Welcome to Valentine (2023) Movie Script

Have you seen the sky today
It's cold and gray
It's perfect
The February snow is falling
I see you stalling
Got that look in your eye
I'm scared to ask
But I have to know
Could you be my Valentine
I'd be yours and
you'd be mine
The other half I'd
have to find
[firetruck horn beeping]
Hey, come on
Excuse me.
[sirens wailing in distance]
I I love my life choicesy life,
[Tess whispering]
What's up? How is studio time?
Oh. Do you wanna see?
Yo-Yeah. a see?
Really wanna see?
Okay, ready?
Ta-da, my masterpiece. Yea.
[Olivia sighing heavily]
You know, I was really hoping
studio would inspire me, er
but nothing. Zilch.
Okay, well, hey. You
will get into a groove.
I know it. I believe in you,
but, um, we really gotta go.
So, up and at 'em. Let's go.
Oh, please. No. [groaning]
Tonight? I haven't even checked.
New YHuh? s 40 under 40 event.
Young professionals under
the age of 40.
Opening remarks by
honoree Camilla Hollander
of the Camilla
Hollander Art Gallery.
Hollander is the gallery
that you've sent all
your samples to?
I mean, snail mailed, emailed
just all of the mailed,
and she has launched the
career of so many artists.
I need to get some face
time with her.
Well It's a very good thing
that she's gonna be at
our event tonight.
Hey, what happened with
your callback today?
Oh, I, um...
I booked the role.
- What?
- Yeah!
Oh, oh!
Why didn't you tell me that
when I walked through the door?
I don't know.
I'm still getting used to being
Detective Elena Bustamente
coming to your TVs
every Wednesday.
This is incredible.
Yeah, my agents are
doing back flips
and my parents haven't
stopped crying tears of joy.
It's happening.
You know, you just have
to soak up the win.
Thank you.
Uh, I will be quitting
cater waiting.
So, tonight is gonna be
my last show.
Oh. How will canapes and I
do without you.
One tiny little thing is that I,
I am moving to Chicago
where they're filming,
which means I have to
give up this apartment.
Are you gonna be okay finding
somewhere else to stay?
Yeah. I'll, I'll be good.
I feel terrible.
You've done so much for me.
You took me in when I had
nowhere to stay
and I've been crashing on
your couch for months, so.
So, when do we have to be out?
By the end of next week.
My landlord said that if
I leave before the 15th,
then he won't charge me
for breaking my lease.
And I know that you
usually go home
for Valentine's Day anyway, so.
No, no, no.
I'm, I'm not going this year.
What, what can I do?
[gasping] Let me buy
your flights.
No, that is beyond generous.
You know, everything is sold out
and, you know, I was hoping
that the prices were gonna drop,
but didn't happen.
Oh, we have to go.
Okay. Look, I, I can't be late.
I already one write up.
Remember you are Olivia
Lafferty, up and coming artist.
- Hmm?
- Hmm.
This is your moment.
[indistinct chatting]
Oh. You know, and
speaking of art,
are you gonna make to
the conference?
I hear it's going to be
absolutely incredible.
[phone buzzing]
Hey, is everything okay?
Yes. Just saying hi.
[Olivia] Working an
event right now,
so I can't really talk.
Quick. Mickey, did you wanna
say hi to your Aunt Liv?
Not yet. I want [indistinct].
No, no, no, no, no, no.
I'll, I'll get you some.
Just go, go sit down.
I am up to my ears in
child wrangling
and parade planning
and Tyler's away until
Valentine's Day.
Thank you so much for coming.
I really could use the help.
Wait, are you flying
to Lincoln or?
I can't get back to
Nebraska this year.
Wait, why?
I waited too long to
book flights
and now I can't get
to Sioux Falls
or even Topeka in time.
You know Valentine's
Day is only.
Five days away. Yeah, I know.
I'm sorry. I know how
important this is to you.
Excuse me. There's no
phones on the clock.
That's strike two.
No. I'm, I'm sorry.
I gotta go, I love you. Goodbye.
Okay, love you too.
You okay?
You've never missed the
parade before.
And of course, this is the
first year my sisters
the official parade planner.
Hey, trays up now.
There she is.
Canape? Canape?
[indistinct conversation]
[both gasping]
- Sorry.
- Sorry.
Wow. You are out of canapes.
I am refilling.
Okay, good 'cause I've been
in back to backs all day
and I'm running on
one granola bar.
Well, canapes are coming
right up, sir.
And by the way, we use
fresh baguette.
Hmm, something to
look forward to
because this art is not great.
Well it's easy to be a critic,
it's harder to be an artist.
And art is subjective.
Right. One person's trash
is another person's Monet.
Unless you're Marcel Duchamp
and the trash is your art.
DuChamp. That's a
nerdy name drop.
What are you cater waiter by
night, art historian by day?
Um, something like that.
Well, you're not from the city.
No, I'm from Valentine.
Oh, yes. 'Tis the season.
Seriously, where are you from?
Valentine, Nebraska.
Excuse me.
I can't get Camilla alone
when she's working the floor
and I don't wanna interrupt her.
The night is still young.
Also, have you talked
to the super cute guy?
[playful music]
Which guy?
Oh, that guy there?
Yeah, yeah. A little.
Wait, who?
I'm talking about
dreadlock Denzel.
Hold on, who are you
talking about?
You never think anyone's cute.
Oh, oh, that guy.
- Him?
- Yeah.
[faint conversation]
Wait, that's my cousin.
You have a cousin in New York?
Georgie Kessler. George now.
No, he lives in LA.
We are second cousins, three
times removed by marriage.
Although, actually, they
might be the divorced by now.
What is he doing here? I
haven't seen him in years.
Well, you can go and
enjoy your family reunion.
I am going to queue up pictures
to show Camilla my work.
You know, I have to, I have
to shoot my shot with her.
Don't do that. Good luck.
Good evening, Ms. Hollander.
Well hello, distant
family member.
Whoa. Tess.
Wow, so weird seeing
you at an event
that isn't a wedding
or a funeral.
What are you doing here?
Wait, are you a 40
under 40 honoree?
Yes, I am.
Oh. Wow.
Well, congrats.
That's, yeah. That's,
that's fun.
Is it?
I normally don't come
to events like these,
but I just happen to
be in the city.
Actually, I flew out to drive
my granddad's car back to LA.
We're opening up this big
expanded office in Venice,
Silicon Beach.
I have no idea what that
is, but it sounds very you.
Yeah, I guess it is.
Anyways, dad wanted the car
at the opening really badly,
and I kind of wanted to
do a road trip
before I took on the new role.
New role?
Kessler and Kessler Assets.
Oh, yes.
CEO. Very important.
Yeah, the family line,
of course.
I'm sorry. Do you have
some solid food back there?
Okay, all right. Yeah, I
got you, fine.
You got this.
Good evening. Mushroom soup?
Oh, no thank you dear.
Actually, if I could just
have one minute of your time.
Hi. It's me again.
What is that?
Mushroom soup.
Mushroom soup without any
bread or a cracker even.
Oh, this is rough.
I will get you some in a minute.
Ms. Hollander, I know
that your gallery
is looking for a new
take on still life
and I was wondering if you,
if you wouldn't mind having
a peek at some of these.
Maybe some other time.
Oh please. It really,
really won't take that long.
Okay, soup it is.
[all gasping]
What have you done?
I am, I am so sorry Ms. Hollander.
I'm deeply sorry.
So does this mean you're
out of canape's and soup?
[faint conversations]
I'm gonna go get a towel.
Sorry. So sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Strike three.
You're fired.
[melancholic music]
How's my girl?
Well, she has no job, no career,
No apartment,
and no chance of ever showcasing
with Camilla Hollander.
And I still smell like
mushroom. It just...
I am so sorry about my cousin.
He was super rude.
And he's the one that knocked
over that tray, right?
Yeah. He definitely
didn't help the situation.
He did come up to me
after you left
and felt really bad,
which gave me an idea.
I think you need to go
back home to Valentine.
- You should be at that parade.
- [upbeat music]
It's lost cause.
I can't.
I don't have the money. All the
flights are sold out anyway.
Where there's a will,
there's a way.
You know, I love you,
but willpower alone is not
gonna get me back to Valentine.
But a car can.
George has a car.
Olivia, this one's yours.
And listen, I am sorry for
contributing to your job loss
and for souring a
potential opportunity.
I was probably gonna
get fired at some point,
but you know, you certainly
helped speed up the process.
I'm useless without sustenance
and no self aggrandizing
events just make me feel so.
Frustrated, overwhelmed.
I don't like 'em.
They're unsettling.
I would way rather be
doing the work
than standing around
applauding myself for it.
Eh, debatable.
Can I tell you guys my
brilliant idea now?
Okay, we are all heading
west in the next few days.
Therefore, we are going to
take a road trip together.
Hmm? George has a car.
So, thank you, George.
I'm moving to Chicago,
which is [whistles]
Halfway in between here
and Valentine, Nebraska.
I will hop off in Chicago.
You can get off in Valentine
and you can drive the rest
of the way to Los Angeles.
You can drive right through
that ribbon at the ceremony.
[phone buzzing]
Okay, the ending's a bit
dramatic, but you are an actor.
Well, what do we think of
the plan? Hmm?
Oh, hang on. This is my agent.
Hello? Hey, yes.
No, I did, I did send them,
I sent them my sizes earlier.
Do they need me to resend?
Okay, be honest.
Did Tess put you up
to doing this?
Honestly, I'm happy to do it.
Your stop is
literally on the way.
You know, out of
sheer curiosity.
I mean, you clearly
have the means
to have your car shipped to
LA and fly there yourself.
So, I mean, why not just
do that instead?
My dad doesn't trust
the transport companies
with precious cargo
and I really wanna spend
some more time in the car.
I've only driven her a few times
when I've come up to New York.
I mean, how else would
you get to the beach?
Take the eight to Rockaway.
It's a train.
It takes you to the beach.
Okay, fine.
I mean, if you really
are up for it,
then thank you in advance
for getting me to Valentine.
Valentine, Nebraska.
What is it really called?
That's the name of the town
and it has real people
and everything, including
the Be Mine in Valentine
annual Valentine's Day parade.
[laughs] Okay, your commitment
to this is wild.
It's a real parade in
my real hometown
with real people.
- Right?
- Yeah.
And your real Valentine?
No, I don't have one of those,
but, you know, thank you
for reminding me
that I'm still single.
Feels good.
Okay. Bye. Bye, bye, bye.
Right. Okay, so are we doing it?
Are we in?
- [Both] In.
- Yes! Oh!
Oh, I'm so excited you guys.
This will be fun.
Are you sure that this is cool?
I mean...
Yeah, yeah. The show offered
to put my stuff in storage.
We'll just throw your
stuff in too.
- Okay.
- Are you excited for V day?
Just going home, it
reminds me of how far
I still have to go.
I've been in New York
for two years
and wished I'd done so
much more with my painting.
Now everyone is gonna
be asking me
the same well-meaning question
and I have to give them
the same answer.
Which is, no, I
haven't made it yet.
Yet. That is your key word.
I've just given this my all.
No, but maybe I'm not edgy
enough, or concept enough,
or you unique enough.
You are enough, okay?
More than enough.
I think all of this
hustle and grind
has, has stripped away
all the fun for you.
It's supposed to be fun.
Fun feels like a foreign
concept right now.
You'll have fun when you
get to Valentine.
The drive with George part
is not gonna be as fun.
[playful music]
Exactly how big is his car?
[car horn blaring]
Hey, hey. We heard you, okay?
All of Brooklyn heard you.
Sorry, Tess wasn't
answering my texts.
Well, she's not a morning person
and neither am I.
But we are ready.
She will be down in a second.
Okay, just because our
itineraries locked.
Is it now?
Well, I didn't know we
had an itinerary.
Yes, we have destinations
to hit by certain times.
So, what are you the CEO
of this road trip too?
You want to be the COO?
But more importantly, what
do you think about Big Red?
The, the car? Her
name's Big Red.
Good morning, Big Red.
You'll have to excuse me,
I'm still recovering from
the sound of your horn.
Let me get your bag.
You pack light.
Surprised? I'm an
economical man.
What's that?
- Is this a sketchbook?
- It's nothing.
Ah, let me see it. The sketches.
No, you don't wanna.
Good morning, team.
Sorry for the hold up.
Yeah, take your time.
We're only two minutes
behind schedule.
You're a morning person,
aren't you?
All right, let me get.
Yeah, let me help you here.
Let's go.
[gentle music]
So, where are we
stopping for coffee?
Because I feel like a zombie.
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
Not so fast.
Road trip rule number one,
there will be no liquids in
or within arms reach of
the automobile.
[both laughing]
Okay, okay.
You are expecting me
to go on this road trip
without caffeinated
beverages on my person?
That is correct.
How dare you.
Which leads me to
rule number two.
There will be no food items
of any temperature, texture,
or density permitted.
You know what?
I'm gonna get in the car
before I change my mind. Yeah.
You can take shotgun. I'm
gonna nap in the backseat.
You in?
[adventurous music]
And I fell for you
Did you fall for me
You gave me
What no one ever
gave me before
Olivia, catch.
[car door shutting]
- George.
- Tess.
Thank you.
All right. Break legs.
I'll see you at the
next family event?
Yeah, one of our other
distant cousins
has gotta be getting
married sometime soon.
I'll give you two a minute.
Be nice.
So, is this really happening?
Because I didn't think
about this part.
The actually getting
the job part.
Yes, this is happening
and you've earned this.
Hey, will you try something
for me in Valentine?
What's that?
I know you're gonna be helping
your sister with Mickey
and with the parade,
but, maybe, find some
moments for yourself.
Thank you.
[both giggling]
Okay go, get outta here.
- Get outta here.
- Okay, I'm going.
Get out. [chuckling]
[George's Dad] Hi, Georgie
boy. It's your dad.
How's Big Red doing?
Can'Love you. see her and you.
I got loot.
I'm queuing up a podcast for
the last leg of our trip.
Please, not another finance one.
Okay, I, I still can't
believe I listened
to the history of the S&P 500.
Okay, you can pick the next one.
So, I know you got a rule
about eating in your car,
but please, please,
can I eat these?
Otherwise I have to wait
until we stop next time.
Not a chance.
It's, it's Arctic out here.
Okay. See, look.
I can't even feel my nose.
I'm sorry. Rules are rules.
Great. [candy snapping]
Whoa. Oh, that was just great.
That, that's great.
Look, it froze.
And the time it took
for me to walk over here
and have this conversation.
Okay. Stop, stop, stop.
I will warm them up for you, okay?
There we go.
When do we get to Valentine?
- Few more hours.
- Oh.
So, what's your favorite
thing to do in Valentine?
Hit the club?
Is DJ Cupid spitting some sick
beats tonight? [chuckling]
There is one bar.
It's, it is Pub, actually,
but it's on Main Street.
Tell me the name. You gotta.
It's gotta be on that
Valentine brand.
- Bow and arrow.
- Boom! [laughing]
Yes! Okay.
Pretty, pretty good.
Well, Valentine's Day is the
biggest event of the year.
You know, like
Christmas is warmup,
but Valentine's Day
is a marathon.
And this is all because the
town is named Valentine?
Well that's how it started, yeah.
But now it's become a really
special time of the year.
You know, everyone looks
forward to it.
[sighs] Well, it's thawing.
I can feel that. [chuckles]
So, tell me all about this
Valentine's Day parade.
Okay. Uh.
Well everyone dresses up
and we make these big parade
floats to celebrate love.
My favorite part is
what my sister
and I call "Operation
External Illumination."
Um. It, it's twinkly lights.
They make everything sparkle.
That sounds lovely.
Yeah. [chuckles]
Well, there we go.
Thawed out, fully pliable.
And you know what?
Knock yourself out.
What? I, I can eat
it in the car?
I, I promise I'll be super neat.
- I'm...
- I will.
I'm bending my one rule
because licorice
doesn't have crumbs.
So, don't get too excited.
All right, next stop Valentine.
It is a real place.
Just you wait.
Something about this
winter's charms
Got me disarmed
And I'm playing my cards
I hold my breathe
hoping you'll say
Could you be my valentine
You'd be mine nd
[Olivstop. top, stop, stop, stop,
[George] What, what? What?
[Olivia] Let's jump out
for a second.
[George] But we're in
the middle of the street.
Oh, come on, toto.
You're not in New York anymore.
[car doors shutting]
No cars are coming, I promise.
[Olivia sighs]
Do you believe me now?
All right. Bucket list
item checked.
But this still could be
a fake town installation,
but I'll buy it.
[Olivia chuckling]
- Sorry.
- Sorry.
[gentle music]
- Shall we?
- Yeah.
[gentle music]
[dog barking]
Hiya, shorty.
[gasps] Hiya Mickey!
Hiya Aunt Liv.
Missed you so much.
You know how much I missed you?
I missed you, missed
you so much.
Oh, you made it! Oh, my
family! [yelling and laughing]
Oh my god.
Oh, wow. I'm sorry.
I'm usually not this crazy.
Hiya, I'm Vanessa.
It's so nice to meet and
welcome to Valentine.
Um, hi... ya?
Oo. My hiya's kicked in
already, didn't they?
Mm-mm, hiya is a Valentine-ism.
Everyone says it.
Once Olivia's within a
two mile radius
it's out with the hi and
in with the hiya. [laughs]
I see. Well, nice to meet you.
I'm George.
Well, thank you so much for
getting Liv here safely.
I mean, how kind are you?
Did you want a spot of
hot cocoa or?
He wants nuggets!
Okay, Mickey, we do not
speak for our guests.
You want nuggets. Okay?
Well, my goal is to hit
Denver by at least midnight,
so I gotta hit the road.
But I appreciate the offer.
Well, what do I owe you for gas?
Oh, I definitely ate more
than half the snacks.
So, we'll call it even.
I put a sticker on
George's booty.
Okay. Okay, leave him be. Go.
Well, um, maybe I'll
see you again sometime.
- Take care.
- Oh.
- Bye.
- Bye.
[door shutting]
Anything else you wanna tell me?
I mean, your text said Tess'
random cousin
was giving you a ride,
but that felt like more.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
You gotta be kidding me
[car engine stalling]
[car hood shutting]
Your car sounds broken, George.
Hey, how'd you get
outta here so fast?
I fit through the doggie door.
Should my mom come and help you?
No, that's okay, pal.
I'd rather not have an audience.
Mom, mom!
Mom, mom!
[car engine stalling]
Okay. Well, Ronald's
already on his way
to help me figure out
the finale float.
You know, he can help
with this too.
- Yeah.
- I know what's wrong.
She just needs a boost.
Who's Ronald?
Oh, the Valentine mechanic.
He's known Liv since
they were in Pre-K
and he's my husband's
best friend, so.
- [Olivia] Oh.
- [Vanessa] Oh, there he is.
That was fast.
Hiya, lovely ladies.
[Both] Hiya Ronald.
Welcome home.
Come here.
[Olivia] So good to see you.
[Ronald] Good to see you.
But, before we start on
any of the parade stuff,
this is George.
Ah, thanks for coming by.
And, uh, George's car
won't start.
He very kindly drove me
to Valentine,
but he needs to get
back on the road.
I'm happy to assist.
What's the damage?
Battery's a little old,
so I just need a set of
jumper cables,
black on black, red on red.
That's it.
And then I will be out of
everyone's way.
Easy peasy, cables I
can provide.
Thank you. Man, I appreciate it.
- [car door shutting]
- All right.
Cables acquired, like 'em
brand new or broken in?
I got two sets.
Either will do. Thank you.
- [phone buzzing]
- Oh, um.
Sorry, can you get the
process started?
I just gotta take this.
Hi, dad. Yeah, yeah, yeah, uh.
Everything's fine. We
should be right on schedule.
What's the story with the suit?
You've never brought
someone home before.
It's not like that, okay?
He was, he was just my ride.
- [Ronald and Vanessa laughing]
- Okay, sure.
Okay, how we doing here?
All clipped in.
Just hit the ignition and
you'll skyrocket outta here.
All right, perfect.
All right.
- [car engine revving]
- [jumper cable popping]
[all gasping]
Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What just happened?
What did you do?
It's, it's fine chill.
No, no, no. I can't just chill.
There's smoke coming
from the engine.
Yeah, I can see that.
But I'm, I'm sure
everything is okay, right?
Yep. Everything's
gonna be A-okay.
This is totally fixable.
What's totally fixable?
Look at the battery.
The electrical is shot.
How did this even, you put
black on red, didn't you?
You mixed up to the terminals.
I didn't.
[George chuckling angrily]
I didn't think I did.
I know cars, okay
and there's no way this
car is starting now
because you've completely fried
the whole electrical system.
- Sir, I...
- No, no.
Don't, don't, don't sir me.
Look, look, it's a tiny mistake.
And don't forget, we're
all out here trying
to help you, you know.
Oh. You're right.
Thank you for helping
me get stuck
in nowhere Nebraska with
a fried electrical system.
Thank you.
Let's go.
We have work to do.
You know what, I hope
you're not stuck in
nowhere Nebraska
for too much longer.
Good luck.
It was nice meeting you.
What a mess.
No, I know. It's just
one of those things,
I know exactly where
everything is.
No, no. George
snapping like that.
What? Oh no.
He's just a guy getting worked
up over an inanimate object.
Wouldn't be the first
time that's happened.
Yeah, well, he didn't have
to say that about Valentine.
No, he didn't and he
shouldn't have.
But you know what I'm gonna say?
Love your neighbor.
Yeah, well, George
doesn't live in Valentine,
so he's not my neighbor.
[sighing] Two days, huh?
Yep. Final day of
prep is tomorrow.
Well, do you think your
vision is coming together?
TBD. I mean, tomorrow
really is crunch time.
So, I hope you're
ready to smock up.
Everything's getting loaded
into HQ for assembly.
And then, most importantly,
we begin...
[Both] Operation
external illumination.
Oh, I'm so glad you're here.
I mean, Miss Hacky has been
riding me about the details.
Well, it was her parade
for 30 years,
so, you know, it's hard
to relinquish control
and pass the torch.
I know.
I just, you know, I feel
all this pressure
because, you know, I've dreamt
about running the parade
my whole life and, you know,
I just wanna make it perfect.
Well, I am happy to help you
out with the parade stuff
and lighten the load,
but, you know I can't work
unless I have...
- Coffee?
- Yes.
Yeah, I know.
Let's uh, let's go into
town for dinner.
Barbara May is dying to see you.
Okay, so break it down for me.
Realistically, what do I
need to get back on the road?
At minimum, a new
battery, a new alternator.
Probably a new timing
belt as well.
Probably a new fuse
panel and new wires
to replace the ones
that melted. [groaning]
Great. So, an entirely new car.
All right.
How about you just send
me to another body shop
and I'll figure something out.
First of all, I did this to you.
I want to make up for it.
Second of all, this
is an old car,
you're gonna have to send
away for parts
and that can take a week.
Ah, I know.
And I gotta be in LA on
Valentine's Day,
the day after next, with
Big Red fully operational.
Oh, yeah.
That's not happening.
I bet we can piece it
back together
finding some old parts
in my junkyard.
Huh? It's not a terrible idea.
One of my guys is dropping off
some more junkers tomorrow,
so, I mean, we can
check those out.
All right. I'm in.
It's our only hope.
You know, I don't get to talk
to other car guys too much.
And I wasn't sure I wanted
to talk to you at all though.
You were starting to
take a tone at Vanessa's.
I know. I'm really sorry again.
Thank you for giving me
another shot.
My approach has always been,
and my nanny used to
say this to me,
"Wouldn't you rather
have a friend, George?"
I mean, yeah.
Our town motto is, my
pastor always says this,
"Love your neighbor." [laughing]
[upbeat music]
Hey, so, I'm definitely in the
dog house with Olivia, huh?
How do I get to their
house from here?
[Ronald laughing]
I've known Olivia Lafferty
her whole life.
She's definitely not
at the house right now.
Where is she?
Booth ten. At Barbara May's
diner on main.
She's probably on the
second strawberry milkshake.
[Olivia slurping]
Liv, you can't have milkshake
and coffee for dinner.
[Olivia slurping]
Watch me.
[Barbara laughing]
Well, look at this city cat.
Hiya, sweet girl.
Hiya, Barbara May. Oh.
[Barbara] How are you?
I'm better now I'm seeing you.
[both laughing]
You know, your, your milkshakes
really do heal all wounds.
Oh, they sure do.
I heard that friend of
yours with a fancy red car
has some choice words
about our little town.
I forgot how quickly
news spreads around here.
All that matters is you made it.
Exactly. Yeah.
You know and he's long
gone by now, so.
Good riddance.
[Waitress] Okay. You
need two straws?
[Customer] Uh, sure. [laughing]
You gotta be kidding me.
[Indistinguishable words]
What's happening here, fellas?
I invited him.
Big Red will be outta
commission for a bit longer.
What do you mean?
How long are we talking here?
Excuse me, could I get
two beers please?
And, you know what, two
strawberry milkshakes?
Because when in Valentine.
Oh, um, I'm sorry about before.
Can we go chat somewhere?
You know what, George, you're
slicker than I thought.
I am not trying to be slick.
I promise, I really do owe
you an apology about earlier.
See, Ron and I, we
smoothed things over
and I was hoping to do
the same with you.
I was so out of line.
But the thing is, is that Ron
is a good forgiving person,
you know, and you guys have
a common interest. Cars.
But me on the other hand.
Oh, I don't think
you'll be so lucky.
Hiya, I'm Barbara May.
You must be George of the
concrete jungle.
Yes, Hi. It is so
nice to meet you.
This is a fantastic spot.
Why thank you.
He doesn't seem too bad.
I think we don't have to
give him the boot just yet.
Oh, let me guess, this
is when you two
are gonna tell me to.
[All] Love your neighbor.
Yeah. Right.
Hiya again, George.
Wait, can someone explain
the linguistic origins
of hiya to me?
Is it a blend of hi and
yea or hi and you?
It's just a hi with a little
extra love at the end.
Oh, Barbara May, my new
friend Ron here,
says that you have a room
upstairs that you rent out.
Oh, Ronald is correct.
Well, I have to spend the
night here in Valentine
while I wait for some car parts.
So, any chance it's available?
The room is available. Yes.
Yes. Thank you.
Thank you. Wonderful.
Olivia Lafferty?
[gasps] Hiya!
Hiya Clarann.
I mean, wow. How are you?
It's so good to see you?
What have you been up to?
Oh, you know, just have the kids
in all different
sports this winter,
so I am go, go, go.
Bet you are.
In high school you were
like the president of, what,
- eight clubs?
- I know, right? What a nut.
I was basically an unpaid
employee back then.
And now I'm on the PTA.
So, I guess you can say
I still am. [laughing]
But look at you.
City gal.
What is everyone
wearing in New York?
The trend will hit Valentine
in like six months.
So, give me the scoop.
Oh, honestly I just wear
carpenter pants
and a smock to the
studio every day.
Oh, that reminds me, if,
if you're not too busy,
could I commission a painting?
Maybe a flower for
Kinsley's nursery?
Gosh, you always made
such nice pieces.
Wow, that, that's
really kind of you, um.
Is this so silly to ask you?
I mean, you're like a famous
New York City painter.
You must be so busy.
I, I wouldn't go that far.
Oh, come on.
You've been out there for
two years now.
You must be in all kinds
of fancy galleries.
She is.
You are in galleries.
Although, her last gallery
opening wasn't big.
It was huge.
It was an amazing accomplishment.
She's the next Norman
Rockwell, meets pop art,
meets Valentine.
She's gonna tell me to
shut my trap.
But it wasn't any old
gallery opening,
Olivia here made an
amazing impression
on one of Tribeca's most
prestigious gallery owners.
So, only big stuff ahead,
right Olivia?
But you know what?
The gallery stuff, it
really isn't that important.
- Oh, yes it is.
- Congrats, honey.
- Why didn't you tell us?
- So amazing.
This is why you've
been so cagey.
- We love you.
- Oh my gosh,
I'm so proud of you.
But you know what's important is
I would love to paint something
for Kinsley's nursery.
Gee, I, I don't know if
we can afford you now.
Oh, don't worry.
I've got a big friends
and family discount.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Aw. Thanks so much.
- Of course.
[both giggling]
[both kissing]
Liv, why didn't you tell
me about the gallery?
I feel like I'm gonna
cry. This is amazing.
Look at you go.
There's a lot of things
still in the works for it.
So, George, can I talk to
you for second.
Mm, sweet baby cupid.
That is, like, the greatest
thing I've ever tasted.
Oh, Barbara May, can shake
your hand for the second time?
Ah, you know what, who
wants a milkshake on me?
[everyone cheering and clapping]
Milkshakes, please.
Let's give it up for
my boy George!
[All] George! George!
George! George!
George! George!
Okay, okay. Oh, wow.
I'm coming back down to Earth
after my first
milkshake experience.
Can you believe that?
I am like vibing
with this place.
Sorry, can we um, can
we chat now?
No, it's fine.
No, seriously, I just wanted
to say a few things about...
It's okay. You said enough.
Look, I'm, I'm gonna go start on
operation external illumination
down on Main Street.
Wait, you sure?
Okay, well I'm gonna go
pick up Mickey from school
and finish up some of my list.
I'll see you back at the house.
Oh wait, just give her a beat.
The parade is not.
Hiya, Miss Hacky.
I'm concerned that things
aren't on schedule.
Should I stop by the barn
tomorrow during setup?
I do have three decades
of experience.
Uh, no need, but
thank you so much.
I've got everything
under control.
Hey, we're gonna turn the
lights on in two minutes.
If you don't want to talk still,
I could at least come
up there and help you.
I'm sorry I got carried
away in the diner.
I'm kind of like a small
town celebrity now,
so it's a busy full-time job.
Hmm and I should ask Barbara May
to make you a piece
of humble pie.
Humility. Oof.
No can-do. I'm allergic.
You know what, George?
You can do whatever you
want with your life,
but don't pipe up and
get involved in mine.
I care a lot about this
town and the people in it.
Is this about the gallery thing?
Because I thought I was helping.
At the gas station you
told me that you wanted...
No, you encouraged
Clarann and everyone
to believe that I'm some
hotshot New York success story
and I'm not. So you lied.
It wasn't a total lie.
You did make an impression
on the gallery owner.
But you know what?
No, it wasn't a lie at all.
It was a pre-truth.
A what?
A pre-truth.
Something that will
happen, so it will be true.
It just hasn't happened yet.
Oh, so it's a pre-truth
that I'll be a successful
solo gallery artist.
Yeah right.
Well, with that attitude,
you definitely won't be.
You have never even
seen my work.
I mean, I could be a, a
total hack for all you know.
You're not.
[sentimental music]
Fell outta your bag.
Found it in Big Red's trunk.
Wouldn't I suppose you
looked through it.
I did.
And Olivia, they're outstanding.
Why are you being so
What's your end game?
There's no end game.
I'm just inspired by the
good neighbors of Valentine.
That's all.
And listen, my car's
gonna get fixed tomorrow
and you'll never see me again.
Well, we may have to throw
you a farewell parade
for you and your milkshake crew.
Ha ha. Very funny.
Will you hold?
[upbeat music]
[Worker] Hey. All right.
Yeah. [laughing]
How does it look?
[Worker] Right on.
The lights are perfect.
[dog barking]
Wake up. Let's take the
show on the road.
Oh, it's like dawn o'clock.
Oh, the early bird
catches the worm.
I'm taking Mickey.
Meet me at the barn. You can
sleep in more if you want.
[calm music]
[music continues]
Morning, Barbara May.
You're up early.
Got lots to do today.
[Barbara] Mm.
Who did all these?
Laura Lafferty.
Olivia and Vanessa's mom
and my good friend.
These are some
of the last pieces
she did before she passed.
[phone buzzing]
Oh, hey. I was just
about to call you.
So how's it going?
It's so fun.
I've never played a role
like this before.
The legal stuff is so serious.
So I really need to
work on my face
because apparently I
have resting happy face
and they need me to be
way more like.
Oh, oh. Oh yeah, that's good.
But I'm on break right now
and I miss you.
How are things in Valentine?
George must be in LA by now.
Uh, surprisingly, George
is still in Valentine.
What? Really?
Technical difficulties
with Big Red.
Actually, it reminds me, do you
have George's dad's address?
[upbeat music]
Hiya Miss Hacky.
Isn't it a little nippy
to post up outside?
I'm just fine. Thank you.
But I'm not quite sure things
are up to snuff in there.
Well, what do you mean?
I believe that your
sister is committing
an egregious violation.
A violation of what?
Of tradition.
She wants to put the
finale float on a real car.
And that's a problem because?
Tradition states that
we're not to use anything
other than flats on wheels.
The townspeople of
the first annual
Be Mine in Valentine
Parade didn't have cars,
so neither should we.
But you do remember
last year's finale float
got frozen in place
on the asphalt.
So, so maybe it's
okay for things
to be modernized a little bit.
And trust me, the car
that we're using,
it's gonna be decorated.
It's gonna be beautiful.
So, how about that?
[Miss Hacky grunting]
Well, you take care now.
I'm reporting for duty.
Hey. Hey, what can I do?
Okay, uh, the most
urgent line of items
in the float department.
We've got flats to paint,
the top of the puppy love float
isn't even close to
being finished
so someone needs to
take care of that.
Yeah, I'll handle the floats.
You know, consider it
taken care of.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. You okay?
Come here. Please, sit down.
Please. Breathe, breathe.
Sit down.
Does everyone think I'm
doing a terrible job?
The pressure is getting to me.
You know, I feel like I
want this so bad,
but Miss Hacky is just
itching for me to fail.
Which by the way, is not
in the spirit of the town.
I'm sorry I'm so far away.
Oh, no. You're
following your gift.
I guess the...
the root of it is,
don't you ever feel like
no matter what you do,
[gentle music]
That there's this feeling
that none of it really matters
because mom isn't here to see.
Sometimes, yeah.
Found her box of paints
this morning.
It's like she's nowhere
and everywhere
all the time.
[sighs] I'm sorry for dragging
you into this sad stuff.
You know and thank you.
Thank you for letting me vent.
You know, soon you'll be
back in New York
living the high life again. So...
Oh, uh.
I gotta, I gotta come
clean about that.
I'm not living the high
life in New York.
My art is going nowhere.
No, you always undersell
yourself. Stop.
You know, I've been
working as a,
a waiter for a catering
company to make ends meet.
Well, for the last
event I worked,
one woman that could change
the course of my career
was there and I blew
it with her,
which got me fired and...
Oh yeah, Tess moved to Chicago
so now I have,
I have nowhere to live.
When I'm failing I feel
like I'm failing her too.
Oh, no. No, no.
Stop with that. You are
not failing at anything.
Okay, you're still trying,
which means you officially
haven't failed yet.
Okay. Yeah, fair enough.
I love you.
I love you too.
I'm so glad you're home.
[upbeat music]
[pieces clattering]
Digging for gold?
Um, yeah. Kind of.
Aluminum for a float.
I've gotta finish a high
schoolers group project.
Few people definitely had to
do that for me in high school.
Oh no, you were the lazy kid,
weren't you?
No, no, no. I was a
delegation rock star.
I helped everyone play to
their strengths
and do the part of the project
that inspired them the most.
[pieces clattering]
So, you didn't do any
of the actual work then?
- Exactly.
- Mm-hm.
I have a feeling that
the parts I'm looking for
are not here and time is
not on my side.
Well, maybe you can find a
solution with what's here.
I mean, didn't you dream
about places like this
when you were a kid.
Here? No, definitely not.
Well, I thought you
wanted to be a mechanic.
Oh, right. Yeah, yeah.
I mean, that's like a kid saying
they want to be a dolphin
when they grow up.
It's just, it's not
gonna happen.
You mean never gonna
happen to a Kessler.
- Bingo.
- [Olivia chuckles]
[pieces clattering]
Hey, hey, slow down.
Slow down, slow down,
slow down, slow down.
You know, it's like when
you're picking a paint color,
you know, blending one together.
You can't rush it.
[sighs] Okay.
- Slow down.
- Okay. All right.
I am, I am slowing down.
[curious music]
So, did you always know
you wanted to be an artist?
Always. My mom was an
art teacher.
She even sold a few paintings
before she got sick.
You and your sister
have been through a lot.
I'm sorry.
It's fine.
We're battle tested us
Lafferty girls.
You know what, can you
do me a favor?
Look out for anything aluminum?
It has to go on a float, so
it has to be lightweight.
Okay. Humor me.
I mean, if you weren't already
lined up to be the next CEO,
what are you most
passionate about?
I spend my days thinking
about profits and pragmatism.
So, passion isn't
really on the table.
I'm good at what I do.
I don't have to like it.
Okay, well put it this way.
What lights you up?
Because I have to say,
you looked pretty impassioned
at the diner the other day
when you bought
everybody milkshakes.
That stuff's just fun to do.
Well, you should lead with that.
How generous you are.
Surprised me.
You know, when I first
started working for my dad,
I asked him if we could
build out a sister company,
a non-for-profit, kind of like
a philanthropic impact arm.
[uplifting music]
He said, no. Of course.
"George, there's no
tangible investment return."
You could do it now.
[chuckles] Yeah, good one.
I'm serious.
There's a board
meeting tomorrow.
Perfect. Pitch it to them then.
No, no. This is the
board meeting
where I'm officially
appointed CEO.
All the investors
have approved me.
It's my time.
You're right.
It is your time.
Your tiny window of time
on this earth.
[uplifting music continues]
So, how do you wanna spend it?
I don't know.
I've always let somebody
else be the financial advisor
when it comes to how I
invest my time.
[sighing heavily]
I should really slow down
more often, huh?
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa,
whoa, whoa.
Check this out.
[metal clattering]
[grunting] All right.
I may actually be able
to use these.
Thank you for making me
rummage intentionally.
One man's trash, huh?
[George chuckling]
You know, I like that table.
I think that could work.
- Yeah.
- Let me...
- Here, I'll help you out.
- Yeah.
[upbeat music]
- Um.
- Yeah.
[store alarm dinging]
Ron, is that you?
I'm just rewiring now.
Any luck on an alternator?
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
May I please use this quiet
place to write my Valentine's?
You're not Ronald.
Are you still mad
about your car?
Yeah, you could still say that,
but we're making headway.
Hiya George.
Sorry to do this, but can
you do us a huge favor?
Uh, yeah, sure.
May I please write my
Valentine's here?
It's way too noisy in the barn.
Of, of, of course.
Knock yourself out.
[footsteps thudding]
Do they need food or water?
No thank you.
No, Mickey's fine.
Just particular about
creative space like Aunt Livy.
But I'm getting pulled into a
million different directions.
Are you sure it's okay?
- Yeah, of course.
- Okay. Thank you.
I remember Valentine's
when I was a kid.
What did yours say?
Oh, I didn't write my
My nanny did.
That's silly. Your Valentine's
has come from your heart.
Are you Aunt Livy's boyfriend?
I think you guys
like each other.
[stutters] That's uh, no, no.
I'm just a friend who's a boy.
You don't have to be
boyfriend girlfriend
to be Valentine's.
That's solid intel. Thanks.
You're welcome.
My dad comes home tomorrow
and he's my Valentine
'cause I love him so much.
[phone buzzing]
Hey dad, how are you?
Good, good.
New office is looking great.
Everyone is excited
for the party.
Big Red humming along?
Yep, she's humming like a bird.
We'll be there.
[George's Dad] Great.
The agenda for tomorrow's
board meeting is looking good.
Did you see it?
I did, yeah. I got the email.
You made so many slam
dunk deals last quarter.
Everyone's eager to get you in.
Yeah, yeah.
Hey, um, I was thinking, uh,
I know I mentioned this a
long time ago,
but what about starting
a charity fund
through Kessler and
Kessler assets
for people who can't
afford their first car?
We can tie it back to
Big Red somehow.
And I think it would be
really great opportunity.
Nice idea for
non-profit somewhere.
Someone's probably doing
something like it already.
Hire them.
Okay, but what if I did it?
What if we did it? Really
built out a philanthropic arm.
George, focus up.
Don't drift on me.
Yes sir. Understood.
[reflective music]
One job, one focus.
Crystal clear.
[George's Dad] Love you
You don't need a car George.
Just scoot.
[playful music]
Hey sweets.
Oh, thank you.
Looking good.
[playful music]
Tell me something good.
Sorry bud. No luck.
My guys are gonna stay on
the lookout for you, but.
But what are the chances
they're gonna find
a vintage alternator
in the next now? Zero.
I wish I could have done more.
No, no. You've gone
above and beyond.
Thank you.
All right, have a good night.
All right man. You too.
[truck engine rumbling]
I've got a part for you.
Ah. Everyone in this
town is so sneaky.
Sorry, what was that?
A vintage car part.
Whatever you need.
This car's got it.
Really? And this
car is located...
[doors sliding open]
Yeah, this is an
unfinished wooden float.
Thank you so much.
No, no.
Underneath. There's a car.
Oh, just...
Ah, look at you knowing
the town's secrets.
What part do you need?
Take your pick.
The alternator.
Although, if I take it,
the car's not gonna run.
Oh, don't worry about that.
They're not gonna use
this float after all.
Okay, well, uh, let me
go grab my tools
and you're sure it's okay?
Of course it's okay.
Do you really think they're
gonna use this junk pile
of a wagon for the finale?
No parade organizer in her
right mind would do that.
I guess you're right.
Can I give you check,
or cash or something?
No. No. No payment necessary.
That is very sweet.
You people really live up
to your motto.
Love your neighbor.
Do I have to brush
tonight? It's disgusting.
[chuckles] Yes, you do.
- Aww.
- Mm-hm.
You know some people
use a tissue,
but my mom, your grandma,
used to do this.
[lips smacking]
So when you wake up
in the morning,
you'll see that I left
a kiss for you.
[chuckling] Very good.
Will you stay forever?
I'm working on it.
Okay, you. You better
head to bed, huh?
Parade day tomorrow.
Big one for all of us.
[upbeat music]
Two strawberry milkshakes.
Thank you dear.
Hey. So, where's
your new border?
I haven't seen him
since this morning.
Can he stay for the
parade tomorrow?
I don't know. I, I was
gonna find out.
He's real sweet on you, huh?
You think everybody's
sweet on me.
This feels different.
Looks different.
Oh really? Well, how so?
Because of how you
look back at him.
Everyone's looking at him
'cause he's a newcomer.
But I'm watching you.
I saw you under the lights
with him last night.
He's fun, right?
Fine, I will give you that.
He is fun.
Dating can be fun too.
It's a fun part of life.
Just a thought.
Anyway, his stuff's
still upstairs,
so he hasn't gone far.
Hey. Okay, so where's
your bestie?
I think he's still
working in the shop.
All yours.
Atta girl.
There you are.
You know, I, I brought
you something.
- Thank you.
- Mh-hm.
You look quite nice.
Oh, thanks. [chuckles]
You look greasy.
Yeah, little bit.
So what's the verdict, huh?
Will Big Red ride the
open road once more
or are you stuck in
Valentine for another night?
Well, I think by George,
pun intended,
we got it.
- She... She's fixed?
- Yes.
Um, all thanks to a very
sweet Miss Hacky?
What? You know what?
Only you would know how
to charm a curmudgeon
like Miss Hacky.
[both giggling]
All right.
Moment of truth.
[Olivia] Mm-hm.
[engine revving]
- She lives.
- Woo!
Oh, welcome back, baby.
All right, well.
You still have time for
some licorice.
Is this your way of asking
me to be your Valentine?
[gentle music]
I dunno. Is it?
I don't know.
Mickey seems to have a
lot to say about the rules
of Valentine's.
Yeah, well. Mickey has a
lot of opinions.
[chuckles] I, I'm, I'm sorry.
I got sidetracked by the car.
How, how, how is the afternoon?
The, the, the float stuff.
Oh, it was exhausting but
yeah, everything is done.
And tomorrow, tomorrow's
gonna be great.
Ah, that's great.
I wish I could stay to see it.
So, you're, you're
leaving tonight then?
Yeah, I am.
I... I need to.
I, I should.
Look, Olivia, my life
isn't like yours.
Okay, I've never made an
independent decision for myself
or even had the time to
figure it out.
It's just, it's, it's, it's,
it's easier to paint by numbers
and that is just the way
it needs to be.
What are you afraid of, George?
I'm afraid of
disappointing my dad
and being a failed link
in my family legacy, okay?
Yeah, I can admit that much.
I hope you enjoyed your
time in Valentine.
I over-nighted
something to you, um.
You know what?
That doesn't even matter.
That's for you.
You'll need it more than I.
You can't show up at
your office party hungry.
You might ruin another
cater waiter's evening.
- Right.
- Yeah.
Well, I don't think
they have to worry
about my blood sugar levels
because I've been on a steady
diet of Valentine's sweetness.
[calm music]
Safe travels George.
Happy Valentine's Day.
[music continues]
[upbeat music]
Yes, yes, yes!
Yay, Daddy, you're home!
[dog barking]
Could you be my Valentine
I'd be yours and
you'd be mine
The other half I'd
have to find
Would you be my Valentine
My maybe Valentine
[Customer 1] Looks like it,
doesn't it?
[Customer 2] Yeah.
[Customer 1] I haven't had
one of those for a long time.
- [Customer 2] Really?
- [Customer 1] Yeah.
[Customer 2] You know what?
Maybe I'll get a, a
root beer float.
[Customer 1] Oh wow.
Happy parade day.
Where's George?
Hit the road.
Bad news. George is gone.
Good news.
I'm a smart cookie and I
always figure it out, right?
We have a code red situation.
[George] All right, Cynthia,
I've got a good signal now.
[Cynthia] Okay, George,
I'm putting you through to
the conference call now.
[Phone Automation]
Please announce yourself
and press pound.
George Kessler Jr.
[car engine stalling]
It won't start.
Oh, this is a disaster.
An entire fourth grade
class and their families
are supposed to be
on this float.
Oh, man.
Yeah, they're expecting
the float to move.
Is there anything you can do?
I need a balloon and
two hair clips.
[Vanessa] What? You
can't be serious.
[Ronald] Okay look,
it might work.
Worst case, I'll hook it
up and tow it.
Good morning, Ms. Hacky.
Yes, dear.
Do you know what happened
to the finale float?
Absolutely not.
Well, maybe if I was
still running the parade,
this oversight wouldn't
have happened.
Well, last night George
told me that you helped him.
So did you help him take
something out of the
finale float and
put it in his own car?
But I mean, that is my
cousin Hildy's car
they're using for
that monstrosity.
It just happened overhear that
he needed a vintage car part.
Why are you trying to
sabotage this parade?
I was pushed from my position.
Not by us.
You know, the city
council voted for Vanessa.
She could have not run.
You ran unopposed for 30 years
and in that time you
created magical parades.
But now it's somebody
else's turn.
I suppose it was time for
me to step down, but...
it's just been a
difficult transition.
Of course it has.
You know what? I have an idea.
Oh, Vanessa,
I don't think I could be
the parade Marshall today.
Well, how will I find a
parade Marshall 30 minutes
before it starts.
I mean, no one knows
the introduction.
I could do it, dear.
Oh, um. Wow, that would
be, that would be great.
We'd love to have you involved.
Do you remember the...
I know exactly where to stand
and I'll tell those
baton twirlers
to watch their range of motions.
How did that happen?
Loving our neighbor, that's all.
[band playing]
Truth be told
You're often on my mind
Often on my mind
Give me something
that I cannot describe
Four minutes to wake up.
Line up please.
The towns people
assigned to your float
will meet you on Main Street.
We'll stagger your
entrances from here. Copy?
Okay. Four minutes.
Excuse me. Parade Marshall
coming through.
Excuse me.
Parade Marshall coming through.
Parade Marshall coming through.
Okay, I, George Kessler Jr.,
would be honored to
accept the role
of chief executive officer
of this company
and continue the tradition of...
[Phone Automation]
Your conference call
will begin in five minutes
[car rumbling]
George. You were the best
Valentine's Day surprise.
It's showtime!
Puppy love I need you,
you're up.
Puppy love!
Ladies and gentlemen,
generations of Kesslers
have been great leaders.
First, my, my grandfather,
then my father.
And now it's time for me
to step into my destiny,
which is not as chief executive
officer of this company.
[George's Dad] Excuse me?
George, what is this?
Dad, Dad, Dad and fellow
board members.
Please hear me out.
I promise the right thing to do
is not to follow a
predetermined path for myself,
but to follow my heart
and give this company a soul.
[car engine rumbling]
[upbeat music]
All right, everyone. Here we go!
Happy Valentine's Day!
[Towns Person 1] Happy
Valentine's Day!
[Towns Person 2] Hey Miss
Johnson, how are you?
[towns people laughing]
[Towns Person 3] Honey,
hold my hand.
I don't want you to get lost.
[Towns Person 4] How are you,
You guys look great up there.
Hey, where's Joe?
Anybody seen Joe? I'm
looking for Joe.
[Towns Person 5] Here we go!
This is the best parade ever!
[background chatter]
We did it!
[both screaming]
We did it!
We did it? You did it!
You did it.
Oh my gosh. Thank you for
all the things.
You know, days and hours of
hard for few minutes of magic.
So worth it.
I'm gonna find Mickey and
Tyler out there.
Wait, you coming?
Um, yeah. No, no, no.
- You go, go, go.
- You sure?
Yeah. I'll, I'll be
outta the sec.
[Towns Person 4] Hey Frank.
Hi Frank. Hi.
Is that your dog?
Hey. No, come back.
Come back here.
[gentle music]
Cynthia? What is this?
Valentine, Nebraska.
This better not be a
Valentine prank.
I know this car means a
lot to your family
and it got me to the place
I love most in the world.
Here's something to remember
Big Red's unplanned pit stop
in Valentine. Olivia.
[Olivia sighing]
[calm music]
I thought you were
supposed to be in LA.
I was, but I spent the
night at Barbara May's
and I asked her to keep
it a secret and she did.
And this morning I still didn't
know what I was gonna do.
I even made it a few
miles down the highway.
But I just knew I couldn't
spend Valentine's Day
anywhere but Valentine.
[Olivia giggling]
Please take it.
I had to transport it
treacherously in Big Red.
I know, I know. Look
what you've done to me.
I don't know what's next
for me, or you or us,
but I have to ask
Olivia Lafferty,
will you be my Valentine?
[both giggling]
[calm music]
I my latest find. show you
Now this is one of
Hollander's exclusive artists.
She works out of Tribeca,
Los Angeles
and her hometown, Valentine, Nebraska.
[uplifting music]