The Way We Were (1973) Movie Script

Who is it?
It's Lieutenant Finley.
He's coming up the path.
It might be worth
listening to him, Edna.
So he can tell me about D-day?
I don't wanna hear about D-day.
Look what happened to my son.
Um, hold it, Peggy.
Cut from D-day to:
"Don't tell me about
the black market."
You're making me a bitch
to keep in your propaganda!
Peggy, I'll tell you...
Oh, Jesus!
Oh! Oh, Bill. Katie wants to keep in
the black market. Bill!
Glad you're back.
How did it go?
Ah, goddamn Pentagon, all they see
is red. Where's my coffee?
Get you some in a minute.
Don't cast that broad again.
Takes a reactionary to play one.
Where's my coffee? Can't the
chintzy OWI afford a gofer?
And where's Roxanne?
She called and she said that
she couldn't make it.
We'd like to get set up and
go from the top again, Mr. Verso.
What's the matter?
What is this?
Two lines I wrote.
No good, huh?
Morosky, let me do the writing,
will you? Huh?
Christ, I'm tired of being
a patriot for no money.
She can't come?
Okay, Katie, you're in luck.
I'm taking you to El Morocco, courtesy
of the Office of War Information.
All right, Americans,
let's take it from the top.
One, two. One, two, three.
Clear the way.
Please clear the way.
Sir, we have a reservation.
There are no more tables.
But we called
and you said...
Sorry, no tables.
I told you...
But we called...
I'd like to know your name and
also why you're not in uniform.
These boys have been in
combat, you fascist rope-holder.
Hi, Fred. Bill Verso. OWI.
Don't tip him.
Get his name!
We were with a whole bunch of people.
Hey, Verso! Merry old Bill Verso.
Hey, Tiny!
Captain, you can't do that!
They're with us.
Come on!
Thanks, Tiny.
Good to see you.
Listen, Katie... Hey, Jimbo!
Can't you leave your soapbox
at home just once?
Coming through.
Oh, Christ.
Uh, what do you want to drink?
I know. Dubonnet over ice.
Dubonnet over ice
and a scotch, straight up.
Here's your Dubonnet,
Oh, to be in uniform!
Hubbell Gardiner.
That's his name.
Swell. What's hers?
I suppose they learn that
balance onboard ship.
Absolutely. Let's dance.
What've you got to lose?
I'll probably go overseas soon.
It's pretty hush-hush.
Save Loyalist Spain!
Stop Franco for world peace now!
Write President Roosevelt!
Come on! Do something about it!
Save Spain! Stop Franco!
Stop the slaughter of innocent women
and children. Do something!
Write your congressman today.
Katie, what are you selling?
You can have it cheap!
Light the corners of my mind
Misty water-colour memories
Of the way we were
Row, Hubbell! Row!
Gardiner! Gardiner! Gardiner!
Scattered pictures
Of the smiles we left behind
Smiles we gave to one another
For the way we were
Can it be
That it was all so simple then?
Or has time rewritten every line?
If we had the chance
To do it all again
Tell me, would we?
Could we?
May be beautiful, and yet
What's too painful to remember
We simply choose to forget
So it's the laughter
We will remember
Whenever we remember
The way we were
The way we
A true peace rally
Should cover the entire spectrum
from extreme right
to extreme left.
As our next speaker proves.
The president of the Young Communist
League. She needs no introduction.
Miss Katie Morosky.
Guess I do need an introduction.
Back up, Katie.
Yeah, all the way to Moscow!
You can still take Communion
and like the Soviet Union!
What's cooking in the Kremlin, Katie?
The Kremlin's worried about
the civil war in Spain. Are you?
Thousands of Spanish citizens
are being bombed and murdered.
Only one country is sending help.
One country.
The Soviet Union.
Katie, be my comrade.
What are you scared of?
The Russians don't want anybody
in Spain but the Spanish.
Is that scary?
They're Communists, but they want
total disarmament. Is that scary?
Hitler and Mussolini are using Spain
as testing ground for what they want.
Another world war! Is that scary?
You're darn right it is!
There's only one thing
to be scared of
and it's not me,
it's not the Young Communist League
and it's not the Red bogeyman.
You be scared of anybody, any place
who will not stand up
for world peace now!
You're really, um...
You're really something.
Really... You're really beautiful.
No, I mean it.
You're really beautiful.
You're the best,
the brightest,
most committed generation
this country's ever had.
That's why you're here today,
striking for peace.
Why, they're striking on almost
every single campus in this country.
They're taking that pledge. Show
your solidarity by taking it with them.
"I refuse to support"...
Come on, come on.
"I refuse"...Come on. On your feet!
"I refuse to"...That's right.
On your feet. Everybody.
"I refuse to support"...
No, everybody. Everybody!
"I refuse to support
the government of
the United States
in any war it might conduct."
The student council
calls this a peace rally.
I call it a peace strike.
And I'm an English major.
It isn't that funny.
You fascists!
We have to talk about this stuff.
Wait a second.
You've been on that for two months.
It's a short story...
Frankie McVeigh, you're not funny.
I know it.
would you do me a favour?
Take the YCL meeting Monday night.
You can't miss a meeting.
I have to.
The story is due on Tuesday
and it's just gotta be good.
Look who's here,
America the beautiful.
How much do
you have in the treasury?
Five hundred 42 dollars
and 18 cents.
Possible themes
for the prom.
"Caribbean Holiday,"
"Jungle Fever"...
Hey, you should be
listening to this.
"Niagara Falls."
"Thirteen Colonies," "48 States."
"Thirteen Colonies," "48 States"...
J.J. J.J.
J.J., listen.
"The 48 States," "Starlight, Star Bright"
and "In My Merry Oldsmobile."
How about "Bread
Lines Can Be Fun"?
How about "The Stalin Shuffle"?
What are we gonna have?
How about "The College Grad
Meets The Leningrad"?
She's a million laughs.
What do you want?
What do you want?
Excuse me.
You're all decadent
and disgusting.
Come on,
we weren't making fun of you.
You make fun of everything.
You think politics is a joke.
You make fun of politicians.
What else can you do?
Think Franco's funny?
Franco? Is he here?
Yeah, Franco. He's a politician.
He's funny? Hitler has a funny
moustache. Why not have a Nazi prom?
Well, we thought of that,
but the uniforms itch.
Comes the revolution,
maybe we'll have a sense of humour.
Two burgers, two cheeseburgers,
four Cokes.
Yeah, in the Cokes.
If I read comparatively few
of your stories aloud in class,
it's because I think we
learn best from what's good.
Or at least, talented.
Today I'm going to read,
with a great deal of pleasure,
a remarkably good story
from a surprising new source.
The name of the story is
"The All-American Smile."
And it's by Hubbell Gardiner.
"In a way, he was like
the country he lived in.
Everything came too easily to him,
but at least he knew it.
About once a month he worried
that he was a fraud.
But then most everyone he knew
was more fraudulent.
Sometimes he felt...
- There's really no reason
for us to change.
But of course by then,
they were too lost or too lazy.
It had always been too easy."
The trouble with some
people is they work too hard.
Are you speaking to me?
Want a beer?
I don't drink.
One sip. One sip of beer.
You carry your books all the time?
That's what I crossed the street for?
I'm celebrating.
What are you celebrating?
I got you to cross the street.
Listen, I'm sorry I, um...
I haven't told you that
I really liked your story.
You're a good writer.
Thank you.
Mrs. Simpson married the Duke
of Windsor. It's in tomorrow's paper.
How do you know that?
The papers aren't out yet.
I work in the Linotype room
two nights a week.
You never quit, do you?
thanks for getting me
across the street.
I sold one.
I sold a story.
I've never known anybody
who sold one.
Oh, boy, Hubbell.
Okay, so have a drink. Okay?
To your first novel.
Wait a minute, not so fast.
Why not?
Yeah, why not?
You should've laughed.
"Any peace but Katie's piece."
You were good. You had them.
You could've kept them,
if only you'd laughed.
It wasn't funny.
That's not the only reason to laugh.
You're a puritan.
I am not.
You've no sense of humour.
My family thinks I'm humorous.
Why are you always angry?
Not always! Because I don't know
about coed humour. I've never
been in a fraternity or sorority,
which is where I'm sure they
make up all that dirty stuff anyway.
That's pretty dirty business.
Can I ask you a personal question?
Do you smile all the time?
No. No.
Here's to commencement.
A funny word for "the end."
Mrs. Simpson married
the Duke of Windsor.
I told you that, didn't I?
Yeah, you did.
I'm really happy about your news.
I hope I get to read
your story someday.
Put your foot here.
Go get them, Katie.
See you, Hubbell.
See you.
Don't spill it on your dress.
I'd like to have the sewing concession
when they wanna shorten those dresses.
You know, to get
some wear out of them.
Grab your coat
and get your hat
Leave your worries
On the doorstep
I'm glad we're not
working on commission.
I've never been to a dance before,
except the one the YCL gave for Spain.
Ooh, that happy tune
Can be your step
Life can be so sweet
Here, have a drink.
What's that, bourbon?
It's gin, Katie. Come on.
From the bottle?
So bourgeois.
Let's dance.
We aren't supposed to.
You weren't supposed to buy me
a corsage either. Come on.
If I never have a cent
I'll be rich
Rich as Rockefeller
Gold dust at my feet
Can you, Frankie?
Sunny side of the street
Frankie McVeigh,
you've got a foot for dancing!
What do you know?
Small world, isn't it?
I fall asleep?
I think so.
What do you know?
Would you like to have
a cup of coffee?
Oh, yeah.
Here you are, kiddo.
Good night.
Good night.
Good night, Hubbell,
old boy. Ahem.
Whoever you are.
Who are you?
It's the top floor.
Only one more!
In there.
General quarters!
Count down!
Stand safe...
Hubbell, it's Katie.
You didn't know it was Katie.
I'll be done in a minute.
You don't have to do that.
Oh, it's okay. I like to iron.
Gee, you have a lot
of ribbons here.
You have any aspirin?
Oh, I don't. Uh...
Push in on your temples.
How can you not have aspirin?
I always eat for a headache.
Do you have my watch?
Do you know where it is?
I took it off
and put it on the bedpost.
I thought you'd be more comfortable...
You didn't have... Oh.
I mean, that's why I...
Thank you.
It's your hair.
That's what's different.
Yeah. I have it ironed.
You have your hair ironed?
Does it hurt?
Uh, have some coffee at least.
I'm low on sugar, but it's real coffee.
No. Unh.
No, thank you.
I have to meet J.J. At the train.
Looks good, though.
You still have J. J?
Yeah. Well...
How long will you be around?
Where are you stationed?
In Washington.
Oh, that's good.
That could be exciting.
Roosevelt is there.
I thought the party said he was
an evil warmonger.
How do you know that?
You still think a varsity letter
stands for "moron," huh?
Some people work out
better than we think.
Thank you very much.
Oh, listen, um...
This is my number, and this is
the OWI office where I work.
This is the radio station. It's
very difficult to find a hotel room.
If you're ever in town and you
can't find one, well, just...
No obligation, of course.
Thank you.
Uh, about last night...
I'm sorry. I've been
falling asleep all over lately.
That's all right.
Hope my snoring
didn't keep you awake.
Oh, that's okay.
I like snoring.
See you, Katie.
See you, Hubbell.
Good luck.
American-Soviet benefit,
Friday night at town hall!
Come to the American-Soviet
Friendship benefit Friday.
American-Soviet benefit
at town hall, folks.
Come to the American-Soviet
benefit Friday night.
Thank you. Big show.
Big show at town hall, folks.
Come to the American-Soviet
benefit Friday night.
Hey, soldier,
why don't you bring a date?
to the American-Soviet benefit.
Bring a date.
Come to the American-Soviet
Jesus, I'm late for the OWI.
See you later, Pony. Bye!
Vote for Thomas E. Dewey!
We've gotta stop FDR.
I'll take them. I'll give them
to your friends. I'll help you.
CDHQ, America Calling.
Applications are available
at your local post office.
CDHQ, America Calling.
Can you identify them?
Over the Bronx? Twenty-five
Stuka dive-bombers.
I've got it, madam. Yes, I remember
Pearl Harbor. I'll connect you.
Even if he lost the paper,
I'm still in the book.
It's only been a week.
One moment, please.
I'll connect you.
Just one minute.
He could phone at least.
CDHQ, America Calling.
Phone where? You've only got 11 jobs.
Applications at your post office.
You've censored
all but nine minutes.
It implied that we spit on Negroes.
Which you do.
The situation...
Now the Negroes are a situation?
After the war,
the Pentagon...
It'll be just like it was before,
you racist fink!
What's with her this week?
This week?
What do you mean?
Shut up!
I have 21 minutes of dead air facing me!
It's his fault!
Okay, okay! I'll sign.
Where are you?
Grant's tomb.
I can't get a room.
Can I use your couch?
Of course you can.
Morosky, we have...
Will you, please!
Uh, Hubbell, um, there's beer
in the icebox and clean towels,
and if you wanna take a nap,
take off the phone and put it
in the drawer of the desk.
How do I get the key?
I'll call the super.
Thank you.
I wasn't sure when
you'd be home. How are you?
I don't know when I'll be back.
Uh, could you leave a key...?
You can't. I got steaks and
potatoes and sour cream and chives
and salad and fresh pie.
I would have made pot roast,
but I didn't know if you liked it.
Anyway, there wasn't time,
so I got steaks with
my ration stamps.
And you must be hungry, you
couldn't have had time to eat.
You can't go yet. You've got to stay
for supper, that's all there is to it.
What kind of pie?
Oh, your hero, huh?
He wasn't in college
when he did nothing for Spain.
Congress was isolationist in '37...
You'd justify the Nazi-Soviet pact.
Easier than you can justify
the Allies sitting on their behinds...
Why can't you say "asses"?
Because I can't.
What happens?
I don't know. Nothing.
What a subject for two...
It's interesting.
You'd rather talk politics.
All the contradictions. Should we
get in the war, should we not?
Stalin's for Hitler.
Stalin's against him.
All political doubletalk,
but you hold on.
I don't know how you do it.
I don't know how you can't.
You're jealous.
What? Ha-ha-ha.
You are.
Why are you jealous?
I'll live.
Maybe longer.
But you won't write another novel.
You must've gotten one
of the two copies sold.
You get through it?
Oh, I managed.
I liked it.
I liked it a lot.
What didn't you like?
The way you write is no problem.
Your style is absolutely
gorgeous. But...
It is.
It is gorgeous.
But you...
stand back.
Do you know
what I mean?
Go ahead.
You see, the people...
you watch them...
from a distance.
In the book.
I know, in the book.
Where in the book?
Be specific.
All through it, Hubbell.
But it's your first novel, and
I'm sure the second one will be...
Why should I write
another novel?
Because you must!
You're too good a writer not to.
Are you really so sure
of everything you're so sure of?
Aren't you?
No. Not as sure.
Do things still come too easily?
"In a way he was like
the country he lived in.
Everything came too easily
to him."
What made you remember that?
I always wondered
if it would stay true.
Not altogether.
What doesn't come easy now?
Hotel rooms.
Be serious.
Do you know
you're beautiful?
You are.
But you mustn't be
too serious.
I won't be.
Happy Rosh Hashanah!
What is it?
What do you mean, what is it?
Oh, come on. You get to
see your old pal J.J.
It'll be fun. We can all be
decadent and eat eggs Benedict
and vote Republican.
I don't like eggs Benedict.
I'll bet you were a cheerleader.
Me? Rah-rah.
Come on.
Maybe you'll have
a good time.
A paper doll that I can call my own
A doll that other fellas
Boy, this is some Navy
you're in, J.J.
Hi, Hub.
You mean all this?
It belongs to my aunt.
Is that the one that
plays the accordion?
Does she really
play the accordion?
She got squeezed to death.
She did not.
She's gone overseas.
She's with the USO.
Best USO?
Oh. Um...
Come on.
I got it.
Hollywood and Vine.
Best USO hostess?
Tallulah Bankhead.
I hope your aunt's
under Patton.
You can bet
she's under somebody.
Excuse me.
All right. Um...
Okay. How about... Gardiner?
Wait a second.
Best small hotel.
Not fair. I haven't been abroad.
But it's in Switzerland.
We don't want to make
any bad jokes. Saint Regis in Paris.
Pretty, isn't it?
You look different.
It's my hair. I have it ironed.
You what?
In Harlem.
I actually have friends
in Harlem.
I'm sure you do. Would
you like me to disapprove?
But how long has this been going
on? I mean, Hubbell Gardiner
And Katie Morosky.
No, she looks terrific.
I like her, J.J.
You really haven't changed, have you?
Neither have you.
As pretty as ever.
For a while.
I'm with J.J. Now.
Are you?
Excuse me.
Remember how she looked
in college compared to now?
Can I get you a drink?
I don't think so.
What were you doing?
She seemed upset.
Gone away and left
me Just like all dolls do
You do it. You make yourself
feel out of place.
I feel like I'm here for drinks
and everyone else gets supper.
Try talking to them.
I have.
No, you don't.
You don't talk, you lecture.
What was that speech
about Yalta?
No one here needs you
to explain it.
Then why all those silly jokes?
J.J. Called Roosevelt
the "Yaltese Falcon."
I thought it was pretty funny.
And selling your novel to Hollywood?
I hope that's meant to be funny.
Because you're too good
for Hollywood, that's why.
Maybe I'd be lucky to sell
a book to Hollywood.
You've never even
been there!
Besides, this isn't the point. Can't
we just relax and enjoy the party?
You get onto politics, and your sense
of humour goes right out the window.
I guess there are just
some things that are
difficult for me
to laugh about, Hubbell.
Than have a fickle-minded
Real live girl
I'm sorry.
I got caught up
at the studio
and then I met somebody from
the party who wondered...
What? What?
The first eight chapters.
You want to read it, read it.
But let's not discuss it.
All right.
If you don't like it, you have
to say you don't like it and why.
What if I like it?
Come in.
How you doing?
Is that new?
It was in the other room.
Looks good there.
Plants are all growing, hm?
How's your mother?
Much better, like the news.
I might be able to sell
my book to Hollywood.
I know, J.J. Told me.
What do you think about that?
About living in sunshine
all year long...
and going to work in a sports car?
Sounds wonderful.
Would you like a drink?
No. Ahem.
No, I just, uh, stopped.
I was out walking.
Hey, thanks.
I love the way you write.
Franklin Roosevelt is dead.
Most of you have already
heard the news.
But it will take days,
perhaps weeks, even months
for the final tragedy of
what happened at 5:45 this morning
to be fully comprehended.
What seems particularly touching
is that he will not be here
to share in a victory
so close at hand.
Did you go see it?
I was talking to...
There was this older guy
on, you know, that
steel platform between cars?
I helped him open
a big door, he needed air.
Jesus, I can't even remember
when he wasn't president.
A fourth term was
too much for the old man.
A third was too much
for my old man.
At least it'll end those Eleanor jokes.
Some were funny.
How about Eleanor in the mine
with the hillbillies?
Her face was covered
with grime, right?
Grime? For chrissakes, Judianne,
Eleanor went down into
a mine and got her face black
with coal. The hillbillies saw her
big buckteeth shining...
Her husband is dead!
Yes, Mrs. Roosevelt went down
into the mines.
And when they asked her why,
she said, "I am my husband's legs."
Did you tell cripple jokes too?
Is there anything that isn't a joke?
Who makes up jokes
J.J.'s old man.
Scads of swell material here
for a good novel.
If you wanna write about this.
People who tell jokes
instead of feeling something.
Let's meet every five years
or every time a president conks.
Whichever's sooner!
What are you doing?
What are we doing here?
J.J.'s gonna buy your book and
we're all gonna go to Hollywood?
Take it easy.
Lots of writers went there.
He's dead!
I know that.
It's none of your business
anyway. He died of booze
and people like you!
Damn it, stop it!
He's sorry for the joke.
Why did you bring me here?
Couldn't we have gone for a walk
or sit on a bench?
I didn't want to feel sadder.
What's wrong with feeling sadder?
It won't help! The president died!
And everything in the world that
happens doesn't just happen to you.
Behave yourself.
I don't care about behaving myself!
Then don't. Do what you want.
I wanna get out of here.
All right.
I meant us.
And then what?
See you later, Katie.
Oh, yeah, see you.
Good night, my beauty.
You can finish in the morning.
Cheer up.
I'm about to have a big night and
I wanna think of you as smiling.
Good night, Billy.
Gee, I thought you
got sent overseas.
Could I talk to you?
Listen, I was a bad girl.
I know that. But I'm better now.
It was like a tantrum.
I get them from time to time.
It's like an eclipse.
I'm sorry.
Don't apologise.
I wanted to have an apology dinner.
I thought I'd fill my icebox...
Oh. I'm a pain in the ass,
aren't I?
I go to swearing school now.
Soundproof school. I'm up to the F's.
I'm taking a laughing course
and studying Protestant cookery.
Are you finished?
Look, Katie...
Please don't start with "Look."
It's always bad news.
I don't think we're gonna
make it, Katie.
I just don't think it's
gonna work, that's all.
I was too easy for you.
I don't mean sexually.
I mean easy like
everything is for you.
You really think
you're easy?
Compared to what?
The Hundred Years' War?
You're so ready to fight,
you have no time to understand.
Counterattack, politics,
revolution, cause!
That's all fine for you.
So stay with it. I admire it.
Up to a point.
That's right!
Okay, okay! Don't belabour it.
I get it. I get it.
I don't fit on Beekman Place,
that's what's really wrong.
You think that's what I'm talking...
No demands, just fun, laughs.
Go ahead! Go! Go have
a good time on Beekman Place.
You wanna end it like a
gentleman, you have. So get out!
Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Oh, dear.
I'm calm now, Hubbell.
You can go.
It's me.
Um, wait a minute, hold on.
Don't go away.
Listen, Hubbell,
um, this is kind of peculiar. Um...
I know that I don't have to apologise
for what I said because
I know that you know.
And, um...
I also know that you
know that I don't feel exactly
bright-eyed and bushy-tailed,
as J.J. Would say. Uh...
Anyway, the peculiar thing is
it's really a request,
you know, a favour. Uh...
You see, I can't sleep, Hubbell...
and it would help me so much
if you could, uh...
Well, if I had someone to talk to.
You know, if I had
a best friend or something
to talk about it with.
Only you're my best friend.
Isn't that dumb?
So dumb.
You're the best friend I ever had.
It would help me so much if you'd
come over and see me through tonight.
Hubbell, I promise
I won't touch you
or beg you...
or embarrass you.
But I have to talk to my best friend
about someone we both know.
So could...? Hubbell, could you please
come over right away, please?
There's some sleeping pills
in the cabinet.
Isn't one enough?
I'm scared.
Go on. Take them.
Will you stay till I fall asleep?
I'm really sorry.
But that's what
best friends are for.
Aren't they?
There's something
I wanna ask you.
Hope this doesn't make me
drunk instead of sleepy.
Don't drink it like water.
Is it because I'm not
attractive enough?
I'm not fishing, really.
I'm not.
I know I'm attractive.
Sort of.
I'm not attractive in the...
I'm not attractive in the right way.
Am I?
I mean...
I don't have the right style...
for you.
Do I?
Be my friend.
You don't have the right style.
I'll change.
Don't. You're your own girl.
You have your own style.
But then I won't have you.
Why can't I have you? Why?
Because you push too hard.
Every damn minute.
I mean, we don't...
There's no time to relax
and enjoy living.
Everything's too serious.
I push too hard because
I want things to be better.
I want us to be better,
you to be better.
Sure I make waves, you have to.
I'll keep making them
till you're everything
you should be.
You'll never find anyone to believe
in you this much or love you as much.
I know that.
Well, then, why?
You think if I come back
it'll be okay by magic?
What'll be different?
We'll be wrong. We'll both lose.
Couldn't we both win?
God, I...
Oh, God, I...
I like Hollywood.
I like Alice Faye.
Don't. Don't. No, please.
Somebody's getting up.
Aren't you sleepy?
You are.
I'm exhausted.
Katie, you expect so much.
Oh, but look what I've got.
Jesus! Your director
lives here?
Actually, he lives off the
garage. The servants live here.
How can he work here?
Bissinger doesn't work,
he's the director.
As long as you're writing in
France by next fall, I don't care.
And now back to
KRS, music for a summer afternoon.
Everybody's here.
Everybody who's anybody.
No ice skating rink?
It's in the cellar.
Hi, George.
George Bissinger.
Glad you came.
My wife, Vicki.
How are you?
It's Kate, isn't it?
It's Katie.
Can I get you a drink?
No, thanks.
Ah, I want you to meet my agent.
Reportedly the greatest
in town.
If I were a great agent,
would I be an agent?
Nice to meet you.
You think those are croquet balls,
but it's her collection
of shrunken heads.
Have you seen
the Bissinger collection?
You think these Hollywood
intellectuals plan to overthrow the government?
They couldn't overthrow
Louella Parsons.
In '37, in Munich,
Hitler was a joke too.
Paula Reisner,
our resident pessimist.
Sorry. I'm sorry.
They're coming to investigate
all us communist subversives.
They're out to get election yardage
from the silver screen.
They're getting people
to testify secretly.
Horses' asses.
Maybe. But we can't even write our
congressman. He's on the committee.
Your shot, George.
Alice in Wonderland. Come on.
Thank you.
You're not home
making the script brilliant?
Listen to the producer.
You don't even understand it.
I'm glad you came.
I was gonna call you.
I'm giving J.J. A birthday party.
Forty-five, huh?
You gotta come as a Marx Brother.
Katie, you could come as Karl.
Still stuttering?
No, I'm not.
I'm not coming as Groucho.
Come as Harpo, that way you
won't be able to talk.
I think your director's an idiot.
Too high? Too low?
Trying to tell me something?
What? He's here?
In the room? Good God!
Ten years in Leavenworth, 11 years in
Twelveworth, or 5 and 10 in Woolworth.
- To control thought.
Let's not dramatise this.
It'll all blow over.
That line is necessary.
It's the point of the whole scene.
The point's made by the
dancers in red, white and blue.
There are no dancers in his book.
You can't just have dancers.
Brooks, if we get this organised,
you've got to talk.
I can't talk in front...
Come on, Brooks.
It's gorgeous if you do.
I'll write, all right?
He doesn't understand.
I never liked his movies anyway.
"Honk-honk," said the duck.
You rang?
Your wish is my command.
This morning I shot
an elephant in my pyjamas...
What are you hungry for? Ha-ha-ha.
I'm hungry for your absence.
Meeting at my house Sunday.
George, is Paula Reisner a Red?
My heavens, I don't know. Why?
It's something I heard.
You listen to the wrong people.
Come on. I have an early day.
I have a good mind to join a
club and beat you over the head with it.
It's hard to catch an elephant in
Africa. In Alabama, the Tuscaloosa.
He thinks Bissinger's right.
How dare you...
Hey, what?
Could you stop?
This is coming out in French.
Maybe Bissinger will like it
better in French. Here.
Taste this.
How is it?
It's great.
I'll study French cooking while
you finish your novel.
Done much thinking about it?
No, not much.
Well, it's very hard here,
you know.
But when we're ensconced
in our villa...
How about you? Have you read
any good books lately?
No, but I wrote two reports of books
that haven't been written yet.
You'll get the sack.
I'll go back to brain surgery.
They never read my synopses anyway.
They just pay me for them.
Why don't you quit?
After all, it's...
I'm laying a nice nest egg
for France.
China, maybe. My phoney
synopsis takes place there.
Public's fed up with Westerns, Myrna.
High time we had an Eastern.
Got a title?
Shevuos! Exclamation point.
Sounds catchy.
There's a kibbutz of Chinese
Jews living in a rice paddy.
And he...?
No, she cooks communist rice patties.
He gets the idea...
Of calling them matzos.
You read the book!
Oh, I got one for you.
I can't take another one.
Loudmouthed Jewish girl
from New York City,
comes to Malibu, California,
tells her gorgeous goyisher guy...
Good alliteration.
That she's pregnant, you see.
And, uh...
And he just looks at her and...
Are you kidding?
Don't be afraid to touch.
I'm not.
Get it, Katie, sweetheart!
All right, one more time.
Answer the question!
You have no right
to make me name the names...
Sergeant! Take the witness away.
You've just heard
excerpts from today's
session of the
House Un-American...
I'll make the salad.
Thank you.
Watch out, the paint
takes forever to dry.
You'll be in Beverly Hills by then.
France, not Beverly Hills.
Not if Hubbell gets
the deal I'm working on.
What deal?
Three more pictures. Provided
this one works out, of course.
Think he's interested?
I certainly hope so.
It'll mean a lot more money, Kate.
You and Hubbell could live in style.
I thought we did, Rhea.
Pop sent me a list of names.
"For my grandson, the following
names are okay with me:
Thomas Jefferson Gardiner,
Solomon David Gardiner
and Eugene V. Debs Gardiner."
What if it's a girl?
If it's a girl, there's only
one name, my mother's.
Yeah, what's that?
So keep your fingers crossed.
What's this picture
Cowboys and Indians.
Not too loud. Brooks wrote it.
Tonight, the Indians are the good guys.
Can you do that?
Well, it's un-American,
but we can try.
I think I'm calm enough.
Vicki, let's start.
Don't try the trick with the sunglasses.
I know when you're sleeping.
The best Western I've ever read.
I mean it.
There they are.
Hey, Velez and Yolanda.
I saved you guys a seat.
Thank you.
We didn't miss anything, did we?
All right, Floyd.
How's my godchild?
Very happy.
My God.
What the hell is going on?
What did it, George?
Your Picasso!
What's the trouble?
Testing. Do you get us?
What the hell is going on?
We're being recorded.
Would you knock it off up there?
Floyd, stop it!
Can't hear me.
Floyd, hold it!
I'm going to sue the
U.S. Government for that painting.
We've got to do
something. Do you have a lawyer?
Shouldn't we let him know
what happened?
How do we know
this room isn't bugged too?
This country wouldn't believe this.
They'll never know about this.
We can't let this
happen. We have rights.
Can't the studios do something?
We have got to do something. We.
Bissinger says this scene
isn't necessary.
I told him he's wrong.
What do you think?
He's the director.
You're the producer!
Easy, will you?
Yeah, easy.
Hey, Hub.
Do you know what's going on
over at your house?
You know?
Overthrowing the government,
I suppose.
Let's see, Sunday's volleyball...
Yeah, they like to overthrow
the government on Monday.
They're going to D.C.
To challenge the committee
on the basis of
the First Amendment.
Well, well.
Think anybody knows what it says?
Katie does.
Heh. That's for sure.
Some actor comes up to me
and says this line
doesn't make any sense.
What do you think?
If they go, it'll make more trouble.
They may not have jobs to come back to.
What do you want from me? Hm?
Tell Katie to stay out of it.
You tell her.
I will.
Ha-ha-ha. I'll buy tickets to that.
Would you just tell her
to go easy?
Sure. You tell Bissinger to go easy.
You're the producer.
What's eating you?
Nothing. The war's over, right?
Do you realise this is the first job
we've ever had?
Athletic scholarship.
Doesn't that count?
Doesn't count, buddy.
Well, then, officer,
landing craft, South Pacific?
Why? We got paid $150 a month.
Doesn't count.
You want a drink?
Um, there's a little trouble at home.
I have to keep my wits about me.
Old Carol Ann.
Don't take any crap.
To the both of us.
And all the absent friends,
class of '37.
Is this the Gardiner house?
And I'm the gardener.
How are you doing? Aha.
Okay, so far...
Your lover chain smokes, no doubt to
compensate for his extreme shortness.
He has an enormous heart
and no sense of humour.
You found us out.
Calls himself Brooks Kropatkin,
but it's not his real name.
What is it?
Carpenter! Aha.
Who told you that?
J.J. With whom I was not drinking
since he no longer drinks
due to trouble at home.
Well, Carol Ann's 33.
Not many moves left.
Well, we're all 33, practically.
Aw, not you. Not the quiz kid.
What were you, 16 in college?
What's gonna happen?
You're going to Washington.
I meant with J.J. And Carol Ann.
That's another house. In this
house, the wife is going to D.C.
Gonna take the baby with you?
I thought I might.
Nothing like an early education.
I'd like her to learn
not to be frightened.
Why don't you come with us?
We're kind of back
where we started, aren't we?
That's not true, Hubbell.
Okay. Now why don't
we all stay home, hm?
I can't.
And named the names of 14 of his fellow actors.
He described their
various associations
with subversive organisations.
Ten men of the original 19
who refused to testify...
And there he is,
Jack Armstrong,
the all-American boy.
Oh, God.
Hey, you look good.
I hate it!
I like it!
Isn't she lovely?
America's sweetheart.
Look at her go. I'd forgotten. She
really was getting to those people.
Take a look at
some of those faces.
Oh, she was a spellbinder.
She was.
I'd forgotten about that.
She's beautiful.
Yeah, Katie!
I'm exhausted.
Do you have any comment
regarding the Hollywood 10?
They're running toward martyrdom
for nothing but their own destruction.
They're standing up
for principle.
If you don't like this country,
get out!
It's my country too!
They could've
denied everything.
They didn't want to.
Can we do this
someplace else?
Why are you here?
You might get put on a list.
I refuse to be intimidated.
Well, those 10 men feel
exactly the same way.
Free speech is all
we're talking about.
They're fighting for your right
to make any movie you want.
And all you can do is strut
around here making simple remarks.
Could we get a statement
from Mrs. Gardiner?
I'd like to ask these people why
they think we just fought a war.
What are you people
afraid of?
Shut your mouth, you commie bitch!
Hubbell! Hubbell!
You two wait
here till the crowd clears.
Are you okay?
You're bleeding.
I'm fine.
It's always fun
meeting trains, you know?
I'm sorry, Hubbell.
I really didn't expect this.
You didn't expect to get a chance
to tell off the world either.
Is that what you think I'm doing?
You bet I do.
I'm not telling off the world.
I'm just standing up
for something I believe in.
You're not angry when Bissinger
ridicules those men?
Calling them martyrs
because they have guts
to fight for their Bill of Rights,
his Bill of Rights and yours!
We don't have any Bill of Rights.
We'll never have free speech.
We never will if people
won't take a stand.
We never will have
because people are scared.
This isn't college.
This is grown-up politics, Katie.
And it's stupid and dangerous.
You're telling me to shut up
because it's dangerous?
I'm telling you it's a waste.
And that those men
are only gonna get hurt.
And that nothing is gonna change.
And after jail,
after years of bad blood,
when it's practical for a fascist
producer to hire a communist writer
because his movie's
in trouble, he'll do it.
They'll make movies, have dinner,
they'll play tennis,
make passes at each other's wives.
What did anybody go to jail for?
For what? A political spat?
You're telling me to close my eyes
and watch people being destroyed
so you can work in a town
that doesn't have spine enough
to stand up for anything
but a buck!
I'm telling you that people are more
important than a goddamn witch hunt.
You and me. Not causes.
Not principles.
Hubbell, people are their principles.
The heads of the studios
have reversed their positions
and any employee who
is an unfriendly witness
before the committee is, um...
Oh, Jesus.
So now we have
an official blacklist.
It's an open season
for witch hunters
and stool pigeons.
And now the problem is,
how to convince the public
that a stool pigeon, heh,
is a hero.
You are like
these damn palm trees.
They don't belong here either.
They were brought in and they look it.
I'm sure that
they don't like it either.
What if he does, Paula?
What is more important to you?
He is.
That's your choice, Katie.
Give him my love too.
I will.
Thanks, Paula.
It's no reflection on anything
except that you're new to this
film technique.
Especially for the novelist.
He's too close to his own material.
I'm not a novelist.
I'd like to think
of myself...
as a screenwriter.
I wanna be up front with you.
I know what changes
have to be made.
But can you make them?
Nobody else understands that story.
Nobody knows it. It's mine.
I know where it came from.
I know what the heart of it is.
I mean, you... Hey.
You remember those few days
before the war started.
Before we had to change... You...
Don't lose what I know about it.
Work with me.
Work with me closely, fine.
And I know the dialogue from
the book is slowing the film up.
But I can fix that.
I learn fast. I always have.
Things come...
Christ, I can do it.
I know what you want.
I know what your concept is.
I'll make your changes.
Let me.
With no resistance?
No resistance.
Bad times?
Can't be all bad.
How's the picture?
I'm going back to New York.
New York.
When do you leave?
Not until tomorrow.
I'm getting rid of some things
in my apartment.
There's some champagne.
For bon voyage.
Well, it's getting better.
It's most unusual.
While it is slow,
it seems necessary to be slow.
Of course,
with the audience...
Thank you, Paula, my dear.
I'll have my brandy in bed.
We'll conduct the postmortem
tomorrow. Good night, Paula,
Hubbell, J.J., silent Kate.
Thank you, Floyd. Thank
you very much. Thank you.
Good night, Mr. Bissinger.
J.J., shall we go and have some
wine? You will tell me your problems
and I'll tell you how
the un-American gentlemen
offered to give me some names
to name in Washington.
Take care, darling.
True to life. So true to life.
I'll be up late, case you guys wanna
stop by on your way to the beach.
Okay, Hub?
Well, that was
a gripping experience.
"So true to life, darling."
The only picture she
hasn't knocked is Potemkin.
Probably a dyke anyway.
She is not.
She has two grandchildren.
Katie, the day you die,
you'll still be a nice Jewish girl.
Are you still a nice gentile boy?
I never was.
I only looked it to you.
That's not true.
Oh, yes, it is.
When you love someone, from Roosevelt
to me, you go deaf, dumb and blind.
Not blind, Hubbell.
And certainly not dumb.
Who told you?
A friend.
Hm. Some friend.
Well, it's a friendly town
if you don't mind having
your friends inform on you.
I suppose you'll say
it doesn't mean anything.
It doesn't.
Your picture will be a smash,
Hubbell. Congratulations.
But you didn't like it.
Let's say I appreciated it.
What didn't you like?
Are you finished for the night, sir?
Thank you.
Why did you have to
go with her?
Tell me I'm not good enough.
Tell me I talk too much.
You don't like my perfume,
my family, my pot roast.
But you didn't have to go back
to Beekman Place, did you?
Katie, what's wrong with us
has nothing to do with another girl.
Oh, give up.
I can't. I hate what
you did to your book.
I hate the picture.
I hate the palm trees.
I wish it would rain.
Oh, I want...
I want...
I want us to love each other.
Give me a beer.
Coming up, skipper. There you go.
What the hell. It doesn't matter
anyway. She wasn't much.
Ah, don't get sloppy.
You had some good days.
It's the rum.
No excuse, buddy.
It's not like, you know,
losing somebody like Katie.
That would be a loss.
Best Saturday afternoon?
1933, when "Brute" Holland
was out with a bad knee.
Best month?
Best year?
Best year...
No, '45...
It's amazing how decisions
are forced on you willy-nilly.
You never did want to finish
your book, did you?
I don't know.
I never thought there was much point.
And you never really wanted
to go to France, did you?
No, I didn't. You wanted me to.
Oh, boy.
Oh, girl.
Are you all right?
Yeah, fine.
Sit back.
Wouldn't it be lovely if we were old?
We'd have survived all this.
Everything would be
easy and uncomplicated.
The way it was
when we were young.
It was never uncomplicated.
But it was lovely.
Wasn't it?
Yes. It was lovely.
Will you do me one favour,
Stay with me till the baby's born?
More flowers for you, Mrs. Gardiner.
I thought...
It's a nice room.
Yeah, it is.
Did you get your father?
I'd like to call her Rachel.
Did you see her yet?
She... She's...
She's little.
I know.
I've got the crib together.
Oh, you don't have it ironed
Your hair.
Oh. No, I don't.
It's pretty.
Thank you.
Still married?
Sure. What are you doing
in New York?
I've been writing a television show.
There's an experience.
It happens so fast.
Shoot it in one day, live, on the air.
Everybody in a constant state of panic.
You remember how radio was.
Same thing,
only with cameras. And craziness!
Make a great comic novel.
It sounds wonderful, really.
Your taxi's ready, sir.
I'm awfully late.
Please call and come for a drink?
It's the only David X. Cohen
in the book. Nice to meet you.
What's the "X" for?
The only David X. Cohen
in the book.
I'm sorry I'm late.
How are we doing, huh?
Oh, wonderful.
We've got 122 on that one.
And Charlene called.
She's doing great.
That's a good one too,
don't you think?
What about Eileen?
You never give up, do you?
Only when I'm absolutely
forced to.
But I'm a very good loser.
Better than I am.
Well, I've had...
more practice.
Your girl is lovely, Hubbell.
Bring her for a drink when you come.
I can't come, Katie.
I can't.
I know.
How is she?
She is just beautiful.
You would be so proud of her.
I'm glad.
Is he a good father?
Yes. Very.
See you, Katie.
See you, Hubbell.
Ban the bomb!
Join the thousands of Americans
who are protesting the use...
May be beautiful, and yet
What's too painful to remember
We simply choose to forget
So it's the laughter
We will remember
Whenever we remember
The way we were
The way we