What Comes Around (2022) Movie Script

[Film projector clicking]

-Uh, okay, this...
-Hmm? Nah, I'm just...
-You're just?
-Yeah, I'm just...
[Both chuckle]
I'm just --
Okay, this --
this Dickinson line.
"For each ecstatic instant,
we must an anguish pay
in keen and quivering
ratio to the ecstasy."
-Oh, she's brilliant.
-But you're -- you're --
you're spin on this
I love where...
[Vehicle approaching]
Okay. The piano wire
tight tension of the...

...currency takes us years.
It's so good.
-You think?
-Yes. Yeah.
Emily Dickinson's got nothing.
-Okay. No, no.
You need to read more
-What is it? Something is
the thing with feathers.
Eric, you're missing
the most important word.
-Partial credit.

Alright, so one small moment
of joy brings the pain.
One ecstatic instinct
we must an anguish to pay?
-I guess both.
I have to go.

[Indistinct conversation]

Hey, I'll call you later.
-Don't -- don't --
[Cellphone clicks]

Why does Dickinson write
the word dwell in "Possibility?"
Her dwell bothers me.
-Um, I always viewed dwell
a little negatively.
Possibility is there,
but she doesn't leave her house,
you know?
It's not
a coffee cup quote.
-That makes total sense.
-No, I'm okay.
-Are you sure you don't want
some jasmine mint tea?
-Holy shit, Mom!
Holy shit!
No, I knew it.
I knew it when you told me
he was taking you
to that ridiculous restaurant.
-Yeah, he did it.
And, well, I went with yes.
-I love this ring.
-It was his grandmother's.
-Oh, Mom,
I'm so happy for you.
I'm so happy
for both you and Tim.
-Me, too.
-Yeah, wow!
-Did I overhear you
talking to a boy?
I was in the hallway.
-College boy?
-No, it's nothing.
He lives 900 miles away.
It's nothing.
-Doesn't sound like nothing.
-Tim, get down on one knee
and all that?
-Nice try.
And yes, he did.
-It's nothing.
It's just this guy
that I talked to online.
-I think those are literally
famous last words.
-Wow, so salty
now that she's engaged.

I'm going to get a coffee.
Do you want one?
I railed Mr. Golding
in the chem lab.
He told his wife, and now we're
in a polyamorous threesome.
It's great.
-Hi, sorry. What?
-Do you want a coffee?
-Uh, yeah, please. Thank you.
You don't have to yell at me.
[Cellphone ringing]
Who's Eric?
-Don't answer that.
-Hi, Eric. Who are you?
-Oh, um...hi.
-Hi. Who are you?
[Footsteps rapidly approaching]
-Hey, I'll call you later,
You can't do that.
-Who's Eric?
-Not okay, Brit.
You'll call him later?
That sounded like a man.
-What does that mean?
-Who is that?
-He's a little older.
How much older?
-I don't know.
We just talk.
-You're a naughty little girl,
aren't you?
"An old soul, having lived
through love and loss
and past iterations,
sees the whole picture
and is often described
as wise beyond their years."
-See that --
that's definitely you.
-No, it's...
I feel like...
-You don't want to see me?
-Like, sometimes I like
to just focus on your voice
and your words without that
distracting face of yours.
-Yeah, right.
[Both laugh]

-I love this instead.
We --
we actually see each other.
-Yeah, sure.
Just swing on by, why don't you?
-I mean, don't just think
we should meet someday?
[Laughing] No?
it's part of the charm
of this relationship, Eric.
The vast distance
that separates us.

-I don't know.
It just doesn't feel right.
I'd love to meet and
be in the same room with you.

-I have to go to sleep.

-This is me
blowing you a kiss.

-So, I have two
open houses tomorrow,
and then Tim and I are going
to meet with the caterers
for the engagement party.
[Cellphone chimes]
But -- hi.
-Cool, cool.
Um, I wanted to get back in time
to maybe do, like,
a little birthday thingy
with you before you
and the girls head out, okay?
-Thank you.
[Cellphone chimes]
-Uh, also,
we have to sit down
and formalize those college
tour dates, babe.
[Plate clatters]
Let's go.
[Cellphone rings, vibrates]
-I was starting to think
you were ghosting me.
-No, no, I got --
got a little lost.
-What do you mean?
-I don't know where I am.
I mean, I'll turn the camera
around, I'll show you.
-Pretty sure I can't help you,
but okay?
What do you think?
[Cellphone beeps]

[Cellphone chimes]

[Cellphone rings, vibrates]
[Cellphone clicks]
[Sighs, clears throat]
I'm sorry.

-Do you realize
how inappropriate
and aggressive this is?
Um, I'm sorry.
I guess
I thought it was a big
gesture, but....
Yes, a big, dumb gesture.
I'm sorry.
-[Whispers] What?
-Look, um,
I have gifts for you.
I'll just -- I'll leave it on
the porch, okay?

Sh-- Sorry.
-No, hold on.
Uh, just -- just wait.

[Wind blowing]
I have no interest in --
in coming in.
I just --
I wanted to give you that.
Happy birthday.
[Chuckles nervously]
Um, no, you know what?
Actually, I, um...
One more thing, and then --
and then I'll go.
You are even prettier
in person.
Um, and um,
I'm going to go now.
[Chuckles] Um, I'm sorry if I
freaked you out.
I'm an idiot.
It's really dumb.
Call me later if you --
if you like it.
[Wind blowing]

-"Her life had stood
a loaded gun.
In corners till a day
the owner passed
and carried me away."

[Line ringing]

-How old are you, actually?
-I'm not in college.
I was, but [clears throat]
I dropped out a while ago.
-I have a lot of questions.
-And I just want to be straight
with you
about everything.
-That's thoughtful of you.
When we first met --
Eric, I met you, like,
half an hour ago.
-Okay, fine.
When we...
[Sighs] When we first, you know,
got to know each other...
I knew how special you were,
and -- and I --
I panicked.
-You mean you lied?
[Rock splashes]
-Why did you panic?
-I mean, you're so
incredibly smart
and you're funny
and you're kind and caring.
You're like
1,000,001 other things,
and I just --
I knew I didn't want
to lose something
with so much potential.
-Hey. Could you be there
at 4:30 today?
I need help with the ribbons.
-Yeah, it's a thing we do.
It's ironic.
-Is it now?
-Yeah, 75% ironic.
Well, congrats on your big,
dumb gesture.
-Well, you know, big and dumb
or go home, right?
[Children playing]
-Thank you for the book.
It was one of the most
thoughtful gifts
anyone's ever given me.
-I'm glad.
Um, okay.
-[ Laughing ] No.
No, there's no way
I'm not getting a hug.

-[Chuckles] Oh, man.
[ Laughing ] Why?
[Sighs] Why does your hair
smell so good?

I have to go.
-Yeah, you do.

It's an ironic hat
and you have to wear it.
It's a rule.
-Where's the birthday girl at?
-I don't know.
And the girl should be here
any minute to pick her up.
-[Groans] Hey.
-Oh, shit.
Uh, my mom's home.
We fell asleep.
-Wait, what? What?
-Uh, you have to get dressed.
-Oh, shit.
-Oh, shit.
-Where's my shirt?
Where's my -- my shirt?
-Hold on.
Um, no, you have to hide.
Huh? Honey?
-Hold on.
Don't you knock?
I thought you said come in.
Um, I have something
for you downstairs.
And the girls
are almost here, so...
No, I'm sorry I snapped.
-I'm sorry I barged in.
-No, I fell asleep.
I'm just grumpy.
-No big deal.
I'll be out soon.
-That's what?
-I don't know how I'm going
to get you out of here.
-What do you mean?
-My mom and Tim are home.
-Uh, the window?
-Doesn't open wide enough
for a body.
I've tried.
I can't stay here.
-You have to.
-No, I can't.
-Okay, then let's go out there
and have Tim arrest you.

-[Chuckles] Tim's a cop?
-Assistant chief of police.
-Is my head still intact?
-Yeah, I think so.
-'Cause she nearly bit it off.
[Doorbell rings]
-Birthday girl!
-I won't be out late.
-No, I can't.
[Whispering] I can't stay
in your house.
-I'll make it as quick as I can.
I promise.
Please, just stay here.
I'll be back soon, okay?
I want to see you later.
-You promise?

[Door opens, closes]

-Happy birthday, dear Anna
Happy birthday to you
-[Laughing] Thank you.
[Cheers and applause]
-Happy birthday.
-Thank you, Mom.
-Happy birthday.
-Wow, you too?
-Yeah, well,
apparently it's tradition?
-Okay, well, we should...
-Yeah, we have to go.
-Oh, wait.
-No, no, no, okay?
I baked this vegan cake
from scratch.
I know you don't like sweets,
but you have to at least try it.
-Okay, one bite
and then we'll go --
-[Muffled] That's good.
-You like it?
-Let's go.
-Bye, thank you.
-It was good.
-She liked it.
In one bite, she liked it.
-Denny, what's up?
[Door closes]
-Oh, my God.
So happy birthday, I guess.
Brit, who apparently is a liar,
told me you wouldn't
be here, so...
-Thank you, Denny.
Um, okay.
Alright, uh, bye.
I'll see you --
I'll see you later.
-[Chuckles] Bye.
-Bye, Denny.
-Stop, that was so sweet.
-He is so cute.


[Indistinct conversation]
[Door creaks]
-You know I want to.
-Well, you have the pool.
-You have Hailey's room,
which could be for Anna,
which is criminally large.
We got the gym in the basement.
You know, it's funny, right?
You sold it to me, and now I'm
trying to sell it back.
-Yeah, well, I know where
all that asbestos is hidden.
-[Mocking laugh]
I just hesitate to leave
this place, you know?
After Gary left,
we floated around
to some shitty situations,
and this is the first place
that's felt like home.
-I get it.
I do.

[Cellphone chimes]

-Hey, birthday girl, what you
doing on your phone?
[Cellphone chiming]
[Indistinct conversations]

-Hey, lady, you want
to join your birthday party?
-Sorry. It's just -- it's just
my mom checking in on us.
-Oh, God.
-Tim and her are like
my relationship goals.
-Love you.
-You, too.
-You, too?
What kind of shit is that.
-What do you mean?
-You, too?
-I love you.
-That's what I thought.

-Are you going
to call Tim Dad?
-No. I think that ship
sailed a long time ago.
-Your dad ever call you
on your birthday?
-No, I haven't spoken to him
since I was four,
but I'm not interested.
-It's pretty much the only
time my dad calls me.

[Switch clicks]

[Water running]

[Door creaks]

[Keys jingle]

[Lock clicks]

-[Whispering] Eric?


[Line rings]
-I'm sorry, but the person
you're calling...
[Cellphone chimes]
[Cellphone chimes]
[Cellphone chimes]
[Cellphone vibrating]

[Both scream]
[Both laugh]
Oh, my gosh.
What are you even doing up
at this perfectly
reasonable hour?
-I couldn't sleep.
There's that zucchini
muffin you like.
So, are you going to be in
trouble with me for something?
-What do you mean?
-I mean, I'm thinking
maybe you got up
to something yesterday.
-What does that mean?
-Did you guys smoke pot
or something?
-Did we? No. Why?
-Well, because you hate cake,
and there's that.
-That wasn't me.
-That was Brit. She was
begging me for more cake.
I hope you don't mind.
Of course not.
Did she like it?
-You got Brit to eat vegan?
-Yeah, I did.
-Yeah, you did.
Um, I'm just doing laundry.
Do you need anything?
-No. I'll do mine later.
-Okay. And you girls are going
to go out later?
-Okay. Have fun. Be careful.
-I don't know.
Bad stuff and people
and drugs
and any and all bad
things that you may encounter.
-Right. Okay.
-Bye, baby.

[Plate clattering]

-Oh, my God.
-Dude, I can't blame you
for expanding your horizon.
These boys are still boys,
you know?
Like, they're the same ones
we knew in fifth grade.
They're just taller.
Okay, what are you guys
not telling me?
-What's up, Ronaldo?
-I'm more Messi.
-Ah, I see it.
-Hey, you want to do something?
-Like what?
I don't know. 7-Eleven.
-[Chuckles] Uh...
-Come on.
-Screw it.
Let's do something.
-Dude. I mean,
he's no Neil deGrasse Tyson.
-Yeah, no.
-He's a nice guy.
Don't you think?
-Eric showed up.
-No, he didn't.
Are you serious?
-Oh my birthday.
-What did you guys do?
-I don't know.
We hung out.
-You hung out?
-You can't stop smiling.
-I never met anyone like him.
-He just gets me.
-Okay, you should be careful.
You don't really know this guy.
-I think I do.
-Plus, he's kind of old.
-He's not that old.
-So is this going to be, like,
a whole thing?
-I don't know.
-Hey, you guys
coming or what?!
[Cellphone ringing, vibrating]
-Uh, I'll catch up.
-Send no nudes, dude.
Sextortion, it's real.
My mom made me watch a whole
Ted talk about it. It's crazy.
-Jesus Christ, where are you?
-Um, I don't know.
Sad truck stop somewhere.
-I've been calling you
since last night.
-Phone was dead.
-You're going home.
-I came home,
and you weren't there.
And it was weird as shit.
Being there with your mom.
No, I know, but Anna,
it was too weird.
I heard her get in the shower,
and I -- I got out of there.
-You ate a piece of cake.
-Oh, man.
What a fucking birthday.
You left the plate out,
and my mom found it.
-[Laughing] Oh, shit.
I'm so sorry.
[Laughs] It's not funny.
I mean, it's funny,
but it's not. I'm sorry.
-Yeah. You know,
you should be sorry, you psycho.
-[ Laughs ]

-You, Anna, are the
very best thing that
happened to me
in a long time.

-I'll call you later.
-Okay, cool.
- Alright, bye.
[Cellphone beeps]


-I mean, I think
it's enough room.
-Well, yeah. I mean...
-Hey, come check this out.
-Is this the place?
-Yeah, it's one of them.
-Okay, so the ceremony
would be here,
and then they have the pole barn
as a weather backup.
-You can have the fire pit
outside and the band out there.
We think this is the one.
-Do you want to see
the other one?
[Door opens, closes]
--I think it's fair to say
this is only interesting to us.
-[Blows raspberry]

[Camera shutter clicks]

Look at you, Mama.
-It's cute, right?
-It's very cute.
-[Exhales sharply]
-You know what?
-Tim is lucky to have you.
-What brings on that
random act of kindness?
-You know, I'm just --
I'm just glad to see you happy.
-Thanks, baby.
I am glad to be happy.
-I just always thought
there was a part of you
that didn't want
to let yourself be happy is all.
-But if something makes you
happy, you should honor that.
-I think so, yes.

[Cellphone chiming]

Sorry, I had a hair issues.
-No worries.
-Does it look okay?
[Car door closes]

[Truck engine starts]

[Knife chopping]
-I have a boyfriend.
-Oh, wow. Okay.
Big news, I know.
-That's cool.
-You didn't say anything.
-I am now.
-Do I know him?
-He doesn't go to my school.
-How do you know him?
-Oh, this is going
to sound worse than it is,
but we met online.
-You met on the Internet?
-[Laughing] Yeah.
-How old is this guy?
-He's older.
-How old?
-20s, mid 20s.
-Mid 20s?
-I think so, yeah.
-You can't do that, Anna.
You can't do that.
-Too late.
-I know, I know.
I need a better attack.
[Footsteps departing]
[Door closes]
-I knew I shouldn't
have told you.
-I'm glad you did.
I am.
I-I just...
-I'm worried about you, Anna.
I'm worried you might be
in over your head.
-I'm not in over my head.
-How do you know?
-I'm in love.
I don't want to keep anything
from you anymore.
I don't want you to.
-This has been
really stressing me out.
-Oh, I'm sure.
And we can figure this out.
-There's nothing to figure out.
-Uh, where --
where does he live?
-Really far away.
Like 900 miles.
-So, you guys have
never seen each other?
-No, we have.
-Did you --
Are you having sex?
He comes here?
He drives 900 miles to see you?
-Where is he?
Where is he now?
-He's here, actually.
He's outside.
-He's here?
He wants to meet you,
and I want you to meet him.
-[Exhales sharply]
Are you sure about that?

-Nobody's dead yet.
-It's still early.
-Come on.

-Hey. Tim.
-Nice to meet you.
-And that's my mom, Beth.
-Hey, Beth.
-Yeah, yeah.
We're taking all this
in right now.
-Sure, I understand.
-It's a lot of new info.
-Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
Yeah. Uh, look, let me --
let me start out by saying
I never intended
for any of this to happen.
We met online.
-On a poetry forum.
We was --
We were talking poetry.
I mean, that's it.
I didn't know
anything about Anna.
I don't know. Really,
the truth is we --
we fell in love
before we even knew it.
-Give her a second.
-Yeah, yeah.
I'm sorry.
-I'm sorry.
-No, you don't have
anything to be sorry about.


We can handle this.
It's a crush.
Hailey did something similar.
-I want him out.
-He needs to be out of my house.
-I think if you make it
off limits to Anna,
she's just gonna --

-Get the hell out of my house.
-No, Mom.
-Get out now.
-No, it's not okay.
No, if he goes, I go.
-Yes, I go with him.

-Eric, can I talk
to you alone for a minute?
-It is Eric, right?
-No, no.
-Hey, it's okay.
-No, it's not okay.
-It's okay.
It's okay.

You look beautiful.


I mean...

-Hey, come on.
Give them a second.
[Indistinct conversation]
What am I doing here?
Well, that's an interesting
I don't know. What am I --
What am I doing here?
-What's going on?
I-I just have to go.
-What did she say to you?
-She didn't --
I just have to go.
-What did you say?
-Nothing. Hey, she didn't
say anything, okay?
There's just nothing
to be done right now.
We're just stuck. That's it.
-I don't want you to go.
-Everybody needs a little break.
I'll come with you.
-No, Anna.
-You're mom's right.
This isn't the way to do this.
-Where are you going?
-I'll be back.
Okay? I promise.

Look, I know
that this is hard for you.
And I'm sorry.
But we felt like this
was the right thing to do.
Getting it out in the open.

It'll be okay.

I'll talk to you soon, okay?
-It's going to be okay.

[Door opens]

-What did you say to him?
-Anna, take it easy.
-Stay out of it.

-[Exhales sharply]
[Door opens]

This will pass.
She has a crush.
-They had sex.
-I don't know.
Her birthday or just after he
waited until she was 17.
He knew what he was doing.
He knew exactly
what he was doing.
-It's a hell
of a lot of calculation.
-Yes, it is.
-What if that's not the case?
-It is the case.
-How do you know?
-Because I know, Tim.
-I never want to see
that man again.
[Music blaring upstairs]

We got this, okay?
We got this together.
I know it seems like
a big deal right now,
but we got this.

Are you okay?

-I made you one
of your protein smoothies.
Extra mango.
Anna, please.
I don't want you to get hurt.
You understand that, right?
-Then why are you hurting me?
-Jesus Christ.
-Did you really think
that your mom and her cop fianc
were just going to grab your man
boyfriend in for a big group hug
when they met or what?
-No, but I
didn't think she'd go
as crazy as she did.
Surprised the shit out of me.
-What are you going to do?
-I don't know.
Eric won't call me back.
-Yeah, maybe his future
father-in-law cop
freaked him out a little bit.
-No, trust me, my mom
was way more terrifying.
-Look, maybe it's for the best,
you know?
Let's not, Brit.
Don't say that.
-She's not going
to win this one.
-I think we look good in it.
I mean, it's -- it's stunning.
-Thank you.
-And if you decide you want
to make an offer,
just give me a call or...
-Okay, thank you.
-Thank you so much.
-Bye, guys.
[Door closes]
[Clock ticking]
I, uh...
thought you were
at the door.
-You can't be here.
-Well, I mean, sign out front
says open house.
It's weird to see you do
something other than teaching.
-I'll see you in a little bit.
-Those were the last words
that you ever said to me.
-I don't remember.
-I do.
I guess I just didn't realize
that a little bit
could mean 12 years.
-We couldn't talk.
-What was stopping us?
Well, your parents,
my husband, attorneys, everyone.
-Yeah, but what they said
didn't matter.
What you said did.
And then I'll see you
in a little bit,
and -- and [chuckles], what?
For 12 years until I seek
you out.
-Via my daughter.
-Well, I mean,
that just happened.
-You just happened to
seek me out on the Internet
and run into her
and somehow just end up,
whoops, falling in love
with my child?
-She's an amazing person,
but I'm sure
you already know that.

-Whatever you think
you have with Anna, it's over.
-You're going to
ruin that, too.
-She's 16.
-She's 17.
And that's your argument?
That she's too young?
-That is different.
Because she's a girl?
-The difference is
and this is a huge difference,
is nothing ever happened
between you and me.

-What do...
What do you mean?
-This isn't good, Jesse?
-What do you mean
nothing happened?
-Something happened,
just not what you think,
not what you told the school.
-How can you even say that?
-Because it's the truth.
I know this might be hard
for you to hear,
but it's important
that you hear it.
We were close, too close.
That's on me.
I was the adult, and I should
have known better, but --
-But what?
-This thing happens,
happens sometimes, Jesse.
People want things to be
a certain way,
and so they begin to believe
that it's true.
[Papers rustle]

-Hold on.
-Particularly when you're young,
and there's nothing
wrong with that.
-You know, I think
that goes both ways, too.
-What do you mean?
-That some people don't want
to remember something
so they block it out?
I hear about that, too.
It doesn't mean there's
something wrong with you.
-I had always hoped
that you found some help.
And I'm sorry that no one ever
stepped in to help you.
You need to go home.
-I don't have a home.
-Well, I do.
And I don't ever want
to see you near it again.
Move away from the door.

I should probably move that,
-Please, Jesse.
-There you go.
It's perfect.
You want to tell him everything
or should I?
-I mean this in the most
caring way possible.
You need to speak with someone.
-Everything okay?
-Can you please
just move your car?
-Yeah. Hey, Beth.
When you see Anna,
tell her that nothing happened,
That there is no love
between us.
That it's just her overly active
imagination, that it's just
some sort of psychotic
wish fulfillment at work.
Can you tell her that for me?
Please, get some help.
-You want to help me?
Tell the truth?
-What truth?
-That you were in love with me
as much as I was
in love with you.
I want to hear you
say it out loud.
Say it!
Let's think about this
for a second.

There's two ways this could go.
You want to know what they are?
-I can handcuff you,
arrest you, trespassing,
maybe resisting arrest,
haul you off to jail,
hand you off to my real
good buddies down there.
It's not my favorite way.
It's inefficient
for both you and me.
You want to know the second way?
I'm guessing you do,
so here it is.
Get in your truck.
You go home,
all the way home,
and you never come back.
How do I know this plays out?
Because I have your plates.
I have everything about you.
I know you.
I got you.
So yeah,
what do you think?
Option two?
Yeah, that's what
I would do, too.
-I get it.

[Whispering] You're not
the first person to abuse
their power over me.

[Normal voice] Right, Beth?
Hey, Eric.
What do you think?
You think this is over?
This whole messed up thing
that you're doing here?
You think it's done?

Yeah, I do.
-Me, too.
[Truck door opens]

[Truck engine starts, revs]
[Tires squeal]
[Birds chirping]
-I was embarrassed.
-I was embarrassed,
so I didn't say anything.
-Well, maybe now is a pretty
good time to start talking.
-His name is Jesse, first off.
He was a student of mine
at the academy.
-I never wanted to have
to tell you this.
-Jesus, Beth.
Spit it out.
-There was a scandal.
Or a near scandal.
I was accused of having
an inappropriate relationship
with him.
Yeah, a sexual
I took him under my wing
too much.
He developed
these feelings for me.
-And he ended up
creating this fiction.
But I bear some
of the responsibility, too.
He's right. It should have
never been personal.
We should have never...
gotten close.
-Hmm, okay, okay.
[Turn signal clicking]
[Tires squeal]
-No prior arrests?
Looks like he lives in an
apartment that his parents own.
Not in school, I'm not even
sure he has a job.
-Hmm. Alright.
Let's keep an eye out
for those tags.
[Wind blowing,
wind chimes chiming]
[Footsteps approaching]
[Door opens]
We need to talk.
-What is there to say?
-I owe you a huge apology.
There's things
I haven't told you.
A lot of things.
-So, he knew who I was
when we started talking online?
-I can only assume
that he was looking for me.
Came across you and decided to
use you to get to me, I guess.
I'm so sorry, honey.
-Why didn't you say anything?
-I saw him there and I froze.
I panicked,
and it immediately brought me
back to that time
when you were four years old
and I let this kid
get too close to me.
-You should have told me.
-I was embarrassed
and just sick
that I had brought
this heartache on you.
-Mom, just please.


-I assigned a patrol car
to your street,
keep an eye on you and Anna.
-How's Anna?
She'll be all right.
-Yes, eventually.
-I do you have a bit
of other news?
-The caterer said they could do
the poppyseed ham biscuits
after all.

[Cellphone chimes]

-[Knock on door]
Come in.
[Door opens]
-Hey, want some dinner, honey?

-Okay, you got to get
out of your head
and do something dumb and fun.
-Remember how you hounded me
after Jake pulled that shit
that he pulled on me?
-I'm here to hound you back.
-I just don't get it.
-Well, there's nothing
to get, really.
You just landed a psychopath.
-Or a psychopath landed on me,
which makes me an idiot.
-The last thing you are
is an idiot.
Let's just focus on the fact
that you just dodged
a big, fat bullet.

[Indistinct conversation]

[Soccer ball thudding]

-No! No!


You're here.
-So I am.

[Birds chirping]
You're killing it.
-You heading out?
-Uh, yeah.
I'm going to pick up Brit
a little before the party.
[Keys jingle]
I love you, Mom.
-I love you too, baby.
[Exhales slowly]
[Brakes squeak]
-They're trying to get me
to test the wine.
-Come on.
The caterers
are already setting up.
-Hey, this is your
last chance to bail.
We'd only owe for the catering.
-Not a chance.
I need you to zip me up.
-[ Laughing ] I got to go.
The florist is here.
Love you.
-You, too.
[Door opens]
Is that you?
Hey, can you come sit me up?
Don't call your cop fianc.
Please, just give me a second.
-You cannot be here.
-And then I'll leave.
-They're expecting me
any minute.
-Do you know why I'm here?
-You've put me
through enough, Jesse.
So, no, I don't know
and I just can't care anymore.
[Breathing shakily]
-I think you will, though.
I really do.
First things first.
I'm here for Anna.
-Well, you can forget that.
-She's not here,
and she will never go
anywhere with you.
-She knows who you are, Jesse.
She knows everything.
-You're right about that.

Maybe you should
check her room.

[Bag unzipping]

So maybe you care
a little now.
-What do you want from me?
-No one believed me.
Not even my dad.
My mom, I think she wanted to,
but mostly I think
she just wanted it to go away.
The embarrassment to go away.
For her, for the school.
And then you are the only person
I ever trusted.
You -- you turned on me, too.
I heard what you said about me.
Troubled, delusional, I think
were your words of choice.
-Jesse, no.
-And then our phone call.
Do you remember?
-I'll see you in a little bit.
And then I never heard another
word from you again.
-Jesse, this is not something
that we can settle now.
We --
-I tried to kill myself.
That happened.
I mean I failed, obviously.
-But to have you call
me a liar...
-We can't do this,
just the two of us.
We need to talk to someone.
-Just give me my phone.
-I don't need
to talk to someone, Beth.
I need to talk to you.
But since I've been here,
-What, Jesse?
-Can I show you something?
This was that year.
This was spring of that year.
-I mean, your hair is --
your hair is short.
-Yeah, I cut it
over the holidays and...
kept it short.
-Because I cannot be more
perfectly sure
that your hair
was long that spring.
I could not be more sure.
I mean, I-I remember
specific occasions.
I remember your hair,
I remember your face.
But you are --
you're in --
you're in this picture,
[Exhales sharply]
-It was short then.
-[Sighs] I'm like feeling, like,
messed up
about all of this right now.
[Breathing shakily]
I mean, what?
Did I just want it so bad?
Did I want it so bad
that I -- that I made it up.
You know?
I mean, like...
-It happens, Jesse.
It's okay.
-And everything that I've done
since falling
for Anne and now?
I mean, Jesus Christ.
Because if that's -- if that's
the case, Beth, then --
then -- then --
-Then what?.
-Then I'm a fucking idiot!
God! Like, delusional.
I'm like what
everybody says I am.
I'm wrong.
I'm a liar.
Like, all of these years.
Like, what -- what is that?!
I ruined everything.
I ruined everything.
I ruined your life.
I mean, I know how much you love
teaching, and I ruined that.
And I hate myself
for doing that!
Oh, my God.
I don't understand.
[Breathing heavily]
[Breathing heavily]
-It's funny.
You're looking at this photo
as proof of a truth.
All I see is a lie.

We look happy.
Gary was abusive, cheating.

This photo's bullshit.
I wasn't a capable mother.
I just wasn't.

And then that night in the car.
If I had told the truth,
I would have gone to prison.
They would have taken Anna
from me.
You get that, right?
-What truth?
-That I had fallen in love
with you.
-[Exhales sharply]

-You were in love with me?
-It was wrong.
-Maybe not the feelings,
but the acting on them.
-What do you mean?

-The sex, Jesse.

What happened in the car.

I made a mistake.

I was the mistake.
-I wish I could
take it all back.
I wish --
-I wish I could undo it all.
-See, that's
the messed up thing.
I don't --
I don't wish that at all.

Here, your zipper.
-No, it's...
-No, it's --
-Thank you.
-That's it.

-Do you think it's
possible that maybe...
-That maybe you still
have feelings for me?
Not like that.
-Anna does.
-And what are you
doing to her?
-I know it's just a word
at this point.
But I am...
so sorry.
-Me, too.
I'm sorry I had to record
this conversation.
Just happens to be one
of those states
with a generous statute
of limitations.
That isn't about ruining
your life.
It's about fixing mine.
-And will this fix you?
-In a way I think it will.
You know what?
I --
What I've always wanted
is just --
just to be acknowledged.
And you deserve
to be acknowledged.
-Thank you.
-Just what?
-Please don't do this.
Take that.
-Take me, take my words,
but please
just don't take her.
-He's not taking me anywhere.
I'm going with him.
There's a difference.
You okay?

[Sniffles] Thought I said
pack light.

-We got to go.
-One second, Jesse.

[Footsteps departing]

-[Sniffles, exhales shakily]

-We got to go.
-You should forgive her.

-I should forgive her?
'Cause that's what you told me
this is all about.
Not vengeance, moving forward,
so we can all move forward.
Like you said.
That is what we're doing, right?

-I'll go get the car.
I parked at the dead end.
Apparently the cops drove down
every 20 minutes.

-Just be ready, okay?

-I'll see you a little bit.

-I know what you're thinking.
You think I'm making
a huge mistake,
that I'm abandoning you,
-I don't think you are,
-Why not?
-Because I don't think
he's coming back.
-You're wrong.



[Wind blowing]

[Bird cries]

[Breathing shakily]

[Bird cries]

-I'm so sorry, baby.

-There's my lady.
[Indistinct conversations]
-We should go in.
-I know.
Thank you.
-For what?
-For saving me back there.
-The only thing I saved you
from is prison.
Fix your hair.
[Car door opens]
It's your party.
[Car door slams]

[Dog barks in distance]
[Indistinct conversations]

-That is amazing.

[Indistinct conversations]

-Crooked face
inside the mirror
Plucking hair upon the comb
Turn around
and find you laughing
Safe home

Here's a little wine
left over
And a little kiss for my
Turn around and smile
Somebody sees you
You are free, you are
Safe home
Safe home

Had a dream
that we were soldiers
Pillow fighting on the lawn
When I woke a child was over
Safe home
Safe home
Safe home
You are you
Safe home
we survived the death
Now can we survive the day?
Numbers gnawing at our bones
In our safe home
Safe home
Safe home
You are you
Safe home