Werewolf: The Beast Among Us (2012) Movie Script

Stay there!
Listen to me,
Charles. Take this.
lt was your grandfather's,
the great hunter.
Be strong.
The moon! The beast!
John, please. Please!
She's just a girl.
She's just a girl!
Help me!
Stay there, Charles.
Ah! Ah!
Oh, no. It's on the roof.
Oh, my God!
HYDE: Innkeeper, more
of your stale brew.
And then,
out from the blackened
wood, the beast
sprang as if from
out of the bowels
of hell itself
and latched on to
my horse's hindquarters,
ripping away her legs
with a single beastly swipe.
What the hell was l to do
with a two-legged horse,
you may ask yourself?
Well, l'll tell you.
The dog bastard
put wheels on it!
Thank you, Fang.
lnside. Quickly.
Hurry up!
You bloody idiot.
lt's a beast. The most
horrifying of beasts.
There's been a slaughter.
A creature from
depths of hell.
Well, in that case,
do come in. You've come
to the right place.
We fled our village
of Dravicu. It's being
ravaged as we speak.
A werewolf of
unimaginable evil.
That's impossible.
Full moon was last night.
Yeah. And l have
the wounds to prove it.
Yeah. This is no
ordinary werewolf.
This is something
l've never seen before.
lt has its
own poster.
What'd you say
the name of this
town was again?
All right?
Was it bad?
VADOMA: You've been busy.
DANIEL: It's for Doc.
He's a good man, Doc.
You should get
some sleep, Mother.
A beast that hunts
when the moon's not full?
No such thing exists.
There are myths.
l've heard them.
Nicholas, these people
are confused or stupid.
Or both.
Bit of a challenge
if it's true, though.
Yes, l suppose
it would.
He's been saying
terrible things about
us again, Leila.
At least you got teeth.
EVA: Daniel.
You shouldn't be here.
l know.
l just want to make
sure you're okay.
l'm fine. And you?
Your mother?
We survived.
Well, lucky for you
my father sleeps late
after these full moons.
You should go before...
(sHoTcuN cocKINc)
Too late.
l'll meet you
at the ruins.
EVA: Daniel?
There could be
monsters in here.
You're the only
monster l see.
Except in your
l couldn't help but notice
that you've started
writing something.
Yes. All these horrors
seem to inspire me.
lt's about a werewolf.
Mary Shelley's
got nothing on you.
You're pretty smart,
you know that?
For all the good
it does me.
lt will.
At university.
lf l get in.
Why wouldn't you?
Why would l?
A penniless git
from a humble village.
Because you're smart.
Plus, you're stubborn
as a mule.
Hurry or
you'll be late.
l'll try to come
into town later.
Bring pages.
Whoa, whoa.
l believe those were
the horse thieves
wanted at La Ville.
Not anymore.
What exactly is that
myth you heard, Hyde?
That for three whole
nights, it feeds
as the full moon
waxes and wanes,
feeling the pull ofthe moon
like no other beast.
You want this one?
No, no. l think
you've got it.
l hate goddamn
STEFAN: Nicely done, Charles.
Take them to the morgue.
You're late.
l finished my analysis
of the victims,
and there's too much
similarity to deny
that there's anything
but a single beast.
Well, that's some
consolation, at least.
Let's get going,
it's been a hell
of a night.
MAN: Shot by my own
damn hunters.
Tell me, l look anything
like a bloody werewolf?
Common mistake
around here.
Watch it, boy!
Nice work, Doc, nice.
l'm not a doctor yet,
but thank you.
Good work.
Thank you.
Let's keep going.
DOC: Please, come in.
WOMAN: He was working
the fields this morning
with the thresher when
it got away from him.
Yes. Just as she said.
lt cut me in the arm.
That's what happened.
What is it?
It's not what you think,
it wasn't the beast!
lt was the thresher!
MAN: It was the
machine, l swear!
lt was! It was
bound to happen.
Doc, please.
WOMAN: Isn't there
anything you can do?
Yes, there is one
thing we can do.
DOC: Let's give her
a minute before
we incinerate him.
Now what?
DANIEL: Another town meeting.
For all the good
that'll do.
Still, l suppose one
of us ought to go.
Why don't you hear what
the good constable has to say
for himself? But hurry back.
We've something
important to discuss.
We've heard the hunter
has captured the werewolf!
WOMAN: Liar!
Don't be stupid!
l'll believe it
when l see it!
No Gypsies.
Get lost.
JAEGER: Make way!
l got your godforsaken
werewolf right here!
Your village no longer
needs to fear
because l, the great
hunter Jaeger,
have slain the evil beast
that came out from
the pits of hell!
CHARLES: Find us a place
to stay for the night?
l'll see what l can do.
JAEGER: Now, who has
got my bounty?
How can we be sure
that this is
the same beast?
Because l battled
it myself,
tearing it from the corpse
of a young, fair maiden.
Such a waste!
get me a drink, boy,
while the good constable here
collects my money.
l don't work here.
Trick's getting a little old,
don't you think, Jaeger?
Get away from the boy.
l'll get your werewolf
for you, if that's
what you want.
lt's going to cost you
a whole lot more than
what you're offering.
This is the reward.
No advances, no bonuses,
no extra town privileges.
Well, that may be so,
but if you want that beast,
you're gonna have to double
that offer.
See, l've got
a bit of overhead.
This man has killed
more than a dozen beasts.
l'd bet my life on him,
if l were you.
Like l said...
But iust so you know, that's
no ordinary werewolf you're
dealing with out there.
Then again, you
already knew that.
Sorry for your losses.
All right. Wait, wait!
You get that creature,
you destroy it
and we will double
your reward.
Got yourself a deal.
JAEGER: Can l get
a bloody pint already!
CHARLES: This really
the best you could do?
Well, got its own
special charm.
Excuse me, sir?
l just wanted to thank
you for back there.
l've come to offer
you my services.
Ugh. There's one
in every town.
No, thank you, we have
all the help we need.
l appreciate
the offer, though.
Let me guess,
a bold new plan?
There's a new group
of hunters in town.
Daniel, it's hell in here.
lt has to stop.
Of course it does.
But more importantly,
we have to get you
out of here, into the city,
where maybe
we could find a cure
for this madness.
Doc. Doc, that's not
possible right now.
Of course it's possible.
You've been offered a place
at the medical school.
That's good news.
That's not quite
the reaction
l was anticipating.
Doc, you've been my mentor,
but l can't leave
our village now,
not while this beast
is still plaguing us.
What are you saying?
l've decided l'm going
to join the hunt,
kill the beast.
Daniel, any rogue hunter
can chase after this creature,
but you, you're too smart
to be hunting werewolves!
Too smart to defend my town?
l'm sorry,
but this is something
l have to do.
HYDE: There l was,
face-to-face with the beast,
locked in a
life-and-death struggle,
until we rolled
right off the cliff,
the White Cliffs of Dover.
And then the beast
came at me,
swinging wildly,
and took out my right eye!
My right eye.
But did l falter?
l pulled out both revolvers
and blasted the
beast into oblivion!
And it was worth losing
my eye just to save
that entire village.
l thought you lost it
over a keg of beer.
Wasn't there
a fork involved?
(LAUGHS) Listen to her.
She thinks
she's the queen.
Who, by the way,
has knighted me
for my bravery.
Why is it that pretty girls
are always where
l can't get them?
Take your filthy
hands off me!
l reckon you iust about
worn out your welcome.
Thank you for that.
We have our own
beasts in here.
MAN: Such a pretty...
HYDE: You better
watch out there, chief.
She's not one
to tamper with.
You're the one
the whole village has
been talking about.
Could be.
So you're good.
Two types of beast-hunters,
dead and alive.
Must be doing something right.
l've come to volunteer
my services.
This is my village.
l won't take no
for an answer.
l like your moxie, kid.
Answer's still ''No.''
Say, getting lonely?
Even a man who
is pure in heart
and says his prayers by night
may become a wolf
when the wolf-bane blooms
and the Autumn moon is bright.
Gypsies. Drunks and whores!
lt's them you
should be hunting!
Before the demon
drags you all to hell!
Not if we drag
him there first.
You, too.
Stinking Gypsies.
This is my town.
l know the people,
l know the land.
l work in the doctor's office,
l've seen the bodies.
Let me help you.
lt takes more
than a clever rube
to hunt a beast.
l'll take brains
over brawn any day.
He's got my vote.
So you want to be
a beast-hunter, do you?
Charles, Charles, Charles,
you cannot be serious.
So, what do we know
about this werewolf?
The beast is active
while the full moon
waxes and wanes.
Like other werewolves,
when it bites someone,
it passes on the disease.
Which is why
we euthanize the victims
that aren't killed.
You torch the bodies?
We cremate them, yes.
So you do torch them. Good.
Of course. We're
not complete idiots.
Otherwise, they turn
into something else.
lt's called a wurdalek.
Ooh! Sounds like
you've had your head
in a book, school-boy.
Now, the X's mark
the spots where the beast
has already attacked.
But there doesn't seem to be
any pattern to it.
So it's like lightning,
it never strikes
the same place twice.
DANIEL: Exactly. It acts
like a wild creature,
it's purely...
Yes, exactly.
CHARLES: That's how
we catch it. Take
advantage of that.
Lure the beast to us.
EVA: Daniel!
ls it true?
You've ioined the hunters?
l'm helping, yes.
You're not a hunter.
You're a...
A what?
l only meant...
Daniel, it's dangerous.
Think of me,
if not yourself.
Eva, l am
thinking ofyou.
l'm doing this for you.
For all of us.
What if you get...
l'll be fine.
Just go back
to your monster.
l'll go back to mine.
CHARLES: That's one
hell of a bte.
Claw marks
are huge, as well.
By extrapolating from both,
l calculate the creature's
seven feet tall.
Gonna need some
bigger traps.
Thanks, Doc.
CHARLES: Come on, kid.
Ain't got much time.
Full moon's coming.
All right. Hold it
right there.
Okay, let go.
Have you been
using the medicine?
Yes, but it's not
been working.
Let's give this a try.
CHARLES: We all set?
HYDE: Yup.
Except for one little thing.
Daniel! l need you
to pick us up
a little snack.
Yeah, sure. What are
you hungry for?
No guts, no glory.
You mind helping me out here?
This thing's a
bit of a bitch.
Yeah, of course.
This werewolf-proof?
Stops claws,
fangs and bullets.
KAZIA: Tie me up, please.
l know what you're thinking.
l'd make good bait.
For man or for beast.
Hello. l'm Stefan.
But you may know me
as the beast-hunter.
Werewolf repellant:
mutton ash and rye.
STEFAN: It's getting late.
Can l offer you a ride home?
l can walk you home.
Oh. It's all right.
You seem to be
quite busy here.
STEFAN: Really nice kerchief.
EVA: This is very
kind of you, Stefan.
Well done, Daniel.
l know that's not an easy iob.
Tell you what,
maybe you can ride
with us the next time.
You know there's
never a ''next time,''
don't you?
We're going
to get ourselves
a goddamn werewolf.
And you all are gonna
get some beer money for it.
Come on.
Well, you didn't tell me
you were the town's rich girl.
Well-guarded, too.
Eva, your future lies
outside this village.
That is, ifyou
found the man
worth having you.
l'm not sure my father
would approve of such a man.
Well, a man wouldn't
give a damn about what
your father thought.
Not ifyour hand
were at stake.
l should go.
Thank you for the ride.
What, no token
to protect me
from the beast?
Here they come.
Let them set the traps...
And we take the prize.
Let's go. Stay
out of sight.
lt's gonna be one
ofthose nights, guys.
l can feel it.
Easy. It's iust
some dogs.
Am l the only one
who's playing here?
Where's my drink, Vadoma?
You'll get yours.
And you'll get yours.
Well, thank you,
Thank you.
Why is it that l'm
always the bait?
Come and get it.
DANIEL: ''But iust as
the beast lives inside
the man by day,
''the man may live inside
the beast by night.''
More brandy!
She took one look
at you and ran off.
Where's Vadoma?
l don't know.
The beast!
Okay, go!
It's mine!
Damn it!
Out of my way!
JAEGER: The beast! It's mine!
Damn it,
l hate goddamn poachers!
You beef-witted pizzle.
How is it you'd like
to die, poacher?
l was iust out hunting,
like you, for the beast!
Shut up.
We got bigger problems.
HYDE: You're
kidding me. An owl?
JAEGER: It's a goddamn bird?
These idiots were lured
into these traps.
This beast thinks like a man.
KAZIA: Looks like
the hunters became
the hunted.
Vadoma, when the wolf-bane
blooms and the moon is full
l need a ripe little bitch
like you to screw.
Daniel! Daniel!
VADOMA: Daniel!
Mother, what happened?
The brothel
was attacked.
Where did these come from?
At the ruins.
Take them to the morgue.
What do you want?
Why'd the Gypsies
come to you?
l don't know.
Some people say
they know unholy things,
practice witchcraft
and the dark arts.
CHARLES: Well, this beast
sure as hell is unholy.
Let's go see
if they know
something about that.
JAEGER: Hello?
Get me out!
Bloody bastards!
We've come to see
your leader. Ferka.
Follow me.
FERKA: This beast
was not made a werewolf,
not infected by a bite,
but was born one.
Born one?
Do you mean a woman can...
Taken by a beast. Yeah.
This beast is
stronger and smarter.
The disease is part
of its original blood.
And it gets stronger, too,
with each passing moon,
until one day,
it will be able
to transform at will.
Transform at will?
lt must be stopped now,
before it is too late.
Too late for what?
Winter Solstice.
lt's upon us in two
days, two nights.
The longest night of the year.
lt's when the moon
is closest to the Earth.
lt will be calling the
creature, even by day.
The beast will show
signs of its power
before the moon
can even rise.
And on such a night,
this beast
will be unstoppable.
Perhaps even by you.
thank you for
your help, Ferka.
l didn't do it for you.
l did it for him.
For me?
Only one hunter
has ever been known
to have slain
a beast like this.
A great warrior-hunter.
A legend.
But also legend says
only one whose heart is true
can do what others cannot do.
Kill the beast.
You must go now.
You believe all that?
About the legend?
That such a monster
could exist?
Well, monsters do exist.
All around us.
Besides, l got no explanation
for the things l've seen.
Quiet! Quiet down
and listen to me!
Listen to me!
These hunters are useless!
We must stand up
for ourselves!
There will be none of us left!
Quiet, quiet. Quiet.
Quiet, quiet!
Please! Quiet!
l agree with you.
The hunters have failed.
lt's time
we took this matter
into our own hands.
lt's about time!
lt is the Gypsies,
it has to be!
Quiet, quiet, please!
l have a plan.
What are you doing?
l was looking
through the logs.
Because l think that
there is a pattern
to these attacks.
Doc, wait.
l'm sorry,
but were the only people
killed last night the people
in the brothel?
Wasn't it enough?
l think it's
targeting people.
The beast. l checked
the doctor's logs,
and other than the hunters
and the people that
just got in its way,
it's killing low-lifes.
l've seen most
of the bodies.
lt's everyone
from thieves and liars
to the brothel owner
and those card-sharps
Iast night.
So you're saying
we got a werewolf
that knows the difference
between a church-going
man and a low-life?
And cares about that?
We know it thinks.
Why can't it have
a motive in its killings?
So, it's going
after low-lifes, huh?
The beast is, no doubt
one ofthe people
in this village.
l know the people
in this village.
Some of you suspect
your neighbors.
Some of your neighbors
suspect you.
l have eliminated
everyone with alibis
during previous attacks.
Eight suspects remain.
These men and l,
we will round up the suspects
and lock them
n my holdng cells.
When the full moon
rses tonght...
l'm not a werewolf!
...f one of the suspects
becomes the beast,
we wll blow t to bts.
MAN: It's her!
l am not the beast!
What are you doing? Mother!
Your mother disappeared
during the attack
on the brothel last night.
Let her go!
Leave! Just go home!
Lock yourself up!
Lock yourself up! Please!
Go home, kid.
What are you doing?
What the hell?
Turns out you didn't have
much of an alibi
for last night, either.
This is outrageous!
l am the law
in this village!
Not tonight
and not anymore!
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
HYDE: Born ofa human?
CHARLES: Deadlier
than anything we've
ever encountered.
Stronger, faster, smarter.
And it seems to have a lair.
They found more bodies
out by the ruins.
l'm ready.
l need you to
stand down tonight.
l'm sorry,
but this is far more
than l imagined.
Please, Daniel.
Take this.
Go home and
protect yourself.
Do you really think
you can do what we do?
Be halfthe man it takes
to kill a beast?
Beasts so fast,
you won't even know
what's happened
until you feel the warm blood
soaking through your clothes.
Maybe you'll have time
for one last thought,
maybe think of Eva,
and as your life
fades from your body,
think of her with me.
And who could blame her?
l may lack your form,
but at least l have
some substance.
Eva would never
confuse the two.
We'll see about that.
Bloody bastards,
what the hell
are you doing?
After last night, l thought
you might want to help us out.
Bastards! Let me go!
Then l'm going to kill you!
Don't shush me!
Don't you shush me.
Hey, you keep
that attitude up,
you're going to ruin
everyone's fun.
Now shut up!
You think you can
dump me in a well
and get rid of me?
You greedy bastards!
That wolf is mine!
Oh, Jaeger, we're not
done with you just yet.
Then what the hell
are you doing?
You know how to catch
a werewolf, Jaeger?
Same way you catch a fish.
Or a rat.
No, no, no, wait!
l'm not your
stinking bait!
That thing will devour me!
(WHIMPERING) That thing
will devour me, you know!
l doubt that wolf
could stomach you
much more than l do.
JAEGER: All right!
l apologize for trying
to poach from you!
Get me out of here!
That's good!
Keep it up.
CHARLES: All right,
here's the deal, Jaeger.
That creature gets
too close for comfort,
l'll shoot that rope.
Worst thing that'll
happen to you
is a much-needed bath.
Here's the tricky part.
Can't be moving around much.
Sit tight.
Oh, no!
Don't! Wait!
Stay back!
VADOMA: No, don't,
don't, don't!
You idiots!
He was an epileptic.
No more a werewolf
than you or l!
How could we know?
We didn't know!
VADOMA: Let me out.
Please! Maybe
l can help him.
lt's her! It must be her!
Stop her! Stop her!
There's your werewolf.
Damn it!
Hey, wolf!
CHARLES: Where did he go?
Where did he go?
Got you!
KAZIA: What the
hell was that?
FANG: It should
have killed us.
HYDE: l don't get it.
He let us live.
Got the feeling
this thing's just
toying with us.
Well, some of us.
Charles, l saw Daniel.
Here. Tonight,
on the balcony.
Until he wasn't.
He disappeared as
the moon was rising,
iust before the
beast turned up.
WOMAN: All this killing
has got to stop.
lt wasn't our fault.
Yes, it was.
is it true?
Tell me it isn't true.
Tell me you
didn't know.
Whatever it is you're
thinking, it's just...
Stop! Stop!
Let me go!
Where are you going?
Let me go!
No, no, we have
to leave now.
lt's not safe here
for us anymore.
And go where?
We have to go, we
have to leave now!
And go where?
(SOBBING) l love you.
l love you.
l know.
DOC: l'm afraid you
won't be doing much
hunting with this thing.
CHARLES: You'd be
surprised, Doc.
Hey, Doc,
how long you known Daniel?
Since he was a child.
No reason.
is it the boy?
Yeah, starting
to look that way.
You ready to finish it?
No, not yet.
What are you waiting for?
l'll take care of what
needs to be done here.
Charles, l'm sorry.
lt's been me all along.
l'm sorry, too, kid.
DANIEL: Do what
you have to do.
l told you that arm
would slow you down.
What have you done?
He would have
stopped us, Daniel.
Stopped us? Stopped us...
You knew.
Of course l knew,
l trained you.
Trained me?
To do what? To kill people?
You were born to kill.
l iust focused your skills
on liars, whores and thieves.
They were a plague
in this village, anyway.
Just practice
for when we get
to the university.
Those pompous idiots,
they called my
research ''dubious''!
You used me.
l helped you.
But now l think
you're ready, Daniel,
to make a mark
in the city.
You can run as far
as you like, Daniel,
you can't run away
from yourself!
lt's only me.
What are you doing here?
l came for you.
And all alone now.
l'm not alone.
What, Daniel?
Well, where is he now,
when you need him most?
fVA: Danel values me,
he respects me.
He has said so.
''He has said so.''
Words mean very little
to a man with a sword.
You're wrong.
Words are mightier
than any sword.
And yet, with one thrust
l could silence you.
Stop it!
You bitch.
Leave her alone!
You must be ioking.
Don't have time to
play with you today,
peasant boy.
Leave him alone!
Leave, now.
You have no idea what
you're dealing with.
Just go. Please.
The things people take
from me, they pay for.
ln blood.
Are you all right?
Daniel, what's happening?
lf the beast
comes near you,
you kill it,
you plunge this
into its heart.
Lock the door.
DOC: Daniel!
Come to me.
Come on.
You're not the only one
who gets stronger
in the solstice.
That looks like it hurts.
Does it?
l hope so.
You need to get
out of here, Stefan.
You don't know...
But the show is
just about to start!
l want everybody to see you
for the monster that you are,
and l do mean
l know it's
not true, Daniel.
You don't understand.
lt's not going to be
like the other times.
Good. It's been ages
since l've had a challenge,
so try not to
die too quickly.
Run! Please! Run!
Run or else l'll kill you all.
No! Daniel!
Eva, l'm so sorry.
EVA: Daniel!
No! Daniel!
Well, there he is.
Look at him.
He's iust so ugly.
Kill him.
MAN: Kill him!
Stop! Don't!
lt's not his fault.
He was born this way.
His father was infected
by a beast.
Please! You know
him. That's Daniel!
Let me go.
Not iust yet.
Get out of here!
MAN: Shoot him!
VADOMA: Don't!
Damn it!
STEFAN: Don't you iust
Iove all this? Makes
you feel alive.
lf you'll excuse
me for a minute...
Well, Charles doesn't
use me to hunt monsters
for my good looks.
What are you?
Something different.
Well, those things are sharp.
A wurdalek.
ls that all you got,
you mangy cur?
l've hunted your kind
for over 100 years.
Who would have thought
you'd be my best hunt yet?
Where do you think
you're going?
STEFAN: Why is it that
all the women l woo
end up screaming?
Daniel, please
don't do this.
You know you've
gotten stronger
with each passing moon.
You can control this,
Daniel, you can.
Soon you'll be able
to change at will.
DOC: Quite a mess
you've made, Daniel.
EVA: Doc?
Sorry it had
to come to this.
Down! Get down!
Down! Down!
He listens to you?
The way you teach
any good dog.
Rigorous instruction
and discipline.
Get down! Now!
But his mother, she
couldn't have known.
She knew of his
condition, of course,
and that's why
she came to me
for laudanum,
to sedate him
at the full moon.
But as soon
as l realized
what Daniel was,
l saw that his potential
was limitless.
Witness his fine work
since l started
giving her a placebo
instead of the drug.
You were his friend.
l am his friend!
l think l speak for
both of us when l say
we had high hopes
for you and our boy.
But now, you simply
know too much.
Kill her, now!
Daniel, you're not a monster!
lfyou won't, l will!
Reckon that makes
us even, Doc.
From man to beast at will.
And back again.
Charles, you're alive.
The vest.
Fairly so.
Please let me help him.
l can help him.
Been waiting a long time
to give this to someone.
A beast will
become a hunter.
This is your destiny.
DANIEL: l won't
Iet you down, Charles.
We ride at dawn.
HYDE: Me, l would
have shot him.
You sure about this?
Are you trying
to get rid of me?
Besides, it'll
give me something
to write about.
Never ends.
HYDE: l hate
goddamn wurdaleks.