Well Suited For Christmas (2022) Movie Script

This looks great.
What do you think? Maybe another
eighth of an inch on the pant?
The impossible-to-get crepe
wool from Italy is on its way.
Wow! Really?
Only the best business partner
could have pulled that off
- right before Christmas.
- You are the best, Dhruvi,
but don't tell me you're on
Connection Link again.
How else am I supposed to
stalk people from high school?
No. I was checking
our Rachel Rocca page
until you got here.
- But now...
- Oh.
We need to go get coffee.
I can't. I need to do...
Wait. What is that?
Keep your coat on.
And come with me.
Are you ready for this?
This is the most dramatic
coffee run I've ever been on.
"The editor of Premiere
Fashion magazine..."
- Sybil Neale?
- "... Invites you to donate
your time and
considerable talent
to the annual
NYC Christmas Gala."
- Wait. Let me see that!
- Ah, ah!
"Each participating
menswear designer
will be asked to create
a look for the Gala's
first-ever Christmas Runway
Contest and Bachelor Auction,
with all proceeds going to
support NYC Foster."
This is it! This is the break
we've been waiting for!
The CEO of Blaines Park Avenue
is Sybil's close friend,
so he'll be at the Gala. When
you win the contest,
he'll have to agree to see the
pitch for our new line.
No. Your tuxedo
will be the pitch.
No pressure.
But I think you're right.
I think this is how
we get his attention.
And don't forget what he said.
He considers Blaines to be
high end but accessible.
When you win this
Runway Contest,
you're going to prove that you
can design for anybody.
It says here that all the
bachelors will be photographed
for a spread in Premiere
Fashion magazine,
but the winning designer's
look will be featured
on the cover!
Any idea who else got an invite?
I mean, it's
Sybil Neale, so I'm sure
all the big names are
begging to compete.
The whole industry's taken a
big hit the last couple years.
The fact that I
even got invited...
Uh, your name should be
considered with the best.
Time to remind people that you
are the creative genius
that puts men in bold colors.
Look at you.
Unknown Rachel Rocca,
who went to the Milwaukee
Fashion Institute,
has worked her way up to
competing with the big dogs.
My parents!
They're coming for Christmas!
I'm sure they'll understand
how important this is.
Yeah, well,
understanding my life
can be a challenge for them.
You know, it's funny.
Their parents are from Bolivia,
but they act like New York
is a foreign country.
Okay. I'll put together some
places they can sightsee.
In the meantime,
get your sketch pad.
The Gala is in three weeks.
Oh, and... you need to be
at the Beckham Square Hotel
at 10 AM tomorrow
to meet your bachelor.
Oh. Whatever man
I get is key.
Yes, but don't worry if you get
some octogenarian mogul.
When you're through with him,
every woman at the auction
will be eager to bid.
Well I love Santa Claus
And all of his reindeer
Swinging round the world
Spreading Christmas cheer
On the roof he's up
and the chimneys down
Leaving presents all around
So look out
No. That outfit
is a strange choice.
First impressions are critical.
- I beg your pardon.
- Just put on
a clean collared shirt,
and you'll be fine. Talk soon.
I'm sorry. Did you
say something?
No. I just...
It's embarrassing,
but I thought you were
talking to me just then.
Well, is your shirt not clean?
Of course it is.
I just...
Never mind.
I was, uh, talking to
a kid I mentor.
He wants to include
his photograph
with his college applications.
Oh! I think that's
a great idea.
Mm, but he wants to spend
his hard-earned money
on some overpriced,
crazy clown suit for the photo.
I mean, he insists it's
high fashion
just because some
outlandish designer
- has her label on it.
- What designer?
A Rachel... something.
Rachel Rocca?
That's the one. Yeah.
Not for anything,
but... men...
should just wear classic black.
Well, some men aren't hindered
by archaic male stereotypes.
- Hindered?
- Restricted.
Restrained. Inhibited.
Yes. I know
the definition.
Uh, despite my desire to pursue
the fascinating direction
this conversation is taking,
I, um, am hindered by my need
to be on time for my
next appointment.
Excuse me.
Honestly, Rachel, I
just loved it.
Saw it in your 2019 show.
I still have some
of that fabric.
- Do you want some, Atticus?
- Really? I'd love it.
I'll trade you for some
fabulous Vicuna wool I found.
Ooh, yeah.
Thank you for coming.
I know you're as busy as I am.
As you all know, this
ballroom will soon host
the annual New York Christmas
Gala and Bachelor Auction.
I bid on a man here in 2009.
Yes. I attended
your wedding in 2010.
Our gala is known for the
charities it supports.
So, this year, we've
added an extra element:
the Christmas Runway Contest.
I've invited you,
the best of the best,
to design tuxedos
for this year's bachelors,
with all the proceeds going
to foster programs
throughout the city.
I know you're all excited to
get started designing,
so I've brought you here to
meet your bachelors.
Now, did you all get a colorful
candy cane when you entered?
We've randomly given each of
our eligible bachelors
a candy cane as well.
So, let's see who
matches who. Julia?
Blue. Great. I got a Smurf.
Thank you, gentlemen,
for participating
in such a worthy cause.
Now, please reveal the
color of your candy cane.
Oh, no.
I'll leave it to you
all from here to collaborate,
and thank you again for
supporting the Gala.
I'm outlandish
designer Rachel Rocca.
Brett Stone.
Archaic male stereotype.
Rachel: "Disaster" doesn't even
begin to describe it.
It was a calamity.
Debacle. Catastrophe.
You're exaggerating.
I wish I was.
Well, he certainly
keeps a low profile.
I'm searching for a recent
photo of him right now.
Yeah. He's, well, not
exactly an octogenarian.
Dhruvi: Um, Brett Stone
could stop traffic.
And the creator of
Connection Link?
He must be a kazillion-aire!
Yeah. None
of that matters.
He made it very clear he
only wears black.
How in the world am I supposed
to put my signature on the
design using all black?
I got to go, Dhruvi.
- Woman: Hola!
- Rachel: Talk tomorrow.
- Hey!
- Hola, cario!
Feliz Navidad!
Here, let me help you.
Oh, there's more on
the sidewalk.
Dnde est tu rbol de Navidad?
I haven't had time to get a
Christmas tree yet, Mama.
I will.
I wish you guys had let me
pick you up from the airport.
I have been a taxi driver in
Milwaukee for 35 years.
This gave me a chance
to tip a brother in arms
before Christmas.
Where are the angels I made
you? Still packed away?
Honestly, I've been a little
behind on Christmas this year.
I'm designing for a
charity event.
Oh, charity at
Christmas. Good for you.
Well, yeah, it would be,
except I got paired
with the most obstinate,
- narrow-minded...
- Who?
Nobody you know.
His name is Brett Stone.
The creator of Connection Link?
I love Connection Link!
You have a Connection
Link account?
Yeah. I like to keep up
to date
with all the cousins in Bolivia.
Oh, look.
Here's Evy's new sofa with
all her grandbabies on it.
And I belong
to a Fishermen of
Lake Michigan group.
We post photos of all
our best catches there.
Well, I'll be able to give you
guys the inside scoop.
I'm visiting Connection
Link headquarters tomorrow.
Now, that I'd love to see.
I could make some calls,
see if you can come with me.
It won't be for long.
I just have to get the
obstinate man's measurements.
- Cafecito?
- S!
- I'll put the kettle on.
- Gracias.
Connection Link...
Rach, it says here
they have employee nap rooms
and ping pong.
Colorful, fun, inviting.
The exact opposite
of Brett Stone.
Uh, we collect gifts
for kids throughout the city.
Brett is very intentional
about this work.
Many of our fostered teenagers
have afterschool jobs here.
Some even go to work
with us full time.
- Really?
- Yes. I am, uh, Sloan Avery,
- Brett's assistant.
- Nice to meet you, Sloan.
I'm Rachel Rocca. These are my
parents, Marciela and Tomas.
- Hi.
- It's a pleasure to meet you.
- Brett said it was okay if I...
- Oh, yes, absolutely.
We are so glad that you're
all here, but I must tell you
that Brett is caught
on an international call.
- Oh.
- Sloan: He won't be too long.
In the meantime,
may I invite you
to participate in our
gingerbread decorating class?
Franois Moreau is teaching it.
The Michelin star chef?
I love gingerbread houses!
Unfortunately, we don't really
have a whole lot of ti...
Sure. Yeah.
Sounds great.
Great. Just this way.
Thank you.
Well, I'm eager to see what
the outlandish designer
can do with gingerbread.
This is what Christmas
looks like in all black.
It could use some
color, don't you think?
Mr. Stone, thank
you for hosting us.
Tomas Rocca.
My wife, Marci.
Welcome. Welcome.
Rachel, what have you done to
your gingerbread house?
Well, Mama, Brett and
I seem to be in a quandary
over his tuxedo design.
Dilemma. Impasse. Predicament.
I know what "quandary" means.
Brett seems to think, for
the Christmas Runway show,
his tuxedo should be
in all black.
I think he should step
out of his comfort zone,
try some color.
I always wear black.
Thus the term
"comfort zone."
Well, I can see Brett's point.
Black is strong, classic.
Fernando Colunga wore all black
when he accepted his
telenovela award.
You hear that?
Fernando Colunga...
whoever that is.
But I see where Rachel's
coming from, too.
May you should try
something different,
surprise yourself...
and us.
Let's take a vote.
All in favor of black?
Okay. Brett and my
own mutinous mother.
Oh, oh, no, no, no, no, no.
I'm a cab driver.
Far too smart
to get in the middle of this
traffic jam.
I'm not changing my mind.
Then you'd better
change your bachelor.
And more black!
I think he must be
the Ghost of Christmas Future.
That would make you Scrooge,
and the Roccas are not Scrooges.
And I even forgot
to get his measurements.
Who flies a French pastry chef
in to teach their employees
gingerbread decorating?
Listen to this. "Brett
Stone is intensely private,
refuses interviews, and his
history before Connection Link
is widely
unknown." Ooh.
Have to love a handsome,
mysterious man.
It's the stuff of telenovela!
Mama... don't get
any ideas.
No ideas.
But whatever happened
to... What was his name?
- Uh, Justin. Uh, Jeremy.
- Marci: Mm.
I told you. We
just weren't a good fit.
- Marci: Back in Bolivia...
- I know how they do things
- in Bolivia, Mama.
- She's a Milwaukee girl, Marci.
Rachel: No, that's not
it, either. I just...
- What's wrong with Milwaukee?
- We just want you to be happy.
As we are.
I got to go to work.
I'm going to call
Atticus and see
if he'll switch
bachelors with me.
Oh, don't do that. Brett
invited your mother
to the Connection Link
Christmas tree lighting tonight.
I think that invitation
was for all of us.
But he said I was
his favorite Rocca.
Well, it's clearly not me.
Besides, if Atticus agrees,
I'll have the pleasure
of telling Brett
that our short but
tumultuous relationship
is thankfully over.
I see you Googled Rachel Rocca.
Look. She can't possibly
expect me to wear
one of those suits.
I mean, they're so...
bright. I
might blind someone.
I saw your face.
What face?
Yesterday, when
you first saw her,
there was a face.
Don't give me the Brett
heart of stone look.
You forget. I
knew you
before you were all
famous and intimidating.
You know, we've come a long
way, haven't we, Sloan?
In some ways, yes.
Who would have believed it?
- But...
- Just say what's on your mind.
You always do.
I know that getting...
invested in other
people is hard for us.
Probably because of
all the disappointment
- we suffered as kids.
- Well, I see
you're taking advantage
of the employee counselors
Connection Link provides.
Maybe get to know Rachel.
You remember how much I
struggled when I first met Luke.
I had to let some walls down.
You helped.
Now, look at me.
Look. If I were even
inclined to get involved...
What's up, big man?
You have to knock, DeMario.
What if every employee
just came barging in here?
Oh, sorry. I just wanted
to talk about my college apps.
Why don't you give it a try?
It's a good practice
so you don't just walk
into other people's
dorm rooms next year.
Just so you know, if I become a
psychologist like I plan to,
you are welcome to barge
into my office at any time.
- Sloan, Brett: Mm.
- Well, preferably when I'm not
- with a patient.
- Ah.
So, how's it going,
having DeMario living
with you and Luke?
- It's going great.
- Yeah?
I mean, every kid
needs a home, right?
Hello? Mr. Stone?
It is I, DeMario Truitt,
your finest part-time employee,
seeking permission to
enter the inner sanctum.
Get in here, you goof!
Let's finish those applications.
Oh. I still need a
suit for my pictures.
Oh, you know what, DeMario?
I think Brett knows just the
woman to help with that.
Dhruvi: Absolutely not.
I am not letting you
- switch bachelors with Atticus.
- Dhruvi...
Uh, let's review. We are
trying to get the attention
of the CEO of
Blaines Park Avenue.
Which bachelor would
garner the most attention?
- Brett Stone.
- Yep, and which bachelor
is the mysterious man
behind Connection Link,
a man the entire universe
is curious about?
- Brett Stone.
- Mm-hmm,
and which bachelor
is so handsome
you could put a paper
bag over his head
and every woman at the
auction would still bid?
- A paper bag?
- Look.
Brett Stone is like
a Christmas gift
that has fallen from the sky
right into our laps.
- A gift?
- You need to do
whatever it takes to
convince him.
"Gift" might be the wrong word.
This man's entire wardrobe
is monochromatic,
and I have to convince him to
wear something dazzling.
You talking about me?
- Oh.
- I, uh, would have knocked,
but the studio doors
are wide open.
As a matter of fact, I was
not talking about you.
You're rather muted, actually.
- Brett: Muted?
- Obscure. Dark. Gloomy.
I know what "muted" means.
Dhruvi Patel, meet Brett Stone.
Brett Stone, my business
partner and friend, Dhruvi.
It is so nice to meet you.
You'll have to excuse me.
I have lots to do.
But the Rocca House is very
happy to be working with you.
Thank you.
I'm glad you came by.
I think we got off on the
wrong foot yesterday.
I don't know about that. Your
parents seemed quite fond of me.
Yeah. Slick move,
inviting my mom to
the tree lighting ceremony.
She's definitely Team Brett.
Mm. Marci
has great taste.
I looked up Fernando Colunga.
So, do you design, uh, for
real men or Christmas elves?
Are you saying Christmas
elves aren't real?
What's this?
Valle del arcoiris.
Rainbow Valley.
The mineral deposits create
a really unique color palette.
But it's a real place?
And the border
of Bolivia and Chile.
My abuela, my grandmother,
grew up in a farming village
not far from there.
Imagine getting
to see that every day.
Yeah. At 19,
she came to America.
Alone. Worked hard on
a dairy farm in Milwaukee.
That's quite a
change of scenery.
Her people have a saying:
"You want to see the rainbow,
you got to face
the storm."
She was amazing, though.
My grandfather said
that just knowing her
made him walk a little taller.
Her name was Rachel.
That's why my designs
are colorful...
To honor my heritage and...
her bravery.
This is where I start before
I cut any piece of fabric.
You know what?
I have an idea.
You see this fabric?
This is from Ghana.
Over there, they celebrate
Christmas for a week.
They have a parade, and they
eat something called fufu.
And this one,
this one is from Scandinavia.
Did you know that in
Norway, after the holidays,
everybody takes
their Christmas tree outside
and it gives shelter
to the birds until spring?
I could make your tuxedo based
on your heritage,
with the fabric
and colors I use.
Where is your family from?
I could research
Christmas traditions...
Uh, Rachel, yeah, I'm, uh...
I'm... not entirely sure
about my Christmas traditions.
Why do you mean?
You know, not everyone has
a colorful grandmother
they can point to as
their inspiration.
I'm sorry.
Listen. The reason I
stopped by was to hire you.
I mentor a kid,
a really great kid,
and for some reason, he thinks
your clothes are, uh...
Cutting edge?
Designed for the modern man?
- Dope. Calls them dope.
- I'll take it.
He needs a suit, and I, uh,
will pay you whatever you charge
to make sure that it, uh...
Let's make a deal.
Doesn't sound good for me.
I will happily
make a suit for...
- DeMario.
- DeMario, free of charge,
if you meet me halfway
on the tuxedo.
I don't think there is a
halfway between you and me.
Well, there better be.
I have a lot riding on this.
Look. I'll see
you tonight,
at the tree lighting.
And I will pay for
DeMario's suit,
so please just find me
some black fabric
for my tuxedo.
Like that one,
but in an adult size.
Is the coast clear?
That is the most headstrong
person I've ever met.
And I still didn't
get his measurements.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Well, this is some
hot chocolate.
Probably made by the
finest Swiss chocolatiers,
which are here somewhere
being paid to pour it.
Oh, stop.
Oh! He's here!
Thanks. Thanks. Uh...
I'm glad to see you all.
You work hard. I know that,
and it really gives me
some great pleasure
to see you and your families
having some holiday fun.
For your work,
I say thank you.
You are what makes
Connection Link great.
I also want to thank you
for your generosity.
Now, before we get
the tree lit tonight,
I do want to remind you of
our charity, NYC Foster.
There's still plenty
of time to bring gifts.
You know, someone recently
told me that, uh, in Norway,
people take their Christmas
trees outside after the holidays
to provide shelter for the
birds until spring.
See, at Connection Link,
we created NYC Foster
because we know that
there are children
who don't have a tree... or
gifts this Christmas.
They need physical
and emotional shelter,
so please, give generously.
Alright? Shall we get
this tree lit?
Count down with
me. Let's go.
Brett, others:
Five! Four!
Three! Two!
Oh, I'm glad you made it.
The cabbies back home
won't believe I got to see this.
Don't worry. I'll
tag you on my post,
- give credit where it's due.
- Dad, Brett's a public figure.
He's got millions of followers.
It's thoughtful of you.
Speaking of credit,
you're a Christmas trivia thief.
The trees?
In Scandinavia?
- You got me.
- Tomas: Rachel hasn't gotten
her Christmas tree yet.
I was wondering if you'd
come with us to choose one.
I love my Rocca girls,
but I need a man
- to help me get it on the car.
- Uh, no, Dad.
I'm perfectly capable of
getting my own Christmas tree.
I know that you mean well,
but just because I'm a woman
- doesn't mean that...
- Tomas: Cario, it's...
- You got a lot on your plate.
- Hey, Tomas.
Let me tell you something.
Did you... Did you know
that male and female
reindeer are different?
Well, I hope think so.
Male reindeer drop their
antlers in November,
leaving them with none until
spring, but the females,
the females keep their antlers
all throughout winter.
And you've seen the pictures
of Prancer, Dasher, and Vixen.
- Of course.
- Well, they always have
their antlers, so they
must be all women.
Santa's sleigh is pulled though
the sky by powerful women.
Enjoy the festivities and make
sure you get some pictures
of that hot chocolate fountain.
We will.
Thanks, Brett.
Thanks... for that.
Uh, you know, sometimes
they just think I'm...
Their little girl?
It's kind of nice.
I've built an entire
fashion house.
I've worked hard. I've...
And somehow, they think
I still need help
getting my own Christmas tree,
when I'm perfectly capable of
doing everything on my own.
I get it. Me, too.
You, uh, don't have to come to
the Christmas tree lot.
Uh, I think I do.
See, the way I see it,
all of this is earning points
toward Team Brett's
black tuxedo.
I wouldn't bet on it.
I've got a whole rainbow
valley on my side.
Oh, she sounds
happy. That's good.
Make progress with Brett?
Oh, wow.
That's cool.
He's agreed to wear this?
Oh, it's not for him.
Buenos das!
Oh! Working
on the accent,
but you're getting there.
I brought the fabric
we discussed, to exchange.
- Rachel: Thank you!
- Dhruvi: You brought it
all the way here
yourself? Suspicious.
I'm not here to spy,
unless you want to show me
unless you want to
show me your design,
let me see what I'm up against.
Uh, no way. I will get you the
fabric Rachel promised,
and then you are out of here.
Hi! How are you?
I want every detail.
About Brett Stone.
- Come on.
- Oh, I don't know
any more about him than
the rest of the world does.
Hmm? Spill the tea.
Well, he's not quite as
brooding as everyone thinks.
I mean, I've known him
almost a week,
and he actually smiled.
Well, count your
blessings, Rachel.
My bachelor has a
friend, a woman friend,
who thinks she needs to
oversee every stitch.
Well, at least you're
stitching. I mean,
- I haven't even started...
- Hey, hey, hey!
No more offering information
to the enemy camp!
- This is a contest, you two!
- Rachel: But it's Atticus!
I mean, without him,
we wouldn't even be here.
Uh, yes, you would.
You're brilliant.
All I did was...
Come to my first show?
Sit in the front row?
Yeah. I'll never
forget it.
No. Don't be modest.
Without you being there, nobody
would have paid attention
to my designs.
Dhruvi: And even though
I'm throwing you out,
I do appreciate you
introducing us at Blaines.
Oh, how did the meeting go?
Ooh, it went well,
except he hasn't agreed
- to hear a full pitch yet.
- Ah. Marc takes his time.
Don't worry. Blaines
Park Avenue knows talent.
Well, we owe you one regardless.
- Rachel: More than one!
- Ah, stop.
It's impossible to find a
true friend in this business.
I'm blessed to have you.
Mwah. Mwah, mwah, mwah,
mwah, mwah!
I'm off!
Back to work!
Oh, and, um, I
didn't see a thing.
Rachel: Hey, can
I show you something?
- Dhruvi: Yes.
- Rachel: So, I was thinking
I could do something like this.
Nosotras siempre
conseguimos un abeto azul.
S. Pero los pinos escocess
mantienen sus agujas.
They're debating
the type of tree to get.
Well, uh, I vote Frasier fir.
- Not even under consideration.
- I figured.
Rachel: You know what?
Let's split up.
Dad, take Mom, go that way.
Brett and I will go this way.
And we all know
the parameters, right?
Old brownstone,
eight-foot ceiling.
But it needs to
be a blue spruce!
Why is being part of a family
so difficult sometimes?
Oh, I don't know about that.
You seem very fortunate.
Yeah. You're right.
I'm just a little
stressed out right now.
I invited them for Christmas,
and then I went and agreed
to make your tuxedo
for the Gala.
They go sight-seeing
while I'm at work.
My dad enjoys getting to know
the New York cab drivers.
But I'm still worried that
they don't have enough to do.
You know, in Milwaukee, my dad
would be driving
Christmas shoppers around.
My mom would be
making her angels.
Yeah. She makes these
really beautiful angels
for the church Christmas
bazaar. They're really popular.
She's even getting started
on next year's already.
Ah, so is that where you
get your talent?
I don't know.
I never thought of it that way.
I always thought I
was a Rocca anomaly.
Oh, I think you're
a Rocca through and through.
I found one!
Oh. Thank you, honey.
Okay. Now you.
Oh, no, Mama.
What? Brett's a very
important person.
He can't walk around with pine
needles all over him.
Mama, stop! You're
acting like his mother.
That's not such a
bad thing, is it, Brett?
Well, let's get this tree home
and get it decorated.
Marci made her eggnog.
You'll love it.
Oh, no, Dad.
You can't monopolize
Brett's time like that.
He's a very busy person.
Yes. Uh, thank you, but I...
I do have a prior commitment.
Yeah. We wouldn't want
to keep you from your plans.
You know what? If you'd be okay
with me bringing a plus one,
I... I'd love to help
decorate the tree.
- Plus one?
- Tomas: Yes, of course.
The more, the merrier.
Izquierda. Ms.
Izquier... No. S. Perfecto.
So, this should dispel any
matchmaking ideas
you two have been harboring.
And be nice to the
woman he's bringing.
Cario, you seem far more
concerned about Brett's plus one
than we are. It's all you've
talked about since we got home.
That's not true.
I'll get that.
Welcome! Please,
come in.
So happy to have you
in our home.
And who's this?
Rocca family, please meet...
DeMario Truitt.
The famous DeMario!
I understand I'm going
to make you a suit.
Your clothes
are hype, Ms. Rocca.
Oh, call me Rachel.
Did you hear that?
My clothes are hype.
That's one word for them.
Those are your mom's angels?
Yeah. I get a new
one every year.
Ah. They're
really beautiful.
I can see how her daughter
became a designer.
Hold still.
Uh, the designer has an idea.
Uh, I think the whole idea
is to decorate the tree,
not un-decorate it.
There you go.
A little color.
Didn't hurt, did it?
No. Didn't
hurt at all.
Tomas: Here they are.
DeMario found them.
The box of family ornaments from
when Rachel was small.
Marci: Ah!
Rachel was something,
even back then.
One time, while practicing
for the church
Christmas pageant,
she insisted on
being a shepherd,
even though boys had already
been chosen for the roles.
I'll never forget.
She said to the director,
"My grandmother tended to
animals in Bolivia.
Women can be
shepherds, too."
Did they let you be a shepherd?
Uh, no. I was
a donkey.
Which... now that I
think of it...
Oh, my...
Tell us about your
family, DeMario.
I live with Sloan and
her husband, Luke.
You know, uh, the other day
at Connection Link,
- we were, uh...
- It's... it's okay.
I grew up in foster
homes, Mr. Rocca.
My story has a lot
of... twists and turns.
Well, it's been a long time
since I've met such
a fine young man,
twists and turns and all.
DeMario: I'm submitting
my college applications now.
My grades are
good. Hopefully,
the future is a little less...
Well, it's like Brett is
always telling me.
The best way to predict
the future is to create it.
Actually, Abraham Lincoln said
that, uh, but Rachel knows.
I mean, I'm a shameless
Christmas trivia thief, too.
Brett has really
been there for me.
He's the guy
that always shows up.
I'll be holding
Holding on to you
Holding, holding
DeMario, honey,
I want you to have this.
For Christmas.
My own angel?
To watch over you.
Iluminando el camino.
- Lighting the way.
- Thank you.
We're home as long
as you are here
Tomorrow at Connection Link,
we have Martha Stewart
teaching garland making.
Will you be my guest?
- Uh, absolutely!
- Can I come, too?
Yeah, both of you,
and stay for lunch.
Something to do while
Rachel's working.
Isn't that a little premature?
We haven't even heard
from Blaines yet.
Well, when you win, we
will, and I want to have
the bones of a sales deck ready
for his viewing pleasure.
Okay. How would you
describe the new line?
I don't know. Let me give
it some more thought.
I need to get this suit ready
for the seamstress today
and then give my
full attention to the tux.
I've wasted an
entire week already
trying to get Brett
to see things my way,
but the clock is ticking.
Okay. How does
this one hit you?
For Brett? Are you sure?
- No, for DeMario.
- Oh.
But Brett and I did have a
breakthrough last night.
- Mm?
- He actually let me put
a red Christmas ribbon
into his pocket.
Sounds like a
regular quantum leap.
You should see him with DeMario.
He's almost... fun.
I'm starting to think
that there's a man
beyond the public image
that he only lets
certain people see.
Way beyond.
Maybe, but I've decided to
dress that man for the Gala.
The hidden one.
And I think I know how to do it.
Dhruvi: Well? You going
to tell me or what?
Oh. No.
Rachel, are you okay with gold
buttons instead of silver?
Uh, yeah.
Buttons? Silver?
Good. Love it.
- I'll have it on time, but...
- Yeah.
- I just wanted you to know.
- Okay.
Are you beatboxing?
I wasn't beatboxing.
"Jingle Bells." You were
beatboxing "Jingle Bells."
You are hearing things.
What's on your mind?
Just when I thought
I figured out
how to work with
one demanding executive,
Sybil Neale calls,
taking me up on my offer
to help with the Gala.
Good luck. She's
way worse than me.
Since NYC Foster is our charity,
she wants us to put
something on the table.
You know, as a favor
to the guests.
Hmm. A favor?
It's something
that they can take home
that reminds them of the event.
Ideally, I'd like to remind them
of the kids in foster care.
I was thinking a
brochure, but that la...
An angel.
A what?
Everyone gets an angel.
Okay. An angel.
Come in!
- Hey!
- Hey.
Rachel: Thanks for
coming to get measured.
Just give me a second.
This is DeMario's suit.
What do you think?
It's perfect for him.
Yeah. I can't tell you how happy
designing this suit made me.
All day, even though I
have so much to do,
I just kept thinking how I
was somehow contributing
to his inevitable success.
Yeah. I mean, DeMario has
a way, doesn't he?
You can't help but root for him.
Yeah. But it's also
more than that.
I mean, Dhruvi and I
have been brainstorming
ways to elevate the brand,
and we're trying to get a
menswear line into Blaines.
And all day, I've
just been struggling,
try to articulate,
you know, like,
what it is that I'm dreaming of.
Like, what is the menswear line?
Well, tell me more.
Well, um, I mean, DeMario's
suit, for instance.
All I want is for him
to feel confident
when he puts it on.
You know, show the
world who he is.
And it dawned on me. That's what
my menswear line is...
Finely tailored, colorful
designs that make
the everyday man
walk a little taller.
Well, with that much enthusiasm,
you almost had me convinced.
You just wait.
I'm going to start
designing for women, too.
Don't underestimate me.
You know, I'm learning
a lot of things these days.
One of which is, don't
ever underestimate Rachel Rocca.
Oh, yeah?
What else are you learning?
Well, she's smart,
she's gifted,
she's determined, and I find her
completely irresistible.
Lift up
your arms. Please.
You know, normally, you
have to wrap the tape
around the model
to get a measurement.
- Yeah, I know.
- You know?
I've done this, like,
hundreds of times.
Hold still.
Okay. That's...
Let's go, Tomas. We don't want
to be late on our first day.
I'll grab your
coat. It's chilly.
Wait. Nobody move.
What's going on?
Oh, hi, honey.
Did we wake you?
Dad, what are you wearing?
It's my uniform.
You like it?
We work at Connection Link now.
We wanted to wait up
to tell you last night,
but you worked so late.
What do you mean, you
work at Connection Link?
Oh, it's just a seasonal
thing. One of Brett's drivers
asked for an extended holiday,
so here I am.
Marci: And I've been hired
to make angels, 200 of them!
I was given a craft
room and a small staff.
I'm training them today. Oh, I
hope they catch on quick.
I have a brand to protect.
Tomas: Have a good
day, Rach. Love you, honey.
Marci: Don't worry
about us for dinner.
Who knows how late we'll be?
What do you think?
Or a bit more loose?
It's perfect, too.
You're the client, DeMario.
Can't all be perfect.
You got to speak up.
I've never had
anything this nice.
Watch this.
Hey, you're pretty good at that.
I love it, Rachel.
Thank you.
Oh, I love it, too.
It fits my design
aesthetic perfectly.
You get me, DeMario.
Oh, I get you.
You're fly, girl.
Now, I just have
to convince Brett.
He's so stubborn with that tux.
Stubborn? Never
noticed that.
Are we talking about the
same Brett Stone,
founder of Connection Link?
If people only knew what
Brett's been through,
- they would understand him.
- What's Brett been through?
Your suit's not only going
to get me into college.
Just wait until Bethann
Horton sees me in it.
Marci: Sure.
I'm going to learn from you.
Marci: Oh, thank you. The
secret is to press down firmly
on the cookie.
Alright. Perfecto.
Tomas: Now, he's a pro.
What in the world?
I'm sorry.
When I asked if we could
do our fitting here, I didn't...
Look at the apron I found Brett.
Isn't it perfect?
Wait. They talked
you into making cookies?
No, alfajores,
just like how they're
made in Bolivia.
Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah. Don't...
Don't you even think
of eating one,
because if you don't bake it...
You can't take it.
Rachel, you know how
to make alfajores.
Why don't you finish this
last batch with Brett?
Your dad and I are bushed,
and we need to, uh, get
our rest for work tomorrow.
I'm not...
You're very tired.
I'm so sorry.
And a little embarrassed.
Yeah, but just take
a look at this apron.
I mean, it's just my style, huh?
Ooh, I made something
for my father's uniform,
just to see your face,
but I think you need it more.
Ho, ho, ho.
Yeah! Now,
that's Christmas!
Can I ask you something?
- Yeah.
- Why black?
I mean, why all black?
That's a story for another day.
Should we try on your tux?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
I'm looking forward
to seeing this.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
You're not getting flour
on my work. Come here.
Alright. Okay.
Please tell me my tuxedo doesn't
have a big red flower on it.
Would you wear it if it did?
The way I'm feeling
right now, I just might.
Tuxedo time.
I hate it.
Thank goodness.
Rachel: Absolutely hate it.
But it's not because
it's not fabulous.
It is. It's just not
fabulous on you.
Mm. no. No,
it's not.
Ugh, but the problem
is, I'm not sure I know
- exactly what would be.
- Well, I'm not sure
I've mentioned this, but
you know, black,
black really suits me.
See, I don't think so.
You know, I know you think
that I'm just trying
to advance my brand,
my aesthetic.
Yeah. It's
crossed my mind.
And I am.
Of course I am.
You're a businessman.
You know
exactly what that
opportunity means to me.
But it's more than that now.
I'm starting to see...
well, part of who
you really are.
When we first met at the hotel,
I thought...
well, I thought we were the most
ill-suited pair in the room.
I was cursing the candy cane
that brought us together.
You know, I know
there's things you're
not telling me,
and that's fine.
You know, these
things take time.
But I really... I really
think it would help
if I knew a little
more about you...
So that I could design
- for the real you...
- Rach...
Because I'm pretty sure
Brett Stone is not all dark
and somber and serious.
It's just his
well-spun public image.
Curated. Refined.
Yeah. I know... I know what
it means, Rachel.
Look. You have a
goal, okay?
And I have a goal.
Um, right now,
they're not aligned.
Well, maybe we could
talk about things,
- come up with some ideas.
- Rachel, you want to know more.
I was a foster kid...
just like DeMario.
My first foster parent, Daryl,
took me to my mother's funeral.
He was, uh, a very kind man.
Somehow scrounged up a kid's
black suit for me to wear.
Only three people came.
One was the police officer
who had helped me.
I remember she saw me
and she said...
"Look at you in that black suit.
That's a power suit. I
think you're going
to go places."
She was just trying
to encourage me,
and I guess it worked.
I never forgot those words.
Yeah. It left
quite an impression.
Listen. The only
reason I even agreed
to participate in the
auction in the first place
was to bring attention to
my charity, NYC Foster.
- People will pay attention.
- Yeah, but can't you see
that I don't want the headlines
to be about what I wear?
I... I don't want it to be
about how it's the first time
anybody's ever seen Brett Stone
in a... in a colorful tuxedo.
That's what
these people focus on.
I want everyone to focus
on the kids, Rachel,
the foster kids, and
about how they need help.
Who cares what I wear?
I do.
I have to.
My whole future may
be riding on it.
Okay. So, you have a call with
Chef Jose Andreas at noon.
Brett: Yes. Uh, make sure we
send him a substantial donation.
Sloan: Right.
Gee, Sloan.
I wonder who that could be.
Probably a
sharply dressed teenager.
Huh? Did Rachel do me
a solid or what?
That girl has talent.
Come on, big guy.
The photographer's taking my
college photos today.
Lay on some compliments.
You look great.
And just in time,
because Rachel is not too
happy with me right now, guys.
DeMario: You know all that
help and advice you give me?
Yeah. I seem to
recall a few moments.
Well, now, it's
my turn to repay you.
There is one area of life
where I'm the mentor
and you're the student.
Besides personal style?
I'm talking about love.
Please, expound.
It's obvious to
everyone... Right, Sloan?
- Right.
- That you like Rachel Rocca.
Like, really like.
You just need to let
her see your true self.
That's what I've been saying!
You're the best, Brett.
She couldn't do better than you.
I'm not sure she
sees it the same way.
Well, dude,
there's a certain Bethann who
works in the mailroom
that hasn't seen me
in this suit yet.
If you're not going
to go for it,
I am.
- We've created a monster.
- I think we have.
I think our monster's
on to something.
You have everything you
could have ever wanted...
except for the one thing
that you really want.
Come in.
You win, Brett Stone.
The photo shoot's in a week,
and it'll be written
all over your face
if you hate the tuxedo.
- Black it is.
- I'll wear whatever you want.
Orange. Red.
Emerald green.
I'll even wear a
rainbow if you want.
That's not funny.
We both have a lot at stake.
I'm not trying to be funny.
Then what are you saying?
Why don't you put down the
scissors? And I'll tell you.
Last night, when you said I have
a well-spun public image...
I'm not ashamed of being
a foster kid, at all.
As a matter of fact, I'm...
quite proud of how
far I've come.
Why don't you tell people?
All I want to do
is protect my mother.
She loved me very much,
but she struggled,
and we found
ourselves in places.
Tough places.
She's been gone 23
years this Christmas.
She loved the
holidays, and I know
she never had any intention
of missing this many.
Sometimes, I imagine what
she would think of me.
My father calls it
"rebosante de orgullo."
Bursting with pride.
My mom's life doesn't
need to be fodder
for these gossip
columns. I just...
I don't understand why there's
so much fascination about me
in the media, online.
Everybody loves a wildly
successful, mysterious man.
They've read too
many romance novels.
All I want to do is guard
my mother's reputation.
I'm still protecting her heart.
So I... I keep my past to myself
but pour everything that
I have into the foster kids.
Thank you for telling me.
I hope it helped you as
much as it helped me.
Next time you're tempted
to get irritated
with those great parents of
yours, even though they meddle
and don't understand you,
consider the alternative.
I'll let you get back to work.
Photo shoot in a week.
- Hi.
- Oh, my goodness.
Everyone's here tonight.
I'll never get any work done.
Yeah. I saw Brett
on my way in.
Well? You clearly want to
tell me something.
What's going on?
Before I do, I have to warn you.
You are going to have
mixed emotions about this.
I just got off the phone with
the business manager
at Atticus Winter's
Fashion House.
He got engaged!
Why are you so happy
that the business
manager got engaged?
No. The bachelor.
Atticus Winter's
bachelor got engaged
and no longer wants to
be auctioned off at the Gala.
- What?
- Atticus is out
of the Christmas
Runway competition.
Now, I know you're going
to be sad about this,
but look at it this way.
Atticus is already
a global brand.
Something like this
won't affect him at all.
We both know he was our
biggest competition.
Now, we have an even
greater chance of winning,
of proving what
you are capable of.
- Yeah, but Atticus and I...
- Ah!
Back to work. This needs to
be the tuxedo of all tuxedos,
and I have to take this.
You got this, Rachel.
Hi. Yes. Let me just
get to my office.
I've got those numbers for you.
Tomas: And it's hard
to find the time
to wrap her gifts in secret.
Marciela Rocca has eyes in
the back of her head.
We've barely seen
Rachel in three days.
Working around
the clock in her studio.
Well, here she is now.
Looks like she's coming
by the office later.
Um, look. I can't force
her to rest,
but I will make sure she
eats something, okay?
Ugh. All
night again?
Are you happy?
It needs a bit of tweaking,
but overall,
I'm ecstatic.
Come here.
I guess the better question
is, will Brett be happy?
Oh, that doesn't even matter.
Oh. I mean, I like your moxie,
but why do I get the feeling
this isn't going to
work out so well?
It doesn't matter what
Brett thinks,
because he's not going
to be wearing it.
Here. These are
Brett's measurements.
Call Atticus right away
and give them to him. His team
can make the adjustments
to the tuxedo easily.
Uh, I don't understand.
I'm giving Atticus my model
for the Christmas
Runway contest.
- Dhruvi: But...
- Atticus always uses black
in his formalwear. I have
no doubt that he did it again.
Rachel, I realize you
haven't slept,
but have you lost your mind?
We need this.
Blaines Park Avenue?
What if told you I've
figured out a better way
to show Blaines
exactly who we are?
What could be better than
Brett Stone wearing your tux?
Showing everyone at the Gala
that we're the fashion house
that makes men walk
a little taller.
Yeah. Hear me out.
What is all of this?
Uh, you know, just
a quiet dinner
for a woman who hasn't
eaten all day or all week.
But don't dim
the lights too much.
I might go off to La La Land.
Ah, that would be okay, too,
if that's what you need.
Don't tell me Gordon
Ramsey is going to walk in
and serve our dinner.
No. Uh... takeout.
This is the only place
I could think of
where we'd be completely alone.
It's perfect.
So, how's the tux coming along?
Uh, about that...
If it's okay with you,
I'd like you to wear
Atticus Winter's design.
Please. It would mean
a lot to me.
Not sure I'm following.
Well... what if
I told you
I've thought of a way that we
could both reach our goals?
It was actually
you who made me see it,
when you said that you
didn't want people
thinking about what you
were wearing at the Gala;
you wanted them focusing
on something more important...
The foster kids.
You were absolutely right,
and it made me realize
that I don't want people talking
about one tuxedo I design.
I want them to understand
something bigger...
My vision.
I want them to know
that Rachel Rocca
is the designer that makes
everyday men walk tall,
just like my abuela did.
And you, Brett Stone,
are not an everyday man.
You're not my model.
That's the nicest
rejection I've ever gotten.
I promised you I'd
wear whatever you wanted me,
and if that's Atticus
Winters's tuxedo,
then that's what
I'm going to wear.
Thank you, Brett.
Of course.
But I do think I'm going
to have an interesting future.
Oh, yeah?
Yeah. It says here I can
now bet on my favorite bachelor
without looking like
I'm promoting my own brand.
You're planning to bid on me.
Does this mean you now believe
we are well suited
for each other?
It just might.
Woman: A little to
the left, Mr. Stone.
That's great.
Perfect. Thank you.
Wow. The tuxedo
looks great.
Thank you.
Helps that it's being worn
by a smoldering ice god.
"Smoldering ice god"?
Is there even such a thing?
Yeah. You're
looking at him.
It's funny. It's almost as if
you designed it for him.
It's perfect.
If you did this because
you feel like you owe me...
No! Hey.
It's like you said. It's
because we're impossible friends
in a dog-eat-dog industry.
We are, aren't we?
So, who's your new
model? Somebody I know?
A newcomer.
Oh, do tell.
Well, I...
Mr. Winters, do
you have a moment
to talk to me about your design?
Writing an article
for the spread.
Oh, absolutely.
This way.
You looked, uh, great.
You look absolutely stunning.
So, who's your model?
It's my fault. The
traffic was terrible.
Okay. There's
plenty of time.
DeMario, your
tuxedo's back there.
The garment suit
has my name on it.
You can change
behind the curtain.
That's my model...
Mr. DeMario Truitt.
Mr. Stone,
any chance I could get
a quote for the article?
Actually, yes. I'd love
to tell you about NYC Foster.
So sorry we're late. The
traffic, and we got talking.
Cario, did you know that Brett
grew up a foster kid, too?
Uh, let's, uh, talk
about that at home, okay?
I got to go help DeMario.
He's next.
And that's how we ensure
that every donation
goes directly to the children.
Great. I think
I got what I need.
Thank you.
Tomas, um, look.
I'm going to change,
but, uh, you mind
taking DeMario back on his own?
Of course.
Thank you.
That Brett Stone has a
fitting name, huh?
Handsome, but it's
like talking to a brick wall.
Yeah. He's all business.
That's for sure.
It's like, relax, pal.
Just try smiling
a little bit, right?
If the two of you had one
inkling about Brett's past,
you wouldn't dare make such
flippant comments.
And you are?
I'm his driver.
What did you mean...
about Brett's past?
Just be a little
more kind to people.
It's Christmas.
Well, that guy's loyal.
Yeah. I think
I just stumbled
to a bigger story
than bachelors in bowties.
Time to do some real digging.
You know, I was thinking
we can go together.
- How does that sound?
- Should I tell my dad
- that he'll be driving us?
- No. I'm... I'm going to take
- one of my personal cars.
- Oh!
And I'm going to drive it
myself, because I don't think
I need your father, you
know, watching
the long goodnight kiss I give
his daughter after the Gala.
Oh! You
plan to kiss me?
Often. Yeah.
But not tonight.
You need to sleep.
Let me see you in.
I'm perfectly capable of
walking myself into my home.
I know, but I'm not
taking my eyes off of you
- until you're inside anyway.
- What could possible happen
to me between here and there?
Maybe I just like
looking at you.
Still here.
It's kind of nice, isn't it,
having someone who
won't underestimate you
but still wants
to look out for you?
Kind of nice.
Goodnight, Rachel.
You know what?
I don't think I'm
too tired for that kiss.
You're done for, Rachel.
Go up to bed, honey.
Sleep the entire day.
You've earned it.
And miss the wrapping party?
Oh, no. Not
a chance.
I'll go make some coffee.
You go take a shower, okay?
And then fold the corners in.
- Excellent.
- Beep, beep!
- Hey, Bethann.
- Hi.
Um, oh, uh, something came
for you, DeMario,
- in the mailroom.
- Thanks.
Okay. Bye.
It's from NYU.
Go ahead.
I got in!
Congratulations, DeMario!
Oh, my gosh!
Okay. I... I will
be right back.
I... I need to make
a quick call to Luke.
He's going to be so happy.
I never doubted
you for a second.
It was the suit.
No. It's because
you're dope.
Thank you.
For what?
For DeMario.
And for what you've done for me.
Well, I'm not the
only one doing things.
You gave my parents jobs.
You're absolutely crazy.
I was just trying to
get your attention
by any means possible.
Oh. Well, it worked.
You have my full attention.
I need to speak with you.
What's happened?
Um... I just got
an email
from the editor of
Premiere Fashion magazine,
asking if we care to comment
before he publishes the article.
He sent me an advanced draft.
I... The
headline reads,
"The Truth Behind
Connection Link Founder's
Heart of Stone."
I just looked at it quickly. It
has a lot of information
about your mom, your...
Pretty much reveals
your whole past... and hers.
Yeah, but only a few
people even know.
I mean, who would...
I don't know.
Rachel, did you...
No comment. Tell him
I have no comment.
Brett, I...
Are we going to talk about this?
You heard me.
No comment.
I tried calling him last
night, to talk.
Give him some more time.
Time isn't going to fix this.
I can't believe he would think I
would talk to that journalist.
I don't think there is
any fixing this.
I, uh, think this may be, uh...
My fault.
What are you talking about, Dad?
Big guy.
Hey. Have a seat.
We better get going, man.
It's only two hours
until the Gala.
What do you plan to
do if one of these women
actually buys a date with you?
I thought you knew.
Knew what?
Rachel made a
deal with Sybil Neale.
Any bids for me are going to
go towards my college tuition.
Your... your what? Wait.
I already told you I would pay.
This way, I can kind of
earn some of it.
Rachel told me to walk tall,
that I'm going places.
She gets me.
She gets you, too,
and that's no easy thing, man.
And you know what?
Maybe that article
isn't such a bad thing.
Yeah. I don't... I don't want
to talk about it.
When I went to
my first foster home,
I was scared.
Really scared.
If I had known that the
founder of Connection Link
had been in my shoes once,
I think that would
have helped me.
Imagine. Brett Stone
is just like me.
Who knows how that magazine
got the info on your mom?
Just doesn't seem like something
Rachel would do, though,
does it?
She needs to win.
Something to help lift
her spirits.
I'm not sure winning
the contest is all she needs.
The most handsome
cabbie to ever drive
the streets in Milwaukee.
Well, it doesn't hurt that
I have a beautiful woman
on my arm.
Now, Let's go support our
girl no matter what happens.
- Yes.
- I'll get your coat.
Thank you.
Tomas: Brett!
Brett: I was, uh, hoping
to catch Rachel before the Gala
so we can talk.
She left early to explain
everything to DeMario.
I wanted to see you
both, too, to apologize.
No, no, no, no, no. I
should apologize, Brett.
I'm very, very fond of your
daughter. I mean, she's...
She's all I can think about.
If there's one thing I
know about Rachel,
it's that she's fallen
for you, too, son.
Yes. We share
a name.
Did you know, Brett, that
Rocca and Stone
mean the same thing,
rock and stone?
It doesn't mean that we were
made hard and unmovable.
It means we always have a
firm place to stand.
We're strong, like a mountain.
Well, I may have to move a
mountain to get Rachel back.
- My behavior was...
- If you want to see
the rainbow, you have
to face the storm.
Face the storm?
Now, let's go and get
our girl, okay? Vmonos.
Let's go.
He is a staple on Wall Street
with advanced knowledge of
complex investment scenarios.
This bachelor knows what to do
with all that bacon
you ladies bring home.
Who would like
to start the bidding?
I see $1,000.
The guys won't believe this.
Can I get $2,000?
And what do you think
of our city, Mr. Rocca?
- Oh, it's something, for sure.
- Ah. Get ready.
I think your daughter is about
to be the pride of New York.
Whatever New York thinks of
Rachel hardly matters.
She's always been the pride of
Tomas and Marciela Rocca.
Rebosante de orgullo.
Bursting with pride.
Sold for $3,500!
Our next model is a
newcomer to the runway.
He is proud to represent
tonight's charity, NYC Foster...
- This is it. It's DeMario.
- Wow. It's DeMario.
Sybil: because he grew
up in foster care himself.
Please welcome DeMario Truitt.
Sybil: Mr. Truitt has recently
been accepted to NYU.
So, any bids for DeMario this
evening are not for a date,
but they will offset his
college tuition.
I see $10,000!
Well, that should buy
a textbook or two.
Rachel, honey, that
tuxedo is to die for.
I want one.
Well, it'll cost you.
Bet on DeMario's tuition,
and I'll make it happen.
$10,000 more!
And now for our final bachelor.
I know many of you have
been holding on to your wallets,
waiting for him.
Please welcome Mr. Brett
Stone to the runway.
I'd like you to read
from these cards instead.
Sorry to scoop your
magazine's scoop,
but if anyone is going
to tell my story,
it's going to be me.
- What's going on?
- I don't know.
Sybil: "Brett Stone agreed
to be auctioned tonight
because he wants to
bring attention to his charity,
NYC Foster.
But he has recently
come to realize
that the best way to do that
is to tell the truth
about his past.
Brett lived in five
different foster homes
before turning 18.
His mother, who was
no stranger to trouble...
passed when he was nine.
Brett is proud to
represent NYC Foster,
and he wants to set the
record straight.
You may think that being the
founder of Connection Link
is his greatest accomplishment,
but supporting his fellow
foster children actually is."
You know what? I
will be right back.
Mr. Nielson.
It's good to see you again.
- Marc, please.
- Marc.
I was completely taken with the
tuxedo Rachel designed.
DeMario stole the whole show.
You could just see how
great he felt in it.
He was walking tall.
Exactly. I think Blaines Park
Avenue is very interested
in a menswear line like that.
Early in the new year,
would you be willing
to sit down, hammer
out the details?
Yes. I would.
Thank you.
And Merry Christmas.
You, too.
Oh. Don't mind
if I do.
Forgive me.
Or dance with me. I mean, I'll
take whatever at this point.
I heard you went
for quite a price.
I think Sybil said it was
a Gala record on any bachelor.
I bought myself.
That was Sloan calling
out higher bids from the back
until she won.
There's only one
woman in this room
I want to go on a date with,
and I figured she would not
be bidding tonight.
So, would you go on
a date with me?
I mean, for what it cost,
we could visit Santa
at the North Pole
for Christmas dinner.
I don't know.
If we do this,
you're going to have to
learn to trust me.
I know.
I do.
But be patient with me.
I'm still trying
to extricate myself
from a well-spun public image.
Detach. Disentangle. Rescue.
Yeah. I know
what "extricate" means.
So, what do you say?
A date?
Can I choose what suit you wear?
Rachel, you can choose every
suit I ever wear again.
Ladies and gentlemen,
if I could have your
attention, please?
The judges have deliberated,
and the winner of the
Christmas Runway Contest is...
Rachel Rocca.
You did it! You did it!
Rachel, come on up
for a photo, please.
Take a photo with me.
Uh, wait.
Okay. I'm ready now.
Rachel. Thank you.
Man: Alright! Everybody,
let's hit the dance floor!
Let's dance.
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
- Tomas: Congratulations.
- Thank you.
Tomas: Congrats.
We did it!