Weathering (2023) Movie Script

I feel like I...
I can't breathe.
Please stay calm.
Honey, this is just
what labor feels like, okay?
There's something wrong.
There's nothing wrong.
You're fine. It's all in your head.
Where is she?
You had a complex delivery,
Ms. May.
You lost a near-fatal amount of blood,
and we nearly lost you.
I want to see her.
I'll give you something to relax. Okay?
- No, I want to see my baby.
- Go to sleep.
I want to see my baby.
The bleeding should ease up
within two weeks.
If it doesn't, give us acall, okay?
And make sure that you take
these meds only as instructed.
Got it?
Good Lord!
She lives!
I have been ringing and ringing,
but you know that.
What you trying to do?
Snatch your body back?
And why is the door unlocked? Come here.
Come here.
Sweaty, but you're okay.
What do you mean, he left?
Yes, he left.
Oh my God.
Gemina, why didn't you say something?
It's fine. I'm fine. It probably
should have happened a long time ago.
Probably! But you thought
Shawn shit ice cream.
losing the baby was a blessing.
No! No!
That was my grandbaby.
That was your baby.
And it should never have happened.
None of it.
That's why I had you guys at home.
Just me and my midwife.
We pulled you out with our four hands.
- Your daddy just stood and watched.
- Stood and watched.
Yes, he did.
And I told you what to do!
- Shawn wanted to go to the hospital.
- Shawn was not having a baby.
Shawn's a fucking coward, obviously.
You are my remarkable girl.
I'm in awe of you, Gemina.
Just answer the damn phone.
You're gonna be fine!
Make sure that you take these meds
only as instructed. Got it?
This is why I stressed
the importance of great self-care.
Pregnant women have all kinds of symptoms.
You didn't listen to me.
Preeclampsia can go undetected
until it's too late.
Why didn't you listen to me?
Ready to go?
Hey, Gemina, it's James.
I'm just calling you back. Again.Um...
Yeah, I ran into your mom.
You okay?
Just hit me back when you get a chance.
Just... Yeah. All right.
God, you're a fucking joke.
Goddamn it!
How did you get in here?
This isn't your home.
Come on. Go to your own home.
I told you about the bleeding.
I told you about the pain.
You weren't listening...
I know you have a high-pressure job,
travel a lot...
You're still not listening.
I told you something wasn't right.
Now I'm going to ask you
to please stay calm.
Being disrespectful
is not gonna help anything, Gemma.
It's Gemina!
This is why you don't have glass
in the shower, Gemina.
Where's the baby?
I killed her.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, it's me. It's James.
You're okay.
Right. Oh my God. I'm sorry.
It's okay. It's okay.
You scared the shit out of me.
What the hell happened?
You said you was freaked out,
but the front door was unlocked.
I locked it.
At least, I... I thought I did.
Well, you get a low score
for security, Gem.
I'm sorry.
Hey. Hey, hey.
- It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
- I'm a mess.
- You're fine.
- I don't know what's happening to me.
I'm here.
How about I get you a glass of water?
I think...
I think someone's trying to kill me.
To kill you? Who?
Like, what are you talking about?
- Why would you say something like that?
- James. My face.
You look beautiful.
Like you always do.
I'm telling you.
I'm right here, man,
and I ain't going nowhere.
So, if you need me to take a look around,
I'll take a look around.
Now, come on.
Is someone in here?
The shower too?
There, coast is clear.
There's no one in here.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Did I do good?
All right.
Mmm. Searching the house like I was FBI.
Thank you. I appreciate that.
Stay calm.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
- Come here. I know what this is.
- What... What is?
This whole performance.
I'm the hero,
and you're the damsel in distress.
Come on, stop playing.
- Come here.
- Hey, stop.
Look, I know you're lonely.
I'm lonely too.
- Lonely? What... I'm... Stop.
- Yeah.
What? Just come... come here.
I said stop it!
Fuck you.
Are you ser... You're a fucking psycho.
I'm sor...
Hold on. Seriously.
What are you talking about?
James, I thought we were just friends.
You want to sit here and tell me
you... you don't know what's up?
I said, leave.
Bit of advice? Lock your fucking door.
You're gonna be fine.
I am fine, Mama.
I fear that everything is happening
In this world
Some days it brings me to my knees
You said I dropped in
On the wrong planet
As if it were up to me
When I'm down in
My heart poundin'
Below sea level
Below sea level
We belong to us
Glitter covers the dust
My best efforts met with disdain
Surrender by another name
A deep breath
Is all that's left
Below sea level
Below sea level
Read in the papers
Watch on the news
Planet's hangin' on
By the string of its shoes
You sing high
I'll sing low
Down where daylight dare not go
Below sea level
Below sea level
Below sea level
Below sea level