We Are Brothers (2014) Movie Script

Showbox/Mediaplex presents
a Filmitsuda production
It was the spring of '85.
My town was hit by a massive typhoon.
It was called Brenda, I think.
My father went out to the sea
and never returned.
Since that summer,
we became just the three of us.
Me and my brother stopped going to school.
We stayed home all day waiting
for our mother to come home.
She would leave at the break of dawn
to do whatever work she could find.
Often, she came home very late
and cried watching our sleeping faces.
The world was a tough place for a woman
to raise two boys on her own.
And eventually, we ended up
being just the two of us.
We Are Brothers
Oh, man...
This is amazing.
I absolutely dig the closing track.
Great job.
This episode's going to be our jackpot
for the family month of May.
Whose idea was it?
It was Yang's.
She really hit it out of the park.
Indeed. Kudos to Yang!
Where is she?
Scan the room with the camera.
Check all corners.
Go back a little.
Pull in.
How can she sleep like that?
If anybody has a gun,
can you please shoot her?
Meeting You Today.
Ladies and gentlemen, we will shortly
be arriving at Incheon International.
Please ensure that your luggage is
stowed in the overhead compartment,
seats in the upright position
and tray table stowed.
Hello, my name is Park Sang-yeon.
I was adopted into the States
when I was nine years old.
I wish to find my biological mother
and my brother who is
two years younger than me.
Did you check the arrival time?
Be there early.
Take the subway if traffic is bad.
Forget the pills.
You need proper psychiatric help.
Don't treat me like I'm crazy.
It's just a sleeping disorder.
Dozing off twenty times a day
isn't just a sleeping disorder.
Narcolepsy is a serious condition.
You shouldn't be allowed to drive.
Who's at the airport?
Kim. The plane just landed.
What about the younger brother?
Are you on your way?
The funeral cortege of the late
senior lawmaker Kim Man-jae
will leave the hospital this morning.
The former congressman...
You should sit down.
No, mister!
You should sit.
You look awfully tired.
We'll just stand then.
The cortege will pass the National
Assembly Hall where Kim devoted...
She's my mother.
Don't look at me like that.
Go ahead. Take the seat, mister.
The Prosecutors' Office announced
that their investigation into
corruption charges against the late
Congressman Kim will continue...
Traffic is moving well.
We'll arrive in good time.
- Yes...
- Congressman Kim passed away?
- Pardon me?
- Life is so transient.
Can you turn that down a little?
You wanna do a follow cam
from the entrance?
Am I gonna be in the frame, too?
You should've told me.
I'm not wearing any make up.
we're going to meet Sang-yeon.
Sang-yeon, mom...
You know who that is, don't you?
The son you had two years
before you had me.
I know.
My eldest son.
Sang-yeon is...
coming here?
That's right. He's here.
It's all good.
Come on, have some eggs.
Don't stuff them down.
Have some water.
It's all good.
It's commercial break.
We'll have you on first,
then, your mother at the end.
Are you feeling peckish, Mrs. Park?
That gentleman gave these to me.
He did a good job boiling them.
You should have one, too.
Making the shell slide off like this
is trickier than you'd think.
He must be quite skilled.
No, mom! You cooked them.
You got up before the break of dawn
to boil those eggs yourself.
You can't stay lucid for five minutes?
I'm worried that my mother will
lose her mind again on stage.
Do we really have to do this?
The focus is on you and your brother
rather than her.
I need to pee, dear.
I think I'll go, too.
No, it's this way.
Mrs. Park, that's the closet.
Bathroom's this way.
So... this is it?
They're here, my mother and my brother?
You'd rather meet them right away,
wouldn't you?
It's cruel, this television business.
You will meet them in just a few moments.
Did you forget all about me?
Do you like the show that
you were watching, Mrs. Park?
- Here's my card. I'll send you tickets.
- Beautiful like a flower...
Sun-yi, O, Sun-yi
Going live on air in five.
Is the older brother on standby?
He's gone to the bathroom.
He should be on standby.
It's five minutes to go.
What about the younger brother?
He and his mother also needed the toilet.
It must be the nerves.
Seriously? They all had to go now?
Is anybody there?
Can you help me?
Can you pass some toilet paper
from adjacent cubicles?
Thank goodness for you!
I would've used my socks but I guess I had
too many eggs, you know what I'm saying?
Other cubicles are out, too.
I'll get someone.
No... hey! Do you have anything?
Hey! Excuse me!
I'll be right back.
Oh, you're still here.
You know I'm in a real hurry...
A bucket of water, then?
Where are you now?
Are thoughts of me forgotten?
Beautiful like a flower,
your lovely name was
Sun-yi, O, Sun-yi
The waves are rising above the pier
Our time that has passed
still remains in my heart
Sang-yeon, don't go!
Don't leave me.
Your eyes are brimming with tears.
Did the film bring back
some of the memories?
It may have faded since
it happened so long ago.
I remember.
I remember everything clearly.
I'm not gonna cry.
I'm not gonna cry.
Mrs. Park!
This way, everyone.
Please have us back.
It was wonderful.
Watch your steps.
Did you enjoy the show?
Watch your steps.
Go to the left.
The count is wrong.
What's the matter?
Are we short?
No... We've got one extra.
As long as we aren't short,
that's fine by me.
Damn, where did I go wrong?
We gotta leave before the rush hour.
Mrs. Park.
Mrs. Park... Oh, shit.
I was a seven year old kid.
Scared and starved...
I ran away from the orphanage
a few days after he left.
I looked around everywhere
trying to find mom and my brother.
Then, by grace of Heavens,
I was taken under the wings
of my spiritual mentor.
Now I'm living happily serving
spirits of Six Heavens.
So, you've become a shaman.
A spiritual being.
I see.
Now let's hear the story
of the older brother.
What is your profession?
Maybe he's a little nervous.
Please give him a round of applause.
I'm a pastor.
What's this nonsense?
You brought us here
to be torn apart again?
I'm terribly sorry for what happened.
Are you sure she's still in the building?
We're checking
all our video surveillances.
- Please find her.
- Is this the middle of the ocean?
Why can't you find her if she's here?
- Good afternoon.
- This is our chief.
I am terribly sorry for what happened.
I assure you that we'll do our best to...
Are you this man's boss?
I'm the chief of division...
How can this nonsense
happen to my mother?
Is this a show that finds
people or loses people?
What's going on here?
What do you mean
someone's gone missing?
Who the hell are you?
I'm the head of department.
This man is this man's boss.
We found her.
I just can't believe this.
How could she have ended up
50 miles from here?
Was she teleported out of the station?
At least we know where she is.
Why don't you get some shut-eye?
I'll wake you when we arrive.
Are you kidding me?
Could you sleep if your mother
went missing two hours ago?
Who in their right mind dozes off
while washing their hands?
Why don't you talk to your older brother?
You must have a lot to catch up.
Who are you calling older brother?
You think I'm the older brother?
My bad! It's because of
your traditional costume...
It's Sang-yeon and Ha-yeon.
As in 'top' and 'bottom.'
That's what it is.
My name is Jung-sik, as in 'middle.'
Top, middle and bottom, damn it!
I can't believe you people.
Turn on the radio or something.
O precious blood of Jesus...
Turn the damn thing off.
Traffic is heavy in 39Km stretch
between Pangyo and Cheonan...
Clear spells throughout the day
and UV alert is issued...
Why is it parked so far
from the entrance?
I can't believe we're doing this.
You said she was here.
Why are you keeping us stalled here?
I need to go home and feed my dog.
You're worried about your damn dog
at a time like this?
Excuse me but we're
looking for an old lady
in a pink cardigan with a southern accent.
Has anyone seen her?
Are you talking about the woman
who was sitting next to me
and poking her fingers into the air
to the music?
Poking her fingers in the air
like this?
That's her.
That's my mother.
Where is she now?
She said she needed the bathroom.
She got off and went back and forth
between those buses.
So, that must be her!
She disappeared into the back.
Why can't she just stay in one place?
Journalists are still following us.
Will they follow us to the cemetery?
Don't worry about them.
The more they come, the merrier.
He's just gonna have to
take it all down with him.
Consider it his last tribute to the party.
We'll leverage it for the next election.
They won't dig into any more scandals?
The right of arraignment will expire
by the time we get back.
We should've cremated and
placed him closer to the city.
If only the stubborn elders didn't
insist on family cemetery.
We're the ones who have to go
to the country every year.
You should be thankful that
he didn't die during the vacation season.
Imagine having to drive there in traffic.
I won't even think about it.
Who's that granny?
Was she riding with us all along?
Her pink sweater really bothers me.
Oh, darling...
What am I gonna do with our sons?
How am I to raise them on my own?
We don't know who you are.
But you can't be doing this.
She planned it all out.
She followed us to the rest stop
and snuck onto the bus.
Her sons must be here, too.
Where the hell are they?
I'm gonna kill them.
Calm down. No need to get heated up.
Don't tell me to calm down when she's clearly
after the little inheritance we got.
Will you pay her from your share?
- How could dad do this to us?
- Shut up!
- Damn you, you evil old man!
- Calm down, mother.
- Why should I bury him?
- Will you please calm down?
Where did this bitch go?
I'll bury her with him.
Take a deep breath.
I don't know how you were
involved with my father.
Clearly, you knew him well enough
to come this far.
But you aren't doing right by him.
What you're doing is
killing him twice over.
This is the condolence money
from the wake.
You might not know this
but he had a huge debt.
It costs a lot to run for congress
however clean you want to be.
We sacrificed a lot as a family.
I don't want to you have hard feelings.
Take this money and move on.
If you were in a secret relationship
you should keep his honor to the end.
That's true love.
Don't take us for pushovers.
Ma'am, now you're going to walk away
and erase my father's memory forever
from your mind, okay?
Let's go. Get on the bus.
Pay her off from my share?
How could you say that to me?
Mother, please!
How could he do this?
Oh, come on!
What kind of rotten bastards ditch
an old lady by the expressway?
Where did they go?
I swear I'll teach them a lesson.
Trailer trucks run at 120 mph here.
They can knock over a 200 pound deer
just by driving past it.
The roadkills you see with
no visible damages?
That's how they got killed.
What they did to you is
an attempted murder.
I got the wrong train, you know.
What kind of a train stops on a highway?
Galaxy Express 999?
I don't know the number.
How can you take their side
in these circumstances?
Forget it. Just give me their address.
Was it your son or daughter who did this?
I swear I'll track them down
and I'll break their damn legs.
Multi-vehicle collision near
Daejeon exit on Gyeongbu Expressway
Tow trucks in the area, please report.
Let's make some money!
I put in a request to check
all buses passing toll gates.
We'll hear from them shortly.
That's fucking fantastic. Well done.
Don't be like that.
I appreciate your effort.
Are you filming this?
I talked to my boss.
He thinks if we air your search effort
it could help find your mother.
So, you want to film us again?
Are you trying to get my brother lost, too?
But there is nothing more effective
for finding missing people.
You mean after what
you've done to lose her?
You gotta change the name
of your stupid show.
Come on, man.
We should try everything.
What we all want is to find her. Right?
So, you want to follow us
to my house?
That's the idea.
Then, why did we get off?
We can go there in your stupid car.
- I'll put my luggage in the car.
- We're shooting it like a documentary.
So, I want to shoot you
walk toward your house.
Then, we'll drive there
and, shoot you step into
the house from there.
To build in a narrative.
If you connect the footages,
it'll look real.
That's the idea.
Then, how about this?
When we arrive at the house,
we could look tired and worried...
even a little out of breath.
You understand television.
Have you done this before?
No, never.
That is fucking wonderful!
You'll end up with a masterpiece.
The whole thing is damn joke.
Ha-yeon, you need to wait
for a cue before you go.
So, this is where you live.
It's nice... With flags and all.
What a nice little cottage!
It's a shrine.
A shrine!
Yeah, okay.
Can you finish up here?
Are you leaving?
They want me to start editing
right away.
I'm screwed.
I'll come back tomorrow.
Sure you will.
Come on...
How did you end up doing this?
You know...
Isn't that something you'd say
to someone locked up in jail?
How did you end up killing a man?
How did you end up in this mess?
In situations like that.
It's not like I'm doing something awful.
How did you end up doing what you do?
Excuse me?
How does that make you feel
to hear that?
Shitty, I guess.
You know what I mean?
Help yourselves. Dig in.
It's not supposed to be served
individually American style.
When did you prepare all this?
Heavenly Father full of grace,
thank you for this food
that we're about to receive.
I prepared the meal.
Who is he thanking?
We thank you for another peaceful day.
I've never had a more spectacular day
in my life.
Was it a peaceful day for you?
- And for reuniting me with my brother.
- Silently, if you can!
Does he have any manners?
He's in a shamanist shrine.
Enjoy your meal.
Wow, this is amazing.
Living on your own turned
you into some cook.
I didn't make it.
Mother becomes lucid
20 mins or so every other day.
She got me to kill a chicken
to prepare this soup.
She even got me to get abalones.
You should've left early.
We'll catch the last bus if we hurry.
Sorry about that.
Why are you so brusk to your brother?
You've been reunited after a long time.
What are you talking about?
I'm doing just fine.
Never mind others' family business.
I heard Americans like
t-shirts with English letters.
Put this on and give them
your best smile.
I'm not going anywhere
without you.
You'll go with them first.
They'll come for me later.
This boy...
He's smart and polite, too.
He's a good boy.
A good student!
You should hurry
or you'll miss your flight.
I don't see my brother.
I gotta see him before I go.
I told you
your parents will come back
next month to get your brother.
Don't jeopardize this chance
for both of you.
Come on.
I must look weird
talking in English and all.
It's more weird that you
speak Korean with no accent.
Come on in.
You're not married?
It's not easy for someone
in my profession to get married.
What about you?
It's hard for someone in my profession
not to be married.
What's your wife like?
Is she blonde and has blue eyes?
Green. And, we have a son.
Mom will be thrilled to
meet your mixed-blood son.
Well, she has difficulty recognizing you.
So, it won't matter.
How long has she been like that?
I've looked everywhere for her
until I finally tracked her down
at a nursing home for senile people.
I don't know what kind of life she had
to have no one to look after her.
She had a huge outstanding medical bill.
To pay that off,
I had to perform three rituals a day.
It screwed my back.
You perform rituals, too?
Do I perform rituals?
That's all I do.
Ritual is what I specialize in.
Go to sleep.
I'll sleep in the other room.
Dear God...
We got a tip.
The call came from Daejeon.
How on earth did she get there?
We don't know much else yet.
Are you in there?
Hey! Hi!
You woke up early.
Must be the jet lag.
Are you getting hot water?
Yeah, thanks. It's great.
They had a call from Daejeon.
It could be our mother.
I think we should go there.
Sure. I'll finish up quickly.
She left expensive equipment
lying around.
Park Sang-yeon's interview...
He is undergoing a treatment...
excuse me.
There isn't much we can do
even as a family.
He is in quite serious condition.
He's desperately in need of
a bone marrow transplant.
That's pretty much
the only chance he's got.
But I can't do anything for him.
There is nothing I wouldn't do
to save my son's life.
I can only hope that
he'll find a matching donor
and be happy again...
Hey, writer!
Is she here?
Let's meet the terminal staff
who called us.
She got off a tow truck
and went straight to the ticket office.
So, I stopped her and asked,
'Are you okay? How come
you're in such a hurry...
like a fugitive on the run?'
She just ignored me and went off.
So, I turned to the tow truck driver.
And, he goes:
Some rotten bastard abandoned
his senile mother and fled.
Then, the truck driver drove off, too.
There I am standing dazed.
Then, I saw this leaflet and realized
that it was the old lady I just saw.
She didn't have any money on her
to buy a bus ticket.
She must still be somewhere close.
I don't think she is in the terminal.
Daejeon Bus Terminal
Look over there.
Those two?
How do you think they are related?
They don't look like they're close.
That suit and traditional costume
don't go together.
The one in the costume
must be a folk musician.
A good one, too.
He's oozing charisma.
What about the suit?
That's the manager.
I can tell from a glance that
he's younger than the musician.
Probably with no real job
so, he's helping out the musician.
You take the suit.
I'll go for the costume.
Have you seen this person?
What's the matter with you?
What happened?
- Hello?
- This man needs help...
Does he need help?
Is he okay?
Are you alright?
Dear me...
Are you okay?
Are you alright?
You alright?
What is it?
He's not a cop, is he?
A pastor.
A pastor?
Not a carpenter but a pastor?
I don't like this.
Let's see yours.
Nothing special.
Just some cash and a bus ticket,
some I.D. and...
What's this?
What is it?
Nothing to be alarmed about.
People carry amulets. No big deal.
Some carry a couple,
if the problem is serious.
Good Lord...
You shouldn't be out and about
on a jinxed day like this.
Stop calling your god!
Do you think I have no gods to call on?
I have some money I can loan you,
if you want.
If you can kindly let us borrow
some for bus tickets.
Can we borrow about 50 bucks?
50 dollars?
Then, I gotta find an ATM.
Are you kidding me?
How much were you gonna loan us?
ATM is over there.
Thank you.
Is this really necessary?
What happened to your mate
who stole an organ from church?
He went to a music store to sell it
then, slipped on the stairs
and broke six ribs.
What about my mate, Dae-sik,
who snatched a monk's donation bag?
Let's not talk about him.
He got hit by a southbound bus
then, crushed by a northbound bus.
I swore to myself after that day
that I will never challenge
divine territories.
Let's go.
All will be well as long as
we put it back to its place.
Do you really think we can do it?
Throughout the 20 years of my career
I've never slipped something back in.
We just need to do the process
in the reverse order.
What about money for mom's operation?
In any case, we can't do this.
I'll work harder from now.
I promise.
Let's go, man.
What's a shaman doing
hanging out with a pastor?
Why should I believe what you're saying?
I know it's hard for you to believe
but it's true.
I wasn't stealing from him but
putting the wallet in his pocket.
Okay, suppose you were
slipping it back in the pocket.
If you found his wallet, why not
just return it to his face?
What are you, a goddamn Santa Claus?
We're very shy, okay?
We're both Type A blood.
You have quite a wrap sheet
for extremely shy men.
Five counts each?
Take a look at this, officer.
They have over 20 counts
of attempted crimes.
Theft, theft and special larceny.
You've even got it down for
an attempted misdemeanor.
You're quite something.
Book them.
Sorry to interrupt but...
I think you should let them go.
What are you talking about?
Whether they stole from us or not
they repented and wanted
to return the wallet.
How beautiful is that?
You have an unusual idea of beauty.
I see that you don't want to press charges
but we cannot release
since they were caught red-handed.
Book them now.
What kind of crime is slipping
a wallet back in the pocket?
Thank you so much!
I'm happy that truth prevailed.
You sound like you were
wrongfully accused.
Is your mother in a serious condition?
Your ancestors are looking over you.
It's not your fate to lose parents early.
How gracious God is!
He gave us everything
that we need for free.
The sun, the water, the air,
animals and fruits...
You should film this.
- It's a fucking beautiful moment.
- Despite that,
if we say we need more, it's greed.
God tells us,
to sweat and work for those things.
- God said all the wonderful things.
- You must work hard and sweat
- You know?
- to pay for your mother's operation.
- Regulate the family and rule the state.
- And, pray to God.
He will help you, my brothers.
I told you they're in good hands
of their ancestors spirits.
Let's pray.
Heavenly Father, these lambs
stand before you,
- We're looking for someone.
- looking for someone.
- You must know the terminal so well.
- They veered off course to help their sick mother...
- Can you help us put these posters up?
- Show them your great Grace,
forgiveness and blessings.
So that they can grow into good men...
Are you sure about that?
In our line of work, observing faces
is extremely important.
The skill is crucial because
you must avoid hitting
the same target twice.
It's like a clich.
Spare some change for styrofoam.
Then, this old lady goes,
I'm stuck here because I don't
have the money for the bus.
I gave her money for bus.
She wanted to go to Yeosu.
Go on, go to Yeosu.
I put the money in her hand.
I even saw her off
before turning away.
Where did you find the money
to buy her bus ticket?
Watch your tone, young man.
Spare change for homeless shelter.
You need money?
Why don't you sell this
for some hot meal?
This is for your bus ticket.
You really don't have to.
Thank you so much.
You're so kind.
I don't know how to thank you.
I want to go to Yeosu.
Why Yeosu thogh?
Is it our father's hometown?
Is Bethlehem Jesus' hometown?
No, that's where he was born.
He grew up in Nazareth.
You know the birth place and hometown
of a complete stranger
but you don't know
your own father's hometown?
He was born and raised in Masan.
Then, perhaps he worked
on a fishing boat in Yeosu.
Why would he go on a fishing boat?
The man never had a job.
He spent all day in bars
and gambling joints.
Mom always cried over it.
I remember that.
Then, why did you do that?
Do what?
You said in the video that
our father died on a fishing boat.
Do you know how confused
that made me?
Should I have said that our dad
died riding a hooker instead?
Hope you find her
They're such weird brothers.
It's hard for someone to be so messed up
unless they're possessed.
Are you sure this is the right orphanage?
We don't have that name here.
Please look it up again.
He's nine.
You just said he was seven.
I have a seven year old and
a nine year old, too.
I brought them here last year.
So, they must be ten and eight.
I would know if you brought us
two grandsons.
They're my sons, not grandsons.
I see.
We're almost in Mokpo. Can you take
the camera when we pass the gate?
How do you want it?
Wide angle?
A full shot.
I could tilt up from the navigation device
like this.
Is that you, Brother MacArthur?
It's me, Jaryong from Yangju.
Are you in Mokpo now?
I just got here.
No, not on business...
For a personal matter.
I'll call you back.
What's the matter?
The temperature gauge was going up.
I should've pulled up at the rest stop.
Meeting! You! Today! My! Ass!
Why did it break down?
I told you, you should change
the name of your damn show!
Meeting who? Goddamn jokers!
Welcome to Mokpo, my brother!
I'm like a big brother to him.
You can call me Brother MacArthur.
You know General MacArthur
who spearheaded Operation Chromite?
I serve his spirit.
Old soldiers never die.
They just fade away,
you know what I'm saying?
You must know since you're from America.
I see.
Well, then...
When you talk to your guardian spirit,
do you use English?
What are you talking about?
I was just curious.
I understand you talk to
spirits and since yours is a foreigner...
His voice is dubbed.
Usually, by the famous voice actor, Bae,
but sometime by someone else.
It's dubbed.
- I'm going to the restroom, too.
- See you in a bit.
What the hell? Does he talk in Hebrew
when he talks to his Jesus?
How rude of him...
I have a question.
How come you work here
instead of Incheon?
Because I'm on a mission activity!
Should all Buddhist monks go to India,
instead of building damn temples here?
You don't have to yell.
I wasn't yelling.
Damn it! I'm no art student.
Yeosu Bus Terminal
You'll see passengers get off
in just a moment.
That's the one!
That old lady!
She's a good looking woman.
She walks away with other passengers.
Here! The lobby!
Then, she appears again here.
Then, she wanders around a little.
Then, you see her again here!
She leaves the terminal.
- Damn it!
- Mom!
Just make more photocopies.
Why can't she stay put in one place?
What's that bag in her hand?
She didn't have anything.
Oh, mother...
Dear me...
They're seven and nine?
Eight and ten by now.
How worried you must be
after losing two grandsons!
They're my sons.
Pardon me?
The boys are my sons.
I see.
You must've had them quite late.
Is that biologically possible?
Excuse me
but can I ask how old you are?
I'm thirty eight.
- Have some more.
- How kind...
You should call register office for that.
This is police station.
That's right.
Don't people think before they dial?
What was the other call about?
From Hope Orphanage?
And, Hanuri Orphanage,
also from Grace Children's Center.
What the hell is going on?
Some crazy lady is going around
giving away money?
How many places so far?
Two, four, six, eight...
Isn't it funny?
She wasn't stealing from them
but was giving away money
Why report to the police?
It's because of the envelope.
The envelope was for condolence money.
It can help ward off evil.
Excuse me?
Like in new year
or when there is trouble in the family,
you paste thresholds with red bean soup
or bury a chicken's head.
Sometimes, they distribute money
to ward off the evil spirit.
Who would she pray to?
To Thousand Gods she serves.
Thousand Gods?
As in shamanism?
Filthy shaman clowns!
They go around inciting old people
leaving us to all the work
when our hands are already full.
Why make people distribute money?
So he can stand for election?
Goddamn jokers!
What are you here for anyway?
We're looking for our mother.
We were told she is in Yeosu.
Another old lady!
Why are all the grannies
suddenly coming to this town?
The Expo has long ended.
Can this old lady...
be the same one they're looking for?
She could be making
envelopes for money
but not distributing them.
I can reach you on this number?
That's the TV station.
You can reach me directly on this number.
Shaman that everyone is talking about:
Brother Jaryong
Excuse me, I'm looking for...
I'm not from here.
Who did you come for?
For my babies.
Did you lose them?
I just can't find them.
I'm sure they're here somewhere.
When you miss someone,
you should close your eyes and pray.
Can you see them if you do that?
That's what I heard.
I don't know how to pray.
Give them to your friends, too.
Yeosu Bus Terminal
Have some seaweed rolls.
Thank you.
Over here.
Have some.
Thank you for helping us today.
This is all they had.
Hymns are such wonderful things.
How could beggars have
managed without them?
Did you have supper?
You should take this.
Where are your mom and dad?
Buy some food with this later.
Go home.
Man, did I doze off?
Do you think that money
will stay in her pocket?
Stop doing random thugs
a favor and come back here.
Eat the rolls, okay?
What are you saying?
Do you think she is begging
because she's hungry?
She belongs to a company.
She brings her earnings to her boss
to get food and shelter in return.
You just did her boss a favor.
Her expression, the pitiful voice...
It's a trained act.
Watch what you're saying.
Don't you see that she is struggling
to put food in her mouth?
What do you know?
You don't have a clue, do you?
Poor little girl, take this money
and get hot food and shelter.
I'm telling you because I know
what I'm talking about.
Less than one week after
you left for America,
I ran away from the orphanage
and came here.
Do you know how many hymns I learned
and how many verses I memorized?
I can still recite them in my sleep.
You have no idea because
you kissed your foreign parents' asses
to take you to America.
But I know!
I know exactly how she will
turn around that corner,
and run to her boss to get food
and a pat on her head.
I know like it's happening
in front of my eyes!
Why did you come back?
After 30 damn years!
You should've just continued
your wonderful American life.
What did you want from us?
I missed you. I wanted to find you.
What did you do in the 30 years?
Does it cost to write to your show?
When it costs nothing,
why did you wait all these years
and make me lose my mom again?
Not long after I was adopted
my adopted brother and mother
were killed in an accident.
My father... my adopted father said
that I brought misfortune into the family.
He called me a cursed little bastard.
He became an alcoholic
and subsequently became schizophrenic.
The police revealed that the person
who's been delivering
mystery envelopes to orphanages
is an old woman in her sixties.
Since two days ago, the old woman
has been distributing money,
amount ranging from 200 dollars
to 1,000 dollars
to children in several orphanages.
This is one of the 'condolence money'
envelopes turned in to the police.
They have names written in the back.
The mystery elderly citizen distributed
envelopes containing 50 dollar bills...
Names include Roh Sang-go,
Hong Sang-cheol and...
The police report revealed that
the names on the envelopes
are those of Democratic congressmen.
Can I get another soup to go?
You get the check.
I'll be smoking outside.
I wish we find your mother here.
Is there any hope for my nephew?
You should make
an appointment for my test.
It'll be fortunate if I
turn out to be a match.
It's natural for a drowning man
to clutch at a straw.
You can film us if you want.
If my bone marrow turns out to be a match,
the pastor will cry his eyes out.
If you can get that on camera,
it'll be a jackpot for ratings.
You've never seen your brother's family,
not even from a picture, have you?
Hey, it's the scumbags that
live off panhandlers.
What did I say?
That one's the boss.
Let's hand in your resignations tonight.
run straight to the police station
and ask for help.
If the officers say something
bring them back here in their cruiser.
Get the children out of here.
What the heck?
Who are you? A thug?
A secret inspector?
Did you suddenly feel like dying?
I'm a national martial arts champion.
What the heck is he on about?
Your mother who died last year
didn't have a peaceful death.
She clings on your shoulders
begging you not to live like this.
I think he knows about you.
What the fuck?
What are you saying?
Do you have something to do
with my mom's death?
Who sent you?
Her head is crushed in.
Was she hit by a car?
Or did she jump off the balcony?
I have several different mothers.
I don't know which one
you're talking about!
Oh my God!
Why are you doing this?
Stop! What's going on here?
Stop! Please!
You alright, man?
What's going on here?
Where did this loser come from?
Are you a martial arts master, too?
I'm sure we can talk this out.
Son of a bitch!
You alright, man?
What the hell?
I look like my poor mother now.
Like you said, she jumped off
a building and got hit by a car.
I look just like my mom now.
Let's talk this out.
You little fuckers!
You wanna die, is that it?
So, I became an orphan again.
I had no place to go.
So, I joined a Korean gang.
And one day... by accident,
I took a man's life.
I killed an African-American man.
His name was John Keith.
My attorney didn't mention
that I acted in self defense.
So, the court didn't believe me.
I was sentenced 15 years
and served 7 years.
My son is the child of the man I killed.
Emergency Room
What about this picture?
Look at the name of your orphanage.
It's called Jesurun.
I can't believe this.
Is that why she wanted to go to Yeosu?
Did they find her?
I had enough. You eat it.
You eat it.
Look at him talk with his accent.
Wake him up.
Let's go.
I can't believe she made us
go through all this trouble.
Why couldn't they simply name
the place 'Masan Orphanage'?
Why 'Jesurun'?
It means 'God's beloved people.'
I didn't ask you what it means.
Man, you are some fighter.
Grabbing a blade with a bare hand.
It was like a movie.
My life was a mess after I left jail.
I was ordained only 6 months ago.
Only then...
Ohly then was I able to...
Why didn't you just come back
to Korea after what happened?
Why did you stick it out there?
I thought to myself in jail.
Because it was me, not you,
who got adopted to America,
you didn't have to go through
with this ordeal.
I thought it was so fortunate.
I prayed thanking God for that.
That was my first prayer.
She just woke up.
She is very weak and needs rest.
You must not strain her mentally.
Let's go.
How do you...
What do you call her?
Mom or mother?
Did you really talk about me sometimes?
Mentioning my name and all?
Are you worried
that she might not recognize you?
My heart never fluttered so much
to see my mother.
It's not because they found our mother
but because I can take my brother to her.
Will she recognize him?
is our mother.
Did you have a fight again?
You did, didn't you?
How come you're always fighting?
Look at your face, Ha-yeon.
Did you come at your big brother again?
It wasn't like that.
He beat up some bullies
that were bothering me.
Is that true?
Come here.
You're hurt.
Look at your face.
Are you sure you beat them up,
not the other way round?
Your hands are like Jesus'.
You did good.
You fought to protect your baby brother.
I'm not gonna punish you for that.
Stop crying.
Mom... mom...
There, there. It's all alright.
Mom... mom, mom...
It's okay. Stop crying.
It's okay.
Some people suspect that
it was some kind of a gimmick
but if we were motivated
by political agenda,
we would've chosen nursing homes
where there are votes.
In order for this not to be
a one-off gimmick,
we wrote down our names
as a sign of our determination
to support these orphanages to the end.
What's the significance of the word
'Condolence' on the envelopes?
to the politics of this country.
We pledge that we revive politics.
Spring blossoms are abundant
but the rain won't stop.
He tells me that you suffered so much.
You've been so lonely.
You tried and tried to live but
no one recognized your effort.
He tells me that you shed
so many lonely tears.
He tells you to go back
and live your life again.
There, there. Go now, child.
He tells me that you should
not worry anymore.
That he'll help you along the way.
If you're still in doubt, come back.
I'll write you an amulet.
I saw him off at the airport
and I'm heading back to office.
I don't need to know where you are.
What's with your connecting tone?
What's that?
The melody that your caller hears
while they're being connected.
I think it's a different song.
You should try calling your cell later.
I'll do that now.
- No, I mean later!
- Okay, bye.
But I'm talking to you.
What the...?
Damn you!
No wonder I haven't been
getting requests for ritual.
I'll make you pay, you annoying pastor.
Damn you.
A song I remember from childhood?
I'll have to think about that.
Do you want me to sing it now?
The song about mom
the waves sang to me
under the moon light
Will she come home when the
sun comes up? I miss you, mom
The song about mom
the wind sang to me
Will she come home when the moon comes up?
I miss you, mom
It's been a long time
since I last sang this song.
Directed by JANG Jin
I could tell from her accent
that she wasn't from our town
I thought she was
filling in for someone.
It's quite unbelievable,
what happened.
Like this.
I mean...
More like this.
She was staring at cars
passing at 100 mph on the expressway
waiting for the right moment
to cross to the other side.
If I didn't pull up right there and then
she may no longer be with us.
When people want us and need us...
If you have an accident on expressway,
give us a call at
Our trucks will be there like the wind.
It happened once or twice in my life.
You know how many people lost their
jobs during the financial crisis.
Many became homeless
and started the inquiry,
how can we beat the cold
when sleeping in the street?
One day, I came home from school
and found my mother
with bruised and puffy eyes.
The eye lift she had never fully healed
even after 2 or 3 years.
Her lashes almost touch her brows.
Just imagine.
She sleeps with her eyes open.
My heart stops whenever I wake up
in the middle of the night
and see her sleeping face.
She's gone back to sleep.
I would like to thank everyone
at the broadcasting station,
the writer of the show, Miss Yang,
and my brother, of course...
I would like to give glory to God.
Let us pray.
Heavenly Father, thank you for...
It seems that some people
are confused about
what the difference is between
shamans and fortune-tellers.
Whereas fortune-tellers speak from
more vague feelings they get,
us shamans communicate with spirits
through an official channel.
We don't have the control over it.
They don't come in
whenever we want them.
What is it like to be
reunited with your sons?
Where are you now?
Are thoughts of me forgotten?
Beautiful like a flower,
your lovely name was
Sun-yi, O, Sun-yi
That's great, mom.
The waves are rising above the pier
Our time that has passed
still remains in my heart
Seagulls of Busan, O, Seagulls of Busan
Deep down have you really forgotten me?