Werewolves Within (2021) Movie Script

Who put the frog
in The teacher's hair?
Who runs the class
When she's not there?
Who put the thumbtack
on her chair?
Nyah, nyah, nyah,
the Phantom strikes again
Who sprang a leak in
the brand-new car?
Who put the worms in
the cookie jar
And firecrackers
in Dad's cigar?
Nyah, nyah, nyah
the Phantom strikes again
Who gave the neighbors'
dog away?
Who raised the icebox
night and day?
Who pulled the hair
from Dad's toupee?
Nyah, nyah, nyah,
the Phantom strikes again
Very good.
Now, if that's not the sound
of being a man, I'm deaf.
We're talking about
laying down the damn law
- and standing up for yourself.
Oh, going the speed limit, huh?
All right.
It's funny, if I'm going
the speed limit, and you're
going faster than me,
that means you're going above
the speed limit.
If you're done being
nice for no reason,
ll want you to scream.
Chapter five.
Let's all chant
the word "balls."
- Balls, balls, balls.
- Balls, balls, balls.
I was just a poor boy
who lived on 40 acres
Of badland
Hi. This is Charlotte.
Leave a message. Bye.
Hi, love.
Just want to let you know
that ll am almost to my new post,
which is exciting.
Uh, anyway, call me.
Would love to hear your voice.
You know, or don't. Yeah.
Yeah, you don't have to
if you don't want to.
Actually, no.
I would like if you would
call me, please.
This is me saying what I want,
so there.
Okay, uh, well, it's Finn.
Love you.
Call me. Okay, bye.
It's healthy.
Balls. Balls. Balls. Balls!
But I'm just a plowboy
And you couldn't love
the likes of me
So goodbye, Joanna, I've got
to see about My Texas tea
So goodbye
Good afternoon to you, as well.
Well, if you've got
no holes to make,
make some now, as the storm
is going to be a big one.
We're talking about
a crippling blizzard.
Where can ll find the...?
Thank you.
Now, Mr. Parker, I told you...
Well, excuse me, Miss Sherwyn,
I told you that
I'm here to listen.
It's Sherman.
See, it's just, I'm worried.
Now, this pipeline is a feat
of human ingenuity.
I mean, look at this.
This is plastic,
cradled in steel, laying
underground in Portland cement.
I'll cut you a generous check,
easy as a signature.
And... What... what is so funny?
It's just the... It's the irony.
I've got an environmentalist
staying on the second floor.
See, I'm concerned that...
Hon, hon, hon,
ll got environmental guys.
I got MIT guys that are smarter
than some environmentalist
on the second floor, okay?
They do lots of impact
studies, they...
Hi, uh, I don't
mean to interrupt.
Oh, no. Please do.
- Can I help you?
- Are you Jeanine?
Yeah, I... You must
be the new ranger.
Finn Wheeler, US Forest Service.
- Oh, I'm Jeanine Sherman.
- Sam Parker, Midland Gas.
Oh, what a coinkydink.
Excuse me?
The pipeline, right?
That's your project?
It is.
Yeah, I'm going to be
stationed in Beaverfield
for the duration
of construction.
- Well, lucky me.
- Should it go through.
It will. I'm confident.
Has to be a majority
vote, Mr. Parker.
Sure is a lot
of beautiful nature here.
It'd be a shame to break grounds
so close to a national forest.
A man that doesn't want to
conquer nature
doesn't understand
how brutal it is, Ranger.
Oh, no. I'm so sorry.
I wasn't trying to be like,
"Oh, it'd be a shame."
ll wasn't trying to make a...
May I take your luggage?
Oh, uh, miss?
Yeah, uh, Jeanine, you know,
ll can get that.
Breakfast is 7:00 to 9:00
in the caf,
and then we reopen
again at noon.
For now, I'm the only game
in town, food-wise.
Good for business, though,
especially with
this storm coming.
What a night.
Yeah, I hear we got
a big one coming.
Probably overblown.
Local news guys
just love fear mongering.
Hey, Jeanine!
We got caf customers.
Do you want me
to take care of it?
I'm making sandwiches.
All of your pictures are...
I got.
Do you mind helping
the ranger get settled?
Yeah, you go run this place
'cause you're
my damn hero, okay?
Hi, Ranger.
Oh, Finn.
Finn Wheeler.
You're the mailman.
Yeah, gender is a construct.
- Cecily.
- Hey.
Oh, I have mail for the ranger.
- Oh, really?
- Uh-huh.
Not littering.
I'm just excited.
Yeah, not judging.
Just watching it.
"I'm writing to inform you of
Emerson Flint's commercial
trapping activity."
"Contact road authorities.
Sincerely, Dr. Jane Ellis,
and professor of zoology,
and environmental studies.
Room 207."
Well, ka-ching, I've got a case.
- A case.
- Yeah, I'm going to head over
to this guy, Flint's place.
Can I walk that?
It's a bit of a schlep, yeah,
but I can show you
'cause I have
a delivery out that way.
If that's okay.
It's totally okay.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Hey, go ahead and...
- I'm just going to change.
Put on your ranger gear,
warn your steed, or...
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Bye!
- Yeah.
So you live at the inn?
I do.
Yeah, it's pretty sweet, right?
- Yeah.
- I rented a room when I first
transferred jobs thinking that
I'd eventually get a place
in town, but I don't know,
two days turned into four weeks,
and Jeanine wouldn't
let me leave,
and so I was like,
"Oh, you want me
to help you tidy some rooms
in exchange
for staying
at your sweet-ass mansh?"
"Yes, please.
- "Mansh"?
- Mansion.
- Oh, right.
Want some hot Beaverfield goss?
Uh, yeah.
So Jeanine's husband
met a woman at a bar,
and, uh, they ran off together.
Jeanine hasn't really been
the same since.
- Dang.
- Yeah.
Word is, they left for Belize.
- Ouch.
- Yeah, I hear Belize sucks
this time of year.
Unlike Beaverfield,
real fucking sun shiny.
Should've packed our snowshoes.
People do that?
- What, snowshoeing?
- Yeah.
Oh, sure.
You know, fun fact, not only
is it the oldest,
but remains one of
the most effective
means of traversing the ice,
and snow, of course,
because snowshoeing.
Yeah, you're going to fit
right in at Beaverfield.
Everyone here
is a little questionable.
You know, the weather,
the people, everything.
I hear the angels sing
Devon's a tech dude,
and Joaquim runs the yoga sesh.
They're all like an ex-city,
millionaire power couple.
You know the type.
Hi, boys.
Hey, Cecily!
This is Finn.
He's the new ranger.
You just put the mail
on the marble table. Thank you.
We're friends.
Yo, Cecily.
Yo, Gwen.
I know you got my starter
and my fuel injector.
I don't, no, not yet.
- That's weird.
- Sorry.
I ordered them like the fourth
of the last month,
and by my algebra, it's been
like three whole weeks.
I'll keep an eye open for it.
Marcus. Marcus!
- Hi!
- Wait.
You're going
to want to see this.
- Damn.
- Fuck, Marcus.
- What time is it?
- Sorry, babe. Huh?
"Sorry, huh"
is not a time, Marcus.
- Are you high?
- Baby, no.
Drinking and driving
is for dummies, honey.
Don't talk to me...
There's strangers. Who is that?
Hey, what's your name?
I'm Ranger Finn Wheeler.
- What?!
- What?!
He's a new ranger in town.
- Oh, that's ranger thing...
What he say?
That's that. Y'all both police?
I'm Cecily.
We've talked many times.
Welcome to Beaverfield.
- It's a freak show.
- Fascinating.
- Suck my dick.
- She had too much soda.
Colorful couple.
- Yeah, quite a show.
- Ew, you're getting nasty.
- Eh?
- Oh, my goodness, gracious.
- Proud of it.
- Yeah, they're in it for
- a big check from the pipeline.
- It's not funny.
- We're just renting here.
How do you know all this stuff?
A big bag full of cigarettes.
You're not actually insinuating
that you read people's mail?
No, I'm kidding.
It's a felon.
You're the new ranger!
- And who's this?
- Stephen King's very own Trish.
- Oh.
- What?
- What did you say?
- I said,
- "Beaverfield's queen Trish."
- Oh, uh-huh.
Hello. Trisha Anderton.
Proud owner of
Anderton Maple Flowers.
- Hey, nice to meet...
- It's been in the family
90 years, and everybody knows,
but crafting is my passion.
- Boo!
- Oh!
It's you.
It's a little pale me.
Has anybody made you
a snowfall angel before?
You put it
on your Christmas tree.
- Do you have a Christmas tree?
- Well, not currently.
Or do you celebrate Kwanzaa,
put it on your Kwanzaa tree?
- No, such thing.
- I am going to open
my own craft store as soon
as that pipeline comes through.
Just mark them words.
Hello, hello, hello!
- One, two, three.
- One, two, three.
He doesn't get any attention
ever since little Chachi
came into my life.
Do you?
Oh! There she is.
It's Cecily the mailman.
No, thank you. Stop, stop.
Ranger Finn Wheeler.
Hey. How are you doing?
Hello, Ranger.
- Cool, never the left.
Never the left.
- My kind of guy.
- It's not what he meant.
How are you?
Oh, I got something
for you, Ranger.
This is from our own
private reserve right there.
- Oh, you guys, so many gifts.
- The best syrup in Vermont.
Oh, my God, are you kidding
my behind?
What happened?
Jiminy Christmas, hippies
knocked down our sign again.
Oh. It's Antifa.
I mean, look at that.
Great job, Picasso.
You put an X through it.
You're not going to stop
the pipeline.
Did you have this problem
in your last town?
- No.
- Brooklyn hipsters.
Yeah, you just give 'em
a big old knock
on the old craniums, right?
Uh-oh! Arrest her, Ranger.
She's the one, lock her up.
Lock her up, yeah,
lock her up, lock her up.
Say goodbye, Chachi.
There's a new sheriff in town.
You're not really a sheriff.
No, you're not.
- They seem cool, huh?
- Some day. You keep working.
He boned Gwen
in their sugaring room.
- Yes.
That aggressive mechanic lady?
That's the one.
Whew. That's... That's a dish.
Now, this thing,
what exactly is this?
Oh, this? This is Parker's
phallic fire totem.
He's stuck 'cause he needs
a majority town vote
to build it.
Half want the pipeline cash,
and half want to save
the trees or whatever.
Anyhoo, I think the only
holdouts are Jeanine
and the boys.
- Do you need a hand with that?
- Yes, please.
So you got a big family,
small family, no family?
No, it's just me and my sis.
- Oh.
How about you?
That's so lucky.
No, there's seven of us.
I'm the youngest.
My sister and I were born
the same year.
Irish twins, same grade even,
so it was like, "You want a toy?
Take it from somebody else.
This is it, right?
You coming with?
Actually if you wouldn't mind,
you want to just
bring him that package
'cause Flint likes to know
who's around here,
so you could introduce yourself.
Neighborly fellow,
my kind of guy.
Thanks for the tip.
Hey, oh, just one last...
Hello, Charlotte, hello?
You might want to
read the... Hello? Hello?
Charlotte, hello?
I can't... You're good.
Hello, love?
Hello? Can you hear me?
Hel... Ah, crap.
Hi. This is Charlotte,
Leave a message, bye.
Hi, Charlotte, it's me,
it's Finn.
Glad I'm finally
getting through.
It's so hard
to leave a voicemail.
It's... I'll call you back.
Mr. Flint?
Mr. Flint?
Ha! Oh, man.
You have 30 seconds to get
the fuck off my property.
Uh, I'm Ranger Wheeler.
You're way the hell out
of your jurisdiction, Ranger.
You see, I received a complaint
from Dr. Ellis.
Regarding concerns of possible
commercial trapping.
You can tell Dr. Stalin
I make my living legally
on my own fucking land.
It's called freedom.
Uh, you know, as long
as you're not doing it
on US forest.
I don't recognize your job,
your stupid uniform,
or the government you work for.
- Well...
- You're down to
10 seconds, 9... Oh,
okay, yeah. Well...
- Seven.
- Are you gonna keep counting?
I left a package for you
right there.
Five, four, three...
He's armed!
He's heavily armed.
Thanks for handling my package.
Do you know this?
He's... he's not
my kind of guy at all,
which is the neighborly kind.
Are you hungry?
Huh? Maybe. I think.
Yes, this requires
active measures. Come here.
I tried to warn you, but I think
you were on your phone.
I was on my phone.
I bring in their
packages in the winter
so I have full access
to the kitsch kingdom.
- It's pretty great.
- Awesome.
Do you want to put on a song?
Oh, yeah, sure, on the jukebox?
Yeah, and I'll see if there's
something I can heat up.
- Okay.
- Okay.
It's a lot of '90s.
It's a lot of '90...
I'm just going to
put something on.
Why do I bother
When you're
not the one for me?
I love this song!
Is enough enough?
I saw the sign
And it opened up my eyes
I saw the sign
Life is demanding
Without understanding
I saw the sign
And it opened up my eyes
I saw the sign
So, what brings you to
Hard ball it right from the top.
I had an incident at work.
Did you touch someone?
- No.
'Cause time's up, you too.
Yes, but I didn't touch anyone.
Do you want to show me
on the soap bottle angel?
It's not about touching.
I'm sorry, yes, go ahead.
Some guys I know
convinced me to fish
Grout Pond without a permit,
and then they posted it
to social media.
- I mean, can you believe it?
- Dummies.
So a transfer was a way for me
to keep my job.
- And Charlotte thought
- Charlotte?
Yes, Charlotte my girlfriend.
She thinks that this situation
could be good
for our relationship.
How's that?
Well, you know, she thinks
that I am too "available."
Right, because women like men
who aren't...
But, you know, I figure
ll won't need a whole year,
and maybe, you know, assuming
nobody better comes along...
Your first kombucha?
Assuming that nobody
better comes along.
You will get back
together or...?
Well, technically,
we're not broken up.
Ah, but you're
not living together?
- No.
- You're not seeing each other?
- Not currently.
- You're not talking.
There's texting.
And you're keeping
your options open?
Because Charlotte thinks that...
Oh, my God.
I'm broken up, aren't 1?
I think so.
Want to do something violent?
I saw the sign
- Ah!
- Wow.
I think it's like an English
axe, just weighted differently?
They use a metric system.
Yeah, I think that's what it is.
Mwah! Mwah! Mwah! Mwah!
God, that was beautiful.
- I'm being hustled.
- You are.
I'm a shark,
and this is a long con.
Clearly. All right.
Welcome to your worst nightmare!
All right.
I'm Ranger Wheeler.
Hold on.
Before you do anything,
just recognize
that you're holding
a real murder weapon.
Yes. Acknowledged.
And it requires some training.
- Yes.
- So just try to flip it one time
and then land it
on the second flip.
Just like a flip and then
it lands on the second flip.
- Yeah, okay.
- Does that make sense?
- Yeah. Yeah.
- You got this?
Okay. You got this.
- Oh, yes!
Oh, yes!
- Up high.
- Yeah!
Down low. Too slow, oh.
How did I not see
that one coming? You hustled.
How did you get into rangering?
- Rangering?
- Yeah.
Yeah, that's what we call it,
but you're going to freak,
but I read that.
- My butt?
- Yeah.
- "Walden?"
- Uh-huh.
- Are you serious?
- Yeah, absolutely.
- You poet.
Yeah, I was 15.
It changed my life.
- Yeah, changed mine, too.
- Yeah?
Bet you've been to
all the biggies, right?
- You've been to Sequoia?
- Been to Sequoia.
- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah, I've been to
Kings Canyon.
Been to Yellowstone?
I've been to Yellowstone.
You know, I camped out
a couple of nights
in the Townshend on the way up.
- Wow.
- Yeah.
You ever been to
Gallatin National Forest?
No, but I would
really love to go.
You know, I feel, um,
most myself outdoors.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
It's a cool life you have.
Yeah, I guess so.
"A taste for the beautiful is
most cultivated out of doors.
- Walden?
- It's Walden.
I want to stand with you
on a mountain
Hey, um, Ranger Finn.
Mailperson Cecily?
I wanna lay
like this forever
Can I kiss you?
Until the sky
I'm so sorry.
Hello? Hello?
- I'm so sorry.
- Are you serious right now?
- Hello? Charlotte?
- Are you really
answering a call?
Yeah, hey.
Uh-huh, yeah.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, no.
I'm just... Yeah, no, that's...
It's, uh, I'm just shopping.
Grow a pair.
Yeah, uh.
Sorry. Wait, what?
Oh, no, you need
the actual AAA card for that.
Let's go outside
and do our business.
Yes, that's my Chachi.
Yes, you are my good boy.
Poo-poo potty, please.
Come on, boy.
Chachi, what in the hell...
Come on!
- Mrs. Anderton?
It's the damn devil
that ate my baby!
Devon found her like this.
I have a triathlon in August,
so, you know, 4:00 a.m. sprints,
and I heard screaming.
Well, let's be honest.
The whole neighborhood
heard screaming.
I told you.
I didn't need your help.
I'm going to go get a croissant.
My baby.
That monster killed my Chachi.
I'm so sorry. I'm confused.
Are we talking
about a real baby?
Because if that's the case,
oh, my God,
but if not, it's a dog.
For God's sake, Joaquin,
show a little respect.
It's Joaquim with an.
I don't mean to be rude, Pete,
but your dog
only barked at Jews.
And brown people.
No carbs for you.
There's something out there!
Probably just a coyote.
Or a possum, hon.
- Those are scary, huh?
- No!
I'm so sorry for your loss,
Trish, but everything in these
woods eats little dogs.
I can't get on the Internet!
- Calm down.
- What do you think, Dr. Ellis?
Uh, it's a little too early
to tell, Mrs. Sherman,
mainly because I literally
don't know what's going on.
Hi, everyone.
I'm Dr. Ellis. Jane.
I'm here to stop the pipeline.
A prominent environmentalist
who's staying here with us.
Oh, Dr. Ellis. Ll got
your... Oh, my God.
The power's out,
like, everywhere.
Oh, no.
Our poor Chachi left us
this morning.
Come here.
Sorry, Trish.
I'm sorry, too.
Okay, everyone.
I'm going to go to town,
and I'm going to get
the backup generators going,
log Chachi's death,
and get you back
on the Internet.
Oh, my goodness. What now?
- Jeanine,
- Yeah?
You got to let us in.
Our shitter's broke.
Hey, yo, just so you know that
the streets is all storm-fucked.
What did she just say?
I think he said...
- Storm-fucked. - Yeah.
I'll be right back.
Heavens to Betsy.
Heavens to Betsy.
What is this?
Holy sh...
Ranger, you look like
you just seen a corpse.
You're right.
Uh... the roads are effed.
Yes, we just said that.
Yeah, No shit, dummy.
We said it.
And something's wrong
with the generator.
Which generator?
All of them.
Wait, what?
What does that mean?
It looks like somebody
went at them with like a knife.
What the hell
do you mean, a knife?
Is that what killed my Chachi?
Might we put
the horror leash away?
What kind of animal is smart
enough to go around town,
slashing all the generators,
but stupid enough
to eat your stupid Chachi?
Okay, you're over the line,
wolf city!
Why don't you use
your inside voice?
I'll use whatever voice I want!
Maybe I'll use my outside voice!
Okay, well, if the power grid
is out, it's going to take
at least a week
for the power to get back up.
- A week?
- Uh, also,
there's a dead body
under your porch.
I didn't want to
leave him on the...
Sol left him on the table.
Aw, shit.
That's your husband, ain't it?
Didn't get to Belize
after all, huh, Dave?
This is definitely a canine.
- How do you know?
- Probably a wolf.
What are you, like,
a wolf detective now, Marcus?
I don't think so.
He's right. The leg muscles
have been severed.
That's how canines
immobilize their prey.
Accurate assessment
for a gas man.
Well, I used to do a little
brown bear hunting in Siberia.
It's a beautiful animal.
Yo, lady,
you a wolf detective, though?
Really good, Marcus.
Close, no.
She studies animals.
No, thanks.
Suit yourself.
Well, I'd, I'd take some
if you'd be so kind.
I would be.
What happened to Dave?
It's just so awful.
Anyway, um, lady doctor,
do you think what got
Dave also got my Chachi?
If you'll excuse me, I need to
go compare these fur samples.
He don't stink
"cause he froze up.
Maybe we should just
take it inside.
- Yeah.
- It's so disgusting.
Now one body,
there's two bodies.
You know, nothing's
gonna get down that mountain
but a snowplow.
Does Beaverfield have
a snowplow?
Fuck yeah, we do.
I just need that starter
and fuel injector I ordered.
Oh, there's
a wild animal out there,
and I don't want to
say it out loud,
but who knows who or when
it's going to kill next.
Or when she's going
to kill next.
I do not find that funny.
- Hey, hey, hey.
- It's a little funny.
I have an idea.
This Flint guy,
he's an expert hunter, right?
- Oh, yeah.
- You could say that.
Well, maybe we pay him a visit.
And kill the damn thing?
Actually, I was going to say,
maybe h-h-he can trap it?
You can't go by yourself, man.
That psycho, he's nuts.
- You could come with me.
No, I'm good.
- Anyone else?
- We're trying to have a baby.
And my husband is dead.
And Chachi, also.
He can probably only eat
one of us at a time.
Uh... You know, if we
had some snowshoes,
we'd be killing this walk
right about now.
We get it, you love snowshoes.
Thanks for coming with me.
It's really... It's
really cool of you.
Cool? Is it cool of me,
like, a friend way cool of me,
or is it cool of me in like
a girl you almost
make out with,
but then don't because
your ex-girlfriend calls,
cool of me way?
- Look, last night...
No, Finn, it's fine.
You're not over your ex.
Let's not make a thing
out of it.
Well, no, you're wrong.
You know?
Last night was very,
very big for me.
In like a sad way 'cause
you're with the wrong girl?
No, look.
Because I was with
the right girl.
One who's smart and beautiful.
And interesting.
I'm listening.
Look, I blew it, okay?
There's no denying that.
And it's not because
I love Charlotte still.
It's because I don't...
I don't know why.
Finn, you're a really likable
guy, and that's great.
A lot of people like you.
Not to sound
too heteronormative,
but maybe Charlotte's right.
Maybe you should man up,
you know?
Grow a beard, hair on
your chest, chug a beer,
yell at someone
smaller than you.
I don't know, yell things like,
"Respect me."
I don't know what men do.
I try not to hang out
with them too much.
You do realize that
we are prepared to double
the offer?
I don't care
if you triple the offer.
We moved up here for scenery,
not your construction scheme.
And scenery requires
having a forest,
which you don't eff up.
Well, you're really
effing up our people's dreams.
Yeah, well, too bad, Pete.
Shit, I guess Trish
don't get her craft store, huh?
Craft store?
What about our freaking money?
- I don't know.
- Go ask. Ask!
Yo, Parker, so Gwen and I,
we want money.
Oh, sorry, Marcus,
if the vote ain't unanimous,
ho one gets nothing,
unless you can convince
your neighbors otherwise.
Are you deaf?
We are not going to sell.
- Sorry, neighbors.
- You suck.
- You both suck.
- I suck?
You don't belong here!
You're liberal snowflakes.
Y'all city slickers suck.
You got everything you,
um, need, Doctor?
Dr. Ellis, do I call you Doctor
or Dr. Jane or...?
Jeanine, I have everything
I need.
Thank you so much for letting me
set up shop in here.
Okay. You got enough power?
Yep. I work in the woods.
I've got some batteries.
Okay, okay. Oh.
- Jeanine?
- Okay.
I'm going to find out
what killed your dead husband.
I have excellent samples,
and I'm going
to get answers for you.
Uh, okay.
Do you want me to knock or...?
No, I got it.
- Are you scared?
- No.
- 'Cause I can hear your tummy.
I'm not.
Are you?
No, I'm punk.
Wait, you're in a punk band?
I was, actually,
in high school, yeah.
We were called Megalodons 'cause
our lead singer's name was Meg.
- That's so cool!
- I know. I played...
Either of you care to
illuminate what the hell
happened to my generator?
Uh, so... in conclusion,
what we're asking
is that you track
this thing down and...
Kill it?
- [ Laughs ]
Thank you for your time.
You've made yourself
perfectly clear.
We're just going to get
out of your beard.
Mr. Flint, I understand that
you're proud of being
tucked away in
the outskirts of this town,
but, you know, you're still
a part of this town.
This thing is killing people
in the place where you live,
and the people of this town,
everybody's going, "How the...
How the heck are we going
to get rid of this monster?"
And you know what?
Everybody, every single
one of them,
they all voted for you.
- It was really led by you.
- Cecily.
Don't touch that, please.
Mr. Flint, Emerson.
Emerson Flint.
People are afraid,
and, you know,
no matter what
their differences are,
people deserve to feel safe.
I guess what we're asking
is that you...
you be a good neighbor,
you know, like Mr. Rogers.
Hey, I love him.
- Yeah.
- Mr. Rogers, huh?
Who's that?
- Hmm?
- Hmm?
It was all Jeanine's story,
you know,
Dave running off and whatnot.
Welcome to Beaverfield.
Population, bunch of liars.
What are you suggesting,
Mrs. Anderton?
Pete, you and Dave were tight.
Did he ever say anything
about going to Belize?
Nope, but you know what's weird?
Jeanine's against your pipeline,
Mr. Parker,
but Dave was
really excited about it.
- Mm-hmm.
- Huh.
Wait, y'all aren't
saying that...
We just don't know
for sure now, do we?
Shit. You know what I can't
get out of my head?
- Language.
Tell me.
Come on.
All of the generators
are just conveniently
mangled by some animal?
- Fuck off.
- Language.
Somebody did this,
a legitimately
maladjusted somebody.
Mm, I don't know.
Dr. Ellis did say
it was an animal.
I mean, there was
all those hairs.
Well, we definitely have
some unknown knowns
and some known unknowns.
What's known is that
animals don't sabotage
generators, but guess what is
covered in hair and totally can?
A werewolf!
No. No. Again, I wasn't...
ll wasn't going to say that.
I was going to say...
Emerson Flint.
"It's a Beautiful Day
in the Neighborhood,"
King Friday.
He plays with puppets.
You know?
What is it?
The Land of Make Believe?
I don't think so.
Mr. Flint,
I'm convinced this thing
is going to kill
again, and... Finn.
Oh, my God.
I know, I know.
I'm not your man.
Get out.
Understood. Uh...
You know, we're probably
just going to head back
to the inn, you know,
save some lives.
- Make a soup.
- Mm-hmm.
I'd die for one
of Jeanine's sandwiches.
Ll don't want to die.
I don't want to die either.
- That would be be terrible.
- Good night.
Oh, gosh.
- Just push.
- Is it jammed?
You want to leave?
- Uh...
- It's fine.
It's not opening.
I'm going in both directions.
You go ahead, please.
No, spare me.
Oh, please don't.
Oh, please!
- Please don't bother the lock.
- Spare me there.
Oh, my goodness.
I could have gotten that myself.
But I appreciate it.
He's definitely the murderer.
Keep your voice down, be normal.
Hurry! I need warmth.
- What happened?
- What did he say?
Emerson killed Chachi.
Hold on a minute.
We don't know that for sure,
Does that mean he killed Dave?
Does that mean
he killed my husband?
What are you talking about?
He had Chachi's collar.
She does this a lot.
That's my child.
That bastard did it!
- Okay, okay! Shh!
It's all right.
It's all right.
She's just happy
to have some closure,
and now we finally got it.
It's Emerson.
Chachi just got his wings.
- Dave, too.
- Sorry, Trish.
Hey, Jeanine, what do you say
we open up
a nice bottle of wine, huh?
- No!
- Okay.
Oh! Uh...
Uh, okay.
- Well, maybe not that one, Pete.
- You want some, Gwen?
You're not one to turn away
a spicy rat.
Why you fucking touch my ass?
- Whoa, okay.
- Keep your hands to yourself,
or I'll cut them the fuck off.
Must be that time of the day.
Don't touch my wife's ass.
Can I make anybody a sandwich?
- I'll take one.
- No, you won't.
Me, I want one.
Oh, my God,
that was an absolutely
horrible sound you made.
Dr. Ellis, are you okay?
Did you find the answers now?
That was fast.
I compared the DNA samples.
The hairs from both Dave's body
and Chachi's little outfit
are a match.
Everything about this predator
is unorthodox.
It's not human.
It's canine, but there are
no matches in the database.
I'm going to keep running tests,
but for now, what I can tell you
is I don't know
what this thing is.
Examining the body,
it appears it feeds like a dog
or a wolf, meaning...
Meaning that?
I want to know.
Meaning Dave was probably
eaten alive.
That's fucking rad.
- Okay. Everyone, hey.
Everyone, hey, can I have
your attention, please?
Between the power outages
and the storm,
the whole Emerson thing,
I think we can all agree
that it's unsafe outside
and there's safety in numbers.
- So maybe we...
- We should stay here tonight.
I'm with you, yeah. I don't want
to go out and get ate.
- Same.
- Same.
Jeanine, you got room.
You can put us all up,
can't you?
No. It's just that...
Well, I have...
Thank you so much, Jeanine.
But some people
would have to double up.
Well, I mean, I think
that'd be fine, right, Cecily?
Okay. Slow down.
Uh, out of curiosity,
who is packing?
I am, yes, sir, America.
Well, we're packing, dawg.
I have Dave's hunting rifle
if that would be helpful.
Oh, gosh.
I almost forgot.
Um... I got... It's teensy.
It's a purse gun.
- Excuse you.
- Okay.
You know, I think we should
keep a gun in every room,
you know, just to be safe.
Hold up! This dude Emerson
wants to come down
off his mountain-maniac ass
and eat our asses
and fuck our skulls, guess what?
It's not going to happen tonight
because pam, pam,
I'm up in this tit.
Where my gun goes, I goes.
Same, and I am sleeping
with my wife
unless someone prefers
that my gun stays
in someone else's room.
Cecily, do you want
protection or...?
- I'm good.
- Thank you.
Uh, one more time, raise your
hand if you have a gun.
It's tiny.
It's a purse gun.
And if you don't have a gun,
no gun?
Marcus got my gun.
Welp, we're having a good,
old-fashioned sleep over.
- With guns, though.
- With guns, yes.
Dr. Ellis?
We just thought we'd clue you in
on the game plan for tonight.
You all right?
I'm fine.
I just need more time.
To work.
All right, everyone,
let's lock up.
What the fuck is going...
Peter! Peter!
- We need more lights.
- Oh, my God!
Can someone please look
for my hand?
Hell, yeah.
Ll got you, bro.
You shot my husband.
- His hand has been bitten off!
- Oh, my God!
For God's sakes,
this is an animal attack.
Uh, no, I think
he was shot, too.
Oh, wow, would you look at that?
- Okay, Peter.
He's just in shock.
I stopped the bleeding.
He should be okay.
We would have heard him come in.
How many times did you fire
your piece?
How many times do you
ask stupid questions?
Guys, it was obviously
an accident.
Accident or not,
we're obviously not safe
We need help.
Is he here?
He didn't just disappear.
Dr. Ellis?
Dr. Ellis, are you okay?
Gwen, what was it?
Did you see it?
Didn't get a good look.
He was fast.
We need to get him
to a hospital.
We can't go anywhere
until the storm blows over.
Marcus, don't
touch that, please.
I didn't. I wasn't.
I feel like I'm in one of those
dinner theater murder things
and I'm having a horrible time,
and I can't go home.
I don't get it.
All right, babe,
it's a nightmare.
What could have gotten in here?
And how did it get in here?
How did it get out?
Who says it got out?
It's not possible.
It's not possible.
It's not possible.
It's not possible.
Did you find the answers now?
That was fast.
No! No!
It's not human.
It's canine, but there were
no matches in the database.
Does that mean he killed Dave?
Does that mean
he killed my husband?
I have excellent samples,
keeping the root alive.
I'm going
to get answers for you.
Dr. Ellis?
I told you,
she's probably tanked.
Touch this door again,
I'll shoot... again.
Dr. Ellis?
Look, we need answers.
It didn't disappear.
What did she say?
It's not Emerson Flint.
It's one of you.
What the hell
is that supposed to mean?
Okay, well, we don't understand.
Can you just please come out?
I'm afraid I can't do that,
Ranger Wheeler.
You could be one of them.
- What is she...?
- Shh, shh, shh.
One of what?
A lycanthrope.
- A what?
- Lycanthrope?
A werewolf.
What is this, dumb-ass island?
She's drunk.
She's a dumb-ass island, baby,
you're fucking...
- Shh!
- This room got a back door?
Uh, yeah. Yeah.
Listen, hey, Dr. Ellis?
I know you're freaked out.
Now I'm freaked out.
I think we're all
freaked out, yeah?
Yeah. We're freaked out.
But tell you what,
if you come out,
we can all discuss
this together as a group.
- Hey!
Parker, no. Stay back.
- Put the gun down.
- Stay back!
Dr. Ellis, are you okay?
She killed herself.
- Oh, my God.
- What?
Wait. What?
She killed herself?
She was less afraid of death
than whatever happened to Dave.
All right, we searched again.
Doors, windows,
everything's locked.
Nobody in here but us,
for better or worse, y'all.
And remember,
nobody's calling the cops.
Everyone shut your stupid
whore mouths and listen to this,
"Complete set of humanoid
DNA overlaps
with a complete set
of canine DNA."
Blah, blah, blah, boring,
boring, boring.
Oh, "Not sure if this is
another species or evolution.
Well, it's not
one of those things.
Hey, though, real?
My dead dad did tell me
an old folklore about
the settlers
that used to run the werewolves
out of the woods.
Okay. Why are we even talking
about werewolves?
- Why not?
- Werewolves?
Every culture's got
a werewolf story.
That's true.
The Vikings had the ulfhednar,
the Turkey has Kurd Adan.
Okay, big daddy Sam Parker
dropping that
werewolf knowledge.
When I was a kid, my daddy
used to kick my ass.
He also used to tell me
about the Wendigo.
He said he was coming to get me
if I was acting
like a little shit.
- What's a Wendigo?
- It's a man-beast.
Stalks the woods,
hungers for human flesh,
but is never full.
That's funny. That sounds like
a euphemism for white men.
You're funny, honey.
Thanks, baby.
You know, growing up
in Argentina,
it wasn't uncommon
for the seventh-born child
to be killed
because that one's a werewolf.
But you don't do that anymore,
right, because that's crazy?
1 think I know what this is.
Somebody is trying to scare us,
so cut the werewolf crap.
One of you in this house
is a bully and a murderer.
Somebody is trying to take money
from honest,
God-fearing, hardworking people.
One of you would rather
terrorize us than let
Mr. Parker build
his harmless pipeline.
- Oh, Jesus.
- One of you killed my dog.
One of you ate my husband's
hand, and for what?
To save some chipmunks?
Trish, they tried to frack
up here, and they log.
Oh, Janine, shove it.
It's no different than fracking.
You need to listen to her.
You don't know what the hell
you're talking about.
You can't just buy people,
Mr. Parker.
Okay, we can't say that,
okay, baby?
We have money, honey. Okay?
Who are we to tell these people
they can't take a check?
That's exactly right.
Somebody's terrorizing us
to steal our damn money.
Hey, we're talking low-impact
construction here, people.
I don't let people fuck
with my money.
That's what ll don't do.
Y'all suck!
Are we really in a Mexican
stand off right now?
Baby, don't say Mexican,
just stand off.
So who's the bully?
Okay. Hey, everyone.
Everyone, please.
We've got a suicide
on our hands.
- You got little hands, bitch.
- And my husband is dead.
- I don't have little hands.
- Stop saying hands.
- Pete's missing a hand.
- I'm missing a hand?
- And my husband is dead.
- And also Chachi.
Hey, look, I know tensions
are high, clearly,
but can we all agree
to lock our guns away
until we can figure this out?
Even you, Ranger?
Yeah. Yes. Even me.
Even though that defies
all protocol,
sure, you know, when...
when werewolves
are within the house.
You got a point.
I mean, if Dr. Ellis is right,
any one of us
could be a suspect.
I say we put our heads together
and smoke the fucker out.
You're smart.
You're so smart.
Shit, y'all. Hey, Trish has
the most motive here, I think.
- What?
- Yeah.
You hated Pete ever since
my girl Gwen fucked him.
I'm missing a hand.
First of all,
that was four years ago.
And also, it never happened.
This conversation is foul.
Why would I even bite off
Pete's hand?
- That's...
- Payback.
- Well, what...?
- And you, you said you were
going to cut off his head.
You actually said it.
Why don't you just admit it?
- What?
- You're husband's a creep.
You're a creep.
You're the creep.
No, I'm not a creep.
I'm a werewolf.
Maybe you're a werewolf.
You're a werewolf,
you're a werewolf,
you're a werewolf,
maybe we're all werewolves!
Maybe I ate my own hand!
You didn't eat
your own hand, hon.
Uh, okay.
Yeah, look, maybe we're just
a little on edge.
Frankly, I'm a bit on edge
about Mrs. Sherwood.
- Yeah
- Oh, my goodness.
It's Sherman.
Yeah, well, Mr. Sher-man
was in favor of the pipeline
coming through this
stinky old inn now, wasn't he?
- That's right.
- It's not stinky.
Your husband wanted to sell, and
your story about him is suspect.
That's right.
That's right. That's right.
Don't go easy on her,
Mr. Parker,
because, you know,
you forget that we found
her dang husband's body
underneath her own dang house.
- Right.
- If 1 could just say
- one thing...
You know, I'm sitting here,
and quite honestly,
I'm just gob smacked.
Oh, you're gob smacked?
By of the accusations that
are flying around this room!
You know, I didn't
kill my damn husband.
And I'm not a damn
"lycantrope," whatever.
- Lycanthrope.
- Well, whatever,
I am not one of those!
I'm not a cockamamie wolf.
I didn't kill my husband.
Dave said he left me because...
1 let myself go.
That's crazy.
- You look so, so good.
- You have clothes.
I'm so sorry.
It's a bit of a reach.
Is that why you ate him?
- Uh, if I could just say one...
- What about you?
Mr. Parker?
Aren't we suspicious of him?
How do we know
you didn't kill Dr. Ellis?
Why am I the only one
bringing that up?
Am I the only one
that finds that suspicious?
The gun was in her hand, hon.
You gave her your flask.
She didn't want your damn booze.
This man, he is a newcomer.
He wants our land.
He's trying to buy us out
with all his money.
- What's wrong with that?
- Let me just say one thing.
What about Ranger Wheeler
here, and Cecily?
- I mean, they're newcomers.
- Oh, whatever!
We're innocent A.F.,
and you know it!
We blindly walked into this
weird-ass horror show of a town!
Yes, sticking your nose
in these people's business
with your money
and your fancy booze.
All right,
I'll say it again, lady!
You are a dangerous man.
That was Royal Crown Derby.
Look, I know it's easy
to get caught up
in the fear of the situation,
but can we all
just take a breath
and remember what we wanted
out of this community
when we moved here?
Yeah, like... like you, Trish.
I mean, we know that
you're devastated by Chachi.
Yeah, I am.
It really sucks.
But you made us all those...
Soap bottle angels.
Yeah, those.
And I mean, I don't know
about anybody else,
but that made me feel amazing.
I still keep mine on the mantel.
Yeah, to my dismay.
And, Devon, look, I know
you feel that everything bad
came in with Parker, but,
you know, some of your neighbors
aren't tech millionaires.
You know, a little extra money
would mean a lot of them.
Well, we're not actually
Well... - Are we? - Maybe.
- Oh.
- Yeah, we're rich.
And, Janine, you've been
SO generous
in spite of all your grief.
I know it's easy to point
the finger and fear each other.
At its heart,
this is a community, you know,
one that agrees
about more than it doesn't.
You know, hard work.
Be a good neighbor.
Warm place to meet,
have a sandwich.
All I'm asking is that
we remember our common...
our common humanity.
And we just hold off
on being enemies
till we've all had
a little sleep.
Fuck that noise.
I saw what happened to Pete,
and I saw what happened to Dave,
and I'm not gonna stick around
and let that happen
to me and Marcus.
- Let's go, Marcus.
- Hell yeah.
It's safer out there
than it is in this hellhole.
Fuck your house.
So I hope y'all dildos
- get eaten by a wolf.
Okay. Well, this is where
I also go my own way.
I had just about enough
of this town.
Once again, fear and intolerance
has reared its ugly head.
We are going to
wait this out at home.
Or at least until
the cops get here.
Say goodbye to your stupid
craft store, Trish.
Oh, okay. Petey boy,
let's get you home, hon.
Come on, come on.
They're gonna get theirs, hon.
They'll get theirs.
They'll get what's coming.
They'll get what they deserve.
How are you going to
protect yourself?
Oh, uh, got my trusty
bear spray.
Okay, good.
Yeah. All right.
There's something
in Parker's room.
I'm sorry!
Oh, God. What now?
Janine, just, uh,
go to your room, lock your door.
Don't come out
for anybody, okay?
I thought he left.
Me too.
Looks like Parker
left that window open.
Hey, Finn.
Did you say you were at
Grout Pond and Townshend?
Are you seriously giving me
the silent treatment right now?
You seriously want to go back
to that chicken shit madhouse
with those people?
Oh, well, I'm sorry,
babe, but sue me, okay?
You know what they say,
safety in numbers.
Yeah, more like
not safety in numbers.
- What was that?
- It's okay. It's okay.
We're okay.
Watch your step.
Who's there? Who's there?
Who is that?
Let's go.
Hey, Cec.
What's that smell like?
- The generators.
- The generators.
This isn't funny!
Hey, stop fucking with us.
I'll fuck you up so hard!
Baby, let's go.
Let's go.
Wait a minute.
What the heck is this about?
Oh, my God.
Townshend, Grout Pond,
Parker's tracking the attacks.
Oh, shit.
I'm going to go
check the barricade.
What was that?
I know, hon.
What the fuck?
Maple tap.
It's where the sweet stuff
comes out.
I want my craft store.
You're probably a bit confused.
And why is this gas guy wearing
a bunch of fancy hunting gear?
I always hunted as a hobby,
but when Ellis said
one of you could be
a lycanthrope, a werewolf...
well, news of this predator
around the state
suddenly made
a whole lot of sense.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
- Are you?
- Yeah.
- Hi.
Why is that Parker dressed
like a scary cowboy?
I think I just pissed my pants.
Sorry. We were being chased,
and then we got separated
from each other, but then...
Wait, are you guys...
Why are you guys hiding?
Parker thinks he's hunting
He sabotaged the generator.
- Where's Devon?
- I don't know.
We were... we were together,
and then we got separated,
and then I got lost,
and then something's out there.
Something's out there, I think.
I think it got him.
Where was this?
It was by Trish's house.
If ll know Devon, he probably
came here for safety,
so he's probably in here, right?
- Devon?
- Ssh!
What are you doing?
Oh, yeah, you're right,
you're right.
I'm sorry, I won't do that.
Devon, baby!
- Ssh!
- Joaquim, stop!
- Devon! Baby, is that you?
- Hey, wait.
Boy, you just had to be strong.
Now you're dead.
But... Marcus?
Marcus, what the hell
are you doing?
- What are you doing?
- What am I doing?
That's easy, Ranger,
what am I doing?
I taped...
I taped knives to my hands,
and then underneath,
it's just my hand,
but it's deadly
with the knives on it.
And I'm going to steal
everybody's shit,
and then I'm going to make it
look like a werewolf did it.
Well, if you end up
being the werewolf,
that's a big
fucking disappointment.
Okay, Marcus,
I see you have some knives.
- Back off!
- That's my work shirt.
Stay back! Stay back!
Maybe I'm the werewolf,
maybe you became the werewolf.
Weren't you a werewolf
part-time, motherfucker?
Weren't you a werewolf?
I'm the full-time
werewolf, bitch.
Is there even a werewolf?
I don't know! I don't have
to answer your questions, bitch.
You little bitches
can't catch a cold.
I said, don't see you,
don't want to be you,
now, little punk.
You guys probably are so dead
right now
'cause I'm your only friend,
really, if you think about it.
Don't get eaten.
- Marcus, let's go, brainless!
Got you, home wrecker.
Yeah, this town's bat shit.
Let's go inside, out the back.
Let's go out the back, please.
She still has her tiny BB gun!
Fucking bitch.
That's very rude.
My house, you're trespassing.
Trespassers will be shot
on command,
they will be shot on sight.
Oh, I know another way in.
Nobody move.
- What is she, Michael Myers?
- What?
Wipe your feet.
See, clean. Wiped.
Super, they're so clean, right?
Listen, back up!
Just keep moving back.
Come on.
- Watch where you're going.
- Hey.
Happy family, line up, line up.
You people do not belong here.
You don't belong in this town,
in this house,
and you sure as Shinola
don't get to tell me
what to do with my property!
Trish, did you do something
to my husband?
Did you kill Devon?
Oh, I don't care what you do
in your own home.
Your little husband
should have kept his nose
in his own beeswax,
and you all should've let
Mr. Parker build his pipe...
What did you do?
Peter, no. You killed Peter.
You killed my husband.
Is she okay?
She's okay. Trish?
Let's leave, please.
Okay, okay, Ranger,
put on your ranger hat.
- What are we doing?
- All right.
Well, we're going to take
Marcus' truck.
- Okay.
- Go as far as we can,
uh, you know, maybe fi...
Ugh! Sorry, Marcus.
- Sorry, Marcus.
- And find some snowshoes,
and get the heck
off this mountain.
Dude loves snowshoes.
Well, it's the oldest,
most effective means
of traversing ice and snow...
- Oh, God!
- Is that...?
Why is he you hunting?
Why are you hunting us?
I don't know. You know?
Cec was the youngest of seven.
You guys are blocking
his pipeline.
And I'm the pain in the ass
sent to give him a hard time.
So he could be hunting
any of us.
But it's not any of us,
'cause none of us has seen any
actual evidence of a werewolf.
- Finn.
- No, yeah, good point.
Ellis was taking all those hair
samples with that machine thing.
I mean, science, am I right?
It's just,
something doesn't add up.
Joaquim, what are
you doing, man?
She's a seventh born.
I mean you said it your goddamn
self, Ranger, didn't you?
Okay? We're not crazy.
Okay. We're not crazy!
- Kinda!
No, we're not, okay?!
You're the fucking
werewolf! Okay?
She's the werewolf, okay?
So we have to...
Please put the gun down, okay?
I can't, okay? I can't!
Because I live in Argentina,
the seventh born is a werewolf!
- It's just superstition!
- Shut the fuck up, girl!
I love you so much.
I have to kill your ass!
I know it's been a long,
long day.
I know, right?
Maybe just put
the gun down because...
Finn, what do we do?
What do we do now?
Start the truck.
Finn, it won't start!
. -Try again!
- I'm fucking trying!
Let's go, darling.
Fight me, come on.
Family of four,
mauled to death in Townshend.
Couple of college kids
mangled in Grout Pond,
all around the same time
that you were there.
Then you came to Beaverfield.
Yeah, you put yourself
in charge, you discovered Dave.
Now that's a...
that's a bit obvious,
don't you think there, Ranger?
Finn, what is he talking about?
Come on, Cec.
He sabotaged the generator.
No, that was you, Ranger.
See, I found a diesel-drenched
knife in your room.
We found that in your room.
It's not possible.
I don't know what to believe.
You pitted this community
against itself
with your promises, your money.
You brought out the worst
in these people.
There's no animal
on a killing spree.
There's no monster.
The only monster here is you.
Maybe you're right.
But better safe than sorry.
- Finn!
- Cecily, are you okay?
Finn, look out!
Eat some silver!
Yes! Yes!
Finn! Get up!
Excuse me, Mr. Parker.
Your pipeline is trash.
That was really fucked up.
Yeah, it was.
Hmm. Power's back.
Well, that's not good.
Oh, my God, Finn.
Okay, come on, we got to get you
inside, let's go, let's go.
Come on. Come on.
Oh, this is much worse
than I thought.
Yeah, it's pretty bad.
You know what?
I'm gonna go get
the first aid kit, okay?
Okay, I'm dying, I think.
No, you're not going to die.
You're not going to die.
Hey, can you promise me
that you're not going to die?
'Cause it would probably
traumatize me
for the rest of my life.
And also, 'cause I, um...
I really like you, and I, um...
I'm very grateful that
you saved my life.
So you're not
going to die, okay?
Okay? Okay, Say, "okay."
- Okay.
- Say, okay.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Okay, I'm going to see
if the phones are back up.
You know,
nothing's going to get down
that mountain but a snowplow.
Just need that starter
fuel injector I ordered.
It's you, isn't it?
Were you even in a punk band?
We just didn't actually
break up, though.
- You ate them.
- Late them.
Oh, come on, Finn, didn't I seem
a little too good to be true?
You seemed great.
Oh, no, Finn, help me.
What do we do now?
The car won't start!
Finn, Sam Parker
has me by the hair.
That... That's great?
Don't yell at me.
That's not yelling.
That's taking a tone.
This is yelling.
You're really a... Werewolf.
Werewolves are real.
Women who read "Walden"
while drinking kombucha
and getting turned on
by your Yellowstone stories,
they're a fantasy.
You killed Dave.
I needed an outfit.
There can only be
one postal worker.
It was really
a districting thing.
You ate Trish's dog.
My baby!
And you ate Pete, his hand.
I was attacked!
Some men do this thing
when they want to "guide you,"
where they put their hand
on your lower back.
1 hate that.
Cecily, the mailman.
No, thank you.
Should've bitten off both hands.
Why couldn't you just,
like, hunt?
Which is a brilliant idea.
You think I didn't try that?
I did. It was exhausting.
But Beaverfield is perfect.
There's lots of
festering resentments,
made all the spicier way
by this pipeline drama.
I don't let people fuck
with my money!
All I had to do was plant
a tiny little doggy's collar.
Emerson killed Chachi.
Spread a couple of rumors.
I found a diesel-drenched
knife in your room.
Everyone else just took
care of themselves
with their fear and greed
and their own petty nature.
I mean, I'm going
to eat them later,
and I knew
there'd be that snowstorm
but that road blockage,
mm, baby, just...
You almost blew up my shit,
though, you know that, right?
I kept trying to turn you
into one of them,
but you're pathological.
And what is my pathology
You're too fucking nice
with your Kumbaya speeches
and your small town,
"Gee, golly goodness."
Blow me.
This town is full of two-faced
assholes, and you know it.
You're a monster.
Girl's got to eat, and I got
dinner on ice until spring.
You mock me for being nice.
This whole time,
you've been mocking me
for being nice.
But you know what?
I got to tell you,
I'm a nice person, all right?
I'm considerate.
I'm compassionate. I care.
People want me to change, but
there's nothing wrong with me.
I'm a nice person who wants to
do nice things for other people
and have nice people
do things for other people.
You know?
Sorry, I got to tell you,
it's fucking okay to be nice.
Pardon my language.
It's effing okay to be nice.
How's that for... for, you know,
Kumbaya bullshit?
Well, in a dog-eat-dog world,
you could be nice,
or you could be me.
Heavens. Oh, fuck.
Emerson, what are you
doing here?
Being a good neighbor, you know,
like Mr. Rogers.
I just... Oh!
Oh, no!
I saw the sign
And it opened up my eyes,
I saw the sign
Hey, all right!
Give me a hand, will you?
You all right?
You saved my life.
Yeah, well.
I like what you said back in
my cabin about, uh, community.
That was, uh, nice.
You hungry?
You think Jeanine's still alive?
She could make us a sandwich.
Make your own damn sandwich.
I found love
Didn't even know
I needed it
But I found love
Never even crossed my mind
I found love
Had a garden,
never weeded it
But I found love
Took an apple just in time
I found love in the fall
And it did not hurt at all
I found sunlight and flowers
Soft summer showers
I can feel my heart touch
my Adam's apple
I can feel
a feather in my head
In my head, there is
a lightness politeness
Fingers tingle, tootsies tap
Till dawn comes
And finds me
never in my bed
Love, didn't even know
I needed it
But I found love
Never even crossed my mind
I found love in the spring
And I did not lose a thing
I found love in the fall
And it did not hurt at all
I found sunlight
and flowers
Soft summer showers
I can feel my heart touch
my Adam's apple
I can feel
a feather in my head
In my head, there is
a lightness, politeness
Fingers tingle, tootsies tap
'Till dawn comes
and finds me never in my bed
Had a garden,
never weeded it
But I found love
Took an apple just in time
I found love in this world
And my heartstrings
just unfurled
I found love in the spring
And I did not lose a thing
I found love in the fall
And it did not hurt at all
I found love in this world
And my heartstrings
just unfurled
I found love in the spring
And I did not lose a thing
Emerson Flint.