Werewolf Castle (2021) Movie Script

[whimsical electronic music]
[birds chirping]
[upbeat orchestral music]
[villager yelling indistinctly]
- Watch it!
- Sorry.
[breathing heavily]
I know you're in here Inga.
Got you!
[both laughing]
Now that was too easy.
[both laughing]
That might have been easy,
but how're you
going to escape me?
What if I don't
want to escape you?
[dramatic orchestral music]
Aren't we meant to be
watching your brother?
He can watch over himself.
[both breathing heavily]
[ominous orchestral music]
[soft flute music]
You shouldn't
sneak up on people.
My, my, what's your
name little man?
My name's Wolfstan, my
friends call me Wolf.
It's Oskar, sir.
Well Oskar, there's no
need to look so afraid,
did you not enjoy my playing?
No it's just we don't get
very many strangers here.
I really could use
your help, young sir.
You see I'm not a stranger,
I'm just somewhat lost.
This is the Waldron
Settlement, yes?
No, my village is
Grittleton Marsh.
Ah, then I must've wandered
all the way over here.
This is a map of the
whole Western lands,
do you want to see?
I bet that I could teach
a smart boy like you
how to read it.
Come, come and see.
All of this is the
forest of Braegon,
and here we are
on the outskirts,
which must make this your
village of Grittleton Marsh.
[wolf growling]
Tell me, have you ever dreamed
of becoming a great warrior?
Of growing up tall and strong?
I know I used to,
and now I know a way
to make such a wish come true.
We shouldn't be this
close to the forest.
Well why not?
It's dangerous alone.
Oh, you really are very
smart for such a small,
delicious thing, but
you see we're not alone.
I always hunt with my pack.
[ominous string music]
[wolves growling]
[Oskar screaming]
I think I heard something.
It's nothing Thorfinn.
[both kissing]
[Grimbold] Thorfinn?
[wolf howling]
[wolf growling]
Lord have mercy.
Intruders, intruders, intruders!
[both moaning]
[villagers screaming]
Lord Magnus, great hell-beasts
have come from the forest,
we are under attack!
You must hide my
lord, to safety!
[dramatic orchestral music]
[wolves growling]
Feed my brothers.
[both moaning]
[door breaking]
[Inga screaming]
Inga, come on, hide.
Inga, come on.
Inga, hide.
My family's out there.
[wolf growling]
Stay back!
Stay back.
Stay back.
[Inga screaming]
[wolf roaring]
[Inga screaming]
Oskar, Oskar!
Where is your brother?
I don't know, I
don't know Papa.
[glass breaking]
Go, run, go!
[wolf growling]
[blood splattering]
[bird cawing]
The creatures have
moved on my lord,
retreated to the
forest, we are safe.
For now, but what of
our neighboring villages?
This was a massacre.
No doubt more will succumb
to the same brutality.
Young Garstang, I am
sorry for your loss.
You're lucky to be alive.
We have no choice
but to send for help.
There were three
great warrior knights,
legendary across
the Western land.
They will be our salvation,
our only defense against the
demon-beasts from the forest.
[determined orchestral music]
[somber string music]
My lords.
That won't be necessary.
[Councilor] Baron Magnus.
We are most relieved
you answered our summon.
By my eye, a little too late.
Your messenger made clear the
urgency of your predicament.
We came immediately.
This is Thomas, the huge.
Osmund, our fastest rider,
myself, Hamelin Wiltshire.
Your reputation
proceeds you, noble sir.
And with us,
Hal Skullsplitter.
I cannot do
business with a rogue.
He is here to help, my lord.
He is beyond redemption,
banished by the king.
I think you need me more
than I could give a damn
about the King's exile.
Tell me what savagery
befell this land.
My people were
slaughtered by an enemy
that threatens us all:
wolves, greater than men.
They attacked from the Braegon
Forest like a dark army,
unstoppable, ravenous for blood.
[Thomas] Greater than men?
You mean men my size
or men his size?
[ominous string music]
Ah, looks more like
your wife's size, Thomas.
Do not underestimate
these monsters.
They are unlike any beast
I've ever laid eyes on.
What is to be our quest?
Inform King Vortigern
of our plight.
You must venture to his castle,
through their territory,
the territory of beasts.
Vortigern's a cruel king,
he cares little for his people.
Settlements starve and
waste away across the land,
and what help does he offer?
A war with devil creatures
is an entirely different crisis.
The king would not turn down
an opportunity for
battle, bloodshed.
Aye, he would not.
How long until every
village is ravished
and they fixed their bloodthirsty
eyes on Castle Braegon?
Then the king himself
will fall into danger.
You must plead with
him to take action.
Take our map, you will need
it to navigate a safe trail.
The forest is perilous,
many do not return.
I can lead them to the castle.
I've been before with
my father, Grimbold,
he made this journey carrying
messages to Vortigern.
Please pardon the boy, he
has suffered a severe loss.
I could be your navigator.
We travel alone.
I will not be distracted
tending after some village boy.
He will remain here.
But I want to help!
Silence Thorfinn!
Do not interfere.
- I say the lad comes.
- [Hal] No.
We do not know what
dangers lurk in that forest.
It's not a place we'd wish
to find ourselves lost in.
The land is vast,
almost two days journey,
and now inhabited by beasts.
Aye, I say he comes.
Whether he can fight or not,
he'll be a useful guide.
When the wolf-men come for us,
I will not be
responsible for his fate.
Oh don't you worry,
we all know you're a
heartless bastard, Hal.
It's his own risk to take.
What say you
Thorfinn Garstang?
You wish to put yourself
in mortal danger?
I'll go.
[armor clanging]
Hamelin, you think
it wise to bring
this village boy on our quest?
We do not know
Braegon Forest, Hal.
He will be useful.
If we run into trouble,
he will be the first to die.
That blood will
be on your hands.
As will your blood if we fail.
I've known many knights
enter Braegon Forest
only to lose their minds,
return as withered,
delusional wrecks,
rambling of mystical monsters
and tentacled mutations.
We are all strong, fearless,
and have defeated many men,
but these are beasts,
Hal, unlike any other foe
we've ever been
tasked to battle.
All the help we can get to
ensure we reach Castle Braegon
we would be wise to accept.
I hope you know what
you're doing Young Garstang.
I want to go with them.
Then we must assume
you may not return.
You're not like them
Thorfinn, you're no warrior,
you'll be no match for
whatever evil awaits.
And of what use was I here?
When my family and
village needed protection,
what good was I against
those beasts then?
That is precisely my point-
- Now there is some small
way I can be of service.
It doesn't matter if I make
it home, there is no home now.
- Thorfinn-
- I've nothing left here!
Nothing to return to.
No family, no honor.
You have spirit, boy.
If your heart cannot be
discouraged then I wish you well.
Go with them, but
do not trust the man
they call Skullsplitter,
he is not a knight.
This was your father's ax,
strong, with a silver blade.
I'm sure he'd be
proud of your bravery,
however misguided it may be.
Give yourself a fighting
chance at least.
Oh no, that's not him, is it?
Watch you don't step
on the little fella.
He is to be our
navigator, Percy, be nice.
He's got some fucking balls.
[Hal] He can do a
share of your duties.
[Percy] Too
bloody right he can.
Fancy yourself some
sort of hero then?
Just trying to help.
Begin by carrying that.
[Thomas] Hal, give it a rest.
When the wolves are picking
the meat from your bones
and you're screaming
for help and mercy,
you don't think
this fool's courage
might be something you
might come to regret?
It is not too late to turn back.
I've chosen this path
sir, I'm not turning back.
Then just know,
when the time comes,
I will not risk mine nor
my fellow knight's lives
coming to your rescue.
I can fend for myself.
Ah, did you hear that, Hal?
He can fend for himself.
[Hal] That I doubt.
Come on son, come on.
Don't let them get to you, eh?
[determined orchestral music]
This is where we enter.
This way.
It's a quicker route
approaching from the east.
The path from
the east is longer.
Entering here will lead
us straight to the castle,
save us half a
day, perhaps more.
No, look, there's
a river to cross,
the ground is uneven, we would
have to climb here and here.
This way is safer.
There's a crossing point,
and we can take refuge
at the woodland
village of Chalamet.
The boy's right Hal.
We make our trail to
the east, onwards!
[determined orchestral music]
[suspenseful orchestral music]
A warning.
This is their territory.
[Inga screaming]
[Thorfinn retching]
You're gonna see worse
than this, village boy.
Come on lad,
it'll be all right.
I'm fine, I'm fine.
Let's move on before sun
down, find a place to settle
far away from here.
[rain pattering]
[fire crackling]
Hey Thorfinn, were
these wolves really as big
as the Baron claims?
Nobody stood a chance.
Lost loved ones, did you?
My parents, my
brother, my girl.
I could have saved her.
Some battles cannot be won.
Don't torment yourself.
Oi Thorfinn, have this.
Lost me appetite.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah, yeah, have it.
Best part of the fish is
that, keeps you strong.
Well I wouldn't eat
those fish gonads.
[all laughing]
[Percy] I mean I'm not
lying, it's good for you.
It's just I wouldn't eat it.
[all laughing]
You know as a boy my village
told tales of wolf-men.
If a man was bad, did
sinful things like murder,
eat the flesh of other men,
if a man behaved like a beast,
then the gods would
turn him into one.
That's how men first became
wolves: a punishment.
Now some said that they'd
have to serve their time
for seven years, seven
long years as a beast
in order to redeem themselves,
and only then might
the gods allow them
to return to their human form.
Wolves are wolves,
they cannot change.
All they know is
killing and eating.
A bit like you then Thomas.
Oh you cheeky shit.
[Thomas laughing]
The worst plague that
could ever befall a man,
the plague of lycanthropy,
a curse that none
would wish to carry.
Better to die a man than
to live as half-beast.
[suspenseful orchestral music]
Why is Hal so
against me being here?
I wouldn't worry about it lad.
It's not you, he just
doesn't trust anyone is all.
You know he's an
outlaw don't you?
The king wants him dead,
but no one's brave enough or
stupid enough to challenge him.
What did he do?
Out of us knights,
he has definitely won
the most victories,
but he's also suffered
the greatest loss.
And it's that hatred that
gives him his unbeatable fury.
The problem is, it's a
vengeance that he can't control.
The people that did
him wrong, well,
they didn't meet a nice end.
You see there's overreacting
and then there's
the blood hurricane
that is Hal Skullsplitter.
Just be grateful
he's on our side.
[suspenseful orchestral music]
[Thorfinn breathing heavily]
[Thorfinn yelling]
[Hal] I hope you
weren't dreaming about me.
Nights are the hardest, bad
memories return at their worst.
But at least in dreams you
can be with them again,
the ones you lost.
The other knights they talk
of courage and bravery,
but I say all you need
is pure pissed off fury.
Everyone feared the army that
took my brother, marauders,
nobody would stand against them.
But with my sword in my hand,
I dare say I enjoyed
the relief it brought me
to cut their heads
from their necks.
No, I couldn't have
stopped that bloodshed
even if I'd wanted to.
But I've come to realize
that no matter what foul hand
we're dealt, life does go on.
Today you wonder if there's
any point in living,
but two years from now
you'll be a new man.
Where once you were cowardly
now you can be brave,
and where once people
took you for a fool,
new people might
know you as a hero.
There's no more precious
gift than life, Thorfinn.
That's why we fight.
[soft flute music]
- Hal?
- Stay here.
Pick up your ax.
Thomas, Thomas wake up!
Not tonight Greta,
I'm shattered.
[soft flute music]
Why good evening handsome.
Didn't wake you, did I?
You're no human.
No, no that's a curse that
no longer burdens me, friend.
Now I'm something more evolved.
Liberated from the
decrepitude of man.
I'm in no mood for
your bather, demon-breed.
[laughs] But I'd
wager my bad mood
is far worse than
yours [laughs].
Wise to leave while you
still can, you scrawny fuck.
Always the strong and
the brave come to see
what threatens their pack,
leaves behind the wise,
open and vulnerable
to my attack.
Yum, yum.
- [horn sounding]
- Fuck!
[horn sounding]
[wolves growling]
[Thorfinn yelling]
[intense orchestral music]
Move Percy, find
a place to hide!
Run Thorfinn.
[blood splattering]
[Wolfstan yelling]
[wolves growling]
Get off him you bastard.
Osmund, no.
[determined orchestral music]
[suspenseful orchestral music]
[wolves growling]
No, no!
[Thorfinn] No!
[footsteps thudding]
[wolf growling]
[wolf growling]
[wolf growling]
[somber orchestral music]
[wolf growling distantly]
[Thomas groaning distantly]
[wolf howling]
[groans] Oh please!
Oh God, please, please!
Please, please, stop!
Please, please.
Is this how you
want to die Percy?
Death in the service
of these knights
who won't even come
to your rescue?
Don't listen to him Percy.
You're not one of them!
[Thomas groaning]
And you never will be.
There is no need to suffer
the pain of mankind,
you can live like
us, Percy, free.
Let primal instinct
run through you,
let the limitations
of mankind slip away.
Don't believe a
word he says, Percy.
Are you gonna fight
and die like a man,
or live like a beast?
Supreme, undefeatable.
No Percy, don't!
How would I join you?
[sobs] I don't want to die.
Just ask, my darling, and
I can make you one of us.
Percy, don't!
Let me live.
[Wolfstan growling]
[Percy screaming]
[somber orchestral music]
[armor clanging]
[birds chirping]
- [Thorfinn yelping]
- You'll live.
We must reach Castle
Braegon by dark,
won't survive another
night out here.
What about Thomas and Percy?
What about them?
They're gone.
They dragged Thomas
screaming, he's not dead yet.
He will be by now.
They're not taking him
for some merry dance.
There's nothing that we
can do for them Thorfinn,
they're gone.
Perhaps if we'd
stayed with Thomas
instead of coming after you-
- Hal.
- He'd have lived.
I could have fought them off-
- We cannot blame the boy!
He warned us what
this would be like,
none of us could have known the
strength of those creatures!
Now we must hurry to the castle,
we do not have time to
mount a rescue mission
for somebody who is
most likely long dead.
We told you this would
not be an easy quest.
Now, go to the river
and clean yourself up.
We can't help you reeking of
blood, they'll sniff us out.
[somber piano music]
Don't feel the
need to wait for me.
It was a mistake for me to come.
He defended himself
against that wolf, Hal.
The boy did well.
Not well enough.
[moving orchestral music]
[birds chirping]
[water splashing]
[rocks clattering]
[bird wings flapping]
[suspenseful string music]
[intense horn music]
[Thomas] Get off of me!
[water trickling]
[Thomas breathing heavily]
It's me.
When they come for
me, run that way.
No, no, don't, don't.
[suspenseful string music]
[hammer crashing]
[wolves roaring]
[intense orchestral music]
I want that flesh.
[wolves growling]
[Thorfinn breathing heavily]
- What's this?
- Back off!
You think you're one of
them now, some warrior?
Stay back!
We aren't built
like knights, are we?
You'll always rely on them
to fight your battles for you
because you're too
small, too weak.
But what if I was to tell you
that there was a way
that you could become
even stronger than any knight?
Mighty, powerful,
and dominating.
I will never be
like you, beast!
[wolves growling]
[Thomas groaning]
Come on.
Oh Thorfinn, you madman,
you total fucking madman!
[both groaning]
[Hamelin] Thomas!
Easy, easy, easy, ah!
Where did you find him?
The boy came to my rescue Hal,
gave them feral dogs
quite the fright.
Did you see Percy?
They made him
one of their own.
How many were there?
Thorfinn killed one,
they'll have fled by now.
This changes nothing.
We must go on without
you Thomas, I'm sorry.
He's wounded, slow, weak,
he's in no state to fight.
We can't leave him behind.
Use your head
fucking head, Thorfinn!
He's dying!
All you've done is
prolonged his suffering
and burdened the rest of us.
Well thank you very
fucking much, Hal [groans].
We won't survive
another night out here,
the wolves will
come to finish us
when we are most vulnerable
and we will all die.
I'll take care of him, then.
He's twice your
size, Thorfinn!
This boy has a death
wish, he's lost hope!
He has dignity
Hal, and humanity!
Leaving a man behind
is what they would do
because they are savages.
We'll take him as far
as this next village,
but he cannot make the
full journey with us.
Fine, we'll seek shelter
for him there, okay Thorfinn?
Where was this courage
when your village fell?
Answer me that.
You want to talk like a knight,
better learn to
dress like a knight
and defend yourself, properly.
Put that on, come on.
His blade will not be
as effective as your ax,
it's steel.
This blade is silver,
powerful against the wolf-men.
What, you thought you had a
better attack than Hamelin's?
It was merely a
better instrument.
Next time you won't be so lucky.
[Hamelin] Which
way to the village?
Follow me.
[Thomas groaning]
[determined orchestral music]
[waterfall rushing]
[armor clanging]
[Hamelin] What
dismal place is this
you've brought us to, Thorfinn?
Everything has changed.
You mean it wasn't
always this uninviting?
- [Hamelin] Hal?
- Hello there.
We come peacefully.
We are knights on our
way to Castle Braegon,
one of my men here is
injured, he seeks refuge.
Who followed you?
No one, we come alone.
You sure of that, are you?
Bringing that half devoured
wolf's dinner into my village,
you're inviting trouble!
I'm sorry knight, we do
not welcome outsiders.
We've seen enough devastation.
I hadn't noticed.
That one looks at the
end of his rope, Griff.
Let's give him shelter, eh?
They're warriors Maggie.
He's wounded though,
they all look desperate.
I'll take him in.
My wife's a healer, she'll
see to your wounded friend.
Thank you lady.
- You're a blacksmith.
- Aye.
Don't touch that!
That's our only defense
against the monsters.
No, we're your only
defense against the monsters.
Put it back!
It's the only thing what
keeps them from entering.
Hal, it's their
only protection.
I don't care, I aim to
kill the fucking things,
we need all the
silver we can get.
I said, put it back.
Listen to me
carefully blacksmith,
these wolves have already spread
as far as Grittleton Marsh,
his entire village has fallen
and many more will follow.
Now, unless you want to be
the only mortal villagers
left alive in this kingdom,
you'll do as we ask and help.
Can you melt the silver or not?
Hamelin, give me your sword.
If the blacksmith can give
our weapons a coat of silver,
we stand a better chance.
Come on Thomas,
let's get you inside.
Thorfinn, find
whatever silver you can.
Best follow me to the forge.
Come along.
[armor clanging]
[distant screaming]
[Maggie] Sit him down.
[Hamelin] Here, a chair.
[Thomas groaning]
He's a big bugger.
Needs food in his
belly is what he needs.
I know what'll do the trick.
I have remedies, things what
I've foraged in the woods.
All strange plants and
flowers grow around here.
We don't want your magic,
we don't believe in
your village tales.
Thomas, let her help.
[Thomas] Just let us rest.
[wood clattering]
Here on the table, go on!
[silver clattering]
What happened here?
Travelers, skinny things they
were, malnourished and all.
We thought the king had
raided their settlement.
We've heard the stories,
took pity on them,
gave them shelter.
But as night fell
they were men no more,
killed every bloody
thing in sight.
I hid the women and
children as best I could.
Other men weren't so brave.
Most of them joined
the bastard wolves.
I'm sorry.
Stayed for many days,
feasting on all who were left.
We became their livestock,
as they ate and
butchered all they could.
Why'd they leave you?
Lucky, I guess.
They moved on.
To the other settlements?
[Griff] Aye.
There's more silver
hanging in the woods,
enough for all
three blades, easy.
Go on.
[bird cawing]
Here you are boys,
fill your guts.
Oh that's good.
[distant sobbing]
[Hamelin coughing]
Got a bit of a
tickle in me throat.
Don't eat it Hamelin.
What's in this, exactly?
We're never safe here.
Some nights they
come back for food.
If we don't give them
any, then they eat us.
All we have to survive
is their leftovers.
Leftovers [coughs],
leftovers from what?
[distant sobbing]
They see this place
as a feeding ground.
You witch!
The wolf's bane will
drive them out, weaken them.
You eat the queen of
poisons, they eat you.
[metal sizzling]
[men sobbing]
Griff says we had to
feed them something!
We should have joined them,
instead of torturing ourselves.
At least that way the gods
would excuse what we've done.
[arrow thudding]
[Hamelin gagging and choking]
[arrow thudding]
[Maggie screaming]
One down.
[Maggie screaming]
[arrow thudding]
[Thomas groaning]
[Thorfinn] Hal!
[knife thudding]
[Hal groaning]
[intense orchestral music]
[Griff screaming]
[Thorfinn] Hamelin!
Hamelin, Hamelin, no!
- No!
- Thomas!
[Thomas coughing]
- Thomas.
- Thorfinn, run!
[Thorfinn] Thomas.
[suspenseful orchestral music]
[Griff screaming]
[knife thudding]
[Hal yelling]
[Griff yelling]
[triumphant orchestral music]
[suspenseful orchestral music]
[wolves growling]
Run Thorfinn, run!
[wolf roaring]
[wolf growling]
[Thorfinn yelling]
Come on!
[armor clanging]
[Hal groaning]
I'll be fine.
[arrows thudding]
[Hal groaning]
[Thorfinn yelling]
[somber orchestral music]
You run Thorfinn,
get to the castle!
I'll hold them off.
- No, no!
- Go!
You know the way, I don't.
If you die then it's all over!
- I'll buy you time.
- Hal, please-
- Takes the sword.
I can't do this without you-
- Take the fucking sword!
Find the king.
You can still save us.
Come on then you bastards.
[Hal groaning]
Hal Balfager.
Hal the brave.
What Vortigern wouldn't
give to see you again.
[Hal breathing heavily]
[somber orchestral music]
[Thorfinn groaning]
[determined orchestral music]
- [sword clattering]
- No, no.
[Thorfinn breathing heavily]
I can't, I can't do this alone.
[somber orchestral music]
Help me, please, please.
[Thomas yelling]
[determined orchestral music]
[suspenseful orchestral music]
[wolves growling softly]
Thorfinn, Thorfinn, up
here gorgeous [laughs].
The king is expecting you.
Don't want to keep him waiting.
[wolves growling]
[wolves growling]
[bird cawing]
So this is the young
tenderfoot from the marshlands,
come to beg my mercy.
Hal said you'd find me.
Hal, he's here?
My warlord brought
him to me, to kill.
Hal still had some
hope in his eyes then
that you'd change me somehow.
I want to see that hope fade
to darkness before he dies.
I want him to see
that you have failed.
We came to you for help!
Help, from what?
They are my children,
they are my army.
The kingdom was suffering,
the people were a weak
and desperate breed.
Now look what they have become.
What about our humanity?
What about those who
wouldn't sink so low
as to feed on the
flesh of other men?
Men are gone!
The rest of us will become
my one sublime species.
Vortigern, I have
seen my village fall,
my family destroyed.
I've braved Braegon Forest,
watched my friends meet
their deaths fighting,
all for me to be here
with you right now.
I beg you my king, bring
an end to this evil.
You're somehow
brave, tenderfoot.
But evidently a fool.
Better to die a man then
to live as half-beast.
Then die you will.
[water trickling]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[Hal] Thorfinn?
No, let him go!
[both groaning]
Harry, Harry, my only
living son finally returned.
I am not your blood!
Oh, I think we're
quite alike you and I,
we both share the same
thirst for butchery.
[whip thrashing]
[Hal yelling]
Killing your own
brother in battle,
that's the kind of blood lust
that's in our bones, Hal.
Bones that I'd like
to break, old man.
Why is it so fucking
difficult for you
to accept my intentions?
You think you're so
mighty, so powerful.
Well this is power, Hal!
[whip thrashing]
[Hal yelling]
A gift you refuse to accept.
I don't need to trade
my humanity to be great!
You coward!
That's the only reason
why you despise me.
Great [laughs]?
You think you're
so great, do you?
Look at you,
captured, shivering.
Well before you die,
let's see the tenderfoot
accept his allegiance is to me,
and not to my pitiable progeny.
Leave the boy alone, father.
I will not.
Let's see where
his loyalties lie.
I want you to witness
the weakness of men,
the inadequacy of what you
so desperately cling to.
Ready Hal?
Let's see you scream.
[whip thrashing]
[Hal yelling]
Stop it!
I offer you one chance boy,
join with us or suffer the
same ignominious defeat.
Don't do it Thorfinn.
I will join you.
[Vortigern] Again.
I will join you!
[Vortigern chuckling]
Sorry Hal, but you see, I win.
No, no!
[intense orchestral music]
[Vortigern] Turn him.
[shirt ripping]
[Thorfinn yelling]
[suspenseful orchestral music]
[Thorfinn breathing heavily]
[Thorfinn yelling]
[Thorfinn growling]
[suspenseful string music]
No, no, you're meant
to be one of us now!
[armor clanging]
[Wolfstan yelling]
[intense orchestral music]
Fucking bite me.
[wolves growling]
[wolf roaring]
[wolf growling]
[Vortigern laughing]
[Thorfinn yelling]
[wolves growling]
Time to die.
[Thorfinn] Better
to die a man...
[Vortigern yelling]
[Thorfinn roaring]
[swelling orchestral music]
[somber choral music]
[birds chirping]
All are dead.
The king is dead.
I am the last wolf.
For your great and noble
bravery, I dub thee Sir Thorfinn.
May the gods bless you,
our hero and savior.
[blood splattering]
To Thorfinn, to Thorfinn,
to Thorfinn, to Thorfinn!
[Villagers] To Thorfinn,
to Thorfinn, to Thorfinn!
[intense orchestral stinger]
To Thorfinn, to Thorfinn,
to Thorfinn, to Thorfinn!
[somber orchestral music]
[determined orchestral music]