Werewolf Cabal (2022) Movie Script

Get your ass in here.
Yeah, boss.
Well, good morning, sunshine!
Did I wake you?
It's been a slow week.
It's getting ready to speed up.
Boss wants to see you...
Oh, this'll be fun.
Let's go.
This way.
Hey, captain.
Everything okay, boss?
You probably wanna kill us.
You three would be the ugliest...
Do you realize that your stupidity
has made this office a laughing stock?
Laughing stock, it's
been a tough month, boss.
Hey, I like to think
that I pulled my weight.
Are you sure you're okay, boss?
I have tinnitus.
What's that?
Oh, god.
Tinnitus is a ringing in your ears.
Now, do you know how you get that?
From stress.
Do you know how you get stress?
You three morons!
We'll raise our game, captain!
Now, my doctor.
He told me if I did this,
every day, I would get rid of it.
I've be doing this, every
day, for three weeks,
and guess what?
I still have ringing in my ears!
Hey, boss, let me get you a cappuccino.
I don't want cappuccino!
Now, what I want, is you
three to get me Russo.
The guy's a wacko!
Right, well...
You three should feel right at home.
Get me Russo!
Oh, I feel sick
It's just been one of those
kind of days, you know?
What're you having to drink?
You always keep your blind dates waiting?
I'm sorry.
You know, you never did tell me
what it is you do for a living.
Oh, I write novels, mostly horror.
- Check, please.
- Sure, no problem.
I just got here and you're leaving?
Yeah, I'm double booked,
and frankly, the next guy has potential.
I think she made a wise move.
Are you sure that's our guy?
Brings all his failed dates here.
10 bucks says he starts to cry
when we break the news to him.
10 bucks, I've never known
you to have more than five.
Hey, you gonna take my bid or not?
Sure, Micky, I'll take your money.
What time's your shift get off?
Just past midnight.
I'd love to take you
out to dinner one night.
What do you think?
Sure, that sounds great.
I'll give my husband a ring
and invite him along, too.
That'll be five bucks, Romeo.
Mr. Randy Russo?
Is this about the rent?
Look, tell Ms. Maloney, I
swear I'll get her money to her
by the end of the week.
I think you have us confused
with someone else, Mr. Russo.
I do?
Oh, yeah, my name is Lopez, Danny Lopez.
And these are my associates.
Micky Sanchez and Ricky Dematteo.
We're detectives, with the LAPD.
I I can see that.
I'm afraid we have some bad news.
My ex-wife wants me back?
You were the journalist who covered
the Michael Kiefer case, right?
The one and only.
I was, I was good friends with him.
I met with up with him about a week
after you guys let him out.
Well, we just want a quick chat.
I'm flattered.
You should be.
We're all very popular in this town.
We need to know what
happened to Mr. Kiefer.
Well, gentlemen, I
only talk to open minds.
Our minds are wide open.
Always do like talking to an honest cop.
So for my own protection boys,
won't want you misinterpreting my words.
It all started in the
small rural town of the UK.
Oh, I didn't like
the sound of that, bill.
No, it's just a fox, dear.
Well go and have a look.
It's just gone midnight,
don't be ridiculous.
Shifting for anyone.
- Oh, hey!
- Go and have a look!
She doesn't bloody listen.
All this way for nothing.
Bloody cold too.
No, no!
Mr. Lewis will see you now.
Mr. Michael kiefer?
Have a seat.
Something strong would be good.
Whiskey would be better.
Nice place you have here.
Thank you.
My family have worked out
of this office for generations,
it's more like a second home.
I can see.
I'm gonna take a pass on the whiskey.
I skipped breakfast this morning.
Oh, right, yes.
It's very wise to look after one's self,
- isn't it?
- True.
Huh, Megan?
Would you be a dear and
fetch a plate of crisps for us?
Would you like a bite to eat Mr. Kiefer?
No, thank you, I'm good.
Very well.
Well, it's pleasing to
put a face to a voice.
The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Lewis.
And where are you staying?
I booked a hotel not too far from here.
Your mother's cottage is only
a 20 minute drive from our little town.
It's situated in a
beautiful little village.
So I heard.
Thank you Megan.
I knew your mother of
course, wonderful person.
She, uh..
I'm very sorry for your loss.
My mother gave me up
for adoption when I was one,
so I have no recollection of her.
Well, she was a teenager
when she gave birth to you.
It was a very different time.
She was unmarried, so
she had no stable income.
She did what was best for you.
Of course, sometime later,
she had your stepbrother, Eric.
He's turned out to be a
fine young chap, you know.
I never met him, so...
Yes, so I've heard.
How did my mother pass?
Your letter was brief.
She was mulled to death by dogs
whilst out walking with Eric.
Yes, Eric survived the attack.
I checked up with his local
doctor a couple of weeks ago.
I really must get in touch
again, I do hope he's okay.
I honestly wasn't expecting that.
Well, there has been a spate
of dog attacks in that village.
Recently, a farmer was mauled
to death outside the woods.
Oh, would you like a crisp?
They're rather good, they
are a couple of days out.
No thank you, I'm, I'm okay.
Look, can we get down
to business, Mr. Lewis?
I still have a lot of unpacking left to do.
Yes, of course, yes.
Oh, and do call me Archibald,
I've not one of those dreadful chaps
that stands on ceremony.
Of course.
From what I understand, I'm due some sort
of inheritance in my
mother's will, is that correct?
Your mother had the good sense
to draw up a will before her accident.
Do you know my family have represented
your family's affairs for generations now?
I come from a long line of solicitors.
Oh, yes, you will split the inheritance
between yourself and your brother, Eric.
Great, so I'm here to pick up cash.
Please, Mr. Kiefer, we are talking
about your mother's final wishes.
As I said Mr. Lewis,
my dear sweet mother
gave me away as a baby.
I didn't know the woman.
Were you close to your adoptive parents?
No, I can't say that I was.
And what is it you
do for a living, Michael?
I write novels.
- Thrillers?
- Nope.
Oh, well what is your genre of choice?
I carved out a career as a horror author.
Oh, some of our greatest
writers have come from horror.
Are you a fan of Vernon Lee?
Vernon, who?
She was an 18th century novelist,
wrote supernatural stories.
She also wrote essays.
You must have read Euphorion.
Being a treaty on the ancient
and the medieval in the renaissance.
I can't say that it Springs to mind.
Ah, well, what is the
title of your latest book?
Cosmic zombies from planet Jupiter.
Oh, that's quite a title isn't it?
Pays the bills.
Yes, indeed.
We were talking about my inheritance.
Oh, oh yes.
Yes, I'm sorry.
I rather lost the train
of the conversation.
She left me something in her will,
I guess that's what it all
boils down to in the end.
Well, in a matter of speaking, yes.
Here are the deeds to
your mother's only property.
Well, I honestly wasn't expecting that.
I thought maybe a few
pounds, but not an entire cottage.
Well, it is, it's quite a
modest cottage, really,
Michael, that I wouldn't
be expecting too much.
Well, it's a sweet
surprise, all the same.
I'm sure I'll get a lot
of writing done there.
Indeed, you will.
It's situated in our lovely
English countryside.
How long are you staying in the UK?
I've set aside a few weeks,
but I plan to go to
London in a couple of days.
Ah, well now you've got a
new cottage to fall back on.
No need for those expensive hotels, eh?
Of course.
Is it in a good state of repair or...?
Well, it is 600 years old, Michael.
Well, she's looking good for her age, yes.
I must find out if
Eric is still living there.
I contacted him, let him
know your arrival of course.
But I do hope he's okay.
If you communicate with him,
please do apologize on my behalf.
Was there anything
else that she left me or...?
No, that's, that's everything.
I just have one more question.
Go on.
Were Eric and my mother close?
Yes, she adored him.
That's great.
And Eric's father was, what's his story?
I don't really know,
he was one of the locals.
He died quite a while back.
Natural causes, I hope.
Here were the keys and
that's the address for the cottage.
I could call you a taxi
now if you'd like to visit?
Yeah, why not, I'd love to see the joint.
Could you call Mr. Kiefer a taxi?
Of course, what's
the destination address?
66 lavender Lane.
Tell the taxi driver to just
drop him off at the Hopkins cottage.
Right away.
I can write you a check if you prefer?
Well, you cannot tell these days.
My change?
So you staying here long?
Few weeks.
Rather you than me.
Full of bad energy, that cottage.
I wouldn't step foot in, myself.
Thanks for the advice.
Mind popping the trunk
so I can grab my bag?
Oh yeah, the place was haunted.
Ah, don't listen to idle gossip.
The owner, she's a mad, old bitch too.
That was my late mother.
Anything else you'd care to add?
I wish you all the best.
Same to you.
I thought
you'd forgot to call me.
Not a chance.
I know you'd make my life hell if I did.
That's true.
When will I see you again?
Soon, honey.
I just gotta take care
of some business, so.
Are you writing a new book?
I will be, I'm just making
notes at the moment.
How's your mom doing?
She'd rather
die than mention your name.
You know, I'll be 15 next birthday.
You have an idea how
old that makes me feel?
Well just wait till you're 35, honey.
That sounds awful.
Do you think you
and mom will ever get back?
Don't start that, Caroline.
We've been over this too many times.
You need to accept that it's over.
I think she still loves you.
I think that you want to believe that.
I miss you, dad.
I miss you too, honey, you have no idea.
Well, I must go now.
I have a ton of study to catch up on,
mom's being real pain about it.
It's one of her best traits.
Speak soon.
All right, I'll call you
over the weekend, okay?
Study hard, honey.
Look after your mom too.
Oh, Jesus.
Careful, you could scold yourself.
Who the hell are you?
That's not very polite,
I was expecting better.
How did you get in here?
I live here, sweetie, I have my own key.
You live here?
That's what I just said, isn't it?
Excuse me, dear.
You're in the way.
Do you have a name?
Of course, doesn't
everyone? Silly question.
Well, would you mind telling me?
I like to know the names of the people
who trespass on my property.
Our property, darling.
I've lived in the upstairs
room for many years now.
Oh really?
Yes, really.
You should learn to relax a bit more.
Your face has turned an awful shade of red.
You could die of a brain hemorrhage
or something if you're not careful.
Charlotte Devere.
Well, Charlotte Devere,
it's a pleasure to meet you.
I wish I could say
the feeling was mutual.
You don't pull your punches, do you?
I know how to speak my mind
if that's what you're referring to.
How many?
Just the one.
So you must have been
good friends with my mother?
I was her live-in maid for many years.
Solicitor didn't mention you.
Your mother kept her private affairs
very close to her chest.
I have all the paperwork in order
if that's what you're worried about.
In fact, I'll fetch my tenants agreement
right now for you, shall I?
I'd like to slip into something
more comfortable anyway.
Great, I'll light a fire.
Thanks for letting
me have a look at that.
You're most welcome.
It makes perfect sense that you'd want
to cast your eye over it.
You have a beautiful way with words.
Thank you.
Your mother talked about you often.
Well, I'm surprised, she gave me up
for adoption when I was one.
She came to regret that decision.
We had our little chats.
Well, she could have reached out to me.
It was never that simple.
I'd love to hear all about it.
Maybe later.
What do you do for a living, Michael?
I'm a writer.
That's lovely, but how do you make money?
That's what I was asking.
That is how I make
money, thank you very much.
You're a published author?
How splendid.
Most writers I know haven't got
two pennies to wrap
together, terribly unattractive.
You really don't mince
your words, do you?
I'm sorry.
It's just the way I was brought up.
Public school education and all that.
I see.
I'd love to read some of your work.
I'm rather fond of a good novel.
I don't think you'd be a fan of my genre.
You should try me, Michael.
I'm a very open-minded lady.
All right, horror.
Now you do have my attention.
I have a very dark imagination.
I must read your latest book.
Well, I'll send you a copy.
Thank you.
So was it you who was
making all that racket last night?
What racket?
I heard banging in
one of the spare rooms.
It wasn't me.
I wasn't here last night.
You were most likely having a bad dream.
I was wide awake, I know what I heard.
You okay?
I'm fine, it's nothing.
Where is Eric, by the way?
I'm sorry?
Will he be home later,
I'm curious to meet him.
You haven't been told have you?
Haven't been told what?
Oh, my dear.
Your brother Eric died recently.
He didn't cope well with
the loss of your mother.
He wasn't the most stable
person at the best of times.
Didn't the solicitor tell you?
The solicitor didn't
keep in touch with him.
I'm so sorry.
I thought they would've told you.
It's a shock for sure, but I
don't have any hard feelings.
I, I didn't know him.
Okay, well, maybe tomorrow
we could go to the church
and light a candle for him
and your mother if you like.
We shall.
Our father, who art in
heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
thy will be done on
earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us for our sins.
I'm sorry, that's literally all I have.
Can you bring more next time?
After all, we do have a roof to fix.
I promise I'll try my best.
God bless you, my child.
Father I...
you've come to confess your sins.
Well that's a very delicate situation.
Well, these things often are.
I've fallen in love.
I see.
I'm a married woman.
My husband, he's a good man, but...
But you've grown bored.
And how long have you had these feelings?
For many months now,
I'm so ashamed of myself,
but I just can't help the
way I feel for this man.
He excites me.
Well, my advice in these situations
is that you make your
feelings obvious to him.
But I'm married, father.
Well, as Oscar Wilde once said,
"the only way to get rid of
temptation is to yield to it."
- Are you sure?
- Absolutely.
But the man I've fallen for,
he's a man of the cloth, father.
And pray, do I know this man?
Well yes, father, you know him very well.
I light a candle for her every week.
You mean for them?
Yeah, both of them, no.
What was he like?
Eric is...
Was lovely.
Very thoughtful.
He always liked to see the good in people.
Well, he sounds like a great guy.
What about your adoptive parents?
Did you get along with them?
I can't say that I do, to be honest.
My adoptive father, he ran
his own construction company
and my mother a candy store.
They were good.
A hard working folk.
We just didn't see eye
to eye in a lot of things.
I left Montana when I was 18,
moved out to Los Angeles
and haven't been back since.
And do you have any
adoptive brothers and sisters?
I'm sorry to hear that.
I'm one of several siblings.
We all fight like cat and dog of course,
but I can't imagine my life without them.
Well, I always preferred my own company.
I guess scribbling horror
stories was my way of an escape.
You never thought of
following another career path?
Well, why? Writing is all I know.
Not sure I'd be good at anything else.
I'm sure you're good at
quite a lot of things, Michael.
You okay?
Should have bought some flowers.
We'll go into
town tomorrow and get some.
Sounds like a plan.
I see that's
your favorite word?
I'll have to use a few more,
mix things up a bit for you.
Praise be the lord.
An angel is amongst us
and her name is Lydia.
Give me a second to deal with him.
What do you want?
You know we have that meeting later
and I was going to suggest...
don't touch me.
Hey, you okay?
I'm fine.
And how may our heavenly
father be of service to you, sir?
I just wanted to make sure my friend here
was all right, father.
How unorthodox, so, protestant?
I don't practice anything, father.
I see.
Can I help you?
No, nice to meet you too.
We don't have time to make
idle chit chat, do we, Maxwell?
Time to leave.
Door's over there, sir.
Look guys,
I don't want any trouble.
All I'm doing is just making
sure my friends all right.
Your friend is fine.
Time to go.
Come on handsome, let's go.
Keep an eye on those two.
They could prove troublesome.
I'm not a big tea drinker.
You should open your mind
and your taste buds a bit more, Michael.
I was raised on strong coffee.
Just try it and stop being so stubborn.
It's not too shabby.
I've tasted a lot worse in my time.
I'll take that as some
sort of compliment.
So are you gonna spill the beans
on the good reverend James?
He's a cat, there's nothing
more I can say about him.
And he's about as religious as I am.
Ooh, tell me more.
Well, he drinks like a fish,
gambles every chance he can
get and chases every poor woman
who comes within a few feet of him.
What about his bad points?
Ha-ha, very funny.
I take it, he's made a
pass at you at some point.
Ugh, he wouldn't dare.
He knows he'd get a slap across the face.
I can imagine.
How's the tea?
Is the taste growing on you?
We'll turn you into a fine
English gentleman in no time.
Sounds lovely.
Are you planning on staying here long?
Few weeks.
And what about the cottage?
I can't imagine a man like you
settling in a place like this.
Los Angeles is a far cry
from our cozy little village.
You trying to get rid of me already?
No, I'm sorry. Please forgive me.
I didn't mean it to come across like that.
I was just being too forthright, as usual.
It's one of my greatest faults.
So I noticed.
I'd like to stay here
if that's okay with you.
Look, I have no intention
of kicking anyone out.
I just came to check on
my inheritance, that's all.
I have a young daughter
back in Los Angeles,
and I was hoping that
Eric would buy my share.
Look, you can stay here and
rent for as long as you like.
I'm in no rush now to sell the place.
Thank you.
I'd like to know more about
their deaths, if that's okay.
I just feel like there's more to the story.
Could we talk about it more tomorrow?
It's been a long day and
I'm starting to feel tired.
Let's go to bed.
Separately, Michael.
Good night.
Good night.
Hurry up, he's starting to wake.
Can't believe you've
forgot the road rocks.
Shut up.
Oh, Charlie, good.
Well come on then, let's get a move on.
We don't have much time.
Well, hello my child.
I can't do this anymore.
Nobody forced you, Jennifer.
We were all over it as
far as I can remember.
I didn't think it was real.
I just thought it was all a bit of fun.
And involved with the
cult was never a good idea.
And you can put a bloody sock in it too.
I didn't hear you complain
when we first started this.
No more spells, that's it.
We're all done.
Is that clear?
Where's Eric?
Tied up out the back.
I want to see him.
I don't think that's a good idea.
You turned him into a bloody monster.
There you go again,
putting all the blame onto moi.
And where
do you think you are going?
I'm going home.
I've had enough.
She's always the flake.
Enough, Charlotte.
We've got far more important things
to worry about than her disappearing.
You can say that again.
Anybody there?
Ah, Jesus.
You're being lied to.
Does everybody in this damn village
just appear outta nowhere?
You need to leave at
first light, do you hear me?
Your life depends on it.
Who are you?
The name is Jennifer Rogers.
I was a close friend of your mothers.
I will explain everything,
please just listen to me.
I think you should just
go, I'm too tired for this shit.
Your brother isn't dead.
You've been lied to.
I'm sorry?
It's true, he's alive.
They're looking after him
in the church as we speak.
Who's keeping him?
Reverend James and
Charlotte and the rest of the cabal.
They're trying to keep a
horrible truth from getting out.
You need to listen to me.
Look lady, I don't even know who you are.
All I ask is five minutes
of your time, Michael.
How do you know my name?
I make it my business to know everything
that's going on in this village.
So you were friends
with Eric and my mother?
Yes, very much so.
I will explain everything.
Please, just listen to me.
Five minutes you say?
Maybe 10, if we get along.
What do you think?
I think I'm gonna
regret this, is what I think.
It has to be this way, Eric.
You do understand that, don't you?
What time's coming against him?
There was a tribe from Norway
during the middle ages
who'd run into battle,
were in the highs of walls
and ball on their backs.
They were so ferocious
that their enemies swore
they would turn their men into
beasts during need of battle.
I used to think...
Those stories were just a myth.
I'm not so sure anymore.
Let me loose, Peter.
I've always loved you.
Lucky you, good brother Eric.
How do you expect to do that?
Maybe the old legends are true.
Hiding in plain view.
Do you have an open mind, Michael?
Well, I write horror for a living,
comes with the territory, I guess.
I can see you take after
your dear late mother.
God bless her tormented soul.
She was too good for this
earth, I can tell you that much.
Did you know her long?
All of my life.
Did she ever talk about me?
All the time, Michael.
One of her biggest regrets was losing you.
She could
have tried to locate me.
She was young when she had you.
It was different with Eric,
she was more settled.
I'll take your word for it.
So you say Eric is still alive?
What are your views on ancient mythology?
Well, it comes in handy when I'm doing
a bit of research for one of my books.
Peter and his friends are all
very keen on ancient mythology.
The subject fascinates them.
Anything in particular?
Ancient mythology covers a large area.
Yes, that's right.
What's this got to do with Eric?
I was just coming to
that, please be patient.
I do not like to be rushed.
Ooh, the floor is yours.
According to legend,
there are many ways you
can become a werewolf.
You could be raised
by she wolf, for starters.
I penned a few werewolf novels in my time.
Well, that's interesting to know.
You'll also be aware that eating the burns
of an animal killed by a
wolf will also do the trick.
Great, yeah.
Didn't know that.
Saucer is another option, of course.
Black magic?
Peter and his friends
all follow the left hand path.
Are you telling me they
like to dabble in the black arts?
You can turn a person into a wolf
by casting a circle in the woods
and evoking the lord of the forest.
The ancients used to love that one.
Well, according to my
research, jumping over a log
and stabbing it with a
copper knife also works,
it's a lot more fun too.
Just as long as you utter
the right incantation as you do it.
Of course.
Stickable skin on your back
and you pretty much there.
So you're telling me
that the good reverend and his friends
used witchcraft to create a werewolf?
We didn't take it seriously at first.
You have to believe me.
What method did they use?
All of them.
It wounded your brother that night.
Eric managed to escape, but
he was already lycanthrope.
Michael, it was Eric who
mauled your poor mother to death.
They're keeping him in
the church as we speak.
You're completely nuts.
They use the church to
practice their black hands.
So my poor half brother is a werewolf
and they faked his death?
You realize how insane you sound, right?
Maxwell is a local coroner.
Roland is the police inspector.
They've head up there on uncle Behi.
You've got to believe me.
I've heard enough, you need to leave now.
You need to take me seriously.
We didn't have the
heart to kill him, you see.
We were all local friends, like I said.
I was part of their clique
too, until very recently.
I left when I heard the truth about Eric.
I saw Peter with a few others earlier.
Yes, Maxwell, Roland
and there's another friend called Roxanne.
They're all trying to
keep Eric safe, but...
It's too late.
Well, he looks secure.
He's as secure as he was this morning.
We need to take it in
turns and stay and watch him.
We can't have him escaping again.
He'll keep until first light.
I still think one of us needs
to stay and keep a lookout.
We're miles away from the village.
Nobody's gonna come
knocking on the church door
at this time of night.
I'll stay if Roland keeps me company.
If, what?
Are you joking, it's
absolutely freezing in here.
I'm not staying here all night.
Peter can bring us
in a flask of hot coffee.
Come on, Roland, where's
your sense of adventure?
You must have gone camping as a kid.
Camping as a kid?
There's a difference between doing camping
as a kid and babysitting
a fucking werewolf.
Language please or you hasn't god.
Don't language me, I'm a policeman now.
I've grown up Maxwell.
You're gonna be old
before your time, young man.
If you say so.
I do.
So are you both going
to stay the night or what?
I can bring you blankets if you are.
Oh fine.
All right, fine.
Someone has to look after this old dog.
Hallelujah, decision at last.
So I'll get back to fideridge and, um.. Oh.
So are you coming or staying, Roxanne?
I suppose I can come and help you.
Do you think he'll be okay?
I hope so.
He's a brave kid.
Just needs our help now.
Yeah, but...
How long's that gonna take?
As long as necessary.
Friends for life.
We all swore we'd look
out for one another...
No matter what.
Yeah, I know.
It was really nice meeting you.
Same here.
It's okay if you don't believe me.
All I ask is that you leave this village
before it's too late, Michael.
You need to take everything
I've told you seriously.
You need to take Charlotte with you, too.
Look here.
What, it's a full moon.
What of it?
He'll be back to find you this evening.
He's already got your scent, Michael.
You are his only brother,
he will return to this cottage.
Peter and the others,
they couldn't control him.
They already failed once.
Look, I'm very, very tired, okay?
It's been a long and stressful day.
Are you gonna be okay getting home?
I assume that you don't live too far?
I just live at the
other side of the village.
I will be fine.
Well, I wish you a safe journey.
Leave this place,
Michael before it's too late.
Werewolves don't exist, lady.
Now please leave me alone.
Do you hear it?
Yes, just a stray dog.
No dog makes a noise like that.
You know it, you feel it deep down.
Monsters don't exist, Jennifer.
Fetch the girl and come with me.
I will hide you both the best I can.
It's just a stray dog, lady.
My bed is calling me, goodnight.
Foolish boy...
Foolish boy.
Maxwell, wake up, wake up.
Wake up.
What's wrong?
I'm not so sure about those chains.
What's happening?
Jesus Christ.
How did he escape? We triple locked in.
I don't know, go and ask him.
Do you think he's
heading for the village?
Well, we can't stay here all night.
What if he comes back
and tries to eat one of us?
He'd probably choke on you.
Oh, ha-ha.
The howling sounds
like it's getting further away.
I think we should make
a run for the vicarage.
I think you could be right.
We should make a run for it, right?
We'll make a run for it,
but I'm gonna count us in.
We're gonna go on three.
Three, all right.
- One.
- Three!
Oh, Roland.
Roland, Roland!
Wait for me, Roland?
Roland, wait for me. Roland?
Help me.
Do something.
Oh, oh, hey, Mr. Wolf, hey here.
Come on.
Come on, come on.
Hey, hey, you wanna go for walkies?
Go for walkies, don't you?
Hey, let's head over to the vicarage.
We've got some, some
nice biscuits over there.
Nice biscuits.
Much, much nicer than tough chippy.
Maxwell, that's nice soft biscuits.
Would you like that?
No, no, no.
How about keys, keys?
Look, do you want the keys?
Come, go, go get the keys.
Go get the keys.
Well, I haven't got anything else.
I don't.
Well look at the size of you.
Hey, you okay?
I couldn't sleep.
I was having terrible dreams.
Do you want me to go
get you a glass of water?
In a minute, it's okay.
I dreamt I heard you
talking to another woman.
It was so strange.
No, it's just you and me here.
You must have been having a nightmare.
You'll forget about it by tomorrow.
You were both attacked.
In the dream.
Did I die?
I don't know, it was like
a huge bear or something.
Just a silly dream, right?
Michael, are you okay?
I'm, yeah, yeah.
You're very fond of Eric.
Oh, yes, we all were.
What makes you say that all of a sudden?
No reason.
Just over thinking things as usual.
Look, I'm pretty tired, I'm gonna turn in.
What was that for?
You're a sweet guy, Michael.
Promise me you'll never change.
I promise.
Now be an angel and
fetch me that glass of water.
Whatever you say, boss.
You're adorable.
I have my moments.
I like them.
Are you okay, Michael?
You seem preoccupied.
I just have a lot on my mind, that's all.
Do you wanna talk about it?
Is there something you're not telling me?
What do you mean?
Something you might have left out.
If I had, it's only because
I'm trying to protect you.
All right, I'm gonna go to bed.
What if I said I didn't
want you to leave?
What if I said I'd quite
like it if you were to stay?
Well, I'd say you are
delirious due to lack of sleep.
I'm serious, Michael.
I don't want you to leave me tonight.
I don't want to be alone.
Look Charlotte, we can talk
all you want tomorrow, okay?
Stay a while.
Just for a bit.
It's broken free.
Oh, we don't know that.
I can sense it and so can you.
I sense nothing.
We should go and check the guys are okay.
We stay here.
Don't you care what happens to them?
Of course I care.
But if that thing has escaped,
we wouldn't stand a chance.
You're nothing but a
bloody coward, Peter James.
It was the same when we were kids.
You and the others had it easy.
My parents were cruel.
I couldn't risk putting your foot wrong.
Yeah, we were always there for you
whenever they set an example
of you or have you forgotten?
I'm trying to listen.
Is that why you never settle down?
Now is not the time
for a deep and meaningful
conversation, Roxanne.
It's never the time, Peter.
That's always been your problem.
Maybe all you needed was
the right women standing beside you.
And where
do you think you are going?
Where do you bloody think?
You're going nowhere.
Get out my way, Peter.
I'm not leaving them out there.
Just 10 more minutes, that's all I ask.
If we don't hear anything more,
then I'll go with you, I promise.
Let me go.
Sorry, I can't do that.
Then come with me.
We stay here.
And when have you ever known me
to do anything you've asked me to do?
Are you kidding me?
This time of bloody night.
A devout Christian.
For fucks sake.
I am the last woman that
you'll ever be with, Peter James.
You better start getting
your head around that fact.
Is that clear?
We love your work, cut it out.
Can we help you, I said, can we help you?
Didn't your mother teach you to knock?
I'm here for answers.
Can you narrow that down a bit?
Do you know a lady called Jennifer?
Of course it's a small village,
everybody knows everybody.
Well, she came to see me tonight.
Jennifer is a ex-friend of ours.
We have nothing to do with her these days.
She told me my younger
brother was still alive.
Is that true?
Jennifer is a little...
I take what she says to
you with a pinch of salt.
Well, she seemed pretty convincing to me.
I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.
You seem to have a habit of doing that.
Okay, boys, back in your boxes.
I'm not going anywhere until someone
gives me some fucking answers!
Do you like wine?
I could go for several glasses right now.
Red or white?
Good choice.
This is the Muton de Reuche style
from the right bank in France.
I'm sure you know it.
I can't say that I do.
Let it breathe and fill the Stein.
I understand you're from Los Angeles.
Yeah, but I was raised in Montana.
I see.
Yes, your poor mother didn't
deserve to die the way she did.
So everyone keeps telling me.
They didn't tell you
that your brother had passed away then?
Not a peep.
Well, in a village, like how,
we like to keep a firm
lid on private affairs,
I suppose it's different in Los Angeles.
A lot different.
So what do you do for a living?
I write horror novels.
Oh yes, I really love
the trashy genre myself.
I wouldn't describe them as being trashy.
You know, I might actually
partake in a drink myself.
Look, can we chat between top ups?
I'm beginning to lose my Patience.
You need to de-stress a little.
Getting angry is not gonna help things.
I'll take that chance.
Hmm, so what did our dear old
Jennifer say to you, exactly?
Well, Eric is still alive.
And you believe her?
I'm beginning to swing in that direction.
You seem convinced.
You're not suggesting there's
been a coverup, have you?
That's exactly what I'm suggesting.
I mean, do you
realize how insane you sound?
Maxwell is the town coroner,
Roland is the village
police, you're the local vicar.
Doesn't sound so far fetched,
now that I've had time
to think about things.
It'd be a bugger to
prove though, wouldn't it?
Have you told him yet?
Get out, Roxanne.
I think I'd rather sit here
and listen to your lies, if that's okay.
And what's your job
in this sweet little town?
I'm head of social
services, if you must know.
See, now I know that
Jennifer was onto something.
Yank, you need to leave.
I'm not going anywhere
until I get some answers.
Tell him Peter. Tell him everything.
Tell him, it's his brother.
He deserves to know what happened.
So Jennifer was telling the truth?
She was.
And Peter here is going to
confirm what she told you.
Well, I'm waiting.
Tell him.
Very well.
There's no point in
hiding the truth any longer.
The wolfies well and truly out of the bag.
They do exist.
No, I need to see it to believe it.
Well open up the
window and you'll hear him.
Seeing is believing.
We were the very best of friends.
But you know, we only had two options.
Put him out of his misery
or Heidi's dirty little secret.
Werewolves don't exist.
So you keep saying.
We thought we had it all under control.
Where is he, where is my brother?
I would've thought
that was rather obvious.
Don't you?
Sorry, I don't follow.
Where does any wolf cub
go when he feels threatened?
Back to his den, I guess.
He's too late now.
He's probably already at the cottage.
We need to go over there now.
For what purpose?
You can't defeat a beast like that.
I'll go.
Werewolves don't exist, remember?
That's what you said.
I swear to god, if she gets hurt,
I won't need black magic
to put you in the ground.
Fuck you, motherfucker!
Okay, fine, go.
See if I care.
You can't beat it.
You can't defeat it.
It's the devils child.
You're not leaving me, are you, Roxanne?
I'm sorry Peter.
I can't sink as low as you.
I wouldn't be able to
live with myself if I did.
You've never really cared about anyone
other than yourself, have you?
Think what you will.
Your new fancy battle is waiting.
Two strike outs in one evening
isn't great record is it sweetie?
I feel sorry for you.
That's the pitiful truth.
Get outta my sight.
I don't need you.
I don't need anybody.
Come on, come on!
Grant me the Serenity to
accept the things I cannot change
the courage to change the things I can,
Dog hair, sir?
I don't know, you're an
expert on canine, Spencer.
Well, I dunno about that, sir.
But the wife's always kept dogs.
We got a young toy poodle at the moment.
Big bloody poodle, Spencer.
Yes, sir.
Go do something useful,
go make me a cup of coffee.
Right away, sir.
We don't get many yanks
in this neck of the woods.
Truth be told, I'm not a fan of Americans.
It's great to meet you, too.
Jed tells me you write horror for a living.
Your name's Michael kiefer.
That rings a bell.
You know the wife,
she loves reading horror.
I think she read one of your books.
Bloody awful read, she said it.
So what happened here?
No comment.
Awkward bugger, I see.
I want my lawyer.
Don't we all?
Where's my coffee?
They didn't have any, sir.
- Tea?
- Nothing.
What do they have?
I found a large bottle of whiskey.
Go and pour me a glass.
- Two glasses?
- Okay.
Oh, and Jud, call the American embassy.
We could have a problem here.
And in other news, Michael kiefer
has been brought in for
questioning a second time
over the brutal murder
of multiple UK citizens.
Mr. Kiefer,
who is initially extradited from
the UK only two months ago,
was initially released
due to a lack of evidence.
He is said to be suffering
from severe post-traumatic stress.
From what we understand, Mr. Kiefer
attacked one of his close friends
during his initial release.
This friend is understood
to be Mr. Andy Russo.
We will continue to keep you informed
as this story continues to evolve.
Mr. Russo, would you
like something to drink?
Coffee, water, perhaps a spot of tea?
I can get you some food
if you'd like, Mr. Russo.
Have a seat.
Don't move.
You all need to leave this place.
You collecting crazy cat
ladies again there, Anthony?
Yeah, this one was picked up
selling some weird flowers
or something to tourists.
Apparently it's her second revenue stream.
This romany gypsy or
something, I don't know.
You all need to listen to me.
You wasted ass strangers.
Yeah, you ain't nothing special.
Get over yourself.
Is that right?
Yeah, because ya ain't my type.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
You want an additional charge?
Stay in your seat.
I want some to eat.
Look, you'll get fed when we feed you.
I sense danger in this man.
So is our guy in
there, is he talking yet?
No, not Pete.
God, I love the stubborn ones.
He'll crack.
They always do.
Hey, true thing, good luck with that.
Are you ready to talk now?
You gonna arrest me?
Jesus, he does talk.
We just want to ask you a
few more questions, Mr. Russo.
That's it.
Right now, you're just
helping us with our inquiries.
I see.
I know what I saw that evening.
Werewolves do not exist, Mr Russo.
It was no dog!
Just calm down.
Now, I think the cops
in the UK would disagree
with your statement there.
You were under a lot of stress.
It was no dog.
I saw Michael.
He attacked me then you brought him in
for questioning then you
brought me in for questioning.
What the hell?
Do you have a history of
heavy drinking, Mr. Russo?
I don't drink.
Yeah, right.
Okay, guys, interview's over.
I just got word from the top.
You're free to go.
I know, sorry.
Yeah, he's free to go.
We just started questioning.
Came from upstairs.
Will one of y'all give me a ride?
Yeah, right.
Is something wrong?
You have no idea.
- It's probably the moon.
- Probably so.
Mr. Russo?
Mr. Russo, are you okay?
Watch it, lady.
Zip it.
Everything okay, Anthony?
Yeah, I'm good.
Mr. Russo?