Weaponized (2016) Movie Script

Hey, kid, it's your dad.
Hey, dad, how you doing?
It's great to hear from you.
It's all good to hear you too.
Happy birthday to you
Come on, don't do that.
I know, I'm messing with you.
Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday, kid.
How are you?
- Good.
- Yeah'?
How's the job?
Yeah, they took
all real well actually.
I'm in this new working
group on cybersecurity.
Oh wow.
That didn't surprise me at all.
You know it's
super important stuff.
That's why they got me
working over the holidays.
Listen, dad, thanks for calling
but I gotta get back to it.
My boss is asking for me.
Oh, okay.
Alex, wait.
Before you go, don't
forget I love you, okay?
All right,
I love you too...
Just a moment
ladies and gentlemen.
We're getting reports that
there's been a major attack
on the Pentagon.
The first live satellite images
are just coming
through now and...
Oh my God, the building just
looks practically leveled.
We don't know the number
of casualties just yet,
but first responders
are on the scene
and they're trying
to put out the fire
and find as many
bodies as possible.
You reached Alex Norris.
You know what to do.
Alex, hey.
Hey, kid, it's your dad.
I think we got...
And as you
can see by the live feed,
visibility is a major
issue for rescue crews.
We got disconnected.
Stay tuned to Channel 5
News and we'll bring you
all the latest
updates as they come.
Our prayers go out to
all the family members...
The most significant attack
on American soil since 9/11.
Just one of several attacks
from a terrorist cell...
Communication to an ISIS
official and military official
has collapsed...
A question of US retaliation...
The President is meeting
with his Security Council
to discuss options...
The Defense
Department is meeting
with several military
contracting companies
and weapon specialists.
Sources are telling me
that military officials
have reached out to the CEO of
BlackSun Weapons & Technology
Kyle Norris for a...
To stop the waste of human life
and senseless acts of terror.
The global community has
responded with a tremendous...
Today, the White House has
declared a new war on terror.
All in Zulu 6.
Oscar, this is Zulu 6, Oscar.
All right, boys, keep it
calm and keep it steady.
We're almost home.
All clear on this, I got you.
Go, go, go!
Copy. I got rear cover.
Comms down!
Comms down!
Goddamn it.
Okay, okay.
Look at me, we are not
gonna die today, soldier.
Do you hear me?
so I'm gonna get to the
top of that mountain
and I'm calling for
an emergency evac.
Now, I need you to stay safe
and I need you to slay alive.
We are going home.
Della squad to FOB,
we are under heavy fire.
Requesting emergency evac
and immediate air support.
Fuck me.
Attention on deck!
Impressive operation, gentlemen.
Look, Norris, let me be frank.
Better tech, better mechanics
makes for better execution
of our operations which will
help us to bring our sons
and daughters home safely.
And as of right now we're
getting our asses handed to us.
No matter what we do we're
always a step behind.
And damn it, I want I! to end.
I want it end now.
Hunting these bastards
down is a nightmare.
I mean our intel on the
region is getting better
but with signal jammers
blocking satellite imaging,
what the hell am I gonna do?
With more young
lives thrown away.
Nothing worse than wasting the
lives of our next generation.
Prayer services are being
held by numerous world leaders
in an amazing show
of solidarity.
Memorial services are being
held almost around the clock
at numerous houses of worship
representing all religions
as the nation mourns
those we lost.
A lot
of questions about
the government's relationship
with BlackSun
Weapons & Technology.
Senator Jones, your thoughts.
Weapons being
regulated is the only answer.
Kyle Norris is...
Wanna find dad?
Where is he parked?
There he is.
You gonna show him all the
brand new things you got?
Look at these beautiful ladies.
Go at the back.
Okay, look, I know
I'm just a driver
but you two are killing me.
But, daddy, it's my first one.
Okay, I can't, I can't.
It's just a bra.
Daddy, doesn't wear bras.
No, daddy doesn't
wear bras, okay?
All right, baby, are you ready?
- I think it's past
someone's bed time.
Go back to sleep, princess.
You're okay.
I love you.
You know, you still
have to lake those down.
I know.
It's hard.
She'll always be daddy's girl.
Call from Phil Ross.
Mitch, where the hell are you?
You need to get outta
here right away.
You heard Phil.
All right.
I love you.
I love you.
You want milk, or sugar, or?
Just dark.
All right, is that it?
That will do it.
Here you go.
Have a good one.
You too.
Oh, hi Jack.
Good morning, Ms. Grace.
How are you?
I'm good.
I'm doing phenomenally.
Do you want your usual?
Yeah, sure.
How are things?
Things are good.
Things are busy.
Yeah, it's been a good morning.
It's starting to slow
down a little bit.
You look absolutely beautiful.
You say that every day.
And I mean that every day.
Jack, are you okay?
Give me one minute.
Are you okay?
Shut the fuck up!
You have the right
to remain silent.
Pick 'em up.
Anything you say can and
will be used against you
in the court of law.
You've got the right to...
Been trying to
reach you all morning.
What's going on?
Mass shooting at a
downtown hotel lobby.
I'll lake lead.
Lock, I am telling
you, Detective,
like I told the other officer,
I did not kill those people.
I am telling you the truth, okay?
What did your lie
detector tell you?
What did your test tell you?
Please listen to me.
Look at me!
I swear to God,
check your result,
check your machine, do
whatever you gotta do
but please believe me.
Look, Jack, I just
wanna get to know you
for a second, okay?
A lot has happened.
Brother Jack Simon,
served two tours in Iraq,
honorably discharged
after your entire unit
was blindsided by a
group of insurgents.
That must've sucked, pal.
I know you got a lot going on
upstairs right now, all right?
So I just wanna
show you something
and then ask you a
few questions, okay?
Nice and easy.
Nice and easy, right?
Turn it off.
I said turn it off, please.
- That's not me.
This is telling
me different, Jack.
I could never do
that to someone.
I could never.
You're looking at seven counts
of premeditated murder, son.
Eight counts.
Another woman just
died in the hospital.
You two, a minute, now.
Be right back.
Listen, guys, we all agree
it's a terrible tragedy
what happened this morning
but Homeland Security
and FBI both want
in on this guy.
I'm gonna turn him over.
We'll do what we can for the
victims and their families
and that's it.
Let's wrap it up, okay?
What's wrong with
the world today?
Ton many goddamn agencies.
None of which work together.
Don't break my balls.
Let's just wrap
it, Phil, please?
Come on.
All right.
You okay, Jack?
I'm guilty, I did it.
You got me, you caught me.
I'd like to see
my lawyer, please.
Can I get that in writing?
Now we know you're guilty.
Why d'you do it?
I got a simple answer
for you, Detective.
John Kennedy once said, The
cost of freedom is always high
"but Americans have
always paid it."
"And the path that
we'd never take"
is to choose the path of
surrender or submission.
Now sometimes innocent
people must die
in order for us to
follow that path.
Murder is never acceptable.
Now I want you to look at me.
There's no such thing as
murder in war, soldier.
Jesus Christ!
Get in here!
I gotta tell you how many
hours I've been on the phone
getting my ass chewed
off because of this.
Captain, you were there.
Obviously, the guy was suffering
from some severe form of PTSD.
There was nothing
that we could do.
It's all a matter
of perspective.
You two were in
the room with him.
Internal Affairs is already
asking too many questions.
So you both anchor to your desks
until this investigation
is finished.
That's ridiculous, man.
That's all.
Get out.
Phil, give me a minute.
How's our boy doing?
Fine. Why?
I know he's been cleared for
duty but keep an eye on him.
Two eyes.
Oh God, I've seen
that look before.
Jack Simon.
You ever seen someone
change like that?
You mean, change a story?
Mitch, you don't have to
think that hard about it.
Obviously, the guy had
some serious issues.
I gotta go-
- You do remember what
behind the desk means, right?
I did not kill those people.
No such thing as
murder, soldier.
That was something you did.
You did this.
And sometimes innocent
people must die.
Have you meta
stranger today, right?
Detective Walker.
If you want the
truth, Detective,
tomorrow you run
through the park
and I'll he by
the fountain at 7.
And don't be late.
Wrong number.
Hey, babe?
I wanted to remind you,
I have post-ups all week
and a double bypass
this afternoon.
You'll get Katie from school?
Yeah, I can do that.
Don't be late.
Sorry about the late night call.
I'm not much of a sleeper.
Haw can I help you, pal?
Professor Peterson, Clarence.
Jack Simon didn't
kill those people.
Okay, thanks.
Good talk.
Listen, I'm sorry, Detective.
Loan'! Tell you more.
I'm putting my life at risk
just even speaking to you.
A risk from who?
Just, listen.
They wanted the senator dead.
All the rest of 'em there was
just fucking collateral damage
to sell the story that
it was a random shooting
and not an assassination.
All the others that got
shot that was bullshit.
Okay, who wanted him dead?
The shooting was both a
demonstration and a warning.
What's this?
That's all the proof you need.
This is not proof.
How were you involved?
Listen, time's up.
You just lack into
it, Detective.
And I promise, all your
questions will be answered.
Detective, don't
come looking for me
or you're gonna be
risking both of our lives.
You just have to trust me.
Just trust me and you'll
uncover the truth.
Excuse me.
Excuse me, sir.
Is this absolutely necessary?
Too precise.
So you saw Jack Simon
almost every morning
for about six months?
He seems like a nice guy.
So on the morning
of the incident,
was he acting any different?
Other than blowing up the place?
That's okay. It's okay.
It's okay.
Let me rephrase.
Tell me what happened.
He was going about his
normal daily routine.
He didn't say anything unusual.
And all of a sudden it's
like he switched off,
like nothing going
on behind the eyes,
like a different
person, you know?
Today is May 2nd, 2017.
And it's our first successful
recording of hybrid dream.
Come here.
What are you doing?
Get down.
I'm just...
I'm not here to arrest you, son.
- Come on.
What are you doing?
Just going for a jog.
Oh, yeah?
I felt tired.
I needed to jog.
Get the blood circulating.
All right, nutbag.
I need your help.
Come on.
Jesus Christ, you got
me all sweaty, Vin.
I don't need to hear
about your personal issues.
If you ever make me
run like that again
I'm gonna shoot you
in the knee cap.
I need to find out
what's on that.
I looked at it but all
the files are encrypted.
Where did you get it?
What the fuck is this?
Nu idea.
This maybe.
Oh, come on.
You're still playing
poker online'?
- You never win.
Still winnin'.
Never winning.
Yup, indeed lam.
And I'm doing very well,
thank you very much.
Yeah, fucking degenerate.
Let me know what you find out.
It's not a degenerate sport.
It's actually very smart.
another beautiful morning
here on the south land, but
keep those umbrellas close
because we've got a low
pressure system headin' our way
that brings with I!
A 70% chance of rain.
Stay tuned for weather
updates on the hour,
but right now it's time
to get back to the oldies
on 97.3 KBSG.
Senator Jones was shot
three times center mass.
It's precise shooting, Phil.
FBI closed that case.
So even if there is
something bigger goin' on
it's not our case anymore.
Now let's get back to
some real police work,
cases that are still open.
I don't know, man.
I mean the victim
just seemed so random.
The senator was the target.
Come on.
It's just no! Adding up.
Look, the shooting, the lack
of motive, the polygraph.
Feel like taking a ride?
I got that address.
Mr. Peterson?
My name is Detective Ross
and you've met my partner.
I'm sorry, but you
don't look familiar.
May we come in?
We need to ask you
a few questions.
So what is this about?
The shooting downtown.
We spoke about it at the park.
I haven't been to
the park in weeks.
I'm good with faces.
I'd certainly
remember if we've met.
When you spoke with my
partner you said you believe
the man who was
responsible was innocent.
I assure both of you
gentlemen I have no idea
what you're talking about.
And if you don't mind I'm
late for an appointment.
It's okay.
We'll see ourselves out.
Real quick.
Do you mind if I
use your bathroom?
Last roam on the right.
Thank you.
Yeah, sorry about all of this.
We gotta be thorough
when we investigate
something like this.
It's a real tragedy what
happened to those people.
You know, I've been
studying your research.
What a powerful stuff.
A little above my pay grade but
you wouldn't happen to
know where I could find.
Dr. Chris Downey, would you?
Mission Cemetery.
Chris died eight months ago.
Well, if you change your mind.
Like I said, Detective,
we never met before today.
Gut it.
This ain't right.
That guy was not in the wheelchair
two days ago, all right?
He was walking around
like you and me.
The guy called me over,
looked me right in the eye
standing up, told
me this whole story
about all this bullshit.
I hate to tell you this, Mitch.
Bu! He's been in that
wheelchair for four years.
It's in his file.
You think I'm losing
my fucking mind'?
The captain told you
to slay behind the desk.
Let it go.
Good morning.
Thank you for calling
BlackSun Weapons & Technology.
Can I help you?
I'm sorry.
Mr. Norris is not
available right now.
Yup, bye.
Good morning, Alice.
Oh, Mr. Norris, Clarence
Peterson unsuccessfully
tried to access our
server this morning.
The professor
forgot his password?
Well, was he having
some problems?
Let's see if we can
help him out, okay?
Yes, sir.
Yeah, I was just
gonna report in.
There were just two detectives
here asking questions.
What did you tell them?
I told nothing.
Someone tried to access
your server, Professor.
Did you know that?
Hey, look, don't Worry about it.
I'll handle it like I always do.
Be careful, honey.
You don't wanna spill
it on your clothes.
Mom would know we had ice cream.
Stay dawn, honey.
Stay down!
What the hell happened, Mitch?
There was a guy.
He had a gun.
I don't know.
And everything happened so fast.
You don't know?
What do you mean you don't know?
What the hell could
be so important
that you weren't paying
attention to the road?
No, I was paying
attention to the road.
It just...
You know what?
I can't Do this right now.
You should go.
Mr. Peterson, it's not too
late to tell us what you know.
You hear that asshole?
Fuck your mother.
Did you know there was
a little girl in that oar
and now she's in intensive care?
We know you're involved somehow.
But guess what, asshole?
Due to lack of evidence
we have to let you go.
Today's your lucky day.
You think I don't know you're
having trouble right now?
But I told you to
leave Peterson alone.
You had no probable
cause to arrest him.
I'm asking for five
minutes with him, Captain.
I know he's involved somehow.
No, we are releasing him
because we have no reason
to hold him.
And I am not gonna
bend the rules for you.
Now, I gave you a warning
and things are
beyond fucked up now.
You left me no options here.
I gotta suspend you.
This is bullshit, Captain.
You fucking bang my desk like
again I'll fucking kill you!
Who the fuck do you think
you are, hotdog, huh?
It's a paid leave.
Go home.
Enjoy your wife.
It's a holiday.
Don't make me take this
to another level, okay?
Oh, come on.
Don't go there.
Yes, sir.
What the hell were you
thinking arresting Peterson?
I mean, what good would this
be doing Angela and Katie
if you're fired?
Do you think I give a shit
about this job right now?
Here's what I know.
We go see Clarence,
someone tries to kill me.
Come on, you're not
thinking rationally.
You don't know, Phil.
You weren't there.
San of a bitch.
Nat a good time, Vic.
It's nanotechnology.
And it's fucking
out of this world,
crazy fucking technology.
What does that mean?
I have no fucking idea.
I have no idea.
I don't even think that
people who designed it
know what it actually does.
And what about the drive?
Technology this
advanced can only be used
for military uses.
Okay, that means
nothing to me, Vic,
if I don't know what it does.
Look, I managed tn
download some of the code
from this tech.
I had to slop because
it started to call home.
What do you mean?
What's home?
I didn't wail to find out.
Look, I don't want
anything to do with this.
Hey, you're the only
person I can (rust,
the only person with
the skills to do this.
You owe me.
I don't owe you shit.
No, I already paid you back.
I already paid you back.
And if I didn't,
you'd be in a B by 10.
I need your help.
I don't know.
All right, but neither
of us are gonna like
what I find on this.
Somebody's been talkin'.
I swear to God.
I swear to God, I
haven't said a word.
Listen, you promised to get
me out of this fucking chair
if I helped you.
Now I got the cops at my door.
I want out.
You want out?
Okay, you're out.
Take Mr. Peterson home.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir?
One more thing.
I wanna avoid any
potential leaks.
Find out what this
detective knows, okay?
Use the wife.
You sure?
Do it.
All right.
I'm so sorry.
There's still time
to tell me the truth.
The truth.
Whose truth, Kyle?
You like that tea?
Oh fuck!
You've been feeding
that cop breadcrumbs.
You want out?
You wanna get out of that chair?
Now you're out.
You got what you wanted.
Bullshit algorithms.
We have a non-authorized
attempt to access the sewer.
Where did it originate?
We're attempting to
pinpoint that now, sir.
If that drive falls
into the wrong hands.
Yes, sir.
Find out.
Identity verified.
Welcome, Mr. Norris.
How you doin', man?
Just calling to
check in with you.
You all right?
How you think I'm doin', Phil?
That son of a bitch put my
baby girl in the hospital
and I need answers.
Don't even think about it.
I'm going to talk to Peterson.
Just stay put, Mitch.
I know what I need to do.
Just stay right...
I just need to ask
you a few questions.
Mr. Peterson.
I'm not here to arrest you.
Peterson, I'm not here
to arrest you, man.
I'm just...
Mitch, I know you're here.
I saw your car outside.
Come on, man.
You don't think I killed him.
He was like this when I came in.
Mitch, I don't know
what's goin' on with you.
But I'll give you one hour
then I gotta call this in.
Thanks, Phil.
Welcome home, honey.
I thought you'd be at
the hospital with Katie.
I missed you.
I came home to be with you.
What's the matter, baby?
Don't you want me?
Angela, I need you
to listen to me, okay?
Something happened.
You could not come
back to this house.
I need you to go
back to the hospital
with a security and
wait for my call.
- Do you understand?
Calm down.
Angela, listen to me.
I'm not fucking with you.
- Baby.
- What are you doing?
Relax, baby.
You don't want me?
What the fuck?
What the fuck are you doing?
I thought you liked it rough.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
He's out and
ready for transport.
Good work.
He might have
suspected I wasn't her.
You're coming to
my recital, right'?
Of course I am, baby.
You're coming to
my recital, right'?
Of course I am, baby.
I wouldn't miss
that for the world.
Good morning sunshine.
What d'you do with my
wife, you son of a bitch?
Maybe something, maybe nothing.
Look familiar?
Oh, come on, Detective.
Do you think you'd be
here if I didn't know
that you know what this is?
Okay, look, let me
ask you a question.
You wake up one day and all
of a sudden you have the power
to cure all diseases, stop
hunger, eliminate all racism
and end wars.
Bu! The price for this is
you have to kill a child,
just one, a small
innocent child.
Could you?
Could you kill that child to
solve the world's problems
and save the human race?
Now, there's a twin
drive with that power
and I know you tried to
access our encrypted files.
Go fuck yourself!
Now tell me, just
tell me where it is.
Come on.
Tell me.
You're not saving lives.
You're just a murderer.
There is no murder in war!
I wanna come over there and
beat you to fucking death
with my fucking fist,
but I'm not gonna.
'Cause I'm a gentleman now.
There was a time
when I was a killer.
Motherfucking American soldier.
Do you understand what
I'm saying to you?
I'm a patriot trying
to protect our freedom
and safeguard our way of life.
And though there are some even
though we loved that they die
those sacrifices may
have saved millions.
Now are you, are you a solider?
Are you prepared to
die for your country?
One more chance.
Where is it?
Fuck you!
Starting the countdown now.
New listen to me, the price
of freedom is always high
but Americans, true Americans,
have always paid it.
But the path that we
shall never choose
is the path of
surrender and submission
to some cocksuckers, some
rag head motherfuckers,
some Nazis, some
fucking British pricks,
we ain't taking that path.
You're on the wrong
side, soldier.
You're on the wrong side.
And if that drive falls
into the wrong hands
our work will have
been for nothing.
And trust me, you
stupid motherfucker,
I will not let that happen.
Good afternoon and get fucked.
Mr. Norris,
Team 1 is waiting for you
in Bay 7.
It's time.
Let's go.
The worst of all, gentlemen,
weapons are stronger, more
accurate than our soldiers,
more vulnerable to field.
But what I'm about
to show you now, sir,
our soldiers will no
longer have to fear death.
A soldier who's
experience in training
can't be snuffed out.
Listen to the bullet.
The ultimate weapon.
Okay, how long before these
units are ready for combat?
Two weeks.
Okay, interesting puppet show.
But you gotta remember, I got
real soldiers on the ground.
I mean, we need stealth.
I mean, the element of surprise.
You know what, we need
to see the results.
You need some dead
bodies and I got 'em.
Follow me.
hack, Dr. Downey.
Could we have some
privacy, please?
I like the subject
to be relaxed.
Lock engaged.
Detective Walker.
Chris Downey.
We sorta met before with
my older partner Peterson?
What do you mean
your old partner?
There are things going on here
that you cannot
possibly understand.
back, Mr. Norris.
System activated.
Gentlemen, from
the central control
for the Subconscious Organization
Application Protocol
or SOAP as we call her.
60 seconds to
subconscious transference.
Live feed on screen.
Pod 3 ready to initiate SOAP.
Pod locked.
Please step back.
Why the tubes?
The cryo tubes help take
the body's care
temperature down,
pulling the body into
nearly a frozen stale,
to keep the mind the
target, switched off.
Alpha 773 Tango in progress.
And this is a live operation?
We wired it out on his ear
when we detained
him for questioning.
Configuration complete.
Execute when ready.
transference activated.
Vapor initiated.
Interface initiated.
transference in progress.
Upload complete.
Operation complete.
Six high ranking terrorist
taken the fuck down.
Zero American casualties.
How do you safeguard
the life of the soldier?
Oh, there's some
calculated risk.
If the soldier doesn't
SOAP back quick enough
and the target dies we
could conceivably lose
an American soldier but our
soldiers are so highly trained
there'd be very few deaths.
If they fail, of
course we terminate
the dormant consciousness
in the soldier's body.
We don't want these
terrorist walking around
in the highly capable
body of American troops.
No, we wouldn't.
Sir, we've achieved in days
what would've taken years
and put numerous lives at risk.
Norris, now I am impressed.
And the world is a
safer place already.
Any time restrictions?
A long ratio.
And this has been tested?
We have living proof.
By sabotaging your research.
I'm a man of science.
I do not believe in God.
But I've been having dreams.
Dreams of people I've never
met, places I've never been.
I'm seeing his memories.
We're not gonna
die today, soldier.
Do you hear me?
Tell me, how was that possible?
So the only thing left to say is
just don't fuck this up.
We've already spent
enough money on this.
What do you think?
Your board approved, Morgan.
We are in business.
That my friend
is a piece of cake.
This wasn't supposed
to be possible.
The consciousness of the host
is supposed to
completely disappear.
We spit in Mother Nature's
eye and she's fighting back.
If takes one hour for the
bots to fully interface
the subject's brain.
I mean, we don't
have a lot of time
before your wiring is complete.
And than you're in the
SOAP system permanently.
They can do whatever
they want with you.
Viewing your visual memories,
tracking your locations.
Once they located the drive you
and your wife are both dead.
Trust me, you don't wanna
end up like Jack Simon.
Help me hold him down while
I check his vitals, please.
Detective Ross.
Have you seen Mitch?
I haven't heard from him.
I'm scared.
I woke up and I can't
remember big chunks of time.
And the last thing I
remember is giving blood
at the hospital with Katie.
I'm really worried about Mitch.
It's okay, Angie.
Stay where you are.
We'll find Mitch.
Just take care of Katie.
I'll send some units over to
keep an eye at the hospital
and I'll call you as
soon as we hear anything.
Senator Jones was trying
to shut down the program.
Norris wasn't gonna
let that happen.
What the hell is this?
A new way of warfare.
Norris has created
his awn kill list,
which includes high
ranking US officials
like Senator Jones.
He's going to use you
like he used Jack Simon.
Son of a bitch.
Shut it down.
It's not that simple.
There's gotta be a kill switch.
We're here.
Lower deck 5.
The only way to shut
down the program
is by directly tapping in
to the mainframe on level 2.
If requires several biometric
scans to get access.
You'd be dead before you
ever get to the door.
I'd be dead.
But you could walk right in.
You're gonna show me how
to shut this thing down.
Oh shit.
Oh shit.
Location triangulated.
Coordinates being sent to
your personal comms unit.
Welcome back, Dr. Downey.
Detective Ross.
I did it.
I snapped.
I killed him.
I know there's a
lot stuff going on
but just talk about this.
I'll come get you.
Where are you?
Mitch, just slow down, buddy.
Slow down.
Do what you do.
Trace that call.
It's Mitch.
Trace that call.
Hey there.
All right, everyone just,
no one knocks anymore.
You just walk in the door.
Dc you know why I'm here?
I ordered pizza
about an hour ago.
You don't look anything
like a pizza delivery guy,
sol have no idea
why you're here.
Why are you here?
Hand over the drive.
I'm not sure what
you're talking, drive.
I mean I can probably help you
with some sort of drive but...
I'm not gonna
ask you again, boy.
Where's the goddamn drive?
Oh, the thumbdrive?
Come on.
You shoulda said the thumbdrive.
I would've known what
you was talking about.
Why did you say drive?
That can mean many
different things.
There's no need to be
pointing guns in here
that's freaking crazy.
If that's what you
wanted you can have it.
He gave it to me.
I don't even want it.
It's yours.
Take it.
Just take the fucking thing.
There's your drive.
breach detected in level 7.
- Alert.
- Came on this way.
live weapons discharged
on level 7.
Come on.
Come on out.
Where are you?
I just want the drive.
How much time do I have left?
Two minutes.
Now this building is owned
by BlackSun Weapons
& Technology.
We come in through
the main gale.
There's three
floors that go down.
We don't know what the
hell is going on in there...
I need to talk
to Detective Mitch.
Show me your hands.
Show me your hands!
He had me working on this.
If got some crazy shit on it.
I just want to return it to him.
What do you gotta
go do with Walker?
He's a suspect.
Mitch is a suspect?
Look, he hasn't done anything.
I've got the evidence
on this drive.
It's got some assassinations
and some crazy,
freakin' weapons.
He's innocent.
I don't want anything
to do with it.
Give me that.
- I haven't seen anything.
- Give me that.
I don't wanna...
All right, come with me.
Come on!
Shut it down!
hack, Dr. Downey.
Access denied.
It's locked.
If won't let me access
system shut dawn.
No, no, no, no.
I'm going this one.
Server disruption.
System shutdown imminent.
Good evening
ladies and gentlemen,
friends, colleagues,
fellow soldiers.
I like to introduce the man
of the hour, Mr. Kyle Norris.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you.
What a vision.
Nothing quite makes
me feel this good
as seeing much of free
Americans at ease.
Enjoying themselves with no fear
of some raghead attacking them,
kidnapping them or killing
them like they did my sun
who died which brings
me to a subject
that I'd like to share with
you if you allow me a moment
I'll just take a brief
amount of your time
if you just put down
your champagne glasses
and forks and I'll
be very brief.
Ladies and gentlemen,
you know we're free
because we fought for it.
With the SOAP program
we can be anyone,
anywhere at anytime.
System unstable.
System shutdown imminent.
You just activated
the shut down.
No, not good.
Without a proper
system shut down
it'll zap the entire mainframe
which will make this system
unstable but it
won't destroy it.
It's over.
Norris is too powerful.
We're not gonna get
outta here alive.
No, no, no.
The system is too unstable.
Best case scenario, you're
stuck in Norris' body.
Worse case, you both die.
I don't have a choice.
System unstable.
Emergency systems operational.
Pod 3 ready to initiate SOAP.
Pod locked.
Please step back.
60 seconds to
subconscious transference.
Interfacing initialed.
transference initiated.
Vapor initiated.
transference in progress.
SOAP in progress.
I have a confession to make.
I'm responsible for the
deaths of Senator Jones
and several other high
ranking government officials.
This program is no good.
It's no good for you, for me,
for our children,
or our country.
This is dangerous technology
in the hands of some men
who purport to be patriots
but are very dangerous men
that should not be
allowed to exist.
Just think about it now.
A kid who never fire a gun in
his life, $300 to his name,
purchases an assault rifle
and shoots up a school with a
precision of a trained sniper
killing dozens of young
children, and he does it
on the eve of a crucial
vote on gun control.
A coincidence?
Convenient, of course.
I recommend that
the SOAP program
be terminated post haste
and for good in perpetuity
forever and always.
Thank you.
Unauthorized access detected.
System locked.
System shutdown initialed.
Evacuate the premises.
System locked.
System shutdown initialed.
Where's Mitch?
Evacuate the premises.
Get him out of there.
I've been trying it.
It shut me out.
I don't believe you
heard what I said.
System locked.
Get him out now!
I can't!
What the hell is going on?
You son of a bitch!
Look, man, my name
is Mitch Walker
and I am a police officer.
Do not shoot me.
This isn't what it looks like.
I believe you.
I believe you're
a fucking traitor
and a disgrace to your country.
Came on, buddy.
Yeah, yeah.
Unauthorized access
to secure area.
Security breach detected.
Unauthorized live
weapons discharged.
Hostile response detected.
Terminating threat.
Terminating threat.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on let's go, old man.
Who you callin' old man?
I just saved your
ass back there.
Oh, here comes the cowboy.
You got some real balls, Walker.
Same pretty interesting
friends, too.
You all right?
I feel like I got
run over by a bus.
But I'm pretty good.
You never thanked me
for saving your ass.
You got the drive?
It's in police custody.
He turned it in.
But he never asked
me if I made a copy.
If should be on the
airwaves by now.
Look who I found.
You're the man.
I'm sorry, baby.
I know you wouldn't do
anything to hurt Katie.
You're gonna tell me what
the hell happened here?
Maybe tomorrow.