WebSiteStory (2010) Movie Script

How stupid could you be
not to realize
that these days, any kid,
if he wants to make a shitty film
he can take his mobile,
goes to the toilet, wanks off a little,
and posts it on the internet,
saying it was the math's teacher.
I really don't know
why I'm doing this!
Maybe because I want
to avenge her death.
Or maybe because
she did it too.
Or maybe because I feel
like talking to somebody.
I should talk to my mother.
I could to her, couldn't I?
But, what mother?
In fact, I'm doing this because
I feel guilty.
I feel the need to talk.
I can't live with this burden.
In fact, I know...
I know who's guilty for all this.
It all happened
because of him.
He went after her!
I had to follow him.
My luck was that I had acces
to enter the theatre.
I could take costumes, wigs...
and be as near
as possible to him.
He couldn't make it out.
Let's sum up!
What dad has done with me,
for me?
In front of everybody.
There was a guy who liked me.
He said: "Mira, let's go for a pizza!"
And I said no.
Just like that. I was...
I said no.
Then he said:
Let's fuck, Mira.
Just like that!
And I told him:
"Go fuck your mother,
because she made you."
That's when the whole shit started.
Because the nice guy who invited me
to a pizza and a soda...
He had an idea!
He decided to embarrass me
on the internet, in the whole school.
He put a girl, a slut,
to blow him in the toilet
while filming her with his cell phone.
He then posted it on the net.
Do you get it?
Everybody saw it... saw me.
They saw me, because I was there!
It's quite simple to make
somebody look like me.
Hello, madam.
Do you know if Laura is here yet?
Not yet.
OK, thank you, madam.
- Juni!
- Yes!
Come here!
- Yes!
- Sit here!
Were you with Laura last night?
What time did you split up?
Has anything happened?
- Did she sleep at your house?
- No...
- Tell the truth.
- No!
Where did you leave her at 11?
Well, at 11, we went
out with some friends.
Where did you leave her?
On a terrace, with Mira.
Come on, Juni, how could you
leave her, at 11 P.M. With Mira?
What's up with this Mira? Is she a drug
addict? Tell me if she takes any drugs.
No, she doesn't!
Laura is not a drug addict.
What do they do?
Do they drink together?
- Nothing good can come from this.
- Wait a minute!
- This girl is definitely a tramp.
- Wait a minute. It wasn't my fault.
I left at 11.
She wanted to stay longer.
I insisted to take her home,
on my scooter...
But she said that...
What is she doing with this girl?
This girl is a hussy, a dyeing brat!
No one's ever forbidden her
to do anything.
No one's ever touched Laura.
Ever since she was a little girl
people treated her like princess,
you can't touch her,
can't tell he what to do...
And now look...
OK. We're starting.
Artists on stage, extras included.
Tell me, tell me about Romeo,
I beg of you.
Tell me, nurse,
why are you sad?
Even if the news
is sad, be marry...
I am back!
...Friar Lawrence,
I have some news.
On stage...
So, me on tour and
you on night tours.
No, father, I was
at Mira's house.
Shut up,
I don't what to hear anything!
Operators, swords out,
in candles.
Tell me, young lady,
where have you been?
I was at Mira's house.
What do you have to
do with that slut?
She is not a slut,
she is my friend.
So, blue out in front,
put red on the back.
This is the first
night when...
- Don't you lie to me!
- I am not laying to you, father.
I was at Mira's house.
And this is just the
beginning, young lady.
- What happened, Laura?
- Leave me alone, don't touch me.
What happened, Laura?
Leave me alone, don't touch me.
- What's up with you?
- Juni, leave me alone, please.
He hit me!
I don't know why he hit me.
You don't know?
Not even the faintest idea?
Well! I do know why he hit me... but...
I wanted to, I tried to let you know,
but I couldn't
cause my phone ran out of battery.
- What?
- I ran out of battery.
And where have you been
the whole night, with no battery?
I was at Mira's house.
And where does she leave?
On the moon?
She doesn't have a phone in the house?
- Has she?
- Yes, of course she has, mummy, but...
Haven't her parents wondered
why she brought a girl like you,
almost undressed, at that hour?
Wouldn't they wonder if there
was somebody caring about you?
- Her parents weren't home.
- They weren't home... Wonderful!
Who else was with you?
- Just me and Mira.
- Just you and Mira?!
And now I have to believe you?
Why do you make fun of us?
What have we done to you?
What did you ever want and didn't get?
Mummy, I promise
it will never happen again.
You don't give a damn.
How can you say that?
You know how much I love you!
Don't say such a silly thing, mummy.
You love us a lot,
don't you?
If you were my child,
I would given you a god damn beating.
Wait a minute, I didn't get it.
What do you mean: If I was your child?
I don't come home once and
I am not your child anymore?
I don't get it.
Mummy, what do you mean...
Wait a minute cause I don't get it!
What did you mean, mummy, if...
Get out, Vali, this very moment!
Close the door.
Mummy, what did you mean by:
If I was your child?
- So you aren't...
- But of course...
- You mean I'm...
- No, no, no.
- Leave me alone.
- Laura, don't...
Valeria, did you know about this?
Valeria, please, tell me something.
I grew up with
no mother, too.
It will be OK,
you shall see.
She loves you a lot, but she always
wanted her own child.
So you knew it?
You don't have to be upset with her.
- You lied to me, all of you?
- Laura...
Don't touch me.
Leave me alone.
It was as if the whole
world had seen me.
But in fact it didn't.
So I've decided to take this phone
I got from daddy for Christmas,
in order to show you, how a virgin
non-virgin looks like.
Just like that!
It'll be wonderful! Just wonderful!
That is how the remains
between my legs look like!
After my father...
After my father wished to...
What do you want?
I've been waiting for you
for the past half hour.
- Why didn't you give me a call?
- It's... 9:30...
It's 9:30... I am late
because of you, Radu.
What are you doing?
Are you listening? Ear-dropping?
Look who's here!
Boga, my man,
how are you, bro?
Sorry I'm late.
- Laura, Boga.
- Glad to meet you.
Guys, could you help us up,
to the first floor?
Thank you so much. He
has a performance to give.
Let's go up!
Take it easy.
So, you'll be up on the stage tomorrow?
Because tomorrow I have...
Stay here.
- So you won't be...?
- No...
Calm down, no use to get upset.
Believe me, all
parents are like that.
Do you have any ideea how many times
I've argued with my parents?
- Juni, a glass of vodka, please.
- Yes. OK.
Hey, 50 of vodka, please, thanks.
Don't follow the drama school.
Don't do this. Don't do that...
They are all alike.
Believe! That is that!
OK now?
Thank you.
Here you are!
Take it easy.
You'll get drunk.
Another round, please!
One more glass
of vodka, please.
- Juni, one more.
- Come on, I am not buying you another.
Too much already.
Just one more, Juni!!!
Shall we go?
Hey Kitty Cat, what's up
Sorry I'm late, but...
Are you going up?
I might do, because I
have some new stuff.
Toma is here, too.
OK, I'll be back in a second.
- What's with the long face?
- One glass of vodka.
Let's get something to eat first
and then we can drink.
- Please, just one vodka.
- I am hungry.
I beg you! One more glass!
Promise to change that long face
if I get you a vodka?
- Promise?
- Yes, I promise
One more glass of vodka.
Just one.
What are you doing?
Who bought you the vodka?
- Did you buy it to her?
- Have you seen me buy it?
I told you not to buy any more vodka,
because she had 2 already.
You didn't tell me a thing.
What are you trying to do,
get her drunk?
- Enough!
- Why would I want to get her drunk?
- You didn't say a thing.
- Yes, I have.
How can you hang around with this
fucking stiff bitch?
Enough, Mira, shut up!
Laura, when Boga finishes...
I am going home.
- Get the fuck out of here.
- Shut the fuck up!
- Shall I give you a lift?
- Just go.
I'm staying with Mira.
Fine, have it your way,
I am going home.
Up you go!
Welcome to a stand up
comedy night, at Caf Deko.
I hope I am not the only idiot
getting on stage tonight.
I really hope for some
more idiots tonight.
I was checking the net, checkin DC+,
and there are so many folders...
Luliana from Medgidia sucking cock
in the high school toilet.
Xxx. The fucking bitch,
I fucked her too.
This is her phone
number. Call her.
It's such a piece of shit...
Everybody's filming themselves,
showing off
and bragging about what they're doing.
It's not fair! In my
days it wasn't so... I swear it.
In my time, the phones
couldn't film. Do you get me?
But we also used to give Luliana
a blowjob in the high school's toilet.
What are you doing?
I like this blowjob joke.
I'm gathering some blowjob lesson
for daddy.
We didn't have filming mobile phone.
Do you get me?
Whenever Luliana was giving us
a blowjob,
we would look very close
and pay attention at what we were doing.
And then, we had
a friend who was talented at drawing.
That is was we did.
He had his drawing block
and his water colours
and he'd paint her.
He painted Luliana doing
a blowjob.
We sent it by mail,
we didn't get mms.
It is quite different now.
Everybody has Internet or
messenger, all this shit.
Do you have messenger?
Take it easy, bro, you nearly...
What the fuck are you doing,
you retard?
You'll scratch my car.
You pieces of shit...
Look where you're driving to man.
Haven't you seen that...
You mother fucking idiot!
Tell me what happened!
Tell me what happened, please.
He hit me!
- Who hit you?
- Are you satisfied?
Why should I?
Tell me who hit you
and I'll fucking...
He hit me, do you get it?
Instead of being on my side she
told me she was not my mother.
Do you get that my father hit me?
Do you get this?
Do you get that the people I love,
I loved... Told me that...
- What was I doing wrong?
- Calm down.
I don't want and
I can't calm down.
I haven't done anything wrong.
Why are they doing this to me?
How can they tell me that
I'm not their daughter?
Just because I wasn't
home one night?
I am sorry, Laura.
Honest, I don't know
what to say...
Of course you don't know.
You have everything.
Don't touch me.
Leave me alone.
You don't know what
you're saying.
- Believe me I do.
- You don't.
I don't want to get upset
with you tonight.
Do you get that the people
I loved, don't love me?
Do you get that I have
nobody and nothing?
Do you get that?
You have everything. You have a mother,
a father and money.
I am with you now, what
else would you like more?
You have me,
do you get it?
What else would you like?
What else could I give you?
Do you want my mobile?
My chain? What do you want?
- Let's go to Paradise!
- Who would let me enter the Paradise?
Look at me!
Who would let me enter the Paradise?
I know a magical place.
I have plenty of friends there.
Would you like to come with me?
We'll go and get dressed from there.
Would you like to come with me?
Tell me? Would you come
with me to Paradise?
I come with you.
No. Let's stay and drink.
Let's drink a glass of vodka.
Let's drink first...
Nonsense, leave the vodka,
leave all this shit.
- One glass of vodka, please.
- Don't bring her any vodka.
- No vodka, Laura...
- I want to feel free tonight.
To offer them reasons to hit me
and not to love me anymore.
I want to drink,
to get laid, to feel good.
- What about me?
- Come with me!
Do you want me to
come with you?
To get a guilty conscience,
later on, Laura?
Are you coming with
me, at the club? Yes or no?
- And after this break...
- Wait, Laura!
...please a round of applause for Toma.
He is here for you!
Let's applaud Toma!
Come on! It's open!
Come in!
Good evening.
What are you doing
here, at this hour?
I came to show her
that magic place.
Where are you coming from?
This theatre,
it's really growing onto you.
OK, go on!
- Who is she?
- Mira!
- Have you been drinking?
- No, I haven't. No!
Et voila!
Here are my friends.
- Let me introduce you somebody.
- Thank you, Laura.
- Do you like it?
- Yes, I do.
Me too. Come
on quickly!
My best friend, Mira and Mr. Molire.
Introduce yourselves.
Long life to you, Mr. Molire.
Glad to meet you, but I still
like Laura more than you. Frankly I do!
So you're going to make me beautiful
- Shall we try?
- Yes.
Laura, it's not OK.
You'll be very sexy.
I look like a grand-mother
in her SM phase.
What the fuck!
I'm so fucking gorgeous.
I'm so fucking gorgeous.
That's OK.
Lady, come in here.
Come. I have an idea.
A moment of grace.
What the hell are
those girls doing?
OK. I will be a
Barbie doll tonight.
I want to be punk,
The most dominatrix
in the 3rd district.
I'll be very, very sexy.
Tell me, bro, did
you fuck that chick?
I went crazy, Albanian.
What eyes, what a mouth.
What delicate ears...
A real princess.
I've seen her.
- I've been to her house.
- Really?
- She was quite young...
- Sweet 16.
- Are No shit?
- We went up the stairs.
Bang, bang, I cross the kitchen,
her mum and dad, at home.
We got to her room,
my tongue's down her throat,
I put my hand on her tits
and then go to her pussy.
I nearly shit myself, Albanian,
I thought she had a dick.
She was growing bushes down there.
Her bush was up to her belly,
Like in that porno stuff
with Heidi, fucking hell!
I tossed her quickly
her back to me.
Her ass twisted like a
young racoon, Albanian.
I couldn't get my dick up
when I saw that hairy ball.
She looked the hairy type.
- Hand's off bitch.
- What's your problem?
- What are you doing here?
- Do you fancy a slap?
Calm down!
What are you doing here?
Take it easy...
Don't you see what kind of people
have started to come to this club...
Go to your table.
Easy, easy, go to your table.
What's up with you?
I really enjoyed it.
- Kishinev?
- Hong Kong.
"Give me, give me"...
One glass of vodka for missy
and one of Chinese champagne
for the other girl.
Thank you so much.
- What are you doing here?
- Everything for everybody.
- Really? For everybody?
- Exactly.
Did you hear that, Albanian?
- I came to get laid.
- Looking like that?
Stop it!
Whom do you belong to?
No pimp?
There is one up.
He sees all.
- Look at the little fishes!
- So you are a mystical bitch.
Among many other qualities.
Got a problem with that?
- Vodka!
- No vodka.
No vodka, Laura.
Look! It's here.
Laura, give me
the glass, please.
Wouldn't you prefer
to smoke something?
Yes I do!
No, you don't.
You'll get wasted.
If you smoke and drink
you'll be completely out.
- Leave me alone.
- You'll get sick.
That's not true.
Let me smoke.
At least get yourself a fucking
better lighter.
- You don't.
- Yes, I do... Leave me alone.
Who are you? Her older sister,
her mother? Who the hell are you?
I forgot to introduce you.
She is my mother.
You know, I like older women.
I'll fuck your mother.
No shit?!
I'm both mum and dad. Maybe daddy
will fuck your brains out.
What a hack is he? A cop?
Daddy is a special one, he fucks
sweet little virgins like you.
In this case is a bad father. He
didn't take care of his little one.
Stop it, Laura.
Somebody filmed me while
doing a blowjob in the toilet.
No way!
In fact it was somebody else with
a wig, because I turned down a guy.
Not even a blowjob, so
your mouth is virgin too.
He put that shit on the internet.
Honestly, what's your problem?
I tell you everything and
you don't give a damn about my life.
What have I done?
Albanian, do you
fancy fucking her?
The only one who matters here is you!
I've had enough, fuck this!
What next honey...?
Are you going to walk
through the rain, or get in my car?
I'll walk into the rain,
it's more romantic, ok?
If you want to get wet,
why won't you let me do it?
I am already wet, believe
me I'm in no need to be aroused.
So, my car is not a
stimulus enough?
Go home and jerk off a little,
in your big car and you'll feel better.
Someone's got a big mouth!
Haven't you looked in a mirror recently?
What's your problem?
You're skinny, no
tits and a huge nose.
Go fuck yourself!
That's what I like about you,
you're a feisty little thing!
Get into my car and I'll
make you my girlfriend.
And in the morning, I'll leave
you 100 Euro, on your pillow.
You'll be sorry if you refuse it.
Don't you want me to be your
daddy and you my slut, for 24 hours?
Sounds good but can you manage?
- Taxi!
- There are not taxis here.
Leave me alone.
You stupid, mother fucking bitch!
This time I am
going to fuck you. For real...
Leave that fucking bitch.
Can't you see you've killed her?
You killed her. She
is on your car, you prick.
Of course the snuff got
to the form teacher.
He called my father,
at school. He came.
He saw Mira... performing.
He believed that was Mira.
Only Mira could do
such an awful thing.
Only she would
be capable of...
Out of the preliminary inquiries,
it seems she was a hooker.
It's not for sure.
The body will be taken
to the forensic lab.
There, the cause death
will be decided.
We don't know if the girl
was thrown out of the car
or she simply got sick.
We have a guest,
from the Police...
A young girl found
dead on the side of the road.
Somebody called 911.
A police team came in.
After the preliminary inquiries
they declared it was a hooker.
They don't know it for sure.
The body was taken
to the morgue.
The forensic experts will
establish the cause of death.
We don't know if the girl
was thrown from a car...
Or if she simply got sick.
I have a guest from the police.
Tell us, please, what you think
could be the cause of her death?
Good evening.
We got an anonymous call,
we went there
and started an inquiry,
regarding this accident
in order to establish
the cause.
So, the forensic experts
will start an inquiry
in order to establish
the cause her death.
We have news regarding the young
girl found dead this morning.
She was not just an usual
everyday 17 year old teenager.
Her past was not missed
by controversial affairs.
The journalists from
Realitatea TV discovered
that the girl was expelled from
a top high school in Bucharest
after discovering a pornographical video
starring her, posted on the internet.
More details from our
correspondent, Mirela Voicu.
Principal, what kind of student
was Mirabela Popisteanu?
First of all, I am not the principal,
but the ex-form teacher.
Even better. I am curious to know!
What kind of a student was she?
No comment.
It's not my business.
The management...
We are no talking about her death.
What kind of a student was she?
You were his form teacher.
So you should know more about her.
The management didn't want
her in school, any more! That's all.
Who took this decision?
Miss, there is a police inquiry and
we are waiting for the results.
I'm not talking about
the police inquiry now!
We are talking about
her moral portrait.
Don't you think she was in
that movie on the site?
- No.
- Why?
I saw the stuff
It wasn't her.
It was obvious!
With less than a minimum
wage, anybody can buy a gun.
Around the Northern train
station in Bucharest
plenty of small dealers
roam around the area,
from whom one can buy
hand-made or real fire arms.
Let's see what we manage to find out
with a hidden camera.
How much do you have?
Not much!
What do you have?
Tell me!
Why do you ask?
As if you're an expert.
You won't know
the difference anyhow!
Look, a small,
a discreet, nice one.
Come on, you piece of shit!
The safety's on.
The charger.
It's on...
It's armed.
- How much do you want for it?
- How much did you say you have?
- You are really lucky, Albanian.
- Why?
You just killed a girl
last night and... nothing.
- Wait a minute... I killed her?
- They even showed it on TV.
My car was clean.
The only thing was that
the stupid bitch puked on my back seat.
But the brunette only leaned on my hood.
Your car is ok, you're off the hook!
You lucky, bastard!
Mother fucker!
So, what have we got tonight?
What the hell do we have!
I talked to the Chinese!
Very good.
There is still that scum from
the pizzeria. That Sandi guy.
- He's 3 days late.
- 3 days?! Call him. Now.
Hullo, Mr. Sandi?
The Albanian speaking.
Yes, I know, but 3 days?
Have you got it?
I simply don't want to...
Mr. Sandi, I don't want to
involve Liver.
- Hurry it up, that stupid shit?
- OK, tomorrow.
I'll take it as a promise.
See you tomorrow.
What's the name of the pretty
girl from the manicure?
Tell her will pass by
to trim our nails.
Miss Sanda,
it's me, the Albanian.
We'd like to come around.
When could it be possible?
Tell me, little girl,
does anything hurt you?
Why were you running like
that on the zebra crossing?
Let's go to the hospital.
The police will come otherwise.
What shall we do?
Let me give you a lift home.
Let me take you home.
How are you?
We're on our way home now.
Why were you running like that?
Was anybody following you?
Anything happened?
Is there anyone waiting for you home?
Do you have a friend?
Tell me where to go.
Now that it's happened...
I'll try to take care ofyou.
If you need any customers...
I work nights, so I
know a lot of people.
I'll help you.
Take it! That is what I got today.
Take it...
And... we shall see.
Oh my God, you really
decided to become a whore.
Can't you see how you look,
coming so late and beaten?
I've been fucking, mother,
to have a good time.
I had sex for money,
yes I am a tramp, a whore...
What's your problem?
Do I embarrass you?
You're shameless.
- What about you two?
- What have we done to you, child?
You have lied to me.
What have we done
to you, child?
What have we done wrong?
What is happening to you?
Mother, are you crazy?
No... Really?
Are you completely mad?
What did you tell me,
yesterday, mummy?
- Laura!
- Laura! What?
- Laura, I am your mother...
- You are not my mother.
...because since you were 2 months old
I wiped your ass,
I fed you
and I satisfied all your desires,
I've loved you like
the apple of my eye.
Don't you get it, that because
of you I do all this shit?
- Please Laura, stop it!
- You don't get it...
You'll end like that poor
girl, in a coffin, at only 16.
Leave Mira alone.
How dare you!
Leave her alone, she is
the only one who loved me.
I don't want anything from you...
It's because of you that I am like that.
- Because of us?
- Yes, it is because of you.
- Don't shout like that.
- That's your problem! The neighbours.
Fuck them, I don't give a shit
about them!
Look at me! I'm like
that, because of you.
Answer me!
How much are these
nice tomatoes?
Rather expensive, but
put me five, for good fortune.
- How much is the cabbage?
- As much as you want. Take it.
- 5 lei, it's OK?
- It's OK.
I'll put them here.
- I want 5 tomatoes, too.
- Tomatoes... OK...
I don't fucking care.
My way is simple and clear,
or bang, bang, you are dead.
I hope you got it.
- Hi, where is the boss?
- Here.
- Is he still here?
- Yes...
What are you doing here?
Sorry... I came for a nice...
icecream... for a pizza.
We only serve take away pizza.
- What are you doing here?
- I came to take...
- Who is he?
- He wants a pizza.
Give him a pizza.
With mushrooms,
salami, cheese...
- Mushrooms, please.
- OK... give him a pizza.
What shall I do with you, Sandi?
- Sorry, how much is it?
- 14 lei.
Give him a fucking pizza
and I'll pay it...
It's the last time I come here
in person, for the money.
- I have a wife.
- A wife?
Are you pulling my leg?
Let's get this straight.
I'm not the Albanian.
You should keep that in mind.
Mira, what are you doing,
what kind of friends are these?
For your information, I have no friends.
For the past two weeks,
I've been alone on my computer.
Mira, who've you been hanging around
With nobody, daddy.
I just put a new piercing,
I'll do it until there will be
no more clean spots on this body.
But father chose to believe that I was
sucking some guys dick in the bathroom.
Even more, he took
me to the gynaecologist
and threw me on his table.
This was my first
erotic experience.
His finger in a plastic glove,
prospecting... in, out, in, out...
It was a real ecstasy, an
orgasm, it was wonderful...
I don't want to hear
about sex ever again.
And now a question for daddy,
with no shouting
or screaming...
Why don't you
take me as I am?
Why did you make me, if
you don't want me, as I am?
I wished you had
liked me, just a bit.
But we'll never be friends, won't we?
You will never be proud of me.
We'll never walk together
on the street, in my current state...
Then, why the fuck,
have you conceived me?
Hello, I brought you... your pizza.
It's a long time since
you last passed by.
I hope you are not upset
that I didn't come last week.
Oh no, of course, Mr. Liver.
No problem. Alin told me
you were not going to come.
But I will like
to ask you a favour.
Tell me, please!
I gave Alin some money, 1,000 euros and...
Alin, are you taking money
from women, now?
Who, me? Never!
You shouldn't tell on me right now.
Don't worry. He will bring it back.
You can tell you haven't been lately.
It's a pity.
You have such lovely hands.
Do you think so?
Long fingers,
a delicate hand.
I have a very good hand...
a real velvet stoking...
Hello, I don't want to intrude,
but I came with the pizza.
And what a big... watch.
Girls, has anybody
ordered a pizza?
- You like the big ones?
- Yes, quite a lot.
- I am talking about watches.
- Of course.
If you like it,
you can have it.
- Alexandra, maybe you?
- Who? Me?
It's a Swiss one, water
resistant, anti shock.
I don't eat pizza.
What nonsense!
Junk food.
I had once a friend
looking just like you.
- Really?!
- Even the tits.
If no one wants the pizza, I'll take it.
- She only ate pork and chips...
- How awful!
- Sorry, it's this no.26?
- No. It's 28.
Sorry, my mistake.
Have you tried eating fish?
Oh yes, fish... what's it called...
- Look here, there is something...
- Sorry...
Salmon is very good,
it has Omega 3, 6, 9.
I didn't like it.
I also have an Omega
Sea Master, but...
And a Rolex and a Tissot,
but I wear them, just at night.
Come in.
Hi, Laura.
Uncle Lonescu told me
you want to talk to me.
Yes, please, sit down.
I have something for you.
It is something I think
you would like to keep.
Don't you want to see what's inside?
- May I go?
- Sure.
You come with me.
You want me to have
you on my conscience?
Jingle Bell, jingle bell...
You think you're the only one
who matters, Laura.
Fuck it.
Now, I'll be late again.
It's only my father's fault.
Everytime something goes wrong,
it's my father's fault.
I have to meet my new friend...
Surprisingly, I have a new friend.
She is a little bit weird, if
she wants to hang out with me...
I'm so glad I have a friend...
I am very worried tonight.
I have a girlfriend
and I've been thinking
that, if she dies...
it is quite serious.
I should go to her funeral...
I don't even know her mother,
but I should help her.
How am I going to
choose a coffin?
And there are so many questions
when your girlfriend dies...
When shall I cross her,
out from my phone agenda?
Or from my messenger list?
Could I still masturbate
while watching the porno
snuff I made with her?
How cool!
Juni, can I ask you a favour?
Anything. What happened?
Do you promise?
Yes of course. Laura, we know each other.
I want a gun.
Not a gun.
- You said anything.
- Why do you need a gun?
I want revenge.
- Then I'll get you one.
- OK.
I know a guy, who said
he can find me anything.
I'll call and ask him.
Do you have the money?
- I'll call him after Radu finishes...
- Call him now...
Anyhow we had sex
and it was OK.
She told me I am the
third man in her life.
So I got the bronze medal...
You know me from the club.
Yes, the little one, that's me.
I'll need a favour.
You said you could get anything.
Can you get me a gun?
She is still a child
so, at this rate
her husband will get
just a merit diploma.
O.K... Anything...
Even a fake...
No... I doesn't even need to work...
No matter...
I will call you.
And one more thing...
I will give you a contact number.
She will call you,
in my name.
That one is 550,
the original is 1,000...
No, no.
I don't know how
to tell you...
I am...
I came to see you today,
I was wearing glasses.
Yes, it's me.
I asked you to get me a...
Yes... That is.
The problem is, you gave me
a toy one, and I need a real one.
I know... I'm not accusing you,
it's not your fault.
Yes... I know...
I didn't call you,
a friend did.
Yes, yes...
Wait a second...
The idea is...
Wait a second...
I need a real one.
I need another one.
How much?
So, are you going to piss today?
Hi Gorel, how are you?
I want to tell you something,
but don't get upset.
Bro, I can't do it.
It's not about balls here,
but I have no men.
Gorel, come on, why do
you insist on that?
We have all we need...
I won't do it.
If you want more
money, OK. I'll give you.
And that's that!
- How are you?
- How are you, Juni?
Come on, man.
It's not cool to do that.
Are you OK?
- And the scooter?
- Yes I'm OK and the scooter too.
Laura, it's not cool
to do things like this.
You took my scooter
Juni, where are you?
I don't know.
At the University,
I'm going home.
It's not cool to do such things.
I was really worried.
Juni, listen to me.
Who else is at your place?
I don't know exactly,
maybe with Boro.
I'd like to sleep at
your place, tonight.
OK, come quick, I
was really worried.
Each of you has a friend using
my dick as a punctuation mark.
He's that kind, who while telling
you something needs to say:
Bro, my dick. I went to the
University, fucking hell,
to leave that paper to that
fucking secretary, who wasn't there,
and what the fuck
could I do.
One big word that's it:
What the fuck.
Everything can be
solved like that.
You don't have a dick, so you
don't need to be stressed.
But for us is everything.
So what the fuck, I've
solved everything.
- Yes.
- What are you doing?
- I'm sleeping.
- Are you at the hostel?
I have a thing...
I am coming with somebody.
Just like that? Who is she?
You'll see.
In fact, you'll see...
I want to ask you for a favour.
You'll get a beer for that.
Take the clothes from up
there and use the spray.
You got a spray?
Yes! It's in my locker. Malizia.
- You bought Malizia? No way!
- Yes... 80,000.
Where from?
- From the small shop at the corner.
- Are you out of your mind?
When you come,
I'll be asleep.
- I had an exam in surgery.
- And what have you done?
- I got an A.
- Congratulations!
- Yes...
- One more thing.
Could you sleep up, tonight?
Please, please...
I'll buy you a beer! I swear!
Yes... OK. Up.
...Because daily we have
conversations that sound like:
- Hey man, what's up?
- Fuck shit.
- Have you seen?
- What?
The ambulance.
Did you fill it up?
Something happened
to this scooter.
What have you done
to this scooter,
did you fill it up?
I haven't done anything.
How is it to be a boy?
Laura, why are you
interested in that now?
Take your hand from there.
Take your hand or we
will get an accident.
How is it to be a boy?
- I'll tell you when we arrive home.
- OK.
- Don't do that.
- OK. Calm down.
Come here.
- Here?
- Yes.
Give me that!
- Sorry!
- It's OK.
- He is asleep.
- Yes...
Don't you want
one of my T-shirts?
At least take your
Jeans off, you'll sweat in them.
No, I'm fine, it's OK.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
As you wish.
- Do you have enough room?
- It's OK.
How is it to be a boy?
Come on... tell me.
What if I would like to
know how it is to be a girl?
- Tell me.
- I don't know.
How is it to have...
By the way, don't do that
again, while in traffic.
We could have an accident.
When we came back to the hostel
by scooter your put your hand on my...
On your...?
You put your hand on my...
- On what?
- Let it be.
- On your dick?
- Yes.
Jesus Christ.
What are you doing?
On what?
Laura... Boro. Boro... Laura...
He is my room-mate.
I thought you were a girl.
She is Laura, the girl
who wants to be a boy.
- If you wish, I can operate you.
- No.
If I keep my good grades and scholarship
and become a doctor,
in 2 years, I can
perform surgeries.
She just wants to perform a boy monologue
for the exam, at the drama school...
- Shakespeare.
- Shakespeare?!
Yes, it's none of
your business, bro.
So, how about that bear?
I'll treat it to you tomorrow,
I have no money, now.
- I have money.
- See?
- Where should we get at this hour?
- From 24/7 corner shop, downstairs.
- Hi.
- Hi.
We'd like Skol beer, 2 litres,
very cold...
- Take 3 cans.
- 6 lei.
I have money.
OK, 3 cans.
- And that too?
- No.
Not that, a cold one.
- How much is it for the cans?
- 9 lei.
- I'll give it.
- You'll give it.
- Would you like a watch, bro?
- No, no.
It's a genuine Armani.
- Look how cool it is.
- A real Emporio Armani.
Look, Juni, Armani,
what the hack!
How much?
Look it has a minute hand, date
and hour, it's 150 lei 1,500,000.
- How much?
- It's too cheap.
- It's not a real Armani, bro.
- It's a fake. It's broken.
Look here, stupid, it's an
Emporio Armani, water resistant.
Yes, bro, it's an Armani,
but it's been worn a bit.
For 150 lei, what do you think?
Try it to see if it suits you.
- Look, Juni!
- It's cool.
So, you'll take it?
I don't have enough money.
How much do
you have on you?
I don't have at all.
Take it. Give me what
you have on you.
No, I'm quite serious,
we don't have money on us.
If you could let it any cheaper...
- Couldn't you?
- Do you have money on you?
I don't, but I could come later on
tonight to bring it to you.
Come with 100 lei.
You'll find me here.
Give us the change.
You got 10 lei, we need 1 back.
Bye, thank you so
much, keep in touch.
- Let's sit here.
- On the boxes?
Come, Juni!
It's so cold.
Easy does it!
Can I spill it over?
How do you piss?
Excuse me?
How do you piss?
Don't laugh, tell me!
Yes, but how?
OK, you open your fly,
take it out and you piss.
Over your underware?
No, in a circular half moon rotation,
you move your undies.
Just like that...
And it comes out and you piss.
When you piss,
do you look?
We have it in our blood.
When you take it out
you know is there.
You look at the pictures.
Then you simply take it out?
And you simply look
up, just like that.
I feel like pissing.
I'm leaving,
and when I do remember,
I come back to tell you.
Thank you so much, Juni!
You open the fly, you
move your knickers aside,
you take out his majesty,
thejet starts and I piss.
Pure Shakespeare.
What the fuck are you doing?
Pissing on my shop?
Wait, fuck you, and fuck your watch...
- Stop it, bro!
- Wait! Wait...
What do you want?
Get the fuck out of here
or I'll bash your head in.!
What's your fucking problem
using that club, you prick!
- You piss on my shop?
- An Armani watch, my ass!
Fuck you!
I'll piss all over your watch,
you dirty gipsy!
Get out of here, fuck you!
Turn down the music.
What's with your hair?
Eat all. You're sweaty, you're not...
Without me, you will die
in the street, in 24 hours,
you drug addict!
Now, let's make a break.
Even better a parenthesis.
I've never sniffed anything,
I've never got anything in my vein.
Maximum a bliff... that's it...
But if it wasn't for your daddy,
I'd die on the streets, wasted stoned,
with blood in my mouth and sperm
bursting out my ass,
such and such, right daddy?
Fuck you daddy.
I don't know whom I am talking to.
To mother, father and fuck...
I don't know who the
hack I am talking to.
It's not my fault.
I just want to be heard...
It's not my fault.
I had to keep this mask...
With no hair...
Just for you to feel OK.
- Here you are!
- What's this?
This is the gun you gave
me and it is no good.
It's a fake.
- I don't need it, I brought it back.
- Neither do I.
I don't need it,
I need a good one.
Well, I have a good one.
- Take this one.
- You may keep it.
- The idea is that...
- Give it to a child.
Dear God! How should
I give it to a child?
You asked me 250...
and I only have 200.
I give you 200 and
the toy pistol back.
It doesn't work like that.
I can't... otherwise.
No, no, no. It doesn't work
like that. I can't.
It's what we agreed.
I give you 200+50... 250.
You give me 200
plus a toy pistol,
I'm not interested in toys,
I can't give it to my child.
- Well what...?
- Give it to an older child.
Yes, you'll give it to an older child...
You'll give it
to an older child.
This is not the market. We are not here
to negotiate, I can't.
I need a real pistol,
but I don't have 250.
I'll give you this toy pistol
and the money.
Please, I beg you!
I can't give you... 50 more.
That is the...
Do you know what
to do with it?
Yes I know...
In fact, I don't know.
- Well, I don't know either.
- That means that you...
How come you don't
know how to use it?
I don't use guns,
I sell them.
Whatever you want, I've got it,
but I don't use guns.
Keep it like this.
Two ofthem are sure OK.
You have different sizes in there.
But I don't know any technical details.
You take it home
and check it.
Two or even 3 are OK.
I eye measured them, but
I don't touch guns.
If you don't know how,
you'll go to somebody
who knows, to teach you...
- You'll manage!
- Who knows?
Don't make fun of me, please.
Who knows?
Wait a minute... please.
I need that thing not
to make any noise.
A silencer:
OK, when can I
come and take it?
You're blagging me for 50 euro but
you can bring me 2000?
I don't have it on me,
but I can get the 2000.
I promise you, please.
Tomorrow at 3.
Tomorrow at 3.
It's too late at 3...
I need it... at 1.
I was just trying to sleep,
when I got a phone call, at 1 am,
it was my room-mate,
saying that he is
coming with somebody.
You know, bro, that I
have a delicate sleep...
- Don't bother me.
- I won't, he said.
OK, I trust you.
I have 2 bunk-beds
and they went up.
I was down and
they started...
Do you mind if...
Come on!
No shit.
Thank you so much.
My name is Juni, You've
been a wonderful audience.
Thank you, bye. Thanks.
That was incredible!
- Great, I pulled it off.
- Really!
Has Laura come?
Look at you... Why did you
missed my number?
Sorry, I had a job to do.
Come with me.
- Where to?
- At the club.
I'll go anywhere.
It was marvellous!
Bye, Radu, kiss you.
Tell me, Liver,
did you get that wig
from your grandmother?
How stupid can you be to leave
the wig and purse in my car?
What could I do?
The old hag tried it on in the back seat.
What was I supposed to do,
snatch it from her head?
So you want me
to get 20 years
just because you liked
grand-ma, with that black wig?
- To hell with that wig.
- Listen here, Albanian...
That is a completely
different thing.
Hey guys... still alone?
How are you, doll?
No company?
You're looking good tonight!
We are alone, if
you left us alone.
- I'll stay here forever.
- Cross your heart?!
We have work going on here!
- Shall we stay here?
- Yes.
- And what if somebody comes?
- No problem.
I'm so sorry you
didn't come tonight...
It went perfect.
Energy, audience,
applause, super!
Well done, Juni.
Not like that shit, Paradise.
Nice girls...
A lot of them.
Do you have any nice girls?
- Offer us 2 of them.
- A white one? A black one?
White and black.
- Don't you agree, Albanian?
- Yes, both.
What a doll, this Vanda! What a
pity I'm not fucking her anymore.
- Do you like it in here?
- No.
It's embarrassing.
But it's the hottest club
in Bucharest.
In your dreams!
I simply don't like it, bro.
We were better off on a terrace,
drink a couple of beers.
And then up to my place.
We keep talking...
- We have plenty of time.
- As you wish...
By the way! Did you
talk to that guy?
Which one?
The one you ask me to...
Oh... yes.
- Very cool.
- Meaning?
- Did he give you anything?
- Yes, he did.
Why do you need it?
I want to shoot the
guy who killed Mira.
I want to shoot the
guy who killed Mira.
Quit that bullshit, girl.
You know what?
I understand that
you are upset.
You can't do a thing.
He'll get it one day.
One way or another.
You know something?
By the way! I think
Mira deserved it.
Let's change the topic.
Yes. Sorry, sorry.
Let's drink something.
Laura, let's go, everybody left. We've
been sitting here for 2 hours, already.
Shut the hell up!
We'll leave too.
I was in London
with that prick.
He just picked a whore...
And I'm going to piss...
You haven't told me
the story of the pussy.
Half of hour later,
I entered the room.
His nose was bleeding.
What have you done?
Have you eaten her? Good fuck Albanian.
What have you done?
Excuse me,
just a moment.
Bang, you are dead!
I know you.
Why the fuck, do you follow me?
What are you?
A fag?
- What's that?
- Leave me alone!
What do you have her?
Don't touch me!
Leave me alone!
I should be happy now.
Happy that I finally, I did it.
It is very strange.
I feel there's a void
into my soul.
- Juni, Juni!
- What is it?
I've done it,
I've killed him.
Good to you.
You've killed him,
let's go. I'm tired.
- No, Juni, we stay here.
- Stop it, I'm tired.
Can't you see I fell a sleep?
It's morning. Let's go.
Don't you dare to go! Stay here.
Mr. Baloiu is dead.
He is dead, I did it.
With what the fuck
did you kill him?
With that shitty
lighter, he sold you?
- With the gun.
- What fucking gun?
The gun you gave me.
Which gun I've given you?
- Please! Somebody! Come here!
- Are you stupid, Laura?
I've killed him,
what do you want?
- Let's go...
- Stay here, Juni.
- Shut the fuck up!
- Juni, you are not going anywhere.
- We've both killed him...
- Are you stupid?
If my mother finds out,
she will kill me... What the fuck!
Juni, don't leave me. Look at me.
You are with me. Do you get it?
You are completely stupid.
No. Shut up.
Stay here with me.
I've done exactly what he did.
I took somebody's life.
Do I have the right to do it?
Was it a good deed,
or a bad one?
Yes... Yes!
I've done a good deed.
He killed Mira.
He had to be be punished.
And I punished him.
No! I wasn't even able to do that.
I did it by mistake.
I didn't punish him.
I should have looked into
his eyes and kill him.
In cold blood.
As he did it.
Then I would have
punished him.
YouTube is a site where anybody can post anything,
no matter the quality, the camera,
or the mobile phone used.
The idea is that men hold your hand
when they should kiss you,
kiss you, when they should fuck you
and fuck you, when they should...
On YouTube there are clips from famous movies
I've picked up a girl on the internet...
On YouTube there are clips from famous movies
She is from Campulung.
Video clip sand TV shows,
She is from Campulung.
Video clip sand TV shows,
up to home made films, teenagers recordings,
up to home made films, teenagers recordings,
Leave it like that, look how beautiful she is...
shocking moments of the day to day life,
shocking moments of the day to day life,
Go on! Shoot! OK?
Scandalous revelations.
In short. ANYTHING.
In 2009, justin Romania almost 18 million clips
were posted.
More than a billion watched them.
More than a billion watched them.
Nil you, nil me, nil us all.
It's not my fault!
Fuck it! It's not my fault.
It's not my fault that
your daddy was a nobody
and taught you
to be a nobody.
And now, you want me
to be a nobody too.
A big, big, fucking, zero.
If I post this confession
on the net
and you will judge me,
it means that I care
and that I'm afraid
of your judgment.
Now there are lighters
protecting kids.
I have never heard about that.
A normal lighter, now you
have to try back and forth
to get it lit.
What a complicated code.
No child could ever imagine it.
No, Vladut, you'll
never able to light it.
By the way, could you install
me that Windows system, please?