We Are Gathered Here Today (2022) Movie Script

(gentle music)
(video call trilling)
- Hello.
- Hi there, Mr.
Stone. How are you?
- I'm good, thank
you. How are you?
- I'm well too.
- How's dad?
- I'm afraid I don't
have good news.
Your father's dying.
Your father's organs have
started to shut down,
and the COVID has
clotted his blood.
The clots are
blocking blood flow
to all of his major organs,
and he didn't have a good
night last night, so.
- Oh, dear.
- At the moment,
he's heavily sedated.
And we are keeping him alive.
I'm sorry.
- Okay, well, I can,
I'm in the UK right now.
It's late afternoon.
I can be there.
I'm sure this is
regarded an emergency.
I can break my quarantine,
and I can be there
in about 14 hours.
- I'm sorry, Mr. Stone,
but hospital policy is we
can't allow anybody in.
- Oh, I understand that,
but this is a special
situation, of course.
- Mr. Stone, I understand
it's a special circumstance.
But we aren't letting anybody in
for risk of the contagion or,
you know, our
staff, and for you.
We're really doing it to
make sure you stay safe.
What we can do is,
our nurses will get
in touch with you
and they will send you a Meet.
It's a video conference
on Google for Google Meet.
And what they'll do,
you can send it to
your family members.
You can join, and they
can all spend some time-
- Well, no, no.
I mean, look, he's a strong
man, he's a strong man.
He's been through
a lot in his life,
and I'm sure he can
get through this.
He only came to the
hospital a couple,
why didn't you tell me?
Why didn't you tell me
this was gonna happen?
I wouldn't have been
in this country.
So far away.
My son can be there,
my son can be there.
He's in Salt Lake City.
It's not a long flight.
And he can be there
in a couple of hours.
- Mr. Stone,
we are going to take
him off the ventilator.
So that way we can
use it for somebody
that it can actually save.
- Well, that's outrageous,
that's outrageous.
He should have the best
treatment possible.
- He has the best
treatment. He's had it.
It's a lot to process.
If you need to call me back
at any time, please do so.
- Thank you, doctor.
- My condolences.
- Oh, my God.
(dramatic orchestral music)
(video call trilling)
- Oh, Peter.
- Hi, mom.
- Hi, darling.
- I just got a call
from the hospital.
- I know.
- You know?
- The doctor called
this morning.
I asked him if he
would call you.
I couldn't. I'm sorry.
- It seems that it's
really bad, mom.
- Very bad.
Very fast.
- They're talking about
taking him off the ventilator.
- What?
- Yeah.
- No, no, no, no, no, no,
no. They can't do that.
- I know, that's what I said.
- They can't do that.
- That's what I said.
- He would not have a
chance if they did that.
- I know, because
he's a fighter,
and he can get through
this if they just give him-
- Yes.
- God!
- And you said that?
Did you say that to the doctor?
- Yes, yes, yes, yes.
- Oh, God.
I told him, I told him
not to play tennis.
I told him. He insisted,
he went every day.
- I wouldn't have
come here had I known.
- I know. Well, nobody knew.
Nobody could know.
I don't know what to do.
I always thought that
I would go first.
I don't know anything
about the business.
I don't know how to
take of anything.
I never paid any bills.
- Don't worry, don't
worry, don't worry.
Don't worry about
that, mom. Don't worry.
That's why I'm here.
He told me, he ordered
me to come here.
Everything will be okay.
I promise.
But we're talking about
just a matter of hours, mom.
- So, set up the call.
Set up the call please.
Get everybody on board.
Nancy, don't forget Nancy.
- No, of course
not, of course not.
- All right. Oh, God.
I just wanna, I just wanna
hold his face in my hands.
- It's not right that
we're not allowed to.
- No, it isn't, it
isn't. It's not.
Okay, get to it.
We gotta face this. Come on.
Come on, baby. I
know you can do this.
- Okay, you stay strong,
mom. You stay strong.
- Yep, you too.
- Okay.
(gentle music)
(video call trilling)
- Oh, Peter. Why
are you calling me?
What time is it?
Why are you calling me?
- I'm sorry, I'm in England.
- You text people first.
- Yeah.
- What's wrong?
- It looks like dad is dying.
- What?
He just went in the
hospital, right?
- I just spoke to the doctor.
And it sounds like it's
a question of hours.
The nurse is gonna send a link,
and she wants the family
to get onto this call.
- A video call?
But, wait, I can go
over there right now.
- No, you can't,
you can't, honey.
It's protocol.
I, I don't know what to say.
Can you call the kids?
- Yeah, I'll call the kids.
Wait, can you call Jennifer?
- Of course, of course,
I'll call Jennifer.
- And I'll call Max and Keke.
- Where the hell is Keke?
- Keek's doesn't talk to me.
It's gonna be a minute.
I'll get on that right away.
- He loved you so much.
- Wait, I can't see you.
- Look, I'll send you a link.
- Peter.
(gentle orchestral music)
(video call trilling)
Oh, God.
- Hey, mom, can I call you back?
- [Ben] Dad, dad.
- Ben, I need you
to focus right now.
I need you to get dressed, okay?
- Your father just called me.
Yeah, he called me from London.
- Why?
- I know, grandpa's
not doing well.
It's happening pretty fast.
Apparently they're taking
them off the ventilator.
It's only been three days.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, why? Why?
- [Ben] Dad.
- Just give me a second, Ben.
- I know, you can't
go down there.
You can't go to the hospital.
I can't go to the
hospital. No one can.
Your father said
something about a link
being emailed to
the whole family,
and we all have to click it.
- Okay, what time?
- God, I don't
remember what he said.
But just keep
checking your email.
- I don't know that I'm
gonna be able to pull the,
I mean, Brenda is at
the temple already.
It's Pioneer Day. It's
a big event for us.
I mean, we're in
charge of the events.
And you know, we take Ben
outside of his schedule,
and you've seen him.
It throws him into a spin that,
I just don't know if that
is the best decision.
I will try to be there.
But on top of it, we're
all in different locations.
How am I gonna corral...
I'm sorry.
- Thank you.
If you explain to
Ben that he's gonna
see nana and grandpa
on video call,
he will be glad to be there.
And Brenda will understand,
and God will forgive you.
Just check your email, and call
Keeks for me, okay? Because-
- [Ben] Dad.
- I'm already...
She might not pick up the phone.
So if you could text
her first, okay?
- All right, I will.
- Move kind of fast.
I'm sorry to interrupt
your schedule with Brenda,
but we have to
move a little fast.
- Look, mom, I understand.
Family comes first.
I will be there,
and I will make sure
that we are all there.
I love you.
- I love you too.
(video call trilling)
- Hi, hi, hi, hi.
Can you just call me back
in about a half hour?
I have a headache the size
of the world right now.
- Jean, Jean,
Jean, listen to me.
I'm sorry to call so early.
We got a call,
we got a call from the
doctor this morning
to say that Henry's dying.
He's not gonna make
it through the day.
And they wanted to
let the family know
that they wanted us to come onto
some kind of a video
call to say goodbye.
So, so terrible.
- No, you don't know what
you're talking about.
You literally don't know
what you're talking about.
You don't know your own husband.
- Wait, what?
- You don't know
your own husband.
I know Henry better than you do.
- Oh, Jesus Christ.
- I know Henry
better than you do.
- Would you shut the fuck
up for once in your life?
You know nothing.
- He's not dying.
- You know nothing about him.
- He's in the hospital
being well taken care of.
He's going to be fine.
And you are an
alarmist who's already
planning his fucking funeral.
- And I know that he is dying!
- Oh, shut up.
- He's dying.
- You know what? Wake me
up later and tell me later.
Not now.
He's gonna be fine, Faye.
- Jean.
- He's gonna be fine.
- It's just stunning.
Your ego is monumental.
Got on the call.
- My ego, my ego.
My ego.
Here's to Henry, and
I love you still.
(video call trilling)
- Hey, what's up, Pete?
Hey, man, we're
doing video calls,
you and me now, huh? (laughing)
- David, where's Jen?
- Oh, well, Jen's
actually out, man.
You could probably appreciate.
She's chasing down Debbie.
Debbie's all fired up
about this BLM stuff.
Out there protesting,
you know? (laughing)
- Just like her
grandfather, huh?
- Just like her
grandfather, man.
- I need you to find them now.
It's really urgent.
- Urgent? What's going on?
Has it got to do with Henry?
Or what's happening, Pete?
- Dad's dying.
(dramatic music)
- Like now? Like it's happening?
- It's eminent.
All right, David?
So you gotta go out
there and find them.
- All right.
- Find them, Dave, all right?
- They're out there
mixing it up, man.
I'm gonna do my best though.
- Okay.
- For sure.
I'll get to them.
All right.
(gentle music)
- [Automated Voice] Please
leave a message after the tone.
- Keeks, hi. It's mom.
Please call me back.
Your dad called me from London.
Your grandpa's not doing well,
and it's happening very fast.
They're taking them
off the ventilator,
and we cannot get to him.
So I know you're upset.
I know we haven't spoken.
But I would appreciate
it if you just took
a minute to call
me or your father.
There's gonna be a
link sent by email.
That way, we can all
get on the video call.
So just at least let me
know you got the link.
I love you. Okay, bye.
(video call trilling)
- Hi.
- Hi, baby.
What's going on?
- What's going on with you?
- Um, so, you know, same thing.
Not getting many answers.
Not sure if we're
gonna get money back.
I also am waiting
for the realtor.
He's gonna come by later.
We have potential buyers.
Well, who are interested to buy.
But that's good news.
Maybe they'll just
get all the furniture.
Just I don't have to worry
about the furniture for now.
- Right.
- You don't look good.
What's going on?
- I just got a call
from the doctor.
- Yeah?
- It looks like dad's
not gonna make it.
- What? What do you mean?
- I said I could fly over there.
And it would take
me about 14 hours,
and they said that
that's not enough time.
- Oh, my God.
- A call, a video call.
And they said he's
not gonna make it.
- Oh, my. Oh, my God.
- I know.
- No, honey.
What can I do?
- I'd like you to
be on the call.
I'd like you to be on the call.
- Is your whole
family gonna be there?
- Yeah, yeah.
(dramatic music)
- Oh.
- Also, I'm sure that I'm
here on this quarantine.
I don't know if I can leave.
But I would love you to
look into that for me
because this is a
special situation.
- I will, I will. I'll
take care of that.
Don't you worry about
any of that, okay?
I'm so sorry.
What time is this happening?
- I think they're gonna
call me within the hour.
- Okay, okay.
- Can you believe this?
- Yeah, okay. Just
breathe, okay?
- Yeah, okay.
- Okay, I'm here for you.
I'll do whatever you need.
Just text me if
you need anything.
Send me the
information. I love you.
- I love you, I love you.
- Okay.
(video call trilling)
- Hi, can you hear me?
- Yes, hi.
- Peter just called
me from London
and said that Henry is
dying like right now.
- Wow.
- They're taking him
off the ventilator.
Yeah, and that we're
gonna get on a...
Never mind, I'm just
all over the place.
And I wanted to
talk to you about it
because there's just so much
unfinished business
that I just needed
grounding for a second.
But I think I'm okay.
I think I'm okay.
I wanted you to know.
- Henry had a long life.
And he was definitely
an amazing patriarch.
And he was the central
point in your family.
And I think that it's
good to celebrate him.
I think, not only
should we be sad,
but I think we should
also be kind of joyous.
- Yeah.
- How old is he?
- He's 80.
- That's a big goal.
That's a really good life.
- Yeah, it's like
right in the pocket
of like who can't
afford to get COVID.
You know what I mean?
- Well, COVID is a
gift. It's a disrupter.
- Yeah.
- But it's a tricker.
I mean, look at
you. It's a tricker.
- Yeah, right now.
I just can't get ahold of Keke,
and that's her pop, you know?
So I'm good. I just
wanted to tell you.
- I might be able to reach Keke.
She calls me.
- No, don't call anybody,
don't call anybody.
It's all over the place.
I'm gonna call you later, okay?
- Well, wait a second.
Do you still have a date
with what's his name?
What's his name? Jerry?
Are you still seeing
Jerry, the child?
- No, no, no.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
- I mean, you and Peter both,
you and Peter both suffer
from like terminal,
I need to be with somebody-ism.
It's almost like a skin rash.
I can't stand to be by myself.
It's just bullshit.
- Okay.
- American needs to wake up.
- I'll call you.
- I love you. Bye, okay, bye.
(video call trilling)
- Hi.
- Hey, you.
You ready for round two?
- Well, I was calling
you like crazy
because my father-in-law
is declining rapidly.
I told you he tested
positive for COVID
and he went in the
hospital three days ago.
But now, he is,
he's dying, so there's
gonna be a family meeting.
- Okay, so, are we not
meeting up today or?
- I don't think so.
I have to be on
this family call.
And I don't know how long
it's gonna take. Sorry.
- Peter gonna be there?
- Pardon me?
- Peter, your ex-husband?
- Yeah, he's gonna be
there. It's his dad.
Well, the whole
family's gonna be there.
It's pretty tough on
everyone, you know?
- Yeah.
- The virus just took over.
Everybody reacts differently.
I know, you don't believe
in masks and all that, but-
- Just do what you
gotta do or whatever.
Call me later.
- Okay, I'll text you.
- Bye.
(video call trilling)
(dramatic music)
- Holy shit, hey.
- Jack, I have some
really bad news.
- What?
- Henry's dying.
He's, he's in the
hospital with COVID.
He's been in there
for three days.
- Stupid bastard. Was
he not wearing a mask?
- I don't know. I don't
know, he's impossible.
- What's up?
- He's been on a ventilator.
Let me finish, Jack.
Please, it's so hard to say.
- All right, I'm sorry.
- He's on a ventilator.
They're gonna pull it.
They're setting
up a Google call,
video call for the family
and the friends, all of us.
And I know how much
you loved each other.
- Yeah.
- And I want you to come on.
They say that he can hear us.
Even though he's not conscious.
And so, this is a way
for us to say goodbye.
- Yeah, okay, yeah.
- Okay?
- Okay.
- I'm so sorry to have to-
- All right.
(video call trilling)
- Nance.
- Hi.
- Nancy!
- Hi, guys.
- Did you get my text?
- Listen, I'm on my way to
church, and dad's already there.
We just wanted to check
up on you know who.
But it's gonna be a long night.
- How is Henry doing?
- That's why I was
calling you guys.
He's not doing well.
I couldn't get the whole story.
But apparently there's gonna be
a video call for
the whole family.
Of course, you are
part of the family.
And we are all invited to-
- Video call for
what purpose, Nancy?
- To say goodbye,
daddy. To say goodbye.
- To say goodbye?
- Yeah.
- Oh, my God.
- It's so weird, right?
It's so like-
- Saying goodbye on the video?
- Yeah, on a video.
- Well.
- He was all right.
Oh, man.
- Okay.
- I never agreed
with him politically,
but he was a good grandfather
and a good father.
- And a good father-in-law.
So we have to be strong
for Peter and for Faye.
Mom, you should call Faye.
- Okay, okay, how is she doing?
Have you talked to her?
- I haven't talked to her,
I haven't talked to anybody.
- I got her number.
I'll call her.
- I called Max, and
Max is calling Jen.
And I'm trying to find Keke.
- This virus is turning
our world upside down.
Oh, my God.
- Check your email, okay?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- And I want you all to just,
whatever they say to do, I
just want you to do, okay?
Just wash your
hands, wear the mask.
And, you know, when you
go to the grocery store,
mom, you come home,
you wash your hands.
Wipe the bags off.
- I'm doing it, and
you do the same, baby.
- Okay.
- Are the kids gonna
be on the call?
- Everybody. Well, if
we can find everybody.
Oh, and, daddy, you can
say a few words of comfort.
But you know how Peter
is about prayer and God.
He's not you.
- No, he sure isn't.
- But he loves you
and respects you.
- And I've loved
him for 30 years.
- All right.
- We're both gonna
be good, okay?
- Okay. All right.
You hang up first.
- I don't know how to hang up.
Joe, hang up.
- All right, all right.
(gentle music)
- Doctor.
- Hi, is everything ready
on your end?
- I'm looking at that over here.
Just gonna get it set up.
- Great.
- I have everything ready.
- Excellent. I'm gonna
bring in Mr. Stone.
And when I do, I'll
ask you turn the camera
in just a little bit, okay?
- Got it.
- Okay.
- Hello?
- Hi, Mr. Stone.
The nurse is there with
your father right now.
In just a second, I'm gonna
have her turn the camera.
I just wanna prepare you for
what you're about to see.
- Hello, Mr. Stone.
- Can he hear me, doctor?
- We would like to
think he can hear you.
So you're welcome
to talk to him.
- When do you think that'll be?
- We don't know for sure.
- I'm ready.
- Nurse?
- Mr. Stone for you, sir.
- Dad?
Nurse, nurse, could you put
the camera closer, please?
Camera closer.
- Mr. Stone, we're going to be
stepping away for
just one second.
Please take your time.
(gentle music)
(Henry breathing heavily)
- Dad.
(gentle music)
Nurse, nurse, nurse, nurse!
- Yes, Mr. Stone?
- Can I please speak
to the doctor, please?
- Yes, sir.
- I'm here, Mr. Stone.
- Doctor, I think I should
get the rest of the family on.
- When you're ready.
(gentle music)
- Hi.
- Hi.
Have you heard from Keke?
- No, I've been calling
and calling like crazy,
and I can't get ahold of her.
But Max said he was
gonna text her too, so.
- Hey, Nancy. Hey, Peter.
- Hi.
- Hi, daddy.
Is mommy,
hi, mommy.
- Hi, Nance, I'm here.
- Oh, Henry. Oh, man.
- Oh, Henry. Hello, darling.
Hi, it's me.
They say you can hear me.
I was so afraid I
wouldn't get to see you.
They said you've been
fighting really hard,
like you always do.
(Henry breathing heavily)
Apparently it's,
it may have been in
vain, my darling.
I just want you to know
that every good thing
that ever happened
to me in my life has
come through you,
through your love,
through our children,
all of our grandchildren.
You are the love of my life.
I would kiss you
if I were there.
I would kiss you, I
would hold your hand.
- Hi.
- Yes?
- You gotta have
still some hope.
I think that's very important.
- Jean, you will stop this now.
- Henry, I hope you can
hear me. It's Estelle.
I just wanna say
that I'm sorry about
all of the unkind things
I've said over the years.
I hope that you
can forgive me for-
- Hello.
- Hi, Maxy.
- Hey, Max.
- [Nancy] Hey, Ben.
- Hi, grandma.
- Oh, hi, Brenda. I
didn't even see you there.
Hi, how are you?
- Yeah, Brenda's on
with us, everybody.
- I'm just making
sure this is on.
I'm so sorry I'm late.
- Is Ben not with you?
- Hi, Brenda. Welcome.
- It's a busy day today.
It's Pioneer Day in our church.
So I've just been busy.
- Is that the Mormon
church, Brenda?
- Correct, the Mormon church.
Yes, very, very big day for us.
A very big celebration.
But I wanted to take the time
to express my
condolences to you all.
And also, offer an opportunity
to potentially bring
Henry into the church
and into the arms of our
savior, Jesus Christ.
- Brenda.
- Brenda, please.
- Stop, please.
- Stop, stop.
- Brenda, stop.
- Dad. Hey, Brenda, Brenda.
I have it, I have it.
I'm sorry, everyone.
- I'm sorry, I didn't
mean to offend anyone.
I was trying to-
- No, honey, honey.
- What day is it today?
- July 24th, 2020.
Today's a Friday.
Pop pop was born
December 1st, 1940.
That was a Monday.
- Oh, that's great, Ben.
- You are amazing.
- Do it again, do it again.
- I am so sorry.
I just love my smart
- Our great-grandbaby.
- I'm glad Henry can hear this.
- Me too. Henry,
listen to this guy.
- I think I just wanted
to say thank you.
You know, grandpa
Henry was there
for all of us when we were kids.
- Hey, what's up, guys?
Sorry to interrupt.
I just wanted to let you
know that I found Jen.
- Hey, hey, guys.
- Hey, Jen.
- Hey, Jen.
- Hey, guys.
- Hi, Jen. Hi, David.
- We're all really
seeing each other
for the first time
in a long time.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Where's Debbie?
Jen, where's Debbie?
- She's protesting.
Yeah, she's protesting
with her friends.
- She's out there
fighting the fight.
- Good for her.
- Henry would be so proud.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Black lives matter, everybody.
Black lives matter.
- Black lives matter.
- You bet.
- You bet.
Oh, my God, remember we
were all in the streets.
All the time.
- Yeah, Estelle,
remember when we-
- I don't understand how
can you all be smiling.
My dad is dying,
my dad is dying.
- Yes, but his life was good.
- How can you all be smiling?
- Dad, dad.
- What are you doing?
- Was good.
- This is not a fun moment.
- We have to reflect
on the good moments
as much as the difficult, dad.
- Yeah, but what I'm seeing is
a screen full of people smiling.
- Yeah, we're talking about him.
- There's a man who's dying.
What the hell are you all doing?
- We're remembering the
good parts of his life.
- There's no remembering.
It's happening now.
- [Faye] Peter.
- We're trying to remember
the joy that he gave to us.
- Peter, listen to me.
This is not disrespect.
This is love.
This is love for him, for
all the joy he gave us.
- Can grandpop hear us?
- Yes, he can.
- No, he can't.
- They said he can,
that he can hear.
He can hear us.
- They think he can. They
said they think he can.
But he can't.
- [Faye] You don't know that.
- Peter, look what
you're doing to him.
Look at him.
He's so upset.
- Jean, Jean, give me
a minute here. Peter.
- Please, please, I speak
to you as the matriarch.
This is not disrespect, Peter.
And I'm so sorry you're
hurting so badly.
- Pop pop, we love
you. This is Jenny.
Debbie loves you.
David loves you.
- Hey, Henry, this
is David, man.
Even with that thing
wrapped around you,
you still look
badass to me, dude.
- Totally, I put lipstick
on for you, Henry.
I did, I did, look.
I did, it's right here.
Henry, I'm doing it right now.
For you, special.
(video call trilling)
- Hey, hey, babe.
I just wanted to call and say
that I'm so sorry about
how I acted earlier.
- Oh, it's okay, really.
I'm still on that call.
I'm still on the call
with the whole family.
- Oh, oh.
- Yeah, I logged off
because I saw it was you.
Are you all right?
- I mean, yeah, I'm all right.
- Okay.
- But how much longer
is it gonna be?
- I don't know. I
really, I don't know.
It's a lot, and we're all
saying goodbye to him.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Yeah, yeah, how do you even
know that it's COVID though?
- Well, he tested positive.
- Right, what does
that really mean?
I mean, it could be the flu.
The flu has the exact
same symptoms as COVID-19.
I'm just saying.
- I'd like to apologize to
everybody for my outburst.
- That's okay, sweetheart.
- Oh, Peter, it's
all right, darling.
We understand.
- You're forgiven, buddy.
- It's all cool, Pete.
- Hi, everyone. I'm
Mr. Stone's doctor.
It's great to see you
all here come together.
I wish it were under
better circumstances.
I just wanna prepare you for
what's about to happen next.
We're going to remove the
ventilator from Mr. Stone.
- Wait, right now?
- So soon?
- Yeah.
- You're gonna kill him?
- Max, I don't think this
is appropriate for Ben.
(all chattering)
Can you text the bishop?
Hey, Ben, sweetheart, Ben?
- Max, you should get him off.
- Ben, I just texted bishop.
He's gonna have you
turn off the camera.
Can you do that for us?
- [Brenda] In the
corner, sweetheart.
- Thank you, thank you.
- Thank you, everyone.
- We would like to remove
him from the ventilator
so that we can
use it for someone
whose life it can actually save.
- But he's still breathing.
- He's breathing, and you're
gonna take it away from him
and kill him to give
it to another person?
What kind of a doctor are you?
- (chuckling) I like to
think a pretty nice one.
A good one.
- A killer.
- Jean, if you can't handle
this, leave the room.
- Hey, doc, how long after
you pull that ventilator
is he gonna stick around?
- We just don't know.
It could go pretty fast, or
it could take about 24 hours.
It's important to understand
that the only reason
he's breathing, ma'am,
is through the
machine right now.
- Will he be in pain?
- Was he on a DNR,
do no resuscitate?
Or do you need the
family's permission?
- We need family's
permission. Next of kin.
- I will give you permission.
- Don't give them
the permission.
Why? He's still breathing.
- If you cannot handle
this, leave the room.
- Doctor, can you
give us a minute
to discuss this
among the family?
- Thank you.
- You're gonna kill
your own husband?
- Jean, if you
can't handle this,
I must ask you to
leave the room.
- I'm not leaving.
- You are making-
- Why should I leave it?
I want him to live
as much as you do.
- Faye, listen, we
got a couple members
of the family still not here.
I know Debbie's
working on getting it.
I just shot her a text.
I know she's gonna wanna
say goodbye to him.
- Keke too.
- Are you texting Keke?
- I'm texting Keke right now.
I'm trying to get ahold of
her before this happens.
Can we just have a
couple more minutes?
- No, Max. Max, listen to me.
- You know what this
will do to Keke.
- Faye.
(all chattering)
- I need Jen and Max to
be quiet for one second.
- Enough!
The doctor has said when
they withdraw the ventilator,
his breathing may
go on for some time.
So they may get here in time.
But they will have to
take responsibility
that they didn't
get here in time.
There is someone else
whose life depends,
who has a possibility at life,
and whose life depends
on having this.
We cannot deprive them.
He is gone.
And we were here,
and we said goodbye.
But, Joe, I would like very much
if you would give
him the last rites.
- Of course, Faye.
- Please?
- I am now ready to be offered,
and the time of my
departure is happening.
I have fought a good fight.
I have finished my course.
I have kept the faith.
Henceforth, there
is laid up for me
a crown of righteousness,
which the Lord the
righteous judge,
shall give me at that day.
And not to me only.
But unto all them
also that love him.
Fear not, I am the
first and the last.
I am he that liveth
and was dead.
Behold, I am alive forevermore.
And have the keys of
Hell and of death.
Jesus said I am the
resurrection and the light.
He that believeth in me though
he were dead yet still lived.
And who soever
liveth and believeth
in me shall never die.
Here ends the reading
of the word of God.
- Amen.
- Amen.
- Amen.
- Amen.
- Amen.
- Amen.
(video call trilling)
- Jean?
- Hi.
- Hey, where do
I click the link?
- Here, you take your
mouse, take your mouse.
Go to the little blue,
it's either blue or green
that's in the email.
And you put the
little mouse down
and there will be an arrow,
and you put it on the
little green part.
And then you click.
- Okay, all right.
- You did it all by yourself.
You did it all by yourself.
- Yeah, I did.
- You're a very smart man, Jack.
- Thank you.
- And you look handsome.
And also, this is really,
really, really shitty.
- Yeah, I know.
Listen, Jean.
(Jean crying)
it is really shitty, yeah.
- Here's to Henry. Here
is to our Henry right now.
- Right now.
- You don't have to
have one. I'm doing it.
- Yeah, all right.
Hey, Jean.
What was up with Henry?
You know, was he not
wearing the mask?
What was he doing?
- He never wears a mask.
You know, he doesn't
wanna wear his clothes,
let alone a mask.
The guy is a bull. He doesn't
care, he doesn't care.
He thinks nothing
could hurt him.
We know that's wrong,
we know that's wrong.
All these people think
they are impermeable,
or impressionable or
Whatever the word is.
- Yeah.
- They aren't.
They could all die too.
- Yeah.
- And it's real, it's
real. He's really dying.
- Awful lot to me.
There were a lot of
things that I just...
Listen, I wanna get
on the call here soon.
But I just, you know-
- Click, you click on
it, and you're there.
And we're all there.
They're all there.
- Yeah, all right.
Hi, everybody, I'm Jack.
Hank's friend from
many years ago.
And yeah, I'm a little,
I'm a little blown away by
the technicolor
nature of this family.
It's fantastic.
Wow, I never knew.
You know, it sounds a little
like he did (indistinct).
His snoring.
He was the worst snorer in
the whole freaking tent.
He was loud. (chuckling)
Yeah, and you know, I
just wanna tell you,
he was there when
you needed him.
And I want you to know
that when we met,
the first time, the
first time we met,
was in Phnom Penh.
And it wasn't the
greatest place to meet,
'cause we were getting shelled
the minute I hit the ground.
So, so, your dad, he
was everything to me.
I mean, when those shells
hit, we ran for cover.
And we ended up
in the same hole.
I'll never forget it.
I don't know,
he's always been held in a
special place in my heart.
And hey, Henry, can you hear me?
I love you.
I'll see you on the
other side, my friend.
Semper fi, buddy.
(gentle orchestral music)
- Hey, I know that Henry
and Peter, you two,
you've been worried about
me bringing in the dough.
And I'll let you guys know
I signed with a little Indie
record label this week.
So we got that going, and-
- David, is this
the time for that?
- Man, you know what,
here's the thing.
I got an album I'm gonna cut.
And the last few days, when
all of this has been going on,
I jotted some stuff down,
scribbled some stuff down.
A little tribute to Henry.
I understand what you mean,
but I got a little song
that I wrote for him.
And I thought maybe his
remaining minutes here,
I might be able to
play it for him,
before he, you know, jets off.
- I don't know
about anybody else,
but I'd like to hear it.
- I'd like to hear it.
- Music.
- It's up to you guys, man.
- Henry loved
music. He loved it.
- And especially
a song about him.
- I think that
would be wonderful.
- All right, then.
He took me in like I
was one of his own,
and so this is a little song
I wrote called "Solid Ground".
Like a feather on the wind
Like a break without a mend
Like a sky with no rising
That's the way my story goes
Like a house
without foundation
Or a song without a rest
I am here but I am
not until I met you
You're a rock
within a mountain
You're a stone
within a stream
You're the soul
inside a record
You're the tune in a dream
A modern day man
Me and you
bleeding fortitude
But you always lift
me up to solid ground
You're an anchor on a ship
When the storm
begins to brew
You're a
- David, the doctor's
trying to talk.
- Yeah, I got it.
- We're gonna remove
the intubation now.
- All right.
All right.
- [Jack] Love you, Henry.
(video call trilling)
- Hi.
- Hi, what's going on?
- It's not good, it's not good.
They've taken him
off the ventilator.
Any minute, he's gonna die.
- No, really? Maybe
I shouldn't get on.
- Oh, no, no, it was
important for him.
You should do it for
yourself too, honey.
- How are you doing?
- Not good, not good.
- Of course, of course.
- I freaked out.
The whole thing is
just so surreal.
- Of course, of course.
Okay, okay, go back.
I'll get on. I'll try
to get on right now.
I love you.
- Okay, I love you.
- Okay.
- Bye.
- Nurse, nurse, is there a way
that you can move the
camera closer to his mouth?
It looks like he's
trying to say something.
Am I crazy?
It looks like he's
trying to speak.
Dad, dad, do you notice this?
Look at his mouth.
- He does look that way,
but please remember-
- There's no possibility
that there could be a
turnaround or something?
- That's what I keep saying.
- I'm sorry, but no.
- I don't think so, Max.
- Grandpa, am I too late?
Oh, mom.
- Sweetheart, you made it
in time to say something.
- Please, I'm just here
to speak to my grandpa.
I really can't.
Grandpa, I love you so much.
I'm just here to say bye
and to just thank you for
everything that you've done.
Thank you for understanding me.
I love you.
- Oh, you missed it,
Keeks. You missed the call.
- What are you-
They just said he's right here.
I can speak to him.
- He's still breathing,
he's still breathing, Keeks.
- Keke, I am so angry at you.
You know how much he loved you.
And you would not
answer phone calls.
You would not answer texts.
- I am not going to
answer any phone calls
from any of my family members.
- Opportunity to-
- Do you honestly think I want
to speak to any of you guys?
I came to introduce my
grandfather to my girlfriend,
and that's that.
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Keke.
I'm sorry, who is this person?
Who is this person?
- My girlfriend,
mom. My girlfriend.
Here you go, meet
our family, babe.
This is the great family that
we have to look forward to.
You guys are just
a joy to be around.
- That's very respectful.
That's a very respectful way
to introduce your girlfriend.
- Well, it's not like you
guys would care anyways.
Mom, really?
- Watch your mouth and
respect your grandfather
and say your piece.
- Fine, grandpa. I
love you and I'm sorry.
I'm sorry it has
to be like this.
I'm sorry you were
the only person
who ever tried to understand me,
whoever tried to love
me no matter anything.
And you know what, mom and dad?
I'm sorry, I'm sorry if
I hurt you guys, as well,
in the process of me trying
to figure my own shit out.
I just thought that you guys
would love me no matter what,
but it's clear that that's
just never gonna happen,
and I'm sorry.
- We do, Keek. We
love you, we love you.
- I'm sorry, I can't.
- Oh, Nancy.
- I'm really sorry for
your guys' loss of Keke.
Just know that she loves
you, every single one of you,
very much.
- Excuse me, young lady,
please just keep an
eye on her for me.
- I can't say I
envy your future.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
- Thanks for popping in.
- I'm gonna reach out to Keke.
I feel like she needs
somebody right now.
I'll be back.
- Thank you, Max.
(video call trilling)
- Just I am so tired
of this shit, Max.
I don't understand. I
can't take it anymore.
- Keke, I know. I
hear you, I hear you.
Can you just take
a couple breaths?
Just calm down a little bit.
I know how frustrating
they can be, okay?
- You're the only one
who does understand.
And I'm tired.
I want to share my
life with you guys.
I know everyone thinks
that I'm just this
big ball of hatred
and that I don't wanna be a
part of this family, but I do.
- No, Keke, no one thinks that.
Everybody is trying
to express their love.
It's a complicated time.
I mean, look,
grandpa went into the
hospital three days ago,
and this is where
we're at, you know?
I think everybody's emotions
are just a little spun.
Yours included.
Look, I love you.
We all love you.
Mom and dad are difficult.
You know, just today,
Brenda tried to say a prayer
and they shot it down.
It's like their aversion
to us and our choices,
I hear you, I hear you.
- I just don't get it.
I hope eventually
they'll be ready
to just put everything in past
and just try and understand
this a little bit more.
That's all I want, honestly.
If you could please
express that to them,
then I would really
appreciate that.
- It was really
to meet Susie too.
- Yeah, she's great, honestly.
I think,
I think she's a keeper.
I want to share, you know,
our life with you guys.
- You know my feelings.
And at the end of the day,
I'm just happy
that you're happy.
I love you.
- Thanks, bro.
I appreciate it.
Thank you, for real.
- Gwen, Gwen, Gwen, Gwenny.
- Oh, hi.
- Gwen.
- Gwen's having
trouble connecting.
- But she came.
- Yeah, we lost her.
- Make sure she has the link.
- Gwen is invited? Gwen?
Why is she here?
She's not a part of his family.
- Mommy, it's fine.
- What? Are you sure?
- They're getting married.
She'll be part of our family.
- Don't say anything.
- Congratulations.
- It's kind of insulting.
- Hi.
- Hi, Gwen.
Thank you so much
for the flowers
that you sent Henry.
They're really beautiful.
- She's a class act.
- You're welcome.
It was my pleasure.
It was a real privilege
to get to know him,
even for a little while.
I'm sorry.
- Well, I'm glad you had
the time to spend with him,
and he with you.
- He would've loved to
have been at the wedding.
That's for sure.
He would've wanted to walk
you down the aisle even.
- I loved him.
- Oh, boy.
- You know, you may be
emotionally invested, Gwen.
But it's gonna take a
minute or two for some
(Henry breathing heavily)
comfortable being
a part of this.
Please forgive it.
- Daddy.
- I understand.
- I'm sorry. Gwen, I'm sorry.
It's good to see you.
- It's good to see
you too, Nancy.
- Yeah, you guys are friends.
- Quick question, what wedding
are you guys talking about?
- Yeah, I'm a little curious
to know about that as well.
- Peter.
- Peter, turn your
microphone on.
- I don't think this
is the right time.
(all chattering)
- Hold on, can we hear you?
Gwen, Gwen?
- Here, I'm on. Can
you hear me now?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, we got you, Pete.
- Yeah, yeah, so we didn't,
with all this COVID
stuff and everything,
we weren't able to set a date.
We weren't able to
announce the wedding
because we didn't know
when it was gonna happen.
- Dad, no, no, no.
We're not talking about when
the wedding is going to be.
We're talking about the
fact that you never told us
that you were getting married.
- Well, it's because
of everything
that's been going on with COVID.
- No, dad, can I-
(all chattering)
- All right, all right.
- Well, without a date,
there's no wedding.
- Stop!
- You know what, I'm
supposed to be there as well.
I was invited.
- Stop talking!
This is not about you.
This moment is about Henry.
My God, people.
(Jean crying)
- I'm sorry.
- Oh, shut up.
Jesus Chris, you never stop.
- I'm gonna go.
- Thank you, please
go, please go.
- Faye.
- [Faye] Yes, yeah?
- Do you remember that
time at the wedding
when Henry got wasted?
He got drunk as a skunk
and started singing.
And you had to pull the
microphone away from him?
- I do.
Yeah, there's only so
much a person can take.
Watching him dance
was even worse.
- I was honored.
- It would take a
lot, that's for sure.
- The chicken moves.
- He said it was the jitterbug.
I wasn't too sure what-
(all laughing)
But God, he loved
doing it, didn't he?
- What a strange complicated
fabulous man he was.
- Did he stop breathing, mom?
- I don't know, darling.
We're so busy talk-
(dramatic music)
- What happened?
- We lost them.
- Yeah, I dropped off.
- Mom, you're on mute.
- Did we lose the feed?
- Yeah.
- I think we did,
but we're back.
- What happened?
- Hi.
- We lost battery for a second.
But I plugged it into a
wall, so we're back up.
Give me one second.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
(somber music)
(Henry breathing heavily)
What's happening?
Oh, Henry.
(somber music)
Oh, goodbye, darling.
(somber music)
- Doctor, doctor?
- I'm sorry,
everyone. He's gone.
(gentle music)
- Heavenly Father,
into your hands,
we commend the spirit
of Henry. Amen.
- Amen.
- Amen.
- Amen.
(somber orchestral music)
- I can't believe he died.
- Deb.
- There she is.
- Deb, are you okay?
- Debs, you made it.
- You're on mute.
- Sorry, what's
going on, mom, dad?
- Debbie, your
grandpa just passed.
That's why we wanted
you on this call,
so you could be with him.
- What do you,
he died?
- Yes, darling.
- A couple of minute ago, Deb.
You just missed him.
And we know you were
racing to get here.
- I'm sorry.
- He would've approved, darling.
I know that he
would've approved.
It's such a shame.
Because he loved you so much.
And he would've been so proud
to know that you were here,
but it was terrible timing.
- I wish I could've been there.
I wish I could've-
- We know.
- We know.
- And I know that you're
not among those people
who are breaking things
and smashing windows.
Those thugs.
I know you're standing up
for the right, but still.
- We can't be more
concerned about
the looting and the rioting
than the police brutality
that caused all of that
to happen, you know?
We can't put more value
into the loss of product
than the loss of
actual human life.
We're not defending
justice for the few.
We're defending justice for all.
We're defending justice
for the people like you.
- Of course.
- And that's what your
granddad did in the military.
That's exactly what he did.
- Great-grandpa Henry
fought Coronavirus,
and you're fighting
police brutality.
God bless you, girl.
- Both things are an
epidemic within themselves.
Both things need to be
dealt with, you know?
- You're right, you're
right, you're right.
But you know, a person
like you that's young,
going out into these situations.
I'm not your father, you know?
- Okay, well, she's a very
responsible young lady.
- Of course.
- I trust her.
- Look, Jen, I'm not
trying to question it.
I just want
everybody to be safe.
- All lives matter
though, you know?
- Oh, my goodness.
- No, I mean, you
know, I'm just saying.
- We have to focus on the
ones that are at risk, right?
Right now.
- They've always mattered,
but they haven't
all been oppressed.
- Like your grandfather.
- They've been
oppressed for 400 years.
That's why they
deserve more attention.
- We fought for it.
- Jack, Jack, Jack,
Jack, shut up please.
(Faye scoffing)
- It's okay, Jack.
- What'd I say?
- Nothing, nothing.
- You're okay,
Jack. You're okay.
- You did a good thing
today, sweetheart.
Your grandpa Henry
would've been proud of you.
- Thank you.
(video call trilling)
- Mr. Stone?
- Hello, yes?
- Hi, first, I would like to
say I'm sorry for your loss.
We really did everything
we could for your father.
There's just one more matter.
Mr. Stone made a video in
the event of his passing
that he specifically said he
wanted shared with everyone.
- How can I get the video?
- We'll patch you back
into the bigger room.
And then the nurse
will hit play on it.
- He wanted it played
in front of everybody?
- That was his wish.
- That's what he said, yes?
- Yes.
- Okay, I'll get back on there.
- Does anyone know
where dad went?
- I don't know. I was just
thinking the same thing.
- He'll be right back.
I think the doctor
needed to speak to him.
- There he is.
- Dad, you're on mute.
- Yeah, we can't hear him.
- Hi, hi, everybody. I
just spoke to the doctor.
He has a video of dad
that he wants to play
in front of everybody.
- A video?
- Yeah, some sort of statement.
- All right.
- Nurse?
- I don't know what it is.
- Whenever you're
ready on your end.
(Henry breathing heavily)
- I just wanted to talk to Faye.
I think you picked the
wrong guy. (laughing)
But I know I picked
the right girl.
You wore the pants
in this family,
even though I pretended I did.
I know I didn't.
I know I never said it enough.
But God damn it, I love you.
I love you so much.
You put up with all
of my stupidity.
Hold on.
Everything I tried
to do was for you,
for our family, for our future,
which I got none left, I guess.
But I'm putting everything
in the hands of my boy.
Pete, Peter, my
God, I'm dying here.
The rock.
You are the rock, that's
why we named you that.
That's what you're
gonna be for your mom.
For the whole family,
you're gonna be the rock.
I'm so sorry our last words were
bad. (coughing)
I can't tell you
how much I love you.
More than life.
I love you more than life, Pete.
You're still eight
years old to me.
You helped me paint
that bicycle. (laughing)
I should've let
you do it your way.
I should've let you do a
lot of things your way.
You're were a lot
smarter than me.
I told Faye,
I told her everything.
I told her about Jack.
You always knew about Jack.
Jack barely knew
about Jack. (laughing)
(Henry breathing heavily)
The biggest secret of my life,
and I couldn't tell anybody.
You got me through stuff, Jack.
You got me through my life.
- It was all you, Henry.
(Henry breathing heavily)
- I want Keke there.
I want Keke.
Exact picture of me.
Only smarter,
prettier, and brighter.
Everything I wanted
to be and wasn't.
(Henry breathing heavily)
I wish I could've
been a better leader.
I apologize to all of you guys.
(dramatic orchestral music)
(video call trilling)
(Henry breathing heavily)
- Hi.
- Hello, hi.
- How are you?
How are you holding up?
- I feel terrible.
My last words with
him were awful.
I said terrible,
terrible things to him.
I didn't know it was gonna be
the last time I was
gonna speak to him.
- Of course, we all do that.
Don't do this to yourself.
He loved you. He
knows you loved him.
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry if that
was embarrassing.
I didn't mean to put
the thing on mute.
- It's okay, listen.
I think we should just
postpone the wedding.
It's fine.
This is the most
important thing right now.
You have to take
care of your mother.
And your family and your kids.
It's too much. I'm
not going anywhere.
- Okay.
- Okay?
I'm so glad I was there.
- Thank you, thank
you for being there.
They're calling
me. I have to go.
- Okay, I love you.
- I love you.
- Call me later.
- Hey, mom.
Do you know if there's any way
we can get a copy
of that to Keke?
- Yeah, I'll ask your
father. (coughing)
- That'd be nice.
He just let it all
out there, didn't he?
- I mean, there's a lot
that we don't know, I guess.
- I think it was good though.
I think it was
good for all of us.
- Yeah, no doubt.
- Is grandma okay?
I'm just seeing her.
She looks like she's
asleep in the corner.
Is anybody seeing this?
- Faye?
- Gigi.
- Faye, Faye.
- Grandma!
- She's breathing. Jen,
can you go over there?
- Yeah, yeah, I'm only
five minutes away.
David, can you pick Debbie up?
- On the same
page. I'll get her.
I'll text you when I got
her in the jump, okay?
- Okay.
- What's wrong with mom?
- Jen just went to check on her.
I love you both. I'm
gonna get started, okay?
- We're gonna talk
about the funeral.
- Dad, I know, I know.
Everything is
going to be solved.
I'm gonna take
care of everything.
I know, I will take
care of everything.
It's gonna be more difficult,
and you're outside
of the country.
So let me handle this, okay?
- Don't worry. Thank you, Max.
- We're gonna take
care of you both.
- Peter, don't
worry. She's okay.
- Nancy, Nancy, are you okay?
Are you okay?
Oh, Nancy, I don't know
if you can hear me.
I miss you.
I miss you.
And I love you.
- I um,
Peter, honey?
("We Are Gathered Here
Today" by Boy George)
We are gathered here today
You asked me why
I speak at all
I said now, I said ever
I need to be more than
just a shadow on the wall
Secrets hiding in
dark and lonely places
People wear their sorrow
right there on their faces
Look at me
What do you see
Can I have another day
One I promise not to waste
There's something
that I need to say
I'm sorry but
it couldn't wait
Let me regret
I've never been me yet
Now every breath I
take feels like freedom
Feels like freedom
We are gathered here today
And still I feel
I'm all alone
The weight of expectation
on my shoulders
As these regrets
are getting old
Secrets hiding in
dark and lonely places
People wear the sorrow
right there on their faces
Look at me
What do you see
Can I have another day
One I promise not to waste
There's something
that I need to say
I'm sorry but
it couldn't wait
Any regret
I've never been me yet
Now every breath I
take feels like freedom
Feels like freedom
Feels like freedom