We Have a Ghost (2023) Movie Script

[insects chirping]
[dog barking in distance]
[woman screams]
[children scream]
-[dramatic music playing]
-[screaming continues]
[shouting indistinctly]
[tires squeal]
[dramatic music swells to crescendo]
[dramatic music playing]
[electrical crackling]
[ethereal music playing]
[vehicle approaching]
[man groans]
-[woman 1] Hi!
Hello, Presleys. I'm Barbara.
So nice to meet you.
[woman 1] Nice to meet you!
I know. I know it's a little rough,
but nothing
a little landscaping couldn't fix, right?
[woman 1 chuckles]
-What about this porch?
-[man] Yeah.
Huh? Original everything.
-[sighs] Everyone here?
-[woman 1] Uh-huh.
-Yeah. Let's see it.
[door hinge creaks]
[man] Everything okay?
Oh! Yes! Come in. Come in!
[Barbara sighs]
Cleaning crew can't come until Tuesday.
As you can see,
the home has tons of old-world charm.
[curtains rattle]
The house was built in 1904.
It's registered with the Illinois
Historic Preservation Society.
Instant value added.
And look at all the gorgeous
Where's Kevin?
I used to be such a sweet, sweet thing
Till they got a hold of me
I opened doors
What are you doing?
- I helped the
-[music volume decreases]
Come inside.
Do I have to?
Yes, you have to.
[music continues faintly]
[music stops]
[wistful music playing]
-[electrical crackling]
Tons of closet space, huh?
Primary bath, original fixtures and tile.
Oh! And have you noticed
the high ceilings? I mean
The house is just listed really low.
And I know it's a fixer-upper, but still
-[chuckles softly]
-Nothing, like, bad happened here, right?
[tuts] Oh my [laughs]
Oh my gosh, no.
It's just a buyer's market.
[footsteps approaching]
[gentle music playing]
[door hinge creaks]
[ominous music playing]
[ominous music swells to crescendo]
[door hinge creaks]
[pensive music playing]
[door hinge creaks]
[low rumbling]
[tense music playing]
[boy 1 roars]
[laughs] Got ya, bitch.
-Ha, ha, ha. You got me. Ha.
-[boy 1 laughs]
-Were you there the whole time?
-Oh my God.
-It took you long enough.
Got me messing up my drip
with all this dust.
[Barbara] little work, yard work
or anything like that.
You know what I'm saying? Oh!
[exhales] Think we're gonna move here?
Hell no, man.
This place is a dump.
[truck beeping]
[man] Watch your right side.
Come in tight!
No, no, no. Turn more.
Hey, wait! No, no, no!
Hey, watch it! You hit the mailbox, man!
[electric guitar playing]
[loud thud]
There's ten more of those on the truck,
and they ain't moving themselves.
["The Imperial March"playing]
[guitar fades]
[trombone playing]
[trombone continues]
[man 2] Oi, Joy!
[yelling in Japanese]
[trombone blasts]
-[chuckles softly]
-[trombone continues]
[trombone stops]
[electrical crackling]
[boy 1 scoffs, tuts]
Nasty. Nasty.
-Nasty. Nasty.
-[chuckles softly]
[boy 1 chuckles] Nasty.
What are you doing?
Oh yeah.
Come on.
-It's a dance party, man.
-[woman laughs]
Pick something good.
-["Let's Get Married" playing]
-Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
Come on, man. It's a dance party, Kev.
Remember you used to dance
with your old man? Come on.
-[man] Show me some of them moves.
Come on. Look! Come on.
[rhythmic grunting]
[all laughing]
Come on, man.
I'm good, Dad. Thanks.
Who knew we'd make it this far
- Then I think about where would I be--
[music stops]
What the hell? Give me my phone!
-After dinner.
-I'm not getting in the middle of this.
-Yeah, of course not.
Come on, Frank. Give me a break.
So, what? You'd rather listen
to some old white dude play guitar?
Terry Kath is one of the greatest
guitarists of all time.
[mockingly] "Terry Kath
is one the greatest"
That's not true.
Jimi Hendrix is the greatest.
Oh. Did you read that in Rolling Stone?
No, it's a fact. Ask anybody.
Or just ask Jimi Hendrix himself.
He said Kath was his greatest inspiration.
He was a genius.
The dude accidentally
shot himself in the face.
A genius he is not.
[chuckles] Says the guy
reading a book for dummies.
[pensive music playing]
You know what?
I'm sorry you're so unhappy.
Now, we're all here
trying to get a fresh start.
I'd appreciate it if you'd come at it
with a little bit more positivity.
How many fresh starts are we at now, Dad?
I lost count.
[phone clatters]
What the hell, man?
He started it.
[insects chirping]
[muffled clattering]
[grunts softly]
[muffled clattering]
[tense music playing]
[door hinge creaks]
[tense music continues]
[rattle, creak]
[dramatic music stab]
[breathing heavily]
[tense music playing]
[phone beeps]
[ghostly groaning]
-[groaning stops]
-[Kevin laughs]
[ghostly groaning]
-[groaning stops]
-[Kevin laughs]
[ghostly groan]
[laughing, snorts]
[ghostly groaning]
[growls in frustration]
No, no, no. Wait. Don't go!
[exhales, chuckles]
[laughs] Holy shit.
"Most entities have been
displaced by trauma."
[girl] Psst!
Yeah, you.
Can you come in
and guard the door for a sec?
Come on.
[can rattling]
[paint spraying]
I don't think
you're supposed to be doing that.
Some racist douchebag
wrote my number down.
I keep getting text messages
asking for free rice.
-Free rice?
-[paint spraying]
[in Japanese accent] Oh! You don't know?
Asian people only eat rice.
Why not just change your number?
So, I should cave under the pressure
of institutionalized abuse?
Uh, no. I meant--
Besides, do you know
how clutch this number is?
Phone numbers that good
are, like, impossible to get. [scoffs]
So, uh, I I think we're neighbors.
[Joy] We are?
[Kevin] Yeah. Um
My family just moved
into the house next to yours.
You moved into the House of Death?
-House of what?
-Everyone says it's haunted.
I'm an atheist, so I'm not
supposed to believe in that kind of shit,
but secretly, I'd love to die
and then, I don't know,
come back as some fierce ghost
and haunt Ted Cruz.
Uh Neighbor, we should hang.
What are you doing after school?
Oh, um After school
Well, I, um
I have a lot I have to study.
-That's one thing I have to do, study.
Okay, well, uh, I guess you know my number
in case you change your mind.
Or if you need rice.
[hip-hop music plays muffled over stereo]
Oh, what's with that face?
-[woman] How was your ride home?
How about you, Kevin?
How was your ride home?
-Fulton, give me your phone.
Susan said she saw your brother
walk to school this morning.
You had one job.
[laughs] That's bullshit.
No comment.
[ethereal music playing]
It's me again.
You there?
Good men through the ages
Trying to find the sun
[inhales deeply]
And I wonder--
[pensive music playing]
[exhales sharply]
[boxes clattering]
Hey. Hey. Stop.
It's not happening, bro.
Listen, I know it it probably worked
on everyone else before,
but my personal life is, like,
1,000 times scarier than this.
Sit down.
[boxes clatter]
Come on.
Cool shirt.
[chuckles] I've only been bowling once
when I was, like, eight.
My dad got into a fistfight
with the guy in the lane next to us
over an order of buffalo wings.
Manager threw my whole family out.
They banned us for life.
Can you talk?
Just moans and groans?
Did you, like, die here?
In this house?
You don't remember?
[wistful music playing]
Do you remember anything?
it's Ernest, right?
The name on your shirt.
I'm Kevin.
That's so trippy.
Nice to meet you, Ernest.
we can't touch you, but you can touch us?
[chuckles softly] Kind of like a stripper.
[Fulton] Kev!
I need your phone.
Jeez, it's freezing in here, man.
Yo, butt munch. Your phone, come on.
Why? Why do you need my phone?
Because, unlike you, I have friends.
It's your fault Mom took my phone away.
Um, I didn't drop me
a mile away from school.
-Okay, where is it? Right there? Where?
-No. Fulton.
Stop! Fulton!
Get off of me! Fulton!
[pensive music playing]
[panting] What the hell?
[footsteps retreating]
Why are you in such a chipper mood?
[laughs] Am I not allowed
to be in a good mood?
You can be in whatever mood you want.
You know.
Good mood is good. It's just rare.
Hey. Let him have it.
Thank you.
We know that every atom,
every molecule of the human body,
is composed of energy,
but what happens to that
human energy field when the body dies?
I believe that
that energy could be captured.
[male voice] See the beyond.
Hear the beyond.
Be the beyond.
Judy Romano is the West Bay Medium.
-Friday, 9:00, 8:00 Central on TSE.
-[Fulton] What the hell is this?
-[ghostly groaning]
[Kevin] What are you doing with my phone?
-Oh, you sneaky little bitch.
Why you keeping this shit a secret?
-Fulton, give it to me now!
-Hold on.
Will you two knock it off?
We have a ghost.
-No, I'm serious.
Kevin caught him on camera. Look.
-That some kind of scary movie?
-[Fulton] No.
[ghostly groaning]
Hey, this is pretty good.
How'd you do this?
I didn't do anything.
[ghostly groaning]
Oh shit!
-Oh, we gotta show Mom.
-No, no, no, no.
-We can't tell her about this.
-Why not?
Because she'll freak out. You know this.
Come on, pinky swear.
[sighs, kisses]
-Get it up. Come on, pinky swear.
-[Frank] Kiss it.
-I'm not gonna--
Kiss it.
-Can I have my phone back now?
-Yeah. Send me the video.
-Come on!
Why's everythinga production with you?
Just send me the video, please?
-[phone chimes]
Got it. Thanks.
Come on. [laughs]
[phone clatters]
[pensive music playing]
[woman] "The little girl lay there
in quiet terror,
the figure hovering over her bed."
"And though the entity
had no discernible face,
she knew it meant to do her harm."
"In one sudden motion, it launched,
covering her mouth, stopping the scream."
"It smelled of peppermint and rot."
[woman] "The world started spinning
before she blacked out."
"When she finally awakened,
the entity was gone."
"Of course, no one believed her."
"She was a child."
"It was just a dream.
An overactive imagination."
"But the little girl knew the truth."
"The spirit realm is real,
and it is dangerous."
Thank you.
[man] Nobody believed me either.
My ghost is still with me.
He followed me home
from a Red Lobster six years ago,
and I can't seem to shake him.
Now, I have tried to--
Excuse me! I'm having a conversation here!
He's very possessive and a homosexual.
I am so tired.
Thank you.
Oh God, please.
Hey, have you seen that viral video
that's been going around?
I don't do social media.
It makes me nauseous.
Well, guy finds a ghost in his attic.
And I don't know.
I mean, it looks it looks pretty legit.
They always are until they aren't.
Oh, this this isn't my book.
It has over a thousand views.
-Is that good?
-[Kevin] Don't quit your day job.
"Cool graphics.
What are you using? Maya or ZBrush?"
"Lame-balls. I've seen better stuff
on Ghost Hunters."
-They think this is fake.
Yeah, but it's real.
Frank. Are you guys watching dirty stuff?
What are you watching?
-Dad posted a video of-- Ugh!
-Fulton, I just bought those oranges!
-[Kevin] God!
Worried about the oranges. Cool.
Organic fruit is expensive.
You guys are up to something.
No, we're not.
-Hmm. Fishy, fishy.
[pensive music playing]
Snitches get stitches.
-Let's do this.
[pensive music continues]
[calming music playing]
[exhales deeply]
[pensive music playing]
-[floorboard creaking]
-[rat chittering]
[Frank] Hello?
We don't mean you any harm.
Wikia says you should speak
in a firm, commanding voice
so the ghost knows you're in charge.
Got it.
Spirit of this house!
-Show yourself!
[door hinge creaks]
Dad, look.
[tense music playing]
[tense music swells]
Oh my gosh.
It's not funny, man.
It's totally funny.
You're gonna scare it away, dumbass.
No. Your patronizing, crappy
exorcist act is scaring it away.
It's me again.
This is my my dad, Frank,
and my brother, Fulton.
What's up?
They wanna meet you.
Lame. [chuckles]
You know what? Hold on.
I have an idea.
Where are you going?
He said he has an idea.
What? He's gonna get the ghost
and bring him back up here?
Oh, look at this fool.
Shut up, dog face.
I actually have a pretty attractive face.
Ask anybody.
Hey. Let him play.
Long as I remember
Oh, the rain's been comin' down
Clouds of mystery pourin'
Confusion on the ground
Good men through the ages
Holy shit, it's working. Keep going.
Trying to find the sun
And I wonder--
Holy shit, look! There he is. Shit.
Hey, it's okay.
All good, see?
[pensive music playing]
Ask him something.
-He can't talk.
-Why not?
I don't know. 'Cause he's a ghost.
-[woman] Frank!
-[Frank] Oh shit!
He has to go. Hey, uh
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!
[woman] Frank.
What is this?
-[ghostly groaning]
-Really? Gonna act like we don't know?
Hmm? 'Cause that's our house. Right?
And that's his voice
behind the camera, right?
-I I, uh--
-You what?
-You what, Frank? What?
26,000 views in less than five minutes.
This is huge.
-I saw it with my own eyes, Barbara.
Sweetie, I'm sure you think you did.
My daughter Carly took a Xanax
with a bottle of Pinot Grigio
and thought she was Edith Piaf.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
I'm not on drugs. We have proof.
There's footage online.
-Hey, where do you think you're going?
-Uh, no. Not so fast.
Barbara, I'm pretty sure you broke
some kind of non-disclosure laws here.
We don't have to disclose ghosts.
Not in the fine print.
Oh! Well, then you'll be hearing
from our lawyer.
-We have a lawyer?
-Of course not. We're broke.
-Can I go?
No! You were in on this whole thing!
Dad made us promise.
Oh my God. Frank.
-I knew you were gonna freak out.
Any rational human being would!
We have a ghost in our attic!
-Mel, I'm sorry. I should've--
-And then to hear it from someone else?
Somebody who saw it on freaking YouTube?
What happened to communicating more?
Wasn't that the point of sitting through
20 sessions with Dr. Mouth-breather?
-Okay. I'm out.
30,000. I'm so getting laid for this.
-Get out of here.
Mel, I'm sorry.
-We are moving.
-No. Wait, no. No, no, no.
-Wait, wait, wait.
-No. No, no, no, no.
We are not gonna be like
every stupid white family
in every horror film. We are leaving.
Will you just hear me out? Please, listen.
I don't think
you understand how big this is.
We've captured something
no one else ever has, ever,
in the history of the recorded world!
This is not up for discussion, Frank!
Okay. So who are you
gonna sell the house to, huh?
Because every dollar we have
is wrapped up into this.
Well, if it wasn't for you
and that stupid video--
And that's my point.
That's money, baby.
Look, you have guys out there right now
making millions on their channel
by playing Minecraft
and lighting their farts on fire!
And, Mel, we actually have a ghost!
This feels like Houston.
Houston was a pyramid scheme.
That's different.
This this is real.
This is our chance.
This could change everything.
Look at me, baby. Please?
I just need to win once.
Just once.
You know this is crazy.
-[dramatic music playing]
[ghostly groaning]
-That's not a ghost.
-Are you kidding me?
He just walked through the wall!
[speaking indistinctly, laughs]
Oh Jesus!
What is this?
-[music swells to crescendo]
-[Melanie screaming]
[both laughing]
[imitating Melanie screaming]
[imitating Melanie screaming]
-[imitating Melanie screaming]
-[slow-motion screaming]
[whimsical music playing]
Ernest is fine!
I do have a crush
on Ernest the ghost![squeals]
I had a dream last night
that Ernie impregnated me.
This is what our son looked like.
"Run into a wall like Ernest."
Oh my gosh. Okay. [exhales deeply]
-You good? You good Dude, your face.
My name's Cory, and we're going
with the Ernest Challenge. Check me out.
[whimsical music continues]
Ghost rights are human rights, you guys.
Ghost rights.
What? [laughs]
Just because you're not made of matter,
it doesn't mean you don't matter.
If you want rights, go to New Zealand.
They'd love to have you,
but we're fine. Thank you very much.
Also, COVID is not real.
Mental abuse!
I'm just out here
trying to normalize ghost love.
-They're among us.
-Light one up for my ghoulies.
-Who knew someone so dark
-He's just living in the house.
could make me feel
[overlapping dialogue]
[music swells to crescendo]
-[audience clapping on TV]
-[Dr. Phil theme music playing]
[Dr. Phil] It's a classic campfire tale.
A family moves into an old house
that has a ghost lurking in its halls.
But for a family in Chicago,
that spooky scenario just becamereal,
and they've got the YouTube videos
to prove it. Take a look.
-What is this?
-[Frank] Uh
[Melanie] What?
[Melanie screaming]
-It might be time to call the movers.
-[Leslie typing]
[audience laughing]
-[Dr. Phil] My guests today have
-Holy shit.
[dramatic music playing]
Make sure Anderson gets briefed
before we meet with Congressional Affairs.
Are you chewing gum?
What else we got? [exhales]
-That woman called again. Leslie?
-[Leslie] Agent Schipley!
-Oh, Christ on a cracker.
-[Leslie] Agent Schipley.
Leslie. What a lovely surprise.
I've been calling your office
for the past three days.
-Really? I didn't know.
-You saw this, right?
-Uh, no clue.
-It's an RHE.
Leslie, I really appreciate you coming
all the way down here, but--
I ran prelim diagnostics.
I couldn't find any foreign artifacts.
Digital forensics, clean. This one's real.
We need to reopen Wizard Clip.
That program was mothballed 20 years ago
and for a good reason.
This is our chance
to prove once and for all
that spectral phenomena
is not some fantasy.
[officer] Let's go.
-Thanks for coming down.
-Please! He's real!
-Come with us, ma'am. Come on, ma'am.
-He's real! Agent Schipley!
He's real! Please!
[crowd clamoring]
This is crazy.
How you doing? Yo! What's up?
This is insane.
[crowd clamoring]
[Frank] Yo, what's up?
What's up? What's up?
How do you feel about this ghost?
Can you tell us more about Ernest?
Yo, one second! One second!
Okay, all right! Yo!
Frank, please.
Frank, tell us, please, about the entity!
-All right, okay, yeah.
-The supernatural entity, Ernest!
When's the last time you saw Ernie?
[reporters clamoring]
How do you respond
to those who say this is all a hoax?
Uh, if you think it's a hoax, look around.
-There's a lot of people here. I mean
-Is your family safe?
-Is the community safe?
-When's the last time
Of course they're safe.
I mean, he's a ghost.
Hey, thank you, guys!
[Melanie] Who is coming into my house?
You guys have a lot of nerve!
This is a private re
-I know.
-This is insane.
-I can't leave the house.
It's not that bad.
Whoa, not that bad?
Someone tried
to crawl down the chimney today
-to get in. Yeah! They got stuck.
-I had to call the fire department.
Do you know how crazy that is
to have a human being in there?
-It ain't Christm--
-[knocking at door]
-Jesus Christ.
-Not funny.
Hey, go away, or we're calling the cops.
[Kevin sighs]
Everything I've read says that
memory loss is connected to trauma.
It's a self-defense mechanism.
We need visual stimuli
to help trigger your memory.
Oh my God.
It's creepy.
It's one of Dad's failed business things.
"Male enhancement pills."
But instead of boners,
they just gave everyone diarrhea.
Do you remember something?
Okay. Okay.
It's okay.
[sentimental music playing]
[crowd clamoring, cheering]
[Frank] Move out, move.
-You know, there's ghosts everywhere!
-Look at him.
He loves it.
[muffled] Wh
[inaudible] Why help?
"Why"? Why, what?
[sentimental music continues]
Why help you?
'Cause you're stuck.
Nobody wants to be stuck, right?
[chuckles softly]
-[loud thud]
-Hey, neighbor!
That was loud. [chuckles]
I've never understood
the whole "quiet-in-the-library" thing.
Like, what?
Noise makes you stupid? [chuckles]
Anyway, how are you? How's the ghost?
Our whole street's a shitshow,
thanks to you guys.
My dad has the tow company on speed dial.
It's kind of bad, actually.
What are you working on?
Ooh. Property records?
Uh, yeah.
I'm trying to see if Ernest
actually lived in our house
before he died.
-He doesn't remember how he got there?
-He doesn't remember anything.
[chuckles] Ooh. A mystery.
Yeah, I'm just-- Oh.
-[Joy typing]
Are you, like, a hacker or something?
Ta-da! Mystery solved.
Ernest Scheller.
Bought the house April 5th, 1965,
and sold it December 15th, 1971.
-How did he die?
-Gimme a sec.
Oh. Weird. There's no death certificate.
-Pretty sure he's dead.
-You think?
[exhales] Sorry.
Looks like a dead end. Puns!
[laughs awkwardly]
Uh, I gotta run.
Band practice. But good luck.
-[trombone blasts]
-[students gasp]
[indistinct chattering]
-[drill whirring]
-[woman] Tina, here.
[indistinct chattering]
I I don't wanna hurt your feelings
or anything, but II'm drawing the line.
No more rest home readings.
The food always sucks.
What about Kris Jenner? Doesn't she have
someone in her family that died recently?
Her dog? I'm not--
-Oh. Hey. Hi.
-[Frank] Hey.
You know, I just I gotta go. I gotta go.
All right. Okay.
Okay, okay. I gotta go. Hey.
-Hey! Hello. Hey!
Oh my gosh.
-You must be Frank.
-[Frank] Yeah.
Everyone here at TSC is just thrilled
about you and everything happening.
Well, we're really excited
to have you in our home.
We're huge fans of the show.
-We watch the show all the time.
You're a gem.
You're a gem. You really are.
Oh, and you're cute!
Nobody said you were cute!
-Just wanna know, where's the wifey?
Uh, she's somewhere getting ready.
Lock her up.
That's right. And put her in a box
under the bed because
you're mine.
[all laughing]
Well, can you make sure that
"he's" ready for me?
He's he's good to go. We're ready. We
-We're cool.
-[Judy] Oh, good.
[in deep voice] Because I'm ready for him.
[all laughing]
[screaming on TV]
[Kevin] Oh. Look, look. See?
[screaming on TV]
That's the kind of vibe you gotta work.
Intensity. Visceral.
-Where'd he go? Make him come back.
Kevin, don't play around.
I know he was here.
He's not your lapdog.
I didn't say he--
Look, I got Judy Romano
in my living room right now, man.
-I don't even know who that is.
-Yo, the West Bay Medium's downstairs!
That's who it is!
Why can't you just ask him yourself?
Because he likes you.
-He listens to you.
-[knock at door]
Sorry to interrupt,
but we're ready for you downstairs.
I'm so sorry. Thank you for your patience.
We'll be right down.
Look, this is important, okay?
Now, this show has a huge following.
Now, if we nail this,
I'm talking about book deals,
We could be the Black Kardashians.
Don't you wanna be Kim Kardashian?
[scoffs] Okay.
-You'll talk to him?
I'll try.
[chuckles] My man.
Hey, Ernest.
Ready to have some fun?
Are we rolling?
[sucks teeth]
-Oh. So, Frank.
The entire world right now is captivated
by your interactions with Ernest.
You know, but there's
a fair amount of skepticism out there too.
I mean, even myself. Even myself.
I was like,
"I don't think I believe
these videotapes," you know?
But now that I am here,
right in this room,
feeling what I'm feeling,
I mean [chuckles]
it's all very palpable, isn't it, right?
Yeah. Ernest is real.
There's there's no magic here.
So is he here now?
[splutters] He he he's coming. Right?
He's just shy, you know?
There's a lot of a lot of people.
[inhales, chuckles awkwardly]
Oh. Oh. Um [chuckles]
You here, man?
-[tuts] Ernest, everyone's waiting.
-[Melanie inhales]
[Kevin inaudible] No.
Okay. Okay.
Listen, Frank, if you could just, uh,
fix your little hologram machine, okay,
'cause I need to get outta here.
No, no, no. There is no hologram.
[splutters] He's
-We're outta here.
-No, wait.
-[Judy] We're done.
-[Frank] Stop, no. Stop, please.
Just just wait, please?
[all gasp]
[electrical crackling]
[loud thud]
[glass shattering]
[dramatic music playing]
[cat shrieks]
[all clamoring]
[dramatic music ends]
Great production value, Frank.
-[ghostly groaning]
[ghostly groaning]
-[all screaming]
[dramatic music playing]
[clamoring, screaming]
-[Randy as Ernest roaring]
-Do something!
-What am I supposed to do?
-Tell him to stop!
Oh God!
I gotta get out of basic cable.
It's just so unprofesh.
[all screaming]
[dramatic music continues]
What the
[music intensifies]
[music subsides]
Oh. You again.
Yeah, you know what?
On second thought, Tupac was better.
Yeah. I'm gonna have to fix you in post.
[tense music playing]
[whimpers, screaming]
[screaming continues]
-[glass shatters]
[pensive music playing]
[Frank] This is a disaster.
They wanted a ghost. They got a ghost.
Yeah, they wanted a ghost,
and we gave 'em The Conjuring.
Oh, it's funny to you, huh?
Everything's a joke to you.
Fulton, not now, man.
We're getting tons of views
on the new video.
-You posted it without my permission?
-Yeah, so?
I'mma get sued, man!
[screaming on video]
Three million views in six minutes.
-That's gotta be a record, right?
Good work, man! [laughs]
-Hey, kiss my ass, Pewdiepie.
-[both laugh]
[phone chimes]
[phone chimes]
Dr. Monroe. Are you there?
About damn time.
People are strange
When you're a stranger
Faces look ugly, when you're alone
Women seem wicked
When you're unwanted
Streets are uneven
When you're down
When you're strange
Faces come out of the rain
-You're not gonna believe what I found.
-Not here. Come on.
[urine splashing]
Sorry. Need a minute.
You can't be in here.
Says who? Your stupid gender norms?
Beat it, roach!
[zipper zips]
Joy, what the hell?
Are you losing your mind?
No, but prepare to lose yours.
[pensive music playing]
It's not him.
Yeah, but that's why we couldn't find
a death certificate.
Ernest Scheller isn't dead.
That guy used to live
in your house though.
I cross-referenced, like,
a bunch of records to make sure.
-So, who's our Ernest?
But I bet my left nut
that guy knows who he is.
-You bet your what?
-That Ernest lives somewhere in Oklahoma.
I'm still trying to find out where.
But he used to own this dive bar
that's still around.
Oh shit! That's like a mile from us.
Yeah, I know. What if we took him there?
-Our Ernest?
Maybe they knew each other.
Maybe it was like a hangout,
and there's a trigger there.
Joy, he can't leave the house.
He He's stuck there.
Are you sure?
-[hip-hop music playing]
-Ernest! I love you, Ernest!
Nonexclusive? [laughs]
Are you kidding me, man?
Look, I'm already runnin' original content
through my channel
and making three times what you offered,
so think about what you just said.
Think of a number and call me back,
all right? Bye. [laughs]
-[hip-hop music continues]
-[doorbell rings]
Frank, can you get the door, please?
No, look, I'm serious.
Like, an Ernest cartoon would be amazing.
But I want it to be
something like Adult Swim.
Have you ever seen a naked ghost?
I haven't. What would that look like?
[doorbell rings]
-Frank, are you gonna get the door?
-What parts would a naked ghost have?
[Melanie] Okay, I'm coming!
[music stops]
-[crowd clamoring]
-Sorry. We're not talking to the press.
Just a few minutes of your time,
if I may, please?
And Joy was doing all this research.
Found out that the guy who lived here
used to own a bar not too far from here.
So we figured,
if we could get you to the bar,
maybe you'd remember something.
[gasps] Oh! [giggles]
Come on.
You're right. Sorry.
[sighs] Okay, so we figured
that if we could get
[Joy gasps]
[gasps] It's so cold!
Oh my God, I'm sorry. It's
I love this. I'm-- I'm a fan.
I just-- I know I'm being annoying.
Just, this is a thing
that's actually happening, and
We need to get you outside.
Are you sure you can't leave?
[mouthing words]
Have you tried?
I mean, really tried.
Listen, Ernest.
I get it.
You've been here a long time,
and the world is such a scary place.
Believe me, sometimes it terrifies me too,
but there aren't any answers
left in this house.
If we're gonna find out who you are
what happened to you
it's out there.
I am so sorry to come over here uninvited.
-I would've called, you know, but--
-Sorry. What's the point of this visit?
[breathes deeply]
Back in the late '90s,
I was recruited by the CIA
to spearhead a program called Wizard Clip.
Wizard Clip?
Is that like, y'all just get high
and watch Harry Potter movies and
Wizard Clip was a textbook spook op,
hidden from most echelons
of the government.
Our field was paranormal psychology,
but our orders were
to find and apprehend a ghost.
There's nothing to be afraid of.
I promise.
Hey. Hey, hey, hey. Hey.
Listen to me. Listen.
[sentimental music playing]
You're not alone anymore, Ernest.
I'm right here with you
every step of the way.
You got this.
[bird chirping]
[pensive music playing]
Soon as word got out that
millions of taxpayers' dollars
were being spent onwoo-woo science,
we were abruptly shut down,
and the agency
threw me under the proverbial bus.
A sacrificial lamb.
It was soul-crushing.
But then along came Ernest.
Okay. Thank you so much for coming over,
but as you can see, we are busy.
I'd like to see him.
That's not gonna happen.
I don't think you understand
the gravity of your situation.
These entities, they are dangerous.
I'd like you to leave, please.
They may present kindly,
but they are never who they say they are.
-I'm not gonna ask you--
-Your son Kevin.
He's close to it.
I've seen it in the videos. He's at risk!
All right! That's enough! Now, get out!
This is a matter of national security.
I have a right to be here.
Then come back with a warrant.
But until that time,
get the hell out of my house.
I'll be back.
That's a promise.
[pensive music playing]
[crowd clamoring]
[door hinge creaks]
[indistinct muffled chattering]
It's him!
Oh my God! It's him! It's Ernest!
-It's him!
-[crowd shouting]
[tense music playing]
[crowd shouting]
Ernest! Ernest!
[tires screech]
[tense music continues]
[crowd shouting]
[dog whimpers]
[tense music continues]
-[horns honking]
-[tires screech]
[tires screech]
[Joy] Shit!
Dick move!
Come on.
In there!
["Words" by Missing Persons playing]
-[phone rings]
-[all exclaim]
Do you hear me?
Do you care?
Do you hear me?
What are words for?
When no one listens anymore
What are words for
When no one listens
What are words for
When no one listens
It's no use talkin' at all
[tense music playing]
[tense music continues]
[woman exclaiming]
[tense music ends]
[Joy laughs]
[pants] Okay, whatever. Can you just
make yourself invisible already?
[pants] What?
Why didn't he do that sooner?
I don't know. Come on. We gotta go.
This is bullshit.
Well [moans] I hate to remind you
about a little thing
called the Fourth Amendment.
They're harboring a terrorist.
I'm not sure a ghost
would legally qualify as a terrorist.
They'll make a mistake.
Careless people always do.
And when that happens
we'll be ready.
[ominous music playing]
[ominous music ends]
[jukebox music playing]
Chuck E. Cheese
is down the street, kiddos.
Do you know this guy?
He used to work here back in the day.
This place has had over a dozen owners.
Can't we just look around for a minute?
Sweetie, I could lose my liquor license.
You gotta go.
Come on. This is stupid. Let's just go.
Hey, wait.
Let me see that picture again.
Oh my God.
[music slows, plays normally]
See? There is a connection.
I knew it.
Hold on. You're that kid, aren't you?
Uh, I'm sorry. I don't
I don't know what you're talking about.
With the ghost in your house.
It is you! Holy shit!
Okay, thank you for your time.
We have to go.
You're a genius.
This Scheller guy
has to know who Ernest really is.
And to think that you doubted me.
I never doubted you.
-Now we just have to find where he is.
-[boy] Mom!
There's a ghost over there!
[mother] That's nice, sweetie.
Ernest, what's wrong?
[whimsical music playing]
-[muffled] Ernest!
-[tires screech]
[muffled] Ernest!
[wistful music playing]
[voices echoing]
[echoing] Hi, Daddy.
[echoing] Junebug.
[sentimental music fades]
[girls screaming]
[screams] Mom!
[tires screech]
Ernest, come on! We gotta go!
[tense music playing]
[Kevin on video]Ernest!
[girl screaming]
Ernest, come on! We gotta go!
I think a warrant just fell
right into our lap.
"Ernest The Not-So-Friendly Ghost."
"Paranormal Whacktivity."
They think he's a monster now.
He saw something out there.
Like he was remembering something.
Well, it looks like
he's trying to kidnap Shirley Temple!
And why didn't you tell me
he could go outside?
That should've been my exclusive.
You're not listening to me.
He said a name,
it was, uh,June something.
-So what?
-So maybe that's why he's stuck here.
Something happened to him. Something bad.
Maybe if we help him remember more,
he can, uh, cross over.
Cross over?
We don't want him to cross over, Kevin.
We need him here with us.
You really
don't give a shit about him, do you?
I give a shit about us!
This is about our future.
This is about Fulton's college tuition.
It's about yours.
Don't make this about us.
It's about you.
Always is.
Hey, I'm not finished talking to you, man.
You didn't hear a word he said.
[dramatic music playing]
[motor whirring]
[music swells to crescendo]
Hello, ladies.
[insects chirping]
Dude, I just hit 200K followers
on Instagram. It's insane.
[girl] Seriously?
Everybody at school is so jealous,
but I didn't choose to be this hot.
I didn't choose to get famous like this.
Come on. No, literally,
a supplement company hit me up.
They wanna pay me $1,000 per post.
-Hey, king. That's mental.
-Yeah. Hey. Mmm
[tense music playing]
[Fulton] You know I get recognized
'bout everywhere I go.
[tense music continues]
-So, I know I
-Oh, I love all that.
Fulton! What the hell is this?
-[officer] Freeze!
-Hey, get out of my house!
Where's my babies? Kevin! Fulton!
[tense music swells to crescendo]
Dirty deeds
Done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds
- Done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds
Done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
[chanting] Ernest!
-[tense music playing]
-[siren blaring]
[crowd clamoring]
[helicopter whirring]
You get a cell tracing?
Negative. Both kids
left their cell phones behind.
We have the boy's laptop.
Doing a sweep on the hard drive.
Keep them around.
They might come in handy.
I don't care who the hell you are.
You need to understand this is my house.
I have the power. Do you hear me?
Had. Past tense.
Who the hell are you?
I'm the guy in charge,
and if you're smart,
you're gonna do exactly what we tell you.
[Joy] So, according
to the records I found,
Scheller lives here,
just outside of Tulsa,
which is about
400 miles from here, give or take.
Shit. That's far.
We'll take driving shifts.
We'll make it. [chuckles]
Okay. [chuckles]
I appreciate the optimism.
[both laugh]
You look different.
-I do?
Being an outlaw suits you.
[both laugh]
["Colors" by Black Pumas playing]
Um, we should
we should probably get going.
I woke up to the morning sky, first
Baby blue, just like we rehearsed
That's beautiful.
When I get up off this ground
I shake leaves back down
To the brown, brown, brown, brown
Till I'm clean
Then I walk
Where I'd be shaded by the trees
By a meadow of green
For about a mile
[Frank on TV] Last night at 11:15 p.m.,
our son,Kevin Presley,
and his friend, Joy Yoshino,
were abducted from our home
by an entity known as Ernest.
We're asking that anyone with information
please contact your local authorities.
[reporters clamoring]
-Excuse me?
-You-- Energy drinks?
-All we know is they were in their rooms.
Last aisle, in the back.
-At 11:15, we checked.
They were gone.
[whimsical music playing]
Look at these.
Come one. Try 'em.
They'll look good on you.
[Joy chuckles]
Yeah. Flick 'em down a little.
Give some'tude.
[indistinct police radio chatter]
[Joy laughs]
You look like the bad guy from The Matrix.
Look how good you look.
[tense music playing]
What? Where are you?
Shit, this is bad.
[door chimes jingle]
Howdy, ghost boy.
[officer 1] Ma'am.
-Mind stepping out of the vehicle for me?
Son, I'm gonna need you to lay down
and put your hands behind your head.
Is there a problem, Officer?
-Don't make me repeat myself now.
-[gun cocks]
[recording sound chimes]
Really sorry about this!
You have anything on you Freeze!
Don't move! [pants]
Ha Hands up!
[tense music playing]
-Go, go, go, go, go.
-[engine starts]
-[tires screech]
-Oh my God.I kicked him in the nuts!
-Where's Ernest?
-I don't know!
[dramatic music playing]
-Hey, stop!
-Go, go, go, go, go!
[tires screech]
What in the hell are you doing?
-He just flipped me off!
-Move your dumb ass!
[engine revving]
[siren blaring]
I think we lost them.
[siren blaring]
-Oh shit!
Nobody gonna take my car
I'm gonna race it to the ground
He's right behind us, Kevin!
-You got eyes on him yet?
-Oh shit. This is really happening.
There! Turn there!
Ooh, it's a killing machine
It's got everything
I've got him!
Cut him off on the other side! Yeah!
Big fat tires and everything
Shit, shit, shit, shit!
God! They're everywhere!
-Will they let us off if we pull over?
-Are you crazy?
Nobody gonna take my girl
Kicked me in my nuts, hit my car!
Ooh, she's a killing machine
She's got everything
Oh shit!
Let go!
[siren blaring]
[siren blares distorted]
[engine revving]
[tires screech]
-I see him!
You wanna play chicken? Come on!
[music fades]
-Welcome back.
-[tires screech]
You son of a
[siren blaring]
The other one's coming.
[tense music playing]
Oh, oh
[tense music continues]
Oh shit!
[air hissing]
[siren blares distorted]
Holy shit, Ernest. What are you doing?
[siren blaring]
[tense music continues]
-Kevin, stop!
-I can make it!
No, you can't! Stop! Kevin!
[horn blaring]
-Oh shit!
-[horn blaring]
[horn blaring]
Oh shit!
[Kevin, Joy screaming]
[both panting]
Never do that again.
[Kevin] Yeah.
Get your ass back here!
[music swells to crescendo]
Where's he going?
We already told you. We don't know.
We have a right
to legal counsel, all right?
You can't hold us here like animals.
[sighs] When can I get my phone back?
You know what?
I've gotta go to the restroom.
Do I need permission to pee?
Let her go.
[phone buzzing]
Oh my goodness!
I am so sorry! Are you okay?
[scoffs] Oh my God.
[phone buzzing]
Oh my God, Kevin. Are you okay?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.
Where are you?
I can't tell you, I'm sorry.
But I'm safe. I promise.
I think we might have found someone
who can help Ernest.
Okay. Listen to me. Just keep going.
You do whatever
your heart tells you is right.
I love you so much. Okay.
I love you too.
Those darn telemarketers.
They're the worst, right?
Aiding and abetting
a known fugitive is a federal crime.
Where is he?
Lady, I'd just as soon
swallow a bag of razor blades
and chase it with some fresh lemon juice
than to tell you jack shit.
Ma'am, there's someone you should talk to.
[pensive music playing]
[reporter on TV] The car,
with Ernest the ghost inside,
sped through the town
in an attempt to evade authorities,
causing damage all along the strip
[reporter continues indistinctly]
[electrical crackling]
[Joy sniffs]
What are you doing?
Looking for the dead body.
This room reeks.
[Joy sniffs]
[door opens]
["Summer Breeze" by Piper playing]
[Kevin] Oh my God.
Wait, this must be a mistake.
-Maybe I should take a dump on the bed.
-[both laugh]
We could just share this one.
Sh Share?
Just don't try to dry hump me.
Oh! No, I I would never I I
[laughs] I'm kidding.
Come here. Grab the remote.
[clears throat]
Lonely rivers sigh
"Wait for me, wait for me"
[reporter on TV]
The global outcry continues
with protests
demanding the ethical treatment of Ernest.
-[man] I'd like to solve the puzzle!
-[Pat] Go ahead.
-[man] Ernest the ghost.
-[Pat] Yeah.
[audience cheering]
This is really a thing, huh?
[Pat] Wow. Look at this.
Look, it's not too late
for you to get out of this.
I mean, everyone thinks you're kidnapped.
You could just pretend you got away.
[TV turns off]
You're saying I should just ditch you?
-Why would I do that?
-So you don't go to jail, maybe?
[chuckles] It's a good reason.
Are you kidding?
I was already in jail.
Band, AP classes,
math tutoring, choir practice.
My dad's programmed every second
of my life, and it's exhausting.
[scoffs] At least your dad cares.
It's a culture thing.
We have to be the best.
Prove that we belong. It's bullshit.
Sometimes it just seems
like he doesn't even know me.
He just sees this fake version of me
that he created.
I don't know.
I guess it's what a lot of parents do.
Try and fix themselves through their kids,
but they just mess 'em up more in the end.
The sad thing is me and my dad were
actually best friends when I was a kid.
I miss that.
What happened?
I don't know. It
It wasn't just one thing. It was, like,
a bunch of things over time,and
us moving around a lot,
him promising things to my mom
that just never happened.
Seeing how much it would hurt her.
After a while, I just pulled away.
Sometimes I feel like
I'm not even his son anymore.
You're just
You're really cool.
[Joy chuckles softly]
Thank you for helping us.
[radio static, channels changing]
My darling, I
Can't get enough of your love, babe
[clears throat] I have to go
to the restroom.
-Just one sec.
I can't get enough of your love, babe
Would you knock it off?
Ernest, stop.
Ernest. Listen to me.
-What are you doing? Stop, Ernest.
-[Randy as Ernest groans]
[muffled chattering]
-What? What is this?
Stop. Ernest!
-Everything okay?
Yeah. [clears throat] Yeah.
Uh, everything's fine.
[wistful music playing]
[grunts softly]
[inaudible] Go away.
[pensive music playing]
[engine starts]
I'll stay here.
Keep a lookout.
Honk the horn
if you see anything suspicious.
Stay out of sight, okay?
Are you Ernest Scheller?
-I know who you are. Come in.
That's my wife, Ramona.
Suffered a stroke last year.
Can't really do much these days.
Have a seat.
Can I get you something to drink?
Um, juice, pop, pineapple juice?
Ramona loves pineapple juice. [chuckles]
Whatever you want.
No, no. No, I'm fine.
[chuckles] Okay.
Funny thing, I, uh
I was in a bowling league ages ago.
One day, I can't find my shirt.
I looked high and low.
Ramona said I was always losing things,
even the damn shirt
off my own back, but, uh
I knew something wasn't right.
I didn't see that shirt again
till a couple of weeks ago
when I saw one of your videos on the TV.
Well, I've seen
some crazy things in my life, but this
I really can't believe this is real.
His name was Randy. Randy McGovern.
That woman next to him
was my wife's sister,Evelyn.
Dear, kind woman.
She died from, uh, complications in labor.
He had a child?
Daughter. June.
Randy, what happened to him?
Ramona and I never really wanted kids.
Just always thought we'd travel,
see the world.
But life had other plans for us.
After Evelyn died,
Randy sort of fell apart, I guess.
Took to drinking.
Then one day, he showed up
at our house with little June,
said he had an appointment,
needed us to watch her,
but he never came back.
Just left that poor little girl with us.
She was four.
Nobody ever heard from
or saw that man again.
Maybe something happened,
like an accident or--
Police found his car
for sale at a used lot,
uh, his watch at a pawn shop.
He took my shirt,
my driver's license.
Might have used that
to change his identity.
What do you think happened?
My guess, uh, drank himself to death.
Suicide, maybe. Who knows?
It's it's hard to feel much sympathy
for somebody like that,
abandoning their own motherless child.
I can't think of a greater sin than that.
No. No, no. No way.
He wouldn't do something like that.
You said it yourself.
He can't remember, right?
Maybe the reason he can't remember,
because the truth, what he did,
is too unbearable.
Randy? That's you, isn't it?
[wistful music playing]
Oh my God.
[car horn blaring]
[Joy] Get away from me!Get away from me!
[tires screeching]
[tense music playing]
Ernest! Get out of here!
Get off me! [grunts]
-Get off me!
-[officer 1 grunts]
[officer 2 grunts]
[tense music continues]
Go to thermal!
Light him up!
[guns whirring]
Ernest! Stop!
-Stop, you're hurting him!
Get your hands up! Hands up now!
Get 'em up!
Ernest, no!
-On your feet, now!
[distant sirens blaring]
[agent] They have him.
Where are you taking him?
[indistinct chattering]
-[door buzzing]
-[lock clicks]
[wistful music playing]
[Melanie] Are you okay?
-Yeah. I'm fine.
-Did they hurt you?
-[Kevin] No.
-Are you sure?
-Let's get you home.
I guess this worked out for you, huh?
I think, considering the situation,
it's a pretty fair exchange, don't you?
Now you and your family
can go live a normal life.
-[wistful music continues]
-[door opens]
-[door closes]
Sorry about your car.
It's just a car.
You good though?
[pensive music playing]
[indistinct chattering]
[scanner beeping]
[electrical whooshing]
[chuckles] I've been
waiting for this moment
for so long.
[wistful music playing]
[guns whirring]
No, no, no.
Stand down. I'm good.
[door closes]
[people laughing]
Come on, just right this way.
Ah, there she is.
Ah, the woman of the hour.
Gentlemen Oh, and lady,
please meet Dr. Leslie Monroe.
Oh, actually, I correct myself.
Agent Monroe.
She assisted us in capturing
the asset you see before you.
-Very good job, yes.
[man] Bravo.
So, now--
No, please, please, just take a look.
[Schipley laughs]
Of course you did more than just assist.
That was just--
What's the endgame?
-[Schipley] I'm sorry, endgame?
-[Leslie] Well
What are you gonna do with him?
Well, he's dead, so, uh
whatever the hell we want.
[Schipley pats shoulder]
[wistful music playing]
[knocks on door]
[dog barking]
[door opens]
Hi, um, is Kevin around?
I haven't seen him at school.
Uh, yeah, he's just taking
a little break from stuff, honey.
Maybe come back another time?
Yeah, okay.
[Kevin] It's okay, Mom.
You haven't responded to any of my texts.
Yeah, I
I haven't really felt like
talking to anyone, so
It's okay. I get it.
How is everything?
Well, I'm grounded until I'm 80,
but other than that, super peachy.
Um, I just I wanted to check up on you.
No, really though. Are you doing okay?
I'm fine.
See you around.
[door opens, closes]
[wistful music playing]
[thunder rumbles]
It's so quiet up here now.
Feels strange. [chuckles]
It was raining like this
the day you were born.
I remember because
I was driving your mom to the hospital,
and traffic was so bad.
I thought she was gonna
give birth right there in the car.
I was petrified.
I made a promise to myself
that if we made it to the hospital
I was gonna be the best dad in the world.
[thunder rumbling]
It's funny.
When your kids are little,
it's easy to be a parent.
They don't see who you actually are.
They just see the good stuff.
What you want them to see.
But eventually, as they grow up
parts of yourself that you don't like
become harder and harder to hide.
I guess
I never really figured out who I am.
I've just always chased stuff.
New places, new jobs
hoping something would click,
and I would finally be the man
I wanted to be for you and Fulton
and your mom.
But then Ernest came, and I was like,
"This is it."
I could finally
have a purpose.
I could finally be worthy.
I lost myself all over again.
I let you down, kid.
I broke my promise.
[wistful music playing]
I know you're upset about Ernest.
But you tried to do the right thing,
and that's all that matters.
You're a better man at 16
than I am at 45.
I admire you, Kevin.
You turned out great, in spite of me.
[thunder rumbling]
[ominous music playing]
[thunder rumbling]
[device beeps]
Can you face me, please? Turn towards me.
[device beeps]
Turn around.
Turn around.
I said turn around.
I said comply! [echoes]
[wistful music playing]
[ominous music playing]
[somber music playing]
[somber music stops]
-[electrical crackling]
[scanner beeps]
-[electrical crackling]
[scanner beeps]
[man grunts]
Yeah. Works on the living too.
[alarm blaring]
[inaudible] Thank you.
Get out of here.
[dramatic music playing]
-figured it out.
-Where is our Uber?
It's a Lyft, stupid.
-You're stupid, Tara.
-Oh my God!
-We're gonna get mugged and die out here.
-No, no.
-It's gonna be fine.
-We should go to Taco Bell!
-[all exclaim]
-Wait, is that it? Oh my God!
-Oh my God! Thank you!
Hi, hi, hi.
-Is this for Gabby?
[girls screaming]
Holy shit, man!
Ernest, dude!
Uh, excuse me. This is my Uber.
Uh, it's a Lyft, bitch.
Hell yeah! [laughs]
-So, which way you headed, Ernest?
-[siren blaring]
You got it.
[rain pattering]
[thunder rumbling]
[pensive music playing]
[distant thud]
[distant thud]
[thunder rumbling]
[distant thud]
[hinge creaks]
-[ominous music playing]
-[man] I missed this house.
Randy, a ghost.
[laughs] A goddamn ghost.
Fifty years I've kept this secret.
But the chickens
finally came home to roost.
I don't know anything. I swear.
You're lying. You came after me.
-I was just trying to help him.
-You're lying!
[Frank grunts]
-Frank. Did you hear that?
-Okay. All right. Yup, yup, yup.
Stay here.
-Be careful.
-All right.
[tense music playing]
-What are you doing?
-Thought I heard something!
Shit. [breathing heavily]
Me too.
Stay here.
Yeah, right.
Come on.
[tense music continues]
[thunder rumbling]
[ominous music playing]
Drop it.
Okay. Okay, take it easy.
[bat clatters]
Please don't hurt my son.
It was Ramona's idea.
She couldn't have kids of her own,
and when her sister died,
she said it was a sign from God
that Randy couldn't take care of June
without her mother.
She made me do it.
I didn't want to. She made me.
We can talk about this.
Just put the gun down.
-Okay, okay.
[Melanie] Frank, what's happening?
[Frank] Get him out of here!
-Let's go!
-[Fulton] Come on!
[both grunting]
[Frank grunts]
[tense music playing]
Get away from them!
Go to Mom!
-Come on!
-Stop it!
-Kevin, no!
-[Kevin] Get in!
Kevin, no! Kevin!
[Fulton grunting]
Kevin! No! Please!
[Kevin] Stay inside! Call the cops!
[tense music continues]
[thunder rumbling]
[tense music continues]
Little Junebug. [chuckles]
She made Ramona so happy.
That's all she really wanted
was her own little girl.
She doesn't talk to us anymore.
Maybe deep down she knows
-[Kevin screams]
-[Ernest grunts]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[dramatic music playing]
[grunts] What?
I killed you!
[thunder rumbling]
I knew you'd come back.
[footsteps approaching]
-[Frank screams]
-Dad, no!
[Ernest yells]
[Frank panting]
[thunder rumbling]
[wistful music playing]
Okay. I got you. You okay?
[Frank panting]
[Melanie] Frank! Kevin! Oh, thank God!
Thank God.
[distant sirens blaring]
[sirens fade]
[Schipley] And that was it?
This ghost that was haunting your house
for, what, 50 years, just suddenly
he's gone?
It was dark.
It was raining. It was hard to see, but
I I looked around, and he wasn't there.
Why why would he just vanish like that?
I don't know.
Maybe he didn't need to be here anymore.
Found the guy who killed him
and got closure.
What really happened, Kevin?
[wistful music playing]
[wistful music continues]
Hi, Daddy.
[emotional music playing]
[music fades]
[Kevin] Oh, nice.
Okay, let me try. Let's see.
[grunts, scoffs]
I suck. Okay.
[wistful music playing]
[wistful music continues]
[music fades]
Bye, Ernest.
[Schipley] Kevin.
Tell me what happened.
[feel-good music playing]
[Fulton] Hey, sorry I can't be there.
Oh yeah. I'm sure you're just devastated.
-[Fulton laughs]
-Why aren't you studying, boy?
Dad, come on. It's a Saturday. Please.
Yeah, and what the hell is a Saturday?
-Go study.
But I feel bad for whoever has
to deal with this shitty attic.
[both laugh]
You know, I don't really think I'm down
with you not being my neighbor anymore.
Well, I'm only like five miles away.
-[Joy chuckles]
-Plus, I get my car soon.
Okay. Smell you, bitch.
I know.Ka-ching!
Haunted houses are a thing now.
[both laugh]
[Frank coughs]
Figured I'd find you two up here.
-[Melanie chuckles]
Hey, the truck is loaded.
It's time to say goodbye.
Uh, last chance for y'all
to do whatever y'all were doing
or gonna do before you did.
-Stop it.
-Last chance.
Please save me.
-[Kevin] Thank you.
-I got this.
Come on. See you downstairs.
-Thank you.
-[Frank] Bye.
-Yes, great.
-[Frank] However you say bye.
-My my parents.
[wistful music playing]
[Joy] What are you thinking about?
Do you think he can still see us?
Wherever he is?
[Joy] I don't know.
["On My Own"
by The People's Thieves playing]
I'll be on the street somewhere
Tellin' everyone that I am not alone
Even if nobody cares
I'm screaming, I'm screaming out loud
I ain't no good on my own
Count the days I'm alone
Devils in the night they
Tell me what I might be
Found a root with a hold
Tend to rest my head
In places less inviting
I'll find my way out
Feelout the steps that I've made
Looking back at all the moments that
You were there to hold me through
If it weren't for you
I would lose myself
And hide
Just this time
I'll be on the street somewhere
Tellin' everyone that I am not alone
Even if nobody cares
I'm screaming, I'm screaming out loud
I ain't no good on my own
Walk with me for just a minute
Far from the walls
Where I've been livin'
Tell me again
You'll be there in the end
'Cause I'm afraid to hear the echoes
Always tellin' me to let go
I need a friend
Looking back at all the moments that
You were there to hold me through
If it weren't for you
I would lose myself
And hide
Just this time
I'll be on the street somewhere
Tellin' everyone that I am not alone
Even if nobody cares
I'm screaming, I'm screaming out loud
I ain't no good on my own
[music stops]
[wistful music playing]
[pensive music playing]
[music fades]
[dramatic music playing]
[dramatic music swells]
[whimsical music playing]
[gentle music playing]
[music fades]