We Need a Little Christmas (2022) Movie Script

Yes... I will meet you at 3:00.
Okay. Where...
Wait... where did I put the...
Good morning sleepyhead.
Are you ready?
Do I have to go to day camp?
Okay, look... I know we didn't
plan for this
but Becca had to go home
for the holidays
and I don't have anybody that
can watch you on short notice.
I can watch myself.
Well, that wouldn't make me
a very responsible mother,
now would it?
Besides, it's not just
any day camp.
It's Christmas day camp. Okay?
There's going to be all kinds
of fun activities,
lots of kids to play with.
Who knows, you might even make
a new friend.
Okay. Get your backpack.
We don't wanna be late
for your first day.
Okay. Show me that smile.
Okay, we'll work on it.
Let's go, let's go.
Good morning!
Oh! Good morning!
It's a beautiful day!
It's gorgeous.
- I...
- Have a good day.
You too.
Who was that lady?
Oh, I think that was
our new neighbor.
What's her name?
Uh... I'm not sure.
I haven't actually
introduced myself.
Why not?
Well, I've just been busy
getting us settled.
Look, honey... I know that
it's been hectic with the move
and Mommy running the business
but I promise,
as of tonight, all of that
is gonna change.
Well... from now
until Christmas,
you and I are gonna do
all our favorite traditions.
Miracle on 34th Street.
Skating at Bellevue.
Sledding at White Pass.
Everything we always
did with Dad.
Sound good?
Welcome to Christmas Day Camp.
Okay. We're here!
Look... honey, I know
you're nervous.
It's natural.
All you have to do is
get through until 5:00
and then we'll get our tree
and we'll decorate all night
and drink hot chocolate...
eat extra marshmallows
until our stomachs explode.
Alright. Let's get you
checked in.
Good morning.
Irene! Back again so soon?
You're a saint.
I'm just doing my part.
See you tomorrow!
Looking forward to it!
And to what do we owe
the pleasure today?
I just thought I'd see
if I could interest anyone
in a little homemade fruitcake.
Happy holidays!
Good morning, Irene.
What have we got today?
Well... I have a couple
Christmas cards.
And a batch of those
sugar cookies
you said you like so much.
Thank you. I appreciate it.
I've got something
in here for you.
Looks like it took quite
the journey to get here.
It's from my grandson, Miles.
Look how handsome.
He's got those good genes!
"Happy holidays to
the best grandmother"
"in the whole wide world!"
Exclamation point.
"Can't wait to be home
for Christmas."
"Love, Miles."
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Hey! How was your weekend?
Oh, nothing too exciting,
still unpacking.
We did manage to get some lights
up in the yard though.
That's exciting.
It's familiar at least.
How'd it go with the camp?
Oh... heartbreaking.
You should've seen his face.
Poor guy.
I knew this first Christmas
with just the two of us
wasn't gonna be easy
but I just...
I really hoped that the holidays
would lift his spirits.
A little bit.
Well it's still early,
and who knows,
he might actually have
a good time.
I hope so.
You know... I was thinking... um...
I know how busy you've been
with Gavin and...
and running everything
on your own.
It's... it's a lot for anybody.
Yeah, sure is.
But I mean, I mean...
believe me, um,
I'm happy to just be
an employee but...
if you ever need some help with
some of the operations or...
or networking for new clients.
Maybe even organizing
some of this paperwork...
Well, firstly you are definitely
more than just an employee.
You helped Andrew and I build
this company from the ground up.
You are practically family
at this point.
I appreciate that.
But, as a part of this family,
I just...
I wanna make sure that you have
all the support that you need.
Well... thank you.
You know, at this point,
I really want to prove
that I can handle this
all on my own.
And I know that it seems
that I'm a little unorganized,
but trust me, I have got
everything under control.
In fact, I have a meeting today
with our newest client
to close the deal.
The software company?
Two floors of office space that
we will redesign all on our own.
Well, that's great!
I know, right?
Okay, everyone!
Thanks for gathering in.
Today we are going to be playing
a lot of fun games.
And first we're going to start
off with... a scavenger hunt!
Okay, I need everyone
to find a partner. Okay?
Hi, I'm Ryan.
What's your name?
Hey. Do you want to be my
partner for the scavenger hunt?
I don't really feel like it
right now.
Okay. Maybe later?
'Tis the season to be jolly.
la-la la-la.
Now... I want you all to decide
what we're going
to deck the halls with, okay?
- Yeah, sure.
- Here we go!
Deck the halls
with boughs of...
- Candy?
- Candy!
Boughs of candy.
la-la la-la.
'Tis the season to be...
Christmas on the beach!
I love that.
'Tis the season
to be sandy
And all together now!
la-la la-la.
Oh my goodness,
that was fantastic!
Why don't we give yourselves
a round of applause.
Who might want to join me
for a little crafting?
Me! Me! Me!
Oh, good!
Get up, let's head
to the crafts room.
Will you all help them?
Alright, everyone follow me.
Alright, everyone, let's go.
Everyone, we have
so many supplies
and everything looks
so beautiful.
But you can use as much as
you want.
Well... this handsome face
certainly looks familiar.
Don't tell me... that's it.
I was watching you in
a movie last night.
No? Okay, no, that's not it.
You're the lovely man
who was helping me
with my bags at
the grocery store.
I'm not old enough to work.
Are you sure?
Because you look awfully
grown up to me.
You're our neighbor!
Oh no, that's not it.
I saw you in the driveway.
Well, let me get a better
look here.
Put on my glasses and
really check this out.
Oh, my goodness!
You're the young man who
just moved in next door!
That's what I said.
Oh... well... I suppose it's
time that we officially meet.
I'm Irene.
And what's your name?
Well it's not official
unless we shake hands.
Wait... what is...
what is this?
What did you do?
Uh... I don't know.
Are you a magician?
Are you sure?
I don't know where it came from.
Well either way,
this is for you.
This is Julie.
Hi Julie. This is Sam
from Total Software.
Sam, of course!
I'm just on my way to
your office right now.
Uh... about that...
Sorry to do this so last minute
but something has come up
on our end.
Oh... well if it's just
a scheduling issue
I am sure I can work
something out.
It's a little bit
more than that.
Your plans are great but
unfortunately we just got hit
with some pretty heavy
budget cuts over here.
Oh... well if it's...
estimates are never cut
in stone.
If you're just as happy
as I am...
I'm sure we can work around
all of that.
If it were up to me I would have
you gutting this place tomorrow.
But... I'm sorry.
It's... it's just not
in the cards right now.
I'll keep your number though
and maybe we can talk again
in a few months.
That'd be great.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
Here we go.
Bon appetite.
Happy holidays!
Can I interest you in something
to drink to get you started?
Oh... well, I would love
something stronger.
But given the time of day,
I would like to have
a vanilla latte
with an extra shot of
espresso, please.
Oh, one of those days, huh?
That obvious?
Well, you work in the restaurant
business long enough,
you're pretty much a certified therapist.
I'm Peter, by the way.
Julie. Nice to meet you.
I'll get that latte for you.
Thank you.
So how have you enjoyed
your first day at camp?
It's okay.
I wanted to stay home with
my babysitter but she's in Ohio
and my mom's working.
You know what I think?
Nothing would make your mom
happier after a hard day's work
than a special gift
from her son.
Like what?
Well, let's ask
Randy Reindeer here.
Hello Gavin.
So, do you want to make
an ornament
for your Christmas tree?
Oh, I know.
A macaroni necklace your mom
can show to all of her friends.
Go on...
Here we are. Vanilla latte,
extra shot of espresso.
And... I think I found you
something a little stronger.
A slice of our world famous
chocolate lava cake.
On the house.
Oh... that, that's
not necessary.
Hey, we all need a little
kindness from strangers,
especially this time of year.
Are you sure?
You're not gonna get in trouble?
Oh, between me and you,
that's one of the advantages
of owning your own restaurant.
You can't get in
trouble anymore!
So you're the owner?
I am.
One of our servers had
a family emergency,
and I figured after years
of waiting on tables,
I could hack it for
a few more hours.
Well, that's very noble of you.
Oh, I don't know about noble.
To be honest, I'd much rather be
out here on the floor
instead of back room,
crunching numbers.
It's not nearly as riveting
as it sounds.
Believe me, I know.
I lost my partner.
I... I lost my, uh... business
partner a year ago.
He used to take care
of all the finances
and now I'm dealing with all
the expenses and the issues.
And I was supposed to have this
meeting with this huge client
and she just called... and...
well, she cancelled everything.
Completely out of the blue.
You are very much like
a therapist.
And I come with cake.
Which is incredible, by the way.
So what kind of clients
are we talking about,
if you don't mind my asking?
I do architectural design.
So, um, mainly private
residences, retail, offices...
Yeah. Some.
Have you ever been to Parlors
on Eighth Avenue?
I love Parlors.
We did that.
How would you feel about
helping me give this place
a little makeover?
Yeah. It's been in
my family forever
and I've been thinking about
making some changes of my own.
And you walk in the front door,
desperately seeking
a new client.
Did I say desperate?
Uh, not with words...
Fair enough.
But January is our slow season.
I bet if we got started
right away
we could get the plans
in order in time.
I could meet as early
as tomorrow.
Are you serious?
You didn't even ask me
what I charge.
You work in this business
long enough,
you see a lot of faces.
I can tell who's gonna be fair.
Okay. Sounds like I'll be
seeing you tomorrow.
I look forward to it.
Hope you had a great day today,
Gavin. See you tomorrow.
- Bye.
- Bye.
You're sure in a good mood.
I made a new friend.
You did?
See, I told you it'd be better
than you thought.
She helped me make this for you.
You made this for me?
Well... this is exactly
what I needed.
Thank you.
Irene said you'd like it.
Is that your new friend?
You know her.
I do?
She lives next door.
She's the woman we met
this morning?
She works here at the camp?
Yeah. She's really cool.
She is, huh.
She plays piano and sings
funny songs.
Oh, and she made a candy cane
come out of my hand.
Well, it sounds like you and I
both had pretty good days.
And it's about to get better!
We're gonna go shopping
for a Christmas tree, remember?
Oh... yeah.
Look, I know that you miss
your dad.
I miss him too.
But we still have each other.
We can make the best of it.
Tell you what,
I'll make you a deal.
This year you are officially in
charge of picking the greenest,
the most beautiful Christmas
tree on the lot.
Are you ready for that kind
of responsibility?
You don't sound so sure.
I'm sure.
That's good enough for me.
Let's go.
Gavin, honey!
Hello again.
I got to pick out our tree!
And it looks like you did
an excellent job.
Hi. I'm Julie.
And I'm Irene.
It's nice to finally meet you.
You too.
I'm sorry it's taken so long.
It's just been a little chaotic.
There's no need to apologize.
I see you got your highly
fashionable Christmas present.
I did, thank you.
How long have you volunteered
at the camp?
Oh, a few years.
A lot of years.
Ever since my grandson
moved out on his own.
But I mean, the holidays
just aren't the same
without children around.
Can Irene help us decorate
the tree?
Oh... honey, I'm sure that Irene
has plans of her own.
Yes. Absolutely.
You know, I have so much
decorating to do inside.
You all enjoy each other
and I'm sure we'll find the time
to get together.
That would be great.
But we're gonna have
hot chocolate!
With lots of marshmallows.
Mom... please?
You know, there will be
a lot of marshmallows.
Probably more than we can handle
on our own.
You're welcome to join us!
Oh... that would be lovely.
Well, I can see
we have ourselves
quite the experienced decorator.
You know, it was
always his favorite part.
He would stay up all night
if we didn't stop him.
So, where was home before you
joined our little neighborhood?
It was just across town.
But our last home became...
too much for us to handle.
So... how long have
you lived here?
I have lived here so long
that in the beginning
I was the neighborhood.
You see, my husband and I
bought the first house
on the block.
There was not another soul
for miles!
That must've been so nice.
It was.
But you know Julie,
the older I get,
the more I appreciate
a little community.
People willing to lend a helping
hand every now and then.
Well, that's why I'm glad
we've finally had a proper introduction.
Me too.
Hey, honey.
Do you remember this one?
You decorated it with Dad
at preschool.
I don't remember.
You know what I think
we should do?
Maybe we could put it
in the center of the tree.
And that way we can see it
every time we go by.
Yes. Exactly.
That's perfect.
Can I have some more
hot chocolate?
You need to be
getting ready for bed.
I want you to go upstairs,
brush your teeth and I'll be
there in a couple minutes.
- Okay.
- Okay. I love you.
Thank you so much for
inviting me to join you.
Thank you for coming.
Well, you're quite welcome.
Good night, Irene.
Good night.
I wanted to thank you
for watching him today.
I don't know how you did it
but you certainly made
an impression.
It was my pleasure.
Truth be told, I probably
enjoyed it more than he did.
Well, I appreciate it.
He's been having a hard time
relating to other kids lately.
We lost his father earlier
this year, my husband.
Oh, I am so sorry.
I know how hard that can be.
I lost my Walter 20 years ago
and sometimes it still feels
like yesterday.
It's just that... we had so many
memories, you know.
Especially around the holidays.
We both went all out, you know.
And I know that Gavin misses
him so much.
But every time I try to talk
to him, he just...
he just shuts down.
If I were you, I would not
be hard on myself.
It's not easy for a kid that age
to put these complicated
feelings into words.
I had something similar
with my grandson, Miles.
You did?
Yes. My daughter and her
husband were career military.
So Miles came to live with us.
And then they went on tour...
And they didn't come back.
I'm so sorry.
So Miles became ours.
And then when he was about the
age that Gavin is right now...
Walter passes.
And that little boy was
the only family I had left.
That must've been so hard.
The first year was the hardest.
Because here I am, you know,
I am really... grieving
for myself.
And then I have this confused,
beautiful little child
expecting me to provide,
to love and...
I really do know how scary
this can be.
So what did you do?
Walter made sure that
I was taken care of,
but I wanted Miles to have
every opportunity,
so I needed extra money.
And I decided to go back
to work.
And let me tell you,
that was no walk in the park
for a stage actress in her 50s.
So you were an actress?
I was in this touring company
when I was younger.
And if something was, like,
a big hit on Broadway
then we would take it
out on the road.
I guess I should be asking
for your autograph?
Oh, no.
Anyway, that's all part of
the past.
So I had to figure out
what I was gonna do
and take advantage
of any opportunity,
any production or magic show.
Oh, wow.
I worked at the senior
citizens homes.
And I worked at
after-school programs.
And guess what?
It paid for his medical school.
That's amazing.
And as time went on, everything
got easier for both of us.
With a little encouragement
and patience,
he went from being a little boy
who hardly spoke a word...
to being the joy of my life.
Are you still close?
Of course.
I mean, as close as we can be
now that he's all grown up
and out on his own.
You've never seen...
I wanna show you a photograph
of him.
Oh, okay.
I'm not showing off, I'm sorry.
Where is it? There.
This is him at his high school graduation.
Oh, he's so handsome.
And now he's a doctor
in the military
and I never know where
he's going to be next.
Right now he's in South America.
How often do you see him?
Well, we talk all the time
and we FaceTime.
But he is home every Christmas.
You must be so excited!
I am.
I'm doing my very best...
but it's the hardest thing
I've ever done.
I... I miss you every minute
of every day.
I feel so alone.
I don't know how I'm gonna
do this without you.
Hey, bud.
Let me smell that breath.
Good job.
I love you.
Oh, sweetie.
I love you too.
Did you have fun tonight?
'Cause I know this house
isn't the same as the old one
but I think it's starting
to come together.
Maybe this house is better
than our old one.
Well, our old house didn't
have an Irene.
And this one does.
You've got a point.
Maybe she can come over
again tomorrow.
Well, I don't know, honey.
We have a pretty busy schedule
of our own.
But you will definitely see her
tomorrow at camp. Okay?
Now, into bed. Let's go.
Sweet dreams, honey.
There she is!
Hey, someone's chipper
this morning.
Okay, don't forget.
We're gonna watch Miracle
on 34th Street tonight
and all the popcorn you can eat.
I know.
Okay. Have fun.
I will!
Good morning!
Hey! How'd the meeting
go yesterday?
It didn't.
They called on the last minute
and cancelled
but you'll never guess
what happened after that.
I'm listening.
Well, after the phone call,
I was so stressed out
that I walked into this
random restaurant.
Met the owner.
Turns out he's been looking
to make some changes.
So, long story short,
guess who will be
redesigning it?
Now that is a Christmas miracle.
I know, right?
And it's really cute.
I mean, it's been in his family
for a long time,
so it has history and charm.
He just needs a little bit
of help
bringing it into
the 21st century.
Wait, is he kinda tall
with dark, curly hair?
Yeah. Why?
I think he might be standing
at our door.
Uh, yes, that's him.
Should we maybe open it?
Yup, I think that's the most
appropriate thing to do.
I thought we were meeting
at the restaurant.
But then I looked up the office
and I saw that you are
on the way.
So I thought I'd pop in
and see if you wanted
to walk over with me.
And I brought you one of these.
Vanilla latte with an extra shot
of espresso, right?
Good memory. Thank you.
Yes, let me introduce you.
Peter, this is Nadine.
Nadine, this is our newest
client, Peter.
Hi, nice to meet you.
Pleasure to meet you.
Uh, we're just going through
a little transition
with our filing system
at the moment.
Of course.
You know, I think an early
morning walk
would actually be a lovely
thing to do.
You ready to head out?
Ready when you are.
What are we going to do today?
Well, I thought today you could
play with some of these kids
that are closer to your own age.
Because it might be more fun
than hanging out with a boring
old lady every day.
You're not boring.
You're more fun than the kids
at my school.
Well, I appreciate that,
but I might not be able
to be here every day
and it might be nice to have
some new friends.
You know, a little back-up.
Look at that.
They're about to race.
What do you think?
You know...
my grandson went to this
very same camp
when he was about your age.
- He did?
- Mm-hmm.
And for the first few days
he stayed to himself.
Too nervous to talk to anybody,
afraid of what they might
think of him.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
But he found a little secret.
A hat?
Oh no, this is not just any
old hat.
This is a captain's hat.
And I think he'd want you
to have it.
So come on, try it on.
Come on!
Do you know what happens
when you're a captain?
You don't ever have to be afraid
of anything.
Alright. We need
one more team captain.
Anybody see a captain?
Young man, you look like
a captain.
Why don't you come on over
and pick out your team.
I think they could really
use you.
Now we're talking!
So... who do you pick?
Pick me!
Pick me! Pick me!
I wanna be on his team!
I pick... Ryan.
Ryan, come and join your team!
Here we go.
Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Olsen.
So nice to see you, as usual.
Hey there, Peter.
Did Tyler get those college
admission letters in?
He did. Thank you for asking.
Well with parents like you,
any school would be lucky
to have him.
You're so sweet.
He's a real keeper.
- Oh, no, we're just...
- Oh, no, we're just...
working together.
Julie's just, uh, helping us out
with some renovations
we'll be doing here
in the new year.
Well enjoy, and happy holidays.
- Merry Christmas.
- Thanks.
Sorry about that.
Oh, that's fine.
I think it's really sweet
that you have
that kind of relationship
with your customers.
Oh yeah, I've got a lot
of regulars here.
Some of them I've known
since I was a little kid
just from hanging around
with my dad.
Is he still around?
Unfortunately, uh, he passed
away last year.
I'm sorry to hear that.
This restaurant has been
in our family for 75 years.
Well by the time we're done
with it,
it'll be ready for another 75.
So... I suggest we start
with the overall layout
and then we get
into the details,
the decor, the lighting...
Oh. Excuse me for one second?
Hey, I got you.
I got you.
There we go.
I'll take this.
Alright Gavin! Alright Gavin!
- Go Gavin!
- Oh, my goodness gracious!
Go, go, go!
Sorry about that.
It's a never-ending job here.
Oh, no problem.
It gave me a chance to take
a look around.
My dad and I used to play with
this every day after school.
I don't think anyone's
touched it in years.
That doesn't necessarily mean
you have to get rid of it.
No. This place is full
of memories.
You have so much
family history here.
People are gonna love that,
they're drawn to it.
You think so?
We don't have to get rid of it,
we just have to find a way to...
incorporate it.
Honor it.
What's the story with the clock?
Oh... uh, my great-grandpa
actually brought that with him
from Italy.
My dad used to say every
time it went off it was a little
reminder that he was still
watching over everything.
And now every time I see it,
it, uh...
kind of makes me think of him.
You know?
Does it still work?
No. I've been meaning
to get it fixed up
but, um, something more urgent
always seems to get in the way.
So... the clock and
the dart board stay.
What else?
- Uh... what else?
- Hmm.
What else?
- Come on.
- No.
- Oh, come on.
- I don't dance.
I hope you like salmon
because this is the freshest
salmon in the city.
Peter, you didn't have
to do that.
I did.
You haven't eaten all day.
Besides, how are you really
going to capture
the essence of the restaurant
if you don't try the food?
So this is part of the job?
Buon appetito.
This might be the best salmon
I've ever tasted.
What is on this?
Family recipe.
I'm sworn to secrecy.
I'll respect that.
So I think it's pretty obvious
how I got into my business.
How'd you get into yours?
Well, um... I've always
loved building.
And my father was a contractor.
So when all the other little
girls were playing
with their doll houses,
I was building a life-sized one
in my backyard.
And I met my husband
in college...
and we built a business together
and had a son.
Anyway, he passed away
a year ago.
I'm so sorry.
My carefully constructed
life just...
kinda fell apart and I've been
trying to put it back together.
And you weren't kidding
about the whole therapist thing.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to...
No, I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have.
My point is, that I've been
doing this for a very long time.
And we will have no problem
giving this the update
it deserves.
Yeah. I have no doubt.
And speaking of business...
I'm having a little holiday
thing here on Friday.
It's just a little open house
for local business owners.
It might be a great opportunity
for you to make
some connections.
Yeah. Okay. Maybe.
It's just that with the holidays
and my son,
I... I... it's hard
to find time.
Of course.
But maybe.
Oh, uh, I should probably go
get ready for the dinner rush.
Wait. What time is it?
Uh, just after 5:00.
No, no, no, no, no...
Is everything okay?
Um, well, I'm just...
I'm supposed to be picking up
my son... right now.
Oh, right.
But this was a great start.
We will, uh, meet up first thing
tomorrow morning?
- Sounds good.
- Sounds good.
- Okay.
- Okay.
This is Irene.
Hi, Irene. This is Julie,
from next door.
Julie, of course.
You don't happen to still be
at the day camp, do you?
As a matter of fact,
I am sitting inside
with a very charming
young man as we speak.
It's your mom.
Hi Mom!
Oh great, you're with him.
I have a new client
and I lost track of time.
I've never been late
to pick him up before.
Oh well, no worries.
We're managing to keep
ourselves pretty entertained.
- Aren't we?
- Yeah.
Okay, well thank you.
We were supposed to go
to Miracle on 34th Street
at the movies but I have
to go by
and get some new samples
and stop by the office.
Uh... I'll figure something out.
You know, if it would be easier
for you,
I'm happy to take him home
with me
for a few hours
while you finish up.
Oh, oh, no, no, no.
I, I can take him with me.
Well, it's up to you,
but I have a lot of things
to do at home
and I could use a little helper.
Really? You know what?
If it wouldn't be
too inconvenient
that would be wonderful.
Absolutely not.
Well, thank you. Bye.
You did all that yourself?
I did. But we're just
getting started.
We are?
Miles is coming home
in four days.
We've got to get the inside
looking as festive
as the outside.
What's that?
That's a Christmas train.
It is pretty cool, isn't it?
It was the first present
I ever gave him
and I bring it out every year.
How come?
It's just tradition.
A reminder that no matter
how far he travels,
or how old he gets,
when he comes home we always
honor his childhood traditions.
Can I build it for him?
I think that would be lovely.
Hello? Anyone home?
Oh, wow!
- Hi Mom.
- Those are some sweet moves.
Wow. You two have certainly
been busy.
- Mom...
- Yeah?
Did you see the train?
I put it together all by myself.
So good, honey.
And... Irene taught me
how to make the snowflakes.
Wow, those look good.
In fact, this, this whole place
looks incredible.
I always go overboard when
Miles is coming home.
Well, he is definitely gonna
love this.
Oh, thanks.
Okay honey, go get your stuff.
You can tell me about your night
when we get home.
- Okay.
- Okay.
I just wanted to thank you again
for watching him.
You know, what happened tonight, that...
that's never happened before.
When you are raising a kid
by yourself...
"that's never happened before"
becomes a regular phrase
in your world.
Well, I just...
I just wanted everything
to be perfect this year.
Take it from someone who knows,
someone who's been there.
If you're worrying about
being perfect all the time,
well, you're gonna miss out
on all the surprises.
Well, I think we've had enough
surprises for this year.
Of course. Of course.
Okay. You ready, honey?
Thanks again, young man.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Well, thanks again.
Oh, any time, my dear.
Any time.
Let's go, bud.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Hi Irene.
You're looking awfully spry
this morning.
You know, I am quite energized.
Well, it's always lovely
to see you.
Happy holidays, dear.
Merry Christmas, Irene.
Aww... bye.
Oh, this is a pleasant surprise!
Hey Grandma.
I didn't expect to see this
handsome face until tomorrow.
Are you all packed
and ready to go?
Not exactly.
We had a last-minute surgery
come in this morning.
Well, I hope everything
went alright.
Everything went fine but I'm
gonna have to keep an eye on him
for the next 24 hours.
Well, he's very lucky
to have you as a doctor.
You can just take a later flight
and I'll be there the second
you land.
Yeah... there's a... bit
of an issue with that.
What's the problem?
The last flight off the island
before Christmas is tonight.
I see.
I tried to get someone
to cover for me.
We're just spread really
thin already.
I'm sorry.
Well I know you did your
very, very best,
so... there's no need
to say sorry.
I, um... I should head back.
Maybe we can do a video call
on Christmas Eve?
That would be lovely.
I'll talk to you later, Grandma.
I love you.
Love you too.
So, what do you think?
- Honestly...
- Mm-hmm?
I think it's incredible.
I mean, it does everything
you said it would do.
The history, the open space,
the modern feel.
Well, for now it's just a model.
Hey, if it looks half this good
in real life,
I will be one happy customer.
So we are still pushing for the
first week of January, right?
Okay. I'd better get busy
making some orders.
Actually, um, it's a little
embarrassing for me to say,
but I was wondering if you could
maybe do me a little favor.
Oh, okay.
Well, I donate to this
toy drive every year,
but honestly I always
feel so lost.
I have no idea what the kids
are into these days.
And I really don't wanna be
that guy
giving out the lamest
presents again.
Well, kids can definitely be
a little bit tricky.
Well, I was thinking maybe you
might wanna join me?
Give me a few pointers.
Yeah, it's for a good cause.
Why not?
Yeah. It's for the kids.
It's for the kids.
Hello, young man.
Where have you been?
I had a little extra business
this morning.
I got a call from my grandson.
The one with the train?
That's right.
He works far, far away
on a little tiny island.
And he's not gonna be able
to make it home for Christmas
this year.
Are you sad?
I am sad actually.
I get sad too sometimes.
You do?
My dad isn't going to be here
for Christmas either.
You know sometimes
when we feel like this,
the best thing to do is
to say it out loud.
It is?
And I'm glad you're here
to listen to me.
And I'm glad that I'm here
to listen to you.
Everything's... been really
different without him.
Different is hard.
My mom wants to do all the stuff
we did with Dad.
I know she misses him
but sometimes it just
makes me sadder.
That's a tough one.
Have you told her how you feel?
Why not?
I don't wanna hurt her feelings.
Well, I'm glad you told me.
But what I really want...
is to find her the perfect
Christmas present.
That's how my dad always
made her happy.
Maybe I can do it too.
I am sure that your dad would be
so proud of the thoughtful
young man that he raised.
Will you help me?
I'm sure that if the two of us
put our heads together,
we're gonna come up
with something really good.
But right now, the two of us
need to have some fun.
'Cause we have a score to settle
with that snowman over there.
What do you think?
Oh, he's so smug.
I know, let's do it.
Let's get him.
- Ready?
- Yeah.
Here we go.
Oh. One thing about kids...
you cannot go wrong with cars.
Isn't that a little old school?
No, trust me.
It spans generations.
My son will play with this bus
for hours.
See? I would be completely lost
without you.
I won't disagree with that.
Wait. So tell me about Gavin
and this neighbor.
I don't know,
it's... it's nothing.
Actually, she's pretty great.
They were dancing
the other night.
In fact, I don't remember
when he's been so carefree.
Okay. So... remind me
what the problem is again?
Well, I just had this
whole schedule
of family traditions planned
and we were gonna bond
over the holidays.
It's just... it's not really
working out that way.
Okay. Well, last time I checked,
it wasn't Christmas yet.
That's true.
That's good.
So, why don't you guys
go out and do something
spontaneous today?
Actually, I would...
It's just we have so much
work to do
if we're gonna start those
renovations in January.
Sure, but this is definitely
not part of it.
I mean, you're just out here
helping me
out of the kindness
of your heart.
Or... pity.
But either way the least
I can do is push a start date
so you can go spend some quality
time with your son at Christmas.
Are you sure you don't mind?
Ehh... the restaurant's
been there for ages.
It can wait an extra day.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Give me that.
- Really?
Yeah, go get him.
- Thank you.
- Have fun.
I think we can save the floors
but I wanna use the same stain
we used on the Colonial.
The chestnut.
Putting it in right now.
Oh, and can you check the prices
on those tables from Alonso?
Yeah, I already asked him.
I got the list from your email.
I promise you, the whole world
won't fall apart
if you take one afternoon off.
Okay, I appreciate it.
I know.
Now stop working.
Irene, hi.
Is everything alright?
Yeah, everything's fine.
I was gonna pick Gavin up early.
Do you know where he is?
He and Ryan joined
a little nature walk.
Oh... who's Ryan?
It's one of his newest friends.
Oh, they are two peas in a pod.
That's sweet.
He was feeling a little
down earlier.
But I think when he cleared
his head about his dad...
it was... good.
He felt better.
I'm sorry...
what do you mean?
Well, I know that you told me
that he was having a hard time,
you know, talking
about his father,
sharing his feelings about him
and today he started
to open up to me a bit.
Did he?
He shared with me
that he understands
that the old family traditions
are important to you.
But they are very hard
for him to handle and...
He said that to you?
I didn't mean to overstep.
Look, I know that you're trying
to help
and you're coming
from a good place,
and he's obviously comfortable
talking to you,
but he is still my son.
And when it comes to his father,
that is something that
I will handle on my own.
But Julie, I...
This is exciting, isn't it?
Hey, remember last year
when your dad and I
raced you around the rink?
And he was out taking it very
seriously and then you just
zipped in between everybody?
That makes you
the reigning champion.
And you know what that means?
I'm coming for that title today.
Okay sweetie, you gotta
talk to me.
If you don't tell me
how you feel,
I can't... I can't help you.
Irene's show is today.
Her Christmas show.
Honey, I know you like Irene,
but she's a grown woman and...
she has her own life.
And we have to give her some
space every now and again.
But... she doesn't have
any family.
Yes, she does.
She has a grandson and he'll
be here in a couple of days.
He's not coming.
She told me at camp.
Right before you got there.
I'm sorry. I didn't know.
I wanted us to have
a really fun day,
just the two of us.
Why do we have to do everything
we did with Dad?
Uh... well... I don't know,
I just thought that maybe
if we could keep
the tradition alive,
it would feel like he was
still here.
Does that make it harder
for you?
You know honey,
you never have to be afraid
to tell me anything.
No matter what it is, I
am always here for you.
- Okay?
- Okay.
Wait... what are you doing?
I think it's time that
we started a new tradition.
We're going to Irene's show.
Thanks Mom.
You're welcome, baby.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's time
for the grand finale.
Put your hands together
and give a warm welcome
for Irene the Great.
Ladies and gentlemen...
who has the courage
to come up here
and have a magic moment
with Irene the Great?
Do I have a volunteer
in the house?
Yes, young man, please join me.
Now, we are going to levitate
this table!
Focus ladies and gentlemen
and Gavin, let's do this.
And I have a surprise for you...
a candy cane.
Wasn't he absolutely brilliant,
ladies and gentlemen?
Thank you so much, Gavin.
Thank you.
And now we're going to have
our final magic moment,
ladies and gentlemen.
But in order for it to happen,
I'm going to need all of your
Christmas spirit.
Will you give me that?
Are we ready? Ladies,
abracadabra Christmas is near.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Well, this is a pleasant surprise.
That was great.
Well, thank you, young man.
You were a great assistant.
Thank you.
I wasn't expecting
to see you here.
Yeah. Well, we had a little
opening in our schedule.
Why don't you go get a snack?
Gavin told me about Miles.
I'm sorry, I didn't know.
Oh, that's alright.
I was just happy to see a couple
of familiar faces in the crowd.
Irene, I owe you an apology.
Oh, no.
It's not necessary.
It is.
You were just trying to help
and I completely overreacted.
No, you were right.
I had no right to interfere.
But I'm so glad that you did.
I was so worried that he wasn't
going to express himself
and then when he finally
did, I...
I think that it was just hard for
me to accept that it wasn't to me.
And no one would blame you
for that.
You know, when Andrew got sick,
my parents weren't there.
And we had friends,
but to be honest,
I just felt alone.
I know. And that's hard.
And then it was just Gavin,
me, and...
I felt as though the world was
just resting on my shoulders.
And I felt like If I didn't do
everything all by myself
then I wasn't good enough.
And I certainly know
how that feels.
You do?
It was the same way
with Miles and me.
When someone wanted to help,
give me advice about
my grandson?
Ooh, boy... did they regret it.
But the more I had to work,
the more I had to juggle things,
I realized how impossible
that is.
So what did you do?
Eventually I had to trust
the people around me.
The ones who really care.
Miles will always be
my grandson.
And I'm very proud of
who he's become
but that took a whole village.
I could never have done
that on my own.
I think I'm still trying
to figure that all out.
You're doing fine.
Can Irene go ice skating
with us tomorrow?
Well, I'd love to join you but...
I actually have a little
event tomorrow.
What kind of event?
It's this little group
I'm a part of.
Every year we get together
and we put together baskets
for children whose parents
are serving overseas.
Like presents?
Can we come?
Mom's really good at presents.
Oh... you should go skating
and enjoy all the Christmas festivities.
We'd love to come.
Wouldn't we?
If you'll have us, of course.
What's next?
10-year-old girl,
father in the Air Force.
I don't know what
10-year-old girls like.
Um... the rainbow unicorn.
She'll love that.
Listen, I'm warning you.
If you don't slow down they're
going to ask you back next year.
Well, I may just take them
up on that.
- Mom?
- Yes?
Keep 'em coming.
Okay, okay.
Stuffed animal, preferably
something exotic.
A monkey, good idea.
Easy call.
Yeah, it is.
Good job, buddy.
This is fun.
Excuse me?
Hello there.
Hi, I'm Julie. I don't think
we've met.
I'm Irene's friend.
Irene... of course.
Well, we appreciate your help.
It's no problem.
I know this sounds
a little odd...
but I was wondering if you could
help me find some information.
Hey, Peter!
Fancy meeting you here.
Yes, it is certainly unexpected.
Honey... this is Peter.
He's one of my clients at work.
Peter, this is my son, Gavin.
You're the famous Gavin.
It's an honor to meet you.
Nice to meet you too.
Wait a minute, is this the toy
drive we were shopping for?
My brother's in the Air Force
so this is just my little way
of giving back every year.
Do you have family
in the military?
No, my neighbor does.
The one I was telling you about.
We sort of just tagged along.
The man of the hour!
Irene, it is lovely to see you
as always.
I'm sorry, you two know
each other?
Oh, yeah.
Irene's been coming
by the restaurant
since I was younger than him.
She knew my dad.
The best pork chops in town.
And the kindest owner.
Aw... well I certainly try.
And Julie has been helping us
with the renovations
at the restaurant.
You're kidding?
Well, I can't wait to see
how that turns out.
Yeah. She has been pretty great.
Uh... I should hit the road.
I've gotta get ready for
the open house tonight.
And the invitation still stands.
I appreciate it but I think
I'll have my hands full
with this guy tonight.
Thank you for everything you do.
- Okay, bye.
- Bye.
You know, after
all this hard work,
it wouldn't be unreasonable
for someone
to want to take the night off.
Perhaps to... join a certain
someone or a certain party.
He's just a client.
But you all seem to get along
and there's nothing wrong
with going out
and having a nice little night
out with other grown-ups.
I don't know.
I haven't been out with other
grown-ups in a really long time.
Well, take it from someone
who has,
they're just children
in fancier clothes.
When I first lost my husband,
I didn't want to talk to or see
another person for months.
But having Miles in my life
taught me a lesson
that I will never forget.
Really? What?
That if I wanted to show him
how to have a happy, full life,
the first thing I had to do
was learn for myself.
So go out and remember what
it feels like to enjoy yourself.
And we will be there
when you get back.
How have things-
Oh, would you excuse me
just for a second? Thanks.
You came.
I did.
I almost didn't recognize you.
I'm not sure how to take that.
Oh... sorry... that did
not come out right.
You look great.
Thank you.
Uh... come on.
I'll introduce you
to some people.
What do you wanna do?
Hmm... maybe we could
make some popcorn
and pop in a Christmas movie.
What's that?
Oh, that's something that
I took out for Miles.
Is there treasure inside?
Sort of... go ahead.
What is this stuff?
Those are memories.
I made that for Miles
when he was about your age.
He was having a hard time
without his mom.
And we decided that we needed
a very, very special place
to keep all their
memories together.
What is this thing?
We'll talk about
that another day.
But right now... you see
that cupboard?
- The bottom drawer?
- Okay.
Any movie is fair game.
Diane... I want you
to meet someone.
This is Julie, the designer
I was telling you about.
Pleasure to meet you.
I hear you two have
some pretty exciting plans
for our favorite little
restaurant here.
Oh, I don't know about that.
Oh, she's just being modest.
I run a little day spa
a few blocks over
and we've been talking about
a full remodel for a while now.
It's just hard to pull
the trigger.
Well change is never easy,
but in my experience,
it's usually worth it
in the long run.
Do you have a card?
Yes, I do.
Here, I'll give you mine.
Oh, great.

Everything okay?
Yeah, I was just getting
a little air.
I think I met more people
tonight than I have
in the last 10 years.
And I don't remember
the last time I've danced.
Well, you're a fantastic dancer.
I'm glad you came.
I can't believe the neighbor
you were telling me
about is Irene.
I know. Small world, right?
Yeah, that... whole thing
was a little silly.
I think it was just hard
for me to see Gavin
getting close to someone
other than me.
It's understandable.
But I was making it
about myself.
The truth is he's much happier
since he met her
and that's all that matters
to me.
She's a very special woman.
She is.
And you know, I feel
so terrible for her.
She's been waiting to see
her grandson for a year.
He's a great guy.
She talks about him
all the time.
And right now he is on an island
2,000 miles away
and she's trying to act like
it's all okay
but I can see how heartbroken
she is.
We just need to find a way
to bring him home.
I'm sorry.
I... haven't been to a party
in a year
and I'm going on and on
about Gavin and Irene.
I'm pretty sure there's somebody
more interesting
you could be talking to.
No. I think it's kinda sweet.
Besides... it's part of
what I love
about the restaurant business.
You never know when a total
stranger's gonna walk through
your door and... completely
change your life for good.
Yeah, well she has certainly
done that.
I just hope that we can
make her Christmas
as special as she's made ours.
Something tells me
you'll find a way.
Well, it's getting late.
We have a big day tomorrow.
We're gonna pick out the
wallpaper for the dining room.
Let me walk you to your car.
Oh, no, that's fine.
It's just across the street.
But, hey, um...
thank you for tonight.
It was nice.
It was nice.
I'm glad you had a good time.
Good night, then.
Good night.
Aw, he fell asleep.
We just finished watching
Miracle on 34th Street.
Did he pick it?
Yeah, he said it was
his favorite.
Well, I should probably
get him home.
Oh no, let him sleep.
You have a party to tell
me about.
How did it really go?
Well, other than the shooting
pain in my feet,
it was actually pretty fun.
And I think that Peter may
have introduced me
to the entire west side of town.
Well, I'm not surprised.
I can blab on to him for hours
and he just stands there
and listens.
And none of that phony
kind of, you know...
I just want your business
kind of a way. No.
Now, I know that you probably
are not thinking about this
at all but I gotta tell you.
A man like that does not come
into your life very often.
I know.
And I like him.
I really do.
I think that he's kind
and generous
and that he truly cares about
how people are doing.
I just honestly don't know
if I'm ready yet.
Andrew and I had a lot
of memories.
And I know I'm supposed to be
working for a future and...
make new memories.
I don't want the other
ones to fade.
Yeah. Hi.
No, they already transferred
me to that department.
I know there aren't any other
flights until after Christmas.
I was just... there's got to be
another way that we could...
No. I understand.
Thanks for helping.
Perfect. Alright.
I'll have her call you
as soon as she gets in.
Hey, how's it going?
Oh, good.
Just you know getting the day
started, is there anything-
Oh. Wow.
I know you said you wanted
to take care of it,
but with everything that's going
on with Gavin and the holidays,
I thought I'd give you
a head start.
Is this everything?
No. It's just the stuff that I
thought that you should look at.
Ah, you might find this
particularly interesting.
What? $5,000?
Yeah, that's the final payment
on the Colonial job.
It's just been sitting here.
Well, this is definitely going
to your Christmas bonus
this year.
Oh, and um, I have a message
from Diane Hargrove.
She said she has a day spa and
wants to talk about renovations
in the new year.
Look, I know you're already
pretty busy with the restaurant,
but I thought maybe between
you and me we could...
we could make it work.
Yeah, I think that's
a good idea.
You do?
In fact, why don't you take
the lead on this one.
Wait, are... are you sure?
I'm positive.
I'm sorry it's taken me so long.
It's just... I think I was
so focused on the partner
that I lost that I...
it's hard to see the partner
sitting right across from me.
From now on, it's you and me,
together. Okay?
Um... except for
with the accounting.
That's gonna be all you.
Okay. Yes ma'am. Mm-hm.
Thank you.
Gavin... do you remember
when you asked me to help you
find a present for your mom?
Well I think I've come up
with an idea.
What is it?
Do you remember Miles'
memory chest?
So... I thought that you could
make one of those for your mom.
Great idea!
I think that's perfect.
So now that we've
finished the planning phase,
what are your plans
for Christmas?
Well, on Christmas Eve
I'm having a little dinner
with some old high
school friends.
That sounds nice.
Yeah, we do it every year
just to keep in touch.
How about you?
Gavin and I are going to Irene's
for Christmas Eve dinner.
That sounds like it'll be fun.
Yeah, it'll be good for him.
Well, for both of us.
You still trying to get
Miles home for Christmas?
Trying is the key word.
Not going so well?
I've called the hospital.
I've called the airlines.
Hey, you don't happen
to be super wealthy
and own your own private jet,
do you?
- Ooh... I did. This morning.
- Oh.
Unfortunately I had
to pawn it off
'cause someone convinced me
to buy this expensive,
imported Italian wallpaper.
Well, you definitely made
the right decision.
But still not super helpful.
Maybe there's another way.
What do you mean?
You seem to be calling the
airlines and all these people
outside the country, but...
I don't know, maybe we have
to think more locally.
I've called pretty much everyone
I could think of.
What about the party?
What about it?
That was a party with
some of the most influential
business leaders
in our community.
And I saw you get at least
20 business cards.
I know but those people are
practically strangers to me.
Well, maybe it's a long shot, but...
Miles and Irene have been a part
of this community forever.
If anybody at that party
could help us out
I'm sure they'd be more
than happy to.
Wait, did you just say "us"?
Well, unless you wanna make
all those calls on your own.
No. Help me, please.
Okay. You lead the way.
- Alright.
- Alright.
No, no...
I realize it's unlikely
that a deli would have those
kind of connections, we're just
calling everyone that we can.
I will definitely stop by
and try that prosciutto.
Okay, thank you.
No luck?
Just a discount on deli meats.
I'm still on hold.
Keep trying.
Yes, I'm still here.
Okay, it's a cargo company.
You're kidding.
Do they take passengers?
Uh... well, it's a military hospital.
No, uh, that... that would
be amazing.
Please do.
Okay, I will call you
right back.
Thank you.
What was that?
You're not gonna believe this.
My customer, Sandy,
runs a cargo company.
They have a ship that makes
runs down to South America.
It is loading up on Miles'
island as we speak.
You're kidding me!
All he has to do is make it
to the ship by 5:00 PM
and he could be on the mainland
before midnight.
Wait. What mainland?
Um... Santos.
Call Miles. I'm looking for
a ticket.
On it.
Oh great.
What are you looking at?
That is private information.
What's in the backpack?
It's also private information.
It's just some stuff I wanna
show Irene.
Well, you two don't get
into too much trouble
while I'm gone, okay?
Wait... where are you going?
I'm headed to the market
to pick up a few things
for Christmas Eve dinner.
Let's go.
Coast is clear.
Let's see what you got.
I've got some cool stuff.
Yeah. Uh-huh.
Wait, how can there be
a weather delay
when the flight's almost here?
No, I understand.
Could you just tell me
where they're landing?
Thank you.
Buon appetito.
Hey! What's the word?
Peter, hi.
We have a little bit
of a hiccup.
What's going on?
Well apparently there's
a lightning storm
and the plane got rerouted
to another airport.
Oh... well, could've
been worse.
I know, I just really wanted
to get him here before dinner
and I still have all this
grocery shopping to do.
And they're landing, like,
two hours away, so...
I'll go.
But don't you still have to have
dinner with all your friends?
They'll understand.
Besides, this is
way more important.
Are you sure?
Just text me where I'm going
and I'll be there.
Oh, and Peter...
- Thank you.
- Happy to help.
Alright. Bye.
Irene? It smells fantastic
in here.
The turkey's in the oven.
Did you find everything okay?
Well, it was a bit of
a madhouse out there,
but I think we are good.
Thank you.
Oh, it was the least I could do.
No, I mean thank you
for being here.
For being a part of my life.
You know, without Miles here,
this Christmas was gonna be
really lonely for me.
But you and Gavin and...
I know we're not family.
But I am so blessed
to get to know you all.
I'm just helping Nadine
with some work stuff.
How can I help you?
Well, I have everything
covered here.
But... if you wanna set
the table before we change,
all the Christmas china's there.
You can do that.
On it.
Hello. You've
reached Peter.
I can't take your call right
now. Leave a message.
What do you have there?
It's for you.
Should we put it under the tree?
Open it!
Maybe we should wait
until tomorrow
and then we can open all
our presents together.
I don't think one little present
on Christmas Eve
is gonna hurt anybody.
Let's see what we have here.
It's a memory chest.
Did you make this
all by yourself?
Irene helped me a little.
Let's have a look.
That's from when we went camping
on the beach.
And this is from when
we went to the zoo.
And that is from our
old backyard.
Irene said when you have
a memory chest
you can keep memories forever.
That way they're always safe
and you never have to worry
about losing them.
Give me a hug.
Do you like it?
Oh honey, I love it.
It is the most
thoughtful present
I have ever gotten in my life.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Who's that?
I have no idea.
Excuse me, sir.
May I help you?
Oh! No! Miles?
Merry Christmas, Grandma.
Oh, sweetie!
I don't... what...
You're here!
I... I... I don't understand.
I don't believe this.
To tell you the truth, I can
barely believe it myself.
But I don't understand.
You told me that you
weren't gonna...
I was broken-hearted you told
me you couldn't come.
How did you do this?
Well, I couldn't have done it
without my new friends.
You did this?
Well, I can't take
all the credit.
I had a really good partner.
Oh my... The food is
getting cold.
Okay, I'm gonna add two plates.
Oh, I can't believe this!
You look so handsome,
my goodness.
And now Gavin, this is my Miles.
I'll be right back.
Oh... um, okay.
What is this?
I wanted to give you an early
Christmas present
for being so helpful.
But I didn't get you anything.
That's okay.
Should I open it?
Open it.
- Merry Christmas.
- Oh, wow.
- I hope you like it.
- Did you...
This is beautiful.
I can't believe you did this
for me.
It's perfect.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
So... do you think you're gonna
make it to your dinner?
Well, I told them not
to wait for me,
so I'll just pop in and say hi.
You could always stay here.
Oh, I wouldn't want to intrude.
You just drove four hours
to make this dinner happen.
I mean, the least we could do
is ask you to join us.
Besides, I think Irene would be
very disappointed
if I let you go.
Oh... right, so this is
for Irene?
I think it's a mutual decision.
Come on.