Western Union (1941) Movie Script

We've lost him. You, men, head south.
We'll take the stage-coach trail.
What's the matter with you, Spider?
Whoa, boy.
Well, Spider, old boy.
I hate to part company but...
it's you or me.
Howdy, stranger.
Sorry, but I'm gonna have to borrow
your horse for a spell.
I reckon I'd better
borrow your gun, too.
Where does it hurt most?
My ankle.
Here and here.
Busted rib. Somebody put
the boot to you, huh?
Horse fell on me.
Take it easy.
Sit down.
Let's roll up your shirt.
Raise your hands over your head.
Feel better?
Much. Thanks.
Let's get outta here.
Well, why don't you say
what you're thinking?
I'm not thinking anything.
Come on.
Take a chew of this. It'll help
you keep your mind off the pain.
Come on.
Me, a Santa Claus.
-What's that?
-Nothing, nothing at all.
This is the stage depot.
They'll take care of you.
I'll still need your horse.
You're welcome to it,
and anything else I have.
Forget it.
What's going on here?
Don't look like one of them,
does he?
I never seen this fellow before.
-What do you want?
-What's your name, stranger?
-Edward Creighton.
-What you doing here?
Yes, I work for Western Union.
-What's Western Union?
-A telegraph company.
We're going through here next year
on our way to the coast.
I guess he's all right.
Anything wrong?
We had a bank holdup
at North Platte today.
We killed one of them
and the rest of them scattered.
Looks like we've lost them,
now for good.
-She's here, Mr. Creighton.
-Oh, good.
Are you ready?
I think so, Bert.
Now if I can just manage to
navigate on these things, Bert.
I reckon you'll be back this way
with that telegraph line before long.
If everything goes right, I will.
I do a little trapping now and then
so I was wondering...
how much it would cost to send
my pelts into Omaha by telegraph.
You can't send pelts by telegraph,
-You can't?
-No. All you can send is writing.
Then the telegraph
ain't gonna do me any good.
I can't repay you for your kindness,
...this may help a little.
Folding money!
Can you manage
all those things yourself?
Oh, yes, Sir.
Better let me take that, too.
Woody, I want you to have this
along with my thanks.
Gosh, Mr. Creighton, thanks.
Goodbye, boys.
I'll see you next year.
-Get up!
-So long, Mr. Creighton.
-Nice fellow.
-Yes, Siree.
You don't believe what he said about
that telegraph coming through here...
...do you?
-Of course not.
There ain't no such thing
as a telegraph no how.
But he's a right nice fellow,
just the same.
He sure is. Look what he give me.
-His watch and chain!
What does a fellow
that goes to bed at sundown...
and gets up at sunup
want with a watch?
Well, it's a mighty pretty thing
to wear.
Sounds nice, too.
Across the plains the pay
for drivers, diggers...
pole men and timber cutters
is two dollars a day.
And when we hit the Indian country,
it's three dollars....
and every man supplies
his own gun. O.K?
What do you mean O.K?
That's telegraph talk.
Means all right.
If the Doc here passes you,
you buckos have got yourself a job.
You'll do.
You'll do. Stand up, son.
-Nice withers.
-I ain't no horse.
You'll wish you were
before you're through.
Feels like you got
a slug of lead there, partner.
-Indian arrowhead.
It don't bother me none.
Some members of the medical
profession like to cut them out...
but I say let them stay
if they're that comfortable.
You know this country
we're going into?
Weren't a hundred miles from here
I lost this hair back in fifty-six.
A neat bit of surgery that.
What's ailing you?
Did he say a hundred miles
from here?
That was five years ago.
Nowadays we don't see no Indians
this side of Cottonwood Springs.
Then you and me start drawing down
an extra dollar, eh?
Speak for yourself, stranger.
When I get back to St. Joe,
I figure on keeping my hair...
instead of telling the folks
how I lost it.
Indians don't always
scalp a fellow.
Not if the fellow
scalps them first.
This ain't for me.
I've got to have peace and quiet
when I'm preparing my victuals.
-Are you a cook?
-For twenty years...
with the same head of hair.
And I intend to be for twenty more.
-Gents, I bid you good day.
-Hold him, Doc!
-Doctor Murdoch!
Mr. Creighton says
he don't need these no more.
Put them down.
Go down to the cook-house...
and tell that good-for-nothing
poisoner he's fired.
Can you cook lamb?
There are nine different ways
to cook mutton and I know them all.
-Boiled, stewed, fricasseed.
-Never mind that.
Do you cook it
with the hair on it?
-I should say not.
-Then you're hired.
-No, no!
And your job is to see
that he stays hired.
Remind me to show you an old
Indian way to cook prairie dog.
Oh, no. I should
have stayed in St. Joe.
-Hello, Mr. Creighton.
-Oh, hello, Bert.
-Where's Miss Creighton, Pat?
-She's, over at the corral, Sir.
We're buying some new horses today.
How many have we, Bert?
Who's that with my sister, Pat?
The fellow I hired to do scouting
and take charge of the livestock.
-Hello Sue.
-Edward, darling!
Don't tell me you've given up
telegraphy for a corral?
Edward, I'm so glad you're back.
What's the doctor
in Washington say?
Why, he says I'm fit as a fiddle.
I could walk from here to Salt Lake
on my hands if I had to.
I'm so glad.
Shaw, this is Mr. Creighton,
the big boss...
the only man around here you
have to be polite to.
I'm glad to know you, Shaw.
You've got to take a lot of horses
and cattle a long way.
-Do you think you can manage it?
-I think so.
Come on, sis. You're supposed to be
a telegrapher, you know.
-Goodbye, Mr. Shaw.
-Goodbye, ma'am.
What's the rush, Shaw?
We're not leaving here
for a couple of days.
I'm leaving tonight.
-You know why.
I like being alone.
The best place to be alone
sometimes is in a crowd.
That's the way I figured it,
till I ran into you.
There's a good chance for you
in Western Union.
Is there?
I think so.
It's up to you.
You don't owe me nothing.
How could l?
I never saw you before.
Glad to meet you, Mr. Creighton.
Take a good chew of this.
-Helps keep your mind off things.
Would you mind holding my horses
for me, old man?
Thank you very much.
I'd like to see
Mr. Creighton, please.
-Next office.
-Thank you.
-You spell dude D-U-D-E.
-That's the way l...
No, E's a single dot, like that.
-You put a dash after it, like that.
-I did nothing of the sort.
Besides, I don't even know
what you're talking about.
No, but I know
what you're talking about.
Next time let's talk about...
Mr. Creighton?
-Yes, I'm Creighton.
-Richard Blake, reporting for work, Sir.
How do you do, Mr. Blake.
I was expecting you by stage.
The stage was so crowded and bumpy
that I bought a spring wagon...
...and drove the last leg myself.
-Why, yes.
-Much more comfortable that way.
Mr. Blake, I want you to know
Homer Kettle, my assistant.
-This is Pat Grogan, our foreman.
-How do you do, gentlemen?
-How're you, sonny?
-Glad to know you, Blake.
The last leg of your trip
must have been rather lonesome.
Well, I didn't mind that as much
as I did the dust.
I could do with a bath.
A bath?
Yes. Don't you approve of them?
Well, if the weather's hot and
you're near a river.
I ain't got a thing again them.
What type of work would you prefer
to be assigned to, Mr. Blake?
Why, anything at all.
I had some engineering
at Harvard...
and I know the Morse Code
inside out.
I think we can
figure out something.
For the present, why don't you run
on over to the hotel and...
take your bath
and we'll have a little talk later.
Thank you very much.
Good day, gentlemen.
...and you, too.
-Well, the...
-Oh, Mr. Blake.
-I'm sorry.
-Because I understand Morse Code?
No, I mean l...
You'll have to excuse me.
I have work to do.
Well, anyway, I'm happy
to have met you, Miss Creighton.
You are the big boss sister,
aren't you?
-Yes, but how'd you know?
-How did I know?
You both have that intense look.
Does the great Western outdoors
do that to you?
No, it's people we meet
from the East.
Some people you meet are going
to insist on meeting you again.
So I won't say goodbye now.
Whoa, there. Whoa.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
There, see?
Thank you very much. By the way,
could you direct me to the hotel?
It's on Main Street.
Take your first turning to the right
and go down two streets.
Thank you very much.
Just a minute, young man.
-Do you know who I am?
-I haven't the faintest idea.
I'm the Provisional Governor
of the Territory of Nebraska.
You are? When you come up
for reelection I'll vote for you.
You don't vote
for a provisional Governor.
He's appointed by the president.
The next time I'm in Washington,
I'll put in a good word for you.
Watch out!
Would you mind telling me what that
was that just passed through here?
That is the son
of tough old Arad Blake...
who made a fortune hauling freight
through the Cumberland Gap...
...in the 30s.
-Arad Blake!
His father thinks a job with Western
Union'll make a man out of him.
Make a man.
When I was back East, Arad gave me
fifty thousand dollars for the line.
I see. You got
the son with the money.
Good heavens.
Do you see what I see?
Well, here I am.
All ready for work.
So I see.
Where'd you get that outfit?
-In town?
-Oh, no, New York.
I wanted to be sure of the fit.
-Not bad, huh?
-Blake, this is Shaw, our scout.
-How do you do?
Well, a nice looking bunch of
horses you have here.
Glad you like them.
-Do you ride?
-Oh, yes. Yes, indeed.
Them ain't livery stable animals.
Some of them are pretty wild.
Well, that's the way I like them.
Would you mind
picking out one for me?
I'd be delighted.
Take that black one over there.
-This way, please.
Somebody better call Doc Murdoch.
He don't mean it!
He's just fooling!
Go on! Stay with him!
Whoa! Whoa!
Steady, steady boy!
Steady, boy.
Yeah. Nice animal, gentlemen.
You haven't anything else
you'd like me to try?
A little present for you, Homer.
-He's quite a talker, ain't he?
-Quite a rider, too.
-Hello, Mr. Blake.
-My brother isn't in right now.
-That's good.
-Won't you have a chair?
-Thank you.
Evening, Mr. Blake.
Well, I guess
I'd better be running along.
So soon?
Well, I just thought I'd wish you
a happy Fourth of July.
But that's tomorrow.
Well, I thought I'd be the first,
but I see I wasn't.
Was that what you came for, too,
Mr. Shaw?
Uh huh.
Well, I reckon I'd better
be going along, too.
Good night... both of you.
Thanks for dropping by.
Good night.
-Good night.
I didn't have a chance
to tell you before...
but you did all right today
on that bucking horse.
That wasn't so bad.
They gave you the worst critter
in the lot.
You always do that with every
tenderfoot, don't you?
Depends on the tenderfoot.
Well, I'm sorry I disappointed
all of you...
but I was riding horses
before I could walk.
-Good night.
-Good night.
You going my way?
A transcontinental telegraph line...
has long been the dream
of Americans.
Now it is to become a reality.
A great reality
that will eventually...
triumph over hardship
and privation.
It now gives me great pleasure...
to present the chief Engineer
of Western Union...
Mr. Edward Creighton.
I've just received a message
here, which...
better than any words of mine, will
explain the urgency of our task.
"Allow me to wish you Godspeed
on a journey...
that will do much to help this Union
in its hour of greatest need.
It is imperative
that our Government...
have quick communication
with the West."
The message is signed
"Abraham Lincoln".
Let her go, boys.
You're happy, aren't you?
Every man is when his dream
begins to materialize.
I know.
It's things like this that make some
women wish they'd been born men.
Well, don't forget
you've got a job to do, too.
-Goodbye, Sue.
-Goodbye, Edward. God bless you.
Something tells me I'm going
to miss dear old Omaha.
Me, too.
I hate to say it, Miss Creighton,
but I'm afraid this is goodbye.
Goodbye, Mr. Blake.
You'll take care of my brother,
won't you?
I'll do my best, ma'am.
Don't you want him to take care
of me, too?
I'll do that, too.
-Adis, Miss Creighton.
I'm leaving Cheyenne
I'm off the mountain
Goodbye, old Paint
I'm leaving Cheyenne
Goodbye, old Paint
Stop that hollering
and watch where you're going.
Five miles from Omaha
and I'm a cripple already.
Come on there.
Men, we're doing fine.
Eleven miles in two days...
but we've got to do better.
This is prairie country. We've got
to make every minute count because...
soon we're gonna hit the hills and
we're liable to run into trouble.
Now that's all. Let's turn in now
and get a good night's sleep.
Tomorrow we'll get at it again,
bright and early.
-Hello, Mr. Shaw.
-Evening, Miss Creighton.
Well, I didn't expect to see you.
Is there anything wrong?
No, nothing wrong.
We're just a few miles out...
...so I sort of thought that...
-Sit down.
You see, I had some unfinished
business here and l...
Good evening, Mr. Shaw.
I had some
unfinished business, too.
Well, at least you two'll have
company on your ride back.
Get Doc Murdoch, quick!
-Is he hurt bad?
-He's pretty badly hurt.
Herb! What happened?
Indians got the cattle.
-We did the best we could.
-Sure you did. Where's Frank?
They killed him.
Here's where you and me
start getting that extra dollar.
Bullet went
right through you, Herb.
Hadn't ought to be no trouble
at all.
Let's get him to my tent, boys.
I'll have more light to work by.
Come on, grab hold, Cooky.
He won't kick you.
Too bad.
Herb was a real nice fellow.
-He isn't dead yet.
-No, but I got a week's wages'...
...says he will be before morning.
-I'll take that bet.
-Pat, did they get all the cattle?
-That's what they say, Sir.
I can't figure this out.
This is Pawnee country...
and Pawnees don't go after cattle
when there's plenty of buffalo.
-Well, do you think it was rustlers?
-Don't know. I'll go have a look.
-How many men do you want?
You don't expect to bring back
the cattle alone, do you?
I don't expect to get
an Indian war started either.
First thing we gotta find out is what
sort of game we're sitting in on.
All right.
-Double the guard tonight, Pat.
-Yes, Sir.
Come on, Homer.
I want you to call Fort Kearney.
Wait a minute.
-You going after them?
If you don't mind,
I'd like to go with you.
Sorry, but this is one job we don't
trust to a tenderfoot...
no matter how good he is.
How is he, Doc?
Better luck next time, Doc.
Reach and turn around slow.
-Hello, Vance.
We knew you'd come back
sooner or later.
Well, we kind of missed you since
that little affair at North Platte.
-Where you been? Missouri?
-No, Omaha.
-Omaha? Wasn't that a little risky?
-Not very much.
My face isn't
as well known as yours.
What're you doing out here?
Working for Western Union.
I came to get
those cattle you rustled.
What do you mean, "rustled"?
We're soldiers now,
fighting for the Confederacy.
Them clothes you got on
don't look like no uniforms, to me.
Course not. We're guerillas under
orders from General Moseby.
Did he order you to dress up
like Indians and steal cattle?
As far as you're concerned, yes.
These here are my raiders,
just like Moseby's got.
I do whatever I think'll help
the cause along.
You might help the cause by going
down south and joining the army.
You talk like you forgot where you
was born.
You come from Missouri,
same as me.
Are you going against
your own people?
When they turn against
their own country...
...they ain't my people any more.
-Well, they're mine...
and they don't want
this Yankee wire strung.
And as long as I'm alive,
it ain't gonna to be.
You wouldn't be making
a little money out of your fighting...
...would you?
-Why, sure, there's money in it.
We sort of combine business
with pleasure, so to speak.
I want those cattle, Jack.
You know what you're going to have
to do to get them, don't you?
-You win, for now.
-Wait a minute.
How do I know you won't tell
Creighton about us?
You don't.
-Supposing I don't let you go?
-Why don't you stop me?
Go ahead.
Adis, Jack.
What do you think he'll do?
What can he do
the way things are?
-Mr. Creighton
Those heathen savages
sure cleaned us out.
What am I gonna tell the men
when they start yelling for dinner?
Herman, tell them we'll get some
more beef just as soon as possible.
That's a mighty indefinite answer
to give to a hungry man.
They'll have to tighten up
their belts for a day or two.
Did you ever try telling that
to a fellow...
after he'd sat down to the table
and tied his napkin around his neck?
I did. Just once.
-Unsaddle and feed him, Joe.
-Want him rubbed down?
I'm gonna do that myself.
-Did you find any traces of them?
-They're up the river twenty miles.
-We'll get some men together and...
-I wouldn't.
They're a bunch of Dakotas
a couple of hundred in the party.
I talked to them.
Don't they know they're inviting
trouble by stealing our cattle?
They know there's no cavalry
around here.
I tried to reason with them,
but they wouldn't listen.
My advice is to charge the beef off
to Indian good-will and let it go.
As I was boss of the herd, I reckon
it's my fault they were stolen.
The best thing I can do is quit
and clear out.
That's nonsense, Shaw.
You can't be held responsible
for something like this.
Besides, I need you.
You're the boss.
-Hello, Ed.
-Hello, Mr. Shaw.
-Howdy, Miss Creighton.
What in heaven's name
are you doing out here?
Why, I'm the new operator
you sent for.
Are you responsible for this?
Well, I telegraphed Omaha...
but I didn't know
who they were going to send.
I'll bet you didn't.
Seems very much as if
nobody wanted me.
Driver, when does
that eastbound stage pass here?
ln an hour or two.
You're going right back to Omaha,
young lady...
and you're going to stay there
until I really send for you.
I can't help it if you send me back...
but it was worth the trip
just to see you.
Now, now. None of that.
I'd like to show you
our thriving metropolis.
You really need a guide
to get about, you know.
Very nice of you, Blake, but I want
you to go ahead with the wagons.
-Shaw, you'll be responsible...
for Miss Creighton
while she's here.
and seeing that she gets safely
on the eastbound stage.
It'll be a pleasure, Sir.
Well, I must be off, it seems.
-Goodbye, Miss Creighton.
-Goodbye, Mr. Blake.
-I'm sorry you couldn't stay.
-So am l...
but then that's
the telegraph business for you.
-Is he responsible for this?
-No, not altogether.
I just wanted to see you.
Honest I did.
We're going to be in Salt Lake
before you know it.
-Oh, I hope so.
-I've got to go now.
The men are waiting
at the head of the line.
So soon?
I've a thousand things to ask you.
And I've got
a thousand things to do.
-Goodbye, dear.
-Goodbye, Edward.
Remember, the next time
I pay you a visit...
that I'm your only sister
and that I love you.
I think he's a great man.
The whole family's sort of great.
It's coming.
What is it?
It's message from my brother
at the end of the line.
He says "Haven't you gone yet?"
-What did you say?
Thank you.
It's beautiful.
My brother says it looks like me,
but, of course, he's prejudiced.
No, ma'am, not this time.
This way.
Sort of quiet
with Western Union gone.
It'll be fifty years before Sinking
Wells has so much excitement again.
Like me, after the stage leaves.
I hope I haven't said anything
I hadn't ought to.
You haven't.
I know I haven't a chance against
somebody like Blake, but...
Hadn't you better let me
decide that?
I should've met you
a couple of years ago.
Since then
I've made some mistakes.
Mistakes can be corrected.
Not always.
Does this here stage connect with
the railroad that goes to St. Joe?
-She sure do, Partner.
-Mister, you got a passenger.
How's about you and me taking a
little walk to work up an appetite?
But I don't feel like walking
and I don't feel like eating.
Just the same,
that's what you're gonna do.
I may not be seeing you again.
Don't say that.
We'll meet in Salt Lake.
Anyhow, I'll be thinking of you.
This might help you.
Goodbye, Sue.
Get up.
Looks like we got company.
Mount your horse
and warn the others.
Hurry! Jimmy! Eddie!
We're moving back
to the main camp! Indians!
Get your guns and fall back!
Indians coming!
What's the matter, sonny?
You look a mite bit peaked.
A bunch of Sioux coming!
Ain't you traveling
in the wrong direction?
I've gotta warn the men
at the main camp.
I'm just about
to make this connection.
Maybe it'd be quicker
if you warned them by telegraph.
That is, unless you're anxious
to get outta here.
Pull over, Partner.
Get up!
Get up!
You handle the key and I'll
make the connection for you.
Come on. Hurry up.
Don't you worry, sonny. I ain't
gonna let them Indians get you.
Swing your wagons so we can get
behind them if we have to.
We'll make our stand here.
-Mr. Creighton!
-You gone crazy?
Indians are raiding
the head of the line.
Indians! They're raiding
the head of the line.
No. You stay here, Pat. I'll go.
They're on their way!
-Put it away. You won't need it.
-I'm not so sure.
I am, and until Mr. Creighton
gets here, I'm boss.
Take it easy.
They'll stop.
-No Whiskey for Indian brother.
-You give whiskey.
-No got.
Me look.
Let'em alone.
Why, you drunken heathen.
If I had my way, I'd blast
their dirty heads off.
-Hey, put that down.
-Stay where you are. I'll get it.
Can't have.
Me keep. Good medicine.
No keep!
Stop! I can handle him.
Yippee! There they come!
I ought to take you apart.
I suppose that's the thanks I get
for trying to help you.
Whenever I need your help,
I'll ask for it.
If you ever get my help again...
you'll have to get down
on your knees and beg for it.
Indians are raiding
the main camp!
-Thanks, Charlie.
-You're welcome, Doc.
I think you're gonna lose
this patient.
Not if I'm as good doctor
as you are with that hatchet.
I wouldn't mind so much if he was
only an Indian, but he ain't.
No Indian ever looked like that.
I've got to keep this fellow alive.
Mr. Creighton'll want
to ask him a few questions.
I got to have medical attention
and I gotta have it quick.
-Are you shot, Herman?
-No, I ain't.
What's the matter with you?
This is private,
and it's gotta be kept private.
Well, our white Indian
didn't make it, Mr. Creighton.
Did he say anything
before he died?
He called me a few bad names
while I was sewing him up.
Have him buried immediately.
I don't want the men to know
for the time being.
He's being slapped
with a spade right now.
-What do you think of this, Shaw?
-I don't know.
-You got any ideas?
You said those Indians that you met
today were drunk, didn't you?
A white man disguised as an Indian
participated in the raid.
That means white men have got
the real Indians drunk...
and talked them
into attacking us.
They ain't all Yankee out here,
you know.
Apparently not.
You sure those Indians that got away
with our beef were Indians?
They looked like Indians to me.
All right, that's all, boys.
Now go on about your jobs
as if nothing had happened.
Shaw, you're taking over
Grogan's job as foreman.
I don't have to tell you
what a responsibility it is.
Thanks, Mr. Creighton,
but I can't take that job.
I haven't had the experience.
You've had more experience
than any man in the outfit.
I want to, only...
You're not going to let me down
at a time like this, are you, Shaw?
Somebody has got to take charge of
things and pick out some new horses.
I can do that. There ought to be
sixty or seventy head in Sage.
Then you'll take the job?
If that's the way you
want it, Mr. Creighton.
That's the way I want it.
We'll go into town tomorrow.
We'll buy up whatever we can.
-All right. Good night.
-Good night.
May I talk to you
for a minute, Sir?
Of course.
I don't like to butt in, I think
we're making a grave mistake.
-I know you have great faith in Shaw.
You've just made him foreman
and no doubt he deserved the post.
Come to the point, Blake.
Well, it seems to me if we ever
want to get this wire strung...
we'll have to act differently
than we have, up to now.
What do you mean?
You know I'm not looking
for a fight or trouble, but...
look what happened to our cattle.
Look what happened today.
I suppose Shaw
knows his business...
but he let those Indians
manhandle us...
you'd think he was encouraging
them to strike at us again.
However I guess there's a lot about
the West I never will understand.
Good night.
Good night.
Well, I don't think we'll have
to go any farther.
Come on.
Howdy, Vance.
Howdy, Jack.
You're Ed Creighton
of Western Union, ain't you?
That's right.
My name's Jack Slade.
-Nice bunch of horses, ain't they?
-Very nice.
You wouldn't be in the market,
would you?
I might. How much
do you want for them?
Five thousand dollars
and help yourself.
Our camp was raided yesterday by
Indians. They got most of our stock.
Then these ought to be
just the thing for you.
They ought to, they're ours.
I said they're ours.
They were stolen from us.
Now look here, Creighton...
you wouldn't accuse me
of being a horse thief, would you?
No. I'll wait till I've heard
your explanation.
I got these horses from
a bunch of Indians.
-They didn't say where they got them.
-You didn't ask.
No, I didn't. And in this country
when you call a man a horse thief...
you better have some proof.
I bought these horses in good faith.
I aim to sell them the same way.
I guess I'd better see
the law about this.
You'll have to go back
to Omaha if you do.
-It don't run beyond there.
-I'll make some of my own.
That wouldn't look so good,
would it?
Western Union stringing up white men
for what a bunch of Indians did.
You've got all the
answers, haven't you?
Shaw there might be able
to give you a few more.
He knows this country inside out.
What he says makes sense, Mr.
Creighton. At least it does out here.
All right, I'm going to give you
that five thousand dollars...
because I've got a lot of work to do
and no time for fighting.
I'm paying on the assumption
that 5,000 dollars will buy you off.
If you bother Western Union again,
the next payment will be in lead.
Is that clear?
-Now listen, Creighton...
-Make out a bill of sale.
I'll meet you at the saloon
in fifteen minutes.
You two seem to know
one another pretty well.
Yeah, we do.
-Old friends?
-More or less.
We were both raised
in the same corner of Missouri.
-What'll you have?
-The bill of sale.
There it is.
All right. Here's a draft
on the Bank of Omaha...
for five thousand dollars.
You can cash this by
telegraph if you want.
Oh, no. I trust you.
I suppose you deal in cattle, too.
Well, I ain't lately,
but if you're in the market...
Just a question.
Well, Mr. Creighton, you're a right
good man to do business with.
But only once.
Five thousand dollars!
Did all right by that outfit.
Yeah, and I ain't said goodbye
to Mr. Ed Creighton yet.
But, first of all, I want to take a drink
to the Confederate States of America.
If there was no Confederates,
there wouldn't be no war.
Ain't that something to drink to?
-Yeah, but I think...
-You know...
a good thing can be made to last
a long time if you don't spoil it.
Besides, I'm a patriot.
Are you Mr. Creighton?
Yes, I'm Creighton.
I'm Captain Harlow,
from Fort Laramie.
-How do you do, Captain?
-I'm afraid I've got bad news for you.
Chief Spotted Horse of the Ogallala
Sioux has sent in word...
that you can't build any more line
through his nation.
No? Why not?
One of your men wounded
his son yesterday.
They were drunk, Captain.
They raided our camp afterward
and they killed several of my men.
Spotted Horse says none of his
Indians killed any white man.
Some renegades got a few
of his young bucks drunk...
and talked them into a horse-stealing
raid to get some more whiskey.
The renegades did the killing.
So the chief feels that
white men are to blame.
-Who are the renegades?
-Spotted Horse says he doesn't know.
Indians or not, I'm going ahead
with the line, Captain.
-The Government is counting on it.
-I realize that, Mr. Creighton.
Washington has already notified me
to help you all I can...
but most of my troops have been
ordered to the army of the Potomac.
Besides, an Indian war means a
massacre. You wouldn't want that.
-Of course not.
-We have Spotted Horse's brother...
at Fort Kearney as a hostage for the
good behavior of the Ogallala.
I might try putting
a little pressure on him.
-Maybe in two or three weeks...
-I can't wait.
See, winter is almost here and from
now on every day counts.
If I could talk with the Chief
perhaps I could change his mind.
I'm afraid that's too great a risk.
After what's happened you'd have to...
go into his territory alone or with
a couple of men, and unarmed.
Even then, there's no telling
what he might do.
We've got to take that chance
and with your permission, we will.
Thank you.
Come on!
-Mean looking devils, aren't they?
-Just don't get your wires crossed.
Whatever we do,
we got to do quick.
Indians can't stay interested
in one thing very long.
That's him.
Hook up your wires.
He says you come in peace today,
but there won't be any peace...
if you try to take the singing wire
through the Ogallala nation.
Tell him the Great White Father who
speaks over the singing wire is...
sorry for the wounding
of his indian son...
but that the lightning talk is strong
medicine and it must go through.
He says the Ogallala doesn't believe
the singing wire's strong medicine.
Ask him if he'll let ten
of his strongest braves...
hold the tongue
of the singing wire...
that is, after we've proved
it's harmless.
He says yes.
He wants to know why
we pour water on the ground.
Tell him we must make sacrifice
to the Rain God...
who's brother to the Lightning.
Spotted Horse sees the connection
between the Gods.
Now hold the wire, Shaw,
and explain to him that it's...
good medicine for us,
but it's bad for our enemies.
Let them have it.
That's enough, Blake.
He says the Great
White Father's lightning...
is the strongest medicine
they've ever seen...
that the singing wire can go through
his nation in peace.
Tell him I promise that the singing
wire will make good medicine...
for the Ogallala against
their enemies.
He says peace, peace.
Now let's get out of here before they
have a chance to think it over.
I was sure everything was going
to be all right from the first.
-Weren't you?
-Of course.
Never gave it a thought.
Barney, get up there!
Boys, I've called you to give you
some good news for a change.
We've practically licked our job.
We're on the last leg
and the finish is almost in sight.
You fellows have all
done a great job.
ln Salt Lake City, everybody gets
two months' pay as a bonus.
And tonight, double portions
of grub for everybody.
Come and get it.
Come and get it!
Jack wants to see you, Vance.
-What for?
-It's a matter of life and death.
He had an argument with a fellow
over in Elkville and the fellow...
plugged him in the stomach.
-Where is he?
-Only a couple of miles from here.
All right. I'll meet you
on the other side of the camp.
All right.
Sorry, Vance, this is orders.
Come on.
Get the horses, boys.
Hi, Vance.
Now don't look so blamed sore.
I got you up here
to save you from a roasting.
I'm going to burn out
Western Union tonight.
Didn't want you
to be a part of it.
-That's mighty white of you.
-Well, you used to be one of us...
and as far as I'm
concerned, you still are.
You kept your mouth shut and played
square. I didn't wanna see you hurt.
Get hold of yourself, Jack.
You can't fight a thing as big
and as important as Western Union.
-Why, it's plumb loco to...
-No, it ain't, to me.
If this thing don't work tonight,
something else will.
I'm gonna stop'em if I have
to cut down every Yankee pole...
between here and Omaha. Now,
are you gonna be with us or not?
Jack, I want to give you some
of the best advice you've ever had.
-Let Western Union alone.
I'm not gonna let them alone
'till they've paid ten times over...
for every foot of wire they're stringing.
This is better than owning a gold mine.
Steal their cattle, steal their horses,
burn them out.
When they need more wagon,
more horses, more cattle...
...we'll be on hand to sell it to them.
-You're a fool, Jack.
You can't go against a thing
as big as this without getting hung.
Maybe I will, maybe I won't.
If you've got any sense,
you'll string along with us.
I'll tell you what I'll do.
You come along with us, and I'll
cut you in for half of my share.
-It's a bargain on one condition.
That you agree to give up
this bonfire business...
and come back to Missouri with me.
We'll join up with General Moseby
and be real guerillas.
Tie him up, boys, and tight.
Sure you won't change your mind
and come with us?
-Not this trip.
-All right.
Come on, boys.
I looked everywhere, Mr. Creighton,
but I can't find him.
-All right. I'll see him in the morning.
-Good night.
Good night, Joe.
-You looking for Shaw?
I saw him ride out of camp
over an hour ago.
This timber's so dry
it'll burn up like paper.
Be sure you circle
the whole camp.
Fire! Fire!
Everybody out! It's a forest fire!
Forest fire! Come on!
Come on! Get up! Get out!
Come on, everybody!
Take the horses out of the corral
and hitch them up.
-Get all this on the wagons. Hurry!
-It's warm tonight.
Never mind that.
Get the insulators loaded.
Blake, come here!
Give me a hand!
The road's blocked.
Head for the lake!
-Where do you want him, Doc?
Come on, you fellows,
get out of here.
Look out for that tree!
You can come back for more.
-I'm so tired.
What's the matter, Herman?
A little accident?
No. When the fire started
licking at his boots..
he ran clean up
out of his britches.
Come on, now, Cooky,
behave yourself.
Here, eat your stew,
like a good boy.
Here. This is a nice
little piece. Come on.
Isn't that good?
I didn't think you got back
in time to get burned.
-You're next, son.
-Shaw, come to my tent.
I want to talk to you.
Thanks, Doc.
-Ever see this before?
Shaw, for a long time I've been
expecting you to tell me something...
but you didn't.
I've given you every chance.
The only conclusion I can draw now
is I was wrong about you.
You know I didn't say anything
when the cattle was stolen...
and I didn't say anything
about that horse deal in Sage...
but your absence last night
is something I won't put up with.
Now, once and for all,
I want the truth.
All right, pack up your things
and get out.
-Is that all?
-I see you're clearing out.
-Yeah, for good.
After I go, there's a favor
I want you to do for me.
A favor? For you?
Tell Mr. Creighton
Jack Slade's my brother.
Your brother?
I wanted to tell him myself, but
when a fellow's your own brother...
there ain't much you can say. I'm
going into Elkville on a little business.
Tell Mr. Creighton not to worry. Jack
won't bother Western Union any more.
-Give me a shave.
-It's a pleasure, friend.
He's lose, Jack. And he's
here now looking for you.
-We'll stay here.
-All right.
If you'll excuse me,
I think I'll go and have dinner.
Put that cloth around me
and get to work.
But my wife is a stickler
for punctuality, and...
I live way over
on the other side of town.
-Shut up and do as I tell ya.
-Yes, Sir.
And be careful you don't nick me
if you know what's good for you.
Oh, no, Sir.
There he is.
-Maybe he didn't see us.
-He's seen us all right.
I know Vance.
-What are we gonna do?
-That depends. We'll see.
Here he comes.
Howdy, Vance.
Howdy, Jack.
-Did you come to join us?
I'm gonna give you
an even break, Jack.
It can't go on this way any longer.
It's got to be either you or me, so...
get up and take that apron off.
Makes a nice sound, doesn't it,
coming across the continent?
-It's music.
-I wish Shaw could hear it.
It's a long way from Salt Lake City
to Boot Hill in Elkville...
but I think he can hear it.