Welcome to New York (2014) Movie Script

Franois! There he is.
Mister Roullot.
Have a seat.
Tell me. How are you doing?
Come on, sit! Sit!
No thank you. I'm OK.
Thank you very much.
I'm fine!
So, what have you got for me?
Just a few items regarding protocol
upon your return to France.
We've decided that there
should be someone assigned 24/7 to...
not supervise but... someone
in the background on continuous rotation.
We've installed metal detectors
at your offices. In your homes...
Both offices and all three homes.
Same goes for Simone.
And from now on... this might be
a little more delicate but...
Everyone will have to carry
an accreditation issued by my office.
It's a bit much, isn't it?
Don't you think?
Given the circumstances,
we think it's appropriate.
You should know there are rumors.
Rumors that have already spread
quite a bit
within the United States Secret Service.
I shouldn't be the one to tell you.
Wait, look at this. There you are!
Let me introduce you to Anna.
This is Franois.
No, you're too kind. I'm OK.
I didn't come for that.
I'm on duty, thanks.
My dear sir,
thank your for your attention.
And on that note,
I'm going to have to go.
Just sit for a second.
Unfortunately, we have to go.
Thank you for your attention.
Alright, no big deal.
Careful out there. Long live France!
- Do you need help with your bags?
- No thank you.
- How have you been?
- Very well.
You're in great shape.
Well, thank you.
Are you still dancing?
Yes, of course.
Did you have a nice trip?
Very pleasant.
Everything went well?
Very well.
Where are you going on vacation?
I'm off to Greece soon, apparently.
Have you ever been?
Watch out for those Greeks!
We're almost there.
So you're taking singing classes?
- You know everything.
- Yes.
This is your room.
What are you having, sweetie?
Something light, maybe a salad.
You know what, I'll have...
I'll have...
When you work in a bank
people tend to listen
to what you have to say.
How's the fucking? Any good?
I'm not allowed to know.
Come on, it's nothing.
Fucking is natural. Are you at least-
I, for one,
fucked all night and it was great.
It's so important
to feel good with a man.
I know I'm not supposed
to say things like-
OK, Dad, enough. We got it.
I left my blackberry at the hotel.
Security's going to run it over to me.
Would you mind...
I'll warn the gate manager.
I'm heading back to Paris.
I don't want to forget it.
Worst case,
we can have it sent insured mail.
No, I don't want it mailed.
They're going to run it over to me.
Then let's go see the gate manager.
Let's go talk to the head of security.
Not a problem, sir.
I'm sorry for the trouble.
Everything taken care of?
Are we good?
Yes, you may board.
Thank you very much. Thank you, sir.
Have a pleasant trip, Mr. Devereaux.
Thank you very much.
It's in a different passport.
In my other passport.
If I could only find the words to express
our gratitude to Simone.
For her devotion.
For her love for the State of Israel.
You are too kind. I'm only-
Not to mention the charities
she has founded single-handedly,
And the justice she has restored
to those without a voice.
Here we are.
This is the house.
It's a little dark, but I'm sure it'll do.
This is what $60,000 gets you.
It's big.
I need something to drink.
What's wrong?
Mr. Devereaux?
Yeah. Can you introduce me?
Hi, Mr. Devereaux.
How are you, Michel?
Just fine. How are you?
Allow me to introduce my little girl.
What a pleasure...
What is it that Marie does?
I'm in law school.
- What year?
- Third.
That's fantastic.
Are you enjoying the exhibition?
Yeah, it's not bad.
I like that it's about Africa.
It's something I'm interested in.
And what do you want to do?
I want to be a lawyer.
Are you proud of your...
These are young artists from Sarcelles?
Yeah, you gotta...
One needs to...
Are you also into photography?
I would love to...
But law school keeps me pretty busy.
How old are you?
Sorry, I'm a little intimidated...
You're very beautiful.
Thank you.
Maybe we can meet up later?
What do you think of him?
Yeah. He's interesting.
What was it you wanted to do?
Where did you want to work?
I want to work
for the International Criminal Court.
You'll be confronting real murderers.
I'll prosecute them.
What do you like about it?
Yes, justice.
So who are you seeing,
aside from your wife?
Hardly anyone.
My work keeps me busy.
I don't believe you.
Yes! People credit me
with more than my share of affairs.
But I have nothing against that.
Womanizers are a turn-on, aren't they?
And intelligent men.
What turns you on more?
Womanizers or intelligent men?
Brilliant men like you.
Do I look like the girls
you usually sleep with?
They don't have your youth,
your beauty, your intelligence.
You know, I used to really like...
How can I put it?
I liked sluts. Whores.
I can't shake the reputation.
But with you...
You know what I mean.
I was at boarding school, with the nuns.
Now I'm even more excited.
Come here, cutie pie.
Oh that's good.
Did the nuns teach you that?
They're brilliant. They really are.
They were great.
We studied this all day long.
There were lots of erotic books
in the 17th and 18th centuries
Written by nuns.
Written by nuns?
Of course!
They were crazy about sex.
Most nuns joined the convent
Because their families sent them off.
Because they had committed adultery.
They're going to send you
to the convent too.
You're so beautiful, my darling.
A very good year!
Thank you, Mr. Devereaux.
A promise is a promise.
And I promised you this interview.
As long as things don't get too personal.
Is this your office?
Yes, but we'll go over here.
You don't want to do it in there?
No, a lot of people come through here.
OK, as you wish.
It's very kind of you
to grant me this interview.
Here we are, take a seat over there.
This is where I rest when I'm working,
but I also use it for interviews.
What would you like to know?
By the way, I read your book.
It's very good.
- Is that true?
- Quite the wordsmith.
You read it? That's so kind of you!
That's really... nice.
Really, I'm pleased.
It was so nice of you to agree to this.
I don't want to take up too much of your time.
Can you tell me how you lost
the Jean-Claude Mry tape?
That's why I'm here.
I didn't watch it.
- You never saw it?
- No, I didn't watch the tape.
I don't understand.
You told me you watched it.
- No, I didn't see it.
- But if you didn't watch it then-
You are quite beautiful.
You're beautiful. You know-
Look, if you never watched the-
Hold on.
I know your mother well.
Thank you for your...
You know, I know your mother well.
Very well, actually.
She told me a lot about you
when you were a child.
You are very gifted.
You had a wonderful education.
Why are you talking about my mother?
Because I know her very well. Here...
That's enough.
It will be OK.
It's not easy but it will be OK.
What about Josh?
How's he dealing with all of this?
Josh is OK,
but his parents are pretty upset.
Have his parents
ever really been happy?
I have no idea.
But I do know they were happy
their son was dating the daughter
of the head of a major
international institution.
Maybe they should just be happy
that he was marrying you.
I would marry you even if your father
was a scumbag.
That's very nice,
but you know things don't work like that.
And Simone?
Very angry.
She never had much of a sense of humor.
I shouldn't find any of this funny.
You don't find it funny?
She should accept you
the way Josh accepts me.
She knew what she was getting into.
What are you going to do?
You mean when they ask:
"Blindfolded or not?"
Dad, stop it!
I wish I could have helped you to stop.
I didn't want to.
I don't want to.
They can all go fuck themselves!
I think it's a little bit my fault.
It's my fault.
Just like everybody else...
Since childhood, I've been brainwashed.
By my parents, my teachers...
My teachers, my superiors at work...
I'm lucky, I'm not a Christian.
But I'd like to say this:
When I die,
I will kiss God's ass forever.
I found my God...
My first God?
I didn't find it in a church,
but in a classroom.
It was idealism.
What a magnificent God!
To believe everything would be OK.
I was in the temple that is university.
First as a student,
then as a professor.
And I allowed myself
to be wrapped in that hallowed light.
We had righted all the wrongs.
World hunger?
Everyone would eat until they were full.
A distant memory whose existence
would be difficult even to imagine.
Wealth would be spread around.
To each according to his needs.
That's right.
It was only when I arrived
at the World Bank
that the enormity
of the world's pathos,
the infinite suffering
inherent in human nature,
revealed itself in all
its horrible manifestations.
One day at a time.
One minute at a time.
I understood the futility of struggling
against this insurmountable tsunami
of troubles that we face.
Things will not change.
The hungry will die.
The sick?
They too will die.
It's good business.
Wise men are comforted
by their limitations.
I'm overwhelmed by this revelation.
I can't return to that blissful youth.
No redemption for me.
What did the doctor say?
He said it was all my mother's fault.
Are you serious?
He said he was having lunch
with his mother,
and instead of asking her
to pass the butter, he told her
"You fucking bitch, you ruined my life. "
Another pedantic, narrow-minded
and shortsighted sophist,
whose only goal is to convince me
to join the rest of herd.
I won't fall in line.
It pisses me off
that one more time
I couldn't say no to you.
Do you know what you've done,
over these years,
little by little, bit by bit?
You've succeeded
in making me hate myself.
You see?
You've succeeded.
Damn it! Will you stop?
Oh! I had forgotten your plans.
Your plans of becoming president.
Your plans for me to become
President of the Republic.
That, I had forgotten about.
It pisses you off
that I didn't end up in prison.
No, it doesn't piss me off!
To spend a little time
thinking about others.
About yourself and what you've done.
I think somehow
it would be good for you.
A bit like military service,
which doesn't exist anymore.
Sometimes it's good for a man.
A little... a little...
Discipline, damn it!
- I have discipline!
- You don't have discipline.
It doesn't matter, you know my flaws.
That's enough!
I know.
That's enough... I'm fed up.
You're such a child!
You're like a little child.
I'm such a martyr!
Oh my God! Oh my God!
Me, me, me! Shit!
I've been your wife for twenty years.
But you're very happy to be my wife.
I was very happy to be your wife.
I wanted it for my life.
Your plans!
Your plans for me to become president.
You, the First Lady.
Your plans!
I'm not capable.
I'm not capable of being president.
You know that.
I don't want to.
I don't owe anybody anything.
What are you going to do
when we get back to Paris?
I'm the monster. I'm the monster.
That's wonderful.
That is a beautiful phrase. Truly.