Weight Of Chains, The (2011) Movie Script

I'm glad that there is complete agreement
in relation to progress towards European integration.
We have very ambitious plans.
We are very ambitious country, we are very ambitious government!
We have a special minister for European integration in our government.
We are changing the face of our country to become a member of the European Union!
EU membership is our goal, our vision.
We want to be part of Europe.
want to be a colony and open community.
Who in their right mind could wish he could be a colony?
I do not think that my early childhood in Yugoslavia was that bad
and society has seemed close extended family.
It was a culture in which people were on each other
they were worried about the welfare of people around them. That in America, for example, no more
people are alienated from each other. Just work, come home and watch TV at night.
And we watched television, and we even had a camera
I am pleased with the film as a kid,
always tried to hold in their hands.
What I really wanted was the camera that he kept.
When my mom took the camera that Dad can come
I changed the story.
I was a sneaky kid.
like a cunning fox
One of my favorite characters decijeg program, "Good night, kids."
Sometimes my parents to change the channel assembly
where he was even more lullabies.
And as I became too old for these kid stories
the more I looked forward flight, and every Yugoslav.
one month vacation with pay!
When I last had so many breaks ...
We, the Yugoslavs have to have every year.
But I had not noticed, I was too young during the communist Yugoslavia.
Now I know what you think.
It is an international criminal conspiracy!
Well, over the decades before the 1980s,
Yugoslavia prospered with annual GDP growth of 6.1 percent .
adequate standard of living, free health care and education
guaranteed the right to work, affordable public transport, housing and utilities
over 90% literacy, life expectancy of 72 years.
Most of the economy was in socially-owned, not the private sector.
Yugoslavia was a special case
jerje establish its own form of the socialist model of economic activity
ie. mixture of private enterprise and industry
in state ownership with workers' cooperatives
It was considered a success story of the socialist market
Yugoslavia had a higher growth rate than most countries in Western Europe
-developed system of social protection
that was multi-ethnic society
who lived in harmony
and in many respects, Yugoslavia was a model of development.
You could say that there is something really special about this country.
And why are people so much blood spilled around it?
Who is to blame here?
Before I continue, let's see where we are?
Yugoslavia was between Greece, Italy, Romania
and was populated by Serbs, Croats, Bosnian Muslims, Slovenes and Macedonians
who are all Slavs, and there are Albanians, Hungarians and other minorities.
Their country was the result of a long struggle for the unification of
to show the world what they can achieve when working together
no matter what happened in the past.
Throughout history, this idea was a thorn in the side of many empires and world powers
The idea was that the Slavs do not should remain weak
which divided nations at war with each other or themselves prey Empire
Serbs lost the freedom percent of the Turks 1389th attacked ,
the Kosovo area.
The loss of statehood, which lasted several centuries,
for the Serbs has produced a strong foundation myth of Kosovo.
Journalists come to Serbia and wonder: 'Why are you so crazy that Serbs celebrate a losing battle?
When you talk about the Battle of Kosovo, always tell us how it was a great battle, but you lost it.
Are you perhaps masochists? Is that something wrong with you? "
Ai say: 'Have you ever heard of the Alamo? Do you remember the Alamo?
Have you heard of Masada?
Where are the Jews defend to the death and eventually committed suicide
to avoid falling into enemy hands? "
Because of resistance to the Turks, the Serbs were persecuted and subjected to horrible tortures.
'We were victims of incredible suffering. We were whipped, lynched, probadani.
We were rammed the pole. Do you know what that means?
tapered pole was impaled through your anus, pushed through your body so you walk out the back
not a violation vital organs. They were experts, Ottoman experts did this.
So, you were stuck as Christ was crucified on the cross to suffer.
It was a way to avoid this - accepting the Muslim faith!
And many do so because they had no choice.
That's part of the Slavs moved in Islam while the other one kept the Orthodox faith.
On the other hand, the state religion of the Austrian Empire was Catholicism
under whose influence has fallen Croatian population.
When the Austro-Hungarian Empire annexed Bosnia illegal
and its large population of Yugoslav 1908th The
Yugoslav dream was more vulnerable than ever.
However, a group of Yugoslav nationalists, 'Young Bosnia'
which included Serbs, Croats and Muslims, decided to which is much, much more.
Young man, you may have heard of him, Gavrilo Princip
killed the Austrian Crown Prince Ferdinand in Sarajevo.
He later recorded that he said:
I am a Yugoslav nationalist thesis that the unification of all Yugoslavs,
we have to get rid of Austro-Hungary. "
Killing them is the heir to the throne, though, angered the Austrians
and now had a pretext to attack the last stronghold of the Slovenian: Serbia.
But it was not the real reason for the attack. Austrians and Germans had a plan
to extend their empire to the east. The war was the only way they could achieve.
At the beginning of World War II, a group of Yugoslav politicians
fled from Austria-Hungary and formed the Yugoslav Committee in London,
to raise money for the realization of the Yugoslav idea.
At the end of the war, the Committee met with the Serbian Government at Corfu,
and declared that the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes 'the same blood, in language
by her feeling of unity, the integrity of the territory in which they live together
on the common vital interests of its national survival
and all-round development of the moral and material life '.
It was that which they feared Austria-Hungary and Turkey.
The old world has disappeared poredakje - Yugoslavs finally get our country!
The Kingdom of Yugoslavia was unfortunately short-lived, because he was preparing a new war
so far unprecedented scale. Hoping to preserve Yugoslavia since the war
Yugoslavia Prince Paul signed the Tripartite Pact with Germany 1941st The
But that did not like the British, so they supported a military coup in Belgrade
and popular rebellion against the Covenant. The British were now happy, but not Hitler.
He was, in fact, was so angry that he wanted to wipe Yugoslavia from the map?
Yugoslavia was attacked from all sides.
Yugoslavia was then divided into 12 parts, some of which went to fascist Hungary
some fascist Italy. Macedonia was granted to Bulgarians and Albanians
and Serbia was occupied by the Wehrmacht and was ruled by the Germans.
Croatia and Bosnia are united in the Croatian fascist state
under the rule of the Ustasha regime. - This was called the Independent State of Croatia.
The idea of ??1941. in Croatia was to be a kind of condominium
for the German force in the Balkans.
Croatian fascists were quick to destroy all elements of non-Croats in the state.
Do you know what that meant? Serbs hunting season has begun!
Yes, Hitler's extermination scheme is applied here
and the hundreds of thousands of Serbs, Jews and Roma were killed and
most of the fourth-largest concentration camp in Europe - Jasenovac.
A total of 600,000 people were killed in Jasenovac.
Croatian fascist regime, the Ustasha regime, had one feature
that was special, and the matter is that it was the clero-fascist regime.
Catholic clergy were part of a political dictatorship.
They were at the top of the government, and were also in the army and the concentration camps.
They were in Jasenovac. Some of the directors of the camp were the priests.
Compared to Croatia's inquisition during the Second World War,
Spanish Inquisition look like child's play.
Pope Pius has supported the fascist regime; peaks of the Vatican knew what was going on there
On the other hand, monarchists, loyal to the crown, also known as Chetniks, they decided to act.
The Chetniks were a resistance movement, which, though declared himself
the Yugoslav army in the homeland, were composed entirely of Serbs.
However, after a bloody German reprisals in Serbia in autumn 1941. The
Cetnici felt that the continuation of armed resistance by all means
in a situation when the Germans for one of its dead soldiers 100 Serbs killed
a straight defeat and self-destruction.
West did not care about this, they just wanted the Germans dead
That's all help Cetnicima diverted to fighters
who have managed to neutralize all the other groups. Yugoslav Partisans!
Communists, made up of members of all nationalities
led by a man named Tito. 1943rd years, Tito proclaimed a new Yugoslavia,
which was released two years later. Tito, if nothing else,
was a brilliant political games with the great powers, which was crucial
to pull out of Yugoslavia benefits for themselves and be independent.
It's important to say that Tito was not only a leader, he was brand
respected throughout the world.
He was one of the founders of the Non-Aligned Movement. And why were they important?
They were a buffer zone between great powers that allowed this
to talk about things that are not otherwise could talk openly.
'Tito hopes to continue to walk along both sides of the street - East and West. "
Tito's firm hand to preserve the unity of the country.
When he died on 4th May 1980. Many were crying in Yugoslavia ...
maybe not so much for him because of the Yugoslavia.
His funeral was the largest funeral in history of a statesman.
Then things started to go turn when Yugoslavia was plunged into debt
with foreign creditors soon after Tito's death.
Winter Olympics, the Reagan administration in a secret document,
specifically targeted the Yugoslav economy. National Security Directive no. 133
proclaimed that 'U.S. policy to promote the trend of
to the Yugoslav free market economy. "
That was consistent with the previous policy that sought to force all
to obtain the quiet revolution to overthrow the communist government.
This raises a number of other initiatives, most of which are not published.
Directive simply means that what the United States wants to reach
that Yugoslavia withdraw from the socialist economy and become a free market economy modeled on the west.
While the Soviet system was on its deathbed, 1988., Washington wasted no time
and sent advisers to Yugoslavia from nonprofits pompous name
The National Endowment for Democracy, or NED
Good morning and welcome. It's nice to be with you here
to celebrate the establishment of a vision and noble cause
NED is a reflection of American faith in democratic ideals and institutions
But Vajnstin Allen, who participated in creating the organization's
Washington Post said the 1991st that 'much of what we do today,
CIAje worked covertly 25 years ago', ie. NED is in fact a CIA satellite.
Instead of the CIA behind the scenes trying to secretly manipulate the process state
by giving money to the instructions here and there
They got the lever on the side of the NED.
So NED started with generous bribes in every corner of Yugoslavia
by funding opposition groups, potkupljujuci young, hungry journalists
full of dreams of a new life, giving money to opposition and trade unions
pro-IMF economists and human rights organizations.
The National Endowment is also controlled and financed
the Center for International Private Enterprise, which is still funded by G-17.
Who were the G-17?
They were a non-governmental organization consisting of 17 economists
promoter of free markets, of which three are leading members were members of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.
G-17 coordinator, Professor Veselin Vukotic, closely cooperated
with the World Bank, and as Minister of Privatization in government of Prime Minister Ante Markovic
he was responsible for bankrotni program that is led by the World Bank
led to the collapse of the Yugoslav economy in since 1989. to 1990.
The other members of G-17 work as consultants for the World Bank
and attend their meetings. 2002nd years have formed a political party in Serbia,
and since then, although in every election received between 7% and 11% of the vote 208 00:17:45,553 -- 00:17:50.691 G-17 is controlled by the Ministry of Finance and Economics in Serbia.
This is not the only group of economists. It is a network.
The IMF and World Bank use the network to impose its policy of Yugoslavia.
And how are they making?
First, they require the government to withdraw from all social programs
subsidized food and housing, free transportation and health.
You know ... those things that you in fact are not necessary. Get out of the window.
reduce public sector spending, lower wages, lower employment,
leaving the workers' self, in other words
Your people are looking to work more for less money.
Second, economic manipulation, and new laws force companies
social and private - to go bankrupt.
The World Bank describes this process as a mechanism for "Shutter."
That's their term. They say we need to challenge the bankruptcy of the Yugoslav industry.
Then the company takes a small number of specialized entrepreneurs
and other powerful foreign economic interest groups. They pokupuju the company for nothing.
The creditors are simply unable to take the company within 45 days
and the company has or had to be liquidated or privatizvano.
This is called privatization through liquidation. Records of the World Bank confirms
that the directive Vukotic, since January 1989. until September 1990. The
over 1100 companies industijskih is destroyed.
living standards fell by 18% between January and October 1990. year.
That decline was increased to 20% unemployment, and exacerbated tensions between the republics.
impoverished population is through this comprehensive reform measures of the IMF
which is why there is an increasing social and ethnic tensions.
So you get dissatisfaction with everyone everywhere
and all they asked for someone to blame.
In desperation, the Prime Minister, Markovic, visited Washington
where he met with President Bush. Markovic said that the growing tensions between the nations
a result of draconian economic measures and the privatization of
and asked for a billion dollars of assistance, He added: if aid does not arrive, it will be a problem.
And we all know that Americans did not want any trouble.
November 1990. year, President George Bush went to Congress in
where he put pressure to pass the law on foreign spending
which is demanded that all aid be suspended Yugoslavia.
This law also said that if some of the republics of Yugoslavia,
want further assistance from the United States, must break away and declare independence.
You understand? This is not conspiracy theory, not my speculation,
is not my analysis, it is state law. State law!
He demanded that the election procedures and results in each of the republics
be recognized by the United States.
Republic was required to maintain national elections are not
but that the elections are held only in individual republics.
Of course, the aid would go to individual republics. When assistance is given
it was given to groups that the U.S. administration considered 'democratic'
that. small right-wing, ultranationalist and even fascist parties.
The disintegration of Yugoslavia was not a consequence of the existing internal divisions.
These internal divisions have been increased due to foreign intervention.
Do 1991., Inflation has reached to 200% and the Yugoslav government,
has been unable to repay the huge interest on Foreign loans
or arrange the purchase of raw materials for industrial production.
Trust is destroyed and there were numerous accusations from all sides.
Co-operation between the republics and the central government in Belgrade has disappeared.
Republic did not receive money from the federal government,
or the Republic sent the tax money, so that the whole fiscal structure collapsed
and the Republic were left to cope alone, and thus created a new form of nationalism.
As the Americans are demanding, multi-party elections were carried out
and the economy was in the center of political debate, and the nationalist and separatist coalition
defeated the Communists in Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia.
And in the republics that have worked each other on the head
and the economy and the nation are inherited together on the fatal descent. 269 ??00:22:41,982 -- 00:22:47,982 Of course, local politicians have worked to calm the people.
The people needed a hero to save them, someone who would wear their interests at heart
Instead, they are obtain these figures.
Alija Izetbegovic, who collaborated with the Nazis in the second World War
he was a candidate who had the vision for an Islamic Bosnia mostly Christian
like popagirao in his small book where he wrote:
"There is no peace or coexistence between Islamic faith and non-Islamic institutions."
Ali lost the election of a moderate Muslim leader Fikret Abdic.
However, the failure did not stop our Ali, and he made an agreement with Fikret
Ali to be president, and that a year leave the function.
However, faster than you can say that the 'Islamic Declaration'
Ali was able to extend its function due to crisis
Since you can have a fight for power in such tragic times.
In fact, Ali had a great chance to stop the war, when he signed the Treaty of Lisbon
Ali did not like this, he wanted all the power for themselves.
Fortunately for him, the Americans did not like the idea of ??peace.
So, the U.S. ambassador to Yugoslavia, Warren Zimmerman, arrived on the scene.
My office was at the meeting with Izetbegovic and Zimmerman.
Izetbegovic has just returned from Lisbon, and Zimmerman he says,
You could get a lot more recognition from the American If we just wait.
People in my office told me that at that time Ali was very surprised.
'If you do not like the agreement, why sign?
Ali listened to the American advice and withdrew his signature
solidified his power and Americans have to admit.
Another character who just loved his power, he was famous Slobodan Milosevic.
Sloba, as people called him, he knew how to use the people and get what she wants.
With a little luck and the help of his close friend Ivana, President of Serbia,
Sloba was dispatched to Kosovo in the 1987th where the Serbs felt threatened by the Albanians.
In the course of a conflict with the police, one Serb was asked why Slobo the police beat.
Sloba then with the right answer.
Thus he became a star overnight, the protector of all Serbs!
However, the case with the police was the only local character,
This is the character needed larger scenes. Since he was very grateful to my friend John,
it is removed from the post of president. Ten years later he was killed.
You may think that Sloba, after he became the new president, calmed down.
But no, he still longed for a larger scene, and lo 'lucky
big anniversary was approaching.
Serbs celebrated 600 years since the Battle of Kosovo, the core of their history and culture
waved the flag, Serbian, Yugoslavian, U.S.
and even Canadian, sang patriotic songs ... Sloba climbed on stage to give a speech
that the West is described as a nationalist call to war, and provoked the crowd.
Well, maybe I was not so inflammatory speech but at least by opera singers
after the speech was pretty cool.
But if you think that this guy had great ambitions
what you say about the character you are comparing with Jesus Christ ?
Mother dear. Rescuer of the Croatian people, Franjo Tudjman.
Opusteno. Francis won the election fair, but people around him were not particularly news
to cover up what was to happen later.
Even he does not believe any of these.
Francis government swiftly by illegal armed.
yes? And what's with this?
It was as if the war was the only option. However, a large number of people
has just said 'NO'.
'We just say give peace a chance! "
Yugoslavs are afraid to lose a lot if Yugoslavia broke up.
Fifty years have grown and lived together, got married
and the center of all this was Bosnia, with a mixed community of
Muslims, Serbs and Croats-in a word, a small Yugoslavia.
Mass anti-war demonstrations were held in Sarajevo, which had
the highest percentage of mixed marriages, with a message to politicians:
'Do not sacrifice peace for achieving political ambitions'
But, without much interest in maintaining complete Yugoslavia, politicians have decided
to send your message to the demonstrators.
Slovenia and Croatia are first decided that peaceful negotiations can not go in their favor.
unilaterally declared independence in 1991. year.
Bosnia was next in 1992. All were soon recognized and west.
When the White House announced that we will recognize Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia
we at the State Department we had no idea what will decision will be before he published
which is very unusual. I was the director of the office
no one at senior level had no idea what the White House to decide.
So we can say that the decision was politically
that was not based on a careful analysis of possible consequences of such recognition.
In fact, it was a sure way to conflict becomes inevitable.
The question was whether people would dwell on it?
Of course, as history has taught us, can easily be mobilized public opinion
in favor of conflict and return to the mentality of 2nd World War II,
in which all Serbs Chetniks, Ustashi Croats and all. Hard-line propaganda!
Yes, all the propaganda were the same.
There was no official military mobilization, all retained on a voluntary basis.
However, a man who could change things, video is what leads to madness.
His name was Joseph Kir.
When the Serbs posed roadblocks to control
access to parts of the territory inhabited by Serbs, Joseph Kir, who was Croatia
decided to solve these problems in a peaceful manner.
Kir was becoming an obstacle to the HDZ and had to be removed.
Who ordered the murder, remained unexplained.
Yes, the war has begun, and is best described by two words:
to explain how the Ustashi Croatia cleaned of undesirable ethnic elements: the Serbs and Jews.
Francis did not care for it, because he knew he had the support of the right people.
German Foreign Minister Hans Dietrich Genscher
in daily contact with Zagreb, the Croatian secession was approved by 365 0:35:11.898 -- 00:35:20,298 and in fact pressured its Western allies to recognize Slovenia and Croatia.
Serbophobia Germany was in the geopolitical sense of the 1914th and 1941.
This continuity is also reflected in the favor of the core of almost
to Croatia and Slovenia, which, remember, belonged to the German
cultural and state structures for hundreds of years.
There was a problem in their plan - the Serbs
that were a constitutive nation in Croatia.
This meant that no decision on Croatia was unable to pass without Serbs
percent were Serbs and Croats had equal status. Despite this
Serbs began increasingly to discriminate against the Croatian government.
A lot of people were immediately killed or threatened.
People have lost their jobs. And not only Serbs but also Croats, who were married to a Serb
were subjected to similar discrimination.
Francis is all very well knew. And what did he do? He wrote a new constitution.
According to the constitution of Croatia is a country of Croats. This is an automatic constitutional ethnic cleansing.
The establishment of this Constitution, Francis broke the Yugoslav Constitution
which he considered invalid, but he still wanted to preserve the internal Yugoslav border.
The Serbs had a different idea.
What are Croatian Serbs want to have control over the territories inhabited by
his government, schools, the right to preservation of language, culture and national identity.
Croats wanted the same thing, feeling threatened by him
it is now portrayed as Zagreb Yugoslav Serbo-giant .
The Serbs thought like this: Well, if the Catholic Croats to secede from Yugoslavia,
why do not the Serbs could secede from Croatia?
After all the same thing happened in America during the Civil War.
When Virginia seceded from the United States, northwestern part of the country
seceded from Virginia to form West Virginia, which was loyal to the Union.
When I arrived in Croatia, when we inspect the front
these people have told me that they were ordinary Croatian peasants, you know, patriotic.
I was JNAje the terrifying force that they managed to win.
all the weapons they had, they claimed that they seized from the JNA.
This story might have to burst at any second, but I looked around
and since I knew who made some Kalashnikovs, I noticed that the weapons
that they possessed these guys starting from machine guns to sniper weapons
Everything was made in East Germany.
Although Croatia has never officially acknowledged that Germany was arming them
decided to thank the Germans singing, in German.
You know, that only Germans can understand.
Thank you Germany, my soul is burning.
Thank you Germany, for this wonderful gift.
If you follow the ball skocica, Croatia has recently donated
excess of 4 to 5 thousand Kalashnikovs Afghan National Army.
This is not a surplus, they actually hide the weapon that was used for murder.
The Serbs had more than enough weapons and could hardly waiting to get into a fight the Croatian army.
Croatian town of Vukovar was under siege for 87 days
ended Pyrrhic victory of Serbian forces.
Why Pyrrhic? Well, because they destroyed the entire city.
horrific example of how the territory became suddenly more important than people who live on it.
Even though they were brainwashed, believing that doing the right thing
Some people have woken up and realized what was happening.
Milan Levar, a Croat who had vigorously sought to protect their town of Gospic Serbs
among the first to join the newly formed Croatian Army
but soon disappointed after one orders received.
His struggle led him to the International Criminal Court where he testified.
After that, however, the extreme elements in Croatia are determined to silence the Milan Levar.
Instead of building better relationships based on trust
between the two warring sides in Croatia, 1992. The
The Pentagon has been busy publishing their imperialist hegemony
through the 'Strategic Plan of the defense. " According to the New York Times in 1992.
This paper argues that the only option the United States
to impose a complete world domination, adding that no other country
no right to aspire to the role of leader, even as a regional power.
The United States simply saw himself as a leading force in a unipolar world
and thought they could do whatever they want.
Yugoslavia had to be destroyed. And there was no better symbol for Yugoslavia
of its central republic of Bosnia. Outbreak of the war, the bloodiest conflict in Europe
after the second World War II.
Civil war. Civil war is the worst kind of war.
There are brothers fighting against brothers, families are divided and fighting each other
It's really kind of conflict najgadnije.
The Serbs wanted to have the control a territory that was inhabited by Serbs,
including parts that were of strategic importance for them.
Croats wanted the same, while the Bosnian Muslims, or Bosniaks, as it is now called
wanted everything. To achieve this, the Bosnian government, which has increasingly represented the interests of the Bosniak
began to receive assistance from the Americans.
planes were secretly landed at the airport in Tuzla.
The Americans have begun to approve the delivery of arms to Bosnian Muslims.
U.S. President Clinton later admitted in his book,
that the Americans failed to implement the arms embargo. But that's not all.
Ali are also hundreds of mujahideen offered their assistance.
Come on, who refused these guys?
The Serbs, on the other hand, depended on assistance from Belgrade.
Since the Yugoslav Army was the fourth most powerful in Europe,
The West has responded to halt Belgrade in helping the Serbs in Bosnia .
So, in May 1992. years, imposed sanctions what is left of Yugoslavia,
Serbia and Montenegro.
Until October 1993., 90% of domestic production of drugs is concerned.
The mean daily intake of calories compared to 1990, fell by 28%
and 1.5 million people were severely malnourished.
Two months later, over 60% of the Yugoslav labor force were unemployed
and the average monthly wage fell from $ 500 $ 15 Markets and shops were nearly empty.
As usual, the sanctions hit the people lowest on the social ladder.
People only benefit on top of them.
They have forced the Serbs to what would have happened anywhere - criminalized economy.
Criminals have become kings, and it happened for us.
If you go to Belgrade, where they used to be diplomat, now live fraudsters and criminals,
who stole tons of money during the war on the black market. - War profteri? - At large.
Slobo's government has usurped the state financial system, while the citizens of Serbia
settle on pyramid schemes, particularly those of Dafina Milanovic and Jezda Vasiljevic.
For them, of course. For both Dafina and Jezda snuck out of the country with the stolen money.
The economic tragedy initiated sanctions, it reached its peak.
This has resulted in truly terrible. In particular, the 1993rd The
rate of inflation in Yugoslavia was the largest in recorded history.
As I recall, was about 1.8 billion percent.
They even had to print the notes of 500 billion dinars.
Lawlessness has spread to the Mafia and took control.
Despite the chaos around them, the Serbs did not want to kneel down in front of the West
and one man decided to take advantage of the situation
to save the one organization that no longer had a purpose.
North Atlantic alliance known as NATO
defense-security organization of states that have committed
on the mutual protection in case of attack by foreign enemies
founded in 1949. year. The real goal is to become a protection from the Soviets West
counterbalance later formed the Warsaw Pact.
President Eisenhower believed that the NATO defense alliance
you may later retrieve the Europeans. Instead,
United States have used the organization as an instrument of force and expansion to the east.
But then the Soviet Union collapsed.
The United States openly violated the agreement that was made with Gorbachev
not to encircle Russia hostile armed countries.
The colonization of Serbia is the main or first step on the staircase to Russia.
We had to be colonized, because NATO is a lesson learned by Hitler.
You can not at the same time to be mindful of two battles when attacking Russians
First you neutralizujes to Yugoslavia, as did Hitler .
But to do this, you have to figure out why
why would intervene against the enemy in Yugoslavia.
Meet Joe Biden.
We are facing undoubted act of Serbian expansionism and aggression.
This is as much a civil war as they led by
Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia during the 1930s.
This is, as I previously thought, fascist robbery in march!
It was the Serbs called horrible names, and at the same time
had a very influential position in the Office of International Relations in the Senate .
Biden also emphasized the importance of the new role of NATO
what is seen February 1994. at a meeting in the Senate on the future of NATO.
Last month, while NATO has confirmed the role of General Staff of the European security
crimes such as those who were tried at Nuremberg before Half a century
have continued unabated in Bosnia.
Without a common enemy to unite us
what causes our conceptions of national interest, could separate us.
He found a common enemy of the Serbian people
which had previously been demonize American companies for public relations like Ruder & Finn, who hired the various separatist groups in Yugoslavia.
Not only are demonized Serbian leaders, they have demonized the Serbian people.
The problem for the Serbs consisted in the fact that they were slow in reacting.
In the first heartbeat is not understood what was happening to them, and when they understand
that part of the Balkans has already sunk in conflict in which Serbs propaganda meant
as the enemy of all others.
The United States soon began to create a storm in Croatia. Specifically, Operation Storm.
They invented a plan by which the Croatian army attacked the Krajina
and occupied the area that was inhabited by Serbian people
who has been there for about four, five centuries, but it was decided that they were too radical
to help them be allowed to continue to live within the borders of Croatia.
And, in a meeting on Brioni, Francis gave his blessing to General Ante Gotovina
the largest single act of ethnic cleansing during the Yugoslav wars.
The operation lasted 84 hours in August 1995.,
ended with the death of about 2000, and a quarter million ethnic cleansed of Serbs.
Slobo and his generals, the guardians of all Serbs, have abandoned them.
The storm was inspired by the American operations by some of my colleagues.
The people who advised the Croatian army were retired U.S. generals and officers
that worked just outside Beltveja in Washington.
Francis was very happy.
Because they got rid of the Serbs in Croatia, the Americans turned to Bosnia.
Just drive out Serbs from there would not be easy, and have applied different strategies.
presentation of the Bosnian war as civil, which is in fact and was, instead of Serbian aggression,
meant to west public opinion was brought into confusion, and water would be thrown into confusion.
To intervene, the Americans had to clarify against whom to intervene.
The Serbs started this war. Serbs are the original cause of the war.
They are complete aggressors and perpetrators.
NATO was used for the process of colonization, but Clinton must know that
to justify a wider audience. Perhaps the best example of what I say is - Srebrenica.
Srebrenica, a village in Bosnia, was declared a safe area to the Bosniak refugees
but never really disarmed, which is allow the Bosnian forces
to attack neighboring Serbian villages. Serbian commander, Ratko Mladic
trampled Srebrenica, leaving thousands of Muslims killed and ethnically cleansed.
What happened in Srebrenica was orchestrated fall of the enclave
into the hands of Serbian forces who never expected that the win.
The United Nations has declared this act of genocide, although the UN observer, Philip Corbin
estimated that the number of killed Muslims in Srebrenica does not exceed the number of Serbs
killed in the surrounding villages. But it was not important
Srebrenica is to be used for a much larger goal.
There are reliable sources within the Muslim community who say
that they Alija Izetbegovic said that it was Bill Clinton made it clear
to 5.000 Muslims killed was the price of NATO intervention on the side of Bosnian Muslims.
They believe that Izetbegovic was deliberately sacrificed Srebrenica
as a scapegoat, which would be an excuse for intervention, and indeed, all so what happened.
The Bosnian government had no choice.
Mr. Silajdzic, speaking on behalf of his government, he said the following:
We have no choice, and our presidency had selection
but to ask for military intervention in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
You can not solve this alone, American public opinion will not tolerate it
allies can not afford.
I followed the intervention.
NATO, an organization founded with the sole purpose of defending its members
attacked a country that neither attacked nor threatened any one member of NATO.
Lewis MacKenzie, who was a Major General in charge of UN Sector Sarajevo
he tried to warn the Americans in what is engage.
I appeared before Congress and they have asked for an opinion.
Ai I said: Begin to train your grandchildren to be peacemakers in Bosnia
because you will be there for generations. And many of them are still there.
While heavily armed U.S. and NATO troops imposed peace in Bosnia
media and politicians have tried to present Western interevenciju
in the former Yugoslavia as a noble mission, which, although late to prevent the outbreak of war,
stop ethnic massacres and human rights violations .
A lot of so-called liberal and left-wing or progressive media
watch the Balkans through the narrow prism of the mainstream. In other words,
they are fully accepted view of events they offered the U.S. and the EU.
Only those journalists who have lied and have found new ways to attack the Serbs
other than those that have sent their editors, different from stories that were written for them
before they came to the Balkans, such as progress.
Of course, the bombing forced the Bosnian Serbs to surrender.
On potpisivnju Peace Agreement, which divided Bosnia into two entities
Serbian and Bosniak-Croat, all of which were odogvorni
for the outbreak of the war, sang the praises of peace.
This is Vrhbarje village, near Sokolac in Bosnia, inhabited by Serbs and Muslims.
After the Dayton Agreement imposed, residents were aware of what it means for them
and since the village became part of the Serbian entity , the Muslims decided
to collectively move in its own entity.
This video never before was not displayed anywhere. Simply did not fit into the picture
by the Western media constantly trying to create the evil Serbs
to destroy all non-front them.
Do you think that this forced the Western public to intervene?
What? The Serbs do not act as genocidal maniacs?
Human beings? They?
The human compassion was something quite normal for a young Serb man
from Trebinje in Herzegovina called Srdjan Aleksic.
Srdjanov father recalls how Srdjan noted that the Serbian police arrested a man
on the basis of his nationality.
This is one of the many stories of true heroism
which has never reached the Western media
West was more focused on stirring up conflict so that they can jump
for their own interests. While the world celebrated peace in Bosnia in 1995.
international financial institutions have been employed by the collection of debts of the former Yugoslavia
from emerging countries, while also transforming the Balkans in a secure area of ??the free market. In late 1995. The
West announced a program of 'reconstruction', which had abolished the independence of Bosnia
to a degree that was not seen in Europe since 2nd World War II.
It was pure colonialism which consisted mainly of the division of Bosnian territory
under NATO military occupation and the administration. This form of intervention
under NATO military occupation and the administration. This form of intervention
he was so successful that the West simply had to be applied to Kosovo.
I think that the region is important in geostrategic terms. They see Kosovo
as a potential country where they could secure their presence in the region.
But the West has underestimated the importance that Kosovo is the Serbian people.
My dear citizens, today is our armed forces joined NATO allies
air strikes against Serbian forces responsible for the brutality in Kosovo.
NATO has violated the international law and UN Charter by attacking Yugoslavia from the air.
The people of Yugoslavia are, however, decided to show their true spirit
So what came out, sang songs and had fun bridges despite the disaster around them.
We thought that the Serbs will endure five days under the bombs and then give up.
No one ever expected that they would run around the bridges
to wear shirts with a target sign on his chest ...
The mission's aim was apparently to stop the violence in Kosovo and overthrow Slobo from power.
The bombing of Yugoslavia caused the opposite effect
since the conflict flared up in Kosovo, and Serb public opinion is concerned with Slobo.
reality of war was terrible. Schools, hospitals, bridges, television stations,
and even foreign embassies were legitimate targets of NATO.
The objectives that they were bombed, for example, the system power supply
Every night as an electrical station gadai so that could not pump water
bakery could not work in Belgrade. So, every day millions of people
denied food and water. How did that affect the operation of the Serbian forces in Kosovo?
These were attacks on the Serbian people.
When the civilian population was killed, they call it collateral damage.
That's why you feel bad, because they are people ...
they have names and they are all for their families.
But for the rest of the world they are just collateral damage.
trying to kill the tobacco factory in Nis three. And it was eventually bought by Philip Morris.
Well, if I walk into a shop with a hammer and start hitting the shelves
and after I say - you Platicu sicu in ruins, I then viking and vandal.
It seems that cigarettes are not produced in
also killed Albanians in Kosovo and had to be stopped.
It is obvious that the flip Morris had something against the factory in Nis
as they were Morisov main competitor in the European market.
The main cause of war was the desire to colonize the country economically.
To replace the entire incompatible domestic infrastructure, economic systems
compatible with American and German. That is why they bombed
Yugo car factory, which has managed to come to the U.S. market.
'YUGO - Your way to common sense'.
These are completely destroyed. Bombed a cement factory, oil industry
all telecommunications systems, in order to sell new, more expensive, but not better.
If this is the intention of NATO, it must be well coordinated from the beginning.
Indeed, nearly a year before the war, the World Bank is carefully analyzed
the possible consequences of military intervention and occupation of Kosovo
and conduct simulations that are 'envisaged the possibility of a state of emergency that erupted
because of tensions in Kosovo. " This suggests that NATO already contacted the World Bank
in the early stages of military planning. The plans for the occupation began
before he was found a good enough reason to intervene.
But, wait a minute. Occupation?
Do not tell us that Kosovo should be freed from Serbian aggressors who are attacked Kosovo?
I still nobody objasio How can the state to attack itself.
History is distorted to the west created a pretext for intervention.
After five centuries of Ottoman rule, Kosovo is legally part of Serbia became the 1912th
Until then, many Serbs have already moved out, and those who remained were subjected to
new attacks during the second World War II, when Kosovo Albanian fascists occupied.
Mustafa Kruja, Prime Minister of Albania in Kosovo was the 1942nd and at a meeting of
with the Albanian leaders of Kosovo, he said: "We should ensure that the Serbian population of
in Kosovo be cleaned away and the Serbs who lived here centuries
colonizers and are declared to be sent to concentration camps in Albania.
Serbian settlers should be killed.
The terror of the indigenous Serbian population was a massive
with over 10,000 killed, 20,000 expelled.
This is the Tito Enver Hoxha, Albanian Communist dictator.
One thing not mentioned in connection with Tito is that he just did not want to rule
Yugoslavia, but he wanted most of the Balkan federation that would include
and Italje Greece, Bulgaria and Albania. This meant that the dictator Hoxha should see
welcome to the Albanians in Yugoslavia. Thus the Yugoslav Albanians
who lived mostly in Kosovo, get a better standard of living than in Albania!
They had their own universities, their schools, newspapers, political institutions, cultural centers
all the Albanian language. Albanians from Kosovo have flooded Albania and the Serbs were expelled.
The Western media have not mentioned anything of this. The official story was that Albanians from Kosovo
want independence for Slobinih actions during the 1990s, which ignored the fact
that the Albanians are demanding republic status for Kosovo,
shortly after Tito's Yugoslavia was formed, at a time when Sloba born
a and held a mass demonstarcije 1968th
all the hallmarks of the republic, which is basically helping the Albanian leaders to continue their
what was begun during the second World War II.
There were many low-level intimidation. There were attacks on individuals
that police had not investigated properly.
In fact in general there were no arrests for such things.
New York Times on 12 July 1982nd, many years before he came to power Sloba,
as he wrote, 'the exodus of Serbs in Kosovo is one of the biggest problems that face the authorities. "
As for the Albanians who want to secede from Yugoslavia,
Becir Hoti, executive secretary of the Communist Party of Kosovo, said
that 'nationalists have a platform of two objectives - firstly to provide
what they call an ethnically clean Albanian republic
and then to unite with Albania to form a Greater Albania.
I desperately wanted help. They needed at all costs.
tapes at all costs?
Madeleine (Albright) I love you! I will never forget!
Madeleine, I adore, now and forever!
My dreams came true because I have your name.
When I grow up, I will do the same for children!
There are many girls in Kosovo whose name is Madeleine.
If you prefer, we can talk here, and we can go outside.
American peace delegation
Thank you for an incredibly large amount of money you've collected tonight.
I have to say ... I did not expect that someone will make such a big statue of me.
You have to admit, the Albanians really know how to be flattering to Americans.
The problem is that the Albanians did not know what she was getting into.
financed by heroin trafficking, and Osama bin Laden. '
How was it apparent that the KLA managed events in Kosovo,
The United States realized that they could use them for their own interests.
The entire northern part of Albania was controlled by the KLA, not the Albanian government.
American cargo planes twice a day brought the necessary equipment and weapons.
British special forces, CIA, U.S. army, ensured the training of the KLA
that was before the war. Germany was sending arms from Albania, the former East Germany
with the agreement that will give Albania the KLA.
The aim was to provoke a sharp reaction of the Serbian army, ostensibly to jump west
to stop the war and impose its policy. Sloba by the army and the conflict is the 1998th year.
Of course, all that is done the American army in Afghanistan and Iraq,
is much worse than what the Serbian army ever done in Kosovo.
If you want to colonize the territory, which is not to write it in black and white?
U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was invented so-called Rambouillet Agreement
which was designed based on the model of the Dayton Agreement in Bosnia. NATO has mapped out here
how they occupy and colonize Yugoslavia at Rambouillet Accords Annex B:
NATO personnel shall with their vehicles, trucks, planes and other equipment
have free and unrestricted passage and free access to the whole of Yugoslavia.
We have deliberately raised the bar too high, we knew that they can not private.
The aim of the annex of the agreement was to allow us the bomb.
In fact, it was a secret annex. Yes, that is, was not released to the public
until several months after the bombing. This document is
it also went a step further and actually promised secession of Kosovo for three years.
Kosovo's leaders signed an agreement last week. Although it does not give them everything they want.
- No, they should wait even three years.
- They found that a just peace is better than war with no victory.
On the other hand, Serbian leaders have rejected any talk
on the key elements of the peace agreement.
Hmm, I wonder why. "Hey, right 'ocete that you occupy in this or that way?"
Of course, while the true details were hidden, the story spread to
that Americans want to protect the Albanians.
to show some pictures of refugees, you know what, my heart is torn
America react to this terror, and images look, all these crimes.
Look at all this suffering, misery and madness. There is insidious evil that permeates this country.
Many Albanians did not dwell on this.
I believe that the intervention of the West 1999th against Serbia was possible because
geostrategic interests that had Western countries, especially the United States.
None of this had nothing to do with Albanians,
or the 'worried' Americans who want to protect them.
That's right, NATO and Albanians killed. Lots of them.
If they were concerned about the Albanians and Serbs in Kosovo, the West would not have helped the KLA
that is directly associated with organized crime and drug trafficking.
I do not help anyone when podrzavate Mafia.
After the great publicity about the incident in Racak, which was later Finnish forensic
Helena Ranta, proved to be false staged, NATO bombed
Yugoslavia, but failed to destroy the Yugoslav military.
By the end of NATO bombing, only 13 Yugoslav tanks were destroyed,
and most of them were old models that are intentionally left as bait.
Serbs had ingenious methods for protection of their defense forces.
They made wooden tanks, painted them to look like a real
and put the old heater or a microwave oven inside and involving it.
NATO comes with its sophisticated technology, see the goal and gadja it.
OK, these bombs costing several hundred thousand dollars apiece
a cardboard tank costs about $ 200.
So why Sloba gave NATO?
Ahtisaari has read the conditions of NATO, Milosevic asked
'What happens if you do not sign up? "
Between them was a table with a vase of flowers, vase Ahtisaari was moved aside and said,
"Belgrade will be as this table. " Then he repeated the withdrawal of the hand across the table.
He said that for several weeks was half a million dead.
It would be completely to destroy Belgrade.
Faced with a monstrous threat Ahtisaari, had no choice Sloba
and signed the agreement, while Ahtisaari won the Nobel Prize Peace 2008th year.
These are the CBS news special, a part of our reporting on the crisis in Kosovo.
Today during the day, Serbian forces began withdrawing from Kosovo,
a NATO bombing campaign ended its jedanaestonedeljno.
Step Western geostrategic interests is filled with the 1999th
with the entry of NATO troops in Kosovo and they are still in Kosovo.
Along with the American troops have established a base Bondsteel
the second largest U.S. military base outside Germany 780 1:18:09.906 -- 01:18:13,843 army of lawyers and consultants was sent to Kosovo novookuprano
under the auspices of the World Bank to establish favorable conditions for foreign capital.
And how is it done?
They founded an organization to manage the privatization of companies
that were socially owned, and after a given period are decided
that do not pay attention to the legal ownership, not to see who is the owner, and that in fact
all confiscated and privatized, ie. sell to whomever they want.
Yugoslav banks in Kosovo is closed and the German mark is used as a currency.
Almost the entire banking system in Kosovo and handed over to the German Commerzbank AG
which has received full control of the commercial banking system in the province .
Wait a minute. Think about this a bit.
The violation of human rights. War crimes.
These were the reasons why the West went to Kosovo
so we were told in the media, right?
Why, then head of UN mission in Kosovo was so obsessed with
taking coal from the Serbs?
Before the bombing, investors from the west have already set their eyes on the huge mines in Trepca
who is described as' the most valuable real estate in the Balkans, worth at least 5 billion. "
Trepca complex not only had vast reserves of copper and zinc
but also cadmium, gold and silver
The International Crisis Group, a set of experts, supported by George Soros
has published work: 'Trepca: making sense of the maze' in which UNMIK are
to 'seize Trepca as soon as the Serbs'
and that "Kosovars do not talk Trepca out of the question. "
And in August 2000., UNMIK chief Bernard Kouchner sent a heavily armed 'peacekeepers'
who wore masks against toxic gases, to occupy the mine.
This was done under the pretext that there was a threat to the mine pollutes the air.
Of course, a healthy environment has always been a priority for the West in Yugoslavia
even during bombardovaja he called the 'Angel of Mercy '.
After the NATO used depleted uranium weapons with
during the 1999 bombing., Military experts from Belgrade measured the increase in radioactivity and claim that the area is very polluted.
Dr. Sedlak was he who first alerted the public
There is not one of the world where so many young people die from cancer.
In the veterinary station in southern Serbia, there is evidence that something was wrong.
How uranium to be billions of years to break down
spirit of merciful angels will hover over this space virtually forever.
See, that's just fine.
In the meantime, the UN handed over the management of complex Trepca celkupnim
Western consortium. Morrison Knudsen had taken part in this agreement.
The new conglomerate was the Washington Group, one of the most powerful
engineering and construction companies, which is a leading performer in the defense USA.
Are any politician, businessman and lobbyist with the Western suit before the court
for the theft of the Yugoslav peoples, for the crimes against people from the former Yugoslavia?
No, no.
Instead, to avoid prosecution, they formed a tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands,
to judge people from former Yugoslavia to participate in the war.
The Hague Tribunal was established in 1993. on the basis of UN Security Council Resolution
and not the UN General Assembly resolution, which means that it is ad hoc body
made based on political decisions, not legal systems.
When you create a colony, just close the dissidents.
In Belgrade, Sloba, who was declared man of peace 1995th The
when he gave Bosnia the west, since it was a heady
and did not want to do the same with Kosovo, accused for war crimes.
I think that every world leader knows that if you do not respect the system
It is very likely that they will be executed in one or another way.
After the huge anti-slobovske campaign financed from the pockets of western ...
The European Union and the United States has spent millions of euros in training and supplying
opposition parties in Yugoslavia led to a successful election campaign .
Sloba lost the 2000 elections. But refused to buckle under rival
Vojislav Kostunica. Ment has decided that now was a lot.
'Victory! Victory! " - Shouting crowd. 'Slobodan, save Serbia, kill yourself! " shout the other
Sloba fell. But what next?
Politicians have continued to dispute over unimportant nonsense in the most popular
reality show, called Parliament of the Republic of Serbia!
Instead of focusing on important things, they still allow the splitting of Yugoslavia.
thanks to an ingenious recipe Javier Solana.
But one man did not want to surrender their country and its system just like that.
Blasko Gabric, from my home town of Subotica, he decided to make a radical step.
Yugoslavian socialism was far, far better than other socialisms
in comparison to, say, with the Russians or Chinese socialism. We had a paradise
If you can imagine a paradise on earth, it was Yugoslavia.
Blasko explains who is kidnapped by his piece of paradise.
Western world only story you will get to heaven when you die.
They will not be afforded to heaven while you're alive.
So he turned his 15 acres of land, a new, fourth Yugoslavia.
If they destroy your factory, if you make of all private property
all we had, we see no more, as is it called?
The West has said that it is democracy.
We have a very good joke about it. Muslims asked to explain hodza
what democracy is, to explain to them so that they can not understand the concept.
He says: 'I can very easily explained. You see, when I get to the top of minarets
and you're down below me and I letters in you ...
Can you also write to me. Now that's democracy.
Okay, kidding aside
withdrawal of Yugoslav names is encouraged unhealthy pattern.
When they took the name of Yugoslavia, when we were called Serbia and Montenegro
West says Montenegro: Serbia Leave itself.
Montenegro became the newest state of the world.
However, another part of the former Yugoslavia, wished this status.
You guessed it - Kosovo.
That same year, negotiations began between the government in Belgrade,
and the status of the Albanian minority in Kosovo.
so-called negotiations, though, were a farce from the beginning
jerje most of the Western powers already promised Kosovo independence regardless of negotiations.
Sooner or later you have to say, well, that's enough - Kosovo is independent
This is our position. Kosovo citizens must know that it is solid, unwavering position
even though there is diplomacy and negotiation, but if it is obvious that it will not happen
in a relatively short period of time, in my opinion, we need to make a decision.
Think about it. When you make the biggest world powers said they can get whatever you want
why would you, by God, meet with less than that
and tried to find a compromise?
According to forecasts, the negotiations failed and Kosovo unilaterally declared independence.
It was my honor to welcome the president and prime minister of an independent Kosovo in the White House.
I'm proud of you here, welcome. I strongly supports Kosovo independence.
protest Kosovo Albanians for independence
I am committed to the U.S. will continue to work with those states that not recognized an independent Kosovo to convince them to do so as soon as possible.
Contrary to what is hoped bus, most of the world has not recognized Kosovo,
and it is not even become a member of the UN. Kosovo, therefore, failed to become states.
What is absurd about this story is that the Albanian minority
that doistinu suffered during the 1990s, believed that received independence in 2008.
This is a great day for the people of Kosovo, the Albanians.
- How do you feel? - Oh, I feel very good. This is like a dream.
As a Serb, I'm sorry Albanians. They are wrong even more than us.
They think they have an independent state!
They think they have an independent state!
Kosovo is an American military base.
just happens to have some local color called Albanians.
They're just leaves on the trees.
The Kosovo government and Kosovo's people will ever give away a token
deep respect for the United States and the American administration.
And, now, would they be able to decide something does not fit
in the U.S. wishes? No way.
Do you think that the Kosovo government can do is something the Americans do not agree?
We listen to Americans.
America, it has 50 states. Why then Kosovo would not be part of America?
- You would support that? - Yes, why not. They already administer all in Kosovo.
The Americans are in control? That they more or less controlled all here.
We are not independent from the European Union and America.
The official channels through which the international community holds
absolute power over all aspects of political and economic life
in Kosovo presented through the International Civilian Representative who shall have the right
to dismiss any elected official, and to annul 918 01:31:11,820 - 01:31:16,691 which has passed the Kosovo parliament. At the same time, there is an informal channel
through which the international community to interfere in politics and economy of Kosovo
by Ambassador powerful countries who have seen or have represented myself
as sponsors of Kosovo's independence. These greens are a kind of ambassador commandments
Kosovo politicians. Kosovo is still a colony and colonization of this
in fact worsened living standards in Kosovo.
A little further from Kosovo, the Serbian province of other citizens were not aware of
what was coming. Situated right in the middle of the Pannonian Plain
Vojvodina has always been an attractive piece of territory
exploited because of its fertile land.
After Kosovo's declaration of independence, the West turned to the north.
Before the end of 2009., In an article published in the Economist, the situation
in the northern Serbian province has been described as' very limit the independence of Vojvodina ".
After all, 'Kosovo and Vojvodina had the same kind of high autonomy. "
Could not I take something? Why all this silence?
You see, there is a way to force people to do things in Serbia,
or any other former Yugoslav Republic
just tell them that this is another step towards the European Union.
EU, a unique political and economic partnership of European countries,
which allows members the exchange of goods, people and ideas to market
that includes about a billion people. With the exception of the official definition of this
there's more to it which is not visible at first glance.
The European Union is a project of the elite class in Europe,
that ignores the core values ??of European civilization 942 01:33:13,508 - 01:33:21,382 and seeks to replace them with politically correct ideology dictate postnacionalizma postmodernism.
First, your country needs to open their markets to European products,
and to sell all of his bank, which is equivalent to the lecture queen and guns in check.
Then, your domestic industry, agriculture and stock market declining
which allows foreign companies to obtain competitive prices for your most valuable trump card
If we continue the chess analogy, your government is playing against the EU as a beginner 948 01:33:42,603 ??- 01:33:46,140 which is ten steps ahead of you. You may know how to move the figure
but your opponent knows how to get you on thin ice and gets what she wants. Checkmate.
In the Czech Republic, EU sugar industry was forced to close its factory
because the EU had too much sugar imported from Cuba that they made more profit.
Instead, the Czechs were given a small gift from Germany - their dirty industry
that they are no longer able to keep the them because of the Kyoto Protocol.
In Hungary, the vineyards were destroyed with the low prices of French wines
so that the Hungarians were unable to repay debts to banks and the party
bought their vineyards at low prices. As a result,
famous Hungarian Tokaj vineyards now owned by the English.
'No deal', says the man, 'just poverty. "
The situation has deteriorated since the end of the nearby Secerana Serenca
closed last year. 80 people from the village Mezozombora lost their jobs.
factory break down.
I think to notice pattern here.
places like the Balkans and the rest of Eastern Europe should not have been colleagues
and equal in the brotherhood of nations, but for them market is intended to be
for the western industrial goods, to be a source of cheap labor.
Keep in mind that it takes time to join the EU.
But you will not hear anything about these things in the media.
EU spends around two billion euros a year for his advertising in the media.
They spozorisu show programs on TV, radio, various other programs and so on.
They organize conferences, especially for journalists. It is a massive industry
You almost never hear criticism by EU journalists.
In Serbia has never been any real debate on the EU's
and even attempt to start such a debate would be sentenced
from the very beginning as an anti-European.
Those who attempt to begin such discussions are terminated.
I remember that man, was the party of neo G-17 +
He told me: 'Yes, you criticize the EU, and you live in the EU. Slovenia in the EU is good '.
No, I really do not. This is a standard propaganda, do you understand?
We are not better because we in the EU, but the other way around.
We are in the EU because we are better than others, eg., The former Yugoslav republics.
After the death of Yugoslavia, the former Yugoslav republics, each wanted to become a EU member.
Slovenia became the first who joined in 2004., But was not thrilled.
We have not more states, we are the only EU region. Why are you hard?
We do not have monetary policy, we practically have no fiscal policy
because we are limited by EU rules.
Are things better now that Slovenia is in EU?
No, I think not.
No, it seems to me that it is not.
I do not think so.
prices have doubled, everything is more expensive.
The clothing is more expensive.
I voted 'no' when we had a referendum on EU accession.
As you know, if you are part of the EU, you give something in common EU coffers.
A lot of social rights that we had earlier has now narrowed.
In my personal opinion, I believe that the EU is more corporations
than a political organization that provides human rights.
right across Slovenia, Croatia has dropped out of applying
Ecological and Fisheries Protection Zone (ZERP) to the EU countries
since the third Italian fishing activities were based in this area.
Croatia is also thrown into the water its banking sector.
On the other hand, citizens of Serbia hardly cease to believe in everything that comes from the west in
often believing the propaganda to the west really like
and that even if the Serbs were bombed, they do so for the good of the Serbs.
I think it is a situation where we are today a result of
something that I call predatory capitalism. He started in the 70's
when I was an economic killer, and then we were using predatory capitalism
in the developing world at large. The first principle of the
that the only responsibility of business to maximize profits regardless of the consequences for society and the environment.
After the breakup of Yugoslavia, the federal debt is divided between the successor states.
In Montenegro, the debt was 416 million figure reached 4.7 billion dollars.
Macedonia has jumped from 890 million to 6.7 billion dollars in debt in
and Bosnia has gone from 2.1 billion to 16.5 billion dollars in debt.
Long Serbia has risen from 5.5 billion to 38 billion dollars in
Slovenia from 2.6 billion to a staggering 56 , 3 billion.
And Croatia, the absolute winner of the 1017 debt nagomilanju 01:42:44,111 -- 01:42:49,811 with $ 4.6 billion to a staggering $ 69 billion.
Eh, Yugoslavs like to say that they lived well during Tito's Yugoslavia in
because they had been in charge. And now is not?
OK, they were bought by foreigners. What's so bad?
Here's an example to the west with Yugoslavia robbed minus debts.
First, it imposed a severe sanction.
Miroljub Labus, otherwise, a member of the G17 +, one of those so-called. pro-IMF experts.
which is about 29% of Croatia's total GDP. This would be great
that the money and stayed in Croatia.
tax on goods and services from 19% euros and wishes of the restaurants, cafes and private accommodation
and the profits went to Germany.
Thank you Germany, my soul on fire.
And if macroeconomic stability is threatened in all the republics in
The IMF and World Bank come into play in order to 'save the situation' .
And how do they do? Let's say you IMF and World Bank provide a loan in
than 300 million dollars that pay interest of 5.5 to 7%.
But money is not going anywhere, no no, it stays in the big American and German banks in
and the Republican foreign exchange reserves , to which the payment of interest of 2 to 2.5%.
Then, that same bank, in essence, with the Republican money, provide investment loans republics
through the various development funds, which again increases the debt to be repaid in
only with new borrowing. So it's all in a circle.
What does it mean for ordinary people? If we look at statistics, so much each citizen in
Yugoslavia owes international financiers. However, many people still think
of the factors that come to help us.
Foreign banks used the desperate state of the Yugoslav peoples in
for personal interests, sometimes by criminal means.
desperate situation has become worse due to the global financial crisis in
and Croatia look into what else could sell, and that abound.
That's right, the island!
Brijuni national park, where there is Tito's luxurious villa.
In the meantime, the colony of Bosnia, the IMF said Section 7 a new Bosnian constitution in
laid down in Dayton, Ohio. They decided the following:
'Board of Directors of the Central Bank shall consist of a Governor will ask the IMF "1053 01:49:18,438 -- 01:49:25,178 and that' The Governor shall be a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina or any neighboring countries. "
So, the government of Bosnia has no control over their own economy.
It would not be fair to say that all the money invested in Bosnia Otplacivanje used for its debts.
No, a lot of money is gone and the Bosnians.
The only thing that could have gone into the hands of a very small number of Bosnians. Very, very few.
According to the Unit for Combating Corruption, which established the Office
High Representative, a billion dollars has disappeared from public funds and international
charitable projects for assistance, between the 1995th and 1999. year.
Wondering where all that money go? For example, in the town of Sanski Most in
money went to the track for horse racing, rather than economic development or infrastructure.
If you're going to steal public funds and aid, which does not go one step further in
and gambles them, right? Mayor of Sanski Most also gave 450 000 1065 01:50:15,896 -- 01:50:21,101 from his brother, Saudi Arabia, that guy has opened a new bank.
against him is invested 358 charges of corruption.
Next, Montenegro relied on smuggling of cigarettes in the state in
would not have sunk during the war years.
Its leaders, Djukanovic and Bulatovic, claiming to have never personally profited from the smuggling.
And that's really strange, given that Prime Minister Djukanovic was the 20th the list of
the world's richest president in the 2010th, that is three times richer than Nicolas Sarkozy's
and Barack Obama together.
Milo Djukanovic has been more successful than others in converting the entire country in a private feud
governed by the principles of Cosa Nostra. In fact, I think that his personal wealth in
a lot more than is officially announced, and that he can say free to own everything that exists in Montenegro.
Because of this elite did not care for other people at the bottom of the food chain in
had to resort to measures hopeless.
Samir (44) was born in Bosnia and convinced that beneath these layers of soil in
is the largest pyramid in the world .
Many young people have realized what was happening and began to struggle in
against him in what their country is being transformed .
The name of our group Beogradski Sindikat
which would be translated into English as Belgrade Union.
Union Belgrade, the Serbian rap group, famous for the critical interpretation of
reality, the social elite and the criminal element.
Bosko Cirkovic from Belgrade in 1088 explains why the Union 01:52:19,886 -- 01:52:22,989 Few people take something concrete against injustice.
A lot of young people in Serbia, and young people in the world, thinking only of material things
and you know, when you go to politics go there to be seized to even more material things.
When I was in the same room with the characters who run this country in
and one of my main characters is a former professor of psychology in high school in
I would have carried out a revolution against them.
To this ends, I do not know, but some of us would not have left the room.
Down in Sarajevo, things were much different.
Dubioza Kolektiv the Sarajevo group with a similar message as the one in Belgrade.
As long as people think that their impact on the democratic process ends
you put the ballot into the box, nothing will change, because the
It gives those who are elected for 4 years, feel free to do what they want.
The ruling elite do not listen to anyone. This is the best thing they have learned.
They even ignore mass protests.
Unfortunately, the elites in power, even if the majority against them, still do not listen.
One of my very close friend was at a private dinner in
where the present U.S. Ambassador to Serbia, Cameroon Munter.
The dinner is held after the elections in which the Serbian Radical Party in
which is much more oriented towards the independence of the Democratic Party
got the most votes and won. And we all thought that, because the voters voted in
the largest party to form a government. My friend asked Kamorun Munter:
'Well, Mr. Munter, it seems that your mission has failed! "
Mission to Serbia brought under imperialist patronage. He answered:
'I would not be so hasty. If I were on your place, I watched TV tomorrow
to see what the results of talks between Tadic and Dacic.
And, while the government formed a Washington, policies and laws are also dictated from outside.
American Chamber of Commerce writes laws for the government of Serbia
and finding them that these laws must be passed.
So the countries of former Yugoslavia started to become members of NATO.
Do you know what it means to join NATO? You have to get rid of the entire military arsenal in
domestic production, domestic design and development, intended for you to pitch in
armed themselves to American aircraft F16, F18, F22, hundreds of thousands of dollars per aircraft.
And your sons and daughters have to go to fight. Where they want to fight?
They want to put night vision goggles and go to Afghanistan in
where we will kill their enemies that we are not takle.
Profits and military gains were re-acquired from these economic and geopolitical colonies.
The people were completely unaware of what is happening to them in
i thought they were finally free and independent.
What happened in Yugoslavia can be regarded as a classic example of colonization.
Doduse with a new flavor, but it is still colonization.
Instead of colonizing the uninhabited parts of the world, why not make a mess somewhere
and then you fix it? That part of the world that have already been developed and where there are consumers.
They wanted Yugoslavia, whose rich natural resources will be
be available to multinational corporations, whose population in 1132 01:58:15.675 -- 01:58:19,679 to work for low wages, whose economies will compete in
existing producers, only new investment opportunities. They wanted Yugoslavia
whose oil would, engineering, mining and automobile industries were dismantled in
and deindustrijalizovana and they wanted to destroy the Yugoslav public sector in
his services and social programs.
I. .. they did it.
What's more, the peace that the peoples of Yugoslavia to build their own good is destroyed.
The claim that the hatred between the peoples of Yugoslavia, there was always just a stereotype.
South Slavs were traveling together from the north to come to this area in
and found their own piece of paradise around the 6th century.
hate are later fabricated a great power, who wanted to learn Slovene
how to be civilized and democratic. Please note that for most of the 20th Century
Blacks were not allowed to sit in the front seats on buses in the U.S. in
and the Dubrovnik Republic abolished slavery 1642nd However, while the U.S. in
was still a British colony and did not even exist as a state.
western hypocrisy was obvious.
Why would a Croat or a Serb Serbs hated Muslims, eh?
Because someone somewhere has done who knows what who knows when? Since we have so says TV?
Is not that history has proven that these people can live together? Or is it all irrelevant
the moment when someone pulls a story about who is who how many times did mount point?
There is no biological hatred, that a group of people destined to hate another group.
Anyone who says otherwise has some deeper intentions, believe me.
I know what you say now. "Boris, you just criticize here, not the solution nudis'
Well, when the solution is concerned, there is only need to look up to those who said 'No'
madness and injustice, who decided to be good people in bad times.
corrupt politicians, generals of armies and war profiteers are just as responsible in
for the colonization of Yugoslavia as the colonizers from the West.
No one could do this to us that we were so weak
in their definition of themselves and defend their history. If we as a nation stand up
No one can stop us. There are no cruise missiles, there is no imperialist power in
spijuske no network, no domination of media that can destroy our people.
The peoples of former Yugoslavia have become aware that their countries were colonies of the West
victims of galloping globalization and soulless, related economic, social
and political chains. If that happens, the weight of chains will gradually become intolerable.
The country south Slavs, as long as you call, have enormous potential in
that share some of the most versatile and most mysterious people of the world.
East thought that they were West, West felt that they were east.
Some have misunderstood their role in the current conflict in
and they were exploited by outside powers for centuries.
Translation and editing: SVETLANA MAKSOVIC