Wedding Palace (2013) Movie Script

My first birthday started out
Like any other korean first birthday.
Please! Be quiet.
Let him choose.
How can he choose with all this noise?
All i had to do was pick the one
That would determine my entire future.
If i chose the calligraphy brush,
I was destined to become a scholar.
- He's going to harvard! - Harvard! Harvard!
If i chose money, i would become a
wealthy man.
Hey, at least i'm not gonna
Have to support another brother.
If i chose the bowl of rice,
Universal good luck would be my
That's the best one!
Best one. Overall good luck.
Never hungry!
A big, fat, happy boy!
That's good.
Let him choose!
He keeps changing.
Where you going?
- No, no, no. - Pass him the toy.
Maxi pad?
Oh, you know, he gets into everything, no?
He's like an adventurer, huh?
Christopher columbus. Hmm?
Yes. He's very curious.
That's a good thing.
I am doctor.
I chose the money like any professional is
supposed to do.
This is a sign.
The family curse.
This one's got the curse.
I got to go.
- Can't you stay? - You cancelled the meeting!
Get him to a shaman!
All because i chose a maxi pad on my
first birthday,
My parents are convinced that i've inherited
The ancient family curse.
They believe that if i'm not married
By the time i reach my 30th birthday,
I'll die.
The great ancestor!
He warn of trouble!
Lee kiwon, he is still angry!
Death to your clan!
I am junshik. I am calling you.
Do you hear?
I am calling you!
If you don't get married by the time you're
You're dead!
This is no joke, jason!
Our family, you know... is
We're cursed!
Your father, your uncles, me,
- My father, my grandfather... - All of us.
- Grandfather. - ...we all had to do it.
- All had to do it. - Yeah.
- We had no choice, eh? - No choice.
Wife or death!
Twenty four generations ago in korea,
In our ancestral village, it all
The year was 1760,
And our great ancestor, dr. Kim,
Had found the perfect bride for his only
son, junshik.
It was the day before junshik's 30th birthday,
And everyone was excited as the wedding
was about to begin.
So, where's junshik?
Your son who is about to marry my daughter!
Yes. Of course. My son.
Where is he?
We have been waiting now for one hour.
Oh, my old friend, kiwon, it's a surprise.
Junshik just loves surprises.
He's such a joker, my son.
We all just love his jokes.
Jokes on my daughter's wedding day?
Are you joking?!
I mean no.
If you will excuse me for just one moment.
Hurry! Find that lousy son of mine!
You like it that hard!
- Ow! More! Please! Ow! - Eat it! Eat it!
Oh, let me breathe through it.
When word got out that junshik was at the
water mill
With his servant...
This is your idea of a joke?
I saved my favorite, special daughter
For your lousy, good-For-Nothing son?!
My daughter... she'll never be married!
She will be an old maid, bastard!
May the gods damn and curse this house...
Damn and curse this house forever!
Damn and curse this house...
Damn and curse this house forever!
Hey! My boy!
Big day is here!
Yobo, where are you?
Where is jason?
He was supposed to be here 45 seconds ago!
Oh! There you are!
Oh, the man who is going to marry my
We are about to be your family.
Oh! It's time.
Places, everybody!
Jin, time to get jinnie.
Yobo, wait for my cue.
Danny, when you hear the wedding march,
That's when you start.
- That's your cue. Go. Go. - Okay. Okay.
Oh, jason.
My baby's about to be married.
Mom, don't cry.
You and dad did a beautiful job with the
Oh, well, you know, everything had to be
After all, it's my...
It's your wedding day.
You ready?
Yobo, it's time.
Shh! Guido!
Guido, that's my mom!
- Everyone is waiting! - Jinnie!
Aah! What should i do?
Wedding march. Go!
I need to get to the bottom of this.
Oh, there she is!
Come. Come, my love.
She's with guido?
The cake maker?
No! Stop them!
Seal the entrance!
Stop them!
The curse!
The curse!
Another junshik on your hands.
It's not the boy's fault.
He's like me.
No, junshik!
He's 29.
The time of his samjae is here!
Samjae? Oh!
Three years of bad luck!
But he's gonna be past 30!
If he's not married in six months, he'll die.
This amulet is for his protection.
He must wear it next to his skin at all
And then his bad luck will be gone?
For the channeling.
Uh... amulet is on the house.
You wear this closest to what makes you man.
Always wear clean underwear.
Always 100 percent cotton.
- You never take it off. - Never!
Honey, bring me and jason a couple of hites?
Can you do that for me, sweetie?
Dude, kev, i really got to say, man,
I never thought i'd see you so content in domestic bliss.
Thank you.
I mean, the sweet kid, the great house.
Beautiful wife.
You've got it all.
- Oh, no. - That's okay, tina.
I don't need a glass.
- No? - No, pour it in his glass.
Pour it. She knows it's special for me.
She knows i like most things hot,
But my beer cold.
Don't you, honey?
Oh, stop.
Honey, my stomach's making those funny noises again.
Would some kimbap make it all better?
Thanks, cupcake.
Oh, you're welcome.
Butterfly kisses. Butterfly kisses.
I love you so much.
- I love you. - Okay.
I'm gonna bite your ears off.
I'm gonna bite you.
Sweetie, tina.
Jason's here.
I love you so much.
- All right. - I love you so much.
- Say, "i love you." - I love you.
Say it louder.
I love you.
- I love you. - I miss you already. Mm.
I love that woman.
Did i tell you she's getting implants?
She's getting implants?
And a woman who makes her own kimchi.
She makes her own kimchi?
No store-Bought for me, buddy.
She salts it with her own hands
And buries it right here in this ground.
I'm the king of this house, my friend.
Hell, she wants to do it.
You make it sound so easy.
- It's the korean way. - It's easy, bro.
- Hey, what's going on with you? - Seeing anybody?
Uh... no.
Oh, man.
A handsome, intelligent, hot-Blooded korean
With nothing warm to sleep next to.
What a shame.
You know what you got to do?
You got to get back on the saddle and
I don't know if i'm ready.
- I got it. - Don't worry about it.
- Sorry. - Nah. Don't do it again.
Hey, you got that cast thing.
Women love that whole nurse thing.
Jinnie... she tear you up or what?
I-I look back on the whole situation.
Maybe the whole thing was a blessing in
I'm sure there's a perfect woman out there,
Maybe, you know?
Hey, what about your mom and dad?
What about them?
They got anyone in store?
Yeah. Plenty.
- What are you waiting for? - No, no, no,
no, no.
I-I'm done with all that.
- And to give up all this? - All right?
Just hook up with other girls your parents
got lined up.
It's easy.
Think so?
- I know so. - That's how tina an i met.
And you can change them, too.
Remember tina had that ugly mole on her face?
Two months later... gone. I can't look at that.
It's hairy. All right? Listen.
You're just looking for someone to marry, right?
You're not looking for someone
To go on a secret space mission with.
That would be cool, though, right?
She talks too much, you open up the hatch,
She goes into space.
Hello and welcome to the wedding palace
bridal show.
Our first contestant... miss kathy ahn.
I graduated from the university of michigan.
Oh, and she would've graduated cum laude
If weren't for those b's in math.
We want "a" student only.
Oh, and only ivy leaguers.
But i'm applying for my master's at
Well, why don't you come back when you get into princeton?
Come along. Thank you.
Our next contestant, miss susie choi,
Was miss newport beach two years running.
Come on down!
She's so pretty, eh?
Family is very important to me.
Probably because her own parents are
Hey, look!
I was a violin prodigy.
I've been driving a bmw ever since i can remember.
- Good stuff here. - Right, folks?
Well, it better be good... it's got to make up
For those nude photos that she posed for.
Thanks very much.
Miss helen rhee, summa cum laude from
stanford undergrad,
Top 10 in her graduating class from stanford
- She's pretty, too. - And smart.
My family history dates back to the silla
I'm involved in church activities,
I play the piano, and i like to cook.
I make my own kimchi!
I have a question.
I-If you were in love with the most perfect
man for you,
But your parents and your family hated him,
Would you still marry him?
- 5, 4, 3, 2... - Well, i'm... i...
Look. I don't have time for this anymore.
That's right, you don't have time.
You take six months to recover!
Only 3 months. Then you're gonna be 30.
We gonna have to take
A life-Insurance policy out on you.
Oh! That reminds me.
Aah! Mom! Mom! Mom!
Where is amulet? You know you have bad luck!
You guys really believe in this curse thing?
"Curse thing?" You think this is game?
You think i am in love with your daddy when
we got married?
- No. - No.
Mommy and daddy fell in love after.
- Look. - I got a lot of work to do.
Jason, we simply want you to find someone to
I got to get ready to make a presentation in
Jason listen.
Your mother and i, we care about you so much.
So much!
And we agree these american girls are no
good for you.
We make mistake. You were right, we were
We wasted your time. Please, forgive us.
Dad, i didn't mean to be nasty.
I'd do anything for you guys.
- That's good. - That's what we like to hear.
Good boy. Good boy.
Because you're going to have a good time in seoul.
- Yeah. So much fun. - Many opportunities.
We know people in seoul, you have a hook-Up.
And they see your muscles,
And they really gonna love you over there.
- Many nice girls. - Yeah.
I think going to korea can be good for you.
Yeah, i just need to get away.
- Plus, they love us over there. - Who?
The women. They love americans.
Girls over here, they don't like korean guys,
They don't date them.
But over there, that's all they want
Is a full-Bloodied korean guy.
Plus, they prefer american beef.
What the hell were you thinking of?
I didn't think it was that bad.
Actually, i liked it.
It was fresh.
You did, did you, na young?
Yes. Yes, i did.
Market research shows
That buyers of this product are 100% women.
And that's my point.
Every woman has that time of the month.
But any guy cool enough to do that, wow!
I really think it's an interesting way
To get men to buy this product.
Uh, i-I-It's about making buyers out of nonbuyers.
I-It's about creating a whole new generation of buyers.
Not making this product taboo.
I can see your logic.
In that case...
I like it, jason.
You arranged another date without asking me?!
The girl you were supposed to meet, she
already divorced.
But hyun soo, she wants to meet you at 7:30.
- Hyun soo? - Who's hyun soo?
Oh, she's from l.A., Too,
And she's doing business in korea just like you.
What a coincidence, huh?
Hand on the chin.
Oh, i want to kiss you, you're so beautiful.
He wants me to cancel!
Jason, you listen to me!
Your mother has spent all day on the phone
Making these arrangements with mrs. Rhee!
- Mrs. Rhee's in on this. - Great.
Of course she's in on it!
Everybody is in on it!
Oh, tell him i'm gonna cancel.
I'm gonna call hyun soo's mommy.
- Did you hear that! - Did you?! Jason!
She's crying so much that my eardrums are hurting!
- Come on! - Okay!
I'll go.
Tell mom to stop crying.
Who's hyun soo?
Oh, hyun soo is... she's a very nice girl, you know?
You should wear your best suit because i
She has very high standards.
And don't forget... comb your hair very nice, okay?
It's very important.
It is gonna be good thing.
Did you like it?
You know...
I've always thought
There was something really sexy about
jeffrey dahmer.
What's next?
Oh, my gosh!
Mr. Kim?
Uh, jason.
C-Call... call me jason.
No, no, no. Don't get up.
Miss song, right?
Oh, please, call me na young.
Na young, i'm sorry for... barging in like that.
I-I heard you out there, and...
Your voice.
Is the tampon company just your day job?
I just like singing.
Uh, please, sit.
Oh, i wanted to thank you for earlier today.
You saved me.
Oh, your commercial?
Yeah. I was dying in there.
Thanks for sticking up for me.
It's just because it's new.
People get scared of what they don't know.
That's all. That's what i liked about it.
It was actually... funny.
So, am i interrupting anything?
Are you here with anyone?
I was just on this really awful blind date,
And i didn't feel like going home yet.
So you came here?
- You? - I was on a blind date, too.
But, uh, she had a thing for a serial killer.
Creepy, right?
Oh, good times.
Thanks mom.
Your mom set the date up?
Come on!
So, uh...
So what's next?
I was thinking. Maybe we can get something
to eat.
It's late.
Or, if you're feeling up for it,
Something to drink?
I'm gonna go pay,
And, uh, you just... think on it, okay?
Maybe it was my singing.
Everybody hates my singing.
Hey, jason!
Hey! There you are!
Yep. She's in the front seat.
That says it all.
Man, i blew it.
You okay?
No. I was... just wondering...
This whole global warming thing's really freaking me out.
Earlier tonight, it was like summer,
And now it's like winter.
Global warming. Jesus.
Get it together, dude.
Are... are we going the right way?
He says we're taking shortcut.
Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey!
You don't just go to the bathroom
In the middle of taking a customer home.
I've never seen anything like this before.
I'm sorry.
I-I didn't mean it like that.
It's not your fault.
It is a great view out here, though, right?
You seeing anyone?
Seeing anyone?
No. I'm not seeing anyone.
Confession time.
I was on a blind date, too, tonight...
Set up by my mom.
And never again.
I don't know why i ever agreed to it.
It's not like i'm desperate or anything.
I know the feeling.
Isn't it funny how other people always think
They know what's right for you?
I decided a long time ago i'd rather be alone
Than be with someone just to be married
Or to make my parents happy.
You only got one life.
I'm not trying to live for anyone else.
Who knows.
Mr. Right might not even be korean.
So, you believe in soul mates?
Somewhere out there...
There is someone that's just for me.
Actually, my exes were always someone
What?! Oh!
So, you really think i'm stuck in the '70s?
I promise not to hold it against you.
Sometimes, i wonder what it would be like
If i grew up in korea.
You know, like, would i be the same person?
You mean, how much does society determine
our personalities?
Yeah. Exactly.
Well, i think you would be the same person
With the same set of problems.
When you are different, or other people
think you are,
Well, it's never easy.
I know what you mean.
Thanks for making my last night here so
Last night?
You're leaving tomorrow?
In the morning.
So... we're going to keep in touch, right?
I have your email.
We'll email.
Isn't this cute?
She asked me to send her some pictures,
And she made this.
Doesn't it look like we're really together?
Wow. I've got the tingles.
- Cute, right? - No, hello kitty is cute.
That's disgusting.
Do you know what happened to your cousin
Just after his 30th birthday because he
refused to marry?
- Aah! - He was crushed like pancake.
And what about hee dong?
Oh, he was eaten by hippo.
And even worse than death,
Look what happened to your cousin yung won!
Mysteriously, his penis fell off!
Talk tomorrow?
Sweet dreams.
You, too.
Can you see me?
Yep, i can totally see you.
- Good. So you like fish? - How did you know?
This is so cool.
I hope you like crab.
I love crab.
That's one is huge!
That's dinner.
Please, honey, you must eat.
What can daddy do to make you eat?
I want jason back.
- But... but... but, honey... - I know. I
I know what i did!
I regret it.
I want him back.
You don't want me to get married?
- Of course i do. - But what can daddy do?
Can't you talk to his mother?
He does everything she says.
I told you, that's why i was having doubts.
Because of jason's mother?
How can i compete with her for jason's attention?
But, honey, how can we go to them after
I told you!
Guido the cake baker kidnapped me!
You didn't even try once to find me.
When we called you, you said you were busy
Do something, or i'll starve myself to death.
I will, i will, i will, i will!
I will!
Jason, i'll be ready in 20 minutes.
Okay. Sounds good.
What do you think?
Red or white?
I think white wine is better with crab, isn't it?
That's what i'm thinking, too.
Thank you.
This looks so good.
I can't believe you made all this!
You never told me you could cook.
Oh, before i forget.
For you.
Oh my god. It's beautiful.
Are you ready?
So, are you ready for some dessert?
I'm stuffed.
Why don't we let the food settle a little bit?
You want some more wine?
Sure. Why not?
I'll take a little more.
Look at me.
One shot!
Will you marry me?
What university did she go to?
- She went to yonsei. - Actually, her whole
family did.
Okay, yonsei's okay.
Top three in korea.
Number 1 is seoul national!
What is her father's job?
Uh, h-He... he's a musician.
A-A-A trumpet player.
Trumpet player?
- Solo or what? - Does he play in band?
- Solo. - I love jazz.
Yeah, but jazz don't make any money.
Does he have a cd?
I know you guys are asking me these questions
Because you love me.
- It doesn't matter! - It doesn't matter!
I'm in love, and we're getting married,
And she's coming to l.A.
- Huh? - Huh?
So, do we give our blessing or not?
We have not done our due diligence!
Well, we don't want this kid to die, do we?
Jason, my only son.
We love you, but it's not important.
More important... we don't want him to die, so...
'Cause you're not gonna die!
He's getting married!
Oh! I'm so happy!
Don't cry, mom.
Now, i don't have anything to worry about.
It's going to be beautiful wedding, hmm?
Happy. A very happy wedding.
You think you're going to bribe us?
What kind of people do you think we are?
For your information, our jason is getting
In fact, she's coming to l.A. Tomorrow.
- Get out! - We don't need your offer!
Get out!
Can you believe it?!
These are just some suggestions from my mom,
But no worries if you don't see...
I like this one!
Hot, right?!
- Okay. - Tell your mom i like that one.
Is there a size you want me to pull for you?
You want my size?
Uh, personal question, i know,
But i figure we're about to get to know
Every little thing about each other, anyway.
Every little thing.
You're not having second thoughts, are you?
- Are you? - You are, huh?
- No. - 'Cause me neither.
It's just that...
You're having second thoughts about leaving home.
It's not that. It's just...
No, no, you want to see how it goes first
Before you really want to make a decision to
marry me.
But do you?
You and me.
That's what i want.
I'm... i'm small.
If there' an extra small, that's even better.
Extra small it is, then.
Tiny, little thing, aren't you?
I can't wait to see you.
See you soon. Tomorrow.
Jason! Jason, you can't ignore me.
You hate me so much, you can't even look at me anymore?
I'm so sorry, jason.
What i did, i wasn't in my right mind.
Will you ever find it in your heart to
forgive me?
I haven't eaten in two weeks.
- Two weeks? - Mm-Hmm.
Jinnie, eat something.
Only if you forgive me.
I forgive you.
Jinnie, why are you crying?
Your words are nourishment enough.
I'll eat them like hope.
Na young!
I'm small.
If there is an extra small, that's even better.
I'm so glad to see you.
I missed you.
You've been dying to do this
Since the last time i kissed you?
I know.
- Uh... - Jason.
H-Hi, mom!
Is she here? Did she arrive?
Oh! Your mom?
Uh, oh, uh, s-She just got here.
I think she's tired. Maybe tomorrow, mom.
It's okay. We can go now.
- I'm fine! - Everybody is here.
Bring her home right now!
Go, go, go!
Go, go, go.
Uncle hank.
- Take your jackets off! - It's so hot!
- Oh! Here! This is for you. - Ooh!
- Aww! - Aww!
For me?!
Oh, they look so happy together.
- Did you have a nice flight? - Are you
No. I slept the whole way.
- You are lucky one. - On plane, i can never
Wedding dress you picked... jason, he showed
Oh! It's gonna be so nice on you.
So beautiful. I'm so excited!
When you have time,
We're gonna do fitting right away, okay?
If you don't mind, uh, where is the bathroom?
I'd like to freshen up a bit.
It's the first door on right side.
Yeah. Okay.
- No, no, no, no, no, no! - You're fresh.
Romeo and juliet. Hmm?
Jason, she has to go pee pee!
Let her go pee pee!
Oh, you're so sweet.
Oh, no, no.
Jason, why are you so rough?
- No, i'm just... - Her bladder! It's an
It hurts. Let her go pee pee.
I've never heard such silliness.
- I'll be right back. - I'll be right back.
Don't want the bladder to hurt.
I never saw her standing up.
The whole time i was in korea...
She was sitting down?!
She looks like a little baby!
- Kwan, kwan, please, calm down! - Shh!
It's okay!
Short woman... eat less.
Everybody, shut mouths!
Be quiet! Shut up!
Call 911 right now! Call 911!
He's having a heart attack because of you, jason!
Aah! Oh!
I-I'm a curse?
- That's what she said. - No. No.
I'm a curse.
Because i'm short?
No. Everyone was just a little surprised is
Both of your grandparents had heart attacks.
They were a little more than surprised.
Why didn't you tell me how short you were?
I didn't think it would matter.
Would you still have proposed?
I mean, i'd like to think so, yeah.
Do you still want to marry me?
Be honest.
Of course i do.
I got to go.
Can you promise me something?
I have to figure a way out of this mess.
I have to face it.
You can't tell anybody.
She was sitting down the whole time?
I heard them say she was only like three
feet tall.
You wouldn't believe what i just heard.
She's a midget.
Oh, my god.
How come you didn't tell me na young was a midget?
Wait. She's not a midget.
She's... where did you hear this?
- Everybody knows. - What?!
Yeah, you know how fast word gets around k-
Wait. What do you mean, everybody?
My mom...
Are we still going out tonight?
Uh, yeah.
- Man! - That means everybody knows!
There's so much fabric.
Let me... do this.
You know, it was very nice gesture
For you to agree to marry jason.
It was love, not a gesture.
I'm sure he said so.
He's like that.
Oh, of course he loves you very much,
But, you know, he has to be practical, too.
This is a life and death situation.
Oh, you mean the curse?
He would never let you see how scared he
really was.
You know, jason, he suffered so much
When the girl he loved all his life, she
just run away,
Walk out on him.
Yeah. I know about jinnie.
He told me.
So, you know, he didn't have much time
To find a new girl.
He was... he was desperate.
No matter. Now he has you.
You are such a small answer to such a big
I am so thankful to you.
We can... we can talk like little girls
And be so close.
I'm so happy.
I'm very happy.
Now we need a glove, eh?
You can have a long one.
Or, in your case,
I think a short one is better, huh?
Sorry. I don't mean to make a joke.
Don't go.
Jinnie. Jinnie, don't go.
- Jason? - Jinnie.
- I need to talk to you. - Jinnie?
- Na young. - Na young?!
I'll be right back.
- You're going through with it? - Yeah.
- Marrying another girl? - You're really doing it.
I would ski naked down mount everest
In the nude with a carnation stuffed up my
If you asked me to.
That's how much i love you.
What? Shh!
Jason, your 30th is just around the corner.
Make it be us.
There's still time to cancel on her.
- I did nothing! - Don't give me that look.
I'm sorry.
Where are you going?
You still have feelings for her.
I saw how you ran after her.
I saw the whole thing.
What whole thing?
You want to go back to her, don't you?
That's not true.
I know everything about you and jinnie.
I never hid anything about jinnie from you.
I told you the truth.
Oh, you're such a liar.
You said you wore a small, an extra small,
Not that you are extra-Extra small!
What about my family? Huh?
Their friends and everyone is laughing.
Not at you, na young, at me.
You said you were tired
Of living your life for your parents.
You're any different?
Oh, come on.
The truth is, you are a coward.
You know that's what you are.
You're afraid of anything different,
And you care what everyone thinks.
That's your curse, jason.
Hey, na young. It's me.
Call me. We should talk.
I'm sorry.
Man, i blew it.
You'll blow it if you don't go on with your
Go on with what wedding?
Your 30th birthday is just around the corner!
One small problem, dad.
Don't you talk to me about small!
Who am i going to marry?
Jinnie park, of course.
- Jinnie? - I can't marry jinnie.
Now, jinnie, she wants you back.
Mommy, daddy, we talked to her parents.
We're all in agreement.
Life is going to be good again.
Jason. Jason! You listen to me.
Your grandparents are in the hospital
Because of you.
You... you think you have a choice?
It's not that simple.
- Life or death. - It's really simple.
Your mother and i, we didn't always have what you see now.
- Yeah, that's right. - We grew into loving each other.
When we first met,
We didn't have much feeling for each other.
And now, now you look at us, hmm?
I can't sleep without your daddy.
He snored.
Beautiful, jinnie.
I blinked. I blinked.
Jason look look at the camera.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!
You're engaged! Happy, happy!
Happy, jason. Happy!
Happy! Be happy!
It smells like a fantasy!
I love it!
Jason! Oh, my god!
It's perfect!
Jason! Big smile, huh?
You're doing the right thing, okay?
That's a good boy. Have a good time.
- Yeah. - You look like a handsome prince.
When doves cry.
No, he's not a prince.
He's a puss in boots.
No, he's handsome.
Big day, huh?
You did good.
You never disappoint us so far, jason.
Everybody so happy.
- Where are you? - Where's jason?!
He was supposed to be here 45 seconds ago!
You know that i am waiting!
It's the prince who is going to marry my princess.
There you are!
We're about to be a family.
We don't have to worry about jinnie.
She's all alone.
Under lock and key.
Who knew she'd like that?
It's time!
Places, everybody!
Jin, time to get jinnie.
Yobo, wait. We've all done this before.
Our boy!
Everybody, go!
You're about to be married for real this time.
Mom, i just don't feel right.
I know.
I should have ordered half a size bigger.
- No. Mom, look. - I have something to tell
Oh, you don't have to say it.
Mommy want to do beautiful wedding for my
beautiful son.
No. Mom. Mom. I'm having second thoughts.
I'm not in love with jinnie.
Yobo, music. Go!
Door now!
You're getting married today.
Mom, did you hear me?
Everybody is watching.
Two easy words... i do.
And then it will be all over.
I decided a long time ago i'd rather be alone
Than be with someone just to be
Or to make my parents happy.
Yobo, wedding march. Go!
Lights! Go!
Mwah! Mwah!
Two easy words.
I do, and then it will all be over.
I don't want it to be over!
- Jason! - Mom!
I'm in love with na young.
Her plane is leaving in 20 minutes.
No, dad!
You cannot marry her!
Oh, please! I beg you!
The curse!
Oh, mommy, he's going to marry jinnie.
- No! - Yes, he's marrying jinnie!
- Don't marry her. - Oh, i beg you.
I love you, but i'm marrying na young.
Don't stand there, go after him!
Jason, slow down!
Stop! Everybody stop!
Huh? You don't know most important part
Of our family history?
The night before junshik's wedding,
He asked his father about his bride to be.
So, dad, what is this girl i'm gonna marry like, anyway?
Son, she is famous for her unique and rare
Unique and rare?
But is she hot, dad?
I mean, does she have a hot body?
She is the perfect girl.
Do not worry yourself i've arranged it all.
That night, he couldn't sleep.
He was determined to get a peek
Of this unique and rare beauty he was to
Okay, unique and rare beauty, maybe,
But does she have a hot body?
Daughter. Daughter, come.
- Just a moment, father. - I'll be right there.
Junshik's bride was a midget?
That's why we had heart attacks.
Happy heart attacks?!
When we saw na young,
We knew she's our chance to break this curse forever.
- Oh! - Oh!
Attention, please.
All departing passengers
Of korean airlines flight number 011,
Keep it.
Wait! I have a ticket!
Na young.
Jason, what are you doing?
Where are your clothes?
What? Are you crazy?
Crazy to have broken us up.
Na young, please forgive me.
Forgive you?
For what?
Leading me on a wild goose chase to l.A.,
When the whole time you knew you were going
to marry jinnie?
But i'm not gonna marry jinnie.
Na young, that's why i'm here.
How can i marry jinnie when i'm in love with you?
If lightning strikes me or meteors crush
So what if my penis falls off?
Life without you, na young,
That would be the real curse.
Oh! This is so typical.
Just when i'm all set to go back home
And forget you were ever in my life...
I hate you.
I love you, too.
Thank you.
I'm almost finished here,
So maybe you want to get together
And discuss over cocktails?
Oh, i love mojitos!
- Take it. - Okay.
Take it harder!
You love it!
I think i do!
- Ooh. - Ooh.
- Ooh! - Again, please.
- You love it! - I do! I do!
You want it!
I do, kind of. Yeah!
- Aah! - It's everything you want!
It's everything! Yes!
- Take it! - I'm taking it!
- Take it! - Aah!
- More! - Again! Please! Ow!
- Ooh! - Oh, let me breathe through it.
- Unh! - Is this it?
Is this it?
Should i do the whole thing over?
Whatever's easiest.
I'll just take another hack at the whole thing.
Okay. Okay.
Take every servant we can afford,
And go find that lousy son of mine!
Take every servant you can afford,
And go find that lousy son of mine!
Take every servant we can afford,
And go find that lousy son of mine!
Let me do it just one more time.
- When you say... - Noooo!