We Wish You a Married Christmas (2022) Movie Script

This program is rated G
and is suitable for
general audiences.

WOMAN: I'm sorry,
what was the question?
Year-end taxes. Right.
Well, a lot of my clients
are small business owners.
So, you know, work is always
going to be crazy for me
around the holidays.
Regardless of whatever
else I have going on.

Okay, Jay. Come on!
Okay, you want a treat?
Good boy. Okay.
What a mess.

Luckily, I'm a multitasker.
Yeah, I mean, to be this busy
at Christmas time is not ideal,
but I feel really
lucky to have the work.
So, I have to stay flexible.
When it comes to
social plans especially,
those have to come second.

I love you so much.
I love you, too.
And I want to spend
the rest of my life with you.
Oh, no!

I just think that
you need to be very clear
and realistic about what
you can accomplish in a day.
So there are no disappointments.
- Um...
So, um, things don't get...
...out of hand.
You can deduct the dinner,
just not the birthday party.
Okay. Hey!

Now, I can direct,
but I can't always control.
Do you know what I mean?
Exactly why I'm the right
man for the job,
because it takes a special soul,
a creative soul,
to find emotion in 30 seconds.
Taxi! Taxi!
You know, it's like...
it's like a little haiku.
It's like a thing... Uh, um...
Hold on. Hold on one second.
Hey, man...
When I figured that out?
Boom. Game-changer.
Come on!
No, no, no, no, no.
I'm good. Not you.
No, I was... I was just...
I was trying to catch a cab.
Okay. Now that we've established
what you've worked out,
let's discuss what you haven't.
I mean, we're pretty good.
Yeah, I'm good.
You're here,
where you should be
Snow is falling
as the carolers sing
Just wasn't the same
Alone on Christmas day
what a beautiful sight
Don't need a thing if
you ain't holding me tight
THERAPIST: Okay, then.
Why don't we take a step back
and talk a little bit
more about the renovation?
Oh, well, that's all Robby.
Why do you say it like that?
'Cause it is.
Well, she gave me
complete creative control
over the entire renovation, so.
Because you remind me
that you're the creative one.
(LAUGHING) Baby, you can
chime in whenever you want.
I did. About the microwave.
The microwave cannot be
the centerpiece of our kitchen.
I don't want it to
be the centerpiece,
I just have two things
that I really care about.
One, I do not want
an all-white kitchen.
Which is a non-issue.
Neither do I.
And two, I need to be able
to reach the microwave.
You cannot put
a microwave on an island.
It doesn't look good.
Okay, well you can't put it
on top of the cabinets either.
- I need a ladder to cook!
- Who's putting on the cabinets?
I'm not putting it
on the cabinets!
You don't even cook,
what do you care?
It's just beautifully elevated,
a little off-center.
- You want it smack dab in...
- You could just put little...
- The middle of the kitchen.
- Cabinets over a...
No one wants a microwave in
the middle of the kitchen!
Okay, time out.
I think we all know this isn't
actually about the renovation.
- No, it kind of is. Yeah.
- No, no. Yeah, it really is.
We were supposed to be done.
- Today.
- December 16th.
Workers out, on a plane to
Heathrow with our parents.
- We keep hitting...
- Making.
- Obstacles for ourselves.
- Yeah.
So, we just thought,
"I don't know, let them go off
and have a couple's
retreat without us.
- To Europe?
- ROBBY: Mm-hm.
We insisted that they still go.
Yeah, it's not their fault.
Yeah, and we can't be in another
continent five time zones away
- when we're trying to finish.
- We gotta finish the remodel.
- Yeah.
- We gotta finish.
- Besides, they're super tight.
- Mm-hm.
Well, that's nice that
they've given you some space to
work on all these issues.
Oh, yeah. They have no idea.
Yeah, this is just between us.
So, now we're stuck in our dusty
half-apartment for Christmas.
BOTH: Alone together.
- Good?
- Good? Why good?
Well, now we're finally
getting somewhere.
This isn't about microwaves,
it's not about renovations.
This is about
feeling alone together.
Can we all agree on that?
I just don't know if...
...we work together anymore.
Has been...
...13 years.
Maybe we've grown apart.
Or maybe you do just need
to get away for the holidays.
- We just established that...
- Uh, we just... Yeah.
I have an idea.
I know a couple
that just came back
from this charming,
somewhat, shall I say,
different nook of a town.
I think I have the article.
Ah. Yes.
REBECCA: Gracious, Vermont.
"All the goodness you need."
And only a few hours away.
I mean, you know,
if anything goes wrong
with the remodel,
we can always just
come back to the city and...
Doesn't it look a tad bit too...
Given where we are?
This is our first
Christmas together, yes?
Let's not do a second.
If you don't start connecting,
start getting on
the same page together,
it's only going to get worse.
And it could be fun!
It could go horribly wrong,
but probably it'll be fun.
Either way,
if you don't even try,
you won't have
a relationship to come home to.

Hey, buddy.
It's not too long of a drive.
Just long enough, okay?
Why don't you go in the back
and take a nap?
Go. Go back. Go back.
Thank you.
Hey, mom. How's London?
Oh, it's great.
You know, I just woke up
all fresh and ready for dinner.
I wish you guys
were here with us.
I know. Same.
Did you get my message?
About having to be out now?
Yeah, between the dust
and the fumes
and the extra crew that
Robby's bringing in to finish,
there's no room for us.
Well, I've never been to, um,
what's the name of that place?
Gracious, but, you know,
I'm so glad you guys
found a close getaway.
Hi, Judy.
Uh, have fun tonight.
We love you guys.
You too, sweetheart.
And remember,
I'm expecting lots of photos.
Oh, it won't feel like
Christmas without seeing
your cheery faces every day.
Well, let's start now.
Oh, um. Okay.
Aww! How do I turn this off now?
Just the red button.
- Bye, Judy. Love you guys.
- The red button, mom.
- Yeah. Okay.
- Bye, Judy.
Oh, boy.

GPS: You've arrived
at your destination.
I don't see it.
Do you see the inn anywhere?
No, but I do see
a whole lot of cheese.
Feel free to drop me off here.
What the...
- ...heck?
She wasn't kidding when she said
this place was different.
GPS: Proceed to
your designated route.
There is no designated route.
You said we reached
our destination.
Robby, don't get mad at her.
I'm not mad, baby. I'm lost.
Well, the town
doesn't look that big.
Just keep going straight.
Look, there it is!
Right at the end of the block.
Yeah. Okay. Thanks.
Whoa. Look at the size
of those ornaments.
Proceed to destination.
Pies for PETS at
the Christmas market?
I mean, who wouldn't
want to support that?
Who's that?
Well, you know I love to bake,
So, I am happy to help.
What are you doing?
Kayla, you volunteered to
run the whole Christmas market.
It doesn't matter that it's
just for one day, it's huge!
So, the least we can do
is bake a few pies.
It's Christmas.
You just let us know
how many you need. Okay.
We're baking how many pies?
Don't worry. She doesn't
need them until the 23rd.
'Tis the season
for doing, right?
Or taking on too much.
I'm sure she
won't need that many.
- Hi, buddy.
- Hi!
- Hi, welcome!
I see you've met Rosie girl.
Yeah, well Jerry certainly has.
You must be the Grays.
Uh, yeah, you could probably
find us under "Rebecca."
Great. I'm Vince,
this is my husband, Brian.
We are the owners here.
- Hi, guys.
- Hi.
Uh, oh.
It says here that you booked
a two bedroom suite
for eight nights.
Is that correct?
Uh, I don't know. Is it?
Uh, I just thought
it'd be nice to have
a little space, you know?
You do snore a little.
I do snore when
I'm laying on my back.
This one grinds
her teeth all night long.
I can always wear a night guard.
You don't want to see that.
So, we're good with
the two bedrooms, then?
- Yeah.
- Perfect.
Great, and how did you...
How did you hear about us?
A friend.
Yup, a friend.
Well, as I'm sure you saw,
the town is just
a quick two-block walk,
and here are some pamphlets
for all the activities
leading up to Christmas.
- Hey!
- And since you're not
checking out until the 26th,
you're going to have
a chance to enjoy them all!
Wow, well, we... we will
definitely check these out.
Need help with your bags?
Uh, no. You know the old rule.
Just pack what you can carry.
Lucky number 13,
just up the stairs on the left.
Settle in.
If you have any questions,
just let us know.
I do have a question.
Could I get my own key?
There you go.
- Alright.
- Welcome.
Thank you.
Alright, come on. Come on.
- Bye-bye.
- See you later.
They're going to
need a lot of work.
Okay, go ahead.
Here's your bags.
Thank you.
Well, it's cute.

Seriously? Two bedrooms?
Look, I can go downstairs
and change it.
Is that what you want to do?
I don't know. What do you want?
It's fine.
I want to watch soccer.
Come on.
Maybe there's a trick to it?
Would you like to
see if you could fix it?
Okay, maybe we can just forget
the English Premier League.
There's breakfast with
Santa at the syrup shop,
Christmas market on the 23rd,
ooh, and a parade.
Why don't we do one of those?
There's a parade?
Sounds fun.
Peppermint pretzels.
- Want one?
It's all you.
Come on. You're missing out.
- It's Ron.
- Who?
- The electrician.
Ronny! Hey, brother.
What's the good news?
Ah, that's not good news.

No, Ron, have you tried
the circuit breaker?
Okay, well, I don't know
if you can't do that.
What do you mean you
can't make it symmetrical?
That's the whole point
of the kitchen design
is that the outlets
are all symmetrical,
six inches apart,
six inches off the countertop.
Come on, Jerry.
Let's go for a walk.
Six inches from the wall,
six inches...
Come on.
When you and I
sat down together...
Good boy. Come.
...and I said, "Why not?"
And I trusted you
that you could make it happen.
- Hey, Jerry. Slow down! Hey!
This is a two-block town.
We have plenty of time.
What are you... Oh, I see.
You're like a truffle hunter.
I don't know if
we can have those, boy,
'cause I think
it's for customers
and we're not going in.
As much as I need a...
...portrait of an alpaca. Hm?
Hi. Someone wants a treat!
Hi, sorry. I hope that's okay.
Of course.
It's what they're here for.
Made fresh daily,
organic, natch.
Wow. Okay.
Welcome to
Kayla's Colorful Pet Portraits.
I am Kayla,
and I paint pet portraits.
And what's your name?
And where are you from?
I don't think
I've met you before,
because I would know you
if you were from town,
and who is this little cutie?
And how'd you get
his coat so darned shiny?
You're coming in, right?
Oh, you know I would love to,
but we are in a bit of a rush.
I have to meet someone.
Over there.
Oh, darn.
But hey, maybe next time.
Great. Okay, bye.
Bye. Bye. Bye.
And that is why the human leads.
So, there's really
no trick for the TV?
Not that I know of,
but people don't usually
come here to watch television.
Well, no, of course.
I'm not here to
watch television either,
I just, you know,
like it on in the background.
Mm-hm. Well, we have
a VCR player in your room,
and we have some movies.
Mostly romantic comedies.
Mm, okay. Um...
I will take that reservation.
What time is that for?
4:45 pm.
For dinner?
If you want to eat tonight,
it is.
Wow. Didn't know
we needed a reservation.
Reservation for what?
Ah, just the finest
restaurant in town. Here.
I think I read that.
Yeah, you're hungry right? Yeah?
I mean, a little.
Good, because we have
a reservation in 15 minutes.
For dinner?
Welcome to Gracious.
I'll bring Jerry upstairs.
Okay, I'm going to
go get us a table.
Come on.
See you at dinner.
You ever get the feeling
you're being watched?
By a creepy elf?
Or several.
I do now.
So, what looks good?
Well, actually, while you
were putting Jerry away,
I took the liberty
and I ordered us dinner.
I saw they had
a Beef Wellington,
but then I saw they had
a porterhouse for two.
You ordered me a steak?
- Wait, really?
- What?
Robby, I stopped eating
meat three months ago.
You did?
You knew that.
Oh, clearly I did not.
- No, no. I told you.
- When? While I was asleep?
For three months
you hadn't noticed?
You know what?
Your observation skills
haven't been on point either.
You didn't even notice
that I was gone for two days.
No, I noticed.
You noticed when I came home.
Well, you work late at night
and I'm gone early
in the morning.
I can't keep track
of your schedule.
Well, and I can't keep track of
your culinary preferences.
Look, you're right, oaky?
I just remember when
we used to want to know, like,
everything about each other.
Robby, what are we doing?
We are trying to
have a lovely dinner.
Neither of us wants to be here.
Neither of us is happy.
Tell me, in your heart,
that I'm wrong.
What do you want to do?
Just feel like
we've tried everything.
Keeping busy and working
and the remodel
and marriage coaching.
Nothing seems to work.
So, what are you saying, Becca?
I'm saying I think we need
to take some time apart.
Just to think.
Robby, we can't get
through dinner without arguing.
You're right.
We should try a separation.
I just don't
want it to get worse.
Do you want to go home?
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Let's go home.
- Yeah.
I've got a porcini,
Brussels sprout,
and chestnut amuse-bouche.
Compliments of the chef.
Oh, and your martinis
are on their way.
ROBBY: Thanks, Antonio.
At least we ordered drinks, too.

Okay, look.
I know you hate suitcases.
We're just going home
a little bit early.
We'll figure things out
when we get there, okay?
Come on.
What the...
You gotta be kidding me!

Hi, thanks for coming.
That ornament did
some impressive damage.
that's unusual word choice.
It's unfortunate, too.
Yeah, that's closer.
I always loved those ornaments.
That's what's unfortunate?
How long is it going to take
to replace the windshield?
We were hoping to leave today.
Oh, yeah. No.
A few days. Maybe a week.
A week? Why?
Because of the holiday?
That's just how long it takes,
but that's a good point.
That could add some days, yeah.
But, we can say "a few days"
for now, how's that?
- That sounds good, yup.
- Thank you.
I'm going to go
call in that order.
Thanks, Cindy.
It's crazy that you can't
get car service out here.
We should have left last night.
I don't know whether
I want to laugh or cry.
You know what?
I'm going to find another place
to stay for the week.
I mean, I think that'll
be less awkward, right?
I mean, that's silly.
We have plenty of rooms.
I have taken care
of checking you back in,
and the rest of
the week is on us.
Oh, seriously?
You don't need to do that.
But we will gladly
take it, thanks.
Thank you.
And at least you won't
miss the Sip 'n' Shop now.
Starts at 3:00.
It is one of our
favorite holiday events.
I mean, the front desk
just has to fend for itself.
Is it heavy on the sip?
Sip 'n' Shop it is.
Welcome back.

Ideally, I'd love to have
full-sized pies for the adults,
and mini ones for the kids.
So, 100 total?
Why are we doing this again?
Every year we have
the same old Christmas market,
which is great,
but it's just shopping.
Pies for PETS adds
this whole other level.
- Pets?
- All caps, honey.
Pet Excellent Treatment Society.
Oh, sounds like a sweet charity.
Yeah, and Dave was
always kind of a Grinch.
So, just feels
good to give back.
Yeah, I never did love your ex.
Now, I've already got everyone
chipping in on ingredients.
I will send you the list,
and I'm doing pie tins.
- Great.
- Yeah.
And what about me?
How can I help?
How would you feel
about bartending?
I'm thinking hot chocolate
and mulled wine
to go with the pies.
VINCE: I know.
Hey, don't worry.
We don't have to stay long.
Just one drink,
and buy a few things.
In and out. Just act normal.
Well, how else would I act?
You know what I mean.
We thought you might like these.
And I bet you're wondering what
all the hot ticket
items are around here.
So, follow us.
I know I'm wondering
about the hot ticket items.
- This is really good.
- Is it?

I still feel terrible
about the windshield,
but at least you get
some extra time to relax.
Yeah, we're not
very good at that.
Well, we can help with that.
Put you right to work.
I'm kidding.
Smell that.
Mm! Ooh, sold!
Where's the cheese?
9, 10, 11, 12.
How many different kinds
of cheeses are there?
You guys mentioned
putting me to work.
Were you thinking, like,
manning the front desk?
You're funny.
No, we're talking about baking.
Oh, you wouldn't want
us in your kitchen.
Uh, speak for yourself,
pretty lady.
I can bake.
Since when? Are you
some kind of secret baker?
Look at the soap dishes.
They're so cute! I need one.
Do you really need a soap dish?
I think it's an olive dish.
To-may-to, to-mah-to.
Oh, look at these!
Alright. So, what kind of
baking are we talking about?
Pies I can do.

What the heck is that?
I have no idea
what happened last night.
Good morning.
You guys here for the buffet?
BOTH: Just coffee.
Thought so. What can I get you?
I would love
a gingerbread latte,
but if it's a syrup,
only half a pump,
and if you have 2% milk,
that would be great,
And also, if you could put just
a little splash of cinnamon.
Uh, how about a dark roast
with a splash of
farm fresh milk?
So coffee?
I'm... I'm still
the new kid in town,
but next Christmas
I'll definitely have
crimbo ginger
apple crumble-topped
cappuccino nailed,
but until then...
Coffee is fine.
Okay. How about you?
Same thing.
Uh, for here or to go?
BOTH: To go.
Great, awesome.
And it's a good thing
I caught you when I did!
Good morning!
BOTH: Morning.
I just wanted to thank you.
We woke up this morning
just feeling so much better
about everything.
That... That's great.
That's wonderful.
About what exactly?
You know that old saying.
Many hands make light work.
So, thank you for
insisting on helping.
Did I?
With baking all those pies?
No, that would be way too much.
But the round-up will
still be a huge help.
Round-up? Is that...
Is that... Is that difficult?
Hopefully it's not too hard
since you're doing it together.
Are we?
So, all we have to do is round
up the ingredients for the pies?
Okay, that shouldn't
be too hard.
And I made a list of
all the stops for you.
Why can't we just
walk to the local market
or make a Costco run?
Gotta get everything local,
from the source.
And I'm sure you don't want to
hoof everything
back for 200 pies.
So, who drives stick?

Not a word.

what's first on the list?
I don't know.
You tell me, Mr. Volunteer.
Look, I'm sorry that
I got us into this.
Let's just get it done
so we can get back to our rooms.
And we can give
each other some space.
You can, I don't know,
read a book,
open up a bottle of...
Peppermint tea.
This is where we
pick up the pie tins?
And that's all I need.
Thank goodness we realized
Kyle prefers the goose feather
over the duck down.
That made all the difference.
You ain't kiddin'.
That's her pillow,
you silly peanut.
By, Kyle.
I'll call you when it's ready.
CINDY: Okie-doke.
Wow, that's a lot of alpacas.
That's interesting
Christmas music.
I was wondering
when you'd get here.
Who? Us?
How did you...
We're a very tight community.
Is that an alpaca with a hat?
You meant Dente.
As in Al?
Yeah, he's a local celebrity.
Oh, right.
Yeah, we've met before.
Yeah, yeah. My dog was
sniffing at your treats.
Is this really the place
where we get the pie tins?
Yes. I help organize the market.
Now, you have a terrier, right?
Yeah, good memory.
His name's Jerry.
Ah, as in, uh, Garcia?
No, as in Ben and.
Nice, nice.
But hey, if you have
any interest in having
Jerry's portrait done
while you're here...
Yeah, he's not much of a sitter.
I work off photographs, too.
She does.
Well, if you change your mind,
I will be working through
Christmas regardless, so.
Okay, uh...
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
- KAYLA: Great.
Thanks. I'm gonna take these.
Good luck.
- Bye.
- See ya!
- Bye.
- KAYLA: Bye.
ROBBY: Okay.
KAYLA: Yup. Bye-bye.

REBECCA: Okay, last stop.
ROBBY: Oh. Hey, horse.
Why the long face?
- Hey. Hi.
- Hi. Hello.
- ROBBY: Bless you. Hello.
Ah, hey.
Hi, Vince and Brian sent us?
Merry Christmas.
And God bless us, every one.
I always like to
get it on the first take.
We get a surprising
amount of requests,
especially at Christmas.
Requests for...
Alpaca grams.
Everybody loves
a talking alpaca.
This must be Dente.
Is this Dente?
Oh, told you you're a legend.
We came for the...
I know. Robby, you're on butter.
Becca, eggs.
Follow me.

I think I just need
my book and bed, stat.
Yeah, well,
I'm right there with you.
Let's take the keys,
drop them off,
and sneak upstairs.
- They can unload.
Fi, fi, fi, fi, fi
Fi, fi, fi, fi, fi
Oh, you're back!
Just in time.
Technically we waited for you.
For what?
Oh, you don't need to do that.
You didn't need to do that.
After today? Of course we did.
Bonnets for the ladies,
top hats for the gentlemen.
Uh, unfortunately we don't
have anything like that, so...
Not to worry. We do.
BOTH: Of course they do.
For you!
Thank you.
You know,
as fun as this would be,
we have to unload
the ingredients.
Please, your work is done.
We got this.
All you have to do is...
Get into character, Gov'na!
Fi, fi, fi, fi, fi
Fi, fi, fi, fi, fi
Definitely posting.
BRIAN: Good evening.
Okay, everyone.
So, just stay bundled up
and sing from your heart.
And hot chocolate
at the gazebo after.
- Ooh!
We wish you
a merry Christmas
And a happy new year
Do you organize this, too?
Oh, no. It's just something
we've been doing forever.
Yeah, but when you
send the email out,
everyone shows up.
Even with the bonnets?
I know I do.
It's just a sweet tradition,
but a good reminder
of simpler times, too.
I like that.
KAYLA: You look really great.
I mean, it's a good...
You look really great.
Where'd you get that?
We should get in line.
It's going fast.
Do you remember that hot
chocolate we had at Bouchon?
Oh, it was like drinking fudge,
it was so good.
Our contractor is amazing.
He wants more time
and he wants more money.
I gotta...
I gotta call this guy right now.
I'm going to go back to the, uh,
to the inn. I'll check on Jerry.
Hey! Dude, you were
supposed to be done...
Who's ready for "Jingle Bells?"
Uh, well, I just don't
want the leak to get worse.
So, if you could make it
by the end of the day
that would be best. Great.
Thank you.
So, our new server called
in sick on her first day.
Don't worry.
I will help you and we'll just...
We'll take it from there, so.
I thought you said we were
baking the minis today
since they box
and store so beautifully
and the big ones not so much?
I did, but a few
things have come up.
A few?
What kind of things?

Uh, word is on the street
that I can borrow one of these?
Just make sure that you
return them when you're done.
If we're lucky, he'll be out
here by the end of the day.
To fix the leak?
Yes, you now need to be here.
I now need to be in there.
And who's in the kitchen making
all the pies we committed to?
It's just the minis today,
and I am still working
my way towards that.
BRIAN: See, that's why I didn't
want to take on too much.
It's not like we knew that
this was going to happen.
It's not about that.
It's about stretching ourselves
too thin every Christmas.
I just want everything
to be special for all of us.
We can help.
No, you already did.
I mean, with the baking or...
You really want to bake?
Well, yeah, if it'll help.
I mean, actually,
I took a course, so.
In what? Baking?
It was a while... a while...
There was a souffle course
that I took at Milk Bar,
and I took it a month ago.
Wow. Okay, since one of us
is apparently a baker,
why don't you, um, dive in?
With your help, too, right?
I mean, you know, many hands.
Of course.
Thank you.
These are detailed
instructions for the minis.
I printed up a copy
for each of you,
- and you have my cell.
- Okay.
So, if you need anything,
just give me a call,
and I will come running.
Vince, we have the pies handled.
Do not be afraid.
Great. Oh!
And you will need these.
- Huh?
- Very cute.
Okay, enjoy.
Thank you.
"Christmas baking crew."
It just never came up?
Why didn't you just tell me
about the baking class?
We've been like
two ships passing.
You know that.
I know.
It's just kind of odd.
It didn't seem like you.
Maybe you when we first met
or even when
we were first married,
but not you in
the last five years.
It's just a baking class,
you know?
Thought it was gonna be fun.
You were working.
I know.
Maybe I would have liked to
take the baking class with you.

What can I get you?
Oh, I suppose
whatever's quick and easy.
I don't have a lot of time to
eat before this guy goes off.
Oh, um,
may I suggest a sandwich?
Yes, you may. What is
your favorite vegetarian?
Cranberry stuffing.
Ooh, okay. Yes.
Definitely, definitely.
- ROBBY: Hey.
What can I get you?
Um, I'm going to have
whatever she's having.
- Alright.
- What are we having?
A cranberry stuffing sandwich.
- Sounds good.
- Yeah, sounds good.
What are these, Antonio?
Your stockings.
Every guest gets
one to decorate.
- Oh, we don't have time.
- Oh, yeah. We...
We got pies in the oven.
There's always time to decorate.
And you can always
come back for more supplies
if you don't finish.
You know, I do like to decorate.
I know you do.
Here, you wanna do mine?
It'll be quicker.
No, you do your own.
You got good ideas.
You're creative.
I am gonna use this, though.
Look at all of this bling.
With a little time to spare.
You know, you got a little empty
real estate there on the bottom.
Yeah. Now, this.
That's ridiculous.
BOTH: Aww. They're at Le Souk.
Marseilles, wasn't that
with the chicken "tageen."
- Tagine?
- Yes.
Actually, I remember
the fig mille-feuille
with sabayon cream.
Yeah, how do you
remember the name of that?
It was so good.
Well, I remember
you ate half of mine.
Actually, I think I ate
mine and all of yours.
But you said you were
happy to share.
I was.
It was our third anniversary.
I think we should
send them a picture.
Right now?
We can't keep
sending pictures of Jerry
or selfies of each one of us.
They're gonna, you know,
know something's going on.
Look, Becc, we're going to have
to tell them sooner or later.
I know.
Just can it wait until
after Christmas? Okay?
Alright, you ready?
Yeah. It can't look forced okay?
One, two, three.
Let's see.
It's good enough.
It really slipped your mind?
The whole secret souffle series?
No. I wanted to
bake a cake for you.
In our brand new
kitchen at Christmas.
To surprise you.
I am consumed with work.
I'm all wrapped up and I'm not
a good communicator anymore,
and I don't listen to you,
and I am sorry.
Me, too.
I just wanted this Christmas
to be special for you.
I wanted this Christmas
to be special for us.
Time's up.
- Come on.
Look at this.
It's beautiful.
So, why do I feel so sad, Jerry?
I mean, this is crazy.
How did we get here?
Me, Becca.
I mean, yeah,
there's a ton of stuff
that I could have
done differently,
I know that, but...
Oh, look at that.
It's Santa Clause
and his reindeer.
What are we going
to do now, Jerry?
I know I sound nuts
for asking you for advice.
Thanks, Cindy.
Hey, Cindy. How's it going
with the windshield?
It's going.
It's going, Jerry. It's going.
Hey, Jerry.
Come up here, boy.
Come here.
Okay, I get it. It looks
really super comfy down there.
Just never thought
we'd end up here, you know?
I mean, not that
you need to worry about it,
'cause you don't.
It's just complicated.

VINCE: Well, hi.
You're up early.
Everything okay?
Yeah, yeah.
I just couldn't sleep.
So, I thought maybe I could
borrow one of those books again?
Oh, please do.
And did you see your stockings?
We hung them up right over here.
That's really sweet.
Mm. You know, there's a reason
Lauren sends people up here.
Lauren our marriage coach?
we just need to take the time
to be sweet to each other.
Let us know if
you need anything else.

Hey. Becc?
REBECCA: Special delivery.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Here. I got you
the strongest they had.
Figured you could use it.
Thank you.
So, turns out that Lauren didn't
just hear about this place.
She sends her clients here.
See? I told you
she can't be trusted.
why do you have the keys?
Well, I figured we need them
if we're going to get a tree.
- Are we?
- Yeah.
Where? For here?
Decorating is
the highlight every year.
Why should this year
be any different?
- You game?
- Yeah.
Get dressed.
ROBBY: You really figured out
the stick shift, huh?
It's a Christmas miracle.
When Vince called,
I thought for sure you'd be
coming for a Cameo,
but a tree's good, too.
You ever been on
a tractor ride before?
Well, I'm sure I have
at some point in my life
that I can't remember.
I drive you out there.
Look around. When you find
one you like, just holler.
Okay. Sounds easy enough.
Here. I'll help you up.
What are those trees over there?
You can't return a tree,
can you?
No, but every so often,
someone cuts one down,
changes their mind, and bails.
Just leaves them there?
You want one of those trees,
don't you?
Well, we can't just
leave them there. It's sad.
It's a tree, Rebecca.
I know.
They need us.
I don't know why anyone would
have abandoned these trees.
- They're perfect.
- I know!
I can't believe Gabby
threw out all these ornaments.
Look at these cute alpacas.
They are cute.
Hey, do you remember we used
to do a theme every year.
Oh, yeah.
All gold, all silver,
all ribbons, all bows.
It was very specific,
but very fun.
- It was fun.
- Mm-hm.
And I don't remember
why we stopped.
Well, I do.
Remember that year
it was your crazy
energy bar campaign
and I had the even
crazier payroll drama?
- Oh, yeah.
- Mm.
We just never got
back into the flow.
Yeah, and now we have
his and her Christmas trees.
I think I'm going to go
break for some, uh, macaroons.
Do you want anything
from downstairs?
I mean, I gotta
email our guy about
the color of
the stain on the cabinets,
and I'll walk Jerry, and yeah.
We'll, uh...
We'll finish up later, yeah?
So, I know you said
to choose the best one,
but I'm sorry, I love them all.
(CHUCKLING) That's okay.
The more the merrier.
So, is Robby coming down?
No, he's busy picking out
the stains for our cabinets.
Oh, do you want me
to put that to go?
No, no. It's okay. He's got it.
So, you have me
picking out your macaroons,
and your husband picking out...
Pretty much our entire kitchen.
It's kind of his thing.
I just think that the kitchen
is the heart of the home.
Shouldn't that make it
both of your things?
ROBBY: Alright, are you ready
for a little walk?
Come on, Jerry.
Come on. Come on.
Yeah, come on.

Hey, Jerry!
Where are you going, buddy?
Hey! Come on. Jerry.
Hey, what are you eating, buddy?
Hey, there you are.
I know that you said you
didn't want any macaroons,
but it's Christmas,
and they have
a killer assortment.
Yeah? That's very sweet.
What are my options?
Well, candy cane
was really good,
but the eggnog and gingerbread
was ridiculous.
Is it locked?
Am I the only one thinking
about creepy elves right now?
Yeah, I don't think
anyone can hear you, baby.
These windows are double pane.
Why aren't they
answering their phone?
Watch this.
I should have gotten you
a MacGyver toolkit.
Uh, this is my MacGyver tool.
Hey, Robby?
I'm sorry about the remodel.
About assuming that you
wanted to do it all by yourself.
Hey, it's okay.
I like doing it, you know?
Yeah, I know.
Maybe you might have
wanted some input from me?
I just assumed it'd be easier.
You know?
Hey, Rebecca.
I'm sorry that I didn't listen
to you when you chimed in.
What I didn't realize was
that when you were chiming in
at those moments, it was
because it was important to you.
Thank you. I appreciate that.
- Oh!
- Aww!
- Hm?
Look, they went to
Domaine du Bagnol.
Judy loves her wine-tastings.
- Mm-hm.
- Hey, is that French Jerry?
You think he's still alive?
- Look.
- Aww.
You know, he's not
as cute as our Jerry.
Yeah. I'm glad
they're having fun.
Oh, come on.
I feel bad about not being
there with them, though.
Ah! Got it!
Rebecca... Whoa!
I'm okay.
I thought I heard someone.
ROBBY: Thank you for
letting us do this.
So, I just feed it to them?
Well, they're big raisin fans.
We kind of thought that
you were, uh, going to do it.
When the request
comes from out of town,
but since you're here
and wanted to voice it,
it's all you, and you, too.
Ah, okay. Okay. Thank you.
Well, they wanted pictures,
we're giving them alpacas.
Yeah, it'll make them smile.
Are we ready?
Okay, action.
Hi, Becca and Robby's parents.
REBECCA: The kids wanted us
to let you know that Christmas
won't be the same without you.
But they want you to
have an incredible time!
REBECCA: Merry Christmas!
Je t'aime! Patch banane!
Did you just say,
"I love you, banana patch?"
No, I just said,
"I love you, have fun."
I'm pretty sure
you said "banana patch."
It was "banana patch."
Geez. They nibbled me.
I mean,
it's like a cute little nibble,
but it's definitely a nibble.
Aww, he was hungry.
And apparently so am I.
Yeah, you know
it's after 5:00.
Would you like to
have dinner with me?
Sit down, napkin on a lap.
Like a date.
We've been married for 13 years,
and I don't know why,
I'm nervous asking you that.
Yeah. Yeah, that'd be nice.
After you.
Uh-huh. It's festive.
Way too much. Way too much.
You look beautiful.
Thank you.
It's just comfy.
Shall we?
They really outdid themselves.
They did a great
job last year, too.
I think that suit
might be cheating.
I refuse to wear
an ill-fitted sweater,
but I did bring the ugly.
Does this count?
Nice, next year I'm rocking
the handkerchief
instead of this.
Oh, you can pull anything off.
Are you flirting with me?
Ah, that's not a great start.
Should we go somewhere else?
- Come in!
- Oh, hi.
Oh, we can't crash
your holiday party.
It's our staff party,
and it's always open to friends.
Come on.
We got martinis and you already
got your ugly sweater on,
so come in.
Are you talking to me?
VINCE: Cheers!
So, the Christmas parade.
This is the biggest event
of the holidays around here?
Yeah, no one misses it, man.
No one.
Even our fur families come out.
It sounds like a huge parade.
I can't wait.
It really is quite the event.
I can't wait to see
Rosie in the parade tomorrow.
Oh, would Jerry want
to ride with Rosie?
She would love the company.
I mean...
Yeah, I mean,
it would be a cute picture.
- Yeah.
- KAYLA: Any chance you got
the fixings for
a white chocolate martini?
I can make it.
No, you can't work at
your own holiday party.
That's just...
Um, I can.
- Really?
- Yeah.
No, she can.
That's where we met.
Bartending together in college.
Yeah, very romantic, I know.
Well, I would love one, too,
if it's not too much trouble.
Yeah, no. Not at all.
As long as I have my bar back.
Yeah. I measure, you pour.
Alright, we got the first one.
I got the first one.
Mama's a little generous.
That's a shot. That's a shot.
Oh, no.
KAYLA: You've done this before.
- ANTONIO: Whoa!
- You made those!
Cute, right?
let me do champagne glasses.
My specialty.
ALL: Whoa!
Now it's a party!
Yes, yes, yes!
Alright, get ready.
Oh, my gosh.
- That was really good.
- College, huh?
Oh, guys.
Look at that, look at that.
Looks like you gotta kiss.
I mean.
It's tradition!
ALL: It's tradition!

ALL: Happy holidays!

I say we go with the antlers.
Agreed. You are both fine
and distinguished, Jerry.
- ROBBY: Hey, after you.
- REBECCA: Okay.
Ooh, okay. This is a good spot.
This is great.
This is a great spot.
Okay, so Brian said it was
going to go down Main Street
and then loop around.
Did we miss it?
Nope. You're good.
Wow. She is everywhere.
Can you do something about that
so I don't lose
the power of sight?
This? Huh.
Are they coming?
Oh, look!
You know what
I love about parades?
Is how excited you get.
Ooh! That is a snowman!
- Wow.
- Look at that.
Look at that car!
Give it a honk!
- ROBBY: Yeah!
Look, there's Jerry!
There's Jerry! Aww!
- Okay. Get a picture.
- There's our boy, baby.
- Get a picture.
- There's our boy.
Jerry! Jerry, look at me!
- Jerry, right here. (WHISTLING)
- Good boy! Good boy!
ROBBY: We love you, Jerry!
Alright, what's next?
Is that it?
That's the whole parade?
Maybe it's going to
loop around again?
Or not.
Huh, okay.
Well, either way I feel like
we just sent Jerry
off to college.
Then you're really
going to love this.
Oh, will you send that to me?
I already did.
- Did you get it?
- Aww, you're the best.
We do make a pretty
good team sometimes, huh?
Alright, I'm gonna go get
our dog. He's had a long day.
I'm going to take him back
to the inn, put him to bed,
and then I'll find you
in a little bit.
Yeah, yeah.
Huh? Alright, bye.

Hi, hi.
Was that Jerry riding in style?
Yes, giving us
a major photo moment.
Oh, yeah.
I was wondering
if it's not too late,
I could maybe take
you up on your offer
to paint his portrait.
For Christmas?
Yeah, well. We just got this.
Oh, come on.
- Adorable.
I know it's last minute,
so if you can't fit it in,
I understand.
Now, I would not have
offered if I couldn't.
You sure?
Yeah. Yeah, it's my first
solo Christmas since my divorce.
So, it just feels
good to stay busy.
I'm sorry.
No, I'm not,
and I know he's not.
It's just an adjustment.
Yeah, I can't imagine.
Actually, I can kind of,
'cause I've been
looking at it recently,
but I guess you don't really
know how you're going to feel
until it's, like,
a completely done deal,
and you can't really
change your mind,
'cause you can't go back.
Um, I'm going to
email this to you, okay?
Oh, um, also,
it's a surprise for Robby.
So, can you not mention it?
My lips are sealed. Email me.
Don't forget. Tomorrow night.
Pies for PETS
and the Christmas Market.
Christmas Market. Kay.
BOTH: Bye.
Hey, prepare to be impressed.
Hot chocolate.
Half a pump of peppermint.
Two percent milk and a single
swirl of whipped cream.
Oh, I could cry.
Mm. Thank you.
Hey, wrong way.
What do you mean?
I'm about five minutes away
from my sweatpants
and a trashy novel.
Or how about
a holiday light stroll?
A what?
When was the last time you and I
just wandered around aimlessly?
I don't know.
Eight years ago, remember?
- Yes.
- Mm.
Do you remember that
Christmas tree we found?
The glass blown? It was huge.
It was very swirly.
Yeah, hard to forget.
Where should we go?

I love how this town
just goes full out.
Yeah, it's kind of like
the theme of this different
little nook of a town.
(CHUCKLING) Yeah, it's just
bright and light.
Makes me happy.
I can tell.
'Cause you take
this little inhale,
like you just did,
when you want to
savor the moment.
- Really?
- Yeah.
You always have.
I'm surprised you noticed.
Why are you saying that?
'Cause I didn't notice that
you stopped eating meat?
You used to notice everything.
At least you made me
feel like you did.
And then gradually you stopped.
Noticing? What?
And I hate that
you feel that way.
It's fine.
No, Rebecca. It's not fine.
I wish I knew you felt that way.
Probably should
have said something.
Thank you.
Should we keep going?
I'm following your lead.

It's so beautiful.
It is beautiful.
I can't get that
song out of my head.
What song?
"We Wish You A Merry Christmas."
You mean...
We wish you
a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry
We wish you
a merry Christmas
And a happy new year
You mean that song?
Why would that song
stick in your head?
I don't know.
I haven't seen you laugh
like that in a long time.
I don't think I have laughed
like that in a long time.


I'm sorry, Becca.
After all this time,
I've taken you for granted.
And I love you.
And I promise
that I have never
stopped noticing you.
And I never will.

Now, do you know
what time it is?
It's all right.
BOTH: It's all true.
It all happened.
Stay up with me
and watch our movie?
Now, how do you do this?
It's been, like,
20 years since I've used a VHS.
Yeah, I still got it.
You ready?
So ready.
Hah! Come here.
God rest ye merry gentlemen
Let nothing you dismay
Ebenezer Scrooge!
How now! What do you want of me?
Who are you?
I was your partner,
Jacob Marley.
You don't believe in me?
SCROOGE: Mercy on me,
dreadful apparition!

BOTH: Good morning.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
You're such a good sport.
Here we go.
Okay. Let's bake some
pies up in this kitchen.
- Hey, guys. Merry Christmas.
- Hi.
Okay, I don't need to get more
gifts at the Christmas Market,
but I think I am
definitely going to...
You're absolutely going to.
We're just doing our part.
BOTH: Wow.
I, uh, I didn't expect that.
Yeah, that was quick.
I mean, not quick, but...
But earlier than expected, huh?
So, what do we do?
I mean, we... we could leave.
I mean, would that be weird?
Yeah, before the market.
Right, the market.
We gotta go
and support the market,
and we gotta see if
the kids like the pies.
Totally! And I have to get
my mom one of those soap dishes.
Soap dish. Right.
So, we stay.
I mean,
it would just be rude not to.

I'm glad we didn't miss this.
It reminds me of,
uh, Borough Market.
That's what this reminds me of.
That was a happy day.
I hope so! It was our honeymoon.
You think we could
get back there?
Where? To London?
To happy days.
I mean,
I think we can if we try.
The last couple of
days have proven that.
Yeah. It's been fun.
We should try.
Yeah. Way more fun
than I expected.
Come on.
We both know what I mean.
That right there. See that?
That what I always
pictured for us.
What? Sitting on a bench,
eating pie with two forks
and no plate?
Growing old together.
Me, too.
Did you two see that line?
The kids are
absolutely loving the minis.
Did you want to try one?
We can't steal
food from kids, man.
Don't worry. I think we're
going to have extras. Come.
- In that case...
- Okay.
What's that?
Oh, um, I'll meet you there.
Alright. Say hi.
Hey, Mom!
Did you get the link I sent?
JUDY: What link?
We sent you a video.
The what?
Okay, hold on.
Oh, it didn't send.
Okay, I'm sending it again now.
Well, I got the pictures,
and, you know,
that's why I was calling.
I just wanted to make
sure everything was okay.
Um, yeah. Of course.
Why do you ask?
Oh, you two took
a ton of photos of Jerry,
very cute,
but there's only
one of you guys.
You know, you didn't
look all that happy.
That. That was just early on,
you know, with the windshield
and the car and everything.
Actually, we're having
a pretty great time.
That's a huge
relief for everyone,
but you know
I should have known.
When do you guys ever
have a bad vacation?
I'm so happy you were able
to leave the stress at home.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We did. We did.
I saved you one. Guess what?
We crushed it.
These pies are amazing.
Everything okay with your mom?
Yeah, yeah. She's fine.
Yeah, you gonna get her
a Christmas present?
One of those soap dishes?
I-I don't know.
You don't know if you're
going to get her a soap dish,
or you don't know if
that's what she wants?
Did you ask her what
she wants for Christmas?
She said that all she wants for
Christmas is for us to be happy.
Well, why did she say that?
I guess she sensed
something was wrong.
What did you say to her?
I told her not to worry
and that it's been
nice to get away.
Yeah. That's good.
But is that the problem though?
Look at this place.
It's so sweet, quaint,
and completely different
than our day-to-day reality.
It's like we're
in a bubble here.
Yeah, I know, but we're
in the bubble together.
Right, but without any stress...
Ah, yeah, there's been stress.
We're always great on vacation.
Baby, you say that
like it's a bad thing.
'Cause we have to go home.
We have to go back
to our normal lives.
And then everything's gonna go
back to the way it was before.

What are you saying?
I've had a great
time here, really.
And I want things to change,
I really do.
But do you really
see that happening?

Let's just go home
in the morning, okay?
Now, I'm going to go
up to the hotel room
and I'm going to pack our bags.


REBECCA: We enjoyed
every minute of it. Really.
Even the one with
the giant ornament?
Okay, well,
that wasn't really ideal,
but the rest.
Or maybe there were a few more,
but either way,
I would give you guys
a very high rating.
On Yelp?
Don't push it.
Merry Christmas.
Well, I hope you guys come back.
Yeah. We'll see.
Nothing's ever perfect.
No one, especially.
And sometimes you just
need to rip everything apart
and make a total mess
and rearrange it
the way you want it to be.
It's what we did.

Take care.

I never wanted it
to end here, buddy.
I never wanted it to end.
And I guess...
Well, I guess I thought
it never would.
And maybe,
maybe that's the problem, huh?
Maybe that's the problem.
It took me a few tries
to nail his expression,
but I think you're going
to be happy with it.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Um, I was going to wait
until the buffet tonight to...
...to give this to you, but...
What is it?
Well, it's a Christmas gift.
Oh, I mean, why?
Do you want, like,
the common explanation
involving St. Nicholas?
You know what I mean.
Oh, well, now you know
why I didn't want to
give it to you
in front of everyone.
Don't worry, it's just, um...
just a little something.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
BOTH: Hey.
Is that from...
Well, I'm pretty sure
there's not an evil elf inside.
You gonna open it?
What if it's sweet?
Well, what if it is?
He clearly likes you.
We're friends, you know?
And we should just
stay friends, right?
Well, only you can
answer that, right?
Just open it.
Oh, come on. So cute.

Thank you.



Hey, I got everything.
Thanks for doing that.
Yeah, of course.
Where's Jerry?
I wanted him to play outside
before we were in the car.
Okay, I'll go get him.
Okay, and I will
get these loaded.
BOTH: Hey.
You're here early
for the buffet.
Yeah, I just wanted
to say thank you.
You opened it?
Not too loud?
No, a little bit, but I like it,
and maybe you, too.
So, um,
after the holidays,
you wanna grab that dinner?
Like, um... like a date?
We don't need to label it.
Oh, d-dinner it is.
We can go here.
- Yeah, that...
- Or somewhere else.
Yeah. Maybe somewhere else?


Okay, Jerry. Come on. Come on.
Come on, buddy.
We have to go home.
See, that... that's the problem.
Nothing is going to feel
like home unless we're together.
Now, I know that
we have tried everything,
remodel, trying to stay busy,
that we have just forgotten
how to look at each other
and how to listen to each other,
and how to spend time together.
I miss you already.
Baby, I have missed
you for years.
But how do you say that to
someone when they're standing
right in front of you
the whole time?
You just did.
We don't get along on vacation
because we're on vacation.
We get along because
we make time for each other.
We did forget to
make time for each other.
You really think
that's going to change?
We'll change our priorities.
I'm going to
make you my priority.
I love you.
I will always love you.
And I will always love you.
I have missed this.
I've missed us so much,
putting us first.
Do you really think we can?
We will.
We just have to do it together.

So, the 26th, if that
still works for you guys.
As long as it doesn't
complicate things too much?
You know we would
love to have you back.
Just didn't know
it would be so soon.
VINCE: But we're happy
about it all the same.
And you'll join us
for dinner tonight?
It's more of a buffet.
As long as it's before 6:00.
And one key or two?
I think one is good.
I think one is great.
MAN: Yeah, can we please
just check out and go home?
WOMAN: I didn't want to
come in the first place.
Well, I guess they'll be
staying a little longer.

Chestnuts roasting,
champagne toasting
Frosty in the snow
Children wishing,
lovers kissing
Under mistletoe,
it's almost Christmas

It's almost Christmas