Women Without Men (2009) Movie Script

Now I'll have silence.
and nothing.
And I thought,
the only freedom from pain...
is to be free from the world.
In reaction to the military intervention
by the British,
who blocked the Iranian oil tanker Akhgar,
Prime Minister Mossadegh stated
that these provocations won't weaken
the Iranian people's will
to control their own resources...
He stressed that Iranian oil
belongs to Iranians
and that international law protects
the use of Iran's natural resources
as an undeniable right
of the Iranian people...
Are you deaf?
Turn the radio off.
What's wrong with you?
You're glued to the radio all day!
Get up! Get yourself together.
You have a suitor coming tonight.
I'm talking to you!
Turn the radio off!
I'm talking to you! Listen!
What should I do with you?
You're almost 30 and still not married.
You have a suitor coming tonight.
If you impress him,
you might have a husband and a life!
Get up! Get up!
To hell with the suitor.
I don't want to get married.
Don't talk back to me!
"Don't want to get married!"
I said turn it off!
God help me!
You're never going to be decent.
I'm going to work.
Get up and start making dinner.
If you leave the house,
I'll break your legs.
Long live Mossadegh!
Down with the British!
Long live Mossadegh!
Long live Mossadegh!
Good morning. Is Munis home?
Good morning, come in.
Hello, Munis.
Hello, Faezeh.
How did you get through
all the mess outside?
With a lot of trouble.
It's bad out there, isn't it?
Tell me everything you saw.
It's bad. People marching, shouting.
I don't understand the point of it.
What happened to your radio?
Where's your brother?
I feel like I'm a prisoner,
like Amir Khan has trapped me here.
I just want to get out, Faezeh.
But why? It's just a lot of idiots
making trouble outside.
Yes, a bunch of troublemakers
who tell the people nonsense.
What do you mean?
Those troublemakers
are fighting to stop the British.
I just heard the British
blockaded one of our oil tankers.
And you're calling this nonsense?
We should both be out in the streets.
Is it true your brother's getting married?
You should feel at home here.
You'll be living here with us.
We'll go to the cinema.
Now go and sit over there.
Out of the way.
- The gentleman bought a token?
- Yes.
Where is she?
- She's upstairs.
- Zarin!
Your next customer is waiting!
Your next customer is waiting!
Didn't you hear me?
You made me climb
all these stairs in the heat!
What's wrong with you today?
There's a customer waiting!
What's the matter with you?
Why are you sulking?
Pull yourself together.
Go down and get the customer.
Where are you going?
This morning Foreign Minister Dr Fatemi
fiercely condemned the British plot
to topple the government.
He ordered that all British diplomats
be deported immediately.
The British government
denied these allegations,
condemning Iran's decision
to evict British nationals.
In reaction to the protest
by the British,
Iran's Foreign Minister declared
that there are documents
proving that British embassy staff
under diplomatic protection
organised and funded
anti-nationalist forces...
Long live the Shah!
In the name of his lmperial Majesty,
Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi,
our leader and chief of the army,
we award General Cyrus Sadri
this medal of valour
for his loyalty and patriotism
and wish him further success
in serving his country
and his lmperial Majesty.
May our nation be saved
from the forces against it.
Long live the Shah!
Believe me,
you were always on my mind.
Why didn't you come back?
- Weren't you supposed to wait for me?
- How long did you think I'd wait?
Why did you get married?
Abbas, this is my husband, Sadri.
- Hello, sir.
- Pleasure meeting you.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you very much.
- Abbas has just returned from the West.
- Welcome back.
I just mentioned to your wife
how much she resembles Ava Gardner.
You do know Ava Gardner,
the famous American actress?
- She was in Mogambo with Clark Gable.
- No!
Nowadays, there is no time
to be wasted on movies.
With all the trouble in our country,
who can follow Hollywood stars?
How strange.
In my opinion, culture isn't a waste.
Don't you agree, my dear?
What an idiot!
Just because he lived in the West,
he feels he's superior to us.
Fakhri, dear,
don't you think
that your friend Abbas is a fool?
Come and eat some watermelon.
- I don't want any.
- Come.
Eat some before your Western friends
start feeding us chocolates!
Sadri, leave me alone.
I don't have any more patience for you.
What's the matter?
Why are you acting up?
You're almost 50, hitting menopause.
A menopausal woman
shouldn't be flirting any more.
Sadri, shut up!
- I can't tolerate your abuse any more.
- What abuse?
The truth is,
if a woman can't satisfy her husband,
it's his right to take another wife.
- So you'd better...
- That's enough!
I put up with your constant nonsense!
I can't stand this life any longer!
You disgust me!
But why would he marry Parvin?
Munis, that girl will ruin your brother's life.
You should hear the rumours about her.
They say she's not a virgin.
Who cares?
I don't know if I'm a virgin either.
For God's sake, bite your tongue.
When I was little,
my grandmother used to tell me
if you climb trees
you might tear your virginity.
I think mine is torn.
Munis, you don't tear your virginity
like a curtain.
It's a tight hole
that widens when you get married.
- Where did you hear that?
- I read it in a book.
- Well, well, Ms Faezeh.
- Hello, Amir Khan.
It's been a long time.
I was in the neighbourhood.
I thought I'd stop by.
I should be going now,
my grandma is waiting.
- Shall we go, Faezeh?
- Where do you think you're going?
- I'm spending the night at Faezeh's.
- You're not going anywhere!
- I told you, a suitor is coming tonight.
- I don't want to see his ugly face.
Let's go, Faezeh!
You're not going anywhere!
And that's the end of it!
I don't understand what's wrong with her.
She's restless.
And she's glued to the radio all day!
Miss Faezeh...
it's not safe for you to go out alone.
When I've finished my prayers,
let me take you home.
If it's not too much trouble.
I'll give you a real scrub.
Tell me if it's too hot.
Crazy woman!
What's up with you?
Oh, dear God!
Oh, God! Munis!
Go inside! Go inside!
You see how you've ruined your brother?
How should I explain this disgrace?
I only wanted what was best for you!
Dear God!
You are my witness.
I was only trying to help her.
What are you doing here?
- Are you well?
- I'm so happy you came.
Let me introduce you to my friends.
Dear friends, this is my friend,
Mrs Fakhri Sadri.
- Mr Motamedi, a well-known poet.
- Hello.
My friend Nahid, a great actress.
- It's a pleasure.
- My friend Youssef, a painter.
Sit down, my dear.
May l?
Albert Camus wrote,
"Between my mother and justice,
I would choose my mother."
Albert Camus was wrong!
But don't you think
justice depends on freedom?
you can only speak about freedom
or even democracy
when a society is culturally developed
and conscious.
- That's right.
- So how do you become conscious
and democratic that quickly?
"A star dropped from the moon.
"Two stars dropped from the moon.
"From the moon, a galaxy was born."
I can't believe you still remember it.
Do you still write poetry?
No, I don't any more.
Do you still sing?
Sometimes. But only for myself.
What's the matter, Fakhri?
You look so unhappy.
Are you OK?
Tomorrow I'm looking
at an orchard I might buy.
I'm going to leave Sadri.
I've been expecting you.
Please come in.
- How long have you been here?
- As long as I can remember.
No one knows what happened...
to his poor sister...
and now Amir Khan is getting married.
I wish I'd known you love him.
Don't worry, my dear,
I won't let this wedding happen.
Do you see this charm?
Haj Morteza's special remedy.
Take it to Amir Khan's house
and bury it secretly in his back yard.
This will reverse his luck.
Make sure nobody sees you.
I'll teach you this spell.
You have to cast it 20 times
and blow on it. Understand?
Then, if your heart is pure,
you'll get all your wishes.
Faezeh, dear.
I can't breathe!
I'm here, Faezeh!
Here, Faezeh!
Munis, wait!
Dear God, Munis!
Where are you going?
Don't go inside!
That's not a place for women!
..clashed with anti-nationalist forces
who continue protests against
Dr Mossadegh's government,
looting shops and banks,
breaking into and destroying
people's property.
Meanwhile, suspicious characters
armed with clubs and chains attacked...
The injured were taken to hospitals
by fellow demonstrators.
Most were quickly released,
suffering only minor injuries.
A few demonstrators had more severe
injuries. None were life-threatening.
What's happened?
Why are you sitting here?
Let me take you home.
I'm too ashamed to go home.
What's wrong?
Those men from the coffee house.
We're here.
Faezeh, just knock on the door
and go inside.
I can't go with you.
I have to go back to Tehran.
Don't be afraid.
Go inside.
It's for your own good.
For God's sake, Munis,
please don't leave me alone here!
Dear God!
Have mercy on me.
Forgive my sins.
Sorry, madam.
I got lost.
Where are you going?
Wait. Wait a minute.
I don't want to bother you.
What's the matter?
Can you give me some water?
I'm very thirsty.
Of course. Go and sit down.
Rest for a moment.
I'll bring you some cold water.
Workers! Listen! Listen!
People! Listen!
The imperialists have forced
this brutal economic crisis on us.
Our hard-working people are destitute.
We cannot allow the imperialists to block
the export of lranian oil to international markets
and destabilise
Dr Mossadegh's government!
We support social justice,
and we say it is time to fight back!
We will not tolerate
these hardships on the people.
We support Dr Mossadegh's
government against imperialist rule.
The enemy wants to topple the government
and divide our people. We must unite!
The future belongs to us, each of us.
Long live freedom!
In response to today's clashes
between peaceful demonstrators
carrying banners with patriotic slogans
and rioters distributing anti-nationalist flyers,
who are being abetted by foreign agents
and enemies of the Iranian nation,
the Prime Minister warned
all people and organisations
attempting to abuse liberties...
They're going to lay the blame on us.
Dr Mossadegh said that the economic
difficulties now facing the country
are the direct result of Britain's
continued blockade and embargo
of Iranian oil sales.
He urged citizens to be patient...
You're a communist?
Are you?
I have to go.
Here's the Party's newsletter.
It tells you where we stand.
Read it.
I hope to see you again.
Long live Mossadegh!
Down with the British!
Standing among these hands and voices...
I knew that the will that moves all things...
had come back to me.
I was here...
not to watch...
but to see.
Not just to be...
but to act.
Faezeh, dear.
They say she's not a virgin.
Those men from the coffee house.
I think mine is torn.
Hello, how are you?
Have the others arrived?
- Hello, comrades.
- Hello.
They asked me to give you this.
- Is this new?
- Yes.
the Americans have pressured the Shah
to call Mossadegh's government illegal.
He's going to appoint General Zahedi
the new Prime Minister.
According to what this says,
a military coup is imminent.
We all know what that could mean for us.
Are they ready?
Danger of a coup d'tat!
American conspiracy!
Long live the nationalist government
of Dr Mossadegh! People, we have to be alert!
The coup d'tat was unsuccessful,
but the danger of imperialism remains.
The British and American conspiracy
to overthrow Dr Mossadegh's government
and install a military dictatorship has been
revealed. The Shah has fled the country!
The Shah has fled. Risk of a coup.
Risk of a coup! Be alert!
- Dirty Communist! Give me that!
- What are you doing?
Give it to me!
It's such a relief
that I don't have to worry about you.
I've felt like a mother to you
from the moment we found you.
I have an idea
I'd like to talk to you about.
- Good morning.
- Good morning! Come and sit down.
You know, it's incredible.
The way the flowers are out
just as Zarin is so much better.
Everything seems revived.
I think we ought to open the orchard.
Maybe we should have a party.
That would be nice.
I'd like to invite some friends from Tehran.
Let's have a fantastic night,
something really special.
You really have to wear this to the party.
- Oh, my God!
- What happened?
What is this?
How does a big tree like this get here?
Neither wind nor storm...
What is it about people...
that their hunger, their desires
seem to eat everything.
The light...
the air...
the quiet.
Now the orchard was turning...
breaking under this great weight...
as if it fell ill...
and there was no retreat...
no rest any longer.
Long live the Shah!
Long live Mossadegh!
Long live Mossadegh!
And in this turbulence and noise,
there was almost silence underneath.
The sense that everything...
repeats itself over time.
What's wrong with her?
- I found her like this, madam.
- Don't put her there.
- What should I do with her?
- I don't know.
Faezeh, can you take her to your room?
I'll be there in a minute.
This is Tehran.
Attention all listeners!
Thanks to the patriotic action
of the Iranian nation
and the support of the Imperial Army,
the unlawful government
of Dr Mossadegh has fallen.
By order of the Shah,
General Zahedi is the new Prime Minister
and has taken up his work...
I could never live in a place like this.
It's so lonely here.
There isn't anyone nearby.
I was just saying to Shamsi,
it's hard to believe she left everything -
her husband, her life - to come here.
- Hello, how are you?
- What a wonderful evening!
Saadi says,
"The human body resembles different organs
of one body, created from a common essence.
"Once an organ is injured,
the entire body becomes restless."
- Is that outdated?
- It's not outdated, but...
- Hello.
- Hello, sir.
- You are?
- Amir Karimi. Is Ms Faezeh here?
So you're Amir Khan!
Come in. I'll go and call Faezeh.
Thank you.
How is Zarin?
Amir Khan's downstairs.
Zarin, sweetheart.
I'm glad the Shah is back.
Let's drink to the Shah's health! Cheers!
I won't drink to the rule of boots!
What do you mean by "the rule of boots"?
If you look around you'll realise.
- How's your wife?
- Parvin?
She's all right.
She's at home and pregnant.
Faezeh, what have you done
to your appearance?
Where's your veil?
I can't believe you've ended up
in a place like this.
Who are these decadent people
around you?
Are you still praying?
- Faezeh, how old are you?
- Why are you asking?
A woman's body is like a flower.
Once it blossoms,
it soon withers away.
I came here with the plan
to propose to you...
and you'd come back with me.
We'll share my modest life.
You shouldn't mind Parvin.
She'll be your servant.
And when you get tired of me,
I'll be a servant to your third wife?
- Now I know how lucky I am.
- Faezeh. Faezeh!
You go, I'll be right there.
Abbas, why are you so late?
I thought you'd never come.
- You look so beautiful.
- Everybody is waiting for you.
Fakhri, dear, allow me
to introduce my fiance, Christine.
- Who is the owner of this orchard?
- What's the problem, officer?
- Who is the owner of this orchard?
- I am. How can I help you?
- Where is your husband?
- Officer, she's General Sadri's wife.
I see.
- And you are?
- I'm a guest.
Search everywhere.
Please go inside.
Excuse me, officer,
who are you looking for?
Communists or Dr Mossadegh's supporters?
What difference does it make?
All opposition is the same.
We're all supporters of the Shah.
We need to talk.
Hassan has been arrested.
You think he will talk under torture?
We can't take the risk.
- How much does he know?
- A lot, I think.
"The nightingale of love
sings the sweetest of melodies,
"revealing a secret with each note.
"May the world never be void
of lover's songs.
"For nothing lifts the spirit more."
Well done.
To lran!
To lran!
- Look at her. She's beautiful.
- No, it's just because she's American.
Abbas still goes crazy
every time he meets a blonde.
Love knows no difference
between lranians and Americans.
Are you serious?
Dear friends, can I have your attention?
I want to thank our beautiful hostess,
my dear friend Fakhri, for this evening.
And since I know
she has a lovely voice...
I would like to ask her to sing for us.
Please, Fakhri dear.
Nobody move!
Everyone stay where they are!
You're all under arrest!
Death isn't so hard.
You only think it is.
All that we wanted...
was to find a new form...
a new way.