Women is Losers (2021) Movie Script

Stop, stop, what
is the matter with you?
Not my jacket!
your stupid jacket,
that's all you
care about anyway!
I don't even know
why I put with you.
Why you put up with me?
What about you?
Go then, huh?
Go home with her!
Nah, nah, nah, nah.
You wanted him so bad?
You keep him!
Celina, stop!
Can we talk, please?
Oh, what should
we talk about first?
The fact that this
woman has drawers
full of your underwear,
or that you weren't at
home watching Christian?
It's not his fault you
let yourself get pregnant.
America, English, speak English!
This is America, and
we speak English now.
But before the British even
showed up in the scene,
Native Americans had over
300 different dialects.
In fact, the American
accent is made up
by multiple cultures struggling
to speak British English.
If you didn't know
this, I didn't either.
I mean, not many of us do.
As Americans, we're
not great at history.
How many films about the
60s and 70s have you seen
that aren't just about me?
While we all had
Saturday Night Fever,
there were communities of
Americans, especially women,
that were fighting to be
treated like, well, Americans,
and guess what?
They won.
And guess what?
We're losing.
So allow us to take you
back to the beginning
to show you how far we've come.
But your gonna have
to forgive us for being,
well, resourceful.
And for not being able to
afford to dress the street.
Where can a girl
get some affordable
childcare over here, huh?
Cash only, sweetheart.
You can take him.
If you can forgive
us for the fact
that we don't have
the best lighting.
Can I get a little
fill down here?
We'll tell you a
story about making due
with what you've got.
About stretching a penny
as long as a track.
Pulling yourself up
by the bootstraps
when all you have
left is your skin.
'Cause if you were
living in that America,
we bet that you'd be throwing
things out the window too.
High school, 1967.
Old people have
sex faster than this.
How do you even like this
stuff, it's so boring.
I don't know, it
just makes sense.
What would make sense
is you coming tonight.
I can't.
You're really gonna miss
your man's welcome home party?
Shh, he's not my man.
Someone should tell him that.
Are you talking
about Mateo Valencia?
Oh, you're so lucky, Cel.
Older guys are the best.
They're so worldly, not like
these little boys around here
that don't know where
to put their pingas.
That's what I'm saying!
Even if he was
medically discharged,
it probably all still works.
Can't you see that some
of us are trying to study?
Don't worry, Yvette,
no one was inviting you.
Well, not everyone
cares about boys' pingas.
This is a plane, actually.
And I was gonna ask Mateo
what it was like in Europe.
Because I want to
be a pilot one day,
and I might want to go there.
First of all,
girls can't be pilot.
And second of all,
you might want to wait
until the end of the war.
Yeah, you would know
that if you did anything
other than your makeup.
Shut up, Yvette.
Come on.
Even pilots have to do math.
Look, it's easy if
you follow the rules.
It's a straight
line from A to B.
Every time.
It's fair.
Can I just copy you?
It's gonna save time.
What's wrong?
You're too good for my food?
I have a question.
Marty asked me if
I can go to Mateo's
welcome home party.
He's back?
What a nice life you
give your daughter.
Private school, parties.
While I bust my
ass working so late
so she can live the good life.
Does that seem okay?
So what?
You're going to go out
at night like a whore?
No, mama.
No, it's fine.
Go and slut around like
your Mom did in her day.
And look how well that went.
Juan, that's enough.
This is my house, and
I'll say as I please.
You go study.
No, no, no, no!
Go to your room, Celina.
I said go to your room!
Seriously, what would you do?
I've been holding
back the hounds.
Good morning, Vietnam.
Don't be nervous.
I'm not nervous.
There's nothing
to be nervous about.
Why are you nervous?
I'm not nervous,
he's just a guy.
Would you like some cake?
Oh, yeah, cake.
I love cake, I'm gonna get cake.
Welcome home.
Thank you for coming.
You look okay.
Just okay?
I mean, you didn't
lose a leg, an arm.
I mean...
Did you miss me?
A lot.
I missed you too.
Do you want to dance with me?
I need to pee.
Marty, I need you.
I didn't have my cake!
An arm?
Why don't you just set off
a firecracker next to him?
I'm serious, Marty.
Okay, this whole
time he's been gone
he's all I've thought about.
I think I'm in love.
No, no, no, no, no.
Oh, no.
You did not tell
him that, did you?
Good, good.
You have to play hard to
get, keep him on his toes.
Otherwise, he'll
step all over you,
and I will not let
you get stepped on.
Okay, but...
What if he loves me too?
Then he won't
let you get away.
Are you sure?
Of course I'm sure.
I mean, look at me and Carlos.
He practically begs me for it.
Look at me and Marty.
She does what I
say, when I say it.
You want to get her attention?
Ignore her.
I don't want to
ignore her, man.
I just got back, you know?
The less interested
you come across,
the more you'll have her
going wet for you, man.
Okay, I'm gonna
go talk to her.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
Man up!
I'm not gonna be
around to keep you
from getting your heart
broken this time, man.
I'm serious.
Listen to me.
You've already tried
to chivalry thing.
Where did that get you?
Blue balls all the way to China.
Okay, scratch that.
Treat her like shit
and you'll have her
with her legs wide open
until the sun comes up.
Come on.
It's not like you're out
of options anyway, hm?
I'm sorry I ran out
on you like that before.
I, um...
I'm ready to dance now.
Oh, um...
On the next one, yeah?
Excuse me?
What are you doing?
Having a good time.
You should too.
Oh, oh, I will, I will.
What did you do?
No, what did you do?
I told him to man up.
What are you doing?
Fixing this.
Girls over here,
boys over there.
We're gonna do a little dance.
Oh, god.
Excuse me!
Okay, make a little
room, come on, guys.
I'm gonna give you
a little something.
Yeah, Carlos, come on, baby!
Yeah, all right!
I just love it up here.
Don't you?
Are you happy to be back?
Can I be honest with you?
Hey, no, no, no, no.
It has nothing to do with you.
You're the only thing
that's making this bearable.
I understand.
You want to be with your men.
Yeah, you know, I
should be with my men.
I should be doing
a lot of things.
Come on, I've
waited a long time.
You know, I want
to be your first,
you don't want me
to be your first?
I do, you know I do.
Okay, then what
are we waiting for?
We love each other, right?
Then what?
Let it out.
Oh god.
You're okay, you're
okay, you're okay.
The pill?
Oh, I can only prescribe
those to married couples.
Does your mother
know you're here?
What do you want that for?
I didn't raise a whore.
Keep your legs closed.
Sex is a sin, lust is a sin.
The female body is a weak,
dirty, and sinful thing.
Let us pray.
Don't worry, nothing
happens the first time.
Nothing happens
the first time?
God, they'll say
whatever it takes.
"Don't worry, I'll
pull out, it's fine."
What's that mean?
He didn't say that.
Mateo didn't...
But Carlos did.
I thought we
were being careful.
He said it would work!
God, I'm so stupid.
It's that damn uniform.
How long since...
Two months, maybe three.
What are we gonna do?
We're not gonna let
this ruin our life.
Carlos knows a
doctor who can help.
Hey, you know what?
- Let's get married.
- What?
Right, I'm back.
I didn't want to be
back, but I'm back.
Okay, maybe the injury,
maybe me leaving the company,
all that was supposed to happen.
I can take care
of you, all of us.
How many teeth
are we extracting?
I'm writing your prescription
nerve blocker for the pain.
You take two the night before.
And bring cash, use
the back entrance.
You understand?
Mhm, yeah.
You tell Carlos this is
the last time I help him
with one of his girls.
I'll tell him.
Stop, please.
I can't.
I'm freaking out, I don't
think we should do this,
it's not safe.
He's a dentist.
He takes things out of
people all the time.
He takes things out
of their mouths.
Same thing.
It's not funny.
We took the medicine,
we'll be fine.
Come on, you really want
to have a baby right now?
We're gonna get through this,
and you're gonna go off
and be some math prodigy person
and have a big house with
a white picket fence.
Because you're the
smartest person I know,
and you're not gonna waste that.
And you're gonna be a pilot,
and you're gonna see the world.
Damn right.
There's gotta
be more than this.
Maybe not Asia.
How about Europe?
So, who's first?
I'll go.
Maybe you're thinking
this is an easy way out,
but there's nothing
easy about this.
I'm never gonna be able to
talk to anybody about it.
I'm gonna spend
the rest of my life
pretending like
it never happened.
Sure, I got myself here, I
made the decision to have sex.
I'm the sinner.
I made a bad choice,
and I should live
with the consequences.
But did I really just
make a bad choice,
or was I just not
given the safety
to make an informed one?
The catch-22 is enough to
make you scream on the inside.
Oh my
god, oh my god.
I told you to stay still!
Open the door!
Hey, open the door!
Call an ambulance!
Marty, Marty, open the door!
I tried to get in.
I tried to get out.
Hey, hey.
No, no, no, no.
Did my mom come?
One more thing to haunt her for.
Hey, hey.
Don't talk like that, okay?
You're not dying.
Okay, they're gonna fix you up.
Don't lie, Cel.
It doesn't look good on you.
Don't talk so much, it
doesn't look good on you.
Bitch, everything
looks good on me.
Don't ever tell
him I was sorry.
When they ask, I'm not.
Looks like you're gonna
make all the decisions now.
Do all the things you want, Cel.
Promise me.
Don't talk like this.
Do you think God
will forgive me?
There is nothing to forgive.
Uh, miss?
I'm told you're next of kin.
Would you be able to
confirm a few details?
Her name was Martina Guzman?
Cause of death?
Yeah, can you
clarify this with them?
Because this doesn't-
- I will, I know.
I have a call out to Ingrid,
and I haven't heard back yet.
You may take your
lunch break now.
Is there anything
else I might do?
Let's get her on the
phone together maybe?
Mom, what's wrong?
The baby is sick.
You need to take care of him.
You said you'd watch him.
I need to take
care of your father.
You need to come home now.
He's been crying all day,
I don't know what's wrong.
Mom, I can't leave.
If I leave, I'll lose my job.
That's your problem.
Who told you to have a kid?
Maybe his stomach
hurts, I don't know.
Shh, shh, shh, shh.
You need to buy more milk.
I just bought some.
We drink a lot of
milk in this house.
What do you want me to do?
Did you tell her?
Tell me what?
That you have
to pay more rent.
What, why?
Did they raise it?
So then?
So then?
So then, the problem is...
That your Mom and I
think that it's not fair
that you only pay
half of the rent,
meanwhile she takes
care of your kid.
And the utilities, the food?
Did you forget I pay those too?
Don't get fresh.
A babysitter would
cost you much more.
And why should we have
to solve your mess?
We're doing you a favor.
I don't have enough.
Mom, I don't have
enough, I really don't.
Wherever you go, you
have to pay rent.
Why don't you take
the baby to bed?
Don't worry, papito.
We're gonna be okay.
I promise.
Did you enjoy your nap?
You're smart to save money.
There's not a lot of girls
doing that these days.
Most of them spend it
on magazines and makeup.
That's every day sexism.
He's being nice, so I'm
gonna give him a pass.
Can I ask what
you're saving for?
A wedding, maybe?
That, or something like that.
I have another job too.
You're gonna need a third.
Have you ever considered
applying for a job as a teller?
I mean, you're a fast learner,
and tellers make a great
deal more than typists do.
I have, but you
need a diploma.
Ah, I see.
Thank you for lunch, Mr. Li.
Come with me, please.
Bring your things.
Minerva, I am so sorry.
I will not make
any more mistakes.
I really need this job.
Come on.
Seems Mr. Li thinks you
have some potential.
I don't understand.
Oh, trust me, neither do I.
If you any questions,
Gertie will help you.
You'll want to thank him.
Be careful.
Mr. Li?
Mr. Li.
Celina, I thought we
agreed to call me Gilbert.
How's the new
position treating you?
It's great.
I wanted to say thank you.
Ah, don't sweat it.
Ah, Mr...
Why did you do it?
Everybody needs a
hand up once in a while.
Hey, what are you
doing tomorrow?
I'm working.
It's Sunday.
I work on Sundays.
Ah, it's a shame.
I wanted to show you something.
Maybe I can get it covered.
I'll buy lunch.
Who was that?
None of your business.
So what, you into Asians now?
What are you doing here?
You're not gonna stop
me from seeing my son.
My son, okay?
Where the hell has you been?
He doesn't even
know who you are.
- I don't-
- Stop it.
This is my work, okay?
Don't make a scene.
Look, I'm sorry.
I don't know, I guess
I thought if I let you
do this by yourself, you would
realize that this is hard,
and you would see that
we should be together.
'Cause I still love you.
I know you still love me too.
So, you thought you'd leave me
so that I would what, marry you?
That was your plan?
Stay away from me.
Carlos didn't make it.
He didn't make it back, and
there's not even enough of him
to put in a casket.
I need you.
If you want to see
Christian, come sober.
Well, it doesn't
how many eggs you eat,
you're making a losing trade.
Your time for money.
I mean, that's the stupidest
trade a person can make.
Stupider yet for a woman.
Your time is worth
half of a man's.
I should know, I
sign the checks.
It's just the way it is.
That might change in the future.
But for now, there's no
use getting upset about it,
just get around it.
Be more like the Chinese.
You see, when California was
nothing more than the Wild...
You know what?
I'm gonna need a little
bit of help here.
When California was nothing
but the "Wild West",
the government needed hard
workers to build the land.
So, they recruited the Chinese.
But then the Gold Rush happened,
and a wasteland because
a treasure chest.
The government now
wanted them gone,
so they made people
afraid of them.
Called them lewd, dangerous,
that they take their jobs,
also they could build
support to pass a law.
The Chinese Exclusion Act.
They barred all Chinese people
from immigrating, working,
even marrying Americans.
My great grandfather
was one of those people.
Where was he gonna go?
This was his country now,
he had been shaped by.
And so he took its best advice.
Hold yourself up
by your bootstraps.
He figured they could exclude
him from picking gold,
but not from picking dirt.
He bought a road from
the Wharf to the mines
and built a streetcar.
And now, the same
people who excluded him,
had to pay him to get
to work every day.
He would never be
excluded again.
This is our stop.
You say you want to buy a house
so you can never be kicked out.
I say buy many, so you
can never be kicked down.
Wanna go inside?
It's mine.
Watch your step, okay?
It's still very unfinished.
I've been developing a lot
of land around the city,
and this is one
of my properties.
When it's done,
I'll move in here,
rent out the bottom two.
What do you think?
It's amazing.
But I'm struggling so
much as is for one place,
how would I ever
get a down payment
for something like this?
Stick with me, I'll show you.
You're good with
numbers, that's helpful.
The first thing you're gonna
do is open a savings account.
It'll accrue interest.
It's not much, but
everything counts.
You already have a
second job, that's good.
And you're saving where you can.
You'll be making more,
but try not to overspend.
Keep at
it, no sick days.
And don't let yourself
get distracted.
What are you doing with
your income tax return?
I use it.
That money was never
yours to begin with.
You're gonna invest it.
In what?
Low risk company.
It's called
compounding interest.
Don't worry about the market.
It'll go up and down,
but the key is to hold
for as long as you can.
Whatever you started
with will grow.
But I need the money.
It was never yours.
A customer for you.
Happy birthday
dear Christian
Happy birthday to you
Here you go, baby doll.
I'm sorry, Ms. Guerrera.
We're just not going
to be able to provide
the financing you're seeking.
But I have a full down payment
and a consistent
employment history.
Yes, I see that.
It's just not our
policy to provide credit
to single women, Hispanics,
Blacks, the gays,
or the disabled.
I didn't say that
exactly, but I could have.
This was all perfectly
legal until 1974.
Let's be honest, we still do it.
Word to the wise,
don't check the boxes.
You know, best thing you can do
is come back here
with a co-signer.
Most women come in
with their husband.
But here goes nothing.
We can live upstairs
and rent out the bottom.
Can you talk to him?
Talk to me about what?
What do you think?
Hm, hm, hm.
What do I think?
That you're shameless.
Since when have you been
hiding that kind of money?
You save up while you
pay your mom nothing
to watch your kid?
That's not fair.
Have you lost your mind?
That money belongs
to your mother and me!
Go fuck yourself.
No, Juan!
Juan, no!
No, baby, come here.
You too?
No, no, no!
Touch my kid and I'll kill you.
I'll kill you.
Mom, come with me.
Just leave.
Just leave, please!
It's okay, Mommy.
Don't cry.
Come here.
Come here.
Mommy, can we
please go to papi's?
Yes, we can go to papi's.
You know that I
would never do this
to you or Christian, right?
Look, I have my faults,
but that's not one of them.
You both are safe with me.
I'm sorry about Carlos.
I never said that.
I'm sorry about Marty.
I never said that.
Look, you've been going
at this alone for so long.
You don't have to.
What about Lois?
It's done.
I just want my family.
Let's do it.
Let's get married.
I wanted to say I'm so thankful
for you for mentoring me.
I really am grateful.
You already said that.
Have I done
something to upset you?
You don't stay late
at the office anymore.
I have Christian.
Some would say you're
not committed to your job.
You can shut the
door on your way out.
Sir, the bank's closed,
you're gonna need to leave.
Sir, I think you're mistaken,
the bank closes in 10 minutes.
No, trust me, the bank's
closed, you need to go.
What do you mean the
bank's closed, it's still-
- It's okay, I'll take him.
Thank you, ma'am, thank you.
What can I do for you, sir?
You see, I have
a little problem.
I'm in construction,
a contractor,
just got this new client,
it took me a long time
to get this client.
They didn't pay me
the 50% start rate,
they told me they'd pay me
a whole after completion.
I know that's not normal,
but I really needed this job.
You know, guys like me,
clients can be hard to come by.
Maybe it's the hat.
The thing is, they told me
that they would
pay me last week,
so I wrote out some
checks to my crew.
They didn't pay me until today,
just a few minutes ago.
That's why I'm cutting
it so close on this.
Mr. Calvin, it takes
3 days to clear a check.
I understand that.
Except that if all those
checks that I wrote,
if they bounce,
you see the fees,
they'll put me in the red
along with my reputation,
my business, but more
importantly with my wife.
Ma'am, I was just hoping
that you could clear
that one check, today.
Look, ma'am, as God is my
witness, that's a good check.
Thank you, ma'am.
You have yourself a good night.
You too.
I thought you'd
be happy, Minerva.
I wasn't a fan of her
placement, that's true,
but she's done well.
She works hard, and I see
no reason to remove her.
We're overstaffed,
which means I can
no longer justify
having somebody in that position
without the proper
I see.
Perhaps her old position then?
It's been filled.
She has a child.
And a new husband now,
who I'm sure will manage.
I'm gonna go talk to him.
It's over.
Don't make a scene.
But why would he do this?
Do you really think
he was helping you
without expecting anything?
Open your eyes.
Nothing is for
free in this life,
everything is a trade.
What do you think you
had to trade with?
How was your day?
It was-
- Hey, I got you something.
Come on.
- I-
- Okay, keep them closed, go.
Forward, shorten, a little more.
- Where am I going?
- They closed?
All right.
All right, all right.
- Here.
- And open.
What do you think, huh?
It's pretty great, look at this.
You've got this space
and all these drawers
for other things.
I don't know, whatever
you put in those.
How much did you pay for it?
No, no, no, we're
not doing that.
Don't worry, I put it on credit-
- It's fine.
- Credit?
We're not having
that discussion.
We can afford it,
that's why I did it.
All right, I just want
you to enjoy this.
Come on, sit down, sit down.
We're gonna be fine
baby, sit down, sit down.
Here you go.
Look at that.
You love it, right?
Like, you love it.
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
I love it.
Good, baby.
So, you were a typist at
First City Bank for two years,
and then a teller for three.
That's a lot of experience.
Thank you.
Very impressive.
Usually we have to
train our girls.
Not me, I'm ready to go.
But you don't have a diploma?
No, but as you said, I
have 3 years of experience,
and I work very hard
and learn very fast.
This all looks in order,
we'll just have to call
your previous position
for references, so
just one moment.
We'll be in touch.
We'll reach out.
We'll be in touch.
How'd it go?
Okay, well, maybe it's good.
To spend a little
time at home for once.
I need to work, Mateo.
Do what you want.
What's the matter with you?
I'm just tired of you
acting like what I do
is not enough.
I bet you can't wait
to get back out there.
I wish you cared about
your house and your kid
as much as you do
about your work.
I'm leaving.
Where are you going?
I'm going to work, see
if I can pick up a shift
since we're so hard up.
I didn't know you needed
cologne to put up drywall.
Yeah, yeah, I know.
I have to get going now.
All right.
How's that, we feeling cleaner?
Yeah, a little bit?
You got this one spot right here
that I just can't get off.
I'm calling about the
studio in Kearny Street.
Celina Guerrera.
I spoke with you
last week as well.
No pets.
It's just for me and my son.
Do you know what's
holding up the decision?
Well, I'm looking for
something as soon as possible,
so anything that's available...
How are you?
You two know each other?
Baby, this is the
teller that helped me
with that Patterson job.
That was you?
Why did you do that?
It wasn't fair.
People won't rent to single moms
even if you pay in advance.
Why don't you stay with us
until you get on your feet?
I can't.
This is not the
time to be stubborn.
What she means is that
we know a thing or two
about being
discriminated against.
It's just,
Christian's gone through
so much change as it is.
I'd like the next
place to be our last.
But thank you.
So you know where to find us.
Yeah, we're going to go
over and talk to him right now
and try to get-
- Ma'am, please stay outside.
No, no, no, this is my son.
Get out of the way!
Hi, papito.
Hey, papito.
Are you okay?
What happened?
I don't know.
What happened?
He fell from the counter
trying to get a snack
and he fractured his arm.
You're lucky, it
could've been much worse.
Does it hurt?
Not that much.
I'll have to report this.
Report this?
He was clearly unsupervised.
Angry yet?
Ready to rip your
fucking skin off?
Want to scream at
the top of your lungs
no matter who is hearing?
He was sleeping!
You don't leave
a child by itself!
Leave him alone!
It's not his fault you
let yourself get pregnant.
Oh, this is America,
speak English!
- Shut the hell up!
- Celina, Celina!
Can we talk, please?
What happened-
- No, no, don't touch him!
You knew Carlos had
sent other girls
to the dentist, didn't you?
And it hadn't gone
well, you knew!
No, I didn't know,
no, I didn't know!
- You did, bullshit!
- I didn't!
- I didn't fucking know!
- Bullshit!
I didn't know!
Why would I send you
to a butcher, huh?
Why would I do that?
You said we'd
be safe with you.
Cel, can...
How is he?
He's strong.
I wonder how he's gonna
remember all of this.
Will he ever understand
what it was like?
They always do in the end.
Oh, papito.
How do I keep you
from turning into one?
To end the war, and bring
peace with honor in Vietnam
and in Southeast Asia.
On January 27th, 1973,
at the International
Conference Center in Paris.
The ceasefire will take effect
at 2400 Greenwich Mean Time,
January 27th, 1973.
The United States and
the Democratic Republic-
- Turn that shit off.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Someone sitting here?
Peace with honor.
Ah, what's this
country coming to?
There is no honor in losing.
Men used to know that.
You don't know what
you're talking about.
Ceasefire is not losing.
There aren't no
real men anymore.
You better watch your mouth.
Okay, you weren't there.
Neither were you.
Sit down!
Oh, oh, now he wants to fight!
All right, soldier boy.
Bam, come on, vamo, vamo.
Come on.
Oh, you don't want to fight?
What, you're a coward?
Huh, you're a coward?
You're a coward.
Sorry, sorry.
That's enough.
Come on.
Sorry, sorry.
Come on, old man, come on.
All right, all right.
Come on.
Come on.
Let me rest, let me rest,
let me rest, let me rest.
All right.
What are you doing, huh?
How's my daughter?
I didn't mean for
this to happen.
Tell her I didn't mean this.
She's not here.
And I would clean yourself up.
are you doing here?
I came to tell you something.
No, no, no, no, no.
My whole life I've
been bad at everything.
I was a bad husband,
I was a bad soldier,
but I don't have
to be a bad father.
Mateo, this is-
- No, no, no, please.
It's over, I know that.
Okay, that's not gonna change.
But it's not over
between me and my son.
Now, you can do
anything you want
when you put your
mind on it, Cel,
but you cannot be his father.
Only I can do that.
Because I'm his father.
All right?
That's who I am.
Mateo says he wants to turn
a new leaf with Christian.
Do you think
that's a good idea?
I don't know what's
a good idea anymore,
I just know Christian
needs a father.
Hey, let me look at
those shoelaces, papito.
Come here.
What does that say?
Um, I don't know,
it's in Chinese.
Will you hold him for a second?
What is it?
I already told you,
we can't help you.
I'm not here for a loan.
I'm here for a deed.
What are you buying?
You bought dirt?
I bought land.
They won't let me buy a house,
they won't let me
rent the house,
but they can't stop
me from building one.
I guess the real question is,
do you take checks?
Ah, you know me.
Not until the job's done.
I came to congratulate
the new owner.
I see our time
together was useful.
I see that you are
completely out of place.
I deserve that.
It's actually the reason
why I decided to sell.
What do you mean?
This land.
I was on the fence
about it at first,
but when I found out
who the buyer was,
I knew what I had to do.
What do you want?
A trade.
Isn't everything?
Your forgiveness,
and my grandfather's.
You both deserved more from me.
We'll save the back lot
for another one down the road
and just use this
front area here.
Uh huh.
Say that that leaves
you enough space
for a decent two bedroom.
Thank you, babe.
Three bedrooms.
For who?
You needed me?
Can you give me a compass?
Uh, yes, I think.
Hola, papito.
Who's winning?
Turn on your radio!
Cel, where's your radio?
Uh, I think over there.
What's happening?
This broadcast to
bring you live coverage.
The Supreme
Court today ruled
that abortion is
completely a private matter
to be decided by
mother and doctor
in the first three
months of pregnancy.
The 7 to 2 ruling to that effect
will probably result
in a drastic overhaul
of state laws on abortion,
specifically the court
today overturned laws
in Texas and Georgia,
and ruled the
government has no right
to enter into a decision
which should be made
by the mother and her doctor.
During the second three
months of pregnancy it ruled,
a state may regulate
abortion procedures,
but only to ensure the
safety of the mother.
And in the last three months,
whatever state
laws say, prevails.