Welcome To The Rileys (2010) Movie Script

Hey, Riley, you in or you out?
What pickle-slicer joke?
Guy who works at a pickle factory
goes home and tells his wife he
got fired
cause he stuck his dick
in a pickle-slicer... that one.
His wife says Oh, my God, you
stuck your dick in a pickleslicer?
Are you all right?
And... he says something back and that's
the part I can't remember... the funny part.
She asks him if he's all right and
he says,
It's not so bad, they
fired her, too.
There you go. That's it.
Pretty dumb-ass joke.
How you do tonight?
Broke even...
give or take a grand.
Lost again, huh?
- Who says I've lost?
- "Broke even" means you lost.
- 'I did all right' means you won.
- Who said so?
I got you down...
Remind me never
to play poker with you.
Waste of money if you ask me.
Well, I never do ask you. But that
hasn't stopped you from telling me that
every Thursday night for the
last.. what?
Hey, Vivian!
Four years.
- There you go.
- Thank you.
Four years?
Am I boring you?
No, ma'am.
Am I boring you?
Not yet.
Waffle Man.
I got this convention I got to go to
in New Orleans at the end of the month
why don't you come along?
- Don't do that.
- What.
- Be unpredictable.
- You'll have fun.
This is New Orleans.
Why not?
I mean it.
- I don't even have a suitcase.
- I'll buy you a suitcase.
How about you buy me
dinner at the "Kantarbari?
I like their spinach salad.
All you want for your birthday is a spinach salad..
When you can have a trip to New Orleans?
- I don't know, I just...
- Just...
Just think about it.
Maybe it is time for you
to go home.
- No. -Get some sleep.
- Ten more minutes.
All right.
How was your poker game?
Broke even just about.
Want me to turn out the light?
It doesn't bother me.
Good night.
Sweet dreams.
You too.
.. just talk to her about the things she wants to talk.
Don't ask about other things.. that's a big can of worms.
We're just gonna take the RV and
park it on heir backyard,
and wait for her to kick the bucket I guess.
Watch over and take care of her til then.
I'm sure going to miss you, Brenda.
Oh Lois, I'm gonna miss you too.
I got my grandkids up here.
I'll be back up here from time to time.
- Would you like some more coffee, Sharon?
- No, thank you, Mrs. Riley.
Call me Lois, honey.
Where is your bathroom?
Coffee goes right through me.
Right at the end of the hall.
You can't miss it.
You'll be in great hands with Sharon.
She's a real...
Walt's just tired of living in Indianapolis.
- You have a beautiful home.
- Thank you.
How old is your daughter?
Did you see Lois craft room?
She paints and does pastels and all that.
She's a real artist.
Hey! Hey, Doug!
Hey, um, can I talk to you outside for a sec?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Where is Vivian?
I tried to get a hold of you at your office,
but I didn't want to leave a
message with your secretary.
What message?
Doug, Vivian is dead.
It was a heart attack.
- You going to sit out here all night?
- Just smoking a cigarette.
I wish you wouldn't smoke in the house.
Well, I'm not in the house
I'm in the garage.
When you open the door all
the smoke comes inside.
Then close the door, Lois.
Vivian Danley
Emily Riley Our Precious Daughter 1986
- 2001
Douglas Lloyd Father 1957-
Lois Banning Mother 1959...
What are you doing home
so early?
That headstone
you got us at Gold Hill,
that is a unique experience
to see your name
carved on piece of granite.
What do you mean?
I mean, I'm not dead.
You're not dead.
There's enough people
out there who are dead.
They need headstones.
We don't because we're not dead.
A lot of people do this, Doug.
It's called pre-planning.
I don't like having my name
carved on a tombstone,
while I'm still alive.
I can't believe
you did that Lois.
- Kinda early, aren't you?
- Oh, yeah.
- Traffic, you know. It's gonna be a bear.
- Doug, let's go!
I just hate driving to the airport.
Do you mind picking up my mail
and newspaper while Doug is gone?
Why can't your neighbor
across the street do it?
- She moved.
- Well, what about your other neighbors?
- Just til Doug gets back.
- Okay.
Have to drive all the way over
here from Zionsville every day
here from Zionsville every day because my nutcase
sister can't walk down her own damn driveway.
Lois, somehow, someway, someday, you're
just going to have to walk out that door.
Give me a sweet..
So I sent every truck we owned down to the
construction site, paid off the night watchman,
and we went floor-by-floor and
pulled every one of our fixtures...
faucets, sinks, fire hose valves, drinking
fountains, sprinkler heads... you name it.
Damn lucky they didn't charge
you with breaking and entering.
I'm not gonna stand in the back of the line at
some bullshit bankruptcy hearing. Screw that.
Pay me or I'll repo your broke ass.
That's why it's thirty
days net with us.
Why go ninety days out with someone, I don't
need that kind of suspense?
Right, Doug?
No surprises, that's my motto.
I'm gonna hit the little boys room.
- How are you?
- How you doing?
Hey, Doug? Where are you going?
- How you doing tonight?
- I'm okay.
- How about you?
- Oh, I'm real good. - Good.
You want a private lap dance in a
VIP room?
- What? - Do you want a private
lap dance in the VIP room?
- No. Not right now. Thank you.
- Not right now?
- I'm gonna be off work soon.
- All right. Don't...
Come on. It's right upstairs. Only $ 250 and you
got me and a bottle of champagne for an hour.
- I don't drink champagne.
- I do.
Thank you, but...
Come on. An hour just you and me.
Whoa! This is perfect!
- You know those guys?
- Yeah.
You want the room?
All right.
Come with me.
Make yourself confortable.
I'm Mallory.
What is your name?
- It's nice to meet you, Doug!
- Nice to meet you too.
- We actually got to wait for the drinks to
come before we can have any fun. - All right.
Well, hold on.
I'm not here for the "fun" part.
Hand-jobs are 50
and I can do oral, but it's a hundred and
you'll need an rubber.
- No, thank you.
I get 60 out of the 250 you
gave the guy at the bar.
- You're not going to tip me nothing?
- All right.
- Here. Will this make it
worth your while? - Wow.
Thanks, Doug.
There you go.
I'll need to sign this for downstairs.
Plus the champagne.
Hey, Tara.
Here you go.
You gonna tip the girl?
- Wouldn't want to forget to do that.
- No, we wouldn't.
- There you go.
- Thanks.
Y'all have a good time, okay?
Come here it's okay.
Over here.
I really, really like older guys.
- It get's me really wet.
- Sweetheart, sweetheart just...
sit still. Sit still.
You don't want to have any fun?
How about we just talk?
You want me to talk dirty so
you can get yourself off?
Jesus Christ, no! No.
All right, you don't have
to get mad at me It's fine.
I'm not mad.
You're just persistent, that's all.
- Just trying to keep the customers happy.
- I'm happy, I'm happy...
You don't look very happy.
How old are you?
- How old do I look?
- 15.
You can't be 15 and work in any
strip club I've ever heard of.
- How old are you?
- 22.
You don't look 22.
That's what it says on my ID.
Well, I can buy a drivers license that says I'm 22.
That doesn't make me 22.
So, is Mallory your real name?
- Oh, fuck me, you're a fucking cop.
- No.
Oh, you're not a cop?
Come here, show me your cock then!
Stop it! Stop that!
- Prove you're not a cop!
- I'm not a cop!
Take this fucking back! Cause that's as
close to my pussy as you're getting tonight.
Fuck nuts!
- Hey, how's it shaking, baby?
- It ain't.
- Felix kicked me out early. Too many girls in tonight.
- Meatball.. to go. Thanks.
Excuse me, I'm not a cop.
I'm from Indianapolis, Indiana.
I run a
wholesale plumbing supply business.
I'm here for a convention.
Okay, I'm sorry about that.
I just got cops on the brain.
Can't help it.
Always snooping around the club..
And they towed my car for
unpaid parking tickets
it's like thirty-five bucks a day in
storage fees and I don't got that..
It's been in there for like a week, and
how the fuck am I going to get it out.
It's what it is..
So I don't like cops.
How much do you owe?
However much thirtyfive
times seven is.
- 245 dollars.
- How much is that all together?
Well, 1100 plus 245 is 1345 dollars.
Oh, fuck me.
You have a terrible vocabulary.
Fuck you.
All right.
I didn't.. mean that.
That way.
Here you go, babe.
I got it, I got it.
- Where are you from?
- Why?
Just making conversation.
From Florida.
Where in Florida?
- Panhandle.
- And you work in a...
.. strip club.
It's better than working
peepshows in Atlanta.
Guys jerking off staring at your cooter like it
was singing The Star Spangled-fucking Banner.
Here you go.
Hey, you...
you think
I mean, you know, now that
I know you're not a cop..
You think I can have those
hundred bucks back?
I mean, you said you only wanted to talk, right?
And we've been talking.
- Here. - I can do something else
for your money too, if you want.
You can have your money back.
- Enjoy. - No, thanks. Thank you.
It's getting late.
I'll take you home.
It's just.. down this street.
So just..
This is your neighborhood?
It's this whitish one, right here.
Do you mind coming in
with me for a second?
Just to make sure it's chill.
My electricity is off.
All right.
You shouldn't keep your
key in your mailbox.
I'd just lose it if I didn't.
You weren't kidding.
I know.
The place gets really fucking creepy.
How come you haven't you
paid your electric bill?
I have.
My landlord keeps locking the fuse box.
It's supposed to be included in the rent.
But he is like this..
He's like this freak who wants me to
suck him off while he videotapes it.
He's a regular at the club.
That's like this whole scam he's got going.
He only rents the place to strippers.
But I told him, you know like
I'm not gonna do blow-job videos
and I'm not leaving
'cause I got my rights.
And he tries to scam me with this,
'for sale' sign shit, like yeah
like people are dying to buy this shit.
- You want to smoke a splif?
- What?
Like a doobi.
- You know, like a joint, weed..
- Marijuana?
I haven't smoked marijuana in...
- What's so funny?
- This whole night.
I feel like I landed on Mars.
Welcome to New Orleans.
How come you don't want to fuck me?
- Prefer women of my own age.
- Why?
They know what they're doing.
I'm pretty good.
Sure you are.
I think I give some pretty good heads.
I'm sure you do.
- Want me to show you?
- No. No!
Lay down.
Its so weird
being with a guy who
don't want to get it on.
Oh well...
it's pretty weird being with you, too.
You don't like me?
I do. I like you a lot.
I like to...
I like you, too.
- Hello?
- Where the hell are you?
- overslept.
- Goddamn
I banged on your door
for five minutes.
Are you all right?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Why didn't check in with Lois yet?
I just talked with Harriet.
I forgot.
- I forgot.
- Are you sure you're all right?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm all right.
I'll see you at the convention.
And get that jacket of
yours back from that girl.
Stop loaning your things to people.
- Riley residence.
- Hi.
I'm sorry I didn't call,
when I got in last night.
I checked your flight on the internet
... So I know you didn't crash.
How is New Orleans?
Listen, I think I'm going
to stay here for a while.
- I can't come home right now.
- What are you talking about?
I don't know, I don't know...
I just know that..
I can't come home right now.
I know I'm not dead yet.
- All right?
- Doug!
I'm not mad about Vivian.
A year or two ago I found her name tag
in the pocket of your windbreaker.
It's not like I had no
idea what was going on.
And I know I haven't been..
- Oh, Lord..
- I'm sorry. I...
- I'll make a list of people you got to take care of.
- Okay, I will. We got a deal?
- Not yet, but almost.
- You got the money?
- Almost. - Okay.
- Not guilty.
Morning, Hank. How are you?
We sure had some French Quarter
fun last night, didn't we?
I took Jerry to the swankiest strip joint in
the Quarter, and I'm talking tender to the bone.
- Give us a minute, will you?
- You bet.
We're gonna have ourselves a good time
tonight boys, so take your vitamins.
I like the blue ones myself.
- So, what's up?
- I'm selling Circle City.
Are you fucking nuts?
What's going on with you?
You're gonna make a good profit on your shares
and you're gonna get a nice.. to run the company.
- Doug, don't do this to me.
- Do what?
Make you richer? You'll get over it.
Wait, goddamit, so what.. I mean
- What are going to do?
You just gonna pull the plug? - Yep.
Christ, Doug. Where the hell are you going now?
I need a pair of bolt
cutters and a toilet snake.
Turn on the water in the tub
so I can rinse this thing off.
Oh my God, I'm outta here!
To Viv, from your Waffle
Man, Happy Birthday
I've got a business
proposition for you.
Well, I told that I
don't do porn tapes.
And I'm not gonna fuck a German
Shepperd, not going to..
Can I just talk for a minute?
Yes, but the answer is no.
I'll give you 100 dollars a
day to stay at your place.
$ 100 a day, if I can
stay at your place.
I don't like hotels.
No pussy?
And don't do anal.
Just so you know.
Thank God there is
something you don't do.
So, a hundred bucks a day, and
you just live in my house?
So you'll be my sugar daddy?
- You know what that is?
- Sort of.
Wiil you buy me cool things?
I'll buy you a broom and dustpan.
It's me, Charlene, Mrs Riley.
You remember me, don't you?
I saw the garage open and it didn't
look right to me. Are you okay?
Taking a nap.
Want your paper?
Put it on the hood, please.
You shouldn't leave your
garage door open like that.
I know.
Thank you.
Good to see you,
it's been a long time.
- Good evening.
- Hi.
- Who are you?
- Doug.
Who are you?
- Is Bridget home?
- Who?
You know, Bridget.
- Jennifer...
- Mallory. - Yeah! Mallory.
She home?
- No, she's at work.
- Oh. Saw the lights on.
- You wanna leave her a message or...
- Just dropping by.
No big thing.
Another time.
Good night.
I got a lot of 20's tonight.
It's crazy.
Here is another... ouch! Fucker.
Okay, that's thirty...
First of all, put your
money in the right order.
Twentys, tens, fives, ones.
- Okay, chill out.
- Show your money some respect.
Oh, I respect money!
Oh, Fuck.
God! Someone opened
a can of tuna fish.
And I bet your balls smell just
like apple fritters, right?
I wouldn't know... I don't keep
my money in my underpants.
Well, You would if you did what I do.
I know girls who keep money
inside their cooters.
I guess it's, you know, a safety thing..
What's your problem?
I don't know, I guess I'm just not
used to being around young women
who talk about their.. private parts.
Like, hello?
I have private parts?
Wait till you see your house.
All right, the top of the sheet,
matches the top of the bed.
Level, right here...
- Just straighting it out. - It looks pretty good to me.
- Both sides even? - Yeah.
They do, huh?
This side's too long.
Well, they're both too long.
- Does it really make that
much of a difference? - Yes.
All right, now tuck it in.
Over here. Under.
Okay, now,
This is the tough part.
Come here.
'45 degree'... where
do you get this shit?
What? Nobody taught you
how to make a bed before?
There, you see, now it's tight.
Put your hand here.
You know, I'm really not some kind of fucking
idiot, who doesn't even know how to make a bed.
I didn't mean to imply that.
Ok, you tuck it here, tuck it under..
Well then, maybe you shouldn't say shit like that.
And.. and think that I should know
shit that I haven't figured out yet.
Ok, I'm sorry.
All right.
Yeah, okay.
Where you headed?
New Orleans.
I like New Orleans.
Pretty special place.
- Is it?
- Yeah.
But I like about anywhere.
Except Vegas
don't like places invented to
don't like places hold you upside down and
shake all the money out of your pockets.
Name's Roger.
What's yours?
You married to Superman, Lois?
But you are married, right?
Thirty years next June.
You're too young too
be married that long.
Am I bothering you?
I'm just not used to...
Not used to talking to strangers?
It's all I do.
Talk to strangers.
Comes with the job.
Got kids?
- Do you?
- No.
Think I might be able
to buy you a drink?
Ummm... I don't think
they serve liquor here.
No. There's a bar, up the road a piece
Nice place, real clean.
It's okay.
Bet you get tired of guys always
trying to get personal with you.
No, I wouldn't say that exactly.
It's been a long time since..
Anything... everything.
It's nice of you to ask me.
I'm flattered.
I mean that.
Well, I...
Better hit the road.
Yeah, me too
Nice talking to you, Lois.
Nice talking to you, too.
Doug, I just got ripped off!
All my fucking money is gone, I'm
gonna fucking kill this guy!
All right. Calm down.
Where are you?
I'm at the..
Hotel, you don't know where it is.
You all right?
- Yeah, I just can't stand on the street without the cops
coming by me like I'm a fuckin crack whore. - What happened?
I came here with this guy and uh..
He kept trying to stick it up
my fuckin ass and I was like
pencil dick back the fuck
up and he wouldn't so
I went to piss and I came back out,
and my wallet's sitting on the bed
and all my shit is everywhere, and he's cars gone,
and all I've got is fuckin shoes and like..
- I'm out 900 bucks.
- $ 900?
Why-in-the-hell would you carry
that much money around with you?
- Where else am I gonna keep it?
- I don't know. In the bank?
What? I don't have a
fucking bank account!
And this fucking asshole won't
give me the guy's address
- because he's fucking friends with him. I'm gonna fuckin kill him!
- Hey! Hey!
- And what are you going to do with his address?
- I'm gonna go get my money back.
Uh, no, you're not.
Your either going to call the police
Or you're gonna drop it.
I can't call the police, Doug!
- Don't be so fucking stupid, just help me!
- I'm stupid?
You bring 900 dollars to a place
like this, and I'm stupid?
Come here with assholes from that club.
- That's stupid, that's really stupid!
- Yeah, okay, I'm really fucking stupid!
Where are you going?
- I'm gonna go turn some tricks so I can
make my money back. - No, no you're not!
Come on, we're going home.
Then go ahead!
Go ahead, goddamnit!
I mean fuckin...
fuckin everything..
like my whole life...
Since forever...
- I know.
I know.
You'll be okay.
Look at me.
You up yet?
Go away.
- You gonna sleep all day?
- Fuck off.
Come on, let's go.
What the fuck do you
think you're doing?
- Going to the laundromat.
- What the fuck time is it?
It's two-fifteen in the afternoon.
Come on. Let's get moving.
What are you doing?
Laundry. You wanna do laundry?
Here, wash my laundry for me.
- You break my heart... - Why?
Because you want to fuck me and you can't?
Come on.
We're going to the laundromat.
Let's go!
Can you give me my money today?
Put your clothes on. - Give me my fucking
money or get the fuck out of my house!
Here, here's your money.
You know what?
You want to parade around
here in your birthday suit?
If displaying your vagina is
the only way you can feel
in control then knock yourself out.
But I'm tired of your language.
Especially the word 'fuck' in all
of its various permutations.
Now, I know it's your only adjective,
but it makes you sound cheap
and immature and uneducated.
And that may be the truth,
but why advertise it?
Now, starting today I'm docking you a
dollar every time you use that word.
So get up,
get dressed,
get in the shower, brush your teeth
let's go.
Let's go!
Let's go.
Don't be mad at me.
I don't like being told what to do.
I can't help it.
And I'll lay off the curse words
I will, I promise.
Goddamnit, Doug, please!
Don't be mad at me!
I'm not mad at you.
- You 're acting like you're mad at me!
- No, I'm not acting like I'm mad at you.
Come on, sit down.
Take it easy.
Come here.
Come here, come on.
Just.. just don't be mad at me.
You can't.
I called you last night.
You must have gone to bed.
- Did you get my message?
- I'm here.
- Well, like I said last night.
I'm very sorry about not
- I'm here.
- What?
I know you are.
- And I appreciate it.
- Damnit.
Doug, I'm here
in New Orleans.
I was supposed to get off on
Beysan Steet
and somehow I got on Royal
I'm really out of directions now.
- You're in New Orleans?
- Yes!
- I drove down.
- You drove down?
You know I don't like airplanes.
- Jesus Christ...
you drove down from Indianapolis? - Yes.
- By yourself?
- Yes.
You're not going to be happy when
you see your car, but
...I'm here.
- Where did you say you are?
Yeah, 'Royal' and...
hold on.
- "Royal" and "Orleans".
All right, just stay there.
- Stay right there, I'm gonna
come get you. - Great.
Excuse me. Can you tell me
where Royal and Orleans is?
Two blocks past Jackson Square there,
make a right and up two blocks.
Well, that's my car right t, here
here are the keys. I'll be back.
- You park there, you're going to get yourself
towed real quick. - Then tow it, it's a rental.
Excuse me.
I wouldve left a lot sooner if
I'd known it would get
you out of the house.
I'm not even on my pills,
if you can believe that.
- You feeling all right?
- I feel all right.
I haven't seen you in the...
daylight in a long time.
You look beautiful.
So good to see you.
You want a drink?
Or something to eat?
Someplace I can freshen
up a little first.
Your hotel, or something...
Well, I guess there's somebody
that I want you to meet.
Well.. okay!
Where's the car?
I't's over here.
I got a ticket.
Well, that's all right. I got towed.
Yeah, I did. I left it on the
corner, up on the sidewalk...
- How are you?
- I'm okay.
Here we are.
- Quite a shade of green!
- Not that one.
That one.
You can't be serious.
Come on inside.
The person you want me
to meet lives in here?
Her name's Mallory... well,
real name is Alison.
She's got lots of names 'cause she works
at the strip-club. - She's a stripper?
- You'll understand once you meet her. - Understand what?
That youve lost your mind? Jesus, Doug...
Lois, just come inside.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Where did you go running off to?
- Well... uh
Mallory, this is my wife, Lois.
Lois, this is Mallory.
Hey, how you doing?
Hey, Doug, Tara's gonna give me a ride
home from work so you don't have to.
And I'm going early so..
- Lois, hold up!
- No!
Hold up, Lois!
Hold up!
- Come here!
- No! You're crazy!
- Okay, calm down! - This is insane!
She's just a child!
She's a sixteen-year-old
runaway from Florida.
Okay? All right.
What do you think you are you doing?
I don't know.
That's what I'm trying
to tell you, okay?
No, no, no,
this is a nightmare!
Just calm down and talk to me.
Doug, let go of me.
- Let...
- Okay.
- Calm down.
- No, I...
I have made a terrible mistake.
All rightl.
Maybe you have.
Take the keys
drive down to Indianapolis
and lock yourself up in
your goddamn house again.
So, it's your job to take care of her?
- Why not?
For Heaven's sake, Doug, she's not
a stray cat... she's a child.
I got no one else to care care of.
What about me?
- Want another beer?
- I said, 'What about me?'
I'm your wife, damn it!
You don't just walk
away after 30 years.
You don't just call one day and say:
"Oh, by the way, I'm not coming home. "
That's not the way it works.
You tell me what you want, Doug.
I don't know.
Want to.. run away?
Want to hide?
You want to pretend that some
runaway stripper is your daughter?
What time is it?
I'm selling Circle City.
To this fella from New Orleans
wants to show me a written offer.
He's over at the.. hotel.
I'm supposed to meet him in
the lobby in a half hour.
I'll get you a room there.
It's a nice place.
Where are you staying?
With Mallory.
I'll stay here too then.
You can leave me if you have to.
But I will never leave you.
So you just...
do what you have to do here, huh?
Hey, sorry. I didn't mean to wake up.
It's all right.
It's been a long day.
Where is Doug?
He'll be back in a little while.
Are you hungry?
I got off early tonight.
Business sucks.
Want to go around the
corner and get a pow boy?
- What's a 'pow boy'?
- It's like a sandwich.
All right.
I figured he was married.
Did you?
He doesn't like being alone, you know.
I know.
Hey, you know... me and Doug
like we don't fool around
or anything like that.
- I'm just sayin. I mean like..
Nothing like that. - I believe you.
- 'Cause like he's completely old
school, it's crazy. - I believe you.
He even like fines me a
dollar if I say the word 'fuck'.
- Could you not tell him that too, cause
I think that he'd.. - ... fine you a dollar.
- Yeah.
I won't tell him.
How long you guys been married?
Thirty years next June.
That's basically forever.
You got any kids?
We had a daughter...
She died in a car accident.
My mom died in a car accident.
I was in the car accident as well.
How old were you?
Four or five.
I don't really...
I mean, I don't remember it.
Which is good.
It'd be kind of fucked
up to remember that.
- What was your daughter's name?
- Emily.
Emily Eugenia Riley.
How old was she?
That sucks.
It does.
Night out.
It's so unusual to be outside.
Yeah, I'll bet.
I had dinner with Alison.
You did?
- Is she home?
- Out on a date.
Come in.
Did you bring your migraine medicine?
No, why?
Because you need to
take one of those pills
before we make love or your
going to get a headache.
I haven't had a headache
in a long time.
I know.
We haven't made love
in a long time.
Alison, can I came in?
Sweety, what's wrong?
I don't know...
there's something...
there is something really
wrong with my cooter.
Your "cooter"?
My pussy.
Did you pee?
- Does it burn when you pee?
- Yes.
I'll gonna get something.
Doug? Honey
Wake up.
I need you to go to the drug store.
- Are you all right?
- I'm fine. It's Allison.
What's wrong with her?
Just female trouble.
Come on, get up.
Let's get you in the shower.
It's just me.
Come on out.
Let's get you dried off.
Come here.
Come on.
That's it.
Sit down.
Do you have a pair of clean,
white cotton undies?
Then you don't need to wear any.
Oh, God...
We'll just put you in
a clean nightgown.
I don't have a nightgown.
You can borrow one of mine.
Excuse me!
Excuse me, ma'am, your
daughter want's you.
In the dressing room back there,
your daughter needs you.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you very much.
- Alison?
- Yeah, I'm in here.
This is so not jaydee.
It fits well.
Only need to
adjust these straps.
Here you go.
Bet you were a good mom.
That was stupid..
No, no sweety, I just...
- Think of things sometimes...
- What things?
I went after her.
I didn't tell that part.
About how Emily died.
Tell me what?
I was awake that night.
Doug was at his poker game...
and I always stay up until he get's home.
I heard something.
Went to the window.
Saw Emily get into her boyfriends car.
So I...
put on some clothes and...
got into my car
and went looking for them.
- Did you find them?
- Yes.
Parked in a shopping center,
not far from our house.
I'm sure they were
really happy to see you.
They took off
I tried to catch up
but I couldn't.
He was driving so fast.
Lost them for a little while until...
They crashed the car.
Ran a stop sign and
hit a truck..
By the time I got there
everything was on fire.
I couldn't get to them.
It wouldn't have happened
if I hadn't gone after her.
You get changed and go meet Doug.
It's not your fault.
That's not your fault.
It's just like..
I mean, my mom
getting in a car accident,
it's not my fault.
Your mother must have been very pretty.
She had bigger tits than me.
I have dads tits, I don't
know what happened.
I got my dads too.
See you back there.
I said, get white ones, but..
She likes them.
- Watch out!
- Sorry!
Can I take a shower yet?
- Nope.
There are a couple of more...
keeps going out.
- Why did you dump Lois?
- Goddamit!
I didn't dump her.
You been living here with me.
What's up with that?
I don't know.
You think it's all her fault?
- What?
Your daughter and the car crash.
She told you about that?
It's not like a secret or something?
Give me my lighter back.
Because it would really suck
shit if you blamed her for that.
I don't blame her.
What are you talking about?
- I mean, she was being a good mom.
- Who said she wasn't?
So don't think it's all her fault, then?
- No.
I don't know. We don't talk about it.
Give me my lighter back.
You should talk about it.
- Hey, 'll see you later.
- Where are you going? - The club.
Don't you think you should take
a few nights off until your...
you know. - I got my cranberry juice.
I'm good to go.
Allison, I don't think you
should do this anymore.
- Do what?
- You know what I'm talking about.
You don't work, you don't eat.
I can't let you do this.
- Lois, don't. - What?
Don't be stupid.
I apologize for being so unsophisicated
but I can not let a 16-year
girl prostitute herself.
- I'm fucking dancer.
- And a prostitute!
Well, you are not my fuckin mom.
So get the fuck out of my way!
- Alison! - Don't fuckin touch me!
- All right.
Listen to me, though.
Please, listen to me.
- I don't have to listen to you!
- Hey, what's going on?
You're not my fuckin mom!
I don't listen to people!
This is my fucking house!
- Just get the fuck out of my house. - No!
You don't know what your doing to yourself, sweetheart.
- Oh yeah. I don't know what I'm doing?
- Don't. - Please, Doug.
And I know more about what
I do, then you'll ever know.
- How many cocks you swallow?
- Hey!
- Fuck! Fuck!
- All right, come on!
- My fuckin.. - She didn't mean it!
- Fuck you!
- Calm down!
- Stop fucking touching me!
- She didn't mean it, all right?
- Get the fuck off me!
- Please, I'm sorry! Alison, Allison!
- Let her go, Doug! Doug, let her go!
- I just want to talk to her!
- Mallory!
- Doug!
Let her go.
There is a train to Chicago in the morning.
I will take the bus from
there to Indianapolis.
We're out of beer.
I'll be back in a little while.
Where are you?
I'll be right there.
What name are you under?
- All right, all right.
Sit down.
- Do you want to know what she did?
- Yeah.
She had an altercation with
an unsatisfied customer. He..
He's droped the charges
and they've shaved down
the resisting arrest to desordarly
conduct so everybody get's off cheap.
Here's your receipt and my card.
You're free to go.
Thank you.
You're welcome. Thank you.
- Goddamnit.
- Doug?
Where are you going? Where you going?
- Get back in the car!
- Doug!
Goddamnit. What are you doing?
I'm nobodys little girl.
It's too late for that shit.
She's not Emily.
I know that.
- You leaving?
- Yeah. You..
You seen Mallory?
No, I haven't seen her.
- She got arrested last night. - I know.
I was there. We got raided.
- They shut us down.
- I bailed her out but.. she ran off.
I haven't seen her.
I don't know where she went.
Give this to her for me.
All right.
Tell her...
She's got my number.
- You take care.
- You too.
Where are you?
- I'm heading to Vegas.
- Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Don't sweat it.
Well I do sweat.
Can't help it.
- It's been two weeks. - Yeah, I know.
I was gonna call, I just...
Thanks for the cash that you left me.
And the bag too, It's really
getting a lot of use.
You're welcome.
We're here, you know.
Will you tell Lois, I'm sorry?
For what?
Well, you know...
for getting all up in
her face like that...
All right, I will.
And don't be mad at me.
I'm not mad at you.
Not at all.
I miss you,
if that means anything to you.
I miss you too.
So Lois is gonna mind if I call
you every once in a while, right?
No, no.
Absolutely not.
Lois wouldn't mind
hearing from you either.
If ever you need...
female advice or whatever.
She thinks your smart.
Too smart, to be doing what you're doing.
I gotta go.
- My bus is leaving.
- All right.
- Try to stay out of trouble.
- Yeah.
- I quit smoking.
- Really?
Good for you!
- Me too.
- Really?
- Welll, maybe there is some hope for us?
- Maybe so.
Maybe so.
You never know.
You never know.
You never do.
Bye, Doug.
Goodbye, Allison.