Welcome To The Jungle (2007) Movie Script

- [ Insects Buzzing ]
- [ Birds Squawking ]
- [ Woman ] Here we are in downtown Suva.
- [ Horn Honks ]
Mandi's videography extraordinaire.
Waiting for Bijou coming off
the plane from Sydney.
BijouI Bij-He- Bijou. HeyI
- Hey!
- Come here.
- How are you?
- Give me a kiss. Hey.
- Kisses. Kisses.
- [ Chuckles ] Quick.Jump in.
[ Whimpers ]
Throw your bag in the window.
Through the window, quick.
Take this.
I gotta-I gotta move the car.
You look great. You look so different.
I- I almost didn't recognize you.
[ Bijou ] You've become
a woman overnight, it seems.
Yeah, well, it's been how long?
- How long? Like seven years?
- Six, seven? Six years?
[ Mandi ]
Are you still, uh, playing in that band?
[ Bijou ] I brought you my CD so you
can get a signed copy. How's that?
So who's lighting your fire
these days, eh?
Oh, you know,just-
You know me.
just hanging out. Having fun.
- Do you surf anymore?
- [ Bijou ] I surf the Net. [ Chuckles ]
I'm so excited that you're here.
[ Bijou ]
Here we are, another beautiful day.
As you can see,
it's my matey Mandi...
and her hot-to-trot abs.
- Bijou.
- I used to have abs like that.
Then I met my friend,Jack Daniel's.
We're still good friends.
Hey, sweetie.
Yes. Mandi and I spent many nights...
waking from our drunken slumber
on that grassy knoll at Bondi.
- How was it?
- Yeah. It was wild out there.
[ Bijou ] Here we go.
We're looking at some lovely locals.
Kind ofhot if you're into that,
uh, pasty adolescent thing.
Who else have we got here?
Where are these girls from?
Looks like the United States of''Generica. ''
Everyone's got
a median average right now...
of about 2.00.
She looks like she's
from the northern beaches.
Ah, the skinhead tattoo look.
Always attractive on the beach.
[ Chuckles ]
Ah, the Pommy tan. Nice.
Ugly. No st-Ah, hang on.
Wait, wait, wait.
[ Gasps ]
He's a pretty kitty.
Oh. Oh.
- [ No Audible Dialogue ]
- Right.
Yep. Biggest babe
meets the biggest babe.
Welcome to Fiji.
Just tell me again
why you invited me here.
- [ Mandi ] What?
- Why did you invite me here?
What do you mean?
You know I wanted to spend time with you.
And we wanted to hang out.
Without people. Without guys.
Just us. A girlie adventure.
- [ Groans ]
- It's cool.
- He's not my boyfriend or anything.
- Yeah, whatever. Whatever.
You just, like- Do you get naked every night?
Answer: Yes, you do.
[ Man ]
You guys wait here. We'll go find Mikey.
[ Chattering ]
All right. Where is Mikey?
That's gotta be him.
Moment of truth. MikeyI MikeyI
- Hey,you.
- [ Laughs ]
Nice to meet you, buddy.
Look just like your older brother.
- Ah, that's what they say.
- It's kind of scary. Not necessarily a good thing.
[ Colby ]
- [ Bijou ] Mike.
- It's a pleasure to meet you.
[ Together]
Happy two-week anniversary!
- Oh. Oh. Check- Check it out.
- Oh.
- Quick. Give me the camera.
- Here. Take it.
- Oh, shit. Okay. I got it.
- Check out Mikey.
[ Colby ] Are they hitting it off or what?
Can you see 'em?
[ Mandi ]
Wow. She just polished offher drink.
[ Colby ]
Oh, he owes me big time. Look at that.
- Oh, my-
- They're stripping-
- Please.
- I think our work is done here. You ready to go?
- Go, BijouI
- Go, MikeyI
You're the man.
Okay. This is Colby's therapy service.
Here with my client Mikey...
uh, who has just met
a very lovely woman named Bijou.
He's not my usual type of guy.
I'm very pleased with the body.
Um, the mind is sometimes absent.
And that's good too.
I- I like my skinny rock-and-roll boys.
Put it that way.
- Okay.
- I like my boys who are, you know-
So maybe if you didn't feed him
for a week.
Maybe if I didn't feed him
for a week, uh-
She's crazy. She is crazy. But I'm kind of
crazy too, so it makes for a good match.
- Gorgeous guy, by the way.
- You like that one?
- Yes. Congratulations, young lady.
- Good. Thank you.
Before I met her, I'd get up
at, like, 5:00 every morning...
- run two- two- like, two miles on the beach-
- Okay.
and then I'd go in,
you know, have some coffee...
and then I'd go out and surf
for a couple hours.
With Mandi, I don't need
that, uh, cardiovascular activity.
I'm just, uh, you know,
using him for sex.
So what you're saying is she lasts long.
- I'm saying the sex is insane. It's insane.
- That's great.
It's not how- how he
comes across to the world.
It's- It's-It's-It's kind of what he's got
going on kind of inside him, I guess.
I'm a butt man.
And she's got- she's got-
- Voluptuous is the word, I think.
- Yeah. She's banging.
I have a nickname for his schlong.
We're pretty open, sexually.
So, uh, you know,
we do some role-playing.
Open as in you'd be open
to me joining you?
That? No, no. That wouldn't-
That wouldn't be acceptable.
So, do you trust him?
Not more than I trust myself.
But Bijou, on the other hand-
she could jump in.
Does he look good naked?
- That would be fun.
- I'm okay with that, actually.
I'm not selfish. I share.
You trust him as much as you trust yourself.
That's interesting.
- No, I just made that up.
- Oh.
So- So, what's this thing with Mikey
and some guy in a bar?
[ Bijou ]
Mikey served this guy at a bar...
whose best friend is a helicopter pilot.
And he said that he was flying
over New Guinea...
and he spotted this, like,
7 0-year-old bearded white guy.
[ Blowing ]
There's not a scratch here.
Forget the lens. I want to hear about
this Michael Rockefeller business.
It's just a- a theory.
- Whose theory? Mikey's?
- Yeah. Mikey and I.
He met this- this pilot at the bar
whose friend saw...
this 7 0-year-old man in custody of-
Hey. He didn't say
''in the custody of' though.
Oh. Whatever. With these
New Guinean warriors on a riverbank.
It all checks out. You should read
about Michael Rockefeller on the Internet.
There's all kinds of books
written on him.
[ Colby ]
About time, Mikey.
What up? You got it?
Okay. Let me check this out.
''The Mystery of Michael Rockefeller. ''
You found it.
- Taking care ofbusiness.
- You stole-
Dude, the card is still in here.
All right.
Now, here is the book...
that I so thoughtfully procured
with, uh, my accomplice Colby:
The Mystery of Michael Rockefeller.
- Procured. Good word.
- Yes.
Okay. There he is,
Michael Rockefeller.
- Can I see?
- Check him out, girls.
- He looks like a beatnik.
- ''1961.
Michael Rockefeller...
boat capsized off the coast
of New Guinea.''
- Uh, that's right on. It's right-
- Yeah.
And just to kind of throw this in there.
There's been a huge mystery, like, legend
around the guy for the last 30 years.
Multiple sightings in New Guinea, uh,
of a white dude with a big beard.
Sometimes spectacles.
Yeah. It says Rockefeller family
offered $1 00,000...
for any- any whereabouts- any information
on his whereabouts in 1 961 .
So wait. He was-
He was our age when he went missing.
- Yeah.
- Yeah. So he'd be in his 60s now.
Yeah. Sixty-five, 7 0.
So, I think
the most popularly held belief...
is that he was captured
by ''cannibals'' and eaten.
No. That's just one of the beliefs.
I still think he's alive and kicking it.
They actually prefer the taste of meat...
that is still on the flesh
of a human that is living.
Oh. I would too.
They actually keep them alive.
They go limb by limb.
- Uh-huh?
- I've got good loin.
- [ Colby ] Be a shitty way to go.
- Yeah. If you're gonna eat something,
keep it fresh.
[ Colby ]
So, we gonna do this or what?
Look. We're all here. Right?
We're all having a good time. I don't know
why we have to pick up and move.
Hey, you know, this morning
when you were surfing with Colby...
Hey, you know, this morning
when you were surfing with Colby...
I decided to check Michael Rockefeller
out on the Internet.
just sounds a little crazy to me.
The Rockefeller family themselves
have already claimed his death.
Surviving 45 years out in the jungle?
I- I don't think so.
They have more money than us.
More manpower. More- More expertise.
More knowledge.
They hired the best anthropologists
from the best universities in the U.S.
Maybe- Maybe it's not that implausible,
you know. Maybe- Maybe he's still alive.
And even if he is,
who says he wants to be found?
I mean, there's- there's people that-
that live in really remote areas
for years and years.
Think about it. This guy was born
into the lap of privilege.
Maybe he didn't want to
belong to it anymore.
Maybe he wanted to pursue
something a lot more simple...
a lot more pure,
a lot more precious.
You know, each to his own.
Maybe he's still out there.
Maybe it's a mystery for a reason.
Who gives a shit
about Michael Rockefeller anymore?
A lot of people. He was one of
the biggest stories of the last century.
-It's one of the biggest stories of the last century.
-He was in Life magazine.
He was in Life magazine.
There was three television specials.
- Three television specials.
- There's, like, 1 0 books about him.
- Ten books.
- I think they're making a movie
in Hollywood right now.
They're making a movie about him
in Hollywood right now.
I guarantee you. We go there,
we find him, we film him, we interview him-
We can sell it to the tabloids
for at least a million bucks.
A million bucks?
We divide it four ways? What's that?
$250,000 would be kind of cool,
[ Sighs ]
I think our intentions
are completely out of whack.
I mean, what are we pursuing?
We're pursuing money.
You know, I could buy that gold
Trans Am I've always been after.
You know, the one with the-
with the eagle on the hood.
- I like it.
- Now let's take it for a test drive.
Well, my instincts say no, but, uh-
What does the crystal ball say, hmm?
Let's go to Papua New Guinea.
I'm in if you're in.
First off, we're in the South Pacific.
This is Australia.
This is Fiji.
And the island of New Guinea
has two parts:
- Papua New Guinea and Irian Jaya.
- Mm-hmm.
So one is independent,
and one is Indonesian control.
So we're gonna sail across
from Suva, Fiji...
to Port Moresby,
which is the port of entry.
So, from there we're gonna
drive across to the border...
to get to Irian Jaya.
[ Colby ] Now that we're
going on this trip together...
we have to ask each other
the five questions to truth.
- Rate your relationship
with your parents, one to five.
- Five.
- Three.
- One.
I don't consider myself
to have had parents.
- [ Mandi ] Do you think
you'll achieve your goals in life?
- If I make some.
- Yes.
- Definitely.
- Yeah.
- [ Bijou ] On an average Sunday afternoon...
do you prefer sobriety
or intoxication?
- Intoxication all the way.
- Sobriety.
- Sobriety.
- Intoxication.
[ Bijou ] Have you ever had a satisfactory
relationship with the opposite sex?
- Not yet.
- Yeah.
- Don't even try.
- No. Not even close.
- [ Mikey ] Do you believe in God?
- No.
No. Yes.
[ Chuckles ]
- Only if she's a woman.
- I believe that God is an excuse for weak people.
- Okay. We've got the mosquito repellant.
- [ Mandi ] Check.
- The sunscreen.
- Check.
- First aid.
- Check.
- Uh, poncho we're gonna need.
- Check.
- Where's the second camera?
- Here. Take this. Take this one.
It's, um-
It's, uh- Shit.
- Oh. Here. Here. Here. I got it. I got it. Got it.
- Okay.
We have to have this.
We need to put it in a plastic bag.
- Like waterproof it, right?
- Yeah.
- And don't forget to pack the G.P.S.
- Okay.
- God.
- [ Colby ] God. They're not done yet?
Hey! I am so excited!
- Mr. Colby.
- [ Colby ] Easy.
Welcome, guys.
- Hey. Hello.
- Bijou's working on the packing.
- In the meantime, I've prepared a few drinks.
- Oh, God.
- That's the bigger one. That'll be mine.
- We're leaving in the morning.
- And we will leave drunk.
- So we are getting an early.
- That's a brilliant game plan.
- Uh-
- More than brilliant. It's the only way to travel.
- The only way.
- Okay. All right.
- Down the hatch.
Guys, to alcoholic-fueled adventure.
[ All ]
To the journey!
Mmm! Mmm! Mmm! I'm carving
our initials. Come. Come. Come.
- [ Colby ] Jesus.
- What's your last name?
So, if he was taken by cannibals, I can't
understand why he hasn't been eaten yet.
- It's in the chapter before that.
- What? Where?
These guys-They're so isol-
They've never seen other races.
So they see a Caucasian or whatever,
they think these people are, like, sorcerers.
I mean, there's all kinds of stories
from World War II. These P.O.W.s.
Yeah. OneJapanese guy they kept alive
for, like, 1 5 years or something.
- [ Sighs ] How we doing, Captain?
- Yeah. We're going good.
Past Vanuatu,Tles Banks,
Santa Cruz Islands, Guadalcanal.
[ Colby ]
Come on, guys. Check it out.
- Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
- [ Bijou ] WhooI
- FinallyI
- [ Bijou ] Who's your papa?
[ Mikey Laughs ]
''Who's your papa?'' That's great.
[ Colby ]
I told you we'd get here safe, guys.
- That's right.
- [ Colby ] Look at this ugly mug.
We've made it. Ugly. This is the most
beautiful face you've ever seen.
And Bijou can attest to it.
And the most beautiful ass.
- judo chopI All right. Here.
- Give me this. Give me this.
- Enough filming for me.
Get these ships. Get these.
- [ Bijou ] MikeI
[ Ship Horn Blows ]
[ Colby ] Oh, there's my beautiful baby.
There she is.
- [ Mikey ] By the way, that is not a car.
- Mandi!
- That is horrible.
- Guys! Like our ride?
- Look.
- This is horrible.
- It's cool.
- Sport package.
All-wheel drive.
[ Mikey ] If we spent more than $200
budget on-on the-the ghetto van.
[ Bijou ]
Mikey, what do you say? Huh? Cool ride.
- Mikey, come check out the interior of this bitch.
- I could've stolen a better car.
They play in skirts?
[ Mikey ] Wow. Look at this. The stadium's
packed. We gotta get in on this.
[ Colby ]
Like the Port Moresby Coliseum.
[ Bijou Chuckles ]
So, um, what's this guy's name?
[ Mikey ]
john. He's an American.
[ Colby ] You said he's been flying
in Papua New Guinea for five years?
- [ Mikey ] Yep.
- We need the G.P.S. coordinates
where he saw the old man.
Damn straight.
I want to know where we're going.
[ Sighs ]
- [ Colby ] We're a little late.
- [ Mikey ] Yeah.
- They don't have watches here. Doesn't matter.
- [ Colby ] Is that him there?
- [ Mikey ] I think so.
[ Chuckles ] Look at this guy.
- Hey, Mikey?
- Yeah.
- [ Bijou ] Hi.
- Did you bring a map?
- [ Colby ] You got the map?
- Bijou. Map.
- Yeah.
Go. Ah. Got it.
No.Just you.
[ Colby ]
What did- What did he say?
[ Bijou ]
Said stay here.
Mikey's in his commando mode.
[ Chuckles ]
[ No Audible Dialogue ]
[ Colby ]
I'm zoomed in pretty good.
- [ Bijou ] Well.
- Short and sweet.
- [ Mandi ] Thank you.
- We're good. We got it.
Coordinates. Everything.
We're solid.
- [ Colby ] It was definitely him?
- Yeah, definitely him.
Right here at this meeting.
The river.
Saw a 7 0-year-old white man.
And we're good. It's legit, man.
- Let's just get back in the car.
We'll sort it out later.
- Give me the map.
Read this.
Okay. ''Papua New Guinea
travel advisory. 4530.''
Okay. Uh, ''Criminals have been known to place
children or other obstructions in the roadway...
''to cause vehicles to stop.
''Once stopped, armed men rob
the occupants and steal the car.
The risk of serious personal injury
during such incidents is very high.''
Why wouldn't we just keep driving
if that happened?
- What would you stop for?
- [ Mandi ] What do you mean?
[ Mikey ] I definitely would be
in agreement with Colby on this one.
- [ Bijou ] Yeah. Well, with that information.
- In the middle of the road.
If there's a kid in the road,
he's getting it.
- How about we cross that kid
when we come to it?
- [ Colby Laughs ]
- [ Mikey ] Poor bastard.
- [ Bijou ] Do you see any bodies?
[ Mandi ]
- Oh, shit. There's another one.
- Shit.
[ Mikey ]
I'm digging it. I'm digging it.
[ Bijou ] Would you call this
a first world or a second world or a-
[ Colby ] I call it the life expectancy
drops 30 years if you move here.
[ Bijou ]
That guy was holding a gun.
Well, here we are in
not-so-beautiful Port Moresby.
But, uh- [ Chuckles ]
we're making the best of it.
You know, hanging out,
checking out the local sites.
Check it out.
[ Mikey ]
Hey. How about you fuck off?
[ Speaking Foreign Language ]
- [ All Shouting ]
- Mike, Mike, Mike, MikeI
- Come onI MikeI
- Go!
- [ Bijou ] Mikey!
- [ Mikey Shouts ] Go.
- [ Mandi ] OwI
- [ Colby ] Go, go, go.
[ Colby ]
What are you, a fucking idiot?
- Shit.
- Oh, my God.
Fuckin' hell.
Did you know this place is the second most
dangerous place on the planet outside Iraq?
- Yeah.
- Oh,yeah? Say that on the travel advisory, Bijou?
- And it's-Huh? No, no. It's true. It's true.
- It's true.
And it's right on our doorstep.
Let me get this straight.
She wants to run into a village...
and chop off
their sacred chicken's head.
- [ Bijou ] They're not sacred chicken.
- So we can watch it run around.
- Oh, they're not sacred?
- Listen to him. Like he knows.
- Basically, the chickens are sacred because-
- Colby, we're not in India.
- They're not sacred.
- [ Mandi ] That's cows.
Chop the chicken's head off
and eat it.
- [ Mandi ] That would be cows.
- I'll chop the cow's head off.
- [ Snapping Fingers Rhythmically ]
- Audio, video
I like fellatio in stereo
Best scenario
So take it slow
Make it grow
Put on a show
Let's do some blow
Navigate it so I become psycho
I'm a nympho with a pretty halo
So grip your chapeau
Now take it in your hand and burrow
for instant pleasure stereo
- Can't hang with that. Can't hang with that.
- [ Colby ] Yeah,yeahI
[ Mikey ]
Look at this guy, sleeping on the job.
[ Bijou ]
Slow down. Slow down.
[ Mikey ]
What are you- What are you doing?
- Uh, give me- give me the camera.
- Guy in the road.
- What are you doing? Why are we slowing down?
- [ Bijou ] Gotta be trouble.
- There's a kid in the middle of the road.
- Pass me the travel advisory.
[ Mikey ]
You know what the travel advisory says.
- If there's a kid in the road,
go past or turn around.
- [ Colby ] But we got a mom.
- What are they doing?
- [ Mikey ] Doesn't matter.
They're fine. Go past them.
- [ Bijou ] Just go up that embankment.
just go around them.
- She's not acknowledging us.
[ Mikey ]
This isn't a conversation we're having.
- [ Colby ] Mandi, we cannot be
stopped here.Just go around.
- [ Mikey ] Go around.
- [ Mandi ] I'm not-
- I don't give a shit what you do.
- [ Horn Honks ]
- You can run them over.
But fucking do not stay here.
[ Bijou ]
She's looking pretty- OhI
[ Colby ] What the fuck?
They've got guns. Mandi, turn aroundI
- GoI GoI GoI Turn aroundI
- ShitI
- [ Mikey ] They've fucking got gunsI
- [ Screaming ]
[ Colby ]
Oh, fuckI ShitI GoI GoI GoI MandiI
- [ Bijou ] I think we're hit.
- Come onI Do not stopI
MandiI MandiI Just goI
- [ Mikey ] That was crazy.
- OhI
- That was crazy.
- Whoo! Everybody fine? We okay?
- We just got shot at.
- That's right. That is right.
- Wait. The van's fine? Did it take a hit?
- [ Mandi ] Yeah.
[ Colby ] Sounded like we took
a hit there. We're good?
- [ Mandi ] I think we should check the tires.
- Is it leaking gas? Mandi?
- No. No.
- We're fine?
- We should check-
- We're having words with these two.
- [ Mandi ] ShitI
- [ Colby ] No, no. The tires sound good.
I'm worried about gas, overheating.
Any of that.
- No.
- 'Cause we cannot be on foot yet.
- I'm not stopping right now.
- We're just gonna keep driving, okay?
- Okay. We're good?
- [ Mikey ] No. We-
- [ Colby ] Keep going. Mandi, thank you.
- Yeah. Thank you. Whoa!
- Thank you.
- Keep moving.Just keep moving.
The conversation's not over about stopping.
That is the last time we stop for anything.
- Anything!
- What, uh- You guys, whose bright idea? Stop?
[ Mandi ] Yeah, so you'd have driven through,
get shot at anyway?
- No, no.
- No. You drive through and don't get shot at.
They shoot the people that stop.
They shoot-
- Can you not yell? Can you shut up?
- No, I won't shut up.
That was your two's idea.
The bad idea came from you two.
- Shut the fuck up. All right?
- I'm not gonna shut the fuck up.
- Shut up.
- Hey, hey. This isn't fixing anything.
- Quiet!
- Throw your fucking ass out of this van.
We just need to chill out, okay?
This is where Michael Rockefeller
was sighted in, I think, 1 988.
There's been countless,
you know, sightings.
And this is just one of the villages
where there's, like, four or five rumors.
It's almost been confirmed
that he was there.
And so this is- this is our best bet.
Here we go.
[ Children Chattering ]
If the kids like you,
the parents have to like you.
[ Speaking Foreign Language ]
[ Foreign Language ]
- Okay.
- Let me check. [ Muttering ]
- [ Colby ] What did he say?
- [ Mandi ] He said he's gonna
go get the head guy.
Like the chief or something.
- You speak pidgin?
- Yeah.
I told you.
- He looks friendly. Yeah.
- Seems friendly enough.
- Cool.
- The chief?
[ Colby ]
- [ Foreign Language ]
- [ Foreign Language ]
- Thank you.
- [ Foreign Language ] Rockefeller?
[ Foreign Language ]
[ Foreign Language ]
- [ Foreign Language ]
You wait a minute. Wait, huh?
- Okay.
- What'd he say?
- He knows Rockefeller?
He said he's gonna go get something.
- [ Chattering ]
- [ Mikey ] What'd he say?
He said he's gonna get something.
- Oh. Here.
- He's coming back.
He's coming back.
[ Foreign Language ]
- [ Colby Whispering ]
Oh, shit. It's got M.C.R. on it.
- You like it?
It's got M.C.R. on it.
- Guys. Um-
- Will he sell it to us? Will he sell it to us?
- Does he smoke? Ask him if he smokes.
- Tobacco?
I- I've got tobacco. It's expensive.
[ Foreign Language ]
Give me this back.
[ Foreign Language ]
[ Foreign Language ]
- [ Colby ] Tobacco.
- Hmm.
- Tobacco.
- [ Foreign Language ]
Thank you. Me like you.
- [ Foreign Language ]
- Thank you.
- Okay.
- [ Foreign Language ]
- Thank you. Thank you.
- Good smoke.
- [ Colby ] Let's get out ofhere.
- [ Bijou ] Let's check it out.
[ Mikey ] Michael Clark Rockefeller.
That is his lighter.
- [ Mandi ] All right. We gotta get out of here.
- [ Colby ] Let's go. Let's go.
Michael Clark Rockefeller.
Lighter's... at least 40 years old.
Maybe- Maybe older.
All right.
How about this for a theory?
They see us Western kids
drive up in a van...
worth more than their year's salary...
and, uh, they want some tobacco.
They know exactly what to give us.
[ Mandi ]
Come on. I-
- I got a girlfriend. Her name's Melissa.
- I don't-
Can I tell you about my girlfriend?
Her name's Melissa Christy Robinson.
[ Chuckles ]
What's your point?
I'm saying it's, you know- Doesn't
necessarily have to be Michael Rockefeller.
It could be anyone. I say we
shouldn't be culturally ignorant...
and underestimate
the intelligence of the natives.
[ Mandi ] Yeah, but they didn't even
speak English. I had to speak pidgin. Hello.
Listen to the scholar back there.
Underestimate people's intelligence.
[ Mikey ]
I say we go back and eat their ass.
Eat 'em. Eat 'em.
Huh, honey?
I- I've got good loin,
if you want to eat my loin.
I have a good leg of loin.
- Loin. Loin.
- All right.
- I could eat that.
- [ Laughs ]
[ Mikey ]
You've gotJohn D. RockefellerJr....
the richest, most powerful man
ofhis time.
[ Colby ]
Here he is, the richest man in the world.
You take the previous 1 0 people,
add their money together...
and he's still richer than all that money.
And that's where Michael Rockefeller's
money came from.
It came from that original fortune.
[ Mikey ]
Here we are, doing some night driving.
Keep going, ladies.
[ Bijou ] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
What's going on?
- [ Colby ] What?
- What is it?
- [ Mandi ] It's the Indonesian border.
- Are you sure?
- [ Mikey ] Colby, take that.
- Yes.
- [ Mikey ] He's got a fuckin'assault rifle.
- Shit.
- [ Gun Cocks ]
- [ Colby ] Where the fuck did you get that?
[ Mikey ] Man, you need to stay chill.
I got it at Port Moresby.
You think I'm gonna fucking go walking
through the jungle without a pistol?
Mikey, baby, look at me. Okay?
Look at me. It's okay. It's fine. All right?
You don't need to do this. It's okay.
It's okay. Really. Remember. No excuses.
- No excuses. Okay?
- [ Mikey ] Yeah. This is to protect us.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. But you're
not gonna go down like this.
- We're not gonna let
this fucking idiot take you down.
- Shit! He's coming.
- [ Colby ] Turn those offl.
- Hide that camera!
- Shit.
- [ Mikey ] Look at this fucking clown.
[ Foreign Language ]
- [ Colby ] What is he saying?
- [ Foreign Language ]
- [ Mandi ] He's talking too fastI
I can't understand him.
- What did he say?
[ Mikey ]
Fuck off, zipperhead. Let us through.
He can't do a fucking thing.
- [ Foreign Language ]
- Yeah. I'm an American.
[ Shouting In Foreign Language ]
- [ Shouting In Foreign Language ]
- Don't fucking touch me! Don't fucking touch me!
What are you gonna do? What are you
gonna do, huh? You gonna shoot me?
- [ Bijou Screams ]
- [ Foreign Language ]
[ Colby ]
Mike, get the fuck in the carI Let's goI
- MikeyI
- Fuck this! Can't do that to me!
[ Colby ]
Shut the door. DriveI
Oh, shit.
[ Panting ]
Now we're gonna have to walk across
the border,you insane motherfucker.
Hey. Guys!
Guys, leave it there.
Leave it there. It's good.
There are old mines up here.
I spoke with the owner.
We can leave the van
for a couple of weeks. It's cool.
And you know where we're goin'?
Right up here.
The Irian Jaya highlands.
[ Bijou ]
Yeah. [ Sighs ] Let's get high.
- Welcome to the jungle.
- Let's go.
- This is beautiful.
- Let's go.
[ Colby ]
Welcome to the highlands.
- [ Groans ]
- Whoa. You all right?
- [ Bijou ] It's really mushy.
- [ Colby ] It's kind of marshy.
It's like quicksand.
[ Bird Squawks ]
[ Bijou ]
It's really marshy.
I think we have to go
to, like, higher ground.
- So, what do you think about this?
- [ Colby ] Uh-
Looks pretty good. Why don't we go back and
go down the river, down the creek a little more?
- [ Birds Chirping ]
- [ Insects Buzzing ]
- Careful.
- Can you help me up there?
- [ Colby ] Hey. Who's got the rope?
- [ Mikey ] Ah. I got some...
Give me that pack.
- Colby, turn the camera off.
You're wasting the battery.
- Chill. We've got the charger.
Well, it's a little hard to charge
a solar-powered battery in the dark.
[ Bijou ] It's a little hard
putting a tent up in the dark.
And tomorrow we're not walking
till it's dark.
We need to get to the creek.
G.P.S. says it's a quarter mile away.
You want to take a bath
and shave in the morning?
All right. What do you
guys want for dinner?
- [ Colby ] New York strip, rare.
- [ Mikey ] Oysters Rockefeller. No pun intended.
- [ Bijou ] Sushi.
- [ Mikey ] Colby, look at-Look at this.
What is that?
- Hi.
- Hi. [ Chuckles ]
- Hi. Uh, I'm Rich. This is my wife.
- Carmen. Hello.
[ Mikey ]
What are you guys doing here?
Well, our group, about a mile that way, is-
Well, we're here to spread the word.
- [ Mandi ] You're missionaries.
- Yes.
Yeah. Exactly.
So our group is gonna
go across the valley highlands...
and reach some tribes that have never
really had any contact with white faces.
Well, except for an Australian-
crazy Australian who trades with them.
Who's not doing us a service,
by any means.
Well,you know, maybe we can learn
something from each other.
If you'd like, we could-
you could come to our camp.
You ever thought about maybe,
I don't know, going to a church?
- I don't know.
- Are you hitting on me?
[ Chuckles ]
Not- Not today. No.
You better watch your wife, buddy.
That's- Oh, I- I do.
- We should hang out.
- Absolutely. You want to
come with us over there?
- I was thinking you could stay in our tent.
- Hmm?
- Your tent.
- You're a good-looking guy.
Uh, call us when you've got it set up.
- Yeah.
- That'd be great.
- Okay?
- Okay.
- [ Colby ] Okay, guys. Thank you.
- Thanks.
- All right. Well, I guess we're gonna take off...
- but, please-
- Good luck. If you need anything-
- Anytime you want to hang out.
- We're about a mile away.
- [ Bijou ] Don't call us. We'll call you.
- Good seeing you.
[ Rich ] That's funny.
Good luck with your documentary.
- [ Bijou, Colby ] Yeah.
- Thank you.
We'll be looking forward
to seeing that. God bless.
- Cheers.
- Bye.
- Whoo!
- Hey!
Make a little toast. Looks like
Mikey already drank a little bit.
[ Mikey ]
Pound it. Give it back to me then.
- Me.
- Ah, that's good.
[ Colby ]
So, the first night.
Uh, we had quite the trials
and tribulations getting here.
Had shots fired. Fire in the hole.
- Shots fired.
- Uh, we logged about 1 5 miles today.
Feeling good. Get up bright
and early tomorrow.
[ Clicks Tongue ]
And we're on the move again.
- Not too early.
- Hey. Pass that here, Mikey.
Let's take it easy tomorrow.
Seriously, let's take it easy tomorrow.
- I'm not up for a full day.
- Hey, we're just getting into a groove here.
Yeah, I know. I know. But-
[ Sighs ]
[ Mikey ] We're not taking
into account the hangover factor.
Which I definitely think
is pretty crucial.
Guys, we're not having a big night.
We're gonna have a few drinks.
Then we're gonna go to bed, and we're gonna
get up and move and do it all over again.
[ Mikey ]
Speak for yourself, buddy. [ Chuckles ]
All right. I'm here repping
the Cannibal Crusaders.
Here to take- make- take a toast-
or make a toast- doesn't really matter-
to another fun evening.
[ Colby ]
All right, guys. Last night was fun.
But, uh, we're going to bed.
Don't stay up too late, okay? 6.:00 a.m.
- Yeah. We'll catch you.
- [ Bijou ] Bright and bushy-tailed.
- We'll catch you at 6:00, bro.
- [ Bijou Chuckles ]
[ Colby ] Hey. The G.P.S. says we've
got 1 2 miles to Rockefeller's river.
The Takreet.
We should be there by nightfall.
[ Bijou ] I'm pretty sure
I shouldn't be doing this, but-
[ Chuckles ]
I'm pretty certain my liver can handle it
after all the, uh-[ Chuckles ]
abuse I've administered to it
over the years.
- [ Birds Chirping ]
- [ Insects Buzzing ]
Oh, fuck!
[ Mikey ]
OhI [ Chuckling ]
- Oh.
- [ Groaning ]
- Ouch.
- [ Groans ] Goddamn it.
- Let's see it. Let's see it.
- [ Mandi Gasps ] Ouch!
Yeah. We finally made it
to the Takreet River.
- And we survived the highlands.
- We did.
But will we survive them?
[ Mikey ]
We got it. Yeah!
[ Mandi ]
God, no.
The Fuck You Gorilla Squad
has got us here.
- And we will hide from the cannibals.
- Will it cure my ails?
- [ Colby ] Unbelievable.
- [ Mikey ] Hide from the cannibals.
- Ooh!
- [ Colby ] GeezI
- [ Mandi ] Oh, God.
- Cannibals!
All right. So here's the deal.
We're going on six hours
of drinking straight up.
[ Chuckles ]
And I got this creepy little hand
going under my shirt.
[ Chuckles ]
- [ Raspberry ]
- Oh, yeah!
Gi- Gi- Give me that again.
[ Colby ] Okay, guys. The last
two nights were great, but, uh-
- Hey, Daddy-O.
- We're getting up at 6:00 tomorrow.
- [ Chuckles ]
- So don't stay up too late, okay?
- A.m. or p.m.?
- Rock and roll, Colby.
- See, the plan is to drink-
- A.m. or p.m.?
[ Mandi ]
A.m., Bijou. You heard it.
to drink and stay up until they get up.
This is bullshit!
I'm waking them up. I don't care.
Mikey! Bijou!
Get the fuck out of that tent.
We were supposed to leave
three hours ago.
Get up. Sunrise was the plan.
Am I wrong? Sunrise.
Three hours ago.
You guys on fucking vacation?
We're not on vacation.
We have a plan, and we need to stick to it.
- Go get some more sleep.
- Can't do this every morning.
I don't know what you guys are here for.
It was my idea.
All right.
just let me have a smoke.
What did you just say to me?
Searching for Michael Rockefeller.
It was my idea.
- Am I wrong?
- Is that right? You are fucking wrong.
- Hmm?
- Yeah. We're gonna fuckin' take this up later.
[ Bijou ] What do you reckon?
Do you think it's in good shape?
[ Mikey ] Ah, this one's
kind of old and brown, but...
that's like the fourth one we've seen, and you
know the natives are using this for transport.
- I can make this shit in, like, 30 minutes.
- Straight up? Bamboo?
- Yeah.
- There's heaps up there.
- What?
- Let's go.
Fuck off. I'm looking at
the bamboo raft...
we should be making now and floating
down the river instead of walking.
Mikey, we are not building a raft. Do you
guys know anything about the Takreet River?
- Let's hear it, buddy.
- Oh, you- I see you did
your research. That's good.
You know about the crocodiles
and the whirlpools...
and the waterfalls
that are around every corner.
But they're uncharted, so you don't know
when they're gonna come. That's the best part.
We are not building a raft.
End of story. Let's fucking go.
You could start with the bamboo stick
that's up his ass.
[ Bijou ]
just be cool.
Okay. Hey, guys.
Um, let's just be adults about this,
you know?
We all have to get along, or we're just-
we're not gonna make it. All right?
Is that cool?
All right?
Okay. Let's move.
Fuck him. I'm beating his ass.
- [ Bijou ] All right, babe?
- [ Mandi ] Yeah. Got it.
[ Branch Snaps ]
[ Bijou ]
Cool. Cool.
Oh. Shit.
Well, it's become apparent that they
have the personality of root vegetables.
- Um-
- [ Mikey ] They're squares.
just-Just take a look over here.
- Come on!
- Let's go!
- Look at these guys.
- See, kids?
This is what happens when you
say no to booze and good times.
Colby is on the verge
of getting his ass beat.
- I love beating rich boy ass.
- What are you doing?
Your girlfriend over there wants to
roll a cigarette every five seconds.
She's eating our food. We're late.
We're five days behind schedule
because of them.
- They wake up late.
- [ Mandi ] She's not my girlfriend.
- It's Mikey instigating it anyway.
Fix it with Mikey.
- Why did you bring her?
It's like I feel I constantly
have to justify myself to you...
It's like I feel I constantly
have to justify myself to you...
because you're always ragging on me
about smoking or drinking or...
just being loose.
And it's, like, it doesn't matter.
It's, like, we are the way we are.
Why should we justify it?
Why should I justify it?
You don't think of alcohol
as a- a crutch?
Um, perhaps.
But why is that a bad thing? I mean,
some people use money as a crutch.
Some people use love as a crutch.
Shopping. Fishing. Golfing.
- But it's a crutch.
- And what's wrong with that?
Why is that a bad thing?
We all need something
to get through fuckin' life.
To stop, you know-
[ Chuckles ]
Okay. To get our asses
out of bed in the morning.
Well,yours actually doesn't
get out ofbed in the morning.
So sue me.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Colby ] Not everyone needs
the bottle to be happy.
I drink to make you guys interesting.
[ Chuckles ]
And I'm gonna smoke to that.
- [ Colby ] Mikey loves it.
- Yeah.
Loves this girl over here talkin'shit.
[ Chuckles ]
He'll back me up.
I'm tired of your happy day
bullshit routine all the time.
I know you're bitching about me.
You're bitching about me constantly.
- I can hear you in the tent.
- [ Mandi ] What are you talking about?
- [ Colby ] BijouI
- [ Mikey ] It's not our business.
Fuckin'stay out of it.
Stay out of it.
It's not your business.
- [ Mandi ] You need to stop fucking drinking then.
- Shut the fuck up.
- Oh, fuck off. I'm tired of your bullshit.
- No.
We drag your ass all over this-
this tropical village here.
Hey. You wouldn't be here
if it wasn't for him. Hey.
- For him? What did he do?
- He's the one who-
- I did everything.
- Oh, we're gonna sit on
that ''it was his idea'' thing.
All you've done is insult us
and put us down the whole time.
- No. We're here 'cause of me.
- Acting like sergeant major,
thinking you're all tough.
- Bring it. Bring the confrontation.
- Let's go. We're moving on.
- We're moving on?
- Get out of my face.
- Get out of my face.
- You think this is a joke?
- [ Bijou ] Fuck you, man.
- Mandi. Mandi, let's go.
- Careful, man. Be chill.
- [ Mandi ] Bijou.
- Let's go.
- You shut the fuck up.
- Cut outI
- Oh, fuck off.
[ Bijou ]
Hello? Hello?
Since when did you turn 60?
Here. Drink some of this. Guys.
Drink. Merry. Enjoy.
Happiness. Gaiety. Spontaneity. Fun.
Do somethingI
Make yourselves useful.
Come on. Come on. Come on.
Don't fuckin'- Don't-
Don't- Don't- Don't-
You are one fucking disgusting human being.
Do you know that?
In fact,
not even really a human being.
And you are a lying,
manipulative, boring slut.
I wish I had never
fucking invited you on this trip.
I'm from the Fuck You Gorilla Squad!
Coming straight at you.
- Bitch!
-Jesus fucking Christ, Mikey.
Who's got balls now, huh?
[ Colby ] How do you guys
have the energy for this?
- Oh, forgot. You were eating our food.
- [ Mandi ] Fucking disgusting.
- Like that?
- Spit on my face.
[ Colby ] Bijou, there's a couple poisonous
plants over there you could eat.
[ Mandi ]
Yeah. Eat those. Eat the poisonous ones.
- They're fucking not as poison as your mouth.
- Here is what you can eat.
- Is my shit.
- Funny.
Know what she is?
She's your little sperm rag. Aren't ya?
- Bijou, what'd I tell you about that shit?
- Get over yourself, darling.
- Yeah.
- What?
What are you showing me?
Your crooked teeth?
- [ Colby ] You've got something in your teeth.
- Yeah.
- Why don't you say what's on your mind?
Why are you full of shit?
- She doesn't have a mind.
- Ha, ha, ha, ha.
- So, the Fuck You Gorilla Squad
will retire into the woods.
- [ Bijou ] ColbyI WowI Oh, my GodI It's so goodI
- [ Mandi ] Oh, God.
[ Moaning ]
- Do you like my jungle song, Mandi?
- [ Screaming ]
Do you like it? Do you like it?
That's what you sound like.
That's what you fucking sound like.
At least we haven't been hit
with the ugly stick. That's for sure.
- [ Colby ] The ugly stick.
- Right here, baby.
This is beautiful. This is beautiful.
- I am Colby. I am so beautiful.
- Bend over. Bend over.
- Bijou, get off me!
- Bend over. Bend over.
- Get off me! Fucking stupid-
- I'm Colby.
- I'm Colby.
-Jesus Christ!
[ Burps ]
- Yeah. Let's go on vacation
and get hammered.
- Yeah. Huh?
Oh, shit. What's my name again?
I forgot my name.
- Bijou. Bijou.
- I'm so-
- I need a beer.
- Bijou. That's right. My name's Bijou.
- I need a beer.
- I'm so fucking cool.
- [ Groaning ]
- Oh, oh!
- [ Chuckling ]
- This is great, man.
Hey, let's go get drunk with the villagers.
We can eat their chickens.
- We can eat their chickens.
- Yeah, we can eat their chickens!
- Yeah! And we'll roll cigarettes
and smoke with the locals.
- Yeah. Exactly.
Yeah! And then- Oh!
And then we can slaughter their cow.
- Yeah. Good idea.
- And eat that.
- Huh?
- Colby, you dropped your wiener.
[ Mikey Laughs ]
[ Burps ]
[ Mandi ]
- You all right?
- This is fucked-up.
[ Mikey ]
These are my kind of people.
[ Mandi ]
Mikey, what are you doing?
Don't get too close, man.
This is absolutely gorgeous.
I've never seen anything... so beautiful.
It's like in death
there's this togetherness.
- Like in death they re-create life.
- [ Mandi ] Mikey.
- [ Colby ] Don't fuck with it.
- [ Mikey ] Let me just touch this.
- [ Colby ] NoI
- [ Mandi ] Mikey. Stop.Just. Mikey-
We could make a lot of money
off these, honey. What do you think?
Hey. I'm Colby.
I think I run this outfit.
- [ Bijou ] How are ya?
- [ Man ] What might you be
doing here in New Guinea?
- [ Bijou ] You're an Aussie.
- Yeah, mate.
- So am I.
- Yeah? What are you doing up here?
- Oh,you know,just, uh, hanging out.
- Yeah?
- [ Mikey ] Yep.
- How about you, mate? Where are you from?
- U.S.
- Fucking Americans.
You're not the ones who've been up here fucking
around with these grave sites, are youse?
- Maybe.
- [ Bijou ] No, mate.
No. We're not into that kind ofbullshit.
Look, mate. I've known
these people for years.
I've lived here for bloody- a long time.
If they fuckin' catch you up there
fucking around, they'll kill ya.
- They're not gonna kill shit.
- Well, mate, I'm telling you.
If they fucking catch you,
they'll kill you.
They don't fuckin' muck around here.
If that's been you up there fucking around,
I'd fuck off out of here right now.
'Cause if they catch you,
I'm telling you, you're dead meat.
- [ Bijou ] All right, mate.
- [ Mikey ] Yeah.
- [ Man ] They'll fucking have you.
- Sweet.
- [ Bijou ] Listen. Take care.
- Yeah. I'll take care.
- [ Colby ] Give me the skull!
- [ Mikey Whooping ]
- Happy campers, the natives are getting restless.
- Give me the fucking skull!
- [ Mandi ] Give me the skull!
- That's my skull.
- Bijou, you guys are clinically- Stop this!
- Give me the fucking skull.
- That's my skull, baby.
- Mikey, come here!
- That's my skull.
- Watch the booze. Watch the booze.
- I thought we were friends.
- Sacred burial ground.
That's real good.
Let's take a fucking skull.
- Look at you guys.
- Take a fucking skull.
- Give me the skull!
- Give it to me!
- [ Bijou ] It's a score.
- First thing tomorrow we're putting it back!
- TouchdownI
- We can't put it back. It is too late.
- Motherf- Give me the skull!
- This is worth money!
- Give it to me.
- It's worth money!
- Bijou!
- Watch the booze. Watch the booze.
[ Mandi ]
[ Mandi ]
Come on. Come on.
- Whoo!
- Whoo!
[ Hurried Footsteps ]
Whoo! And welcome to
the Mikey and, uh, Bijou mutiny.
Lame factor eliminated.
[ Mikey Chuckles ]
- Hey! [ Laughing ]
- [ Laughing ]
- Yeah, man!
- Au revoir. See you later.
- Whoo-hoo!
- [ Colby ] Come back!
We'll meet you.
We'll meet you up, buddy.
- You're so cute when you're angry.
- We'll meet you up.
You're lucky I didn't beat your ass
on the way out.
- We'll send you a Christmas card.
- Stay there, bro.
[ Mikey ]
We love you. We'll catch you.
How easy does it feel
without them now? Like-
There's this huge weight
off my shoulders.
It's as if-
- [ Mikey ] The real question is, uh-
- You shouldn't have-
- Whoa. [ Chuckles ]
- Yeah?
I don't think you should have shared
this whole thing with Colby.
I think we should have just gone
and done it ourselves.
You know, I don't think they wanted
to catch us, to tell you the truth.
I honestly-
I think we did them a favor...
because there would have been
some ass beating...
with another day of- of-
of conflict.
- Well, we actually solved
a problem, plain and simple.
- Yeah.
- Like, we made everyone happy.
- I think so.
And, I mean, personally,
they can rot in hell...
- and we can make millions of dollars.
- Maybe.
Off Michael Rockefeller.
And, um, a few pilfered skulls.
- With a good sale on eBay.
- [ Chuckles ]
Yeah, that was pretty lame.
Yeah. That was tight.
And worst-case scenario,
I mean, we got to kick it...
in Irian Jaya.
[ Sighs ]
A guy fired an AK-47 in my face.
That's my idea of a good time.
I don't think I could, uh-
I could ask for a better vacation.
You know,you should
put those glasses back on.
They make you look
semi-halfway decent cute.
[ Chuckles ]
Keep talkin' smack.
Keep talkin' smack.
- 'Cause I'd do the same for you.
- [ Chuckles ]
You take your glasses.
I don't need 'em.
- You're too tough for accessories.
- Too tough.
You know.
[ Mikey ]
There it is, baby. Shake it.
You're a rock star.
Put Colby's camera to use here.
Turn around a little. A little bit.
- Turn around.
- Check it out. Check it out!
- Check what out?
- Look!
- Look at what?
- Shh. Shh. Shh.
[ Mikey ] There's nothing over here.
You're always seeing shit anyway.
- It's all the drugs you did last night.
- Mikey,just look.
I think there's something up there.
just look.
I don't have time for this, Bijou.
If you want to fuck around, take the camera.
- Give me the camera. Shut up.
- Take the camera. Have fun.
I'm gonna get us ready
because we have stuff to do.
Mikey, I think
there's something up there.
- Mikey.
- Bijou, we don't have time.
- I need you here. Can you come here, please?
- No, I'm not coming over there.
- Babe. Mikey.
- You're on drugs.
You are on drugs.
Get the fuck on the raft.
- I think we're being followed.
Can you just come here?
- Get the fuck on the raft.
- MikeyI
- Don't throw shit at me! Get on the fucking raft!
Get over here. Get over here.
How do I know
you're not gonna leave me out here?
'Cause I would have left you
with Colby and Mandi if I wanted to.
Maybe that was phase one of your plan.
Maybe there's phase two.
- Oh, really?
- Maybe there's ''use me to
help you get down the river''...
and, um-
I mean, you got your raft.
You've got your gun.
[ Bijou ] I thought it was pretty lame
how you, uh, took that skull the other day.
[ Bijou ] I thought it was pretty lame
how you, uh, took that skull the other day.
I didn't want to say it
in front of the other kids, but-
I don't know who you
were trying to impress, but-
I can deal with your mouth,
and I can deal with your aggression...
but I just can't deal
with your ignorance.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- See that?
- Are you seeing that?
See that?
- [ Bijou ] Holy shit.
- What is that?
- Mikey.
- Get over here.
[ Bijou ] I fucking told you. This is what
I was telling you by that riverbank.
You're such a macho
aggressive fuck sometimes.
[ Mikey ] What's the fucking difference?
What's this guy got, a bow and arrow?
I got a pistol.
just stay-stay close to the edge.
[ Bijou ]
I am. I am.
jesus, Mikey. I can't deal with
being followed, being watched.
Are they aggressive?
[ Mikey ]
I don't know, man. Stay down.
I don't know.
You need to be cool. Fucking don't
come to me with that shit right now.
[ Bijou ] Is there, like,
a peace offering we can give them?
- What are you talking about?
- I don't know. Are some of them friendly?
Are some of them nasty?
They can't all be fucking wack.
[ Mikey ] We just left Colby and Mandi because
they were being like this.Just stay chill.
Look at them. They're not even-
- [ Bijou ] There's more.
- They're just the people that live here.
It's not a big deal.
[ Bijou ]
They're armed, Mikey. They're armed.
[ Mikey ] Yeah. 'Cause they're
probably hunting for food.
If anybody's gonna get killed,
it's gonna be Colby and Mandi.
[ Bijou ] If they didn't like us,
they would have fired by now, right?
- Mikey, right?
- Yeah.
Don't be an idiot.
just put the gun away.
Bijou, if you say another fucking word,
I swear to God...
I'll throw you off the raft
so they can eat your ass.
Fucking do somethingI
Fire an arrow. I-
I'm gonna kill you.
Look at these guys.
I swear to God, if they keep following us,
I'm gonna fuckin'shoot 'em.
Mikey, they're just being protective, okay?
just put the gun down.
We're in their-
We're in their waters, okay?
Well, sometimes you can just, you know,
get a little bit over the edge sometimes.
And I- I don't even know
how to pull you back.
If you say one more thing
about the gun, Bijou, it's over.
Do you understand?
It's over.
[ Bijou ] If we still have that skull,
I think we should put it back.
All right. That's a-
That's an intelligent idea.
- Why don't we just go up the river-
- I think it's a smart idea.
- Yeah. I'm-
- I think we should restore what is theirs.
I don't think we should-
[ Insects Buzzing ]
[ Thunder Rumbles ]
[ Bijou ]
So let's dump these coconuts,yeah?
- Yeah.
- Hey. Are there coconuts in pina coladas?
- [ Chuckles ]
- Is that coconut, or is that daiquiri?
I'm down for it, but I think
we need to get some meat first.
- I'm frickin'tired of eatin'-
- Yeah. I got fish. I spearfish.
- Make a coconut-
- Bijou, stop. Stop, Bijou.
- What?
- Move towards me now.
Move towards me now.
- Go. Go. The camera.
- [ Gun Cocks ]
- Go. Get behind me now. Move.
- Okay.
Go, Bijou. Up towards the-
Go. To the river.
Mikey, don't look in his eyes.
Don't look in his eyes.
[ Mikey ] Just don't look at him,
and keep moving. Now.
- [ Bijou ] Hold my hand. Hold my hand.
- Move to the raft. Move!
- [ Bijou Screams, Sobs ]
- Move to the raft. Move to the raft.
Go, Bijou. Go.
[ Bijou ]
MikeyI They're shooting at usI
[ Mikey ]
GoI Go, Bijou, or we're gonna dieI
- Go. Move. Move. Move.
- [ Bijou ] Do itI
- [ Mikey ] Go, goI
- [ Panting ]
- GoI Go, BijouI
- I'm goingI I'm goingI I'm going as fast as I canI
- GoI
- ShootI
[ Whimpering, Panting ]
[ Squealing ]
MikeyI Mikey?
Mikey. MikeyI
[ Panting ]
- [ Spear Whistles ]
- [ Bijou Grunts ] Oh, shit.
[ Gasping, Grunting ]
Mikey. MikeyI
[ Groaning ]
They fuckin' shot me.
[ Crying ]
Mikey. Mikey.
You-You're gonna be fine.
You're gonna be fine.
just get up.
Can you talk to me, Mikey?
Say something! What? Oh, fuck!
[ Screaming ]
[ Crying ]
No! No!
[ Screaming ]
[ Screaming Continues ] Mikey!
[ Crying ]
[ Mandi ]
Where's my fucking shoes? Goddamn itI
Thank God they didn't find this one.
They took the money.
They took the lighter. They took the map!
- That fucking gorilla ate my food!
- What?
- I can't believe this shit.
- What?
- I'm fucking gonna kill him!
- Mike!
I'm gonna kill you, Mike!
Mike, I'm comin' after you.
-Jesus fucking Christ!
- No. No, no.
- Grab the camera. I'm makin' a raft.
- Gotta get my pants!
Grab the camera!
I'm makin' a raft. Get the camera.
jesus fucking-Jesus fucking Christ!
Keep checking out the banks.
They definitely came through this way.
They can't be too far ahead.
Hold on, sweetie.
- Hold on!
- I'm holding on.
Keep looking out.
Tell me if you see anything.
They can't be far.
Is it their camp?
Now, we got Bi's used cigarettes.
We got gorilla man.
Yeah, we're on the right track.
If they think they're gonna get
all the money, they're wrong!
Comin' after you, Mike.
Come on. Let's go.
It's a pretty nice raft you've made here.
Oh,yeah. Boy Scouts.
It's impressive.
They can't be that far, actually.
just want to get my food back,
maybe take the gun.
Food would be good. No, let them
shoot each other. That would be nice.
- We'll leave two bullets then.
- Exactly.
Hey, it's Bijou's pack.
Ah, this doesn't look good.
It's Mikey's gun.
Take this. I see something.
There's more stuff up here.
It's Mikey's pack.
[ Mandi ]
Goddamn it.
- No. Fucking go.
- What?
- Come on, river. Goddamn it.
- They can hear you.
[ Colby ]
Go fasterI
[ Panting ]
- Are they gone yet?
- No, they're following us.
I told you they're on both sides.
- I know. We're on their territory.
- Great.
It's fine. If they were aggressive,
they would have fired already, okay?
just coast through.
Do not look at them.
Thanks. That's comforting.
They're not looking too friendly to me.
[ Colby ]
- Colby.
- Fuck.
Shh, shh, shh.
Don't. Don't. Don't.
- Shit.
- Lookit. They're not aggressive.
We're fine.
What are you talking about?
They haven't fired. We're fine.
Not yet.
[ Mandi Exhales Deeply ]
Oh, fuck! It's got blood all over it.
[ Mandi Gasps ]
Oh, shitI [ Cries ]
Oh, Bijou. What the fuck?
[ Mandi Gasps ]
There's blood all over the rock.
Oh, fuck. It's more blood.
Oh, shit.
ColbyI Take this.
- [ Gasps ]
- What? What?
- Don't look!
- Mandi, what? What is it?
[ Crying ]
Oh, God.
[ Colby ]
What the fuck?
Stay. Stay here.
[ Panting ]
- MandiI Bring the cameraI
- [ Breathing Heavily ]
Mandi, bring it hereI
[ Gasping, Gagging ]
They've written something.
I don't know if it's a sign or what.
[ Mandi Gasps, Cries ]
- [ Whimpering, Gasps ]
- [ Colby ] Oh, shit.
[ Colby ]
What the fuck is it?
What does it mean? What is that writing?
What? What did they do to you?
- [ Mikey Screams In Distance]
- [ Drums Beating ]
- [ Mikey Screams In Distance]
- [ Drums Beating ]
- [ Colby ] What?
- [ Mandi Sobs ] I can't take this anymoreI
[ Colby ]
Listen. Quiet.
- [ Mikey ] Help meI
- [ Mandi ] What are they doing to him?
- What are they doing to him?
- ShhI
- [ Mikey Screaming ]
- We have to stay here.
Okay. Lookit. Lookit.
- Mandi? Okay. Shh.
- [ Drums Continue]
Quiet. All right. I'm gonna go get
the camera. Go get the camera. Shh.
- Oh, shit.
- [ Mikey ] Help meI Help meI
[ Drums Continue]
[ Mikey Screaming ]
- [ Mandi Whimpers ]
- NoI NoI
[ Colby ]
- [ Sobs ]
- Shh. Shh. Shh. Shh. Shh.
- They're still there. They're still there. Okay?
- Okay.
They're really close. Quiet.
[ Breathing Heavily ]
We have to wait. We have to wait, okay?
We have to wait here.
We gotta go, okay?
We've been up all night,
seen nobody for four hours. All right?
We're gonna go up into the woods,
and we're gonna head north to the ocean.
We'll be safe there, okay?
- [ Screaming ]
- What?
- [ Screaming Continues ]
- What is it?
Mandi, what is it?
[ Mandi Screaming, Whimpering ]
What the- Mandi, let's goI
You all right?
You've got your camera back.
It's Mikey's knapsack.
We've got bullets.
This ain't Mikey's.
It's a woman's shoe.
Didn't the missionaries have these jugs?
It's the Bible.
This is the missionaries' stuff.
- Mandi, this is blood.
- Oh, God.
[ Gasps ]
- ColbyI
- What? What?
- What?
- Take it. Take this.
- [ Gasping ]
- What?
- Oh, I ca-I can't do thisI
- Mandi. Oh, fuckI Oh, shitI
- [ Panting ]
- [ Whimpering ]
OhI Fuck. MandiI MandiI
Oh. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
- [ Crying ]
- Oh, GodI MandiI
Mandi, come hereI Mandi, let's goI
- MandiI
- [ Crying ]
Shh. It's gonna be fine.
We can't stay here.
- We have to keep moving.
- [ Mikey ] Help meI
Did you hear that?
- [ Mikey ] PleaseI
- It's Mikey.
- Mikey.
- Mandi, come on. Let's go. Mandi. Come on.
- Come on.
- [ Mikey ] Help meI
Oh, fuck!
- I don't wanna do this.
- Come on. We gotta do this.
- Oh, shit.
- [ Whimpering ]
Mandi, come on. We gotta help him.
We gotta help him, Mandi.
I can't do this.
Mikey. Mikey.
- Oh, fuck! Oh!
- [ Screams ] Oh, fuckI
Oh, shit!
Oh, Mikey.
Mikey, what happened?
I have to. All right?
Look, I have to do this.
He's never gonna
make it out of here alive.
There's no other way.
- Okay.
- All right?
- Okay, but-
- You wait here.
Okay, but what if they hear it?
Well, he said they've
been gone two hours.
He told me that I have to-
I have to do this for him.
- All right?
- Okay.
just wait here.
- Okay?
- Yeah.
[ Gasps ]
All right. It's over.
Look. Look. Shh. Shh. Look at me.
Look at me. All right?
We're gonna go to the coast,
and we will be fine.
I promise you, we will survive.
All right?
Let's go. Come on.
What? No.
- Come on, sweetie. Keep going. Keep going.
- Huh?
I'm going.Jesus.
- Okay.
- Is that it?
[ Mandi Sighs ]
[ Colby ]
The ocean. Oh, the ocean.
- [ Laughing ] That's it. That's it.
- Yeah.
It's a village.
We've walked right into a village.
- Shh.
- [ Gasps ]
Don't move. Don't... move.
They look friendly. They look friendly.
They look friendly.
Here, take the camera. Take the camera.
I've got it. I've got it.
They seem friendly.
They're not aggressive or anything.
- What do you think?
- Yeah, I know.
They would have done something by now
if they were going to.
We're gonna get out ofhere...
and we can never tell
another soul about this.
I can't do that. They existed.
They've got family.
They've got-They've got friends.
They've got people
that- that... know them.
I can't believe I shot him.
You know?
How could I have shot Mikey?
Michael Rockefeller obviously
came here in the '60s...
and look what happened to him.
You know? The guy died in 1 961 .
He's not around.
What were we thinking? We're so stupid.
Well, the same thing happened
to Mikey and Bijou.
Yeah, well, thank God we're alive...
and that, you know, tomorrow
we're gonna go to the coastline and...
finally get the hell out of here...
and just get on with our lives.
- At least we survived, right?
- Yeah.
Yeah, at least we survived.
Oh, man.
Can I- Can I have a little bit?
Give me some.
[ Colby ]
It's so good.
[ Mandi ]
What is that?
[ Swallowing ]
I have no idea what that was.
[ Colby ]
What did they- Where'd they go?
I don't know.
It doesn't feel good.
just relax, okay? Just relax.
[ Drum Beating ]
- Who is this guy?
- What's he doing?
- I don't know.
- Oh, no.
- Oh.
- Okay. I'm gonna go.
- Enough-It's-Look at me.
- Let's go.
- Shh. Come on. Come on. Come on.
- What does he want?
[ Drums Continue]
Uh, hi, guys.
They've got necklaces.
- [ Mandi ] Do you think it's a gift?
- I hope so.
Um, are those for us?
I think they're gifts,
like, to enter the tribe.
Hey, we gotta film this.
We gotta film this. Get the camera.
All right. Hold on. I'm getting it.
- How 'bout a new battery?
- Yeah, they're in my bag.
In the back pocket.
- Next to the lighter. You see it?
- No, I can't see.
Where? Hey, I found it.
[ Grunts ]
Can you show me how
to change it, Colby?
Colby? Colby, what's wrong?
Are you all right?
[ Gasps, Screams ]
[ Screaming Continues ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Footsteps ]
[ Insects Buzzing ]
[ Animal Roars ]
[ Birds Squawking ]
[ Animal Calls ]
[ Birds Chirping ]