Wazir (2016) Movie Script

What is happening to this city?
Ashes here, smoke there.
Why are you so silent?
Why have smoke forced
down your throat?
Now it's the limit of endurance.
Let's bring this
reckless act to an end.
Smoking is banned
in all public places.
Violation will lead to penalty.
Don't smoke.
No let anyone do.
Smoking will cost you.
Who doesn't want to be happy?
But at what price?
Smoking will cost you.
Smoking can cost you your health.
And for your dear ones.
Smoking will cost you.
With you, with you
With you, I live
With you, I'll die too
With you, with you
With you, I live
With you, I'll die too
With you, with you
My beloved, the glow of your love
Keeps my heart warm
May this light be never
Blown out by a storm
Never must this light
Go out in a storm
With you, I live
With you, I'll die too
With you, with you
My beloved, the glow of your love
Keeps my heart warm
May this light be never
Blown out by a storm
Never must this light
Go out in a storm
The show's at 3pm, right?
One, two...
- Buckle my shoe.
Very good.
Three, four...
- Shut the door.
Five, six...
- Pick up the sticks.
Wow! You've learned it all.
How about seven, eight...
Lay down straight.
Nine, ten...
Daanish, I'm already late.
Don't worry.
Thank you.
I'll take 2 minutes.
Keep the car running.
I'll be there soon.
Hurry please!
Wait till mom's back...
I'll tell her what you're up to.
That's okay. Thanks.
Hi Daanish.
- Sartaj...
What's the latest on Rameez?
Farooq Rameez? He's in Pakistan.
No. He's right in front of me.
Connaught Place.
Rameez? In Delhi?
In a black SUV.
Get the license plate.
What block?
Hello, Daanish?
- Hello?
Hello, Sartaj?
Sartaj, can you hear me?
Car entering F block.
- Slow down, Papa...
you'll ruin my game.
Sartaj, hurry up.
Noorie's with me.
Papa, what's happening?
Get down, Noorie!
Papa, this belt is stuck...
Please open it.
Come on, move!
Where's the doctor?
Where's the doctor on duty?
With you, with you
With you, with you
With you, I live
With you, I'll die too
With you, with you
Ruhana wants to be alone.
Come stay with me for a few days.
Here you go.
Get some rest.
And... here.
These pills...
will help you sleep.
Yeah, SP
We tracked down Rameez's
satellite phone.
He's still in Delhi.
Rameez's exact location?
It's some deserted colony
The entire sleeper cell is there.
Take enough ammo.
I'm sending the coordinates.
Got it.
How's Daanish?
He's asleep.
He's not great, but he'll get there.
Don't tell him about Rameez.
He might do something crazy.
Don't worry.
He's on sleeping pills.
Should be asleep
for at least 12 hours.
We'll see after that.
In a shootout between
terrorists and the police...
Officer Daanish's 4-year-old
daughter was killed.
The Delhi Police is investigating.
Team B, secure the back gate.
We want Rameez alive
I repeat, catch the bastard alive.
Team A, secure the main body.
Block the main gate. Go!
Main body secured.
Rooftop secured.
Good to go.
Sir... Daanish!
What's Daanish doing here?
What the hell is
Daanish doing there?
Get him out now.
Stop! Stop!
Move in now!
It's the police!
Come in.
Team B, move in.
Go! Go! Moving in now.
Cover that officer.
Pull out the car. Quick!
Rameez, go.
Move! Move!
Cover Rameez!
Target compromised. Move!
Let's go, quick.
Get the car!
Get in!
Go! Go!
Look up.
Look up!
According to our intel Rameez came
to Delhi to meet some politician.
Now how could we find him?
Sir, it was a shootout.
If someone shoots at us...
we can't just sit back.
We have to retaliate.
That's exactly what my boys did.
Sure, we could've...
handled it better...
Handled it better?
It's a bloody mess.
From what I heard...
It's all Daanish's fault.
Isn't it true?
Sir, Daanish's daughter...
Suspend him, send him on
a medical leave, I don't care.
Papa, this belt is stuck...
Papa, please help me!
Turn the lights off!
Turn the lights off!
Hurry up!
Late again. Come on in.
Your wallet.
- Oh, thank God you found it!
All morning, Panditji kept asking...
if anyone
had returned his wallet.
Don't just stand there.
Come in.
Oh Lord, he's so strong...
and I'm so weak.
O Lord, show me the way.
How do I slay that evil King?
He's so mighty, and I...
Okay, stop, stop, stop.
Mr. Pawn, that's too timid!
"How do I slay the evil king?"
Son, you're seeking revenge,
not buying candy!
"How do I slay the evil king?"
Try it again. With all your heart.
How do I slay the evil king?
Like that. Once again.
- Panditji
This gentleman found your wallet.
I've taken money for milk
Glasses lying around again!
Thank you...
You brought my daughter home.
This play is in her memory.
That's her... Nina, my daughter.
Last year,
she fell down a staircase...
and died.
I'm sorry.
Forgive me, your daughter's
news reached me late.
I came there, but...
I didn't want to disturb you...
So, I left without meeting you.
You... knew Noorie?
She came to learn chess,
with her mom.
Ruhana, right?
This is where she came?
Just twice.
Two classes later,
she said, "This is easy!"
She'd beat me... always.
Before she left, she said
"I'll send my Papa over."
"Teach him chess."
"Poor guy's really weak."
See you.
Do come again...
To play chess with our kids.
You'll feel you're playing
with your daughter.
Like I... play with my daughter.
For you and I,
the biggest enemy is time.
It just doesn't seem to pass.
If we get together over
a game of chess, it might.
I'm but a fraction
You make me whole
I owe my life not to heartbeats
But to you, my soul
Whether you say it or you don't
My heart can hear
You're with me, my dear
You're right here
Uncle... checkmate!
I'm leaving in three minutes
Want to lose one more time?
You'll beat me in three minutes?
- No. In two.
The third minute is to laugh at you.
Go on... run along now!
This is where everyone
gets it wrong, Mr. Daanish.
Students come to learn how to win.
But first,
they must learn how to learn.
Let's take this move back.
That's a wrong move. Take it back.
I can't.
Can't take back the wrong move.
There lies the difference
between life and chess.
There are no second chances in life.
In chess, there are.
Come on.
Your move.
A game is a game is a game
To play to win is a sin
Play to learn and you'll win
You see this rook...
he's a crazy beast.
For now, quiet in his corner.
But if the pawn in
front of him dies...
this rook goes on a rampage.
What's going on?
Lower the window.
- Yes?
What's wrong?
- His horse died.
Horse died?
Your mind is your only tool
Moves that fool are the rule
A game is a game is a game
A game is a game is a game
To play to win is a sin
Play to learn and you'll win
How was it?
- What?
How did it feel after killing them?
The people who killed your child.
Must've felt good.
That's how I'll feel
when I kill that bastard.
Yazaad Qureshi.
The Welfare Minister?
The "messenger of peace",
Yazaad Qureshi.
I don't get it.
Nina would go to teach
his daughter chess.
One day, Mr. Qureshi's
secretary called...
"Panditji, your daughter
has been in an accident."
Mr. Qureshi said
Nina lost her balance...
and tripped on the stairs.
Maybe he was telling the truth.
That day, only I...
saw Qureshi's eyes.
It was no accident.
She was murdered...
By Yazaad Qureshi.
Yazaad Qureshi's incredible
journey began 8 years ago.
Terrorists attacked a
village of weavers in Kashmir.
They killed 55 people
of the village.
By the time the army arrived...
they found only Qureshi
and his daughter alive.
The whole country admires him.
The guy lost everything,
yet he said...
Guns won't fix anything. Love will.
First won hearts.
And then... elections
Within 8 years,
he became the Welfare Minister.
What do we know about his daughter?
Her name is Ruhi.
Age 13.
Nina Dhar taught
her chess for 2 years.
What else?
There's nothing else!
It's an open and shut case.
Nina slipped.
Fell down the stairs.
Head hit the floor. That's it.
Died on the spot.
There were 4 eyewitnesses.
Qureshi's guys.
Let it go, man!
The old man's messing
with your mind.
Did Ruhi see anything?
- No.
She was in her room.
Packing her chess board.
But she was at home.
Did you tell the Minister...
that I'm here
about an investigation?
Please hold.
I told you your message
has been conveyed.
Please wait, you'll be called.
Good morning.
The Minister is waiting for you.
- Sir!
The appointment is at 4
Thank you.
Sir. You've been called in.
Come in.
Chief, here's your man.
Daanish Ali.
I was just telling your chief...
to put you back on duty.
The terrorist you killed - Rameez...
He's the guy who had
killed my whole family.
Wiped out my entire village.
Why are you still standing?
Do sit down.
Please sit.
I'm really thankful to you.
How can I help?
What's wrong?
You had something to ask, right?
Don't hesitate.
I wanted to ask how Nina
Dhar slipped down your stairs.
isn't this file getting closed?
Yes, sir. The file is being closed.
Don't worry, sir. I'll take care of it.
- It's okay.
It's alright.
Mr. Ali
Fate has been unfair to Panditji.
First, the fanatics burned
down his house in Kashmir.
Then, in a car accident,
he lost his wife...
and both his legs.
Last year,
his daughter fell down the stairs...
Anyone in his situation
can lose mental balance.
You're his friend, aren't you?
Take care of him.
And yourself too.
And if you need any help,
feel free to come to me.
I'd be happy to help.
You used to weave
Cashmere wool, right?
For decades.
That's delicate work.
For a weaver,
your grip is rather strong.
I play tennis.
If you get time off
from Panditji and chess...
do join me.
We'll play.
What do you think of yourself?
Sorry, sir.
You're suspended.
If such antics are repeated...
Arrest him.
- Yes, sir.
I'm but a fraction
You make me whole
I owe my life not to heartbeats
But to you, my soul
Whether you say it or you don't
My heart can hear
You're with me, my dear
You're right here
How about a game of chess?
You were asleep.
Sorry, I didn't check the time.
Chess is a game of the clock,
my friend...
but there's no
fixed time to play it.
Waking an old man at midnight,
do you expect poetry?
Here you go.
Listen to this song.
This was my wife
Neelima's favorite song.
She would play it
at every party and say...
"Omkar, sing with me."
Come beloved...
let me take you amidst the stars.
Mr. Daanish... presenting...
The Omkar Nath Special.
These special pieces
are used only at parties.
So why today?
Because we're partying today.
Today, you've become my friend.
Ask how?
For the first time today...
You didn't call.
Just rang the doorbell. At midnight!
Now, the rules of this game.
If your pawn dies,
you take a shot from it!
Pick it up.
Come on!
Let's raise a toast.
To our friendship!
You know, nothing can beat
sitting in a Russian bar...
with a Russian woman
and drinking Russian vodka!
Ever been to Russia?
Me neither.
Make your move, Panditji.
Save your Knight.
This is getting bad.
This reminds me of a poem...
There's no escaping the final sleep
Then why, in worry, stay awake?
So far from myself I stand,
I don't feel my own heartache
Aah! You knew this one!
From Ghalib to Shakespeare, I
memorized everything... for Ruhana.
I'll work some magic...
to win back your queen of hearts
You're a quick learner. You won.
No. You won.
This game was about drinking.
Lose pawns, drink vodka!
I only lost a couple.
But your entire army went down.
Now you know
the Omkar Nath Special.
In this game...
you win by losing.
We're doing a play
my daughter Nina wrote.
Your daughter,
Noorie, was to play the pawn
I'm sure you remember.
I hear dancing is your passion
If you come and teach
dance to the kids...
it'll make Noorie
and Nina happy.
I'm sorry. I can't.
Ruhana, there's one more
mother here who has lost her child.
Her daughter is alive,
but has stopped living.
What you and I have suffered...
Do not inflict that on your mother.
Don't kill her daughter.
Go, my child.
Maybe you can help me.
I'm looking for Nina's friend.
Nina told me to look for
the quietest girl in the school.
She said that's her friend, Ruhi.
Do you know the quietest
girl in this school?
You seem rather quiet yourself.
What's your name?
Hi, Ruhi.
Nina often spoke of you...
She said you love to draw.
Ever made a drawing of Nina?
May I?
When Nina fell down the stairs,
where were you?
Ruhi, come with me.
10-minute break.
You blame Daanish
for Noorie's accident.
He blames himself too.
When I visited your child's grave,
I saw him there.
He was pointing his gun...
at himself.
Like this!
Had he succeeded, whom would
you blame for that accident?
My wife, Neelima.
She, too,
was a victim of an accident.
I was driving on the freeway...
with the world's most
beautiful woman beside me.
I was speeding.
And she was laughing.
60 miles per hour...
70... 80... 90...
100... 1 10... 120...
The last sound I heard
was of her laughter.
When Neelima passed away...
I hugged Nina and cried.
But when Nina died...
I had no one.
When I look at you two...
I feel you are so fortunate.
So fortunate...
that you can at least
hug each other and cry.
did this man come to meet you?
Did he ask you anything?
Did you tell him anything?
If he ever visits you again...
and you open your mouth...
you know what
dad will do, right?
My sweet child.
Daanish! You better do
something about that old man!
You're busy punching here, while
he's raising hell at the station.
He's very upset.
Nina's file was closed.
May I come in, sir?
Here's your friend.
Daanish, they've closed Nina's file.
Daanish, get him to understand
that his daughter Nina...
That his daughter Nina Dhar, age 22...
died due to falling
down the stairs.
There were 19 stairs,
and each stair was 7 inches.
Total height 133 inches.
I know these details by heart.
After 13 months,
1 7 days and 8 hours...
all that's changed in this file is
the investigating officer's signature!
The report states facts alone,
Mr. Dhar.
What's the evidence you have?
The evidence lies
in Qureshi's eyes.
Mr. Omkar Nath Dhar,
this is real life...
not your game of chess.
You're right.
In chess,
rooks and knights walk around...
Not rabid dogs.
- Sir.
Get him out of here...
Or I will arrest him.
Let's go, Panditji.
O Benefactor
O Lord
O Benevolent one
O Lord
Be my guide
Show me the way
Stay by my side
Or I'll go astray
O Lord...
Be my guide Show me the way
Stay by my side
Or I'll go astray
With empty palms,
at Your door I stand
Seeking wisdom
from Your generous hand
Be my guide
Show me the way
Stay by my side
Or I'll go astray
Do not torment me with doubt
This answer I can't live without
O Lord...
To Your grace,
I appeal, my friend
If You shun me,
it'll mean my end
O Lord...
Be my guide Show me the way
O Lord...
O Lord...
O Lord...
Show me the way
O Lord...
O Lord...
Show me the way
Show me the way
Hello, Mr. Daanish! Mr. Daanish!
Panditji! Panditji!
Hello. Hello?
- Mr. Daanish! Here!
Look what he's done.
He ran out that window.
I'll check.
Look what he's done.
Drink some water.
- What happened?
I was sleeping.
Suddenly... I heard a loud noise.
When I came out... there was fire
My chessboard was burning.
A mere pawn... hurls a shoe?
At the king?
Now play chess with me.
Who are you?
I could be anyone.
Oh yes!
I could be the knight...
Tick tock!
Jumps between light & dark squares!
Or the bishop.
Never walks straight!
But I'm the biggest piece
that all the others fear.
I am...
Wazir! The Queen piece
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king's horses
and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together...
This is the hand that
hurled the shoe, right?
Does it hurt?
The crippled pawn must remember...
that one challenges only equals.
That's when you call it a game!
If a pawn takes
on the mighty King...
he'll be crushed to death.
If you even look at
Yazaad Qureshi again...
I'll burn you alive!
A bit darker under the eyes...
thicker beard.
Take care.
Pammi, please see him out.
- Yes.
Yeah, thank you.
Thank you.
I throw a shoe at Qureshi
and he sends Wazir.
To him, I'm a crippled pawn.
He doesn't know that
I too have a weapon.
My friend...
If anything happens to me,
my friend won't spare the king.
No harm will come to you.
I promise!
Papa, please help me...
Daanish Ali!
Is my sketch haunting your dreams?
Who's that?
- Don't you recognize me?
I'm Wazir.
I heard your promise,
"No harm will come to you"
Are you sure?
Open your email.
See? Making a bomb is so easy!
I'm making one too...
for your buddy.
A bomb - for a shoe!
My men are
watching Qureshi's core team.
We must find Wazir.
Start tapping their phones.
Including Qureshi's.
Daanish, are you crazy?
Tap the Welfare Minister's phone?
I want Wazir, Sartaj.
Isn't it amazing!
It's faster than the previous one!
Hey, Daanish! Daanish!
Do me a favour?
- Sure.
Please send a 'Thank-You' note.
To whom?
To Mr. Wazir!
There are two sides of every coin.
Wazir burned my wheelchair...
but that's how I got this new chair!
You're a strange man.
- I agree.
He could've done something worse...
Worst case scenario? I'd be dead.
Yeah, Sartaj.
Where are you?
With Panditji, at the hospital.
I've got the file
of Yazaad's tapped calls.
Can we meet?
- Sure. Where?
Brother, this is the
first and last time...
that I tap a Minister's calls.
If I get suspended too...
we'll both be on the roads,
Mr. Qureshi,
I've received the money.
Sir, your tickets
for Kashmir are booked.
Reservations done too.
Qureshi's going to Kashmir tomorrow.
Wazir speaking.
I'll tell SP...
Friday, 8pm. Hauz Khas Garden.
Friday? That's today!
Let's go!
On your knees!
Raise your hands!
Look up.
What's your name?
Your name!
Tushar. Tushar.
Full name!
Tushar Sharma.
A little message is
all it took to fool you!
Where's my 'Thank-You' note?
Didn't the old man
ask you to send me one?
"Hey Daanish! Daanish!"
"Do me a favour?"
"Please send a 'Thank-You' note."
I was right there...
watching you...
but you didn't see me.
I'll kill you!
What if I kill your
buddy before that?
What'll happen to your promise then?
If you want to save the old fool...
stop tracking me.
And keep an eye on him!
In Chess Land,
there lived a tiny pawn.
All the chess pieces loved him.
But the pawn had one
enemy - the evil king...
who made the pawn cry.
Teary-eyed, the pawn went to...
What's this message?
I'm sorry I failed
to look after our friend.
Will apologize
personally in Kashmir.
Who is Qureshi talking about?
Message sent on 24th November.
Who was in Delhi to meet him?
Find out who came to meet Qureshi
- Noorie's favourite!
You made them?
I'll be right back.
Thanks for the cake!
Storms of disasters
fail to make me cry
But a moment of your
absence will flood my eye
Have one.
Panditji says wherever she is,
it'll make her happy.
Go ahead.
Whether you say it or you don't
My heart can hear...
You're with me, my dear
You're right here
You're with me, my dear
You're right here
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you? What for?
Ruhana spoke to me today.
- Oh!
I told you I'll work some magic.
What did you think?
That Pandit was too drunk
to remember his promise?
My friend...
Vodka turns me into an Einstein!
Surely you can afford
an occasional smile.
When the Creator asks me...
"Omkar Nath Dhar..."
"What did you achieve
in the long life I gave you?"
At least I can say...
"Sir, I taught a friend to smile."
Come beloved...
let me take you amidst the stars
The oldie keeps
listening to this oldie.
Let me grant his wish...
and send him to the stars.
Guess how?
Like this.
Sartaj, stay with Panditji.
- Yes.
See this ticket.
Your pal is going to Kashmir...
chasing the King.
Stop him.
Today, just his pawns blew up...
but the next time...
Get it?
- Yes, sir.
One moment.
So, packed everything?
Sweater? Jacket? Took everything?
It must be freezing there.
I'm going to Kashmir.
What for?
To hurl the other shoe?
This time, it won't be a shoe.
This is mybattle, Daanish.
It's for me to fight.
This WAS your battle...
Now it's OURS!
Pack your stuff.
Where are you taking me?
- To the safe house.
Where Wazir can't reach you...
nor you Qureshi!
I don't even know who I'm
protecting here.
Ruhana, I'm dreading
the food at that safe house.
Won't you treat me
to a meal before I go?
Of course.
It'll be good karma.
And yes, I won't come alone.
I'll have company.
Ruhana, the food
is absolutely delicious!
You're such a charmer!
It's your effect!
What say, Daanish?
You know...
whenever I look at you two...
it reminds me
of the olden times.
That was the era of love.
Today, even the spelling
of Love has changed to LUV.
In these frugal times,
your love remains so generous.
Don't lose it.
Treasure it, like these pictures
Whenever dust settles on them...
Make sure to wipe it off
I'm but a fraction,
You make me whole
In the game of love
A lone heart can't win
I too shall meet defeat
My love, if you give in
Whether you say it or you don't
My heart can hear...
You're with me, my dear
You're right here
You're with me, my dear
You're right here
Storms of disasters
fail to make me cry
But a moment of your
absence will flood my eye
Daanish Ali,
you took your buddy home...
but forgot to cancel his ticket.
The old man has
left for the airport.
He'll fly all right,
but not in a plane.
Pick it up!
Sartaj, alert all check
posts on the way to the airport.
What's the matter?
Panditji is heading to Kashmir.
We must stop him!
Just do it, Sartaj!
Come ahead.
Blue Winger spotted near India Gate.
- Yeah, Sartaj.
Car located.
- Where?
Near India Gate.
Yeah, Sartaj.
Are you okay?
Yeah, Sartaj.
- Rajpath Road, near India Gate.
Game over, Daanish Ali.
This endless cheering
means only one thing...
Yazaad Qureshi is about to speak.
As you can see, this enthusiasm...
is a proof that...
it'll be a
record-breaking election.
For the first time in ages...
the people of Kashmir
are hopeful about elections.
Experts believe this
will start a healthy debate...
on many issues
important to Kashmir.
When is the next flight to Kashmir?
- 9:30, sir.
One way or return?
One way.
Dear Ruhana, the news
of my death might reach you...
before this letter.
I'm really sorry.
I failed to be a good
father and husband...
But I wish to be a worthy friend
I can't spare the
one who killed Panditji.
If I don't return...
then think
that I am with Noorie.
I failed in this world...
but in the next,
I'll take good care of our child.
Forever yours, Daanish.
Welcome. SP is expecting you.
Local police,
army and his personal security.
It's a suicide mission.
If you can't help, just say it.
I didn't say that.
I'm just giving you the facts.
You saved my life once...
I owe you.
But why all this?
I want Wazir.
And only Qureshi knows where he is.
Yazaad Qureshi is being
honoured with the Peace Award.
Qureshi has emerged
as the poster boy for peace
He has swept the polls in Kashmir.
Long live Yazaad Qureshi!
Not I, but...
my daughter
deserves this Peace Award.
My daughter Ruhi.
Pure and innocent...
like our Kashmir.
It's after ages...
Cameras on, Daanish.
Be ready.
I want the valleys
of Kashmir to bloom again.
Long live Yazaad Qureshi!
Daanish, are you ready?
And I promise...
"No harm will come to you"
"I promise"
I'll bring peace back in Kashmir.
Good to go.
On my count.
Daanish, move now!
Left. Left.
He's going up from the East Wing.
He's heading to his room.
The commandos are here.
I can't hold them up for long.
No more than 4 minutes.
Hurry up, Daanish.
Call Wazir.
Call him.
Daanish, you're mistaken.
I don't know any Wazir.
Let's sit and talk.
Where's Wazir?
You shouldn't have killed Panditji.
You have only 30 seconds.
Let's go.
Where's Wazir?
Ruhi, go out.
Come darling...
come to dad.
Ruhi, go out.
Come here. Come to dad.
You're not my dad.
This man killed my dad.
He killed everyone.
Killed whom?
My mom... dad...
my entire village.
When the army arrived...
he got wounded.
His friends ran away.
He said to the army
that he's my father.
He could never be my father.
My father was a good man.
I live each day in fear.
He threatened... if I told anyone...
he'd push me
down the stairs as well.
Like he pushed Nina?
Nina Ma'am promised me...
that she wouldn't
reveal his secret.
And yet he killed her.
I'm very scared of him.
Those terrorists
still come to meet him.
According to our intel...
Rameez came to Delhi
to meet some politician.
Rameez came to meet you?
Rameez came to Delhi to meet you!
"Papa, please help me..."
Breaking news.
Yazaad Qureshi was attacked.
The Welfare Minister was shot dead.
The shocking truth is that...
Yazaad Qureshi was just a persona...
a mask donned
by a ferocious terrorist.
He wasn't my father.
I wanted to tell everyone...
but I was scared.
This play is dedicated
to Omkar Nath Dhar.
Panditji once said to me...
There's a riddle in this play.
A good chess
player can solve it.
Well, I don't play chess.
If you find the solution,
do tell me.
Presenting "The Pawn and The King"
A game is a game is a game
To play to win is a sin
Play to learn and you'll win
Your mind is your only tool
Moves that fool are the rule
A game is a game is a game
Far far away, in Chess Land...
there lived a tiny pawn.
All the chess pieces loved him.
But one day,
the evil king made him cry.
the pawn went to his Creator
O Lord... show me the way.
How do I slay the evil king?
The Lord said, "Little pawn,
you're the heart of chess."
Make the right moves,
and you'll become...
the Wazir.
Make the right moves...
and you'll become the Wazir.
You'll become the Wazir.
Mr. Wazir!
On Lord's advice, the
pawn befriended an honest rook.
You brought my daughter home
You've become a friend.
To our friendship
The rook was a calm fellow...
but if his friend got hurt,
he'd go crazy.
When the pawn
in front of him dies...
this rook goes on a rampage.
To unleash the rook,
the pawn played his last move.
If anything happens to me,
my friend won't spare the King.
The pawn sacrificed himself...
so that the rook
would checkmate the evil King.
Now you know
the Omkar Nath Special.
In this game, you win by losing.
When Panditji was attacked...
what were you doing there?
Wait a sec.
I can't hear a thing.
Come with me.
Did you see Wazir yourself?
Yes or no?
- Yes!
He ran out that window.
I saw him myself.
What was he wearing?
Whatever Panditji said.
- What did you see?
I came home,
Panditji pointed at the window...
I saw the window moving, so...
So you saw nothing yourself!
Panditji said it, so I believed it.
Mr. Daanish, one moment.
Panditji once said to me...
Someday, Daanish will
come to you looking for Wazir.
Give him this Wazir.
This Wazir?
Panditji, you're too much.
I know this is a pen drive
My children use it for recording.
"In this game, you win by losing."
"Every pawn can become wazir"
"The pawn sacrificed himself..."
"so that the rook
would checkmate the evil king."
My friend!
You've learned how to learn.
And since you're watching this...
You've learned how to win.
You won!
No. You won!
No legs, no guns, I had nothing...
what else could I do?
How would I ever get to Qureshi?
This weak pawn had
only one option...
One step at a time,
I reached the last square...
And you became Wazir.
"Don't you recognize me?"
"I'm Wazir."
"The oldie keeps
listening to this oldie"
"Let me grant his wish..."
"and send him to the stars."
"Guess how?"
"Like this... Boom!"
The Omkar Nath Special.
In this game, you win by losing.
Get it?
My first move.
My first move brought
you to my house.
This gentleman found your wallet
And my last move...
My last move took you to Qureshi.
Checkmate. Game over, Daanish Ali.
What moves!
What an end game!
This is not the end.
My real game has just started.
When you watch this tape...
I'll be up there listening
to Neelima's favorite song!
Nina will be with me,
and your Noorie too.
I'll play chess with
your daughter there...
while you play here with Ruhana.
Play your best game... Live it up!
And remember to smile.
When the Creator asks me...
"Omkar Nath Dhar,
what did you achieve..."
"in the long life I gave you?"
I'll tell Him...
I taught a friend to smile.
Time to go, Daanish.
Time to go.
may I?