Welle, Die (The Wave) (2008) Movie Script

Based on a true story
Good morning.
Good morning.
Yes exactly, and always be on the watch
for the kids smoking in the schoolyard, OK?
Hello, my precious.
Well, my rocker?
You know we teachers are
lazy, don't spoil our image.
I only need to copy a few worksheets.
Have you already been at Kohlhage's?
No, why?
Oh, she has asked for you.
Then I'll go.
Autocracy? I thought it was very
clear deal that I'll do Anarchy course.
Dieter Wieland just
presented his concept to me.
He spent whole week preparing
hard he mastered it perfectly...
...and I just started to
prepare over the weekend.
Yes, bit late, right.
Wieland, Wieland have no
idea at all about the topic.
I've studied in Berlin, I have lived
five years in the last house in Kreuzberg.
better suitable to do it, than me?
If you really care so much then you can ask
Mr Wieland whether he want to switch with you.
Could you do it again...
You make a deal with him yourself.
Mr. Wieland.
Mr Wenger.
It is about the issue
for the project week.
Yes, and?
I wanted to ask you if you could switch?
I have Autocracy.
Alea iacta est.
The die is cast.
You know very well how much
I would like to teach Anarchy.
Seems even too likely to me.
In the Project Week we focus on teaching the students
about the benefits of the democracy for the world.
How to mix Molotov cocktails...
...maybe only in the Chemistry lessons.
Have a Nice day.
I loved you...
...you have betrayed me.
But the dream of life,
of love, confidence,...
...this once real dream
I have not forgotten.
I want to build it
up with my billion,...
...change the past by destroying you.
I thank you for the bouquete.
Would anything change, if I
lie in a box in Golden Apostle?
He is really ridiculous, man.
Not true?
Do you really know.
I will take you in your coffin to Capri.
Moment, he says quite something else.
Now I want to say it so.
Ferdi dude, but this one time we wanted to do
it through the End, without interruption, right?
You have stopped it.
Supreme Theatre rule, Karo :
"Always continue."
Dennis, you wanted to compare
play's critique for capitalism...
...to current globalisation issues.
Yes, and that is why I also show
the play in more contemporary manner.
It is okay if it is
contemporary, but this is silly.
You can not enforce it.
Yes, we actually play Drrenmatt,
not some rubbish comedy club piece.
I thank you for the wreaths,
the chrysanthemums and roses.
Hey, that sounds totally shitty!
Sorry, I'm most certainly not
going to to say it in that way.
Forget it.
Quite simply, if Ferdi isn't
going to follow the script,...
...then I can also not play.
He is' still young square.
Oh man, I'm not in the mood any more.
I am leaving now, are you going with me?
It's really better, if...
If the piece is played
much more serious.
Yes, there's simply no sense
if each one does what he wants.
Are you coming to the game today?
Lisa and I have yet to learn Spanish.
Still have the whole afternoon.
Well, what courses
did you registered for?
Yes, for the Project Week.
They hanged the lists already?
I want to take Autocracy.
Yes cool, I'll be there, too.
Then I must....
Would you sign me in too?
For what?
Well, for that one you are taking too.
See you.
Now once again pull
yourself together, okay?
Now i want to see a
real, aggressive play.
Pay attention to defense and
go for Konter cover, okay?
For your knowledge, we have now
Marco. Marco, this
one goes for you, too.
Yes, work together.
Yes, pay attention to the defence.
And hold together, play
together. Okay? 8 minutes to go.
Once more, now come, come, go.
Watch out!
Beautiful, beautiful
go to the front now!
Beautiful, Marco!
Give it!Give the Game! Sinan is free!
- Marco, I am free!
- Trust me just once.
Damn it, what are you doing again!?
Sinan was free!
...free for a date, or what?
What's wrong with you ?
Martin, now tell us, yes?
Tell me, against what can
we actually rebel today?
Nothing has any value anymore, yes?
Everyone has only his...
His own pleasure in mind.
What our generation is missing...
...is a common goal...
that will bring us together.
That is the spirit of
our times, get a grip.
The most googled person
in Internet is Who?
Paris "Fucking" Hilton.
- Oh, shit.
- Without shit.
Hey, let it out. It will be better.
And Stolti, do you have some dope today?
Yes, of course.
And it's really one, or?
Of course,...
...colleague of mine brought
it from Holland yesterday.
Is your brain completely burned out, why
are u running around with so much grass.
I will worry about the cops myself.
What do u want for it?
- What?
- I'll give you for free.
You are my homies.
The water is totally
cool, probably 16 degrees.
Wouldn't you like to swim for a while?
That would be good for you.
Maybe later.
How is your shoulder?
Is back in normal.
You should not overload it?
No, no.
Do you want some coffee?
Yes. Thank you.
Good morning.
Is there something for free?
- All fresh, Rainer?
- I hope.
- Good morning, Rainer.
- Sinan.
Quite frankly I'm a bit surprised...
...that so many are interested
in the Autocracy topic.
In your place, I would
rather pick Anarchy.
By "old fart" Wieland?
These are your own words.
Autocracy, what is it?
Come on, you have chosen that topic.
You must know at least
something about it.
Well, hopefully it will
not put more stress on us.
Seriously, what is the meaning
of autocratic forms of government?
Maybe something like monarchy?
Not necessarily.
Ferdi, do u have any
thoughts about this?
It's a car race in
craters. (Auto-Cracy)
Now that was really
very resourceful answer.
Dictatorship perhaps?
Among other things, yes. Karo?
I think the autocracy
is if an individual...
...or a group dominate the mass.
Autocracy derives from the Greek...
...and means self-rule.
Also, "Auto" from yourself and
"Kratia" from to dominate, Power.
In an autocracy an individual or a
group involved in the Government has...
...so much power that the laws
can change how they want it.
Do you have examples
of such systems?
We need to spend the
week doing something.
Oh, come on, you can think
of some form of dictatorship.
Third Reich.
Ah no, not again.
So, I did not choose
this topic for myself....
I've printed out a few
notice for you.
Not that shit all over again.
Oh man, but it's an important issue.
Nazi Germany was shit.
Slowly, even I understand that"
Exactly, damned Nazis!
- It happened here so it's not going to
happen anymore. - Oh yes, and the Neo-Nazis?
We can not permanently feel guilty
for something that we did not do.
It is not just the guilt...
...it is also a fact that we, with our
history have a certain responsibility.
So, I am a Turk!
Clear responsibility, yes, but
I mean everybody knows this.
Everyone who?
Well, perhaps only few
dumb Easterners don't...
What does this mean ? I'm
also from East Germany.
You exactly know what
I mean, here bald heads.
Rainer, can't we talk
about anything else?
- What?
- Let talk about the Bush administration.
Wait a minute, It just
started to be interesting.
So, your opinion is that the dictatorship
in Germany is no longer possible, yes?
No way, we are much
more enlightened now.
Marco, what do you mean?
I do not know.
Well, we will have ten minute break.
What's going on here?
We have rearranged the tables, now
everybody has at least some place.
Bring your tables behind.
Possibly we can manage the
Project Week in a way as we want.
I suggest that we loosen
that whole thing a bit.
Has anyone anything against it?
Very good.
What is the basic foundation
for autocratic system?
An ideology.
Yes, what else?
You think a bit too far.
But what I mean is: What is the
thing that any dictatorship has?
We have already spoken
about it earlier.
A leader, man
A leader?
Yes, bringing out a word leader (Fuhrer)
will only make this discussion harder.
But each dictatorship
has a central leader.
We can play a game here. So who
could be a leader here, among us?
You, as a teacher. Of course.
- I?
- Who else?
Well, I was hoping that somebody
else wanted to start first, perhaps.
I'm gonna' do it... I'm
going to be your Leader!
Forget it.
Rainer, you do it
Okay, so we agree.
Who want to support me during the
Project Week as your leading figure?
- Of what use can it be for us?
- Just wait a while.
I'm going to ask in another
way, who is against? Against?
Rainer Heil!
Such a leading figure deserves respect.
Therefore, I would like to be addressed
as Mr Wenger during that whole time.
Mr Wenger.
Now he is becoming megalomaniac.
Hey, didn't we just voted, right?
What do you want from me, Easterner?
Now, come do it with us.
You are not telling me what to do!
Watch your language, you dork.
Now please calm down. Come, take all
the stuff from your tables. Everything.
And from now on, only one who Is
permitted to speak, will speak.
Yes, Mr Wenger.
Did I give you the permission to talk?
And one more thing, anybody
that speaks must stand up too.
Isn't that a bit too much?
Isn't that a bit too
much... ...Mr Wenger?
Do you feel what?
Spontaneous stand up's are
improving the blood circulation.
In the case you have
a low blood pressure.
But if you are standing up than you are not
so much sleepy and you' re better focused.
You can sit down again.
Marco, I know you're
tired from training...
...but sit straight.
Stretch your spine for once,
and put your feet parallel...
...and take a deep breath.
Do you feel the purpose of it?
Yes, Mr Wenger, I get better air.
Exactly, you get better air.
Then we are going to
this all together now.
Well, all stand up,
please. Stand up together.
What's happening now?
And take a deep breath.
Come on, stand up all of you!
Breathe in...
...and breathe out.
- And what about you?
- Not in the mood?
Then you have to go.
I don't force anyone, and that applies to
everybody. The whole thing here is voluntary.
- Stay cool now, Rainer.
- Mr Wenger.
Kevin, this is easy,...
...either you're with us or you go.
So what?
Let's go guys, this is much to "cranky".
Let's go Sinan. Bombers.
You can sit down again.
What is even more
important in a dictatorship?
Discipline, Mr Wenger.
Very good, Tim.
Power through discipline.
Let's play a game of billiards.
...i've got a better idea.
What's it dude?
I thought you are
here with M-class car?
This is my mother's car, wedding
anniversary gift from my father.
V8, 190 kW, 240 type.
I say, we bang this
Baby on the highway, or?
What about you?
No, I don't want to go.
How come?
Well, I going back to the classroom.
Have you completely
lost your mind or what?
Dude, I failed a year twice.
Do you know what's gonna' happen
if i don't pass my final exam?
And your situation
is not better as well.
I think you made a right decision.
Please sit behind.
Thanks to you, Rain... Mr Wenger.
We were just at the question of:
What are the social structures that
encourage developing of a dictatorship?
So what social structures are necessary?
Also, when there is so
much injustice and...
And people just do not know
if you... well..a social....
Ferdi Hey, what is this?
Lisa, please just sit down again.
Take a deep breath...
...think until you have
an answer, strait one.
I know that you can do it.
Try again, okay?
High unemployment and social Injustice.
Very well, high unemployment
and social injustice...
...are certainly helping
development of a dictatorship.
A high inflation, Mr Wenger.
Well, inflation.
Political disenchantment.
Very well, Karo.
National awareness.
Yes we all have seen it
through Soccer World Cup....
...when suddenly all over the Germany
national flags were hanging out.
- That was super.
- I found it totally disgusting.
Yes, but that was one cool
thing during the World Cup.
When the Germans once again could
be proud of their own country...
...just like any other nation, so...
Nationalism could
only make things worse.
And as a result of it we have
hate towards everything else.
I think what Mona want to say is...
It's something like extreme nationalism.
Can we agree?
Mr Wenger?
After the class you
call me Rainer again.
It has been real fun today.
I also think its great that you are
getting involved. Keep up the good work.
Yeah... Mr Wenger.
Dude, be careful!
Be careful. Watch yourself.
Don't insult your sister.
What do you want? You
better give me some light.
But you are not allowed to smoke.
My father has allowed me.
Here you go.
Torsten might have said, you
can do what ever you want..
...but he surely has
not allowed you to smoke.
At least that's not your problem!
Let's go, leave that idiot alone.
- Retard.
- You're a retard.
You actually don't have a place to stay?
Hello precious.
Hello honey.
Do you want a drink?
Don't you wanna ask me how it was?
And how was it?
It has been very interesting.
Mr. Wenger has shown
us how to sit properly.
Upright, spine straightforward, and...
...you know the feeling, when you
suddenly stand up, and your eyes black out.
That's because of a low blood pressure.
More roast meet?
Now we must stand up each
time we need to say something.
That's a good thing for blood pressure.
And our answers must
always be short and concise.
Very nice so why don't
you do it right now?
Suddenly we all have been fully
involved in it, such a weird energy...
...everybody is carried away.
Weird is exactly the word.
What does that mean?
Power through discipline.
Karo, sweetie, I'm
not so sure about it...
We did not educate you that way.
Would be better if you did.
A little bit of discipline
certainly would not harmed Leon.
Your brother should know
his limits by himself.
Not everybody know them.
Come again?
Kevin, for example, I
had to kick him out today.
And that's why i'm gonna
bump you away, you fucker!
Dude, get a grip. Rainer is cool.
Now, you are going to turn
against me too, you traitor.
I also should have kicked you out.
Furthermore, Rainer did not
kick you out, Mr Wenger did it.
He never liked me....
...because I'm not playing
in his gay water-polo team.
What's actually going on?
We train really hard. I do not
know why we aren't successful.
But we should actually win against
Ernst-Barlach Comprehensive school...
...otherwise it's really gonna be
hard to preserve unity at the class.
Drop by again sometimes.
When are you playing next game?
Let's go Marco, we're going to my room.
We wanted to watch the
game here 'till the end.
Yes, we can do it in my place as well.
And we also have to
prepare for Project Week.
Like what?
Could you come please?
Sorry, Torsten.
OK then, you study
for your Project Week.
Well, my little honey bee.
Should we both have
our little Project Week?
I thought we are doing something else?
Look, what do you think about this?
We will move over there one day.
Gracia is the most
fashionable area in Barcelona.
And the stadium is only
seven stations away.
Is'n it a bit too far away?
Seven stations?
Is it beautiful, right on
the sea, City of artists.
Don't you think your
family is going to miss you?
They regularly get on my nerves anyway.
Torsten, bees are still super-cool.
Yes, but perhaps they are
just too cool sometimes.
Come on, leave it alone.
Come here.
I'm not in the mood for that.
But don't you fly tomorrow?
There is still some time left.
Yes, but i need to check
my reservation soon.
Then you check it.
Oh come, now stay bit more.
I need to do my training.
Wait, wait, come here.
Man, what kind of shit
is this? What is that?
Damn it, you can not do just
whatever you want to do here.
When will you finally figure that out?
Listen, man...
Leave me alone.
Listen, let us play together once, okay?
Everyone thinks you will play sole.
I'll break cover from your
left, and than double-pass, okay?
- Okay?
- Yes.
Out, out, you go in, yes.
Marco Yes, this is beautiful!
Great move, with class!
Well, finally!
Hello, honey, I'm back.
What's wrong with you?
Just a moment, I need to
print out something, OK?
Kiki and Alex are really pain in the ass,
in the long term, real teacher couple.
Are we like them?
Say, what's is this all about?
Only few ideas that I would
like to try out tomorrow.
Then, I'm in too.
Only if you wear a nurse costume.
We shall see.
Do you need an injection?
- I still have this small injection for you.
- Oh, really.
It's loaded.
- Really?
- Yes.
Yeah, lets go then!
- Good morning!
- Good morning, Mr Wenger!
I have a feeling you don't
take me seriously, do you?
No, of course we do.
Everybody stand up please.
Repeat four times:
Now, few relaxation exercises.
For relaxing your muscles.
Particularly, for the legs, please.
Now, all together.
Left, right, left, right...
And what is this for?
Just follow, I wish to
explain something to you.
Yes, very good.
Can you feel it?
As we all slowly merge into one unit!
That is the power of the community!
How long must we do this?
Until we all reach
absolutely same rhythm.
You already know that,
from dancing, Mona.
Left, right, left... Come, one, two...
Such vibrations can be
even bring the bridges down.
- Kaschi, you are completely out of the rhythm.
- Be quiet, okay.
I think we understand this, Mr Wenger.
I do not think so.
This exercise has
completely different purpose.
Which one?
There is a Wieland's Anarchy
class right below us now!
And I would like a plaster falling
of the ceiling on our enemies heads!
Are they crazy?
Power through Discipline
Power through Community.
You might have wondered
why did I dislocated you.
I would like to change
usual group order.
You all have friends and teams with who you
get along better, and that's also important.
But you do not walk
alone through life...
...but together you could be
even more, much more strong.
The new seating arrangement
is also a part of a system...
...do you have any idea which system?
Karo, what do you think why do you sit
with Jens now, not with Marco anymore?
Perhaps because we distract each other.
Really, you mean that?
Wieland teaches his students down
there to be individual fighters...
...and believes that at the end
they will make better achievements.
You know what I mean, nobody should copy
out, but always think about competition.
I think this is only the way to
build a dog-eat-dog society...
...and I am strongly convinced
if we are to help each other...
...then we are much, much stronger.
Does this means, we all
can copy out, or what?
If that means you'll have better
grades at the end, then yes.
That is why I put down together
a student with a bad grade...
...next to one with a
good grade in my class.
I want you to help each other.
That's total nonsense.
- Mona? -- - Yes,
really incredible.
Please stand up.
I can't believe that we are going
to compromise our self in a such way.
All those poor students sitting
in here are now feeling exposed.
Mona, I've never talked
about poor students...
...just about bad grades.
For me, there are no poor students.
For example, you are doing very well in my
class but in math you have bad grade, right?
Well, Lisa has straight A in math.
You could help each other.
This whole thing has one more advantage.
Our ratings as a class
would simply become better...
...at least better than
the Anarchists below us!
I know the whole thing
might sound a bit unusual...
...but why don't we
try to do something new?
Hey Domi, we were quite loud, right?
What is going on at Wieland
Old Bayerish asylant' class?
I thought Anarchy is
something interesting but...
...that guy is not interesting at all.
He is like a sleeping
pill, I tell you....
...if you haven't made that noise
up there, I would fall asleep easily.
What was going on?
Just few relaxation exercises
to wake up, nothing else.
Relaxation exercises?
I sounded to me more like as if
the school is going to collapse.
You disrupt my classes.
It is no wonder at all that my
students are totally outraged.
Can I help you?
Yes, we wanted to ask whether we could
still switch to the Autocracy class.
But as soon as possible.
Last time we stopped at Community topic.
How can you recognise a Community?
By the spirit of Community, Mr Wenger.
Yes, that is true, but try to
give me more visual example.
By the clothes, Mr Wenger.
Exactly, common clothing.
One could also say by uniforms.
Yes, but uniforms are shit.
Also, I think uniforms
are totally fascistic.
It might be so, but not
necessarily military uniforms.
There are uniforms everywhere...
...in supermarket, at Mc Donald's,
flight-attenders, police-woman...
...even suits are some kind dress code.
Or what about that thing you are wearing
right now, isn't it some kind of uniform?
You do belong to a
certain group, don't you?
Yes, but uniforms have
other purpose as well.
They eliminate social differences.
Yes, they do, but also they
eliminate individuality.
Mona, please stand up.
Lisa, explain it more accurately.
Well, I mean...
...every morning we are
stressed up about what to wear.
That would be completely unnecessary
if we all wear a same uniform.
I've heard that, in Hamburg they discuss whether
school uniforms should be introduced again.
Does that make any sense to you?
Yeah, but should make them cheap,
so that everyone can afford them.
Marco, you could tell
us more about this.
Stephon Marbury of New York Knicks, made
the basketball shoe that cost only $14.99.
"Starbury One".
Yes, he was also born in the ghetto
and wanted to put to a stop...
...the fact kids buying overpriced Nike
Air, and let them buy affordable sneakers.
This is not really so good example, how
could he made them so cheap to the market?
Because they are made in
Chinese "slave factories"?
No, he simply did not spend
so much money for advertising.
Nike spends hundreds of
millions for advertising.
Beckham took millions for
that Adidas commercial.
What do you think about that if, during the
Project Week, we introduce some sort of...
...school uniform?
And what?
I don't know, maybe some simple jeans,
a white shirt, one that everybody have.
- But, I don't have white shirt.
- Good, then you just buy one.
Oh come on please, I'm not
going to spend any money on that.
Come on, but it costs next to nothing.
Jens, stand up please.
I have two white shirts at
home. You could have one of them.
That is what I call team spirit, Jens.
Very good.
Then we will do it like that.
- Two times, same shirt.
- Correct.
I just had sold a white one.
Thank you.
- Bye.
- Your receipt?
- No, no, its OK, thank you.
- Okay, bye.
- Hello!
- Hello!
Is that the latest fashion, or what?
Excuse me, but there maybe
some of my stuff as well.
Where do you think you are going?
You look like you just went
out of the convent school.
But, I like it.
Where is your white shirt?
I'm not in a mood for it.
White is not for me at all.
Oh really.
Once again, a matter of vanity.
I simply don't want to make no
excuse because of some shitty shirt.
You see, this is exactly
what Mr Wenger taught,...
...that is selfish.
Karo, but we have already agreed
that we all take part in this.
Leave me alone!
White does not suit her.
- Good morning!
- Good morning!
Mona has switched for another course, but
we have a some growth in attendance here.
Find yourself some space and sit.
Now, we are finally full.
But Jules Barman and Frederick
Claussen also wanted to join us.
Unfortunately, full means full.
Considering the fact there are so many of us
right now, we could give some name to the group?
Very well, that also would have been my
next point, do you have any suggestions?
Terror Squad.
Please, I meant seriously.
Visionaries Club.
The Wave.
I expected that one form you.
- This is cool, isn't it? Suites fine.
- Right.
Too hard.
The Base.
The Pact.
The "White Giant"
(German detergent brand)
The Inner Circle.
The Risen.
The Centre.
The Centre, is good.
Anybody else with good idea?
The Changers?
The Changers.
Well, we have collected a nice bunch, I
will write down some of the better names.
Visionaries Club...
With that we reached
to the last proposal.
The Changers.
Here is the result. From now
on we are called "The Wave".
This is totally good.
Really, now I can pay better attention.
No, really, its good. Maybe
you could make us some logo.
- What?
- Yes. You will be making our logo, OK.
This brings us to the next
stage: Power by Action.
What are all these ideas good for,
if we just sit down without acting?
I wish you dedicate all of
your creativity to The Wave...
...for the benefit of entire community.
Okay then, I will make
us a profile on My Space.
- Totally!
- I always wanted to do that.
You all can do it together.
Yeah, but I better make
something on my own.
Look, then just make your
own personal homepage.
Indeed, When Sinan makes us
logo, we can also make badges.
My aunt have a machine for that.
We might even do tattoos,
like here on the arm.
Postcards that we could...
And then we do hats.
Hey, what's up, dude?
Look, that buddy of mine is little
bit dry for the stuff lately.
Man, I've heard you can get some stuff.
I will pay for it, dude.
Go to the slums.
What going on back there?
They fuck with Stoltefuss, what else?
For Anarchy lice like
yourself, there's nothing.
What's that cute little shirt on you?
Your mother bought you?
Leave me alone, you fucker!
Hey, relax, will you.
Is there a problem here, or what?
Two more of them.
Are you guys some sort of gang, or what?
If you don't leave Tim alone you
will get some beating, understood?
Everything cool.
You fascist assholes!
These Anarchy fags torn my shirt.
You can't let these dorks
pick on you so easily.
But you were here.
We can't always be around you.
Hey Tim, I'll give
you my cell number, OK?
If these bastards trouble
you ever again, call me, okay?
What have just happened?
I really don't know, she is upset.
She is always like that lately,
she doesn't let me any closer.
Even I have noticed that lately.
Her determination sometimes annoys me.
She make her plans without even
listening what I really want...
Why should I have to
follow her to Spain anyway?
Until I get there in 10 months, she might
already find some Juan or Miguel or whoever.
I'm afraid I'm gonna lose her.
Karo, Dennis is here, where are you?
We are all waiting for you,
here is the total chaos...
...please call us back when
you hear this message, OK?
- Mailbox.
- I said so.
But she knows that we
want do rehearsal today.
It is not such a great loss anyway.
She is probably pissed because we
didn't vote for "Changers" today.
Anyway, I have much better things to do, than
to wait for the princess for the whole day long.
I'm going with you.
Wait a bit.
Hey, Lisa, I will go now,
this became too stupid to me.
If you leave now, we can
completely forget the whole piece!
Do you want that?
I know that we can create
something really great here.
A good piece, which
actually says something.
Not only for amusement, but
something with a real statement.
But without Karo we
can't do anything here.
Yes, you want only her for that role!
I was against this stupid
voting from the beginning!
I wanted to make
something like an audition.
We could not elect anything anyway.
Can you leave me alone now for a bit!
Now, for only one time, let
us do this the way i want!
Maja, this is your chance. You
play the Claire Zachanassian.
- Cool.
- And Lisa, you will take over Maja's part.
Yeah, you know the text
anyway, find some courage.
And Ferdi, follow the text please,
don't make a comedy act of it, okay?
Yes, sir!
Dude, I am glad that this day is over.
But Rainer has really showed
us some good things today.
No shit, you should participate
again. The Wave needs you, man.
Gonna be like, dude, me in that crowd...
Don't give a fuck...
...you don't have to join
the class, just join us.
Hey, let us also in!
What do you want?
To drive, dude, what else?
Isn't that a brother of that bitch Karo?
You have something against it?
Your sister is a cunt!
Tell me something new.
That pussy is also part of The Wave.
If you want to skate here,
you need to become a member.
A man sitting for his last time, in a wild
Forest full of cuckoos and a wind breeze.
There will be Community meeting tonight.
Dennis says, that I was
actually really good.
You tricked me.
And Maja plays my role?
...the dream of life...
Yes, it was just an attempt.
...once the real dream...
Why did not you come?
...that I had not forget.
I wasn't feeling good.
I thank you for the wreaths,
the chrysanthemums and roses.
And suddenly Ferdi follows
the the script, right?
I say yes, Dennis had really
showed how the things should work.
Haven't you all united against
me in those white shirts?
That's a nonsense.
Since I was not around,
everything was going well.
Karo, you are only angry because we have
not voted for your proposal this morning.
Can't you see that you are getting
on everybody's nerves with your way.
Are you just mad, or what?
Have you ever thought the fact...
...that Marco has no will
to follow you to Spain?
How come is that?
Because he's told me so.
Oh, really, he told you that, ha?
He told you other stuff
also, how often we have sex?
You talk shit, you know?
I talk shit, ha?
I wish I can see how would you acting if I talked
with your boyfriend about your relationship problems.
I have no relationship problems
since I have no relationship.
You don't even have a friend,
if you have not yet noticed.
But it is, as always,
only about yourself anyway.
Do you know what? Maja was really
good today. Much better than you are.
But you don't care
about this role anyway.
You're pissed off just because
The Wave does not follow your rule!
Shitty feeling, right?
Get used.
- And?
- Hi.
Wait a sec, I want
to show you something.
- Here.
- What is it?
You know that Kaschi is
a computer junkie, right?
This afternoon he made My space
site, we are already on-line.
- That's cool.
- Super cool.
Kaschi is totally motivated.
The kids are going
through a real change.
Surer. indeed.
You and your white shirts.
Oh yes, I've forgot to change clothes.
They already talk about
you at the councillor's.
I don't give a damn, they always do.
But since when do you got interested?
I just say.
- This is our sign.
- Cool.
As a Wave, we will flood the whole City!
Up on the wall it really
rules, guys. Respect!
What is he doing here?
What is going on with you, retard?
You should happy that
you can be here today.
Hey, relax a bit!
The Wave is a movement...
...in which everyone can
join, if one feels the link.
Yeah, Tim is right.
Kevin didn't want to be part of it
from the beginning, why now suddenly?
Oh, come on.
Kevin had printed out 5000 stickers.
That shows that he deserves
to be Wave's member.
Yeah, sponsored by his daddy.
I think Mr Wenger should decide
whether he is still involved or not.
Mr Wenger has taught us
something about the community.
Only together we are strong.
I don't know about you guys, but I...
...think that Mr Wenger would be
against hacking the whole city down.
I also think that you take this thing
a little bit too seriously, right?
I mean, we just want to have fun, or?
I see.
Then grab the things
together and lets move, right?
Do you all have stickers?
Here is the template.
I've got five pieces.
- Let's go!
- Can we go with you?
Get into the car, we're moving!
What is going on here?
Are you crazy?
Boys, wait a bit.
What's up with you, retard?
Lets paint over this
Anarchy-fuckers shit.
Each one of them...
Don't be upset about it,
she could have been with us.
- Talking about devil.
- Hey, don't go to her now.
If you are always available
to her, she may become bored.
Believe me, I am a girl,
I know the way we think.
Come on Marco, lets go!
Dude, you know would totally rule?
If we spray the Wave up there.
How cool is that?
Lets move.
I'll do that.
I will climb up as high.
Dude, stop that shit!
Forget it, we must go away.
Give me your cellphone.
- Does it have video camera?
- Yes.
Hey, the guy is total Psycho.
He even took a video of
his sister banging some guy.
He has no sister.
Who does he have?
I know Stoltefuss from before.
When he was young, first time he
tried alcohol he ended up in a coma.
He has an older brother.
Computer geek at the
university. But no sister.
Tim, man! Don't do that shit!
Shit, guys! The cops!
You really made a mess!
Cool, dude, no shit! I wouldn't dare.
I shit my pants if I have
to jump from the third.
Whatever, I'm not afraid of heights.
- Here, guys.
- Thanks.
No, only for Wave members.
Just kidding, here, have.
You stick your shitty ice
cream in your ass, you bum!
I will do it.
Hey, but you already know what
the requirements are, do you?
Don't listen to that retard.
Hey Turk , you there, in that white
shirt, you really talk too much.
Hey guys...
...what do you think of this?
Really cool greeting for
The Wave. Very simple.
For our greeting or what?
Of course, all groups have
their own greeting. Black Power!
- West Coast!
- East Coast, dude!
That's Eminem.
Nooo, that is Eminem.
- Hang Loose.
- Or Satan.
Yes, even the Vulcans.
That's nice.
Can you show me again? This way?
Not so high at the end.
Under the chest, here.
Let's do it together.
- Good morning!
- Good morning, Mr Wenger!
You can sit down.
So, the last thing we did
yesterday was Power through Action.
- Fuck off, we won't let you in!
- Why not?
Because you don't belong to The Wave.
What's going on here?
They don't let me pass through.
What's wrong with you,
are you crazy, or what?
We're not letting you pass trough
until you do the greeting properly.
What greeting, anyway?
Good morning, Mr Wenger.
Could I speak with you for a moment?
Karo, I missed you at my classes.
--Do you have
some time? - Yes.
Could you do anything about that?
I persuaded him my way,
what else could I do?
Oh, that's good. I will do some
proper talking to your brother as well.
And The Wave?
What about it?
What, you will just let it go?
You will just give it up?
There just one day left, we're
gonna pull this trough together.
I you asked me, it's
OK without white shirt.
I'm sorry Rainer,...
...but I think this whole thing
is really out of your control.
Well, then you just
should switch the class!
Everything okay?
And around here?
I thought you don't
give a damn about it.
Mr Wenger, do you have
just one moment? In my room.
Yes, sure.
Respected professor doctor Kohlhage, believe
me, I just want to achieve educational goal.
You should see how the students
are unwinding themselves.
- They are really motivated.
- I know it.
I just wanted to let you know
that Mr Westerhofen called.
Jens is completely changed, he is
speaking about you in high regards.
I could not speak
directly in teacher's room.
You know, some of your colleagues...
...find your educational
ways somewhat problematic...
...but you have my support.
It's good for me.
The next edition of the student newspaper
is already completely prepared...
...there is no way to add more.
Yes, probably, it takes
too much time anyway.
We need to write e-mail to all students.
But you have all of the addresses, right?
We can't let you have
them, privacy rules.
I don't really give a
damn. So, I will help you.
But really...
...if you ask me, this thing
is going too far anyway.
Yes, but you only want to sit
around and do nothing, right?
No, I want to go to Kaschi's. LAN party.
LAN party. Oh God!
Don't loose this, OK?
I've put my sign on it.
Hey, ready to get your asses riped off?
- These guys?
- Yes.
You are also The Wave fascists, right?
Wave fascists? Are you a retarded?
Wacky Mr Wenger washed your brains out.
Hey, where have you got the
idea to spray our sign out?
I don't know what are
you talking about, fucker!
Tim, did you lost your mind?
Tim! Tim!
Don't fuck around, dude.
Run for your life or I will
blow you your brain away!
OK, no problem.
Hey, they are gone, it's
OK, put the gun away.
Have you completely lost your mind now?!
How can you walk around
with that gun in your hand?
If only a gas-gun, take it easy.
I got it from Internet, it is that easy.
Stop The Wave
- The goal justifies the means.
- This is not true...
...I will not write down
that I had that kid beaten up.
I just want to ignite that idea, right.
Michael Moore does that all the time.
I will speak only truth.
Great, then we can drop it immediately.
I've been looking for you everywhere.
- What are you doing?
- Nothing much.
We will have a small
beach party, wanna join us?
We? You mean The Wave members.
Yes, there will be few.
No thanks, without the white shirt
I am surely not welcome there.
It is so stupid.
Yeah, it is, and that's
why I am not in mood for it!
Oh, "Bad Vibrations", I better go.
You can stay around.
No, I have choir rehearsal.
And have lot of fun at The Wave party.
- Bye.
- See ya.
What do you actually
have against The Wave?
Marco, man, open your eyes.
The Wave is becoming
one really weird thing.
You are involved too much in it.
Oh, really? Then take a look at this.
Just the fact that the pages looks like.
Yes, Tim made them.
He is always exaggerating.
"Yesterday, some guy wearing a white
shirt pressed on me and said that...
...unless I join The Wave,
I will loose all my friends...
...because all of them
would join in soon.
I just simply said that
I will think about it.
And than, he aggressively said
that it might be too late."
Too late for what, Marco?
Don't you understand what is going on
here? Students are under pressure here.
Yes, but the involvement is anonymous.
- How do you know if they don't cheat on it?
- Cheat?
Leon didn't let one
Six-grader into the school...
...only because he did not want to
perform your stupid Wave greeting.
I'm sorry, but your brother
always acts little bit strange.
But no only that...
...they even treat me like a leper
because I don't wear white shirt.
Why do not you just wear it?
Simply because I do not want.
But I want, because
The Wave means to me.
Means what?
You know that feeling very well, you
belong to a healthy family, I do not.
Going with me or not?
Can I help you sir?
What are you doing here?
I need to protect you.
You need to do what?
I want to be your bodyguard.
What do I need a
bodyguard? Tim, go home.
What am I supposed to go home for?
Nobody is Interested
for me there, anyway.
So, if you have any problem feel
free to come to talk to me...
...but I do not need
no bodyguards, okay?
Come with me.
- Hello, precious!
- Hello!
What did Kohlhage want?
Hi, Tim.
Hello, Mrs. Wenger.
- Rainer, can I speak briefly with you.
- Yes, of course.
What's this supposed to be?
It was not my idea, I have not invited
him. Suddenly he was just standing there.
He has nobody to take
care for him back at home.
I had different idea about this.
Come, lets eat together, I
will send him home later, okay?
Mr Wenger...
...do happened to have
little bit more ginger?
Only then it will be really delicious.
- It is really cool here.
- I told you.
- Say, what is actually going on with Karo?
- Why?
She was in the editorial and
had put a lot of stress on us.
Because of The Wave?
Yes, she wanted all student's personal data
to be able to send some emails and so on.
- Gross, no joke?
- No.
e-mail being sent.
e-mail canceled.
No LAN connection.
Well, first we thought of Paris...
...and then to Balaton lake. Balaton?
But Italy, good food, beautiful women.
You always need more and more.
And than I thought, why don't
you sir join us as a supervisor.
Let's see, Tim.
Tuscany, also, it would be superb.
You know Tim, Rainer can
not decide on his own.
Yes, but I am sure all
students would support it.
And if not, we could
organize signature action.
It was really nice evening, Tim. Really.
But Anke and I, we would like to be alone,
we have a couple of things to discuss.
Thanks Tim. See you tomorrow.
Do you know the story of "Six hikers?
My father told me.
At the spot where the Great
Lakes joins together...
...they always find half a dozen of
drowned corpses floating in water.
Again and again, being seen by divers
and held as just a recent accident...
...until they realize that the
clothes on them are from the Eighties.
Most of them are suicides.
But that is scariest...
...thing is that the current always brings them
to the same spot where they actually drowned.
Just like they are looking
for redemption or justice.
Therefore, fishermen calls
them "The six walkers."
- Hey, can I?
- Yes.
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
It's really nice here, right?
I never wanna leave this place.
Who said you would?
Yeah, right.
After the final exams
first to enter university.
I don't even know which one.
I could pretty well imagine myself...
...having some normal job...
...marrying nice woman,
having two-three kids...
...and live in quiet neighbourhood
for the rest of my days.
- Do you think that's stupid?
- No, not at all.
Hey, turn the music down
and come here everybody.
Where is Marco?
Yes, come here!
What is it?
Good! First of all, it's really
cool that you are all here.
Really great!
And second, as you all know,
we are playing a game against...
..."bulls" from the Ernst
Barlach Comprehensive School.
All of you must come!
It would be really cool if all of
you come tomorrow and support us!
Also, tomorrow at 3 p.m.
at the swimming pool!
You are really great!
You must bring all of your friends,
and better they all wear white shirts!
The enemy should feel
the power of The Wave!
What does this sign means?
Good morning, Mr Wenger.
Say, what is actually wrong with you?
You can not simply
disappear for all night long.
Do you actually know what kind of
consequences I will need to face?
That is one of these
anarchistic fuckers.
Are you now convinced that
you will be needing protection.
- Hey, you bum, what's up?
- Yeah, everything good.
...we have them all.
We all know who might be
responsible for this crap.
We don't have any evidence.
Marco, please.
...you also want The Wave
to keep going on, right?
Yes, I'm gonna talk to her...
...but after the game, okay?
What are we supposed to
do with all these notes?
Destroy them.
Everything OK?
Have no clue who it was!
I don't even want to know
how did you get up there...
...but one thing is clear,
that was extremely dangerous!
In the past I did some bad shit
myself, you can believe me on that.
But in this case,
this joke went too far!
- Is that clear?
- Yes, Mr Wenger.
Sit down!
I want you all to write down about
your experiences with The Wave.
And by the end of the class I
want to have them on my desk!
Now go on, begin!
The time is up.
Later, Mr Wenger.
Oh yes, incidentally, this does not mean that I'm not
going to be pleased seeing some of you during the game.
We will need your support.
Mr Wenger, I know who draw
graffiti on the City Hall.
Tim, have I asked you to give me the
names of those who are responsible?
Actually I don't want
to know who it was...
...because if I knew, I would have to
inform School principle and the police.
Actually this is a collateral damage.
I hope that you had learned over this week that it
is better to work together and not against each other.
You especially, should be aware of
the fact that you can not fight alone.
I would be pleased if you
come to the game today.
Come on!
Yes, now play forward!
Marco, go forward!
What are you doing?
Yes! Superb!
I can not let you in.
What, why not?
Get yourself a white shirt,
there are still some left outside.
I don't want your shitty Wave shirt!
Everybody has one,
don't yell about it.
You are loosing your mind.
We have the right side blocked.
You guys are really missing
some screws in your heads.
Defence, get closer!
Go, forward now! Forward!
Yes! Very good, very good.
- And, what do you say now?
- Shut you mouth, dude!
No mistakes now!
What do we do now?
I won't stop so easily.
Fall back now a bit,
you are in the lead!
Go, Go! Faster! Go, Faster!
Fuck off, man!
You bastard!
Stop the Wave!
Stop the Wave!
We knew it!
Go, get all that flayers!
Everybody come here!
Why? What happened?
Are you crazy, or what?
Say, are you out of your mind?
What are you doing?
Sinan, what got into you?
Believe me, I... ...I
don't believe this.
Now you have brought the trouble here!
But I have not told them that they
should punch their opponents in the face!
But of course not, you are not
capable of doing that, right.
What are you trying to say to me?
You are enjoying that they think of you like of some
god at the class, they hang on every word of yours.
What are you saying?
Don't tell me that you don't like the fact that they do hang on
your every word as your students, who do you think who you are?
You completely missed the point!
The students see you as an example and
you manipulate them for your own cause!
There is only your ego trip,
don't you actually realize that?
Do you know what I believe, I
believe you are just damn jealous.
Yes, jealous, because they don't see you as
example, despite your prestigious diplomas.
Yes, now this narrow-minded pedagogy will
show you how the things should be done.
Oh, narrow-minded, THAT is the problem.
Yes, that's what you think of me!
Graduated two times, diplomas in sports
and Political Science, what is it good for?
I did not know that the
problem lies so deep.
Oh you didn't know that the
problem lies so deep, right?
At least I don't have to take antidepressants every
morning because I have fucking fear of going to school!
Anke... Anke, wait.
- I did not mean that.
- You did.
You said, and you meant it!
For the last few days you
are really such an asshole.
Just leave me alone!
Karo, wait for me!
What was that earlier...
...have you gone crazy, or what?
You can not do that?
Who do you think you are?
Are you drunk, or what?
You better ask yourself, what is actually going on
with you? What happened today in the swimming pool?
It was full for the first time.
And the brawl?
That happened only
because of this shit here!
You really don't
understand anything, do you?
We would have win if you
had not mess up everything.
And that has annoyed you, right?
It would have been my
show for the first time.
- Karo!
- Leave me alone!
...do wait!
Do not touch me.
- Do not touch me!
- Karo.
Go away!
Marco, what are you doing here?
I'm in a deep shit.
Come in.
What's happening?
I've hit Karo.
You did what?
I've beaten Karo.
I do really don't know.
We had an argue because...
This whole shit has totally changed me!
I love Karo!
And I've beaten her anyway.
This pseudo-discipline,
this is all Fascist shit!
You have to quit.
I have to think about it.
You have to quit.
- Immediately!
- Don't tell me what should I do.
Yes, I... I know, Mrs. Kohlhage.
I know, I know, yes.
I don't want just to make
bad things look better.
Yes, I do accept full responsibility.
But I must talk once
again with my students.
Only thing I am asking for is
to have a little trust in me.
Hey guys, just arrived.
Tomorrow, School hall, 12 o'clock.
It is about the future of The Wave.
Send this only to
members and sympathisers.
Three exclamation marks?
Mr Wenger, it's quarter past twelve.
Then lock the doors, I
don't want to be disturbed.
Is it okay, if I stand in front
of you while you're speaking?
Then I have better overview of the hall.
I don't mind.
If everything is fine with you?
Okay, then lock the entrance.
Mr Wenger wishes not to be disturbed
during his speech, you got it?
Everybody get in now,
we are about to start!
Actually, I always had everything
that I wanted, clothes, money etc...
...but what I had the
most was a boredom.
These are my words.
But the last few days
have been real fun.
It is no longer about who the most
beautiful or the best or the most successful.
The Wave has made us all equal.
Race, religion and social
status plays no role anymore.
We all belong to one movement.
The Wave gives us new meaning.
Ideals for which it
is worth to stand up.
I had bullied other students before.
If I really think back about
myself, it was really retarded of me.
It is much better to
stand up for a noble cause.
When you can lean on somebody
else, you can achieve so much more.
I am ready step back
from my bad behaviour.
As you probably all noticed...
...these are all excerpts from your essays
on the experience from the last week.
I am very impressed with what
The Wave had brought to you.
And that's why I also believe
this project should not simply end.
- Rainer, what it this shit?
- Marco, do sit.
Yes but... Man, people think...
I've told you to sit down!
For several years the
Germany is going downhill!
We are the losers from globalization...
...but the politics tries to prove,
that struggling more and more...
...is the only way out of crisis.
But politicians are
puppets of the economy!
The unemployment rate should fall!
We are also world champion in exports!
But in reality...
...the poor are getting poorer
and the rich are getting richer!
Once the major threat was the terrorism.
A terror that we have created ourselves, by
allowing unfairness in the rest of the world!
And while we are slowly but
surely ruining our planet...
...some super-rich people sit
somewhere and rub their hands.
Building space capsules for themselves to be
able to see the whole thing from high above!
Don't you all understand his intentions?
He wants to manipulate you all!
Its enough, sit down.
You will not stop me from
telling the truth, Marco.
The Wave is the real problem!
No, The Wave is the only way that
that is able to make things better!
Because together we
can make thing happen!
Today we have a chance
here to write the history!
Your girlfriend had turned you
against us. That is your problem.
- It is not true.
- Of course it's true!
She had completely
infected you with her shit.
You will not stop us!
From in here, The Wave should
reach the whole Germany!
And those who cross its path...
...will be washed away!
Bring forward the traitor!
Marco, Now I ask you in
front of everybody here:
Are you with us or against us?
Have you all completely
lost your mind, or what?
What should we do with the traitor?
What to do with traitor?
Bomber, you decide!
Come on, speak!
You have brought him up here.
Yeah, because you said so.
Yes, because I said, right?
And would you kill him, if I say so?
We can also hang or decapitate him!
Or maybe torture him until...
...he is committed to our rules!
That are the usual things
they do in a dictatorship.
Have you noticed what
had just happened here?
- Everything okay, Marco?
Yes, everything fine.
Can you remember...
...what question was floating
in the air since the last week?
Whether it was still possible
to have a dictatorship back here.
That was exactly that, fascism.
We all have taught we
are better than that.
Better than all the others.
And what is even worse...
...we have excluded from our community
all of these that didn't share our opinion.
We had them hurt.
I don't even want to know what
else would have we been capable of.
I must apologize to all of you.
We went too far.
I went too far.
The things will come to the end here.
And what does that mean
now... ...for The Wave?
That it is over.
Just like that?
Yes, just like that.
No, it is not over.
Yes Tim, it is over.
But not everything in The Wave is bad!
We all felt that.
Yes, we made some mistakes,
but nothing we can not correct!
No Dennis...
...some things you can not correct.
I want you all to go home now.
There are certainly things
that you should think about.
- Maja, I...
- Leave me alone.
All remain at your seat
and leave the doors!
Nobody goes home!
- Put the gun away.
- You have lied to us.
The Wave lives, it is not dead!
Everybody say: "The Wave lives!
That is only a gas-gun.
Now you take me seriously!
Do you think that I don't know
that you had always picked on me.
And you all had fucked with me.
The Wave...
...it was my life.
Tim, calm down.
Calm down.
Put the gun away.
Another step further and I
will shoot you in the face.
And then?
What then?
Then, there is no more Mr
Wenger, who can lead your Wave.
Is that what you want?