We Found Something (2022) Movie Script

Hello, my name is Jeremiah.
And I found this camera out in
the woods when I was hunting,
and, well, I just thought you
should see it for yourself.
You know, originally,
when I found the camera,
I thought maybe this just
belongs to some kids making
a YouTube video or...
Heck, maybe I'm even
got myself lucky
and found someone's
homemade porno.
But, yeah, that wasn't the case.
So I've been taking some time
to look through all the footage
and by no means do I
consider myself an editor
or anything like that.
I basically just put all
the footage in iMovie
and try to make sense of it all.
And what I saw, well,
that's just the thing,
I don't exactly know
what I saw, but I
do know it's important for
other people to see it.
Hey, Ted, there's something
I've been trying to tell you
for a while and I
keep chickening out
so I figured I'd
make you a video
and then I couldn't chicken
out because you'd find it.
It'll be on your camera.
So listen... look,
you're my brother.
You know I love you, right?
Like, I really do.
And, Jenny, Jenny loves you too.
I promise, like,
she really does.
But the thing is Jenny...
Hey, Matt, done
pinching your loaf?
Come on, they ain't
waiting for us.
What the fuck are you doing?
I'm just... I'm just
checking the settings.
It's too early for bathroom
selfie's, isn't it?
I'll be right out.
I'll be right out.
You can do that on your phone.
You don't need to use my...
I was just checking the
settings so you get the...
Right stuff later.
Just... I'll be right out.
And wash your fucking hands.
Early before.
Yeah, that's because I
have never have been.
I never have been.
That's what happens
when you put me
in the hands of my tyrannical
sister, who wants to take me
on a climbing expedition...
Hi, Jenny.
That's like three hours away.
Hey, Matt.
OK, well, you know...
You know the spot
we always go to?
That's where I'm taking him.
Oh, yeah, that place is...
He's acting like it's a...
Yeah, he's acting like
it's a crazy spot.
It's a good spot
for new beginners.
I know why you're doing it.
I mean, we're going to
be like I don't know,
100 miles from any
other like, living human
being so to minimize the
risk of embarrassment...
Exaggerate much?
I promise you I will
still find a way.
Oh, OK, I need more coffee.
You've had three cups.
You're right.
I don't... don't...
Yeah, I'll be...
He's going to take a poo poo.
That is not a big
enough word to describe
what is about to happen.
I keep trying to tell him.
Dude, I feel so guilty.
Every time I go to
tell him, I just...
Just wells up and I
just, I don't want to...
I just wish there was
a way to spare him.
Either way it's
going to hurt him.
I just tried to record
it on his camera,
so that he would find it later.
And he interrupted me right when
I was about to spill the beans.
That's Ted, great timing.
I'll try and tell him today.
You need to tell him.
Yeah, I'll try today.
If he's able to climb that
wall, he'll be in a great mood,
Yeah, that... that'll
be the perfect time.
Shit, he's coming back.
So how long till you come back?
I don't know.
I'm hoping two days.
We'll see.
That's good.
At least that's when my dad
will get his blood results.
Well, we're all praying for him.
How's your dad doing?
How's the fam?
Everybody cool?
No, he's... they're OK.
I mean, I know it's not like
a big deal, but I don't know,
I still want to be here just in
case something happens to dad.
Yeah, we understand.
Well, send him our love.
Yeah, tell him I said what's up.
I guess, I don't know, we
should probably start...
Packing up?
Packing shit up, yeah.
Got that lovely
three hour drive.
Oh, Yeah, it's going...
It's going to be a...
A beaut.
Do you want to say
goodbye to your girl?
I guess.
Bye, babe.
Love you.
Love you too.
Wish me luck.
Wish me luck.
Thank you.
Jesus, what do you fucking
have in this thing?
Maxie pad, you picked a hell
of a day to hit up the forest
and do this climbing thing.
It's cold.
It's raining.
It's not supposed to be
raining on the other side
of the mountain where
climbing, don't worry.
Yeah, well, it's
still in Bakersfield,
so that's bad enough.
Have you been just
living in a closet?
I mean, look at...
Oh, I'm out of the closet.
Look at... well, we
know that, but look
at our comparative skin tones.
I can't believe we're related...
It's called sunscreen.
You should really try it.
Are you sure?
Because you look like the
ghost of someone who drowned.
Why drowned?
Because they get all
like pale and pasty
when they find their
body in the water.
I mean, I guess...
Are you saying I'm bloated?
Because they get bloated.
Well, I'm saying that too.
I'm just saying you're pale.
Anyways, Jenny, I'm
doing this for you.
I'm doing this for you.
So is Maxie because she sure
as hell wasn't doing it for me.
But yeah...
What's that supposed to mean?
I'm trying to help you
overcome your fear.
How am I not doing that for you?
No, no, I just mean
you're like, you're not...
You're not doing it
for me personally.
Like you're just
not doing it for me.
You're my brother so I hope
I'm not doing it for you.
All right, that's fair.
I feel like you can use
that in other contexts.
Like this movie isn't doing
it for me, or like this...
OK, whatever, just drop it.
I can't...
I forgot how annoying
you are in the mornings.
I mean, I think anybody who has
to wake up before 5:00 AM is
perfectly entitled to be...
Well you're entitled already.
OK, anyways, Jenny, doing
this for you because you
need a strong man in your life
who isn't afraid of anything,
Including ladders
and tall rocks.
And I don't want to make you
clean the gutters by yourself
every time.
I mean, I do, but only because
I get to look at your butt.
But anyways...
Jenny, it's all for you.
It's all for you Jenny.
OK, I'm not... I'm not going
to talk to Jenny anymore
she'll see the...
She'll see the video, and
she'll get the proposal,
and, well, I think by the time I
edit this into something that's
decent she might even say yes.
Yeah, maybe.
Oh, man...
I mean, yeah, totally,
she'll say yes.
Who couldn't say yes to this?
Do you...
really need to
document the whole drive?
Do you wanna...
Want me to eat my banana?
I mean, I don't...
Now I'm driving with no hands.
Are you scared?
Not really.
I mean, I think you handle
that banana like a pro.
Can we see that again?
I mean, I feel like...
I feel like I'm going
to need a freeze frame.
Photoshop is going to love this.
Come on, show us what
you got, Maxie pad.
Do you want a...
OK, honestly, I'm
not enjoying this.
Maybe if you weren't my sister.
Shoot, it's raining, yet,
there's a fire somewhere.
Oh, yeah?
Oh, there's an ambulance.
Oh, well, thank God.
Are you sure it's not
going to be raining
at the climbing spot?
So I looked it up and it's
like, the hike in it's
going to be raining, but
it's like on the other side
of the mountain that
we're actually climbing
and it's completely
clear over there.
So you'll see, like, we're
going to have a miserable hike.
It's going to be
raining, but then we're
going to get to a spot where
it's just not raining anymore.
You can look it up.
How long have you and
Jenny been together?
Because, frankly, Jenny, I don't
know how you've put up with it.
OK, I'm not putting
this in the video
but I think it's two years.
Oh, you think?
Can you be serious
for five seconds?
You have to be when we climb.
You have to pay attention
to what you're doing.
Oh, trust me, I'll
be paying attention.
You have to belay me, so
I don't fucking die, too.
You can't goof off.
All right, it's a deal.
Hey, part of the deal is
you don't let me die either.
Yeah, I'm not going to.
I told you, I go all the time.
I know everything
I need to know.
I'm going to have
to re teach you
how to belay because you
haven't been in what, a decade?
Look, see, other side
of the mountain, sun.
Oh, Yeah.
Look at that.
All right, Just this once.
I'm waiting.
You gonna say it?
I would but the
light's kind of shitty.
Like I would say
were right but...
You just did.
You said it.
I heard it.
What you doing, Maxie?
Just fixing my shoes before
we hike to our climb.
Yeah, we wouldn't want
Sasquatch to smell your feet.
I just don't want my shoes
to come untied, but sure.
I think Sasquatch should
be rather offended.
You good?
You ready?
I'm good.
Tripping already?
You're tripping.
You're tripping.
These are my feet.
They get me to
where I need to be.
We're going all
the way up there.
You see that big pile of rocks?
Just the other side of it.
Oh, just the other side of that?
See that?
That's a wild...
That's a wild Maxie...
peeing in the woods.
I'm tickling your chin, Maxie.
I'm tickling your chin
while you're peeing.
Not cool, Ted.
It's kind of cool.
Not cool.
Are you... are you scared?
I mean, you can tell me.
We're not doing this.
Why not?
I'm your... I'm your sister.
I care.
I mean, I'll be fine, you know?
That was like well over
a decade ago, you know?
Yeah, just seems like it's
actually gotten a little worse
through the years.
Well... I haven't
really faced it.
I think that it's in...
I don't know, like...
Now is time, I think,
to kind of finally...
Address the things that scare
me and like try and grow
a little bit.
And I don't know,
I think like with...
With Jenny I'm just like not...
Not scared of anything
anymore, you know?
Just starting to feel
like things make sense,
and I don't...
You know, I feel like
I can climb a mountain.
Yeah, that's good.
So, no, I'm not...
I'm not worried.
I'm not worried.
That's good.
OK, cool, so... you need to
get anything else out or?
No, I'll tell you later.
I meant physically, you were
behind that rock for a while.
I just had to pee, Ted.
It's human function, you did
it on the side of the road.
I choose to... choose to do
it like a lady in the woods.
Like a lady in the woods.
Hey, check out the
size of this pinecone.
Come on, Ted.
It's like bigger
than your huge head.
Whatever, there's lots of them.
Told you it wasn't
going to be raining.
Yeah, it's not raining.
I mean, maybe we should
find another spot to climb.
Why, because part of the
road might be fucked up?
I mean, obviously somebody
doesn't want us here.
I mean, it's like torn.
It's open.
Well, yeah, but it's still here.
Somebody's scared.
I'm not scared, Ted.
Oh, look how scared she is.
I just don't want to trespass
or maybe it's a crime scene.
A crime... No, you would
say like crime scene.
Let me just find us a...
It would say crime scene on it.
Let me just find us
another place to climb.
Let's see.
I thought we didn't
have service up here.
Yeah, but I downloaded the maps.
It's OK.
Oh, you fancy.
I am fancy.
OK, let's see.
Oh, come on.
I'm sure it's fine.
Ted, no, let's just
find another place
because I think if we
get back to the road,
we drive another like 20 minutes
there should be another spot.
Like this is... we
don't want to...
No, come on.
Come on.
Ted, come on.
I don't know, this
could be cool.
Ted, I don't know why this
crime scene or this caution tape
is here.
Let's just be responsible
adults and go somewhere that's
not got caution tape around it.
I didn't come here to
be a responsible adult.
Yeah, you did.
Climbing is a responsible...
Came here to climb some rocks.
Responsibly with ropes
and good safety equipment
and good safety
practices, and that
includes not passing
caution tape that we're not
supposed to pass.
Yeah, I'm going to do it.
And you should follow.
Ted, come on.
Let's just go back to the car.
Well, we should at least...
See what all the
cautions about, right?
Ooh, look at who's scared now.
I'm not scared, Ted.
We should just be responsible.
Well, let's just like go
up the trail a little bit
and if there's like a crime
scene then we'll come back.
It's probably just part of the
trail is broken or something.
All right, but we have
to be really careful.
I'll be careful.
If there's anything
bad, we come back.
Say it.
If there's anything
bad, we come back.
Geez, I'm sorry being a
responsible adult is so lame.
So fucking lame.
And normally, a Maxie
climbs barefoot and naked.
I just decided since I have
family around this time I'll
put some clothes on.
And for the sake of
our viewers, we've
insisted that she leave
her wild ways behind
and put on some fucking clothes.
Oh, a gri-gri for me-me?
Oh, thank you.
Don't kill me.
I'm sure.
All right, you good?
Yeah, I'm fucking good.
All right, I'll show
you how it's done.
All right.
Not bad.
Not bad.
Here we have a rare Maxie in the
wild doing what they do best...
Slightly bending
over and going down.
Ha ha, Ted, ha ha.
I have to swing down,
this is getting...
All right that... that
was kind of bad ass.
Was it?
And even with me
saying this is scary?
I'll only say it once.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
OK, Ted is about to
put his harness on.
It's cute, right?
So you ready to climb?
Yeah, this is going to be great.
I'm going to fucking
murder this mountain.
Is it really weird
when a sister gets
a crotch shot of her brother?
Do I have any way
to respond to that?
I don't know, I'm just really
close on your balls right now.
And actually, that's as
close as you're going to get.
OK, I'm ready when you are.
You got this, Ted.
Yeah, I got it.
I got it.
All right.
All right.
Just do it.
Just fucking... just let...
All right, here goes nothing.
Go Ted, it's your birthday,
big party, not really
your birthday.
Yay, Ted.
Please... please shut up.
You're doing it.
Go Ted.
I got you.
Everything's OK.
You're OK.
Come on, Ted.
Come on.
Ted, keep going.
Can you please just
shut the fuck up?
Come on.
You got this.
It's all right.
I'm coming.
All right.
Come on.
Come on, you can sit up here.
So maybe climbing was
too big of a step.
Maybe we should
have just started
with a hike with a lot of rocks.
Maybe we should have
taken baby steps.
It was only first time
you've tried something.
- Just don't...
- oh,
that was fucked up.
I mean, you got a little bit.
Maybe I just waited too long.
You think...
I don't know, maybe this is
like just something I can't do.
I think maybe we just tried
to take too big of a step.
Just got to take some baby
steps and get there, OK?
Yeah, I know, but too big of
a step, I mean, what am I,
like, 10 feet off the ground?
Not even that.
Hey, you wouldn't have
been able to even look down
from about 10 feet off
the ground last year.
Do you noticed that
you've improved?
I don't like this.
You know...
It's not a big deal.
We'll try again.
We'll come back next week.
No big deal.
Well, I'm definitely
not using this footage
so I'm going to stop.
Look, we'll come back next week.
I'm sure you can get
a little further then
and we'll just... we'll get
a little further each time.
Don't want to come back.
Don't want to go further.
You're just now starting
to deal with this.
It's just going
to take some time.
Except I'm not afraid.
It's... I know it's only like
10 feet above the ground
or whatever, I just...
I get this feeling in my legs,
then it goes into my stomach
and then it's my
chest, you know?
And I just can't like, I
just can't breathe and...
Let's just get out of here.
I'm not judging you.
I... it's just
going to take time.
You haven't dealt with this yet.
It's like the kind
of thing that you've
got to deal with
over time, you know?
Give me the camera.
Come on, come here.
What is that?
Yo, what the fuck is that?
Do you see that fucking thing?
Oh, my God.
Hold on.
It's getting away!
It's getting away!
What the fuck?
Fucking, come on!
Ted, you don't know what it was.
Where did you fucking
go, you bastard?
Did you see where it went?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
It was like...
The fuck is wrong with you?
It was right here.
It was probably just
a bear or something.
Come on, let's go.
That was not a fucking bear.
Let's go.
Let's go.
We should find out what
the hell that thing was.
Let's go.
Come on.
Some bird feathers?
I think it was eating a bird.
There's nothing here.
Come on.
Maxie, Maxie, what stands...
Upright on two legs
and eats fucking...
Bears stand upright on two legs.
And eat birds with their
hands like a fucking hot dog?
We didn't see it do anything.
You just saw a
blur of something.
It could have been a bear.
It was probably a bear.
I don't know.
That did not look like a bear.
It had like a long tail, right?
Maybe that was a stick.
Maybe you a saw a
stick behind him.
I don't know.
I'm going to...
I'm going to look
at the footage.
Shits fucking nuts.
Look at this.
I mean, we're looking
at the same thing.
What is that?
You know?
Yeah, we don't know what it is.
Yeah, and that's
the thing, like...
It could be dangerous.
Yeah, well, but, I mean,
either way, either way, like,
I think we found something and
we should go see what it is.
And I know you don't want
to come, but, like, just...
We're not equipped for this.
I'll put some gas in your car.
We don't have
anything to subdue it.
I'll buy you lunch.
I don't care about that.
We don't have anything
to deal with this.
All we need is a camera.
And what if it attacks us?
What if it comes after us?
It ran from us when it last saw.
It eats birds.
It's not going to come after us.
Come on.
We might even be able to
find tracks or something.
Why don't we just like take that
picture and send it to somebody
that deals with it?
OK, that...
Is a logical...
That sounds like sending an...
course of action.
Email, versus going out
into the woods with a camera
to like...
You have...
document something.
You have this picture.
I'm trying to do
something that's fun.
Fucking yesterday sucked
for me, all right?
Yeah, you're just
trying to compensate
for not being able to
climb a wall with trying
to find a creature and
be important that way.
You know, fuck you.
You know, I'll do this myself.
You know, like, I wanted to
do something cool together
that I would actually enjoy.
But that's fine.
You're being crazy.
It's all fine.
I'm not being...
Being fucking crazy.
Give me my fucking
camera, all right.
You're being crazy.
We cannot...
I'm taller than you.
You want to come?
It's your last chance.
Your last chance, come on.
God damn it, Ted.
Come on.
All right.
You know, you didn't
have to drive.
You don't know how to get there.
We've been over this.
I do have a phone.
I am a arguably
functional adult, and...
That's debatable.
It's pretty much a straight line
to get there until
we get to the hills.
Well, I'm not going to
let you go by yourself.
You know, I looked it
up and it's supposed
to be kind of cold up there.
Did you bring a jacket?
Yeah, I've got one in my trunk.
OK, because I know
how much you like
to complain when you're cold.
No complaints... no
complaints for the camera?
Look, we're going to get there,
we're going to look around.
We're not going to
stay for very long.
If we don't find anything,
we're going home, OK?
We're going to find
something out there.
Can you just confirm?
I can neither confirm nor deny.
I just know this is
going to be awesome.
You do realize this is stupid?
Like what are you going
to do if it's dangerous?
I'm not convinced
it's dangerous.
It's eating birds, you know?
I don't think it's going to go
after something as big as us.
But what if it does?
Well, at least
there's two of us.
And you know, we
brought things that can
deal with it if it's possible.
Yeah, your pocket knife?
Yeah, get the bear mace.
I don't know, Ted,
this is really dumb.
I think it's going to be more
scared of us than we are of it.
This is definitely a spot in
the video where we first saw it.
Well, it's still there.
Oh, man.
I don't know.
Do you see any
tracks or anything?
Ted, this is dumb.
Can we just go home?
You just...
Let's just walk around
like a little bit longer.
Ted, I just want to go home.
This is dumb.
I told you I didn't
want to come.
I said I would come
for like five minutes,
and we could see
if we saw anything.
We don't see anything
new, so let's go.
If you're cold, you can
like, wear my jacket.
It's not that.
I mean, it is that
too, but I want to go.
Like, let's go home.
This is dumb.
I think you're just
trying to compensate
for not being able to climb.
And I get it, I
get it but like...
No, don't go there.
That's not... that...
No, fuck you.
I'm not... I'm not
compensating for anything.
Like, this is actually exciting.
This is actually cool.
To actually do something
that's important or new or...
I'm not...
Ted, there's nothing out here.
And if there is, it
doesn't want to be found.
Let's try to find it anyways.
My fucking brother is
impossible to deal with.
I don't know how
to deal with this.
Like, what am I supposed to do?
You didn't have to come.
Yeah, I did, to keep
your ass out of trouble.
I feel really bad.
I haven't told him yet.
It's really the only reason I
agreed to come back, give me
a second chance to tell him.
Wish me luck.
I'm sorry, OK?
I didn't mean it like that.
It's fine.
Look, I think we're lost.
It's hailing.
Can we just try and find
our way back to the car?
Yeah, I guess.
I don't know.
Thank you.
There's got to be up here...
Oh, there's somebody
camping right here.
Maybe they know the
way to the road?
I guess it wasn't that
dangerous after all.
Here, you go talk to them.
If some random dude comes
and opens their tent...
My sister and I just try to
find our way back to the road.
Anybody in there?
Just unzip?
I don't think
anybody's in there.
Are you OK?
What the... Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck, it's a dead body.
Fucking... oh, fuck.
It's a fucking dead body.
We found a fucking.
Her phone's here.
It still has battery.
Let's just go, Ted.
We need to get the
fuck out of here.
Oh, fuck!
I don't know about this.
I don't know about this.
Hey, are you...
Are you OK?
Oh, fuck!
Oh, god!
We got to go.
I think we got to help her.
Please let's go!
No, we got to go.
OK, OK...
We got to go!
We'll go and find
help or something!
I don't know if this
is the right way.
Oh, fuck me.
We got to.
We got to fucking go.
I don't know... I don't know what
the fuck that was, but it's...
We got to go.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come, come, come.
We'll just follow the creek.
I'm pretty sure the creek
goes down to the road.
Oh, fuck, dude, the snow
is really coming down now.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Maxie, I was just...
This is my fault, but...
Fuck, man.
OK just think a
little bit further.
I know it's close.
I know it's close.
I know... it's right
fucking there.
OK, it's right there.
It's right there.
Do you have your keys?
Let's get the fuck out of here.
Oh, my god.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Just trying to see if
we can call somebody.
See we... this...
We have a signal.
Just make the call and then
we'll get the fuck out.
I don't have a signal.
I don't have any signal.
Oh, fuck.
OK, we'll go... there was
like, maybe like 15 minutes...
There's a gas station.
We'll go down to the
main road and we'll
get to the gas station.
It was further than that.
Max, I don't... I don't...
I don't know...
I don't know if
I can consciously
leave that girl bleeding
out in that tent.
Like, I feel like she was
fucking asking for our help.
And we just ran away...
Fucking cowards.
Like we don't...
I don't... I don't know
what does that to a person,
if it's like a mountain lion.
If it's...
OK, her phone does not
have a passcode on it.
I'm just going to see if
there's anything on it.
What does that to someone?
I don't know, but we can't
just jump to the conclusion
that like, she got attacked
by a monster, you know?
Like, I don't know what's in
these hills, but I'm just...
I'm going into her videos.
Hey, guys, welcome
back to my channel.
This is Namisty180 because we're
just going to take your life
and turn it right around
with some positive thinking.
Today we're doing the 24 hour
camp by yourself challenge.
I am going to be just completely
me, by myself, in the woods.
Never done camping before,
but I've got the essentials.
We're going to get through
this with food, water, a tent,
and I guess no
fucking sleeping bag
because I left it at the house.
Hi, welcome back to my channel.
This is Namisty180.
We're going to turn your
life around, complete 180
with positive thinking and
good vibes only and good
tunes if I was in a
ride share with a radio
that fucking worked.
Hi, this is Namisty180.
We're going to turn
your life right around
with positive thinking.
We're doing the 24-hour
camping by yourself challenge.
I've got food,
water, and a tent.
That's all we need.
That is all we need
for the next 24 hours.
Don't forget to
subscribe to my channel,
just five people away
from 300 followers.
Let's get it together, people.
I've been nothing but nice
to you this entire time.
You lied about the radio.
You're not going... What?
You're going under
the speed limit.
This is under the speed limit.
You're not helping
me at all here.
You're not helping
me at all here.
I don't have that much time.
I don't have that
much food to last me.
OK, I'm going to be
camping by myself, OK?
You're disappointing me and
all of my followers right now.
You're disappointing
all of us right now.
I'm not yelling.
And this is not me yelling, OK?
You're yelling.
You're being very
rude to me, and this
is just what I sound
like when I'm upset, OK?
You know what, just drive.
Just Drive.
We'll get there.
Whatever, fine, whatever.
Well, yeah, fine I could just
get my own shit from the car.
Whatever, from the trunk.
Piece of shit.
Yeah, OK.
Hey, welcome back to my channel.
I'm getting my own
shit from the trunk
because I'm a strong,
independent woman.
If you just open it for
me, that'd be great.
That'd be great!
That would be great!
Thank you.
Thank you.
Hi there.
It's cold.
Yeah, let's just go in the
middle of fucking nowhere
and be in the
woods for 24 hours.
Hey, guys.
Hey, guys, so I was
walking down this path...
Beautiful to be in
nature, by the way.
And I noticed this
caution tape behind me,
and they're trying to say
that we can't be in nature.
They're trying to close
us out from nature.
Here's what I have
to say to that.
Hey, guys, so I found a cute
little spot to set up camp,
got a little clearing, got
some space between big rocks.
They're huge, bigger
than me, doesn't take
much because I'm 4 foot 11.
But, yeah, this
should be really fun.
Really cold, something to
definitely talk about later.
But, yeah, it's going
to be a challenge.
And it's going to be windy,
and it's going to be hard.
I might cry a little
bit, but bear with me.
Like, we got this, guys.
We got this with
positive thinking
and that's all it takes.
OK, 300 followers.
300 followers, three...
Hey, guys, it's snowing.
And nature is beautiful.
It's windy.
And it only took me
like three flying tens
and two hours later
but I fucking did it.
First challenge done.
Better be fucking worth it.
Hey, guys, just a quick update.
Things are actually
much better now.
Like, the tents up.
It's a lot warmer in here
than I thought it would be.
And even though I left
the sleeping bag at home,
I think this will be like, OK.
It stopped snowing, and,
yeah, about to go to sleep.
And this will all
be over soon, and I
will have done the
24-hour camping challenge.
Hey, guys, so I hear something.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I
definitely heard that.
We're going to take a look
and see what the fuck it is.
That was a bear.
Or not a bear.
Not a bear.
No, no, no, no,
what are you doing?
What are you doing?
Go away.
OK, she... she was... she
was attacked by a monster.
More reason why we got to
get the fuck out of here.
Wait, wait, but...
We've got to go.
We can't... I can't...
I can't.
I can't leave with
you right now and then
like find out later that we just
left this fucking girl to die.
If I know that if we
just go down the hill,
she's going to fucking die.
We go up there, we at least
make sure she's alive,
if she's not alive, maybe
we could like carry her
down the hill or something
and, you know, I mean,
she was like alone in a
fucking tent at night,
like taken by surprise.
Like, we're... there's two of us.
And we know that there's
something out there,
and we can like defend
ourselves, you know?
What are you going to
do if she's still alive?
You can't do
anything to save her.
You don't know anything about...
Her fucking intestines...
Here fucking were
falling out of her body!
I'm so... I'm so fucking
tired of being a coward!
And like I just...
I just can't...
I just can't leave
here knowing that like,
we're just going to leave
like this fucking girl
to die in a tent!
We got to go.
We can't save her.
I'm going to go.
We can't save her, Ted.
I'm going to go.
I'm going to make sure that...
If she's not OK, then
I'm going to just...
I'm going to do
whatever I can and...
We need to go.
We need to be rational.
We need to call the police.
We need to go down
to the main road.
We need to get to
that gas station,
and we need to call the
police and have them come.
And have them deal
with this creature,
and have them bring an ambulance
and somebody who actually
knows how to handle it.
You take her phone.
You take her phone.
You do that.
You do that.
I'm going to go...
I'm going to go try
to help her, OK?
No, this is what you should do.
That's... you're right.
You're right.
You should go down there and
you should call the police,
and I am just going to make
sure that she's not fucking
dying in a tent by herself.
We're running out of time.
I'm going to go.
I'm going to go.
Get your head!
Maxie, I'm going to go.
I'm going.
I'm fucking going.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on, we've got time.
We've got time.
It's just up here.
Ted, we should go back.
Ted, This is a bad idea, Ted.
It's right there.
Thing could still be here, Ted.
Take the camera.
That thing could
still be here, Ted.
Please, let's just go.
We can... what's this?
Let's just go.
She's not there.
What do you mean
she's not there?
I don't fucking know.
Well, where the
fuck could she be?
Ted, Ted, no!
I'm going to kill
that mother fucker.
I'm going to kill that fucking...
Ted, no!
Come back here!
Ted, no, don't!
Ted, she's gone.
Let's just go.
I just heard it.
You wanted to come back to
save the girl, she's gone.
it's close.
It's dark.
She's gone.
Let's just fucking go, Ted.
What the fuck!
What the fuck!
What the fuck?
What the fuck?
Come on, mother fucker.
I got it.
I think I got it.
Ted, stop.
You're antagonizing it.
Did you see what it
did to that girl?
and he's.
I got it.
I got it.
Get the fuck... get
the fuck out of here!
Give me the fucking thing.
Oh, shit!
It's my fucking.
Come on.
Move, move, move.
OK, fucking start it up.
Start it up.
Ted... Ted, I don't
have the keys.
Do you have keys?
Yes, you have the keys.
No, I don't have the
fucking keys, Ted.
No, you had the keys.
Look in your bag.
OK, I'm like, I'm
fucking positive.
In your fucking bag, Ted!
I'm very fucking certain I
don't have the fucking keys.
I don't have the fucking keys!
Where are the fucking keys?
You're positive you
don't have them?
They're always right here.
Are they right here?
They're not right here.
So... Fuck!
I'm sorry.
This is my fault. It's
my fault. I'm just...
Just dragging you into my shit.
I'm sorry, Maxie.
I guess like, I don't know.
We can't... we can't...
We're going to die out here.
Can't even start the fucking
heater without the keys.
Like, I fucking
dropped the shovel.
We're going to die out here.
I guess, I don't know...
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Don't try to make me
fucking feel better.
You got nothing to be sorry for.
Ted, I'm sorry.
This is my fault. I'll...
I'll go... I'll go...
Maybe you can find them here.
I'm sorry.
Stop saying that!
This is fucking my
fault. You know, I...
I'm the one that thought
it was a good idea
to come back up here, trying
to get some stupid fucking
monster on camera, and...
Do you know why I
agreed to come back?
Because I had something
I needed to tell you.
And I was going to tell you
when we went climbing, and...
And I didn't get a chance to.
And... I've been
trying to tell you.
Well, what's...
I'm sorry, Ted.
I'm sorry.
What the fuck are
you talking about?
I'm sorry.
What... is something like...
It's... you would tell me if
something was wrong with Jenny,
No, Jenny's fine.
Oh, for fuck's
sake, spit it out.
I've got enough on my mind
right now like, what...
Jenny and I... we've been seeing
each other and I'm sorry.
We've been trying to
find a way to tell you.
We don't want to hurt you
because we both love you, and...
See... you meant... you mean...
You're good friend for years,
Jenny, who I'm in love with
and I'm about to
propose to, you're
see... you're seeing...
You're fucking?
Is that what you're trying
to fucking tell me right now?
Kind of.
I mean, it's more than that.
I... look, we didn't plan for it.
It just kind of
happened, you know?
Like, sometimes those
feelings just happen and...
I really am.
And it's been eating me up,
and I just wanted to tell you,
but I didn't want
to break your heart.
Oh, God.
Oh... I...
I'm sorry, Ted.
I think I'm going...
I'm going to be sick.
I'm sorry.
Stop fucking saying
you're sorry!
How long has this been going on?
I don't know.
The whole fucking time?
A while.
Look, we wanted to
tell you, we just...
Fucking stop it!
Like... This... this
is a hell of a time
to find out that for a
while, my fucking sister
and I have been sharing
the same fucking vagina!
Don't... just don't... don't
even respond to that.
Ted, Jenny loves you.
I can't... I can't...
She loves me too, though.
I can't... I can't
fucking sit in this car.
I can't sit in this car.
I am a...
Ted, don't go back out there.
Let's just stay
here until morning.
Use of what little time
I might have and go
find those fucking keys.
Ted, please.
I'm sorry.
No, no, no, you...
Give me the fucking...
God fucking dammit.
Well, now you know that
if you don't see me again,
it fucking ended
with a real bang.
Don't fuck... don't fucking...
Don't fucking touch me.
Stop Ted.
You're being irrational.
I'm sorry.
I think...
I'm sorry.
I think I'm allowed to be a
little fucking irrational right
Please, stop.
Listen to me.
I don't want you
to die out here.
All right, well, I'll tell you
what, you fucking come with me,
you find these fucking keys
and we'll talk about this
later because I'm pretty
fucking sick about talking it
right now.
All right?
I can't... I can't
fucking do this.
There's the keys.
There's the keys.
Where's my fucking sister?
Ted and I got separated.
Whatever that thing
is, it's after us.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Come on, Maxie, where
the fuck are you?
Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck.
I have to be quiet.
It's close.
It's close.
It's going after Ted.
I don't know what to do.
Maxie, there you are.
OK, OK, lets just go.
Lets just go.
Lets just go.
Here, this way.
This way.
This way.
This way.
Come on.
OK, all right, come on.
I don't know how to get back.
Let's just keep going downhill.
We can't just do this all night.
Yeah, no shit.
We have to fucking get out.
Where the fuck are we?
I don't fucking know, OK?
Get off of him!
Get off of him!
This way!
I don't think I
should show the rest.
I've been debating
with myself anyway
about showing this thing
in the first place.
It's just... look,
if you saw what I...
Come on.
Wait, wait.
You hear that?
I think there's a road nearby.
Yeah, but how far?
Will you look at my leg for me...
Just real quick.
It feels like it's
bleeding a lot.
Is it bad?
It's fine.
It's fine.
All right.
Can you walk?
Yeah, yeah.
Do we... there are
some dogs barking.
Is that a fucking house?
It's a fucking house.
Come on, Ted.
Oh, thank God.
OK, that hurts...
All right.
All right.
OK, all right.
There's vehicles, and then
somebody is probably home.
Oh, god.
This fucking van.
This is good.
All right, we might literally
be out of the woods on this one.
Just sit down over here, OK?
Sit down.
I'm going to check...
I'm going to check and
see if anybody's home, OK?
You all right?
Yeah, I'll keep like a lookout.
Yell... yell if you
see anything, OK?
OK all right, OK.
Oh, god.
Get of him!
What the fuck's
going on out here?
What are you doing
out here, huh?
What the fuck?
Got some intruders?
All right, let see...
Please, help us.
This thing, it's
attacked my brother.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, shut up!
The fuck are you
doing in my yard?
We... we got lost.
That thing was...
It was chasing us.
What, Russell?
My brother, please...
Please help him.
Anyone else know
you're out here?
Oh, yeah?
Posted... I posted...
Oh, yeah, uh-huh.
Yeah, it's...
Hey, Russell, calm down.
Now just stay there.
All right.
Let's see.
Russell, goddamn it!
Fucking thing.
You know, it's hard... it's
hard to train these things,
you know?
It's like you try and
find a new guard dog
or whatever the fuck
he is and well, you
know how it goes for pets.
This thing is your pet?
Well, guard dog, pet,
whatever you want to call it.
He killed this
girl in the woods.
He just attacked my brother.
I don't even know
if my brother's OK.
Don't really care
about him right now.
Well, so...
Who are you?
You don't need to
worry about that.
So let me get this straight.
You come out all the way here,
I imagine you heard the cars,
didn't you?
We were trying to find the road.
We just wanted to go home.
Well, sorry, sweetie,
but those noises
you hear was from the
canyons about 30 miles away.
Yeah, you ain't getting anywhere
around the road any time soon.
No, no, no, no.
All right, I got this.
I'm going to take a look.
Oh, yeah, he cut you
pretty good, huh?
Yeah, it's pretty
deep, isn't it?
Please call me an...
Yeah, I bet that
hurts, doesn't it?
What the fuck, man?
Yeah, bet that hurts.
Let me tell you
something right here.
I'm getting fucking
sick and tired
of you god damn intruders
coming on my land, tear up my...
We didn't mean to come on...
Shut up!
All right?
This is my property.
I'm sorry.
All right.
Y'all mother fuckers just
keep leaving your trash,
causing a ruckus, causing a
shit ton of fucking fires,
just destroying this
goddamn beautiful land.
You know what?
I'm getting sick of it.
I can't stay mad at you.
Just look at that fucking face.
He killed my brother.
Yeah, I don't really give...
I don't really give a fuck.
Hey, you look at me,
bitch, all right?
You're talking to me right now.
So no one knows
you're out here, huh?
People know.
Yeah, sure.
They're going to come looking.
Yeah, you don't even know
where you're at right now.
And trust me, even
if people knew
you were out in these woods,
where you're at right now,
they ain't going to
fucking find you.
Why are you doing this?
Why am I doing this?
I'm sick and tired of
you destroying my land.
We didn't destroy anything.
Well, you didn't
destroy anything,
but there have been plenty of
you motherfuckers who have.
All right?
Do you know how many
acres this year have
been destroyed by forest fires?
We didn't start any fires.
No, no, no, no, but
plenty of people have.
You know one got started
this year because of a gender
You know how fucking
stupid that is?
A forest fire got started
because of a gender reveal.
Please just let us go.
Ain't that stupidest fucking
thing you ever heard?
My brother.
Ain't that the stupid thing
you ever heard, Russell?
So fucking stupid.
My brother, I don't
even know if he's OK.
Fuck, all right, all
right, I'll check it out.
All right, Russell.
All right, you stay here,
you watch the bitch.
Ted, say something.
Oh, shut the fuck up.
All right.
Let's see what we got here.
It's one of them fancy cameras.
All right.
Oh, it's still recording?
All right, I'll
make my own movie.
All right, let's see
what we got here.
How you doing, buddy?
Yeah, you are not looking good.
Let's take a good look at that.
Oh, man, Russell really
fucked you up, didn't he?
Yeah, ain't going to lie,
it's pretty fucking gross.
Oh, well, fuck you too.
Piece of shit.
You know what?
Don't worry, I'll
take care of the girl.
So, your brother back there...
Yeah, I don't give a
fuck about his name.
Yeah, he ain't making it.
And come to think of
it, neither are you.
See I was thinking about
it and this camera here
is going to come into nice use.
I think I want to make
an example out of you.
I think I'm finally going
to show what happens when
motherfuckers come on my land.
No, it's... there's no
time for apologies.
That was...
No, no, no, you know, I'd
say I'm sorry, but I'm not.
So Russell, get her, boy!