William Vincent (2010) Movie Script

Dear Ann,
I've come back to New York.
Some years ago you
asked me about myself.
"What are you doing,"
you asked
I didn't answer then
but I want to now.
When you've read this letter,
if you wanna come away
with me
if you want me to take you
from here, tell Victor
you can trust him.
He'll find me.
I'll start somewhere
near the beginning.
William is not my name.
A few years before I met you
I was returning from a place
I'd always wanted to visit.
Japan. I was transferring
in San Francisco
to a flight home.
Once I was back on the plane
I asked if I could go back
to the boarding area
because I had left
a book there.
By the time I found my book,
the gate had closed
so I sat and read my book
until the plane took off
without me.
I decided to take the long
bus ride across the country
to my home
in Connecticut,
just outside of New York.
Several hours into the trip
I heard on the radio
that the plane I missed
had crashed into a mountain.
I closed my eyes and slept.
The next day I learned
that they had not been
able to recover any bodies.
The plane and all
the passengers had been
incinerated on impact.
I got off the bus
in New York and decided
to stay for a while.
I realized that
for all anyone knew
I no longer existed.
For no particular reason
without really
thinking about it
I bought a passport
under the name
of William Vincent.
I took a class
and learned a trade
and got a job
editing nature videos
for use in the schools.
I think that's
what they're used for,
I'm not really sure.
I managed to find
an empty storefront
to live in
in a neighborhood
in Chinatown not far
from the East River.
From "They can hover
in midair."
They can hover in midair
by rapidly flapping
their wings
They can fly backwards
and are the only group
of birds
able to do so.
They can also
stop in midair.
Hummingbirds are continuously
hours away from starving
to death
and are able to store
just enough energy
to survive overnight.
Hummingbirds are capable
of slowing down their
metabolism at night
or any other time food
is not readily available.
They enter
a hibernation-like state
known as torpor.
During torpor, the heart rate
and rate of breathing
are both slowed dramatically
the heart rate to roughly
reducing the need for food.
The most astonishing
quality of hummingbirds
is their ability
to broadcast color.
Hummingbirds radiate
like hot coals in the sun.
The color
that reaches your eye
is created by pigment
which absorbs some
colors and rejects others.
Like soap bubbles
hummingbird's color
comes from iridescence,
not pigment.
It winks on and off
depending on the light source
and the angle of the viewer.
That's a nice dress.
Where'd you get it?
It's a kimono.
I know it's a kimono.
I like it.
You know you don't
wanna fuck with me, right?
Of course I do.
Of course you do.
So he says, " Hey,
you're right, but
"can we actually
do that, like
"who's in charge
of this project,
you know
"and I'm
like, listen
"if some noise needs
to be made, I will
make the noise.
Okay? All right?"
And he says,
"Whoa, Jason, whoa."
I'm like, whoa
what, Ted?
The problem
with Ted is,
he doesn't get it.
He's like,
pretty much like,
I can name off
three or four executives
in this company alone
who in a few
months are gonna be
redoing their resume
and who do you think
they're gonna ask to take
one of those offices?
But, I think that comes from
I've done a lot of meditation
over the years. I have to.
You would think that
in, like, the cutthroat
business that I'm in
when you're dealing
with derivatives
it's all crazy.
It's very chaotic.
But, you need to find
a time for peace.
When you're working
a job like that.
Because if you don't,
you're going to be
chaotic yourself.
I'll take it
one step further.
If you really wanna know
about financial markets,
let's talk about Per Bak
Let's talk about,
let's talk about, uh
If you wanna hear
really the theory
of turbulence
order of chaos,
phase transition.
And that's where
these guys should
be living right now
if they want
to survive.
But they don't,
they can't possibly
grasp that.
Economic crisis, my ass.
This is an economic
You should--
You know what? You
should check out a book
um, oh, what is
the name of that?
It's, uh, Per Bak,
How Nature Wor--
- I'll think of it.
- Okay.
- You know,
I'll be right back.
- Okay.
- And I'll think of it.
- Great.
I'll definitely remember it
before I get back, okay?
I can't wait.
H i.
Do I know you?
U h, no.
Sorry if my, uh,
staring bothered you.
It's, uh, it's okay.
I don't mind.
I don't like
your friend.
Oh, you mean Jason?
Yeah. Do you
like him?
I don't know.
Just asking.
Do you know him?
I'm Rebbecca.
What's your name?
The scotch is--
You're very beautiful.
I enjoyed tormenting
the man in the bar
and I think it was nice
that I might have made
the woman happy.
Even for a moment.
Even if I didn't
care about her.
There hadn't been many
that I had cared about.
Only two brothers
that I'd known
when I was a teenager
back in the town
where I grew up.
I'd lost touch
with the two brothers,
but I thought of them often
and saw them, in a way,
in parks, on the street,
different places.
And I saw them
as I'd known them
as young boys,
not as the adults
they would be now.
It was a lovely thing
to imagine, but I knew
it was just that. Imagined.
But I saw them as if
they were really there.
I wondered how they were,
where they were.
Anyway, wherever they are,
it's probably best that they
don't know me
given the man I've become.
I knew them
when I was this age
the age I am now
in this shot, 16.
I'm 30 now, so the things
I remember are from
a long time ago.
His name was Joseph
back then, not William.
He did some odd things,
but I think he was
a nice person.
Maybe a little--
He could run very fast.
We used to race.
He was a beautiful runner.
Really beautiful runner.
I'd been living as William
Vincent for three years
before I met you.
In that time, we might have
passed near to one another
and not known it.
I wonder if either of us
might have felt something
in the passing.
If it happened.
For instance
I wonder if you were nearby
that night I saw
that man wearing
suspenders and a bow tie?
He's just kind of
drifting down the sidewalk
looking at his phone.
What the fuck?
The man just walked away
unaware that I had lifted
some things from his pocket.
Just a receipt and
a business card. Nothing.
But it seemed as if there was
something else in the air
that night.
Something odd.
It was an unusually
quiet, empty night.
But I felt as if something
had happened.
There was something wrong
that night but I didn't mind.
I might have
even liked it.
I went out to eat
still with the sense
that there was somewhere
wrong in this city, somewhere.
What time is it?
It's late.
What's the occasion?
Do I need an occasion?
You are an occasion.
This place sucks.
Watching what's going on.
You don't have to flatter
me, you know.
Is that
a good tip?
Excuse me?
Is that
a decent tip?
Yeah, it is.
He's just trying
to earn a living.
You're a fucking asshole.
Open the iris all the way
and bring the condenser up.
The subject now appears
against a dark background
just like aspen leaves
against a dark sky.
The color seen
in dark filled lighting
can give new information.
Dark filled lighting
is a good technique
for viewing the smallest
observable life forms.
And also helps us understand
that William
never meant any harm.
Nor did he mean any kindness.
He never meant anything.
We can take the risk if,
if we're able to--
I don't know that
we're able to
and I don't know
that we need to wait
for everything--
Excuse me.
Excuse me. I think
you might have taken
something of mine?
I don't think so.
Give me
my phone.
Like I said,
I don't think so.
I'm not
fucking around.
Give me my phone.
Does your
friend have
a problem?
I don't know how I can
make this any clearer
I want you to give me
my phone. Right now!
This your phone?
What the fuck?
You little prick!
Well, fuck you.
Fuck you.
Go fuck yourself,
Find out who he is.
William is standing
outside a door.
On the other side
of the door
a woman and a man
are having sex.
In a park, a child runs.
Another rides a bike.
A little girl reads.
A man walks under a tree.
No. A man walks past
some potted bushes
on the street.
He enters a restaurant.
You remember me?
I'm Victor.
So, uh, listen, um--
So, anyway
this man I know
is very impressed
with you
he saw the little thing
you did on the street
a couple of days ago
with the phone
and a wallet, and uh
you know
I was there.
uh, he would
like to meet you.
anyway this man, uh
I don't wanna-
I don't wanna be coy
or anything, but
this man has, uh
a lot of interests
that are
not aboveboard.
Can I get you
something, sir?
No, thank you.
So like I said, he, he,
he, he, he, he, he would,
he would like to meet you.
Uh-huh. And what
is not aboveboard?
Let's let him tell
you about that.
And you, uh
and you're a part
of this thing that
you're talking about?
So you're the muscle?
Are you muscling me?
You'd know
if I was.
Yeah, I guess
I would.
So this man
uh, I don't know
what this is about
who he thinks
you are, but
he thinks you can earn
him money.
Maybe you can,
maybe you can't
but he thinks you can
so he would
like to meet you.
It's so weird.
What's in it for me?
That would be money.
You sound like
you're in a movie.
What if I say no?
What if I do?
It's my job to bring you
to him. Please don't make
me do my job.
So if I say no,
somebody's gonna
come and beat me up?
Hm. I don't know.
I don't know,
I'm just trying
to figure out
if I'm in trouble
here or
who you are,
or what-- You know.
Please, just
come with me.
I'm saying please.
I don't know why
I went with him.
He seemed like a nice man,
and maybe his boss was
interesting, I don't know.
As we drove to meet him
I thought of a photograph
I'd taken in Japan.
In particular, a shaded area
in the corner of a frame
where I could barely
make out a woman.
I hadn't known she was there
when I took the picture.
I wanted to talk
to the brothers.
When we used
to come here
you guys would race
over there, by
that pond.
Yeah, I remember.
You used to race, too.
You won.
Yeah, I was pretty
fast, wasn't l?
The fastest.
I don't remember,
I was too young maybe.
You used to sit
over there.
No, I used,
I used to sit
here with you guys.
It's nice to see
you again.
I told this woman
in a letter that
I thought it was better
that you guys don't
know me now.
It was better for you.
I'm not so nice now.
I never thought
you were nice.
You're nicer
than you think
you are.
No, I'm not.
So how'd
you become
a criminal?
I don't know.
Wait here.
This is William.
Hello, William.
Hi. Who are you?
A friend.
I liked you manner
on the street
the other day.
Yeah, thanks
for stepping in.
What would have
happened if I hadn't?
I don't know.
Were you afraid?
You didn't seem afraid.
I, I guess.
You're a secretive
one, huh?
Are you a tough guy?
But you are secretive.
That's my
impression, anyway.
You know, I don't much
like people who aren't
who aren't like that.
Victor, would you
give us a minute?
give Ann a call,
would you?
Is she there?
Hang on a second.
Yeah, she's ready anytime.
Well, thank you for coming.
I wanted to meet you.
You're a film
editor, right?
U h, yeah.
Why don't you
have any friends?
I do.
No, you don't.
You know,
there is someone
I'd like you to meet.
Victor will
take you to her.
She's a gift.
You're giving
me a woman?
How could
I do that?
I don't know.
No, just
a friend
someone I'd
like you to meet,
if you're willing.
A simple sign of respect
which I'd like to think
that you'd reciprocate.
Uh, okay, great.
No, uh, I don't,
I don't think so.
Not really my thing.
You'd be doing
me a favor.
Maybe some other time.
I'm Ann.
Victor told me
to come here.
Oh, you mean,
Victor's boss.
lt'd really
be better for me
if you let me in.
Would you like
to take a seat?
Mm. Thanks.
So you're what
he gives away?
I wouldn't say that.
I'm sorry.
That was really rude.
I'm sorry.
Don't be. I can see
how you might think
of it that way.
So who are you?
I can't really
offer you anything.
Um, do you
want some water?
Would you like some?
I got lipstick
on the glass.
That's so pretty.
You think?
You sure you
don't want any?
So this is home and
work, Victor said?
Yeah, sort of.
Can I see?
Come on.
A 19th-century naturalist
called them little more
than organized water.
They were in our oceans
before sharks and dinosaurs.
They do not have
a central nervous system
a circulatory system
a respiratory system
or an osmoregulatory system.
So it's understandable
that Louis Agassiz
the great 19th-century
I should probably
get back to work.
Do you want me to leave?
So, um
what is it
that you do?
Oh, things.
How's that?
It's what I do.
So it's that.
Sounds okay.
Is it?
Why wouldn't it be?
I don't know.
I'm Ann.
What can I do
for you, Victor?
There's a couple of things
my boss would, uh, like
you to do.
I'll be your contact.
It's really very
simple, you just
go to this address
deliver this
pick up a couple
of envelopes from
the women there
and uh, I'll get
the envelopes
from you.
Yeah, well, uh
here's the thing,
you, uh, you get
a lump sum
every week,
that look okay?
It'd be okay if l
needed the money.
Then give it back.
There's a lot in here,
isn't there?
I think so.
All right.
Maybe I can find
a use for it.
So, Ann
what's the deal there?
She's a beautiful woman.
Yeah, so
what's the deal?
Pretty much
as you see it.
Care to elaborate?
You seem like
a nice boy.
This is not
a really nice group.
And, uh, you're
included in this group?
Yeah, me, too.
And Ann.
So, uh
anyway, uh
uh, she's, uh
she's my boss's--
She owes him.
I suppose we all do.
Anyway, she's, uh
she's there for him
when he need, when
he needs her
not so much
for himself
but, you know, for others,
like yourself, as a favor.
M m-hm.
So, uh, anyway, uh
she was asking
about you
uh, asking me, uh
she knows she's not
supposed to ask about you
that's none
of my business
why she did.
But you need to know
that this is very
dangerous for her.
And for you.
You're talking like
you're in a movie, Victor.
Like a gangster movie.
I'm not a violent
person. Are you?
I'm not a gangster.
You're not?
I don't think so.
No, I don't
think so either.
There anything I can
do for you, Victor?
No, thanks.
Uh, yes, you can
keep your distance from Ann.
I'd rather not.
Please, William. For Ann.
When you need me
to do something
uh, you'll ask.
I assume that's
how this works.
And then, I'll either
say yes or no.
Uh, and the piece
you took?
The silver?
He, uh, he forgives
this because
you didn't know who
he is, but now you
do, right?
I guess.
Excuse me.
Can I get you
something to drink?
No, thanks.
You wanna sit down?
Juliette's got one
of these, too.
I'll go see if l
can get her up.
Juliette's a little
out of it
right now.
Do you have
something for me?
It's heavy.
Good morning.
You want some?
Does she have
that envelope?
I don't know.
Why don't you ask her?
Nice to meet you.
What's your name?
I'm William.
What's that?
I'm sorry?
Do you want some?
No, he doesn't.
Did you already
ask him?
He really doesn't.
Do you have
an envelope for me?
Do you wanna
hang out with us
for a little bit?
Come sit down.
Jesus Christ.
Fucking 5 o'clock, Ann.
Thank you.
Put some clothes on.
We have a guest
in the house.
So, we'll see you
in like a week, right?
I don't know.
Bye, William.
See you!
He's totally gay.
I need
to pick up the money
you got
from the girls.
Oh. Did you talk to Victor?
Um, no, I will.
Don't you trust me?
Yeah, it's just
that I thought--
Oh, well, yes, usually
Victor gets it but
I was nearby so l
thought I would come.
I like Victor.
I do, too.
He's a nice man.
Is he?
Well, who knows?
Maybe not by your standards.
I think he's nice enough.
What are my standards?
I know he's having
a hard time, you know
his wife is pretty sick.
I didn't know that.
Yeah, she is.
Where's the kimono?
This for me?
Can I try it on?
Can I lie down?
So you stole a wallet
and threw it away?
And that's how he--
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
I know why I do
what I do.
You ought to stop.
Whatever you're doing.
Maybe I will.
You really ought to.
What about you?
Maybe we'll stop together.
Stranger things
have happened.
Yes, you will?
Yes, I will.
I guess.
There's the address.
It's this guy.
You nervous?
I'm here to pick
something up for Victor.
I don't know any Victor.
Yeah, you do.
I'm just here
to pick it up.
Pick what up?
You know. Don't you have
something that doesn't
belong to you?
Who are you?
What's Victor's
boss's name?
You know Victor, right?
You know his boss?
What's his name?
Who are you again?
What's the boss's name?
I have no idea.
You know Ann?
You're such
a piece of shit.
I really need
to ask you to leave.
I'm only gonna ask
one more time.
Leave, asshole.
What's the boss's name?
Get the fuck
outta here.
My boss wants
to see you.
All right. Let's
go see him.
Victor, will you
give us a moment?
That was quite a display
you put on at Russell's
apartment yesterday.
Do you think
it was necessary?
Did you enjoy it?
No? Not even
a little bit?
Are you a sadist?
I'm sorry?
A sadist.
Are you sadistic?
No. Are you?
A little respect, please.
It's quite a bit more
than the occasion
calls for, but--
I consider that
a lot of money.
I guess
you do, too.
What's it for?
It's to thank you
for the work that
you'll do for me.
Do you have
to think about it?
Because it might be
a problem if you do.
No, it's good.
Victor will be in touch
at some point.
You like Victor,
Also, you won't be
doing any more pickups
or deliveries to Ann.
Is that a problem?
Because I don't want
you and Ann to ever
see each other again.
If you're wondering
why there's so much
money in there
it's to thank you
for doing what I say.
Don't ever try
and see her again.
Isn't that partly
up to her?
It's what she wants.
It is?
More importantly,
it is what I want.
I see.
You do?
Yeah, I do.
Because light travels in waves
with specific wavelengths
with specific wavelengths...
Objects become visible
when they are large enough
to reflect light.
... uses an oil-immersion lens
to achieve a magnification
of 1, 000
... immersion lens to achieve
a magnification of 1, 000...
Get outta here.
Do you have money?
Okay, well,
then go.
Go, right now.
Come with me.
No, William.
You remember William?
He's back.
That episode was
back then, but
Like I said,
he's back, and
well, you know,
he's probably
he's probably
tried to get
in touch with you.
Between us?
Of course.
He wrote me a letter.
Come on, Ann, this is
really fucked up.
Don't worry, Victor.
I'm not going to be
a problem.
Is there anything you
want me to tell him?
You know what
I have to do.
Nothing you want
me to tell him?
So, uh--
I don't know,
I think, uh--
Don't think, Victor.
Hey, William.
You know what
I have to do?
No, I don't.
Yes, you do.
Where is Ann?
Will you get Ann?
Get Ann.
She wanted me to tell
you she's sorry.
And that she'll
always love you.