We Are Still Here (2022) Movie Script

Lost. I'm lost.
My family.
I will take you
to where you need to go.
I'm Riley.
I'm Kngwarraye.
Te Mauniko.
There are important people
coming to this meeting.
Can't you be more like
your brother and sister?
How are we going to find you
a white husband
when you walk around dressed like a slave?
Why would I marry a white man
when their war is burning across the land?
There wasn't any war here
last time I checked.
Uncle Piripi!
I'll go and get Papa.
You're not dressed yet.
Uncle Piripi and the others are here.
Mama sent me
so you can start the meeting.
She's got you all ready, aye?
She's so annoying.
This gathering's really important.
you'll be debating
who goes to fight the British Army?
That's if we're even going
to join the war.
But surely we have to go and fight.
This is our moment.
Maybe not.
We can't just sit here
pretending nothing is happening.
Otherwise, we'll be next.
They burnt children
sheltering in their own church.
Be careful, daughter.
Don't let your head be filled
with every story you're told.
But isn't that why our tribe is gathering?
So you can hear
from this one and that one?
What are your three thoughts
about the war?
The voice in my head is your mama's.
"Be careful.
Compromise. Be strategic."
Be bold.
Back our allies.
Meet the monster.
What about your heart?
Well, that's you, my children.
You're my heart.
It's not just me
who thinks we should fight.
All of us young ones do.
So if we're your heart,
you should listen to us.
Come. We'd best not keep them waiting.
Get back here!
Come back!
Come back!
I can see you, you Black bastard!
You did this.
You did this.
Na reira kia mau
tatou ki ta tatou i oati ai...
ki o tatou hoa
e pakanga nei ratou ki nga Hoia Pakeha
e taoro nei i te ao.
Did Papa tell you what he's going to do?
He didn't say anything.
Surely he'll send help to Maniapoto?
I talked with him.
What did he say?
He will support us.
Not if Mama gets to him first.
These are my thoughts.
Greetings to all
who have traveled here.
As my daughter reminded me,
this is a crucial moment.
And so, the arguments for and against
have been debated.
Should we join the war?
For me,
perhaps for all of us,
my heart
is my children
and their children to come.
So I have decided
we must stay here.
Hold our children safe and tight.
Let us be sheltered!
That is my final word.
I respect your authority,
but not your decision.
Sit down!
Your chief has spoken!
You lied to me!
Not now, Te Mauniko.
People are dying!
You said you would listen to me!
To us!
I listened to
the innocence of your spirit.
So I'm just a silly girl?!
My chief,
though you turn your back on your allies,
my family will fight!
Even if we must travel alone.
Thoe! Stand up!
Feel your anger burn!
Step forward!
It is the bull!
A vast, terrifying bull approaching!
Eating all above!
Devouring all below!
Te Mauniko! Get back!
Only death rules and we are left homeless!
Sustained only by the anger!
The hurt!
The fury!
You need to stop her.
Gather together
the strength of our children...
...and inspire them to be great.
Then they shall see
the power of our warrior tattoos
as we tear and slash
at the heart of our enemy!
And lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom
and the power and the glory
forever and ever.
Peace be upon you.
Wrong way, you bastard!
This is your land.
Your land
This is your land.
Look, your family
has returned from the war.
You are entering Cook Imperial Market.
All traders must present their goods
to guards for inspection.
Follow marketplace rules at all times.
Level four air contaminations today.
All breaches of rules are punished
with permanent exclusion from the market.
All barter at own risk.
Terrorists still at South Gate.
Avoid at all costs.
Cook Limited invites you
to trade quickly and profitably...
Radiation low in covered areas.
Vax passports will be checked.
You are entering at your own risk.
Please be aware of hawkers and thieves.
Management takes no responsibility
for your personal welfare.
Oxygen is limited.
Traders have a strict one-hour policy.
Guards have the right...
Adults are responsible for minors.
Follow protocols at all times.
The guards are here for your safety.
Treat them with respect.
All goods are the responsibility
of the vendor.
The market accepts no refunds.
Please be aware that
you are being watched at all times.
You are entering Cook Imperial Market.
All traders must present their goods
to guards for inspection.
Follow marketplace rules at all times.
Level four air contaminations today.
Terrorists still at South Gate.
Avoid at all costs.
All barter at own risk.
This taonga is for you.
As an old net withers, another is remade.
Oi! What do you think you're doing?
Got ya, mate.
- You're a girl.
- Oh, no shit!
Can you see?
Shit. Sorry. I didn't mean to do that.
Well, you did! Now I can't fuckin' see.
Well, you shouldn't be here doing this.
It's all your fault, really.
You a graffiti cop or somethin'?
No. I was told to be here
to catch you in the act.
You okay?
No, it fuckin' burns.
Grab my drink bottle from my bag, will ya?
- Please?
- Now!
- Where's your manners?
- Where's my water?
Here ya. Tilt your head back.
You live up on the roof, eh?
Don't ask me any more questions, got it?
Oh, shit.
Here it is.
I'm not mental.
I think we're allowed to be sometimes.
I like it.
I like your graffiti.
Well, why paint over it?
'Cause it's one of the jobs
I have to do around here.
All goods
are the responsibility of the vendor.
The market accepts no refunds.
Please be aware that you are
being watched at all times.
Adults are responsible for minors.
Keep a close watch
on children at all times.
The guards are here for your safety.
Treat them with respect.
Radiation low in covered areas.
Vax passports will be checked.
You are entering Cook Imperial Market.
All traders must present their goods...
Where's Cook?
Follow marketplace rules...
Level four air contaminations today.
- All breaches of...
- I need medicine.
All barter at own risk.
Terrorists still at South Gate.
Avoid at all costs.
Radiation low in covered areas.
Vax passports will be checked.
Cook Limited invites you
to trade quickly and profitably.
Native traders must clear gateway customs.
Are you lost, child?
The one and only.
Hmm? You want some medicine?
I'm afraid that I only do refills
for this particular medicine.
Do you have a bottle?
I could do you a deal.
I could give you a new bottle,
but it's very expensive.
What else have you got to trade?
That is from
the old world.
I'll tell you what.
I will give you a brand-new
full bottle of medicine
in exchange for that thing
around your neck.
Whoever needs this medicine
needs it right now.
Hm. You have to make a choice.
Hand it over.
As an old net withers, another is remade.
Today is Invasion Day.
Nearly there, Mom.
The protest is just up here.
Here, look. Are we gonna
get a photo of this?
Can you believe this was
Captain Cook's cottage?
And they brought it all the way
from England.
Reminds me, you know?
Your dad and I,
when we get charged up one night,
NAIDOC night,
and we was gonna come here
and set the whole place alight.
Why didn't you burn it down?
Started pissing down rain.
So we could go home and make you.
Oh, God...
Ahh, that's right,
you've got the march on.
Where you stop trams, stop traffic.
Stop hard-working Australians
going about their business.
That's not very Australian
of you Abos, is it?
We're just on our way
to a little march of our own.
Why don't you join us?
You go home. Just go.
What's wrong with you?
Breathe. Breathe.
What are you doin' here?
We made a plan, remember?
So, are we gonna do this or what?
There's no rain tonight, Mom.
New fella, eh?
Never seen him before.
Just this?
Right, just tap here.
- All right. Good to go.
- Thanks.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- How are you going?
- Yeah, good. Yourself?
Yeah, I'm good, I'm good.
You want a bag for 15 cents?
Uh, yes, please.
Anything else?
Uh, yeah, some jerky, please.
He put out much people today?
You know how it is.
- Well...
- Oh, sorry.
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
Just hold up there, please.
Just wait there, mate.
Give us the bag.
- What's wrong?
- Just hand over the bag, please.
Thank you.
Do you have any ID?
What's this?
It's my White Card.
It's your what?
White Card. It's like my work ID.
Don't you have a driver's license?
But it's in my wallet.
I must have left it in my work ute.
Oh. What do you do?
I'm a stock trader.
- Look at me. What do you think I do?
- Oh, look...
No ID, no purchase. This doesn't cut it.
But you... you can look me up, eh?
Oi, give me back the jerky,
then, at least.
What did you just say to me?
Look, yeah, the jerky's in the bag, okay?
Yeah, you can take away my alcohol.
But what law says
you can take my fuckin' jerky?
- Here.
- Thank you.
Just watch your language, all right?
- G'day, mate.
- G'day, mate. How's it going?
The whole world's watching!
The whole world's watching!
The whole world's watching!
The whole world's watching!
Let me go, you racist pricks!
The whole world's watching!
- Let me go!
- Don't give us any shit, arsehole!
- Fuck you!
- Open the doors!
Should've stayed
in your own country.
Ake, ake, ake!
Ka whawhai tonu matou...
- Fuck you!
- Ake, ake, ake!
- What?
- Ka whawhai tonu matou,
ake, ake, ake!
Eyes up, bucking bull.
He'll get you later
when no one's looking.
Rarked those fuckers right up
real good, hey, Uncle Willie?
Yeah. Everyone saw it, bull.
Leave the kid alone, Mick. Jeez.
Nah, Wig. I want to get real close.
Tell this boy that he just got
our Black asses
on the front bloody page!
No more boots for us, eh, boys?
'Cause there's too many cameras, eh?
Who are you, boy?
Nothing where we're going, boy. Drink.
So, where you from, then, bull?
- Australia.
- Australia? Heh.
That Captain Cook wanker
got youse too, eh?
So, you come over here for this, then?
That's a long way to come
for us hori bastards, boy.
You made quite an impact today.
So, who you looking for?
I'm old enough, wise enough,
and good-looking enough. Ha.
I know a hunter when I see one.
So, who is it?
You don't get any closer
if you don't ask, kid.
Hey, listen up, boys.
Any of youse know this Mori fella?
- Arohamai, Uncle.
- Kao.
If your dad was here today, he'd be proud.
You Moris ever get sick of singin'?
No. So we don't forget who we are.
Eyes up, bull.
Now, let's try this again...
Fuck you!
...a magnificent day
in Alice Springs, Central Australia.
And, of course, a new album
by Tjintu Desert Band.
It's Tjamuku Ngurra. Check it out.
Good to go.
Oh. Hello.
Uh, some jerky?
Uh, yes, please. Hot.
That's embarrassing.
Oh, it's probably delicious.
Um... Thank you.
Ah, have fun.
Unc! Can you buy us some beers?
Hey, go on! Get!
Hey, mate.
You were here yesterday, weren't ya?
Nah, not me.
Did you remember your ID this time?
Brother, I already showed you.
So show me again.
Brother, come on, that's me.
You know it's me.
You buying this grog for your family?
Nah, I just finished work. Going home.
What, you like Moscato?
Yeah, I enjoy it with my dinner.
What do you do?
I told you, I'm a painter.
So you were here yesterday.
Oh, for...!
All right.
Where are you gonna be
drinking this tonight?
Brother, I'm going home.
And who are you gonna be drinking it with?
Are you serious? You're serious
right now, brother, eh?
Mate, this is the Northern Territory.
We got rules here.
Now, if you're gonna be giving grog
to your family,
you need to get a better story.
Neph! Any smoke?
Not worth it.
Pop the boot for us, thanks, mate.
Yeah, better than that. Come on.
Get 'em up!
Willie fuckin' Wilson.
You just had to get involved, eh?
Well, you can thank Aussie Boy for this.
He's one of us.
So save your divide-and-conquer bullshit
for your queen,
you fuckin' arsehole.
Got the hose, Sarge.
Throw him in there.
Let him go! Animals!
- Sarge. Sarge!
- He can't breathe!
Sergeant! There's no room inside, Sarge.
Well, leave the savages out here, eh?
They can freeze in the dark.
Follow me, gentlemen.
Kei te pai, Uncle.
Put it on, boy. You'll get sick.
That ruru bird...
He's been with you
your whole life, hasn't he?
So, your ancestors here...
They never left you, kid.
My mom never left me.
Ain't a brown face, in my mind.
Is... is anybody here?
- Hey...
- Is anybody...?
You fuckin' animals!
Dammit, come here!
Fuck him!
Argh! Fuck him!
I had nobody...
He shouldn't have left you, son.
She did everything.
And he... he can't even be here
so I could tell him that she...
Tell him what, Rob?
Korero mai, son.
What did you need to tell him?
That she...
That she died.
My mom died.
She died...
We pay respect to our maker,
the beginning of all things.
The source of power and spirit
that guides us through our struggles.
We acknowledge and farewell
our ancestors who have passed
for clearing the path.
May they offer their love
to our descendants.
Behold, there is life!
Come together!
And go forward!
Taiki e!
That's it, boy. Let it out.
Let that mamae out.
Would you like to buy a painting?
Famous artist, that one.
Thank you.
Got a good night
planned there, mate?
You again?
Yeah. Hey.
How are you?
Yeah, I'm... I'm okay.
- And you?
- Yeah, good.
Just... workin'.
You okay?
No, it's just... you know,
a lot of eyes out there.
Ha. Yeah.
Sorry you had to
go through that yesterday.
And the day before that.
And the day before that.
It's all right.
I've got thick skin.
I'm Ruby.
Nice to meet you, Ken.
Can I, um...
Can I have your number?
Like, people still do that, right?
Ah, well, there's this thing
called Facebook.
I don't have a computer.
You got a phone?
Old school, hey?
Thank you.
Thank you.
I guess...
So the grog shop closes at 9:00.
Which means... I knock off at 9:00.
You know I know.
Oh, just give us a sec, mate.
You know what, big fella?
I don't even drink.
- Hello.
- Hey.
Hey, finally, hey?
Unc Kenny!