White House Christmas (2022) Movie Script

put up 77 Christmas trees,
hang 83,000 lights,
hang garland,
place 12,000 ornaments,
16,000 bells,
and hang 25 wreaths.
This house has a lot of work.
Don't forget
the gingerbread house,
I promised the First Lady
we'd have it done
before she's back.
[Jonathan] There's not
a moment to waste.
-We have a deadline today.
-Well, I was gonna ask
if you needed any help.
-[Toni] We're gonna be
working down to the wire.
-It's a lot of pressure.
[Jonathan yelling] I thought
we ordered the big tree!
We've got three days
to turn the White House
into a winter wonderland.
We've got three days
to turn the White House
into a winter wonderland.
And HGTV is here to show you
every square inch of it.
You'll get an up-close
and personal look
at this year's theme,
We the People.
This year's display celebrates
what brings us together.
[Jonathan] Decorating the most
famous house in America
is no easy feat.
We're going up. Yes!
Zooey and I will have to
divide and conquer...
Yep, wait, wrong way.
...to make this the most
magical and unforgettable
White House Christmas yet.
Wow, this is
an incredible room.
Wow, this is
an incredible room.
[Jonathan] This is the largest
gingerbread house
I've ever seen in my life.
[all cheering]
[Jonathan] And once
everything is in place,
the First Lady herself
will give us a guided tour
of her vision come to life.
We the People.
It's so warm, and inviting,
and puts you
in the holiday spirit.
We come together with unity,
that's what I tried
to represent here.
[Jonathan] This is
White House Christmas 2022.
[all] Happy Holidays
from the White House.
-[Jonathan] All right.
-[Zooey] Wow.
[Jonathan] Oh-ho-ho-ho.
-[Zooey] This looks beautiful.
-Holy Smokes.
[Zooey] Already looks so nice.
[Jonathan] This is incredible.
There is a lot to do.
Do you think that we can
do this in 72 hours?
I mean,
there's 150 volunteers.
Plus us.
We're gonna get it done.
[Jonathan] I feel like
there's even more at stake
this year though
[Jonathan] I feel like
there's even more at stake
this year though
because this is the first year
since the pandemic
where they're allowing
the public to come back
through for tours.
So it is gonna be bustling
with holiday spirit.
Lotta people, lotta pressure.
We better get this done.
But before we can jump in,
we need to get
our marching orders
and I know just the man
to give them to us.
[Jonathan] Hey, Carlos.
Welcome to the White House.
So nice to see you.
-Happy holidays.
-Thank you so much
for having us.
-Of course.
-You look so calm
for the busiest guy.
Well, thank you.
[Zooey] Carlos Elizondo
is the White House
Social Secretary.
[Zooey] Carlos Elizondo
is the White House
Social Secretary.
It's his job to bring
the First Lady's vision
to life.
The First Lady's overall theme
this year is We the People.
Each room and design element
is intended to represent
what brings us together.
After all,
this is the People's House.
It's something
that I take very seriously
because we help create
the magic for every American
that walks into this house.
So we are at a point
where it's crunch time
to get ready for the arrival
of the First Family.
Pressure's on.
[Zooey] So are you gonna
put us to work?
[Zooey] So are you gonna
put us to work?
'Cause it feels like
there's a lot of work to do.
I don't just walk around
with my tool belt on,
I was told,
"Wear the tool belt."
[Carlos] As a matter
of fact, yes.
The theme
in the State Dining Room
this year is We the Children.
So, while the volunteers
start decorating,
we need your help
building and painting
some storybooks.
-I think the carpenter shop
is waiting for you, Jonathan.
And, Zooey,
I think they want you
-in the Calligraphy's Office.
-Calligraphy, got it.
Yep, wait, wrong way.
-[Zooey] Oh.
-I think it's this way.
-[Jonathan chuckles]
-There ya go. Thanks, guys.
This is so exciting.
I'm headed to
the White House woodshop.
This is, like, my candy shop.
Hey, hey!
-Pleasure to meet you, sir.
-Nice to meet ya.
I'm Robert Thompson,
Chief Carpenter
at the White House.
This is literally my dream,
to have a woodshop,
get hands on, build furniture.
I do build furniture still.
you build furniture too.
Yep. This is the original
bill signing table.
It's made out of
original White House wood.
-[Jonathan] Is this literally
the one that is used--
-Used currently today, yep.
-[Jonathan] Is this literally
the one that is used--
-Used currently today, yep.
-[Jonathan] Every bill
is signed on this table?
- Yes, sir.
Where can I carve
"Jonathan was here"?
Am I allowed?
If you actually look,
my name's actually
underneath of it.
[Jonathan] Oh, wow.
[Robert] We got one more
thing left on the list,
that's to make the, uh,
children's storybooks, here.
This is for
the State Dining Room, right?
-[Robert] Yep.
-All right, let's do it.
This is part of the structure
that we're gonna be doing.
-What I call ribs.
-All right.
So, we're making the frame.
We'll have the bendable
plywood on the inside,
that looks like the pages.
We'll have the bendable
plywood on the inside,
that looks like the pages.
Once it's all painted,
it will, literally,
look like a storybook.
Zooey's gonna take this...
with the calligraphy team
and then put the story
onto the book.
-Hi, are you Lee Ann?
I am.
-This is the White House
Calligraphy Office, yes.
You do all the calligraphy
for all the dinners,
the invitations,
the place cards...
-[Lee Ann] Proclamations.
-...that is a huge job.
Yes. We want everyone to feel
like they are an honored guest
when they come here.
Yes. We want everyone to feel
like they are an honored guest
when they come here.
-Okay. So, I know
you're doing storybooks.
-We are.
The theme of the year,
as you know, is We the People.
So, this year,
State Dining Room
is We the Children.
[Zooey] I love that.
I've got some corner elements
that need to be
filled in here.
Yes, I like doing, you know,
coloring books and stuff
with my kids.
-You're in good shape then.
This is a lot of pressure.
Better do a good job here.
[Robert] You can actually
start to see the story
come together.
[Robert] You can actually
start to see the story
come together.
[Jonathan] This is
a pretty special thing for me.
How many craftsmen get to
actually work in the most
famous house in America?
I mean, this is amazing.
-Look what I have here.
-[chuckles] You wanna
do it right now.
-[Robert] Sure.
-Handmade with love.
[Lee Ann] We can use
a little help back here.
These are gonna
be tree stands
that go in the library
-What a good idea.
-And, yes.
So, they're all
made out of wood.
I just paint them,
and then, do the details.
-Oh, I can do that.
-So... Yeah.
-Oh, I can do that.
-So... Yeah.
[Zooey] So, tell me about
the Calligraphy Offices'.
What level of clearance
do you guys have?
Because you must be addressing
some very high-level people.
We have sufficient
clearance, yes.
[Becky] We have to say
it's top-secret, yes.
[Zooey] We won't tell.
[Robert] Before you leave,
I have a tradition
we're gonna share with you.
[Jonathan] Hey,
you're working on a menorah.
-This is brand-new?
You just made it?
-[Lawrence] Yeah, yep.
You can see the rings
on the side of the wood.
That's really old wood.
-[Lawrence] It was part of
the first renovation.
-[Jonathan] Wait, what?
-[Lawrence] It was part of
the first renovation.
-[Jonathan] Wait, what?
-This is original wood
to the White House...
-This is original wood.
-...that you've pulled out
to make a menorah out of?
[Jonathan] Has there never
been a menorah before
in the White House?
There has, but we borrowed it
from synagogues around.
Really the holidays
are about family, faith,
gathering, community,
this is gonna be amazing.
-This is what it's about.
-Thank you so much.
I might pop in
every now and then.
[Robert] Okay.
Please come back.
So, you guys
are making some trees
So, you guys
are making some trees
-that have the names
of all the states.
-[volunteer] Yes.
They look so beautiful.
I love these banners.
[volunteer] Juanita's
been making these
awesome, little,
reflective mirror
ornaments here.
You can just
glue them together,
it's a great
family craft idea.
Give you an opportunity
to see your reflection.
'Cause when you walk up
you go, "Me!"
It definitely goes
with the theme We the People.
-I am the people.
-[Zooey] Yes.
It makes you feel
bigger than life.
[Jonathan] This is
the Colonnade, which is just
a fancy word for hallway.
It connects
the actual White House
to the East Wing.
It connects
the actual White House
to the East Wing.
And it is absolutely
being transformed
into, what will be,
a pretty incredible
winter wonderland.
Ethan is the designer
who's pulling it all together.
Hey, hey
-What's happening, man?
-Hey, Jonathan.
[Jonathan] This is nuts.
When I first walked in,
literally, the whole way
over here I'm thinking,
"This is real birchbark."
This is not real,
this is paper.
Hand painted bristle paper.
And we wrapped it around
these cardboard tubes
with these steel cores.
There's two things
I'm really good at,
changing lightbulbs,
and putting things
into high places.
and putting things
into high places.
[grunting] This is,
like, antlers.
[Ethan] And there we go,
it's on.
[Jonathan] Do you put another
piece on to cover it?
-Yeah. We've got
another piece right here.
Once the snowy forest
is complete,
the East Colonnade
will give visitors a sense
of peace and tranquility
as they begin their journey
through the People's House.
We have two different
kinds of snow.
We're gonna be using
reflective mirrors
and we have pom-poms,
and they're gonna
create a canopy
to emphasize that magical feel
of walking through a forest.
to emphasize that magical feel
of walking through a forest.
The house is really
coming together,
it looks fantastic,
but so much to do.
And I still
have to find Zooey.
At one end of the Cross Hall
is the East Room,
the largest reception room
at the White House.
[Zooey] What?
-Look at this handsome guy.
-Welcome to our crew.
- You made it to the East Room.
-[Zooey] I made it
to the East Room.
-Are you just walking around
like a kid in a candy store?
[Jonathan] This year,
the East Room is dedicated
to nature and recreation,
and will be transformed
into a snowy scene
and will be transformed
into a snowy scene
from some of our country's
national parks.
We're spackling styrofoam
balls and we're making them
look like snowballs.
We just dust 'em with this,
it's relatively simple
and not very expensive.
[Jonathan] At the other end
of the Cross Hall
is the State Dining Room
which serves as a banquet hall
for official events.
[Zooey] Can you imagine
having a dinner party in here?
[Jonathan] This year,
the room celebrates
the holiday season
[Jonathan] This year,
the room celebrates
the holiday season
through the eyes of children.
-[Zooey] Hi.
-[volunteers] Hey.
-[Zooey] This is wonderful.
-[volunteer] Thank you.
-[Vanessa Bahena] These are
our DIYed ornaments,
hand drawn by students
across the US.
And we hand cut
all of this confetti.
You know you can buy
confetti already cut, right?
-[Vanessa] But nothing
like handmade, right?
-[Jonathan] So cool.
The State Dining Room
will also be home
to the large storybooks
that Zooey and I
helped create.
Where will the storybooks go?
[volunteer] The large
storybooks will go in front
of the fireplace.
[Jonathan] This is great.
[Jonathan] This is great.
-You guys are doing
a beautiful job.
-[Zooey] Looks amazing.
You're miniature artists
from all over the country
are doing a great job.
-[Zooey] Pretty spectacular.
-Pretty spectacular.
Every little detail.
Do you think we could get
all of these guys
to help at our house?
-[Zooey] Oh, definitely.
Coming up...
We get our first look
at the official White House
Christmas tree.
[Jonathan yelling] I thought
we ordered the big tree!
With history...
I'm noticing something,
very famous,
over your shoulder.
...and holiday spirit
around every corner.
-Deck the halls...
-With boughs of holly
And later, the First Lady
And later, the First Lady
gives us a personal tour
of her vision of unity
come to life.
I'm so happy you're here.
[Jonathan] The magical
makeover continues
as volunteers
from far and wide
unite to transform
the White House
into a winter wonderland.
There's a lot going on here.
[volunteer] Together
we hope that
the First Lady
feels the warmth,
and the love
that she envisioned.
She treats the People's House
as the People's House.
Hey, Jonathan. I've been
looking for the tallest man
in the White House,
I need some assistance here.
-We want me to do
some garland up there? Sure.
-Come on up.
All right. Here we are.
Whoo. You want me
to hold it and you tie it?
All right, I thought I had
a lot of garland at our house,
this is a lot of garland.
All right.
And now I'm flocked.
All right.
And now I'm flocked.
That's crooked.
So temped to slide down
this rail. [chuckles]
Where's the Blue Room?
-The Blue Room
is right there.
I'm heading to the Blue Room
which represents unity
and hope this year.
In this room,
it's all about the official
White House Christmas tree.
[chuckling] Wow!
[Jonathan yelling] I thought
we ordered the big tree!
[Jonathan yelling] I thought
we ordered the big tree!
[all laughing]
That is incredible.
This year's tree
is an impressive 18.5 foot
Concolor Fir
from Auburn, Pennsylvania.
This is the official
White House tree?
-This is, like, the tree?
-This is the majestic
White House tree.
That is incredible.
I love that you have
a little bird house
right at the very top.
Oh, yeah. We're gonna have
all sorts of stuff
in this tree.
Emily made every state bird.
-[Jonathan] These
are handmade?
-[Toni] Yes.
Every single detail.
Oh, my gosh.
Every single detail.
Oh, my gosh.
Each one was built with a base
of newsprint and masking tape,
and all of the elements
were hand painted
with acrylic paint.
Oh, my goodness.
[Toni] We have golden leaves
going in, metallic details,
it's incredible.
We actually created
a custom made
13 foot bird's nest
that is gonna act
as the centerpiece
of the entire tree.
It's a metal base
that we created.
And then, we wired
all of the branches together,
so it feels like a tight,
cohesive bird's nest.
so it feels like a tight,
cohesive bird's nest.
It's gonna be so incredible.
How long do you think
until everything's on here?
'Cause I only see a few
of the state birds so far.
Yeah, I think we're gonna
be working down to the wire
on this one.
So, I'm going into
the Red Room.
This year, the theme
for the Red Room
is faith and light.
And I can't wait to see
how they pull it off.
In times of both grief and joy
faith can light
the way forward.
Wow, this is
an incredible room.
-It looks beautiful
in here, right?
[Zooey] This looks so pretty.
[Zooey] This looks so pretty.
-[Maria] It does.
-[Zooey] This is, like,
a Christmas tree
-made out of candles.
-[Maria] Exactly, yes.
So, this is our candle
display. These are
not real, of course.
-Goodness. Safety first.
-The cool thing is that
even though they're not real,
-if you blow on them...
-[gasps] Oh, wow.
That's so cool.
[Maria] So, try it out.
[Zooey] Hi, are you Hedieh?
-I'm Hedieh, how are you?
-I'm Zooey, it's so nice
to meet you.
Nice to meet you too.
You are the florist
for the White House?
Yes, I'm the chief florist
for the White House.
So, Dr. Biden loves flowers.
[Hedieh] She loves orchids.
We pick the red
and the hot pinks
for this room
We pick the red
and the hot pinks
for this room
because it compliments
the decor.
-[Zooey] Yeah, it does.
-[Hedieh] So, yeah.
-These are Vanda orchids...
-[Zooey] It looks
really pretty.
[Hedieh]...and they are
one of her favorite flowers.
[Zooey] Cranberries
have been featured in
the Red Room since 1975.
This here, we've gone more
a pedestal style.
Basically we had foam,
we layered it with moss,
and then we glued the berries
and then we'll be placing
a candle on the top.
I'm an immigrant to the U.S.,
I was born in Germany,
I'm an immigrant to the U.S.,
I was born in Germany,
and to then come
here and do this.
To me, it's just really,
really touching
to be part of this.
[Zooey] Over here, we have
stained glass windows,
which represent
faith and light,
'cause the light's
coming through
and of course it looks
like a church window.
It's such a wonderful detail.
[singing] Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Oh, the acoustics.
O, Christmas tree,
O, Christmas tree
Library, yes.
Library, yes.
The White House library
now holds approximately
2,700 volumes of books,
focusing primarily
on American history
and literature.
-Hello, hey!
-[Liz] Hi, welcome.
-Liz, right?
-Yes, correct.
-Oh, my Gosh.
-Good to meet you.
[whispering] Wait,
are we supposed to whisper?
This above all other rooms,
I feel like there's
so much history.
So, what's the idea in here,
what's the theme?
It's celebrating
the words and stories
of American history.
[Jonathan] How cool
is that and you're using
books to do it.
[Liz] Of course, we had
to have a book theme.
[Liz] Of course, we had
to have a book theme.
The trees are made from books.
The stands, which
were made from
the White House carpentry.
-[Jonathan] It's so simple...
-[Liz] Yeah.
...but what a cool idea just
to rest the trees inside that.
-So cool.
-[Liz] Yeah.
[Jonathan] And this,
when people see this,
this will be the new hack
people will do at home.
-[Liz] It is.
-[Jonathan] They're gonna make
themselves an old book tree.
-I'm noticing something very
famous over your shoulder.
-[Liz] Very special, yes.
-The Declaration
of Independence.
of Independence and what's
extraordinary about this one
it's the first time it's
ever been exhibited.
It was printed in 1845.
It was printed in 1845.
And was donated to
the White House in the 1980s.
-[Jonathan] Oh, my gosh,
how cool is that?
-[Liz] Yeah.
[Zooey] Let's go to
the Vermeil Room.
And if you don't know
what vermeil is,
you're not alone,
'cause I also don't
know what it is.
I think this is vermeil,
is this vermeil?
It's very pretty.
And now I know I want some.
Mystery solved. "Vermeil"
is French for gilded silver
and the Vermeil Room
has plenty of it.
But this year,
the Vermeil Room
celebrates two things
that are even more precious
than gold or silver.
So, I hear that this year
this room is dedicated
to the theme of
gratitude and kindness?
-Yes, it is.
-I love that theme.
We're all in a bit of
a daze here.
We're all in a bit of
a daze here.
It's, uh, pretty surreal to be
decoupaging boxes
here in the middle of all
these historical items.
These wonderful ladies
on the wall.
We'll have lots of boxes
piled on this beautiful
table in the middle.
We're trying to match
Lady Bird Johnson's dress.
We're just absolutely thrilled
to be here helping.
[Racheal] So,
Operation Gratitude
is a non-profit that works
with the First Lady's
initiative, Joining Forces.
And they sent care packages
to families of first
responders and military.
And they sent care packages
to families of first
responders and military.
It's, like, a beautiful
hand-knit scarf.
That is sure to make
somebody really happy.
All right, I can't wait
to see when it's done.
-Keep up the good work, guys.
-[volunteer] Thank you
so much.
Thanks for stopping in.
-[Jonathan] Just around
this first?
-[woman] Uh-huh.
[Jonathan] Okay. And then
just twist it once?
[Zooey] Hello!
-Hi there.
I was thinking,
we have all these volunteers,
I was thinking,
we have all these volunteers,
maybe we could sing,
like, a little Christmas tune.
-Are you suggesting
a sing-along?
-[Zooey] Should I come up?
-I'm gonna come up.
Since we got here, it's been
non-stop work, work, work.
I think it's good for everyone
just to take a breather.
And sing a song. 'Cause we
are decking the halls
of the most famous house
in the country.
It feels right.
-[Jonathan] Yeah?
[everyone] Deck the halls
with boughs of holly
'Tis the season
to be jolly
Don we now our gay apparel
Troll the ancient
Yuletide Carol
[Jonathan] Yes!
Up next...
This is the largest
gingerbread house
I've ever seen in my life.
Don't drop it.
[Jonathan] We'll tag along
for the nerve-wracking ride...
[man] Hold up, stop, stop.
[Jonathan] ...as the massive
gingerbread display
makes its way to
the State Dining Room.
makes its way to
the State Dining Room.
[all cheering]
[Jonathan] It's all
hands on deck to
perfect every detail
before the
First Family arrives.
This is White House
Christmas 2022.
[Jonathan] The holiday spirit
is alive and well
in the White House.
Oh! Thank goodness
they're plastic.
Volunteers are hurrying
to get every mantle,
window, and tree decorated
before the First Family
arrives later today.
[Zooey] But before
the finishing touches
can be done,
there's one sweet tradition
we need to check in on.
So, I'm right outside
the China Room.
And Chef Susie, she's gonna
show me what it takes
to make a giant
gingerbread house.
Come on.
The gingerbread house
is displayed in
the State Dining Room,
but it's assembled here
in the China Room.
The mastermind behind it all
is executive pastry chef,
Susie Morrison.
Oh, my gosh,
I'm so excited to be here.
-The theme is We the People.
-[Susie] Yes.
Tell me about the design
of this beautiful
gingerbread structure.
[Susie] Well, we have
Independence Hall,
[Susie] Well, we have
Independence Hall,
the birth place of
the United States
where the Declaration
of Independence
and Constitution were signed,
a new addition to the
gingerbread house for 2022.
[Zooey] For this year's
creation, the White House
pastry team used
20 sheets of sugar
cookie dough...
This is the sugar cookie dough
that the First Lady requested.
[Zooey] ...30 sheets of
gingerbread dough...
Lots of measuring
on a regular basis.
[Zooey] ...and 100 pounds
of pastillage.
[Zooey] ...and 100 pounds
of pastillage.
[Susie] These are made of
pastillage and poured sugar.
So, when we turn
the lights on,
it looks like an evening
at the White House.
These are the figurines of
children running and playing
that will decorate
the front lawn.
The other addition this year
will be the placement
of the plaque behind
the White House
that will have a display
of We the People,
so more to come.
[Zooey] This is one of
the most ambitious
gingerbread houses
[Zooey] This is one of
the most ambitious
gingerbread houses
in the history of
gingerbread houses.
You guys can't even
fit this in the elevator.
Correct, but, you know,
we have a deadline
today, so...
Well, I was gonna ask
if you needed any help.
[Susie] The wreaths have to
go on all the windows.
So pretty.
-This is the royal icing.
-All right.
-And you're gonna put
just a little bit here.
I can't believe I got to help
with the White House
gingerbread house.
This is very exciting.
[Susie] It'll take a second.
-Beautiful, yes, yes.
-Yay, that's look amazing.
[Jonathan] Do you need
any tall people?
I have a brilliant idea.
Ready? Here, hold on to
that ornament, ready?
We're going up,
we're going up.
Right there.
[others cheer]
All right, let's take a look.
That's the best one so far.
[Emily] This is, like,
the home stretch we're in,
the First Lady
is on her way back,
she's gonna be here real soon.
[Susie] Are we ready?
Okay, who needs some frosting?
Okay, who needs some frosting?
You are way too late.
-But we do need
your help to carry this.
-[Zooey] Yes.
You can use my muscles, yeah.
-[Susie] Good.
-[Jonathan] This
is the largest
gingerbread house I've
ever seen in my life.
[Zooey] Don't drop it.
-[Carlo] One, two, three.
-[Jonathan] Okay.
-You guys have
done this before.
-[Susie] There we go.
[woman] All right,
you guys can drop.
-[Susie] All right, you ready?
-Uh, I could go with you guys?
[Susie] You're gonna
stay right here.
[Zooey] Yeah,
you're going with.
-I'm going with.
-[Zooey] Don't mess it up.
[Jonathan] It's narrow.
-Have you measured
the doorway?
-[Susie] Yes, yes, yes.
-[man] It's go through here.
-[Susie] It'll go.
We got a bump.
-All right, guys, I'm gonna
go upstairs and meet you...
-[Jonathan] Okay.
-[Zooey]...and cheer you on.
Typically, the gingerbread
house is moved
from the China Room
to the State Dining Room
by elevator.
[man] There we go.
Here comes the hard part.
What's harder, moving
the gingerbread or negotiating
international diplomacy?
[Zooey] This year, however,
the 300-pound gingerbread
display is so big
Susie and her team
have to drive
to the North Portico.
Susie and her team
have to drive
to the North Portico.
Good job.
We're only half way there.
Our goal here is we have
to make sure that it
does not hit the seat.
You can see how tight we are.
[driver] Sharp turn.
Here we go. We're turning.
-This is our destination spot.
-[Susie] Yes.
All right, the North Portico.
[Zooey gasps]
[Jonathan] As if there
wasn't enough pressure,
we have an audience.
We still have
two stairs to go.
-[Zooey] Oh, my goodness!
[Zooey] Almost there.
[Jonathan] Yeah!
Now just a little nervous
to get it on the table.
This is the point where if
it's gonna fall apart,
it's gonna fall apart.
[Carlo] Gentle, please.
[Jonathan] Watch the fingers.
Got it? You guys
are good for a sec?
-[Susie] Yup.
-[man] Yup.
[Zooey] Wow.
-[Jonathan] Oh, my gosh.
[Zooey] It looks so good.
Because everyone's
so amazing, dig in.
Because everyone's
so amazing, dig in.
-Yeah, go ahead.
-Go ahead, have a...
No? Not yet?
[Susie] We were hoping
you would help with a few
of the finishing touches.
[Jonathan] That would
be amazing.
-Here we go, ready?
-[Susie] Yup, yup, yup.
-Something like this?
-[Susie] Oh, beautiful.
-Make it look like snow.
-[Susie] Yes.
[Jonathan] Oh, my gosh.
-Couldn't have done it
better myself. Wow.
-[Zooey] Show off.
[Jonathan] I know
the First Lady
is gonna love this.
We only have a few hours left.
I guess we better crunch.
-Yeah, we gotta get this done.
-All right.
-I'll, don't, oh,
don't do that, no.
-All right.
-I'll, don't, oh,
don't do that, no.
Finishing touches.
Still so much to do.
The First Family's
on its way back.
[Zooey] Whoo!
Uh, there it is over there.
Now that the holiday
makeover is complete,
the First Lady gives us
an exclusive tour...
Hi, I'm so happy you're here.
[Jonathan] ...of
the People's House...
...with a message of
unity in every room.
...with a message of
unity in every room.
[Jonathan] 'Twas the
month of Christmas when
all through the White House,
not a creature was stirring,
well, not exactly.
The stockings were hung
in the State Room with care,
in hopes that the First Lady
soon would be there.
-[Zooey] Hi.
I'm so happy you're here.
-Nice to meet you.
-So nice to see you.
-Hello, how are you?
Thank you for inviting
us to your house.
What an honor.
Well, it's the people's house.
-[Jonathan] It is
the people's house.
-[Zooey] The people's house.
-Yes, yeah.
-And we love the theme
that you chose.
-Oh, thank you.
-[Zooey] We the People.
Yeah, it's right
above the doors
-so everyone can see it as
they come in or leave, so...
-[Zooey] Yeah.
[Jonathan] And what, uh,
army of people it took
to pull this together.
They're so wonderful,
aren't they?
And they put their hearts
and souls into this, you know?
-[Zooey] Yeah.
-And that's what makes it
as beautiful as it is.
As First Lady, I've travelled
to over 40 different states
and it doesn't matter
what culture
or what traditions.
No matter what divisions
we find in the country,
I think that we come
together with unity.
And that's what I try
to represent here.
And as you see,
a lot of the decorations
are mirrors,
And as you see,
a lot of the decorations
are mirrors,
so that I hope people
see themselves,
and so there for
it's We the People.
Everyone is represented
no matter geographically
where they live,
myself as well,
I also newly became
an American citizen
only a few years ago.
-Yeah, thank you.
So it's, really means
a lot as well to be able
to celebrate the beautiful
rich history that
America has to offer,
so this is an exciting day.
[First Lady] So this is
just the beginning,
would you like to see
the rest of the house?
-We're really excited.
-We're really excited.
[First Lady] Okay.
I even like the snowflakes
on the ceiling.
[Zooey] Oh, yeah.
Yeah, everywhere you look,
I mean,
it's just very special.
So when the visitors come in,
this is the first thing
that they see.
Cardinals represent the lives
of people who have passed.
I think, the cardinals
are kind of this
universal symbol,
so this is to remind people,
so this is to remind people,
you know, that they have
good memories
of those who were
in their lives
who no longer are.
That's really beautiful.
[First Lady] And then
speaking of loss,
What we have right here
is the gold-star trees.
The gold-star trees
honor those
who have lost their life
in service to our country
and also honors their
family members as well.
[Jonathan] Really beautiful.
[Jonathan] Really beautiful.
[First Lady] This year
we did it in red,
white, and blue.
As you can see,
the names of those lost
are written on all the stars.
As a military family,
you can imagine that
this has a special importance
for, for both me and Joe.
[Zooey] It's a beautiful
[Jonathan] When visitors
come in,
-and this being the first
thing they experience...
- [Zooey] Mmm-hmm.
[Jonathan] ...speaks to
the powerful message
that you've set up here.
Thank you.
So here we have the Colonnade,
which is, uh, reminiscent
of the first snowfall.
As you look down here
in the birch trees,
you know, you'll see owls
and different animals
along the way.
I just think it's just
a beautiful memory of,
you know, your first snowfall.
It is spectacular.
When I walked through,
I couldn't believe that
this was all hand painted.
- [First Lady] Yeah, amazing.
- [Jonathan] I originally
thought it was actual birch.
- [First Lady] Yeah, amazing.
- [Jonathan] I originally
thought it was actual birch.
And then, it just
creates this incredible--
- [Zooey] And the mirrors
- [First Lady] Yes, yes.
- [Zooey] Which is incredible.
- [First Lady] Again,
the reflections
of the people, we the people.
I think it's so lovely
as well to see
-how you represent Christmases
past in the White House.
People love seeing
all the different
presidents and first ladies
and their animals.
I'm realizing I should
have hung some of these
a little bit higher,
but, uh, you know.
And speaking of animals,
here are our pets,
And speaking of animals,
here are our pets,
-Commander and Willow...
- [Jonathan] Oh, my gosh.
- [First Lady]
...at the White House.
- [Jonathan] So cute.
-Don't you love
the birds in the trees and...
-[Zooey] I love it.
[First Lady]
And the White House
looks just so spectacular.
-It really does.
And the fact that
you see this all
the way down the hallway.
[First Lady] Mmm-hmm.
[Jonathan] It's really a story
that has been carried in here,
which, I think,
it's pretty incredible.
The detail that goes
into creating
what are really
life like looking animals...
I mean, they're pretty cute.
I'm sure the real living,
breathing ones are even cuter.
I'm sure the real living,
breathing ones are even cuter.
-Are even cuter.
[Jonathan] Next, We the People
comes to life from
the pages in the library.
-All the stories of America.
-Of America.
[Zooey] Plus some
of the First Lady's
own traditions.
There's my grandmothers
recipe for pizzelles.
[Jonathan] And the majestic
White House Christmas tree
takes flight in the Blue Room.
[First Lady] I wanted
a symbol of unity.
[Jonathan] From the reflective
ornaments in the Grand Foyer,
to the gold-star trees glowing
red, white, and blue,
and the winter wonderland
in the East Colonnade,
the First Lady is giving us
our firsthand look
at how everyone is represented
in the People's House
this holiday season.
-I just love this view when
you walk into this corridor.
-I know.
[First Lady] So warm
and inviting, I think,
and puts you
in the holiday spirit.
-It does.
-Yes, exactly.
So come on into the library.
So come on into the library.
How stunning is this?
What a great way to showcase
all the stories
and the history of America.
Mmm-hmm, of America.
And don't you love how they
put the words on the windows,
I love that.
-[Zooey] Yes.
-We the People.
[Jonathan] It's incredible
that you can take
-such a meaningful statement
like, "We the people."
- [First Lady] Mmm-hmm.
-And translate it
into so many different ways.
Well, come on into
the Vermeil Room.
Well, come on into
the Vermeil Room.
This room represents
kindness and gratitude.
So the things that
we are thankful for.
Family, friendship, kindness.
[Jonathan] Wow.
[First Lady]
So Operation Gratitude sends
boxes to our military
who are deployed.
And a scarf
is one of the gifts
that actually goes
into the boxes.
that actually goes
into the boxes.
- [Zooey] I love that.
- [First Lady] Handmade.
Americans supporting
other Americans,
it's really just beautiful.
[Jonathan] Incredible to see
the amount of support
-and the kindness,
especially at the holidays.
[First Lady]
And we incorporated
Willow and Commander
popping out of the box.
-[Jonathan] Yeah.
- [Zooey laughs]
Because of the love
we feel for our pets,
and the comfort they give us,
I think most Americans
can relate to that.
-[Jonathan] Oh, yeah.
-[Zooey] Yes.
So I know that you saw
the China Room,
but I don't know
whether you've seen it
finished or not.
but I don't know
whether you've seen it
finished or not.
This room represents
food and traditions.
[Jonathan] The last time
we were in the China Room,
it was filled
with a very large
gingerbread house.
Now it looks
a little different.
[First Lady]
The volunteers brought in
their favorite recipes,
and somewhere in here
there's my grandmother's
recipe for pizzelles.
Does the President have
a favorite holiday dessert?
Oh, [laughs] yes.
He loves coconut cake.
-I will eat all
of these things.
-[both laugh]
-I will eat all
of these things.
-[both laugh]
[Jonathan] I thought
it was so clever,
the volunteers
took all the spoons
and, you know...
-Dipped them. Yeah.
-[Jonathan] Dipped them.
Even styled
the bases of the trees
with rolling pins.
[First Lady] Mmm-hmm. Yeah.
And look at the garland
around the trees,
they did it with the recipes.
-Isn't that cute?
- [Zooey] I love that.
[Jonathan] This room,
it's so beautiful
as you walk us,
when you see all the china
from over the years
and then you see
this holiday twist
-of the space.
- [First Lady] Mmm-hmm.
Yes, so it's sense of history
and yet a sense of tradition.
and yet a sense of tradition.
Well, there's more to see,
so let's head upstairs.
[Jonathan] Okay.
[First Lady] Now I'd like
to show you the Blue Room.
And this is our giant tree,
it came from
Auburn, Pennsylvania.
-This is the most
-[First Lady] Yeah.
[Jonathan] ...welcoming
room as well.
[First Lady] I wanted
a symbol of unity,
and so that's why
we have a bird
from every single state
and territory.
from every single state
and territory.
And I hope that visitors come,
and everybody wants
to see, you know,
"Oh, where is my state?
Where is my state?"
just shows how really
we all come together.
-Look at the bottom,
it's like a nest.
-[Jonathan] Like a nest.
- [Zooey] It's beautiful.
- [First Lady]
Isn't it beautiful?
- [Zooey] It is beautiful.
[Jonathan] Everything has
thought and care put into it.
-I agree.
Now can I invite you
to come into the Green Room?
-[Zooey] We'd love to,
thank you.
-[Jonathan] Yes, absolutely.
You can pretty much
invite us anywhere,
and we'll go.
You can pretty much
invite us anywhere,
and we'll go.
[Zooey] Yeah, we'll go.
It's so pretty.
[First Lady]
This room represents
music and harmony.
Look at the bells
that are hanging
from the windows.
Some are real bells,
and some are just
-paper cups that
are sprayed gold.
-[Zooey] Yeah.
And then they
attach the ribbon.
If people wanna
do this at home, it's easy.
[Zooey] They look so pretty,
[Zooey] They look so pretty,
and It, I love how they're
layered, so lovely.
[First Lady] Well,
now I'd like to invite you
to the Cross Hall,
so we can look at something
very special.
[Zooey] Still to come,
a piece of history
is given new purpose
in the Cross Hall.
This is the first ever menorah
to be in the White House
[Jonathan] And the first
family's customs
at winter wonder
in the East Room.
[First Lady]
This is Joe's
family tradition.
[Zooey] Finally,
the First Lady shares a room
very close to her heart.
[Zooey] Finally,
the First Lady shares a room
very close to her heart.
As an educator,
I wanted to celebrate
[Jonathan] The First Lady
is giving us a behind
the scenes look
at this year's theme,
We the People.
Now, the tour continues
with a very special look
at the newest addition
to the White House collection.
So this is the first
ever menorah
to be in the White House
You actually saw it
being made,
so why don't you
tell the story?
I was working with
Robby and Lawrence,
down in the carpentry shop,
down in the carpentry shop,
and Lawrence told me about
how they handcrafted this,
-and so now, year after year,
they're gonna have
the White House's
very own menorah.
It's beautiful.
[Jonathan] The nostalgia,
I think, is something
pretty special.
Because every little piece,
there's a reason
why it was made
a specific way
or the materials
that were used, and,
so I think that's wonderful.
And this is just
another example, I think,
of We the People,
that we tried
to include everyone.
-Yeah, I love it.
-Yes, it's amazing.
[First Lady] Now, come on
into the East Room.
-Oh, can I point out
one thing, by the way?
-Oh, can I point out
one thing, by the way?
-I hung this garland.
-[First Lady] Oh, wow.
[Zooey] It's a little
crooked, but--
It's not a little crooked,
there's a debate about that.
-Well, you did a great job.
-It's, it's great.
This is beautiful.
[First Lady]
So this is the celebration
of our National Parks.
[Zooey] Oh, wow, how pretty.
I love this room
and I love the National Parks,
so it was very cool that
they were represented here.
Here we have the creche,
that's been here every year.
Here we have the creche,
that's been here every year.
There are 40 figurines,
it dates back
to the 18th century.
- [Zooey] It's incredible.
- [First Lady] Isn't it?
- [First Lady] I think people
love tradition.
- [Zooey] It's wonderful.
What I love about
Christmas was always
-what we shared
as a family growing up.
And now with our families
blended together,
we still introduce
some of my traditions
and some of her traditions,
and it just feels right.
Again, unity.
-[Zooey] That's right. Yes.
-[Jonathan] Yeah, exactly.
[First Lady] Speaking
of family traditions.
This is Joe's
family tradition.
This is Joe's
family tradition.
Santa would come
during the night when
everyone was asleep
and put snow on
all the needles of the trees,
so the flocking this year,
I incorporated that
because it's Joe's
family tradition.
-Yeah. Family flocking.
-That's wonderful.
[all laughing]
Well, come into the Red Room.
[Jonathan] Oh, wow.
[First Lady] This room
represents faith,
And you can see,
uh, the light...
- [Zooey] Yes.
- [First Lady]
...with all the candles,
- [Zooey] Yes.
- [First Lady]
...with all the candles,
and of course, the orchids,
I love orchids.
Aren't they beautiful?
- [Zooey] They're so beautiful.
- [Jonathan] So stunning.
[Zooey] And I love
the stain glass windows,
and it's looks even
more special at night.
Faith has been
a really important
part of our life,
so I think that those values,
our values are reflected here,
and I think it's faith
that gives us strength.
And I think, especially,
at the holidays,
-faith and family
is so important.
So now I'd like to take
to a very special room,
We the Children.
We the Children.
If you'll come and follow me.
-Yes, we love this room.
[First Lady] I wanna show you
something very special,
it's our gingerbread house,
which is in itself amazing,
but then we have
Independence Hall
in Philadelphia.
We the People is represented
in this as well.
[Zooey] I love it so much.
[First Lady]
You know, the lights,
I think it's really
-[Zooey] It's spectacular.
It truly is.
I can, I can say this is,
hands down,
I can, I can say this is,
hands down,
the greatest gingerbread house
I have ever seen in my life.
[Zooey] I love to see
Independence Hall.
My father is from Philadelphia
and you're from Philadelphia.
[First Lady] Yeah, yeah.
My hometown.
[Zooey] And, you know,
one of the most
historic places.
And did you notice
the flags on top?
Yeah, little elements
like that really mean a lot.
[Zooey] Mmm-hmm.
And I put this tree here.
-That was my [laughs]
-I put the other tree,
I put that tree over there.
Oh, this is, I love it,
'cause I put the tree
over here.
[both laughing]
And Joe put a tree, too.
-So, so there it is,
unity again.
-Oh, I love that.
-So, so there it is,
unity again.
-Oh, I love that.
So come on over,
and I wanna show you
these trees done by
the State Teachers of the Year
and their students.
Which means so much
to me as a educator.
And so we contacted
all the teachers of the year,
and they had their students
make self-portraits
and sent them.
You know,
I always said I wanted
to celebrate teachers,
so this is just another way
so this is just another way
that we can bring teachers
into the White House
and really focus
on the importance
of education.
[Zooey] Yeah.
[First Lady] And then,
of course, all the books,
and I hear that
you had a hand in this, too.
Yeah, I was working
with Robbie in the woodshop,
we built these books,
and then we send them up
to the calligraphy room.
[Zooey] And I helped
Becky and Lee Ann
do a little
of the detail painting.
[First Lady] Well, you did
a great job, look at this.
These are beautiful,
and of course,
These are beautiful,
and of course,
we have Commander and Willow
reading their books, too.
[Zooey] So sweet.
Another thing that we have
is our family stockings.
A tradition in my family
was always
an orange in the toe
of the stocking.
And that was from
my grandmother because
growing up during
the Depression,
they didn't have
a lot of fruit,
and so that was a very
special gift to get,
and so, that's why
I always put
an orange in the toe
of the stocking.
an orange in the toe
of the stocking.
[Zooey] We would always
get tangerines.
Again, it's the tradition.
-I think it's so wonderful
to see it.
-[Zooey] It is.
You vision for everything
was just exquisite.
Well, thank you,
I had a little help, too.
-I mean, it wasn't just me,
it was a team,
-[Jonathan] Yeah.
a team of people
who came together.
-Thank you so much
for having us Dr. Biden.
-Thank you.
-Come back.
-Aw, we would love
to come back.
[First Lady] Aw, thanks.
Thank you.
-Happy holidays.
-You as well.
-[Zooey] Happy holidays.
-[First Lady] Happy holidays.
Merry Christmas
and happy holidays
to all Americans
from the President
and from me.
Thank you.