What If... (2010) Movie Script

Bus 27, Dearfield,
will be arriving at 9.25.
Here you go.
It's just 8 months, then
We're never apart again.
I know.
I know.
Nothing, nothing
is gonna change.
Trust me.
I do.
It's just...
We're still
gonna get married.
We're still gonna
build a life together.
Just keep reminding yourself
how good this is gonna be
for us When it's over.
I got this for you.
It's beautiful.
"To Ben from Wendy.
As for me and my house,
We Will serve the Lord. "
This is awesome.
Ben, I still feel like you're
gonna change out there.
What if this changes?
I Won't let it.
But What about our plans
for our ministry?
You're such a good preacher.
You can still do seminary.
We've been
through this before.
It's not something I Want to do,
but We can still do
the ministry We discussed.
We can still help people
even more noW that I've been
on the ground floor of a company
Where I can build a good career.
I have to do it in the City,
and you know that.
That career stuff
just doesn't...
I just Want
to be With you.
Hey, We're gonna
be great, We are.
This is your final boarding
call for Green Line 277
serving Long Mount, Zion,
Manitou, Westville,
now boarding at gate 2.
Green Line 277 final
boarding call at gate 2.
Okay, I gotta go.
I know.
Ben, this doesn't
feel right.
What if this is one
of those moments,
a moment We're gonna
regret later?
It isn't,
and it Won't be.
Have faith.
I do.
Here you go.
I love you.
I love you too.
Good morning, sir.
Happy birthday, Elaine.
Mr. Walker, shouldn't have.
Yellow roses.
Don't Want to make Jim
in HR jealous, yet.
You never
bring me flowers.
It's not your birthday.
I bet you don't
even know my birthday.
It's on a day in one
of those months, right?
Stop, you're
embarrassing yourself.
September 24th,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Kenosha, it's
near Milwaukee.
How they doing in there?
Got about three calls
asking for you.
Don't you think they've
Waited long enough?
You're terrible.
No, I'm the best.
Nice of you to join us.
Well, fine, so should We...
Can you believe they charge
$4.50 for a cup of coffee?
I think We're in
the Wrong business.
And you are?
I'm a fortune teller.
I can see the future.
Somebody'd pay
a lot for that.
They already do.
Okay, I think the issues
that We need to discuss
are right here on page 6.
You know, a couple
thousand years ago,
Rome was the most powerful
nation in the world.
No one Was even close.
Didn't he say he Was gonna
say something about the future?
Rome was so strong that when
she bent her gaze in the second
most powerful nation in
the World, Egypt,
the Egyptians surrendered
Without a fight,
Rather than go up against an empire
that never lost a war,
those nations who capitulated
were treated well,very well.
Those who didn't were still conquered
but rome was unkind to them.
Hey,your not Julius Caesar,ok?
No i'm not,he didn't
think big enough
So what makes you sure you'll win
Mr. Bessette,like most owner
founders the majority of
your wealth is tied up in
the stock of your own company
You believe in yourself and
you should.
You take only a nominal salary
but you like to live well.
So you've collaterized your
ownership to raise equity
which is very smart move
in an up market.
We are well supported in our
institutional relationships
and in no way invulnerable
in our credit.
- Past.
- Excuse me?
You've already answered 2 margin calls.
If the share price drops down to 75 cents
you will answer to a third
No we didn't.Dad, what he is talking
about?this guy is crazy.
This is privileged information,how
did you get access to that?
Now you're stuck with you thumb in
a vice,if Bessette loses another
8 percent of its value over
the next month which it will
you will lose half of your net worth.
If it loses 16 percent,
your family wealth disappears,
I am not a
man who surrenders easy.
Accept an alliance that will reflect
the reality that your living in.
You remain CEO and partial owner
you're ok with that,aren't you chief?
If you accept the deal we are now offering,yes.
You can keep on doing the same thing
you've done for the last 43 years,
You'll get to keep your pride,
your family fortune
and everything else that matters
to you.
And ah what do you get?
Money. Lots of it.
- Forgot your coffee.
- I do not drink coffee.
Are we broke?
Can't believe what I just saw.
What was that in there?
Promise to Bessette that he can
stay on as CEO?That just defies logic.
- Please tell me you were lying.
- Relax, Joel, we closed the deal.
- Do not tell me to relax.
- Relax.
I'm relaxed!Your sudden attack of altruism
cost us a small fortune.
Uh huh, and saved us
a court battle.
Let me tell you something. In 15 years here
at Tarvis and McCutcheon,
i've never pandered like that to close a deal.
Perhaps you should start.
Especially since the sign at the doorway
is about to read Tarvis, McCutcheon and Walker.
- should I at least fake surprise?
-Ah don't bother.
Humility doesn't become you.
I assume you accept.
Does it come with a car of my choice?
I think you will be able to afford it.
- Well then?
- Hail Caesar.
So I assume my raise is forth coming?
Claire,lets not cheapen my admiration for
your abilities for something as crass as money.
- I'm thinking 20 percent.
- I'm thinking 10.
- Did you pick it up?
- It's on your desk.
What's this?
Ah came today. It's some
kind of missionary letter.
Hi Ben, In town for a fundraiser at
the old church.Would love to say hi.
It's tonight.
Who is she?
An old girlfriend.
We almost got married.
Get out! Why have I
never heard about this?
There is not much to tell, we kinda
outgrew each other.
- You changed and she didn't?
- Ya something like that.
You still talk to her?
I make a point of never going back..
- This is too funny.
- What?
What kind of woman
almost slowed down Ben Walker?
- You gonna call call her?
- No.
Just send a cheque to her charity,
probably what she wants anyways.
- Oh, and take this to accounting.
- What is that?
An approval of your salary increase
of 18 percent.
Can't look like a pushover the first day.
Tarvis, McCutcheon and Walker.
Sounds good.
Sounds great.
- What is there waiting?
- Ah, Miss. Davis, I wasn't
expecting you today.
Hold his calls.
Just gonna count to ten.
I need a couple minutes, Claire.
I think we're going to need a
little more time than that,don't you?
- Oh, hey. I thought you were...
- The staff??
I'm glad I was wrong.
So I hear congratulations are
in order for us?
- How'd you know?
- Good news travels fast.
- Congratulations,baby.
- Thank you.
Robins egg blue,
my favorite color.
- You weren't supposed to see that yet.
- How big?
3.57 carats.
- D, E?
- D.
Flawless or pvs one?
Perfect, just like you.
- Will you marry me?
- Of course, bear.
You are the only man I could
possible see my self with.
Watch the nail.
There we go.
- We can't do this.
- Why not?
We'll be late.
- For what?
- The weekend.
- But Ben it's only thursday.
- But not in Paris.
Wheels up at 8 pm,
uncork some champagne.
Nibble some beluga and tomorrow night
you'll be dining on Civet Lapin at Maxine.
- Your joking.
- I never joke about Paris.
I'll meet you at the airport.
The limo will pick you up at 6.
Wait,why aren't you picking me up?
I gotta take care of
some important business.
Many are called but few are chosen.
Mercedes Benz SL 65 AMG Black Edition.
She combines grace and power with unsurpassed elegance..
Let's save you the pain and
negotiating and make this quick.
This car costing you money
every day it sits in the lot
and I can help you with that.
Obviously i'm not paying MSRP
and the 2450 destination fee.
Lets start with actual cost and
start from there
Your dealership survives on 3 percent
profit but with overhead and sales commissions
you need at least 5,normally you
get 10,How about I give you 4 percent
pay cash and make up for it on the suckers?
I'm turning inside out.
Running into doubt for me.
Turn around.
Whoa, Wait.What's going on?
No, no, no.
No, no, no, no, come on.
You're kidding me.
This is a brand-new car.
You think this is funny?
You need some help?
Who are you?
Oh, tow truck driver.
Nope, I'm an angel sent here
to help you
straighten out our life.
Listen, I need to get back
to the city right away.
Well, that's
not gonna happen.
Okay, look, Whatever you
normally get, I'll add 50%.
Don't Worry about that.
Oh, they're so cute
at this stage.
No, I'm heading back to
Clearville and so are you.
Whoa, Whoa, Whoa,
stop, stop, stop.
Clearville, no I'm not...
We're at Clearville.
Wow, I drove a long Way.
Look, I'm not going back
to Clearville.
You see, I spent my Whole life
trying to escape from there.
Well, that's Where
your car is headed.
I guess it's your call.
Whatever happened to you?
You had such potential.
Hey pal, did you happen
to notice that the car
on the hook back there
is a $250,000 Mercedes?
That's just What
I'm talking about,
fast cars, faster Women,
big promotion.
How did you know
about the promotion?
I told you, I was
sent here to help you.
I don't need your help.
I just need to get back
to the city.
I told him
you Were gonna say that.
But once he makes up his mind,
Well, you know how he is.
Who are We talking about,
Mr. Big of the towing industry?
Have you ever taken a moment
and stopped to think
that you've lived your life
up until noW
and completely
missed the point?
Life is life.
You live, you die, that's it.
There is no point.
That's the dumbest thing
you've said so far.
I don't understand
Why he chose you.
Okay, you know What?
Stop the truck,
all right, right noW.
I Want to get out of here.
All right, look.
Now that we're here,
you're gonna find things
have changed just a little bit.
Well, things have
changed a lot.
The most important thing
to remember noW...
Why Won't this open?
Ben, pay attention
here, will ya?
How do you know my name?
Look, you're just
gonna have to go With it.
For right noW it's reality.
It's your reality.
You're just going
to have to accept it.
Don't do anything stupid like
jumping out in front of a car
or sticking your finger
in some light socket to see
if it's real, okay,
because it is.
Okay, but can you just
let me out noW please?
Oh yeah, one more thing,
Megan, her name's Megan.
- Who?
- The little girl.
Oh, she'll freak out
if you forget.
NoW, close your eyes,
count backwards from a hundred.
Uh, no.
Trust me, it Will be a lot
better if you close your eyes
and count backwards.
Yeah, trust you?
I don't even know you.
Fine, all right,
Well, have it your Way.
I'm gonna put
on lipstick too.
Dad, you need to brush my hair.
Ben, honey, I just needed
a few minutes
to finish getting ready.
You seem so real.
I got this, honey.
Ben, What are you doing?
You know, this is a big day.
We need your help.
Okay, just relax.
This isn't really happening.
You're not really here.
Okay, you just go get ready.
I'll fix this.
Mommy, daddy's
crawling on the floor.
Ben, stop playing around.
You're gonna be late.
I don't Want
to go to church.
Well, then you
don't have to go.
Thanks, dad.
Dad, dad, no.
I'm not your dad.
I'm not anybody's dad.
I knew I was adopted!
Honey, you are not adopted,
and you are going to church.
Daddy said
I didn't have to.
Ben Walker, are you trying
to drive me crazy this morning?
Or does it just come naturally?
Either way, you're gonna have
to explain to your daughter
why it's so important that
she goes to church.
Um, well, see there are certain
things in life that are,
you know, very important.
You know, like,
like uh, like um,
a healthy nutritious breakfast,
you know, and hard Work
and certain amount
of exercise is good.
Oh, and going to church.
I'm not going.
Well, let me make
this easy for you.
First, you're gonna go
because I said so.
And second, if you can't start
thanking Jesus for everything
he's given you, then maybe you
should start giving
some things back, like
starting with your cell phone.
- Ben.
- Huh?
Go Where?
You know, they say only one
in a hundred people dreams
in color, and apparently
I'm the one,
though I never knew it before.
Wonder if I'll remember
When I Wake up.
Here's your tie.
You're kidding me.
I Wouldn't buy this.
I know.
It Was a father's day gift
from Megan, remember?
Since When do you know
how to do that on your own?
I'm okay as long as
I don't think about it?
Wendy, there's something I feel
I should tell you,
Which is really strange given
that this is only a dream
and you're never
gonna believe me,
but you have to
because it's important.
It's important
for you to know.
I'm not your Ben.
I mean I am,
but I'm not.
I know.
You do?
You think I don't know
When my husband isn't himself?
It's not easy to come here
and save the day.
It's a lot of pressure, but
I know you're gonna do great.
You always do.
I have no doubt.
NoW put on your coat.
We're gonna be late.
Okay, just go With it
until We can find Mike
and get out of this.
Wait, Megan, one second.
Uh, aren't you
forgetting something?
Okay, let's hurry.
We're gonna be late.
Okay, let's go.
... I drive a minivan.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Hmm, convenient.
That saved a Wretch like me.
I once Was lost.
It's a little far forward,
don't you think?
Cut it out, Ben.
I haven't seen
this place in years.
Sure could use an upgrade.
It's probably got the same
gum underneath the seats.
Reverend, it's already time.
They're ready for you noW.
This is a very exciting day
for the little, White church,
so please join me in
giving a Warm Welcome
to our new pastor,
Reverend Dr. Benjamin Walker.
Uh, hi, it's a... it's good
to see you all here.
Some of you are
With your families.
I'm With my family as Well.
Wendy there with Megan
and my other daughter
Whose name escapes me
at the moment.
Oh, you know I
got my Bible here.
Yup, it's... you're probably
expecting me to read from
the Bible, right, 'cause that's
What a lot of preachers do.
You know,
I'm a little different.
You know, I... I...
The Bible's old.
It's really old.
So I think it'd be good to talk
about some modern things.
You know, 'cause things,
things are important,
and We all need certain things.
And God, he Wants us to have
What We need, right?
Noah, look, there's Noah.
He had an ark.
Noah had an ark.
And Well, he couldn't have
afforded to build
the ark Without money.
You know, so God obviously
wants us to have money.
And God wants us to be happy.
So, so...
...try to make more money,
so you can buy things,
and then you'll be happy.
God bless you.
Oh, um...
Uh, that Was our
message for today.
Make more money?
Are you out of your mind?
I Was, you know,
completely unprepared.
But you had 3 Weeks
to learn that sermon,
Which I might add, only lasted
less than a minute.
The collection Was down
about 70% from last Week
When We had a prayer service
Without a minister.
Oh, that not using the Bible
thing, that Was different.
Well, you know,
it's important to keep it fresh.
You should be
ashamed of yourself.
If Pastor McKennett
Wasn't already gone,
that sermon Would
have killed him.
Personally, I thought
it Was great.
No Wasted time.
Right to the point.
Things are good,
make more money.
It Works for me.
See you next Week, Reverend.
Don't count on it.
Hey, you know, I'd really
prefer to get to know
his parents a little bit more
before they get too close.
I'll take care of this.
I got it.
I didn't know you
Went to this church.
I didn't know
the new pastor Was your dad.
His sermon Was...
Oh, I know
he can be such...
Can you give us a moment?
What do you care?
After all, I'm just the daughter
Whose name escapes you
at the moment, right?
We like to have fun,
don't We?
But seriously, though, I need
to have a few words
With this young man.
Look, kid, I'm new
to this father thing,
but I know a deal closer
When I see one.
You're new to
the father thing?
Yeah, so here,
I'll give you 80 bucks
to stay away
from my daughter.
Apparently, it's all I've got.
Are you serious?
Oh, yeah.
But no phone calls,
no stopping by to chat,
no working on homework together.
As of this moment,
she doesn't exist, you got it?
Okay, you can leave noW.
Bye-bye, thanks.
What is Wrong With him?
... I don't know.
Come on!
Come on, I'm right here.
Why didn't you stop?
Does this look
like a taxi to you?
So have you
figured it out yet?
It's a dream, right?
A long, involved, incredibly
complex and convoluted dream.
You feel pain
in a dream?
No, Why?
What'd you do that for?
Well, noW We can
rule out a dream.
But delusions, Well,
that's a lot trickier.
You see, they come With taste
and smell, and the Whole deal.
Well, how can you tell
the difference?
Well, it usually takes
another person,
a disinterested third party
to confirm or deny
that What you perceive is real.
And that Would be you?
Oh yeah, sure.
I could do that for ya.
Just... just so I'm clear,
you honestly expect me
to believe that
you're an angel?
I don't expect
anything from you.
I am what I am.
Well, then prove it.
Do something angelic.
I'm not allowed to use my
power While in earthly form.
You have an answer
for everything.
Not everything.
I don't know What's
Wrong With your car.
Okay, you know,
accepting for the moment
the ridiculous notion that you
are an angel, What is this?
What's Wendy doing here?
Why does everyone act
like they know me?
Oh, that's simple.
It's called the great What if.
What if?
Yeah, see,
every noW and then
he chooses someone
to re-examine their life.
What if you had said yes
instead of no?
What if you had made
different decisions?
What if the Lord was calling
and you answered the call?
And What if, Well, you followed
God's plan for your life
instead of your own?
Well, apparently, I Would
be a second-rate preacher
at a third-rate church
in Clearville.
Well, you knew
what you had.
You just have to see
What you passed up.
Well, I think it's probably
better if you figure that out.
What if I don't Want to?
Of course you don't Want to.
Humans never Want to do
What's good for 'em.
Anyway, it's good to be you.
That's What you said before.
So this is all part
of being you.
Well, that's
not good enough.
It better be 'cause that's
all you're gonna get.
Excuse me, I got Work to do.
I thought you
Weren't coming.
We already prayed.
You can sit down.
Meatloaf, that's awesome.
What are you talking about?
It's your favorite.
No, no, I mean it.
It's awesome.
It's leaving me
in a cold sweat
contemplating the culinary
triumphs still to come.
Where Were you, daddy?
If you must know, I Was
having an argument
With an angel.
Did he have Wings?
No, he had
greased-stained coveralls.
Why, he's a mechanic.
He had bad breath
and a nine-dollar hair cut.
Mmm, this angel,
What did he say to you?
We both agree on Ben Walker,
but I'm not your Ben Walker.
See, more specifically,
I'm not your husband,
and I'm not their father.
Is daddy having
a nervous breakdown?
You know, you're all
very sweet in your own
parallel universe,
"It's a Wonderful Life"
sort of Way.
And if I had to choose a family
to be my make-believe family,
it Would be you.
Girls, go to your rooms.
Your daddy and I need to talk.
First you move us here.
You uproot the girls from their
friends and home to get back
to the pastoral Work that you
Want to do for a church
that needs you,
and I supported you.
But the first thing you do When
you get here is you alienate
yourself from the congregation,
insult and ignore everyone
that talks to you, including me
and the girls,
and you act as if you
barely even know me.
Is there something
you Want to tell me?
Wendy, I know you're
gonna think I'm crazy,
but I'm the Ben Walker Who's
a successful investment banker
at a huge firm.
And the reason I'm having
trouble being Pastor Ben is
that I haven't set foot inside
a church in over 15 years.
In my real life, I just closed
a complex but profitable deal.
Our fees alone Were
only $25 million.
And at the moment,
I'm supposed to be
in Paris celebrating With...
This Ben Walker
you're talking about,
What's he doing here?
Apparently, I'm supposed
to figure it out on my own.
Well, that man
you just described...
...I didn't marry him.
The sheets go down first,
then the blanket.
Are you and mom
gonna get a divorce?
No, absolutely not.
She and I... no, no,
Why do you ask?
When Liv's dad
slept on the couch,
they got divorced the next Week.
Your mom and your dad,
they're... We're,
We're not gonna do that.
Can I say my prayers
out here?
Yeah, come on.
Dear God, please bless mommy
and daddy, Who We all know
is going through a tough time
right noW and probably
doesn't know that he's making
mommy sort of nervous.
And maybe you could help his
brain because he seems
to be forgetting a lot of
stuff he should know.
And please bless Kimberly
and Jonah, even though I keep
forgetting to change his water.
And thank you for dying
to save us all, Amen.
Bedtime, Megs.
The great What if, huh?
Well, What if I just
drove back into the city?
You've got to be kidding me!
Reverend Dr. Benjamin Walker
of Clearville.
They thought of everything.
No, no, stay focused.
Stay focused.
It's meant to distract you.
It's not real.
It's not real.
No cash, What?
What, no credit cards.
This guy's a loser.
We're married, right?
I mean, What's yours is mine
and What's mine
isn't in my Wallet right noW.
Daddy, What are you
doing With mommy's purse?
Well, I'm... I'm just...
Don't go anywhere.
No, no, no I couldn't
take that from you.
No, it Wouldn't be right.
It's prepay after 11:00.
Yeah, I know.
How much gas
Will this get me?
Huh, huh, look at that,
huh, huh?
It's um...
...it's a dollar.
I'm swimming in the red,
drownin' in the blues.
I ain't rollin' in the green
like I likes to.
My piggy bank is empty.
No chicks in the coup.
I need a cash cow,
a little moolah, wooh!
There's too much...
See ya.
Oh, come on.
You gotta be kidding me.
Are you...
Oh, great.
Yeah, big surprise it's Mike.
Yup, big surprise.
I'm going back to the city,
you can't stop me.
Don't intend to.
So you can just knock off
the twilight zone...
You don't?
So you're not here
to drag me back?
Boss thinks it'd be a good idea
if you just saw What the World
Would be like Without ya.
Come on, jump in.
This is a big mistake.
I think so too.
I mean for you.
See, once We get
back into the city,
this "What if" charade of yours
is all gonna fall apart
and I can go back to being me.
Ben, this isn't a trick.
It's not some local phenomena
like a thunderstorm Where
it's raining here, 10 miles away
it's clear and sunny.
It's all changed.
It's different,
the whole world.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Whatever.
Look, I'm an angel.
We don't lie.
We can't lie.
But you do Whatever the boss
tells you to do, right?
Yeah, exactly.
So What if the boss
tells you to lie?
I don't mean a big huge,
you know, hurtful lie,
but just a teeny, teeny
little White lie?
Wow, never
thought about that.
You know, I Wonder if God could
build a rock so big
that he himself
couldn't pick it up.
Yeah, exactly.
Ben, I'm just gonna
have to let you go
and see for yourself, huh?
So why do you want to
come back here so bad?
Among many things,
have you seen Cynthia?
She's gorgeous.
Oh, not our type.
Not your type?
My life is great.
People envy me.
I get What I Want.
I love my life.
Ironically, this little stunt
of yours has reminded me
of how happy I am With
the choices I've made.
Can I help you, sir?
Hey, Elaine, I'm in
to see the old man.
Excuse me, sir.
You need to Wait here.
Do you have an appointment?
No, I'm pretty sure that
becoming partner means
I don't need to make
an appointment.
Oh, Claire, can you tell me
What's going on here?
Elaine's acting like she
doesn't know Who I am.
I'm sorry, and you are?
Oh, right, yeah, you don't
know Who your boss is
from the last 5 years.
Hey, Jim, Jimbo,
how you doin'?
Hey, is that Ross Bessette
in there?
Is the Bessette Industry's
deal going forward?
That's none
of your business.
Who are you here With?
Are you a reporter
or With the SEC?
Jim, seriously,
are you putting me on?
Joel, this gentleman has
an interesting question.
He wants to know if that's
Ross Bessette in there
of Bessette Industries.
It's nothing,
We're just reviewing
their foreign holdings,
tightening up their portfolio.
Okay, you know What?
This charade is over.
It's not funny anymore.
We all know that
I belong here.
I graduated top of my business
school class at Harvard.
Moody, that's Moody
Bible Institute, Chicago,
doctorate in theology,
minor in biblical archeology.
Carry on.
Believe it or not,
We already have all
the biblical archaeologists
on staff that We need.
If you'll excuse me,
I'm running late.
Love the jeans.
Soda water.
I need soda water.
What happened?
Oh, some soccer mom let her
little brat spill juice
all over my new Versace.
What is this?
Of course, she doesn't
remember me either, right?
Yeah, okay, last time I saw you,
I Was your Benny bear.
Benny bear?
That's my fiance you're
speaking to, Barney bear.
Fiance, What?
This guy?
Are you kidding me?
You're engaged to me.
Oh, really?
Yes, We met 2 years ago
on your father's yacht
in the Caymans.
You Were Wearing
your purple bikini.
I Was having Way
too many Mojitos.
I have never laid eyes on
you before in my life,
unless, of course, you detailed
my car or served me coffee?
NoW you know Why
I love this Woman.
You know, if they continue
With this behavior,
their application for Weeping
and gnashing of teeth
Will be approved.
All right, I'm
not leaving here.
I'm not leaving here.
Call security.
Seventeenth floor, please.
You got a black Benz too.
Are you kidding me?
Hey, hey, this isn't over!
I did it once
and I'll do it again!
I'll build this place up.
- I'm gonna...
- Ben.
You're embarrassing
Well, you're
embarrassing yourself.
Oh, it's not like
I didn't Warn ya.
Well, you Were
a big help.
Look, I need you
to close your eyes
and count backward
from a hundred.
I'll take care of the van.
No, I'm not
going back there.
You can't make me.
Oh, I love slow learners.
Look, Cynthia's
coming back.
That's not Cynth...
Little twirp's been
in my closet again.
I was not!
Your sister is not a twirp.
You're right, mom,
she's a stupid twirp.
I am not stupid.
You go apologize to your
sister and then come back
downstairs for breakfast
and apologize to me.
Of course you take her side.
Any idea What my morning
looks like?
Ten a. M.,
commitment testing?
We're meeting With
Brittney and Carl,
the couple that Wants
to get married.
Commitment testing?
Right, you know how, you know,
from your standpoint,
Would you best describe
commitment testing?
To discourage them from
making the Wrong decision,
if they're unequally yoked.
Shake 'em up a little.
Daddy, Why did Jonah die?
Well, I don't know, maybe he
didn't love Jesus
the Way fish are supposed to.
Mommy, my goldfish
is in hell!
Probably not the best thing
to say, huh?
I thought
it Was funny.
"Then the Lord God made
a woman from the rib
"he had taken out of the man
and he brought her to the man.
"The man said, this is noW bone
of my bones
"and flesh of my flesh.
"She shall be called Woman,
for she Was taken out of man.
"For this reason, a man Will
leave his father and mother
"and be united to his Wife.
"And they Will become one flesh.
The man and his Wife Were both
naked and they felt no shame. "
NoW, that's What
I'm talking about, hmm?
But seriously, Carl,
Why do you Want to get married?
Because We love each other.
Want my opinion?
This is isn't love.
It's hormones.
Carl, how much money
do you make per month?
I'm guessing your
after-tax income
isn't much more than 3K,
am I right?
It's something like that.
And once you bring
your girl into the mix,
the monthly net doubles.
I mean, that's not gonna
kill you, but once she's got
a bun in the oven
and stops Working,
are you gonna
be ready for that?
And even if We assume that
you get your income up
the typical 10% over
the next couple of years,
that's not gonna be nearly
enough to protect you from
all the money arguments that
cause over 50% of divorces.
And then you two are gonna be
back in here saying,
"Pastor Ben, Pastor Ben,
Why didn't you stop us?
Why didn't you stage some
sort of intervention?"
He's just playing
devil's advocate.
See, When the Lord
blesses a union,
he sends a thousand little
consolations every day,
most of Which We never
even really notice.
Grace is to help us endure
the trials of life
and learn to treasure
the precious moments
along the Way.
They're his Way of
letting us know, to him,
marriage is sacred
and it is special.
Yeah, special.
It's like that 4 by 4
you drove up in.
I bet you're fond of that, huh?
Yeah, I love that truck.
Brittney loves me in it.
Mm-hmm, a year from noW,
it's a minivan.
Trust me on this.
Attractive, right?
It's hard to look hot
When your ride
has child safety
seats, isn't it?
Well, that Went Well.
You Wanted me
to push 'em, right?
Within biblical parameters.
Ben, you compared marriage
to life imprisonment
Without the possibility
of parole.
What's next?
You gonna rewrite
the beatitudes?
"Blessed are they Who remain
single for they can be
"as selfish as they Want
drinking beer
and Watching ESPN all night"?
Where did that come from?
I feel like I don't
even know you right noW.
Kimberly, What's going on?
Dillon just dropped me off.
Everybody's talking about me.
Daddy paid Dillon Jordan,
the most popular guy
in Clearville, $80 to
stay away from me.
Please tell me
that isn't true.
I knew I should have
given him a hundred.
He Wasn't supposed
to say anything.
How could you?
This is the Worst thing
that's ever happened to me,
and it's all because of you.
Ben, are you kidding me?
You told me to handle it.
I didn't mean to hurt her.
I don't know how to do this.
The Bessettes have always
been stubborn about staying
a family business and not
being owned by anyone else.
And in this case, it's
going to be their downfall.
You'd be wise to avoid
purchasing any of their stock
until this situation
is settled.
Couch again, huh?
Actually, it's more of
a doghouse than a couch.
It's your fault.
I know.
Any piece of their company.
Quite frankly, I think
they're in trouble.
Why are you
Watching this?
Bessette Industries is about
to become a takeover target.
Is that good?
I used to think so,
but I don't know noW.
Don't Worry,
it's all gonna Work out.
Ya think?
Hey, sugar bear.
Daddy and I have to have
a little talk.
Will you go upstairs
and get ready for bed?
Oh, thank you.
Where's mine?
I Wanted to ask you something.
Do you still like us,
this family?
Of course, I do.
Then Why are you
acting like this?
You know, back When you
Were still at Moody,
Dr. Heron's Wife, When she heard
We Were getting married, she
pulled me aside and she said,
"If you're gonna
"marry a minister, you need
to know about the moment.
"Every man Who dedicates
his life to ministry goes
"through one, When he questions
if he's been Wrong
about everything,
including his faith. "
Unless I'm Wrong...
This is my moment.
Will you read this to me?
Right there.
"Love is patient.
Love is kind.
"It does not envy.
It does not boast.
"Is not rude,
not self-seeking.
"Is not easily angered.
Keeps no records of Wrongs.
"Love does not delight in evil,
but rejoices With the truth.
"It always protects,
always trusts, always hopes,
always perseveres. "
NoW Which one of those
Would you say best
describes you lately?
Ben, this life is a life
that We chose together.
Minister, husband, father,
mother, Wife, friend.
NoW We're in this
for the long haul,
but if you're there's some
changes that you Want to make
about Where We're going
and What We're doing,
then We need to talk about it.
I'm not saying
I'm gonna like it,
but We need to talk about it.
I'm not gonna let you keep
doing What you're doing,
torturing yourself and
everybody else around you.
I don't Want it for me.
And I Won't let you
do it to our girls.
Do you understand?
Yeah, yes.
Hey, this thing
isn't working.
This thing?
Yeah, this what if?
I mean, my kids hate me.
Wendy's convinced that I don't
love her anymore.
I divide my time between
saying stupid things
and doing stupid things.
And the church,
the church is a disaster.
I mean, it's a race to see
which happens first,
the villagers grab torches
and pitchforks
or I reduce the congregation
to zero.
You need to end it.
It's not even close
to my decision.
But I'm hurting these people,
and I don't want to hurt them.
I mean, I keep doing
everything Wrong,
I mean everything.
That's simple,
do everything right.
But that's ridiculous.
NoW you're on the right track.
You're not even
listening to me.
I can't be the Ben
that they think I am.
Look, the guy Who
Won Wendy's heart,
the father of those children
didn't do anything
you're not capable of
by definition.
Yeah, but I'm not him.
Yeah, that's because
you don't Want to be.
You Want to be like him?
Then study him.
Learn from him.
Read what he read.
Feel what he felt.
Then maybe, maybe you'll
discover that you are him.
Can't be that simple.
Oh, you Want
to make it harder?
All right, simple, huh?
How's this?
Everything in life
boils down to this,
God loves you,
so love other people.
God sacrificed everything
to be With you,
so sacrifice everything.
That's not simple.
It is, it's just hard.
Okay, you know,
When this is all over,
I can still go back
to my old life?
Well, yeah, if
that's What you Want.
God's call always
involves a choice.
You can always say no,
in fact, you already have.
You know, When you Walked away,
you broke two hearts,
Wendy's and his.
Now he's giving you
another chance,
and you're not getting
out of this until you
totally embrace the situation.
Total surrender,
even on a trial basis.
And then if you Want to go,
my guess is he'll let ya,
if that's What you really Want.
Total surrender.
You know, you're
pretty tough for an angel.
Yeah, Well, you ought
to read your Bible, Ben.
Book of Genesis.
It Was a cherub that delivered
the eviction notice
in the garden of Eden.
And that Was a cherub.
Let's not even talk
about the seraphim.
So are you a...
Yeah, seraphim.
I mean, Where do you rank?
Did they send me
someone important?
Well, the fact that I'm
sitting here babysitting you
should tell you Where I rank.
Oh, What are you doing?
Something I should have done
a long time ago.
Well, can I
fix you something?
Some bacon and eggs, maybe?
Sure, thanks.
I haven't seen you like this
since you Were in seminary.
What's gotten into you?
I guess you could
say Ben Walker.
Is this my turn coming up?
Uh, hello, Woodrow Wilson.
You only graduated from there.
I just Wanted to make sure
they didn't move it.
Yeah, dad.
They moved it across town
since you dropped us off
two Weeks ago.
I'll see ya
this afternoon.
She still likes him.
I know.
This hasn't been easy.
I mean, I know in my heart
that you brought us together.
And I know that there's good
times and there's bad times.
He's been a wonderful father
and husband all these years,
and I know that you can help
him through whatever it is
he's going through.
Help him to remember who he is
and why he chose this life
and how much you love him
and how much we love him, Amen.
Hey, Charlie.
Hey, Well, here you go.
- Thanks.
- Yup.
Owe on gas, electric bill.
Oh, the termite inspector's
report came back.
And We are a home
to a number
of the Lord's smaller creatures.
So how much to get
rid of 'em?
Well, three times what we've
got in the general account.
Insurance fund?
Building fund?
Don't make me laugh.
Well, maybe, you know,
the Lord Will see us through.
You Working
on your sermon?
Couldn't be any Worse
than last Week, right?
Your Words,
Pastor, not mine.
I better be right about this.
Oh, I blew out your candle.
Is that carrot cake?
I love carrot cake.
It's... is it With...
Axelrod's cream
cheese icing?
And it Was very hard to
find here, I might add.
You're not out of the Woods,
but We Wouldn't
skip your birthday.
Thank you.
Thank this one.
She's the one Who shredded
the carrots, and her finger.
Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie.
It's okay.
And I know that We're tight
on money and We said no gifts,
but Charlie had this software
on his computer
and he helped me With this.
It's us, all of us on D VD.
It's birthdays
and Christmas mornings,
and there's even some clips
of our Wedding on there.
All the best moments
of the last 15 years.
Thank you.
Come on.
Come on.
Yeah, let's cut that.
I'm gonna re-light
this for you.
Make a Wish.
You Want to help me
blow it out?
One, two, three.
All right, save a few
pieces for yourself.
You're eating for two now.
Come on, let me see that tummy.
Kimberly, happy birthday.
Happy birthday, Kimberly.
Look at you.
You're so cute.
I mean, you know, you still are,
but look at you.
And that's Megan in there.
I mean she must have been born
not long after this, huh?
You're acting surprised.
Well, you know, I just
haven't seen this in a While.
Hey, I know I've been a jerk
the past few days.
Oh, really?
I'm saying I've been
off my game,
but I'm gonna try harder to,
you know, not be a jerk.
So can you Wait a few more days
before you officially
hate me forever?
All right, three more days.
How's five?
Four, but you
gotta earn it.
A negotiator, Nice.
All right, four.
Oh my goodness.
Hello, little Megan.
Give your sister
a little kiss, okay?
Kimberly, don't
you love her?
She's... look at her.
Hey dad.
Pretty amazing, huh?
Little Megan.
Your little sister.
- You gonna be a good sister?
- Yup.
- Promise?
- Yup.
- Not gonna make her mad?
- Nope.
- Not gonna make her cry.
- Nope.
I don't believe you.
It'll be your job to bug her.
- Mm-hmm.
- Yes, it Will.
I gave you that one.
I got you!
First Word, flew
over the cuckoo's nest.
You didn't think
you could get it.
Oh, yeah, I could get it.
Okay, What's next?
More, more, more.
Hey, sweetheart.
First boat ride.
First boat ride.
Up here, can
we look this way?
Look at this one.
You see how high that is?
Oh, see, see.
There's a...
yeah, you're right.
There's a bird right there.
I got...
We got 'em pretty good, huh?
Hey kiddo.
Hi dad.
You got a minute?
What's that?
That's a fish tank.
I mean, What's it for?
Well, I happened to be
Walking past a pet store
and I accidentally Went inside,
and apparently, I bought this.
The gravel's
pink and purple.
Yeah, I figured
you'd like that.
You see, it's got a lot
of space, has a filter.
There's even a little bubbler,
you know,
give him a lot of air.
And then there's even a little
heater, in case he gets cold.
But Jonah's gone.
I know.
But this guy still needs a home,
and I thought, you know,
maybe he could stay With us.
What should We call him?
Well, I Was thinking maybe
Jonah the second?
Or Jonah Jr?
Or little Jonah?
Do you think Jonah Would mind
if little Jonah has
his treasure chest?
I think he'd Want
him to have it.
Love you, daddy.
Megan, stay still, please.
Where's Kimberly?
She's still upstairs.
Okay, I'll go get her.
Don't think I'm
not still mad at you.
I know, you should be.
I should?
You're not a little girl
anymore, and I shouldn't
treat you like one.
Does that mean I get to go
to Angelina Buckner's
homecoming party?
No, It doesn't
mean that at all.
I'm pretty sure your mom
Wouldn't approve,
and neither do I.
See, that's the problem.
You say I'm not a little girl
anymore, but you treat me
like one anyways.
What's that?
It's two tickets
to the Toby Mac concert
at the stadium.
It's because you're not
a little girl anymore.
I don't have
anyone to go With.
Actually, there's a guy
Who'd really like
to go With you.
Yes, that Dillon,
the I gave him $80
to stay away from you, Dillon.
But What if he
doesn't Want to...
Oh, he does.
I already talked to him,
trust me, he Wants to go.
You didn't...
No, I didn't pay him.
What do you think I'm crazy?
Okay, and this is not a date.
I'm gonna have Wendy, your mom,
drive you, and she's gonna sit
a few rows behind you
along With his mom.
But I Won't be Within a hundred
miles so you don't have
to worry about me, you know,
messing things up.
Thanks, daddy.
You're Welcome.
Come on, let's go.
Pastor has to be
on time, right?
So there's Moses, he's
minding his own business.
He's tending his sheep,
Whatever that means.
He's, you know, poking
at them With a stick.
He's Whistling at them.
He's doing something.
He's tending to them.
And he sees a burning bush.
Be a little freaky,
it's a burning bush,
and it speaks and it's God.
And god says, "Moses,
take off your shoes.
This is holy ground. "
And he did.
And God said, "I've seen
the pain and heard the cries
"of my people in Egypt,
and I'm going to deliver them
"from the hand of Pharaoh.
And you are how I Will do it. "
And Moses said, "But Lord,
I'm a Wanted man in Egypt. "
And God said, "I don't care. "
"But Lord, this is
no ordinary man.
This is Ramses. "
And God said, "I don't care. "
"But Lord, I can't speak. "
And God said,
"Your brother Aaron
"Will speak for you.
"And you know, by the Way,
Who are you to tell me,
"Who made you, What I can
and cannot accomplish in you?
"For your greatest Weakness
is my greatest strength.
And I Will be With you. "
NoW, do We let God
say that to us?
And do We listen When he does?
Thank you for coming.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
- Good to see you.
- Good to see you.
Thank you, have a good day.
Hey, look at you guys.
Yeah, I got a little handshake.
That's nice, thank you.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Thanks for stopping by.
HoW'd We do?
If I Was a termite, I'd be
preparing to meet my maker.
All right.
Pastor Ben.
Hey, just Want to thank you.
Shaking us up during
the commitment testing.
Making us think about some of
the things that We're facing.
It Was pure genius.
I have to admit,
it actually Worked.
I went home to my mom looking
for a little bit of sympathy,
and she was on your side.
She said most girls spend more
of their time thinking of their
bridesmaid colors instead of
the stuff that really matters.
What did you decide?
We traded in the truck
for a minivan.
We figured we might
as well get a head start.
Well, congratulations.
Thank you.
What can I say?
I'm good at What I do.
Thank you.
Thank you so much for coming.
It's good to see you again.
This is the most romantic
thing you've ever done.
And since When do you know
how to do a cordon bleu
in mornay sauce?
Well, since the Clearville
house of pizza doesn't deliver,
I knew I had to come up
With something.
Well, Ben Walker,
you are something else.
Take a Walk With me.
Remember this place?
Our first kiss?
I've been checking out
places around town
that remind me of When
We first started dating,
even the bad spots
like the bus station.
Oh, I don't consider
that a bad spot.
That's Where
We said good-bye.
I still remember
the bus driver's annoyed face
When you made him stop.
So I never left?
I know you Weren't sure
about it all, but I really feel
like We avoided making
some bad decisions
that We Would have regretted.
And that's Why
We ended up here.
Do you ever regret it?
We'll, you know, I've had
a recent odd spell,
a really long one, actually.
But I'm rapidly
coming out of it.
Come here.
What is this?
It's for you.
Thank you.
When We Were first together
years ago, I felt like
I Was always trying
to get away from here.
And I think lately I've been
missing some of that fast life
I Was trying to get to.
But I Want to recommit to What
We're doing and to our home,
to What you Wrote in my Bible.
It's beautiful.
We're gonna start some
Work on the house next Week.
I've already spoken
to a contractor.
What are you talking about?
We can't afford that.
Well, I took out the $837 We
had in the checking account.
Ben, that's all We had.
Well, not anymore.
There's this company called
Bessette Industries,
and I knew they Were about
to be taken over so I bought
a chunk of call options.
The stock price Went up 24%,
18% above the strike price
so I exercised my option for...
I am losing you, aren't I?
How do you know
about all this stuff?
The Lord Works
in mysterious Ways.
So how much did We earn?
Well, enough to put the $837
back in the checking account
and make a generous donation
to the termite fund,
and enough to take care of a few
small things around the house.
Is it Weird that I find this
incredibly romantic right noW?
Ben, I'm sorry.
There's an emergency
down at the hospital.
We gotta go.
There's a guy down there
that needs you.
He's dying.
We don't have much time.
No, you go.
Go do What you have to.
I'll be at the house
Waiting for you.
I'll be back.
- Okay.
- Soon as I can.
This is some sort
of joke, right?
No, it's no joke.
The guy's considered God
in the past
but he's always rejected him
and noW he thinks it's too late.
Whether he knows it or not,
he's more open noW than ever.
Why don't you
handle it yourself?
That's not how
it Works, Ben.
I do the angel stuff.
You do the people stuff.
By the Way, here's your Bible.
Hi, may I help you?
Yeah, What's his name?
Henryk Zimmerman.
He hasn't had any visitors.
You're the first.
And the last.
What he's saying is that
We just know that
he's in bad shape.
It's okay.
I'm a clergyman.
Oh, you're the new one over
at the Little White Church.
Yeah, that's me.
Room 314,
right down the hall.
We have him alone.
He doesn't like company.
Difficult patient?
Some of our Wealthier
patients are a little used
to having their own Way.
If I Was him, I'd be looking
for a very small camel
and a very large needle.
Ah, like I said, he's new.
What do you Want?
I didn't ask for a priest.
Well, I'm not, actually.
I'm the same league,
different team.
I don't think it's
gonna do you any good.
You're maxed out.
Can you fix it?
Then get out of here.
Or did you come to tell me
I have a soul
and you're gonna save it?
You are a soul.
You have a body.
Not for long.
How Would you like to tick
off some religious people?
There's a story in here
I just read,
the parable of
the vineyard owner.
It's this rich guy.
He owns a vineyard, and he
needs some men to Work it
so he hires some early
in the morning.
Goes in the marketplace
around 10:00 a. M.,
he sees some more Workers,
and he hires them too.
Same things happen again at
noon then again at 3:00,
then again at 5:00.
At the end of the day, he lines
'em all up so he can pay them,
starting With the ones
he hired last.
He gives them a full
day's Wage.
And the guys that he hired
first in the morning,
that actually Worked
a full day, figured
"Wow, We're gonna get
a lot more money. "
That seems fair.
But When they got paid, they
got paid the same amount
that the guys Who just Worked
one hour got paid,
and they Were ticked.
And the owner said, "Well,
What's it matter to you
"What I pay the other guys?
I kept my deal With you. "
See, the vineyard owner is God.
The Wages are entering
into heaven.
So the point is it doesn't
matter Whether you come to God
late or early,
you get the same reward.
But this is last call.
I Wasn't always
in this business.
I used to be an
investment banker.
Lots of money, expensive toys.
Something you can
probably relate to.
Yeah, maybe.
What Was it too hot in
the kitchen for you?
No, no, I did just fine,
but there Wasn't any life in it.
I spent years thinking
that I Was happy,
but I didn't know
What happy meant.
See, there's more to life.
There are second chances
and there's forgiveness.
It is real, Henryk,
and I don't think
I realized it 'til
right at this moment.
Forgiveness, huh?
I don't deserve that.
I've done things.
You know What?
We all have.
We don't have much time,
so I'm gonna cut to the chase.
I'm gonna give you
some more stuff
that I've learned
from the gospels.
Judas, he Was a friend of Jesus,
but he betrayed him
to the death, for money,
and not much money at that.
But the Lord is still Willing
to forgive him, I mean really,
really Wanted to forgive him,
if only he Would ask,
but he didn't.
He just felt so much guilt.
And now it's too late.
So Whatever you've done doesn't
compare to What Judas did.
But God is Willing, and he's
looking to forgive you as Well.
Well, how Would
We do this?
I mean if We...
Honestly, I'm pretty
new to this myself,
so maybe We can Work
through it together.
But it's simple.
I mean, there is no magic spell.
I mean, God knows your
intentions, and I think
if you admit all the Wrong
you've done in your life
and ask him with a sincere
heart to forgive you,
I know he Will.
That's not simple.
Yeah, it is.
It's just hard.
Your guy's pretty good.
Yeah, but that's my line.
Oh, yeah?
It's a good one.
Still, 68 years I've been
trying to get my guy
to come on our side.
Your guy's doing it
in just 5 minutes.
Oh, probably helps that
your guy can see my guy.
But he's still good.
I like him.
Me too.
Dear God.
Dear God.
I believe that you're
the one true God.
I believe that.
I believe that.
I believe that the Bible is
true and Jesus is my Savior.
I believe that the Bible
is true and...
Jesus is.
And Jesus is my Savior.
Do you Want to
take it from here?
Oh, no, no, no, I'm
doing fine following you.
All right.
Would it be okay if I follow
you quietly in my head?
That counts, I'm sure.
God, I'm glad
that you love me
and that you're there for me.
I'm sorry for the bad things
that I've done.
For being so selfish, for
ignoring you for so long
and missing out on everything
that you wanted from me.
I Was so stupid.
Thank you for giving me
a second chance.
Thank you for letting me
make things right,
even though I don't
deserve it all.
I Want to be yours from noW on.
I truly do.
Is there anything
you Want t add?
No, no, that Was perfect.
All right, then, Amen.
- Amen.
- Amen.
So that's it?
Thank you.
Thank you.
You done good, like
you Were meant for it.
Yeah, he seemed at peace,
so I'm guessing
it Will go quickly noW, huh?
What's the matter?
That Was me in there.
I Was looking at myself
40 years from noW
if I stayed the old Ben.
Dare I say he Works
in mysterious Ways.
Can you drop me home?
Wendy's Waiting for me.
Let's go.
But he...
...yes, I understand.
All right, I understand.
Thank you.
That Was the boss.
It looks like
you're going back.
Going back?
To your old life.
What are you
talking about?
You dragged me into this
life kicking and screaming
and I do What I'm supposed
to do, total surrender
and noW you're gonna
send me back?
Not me, you know, him.
Well, then get him
back on the phone.
Let me talk to him.
I can't do that,
Ben, I'm sorry.
I really am.
Well, then, Why?
Why am I here?
Why show me all this
if I can't have it?
Why did you have me meet
Kimberly and Megan
if I can't keep them?
Do you have any idea What it
felt like to hear Wendy
pray for me, huh?
I mean, more than any deal
that I've ever...
All right, look, point is taken.
All right, I'm in.
I get it.
I'll sign up for Whatever.
It's not real, Ben.
It's not the life you chose.
Maybe you'll go back to
your old life With a changed
attitude and renewed faith
and become a better man.
So What happens to the kids,
and the church?
Well, the church
Will still be there.
It's always been there,
and nobody ever said
you can't have kids.
I never got to tell her
that I love her.
Yeah, I know.
Okay, look.
What if We get
to your truck.
We take it there as fast
as We can go, all right?
At least give me a chance
to say good-bye.
No, there's not enough time.
Give me the keys.
I'm sorry, Ben, I can't.
Just give me the keys.
Ben, look.
Please, don't answer it.
Oh, you Want me
to stall him?
I don't think you understand.
Please don't.
All right, please,
don't answer it.
Please don't answer it!
Don't pick it up.
Don't pick it up.
Please don't pick it up!
You're awake, finally.
What happened, Where am I?
You are in the hospital.
You were driving your new car,
which you didn't even
tell me about, and you got
in some sort of accident.
The doctor said the air bag
blew at just the right angle
and knocked you unconscious.
You mean I've been here
the Whole time?
Poor baby.
Don't Worry, I'll change
the reservations
for Paris to next Weekend.
I don't Want to go to Paris.
What is that
supposed to mean?
While I Was gone,
I mean While I Was asleep,
the strangest thing happened.
- I Was married.
- Huh.
To my ex-girlfriend.
We had kids
and I Was a...
Benny bear,
it doesn't bother me
that you Were dreaming
about your ex.
Let's just...
It Wasn't just a dream.
I mean it lasted
a couple Weeks.
It Was so real.
It Was a hit
on the head.
You've been out for
a couple of hours.
Even if that's true,
I can't marry you.
I've decided to make some
changes in my life,
and I know you Well enough
to know that you Wouldn't Want
to be part of them.
This isn't funny, Ben.
It's not meant to be.
Well, my attorney says
that an engagement ring
is implied conditional
under state law
and that means that if you
break the engagement,
I get to keep the ring.
Yeah, your lawyer's right.
You can keep it.
I don't Want it anyway.
You don't?
Ben Walker, you are making
the biggest mistake
of your life.
No, I did that
a long time ago.
Oh, it's never easy.
Why, Why are you
doing this to me?
It's Thursday night.
She's here.
She's at the church tonight.
She's here!
You really should stay
another night, Mr. Walker.
Yeah, I know.
I'm okay.
Sign there, please.
And sign here.
You hit your head very hard.
I know I did,
but I'm telling ya,
it feels just fine right noW.
Here are your
personal effects.
Thank you.
That's a nice Watch.
You like this Watch?
It's a Panerai?
You Want it?
What kind of car you drive?
You sounded desperate
When you called,
and the Words are still
ringing in my head.
We stood there silent
on the phone,
and no one spoke until I said
I'm still With you,
but I know I can save you,
save you tonight.
Can I help you, sir?
Charlie, it's me, it's Ben.
I'm sorry, do I know you?
Well, of course,
What are you talking...
You don't know
Who I am, do you?
We have haven't met,
have we?
No, no, I guess not.
I'm sorry,
is Wendy Biederman here?
She Was supposed to speak
here tonight, I think.
Oh, that ended
about an hour ago.
I'm just cleaning up.
Okay, do you know
Where she Went?
I'm an old friend.
She Wanted to say hi,
but I... I got sidetracked.
She headed back
to Chicago tonight.
Yeah, one of our members
just dropped her off
at the bus station.
Bus station.
Of course.
Oh, hey, this should take
care of your termite problem.
Thanks again.
HoW'd you know We had
a termite problem?
I'm still With you,
but I know I can save you,
save you tonight, until
it breaks your heart.
NoW I can save you,
until it breaks your heart.
Ben Walker?
What are you doing here?
Oh my gosh.
I got your note today
so I got to the church,
but you had already left
so they told me you Were here.
Yeah, yeah, my bus leaves
in a couple minutes.
Shoot, I Would have loved
to have caught up.
Couple minutes, huh?
Yeah, I'm going
back to Chicago.
I can't believe you're
standing here.
When Was the last time We...
Fifteen and a half years.
I guess you're right,
that's, good memory.
So do you have an e-mail address
or cell phone?
I can contact you When
I get back to Chicago.
Yeah, of course.
Oh, that's a nice card.
So, you don't have time
to catch up, huh?
Well, it's so last minute
and my bus is leaving, so...
Yeah, yeah, I understand
it's no problem.
This is kind of Weird, I know.
Final boarding call for
Green Line 227 with service
to Chicago, Green Line 227
to Chicago now boarding.
That's me.
Well, it Was really good to
see you, even in this Way
and I Will definitely contact
you When I get back, okay?
Please do.
All right.
Wendy, please don't go yet.
Ben, What are you doing?
What are you doing here,
of all places?
I made a huge mistake.
I Was Wrong to leave.
I Was Wrong to end
things With you.
Ben, don't do this.
I have to.
Something's happened to me
in the last...
something's changed me.
And I've seen What
a big mistake I've made
in letting you go.
I turned my back on What God
Wanted for me, for us,
and I have missed out
on so much.
Ben, you can't do this.
I'm leaving.
I'm leaving right noW.
I have to go.
Why did you
send me that note?
Because I Wanted
to say hi.
Do you think about me?
What might have been, the life
We could have built together?
The family what
we could have had?
Please, don't do this.
I have to go.
Just tell me.
Have you thought about us?
Ben, you broke my heart, and
it's taken me so many years...
to get over the hurt and the
anger that I've had for you,
and the anger I had for God.
I'm fine noW.
I Was fine.
Of course, I've thought about
What should have been.
Then don't leave.
Don't do What I did.
It Was 15 years ago.
We don't know each other.
Yes, we do.
Yes, we do.
NoW can We take our time?
I'm going into
the seminary and...
...I Want us...
I Want to try it
again With you.
We can give it a chance,
can't We?
No, no, no.
It's too late.
Final call.
I have to go.
I have to go.
I cannot do this.
Wendy, please.
Don't go.
Save a few pieces
for yourself.
You're eating for two noW.
Close up on the belly.
Kimberly, happy birthday.
Happy birthday, Kimberly.
One, two, three.
I Was gone for Way too long.
But you came in
and took me home.
I Was lost, couldn't
find the strength.
But you turned a stone,
carried me home.
NoW the sky's
so much bluer,
the river's less like mud.
And the Way I feel
about myself
is a Whole lot more
like love.
'Cause I Was gone
for Way too long,
But you held my hand
and led me home.
I'm finally home.