Wedding of a Lifetime (2022) Movie Script

- I did it anyway.
- I didn't.
- Oh, my. We're all here.
- Yeah.
It has been too long since
we all got together.
Yeah. It has.
And let's not let
that happen again, son.
- I'll try not to, Dad.
- Awesome. Thanks.
Oh. Darby honey, what happened
to your engagement ring?
I was cooking today so I had
to take it off for safekeeping.
You thought we forgot,
didn't you?
Happy anniversary to you
Happy anniversary
dear and Jake and Darby
Jake and Darby.
Happy anniversary to you
You got engaged 10 years ago
tonight in this very restaurant.
Yeah, you don't remember?
That can't be right. No.
I remember that night
like it was yesterday.
Your Mom was so happy
when you came and told us.
She knew you were
a perfect match.
- Absolutely.
- And she was right.
- Thank you, guys.
- Yeah.
- This was very special.
- Sure.
Yeah, it's really sweet, but...
Soon you'll have another day
to celebrate.
But we should really celebrate
every day though, right?
- It's true.
- Right.
- Should we eat it?
- Yes!
Yes, please.
Let them eat cake.
And we did.
And we will.
Ok, who wants the first piece?
Whitney didn't look
very happy tonight.
Yeah, well she can't be pleased
with only four tables.
I hope things pick up.
Dad's trying everything.
I'm glad we went tonight.
Did you know they had a cake?
Of course not.
I thought it was just dinner.
I would have warned you.
How have we been engaged
10 years?
Life happened.
Your mom died, Rose got sick.
Yeah, you got hurt.
You started your ski shop.
Hey, listen.
I still gotta do some inventory
at the shop tonight so,
if I work too late I'll just
sleep there, okay?
No, no. You don't have
to do that.
No, you gotta film
in the morning,
I don't want to wake you up.
Yeah, I want to see if I can
maybe grab the breakfast crowd.
- Sleep well.
- You too.
Hmm. Now doesn't
this look delicious?
Mm! And it's even better
than it looks.
And 70 percent less calories
and fat.
Just pair it with a couple
of eggs
and you've got yourself
the perfect breakfast.
So, come on, give us a follow
and I will send you,
mm, our secret recipe.
Yeah, um, well that's all
the time we have for today,
thank you so much for watching
Scientific Southern Cooking.
I am so sorry.
I thought you might want
a coffee before class
It's ok. I had all of
30 people watching.
Oooh! You're up 40 percent.
Yeah, well thank you for
the positivity and the coffee.
You're welcome.
But um, I think I'm gonna have
to close up the kitchen.
Yeah, there's nobody watching.
Oh good.
My one comment is "your kitchen
is as fake as the chicken."
- Ugh.
- Well, that's nice.
Well, I still can't believe
how real it looks.
Yeah, well...
Not real enough.
You can't quit.
This food is too good.
Carla, I've been at this
for almost two years.
I can't seem to get
any traction.
You've worked so hard
and just need a break.
Look, things are gonna change
and you'll help so many people
be healthier.
Trust me.
Hope springs eternal, right?
- Good morning, Ms. Sinclaire.
- Good morning!
Anyways, I'll see you
in the lunchroom at 12:30PM.
Make sure you bring
the rest of these, ok?
- Ok.
- Ok, thanks.
- Bye!
- Thanks. Bye!
- Hey.
- Hey.
How'd it go?
Oh, well, 30 viewers and
they know my backdrop is fake.
I saw the show.
I thought the chicken
looked great.
So I had 29 viewers.
I count.
What are you doing here?
Dude, it's Pandas
vs. Preachers,
we planned this a week ago.
That's tonight? I actually forgot...
Ah... you're grilling.
- You almost had me going there.
- I did.
I... I, uh, I have some papers
to grade so you guys have fun.
See you later, Darb'.
Alright. Let's go!
We got 20 minutes to game time,
what you thinking?
Everything alright?
The shop only had like
10 customers today.
Is that ok?
No. That's not good.
Maybe Wednesday's meeting
will fix that.
Since when do you pay
attention to my dad's meetings?
- Hey, Dad!
- Good morning!
- You want breakfast?
- Oh, no thank you.
Just wanted to see
how Nana's doing.
- Hi, Nana.
- Hi, honey.
How are you feeling?
Oh, I'm just fine.
Well a little tired but
the doctor says that's normal.
Are you sure?
All my tests are clear.
Now, quit fussing over me.
You love it when I fuss
over you.
Well, maybe a little.
Batter up!
Oh. Making mom's pancakes?
She always said that pancakes
on Wednesday
would get you through the week.
Right, except it's Tuesday.
Well, it was a long Monday.
Want some?
Ok. I'll have one.
Fine, maybe two.
Aw, that's a great shot.
They always knew they were meant
for each other.
This house was their dream.
And... creating all
of this together
and having you
just made things
all the more perfect.
Dreams, yeah. I remember
when I had those.
I was gonna move to New York
and open a restaurant.
Revolutionize what people
thought of southern cooking.
Well, you still can.
I don't know. It just feels
so far away.
Impossible, almost.
It may be closer than you think.
What do you mean?
Oh, I don't know.
What do you know?
- Hey, Mom.
- Oh hey!
What's up?
Ah, your father sent me to
all the stores to remind them
of the town meeting
this Wednesday morning.
What's that about?
He wants to talk about
bringing in more tourists
for the fall and build towards
the ski season.
But everybody is worried,
businesses are down
across the board.
- And he's taking it on himself.
- Mmmhmm.
Is there anything I can do?
Well, you're a good son
for always supporting him,
and for being there at 7:00AM
sharp with your lovely fiance.
We'll be there.
Honey, are... are you ok?
You and Darby seemed a little
down last night.
We realized we've been
engaged 10 years.
It's kind of hit us hard.
Where did all the time go?
Well, you had a lot thrown
at you.
I still get mad when I think
about your accident.
Oh, Mom, there's no reason
to get mad.
We all knew the risks.
Plus, I got this really
cool bolt out of it.
Yeah, but you were going
to the Olympics.
Mom, it is part of the sport.
Wednesday. 7:00AM. Sharp.
- Ok.
- Ok.
Better day?
It was a day.
But Dad and Nana are good, so...
That's good.
I think we should talk.
I don't think this is working
for either of us.
I've had the same feeling.
Somewhere along the way
we just...
We lost our magic.
And 10 years was gone.
You were amazing
when I got hurt.
And you were so amazing
when Nana got sick.
It's like...
We spent so much time taking
care of everyone else.
We forgot about us.
I know you've always wanted
to try living in a new city
and I don't want to hold
you back anymore.
And if this ski season
isn't any better,
I'm gonna have to start making
some decisions of my own.
You're my best friend.
And you're mine.
I don't know how we do this.
We'll always be there for each
other, no matter what.
So what do we do?
I can sleep at the shop,
'til we figure it out.
What about our family?
Do we just ease them into it?
No. My mom will figure it out
in like five minutes.
Yeah, that's probably true.
We'll tell them after
breakfast tomorrow.
- Can I have a hug?
- Please.
What's going on here?
I don't know, maybe we're early.
What is this?
- Mom said it was important.
- Oh.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- What?
- What?
Why would these guys be here?
Hey Good Day?
Surprised? Yeah.
What is all of this?
We're on national television.
Don't worry, Darby.
You look gorgeous.
Is the president here?
Un-huh, this is all about you.
Follow us.
I'm Sarah, producer for
Hey Good Day.
We air in one minute.
Can we...
Do you think you could tell us
what's going on here?
You'll know more
in about 40 seconds.
If we could pose chairs
set to look more at the screen?
Oh, ok.
Hey, everybody, we're live
with New York in 10 seconds.
Three, two...
And we're back live in New York
City on this sunny fall morning.
I'm Vic Baldwin and this is
my amazing wife and co-host,
Molly Hart and you're watching
America's number one morning
show, Hey Good Day.
Now, if you're just tuning in,
we've surprised Jake Johnson
and Darby Sinclaire
here in Abbottville,
North Carolina.
Hello Abbottville!
Sounds like a great crowd.
Yeah. Jake Johnson
and Darby Sinclaire,
you are our final couple
in Hey Good Day's Wedding
of a Lifetime competition!
Um... I didn't know
we entered.
- Did we enter?
- Mm-mm.
Actually, it's a first for us.
You were nominated
by the entire town.
Now, let's take a look at how
it all came together.
Well, Darby and Jake
grew up about a half mile
from each other.
They were close
right from the start.
Our families drew so much
joy from your accomplishments.
These last few years
weren't easy on them.
Darby and Jake,
they were my rock
when I was going through
a few health issues.
Helping pay my medical bills and
putting their own plans on hold.
So we all got together
to nominate you
for Hey Good Day's
Wedding of a Lifetime.
We want Jake and Darby to have
the wedding of their dreams
because they've brought us
so much joy.
That is just beautiful.
High school sweethearts
who stuck together
through the tough times.
Just like us, honey.
Oh, well.
My high school sweetheart
was the star quarterback.
Lex was his name.
Or was it Flex?
Real nice, dear.
We'll be back in a moment
to talk with the happy couple.
And clear!
Great energy, everybody.
Alright, we are back live
with Molly and Vic
in four and a half minutes.
You two ok?
Could you just excuse me
a minute? Can I...
Sure. Take as long
as you need
as long as it's not longer
than four minutes.
- This is great.
- It's great, yeah.
It's great. It's great.
I'm just gonna... Um...
Come on!
Follow them.
Darb, Darb!
So, how psyched are you?
So psyched!
- This is a big deal.
- Huge.
The competition gets millions
of viewers.
- Yeah. Millions?
- Millions. It's insane.
That's insane.
I know. You're gonna
be, like, a celebrity.
I'm gonna be a celebrity.
Darby? Darb, Darb?
Oh, they're live, look.
What are we gonna do?
Well, at least we don't have
to pay for our wedding.
Listen, we need to tell everyone
right now.
Three minutes.
I can't crush our family
on national television.
What choice do we have?
There's gotta be a better way.
Oh, ok. Ok.
We hit the road,
we change our names
and we never look back.
Or... or... We do
the show, lose,
and then tell everyone
we split up after.
What? Are you...
Wait, are you serious?
Why would we ever do that?
I think we deserve a little fun.
And it'd be a fresh start
for both of us.
Yeah. It could be good
for the town and your shop.
And a great way for you
to launch your business
and grow your followers.
And I would love to avoid
crushing our family on TV.
One minute.
I think we deserve a little fun.
Do we do it?
Let's do it.
We are gonna be the most
epic losers ever!
Let's go.
We're ready.
And now we'll spin the wheel
to see where the competition
will be next week.
Spin away!
Oh look!
And you'll compete
with our three other couples
for the Wedding of a Lifetime.
You are such naturals for this.
Yeah. Absolutely.
I love a fall wedding.
We should do that next time.
We'll see you in Chicago.
Should we watch it
one more time?
Yup. Definitely.
No, I think three's enough.
Mm-hm. Yeah, and um,
it's getting late.
You know, we should really
get to bed.
- It's 6:30PM.
- Yeah.
Oh. Well, it's been
a pretty busy day.
Well, you should rest up anyway.
We're starting competition
prep tomorrow.
I'm sorry, what?
Peggy Appleton and I have
watched every year
of the competition, so we're
gonna train you for a few days.
- No.
- No.
No, that's not necessary.
Oh, we're not taking
any chances.
The school's given Darby
the rest of the week off.
- I got the shop though.
- Yeah.
Gotta work at the shop.
I've already got 20 people
to cover the store for ya.
Really? I don't think
I can let you do that,
'cause, it's like, it's super
important for me to be there.
We're not taking no
for an answer.
You'll be great at this,
you know it.
- One more time.
- One more time.
Come on, guys.
No doodling.
There's no time to lose.
No. No doodling.
Practice makes perfect.
Oh, Peggy, hi!
- Oh hey!
- Hi.
Oh, are we early?
Oh, no, honey.
I was just warming up
to lead your workout.
Would y'all like a drink first?
Oh, that would be great.
- Sure.
- Thanks, Peggy.
- Coming right up.
- Come on.
Mom, can you tell me again
why it is that we're doing this?
Ok, she's a little eccentric
but she has every episode
of the challenge recorded.
And, there is a lot of
physical challenges.
Here we go. My charcoal
kale smoothie.
- Mmm.
- Ok.
- Yeah.
- Here we go.
Made something special.
- Like blueberries or something.
- Special.
- Get that in you.
- Mm-hm.
Oh, oh. Oh dear.
So good.
- So good.
- Delicious.
- Great.
- Yes. Mm-hm.
So, where do we get started?
Well, after we finish
our workout,
we can watch season 2.
And then we're gonna skip
to season 4.
Right you are, because
that's the best one.
By far.
How long is this gonna take?
I made a highlight reel
for each season.
The first one is about
three hours.
- Three hours?
- Perfect.
- Uh-huh.
- Wow.
Sorry, my, my phone's ringing.
Can't hear it because
it's on silent.
- Three hours?
- Mmmhmm.
Hey, Carla. Oh, your kidding?
What? Oh, my!
Ok, I'm gonna be right there.
I'm so sorry, I gotta go.
It's a science emergency.
- Oh!
- Yeah, so, anyway.
- Ok, then I gotta go too.
- No, no.
- We'll do this tomo-
- No, no. You stay.
I'm gonna be right back
and I'll catch up.
She is right. We can't
waste a minute.
- Give me your drinks.
- Yes.
Ha, ha. Well-played.
Ha, ha! I thought so.
I'm getting my skis and
I'm going up the mountain.
But, wait, wait.
There's no snow.
Exactly! Ladies,
she's all yours.
- Have fun, honey.
- Yeah. Have fun.
Hi, dear! Honey.
Hi. What are you guys
doing here?
Well, Jake thought it'd be
a good idea
to catch up on what
you missed today.
Oh, um, so nice.
Um, really nice, but I'm good
and I'm sure you're exhausted.
I'm just getting my second wind.
Oh, great.
But you know we also don't have
a DVD player, so... yeah.
Oh, no problem.
I got them all digitally converted.
She thinks of everything.
- It's perfect.
- Yeah.
Shall we get started?
Hi, it's Hey Good Day.
Jake, the crew's here.
What do I do?
Stall 'em.
Uh, hang on. Just a...
just a second.
Hey Good Day here.
Morning! Hey!
Beautiful day!
Hey congrats on the baby!
I heard she's a... woah!
Send me a bill!
You know where I live!
Ok, ok, we got this.
I don't think
anyone's here, Sarah.
Ah, ah, ah, ah!!!
I'm fine!
Ok, wait. Wait!
Coming! Coming! Yeah.
- Morning!
- Morning.
We were just waking up.
Oh, no problem.
No problem.
Hey, Kelly, get a couple
establishing shots
of the lovely home here.
Hi. Great, welcome.
Come on in. Yeah.
I thought we were meeting
at the airport?
Oh, we thought we'd
surprise you.
Yeah, so the audience sees you
as you really are.
that's really fun.
So fun. Yeah, you'll forget
we're here before long.
Excuse me. Oh, yes,
the bedroom.
Let's start there.
What are we doing?
Well it's one
big lucky world
Now, I am with my girl
Every day is...
a happy world
Darby, Jake.
Welcome to Chicago.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Alright, you love birds.
Let's go.
Look at this.
This is... this is cool.
Welcome to your hotel.
Do you have a strategy
for winning this competition?
Uh, no. Just be ourselves,
I guess.
Alright, sounds like
a good plan.
- Mmmhmm.
- Right this way.
- Hello.
- Hi.
Are you worried at all?
- Uh, no.
- No.
I'm not worried,
are you worried?
I'm not worried.
Yeah, we'll just like,
be ourselves, you know.
- Like have fun.
- Yeah.
Have fun, sounds good.
This could be the start of
a whole new life.
Wave to the cameras.
Welcome to Hey Good Day.
And Molly, I must say
you're looking rather chipper
this morning.
Oh, well I'm just so happy
to be in this world-class
city of Chicago.
And, you know, I think this
is my favorite time of year.
Meeting the couples about to
begin their journey of marriage.
First up is Kelsey Simpson and
Sam Turner from Boise, Idaho!
- Hello!
- Welcome.
Hi. Welcome, hello!
Welcome to the show.
Now, I understand you met Sam
when he rescued you
from a burning building?
That's right and it was
love at first sight.
So, I guess, you could say it
was a combustible relationship.
- Oooh.
- Oooh.
Actually, we don't make jokes
about fire safety.
Ok then. Well, welcome
to the show.
Our next couple is Jake Johnson
and Darby Sinclaire
from Abbottville,
North Carolina.
- Hello!
- Welcome.
Thank you!
Now, Jake, you used to be
a junior Olympian skier.
Yes, I did and now I own
my own ski shop.
Oh, a lot of tall mountains
to climb?
Oh no, just lots of perfect
runs down the slopes of life.
Ah, I wish we could
all say that.
Have a seat. Thank you so much
for being here.
Next up is Thomas Best
and Grace Hamill,
from Phoenix, Arizona.
- Hi!
- Welcome.
Tom's in furniture sales
and she's a nanny.
Thomas, maybe we should talk
after the show.
I'm looking for a new bed
and mine seems a little
cramped these days.
Ok, I'm sure I can help you
with that.
Oh, no, no, no.
He's just joking.
He'll have plenty of room
on the couch tonight.
Anyway, let's meet
our final couple.
Marcy Lopez and Larry Chang
from right here in Chicago.
- Welcome to the show.
- Hello.
So, I'm curious.
Do you think you'll have
a hometown advantage?
I definitely hope that
everyone in this great city
will support us.
- Oh!
- Welcome to the show.
We'll get to know all of you
during today's show.
And then you'll compete
in your first challenge.
Stick around,
we'll be right back.
This must be such a big change
for you guys.
How so?
Well, you're from
such a small town.
I think, um, our building
has more people.
Nah, it's actually great.
We like it.
Yeah, we're good.
It's a great place to be from.
There's something to be said
for living in the city.
It toughens you up.
I think we'll be fine.
Oh, you'll do great.
They need that demographic.
I'm just gonna take
a minute here.
What did I say?
Look, she's just trying
to psych us out.
Well, it's working.
Well, don't forget the reason
why we're here.
We're supposed to be enjoying
the moment.
Well, I just don't know
if we thought this through,
with neither one of us
like losing.
Ok, am I gonna have to
disqualify the two of you?
What? No. Why?
- Just kidding.
- Oh...
We got a show to make.
Let's go.
Follow me, folks.
- I didn't even get to eat.
- Just start eating now.
- Ok.
- Just get it in.
Jake, tell us about
the accident.
Oh, uh... Molly, it was
the worst day of my life.
Um... 12 years of
intense training,
and blood, sweat and tears and
in an instant it was all over.
I woke up in the hospital
and Darby was by my side.
There were months of rehab
for my ankle, for my knee.
And she was with me every step
of the way.
In fact, I literally couldn't
walk without her.
I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
Just like he's been there
for my family.
Wow. Thank you
for sharing that.
America got a chance to know
all of you.
Now, it's time to find out
which couple we'll be
saying goodbye to.
Our first challenge today
is the egg dash.
Now, one of you
will be blindfolded,
carrying a spoon
with an egg on it.
Well your partner will be
on the sidelines
coaching you through the course.
And just like in marriage,
you're bound to break some eggs.
But if you drop yours
and it doesn't break,
you can pick it up
and keep going.
In a marriage you need
to be able to depend
and trust on one another.
And, for some final fun,
you need to weave in and out
of these lovely traffic cones
sticking to the green line.
But, good news, two of the eggs
have been hardboiled,
so you might get lucky and have
a serious advantage.
Now, everybody, go ahead.
Choose your eggs.
Alright, Darb.
Come on, pick a good one.
A good one.
You got this, babe.
Once you got your eggs,
step back up on the platform.
Yes, baby, yes!
Get ready.
Alright, Jake. Deep breaths.
On your mark...
Center yourself.
You got this.
Get set, go!
- Go!
Ok. And red team
is first out of the gate.
Look at them.
Goodness, can
you feel the excitement.
This is fantastic.
And yellow team
seems to be lagging behind
a little bit.
Let's keep an eye on them.
Yeah, I know. This is
the real deal. This takes skill.
There's no room for amateurs
out there.
This guys is in your way.
Oh, and the green team
has dropped their egg.
They are disqualified.
That's too bad.
They're out of it.
Turn left, hard left!
Did it break?
Did it break?
No, you're fine.
It didn't break.
Pick it up and keep going.
Got it!
Oh, the blue team
has dropped their egg
but it's a hard-boiled egg.
- It's a hard-boiled.
- So they picked it up.
They're still very much
in this game, Molly.
The red team seems
to be in last place.
I wonder if they're
going to make it.
Yellow team is lost. Looking for
some help from the sidelines.
It's a costly mistake.
This could force them to lose.
There's some drama.
There's some drama happening.
That's fantastic.
Ok. Walk, walk, walk.
Oh, and the red team
has lost their egg.
Yes! Yes!
- Blue team wins!
- Yes!
- We did it!
- Yes!
We did it!
We have a winner.
Congratulations, team blue.
So, Darby, you seemed to know
which egg was hardboiled.
Well, it's just science.
So, if you spin them,
a hard boiled egg spins
much faster than a raw one.
Well, it must be good
to have a teacher on your side,
right Jake?
It sure is, Molly.
Now, that knowledge puts you
in the lead with 25 points.
Up next:
It's time to play
Pop the Question.
We'll ask 15 questions
and let's see who answers
the most correctly.
Let's get the headphones
on the men
and then we'll take a check
on today's weather.
Well, it was great to meet you.
Have a safe trip home.
Ok, her favorite country?
Favorite caf?
The Bean.
What is Darby's favorite movie?
Her morning coffee.
Uh, Taylor Swift.
Star Wars.
Have you met Grace
before this week?
I... uh...
First boyfriend?
Favorite time of day?
Favorite thing about you?
My smile.
Favorite gift?
Silver bangle bracelet.
And where does she hide the-
You are the only couple
to receive a perfect score.
- Yes!
- Congratulations!
Well, that concludes our game.
And now it's time to say goodbye
to one of our couples.
But, we like you all too much.
Everyone is safe today.
That's right.
You all earned a special reward
for all your hard work today.
It's a night out
to enjoy Chicago's famous
deep dish pizza,
courtesy of Hey Good Day.
We'll see you tomorrow!
Here they come.
Hi, guys.
How does it feel to finally
have a chance
at your dream wedding...
- So good, so good!
- Bye.
Ok, ok, what made
you do it? Was it Larry?
Oh, who cares about Larry?
It felt great just to win again.
You were so good.
Why didn't you make up
your answers?
I don't know. I guess I wanted
to see what you knew.
I know you.
So what do we do now?
Maybe we stay in
for a round or two.
No sense on giving up
on the fun just yet.
- Great. I can do that.
- Ok.
Um, I'm... I'm actually
pretty exhausted.
5:00AM is just wrong.
I know you have the bed tonight
but do you mind if I crash
for a bit?
No, absolutely.
It's all yours.
Ok, thank you.
The couch is comfy,
so it's gonna be fine.
Let me...
It's actually... it's actually
not bad once you get...
- Hey, Carla.
- Hey, it's me.
Hang on a second.
Bad reception.
Hey, you there?
Uh... Ok. Yeah. Hi!
Hey, hey, congrats!
Y'all killed it out there.
Oh, thanks.
And you already have 30,000
followers on ViewltPics.
Are you serious?
- Yes!
- Oops, gotta go.
I love you.
Thank you for calling!
Well, I hope our couples
all enjoyed the best pizza
in the city and the beautiful
Millennium Park.
We're taking it outside
for this gorgeous fall day.
They'll have some work to do
because today one couple
will go home.
Now, behind this curtain
is a challenge for the mind
and body.
They'll need to be smart, strong
and they'll need
to work together.
Just like a great
marriage, right Molly?
So I've heard.
Now, we all remember
the fun we had at field day
every spring, well this
is our twist on that.
Welcome to the Autumnal Rumble.
They'll face off in some fun
and exciting challenges
and they have to do it all
as a team.
Let's go!
This next game is all about
keeping your balance
as life throws obstacles
your way.
You'll start at opposite ends
of the balance beam
and walk towards each other.
Once you meet in the middle,
you must switch sides
and get to the opposite end.
If you step off the beam,
you lose.
Fastest time wins.
And, as they navigate
the four-inch wide beam,
the other teams will be doing
our version of a bouquet toss
and try to knock them off
as they cross.
Welcome to Life Balance.
Let's go.
Good job.
Four, three, two...
Now, we can see
the yellow team is really
taking their time here.
Yeah, everything takes
balance and poise.
But you just can't go too slow.
Now, they've reached
for each other,
they've made contact.
Just going to try to cross
each other now.
Coming out left,
right and center.
That is really tough
to put up with.
He's made it across.
Team yellow seems
to have made it.
But boy, oh, boy, are
they taking their time.
Anytime now team yellow.
Oh, and they made it.
Well congratulations to them.
Slow and steady
may win this race.
Okay. Next we have
team green Vic.
Let's see how they do.
You gotta stay calm,
you gotta stay focussed-
Oh, my gosh
they're fast, aren't they?
- Look at that.
- Look at them.
Now, they just have to
get around each other... oh!
- Too bad.
- And they're down.
But they're laughing.
Yup. I think they just
got distracted, Molly.
That's romance here folks.
Hey. We treat it just like
we're skiing.
- Feet shoulder width apart.
- Ok.
Bend your knees for balance,
lean forward and then we just
slide across the beam.
Got it.
Now here we have team blue.
Now, would you look at
the technique they're doing.
There's a lot of poise
and grace there.
It's almost as if
they've practiced,
Look at that.
You got this.
We got this.
What do we do now?
Now, here is
the important part. Oh!
Oh, right into his arms.
Well, that's a romantic move.
Right into his arms.
That's beautiful.
It's almost like a dance.
Like a pas de deux. Do you know
what pas de deus is, Vic?
Yes I do, Molly.
It's from the Nutcracker.
It's a ballet, if you will.
I heard you.
They're like real dancers,
dancing right in front of
our eyes.
It is beautiful.
- And they made it.
- Oh, my goodness.
Yes! ha, ha!
So, so happy for them.
- Wait, what just happened?
- I'm fine.
- You ok?
- Yeah.
This challenge will test
how well you handle it
when it feels like the ground
is disappearing
underneath your feet.
Because it will be.
Stick around for the drop.
That's pretty good.
Hey Molly, can I speak to you
privately for a moment?
We're gonna have to sit out
the next round of competitions.
Jake. um...
Jake has an old injury that
just... that he just tweaked.
Oh no!
This probably disqualifies us, right?
And we're rolling
in five, four, three, two...
What was that about?
As we near the end of
the Autumnal Rumble,
we have to unfortunately say
goodbye to Thomas and Grace.
You're such a lovely couple.
Thank you so much
for competing with us.
Thank you, guys.
And Vic, we have an update.
Now, Vic, Jake and Darby
will not be participating
in the next leg
of the competition
because as it turns out,
Jake has an old injury
that's been acting up.
Now, as you know,
here at Hey Good Day,
we take health and safety
very seriously.
But I have a surprise!
Jake, Darby...
you've just been voted
fan favorites!
Can you believe it?
Which means, you get to stay
and play another day.
You're safe!
Jake! Da!
We'll see you all tomorrow, alright?
Um, text us if you want
to go out later.
A crew needs to be with you
if you want to go out tonight.
We'll be stationed in the lobby.
Sounds good.
You should have trusted me.
There's nothing wrong
with my ankle.
It was swollen.
You did it again.
Just like when I got hurt and
you wanted me to quit racing.
I was worried about you.
I saw how much pain you were in.
Admit it. You wanted me
to quit racing.
Jake, I would never ask you
to give up your dreams.
Oh. Oh, I get it.
Like, like when I asked you
to stay in Abbottville.
I made my own choice to stay.
This is getting confusing
for both of us.
Maybe we should just bow out.
Hey, Chip.
What's up, buddy?
Hey, man.
Thought you'd want to know
the shop is packed today.
Everybody coming in,
they saw you on the show
and they loving you.
That's great.
Yeah, and we started a list.
People want to take lessons
at your ski school.
I don't... I don't have
a ski school.
Yeah, but I think you should
probably start one.
Who's watching the shop?
Yeah, you know what? I should
get back inside.
Yeah, that might be a good idea.
Keep doing what
you're doing, bro.
Looks like you're having
the time of your life.
Everything ok?
Everything ok?
The biggest chef in the country
just followed me.
She messaged me to say
she's impressed with Scientific
Southern Cooking.
That's amazing.
She wants to meet me in New York
when all this is over.
We should go out and celebrate.
Tonight. Just us.
Should we alert the crew?
- No.
- No.
We're not telling the crew.
Come on, come on, let's go.
Okay, okay, get down, get down.
Keep it flat.
Keep it flat.
Get up! Get up, get up,
get up. Let's go.
It's open, let's go. Quick.
Come on!
What are you doing? Go around!
Around! Come on!
Come on, let's go.
Little movements.
Like you want to go
small, small.
No, not slow.
The slower we go the worse,
the worse.
- The slower we go the worse.
- Ah!
Woah, woah, woah, slow down.
Stop. Just stop.
Stop, stop, stop, stop.
Why am I driving this bike?
Do you remember
that bike you fixed up for me
when we were kids?
Oh yeah.
I even cut the middle bar off
because you hated it so much.
You tried to paint it.
I did. And then the first time
it rained,
it just washed everything off.
I was so mad.
So pretty.
So, New York, huh?
That's going to be great.
Yeah. Yeah, but who knows
if it'll even happen, right?
Oh, you'll make it happen.
Well, I don't know.
I mean, there's a lot
to consider.
There's my students and Nana,
and our families...
You've worked hard for this.
You deserve it.
And what about you?
You've always wanted to expand
the business.
There's a lot to consider.
Like what do I charge, insurance...
I do... I do think I'd make a
pretty good instructor though.
You would make a
great instructor.
- Hungry?
- Always.
You wanna go get some dinner?
I have a better idea.
Thank you. Ok, we're good,
we're good.
Now, it is time for
your next challenge.
You may remove the blindfold.
We're having pie for dinner?
We're having pie for dinner.
Yes! I've always wanted
pie for dinner.
You may have mentioned
that a few hundred times.
And honestly, this is
the best pie in the city.
- Oh wow!
- Yes.
- That, that's really good.
- Mmmhmm.
- Did you try the apple?
- Mm. I love apple.
Apple and then pumpkin.
Try the pumpkin.
I don't know...
I actually think your
pumpkin's better.
You better say that.
- I'm just speaking the truth.
- Yeah?
Yours is better.
Hey, I'm sorry about earlier.
Nothing to be sorry for.
I know you just want
what's best for me.
Yeah, I know you want
the same for me.
So we keep going?
One more day.
Maybe we can help
Sam and Kelsey win.
- Why not, right?
- Yeah.
That's a good look.
Wipe it off. Wipe it off.
Wipe it off.
Get it.
Good morning, everyone.
How is everyone feeling
after the Autumnal Rumble?
It's quite the workout!
Well, today we'll decide
our two finalists.
Our first competition showed
how well you know each other.
Then, we tested how you work
as a team.
But every couple needs to
fight through the tough times.
Each couple will be given
a jousting lance.
The couple that's knocked off
their individual platforms
will be eliminated.
The final two couples will
square off for a fabulous prize.
And for some added fun,
the ring will be filled
with bubbly, frothy foam.
Welcome to our version
of the frosting fight.
- Yeah!
- Yes!
Ok. I got Marcy,
you get Larry.
Let's take 'em down.
Now, Vic, this is
the game I've been waiting for.
They're smiling now, but just
give them five minutes.
Very focussed, Vic.
Oh, yellow takes a big knock
to the head, he's down.
That's too bad for team yellow.
They still have
one player though.
Oh, team blue is taking
no prisoners.
That's right.
He has come to play.
- Oh, team red!
- She's very-
Team blue is celebrating.
It might be too early.
Team yellow is still
very strong.
Oh! Oh, I spoke to soon.
Just lost two people...
Team red still has
a member. Team blue has two.
Team blue is down,
taking a huge tumble.
It is so slippery out there.
Team red seems
very sure of himself.
Let's see how he fairs
against team blue.
And team red goes down!
We have a winner!
So, what happened out there?
We tried our best but
it was just so slippery.
Oh, well that's a tough one.
Thank you so much
for being here,
we loved meeting you both.
- Yeah.
- Take care now.
- Bye.
- Buh bye.
Jake, Darby, for winning
this competition,
you'll receive $10,000
To help get you started
on your newly-wedded life.
So now, we have our finalists.
It's our high school sweethearts
vs. Chicago's hometown hopes
for the Wedding of a Lifetime.
We have invited both couples'
families down here to the set
to spend some time with them
before the finals.
Well, what a beautiful
sight to see.
Join us tomorrow
on Hey Good Day where one of
these amazing couples
will win the Wedding
of a Lifetime.
And wrap.
I'm going to have the chocolate.
I've never had a pie brunch!
It's kind of our thing now.
We are so proud of you both.
And everyone back home
is watching every moment.
Plus, you won $10,000!
- So amazing.
- Yeah.
But honestly, we're happy
whatever happens next.
Oh, you're definitely gonna win.
Tell 'em, honey.
Couples from the South
have won five out of
the last seven seasons.
But the winner is just the team
who wins the final competition.
No. It goes to viewer vote
after the last challenge.
A viewer vote?
Did you read any of
the training manual?
Well, if you did, you'd know
that the last challenge
is a real doozer.
Oh, don't worry, Darby.
They're definitely
gonna pick you.
So, we could really
win this thing?
Don't get too confident.
A lot can happen.
Maybe we could find
just a bit of time, just us,
after the sightseeing.
Yeah, that sounds good.
You know I was just
having some fun with you.
- I looked at your ViewltPics.
- You did?
- Carla helped me look at it
- Ok.
Before we left.
- That makes more sense.
- 200,000 followees?
Oh, I wish your mother was here.
She is looking down right now
and she is so proud.
I hope so.
I know so.
Yeah. Jake's been
pretty amazing.
Hold onto each other and
everything will work out fine.
Thanks, Nana.
What's all this?
I thought we should celebrate.
- To us.
- To us.
Well this has been
a crazy experience, huh?
Yeah. Yes.
It's been wild.
It has.
What are we gonna do
about tomorrow?
I think we just figure
that out tomorrow.
These last few days
have been amazing.
They really have.
And I think it's exactly
what we needed.
And look at all the great
things that are happening.
I know, it's incredible.
But, I mean, all of this
isn't, it's not real.
Everything I felt this week
was real.
Everything I felt...
was real too.
I miss you.
Oh, Jim!
I told you that we were
gonna be interrupting.
Sorry, son.
I thought the note meant
to meet here.
You didn't take the note
off the door?
I didn't take the note.
I promised I'd take them
to a steak dinner.
My mom looked this place
up online.
No, no, your mom and I will go.
You... We don't want
to interrupt.
- Just go.
- Do you want to come?
No, no, no, it's fine.
And I could really, I could
really use some extra rest.
- Ok.
- Ok.
Ok. Go, go, have fun.
It's ok. Thanks, Dad.
Alright everyone, listen up.
We are at the finish line.
What time do we go on?
You're on at the top of the hour
for the final competition
and then we start the voting.
And when do they announce
the winner?
At the end of the show.
So, take a moment, get ready
and we'll head to set.
Just be yourselves out there
and it'll all come together.
They seem to kiss a lot,
on these shows.
Maybe a kiss or two.
We'll try, Nana.
Jake, seriously, cry if you can.
Whatever happens, we're happy.
You know, it's...
It's been an amazing experience.
Make sure you say that.
The audience love it.
It has!
- Come on.
- Come on.
Come on.
Ok, Mom. Oh wow.
Is not going
to slow her down.
I just want to say
you're all winners in our books.
That's right.
And did you know
that our ratings are up
- 16 percent over last year?
- Mmmhmm.
Thirty seconds to air, everybody.
- Ok.
- Ok.
Hey, I got you no matter what.
- Ok?
- Ok.
Jake, Darby.
I got you.
Five seconds, clear the set.
Live in five, four,
three, two...
And we're back.
We brought in some of our
biggest fans for today's show.
The families of Jake and Darby
and Marcy and Larry
are joining us today, welcome!
We'd also like to thank you, Chicago,
for treating us so well
this week.
Oh, well it has been an intense
few days for our couples
but we have two
amazing finalists!
Are you ready for
the final competition?
America, get ready to vote.
We'll announce our winner
at the end of today's show.
We wish both couples could
win the Wedding of a Lifetime.
We just can't do that because
we don't have enough sponsors.
Now, is there anything anyone
would like to say
before we get started?
Whatever happens, this has been
the chance of a lifetime,
so we're blessed.
Oh, well that is so sweet.
For Declare Yourself, one person
from each couple
will tell the world why he
or she would get engaged
all over again.
But fate will decide who speaks.
Jake and Darby, you're up first.
Tails, Darby goes.
Heads, Jake.
And it's Jake.
Darby, this competition
has made me realize
that nobody has a relationship
like ours.
I have had the honor of knowing
you most of my life.
And I love the life
that we've built.
It's a life that is filled
with love
and with our friends
and with our family.
And I don't want to do
that life without you.
I know that I have asked you to
put some of your dreams on hold
but I promise right here
and right now that I will do
everything I can to make sure
that your dreams come true.
And whatever happens,
I'm standing here today,
promising to always be
by her side
and I hope she'll always be
by mine.
Honey, honey, are you ok?
What just happened?
You passed out
for a few seconds.
It was more like 30 seconds.
Don't worry, no one noticed.
How would no one notice?
Marcy botched her speech.
Thank you.
I filmed all of it,
do you want to see it?
No, I'll trust you.
Listen, there's...
there's something we need
to talk to you about.
Do you two want some time alone?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, sure.
What did you just do?
You said speak from the heart.
Yeah, but there's
so many things,
I've got, like, my hair,
it needs highlighting,
like what's going on, right?
And my skin, I need an enzyme
peel in New York.
There's like the chicken
and the cooking and the...
this is all just happening
so fast.
Fifteen years is fast?
Look, we've both been through
so much hurt the last few years
but we can still make our dreams
come true.
We... Do you want to try?
Of course.
We need to film a couple of
things with the whole family
while we wait for the vote.
You ready?
I'm ready.
So, is everyone ready
to hear who won?
We're ready, Molly!
It was a huge vote.
We had two million voters
in just two hours.
The envelope, please.
- Oh, boy.
- Phew.
And the winners are...
Jake Johnson
and Darby Sinclaire!
Oh, my gosh!
- Hello!
- Great job!
Oh, honey.
Because America fell in love
with everyone from Abbottville,
we have one final surprise.
That's right, we are bringing
your wedding of a lifetime
to your hometown!
You'll get married in five days,
surrounded by all your family
and friends.
And four million people
will watch every moment.
Four million?
- Yeah.
- Four million.
Thanks, everyone. We'll see you
in Abbottville.
Now, does it feel real yet?
It does now.
Now, we've got only three days
to get a lot of business done,
so let's have fun
while we do it, ok?
This is so exciting!
Now, we've got a lot to do
in a short amount of time,
so, we got you a wedding coordinator.
He's the stylist to the stars,
Sebastian Star!
- Darb! Can I call you Darb?
- Of course!
It is so exciting to meet you.
I've been on the edge of my seat
the entire competition.
Can I just tell you how much
I love you on your show?
Oh, thank you.
And I voted for you
like 50 times.
So, are you ready to see
your first two dresses?
I am.
- Wow.
- Oh, my goodness.
Did you just say
"oh my goodness?"
I did.
Oh, you are so sweet.
- He thinks I'm sweet.
- Let's get started.
Na, na, na, na, na
I wear my fancy heels
that's how good I feel.
Na, na, na, na, na
I am gonna dance
'till I come undone
Won't you try me on
Won't you try me on
I feel the heat
Gonna take you
to the beat
When I come and get it
Now what you got,
Cause I'm gonna
come in hot
I'm runway ready
Na, na, na, na, na
I wear my fancy heels
that's how good I feel.
Na, na, na, na, na
I am gonna dance
'till I come undone
Won't you try me on
Won't you try me on
Oh, woo!
There's a lot of pumpkins.
Welcome, everybody.
These are for you.
- Thanks, Sarah.
- Alright.
Hi, hi.
- Beautiful.
- Thanks.
Have you here, Right over here.
- Ok.
- Perfect.
And we are ready.
Three, two...
We're live from Abbottville,
North Carolina
and it is the day before
the wedding of a lifetime.
Sebastian, come on out.
So, did the audience
make some good choices?
They made some great choices
and we averaged three million
votes a day.
- Wow.
- Well, let's see 'em.
Here it comes, thank you.
So, our audience chose this
spectacular traditional tux
for Jake.
It's beautiful. You're gonna
look so handsome.
You know, maybe I should
get one too.
It's a tuxedo, honey,
it's not magic.
I still believe in magic.
Jake, what do you think
of the tux?
I... I was actually hoping
for the powder blue one,
but this one will be great.
Oh, oh and look.
Here are the centerpieces
and floral arrangements.
It's gonna look so beautiful.
We're gonna give you viewers
the event of a season.
And let's look at the final
piece of the puzzle,
the wedding dress.
Oh, no.
I have to save something
for tomorrow.
America and Jake will see
the dress at the same time.
Oh, well. It's true.
It's bad luck for the groom
to see the wedding dress
before the big day.
Trust me, I know.
Tune in for the Wedding
of a Lifetime.
Right now we'll send it back
to New York
for the updates in the news.
Don't go away.
And we're clear.
Good show, folks.
- We'll see you both tomorrow.
- Ok.
- Have a good sleep tonight.
- Thank you.
Bye. Oh, careful.
- Oh, this is all so exciting.
- Isn't it?
Ok, so Darby, you'll be staying
at your home tonight
and Jake, you'll be staying
at your parents.
We just want to build anticipation
for the first time you see
each other tomorrow.
And what time is
our call time tomorrow?
Oh, it's a late call,
only 6:00AM.
Oh, good. Only 6:00.
Sarah, thank you so much
for everything.
You've been amazing.
Well, you know,
don't tell anyone, but
you two are my favorite
couple ever.
- Do you have to say that?
- Yeah.
Cut, cut the cameras.
Cameras aren't rolling,
so you can trust me.
Jake, don't try to sneak
back over here.
I have a sixth sense
for any funny business.
Oh, I promise.
I will say my goodbyes and then
I will go to my parents' house.
I'll see you both tomorrow.
This is the first time we've
been alone in like four days.
Yeah, no, I know. It's...
They weren't kidding
about the schedule.
I thought you two might want
a little treat.
- It's hot apple cider.
- Oh, thank you.
That's so nice.
Thank you, Whitney.
Oh, it's the least I can do.
Y'all saved my business.
Heck, y'all saved this town.
People are coming
from all over to find out
where Darby and Jake are from.
Jim said hotels are booked solid
until Christmas.
That's great.
That's, that's very sweet,
but, it's actually the town
that saved us.
Oh. Well, I should go.
Oh! I will see you two tomorrow.
I was able to get a ticket
to the wedding.
Dum, dum, duh duh
Dum, dum, duh duh...
Yeah. I'm sure it'll be
a fun surprise.
Hey. Tomorrow is about us.
And our ticketed guests.
It's a fresh start.
I hope so.
- Goodnight!
- Ok.
- You should go.
- I'm gonna go. Yeah.
Jake and Darby are
getting married.
And Jake will be joining us
in just a couple of minutes
and you're all about to see
the Wedding of a Lifetime.
So stick around,
we'll be right back.
Ok, she's almost ready,
but brace yourselves though, ok?
Alright, Darby. Showtime!
Well don't keep us
in suspense, Darb.
Does it fit?
Oh, it fits. Yeah. Um...
Is this the dress?
I don't think this is the dress.
There was a last minute change
with the sponsor
and we have to showcase
this dress,
but, it is from a world-famous
and the braids, they are
just small-town chic.
You look, you look great.
Yeah. Ok. Well...
Yeah, it's, um, it's great, right?
So you like it?
You make anything gorgeous.
Right. Well, I guess
we gotta do it, right?
It's, it's what we got.
Oh, Darby. You are beautiful.
Yeah, stunning.
I mean, it's very runway, right?
It's like...
- Totally.
- Yes, it is.
Anyway, we are almost ready,
so do you have all
your good luck charms?
Good luck charms?
You know, something old,
something new,
something borrowed,
something blue.
Got it! Ha, ha!
We forgot everything
at my house.
Or did we leave it at my house?
You know what?
It's, it's ok.
It's really, it's fine.
No, no, no we are not
tempting fate.
Ladies, let's go.
I shouldn't have let you
keep them.
Let's take my car.
I remember where we left it.
There they are.
There's our groom.
Hello. Good morning.
Jake, you look a little nervous.
Can I ask who they are?
Production thought the shot
could use some more
bridesmaids and groomsmen
so we just cast some extras.
They don't have any lines,
don't worry.
Good to know.
None of this matters.
What do you mean?
Do you know what I remember
about my wedding day?
Looking into Frank's eyes
and everything melting away.
That would be, uh, pretty
great right about now.
When you walk down that aisle,
you look for Jake.
You won't see anything else.
Thank you.
Ok. So we found them but we only
have like two minutes, ladies,
so let's make this quick.
I took care of something old
and something borrowed.
They were your mother's
She wore them on
her wedding day.
She wanted you to have
them today.
Thank you, Nana.
Darby, I have something blue.
This was really precious to me.
Thank you, Kathy.
And I got you something new.
It's a star hairpin
because you're a star.
It was just a matter of time.
Do you mind if I put it
in your hair?
Thank you.
Thank you all so much
for being here right now.
I could not imagine this day
without you.
We're live in three, two...
So, Jake, are you ready now to
see your wedding of a lifetime.
We think you're gonna love it.
Come on in!
- Let's get you married.
- Oooh.
One more small thing.
The show wanted you to have
a larger bridal party,
so you might see a couple
extra people up there.
Oh. Well, who are they?
Just some people we cast
for the show.
Excuse me a second.
- Darby?
- What is going on?
- Darby?
- Where is she going?
- Do we have a runner?
- I think we do. Yep.
Oh no!
- I want to marry you.
- I want to marry you.
Not here though.
We can't do it here.
What do you mean you can't have
the wedding here?
Ok. So that morning
when you surprised us
with this beautiful opportunity,
we were actually coming to tell
you that we had broken up.
We still loved each other,
but so much has happened
over the last few years
and we got lost.
Oh, honey. Why didn't
you tell us?
We didn't want to break your
hearts on national television.
And you know,
I'm not sure that we were
completely positive it was over.
I mean, we've always been
Jake and Darby.
We didn't want
to disappoint you.
You could never disappoint us.
We know that now.
- Listen-
- Let them talk.
We thought we were gonna play
a few rounds
and then go our separate ways
after we lost, but...
We found each other again.
Well, so why did you stop
the wedding on live television?
We had to be honest
with everyone.
Well, you told us.
So, why don't we get back
in there
and get this show on the road?
It's not the wedding you wanted.
It's so beautiful.
It's just not us.
Well, this has been a rather
eventful morning.
Stay with us, because
we'll be right back
after this brief
commercial message.
I still can't believe
that you did this.
We're so sorry.
You gave us the most exciting
ending ever.
It'll be re-shared forever.
You two take care of each other.
I mean, they totally changed
all my fall ball decor.
- I know.
- They didn't care!
I know. I know.
I'm just sorry we made you feel
like you couldn't tell us
what you were going through.
We just put too much pressure
on you.
Why didn't you come to us?
All you did was love us.
But we do still need
to get married.
Yes, we do.
What are you thinking?
Um, we have something in mind.
We're gathered here today
for the wedding of Jake
and Darby.
The happy couple would like to
begin by exchanging their vows.
Darby, I love you.
You are the most kind
and beautiful woman
I have ever seen
in my entire life.
I knew that very first night
that I wanted to marry you.
It just took me a lot longer
than I expected.
You stood by me when I couldn't
stand on my own.
And you supported me like
nobody else in this world.
But now, it's time for you
to follow your dreams.
We have two tickets
to New York City,
leaving in three days.
You are gonna take
the big apple by storm
and I cannot wait to be there
cheering you on
every step of the way.
I don't know what to say.
Oh right, um...
I have loved you since
the day that I met you.
You're generous, you're strong.
You're so funny.
I'm just so happy we're standing
here today.
It has always, and only
ever been you.
You are my heart.
And I have a present
for you too.
Yes, um, I found a firm
to help build
and launch your ski school.
Which means you get to share
your love of sport
with so many people
and I'm gonna be right there
on this adventure with you.
- What are you doing?
- What are you doing?
- I love you so much.
- I love you so much!
- I just want you to be happy.
- I am happy with you.
Let's, let's slow down
a minute. Let's...
Let's get you married first.
Ah, yes.
Jake, please take this ring,
place it on Darby's finger
and repeat after me.
- I Jake, take you, Darby.
- I Jake, take you, Darby.
- To be my lawfully wedded wife.
- To be my lawfully wedded wife.
That's it.
Darby, place the ring on Jake's
finger and repeat after me.
- I Darby, take you, Jake.
- I Darby, take you, Jake.
To be my lawfully
wedded husband.
To be my lawfully
wedded husband.
- You're bloated.
- I know.
I'm sorry.
- Here we go.
- It's all that pie!
It is!
By the power vested in me,
I now pronounce you
husband and wife.
You may kiss the bride.
- We're married!
- We're married!
We're married!