Women and Sometimes Men (2018) Movie Script

- Morning.
- Morning.
Uh, well, you know,
it's a lifestyle piece.
Uh, I don't think
any more than two days.
No, I've got, uh, Chloe
and, uh... the new guy.
- I love you.
- I know you do.
I love you, too.
Then I don't understand.
I don't expect you to.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I'm sorry...
Sorry about the mess.
Reminds me
of your college apartment.
[laughing] Yeah. College, right?
Um... Well, thank you so
much for letting me stay.
Of course, honey.
Stay as long as you need to.
- Night.
- Night.
Boysenberry scone.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
- Hey.
- Hey.
What can I get you?
- Um, a small coffee.
- Small coffee.
You want any cream or anything?
- Mm.
- No? Okay. Two bucks.
- Cici, small coffee.
- [Cici] Yep, one small coffee.
I like your scarf.
Aww. Thanks.
Yeah, I like it too.
Where'd you get it?
Um, I... I borrowed it
from my girlfriend.
She never wears it, so...
Your girlfriend? That's great.
- It's a great scarf.
- Thanks.
Oh, I'm Sara.
[laughing] That's so crazy.
I totally thought
your name was another name.
I mean, you look like an Ali.
Sorry. I work right across the street at
that, um, at that dress shop over there,
and I... we named you something.
Me and the girls that I
work with named you.
It's just this game we play, because
always come here for coffee,
and you're always here.
Bored females.
We have a great
selection of scarves.
You should come
look at our selection.
Okay, yeah.
I mean, you guys...
You have the cutest windows.
Thanks! I do the windows.
I mean, I do the display...
for the windows.
Ali: Got you.
Anyway, you have to come
check out my stuff.
Well, if I have to,
then I have
no other option, do I?
- [Cici] One small coffee.
- [Ali] Thanks.
Here you go.
[Penelope] Aw, this is cute.
I love it when they deliver
to me before 4:00.
All right, this one is 36.
Hey, you okay?
- [Penelope whistles]
- Huh?
Turning you out
- Hi.
- My spirit needs to trot
Because the lowness in me
- Hey.
- Reaches out to become free
- Because the lowness in me.
- [clears throat]
Reaches out to become free
[muffled music playing]
- You know I got one.
- Excuse me.
Why are you
taking your time?
It ain't easy to start
Girl, you see me
What you're doing to me
What are you drinking?
Uh, gin and tonic.
Hey, Ryan, uh, can you
get us a gin and tonic?
And I need another beer.
- Thanks.
- No problem.
I'm Casey.
Hi, Casey.
Okay, so are you gonna
tell me your name?
[laughing] Uh, I'm... I'm Sara.
- Nice to meet you, Sara.
- Nice to meet you, Casey.
All right.
Oh, no. Hey, I got it.
No, you don't. No, you don't.
Take it out of that.
Thank you.
So, um... I don't think
I've ever seen you here before.
No, yeah.
Um, I walk by this place
all the time after work.
Um, and I always think, "I might
go in there and have a drink."
And then, here I am,
having a drink tonight.
Um, I work at this little
dress shop on Horatio.
It's really great.
This dress is
from there actually.
You should come in sometime.
We have all these really
great vintage dresses.
Not... You don't... There's other
things that you can look at
if you're not into dresses.
I'm not just into dresses.
I mean, I do love
the dresses that we sell.
I'm just not
only into... dresses.
Okay, so, what else
are you into?
Uh, I'm a writer.
I mean, I like to write,
and I assume someday,
I will sell something.
I mean, that's
what happens, right?
What do you do, Casey?
I'm a writer.
- Oh.
- Journalist.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
I studied English.
Not... journalism, though.
Oh. Cool.
I really like your hair.
- Thanks.
- Oh, sorry. I'm sorry. Sorry.
I'm sort of new at this.
New at what, exactly?
Uh, going out,
and meeting people,
and... dating.
- Oh, so we're dating now?
- No! [Laughing] No, sorry.
I know we're not dating.
I mean, I would date you.
You're lovely.
And I'm like that.
I... dated someone
a long time ago,
and I loved it,
and I wanna do it again.
So, you're into women?
Are you a lesbian?
Are you aware you haven't
touched your drink?
[laughing] Right.
I'm nervous. Can you tell?
A little bit, yeah.
Listen, I'm here most weekends.
If you see me, come by.
Say hi, all right?
Oh. Uh... Okay. Okay.
It was really nice to meet you.
It was great to meet you.
I don't know
if I can go it anymore
Only when I'm lonely
- Do I seek what I am not.
- [Sara] Sorry.
[toilet flushing]
- [Casey] Hi.
- [Sara] Hi.
Long time, no see.
Oh, my God!
Your lips are so soft.
I mean,
your whole face is so soft.
You're funny.
Am I pretty?
Like, am I attractive to you?
- Yes, you're very attractive.
- I think you're so fucking sexy.
Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.
- Whoa, Sara! Slow down.
- I don't want to.
Hey, I'm here too.
Sorry. I'm so... I'm so sorry.
[Casey] Stop it. It's okay.
Stop it. It's all right.
You're not a lesbian, are you?
I guess not.
But you've been with women?
A woman.
- When?
- A long time ago.
Any chance of you two
getting back together?
[shakily] No.
But you keep seeing her
and hearing her
in your head, huh?
Women will do that.
You should tell her to shut up.
Fuck it.
[line ringing]
[line continues ringing]
[woman on phone] Hello?
Pen, are you asleep?
[Penelope, groggily] Yeah.
That's... Okay.
Are you still sleeping?
[Penelope] Yes!
What's wrong?
I'm drunk, and I'm gay.
Can I sleep in here?
I won't try to make out
with you or anything
- unless that's what you want me to do.
- Sara!
Okay, good.
I'm too tired anyway.
You're such a good friend to me.
[Penelope] I'm glad I can be.
I slept with
a total stranger tonight.
[Penelope] Really?
You must think I'm so crazy.
Do you think you're crazy?
No, I mean...
I think I'm amazing.
- And gay?
- Yeah.
So you slept with a
woman you don't know?
No, I kissed a woman.
I slept with a man.
Not that I didn't
try for a woman.
I tried for two women actually,
and they both fell apart
really quickly, twice,
and so, I went with what I know.
Men are so... easy.
Yeah, they are.
I got so sad-angry with
myself at that lesbian bar,
and then I made this
ill-advised phone call
with the little bit of liquid
courage that I had left.
And when that went
so shitty-shitti-shittily-
Shitty? Shit!
When that did not go well,
I went to the bar next-door,
and I just walked up
to the first guy I saw,
and I asked him
if he wanted to fuck.
And... surprise, he did,
and so we went to his...
- Sara!
- Well...
We went to his apartment,
and it was actually really good.
Like, he was really good,
and it was really good,
and I came a lot, and...
I don't even know how to get his...
I didn't get his number.
I don't even remember
what his name was.
It was some stupid,
generic guy name.
And then we kissed goodbye,
and he said good night.
And we both knew what it meant
that, like,
I was in control and...
I was just satisfied
and done with him.
So then, I got a cab home,
and now, I've been
sitting on your couch,
drinking too much wine,
and thinking about August.
[Penelope] Mm.
Men are so weird.
And amazing.
I mean, I know I want
to be with women,
but how am I supposed to give up
a bigger, stronger man?
Like, lifting me up,
and moving me around, and...
making decisions for me,
and focusing on me,
focusing on
not cumming too soon.
I love when guys can't
figure things out.
Like when they're staring
at a pool table or something.
I mean, focus. God!
Focus is just so fucking sexy.
[Penelope] Mm.
And I hate when they yell,
but I love when they get angry about
stuff and get super-passionate.
And I love when... when guys
have, like, big, strong hands,
and they have, like,
those big veins on them and...
the hands that do work,
and they have
those little scars.
I mean, hands that should scare
me, but they don't scare me.
Men comfort me.
Women, on the other hand,
terrify me,
like, trip me up.
It feels like it should be
the other way around.
[Penelope] Mm.
I mean, women are soft and...
We have the same parts.
I just...
I just know they are
what I want right now.
[Penelope] Did you really date
Jane McFarlane in college?
Yeah, how did you know that?
Sara, everybody knew.
I hate her so much.
[Penelope] No, you don't.
You're right, Penelope.
I don't hate her.
- I hate you... for contradicting me.
- What? [Laughs]
I am so contradictory.
Did you just make a dick joke?
- Shh. You're so loud.
- [laughing]
I have never heard
you make a dick joke.
- Okay, go to sleep.
- Ever!
That's the saddest dick joke
I've ever heard.
[Penelope] Shh. Bye.
Bye. Good night.
Oh, my God!
It's like looking at an autopsy,
some of these women.
No! No, not you.
This woman's profile pictures.
No, not...
That coat looked
so great on you.
I think you would be
so glad you had that.
Have a good day!
[door opening]
Uh... hi.
What are you doing here?
Um... I forgot a couple things.
You left your checkbook.
[Sara] I know.
And my robe.
Have you seen my pen?
That feather pen?
Anything else that
you would like to take from me?
Not that I can
think of right now.
When you coming back home?
I don't like this at all.
August, it's been,
like, two days.
But have you put on weight?
'Cause you look
like maybe you have.
Okay, I really just
came to get my pen.
And your stupid robe.
August, you're really bad
at trying to be an asshole.
I know.
Just don't try and be
something you're not.
What does that mean, Sara?
Can you just tell me
if you find that pen, please?
It's really important to me.
Yes, a pen is very important
at this point in time.
It is really important to me.
[August] Great!
Have an awesome day, Sara!
[camera clicking]
Okay. Like this...
[footsteps approaching]
What are you doing?
Let me know if you need help.
I will.
I do need help. [Laughs]
- [Sara] Hey, there.
- [Ali] Hey.
- Ali?
- Yes. Yes.
Not that other name
that you made up for me,
which I'm dying to know.
Oh... [laughing]
Do you wanna
try on some scarves?
Um, no. No, not really. Uh...
My friend is playing in this
band tonight, and, uh...
and, uh,
there's a bunch of us going,
a couple girls
from the coffee shop,
and I know it's last-minute,
but I wanted to see if you
were available, like 8:00.
Um... [sighs]
Can someone help me unzip this?
[Sara] Yeah, of course.
One second.
Yes. Um...
I have to leave
at 10:00, though.
That's cool.
Just, um, just meet me outside the
coffee shop when you get off.
- Okay.
- Okay. Cool.
- Hi.
- Hey.
- You ready?
- I'm ready.
I'm in love with you
I'm gonna take my time
This walk, this walk,
this walk will only
Well, it's only
gonna last so long
I was looking to my left
Instead of looking
to my right
I've been looking to my left
I gotta... go.
Give me your number.
Here. It's so loud.
Let me just...
Is that your boyfriend?
That guy,
is that your boyfriend?
Sorry. I...
Let's hang out again soon.
I think you're really pretty.
Have fun, okay?
We'll talk soon.
Where do you want this?
Uh, right here, I guess.
[sighs] Okay, well,
I will see you later.
Thank you for everything.
I don't... I don't know what I
would have done without you.
You're welcome.
I need the exercise anyway.
I meant thanks for everything.
If you didn't help me with...
with everything, I don't know
what I would have done.
Well, you're about
to find out. [Scoffs]
So, this is everything.
I'm gonna go return the rental.
You don't have to go
right this second, do you?
No, I guess not.
'Cause you could hang out
for a little if you wanted,
and we could play pretend,
and have one of our days
where we stay in,
and we could order that disgusting Mr.
Fun's you like so much.
I think I wanna go.
[quietly] Okay.
I feel bad about the way
you saw me the other day.
I wasn't... doing too well.
I understand.
Are you ready
to tell me why you left?
I can. I don't...
I don't know
if you wanna hear it.
Why are you doing this?
Because of women.
I wanna date women, and...
walk around, and hold hands,
and dress up, and go out, and...
make dinner, and go to bed,
and have sex with them.
We're not getting
married anymore
because you wanna
have sex with women?
I keep waiting for you to crack a
smile, tell me you're fucking with me,
but it looks like
you're about to cry, so...
I'm just so sorry.
How long...
have you wanted to have...
be with a woman?
I mean, for a long time.
Before college, but college
is the first time that I did.
And I miss it,
and I feel... dead inside.
[crying] I don't know.
I knew it when I met you,
but you're so beautiful,
and kind,
and I love you so much.
I mean, any girl would be crazy
not to wanna marry you.
Well, not any girl.
Do you not want to be with men?
I mean, I do.
I love men.
So, you're bisexual.
I don't know what I am.
Wait. Who did you
sleep with in college?
Lots of people.
No, what... What woman?
My roommate,
Jane McFarlane.
I've only seen pictures, but...
she's hot. [Laughs]
I mean, she's married
and has two kids,
and yeah, she's...
she's beautiful.
So, you've
already talked to her?
No. I called her,
and she answered,
and I cursed at her,
and I hung up.
Oh. [Laughs] Shit!
I had... I had no idea.
I had no idea
that's why you left.
I'm sorry for laughing.
It's fine. I know it's...
It's kind of funny. [Laughing]
I think, for her, I was
just some college fling.
And for me, I loved her.
I'd always known
I was attracted to women,
but I didn't know I could
love a woman that deeply,
and, like, make love to a woman.
And for her, I was just company,
like just some, ugh, girlfriend.
It doesn't feel as bad to talk
about it right this second,
but for the past week and a
half, I've been a total wreck.
So, what now?
I don't know. I mean...
I guess I do what women do.
Women seeking women.
Are you going to date men too?
Can I date?
Can I go out with women too?
I mean, you don't have
to ask my permission.
I miss you.
I know you do.
Come here.
I gotta go return the truck.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Bye.
- Bye.
[phone chiming]
[woman on phone] Hi.
Hi. Who's this?
[woman on phone]
It's Colleen from the site.
Hi, Colleen. Um...
It's nice to meet you.
Or, uh... [laughs nervously]
your voice anyway.
[Colleen on phone] You as well.
Thanks for sending your number.
I know it's scary.
It is.
Um, have you...
Have you done this before?
[Colleen on phone] Well, this is the
first time we've put an ad out,
and you're
the first person we liked.
Well, that makes
me feel special.
[Colleen on phone] It should.
Uh, it's you
and your husband, right?
[Colleen on phone] Yes.
Is that okay?
Yeah, that's... That's great.
[Colleen on phone]
That's... very exciting.
You got a great voice.
[giggling] Thanks. So do you.
[Colleen on phone]
We'll talk soon.
Check your email tonight.
Will do.
Um... bye.
[Colleen on phone]
Have a good night.
Are you guys not nervous at all?
Oh, no, of course we're nervous.
I mean, I kind of was
under the impression
you'd had tons
of experience with this.
I wouldn't say tons.
I would say that we have
had more near misses
than actual real,
all-the-way hits.
Why do you think that is?
[Ben] We scare people away.
Well... why?
Because we're sincere about
who we are and what we want.
I mean, that is scary.
people can see that it's gonna
be more than a one-night stand.
And they know that Ben is
gonna be in the relationship,
and that's scary for them.
I mean, even
if he's not involved,
he's in the relationship.
He's gonna know the details
at the very least.
That's scary, too.
- Thank you.
- [Sara laughs]
Um... Sorry. I can't...
I can't believe
I'm sitting here.
[Colleen] 'Cause you just
pictured yourself in bed with us?
Yeah. How do you know that?
[Colleen] That's what we do.
Women, we just... We ponder
all the potential regret.
I don't... I don't
think men do that.
Ben has a whole thing about
how women and men are different.
I mean, the differences
in their imaginations and...
Just tell her your thing.
[Ben] I think... And correct
me if I'm wrong about you.
But I think women imagine
the before, during, and after,
and that after, uh, lying
there, staring at the ceiling
next to someone you may
or may not know all that well,
all of their flaws just howling
at you from across the sheets,
that after makes women stop
before it ever starts.
I love the after.
[Sara] Um...
- [Colleen] Bye.
- [Sara] Bye.
Um... But, um...
I had to do that.
Great. Okay.
Um, okay.
- Bye. Bye.
- Bye.
[Jerry] No, no, the other
one, the other one.
[Sara's mother]
The other one is in the wash.
This one will have to do
until that one is clean.
[Jerry sighing]
[Sara's mother]
You know you can't sleep
in that recliner
overnight, Jerry.
Remember what Dr. Linden said?
[Sara's mother sighing]
It's the same conversation
night after night.
He doesn't wanna listen, and he's so upset
in the morning when his back won't work.
[Sara's mother]
Tell me, Sara, how's August?
Um... we broke up.
What? Where are you sleeping?
With Penelope...
At-at Penelope's.
[Sara's mother] Are you okay?
Are you doing
any writing at all?
Uh... yes.
I'm... I mean, here and there.
I have a new subject
I'm working on.
- [water running]
- [dishes rattling]
I think I'm going to date
this married couple for a while,
uh, a man and a woman.
Mostly, the woman.
I think I'm gonna
date women for a while.
Well, I'll say it again.
I hope you're
making good choices
and putting that college education
we bought for you to good use.
We've raised you right.
You've got a good head
on your shoulders,
and you can take
responsibility for yourself.
- [water running]
- [dishes rattling]
I think I'm bisexual, Mom.
[Sara's mother] So, what would
you like for breakfast?
I'll make you whatever you like.
Whatever you wanna make.
- Night, Mom.
- Good night.
Good night, Jerry.
Good night, honey.
- [August] Wow.
- [Sara] What?
You're seeing both of them?
[Sara] Sort of.
Her more than him.
They aren't Satan
worshipers or Mormons or...
She's an interior designer.
- He's, like, an IT guy.
- Jeez.
Are you gonna stay with them?
Um... I don't know.
I mean, what if one of them or
both of them gets tired of you?
Well, I don't know. I might
get tired of them, you know.
It's not really that different
from any other relationship.
[August laughing]
[Sara] It's not!
I don't know whether
I should scream in jealousy
or go behind that tree
and jack off.
Hmm... do both.
You're a terrifying girl.
Woman. Whatever.
[laughing] Thank you.
- [August] Done.
- [Sara] Good.
- [August] Good?
- [Sara] Get another one.
That's not good.
[Sara] So, I was kind of
telling him about us,
and I felt like he was, like,
super into it and excited,
but then also, like,
kind of freaked out.
Like, the synapses in his brain were
kind of, like, exploding. [Laughing]
Sara, could you just shut up
for a second, baby?
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, sorry.
I just haven't seen you
in a few days, and I'm excited.
[Colleen] I have herpes.
I... I don't know
what to say. I...
I'm not used to being embarrassed.
I don't like it.
One of you needs to say
something smart and comforting.
- [Ben] Well, I think...
- Not you.
Are you contagious?
I don't know. Probably.
- Does Ben have it?
- I'm getting tested this week.
You should, too.
Well, that is a great idea.
I just don't have insurance.
could you just please
say something comforting?
Well, I think maybe
you should be comforting me.
All you have to do is go to the
doctor, and get some $10 prescription
and be up front
with all your partners.
That's what I'm doing.
But I have to go,
and spend hundreds of dollars,
and get blood drawn,
which I fucking hate.
And what's that mean for us?
It means that...
we don't have sex until we find
out where you are with this.
I see the vultures who
are waiting on the other side
Feeling it all
A floating shadow
In the corners
of a brilliant disguise
- It's a disease.
- It's not a "disease" disease.
I mean, I've seen real sickness.
Perpetual misery is
the disease where I'm from,
like, you're supposed
to accept being miserable.
I mean, the people
I grew up around,
it's like they can't
see a way out of it,
and so, they just sit
in it year after year.
Yeah, a lot of people
feel that way everywhere.
I know.
I mean, I know everyone
is struggling with something.
- What?
- Nothing.
[phone ringing]
I gotta take this.
Hey. You looking for your girl?
- Wait. What girl?
- Mm-hmm.
- Is it that obvious?
- Extremely.
[sighs disgustedly]
[Penelope] Didn't the two of you
go out on a date or something?
[Sara] No, not really.
Aww. She not into chicks?
[Sara, mockingly]
Aww. I don't know.
I don't know, actually, at all.
I just think she's so gorgeous.
Well, isn't that reason enough to
go out on a second date, or what?
Is it? It seems so shallow.
I mean, I don't know.
I'm new at this.
So, is it okay for me to just
want the physical right now
and not care about love so much?
I mean, obviously,
if it happens, that's great.
But... is that terrible of me?
Uh, I mean,
my first thought is yeah.
You're just a step away
from being a dog in heat.
Ew! Can I be a cat, please?
It's only shallow
if you make it shallow.
You know, if your biggest worry
is finding a playmate,
that's a pretty
great place to be.
Most people are concerned about
putting enough food on the table
and not getting shot.
Am I right?
Well, yes, you are right.
So, just be safe and be free.
Well, where do these go?
[phone chiming]
[August on phone]
Hey, can you talk?
Yeah. What's wrong?
[August on phone]
Oh, you know, I hate people.
[chuckles wryly] And people
are indifferent to me.
Are you drunk?
[August, laughing] No.
[August] I'm not that drunk.
I went out tonight
and last night
and the night before that.
Women staring at me like I have a
horn growing out of my forehead.
I feel like I'm too old
to be doing this shit.
It's awful. Ugh!
It's so fucking awful.
[phone beeping]
Hey, hold on a second.
- Hello.
- [Ali on phone] Hi.
Who's this?
[laughing] I'm sorry.
It's Ali from the Coffee Cat.
Oh, hey!
[Ali on phone] Hi. You busy?
No, I'm not busy.
Um, can you hold on?
Just hold on one second.
[August on phone] Let me guess.
It's Mr. And Mrs. Sodom,
calling to invite you to another
120-some-odd-day orgy.
No, I'm not seeing them anymore.
Not like that, anyway.
[August on phone]
Oh, good. Good, good, good.
Have dinner with me on Saturday.
Okay, I'll see you Saturday.
[August on phone]
Okay, bye for now.
Okay, bye.
- Hey, Ali.
- [on phone] Hi.
Um... what's up?
[Ali on phone]
Nothing much. Um...
Are you working tomorrow?
[Ali] Cool.
I was hoping I could come by and look for
a dress to wear to my brother's wedding.
Oh, cool! Yeah!
What are you doing after that?
[Ali] After what?
After you come by the shop.
[Ali] I'm going back to work.
Right. [Laughs]
Uh, what are
you doing after work?
[Ali, chuckles] Nothing.
Well, we should go out
and get a drink.
[Ali] Yeah, we should.
Maybe just somewhere close.
[Ali] Sure. Yeah,
that's sounds great.
Okay, so, um...
Uh, your brother is getting married.
Where is that happening?
[Ali] Upstate, Poughkeepsie.
My mom wanted me to wear a dress
that covers my tats, so...
This could work.
- Yeah!
- Yeah?
You look...
It's dynamite.
So, um, where are you from?
Oh, we're both from the South.
That's cool.
Really? Where are you from?
Well, originally,
I'm from northwest Florida.
But, uh, my step-dad
and my mom live here now.
That's sweet. Did they
move here to be with you?
No, my step-dad got really sick,
so they moved out here so he could
get treatment at Sloan Kettering.
- I'm sorry.
- That's okay. He's much better now.
My mom says it's mostly
maintenance at this point.
[clears throat]
So, Texas.
How was that? I mean, I don't
really know too much about it,
except... oranges,
boating, Disneyland.
- World.
- "World"?
Disney World.
Disneyland is in California.
Um, Florida is...
I don't know. Florida is funny.
They say you have to go north to
go south, which is totally true.
Northwest Florida is
basically the South.
It's like Flor-bama.
- [laughing]
- It is.
Are your parents still together?
Um, no.
- Divorced?
- Uh-huh, yeah.
Do you have step-parents?
Uh-huh. Why? Why do you ask?
I don't know. I just feel like we're
a generation of step-kids. It sucks.
No, it's not fun.
No. That is well-put.
It is not fun, at all.
[laughing] You're funny, Sara.
So, what else?
- What else what?
- I don't know.
How long have you been
with your girlfriend?
- My... My girlfriend?
- Girlfriend.
No. You don't have a girlfriend.
I thought you said you borrowed
that awesome... That one.
Awesome scarf
from your girlfriend.
My friend, Shelly,
- she's a girl.
- Right.
- [laughing]
- Right.
Of course.
- You're funny, Sara.
- Why do you keep saying that?
[giggling] I don't know.
You just... You are.
I don't think you mean to be.
It's charming.
Well, that's good, I think.
Can I...
Can I ask you something?
[laughing] Please,
ask me something immediately.
Why'd you ask me out tonight?
Oh, I don't know. Um...
'Cause you asked me out
that other time,
and so, I wanted to ask
you out to make it even.
Even steven.
But I, um, asked you out
with a bunch of friends,
and you asked me out alone.
I don't have any friends.
That's not true. I'm sorry.
- I have plenty of friends.
- [laughs]
You don't have to answer.
[clears throat]
I... I asked you out...
because you interest me.
Interest you how?
I don't know. You're...
I see you all the time,
and you're friendly, and...
I like the way you dress.
Do you have to go?
No, no. Do you?
Me neither.
[both laughing]
- Do I make you nervous?
- Yes.
What? You make me nervous.
Well, I would never know that.
You can say it.
I can't promise that
I'm not gonna freak out,
and... blush,
or get up and go, but...
you just spit it out.
I find you
incredibly attractive.
I look for you in the window
every time I go to work,
and I come to your cafe
and drink that coffee,
even though it's terrible.
And I'm dating women
in my life right now,
and I mean, I might
continue to forever.
And if you're interested,
and I... totally understand
if you're not gay or bi.
I mean, even if you are
either of those things,
I completely get it
if you're not attracted to me.
[clears throat]
Because I can be scary
and talk too much
like I'm doing right now.
But, um, you just...
You seem really nice,
and you're beautiful,
and I wanna touch you,
and I... don't even
know your last name.
I guess what I'm...
[inhales deeply]
Wow. Okay.
What I'm saying is if you are...
Are you interested
in seeing a woman,
or women, or...
'Cause I'm tired of buying
coffee I'm just gonna throw out.
My last name...
is Proenza.
That's a pretty name.
[indistinct conversation]
[announcer on PA] This is the
Manhattan-bound F local train.
The next stop is
Jay Street-Metro Tech.
- What's up?
- Not much.
- Let's go on a date.
- Right now?
Yes, right now.
[laughs uncomfortably] Aren't we
seeing each other on Saturday?
Well, I'm being spontaneous.
Let's go out, or let me come in.
- I can't.
- Why not?
Because I'm on a date.
- You are?
- [laughs] Yes.
Like, right now?
Well, how's it going?
It's fine.
Is she cute? Can I see her?
Come on. Just, like, a little...
No, she's not a doll, Sara.
I'm not gonna steal her
from you. [Laughs]
I have no game whatsoever.
What happened?
Oh, I asked a girl out who's not
into chicks. That whole routine.
Anyway, let me see her.
No. Probably freaking her out
right now anyways.
Come on. If she's hot, I'll
have a threesome with you guys.
- Oh, that's funny.
- You deserve one.
[sarcastically] Ha ha ha ha ha.
Go home, Sara.
- Okay.
- Okay?
Okay, have a good night.
- Hey, Sara.
- Hello!
- What's going on?
- Not a lot.
I was just in the neighborhood,
and I... [inhales deeply]
Was not in the neighborhood.
That is a lie.
I just came straight
from my mailbox to tell you...
Where's Colleen?
- She's asleep.
- Let's wake her up.
Hi, Colleen!
Hi, Sara.
I have good, bad, good news.
- You do?
- [Sara] Yes.
- What is it?
- Look at this.
Congratulations, sweetie.
- [Ben] What does it say?
- It says she's clear.
But... I don't care.
I don't care what I don't
have and what you guys have.
I wanna be with you guys anyway.
And besides, herpes isn't
even, like, a real disease.
They tell you that it is just to scare
the shit out of you in high school.
But what they don't tell you
is that the older you get,
the further apart
your breakouts are.
I did research on it.
- What time is it?
- [Ben] Two-thirty.
I thought you guys were
gonna do cartwheels about this.
Sara, honey...
You... [sighs]
You are with us,
and you always will be.
I hope you know that.
So, you're turning me down?
For sex, yeah.
As much as that hurts right now,
but... if you wanna
go get a shower,
we can cuddle
until we go to work.
- I don't wanna cuddle!
- That's a terrible thing to say.
Well, I'm tired
of being fucking rejected.
Oh, my God!
Sara, please stop whining.
I cannot believe
I'm awake right now.
You guys found someone else
already, didn't you?
That's what this is all about.
Not necessarily.
So, I've already been replaced.
That's amazing.
I mean, I will say
I've never been broken up with
two people at the same time.
So, I mean, hallelujah
for new experiences, right?
Nobody could replace you,
Do I really whine?
- Yes.
- Yes.
[whispers] Let's go to sleep.
[Colleen] You weren't
even gonna say goodbye?
What's the matter,
my little mentee?
[sighing] Of course I
was gonna say goodbye.
But it's early. You
should go back to sleep.
[Ben] I love you, baby.
He talks in his sleep sometimes.
[whispers] I know.
It's beautiful.
And so are you.
Thank you.
For what?
I know you're not talking
about my morning breath.
Just thank you.
[electronic music playing]
[line ringing]
[on phone] Hey, it's August.
- Leave a message, and I'll call you back.
- August... Ugh!
[line ringing]
[phone ringing]
This is the day
I'll give into you
[phone ringing]
[whispers] Sorry.
I'll be afraid,
hoping you feel it too
Hey, what's up?
[Sara] Are you busy right now?
- Uh, "right now" right now?
- Yeah.
Um, no.
Just hold on a second.
[whispers] I gotta take this.
I'll be right back.
- Oh! Hey.
- Where are you going?
[August] It's okay. It's just
family stuff, all right?
I'll be right back. Okay.
What is it?
[stammering] No, nothing.
Um... I don't know.
What? Are the ladies not giving
you what you need right now?
Wow! You can be
an actual asshole.
I'm not an asshole, Sara.
I'm just not your go-to anymore.
You can't just come to me with the same
stuff you did like when we were together,
'cause we're not together.
I know we're not.
Okay, so you get it?
[Sara] Get what?
That I'm not just there for you.
All right, I'm sorry.
You know that I'm there for you.
Just not anytime
that you feel like it.
I'm guessing that
this is one of those moments.
You're right.
I'm... I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have called.
I hope she's pretty.
She is.
Okay. Um...
I'm gonna hang up now.
But I don't want you
to say anything.
I love you.
Don't say anything.
Full moon out
from behind a cloud
[groaning] What am I doing? Ugh!
[chuckles wryly]
[phone ringing]
[Jane on phone] Hello?
- [Jane] Sara?
- [laughing] Yeah.
[Jane] Did you call
here a few weeks ago?
[weakly] No.
I did.
[Jane] Well, are you...
Are you okay?
[tearfully] No.
How are your kids on Face...
I mean, your kids?
Their pictures on
Facebook are real cute.
[Jane] Well... uh,
they're good, a handful.
Um, I need to say
something to you.
I need to say it right now, 'cause I'm...
[laughing] drunk enough,
and it's late enough
to not seem like
the worst idea I've ever had.
I know it's not as late
where you are,
and that you're probably in bed
or... reading stories.
But, um...
I love you,
and... I have
for a really long time,
and it's not like I haven't
tried really hard not to.
And I just...
I need you to know that.
Or I needed to say it
or I need you to hear it.
Um, because I...
I think about you naked, lying
next to me almost every day.
Every day.
And I don't know
what to do about that.
I don't know what to do
about... anything at all.
God... Fuck!
Sorry! Sorry! I overslept.
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
[Penelope] It's inventory day.
You can start
with the paperwork.
[Penelope] Hey, Sara,
I need your help.
[footsteps approaching]
Shit, Sara!
- Hey, wake up!
- [Sara groaning]
Hey! Hey! Hello?
What? What's... What?
[laughs] Rent's due.
What? Are you serious?
[laughing] I'm kidding.
I took it out of your paycheck.
Will you put those over there?
Did you have a rough night?
If by rough night,
you mean "rough month."
Oh, give me a break!
You're a swinging bachelor
having sex all over town.
You need to get over yourself.
And you need to hand me
that jewelry binder.
Sex, sex, sex, sex, sex.
It's true.
[phone chiming]
- Aah!
- Jesus!
[laughing] Jesus!
[laughing] Sorry. You scared me.
God, I've never seen you so...
So what?
I don't know.
Your reflexes so...
- Sharp and quick.
- [laughing]
Well, what's a guy to do
when their fiance leaves them?
Take self-defense classes.
Come on. It's a joke.
Oh, I get you were
trying to make a joke.
- Not funny.
- No?
That's why I'm not laughing.
There she is.
I thought maybe...
maybe you'd just
gone away completely.
[Sara] Remember that place
we lived in the East Village?
[August] Yeah.
And I'd make you read my
writing on the fire escape...
no matter how cold it was.
- "Subway Tales"?
- [laughing]
"Subway Tales" would
have been a huge hit.
Yeah, with somebody.
It would have been such a hit.
Did you write this while you
were playing with yourself?
Yeah. Well, I mean, trying to.
- Hmm.
- What do you think?
About your writing?
That you're reading, yeah.
[laughs] Honestly, it's...
as bad as it ever was.
It's like... I have no
idea what you're saying.
It's like speaker static, Sara.
But, hey, I'm not a novelist.
That's not what I do.
So, hey, you're writing.
That means you're happy.
So, that's good.
[laughing] You're such a cunt!
Any by the way,
I know it's shitty.
[laughing] Then why'd
you show it to me?
Because the stuff that's made out of
gold isn't ready to be shown yet.
- Hmm.
- Almost.
It's all messy
in a notebook right now.
- You need another beer?
- Mm-hmm.
Thank you.
Here's to your first chapter.
You look amazing.
Thanks. I feel amazing.
The writing is good?
Yeah, but we just
talked about that.
What do you really wanna ask me?
What are we doing?
- I don't know!
- [laughing]
Fuck, I love you.
I love you, too.
I need another beer.
- Wow.
- What? Oh.
That's some outfit.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Did you just get
back from the club?
[laughs] Something like that.
It's classy.
Well, yeah, that's me.
Classy lady, walking
the streets at 7:00 a.m.
[Ali] So, I was thinking
of stopping by the shop tonight
to see if you had any shoes
to match that dress.
[Sara] Maybe.
[Ali] Cool. Then I'll stop by.
- Have a good day.
- Yeah, you too.
- Okay.
- Bye.
[Ali] So... I have a
question I wanna ask you.
About what?
What am I to you?
Am I just filling some void?
I just happen to be...
nearby and pretty?
I mean, probably that
is what I see in you.
But isn't that enough?
For a night, yeah.
Do you wanna kiss me?
Because you wanna kiss me.
Well, then, come closer.
A little closer than that.
I don't wanna start
and then stop halfway through.
So if this is just
a quick fascination for you,
you should go home.
If you let me touch you, I'm not
gonna stop until you push me away.
Are you always so aggressive?
It's just a place I'm in.
Do you have a boyfriend?
Uh... not really.
What's that mean?
It means that
I'm... seeing someone.
I've gone on a few dates,
and it's nothing official.
So, that guy
that I saw you with?
Yes. Like I said,
it's nothing official.
Have you ever kissed
a woman before?
Once. [Giggles]
In college.
There were lots of people
around, cheering and...
[laughing] That
doesn't count at all.
I know.
Do you have any infectious
diseases I should know about?
That's a crazy question.
[laughing] My answer is no.
- Do you?
- No.
That's nice.
Are you ready?
[soft music playing]
Why are you laughing?
[both laughing]
You have soft lips.
[Sara] I'm not laughing.
[laughing] I can't
believe I'm doing this.
- Your waist is so tiny.
- [laughing]
Are you done?
Hm-mm. No.
So... [laughing]
I haven't stopped...
thinking about this
since our first date.
Our first date?
You mean when we went and saw music
at that friend of yours' thing?
You thought that was a date?
Kind of did, yeah.
Are you a lesbian?
You're beautiful,
[laughing] and you have,
like, angry eyes.
[Sara laughing]
Are you gonna leave now?
I think so.
- Wanna have a sleepover?
- [laughing] What?
- Here?
- Yeah.
Aren't you gonna get in trouble?
No, no one comes in here
till noon tomorrow.
What'll I wear to sleep in?
Oh, I'm sure
we could find something.
I like the way you smell.
[laughing] Are you gonna tell
me that name you have for me?
[laughing] Fuck!
Then I'm gonna look
for something to wear.
You should get food.
And wine.
So, there.
[soft music playing]
I've waited all this time
I had it on my mind
Chasing all the
things I wanted most
When I lost it long ago
Put the tea on
Try your flavor
Let's make a little fire
Tell me sweetly
Now, we're sitting
Light's dancing in your eyes
We've waited all this time
We have it all
[electronic music playing]
[August] So, what do
you think of Brooklyn?
[Sara] Um...
When you're not tripping over
hipsters, it's actually really great.
The families, and parks,
and good food, and...
cute, multi-ethnic girls.
Oh! Oh, okay.
So, what's your type?
Brown hair, sexy
brown eyes, scruff.
[laughs] That's funny.
Little mole right
behind the left ear.
- Funny, funny, funny.
- Super turns me on.
Really, what's your type?
With women? Is that what
you're trying to ask me?
Yes, with women.
Uh, I don't really know.
I don't have a specific type.
It's specific to the person.
What about her?
She's super-pretty.
She do it for you?
I mean, I've never talked
to her, so I don't know.
What about her?
- Nah.
- No?
Hm-mm. Physically, anyway, no.
What about this girl?
What girl?
The girl you're dating.
Oh, I don't know
that we're dating.
I mean, dating can have
a lot of connotations.
Okay, the girl
you're whatever-ing with.
You mean Ali?
- Is that her name?
- Mm-hmm.
Let me see a picture of her.
Like I have a picture.
Come on. I know
you have a picture.
- I totally have a picture.
- [laughing] Uh-huh.
Wow. She's beautiful.
Well, yeah. What did you think?
I was gonna have bad taste?
I mean, I chose you, didn't I?
I see it.
How are those pancakes?
- Good.
- Yeah?
They make me happy, 'cause it's
like eating a smiley face.
[choking, coughing] You're
so fucking weird sometimes.
What's so weird about that?
That is a totally
weird thing to say.
Why would you want...
Why would I wanna
eat a smiley face?
I think you should think
about that question.
- Why wouldn't you...
- I did think about it before I asked it.
- No, you didn't.
- I totally did.
Man, it's so strange
how everybody lean on me
I can't help soaking
in their anxiety
I got no filters on
I need to put an end
to this racket
Maybe just pull the plug out
Watch them shout out
No harm done
Just pull the plug out
Watch them shout out
Silence tuner
Beasts at the fire
Doesn't like regulator
Silence tuner
Beasts at the fire
Doesn't like regulator
Silence tuner
Beasts at the fire
Doesn't like regulator
Silence tuner
Beasts at the fire
Doesn't like regulator
Silence tuner
Beasts at the fire
Doesn't like regulator