Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior (2006) Movie Script

It is time.
The evil Yan Lo has awakened
and is on his way.
But I wonder if you're committed enough
to take on this task.
Forgive me, Master. I am ready.
Very well. Here. You will need these.
-Where is she?
-In the West.
-Fair Springs, California.
-I will not let you down, Master.
It may not be you who lets us down.
Thank you for returning to Earth,
Miss Wu.
Can you identify this mountain range
in northern China?
Is it...
Tell you tomorrow, Mr. Medina. Bye.
Wendy, could this class be
any more boring?
I know. I feel like drawing eyes
on my eyelids so I can take a nap.
We were so perfect for each other.
Why? Why?
Lisa, get it together.
You're getting tears all over my top.
I'm sorry.
Thank you for letting me borrow it.
You know what's the fastest way
to get over a guy?
-Get a new guy.
-Get a new guy.
Forget it. My life stinks.
Why can't I have your perfect life, Wen?
You're the most popular girl in school,
everyone's gonna vote for you
for Homecoming Queen,
-and your boyfriend's perfect.
-No, he's not.
I got us salads, Wen.
Okay, he's a little perfect.
I mean, you don't need it
but I'm trying to cut my triceps
for short-sleeved shirts, so...
-And, you know, I got some ab videos...
-Vote for me.
-Hey, guys, want a cookie?
-That is so lame.
Yeah, you're right.
My guns already look good.
No, I mean Jessica.
JESSICA: There you go. Have a cookie.
Thanks, guys.
Jessica Dawson is running against you
for Homecoming Queen?
(HUFFING ) I so should have
expected this.
Ever since second grade,
everything I do, she has to do.
-BO Y: Thanks a lot.
-Well, this one's mine.
Nobody's gonna give her my vote
for a stale cookie.
-Even your brother?
-GIRL: You've got my vote.
WEND Y: Peter, put that down.
JESSICA: Voting for me?
Good. Have a cookie.
My brother, on a diet.
Football jock, you know.
JESSICA: Thank you. Have a cookie.
Here you go.
Jessica, you're running
for Homecoming Queen?
Oh, my gosh, it's so awesome.
Well, I probably
don't stand a chance against you.
-I'm the one who should just drop out.
This is gonna be so much fun.
-Yeah, good luck.
What is wrong with you, Peter?
-Chill out. It's just a cookie.
-Spit that out.
That looks like my brother
doesn't support his sister.
How about a little loyalty here?
Fine. I hate raisins anyway.
-JESSICA: Hey, Austin.
-Hey, little sis.
You might wanna
check on your loyalty over there.
-Want one of my cookies?
Austin, spit that out!
WEND Y: Mom, this is important.
Don't you remember?
I do my report on Florida
then she has to do hers on Texas,
just because it's bigger.
And in fourth grade, when I broke
my arm and everyone signed my cast,
Jessica had everyone sign her leg,
and it wasn't even broken.
Wendy, what do you want me to do?
I'm at work here and I have an exhibit
opening in two weeks.
But, Mom, this is supposed to be
my homecoming,
and she's gonna take it away from me
if I don't come up with a way
to get more votes.
Look, honey, I understand
how important this is to you,
but the museum director
is counting on me
to put together this exhibit
of ancient Chinese artifacts,
and I'm getting stressed out
because I don't know the history
behind any of them.
You know,
I used to think my mother's stories
about the Buddhist legends
were so silly.
Should have listened to her more.
Mom, what am I gonna do
about Jessica?
You know what you're gonna do?
You're gonna forget
about homecoming for a minute
and remember that there are
some things more important in life.
Like what?
Like maybe
your responsibilities at home.
When is the last time you did
some laundry, or cleaned your room,
or fed your dog?
Good thing
your brother's such a messy eater
or poor Cupcake would have starved.
Cupcake. Yeah.
"Vote for Wendy" cupcakes.
Way better than Jessica's cookies.
Thanks, Mom.
Sorry. Bye.
Daddy, you have the mixer on too high.
Well, honey,
I'm an ad agency executive, not a baker.
How about I come up with a nice,
catchy slogan for you instead?
-Like what?
How about,
"Wendy who?
Wendy Wu for Homecoming Queen!"
They really pay you for that?
Grandma, I'm not gonna put
Chinese on my cupcakes.
No, no, no.
I was telling the widow
the doctor was really her son.
Why don't you watch
American soap operas
so that we could all understand?
I do. The Spanish ones.
Hi, I'm home. Sorry I'm late.
Oh, my... What happened here?
Homecoming Queen did it.
I'm not cleaning up.
NINA: Ma, I really need your help
with this Chinese stuff
the director dumped on me.
I've done a lot of the research
but I feel like I'm missing
some of the folklore and legends.
I told you the stories.
I know you did, Ma,
but I was too little to appreciate them.
Anyway, it's not like I missed having
that Chinese culture in my life.
Just because you don't miss it
doesn't mean it isn't missing.
MAN: Delivery.
It must be for this Chinese thing
they're doing here.
-See you.
-I can't believe I finally finished.
-You're welcome.
Thanks, Daddy.
When I win, I'll mention you
in my acceptance speech.
Okay. Good night.
Make sure you clean up.
Wait. You're not gonna help me...
Good night.
-WEND Y: Grandma?
-Forget it.
Your mess. You clean.
May I help you?
-Oh, sorry.
It's just that you look so
-You know me?
-Yes, you're Miaozhen,
woman warrior born in the Wei Dynasty,
sworn to defeat evil.
It is your time again.
Right. It is time. Goodbye.
Don't be frightened.
I'm a Buddhist monk
from Gingi Mountain Temple.
Wait. How did you... You were just...
Who's in there?
Museum security.
I've got pepper spray.
PETER: Hey, Al,
your pizza's getting cold.
Hey, Al, what's up?
Right. That's $ 1 1 .43.
Hey, that's my mom's.
That's Wendy, my sister. You know her.
Dude, are you all right?
Your breath reeks.
Yeah, he had a ponytail
and a cheap bathrobe.
I know.
Jessica probably sent him to scare me.
Can you believe her?
I swear, when we hand out
my killer cupcakes,
Jessica's totally gonna back off.
7 3 in Sacramento. 7 9 in Stockton.
-No way.
-I have a cousin in Stockton.
-Quick! Turn on Channel 5.
-Hey, Amy.
And right here in Fair Springs
it's gonna be 7 2 and partly cloudy,
but always sunny and nice
with all my friends at Fair Springs High.
She's the guest weather person?
And remember,
pick up one of my "Jessica
for Homecoming Queen" cupcakes
No! No!
PETER: I'm home?
Wow, these are really made out of clay?
Yeah, they're terra cotta warriors.
There were 6,000 of them
buried in the tomb
of the first Emperor of China
in 2 1 0 B.C.
And the Chinese Government
sent us eight of them.
-Isn't that great?
You see, the first Emperor,
Qin Shi Huangdi, was buried with them
because the people believed
they would guard him in the afterlife,
but they didn't.
There's a legend that says
every 90 years, they come
under the spell of Yan Lo, an evil spirit.
I've never seen you this excited
about Chinese history before.
I know. It's weird.
We didn't care about this
when we were kids, did we?
No, Everybody Wang Chung Tonight
was about as cultural as we got.
I gotta go. Gonna be late.
Stop it.
The neighbors are gonna see you.
-See you later, Dad.
-Where's Peter?
-He's still sleeping.
He put this ugly necklace on me
last night.
Very funny, Peter.
I should get going, too.
I'm gonna be late.
Mom, what's this?
It's Gingi Mountain Temple.
It dates back over 1 ,500 years.
No, no, no, these bald guys.
NINA: They're monks.
WEND Y: Well,
don't they have ponytails?
Buddhist monks shave their heads.
Why are you asking?
No reason. Gotta go.
Hey, hey,
aren't you taking your cupcakes?
No, you take them. Bye.
But there's 500 of them. Wendy!
-TORY: Hey, Wen, do you want a ride?
-You must wear this.
-Let's go.
It will protect you.
For your sake, Wendy,
you must wear this!
-Who's that?
-How should I know? Just go.
I think he knows you.
So just because he IMs me
he thinks I'll come running back.
What a jerk.
Look, you just stay strong and proud,
and if he IMs you again,
we'll start a rumor that you're already
going out with a senior, right?
Oh, you didn't.
-You're back with him?
-Just a little.
Do you believe her, Wen?
-Are you all right?
-LISA: Yeah.
You're not still thinking about
that guy in the bathrobe, are you?
No, of course not. Why?
'Cause here he comes.
Go! The light's green! Go!
SHEN: Wendy!
Wendy! Stop!
You're in danger! Stop!
SHEN: Wendy!
-Well, that was really weird.
I say we act like that never happened.
COACH: Come on, girls.
Pick it up. Pick it up.
Hey, Wendy.
Did you see me on TV last night?
-No, you were on TV?
-I did the weather on Channel 5.
-Oh, sorry, I missed it.
I was out with Austin. Hey, Austin!
COACH: Pass it on the inside.
COACH: On the wing.
Keep your head in the game, Wendy.
COACH: Nice play, Jessica.
Saw you on TV last night.
You're gonna make
a great Homecoming Queen.
JESSICA: Thanks, Coach Gibbs.
COACH: Jessica, why don't you
goalie for a while?
Tina! You're in.
GIRL 1 : There you go.
There you go. Watch it.
GIRL 2: Over here.
GIRL 1 : There you go.
There you go. Watch it.
GIRL 1 : Pass me the ball.
COACH: Come on, girls.
COACH: That's it. Pick it up. Energy!
GIRL 3: Yes! Way to go!
-Nice hustle.
-GIRL 4: Jessica.
COACH: Okay, let's give her
some air, ladies.
-GIRL 5: Are you okay?
-How did you do that?
-WEND Y: I don't know.
-She had it coming.
TORY: She's trying
to steal your popularity.
-GIRL 1 : Nice work.
I think I'm giving it to her.
How'd you get in here, fella?
COACH: That's it, girls. Keep it up.
-Push it.
-Oh, not you.
Look, why are you following me?
What do you want?
Please, you are in much danger.
Did you put that on me last night?
How'd you get in my house?
I think you're starting to creep me out.
I'm turning you in.
Believe me. I'm a Buddhist monk
who has come a great distance
to find you.
And that's another thing.
You are not a monk.
Buddhist monks shave their heads,
so there.
I was allowed to grow my hair
so that I might fit in when I found you.
I don't know what fashion magazines
you've been reading,
but a stringy ponytail and a weird robe
is not fitting in.
But it is my destiny to help you.
Evil is near.
Look, the only evil I know
is my history teacher
and Jessica Dawson.
And I don't think you can help me
with them.
You find you have skills
you cannot explain.
-What do you mean?
-That kick on the field.
-Crude but very powerful.
-It's a bicycle kick.
Your ancestors would call it
dragon whips tail.
Okay, look,
I'll admit there's been some weird stuff
going on with me lately,
so I'm gonna give you,
like, a minute to tell me what's up.
I have been reincarnated many times
over the centuries
to assist the descendant
of the Yin warrior
to battle evil in the name of good.
You know, Yoda, this is already
getting a little too Star Wars-y for me.
The evil is imprisoned
in the Ganzi jade globe.
It's called Yan Lo, a powerful spirit.
Every 90 years the globe weakens,
allowing him to break free
and possess the bodies of mortals
to challenge the next descendant
of the Yin warrior.
That kind of looks like me.
I really don't like where this is going.
You must follow in the steps
of your ancestors.
It is your turn to defeat Yan Lo.
Me? Well, what if I don't?
Famine, earthquakes,
oceans rising, locusts,
fires, drought, darkness...
Okay, okay, I get it. It's bad.
Oh, there you are, Wen.
Hey, we're going to the mall.
You wanna come with?
Your kung fu training must begin now.
Wait up, guys! I've got a new skirt
with no matching lipstick.
I don't get it. How could you not know
that he was coming to visit?
Tory, I told you. He's from China.
It's not their custom to call first.
Well, why is he dressed like that?
He's not gonna hang around you
all the time, is he?
No, look,
can we not talk about this anymore?
-What does he want?
-Oh, hang on. I've got another call.
-Hey, I still don't get it.
How could you not know
you had a cousin in China?
Hang on. Let me three-way.
Look, you guys,
my cousin's practically leaving already.
So it'll probably be better
for the homecoming vote
if we just kept him a secret.
You know, if Jessica found out,
she'd think of some way
to use it against me.
Hang on.
-Hey, Wen.
Listen, I hear you have
an interesting new friend.
Well, I hope he gets you the monk vote.
-That's a great idea, Tory!
-What's a great idea?
We'll write "Vote for Wendy"
on a bunch of chopsticks
and get your cousin to hand them out
at lunch tomorrow.
-Isn't it awesome?
No, forget it. I'll talk to you guys later.
You must wear this now.
It will protect you during your training.
Look, I don't wanna be rude
but you hanging around me
is making my life a little complicated.
Please, go back to your temple of doom
or whatever.
Look, I never agreed to train.
You'll just have to find
some other girl to be your warrior.
I know. Look, why don't you ask
Sarah Goldberg in my homeroom?
She's got no life. I'm sure
she'll kung fu with you all you want.
The evil spirit
could be anyone around you.
Go away. I'm not your warrior.
You will be a great warrior.
LISA: Did you do
the world history homework?
WEND Y: I know. That stuff's so hard.
I finished it. It was all right.
Frank, you all right?
What's he doing?
It's sacred monk stuff.
LISA: That's cool.
-We'll catch you at lunch, okay, Wen?
Remember what we always say
about these punks.
Never show them fear.
Never let them smell it, either.
We've got a big problem now.
You're embarrassing me
and messing with my rep.
I would not have to do this
if you would only wear the medallion.
Evil is here.
Look, the only thing evil around here
is Mr. Nunan over there.
You have no idea.
-Hey, babe.
-Hey, Austin.
I don't think so.
You know the rules
on public displays of affection.
-She started it, Mr. Tobias.
I got my eye on you, Wendy Wu.
-You are so bad.
-Well, you didn't call me last night.
I wanted to tell you
I finally got a letter back
from that modeling agency
in San Francisco
and they said
my pictures were '80s retro.
That's good, right?
-Yeah, congratulations.
So, I hear... I hear your cousin's in town.
Oh, my gosh,
it's been so embarrassing.
-That's why.
He's not the evil one.
You're safe to speak with him.
Listen, why don't you check to see
if the bathroom is safe for me?
Good idea.
Your instincts are becoming sharp.
What's up with that?
Oh, he's from, like, real deep,
deep inside China
and it's a very careful culture.
So we're still going
to Maria Santiago's party, right?
Oh, yeah.
The next Homecoming Queen
shouldn't be partying
without the Homecoming King.
Wendy, toilet now safe.
-I guess I'll see you at lunch.
Many angry girls waiting for you to go.
Wendy, I'm so glad I ran into you.
Actually, you ran into me.
Anyway, I hope you know
I was only kidding the other night,
on the phone, about your cousin.
Oh, don't worry about it.
That's how you and I are. We kid.
We're like that.
Oh, since I won't see you
at soccer practice,
I am so sorry about the disqualification.
-From what? Soccer?
And probably a bunch
of other extracurricular activities like,
oh, I don't know, homecoming eligibility.
-Not much left. I took this for you.
-Not now.
-What do you mean?
-Oh, it's written in the school bylaw.
"Any student participating
in any extracurricular activity
"must maintain a minimum C average
in all subjects."
-World history.
I don't know
how the counselor found out. Sorry.
What am I thinking?
I can't get an A in world history.
I don't know anything about China.
Midterms are in a week. There's no way.
-I will help you.
Your school lessons.
I know everything
about the history of China.
It's required in the temple.
Well, that's nice but we're in school.
Temple and school are just places.
Chinese history is in here.
I can teach you how to look within.
You are kind of smart.
Okay, you can tutor me.
You must agree to wear the medallion
and begin your kung fu training.
You know, you're like a dog with a bone
with this kung fu thing.
Deal. You tutor, I'll train.
WEND Y: Could you monks
have made this any uglier?
Aren't you gonna stretch?
If we're gonna do kung fu,
you don't wanna pull a muscle
or something.
I am stretching,
and you don't "do" kung fu.
-Kung fu is a way of life.
-Oh, sorry.
Did you get that out of a movie?
It sounded better
when Jackie Chan said it.
So, how long is this gonna take?
Because we really should get started
on my tutoring.
Not that I'm dumb or anything
but that could take longer.
We will have time for both.
So who's gonna save the world
for me?
Who's gonna change?
Who's gonna change?
Who's gonna find a better way
And make it their way?
Wait. Hold on.
We need a hero
Hey, Tory. What's up?
You wanna go shopping later?
To save us from ourselves
Oh, yeah. Me, too.
Lookin' for a hero
Like nobody else
We need a hero
But if we can't find one
I will do it myself
I will
We need a hero
Hey, Lisa.
To save us from ourselves
Lookin' for a hero
Like nobody else
We need a hero
Oh, nice!
Watch your fingers.
But if we can't find one
I will do it myself
One more time?
I will, I will
What? What?
I will, I will, I will
As much as I enjoyed kicking you
I think we should get started
on my tutoring. I'll get my books.
You won't need your books.
As a Yin warrior, you are connected
to all of your ancestors as one life.
Well, what does this have to do
with my D in world history?
Your midterm is on China
and that history is within you.
Are you saying I don't have to study?
No, we all have to study.
You just have to learn
how to remember
1 ,500 years of lessons.
Wait. Okay.
I'll go with this for a minute.
How exactly do I remember this stuff?
You must focus your mind
through meditation.
That weird trance thing you do,
going "yum"?
Not "yum."
Too bad. You would have been
a great Yin warrior
and beautiful Homecoming Queen.
I did it! I did it!
I remembered everything!
I got an A! Thank you so much!
Oh, thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you!
Sorry, Todd.
This is good.
Now that you've focused your mind,
your training will come much easier.
Okay, I'm a little behind
but I think I can catch up.
-Good. We start now.
Posters and flyers.
"Wendy for Homecoming Queen" flyers.
No, your training, you're not done.
Shen, I promised but I didn't say when.
We'll finish this summer.
All right, fine.
Right after homecoming.
Hey, Tory. Guess what?
But evil is very near. We must be ready.
-Time for dinner.
-In a minute, Grandma.
Funny, Grandma.
Grandma, do you ever miss China?
When I see something
or hear something
or even smell something
that reminds me of the village
where I grew up.
Lian He.
That's pretty.
-What's it mean?
-Lotus place.
What do you miss most?
Sitting on my grandfather's lap
on rainy days when he couldn't go
to work in the fields.
I can still smell his pipe
and hear his voices telling me
thousand-year-old stories
about great heroes and their battles.
My favorite was about a girl
who was trained by a young monk
to fight evil.
Her name was Miaozhen.
And they say every 90 years
her descendants
must accept responsibility
and become a Yin warrior.
Yeah, but, Grandma,
you don't really believe that stuff,
do you?
Of course I believe it.
You told her?
I didn't have to. She already knew.
My mother was a Yin warrior
and you will be one, too.
-It's a great honor.
NINA: Hi, everybody. I'm home.
What smells so...
Oh, hi.
Who's this?
Ma, why didn't you tell us
that your grandnephew
on your second cousin's father's side
was visiting?
I thought I told you, or I meant to,
or I'm just old.
-Dad, can I grow a ponytail?
-No, that's silly.
Not that there's
anything wrong with that.
It's just that...
Look, Shen, even though
it's a little bit unannounced,
we want you to feel welcome.
Please stay as long as you want.
How long do you think that'll be?
Leg cramp.
I think he has to leave soon.
I mean,
you can't stay long, right, Shen?
Oh, yes, I will be leaving
as soon as I complete my mission.
-Your mission? What's your mission?
He's on a mission to visit us.
It's a Chinese thing.
You wouldn't understand.
Enough talk. It's very rude to our guest.
Do you not find the history
of the terra cotta warriors
to be fascinating?
How do you know about that?
Oh, great. He reads minds, too.
I cannot read minds.
I saw a poster about your exhibit
of the Qin Dynasty artifacts.
Oh, right, the posters.
Yeah, it's really fascinating
but I'm having a hard time
getting the research straight.
Perhaps I could help you.
One of my teachers at Gingi Temple
is a direct descendant
of Qin Shi Huangdi,
the first Emperor of the Qin Dynasty.
Does it get cold under your robe, dude?
Somebody stop him, please.
Shen, I would be so grateful
if you could help me understand
the history of some of the artifacts.
The exhibit is next week
and I have to get everything organized.
It will be my honor.
-Hey, Shen, do you know any kung fu?
-Of course.
-I have studied it for a very long time.
Do you think
you could show me a couple moves?
My football coach, he's always on me
about shaking the linebackers.
They're always tagging me
from the side.
Oh, football. American sport.
I find in defending against attacks
from the side, wang ting chen moves.
What did he say, Grandma?
Shen will explain. I get the dessert.
-May I demonstrate?
I believe that wang ting chen in English
is "monkey jumps over wall."
"Monkey jumps over wall"?
-That sounded cooler in Chinese, man.
-I agree.
Wow, that was great.
-Dude, you gotta teach me that.
-Of course.
Oh, my. Are these mooncakes?
WEND Y: What are mooncakes?
A very special pastry that is made
to celebrate
the Chinese Autumn Moon Festival.
-Cool, when is that?
Ma, you haven't made these
since I was a kid.
I didn't make them.
Please, I hope you enjoy them.
Mmm. Dude, these are good.
-Kenny, aren't you gonna have one?
Excuse me.
Can I have his?
But Shen is really sweet.
Tory, nobody cares.
Just because they see me with him
doesn't mean
they're not gonna vote for me.
I know he's a monk.
Who cares how he dresses?
Look, I've gotta go. Bye.
These are good.
But how do you get the orange
off your fingers?
Suck them.
They're good, huh?
Oh, hey, I was practicing that move.
Are you all right?
Oh, yeah.
I meant to do that.
Peter, can you give me and Shen
a ride to the mall?
-Mom said you can go shopping?
The same way Dad said
it was okay for you to ditch school
and go surfing last week.
I'll get the car.
How did you do that?
It's an ancient American move called,
"Monkey jumps for smarter sister."
Come on.
Okay, we've got an hour till closing.
We've got work to do.
-Are we training here?
-Sort of. Come on.
I've got a song
but I ain't got no melody
Come on
How am I gonna sing it
with my friends?
I've got a song
but I ain't got no melody
How am I gonna sing it
with my friends?
Will it go round in circles?
All right
Will it fly high like a bird up in the sky?
Will it go round in circles?
Will it fly high like a bird up in the sky?
I've got a little dance
but I ain't got no steps
I'm gonna let the music
move me round
I've got a little dance
but I ain't got no steps
Gonna let the music move me round
Will it go round in circles?
Will it fly high like a bird up in the sky?
Come on. Come on!
NINA: I thought you were too full.
This mooncake is so good.
I think I owe Shen an apology.
I didn't mean to be rude to him.
But it's just
when I saw these mooncakes,
it was like I was a boy again.
And then I felt guilty that I grew up
turning my back on all of this.
-I don't wanna do that anymore.
-You didn't do it alone.
I want us to be
a Chinese-American family.
-Can I have a bite?
It's so strange.
In one night, this long lost relative
comes into our lives,
and in one evening,
he gives your mother
a little piece of the old country,
gives Peter a football move,
finds some missing pieces in your work,
and opens my eyes
to something we've been missing.
-It's wonderful, isn't it?
It's just a little sad because I don't think
Wendy will get anything out of this.
Well, I'll see you guys later.
I'm kind of busy, okay?
All right.
-Hey, babe.
-Oh, hi.
What do you think?
Your shirt. It looks nice.
My hair.
-It looks the same.
-I got highlights. See?
I figure when we win homecoming,
the stage lights
will really bring them out.
Yeah, great.
Who are you looking for?
Nobody. I just thought
maybe Shen would be around.
-My cousin.
Oh, yeah.
You know, we gotta stay away from him.
He's gonna wreck it for us.
People are starting to talk.
Well, people
should mind their own business.
-Maybe he's a nice guy.
-Nice guy.
Well, Warren's a nice guy, too,
but if we let him hang out with us,
we might as well wait
to buy our clothes on sale, you know?
-Austin, that sounds a little snobby.
-Thank you.
SHEN: Vote for Wendy.
I don't think
we're gonna have an image problem
with Shen anymore.
Vote for Wendy
for Homecoming Queen.
GIRL: Yeah, sure, I'll vote for Wendy.
SHEN: Vote for Wendy.
-Wendy, is that your cousin?
-What did you do?
Vote for Wendy.
SHEN: Vote for Wendy
for Homecoming Queen.
(GIGGLES ) He went from monk to hunk.
Does he know Tony and I
are fighting a lot?
Sorry, guys, Shen's busy.
SHEN: Here, take one.
Let's go. You look great.
Everybody was talking about you
at school today.
-You're kind of a celebrity.
-Yes, it was fun.
I've never worn anything
except that stupid robe.
Is that why you were so willing
to change?
Buddhists say the tiger is the mightiest
but it is the chameleon who will endure.
You are such a liar.
You did it for me, didn't you?
-Thank you.
-No, thank you.
This is good.
What is name of this taste?
-Chocolate. What else?
You've never had chocolate before?
-Well, don't they have it in China?
-I'm not sure.
I've never come across it
in my reincarnations.
So you remember
every one of your past lives?
Some better than others.
Not all Yin warriors are memorable.
Will I be?
I do remember
your great-grandmother very well.
-She almost failed.
-Was she weak?
Yan Lo was stronger
and has been getting stronger
every time.
That's why you must train harder
than any of your ancestors.
If I do, will I win?
I hope so,
but you may have to find the strength
within you that I can't teach you,
or this may be the end for me
and you and everything good.
Not too much pressure.
Let's talk about something else.
Tell me about your girlfriends.
You've never had a girlfriend?
What's it like being in love?
I don't know.
I'll tell you when it happens.
You and Austin are not in love?
Look, Austin's a nice guy
but he's only in love with himself.
Then why are you with him?
I guess it's because everyone says
we look good together.
And it'll probably help me
win Homecoming Queen.
An illusion of the heart.
-Another Buddhist saying?
-No, a Shen saying.
Tell you what, since you like
my chocolate cupcakes so much,
I'll make you a bunch for your trip home
when this big battle thing is over.
I will not be going home.
My destiny is to perish during the battle.
What? No! Why?
It is how it has to be.
I must sacrifice myself to save you.
It has been this way
for over 1 ,000 years.
Well, that's a little harsh.
It's all right.
I got to be a real teenager
for a little while.
Well, maybe we should make it last
a little longer.
-So, what do you think?
-Oh, this is nothing.
You should see the parties
back at the temple.
Hey, Wen, guess what?
I'm gonna vote for you.
-Hi, Shen.
-Hi. You know my name?
-You wanna dance?
-Oh, we're kind of together.
I thought he was your cousin.
Oh, yeah.
Go ahead. Have fun.
Can't wait for the weekend
Come on. Come on.
Plus it's a long weekend
Get to stay out late tonight
Hangin' or shoppin'
I never get enough
Don't worry about the moves.
Come on, be yourself.
Be myself?
Yeah, you know, do your own thing.
-That's it.
-What's up, Alvin?
I just wanna have some fun
I'm talking about hangin' out
at the mall
-Where have you been?
I thought we were gonna show up early
and do some campaigning.
And didn't I tell you to wear
the peach-colored shirt?
It goes great with this shirt.
Sorry, I've just been busy lately.
-I thought we wanted to win this thing.
-I do.
I just need to spend some time
with Shen right now.
Lean back and swirl it, baby
Well, I'm your boyfriend, not him.
We just wanna have some fun
Austin, hasn't this just been
an illusion of the heart?
What does that mean?
You know, I don't know you anymore.
Austin, you never did.
We just wanna have some fun
Look, you and I really don't need
each other to win homecoming.
We just wanna have some fun
I'm talking about hangin' out
Are you breaking up with me?
Some fun, some fun
Some, some, some fun
I guess I am.
-I know that move. I can do it.
-Sure you can.
I can.
Yeah! Yeah!
WEND Y: All right, Shen!
Hey, Tory.
Look, I know you think I'm crying.
I'm not, okay?
I've just got a lot going on right now.
Yao Ming? Don't know him.
Which temple is he from?
Before Shen came, all that mattered
was becoming Homecoming Queen,
but it's all different now.
I know. I know.
I sound like a spoiled brat.
But you're one of my best friends
and we can talk about anything, right?
What kind of a chip is this?
-Where's Wendy?
-Oh, she's by the pool.
Dude, this is the biggest hot tub
I've ever seen.
This might be a good time
to finish my training.
You think so?
Tory, what are you doing?
You're wearing my shoes.
LISA: Austin, pull her out!
This will be great in the yearbook.
TORY: Austin, will you
get me out of the pool?
Oh, cool. Are those souvenirs?
You begin the final step to your training
and these are your teachers.
The tiger for aggression,
the snake for flexibility,
the leopard for speed,
the crane for balance,
and the dragon for invincibility.
Wait. Where's the dragon?
But you do know these guys
are just little statues, right?
We'll start with the snake.
Wendy, meet the first master
who will prepare you.
-What's he doing?
-Showing you respect.
Why? He doesn't know me.
He has known you for over 1 ,000 years.
-Hold on. This isn't gonna work.
-Yes, it will.
You are stronger than you think.
(SCOFFS ) No, not that.
Look, I can't be seen fighting
some old guy in a park.
It looks bizarre.
I have to live in this town.
Oh, really?
Besides, it won't feel right fighting him.
He didn't do anything to me.
What's up with this?
Coach Gibbs? Shen, what's going on?
Yan Lo is not the only one
who can possess mortals.
You didn't want to be trained
by my teachers.
How about your teachers?
This could be fun.
No way.
Don't let your body be a cage.
Be as fluid as a snake.
I'm trying, Coach. I mean, monk.
We must try less conventional methods
with this one.
You want me to climb that? Forget it.
We just thought
you might want your phone back.
Be as flexible as a snake.
What's this?
They're coming at me too fast.
Speed is relative.
Slow them down with your mind.
Hey, who's littering my hallway?
You call that balance?
Don't forget to read Chapter 8.
Are these tiki torches? Cool.
Let me call my friends.
We'll have a luau.
Time for your final lesson,
the aggression of a tiger.
Put everything you've learned into one.
Don't think about it. Feel it.
I felt it.
Now you have become a Yin warrior.
I think you guys need this.
Come on, Shen. Let's celebrate
with your first cappuccino.
I don't know what that is
but I hope it's chocolate.
I just hope
when the monks leave their bodies
my teachers won't remember anything
and hold it against me.
Don't worry, they won't.
I don't think. Well, they might.
-Lisa? What's wrong?
-You won!
-You're Homecoming Queen!
-No way. Swear on the life of your cat.
-Tell her, Tory.
It's true. You won.
I won?
Okay, okay, I'll talk to you guys later.
Is everything okay?
(STAMMERING ) Lisa's on
the homecoming committee
and they just finished
counting the votes.
You are now walking
with the new Homecoming Queen.
-You are so lucky.
-Yes, I am.
Well, you know, it's all because of you.
If you hadn't helped me
with my history class...
Hey, I've got an idea.
-Why don't you be my date?
-Be your what?
Date. It means you take me
to the homecoming dance.
-Sorry, but I can't go.
-Why not?
Oh, come on.
It's already bad enough
I have to ask a guy for a date.
You're not gonna make me beg,
are you?
(CHUCKLING ) You know what?
I'm definitely gonna miss
chocolate cupcakes and this, too.
What do you mean, miss?
Where are you...
Oh, yeah.
So when is this big battle thing
on your Chinese calendar again?
The autumn moon.
I know. I know. You said that.
Next week? Next month?
Like, a few days.
A few days?
-How many days?
-A couple.
It's tomorrow?
Please tell me
it's not during homecoming.
-I'm gonna go get another one of these.
-Get back here.
You knew the whole time
that it was gonna happen
during homecoming, didn't you?
-Why didn't you tell me?
-I was afraid you wouldn't train.
So you lied to me instead.
-Monks don't lie.
They just don't tell the truth.
Well, is there anything else
you're hiding from me?
YAN LO: Your Lord of Darkness
commands you to awaken!
Must be indigestion.
Yeah. Yeah, that's it.
SOLDIERS: Yan Lo! Yan Lo!
Yan Lo! Yan Lo! Yan Lo!
Yan Lo! Yan Lo! Yan Lo!
Yan Lo! Yan Lo!
Yan Lo! Yan Lo! Yan Lo!
Yan Lo! Yan Lo!
Yan Lo! Yan Lo! Yan Lo!
Yan Lo! Yan Lo!
Yan Lo! Yan Lo! Yan Lo!
Yan Lo! Yan Lo!
Yan Lo! Yan Lo! Yan Lo!
Yan Lo! Yan Lo! Yan Lo!
I found this for your battle.
It was my mother's.
Why are you wearing that?
I'm going to homecoming.
I won.
I see.
Grandma, I'm sorry if you're mad at me
but being a Homecoming Queen
is all I ever wanted.
Nobody asked me
if I wanted to be a Yin warrior.
You know what?
I don't.
I'm not angry with you.
You're my granddaughter
no matter what you do.
And I've never questioned your choices.
I hate it when she does that to me.
(SNIFFLING ) Well, it's not gonna work.
Battle evil
on the most important day of my life?
Get real.
So what if evil takes over?
The world's already evil.
It's my crown
and I'm gonna wear it tonight.
Evil can wait.
YAN LO: Alone?
Your Yin warrior has betrayed you.
I may be alone
but I have the will of many.
Hope it's enough to beat these guys.
Come on, Daddy, I'm gonna be late.
KENNY: Just a couple more.
It's not every day
you're in the presence of a queen.
Oh, you've taken enough pictures.
Mom, tell him.
Oh, she's right.
Here. Here.
Take some with the video camera.
KENNY: Oh, yeah.
Oh, that's Tory. Gotta go.
Oh, and remember,
they're gonna crown me at halftime
-so don't be late.
-NINA: Bye.
Are we still monks or teachers here?
WEND Y: Monks.
Your hour of destiny has arrived.
Look, guys, I really appreciate
all the cool kung fu training and stuff.
I mean, I'm sure it'll come in handy
with soccer, or if I join the circus,
but I have my own appointment
with destiny.
And... And tell Shen I'm sorry.
Maybe next time.
There won't be a next time.
He's gone to battle.
The time for evil has finally come!
Evil must face the force of the leopard.
The snake.
The crane.
The tiger.
And the Yin warrior.
Why didn't you guys tell me it was her?
I would have been here yesterday.
About 1 0 minutes ago
would have been nice, too.
Move, you big idiots!
Shen, are you all right?
Not too crazy about the pain
but I'll be okay.
Witness, Yin warrior,
the darkness of a new day.
-That doesn't sound like Jessica.
-It's Yan Lo.
I knew this weak Yin warrior
would come to the aid of her monk.
Well, yeah.
-And to save the world.
-Right. And to save the world.
Maybe you guys wanna jump in now?
What are you doing here?
I knew you would make the right choice.
Put on your great-grandmother's robe
and save the world.
Where am I?
-Hey, Jessica.
You're kind of at the museum.
-WEND Y: I don't know.
You're supposed to be at homecoming.
You're late.
I am?
I mean,
I thought
everyone already voted you queen.
I've been thinking lately.
And there are other things that are
more important to me right now.
You better hurry
if you're gonna get that crown.
I am so proud of you.
Oh, Grandma.
Let's go home. Mooncakes on me.
I don't think this is over yet.
I was wondering
why I survived this time.
Shen, any advice here?
I don't know.
This is first time
Yan Lo has shown up in person.
Okay, that's not gonna help me.
Let him go!
It's destiny.
You must let me go.
No! Grandma, I'm losing Shen.
What do I do?
Everything you have learned!
Let him go!
Shen! Shen!
At last,
the days of doom become destiny.
No, I won't let Shen die.
This is not destiny.
-I'm alive?
-You're alive.
-You changed the destiny.
-I know.
-Are you mad?
-No, but the monks might be.
Yan Lo has been destroyed forever.
The legend is over.
By something mightier than anything
we could ever teach a Yin warrior,
true sacrifice for the world
and a friend.
Our purpose is finished as well.
-What about me?
-This will be your last life.
Live it well.
He can stay?
I can stay?
Hey, you two, break it up.
Where are we?
We're all on the way to my place
for mooncakes.
You're all invited. Come along, now.
You know,
I really hate those mooncakes.
I've been eating them for 1 ,000 years.
Let's get a cappuccino.
Let's go this way.