Womb (2010) Movie Script

WOMB (2010)
It's over.
I will always speak to you...
...and I don't mind if
you don't say anything.
Just beacuse you went away, it doesn't
mean you're not here anymore.
Perhaps all I ever needed
was this gift.
The one you gave to me at the end.
- Shall I read to you?
- No, thanks.
Good night, Grandpa.
Hi! I'm Tommy.
And you?
- Rebecca.
Have you moved here?
No, my grandpa lives here,
I'm staying with him.
Rebecca, your grandfather's on the phone.
She's fallen asleep.
Shall I wake her up?
No. Not at all.
That's fine.
She's welcome to stay tonight.
Good night!
Tell me where we're going.
Up till now, he's only seen
blades of grass before.
It must seem like a
different planet to him.
Tomorrow we'll take him on the beach
and show him the sea.
I won't be here tomorrow.
I'm going away.
Are you going home?
- No.
- Where then?
- To Tokyo.
- Japan?
- What for?
-- My mother was there job.
Mom's got a job there.
- We'll be living on the 72nd floor.
- 72nd?
That's high.
I have to go.
- Hi?
- Rebecca?
Where are you?
On the beach, I came out to look to the storm.
-- When are you going tomorrow?
- I'm leaving at six, on the ferry.
I'll see you off, I've got a good idea.
- Rebecca?
- Yes, I'm here.
Tommy, hello?
It's time, Rebecca.
- Excuse me.
- What can I do for you?
- I've come to see Tommy.
- Oh, he hasn't lived here for a long time.
You look very familiar.
Have I met you somewhere before?
I'm Rebecca.
Rebecca ... The little girl,
that went to Japan?
For a while, Tommy nagged us
about going to Tokyo.
But then he forgot about it, luckily.
Where does he live now?
Do you know the little harbor
down by the embankment?
You'll find him there.
Who are you?
What are you doing?
- I am looking for Thomas.
- I'm Thomas.
Who are you?
Hi, Tom.
Who is she?
How was Japan?
- Fine.
- 72 th floor.
So, let us like normal people.
I Rous, this volume. And as you name?
- Are you going back?
- No, I finished my degree.
- What did you study?
- Maths.
And now?
What do you do now?
I design software for sonar devices.
Sonar devices that detects tiny cracks
in underground storage tanks.
Like the kind used in petrol stations,
you know they sometimes crack.
So Bingo let you come in just like that?
I've never seen him do that,
he hates strangers usually.
Once he bit a girl's thigh,
though it were monthly.
- Maybe he liked your scent.
- Maybe.
Maybe you two just start
sniffing each other?
How many years is it?
- Twelve.
- Twelve.
Maybe I should go.
Does Rose know that you're here?
I don't know.
She is your girlfriend, isn't she?
I met her yesterday for
the first time in my life.
How long is is since your
grandfather passed away?
Long time ago.
It's odd.
Seemed bigger in my mind.
Do you remember that night, when
you said you'd see me off because you had an idea...
...and you didn't turn up?
What was your idea, do you remember?
I thought you'd never ask.
I wanted to give him to you that morning.
Tokyo would have been
a great adventure for him.
I fed him, for about a year actually,
after you left.
He managed to eat and shit
at the same time.
Which is impressive.
He looked too good.
And one day, he didn't
appear anymore.
He was dead.
Why didn't you come?
I overslept.
But now I'm awake.
You're cold.
I know.
- What are you doing this weekend?
- Same as you.
I can't do it.
- I have to go away.
- I'll come with you.
I have to go alone.
It'll only be two days.
Where were yo go, I go.
This is somewhere you can't go.
Then you shouldn't go either.
They simply drained the marsh...
...and caught it thousands of tons of
reinforced concrete over there.
They built in six months, which is a record.
On paper, it's a wellness center.
They've called it Sparkling Park.
Profit will mainly come from
cyber-prostitution, you know...
...cyber-bitches, the plastic surgery,
cloning of domestic animals.
They opened last week.
This will be their first weekend,
or rather our weekend...
...because our group will
be there too.
Pollungroup. A militant environmental
activist group.
It will be a planned action,
with 23 participants.
We go inside, we cause
mass hysteria Rebecca...
...I'm telling you, mass hysteria,
thus diverting the security guards.
Now, meanwhile outside, the other guys
were blocked the enterance and...
...exit to the carpark with a quick
setting cement pool.
You know quick-cement?
No? Fine, don't worry about it.
- Anyway, then the media will turn up...
- How do you do that, mass hysteria?
You see those rucksacks? We're going to release
the cockroaches from those in the shops.
Around the pools and the restaurants, just
depending on the where the largest crowd are, really.
"Sparkling Park"
I've got six ruckssacks.
- Where are you going? - Away.
- What's all of this you're carrying?
- Do you want to come in for a coffee?
- No, no, not now.
Well, do I even get a kiss?
- What?
- I love your plan. Did you think it up all by yourself?
A-ha, yeah, of course.
I am but a simple cockroach breeder Rebecca.
I hope that makes me good enough for you.
I've always dreamt of meeting
a cockroach breeder.
I need to pee.
- How badly?
- Badly.
"I will wait for you,
for as long as it takes. "
- I can not eat Rebecca, I'm sorry.
-- At least sit down.
At least sit down.
I can't sit, either.
Would you tell us please
why you invited us here?
Of course.
He could be here with us again.
- Again? Who, Thomas?
Department of Genetic Replication
Consent to Exhumation and Taking of Tissue Samples
Who would give birth to him?
We are atheists...
...and we brought up Thomas
as an atheist.
But that does not mean we could rummage
in our deceased's grave and clone them.
We are not farm animals.
We accept what life gives us...
...and also what it takes away.
But what?
But life has also given us
this opportunity.
This gift.
Don't you see?
If I were you Rebecca,
I would repaint this room white.
Thank you.
Would you like us to move away?
No, stay.
He loved the sea,
he'll love it again.
As for us, there is no way we can stay here.
We're moving next week.
Thank you, Ralph.
...have a good think about it.
You can still change your mind.
Thank you.
- Hi.
- Hello.
- How old is your baby?
- Three months.
Do you want some pie?
Baked it myself.
Thanks, but not now.
I have to go to home.
- Okay.
- Bye. - Bye.
It's alright, baby.
Eat, sweetheart.
It's just us two.
Come out for a bit, I want to tell you something.
- What?
- Come out darling.
I know. I know I'll be going to
primary school and I go on Monday.
Yes, on Monday, you'll go to
primary school. But now come out.
I can see you okay from in here.
I have to speak to you
about your daddy.
Your daddy died in a car
accident before you were born.
- Really?
- Yes.
-- I thought he went back to his home planet.
- His home planet?
- Yes.
- Your father was from this planet.
That's a shame.
Listen Thomas.
Your father was real,
he was a student in biology.
And he was hit by a car.
Do you understand?
A man of words and not of deeds
Is like a garden full of weeds.
And when the weeds begin to grow,
It's like a garden full of snow.
And when the snow begins to fall,
It's like a bird upon the wall.
And when the bird away does fly,
It's like an eagle in the sky.
And when the sky begins to roar,
It's like a lion at the door.
And when the door begins to crack,
It's like a stick across your back.
And when your back begins to smart,
It's like a penknife in your heart.
And when your heart begins to bleed,
you're dead, and dead, and dead indeed...
I keep dying.
Try again.
Eric's staying over tonight.
Can I get you anything?
Hi, Mom.
Look at that little rabbit.
It's lovely.
What's your name?
I Dima, and that breast.
-- Snow Lump or just Lump?
-- Just Lump.
Well, we're off.
Bye, Tommy, see you.
Wouldn't you like to come and
play at our house Dima?
No, thank you.
- I can smell it. What about you?
- I could.
What did you smell?
- The copy smell.
- What?
Copy smell. Copies have a
weird smell.
- Where did you hear that?
- Oh mom, everyone knows that.
They smell like window cleaner.
It comes from their skin.
Eric says that you invited
little Dima into your home.
Look Rebecca, we don't have any
problem with human repliaction...
...we think that some clones are decent people
they have their own lives and rights...
The thing is, it's too complicated
for our kids.
Now we hear about these things in the news
all the time, but quite frankly...
we do not want our children coming up
against these things first hand.
Neither do you, I suppose.
Dima is the victim of
artificial incest.
Her mother gave birth to her own mother.
Did you know that?
So, if you'd known, you obviously wouldn't
have invited her into your home, would you?
No, of course not.
I'm gonna go now.
Come on Eric.