Wednesday, A (2008) Movie Script

I am retiring tomorrow.
Over the past few weeks,
many people have asked me...
...that Mr. Prakash Rathod
police commissioner of Mumbai...
...that which was the most challenging
and interesting case of your life.
I evaded this question.
Every time... But every time
I remembered only one case.
This case is not
registered in any file anywhere.
There is no record anywhere.
But it is in my mind and... the minds of some people who were
involved in this case unwillingly.
That bastard.
That bastard just had guts to walk
into our lives and blow it apart.
It was a Wednesday.
Hello! Where are you going?
To file a FIR.
To the right. Room number 3.
Who hit you?
- My wife.
I wanted to file an FIR. - Then what
is there to be embarrassed about?
- With a cooker.
I want to file a complaint.
Wait for a while. I will
call you. Have a seat.
Why did she hit you?
The problem was... That...
Come on. Speak up. There
are other people waiting.
I just told her that there
was more salt in the food.
She just flared up.
There was a cooker to her right.
She picked it and
hit me on my left side.
Sir please... Just warn her once.
She keeps hitting me.
You should never ever say
such things to your wife.
Go home and say sorry.
Or else instead of salt she will
put something else in your food.
Did you understand?
Don't take it too seriously. Go on.
Sir, but file a report at least...
- Get lost!
Hey mister, hello...
Mr. Jammu Kashmir please come.
What happened?
- I lost my wallet.
How? What do you mean by how?
How do things get lost?
I mean, where was it lost?
- I don't remember.
When I checked it wasn't with me.
What were its contents?
A photograph of my wife,
driving license. PAN card.
Easy, easy. Sorry.
PAN card, ATM card, and credit card.
There was a railway pass.
Some cash. My wife's photograph.
You have already said that.
- What?
You have already told me
about your wife's photograph.
How much cash was in it?
- Around 300-350 rupees.
Where is the washroom?
- What's your name and address?
Rajesh Kumar Sharma.
S.V. Road, Borivali.
What's your telephone number?
- 9832465784.
Take this. Call up
tomorrow and enquire.
The washroom is to
the right over there.
Thank you.
Sir, it's always a number from
Karachi that flashes on my mobile.
Initially, he used to
address me as brother, sir or boss.
He said his name was Imtiaz.
He said he watches
my films many times...
...and that he was a
great fan of mine.
Then he called today and asked
me to pay up 25 lakh rupees.
Said it was an emergency.
Mr. Arjun Khanna,
what exactly did he say?
Idiot, Why aren't you
signing Desai's film?
He is my special friend. If I don't
get any good news by noon today.
I will pack
- Up your shooting forever.
And keep 25 lakh rupees on hand.
I will call you up later and
tell you whom to give it to.
And why the hell do you
delay so much in taking the call?
Make sure that you pick it up
within two rings the next time.
- Just checking. ' Hang up now.
Where is Jai?
You know that I don't like your
traveling in the train with the baby.
If I go by road I
will reach tomorrow.
Why do you go to your
mom's place so often?
This is the first time
I am going since she was born.
But she'd come to our
house just last week. - So?
She was also there the
week before that. - So?
This should stop... Or
else the sub-inspector in...
...your mom's area is a
good friend of mine.
Why are you so scared of my mom?
Am not scared. Just jealous of her...
...that she spends so much more
time with both of you, than I do.
Ok I will take your leave.
Bye. Take care. Bye.
Call me up. - Yes, I will
call up on reaching there.
Okay bye.
- Bye.
See you. Take care.
Just 20 rupees! Where is
your pollution certificate?
Where is your license? Look
you don't have license with you.
Now come on, give me Rs. 500.
Come on sir, take it. Keep it.
Hello sir.
What are you doing?
Sir, I have stopped asking.
But they keep bribing me willingly.
Ask him... Wasn't I telling
you not to give me anything?
Sir, what can I do if they
give it with so much love?
Too much of such
love has made you plump.
And you still want some more.
- Sorry sir.
How much did you take?
- 20 rupees!
Give it back!
- Take it.
Give him 20 more.
- What?
You should also share your
love with others. - Okay sir.
Did you just give me money?
Father was right and I was wrong.
Times have changed. The New
Age is here - All right, go on.
This is good! This is good!
This is good! This is good!
Ready to move in!
Three! Two! One! Go!
Thank you, Deepak.
This is the same
electric pole to which...
...a man had been stuck to for
Yes. Shambu fell
down in this pothole...
...while returning
from work last evening.
Because of this live wire
he got stuck to this pole.
And it is a miracle
that he is still alive...
...after suffering
from electric shocks.
...of such high voltage
for 15 mins. Consecutively.
So let's talk to Shambu
who's been through this.
Mr. Shambu, how do you feel?
I feel good.
Tell our viewers how
did you feel when...
...such high voltage shocks
were passing through your body?
Call for technical
snag in ten seconds.
Naina, repeat the question.
Tell us how did you feel when...
...high voltage shocks
were passing through you?
Great! I felt very good.
Now people call you
'The Electric man'.
How does that feel?
Very good.
- Cut it!
What is it, now?
We'll do it again in five minutes!
Give him something to say.
He seems to like everything.
He gets drunk and falls down.
The other day we
both drank together...
...and we both fell
together in the gutter but...
...nobody cared then. Now look
at him, he has become famous.
Get me out of here.
They beat me up everyday.
Two guys came in my cell
yesterday and beat me all over.
You'd said I would be
okay if I turned Informer.
But look what happened?
I was put to rot in here and
you were transferred to the ATS.
Arif, either get me out
of this place or kill me.
But don't leave me here.
My family is threatened everyday.
The constable who is supposed to
protect my family harasses my sister.
I have heard that you are going
to get transferred somewhere else?
I heard it too.
If the department doesn't care
about you why will it care for me?
Can I get a cup of tea?
- Right away sir.
You want to go to the hospital?
- Sure.
Stay there for some days.
I will take care of the rest.
You trust me, don't you?
- I have only you to trust.
Thank you, brother.
Who is on duty at your house?
- Badge number 1275.
Sir, I feel that
I am being targeted...
...because I belong
to the minority group.
Minority! Mr. Ajay Khanna, how can
you belong to a minority group?
The Khan's are in
majority in our film industry.
It's just Mr. Amitabh,
Abhishek and I on the other side.
That's true.
Mr. Khanna, this is
sub-inspector Jai Singh.
He will handle your case. Be rest
assured, we will crack this soon.
Sir, I just hope
nothing will happen to me.
C'mon! You are a hero.
Does anything ever happen
to our heroes in our films?
Sometimes it does.
Just in case anything
happens to you then...
...I assure you that
we will not spare them.
Sir, what are you...?
Relax! Go to work.
Nothing will happen to you.
Thank you sir. Thank you very much.
- It is okay.
My brother. My brother.
Thank you! Thank you.
Thank you, sir.
- Yeah, mention not.
These are our heroes. One phone
call and he gets a stomach ache.
Some kids from Shanti nagar
are playing a prank on him.
Patwardhan knows them.
Ask him to stop them or else he
will be wasting our time needlessly.
Right sir.
Shambu, who is
responsible for this incident?
I feel they did a good job by
putting up an electric pole.
But they should not
have dug this hole.
The government should
think twice before digging...
...that a common man like me
can fall into this pothole.
Look around! Today there
are potholes everywhere.
I mean are there potholes in the
city or this city is in potholes?
This government should take
responsibility for these potholes.
So what do you feel? Why does
the government do such things?
The government likes to dig.
So this was Mr. Shambu a. K.a.
Electric man who...
...has given Death
itself a very big shock.
This is Naina Roy with
cameraman Raj for UTV news.
Sir... Sir, why are you hitting me?
Sir, why are you hitting me?
Yes, tell me!
- Don't get annoyed but...
...I just found out
that I don't have...
...Some ingredients to
make the rice pudding.
You know very well
Ishaan loves rice pudding.
While coming home bring
some almonds, raisins...
All right I will
bring all those things.
Don't forget to buy those tomatoes.
- No I won't.
I am sorry. Are you angry with me?
Just a bit. But then, I have the
whole city to vent it out.
When will you come back?
- Around 7 o'clock.
Come back and we'll talk.
- Yes.
The government should
think twice before digging...
...that a common man like me
can fall into this pothole.
Look around! Today there
are potholes everywhere.
I mean are there potholes in the
city or this city is in potholes?
This government should take
responsibility for these potholes.
Sir, please forgive me.
- Is it Commissioner Prakash Rathod?
Who's this?
Mr. Rathod, don't
interrupt and just listen.
I have planted bombs at 5
different locations in the city.
All these bombs will
explode at 6.30 pm.
But this can be avoided.
I will call you up 30 minutes later...
...with my demands and I want to talk
or negotiate with only one person.
Until then you can
decide on that person.
Find out who had called on
my mobile just a while back.
Jai, where is the chief minister?
- Miss Naina Roy?
Yes, who is this?
It doesn't matter.
I just wanted to ask you...
...whether you are
interested in some serious news.
What? Is this some kind...
- Just answer me Naina.
This is big. Are you interested?
Yes or no?
Yes. - Then come to the Mumbai Police
headquarters with your cameraman.
This is going to be the most
important day in your life.
I will call you again.
I know this is an unknown number.
Keep trying. I want to know
that number within 5 minutes.
And ask Khatri to tap my
mobile phone immediately. Okay.
Yes Tiwari, I am putting
him on the line. Right away.
Sir, it's Tiwari.
Mr. Tiwari!
- Yes, Mr. Prakash, tell me.
Where is the CM?
He is in Bandra to
attend an important meeting.
Put Mr. Patil on the line.
Mr. Patil is also in a meeting.
Tell me, what is the matter?
It is a very minor thing.
I cannot bother you with it.
Put Patil on the line.
Sir, I hope you understood.
Sir, he wants to talk to you.
Excuse me.
- Okay.
Yes, Mr. Prakash.
I don't know how but come to
my office within 15 minutes.
But... - Within 15 minutes.
It's an emergency.
Jai, tell Chouhan, Ramesh and
Aakash to come into the WAR Room.
Right sir.
Sir. It is a prepaid mobile number.
It is registered to
one Jignesh Sheth.
He lives in Malad. I have
informed Malad police station.
This number is
unreachable right now. - Okay.
Attention guys!
This matter should not
get out of this room.
Does anyone of you want to
call anybody or warn anyone?
No sir!
We have just 4 hours left.
Chouhan, talk to Abbas at intelligence
and find out what they have.
Tell them you need this
information for verification.
Yes sir!
Vatkar, find out from
our sources whether...
...there has been any
movement in any terrorist module.
Get me any information on explosives
being taken in and out of the city.
Get in touch with your informers.
Right sir.
Aakash, we need to trace
the call the next time.
Put your best men on the job.
Yes sir!
Mr. Rathod, how are you?
- I am fine. And you?
Fine. Tell me.
Just a while back I received
a call on my cell phone.
One man...
Oh god. Excuse me.
It could also be a crank call.
We can't take any chances.
Where is the CM?
He is on his way.
Yes, Mr. Rathod. Who
is going to talk to me?
Mr. Roy. He will be here soon.
Until then you can talk to me.
I will only talk to the person who
has the authority to take decisions.
I will call you
again in five minutes.
By the way let me remind you
that you are wasting your own time.
Take my advice. You
shouldn't buy time on this.
Too short to trace. But this is not
the same number as the previous one.
Excuse me sir.
There was a call from
Malad police station.
Nobody named Jignesh
Sheth lives at that address.
Do one thing, tell Solanki to
alert all the police stations.
Sir, the CM is on the line.
Good afternoon, sir.
- Good afternoon.
Who is this Roy?
- Nobody.
Who is negotiating
with him from our side?
Sir, you will. We will patch
his call to you from here.
Why? - Because you have the authority
and you know how to negotiate.
There is a lot of difference between
giving a Speech and Negotiating.
This is not a political rally.
What about Patil or Tiwari?
Oh my God!
Prakash, I have never seen you
running away from responsibility.
There is a reason for it.
If this man is telling the
truth then to stop him...
...we require a person
with unlimited authority.
There shouldn't be any
red tape or protocol.
He would need absolute
and complete freedom.
He should not be
questioned about anything.
And I know that this is
not possible and that's why...
...I was running away
from responsibility Sir.
Patil, this operation will
be headed by Prakash Rathod.
I don't want any complaints
from him. Do you understand?
I'll be there soon.
Yes, sir. Should we
inform the center?
This is our problem and we
have to solve it. - Okay sir.
Come on guys, back
to work, everyone.
Excuse me.
- Yeah.
- Mr. Rathod?
Mr. Roy won't be here.
I will negotiate instead of him.
How can he come there
if he doesn't exist?
What do you want?
Ibrahim Khan, Iqlak Ahmed,
Mohammed Zaheer and Khursheed Lala.
Who are these guys?
You yourself had caught two of them.
And the ATS got the other two.
I hope it is not difficult.
Why would it be? We are used to it.
First we put our lives at
stake and catch them and...
...Then when we get a phone
call and we set them free.
You will do the same thing today.
They all are in different places
right now. I'll call you in an hour.
Till then it is your job to
get them together at one place.
On whose behalf are you doing this?
What is the name of
your organization?
Do you suspect that
this is a crank call?
I do.
Mr. Rathod, you must
know by now that...
...Jignesh Sheth had died
in the last bomb blast.
The next number
belonged to Sanjay Singh...
...who had died three months back.
The current number that
you will trace belongs to...
...Shabbir Ahmed who has
also died a long way back.
Any Tom, Dick and Harry can do this.
Yes I agree. But any Tom,
Dick and Harry...
...cannot blow away
the police station...
...which is just opposite
your Police headquarters.
What do you mean?
It means I have also planted a
bomb in the police station...
...opposite your
headquarters just to prove... seriousness and
your helplessness.
You have 20 minutes to
find it. So go find it.
Or else an hour later I may
have to talk to someone else.
Mr. Prakash, can we go
out for half an hour.
- Yes sir!
Are you afraid?
- No sir.
Are you married?
- Two years ago.
Do you have a kid?
- I have a 3-month-old daughter.
What happens if you die?
- I don't care.
I want that bomb found within
ten minutes. - You'll get it, sir.
Give me your radio.
- Sir.
Hello. - Naina Roy,
someone has planted a bomb... the police station
opposite the headquarters.
I thought you'd be interested.
- Oh God!
Relax guys! This man
wants us to find the bomb.
He wants us to take him seriously.
He wants us to find it.
We just have one hour. I don't want
to talk to this man again.
Sir, Chouhan is on the line.
Chouhan, tell me.
Sir, the intelligence has
no information about this.
That's consistent.
Chouhan, step up security at airports,
rail stations and bus depots.
Search everything and everyone.
Send them in batches of 4
to the multiplexes as well.
I want you to cover up as
much ground as possible.
If someone asks tell them
it is just a police drill...
...or tell them it's the
CM's orders. Get on it now!
All units alert, sir.
Deshmukh, where is my bomb squad?
Aakash, call up Arif.
I want him here a. S. A. P.
And I want an update on
Ibrahim Khan, Iqlak Ahmed...
...Mohammad Zaheer
and Khursheed Lala.
You've got ten minutes.
- Yes sir.
Then send them here!
Bomb squad! Come in!
Bomb squad! Come in!
Has nobody seen Baburao?
Yeah Mhatre, come in.
Copy that.
What is it?
- Sir, it is RDX.
Come here! A bomb was
placed right under nose!
What the hell were you doing?
Who is the shift in-charge?
Sir, there was a shift
change just half an hour ago.
I don't know anything.
Find him in 5 minutes and
send him to me. - Okay sir.
Sir! We have located
the bomb. It is RDX.
He had planned to
trigger it with a cell phone.
Sir, please come this way.
I have solid information.
There has been a
pull-up from the underworld.
He had supplied 6 kgs of
RDX couple of days back.
He has not started talking yet.
On threatening him
he said he has taken...
...his painkillers already just
this morning. - That's a new one.
Sir, I don't know anything!
Did I ask you anything?
Did I ask you anything?
Did I ask you anything?
Did I ask you anything?
Did I ask you anything?
Did I ask you anything?
Nobody has confirmed
this information but...
...suddenly there is a lot of
activity in the police station.
You can see the bomb squad
and the sniffer dogs here.
They have just come out.
But we have been denied
any information about it.
We would like to inform
our viewers once again that...
...we had received information...
...about the bomb
via a telephone call.
Seems that the bomb has
been found and diffused.
We have not received
any confirmation yet.
But we will keep trying.
From Mumbai this is Naina Roy with
cameraman Raj for UTV news. - Over.
I want the forensic report
immediately in the WAR room.
- Okay sir.
Thank you.
Mhatre come in. Copy.
Sir, the Psycho has arrived.
Someone's going to die today.
- Are you busy?
Yes. Not really.
We have reached here safely.
How is mom?
- She is fine.
Give it to me.
What is the matter?
Are you worried about something?
Not at all.
- I'll call you before leaving.
Okay. Take care. Bye.
There was no direct contact with me.
I only gave the delivery.
I got a message to
deliver that bag to Rafiq.
He was Rafiq's customer.
I asked Rafiq who he was.
He said, your place is
behind and asked me to shut up.
Where can I find Rafiq?
Sir, I don't know.
If I had known I would tell you.
Believe me. Sir, I would...
Bohri Market. 4th Lane.
Where are you these days?
I am with the ATS.
You got me transferred.
Yes. Arif, I want that man and
the information that he has.
Vatkar will tell you where
to find him. Don't kill him.
I just need the information.
Okay sir.
- Okay.
- Sir, the bomb has been diffused.
Who was on duty?
- Prashant.
Tell him to go home. He will receive
his termination letter tomorrow.
Tell Kailash to take over.
The media is here. UTV news.
Bring them upstairs.
- Right sir.
Ibrahim Khan. He has
links with the Al-Qaeda.
He was
head-of-operations in India since 92.
This is his
designation on their website.
He has started 45
madrasas in the country...
...where little kids are
taught the meaning of Jihad.
On his capture they
will be weakened and if...
...he is set free then they
will be completely rejuvenated.
This is their second
attempt to free him.
He is extremely dangerous.
Lqlak Ahmed. Al Qaeda again.
Right hand of Ibrahim Khan.
He is a former ISI agent.
The theory is that...
...when you nabbed him
he wanted to get caught.
So that it would be
easy to free Ibrahim Khan.
He was directly or
indirectly involved in all...
...the terrorists attacks in
India in the last three years.
He is equally dangerous if not more.
Mohammad Zaheer. He is the
number 2 agent of Laskar in India.
He is a former ISI as well
as former Al Qaeda member.
He was a software engineer.
Due to systematic
brainwashing he went to Pakistan.
From there he went to Afghanistan.
He acquired his training over there.
He has designed a lot
of websites for them.
One of his websites is
Very basic but very effective.
It registered record number
of hits the day it launched.
He is in our C-Zone
hospital since last week.
He complained of chest pains.
Khursheed Lala. He is an arms pimp.
He is not connected to just one
organization but with all of them.
If you need arms and
explosives then this is your Guy.
He will supply any
quantity you want.
No matter if it is 1993 or 2006.
Lala is behind the bars or free.
He doesn't leave a trail.
Sir, you may remember that
even when you arrested him...
...we only found a blue-print of...
...the Mumbai city
and a revolver on him.
Very soon he will be out on bail.
Sir, Here is a speculation.
Look at this. We don't know
his name but he is everywhere.
He has succeeded to
remain out of sight.
Our intelligence agencies
have no information about him.
There are only rumours.
Some say he is their CEO and others
say he is the chief strategist.
Sir, he is one among the crowd.
Even his wife doesn't
know what he really does.
This man could be behind this call.
He may belong to Laskar,
Al Qaeda or some other outfit.
We don't know whether he
is in the country or not.
There must be a couple of
people with him in this operation.
They have already
targeted the stock exchange...
...buses and local trains.
I suspect this time they
will go a step further.
That they have come so close
to the police headquarters...
...has business written all over it.
Aakash, this man is in the city.
We have to catch him.
Sir, what should we do
about the other four?
We are always two steps behind
them and if they are freed...
Let them be where they are.
It doesn't make any
sense to free Lala now...
...he is going to get free as is.
And by doing this Lala will be
regarded a certified terrorist.
Maybe they need Lala right now.
Uncle! Three tea.
Hey, send money to me.
When did you receive the first call?
Ok Alright then you and
your cameraman will remain... custody until you
come out with the truth.
He called up at around 2 pm and...
...he asked me to come here.
He also said that this would be...
...the most important day of my life.
He is using you.
He is watching our
situation and our panic Live on TV.
You are his bloody eyes.
Sir, he is around 50.
Tall man. Wears a spectacle.
He looks like a clerk.
There is an under
construction building... Malad west behind
Pritam nagar. Om constructions.
I had delivered the
goods on the 12th floor.
- Yes sir. - Take him away.
Hello. Sir, this is Arif.
Yes I got it.
There is an under
construction building in Malad.
Patkar is bringing
Rafiq to the headquarters.
Should I send Jai?
- There's no need.
I will nab him and get
him to speak to you.
What was your name again?
Naina, I want you to do me a favour.
Sir, until you don't tell me
everything I can't help you.
Okay. Come here.
This matter should be
only between you and me.
Three. Two. One. Go.
We have just
received information that...
...four terrorists whose
names are Ibrahim Khan...
...Iqlak Ahmed, Mohammad
Zaheer and Khursheed Lala...
...are being shifted to
some other location.
The police says it is
because of security reasons.
Right now we have
Senior Inspector Jai Singh...
...who will give us full
information about this matter.
What is the reason behind shifting
these four to some other location?
There are some security reasons.
We have orders to do so.
But why such an order?
We have received orders to do so.
Can you tell us whether there is
any threat to them and from whom?
It is because of
some security reasons...
...that we have
received orders to shift them.
As you can see, the police is not
giving us any further information.
And they are
evading our questions... calling it a security reason.
From Mumbai this is Naina Roy
with cameraman Raj for UTV news.
Cut it!
Sir, please don't do this again.
My wife watches these news channels.
That was good Jai.
Thank you Naina.
Once again India approached America
with regards to Pakistan issue.
The government is spending
crores of rupees to save...
...but due to legal reasons,
they are...
Now, for the latest news let's
move to our correspondent Naina Roy...
What is the reason behind shifting
these four to some other location?
There are some security reasons.
We have orders to do so.
But why such an order?
We have received orders to do so.
Arif, tell me.
Sir, there is nobody here.
But he wanted us to come here.
There are tags of 'Do
not disturb' in here.
Come back.
- Yes sir.
- Yes sir.
We have to shift these four
terrorists to a single location.
Start the process.
- Sir.
Mr. Rathod, Time is running out.
How much longer are we going
to hide this from the public?
What should we tell the public?
We have no other
choice than to catch him.
He is regularly
monitoring us through Naina Roy.
If we sound an alert
then he will know...
- Hello. - Yes tell me.
Sir, this is Sapna from HDFC
Bank's credit card division.
We are issuing you a
credit card for free.
We have a new scheme which benefits
you with personal loan, housing loan...
I am not interested.
Don't ever call me.
If you don't want it then say so.
Why are you getting rude Sir?
- Thank you very much.
It's all right.
What else do you need?
Money! Private plane! What else?
No thanks. I can
arrange for those things.
Just put these four men in
a van and bring them to me.
There is new strip on runway
number 4 at the Juhu Aviation Base.
It is not operational for use yet.
I want these men brought
there at exactly 5 o'clock.
Only two officers
should accompany them.
Both should carry cell
phones with loudspeaker facility.
Because I will need
confirmation that they are okay.
I should also tell you that
this area is already rigged so... snipers, no
commandoes and no surprises please.
No funny business.
I want to know something.
Ask away.
You and your organization
are under what misconception?
You are always
hiding from the police.
Why don't you come in the open and
finish this matter once and for all?
Mr. Rathod, we are cowards.
Are you happy now?
Don't waste your time in
trying to get me aggravated.
There is a face behind every voice.
I don't have a face.
That's what you think.
- No! I know it.
What is the guarantee that you will
tell me the location of the bombs?
Guarantee! Do you think
I am selling you a product?
No. If I had thought so I would not
ask you this question.
Thousands of lives are at stake.
Do you have any other
choice than to trust me?
I will call you again at 5.
Aakash, tell me.
We have a multiple trace.
Mulund, Santacruz, Karachi,
Singapore and South Africa.
This is unique. The
call is bounced off...
...and manipulated
without being disconnected...
...from different sim cards and
landlines of different locations.
The number switches to
another every minute.
This is only possible if you
route your phone through a system.
Whoever is doing this
is a very trained man.
So you can't trace him?
Sir, to do this we need
some other kind of an expert.
For example.
- We need a hacker.
Then get one. Check the
booking list of Juhu Aviation.
Find which private plane
has been booked and for whom.
Yes, sir. - Sir, there is
a sub-inspector outside.
He has seen the man.
Sir, I remember very well.
He had a black bag with him.
He had come to file a
report about his missing wallet.
What were you doing there?
Sir, there was so much
security what else could I do?
This is his number and address.
I had tried his number. Am
getting a, 'does not exist' message.
I have asked the Borivali
police to verify the address.
This is not his address.
He is not such a fool.
Take him to a sketch artist.
Make his sketch and show him.
Where is Rafiq?
- He is in Room number 12.
Show the sketch to Rafiq
and verify it. - Right sir.
Hello. I want you to go to the
main gate of Juhu Aviation... exactly 5 o'clock.
- No.
Excuse me! I didn't hear that.
You are using me.
If you are not interested then
you should've told me before.
There is no dearth
of people like you.
I am indirectly helping you.
I am being party to some...
Come on! Come on! Don't
flatter yourself, Naina.
If in a cricket match
between India and Pakistan...
...India loses then nobody
blames the sports channels.
This is not a cricket match!
Yes or no!
I have a dozen
phone numbers with me.
There are a lot of news
hungry people out there.
Yes or no!
Good. Be at the main gate of
Juhu Aviation at 5 o'clock.
Prakash, what is the plan of action?
People are on it. But until we
don't have a break through...
...we have to do what he says.
This is ridiculous! Law and
order has become a mere bystander.
Prakash, why aren't we
able to do anything about it?
We have such a big force,
we have the intelligence bureau...
...we have R and the ATS.
Why do we always become so helpless?
We can't involve the
media or sound an alert.
I just can't believe this.
We have become just useless.
Sir, we are doing our best.
But your best isn't good enough.
I think we should call
in the army and the...
They won't be of any help.
- Tell me.
I have heard that man. I think what
Mr. Prakash is doing is right.
Instead of questioning his decisions
it would be better if we help him.
And he is competent to
deal with this crisis.
Which two officers are
going to accompany them?
Arif Khan and Jai Singh.
Prakash, you have senior
experienced officers and you are...
You have Solanki...
- Please trust me.
Prakash, there should not be
any bomb blasts in Mumbai today.
There won't be any bomb blasts.
I don't want to hand
over the four men to him.
That I will try.
Excuse me. Yes, tell me.
Sir, the Borivali address is wrong.
There is no such
building with that name.
Where is Arif?
- He is at the armory.
Whose face did you
first see when you woke up?
My own.
I am not surprised.
Are you ready?
- Yes sir!
From here you will go
directly to TS Mills.
The four men will be
handed over to you over there.
The Special Task Force is picking
them up from their current locations.
Here are the transfer orders.
Ibrahim Khan.
- Let's go.
He will make a conference call.
There is a loudspeaker
facility in this phone.
You can listen to our conversation.
There are three routes
to reach Juhu Aviation.
You will take the quickest
one which is by the highway.
There will also be driver who will
drop all of you there. - Yes sir!
I don't think they will
make a rescue attempt.
Neither do I think they
will risk a public shootout.
There is a danger to
their lives in doing it.
This is not a pre-planned
operation. It's an extempore!
So, that's it guys. Just
keep your cool. All the best.
And come over to my place in the
evening. We'll have a drink together.
- Okay.
- Sir.
After everything is
over maybe you have to... something... About Arif.
You know what I mean.
Understood sir.
Who is this kid?
Sir, his name is Anuj.
He is a hacker.
He helps us very often
to crack cyber crimes.
Is he that qualified?
He is a college drop out but...
- Anuj!
Do you understand what this equipment
and this setup is all about?
No sir. All this
equipment is outdated.
You are still using
NCC 3423 models while...
...the S-series has been
launched three months back.
I need some time.
Can you handle it?
Hey babe! Yeah, I am running
a little late honey!
Will catch you in half an hour!
Okay. Love you. See you.
Women! Sorry, what were you saying?
Can you handle the job?
Definitely. I am a
drop out by choice.
- Okay sir.
Yes sir.
Get in touch with Chouhan.
Send this sketch to...
...every police station and
every agency by fax or email.
Next check our records.
And then get in touch with...
...the Interpol and the FBI.
I want any information on this man.
Yes sir. - Babu, wait
here for the verification.
- What is the status?
We are on schedule.
Any problem?
- Not at all, sir.
Call me up when you reach there.
- Yes sir.
What is your name?
- I don't need to tell you.
You are right.
My friend!
- What?
What do you think
is happening to us?
Ibrahim bhai, looking
at their scared faces...
...I feel we are going to get freed.
And I also think...
Fire! It reminds me of my youth.
I was also like you. Too stubborn
to be afraid of death.
I was six years old when my father
got into an enmity with a few men.
These men kidnapped
me from the school.
They asked for a ransom
in exchange of my life.
My father paid the ransom.
But they were still greedy.
They beat me up. I was almost dead.
When they got tired they tied a
rope to my leg and hung me on a tree.
I called out to them.
One of them looked back.
I screamed that if you have to then
at least hang me to a mango tree.
He started to laugh.
He got me down...
...patted me on my
head and sent me home.
I lived.
Four years later I killed them
by hanging them to the same tree.
Can we kill this guy right here?
We are on our way.
- Where are you?
At the railway station and
about to the catch the train.
I don't know why but there is
too much checking at the stations.
It's just a drill. How is Kajal?
Kajal is asleep. Where are you?
- I am outdoors.
We will reach home before you.
- I will hang up now.
- I love you too.
I will call you when I get home.
Okay? Bye.
Come on!
Come on!
- Yes sir.
Sir, we are there.
Stay put. I will call back.
Stand properly.
- Mr. Rathod.
Did they reach there?
I would like to speak to them.
What is the name of your officer?
- Arif Khan.
What happened?
- Nothing.
Hello. - Arif, put the
phone off loudspeaker mode...
...someone wants to speak to you.
- Yes sir.
Arif is on the line. Speak to him.
Arif, I want to speak to my friends.
They are listening. Speak up.
Greetings Mr. Khan.
- Greetings to you.
Are you safe?
- Yes I am.
I have been ordered to find out
you guys are real and not imposters.
And to find if the police has not
hatched a conspiracy to fool us.
That's why you will tell me...
...your name and your
initials one by one.
No need to go into the details.
Just a hint will do.
Ibrahim Khan. Mumbai 93. I am proud.
Lqlak Ahmed.
Gujarat 2002. I am proud.
Mohammad Zaheer.
Mumbai 2006. I am proud.
Khursheed Lala. 92
to 2006. I am proud.
Your initials are indeed wonderful.
Arif, put the phone on
handset mode and give it to Khan.
Hello. - Mr. Khan, did
they give you any injection...
...or did they make you eat anything?
No. Just that we are handcuffed.
They will be unlocked soon.
Give the phone back to the officer.
Speak up. - Arif, there
are two benches ahead of you.
You will leave my
four men over there.
You will free their hands
and without looking back... and your friend
will walk away from there.
You will get in your van and
go back to the police station.
You have only ten minutes,
starting now.
I don't have to remind you
that if you do something foolish...
...then thousands of
lives will be lost.
Mr. Rathod, I will call
you after Arif leaves and...
...give you the exact
locations of the bombs.
Do as he says.
Yes sir.
FBI, Interpol or our Intelligence.
Neither of them have any
information about this man.
We have no choice. We can kill
these guys some other time.
Prakash, how can we
justify their disappearance?
There was a snag in the
security so they escaped.
You can suspend me over this.
Prakash, you are...
- Excuse me sir. It was a local call.
If he calls the next time I can
point out his exact location.
Are you sure? - Definitely.
He is good. But not the best.
Arif, remove his handcuffs.
This is not right.
If they escape and...
...they don't tell us
about the bombs then...
Arif, it's Mr. Rathod's orders.
No Jai. Free the other three.
Let's take him with us.
We will leave him
only when we know...
...the exact locations of the bombs.
I will call up Mr. Rathod.
I will not release him
even if sir asks me to.
Arif, are you crazy?
Someone might be watching us.
Then he will call us
when he sees us leave.
- Don't argue! Let's go!
- You are making a mistake.
What did you say?
- You are making a big mistake.
I like to make mistakes.
Come on!
- Let me go.
What will they do to Ibrahim bhai?
Nothing. We will
get him freed later.
Khursheed bhai, what
should we do next?
We will wait. Someone
will come to take us away.
- What is it now?
I can hear a phone ringing.
Take a look.
Pick it up.
Let me go! Let me go!
Let me go! Wait!
Take him.
Now give me the
locations of the bombs.
First call up Arif
and give me his status.
I want to listen to his response.
Hold him. Hello.
Arif, what is the progress?
Sir, I am confused.
Something else is going on here.
Means? - The plan was not to
free them but to kill them.
A bomb was planted in that area.
As soon as we left,
the bomb exploded.
Both the benches were rigged.
It means, all four of them...
No. I had left only Zaheer,
Iqlak and Lala over there.
To secure the
information about the bombs...
...I had kept Ibrahim with me.
Yes he is with us. He is alive.
What is happening?
Arif is right, Mr. Rathod!
Arif, put the phone
off loudspeaker mode.
I want Ibrahim to listen
to what I am going to say.
I did not want to save
Ibrahim Khan, Iqlak Ahmed...
...Mohammad Zaheer and
Khursheed Lala but...
...I wanted to kill them.
And in fact you will complete
my job, today and right now.
Sorry, I did not understand you.
Mr. Rathod, what do you do if
a cockroach enters you house?
You do not make it your pet,
you just kill it.
These pests were spoiling my
house and now I want to clean it.
Who are you?
I am someone who is afraid to get
into a bus or a train these days.
I am someone whose wife
thinks is going to war...
...while I am
actually going to my work.
She is afraid that I may not return.
She calls up every two hours.
To find if I had my tea.
To find if I have lunched.
Actually she wants to find
out whether I am still alive.
I am someone who sometimes gets
stuck in the rain or in the blasts.
I am someone who suspects
the person carrying a rosary.
I am also the one who is afraid
to grow his beard and wear a cap.
If I buy a shop I am
afraid to choose a name as...
...someone might see the name
and burn it during the riots.
No matter which two
parties are fighting...
...I am the first one to get killed.
You must have seen a crowd.
Choose a person from it.
I am that person.
I am just the stupid common
man wanting to clean his house.
How did this common
man suddenly wake up?
And that too with six kgs of RDX?
Has that got you worried now?
Do you want me to live my
life and die every moment of it?
Mr. Rathod, this did not
happen all of a sudden!
I just did not get
the time to do it.
In the process of earning my
daily bread this work got neglected.
But it's better late than never.
That remaining
cockroach will also die today.
Why just these four?
There are others as well.
I drew a lottery and
I got their names.
Are you trying to say that
if we don't kill Ibrahim...
...then you will kill
thousands of innocent people?
Sooner or later they
are going to die and...
...people like
Ibrahim will kill them.
The last time they
were killed in a train...
...this time it will
be somewhere else.
They will keep on killing until
we learn to give a solid reply.
Who are you?
- What do you mean?
I mean are you a Hindu or a Muslim?
This has nothing to
do with my religion.
There is.
I told you, I am just
a stupid common man.
Stupid common man!
- Right.
Are you afraid of getting
caught and getting killed?
Maybe. - Be definite.
You are or you aren't? - I am.
Just remember this fear.
And don't think you will...
...escape punishment by putting
this garb of a stupid common man.
The thing you are trying to prove...
- I am not trying to prove anything.
I just want to remind you
that people are very angry.
Please stop testing their patience.
We are resilient by
force not by choice.
It took me just four
weeks to render you helpless.
Do you suppose the people who kill
us are more intelligent than us?
Type 'bomb' in any
internet search and you will get...
...hundreds of websites
showing you how to make them.
All the information is
accessible and that too for free.
Do you know a washing soap
is also a potential bomb?
I feel there is no better
product made for the common man.
The problem with us is
that we get used to all this.
If one such incidence occurs we
watch it on all the channels...
...we send smses, we call up people.
We get happy that we
are safe and then...
...instead of fighting against the
situation we start to adjust with it.
But we have our compulsions.
We have to maintain a family.
That's why we appoint a
government to run the nation.
All of you. The government,
the police force, intelligence... capable of carrying
out this pest control.
But you are not doing it. Instead
you are just supporting their...
...cause by not doing
anything stringent.
Why are you not
nipping them in the bud?
It takes you ten years
to prove a person guilty.
Don't you think this is a
question mark on your ability?
All this should stop. This
whole bloody system is flawed.
If you don't clean
up this mess then...
...we will have to do
something about it.
I know there will be an
imbalance in our civilized society.
But what can we do?
Mr. Rathod, I am convinced the
train blasts were not just...
...a terrorist activity
but it was a question.
The question was, we are
going to keep killing you...
...what can you do? Yes!
They've asked us this question.
First on a friday then
they repeated it on tuesday.
I am just replying on a Wednesday.
Your, add-salt-to-taste philosophy,
is absolutely wrong.
This is not the correct approach.
I know. But right now
I am not concerned...
...about the
approach but the results.
Did someone of yours
die in these blasts?
Why? Should I wait until someone
close to me dies in such a dirty way?
And only then will you feel
that this step is justified?
If you want to know then listen.
There was someone
close to me on that train.
A kid... Must be around 21 years.
Don't know his name.
Used to meet me everyday in
the first class compartment.
While getting into the train he
used to greet me with a hello...
...and I used to return the courtesy.
There were many such people.
We did not know each other's names...
...Just knew each
other through 'hellos'!
With a smile he had shown me...
...his engagement
ring just a day before.
He was very happy.
The next day I missed the
train and I escaped death.
But he didn't.
After that when I went by train...
...there was nobody whom I knew.
The compartment was
full of strangers.
So you are doing this
for those dead people.
No. I am not that
emotional and sentimental.
I always knew what loss is.
I have seen my relatives die.
But this is unacceptable.
None of these b...
pardon my language...
But none of these bastards
will decide when I should die.
They are proud of '92
and '93 and of 2006.
They are proud of Gujarat,
Mumbai, Delhi and Malegoan.
I am proud of myself that
I am killing such people.
I am not a saviour.
And I am not doing this
for anyone else but myself.
I only want that when my
child goes out he should... without fear on buses,
trains or anywhere else.
I cannot understand you.
That's because my reasons
and demands are a bit strange.
- Be definite. Yes or no.
If they kill 200 of
us then it is okay...
...but if I kill only 4
of them then it's strange?
This is not your fault.
This is what is
expected of a common man.
Live, tolerate and
die like a common man.
Take yourself for example till the
time you did not know who I am... were afraid of me
and taking me seriously.
And now that I have told
you I am a common man...'ve got back some
confidence in your voice.
You must be thinking
this not a terrorist but...
...just a common man. I will easily
catch him. - No, that is not so.
It better not be because all the
bombs are still where they were.
Mr. Rathod. Arif.
Now everything depends on you two...
...whether this would
be my last call or not.
Ten minutes later Naina Roy will
reach there with her cameraman.
There will also be a doctor
and an ambulance with them.
I want confirmed reports on
TV that Ibrahim Khan is dead.
If this happens then
I will immediately...
...tell you where the bombs are.
But if it doesn't then you are
responsible for what happens next.
Arif, I'll call you back.
- Yes sir.
Now what will you do?
First I will clean my ear.
I am finding it hard to hear.
Sir, I want you to
take this decision.
Do we have any other
choice than to do what he says?
No sir.
But it is wrong.
- That it is.
What else can I do?
We can do nothing.
What is all this?
Child, what is 2 + 2?
Ten minutes from now you
will go to runway number 4 and...
...cover a very important news.
Didn't I promise this would be...
...the most
important day of your life?
Go see for yourself.
Did you just address me as a child?
You have heard right. Bye.
He is a traitor! He knows nothing.
The matter is about our community.
Yours and mine.
It is about my brothers
and sisters and our home.
It is about our rights! If we
are together nobody can harm us.
Didn't we teach the Americans
and British a very good lesson?
Nobody could stop us.
But you made a
mistake by coming to India.
A common man got a
bit upset and now...
...not only is he stopping you
but he is killing you as well.
I am not afraid to die...
I do not fear death. Why am I alive?
For a Cause.
And for that cause I am
willing to sacrifice myself.
But then I want to
live to wage this battle.
And for my brothers and sisters,
my community...
Why are you laughing?
I see that you are afraid of death.
This is an accident.
- Yes sir, this is an accident.
I must get a detailed report of
this accident by tomorrow morning.
You will get it.
- Heads!
Yes sir.
You should've told me first.
We don't have time. Look over there.
Did you trace the call?
- I am tracing it.
Sir, let him go. I was wrong.
He's not just good. He is the best.
Sir, I am not sure this is the man.
How similar is he? - I can...
- Is he at least 1 percent similar?
Deepak, right now I am at
the Juhu Aviation Base where...
...four terrorists were
killed while trying to escape.
The names of these
terrorists are Khursheed Lala...
...Iqlak Ahmed, Mohammad
Zaheer and Ibrahim Khan.
Naina Roy...
Mr. Rathod!
- Tell me.
I did not plant any other bomb.
I know that.
- Nice talking to you sir.
In this operation a police inspector
has been seriously injured.
His name is Arif Khan.
You can see him right now
going into the ambulance.
And now we have with us
Inspector Jai Singh who...
...will give us all the
information about this incident.
Sir, tell us how did this happen?
As a routine process
we were shifting...
...these terrorists to another place.
Excuse me!
- Yes.
What's the time?
My watch is not working.
Your bag seems quite heavy.
Excuse me.
Yes, tell me.
Have you left or not?
I was just leaving
when I met someone.
Who is it? A friend of yours?
I don't know yet.
Please come home. It's getting late.
- I am on my way.
Sorry. Were you saying something?
I was saying your
bag seems quite heavy.
Can I drop you somewhere?
That's my vehicle.
That police jeep?
- No thanks. I live nearby.
Are you sure?
- Sure.
Prakash Rathod.
I am...
He told me his name...
...but I can't tell
that name to anybody...
A man recognizes
the religion by name.
We all knew that a common man
is disturbed by these things.
But never ever imagined that a
common man can go to such stage.
One common man had the guts.
This incident and this case
is not registered in any file.
There is no record anywhere,
but it is in my mind...
...and some people who were
involved in this case unwillingly.
I don't know if it
is right or wrong...
...but personally speaking,
whatever it was. It was good.