to lie in, not mine.
You're my son.
I love you.
And it's your bed too.
That's the sort of people they are.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I've gotten you involved|in this part of my life.
I know it isn't your way of thinking,|I'm grateful for that.
I never wanted you to be that way.
But don't be naive.
She understood|who she was dealing with.
It's a simple fact of life
that anyone who would do business|with a man like me can't be trusted.
I am a mother.
As we speak, my child is waiting|to come into this world.
And, suddenly, for the first time,|I feel like I...
Well, that he deserves me.
I don't mean I've earned him like|a mother who's carried a child has,
but I've worked hard to become|the kind of woman who could...
have one...
with you.
You know where the baby is,|don't you?
Of course I do.
You know we have to go get her?
I understand.
If the girl should die...
God forbid|that anything should happen,
but if there's any complications,
we'll take care of it.
You understand?
You just bring me back my baby.
I've been|watching them pile up.
Nightstick, flashlight,|bulletproof vest.
Fuckin' utility belts, right?
Fuckin' sign on his head|reading "why bother"?
They love to say shit|like "ascertain".
- "Surveillance."|- "Affirmative."
- "I need backup."|- "Adjudicate."
- "Adjudicate"?|- Yeah, well...
But, you know,|then you got the other side.
You got these trigger-happy|cocksuckers
all about the shooting|and the posturing
and "you don't know who I am,|I been to prison".
Cos you got caught, dumb fuck.
They wanna be criminals|more than they wanna commit crime.
Well, that's not just crime.|That's the way of the world.
I'm just talkin' here.
By their design, all we really need|to come back with is the baby.
Think about it.|No money, no perps, no nothing.
We could kill these two fucks,|keep the money,
bring Chidduck his baby|and say it all went well.
Well... mostly well.
- What? The girl?|- Yeah.
When she doesn't show up|in a couple of months,
it'll be assumed she ate a bullet|and they made off to Bolivia.
Damn it. It doesn't work.
The Doc.
- The Doctor gets shot in the fray.|- Right.
We tried to help him, but,|uh, it was either him or the baby.
He was alive when we took off.
He must've died crawling|for help in the desert.
Creative articulation, my good man.
- Just talking, of course.|- Sure.
So all we need is a nice,|quiet place to have a baby.
As I said before,|my only concern is for the child.
Hola, Vivian.
This is Jeffers.|I need to speak to the Question Mark.
We might be needing a room|later on tonight.
You know, you seem like a good guy.
You ought to get out|of this fuckin' business.
What would I do then?
You know, you get to be my age,|you start feeling a little different.
You realise you're gonna zig.
All that time you're thinkin' you're|gonna put somethin' away tomorrow,
then one day|you're fresh out of lives.
You got some money put away?
I got a daughter. She's, uh...
She's putting something together,|says she'll take care of me.
Not working out?
Somethin' like that, yeah.|Somethin'... Somethin' like that.
You sure you don't wanna take a ride|with me? A million in cash?
Wish I could, but, uh, you're...
Yeah. I'm a bagman.
You are a bagman.
Until that day, then, huh?
What do you think?
Oh, we can get her out|of there right now.
- Just the two, right?|- Please. I have to take a ride back.
Don't do a thing without me,|no matter what.
Jesus Christ...
I'm counting on you|to remain pitiless here.
Help me out. Just stay with her|and let it play out.
I'll be back.
You're cheating.|I'm not! I'm not cheating.
What are we playing?
How do you play?
Well, the object of hearts|is to play the safest game possible
and finish with the least amount|of points.
A heart is the only thing of value.|If you have one, get rid of it.
Start with the two of clubs.
You'll need to throw down a club.
If you don't have one,|then you can throw a heart.
You can't lead with a heart unless|you have nothing else to throw.
Or if someone breaks the suit.|You follow?
Couple of rounds, and she'll get it.
See, now, you had the high card,|so you take the trick.
Now you lead.
First trick|always takes the odd card.
You got the bitch.|She's thirteen points.
Fuck the bitch.|Just get rid of your hearts.
Or shoot the moon. You get all|the hearts and the queen of spades.
- Everyone else loses.|- Next to impossible.
If somebody figures out what|you're up to, they can sacrifice.
And then you lose.
Is that so?
I needed the money.
It's a million dollars cash,|and I needed it for... for...
That's what it was about.
I told myself the Chidducks,
they'd be good, and that that baby|would have a good life.
I thought it through|a thousand times.
I thought I could do it. I was...|I was certain, and it was...
It was what was best
for everyone involved.
For the baby, for the Chidducks,
for myself...
The baby.
I felt it move,
and, uh... I saw his little hands.
The baby's mine.
OK, I'm sorry, but by yours,|do you mean that, uh...
I mean that the Chidducks' embryo|didn't take,
and this is my son that I'm carrying.
So that means that|you and Mr. Chidduck...
Dr. Painter.
That sneaky little quack.
But it wasn't his idea. It was mine.
I made it happen|because I needed the money.
I made it happen.
Listen, you don't want guys like him|or me touching your belly.
That's creepy.
We'll meet just past the border.
Listen, I appreciate it.|Thanks a lot.
Enjoy your coffee?
I deal in counter-offers|and adjudication.
You do your job, Mr. Bullet-catcher,|and I'll do mine.
I'm curious|as to why they didn't kill you.
Maybe I didn't present a real threat.
Not like you, shootin' at guys|who agreed not to commit a crime.
All right. All right. Come on.
- The money comin'?|- In a while.
Then I suggest Dr Painter|goes in now with 50 grand.
Might help calm their nerves if they|feel the real money's getting close.
- And when you go out, I'll go in.|- And adjudicate?
If it comes to that, yes.
You go in by yourself.
I think I can handle it.
And you, uh, Cufflinks...
Stay here and watch Mr Chidduck|in case there's a contingent.
- A what?|- A third man. A button.
Something, anything|that we haven't thought of.
It's called "CYA", you fuckin' moron.
"Cover Your Ass."
Sir, as a collector|of pre-war cop jargon,
I find the old man refreshing.
Nevertheless, he's one against two|who killed two of my four.
I suggest you let him "C" your "A".
What, uh... What seems|to be the problem here?
The decision's already been made. The|doctor goes in with the money alone.
He follows the demands to the letter|and delivers the child.
- We keep our distance.|- We only move in if there's a hitch.
Our only concern|is for the lives at stake.
- You're not seriously...|- I'm in a tight corner, Joe.
It's pure geometry, Mr Sarno. We've|been head-to-head with these guys.
One old man all alone out there...
(Sarno) No one will come out alive.
To be honest, Joe,
that's not what this is about.
You're conflicted here.
Your job has been to protect me|and my associates and my money.
But I no longer care about any|of that. This is about my child,
and that, in itself, presents|its own special conflict, doesn't it?
Emotional detachment, Joe.
For what it's worth, I think|these two pretty much define it.
Are you up to this?
- I'll do whatever has to be done.|- All right.
Jeffers and Obecks will follow you.
See that you come out safely|with the baby.
Sarno handles the money.
Sorry, gentlemen.|I'm not trusting any of you.
I'm afraid I want to eat my cake|and have it too.
'The subscriber is unavailable.'
- You were talking about killing her.|- No one said "kill".
"Adjudicate" can mean|a lot of things.
There's a lot more going on|in that room than you were seeing.
What I heard was you ready to put|a woman's life at risk for money.
Not money.
$15 million.
Money is what you take|to the grocery store.
It's what you get out of an ATM.
$15 million is not money.
It's a motive|with a universal adapter on it.
- You don't think that those...|- Never, never, never think.
Thinking's how you lost your nerve|in the first place, Dr Painter.
What, you think I don't know you?
You think your father and I|have secrets from each other?
I know about your residency,|your so-called "hiatus".
I know about that bad piece of luck|you had in Baltimore.
I didn't lose my...
I know you weren't expected|to deliver this kid. You can't.
I know your skull is splitting|down the middle
because you think this thing's|gonna play out,
and you're gonna have|to deliver this baby.
Well, what happened in Baltimore|will not happen here.
You understand?|Because I won't let it.
so, uh, don't think, Dr Painter.
Just do.
And whatever you do,|don't tell them what I know.
Keep your mouth shut,|and everything will be just fine.
Just fine.
Dumping Sarno's|gonna be tough to explain.
Tougher still to do.
I ain't buyin' his survival bullshit.
He'll drop from a skull shot|like any other man.
We just take him out before he goes|in, bring the money in ourselves.
After that, it's our word|against the desert's.
Creative articulation, baby.
What is it?
Somethin' in there between Sarno|and Chidduck.
It ain't clear,|and it's chappin' my ass.
What was that shit|he said about conflict?
He said, "This is about my child.|This is a special conflict."
Why would saving|somebody else's child
be a conflict to anyone, unless...
The girl.
All set, Doc?
I was up on this robbery bit|with a public defender.
I was looking|at my first long stretch.
Out of nowhere, this uptown lawyer|comes up and says he can get me off.
He says he'll do it for free.|I just got to do a favour in return.
Then he tells me about this teacher|who's molesting his son.
I went up alone.
Didn't make a sound.
There was nice, thick carpet|on the stairwell,
a light busted in the hall.
And the door was open, man.
It was like it was meant to be.
I slipped in,
and I found him|in the bedroom, naked,
with all these pictures on the bed.
Man, that lawyer was right.
He was more than right.
And then he turned around,|and I didn't hit him.
I just said,|"Lay on the bed, face down."
And he did it.
I was... savouring it.
I mean really, really enjoying it.
Thinking about how I was going|to take a Polaroid for that lawyer
so maybe he could sleep better|at night,
and maybe take one for myself,|so I could...
And then I heard him praying.
"Now I lay me down to sleep.|I pray the Lord my soul to keep."
You know somethin'?|It stayed with me.
It bothered me.
Of all the people I'd done it to,|that was the one I felt.
And to this day, I can't go to sleep|unless I say that prayer.
Wanna get out now? Wanna quit?
This is never gonna come|your way again.
What if the day comes|and you're face down, waiting?
What if, in that final fleeting|second, you start to believe in God?
What are you gonna have to give him?
What will you say in your defence?
What does it matter we take|a child away from his mother?
After all the people we've robbed|and maimed and murdered,
you think it matters?
It matters.
Believe me, it matters.
Wanna leave her a note?
Uh, no.
You know, I think it's better|if we just leave.
- You can't leave her alone.|- She's not alone.
There's some guy behind the diner.
- He'll get her after we're gone.|- All right.
I left my jacket in there.
I'll get it.
You know what I wanna tell God|when I see him?
I'm gonna tell him I was framed.
I'm at the Nacio Madre Hotel.|There's been a shooting.
Desparos. Policia muerto.|Muerto. Policia.
- Robin, in your condition...|- The police are on their way!
Come in shooting. At least|I'll take one of you with us!
Just get in your fucking car|and move on!
I got all night long. I'm not moving.
Test me!
Is that baby hungry yet?
Whose money is it?|The worst.
Do you believe in karma, Joe?
Karma's only justice|without the satisfaction.
I don't believe in justice.
Well, tonight,|I certainly hope you're right.
Fuckin' useless.
Ayudame. (Help me)
It's OK.
Robin, get in the car.
Robin. Robin, let's get in the car.
Who are you?
Ayudame. (Help me)
Robin...Robin.|Robin, get in the car.
- Don't do it.|- Who the fuck are you?
Who the fuck are you?
Mind your business.|Robin, come with me.
- Tranquilo. (Easy now) OK?|- Come on. Robin, get in the car.
Tranquilo. (Easy now) OK?
What are we doing?
He wants us to put our hands|on the car.
He wants us|to get on the ground.
Get up! Get up!
She's going for the car, man.
Robin, come get in the car.
- Careful.|- If I wanna hit her, I hit her.
Robin, come get in the car right now!
To the right!|To the right! To the right!
Come on.
Why are they headed south?
Where are we going?
- Take us back.|- They were shooting from the north.
- I'm not driving through it.|- Sarno, shouldn't we call him?
I'm gonna call Sarno, all right.
I have a place we can go|until it's safe.
Trust me.
It's OK.
The worst of it's behind us.
Promise me something.|You promise me I'll see my baby...
before he takes him back|to the Chidducks.
I promise.
Yeah, it's me again.|We're comin'.
Tell him to be ready.
- Yeah?|- 'It's me.'
- Where the hell you been?|- 'I've been tryin' to get a signal.'
A couple of guys showed up.|It got pretty choppy.
One of 'em made off with her.
- 'They're headed south.'|- Is Robin all right?
Yeah, she seems OK.
You just keep headin' south.|I'll talk you in as best I can.
Uh, look, Abner... Listen...
'I'm sorry I couldn't|put my hand to her.'
- I gotta go.|- 'Hey, Abner...'
I'm gonna pull out|some of your fingernails
and leave you to think about it.
Then later I'll slash your eyeballs.
Whatever else I do to you after that,
I'll pour gasoline into your eyes|from time to time
to keep you from passing out.
Bottom line, guy. I'm gonna ask you|one more time,
and I'm never gonna ask you again.
Where did they take the girl?
I don't know.
Oh, God!
Oh, God!
Please help me.
I need to get to a hospital!
What is this? What is this?
I got a business to run,|for Christ's sakes!
I left her with the doctor.
- Where were you?|- I had to go to the, uh...
What happened?|Who took your IV out?
- Let's get it back in.|- I don't want any more!
I can't have pregnant women walking|around upsetting my customers.
You are getting paid a lot, sir|and I cannot do this by myself.
Never let her leave your sight.
If I don't put the IV back,
the contractions are gonna slow down|and the labour's gonna stop.
It's killing me. Something's wrong.
I don't see any money.
This is 50. I will make a call, and|you will have double that in an hour.
- So make the phone call.|- It hurts.
I need the baby first.|Help me tie her down.
It won't come out. It's killing me.
Oh, my God.
Is she supposed|to be bleeding like that?
She's had an abruption. Her placenta|has separated from her uterus.
She's bleeding internally.
It's gonna be OK.
It's gonna be OK.
Make it stop.
Is the baby going to die?
What? What is it?
- I have to give her a C-section.|- Do it.
A delivery is one thing.|You're talking about major surgery.
I could kill her. I have to get her|to a hospital right away.
My only concern right now|is for the child.
Now, do it.
It's our baby!
It's our baby! Tell him it's|our baby, and he'll let us go!
It's not the Chidducks'! They could|have another baby! Just tell him!
Tell him it's our baby!
Is this true?
Tell him!
He'll let us go. Tell him!
Are you comfortable, Robin?
We're going to take out|your baby now.
- What is that?|- It's a spinal.
Don't knock me out.|I have to see my baby, Allen.
I just wanna see my baby.
It'll only numb you|from the waist down.
Stay still.
I'm gonna get a smoke.
She's up there with them...|with the doctor...
and the coloured fella.
Oh, Jesus.
I'm sorry, Joe.
There's no, uh...|need to be sorry, Abner.
I'm dyin'.
- We'll get somebody right away.|- No.
It's not... not like I'm scared|or anything.
Listen, Abner...
I'm dyin', Joe.
Remember that time...
The time...
that we...
Aw, jeez.
I'm dyin', Joe.
I'm sorry, Abner.
Yeah, Abner. I'm right here.
If it's not too much trouble,
I'd kind of like to be alone.
To "Let live".
For Christ's sake, will you?
I think there are some men|here to see you.
Can I get some help?
Now, can you walk?
I wanna get this cocksucker.
- Oh, no.|- What is it, man?
Let's get the girl.
- I wanna see...|- Got it?
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Is my baby OK?
My baby...
How's the baby, Doc?
What's going on with the baby, Doc?
How's the baby?
- Get back in there, Doc.|- Sorry.
They're comin', man.
Come on.
I wanna... I wanna see my...
I want... my baby.
Come on, brother.|Let's do this.
She's had enough, pal.
Just relax now.
Almost there.
It's under control.
There's nothing you can do here.
Get out.
There's always free cheese|in a mousetrap.
What do you think?
I think a plan is just a list|of things that don't happen.
If we die...
we die alone.
Are you all right?
Yeah. I'm still here.
Are you still with me?
Come on up.
So are you gonna|let her keep the baby?
It's her baby... Her and the doctor.
Is that true?
What do you think?
Come on. You can tell somebody's|family just by lookin' at 'em.
Vamonos. (Let's go)
Till that day, then.
Till that day.
What are you gonna tell God now?
'We don't want your|forgiveness. We won't make excuses.
'We're not gonna blame you,|even if you are an accessory.
'But we will not accept|your natural order.
'We didn't come for absolution.|We didn't ask to be redeemed.
'But isn't that the way it is?
'Every goddam time.
'Your prayers are always answered...|in the order they're received.'
I'm pregnant.