Woman in Car (2021) Movie Script

(Arrow hitting target)
(Bowstring stretching)
(Arrow hitting target)
I'll take the Deep Six FMJ.
(Speaking in foreign language)
(Speaking in foreign language)
(Machine beeps)
(Rain pattering)
(Taking deep breaths)
(Breathing heavily)
- DAVID: Hey.
- Ah!
Did you find anything?
Oh, the key.
I'll make some room.
(Deep sighs)
(David chuckles)
DAVID: Look, I've got to go
or I'm gonna miss my flight.
Give my regards to Charlotte.
I'll see you soon.
(Cell phone vibrates)
(Playing piano)
We're out of milk.
(Car door opens)
How was your day?
(Dog barking in distance)
PHAN: Emma, get your sweater!
Don't forget
Aunt Charlotte's card.
(Taking deep breaths)
(Footsteps approaching)
(Indistinct chattering)
(Birds chirping)
(Bird screeching)
(Gasping breath)
(Doorbell buzzes)
Emma stay here!
You can look at him from the...
(Owen yells)
- (Door closes)
- (Owen grunting)
(Owen gasps loudly)
You're too big for me.
Too big for that!
Welcome back, Owen.
You got bangs or something?
Your hair's different.
How was the drive?
Where is he?
He's out of town for the week.
(Door opens and squeaks)
OWEN: Safiye,
this is my stepmother Anne.
You must be Emma.
Are you also
at the music faculty?
No, I'm not musical,
I'm afraid.
Where's your accent from?
OWEN: She's from Turkey,
but we met in New York.
SAFIYE: And I lived in London,
for a long time before that.
And now Montreal.
Are you happy to be here
or just bored?
I'm not bored.
We're having rabbit for dinner.
(Meat cleaver slams)
You can throw it.
(Rock splashing)
(Emma exclaims)
(Owen growling)
EMMA: What do you mean, a sword?
What do I mean, a sword?
(Owen growls threateningly)
(Emma shrieks)
OWEN: Hey, we're gonna need
to bring a lot more snow
to make the...
A piano.
(Birds chirping in distance)
(Bath water dripping)
(Water rippling)
(Playing piano)
Are you tired?
(Bed thudding)
(Owen exhales a gasp)
(Heavy breathing)
(Lighter clicks)
(Piano playing Chopsticks
One, two, three, four,
five, six...
(Counting in song)
One, two, three, four,
five, six...
(Dialtone ringing)
of your message, press one.
(Skirt rustling)
(Footsteps approaching)
(High heels clicking)
(Opera music)
MAN #2:
To Charlotte.
- ALL: To Charlotte!
- To Charlotte!
(Glasses clinking)
And to my dear brother Fraser.
I only wish twins died
the same day too.
It would make it more bearable.
But to the return
of his talented son
and to Anne's marriage
to the lovely David.
May they live in happiness.
David's mother and I
used to play in the same park
when we were babies.
Our nannies were best friends.
Now we're on just about
all the same
volunteer committees.
Life is funny.
(Opera music continues)
are you bringing the plates?
Just a tiny piece for me.
We're so happy to have
you back, aren't we Anne?
I've been meaning
to drop by your shop.
I have a rocker
I'd like you to look at.
I work evenings usually,
but my boss can help you
in the daytime.
She's a night owl.
(Indistinct conversation)
How long did you live there?
Nearly 15 years.
That's almost all your life!
Delicious cake.
Spending 20 years in Paris was
the best thing I ever did.
It strengthened me.
We have a long line
of strong women in the family.
Did you know Anne
was an athlete?
CHARLOTTE: She almost went
to the Olympics, almost.
An almost Olympic athlete
amongst us.
Let's finish all this wine.
MAN #2:
I'll have some.
I'll have one.
That's the first time I see you
have more than a sip of wine!
Are you finally giving up
your athlete ways
and joining the human race?
I need to talk with you.
CHARLOTTE: I wish David
were here this weekend.
Such a shame he's away
right before the wedding.
Well, time apart before
builds up the romance
all the more!
- (Glass breaks)
- (Emma shrieks)
Stop it!
Sit in your own chair!
- It's fine.
- Emma.
It's fine, it doesn't bother...
Can you not interfere?
(Plaintive opera music)
(Opera continues)
The money for this month
couldn't go directly
into your account.
Everything was frozen.
But by next month everything
will be back to normal.
(chuckles and kisses)
I know today must be as hard
for you as it is for me.
We loved our Fraser so.
Happy birthday.
(Indistinct conversation)
(Car revving)
(Car whirring)
OWEN: I'm going to the store,
does anybody want anything?
- SAFIYE: You drank.
- OWEN: I'm fine.
- Just let me drive.
- I'm fine.
- Give me the keys.
- No.
- Just let me...
- I'm fine!
You're not fine.
(Car starting)
(Dramatic music with
indistinct whispering voices)
(Dialtone ringing)
(Heavy sigh)
(Breathing heavily)
(Arrow thudding into target)
(Takes a deep breath)
(Crow cawing)
(Paper crumpling)
(Fire crackling)
Don't smoke in here.
Emma will be up soon.
Safiye's gone.
- What?
- She must've hitched.
Did you say something to her?
Did you tell her?
Tell her what?
I told her how he died.
What did you say?
A hit and run.
- Nothing else?
- No.
ANNE: If she saw you,
she'll say something to Charlotte.
- No she won't.
- You saw them together.
- So what?
- If she thinks something,
Charlotte will get it
out of her.
Safiye wouldn't say anything
even if she did think
something was going on.
ANNE: You don't know
what people like her...
- People like what?
- People who have nothing.
Where is he?
South America.
Do you really expect me
to go to the wedding?
ANNE: They'll wonder
why you're not there.
- Who will?
- Charlotte, everyone.
Who cares what she thinks?
- I do.
- Don't!
- I have to.
- You don't have to do anything.
You know nothing about
having to do something...
Don't you give me
that bullshit!
All you care about
is having your stuff,
your restaurants,
your manicures, your lingerie.
When's he moving in?
What does that have
to do with anything?
I'm leaving today.
You told Emma
the whole weekend.
I'm being selfish, something
you know all too well about.
(Door closes)
(Traffic passes by)
(Footsteps moving away)
(Keys jingling)
(Door closes)
I can't find Poppy.
Go look.
I already did.
Go pack, we're leaving.
What's that in your hand?
Show it to me!
Where did you get this photo?
Where did you find this?
Safiye gave it to me.
Go pack.
Go pack!
Hi, Emma.
EMMA: Me and Safiye
climbed a tree!
PHAN: Sofia? Who is Sofia?
(Cell phone ringing)
(Ringing continues)
(Landline ringing)
(Footsteps approaching)
PHAN: (On phone)
Mrs. Lewis?
She's out, Mrs. Charlotte.
Can I take a message?
(Car passing)
(Indistinct chattering
in distance)
(Laboured breathing)
(Takes a deep breath)
(Shower running)
(Breathing heavily)
(Music with indistinct whispers)
(Automated locking)
(Police siren wailing)
One ticket, please.
Thank you.
(Beeping and printing)
(Indistinct chattering)
What are you doing here
in the middle of the afternoon?
I thought we were the only ones
so decadent.
Clearly we're not.
Are you here to see
A bout de souffle?
Finally working
on your French!
MAN: Listen,
you've never met my Jeanne.
Nice to meet you.
How's Emma?
She's good.
She must be getting so tall.
Fraser was so tall.
It's funny,
I just found this old piece
that Fraser and I bought
on one of our trips to Berlin.
Anyways, he chose it.
I hated it
but you might like it.
Or Owen or Emma...
I forgot to put money
in the meter, I should...
Nice to meet you.
MAN: Maybe we'll see
you after the movie.
(Escalator whirring loudly)
(Bell rings)
Can I help you with something?
I need chairs reupholstered.
TEO: Let me see,
do you want us to pick them up
or are you going
to have them delivered?
You can pick them up.
Safiye, samples please.
Here are the samples.
See you tomorrow.
(Door closes)
You do work late.
Not tonight, I just had
to pick something up.
Who owns that?
A church.
We're refinishing
all their pieces right now.
Hearing you worked
with furniture
reminded me that I wanted
to have my chairs reupholstered
before the wedding
so I thought I should come in
as soon as I got back.
Owen must be waiting for you.
Here are the samples.
It's hard to decide.
I'm going to have a drink,
do you want one?
Might help.
Do you like vodka?
- Teo has one from Poland.
- I don't drink.
He says it's a must
for all new customers.
To a new customer.
I'm sorry if I left
without saying anything.
I didn't want
to drag Owen away.
I wasn't feeling well.
Are you pregnant?
Are you sure?
I would know.
Not always.
Where else have you been
besides London and New York?
SAFIYE: All over Europe,
South America, a little in Asia.
Owen's father used
to travel a lot.
With friends.
Did Owen tell you that?
How did you meet him?
I spilled a drink on him
at a wedding.
In exchange,
he wined and dined me.
When he proposed to me
he gave me a necklace
with these incredible pearls.
I'd never seen
anything like it.
He was very charming.
Like Charlotte.
It must be genetic.
She's very generous too.
She gave me a bag of dresses
she doesn't wear anymore.
I feel like another one,
do you want one?
- To...
- (Scoffs)
So she invited you over?
So she must have
served you tea.
I had to leave.
She didn't insist?
Maybe a little.
So she didn't have a chance
to interrogate you?
About what?
What do you think of her house?
It's gaudy.
(Laughing softly)
I would have thought
that churches were broke
and shutting down.
This is a very beautiful one.
ANNE: I've never been to church.
Have you?
- To a service?
- Yeah?
But I've visited
a lot of them.
I always say I'm going to go
but whenever I try,
I walk in
and it's so quiet and cold
and there are these faces
staring down at me
in stained glass.
I always end up walking out.
Where did you find
that photograph?
The one you gave Emma?
On the floor.
In the living room.
You look happy in it,
very much in love.
Owen didn't love
his father much.
ANNE: Well,
he wasn't around very much.
But you stayed.
I was used to being alone.
I had a mother
who was never home.
Always out
with some guy or another.
When I moved
into Fraser's house,
there was barely a light on.
He used to keep the house
really cold.
He would go
on these long trips,
I never really knew where
or with who.
The only one really around
was Owen.
He was nine years old
when we got married.
He was so skinny,
he'd barely eat.
He just stayed in his room
all day and play piano.
But at night
when Fraser was away,
lying in his bed at night,
he would knock
on the bedroom wall.
After a while I realized
that he was waiting
for me to knock back.
So I did.
We'd do it
until we both fell asleep.
He didn't like
any of his nannies.
He wouldn't even let them
in his room.
He would've starved to death.
So I stayed.
I'm tired,
I have to go.
(Door closes)
(Engine revvs)
I have to order this piece.
It's for this car.
It's all I got.
Mrs. Lewis, one or two days.
MECHANIC: Anyways,
you left some bags in here.
(Mechanic shop phone rings)
I don't need them.
You can come by,
those tires came in for you.
(Piano lid creaks open)
(Playing piano)
(Footsteps leaving)
(Door slams)
(Door creaking)
You should be asleep.
I wasn't tired.
(Pearls clicking)
(Piano banging)
(Footsteps approaching)
(Cell phone ringing)
OWEN: (On phone) Can
you talk or is he back?
No, I can't talk.
OWEN: (On phone)
I need to see you.
I can't, I'm busy.
OWEN: (On phone)
We need to talk.
I'm busy until the wedding.
Did you make room
for David's things?
Yes ma'am.
But so much of Owen's things
are in the basement room.
Take them out.
Call him and tell him
to pick them up
or we'll throw them out.
Yes, ma'am.
(Blowdryer humming)
(Laughter resumes)
(Laughing loudly)
(Door closes)
What are you doing here?
How's my wife-to-be?
ANNE: I have to get used
to you having a key.
How was the trip?
DAVID: It was good!
Got a lot done.
But I do have to go to a dinner
meeting tonight, sorry.
Me too, I'll be out.
Phan took Emma off to Alison's.
They waited up
but they were going to be late.
I forgot.
Where were you?
Where were you?
I had errands to run.
You couldn't answer your phone?
You couldn't answer your cell
all weekend?
DAVID: The site was a little
bit far from cell coverage.
My battery must be dead.
DAVID: You should
charge it every night.
Should I?
I'm sorry.
There's just so much to do.
Welcome home.
(David panting)
(David panting)
(David panting)
(sound of waves swelling)
Just the bill, please.
(Indistinct chattering)
(Sander humming)
(Bathtub draining)
(Globe creaking)
What are you doing here?
You can't come here
like this anymore.
We need to talk.
It's late.
I'm tired.
Let's go inside.
Go home, Owen.
Why, hmm?
What is it?
Is he back, is that it?
Don't marry him.
You're drunk.
She's... she's gone.
Safiye's left.
- (Clears throat)
- I don't...
I don't love her, Anne.
- (Thumping)
- Owen...
What are you doing?
Stop it!
- (Thumps)
- (Sighs)
(Breathing heavily)
I want Emma
to be made legally mine.
I want the tests done
and I want the papers.
He didn't touch me for years.
You know that she's yours.
I want it on record
before you get married,
'cause she's not going
to become his!
That wasn't the deal.
I was too young then
to make deals!
She'll find out.
If you do this
Charlotte will find out
and when she does...
I'll tell her the same thing
I told him that night,
he's an asshole and I love you.
(Taking deep breaths)
I told you I'd tell him,
I didn't care
and I still don't.
She won't touch you, Owen.
Then we'll go away.
(Breathing heavily)
This is crazy.
Emma can't leave,
this is were she belongs.
I can't take her away
from all of this.
Yes, you can.
Yes, you can.
No, I can't, I can't.
I can't!
And I won't!
(Breathing heavily)
It doesn't matter anyway.
Charlotte will never
allow us to do this.
She'll make it impossible.
I need a week
before the wedding
to get the paperwork done.
No, Owen.
I'll give you two days
until I contact my lawyers,
and then you can decide
when Emma finds out.
Owen, no.
Owen, don't.
Owen, no!
(Door closes)
(Phan sings a lullaby)
(Truck beeping in distance)
What are you doing here?
Where's Emma?
I came here to see you.
Do you care to explain
why David has moved out?
And why you've cancelled
the wedding?
You alluded to having
financial problems.
I don't see how.
I've taken very good care
of you, haven't I?
Fraser made sure that I would.
You cannot cancel a wedding
two weeks before.
It's just not done.
The Neilsons will not be happy.
And people are going
to start asking
why you decided
all of a sudden to cancel.
And I do not want
to deal with it!
I'm not ready.
Not ready for what?
Emma needs a father.
She's fine.
CHARLOTTE: Only because I'm
here to ensure that she is!
That she gets the best
of everything!
A child is not meant
to be raised
by a woman alone with a maid.
It looks absurd!
He would always be away
What... what difference
does it make?
(Taking deep breaths)
CHARLOTTE: Do you think my
mother was not left alone
to raise me and Fraser?
That was 60 years ago.
Things have changed.
Nothing has changed!
Anyone who tries
to convince you
that things have changed
is either a fool or a nobody!
Do you think I don't know?
Do you think I didn't see
what was going on
between you and Owen?
You and your dirty,
perverted mind.
The three of you,
living here in my family home.
You will marry David,
or rest assured
Fraser's mysterious hit and run
will have your name all over it
and I don't care who did it!
You will spend the rest
of your days
rotting in jail
and you'll only see
your love child
on visiting days
through tempered glass!
Do I make myself clear?
I'm having lunch with David
at the Verve at noon.
I think you should join us.
I don't see how you could find
a better father for Emma,
and we need to think of Emma.
Get yourself together,
make yourself look
your usual beautiful self.
I can't do everything.
(Footsteps leaving)
(Cell phone ringing)
STEVE: (On phone)
Hey, hello, it's Steve.
STEVE: (On phone) I just dropped
your car off at your house, okay?
Yes, I see it.
STEVE: (On phone)
Okay, bye.
Thank you.
(Engine throbbing)
(Phone ringing)
(Phone ringing)
(Dial tone)
(Escalator whirring)
I just thought I'd drop by.
ANNE'S MUM: No one just
stops by after 12 years.
Do you still practice?
What do you think of her?
Best I've seen in a while.
She reminds me of you.
Same style.
Doesn't want to fit in
with the rest of the team,
like you, too.
ANNE: Do you ever
hear from the others?
Now you care about the team?
Sarah's married,
got three kids.
Josie is with an embassy
in the Middle East somewhere.
And Deb's coaching.
I think she's divorced now.
She asked about you
the last time I saw her.
I said I hadn't heard much
since the tryouts,
that you'd married
some really rich guy
after we didn't make the cut
for Sydney.
She was only asking
to be polite.
Yeah, right.
(Indistinct chattering)
You have a granddaughter.
I thought you didn't want any.
What's her name?
How old is she?
Does she look like me?
Can I meet her?
Why are you here, Annie?
I just... I don't...
I want...
You want to help, is that it?
You pity your poor mom,
- No.
- You want to spread your bucks
around after all these years,
after I worked like a horse
to raise you on my own?
To train you to be the best.
You never helped anyone
in your whole fucking life!
I dreamt of this day for years.
Now that it's here,
I don't feel a thing.
(Indistinct chattering)
Go back up your mountain, Annie.
I'm sure you're a better mom
than I ever was.
You can afford to be.
Goodbye, Annie.
(Struggling to breathe)
(Clasp fastening)
(Footsteps approaching)
(Heavy breathing)
(Moaning louder)
(Key clangs to the ground)
(Heavy breathing)
(Automated lock)
(Taking deep breaths)
(Glass breaking)
Now run.
And pray that I never catch you!
(Breathing heavily)
(Water dripping)
(Air dryer humming)
- (Knocking)
- (Exclaims)
Is everything okay, madam?
What time is it?
A little after six.
I'm just leaving.
Can I see your license
and registration please?
I was just leaving!
Can I see your license
and registration please?
I was just leaving.
What's in the bags?
I'm an archer.
A what?
An archer.
Okay, okay, okay.
Uh, is this your car?
Who's Fraser Lewis?
He bought the car for me but
it's registered under my name.
Okay, wait here.
(Seatbelt clicks)
Okay, it's fine.
Go home.
(Seagulls crying)
(Car starting)
(Turn signal clicking)
(Turn signal shut off)
(Footsteps approaching)
(Doorbell ringing)
(Doorbell ringing)
(Footsteps down the stairs)
(Door closes)
You can leave
But never leave me
You were shaking
When you said that
I see them falling
Lovers are falling
Out of the sky
Into a bleed
Out of the sky
Into a real
Out of the sky
Into a bleed
Out of their parts
I see them fall
So where do I die
from here
Am I just walking
Am I just walking
She's lent to me a wind
I can't take hold of
Am I just walking
She's lent to me a wind
I can't take hold of
Am I just walking
She's lent to me a wind
I can't take hold of
She's lent to me a wind
I can't take hold of