We Are Still Here (2015) Movie Script

Probably another hour or so.
Everything should be there.
The movers were
working all week,
putting all the rooms together.
How did they know
where to hang the photos?
I told them.
If something's in the
wrong place, we'll fix it.
We'll fix it.
Are you up?
Thank you.
I can feel him here.
I can feel Bobby in this house.
Annie, the reason
we moved up here...
I know, I know.
Moving away from
the city isn't the same
as moving away from
the memories.
He's always going to be with us.
Annie, honey, yes, in our hearts
but not in the house.
I really don't care
how far he has to drive.
We had the inspection
over a month ago
and I've called
several times already.
But the report says
there's nothing wrong...
I understand,
but the smell in the cellar
needs to be taken care of.
It smells like smoke.
Have you seen any smoke, sir?
No, I haven't seen smoke
but I think I know
what it smells like.
It's a hundred degrees
down there.
All right. We'll send
somebody out in the morning.
Thank you.
I'll see him then.
Well, the electrician is
finally coming out...
Did you drop it?
I found it like this.
Well, I'll just
get another frame
when I go into town tomorrow.
You don't think it
means something?
He never liked this photo.
Remember how we always hid it
when girls came over?
He used to say that he
thought his smile was...
And you think he
still doesn't like it?
Expecting anyone?
Find a spot for the photo and
we'll get a new frame tomorrow.
I told you someone was home.
I'm Dave McCabe.
This is my wife Cat.
We live down the road.
We're your neighbors.
I'm Paul Sacchetti.
This is my wife Anne,
and we live here,
and we are your neighbors.
Very nice to meet you.
Well, we've been two weeks
and you're the first
folks to come by.
Two weeks?
That is a surprise.
Usually there's a bit
of chatter in town
when someone moves
into this old house...
you know,
with the history and all.
Where's my manners?
I'm sorry.
Would you like to
come in for a drink?
Well, thank you.
Thank you very much.
Pardon the mess.
We're still getting
a little settled in.
No, it's...
This is lovely.
Thank you.
What can I get
for the two of you?
A tea or...
- Don't bother.
- A coffee maybe.
That'll be very nice.
Sit, Cat.
Go ahead, sit.
So, um, what was this history
you mentioned, Dave?
We heard it was a funeral parlor
around the turn of the century?
But, I've got to say,
the price they were asking
wasn't about to scare us away.
Good. Good.
So, the realtor told you
all about the Dagmars.
Yes. That was the family...
thank you...
who first lived here, right?
Yes, that's right.
I mean, the town built this
house for him back in 1859.
Well, cheers.
To new friends,
and new beginnings.
You don't say?
It wasn't long after that
that the trouble began.
Old Dagmar had been
running the parlor
no more than a couple
of months when...
well, what do you know,
word got out that
they were selling the bodies
and burying empty coffins.
People were saying he
was selling the corpses
to the university
over in Essex County.
Some even said he was selling
them to the Orientals
over in Boston,
turning them into chop suey.
The town ran him and his wife
and the little girl
out on a rail.
It was just the saddest thing.
They moved to Providence
but his family just couldn't
stand the sight of him.
Old Dagmar drank himself to
death no more than a year later.
They say he was no more than
a shell of a man at the end.
He was more than a shell.
- No, we hadn't heard anything...
- You told us...
Honey, it's all right.
No. You're quite right, kid,
you're quite right.
I'm so sorry.
Here I am with you nice folks
no more than five minutes
and I'm already
knee-deep in devils.
She's an old, old house,
this one, yeah.
We should be off.
We're in a bit of a hurry.
- So soon?
- Yes, yes.
We were just driving into
town and saw your light
and wanted to stop by.
Well, feel free to
stop by anytime.
Thank you, thank you.
We will.
You take care of this old place.
It needs a family.
Thanks, Dave.
It has been 30 years
since we've had fresh souls
in the Dagmar House.
I think we can call it
the Sacchetti House now.
Yeah, well, it's...
it's still Dagmar's House.
Come on, Cat.
Cat, come on.
Watch the bottom step.
You can feel it, can't you?
Of course, I can.
It's hot as hell down here,
Mr. Sacchetti.
What do you got over there?
Old foundation,
needs to be replaced.
Nothing back there?
Well, look.
Unless you want to hang
out in the sauna with me,
feel free to go about your day.
I'll give you call out
if I need anything.
Thanks, Joe.
You're a life saver.
All right.
- Just give me shout.
- Yeah.
Hey, kiddo.
How are we doing?
Not bad.
Minus last night,
has the weirdness died down?
It's not weirdness.
You know what I mean.
I still feel something here.
So what are we
going to do about it?
What if Jacob and May
came up for the weekend?
May has always been
interested in this stuff.
She told me once that
people pay her to do sances.
People with too much money.
And you like Jacob.
- He is always so...
- Stoned?
And they wrote us that
lovely note after the accident.
They said they'd
always be there for us.
I just think they
might be able to help.
You already invited them,
didn't you?
They told me if we
were okay with it,
they'd invite Harry
up for the weekend, too.
Why would Harry want to spend
a weekend with his parents
and the parents of
his dead room...
That was rude.
Like Dave said,
this house needs a family.
He's burned bad!
Annie, call an ambulance!
I don't care if you have
to disconnect the boiler,
I don't want a
health hazard like that
in my goddamn basement.
It almost killed my
electrician this afternoon.
You do realize that it's
a really old boiler...
I don't want excuses.
I want it fixed.
- Yes, sir, of course.
- Great.
Thank you.
Do you want me to call
Jacob and May
and tell them not to come?
It's alright.
Just tell them
it might get a bit chilly
if the boiler does crap out.
I'm sure they'll be fine.
Yeah, just throw a little
more Maui Wowie on the fire,
they'll be fine.
I need a whiskey.
You want one?
It'll be nice having May here.
I know you think it's silly...
but I really can feel
something here, Paul.
What happened?
What's that smell?
Well, I just don't get it.
What's not to get?
Annie wants us up there
for the weekend.
Yeah, but why?
She says the house
has a strange aura.
Ever since they moved in,
she feels Bobby's there
watching them.
Well, maybe it's
nice Bobby is there.
I mean, after the crash,
Anne was in such a bad place.
I mean, if Bobby's up there
with her, maybe that's...
I don't know.
It's kind of sweet.
If Bobby is still with them,
it means he is not letting go.
They want us up there to
help find out what's going on.
Well, you can't make me believe
that Paul is buying any of this.
I mean, I just feel like there
could be a lot of negative
energy if we get there and we
all get off on the wrong foot.
I mean, I just don't want Annie
thinking that we're gonna
walk in there and just
start waving, you know,
dark crystals around
and exorcise the demons.
We're just company.
We're not going to say anything.
Annie, they're here.
She's driving?!
Be good.
How are you holding up?
I'm just really
glad you're here.
Paulie, how ya doing, man?
Just a little work
around the house.
Salt of the earth.
Way to go, man.
Now this is living!
How are you, Paul?
Good, May.
How are you?
You know, Harry is coming
out later with his girlfriend.
It will be good
to see him again.
He and Bobby sure were...
They might still be.
That's why we wanted him here.
Bobby was so wonderful.
We think about him
all the time, Annie.
Thank you.
Pull the car around back,
if you like.
Let's go inside, drop these bags
and maybe you guys can
show us around town.
Well, there's nothing more
than a burger joint.
Buffalo Bill's.
Well, yeehaw!
You guys eatin'?
Four, please?
Tables are in the back.
This is going to be weird,
isn't it?
No way.
We're just going to
hang out, you know?
Mom and Dad are going to
wave around a few crystals
and we head back
to the city on Sunday.
They really believe in
that stuff, don't they?
And since Bobby and I were
roommates freshman year,
they figured, you know, we
got some sort of connection.
What happened to Bobby?
Car crash,
about two months back.
He was just on his way
home from school
and got hit by a flatbed.
All kind of creepy.
You know, Mom says
Mrs. Sacchetti thinks that
Bobby is with them
in the new house.
Thanks for the invite.
So they're in our living room,
not even 30 seconds.
They both practically
inhale their scotches
and then he just goes off.
And his poor wife just
sits there listening to him
give us this story about the
old owner being run out of town
for selling corpses
and then killing himself.
- Wait, what?
- Yeah.
Hang on.
Your house has a
history like this
but you still think the energy
you're feeling is Bobby's?
Is it me or is this bizarre?
This must be the place.
We can grab the bags later.
Let's see what they're up to.
Are you sure this place
doesn't freak you out?
Hey, when you've been
around kooks like my folks
as long as I have?
No way.
Let's see.
"Kiddos, early dinner
at Buffalo Bill's"
on Central Avenue.
Stop by if you're hungry
or make yourself at home.
Icebox is stocked.
"Love, The 'Rents."
What do you think?
I just want to relax.
Let's just eat here.
Relax, babe.
Any better?
Let's see.
This ought to take the edge off.
I guess they don't see a lot
of new faces around here.
Well, I think we should try
to avoid pissing them off.
Apparently they have a history
of going all mob justice
on the new faces.
It's really a nice place
you picked, Paul.
What are friends for?
I'm just going to enjoy
my meal now.
Watch my back.
It's pretty good, though.
Aw, come on!
Move it.
So, what do we do now?
I think they might be home.
Well, nice.
Baby, what are you doing?
I'm in the cellar.
Door's in the hall.
Yeah, I heard a sound.
I thought maybe a raccoon
or something was down here.
Of course, you would find the
creepiest place in this house.
Is it just me or is it, like,
majorly hot down here?
Danny, you...
You okay?
Honey, are you all right?
I don't know...
Fucking shit!
Goddamn it!
Are you going to be okay?
I think so.
I guess Harry and his
girlfriend didn't make it.
They probably just
stopped for the night.
Would anyone like a nightcap?
I wouldn't refuse one.
You do not have to ask me twice.
Well, I gotta say,
this is one weird fucking town.
- Paul.
- Ha!
No, he's right.
You guys have moved in
to one weird fucking town.
I think it was
just a little spell.
You know, sometimes
things get a little hazy.
Like a migraine?
Yes, but on a spiritual level.
It's hard to describe.
Do you think it could be Bobby?
I won't know until
we make contact.
Is that something that
you two regularly do?
You know, you may not
buy into it, Paulie,
but I have seen things
over the years
that would knock your socks off.
Well, if you can disprove
my skepticism,
I will be very, very impressed.
What do you think, honey,
should we should him?
- Can you give me a moment?
- Yeah. Yeah.
Can you give me a
moment before we begin?
- I just need a little time to freshen up.
- Sure.
Let me show you your room.
It's not really set up yet
but the bed's comfy.
"But on a spiritual level."
Now, come on, Paul.
You said you'd cut
them some slack.
I know.
Actually, Jacob's a lot
cooler than I remember.
Still stoner, but good guy.
No beef with him.
You're going to get them
set up with some fresh linens
and then we are going to go
back down to that living room
and give this a chance.
Then I'm seriously
going to need that glass.
If you promise to be civil,
I promise to keep pouring.
I promise.
Long night?
What'd those folks talk about?
What folks?
The only folks in here all night
who I have not known
my whole goddamn life.
Nothing really, just the house.
Are all four of them
staying up there?
I think.
We're closed!
Fuck's sake, will you
please go find out who it is
and tell them that we've
already turned off the ovens.
No, we're all closed up...
I didn't know you
were coming down.
I wouldn't have sent
the new girl to the door.
You heard they were here?
No thanks to you, Maddie.
I'm sorry, Dave.
What about the other couple?
Not much.
They were telling them
they could sense something.
Is that so?
And that they should leave.
Maddie, you tell me
every word they said.
- Maybe you should...
- Sit down!
You do realize what will
happen if they leave, don't you?
Do you really, Maddie?
Do you?
The town didn't
realized it back in '49.
And when that darkness
didn't get a new family,
it spread like plague
until it found many.
The Dagmars will get them.
After what this town
did to that family,
they'd kill God himself if
He walked into their house.
But they haven't, Maddie.
They haven't
and it's time.
The darkness under that house
wakes up every 30 years
like clockwork and it's hungry.
If it doesn't get a
new family this time,
it's gonna swallow this town.
Then we'll do it ourselves.
I mean, I thought we
were getting comfortable.
No, it's cool.
Just wasn't expecting you to
be so relaxed with the policy.
Yeah, I'll smoke outside.
Sorry I took so long.
I was feeling the most
unreal energy in the hall.
Yeah, no,
it's total unreal, right?
Are you comfortable?
There is a real power
in this house.
It's a heavy power.
Something that was born
out of decades of secrets.
There is a darkness here.
I mean, it's here.
I don't feel Bobby here.
It's something that wants
you to believe it's Bobby.
What does that mean?
This house has an
energy all its own.
So are we going to have
a sance or something?
No, no.
- I means, that depends on...
- Depends on what?
You said you knew
how to contact him.
Annie brought you up here to
find out what was in this house.
- Paul...
- No.
May, you can't give Annie
all this hope
and then not deliver
on anything at all.
We don't need to find
the darkness here, Paul.
It's everywhere.
Do you need something?
No! No!
- May...
- No!
- May, May...
- There's so much death!
Annie, wake up.
You're alright.
You're alright.
You're alright.
- You're okay.
- Bobby?
Did you hear that?
We had...
We had an encounter last night.
Yeah, I...
You what, Paul?
I saw something, too.
I don't know what I saw, I just
want to know what's going on.
Well, I heard Bobby.
I need some air.
Um, I have to go out
and get some groceries.
You should come along.
The boys can stay here.
A little male-bonding
might do them good.
You guys think you
can handle that?
What do you think
we're going to do, baby?
Start conducting a sance
the second you leave?
Go on.
Go on.
Here are the keys,
if you want to drive.
I'll drive.
Not my car, she won't.
Don't worry.
We can take May's car.
Back in an hour.
I love you.
Can we take your car?
Yes, Paul?
What's going on, dude?
We are conducting a sance.
Excuse me?
You should've seen May
last night, man.
She said she was
surrounded by death.
And I just heard no sance.
You think she'd
be okay with this?
Absolutely not,
which is why we're
going to do it right now.
Come on, man, sit.
It felt like the weight
of the world,
just crushing my soul.
There's something in that
house that feels infernal,
something that I've
never felt before.
What does that mean exactly?
Something's not right
in that house.
Is that so?
- Hi, Dave.
- Hi, Annie.
And who is this
lovely young lady?
This is my friend, May.
She and her husband are visiting
with us for the weekend.
How nice.
Well, it's an honest-to-God
pleasure, Miss May.
How's Cat doing?
She's fine, just fine.
Check-up with the doctor.
And you're...
Just wandering the streets
and eavesdropping on
lovely young ladies.
Miss May, did I hear you
correctly saying there's...
something not quite right
with Annie's house?
I'd be surprised
if there wasn't,
I mean, with that kind of past.
That house probably
has more demons
than the Book of Revelations.
Is it true
what happened up there?
Running the Dagmars out of town?
t's true.
Hand to the Lord.
Because I saw a family
there last night.
You did?
May has... abilities.
Well, I'd say she
certainly does.
We need to get back, Annie.
- I'm sorry, Dave.
- No, it's fine.
- Bye.
- Goodbye, Annie.
Bye, Miss May.
So, I'm just going to read
a few lines here
and see if we can connect to
whatever is in the house, okay?
So, you just sit there and um,
maybe close your eyes
and just try to believe
what we're doing is real.
It's just so helpful
if you're in a zone.
We are addressing
any spirits here.
This house belongs
to the living.
Their names are Paul and Anne,
and they have a connection
to your world.
Their son Bobby is with you.
And if it's Bobby's spirit
that we have felt,
please, give us a sign.
This house welcomes his spirit
and asks him to join us.
And with love and compassion,
we will help him
cross to the next realm...
and peel...
the skin...
What did you say?
It's a...
it's a welcoming.
We try to connect to
the... to the spirit
by asking them into our circle.
And so, you know,
I'm asking my son to join us.
My son.
My son.
Sorry. Sorry.
I mean, it's a sacred blessing
to those we hold dear,
and so we ask Bobby to...
wasted... meat.
This is bullshit.
I'm done.
- It's not Bobby.
- What?
It's not Bobby!
Your boy is dead.
He's in the cellar.
He and his little whore.
They're downstairs burning.
The both of them.
Burning like my whole family.
Burning until the stars go dark.
Fuck! Paul!
- Paul, tie me up, man!
- Are you nuts?!
Get a rope or something, man!
Hurry up, man!
Tie me up!
What is it?
That Dave?
He seems a little off.
He's just a harmless old man.
I still don't see Harry's car.
May, don't worry about it.
I'm sure they'll be here soon.
I don't want them
coming up here.
None of us should
be staying here, Annie.
It's Jacob.
May, I believe it, all of it.
What's going on?
Jacob, he lit some candles
and he started digging up
some weird...
I don't know, auras or
something after you left...
Whatever the fuck
they're called, May!
Look at him!
Why, he's right!
Dug up some devils
while you were out.
What happened?
This town is what happened.
This is my house.
What do we do?
I told you to leave.
It's Dagmar!
He's real!
isn't what you need
to be worried about...
Fuck you!
- Liar!
- May!
He's not dead!
He's dead.
He and that little harlot he
brought into my happy home.
My son's not dead!
Talk to him, May!
He's got to be in there!
This is my house.
You should have known better.
Jacob, baby, are you in there?
You've got to listen
to my voice.
I need you to concentrate.
Think about me.
Think about us.
After what you did to
the people of this town?
After what I did?!
You're going to listen
to that old bastard?!
We were good people!
This town murdered my family!
They sacrificed them
to the gods they dug up
when they built this place!
Nobody knew what was under this
house until it was too late.
You've got to listen
to my voice!
They opened something awful
and it needed a family.
I love you.
Please, fight it.
This is my house.
No, no.
Jacob! Jacob!
May, don't look at him!
We got to leave!
We got to go!
Go, go, go!
Go, go, go, go!
Open the door, Annie.
It'll all be over soon.
I'm not alone, Annie.
Open the door.
Get upstairs!
Mom, please, go!
Did you hear that?
It was Bobby!
Come on, Annie, you were right.
- We got to keep moving.
- That was our son!
I know!
I heard him
and he told us to fucking leave!
You see anything?
Go. Go.
It's not much...
They're upstairs!
Get the fuck off of me!
Go, go, go.
Is there any other way upstairs?
I don't...
We're going to get
out of here, Annie.
What in Hell is going on?
These folks been in
this house two weeks
and they're still alive.
Something special about them?
You wanted this house so bad
you were willing to kill for it
so we just let you.
Having you here made
every sacrifice after you
a hell a lot easier.
Whatever anger you
had that kept you here,
I am grateful for it,
but you know what has to done.
You know what
you're supposed to do.
Now get it done.
Well, well,
it's my new neighbors.
Come in, come in.
- What do you want?
- Back up.
It's not what I want.
It's what this house wants.
You're not leaving here.
You stay,
you satisfy the darkness.
And really,
why would you want to go
and leave your little boy
here all alone?
Annie, you know
he is very much here.
You brought him with you
when you moved in.
Now is your chance
to be with him always.
- Fuck you, old man!
- Paul!
Paul, look at your wife.
Go on, look at her, man.
He's your son.
You know it's for the best.
Don't fight it.
Just accept it.
You see what happens
when you try to fight it?
Every 30 years or so the
goddamn place just wakes up
and it demands new blood,
and our town is forced
to deliver it.
Don't be afraid, Mom.
I'm here.
They're still here.
Hey, Bobby.