Wonbyeokhan Pateuneo (2011) Movie Script

lt is science.
Like the famous
commercial copy line.
Bed isn't furniture,
it is science.
l also want
to express it this way.
Scenario isn't art,
it is science.
Scenario is like a map drawing.
- Sir!
- Yup!
When is
your next project ready?
Hey, what you talkin' about?
Um... My next project...
Can you bring me in your story?
l can be an extra 1 or 2,
it's been my dream
to act in your film.
Hey, be in mine, first.
She's so offthe wall.
lt rocks!
And when closed up to the girl,
there tears running!
And my nose running!
Should've gathered quite.
Hasn't it, Sir?
Can't watch without tears,
know why?
That's called
'the way of directing'.
Hey, what are you...
Did l make you nervous
in the class?
l'm sorry, sir
that l put you on the spot.
No, that's not
a problem but now...
Do you know what you need?
You need love relationship!
That's how next project
would come out!
l love you, teacher.
Things are not going well?
l don't know.
When l first quit myjob
and decided to write,
l thought l could make
something out it.
But l failed the contest,
And not getting
any recommendations.
l guess l have no talents.
what you need
now isn't the talent.
Love relationship!
Love relationship.
Say like,
you will date the first man
Who comes out ofthat door.
Hey, the guys inside
Are all the same.
Yeah, or you are
never dating anyone.
Just do it.
You got something to say?
No, no...
Yeon-hui was just about to...
lt's nothing.
You are leaving?
- Bye.
- Bye.
Safe home.
Not bad.
A single father and
a famous writer.
- Sis.
- What?
- That's enough.
- Alright.
Are you up?
Come here.
Wow, is this the one?
Looks so yummy!
Let's see...
How's it?
Can l be frank?
lack of something.
Mom, mom!
l'll eat it!
Mom, seriously...
lt is not
the new recipe you need.
lt is love relationship
you need.
Like what Picasso said,
the origin of creation is passion
and the origin of
passion is love.
Why don't you go for it?
You've been mocking around
with those silly writers.
and now telling
your mom to date?
Quit it right away!
Bring your own man like Picasso!
Are you get it?
Half Moons!
Wow, less than 20 seconds!
What a record!
Oi, you alright?
Gettin' your finger
cut everytime
and be left with no fingers.
No one's perfect
in the beginning.
You are too, Dad.
l was full of prizes.
And how's now?
You little...!
Easy, Dad.
We are even now.
l should've controlled myself
back in the high school.
Stop, stop.
l have news for you.
What news?
The bad new is...
you will lose your own cook.
Hey, why is that bad news?
My tongue's tortured
due to your weird food!
lt's been through hard times.
OK, your health food
for tonight...
also gets cancelled.
Oi,oi, don't you know
whatjoke is?
Only kidding, boy.
Health food...
So, what's the good news?
l passed the interview.
They want me from tomorrow.
- For real?
- Yup, for real.
Stop hitting with that thing.
Only one out hundred and thirty,
and the one is me!
l'm so, so proud.
The teacher's that famous?
No doubt. She's the best
for Korean cuisine.
Court cuisine,
traditional cuisine...
Out of everything.
She has over 1 ,000 recipes
of her own.
Oh, is that so?
Hmm, come in.
Yes, sir.
Miss Lee, coffee for me.
- And you?
- Green tea.
Miss Lee, make it two.
Yes, sir.
You have any other than this?
Don't you like it?
Not particularly...
To be frank,
your story is vague.
Not like those cheap
but making money
or rather fullly artistic...
getting prizes.
Choose between two things...
Your story only stays
in between,
just like your life now.
Now you're lecturing on lives?
To add...
what you need now
isn't the scenarios like this.
You need something
strong making your life up
and high something hot
and thrilling!
What, like love?
See, you know it!
You haven't been
using that for long
Ms. MYUNG doesn't repeat
what she says.
So always listen
carefully and
even ifyou didn't, say yes
and ask me later.
Never talk back, OK?
lfyou did...
She's here.
Good morning, Ma'am.
He's the one,
the second assistant.
Ma'am, l am Min-soo.
lngers are the life ofthe cook.
What are those bandages?
lt's OK.
l'm used to it.
Get out!
Right now!
How dare you bringing
the smell ofthe smoke...
To my cuisine!
Ah, it isn't my shirt.
lt's my dad's.
He gave his brand shirt
as it's my first day to work.
Didn't think the smell
would've been soaked.
Smoking is still allowed...
at your home?
Your mother must be
very understanding.
l don't have one.
She died.
Well, take offthe shirt
Or never come into my cuisine.
Then what shall l wear?
Told you not to talk back!
Stop that.
The ancient Greek believed...
the essence of creation
was Mimesis.
A copy or imitation
or reproduction ofthe fact.
So called creation,
it starts from imitating others
that have gone ahead of us.
So copying masters' writings
isn't a shame thing.
lt's a way of starting
your own writings.
- Teacher!
- Yes.
When's your next project?
Right! l've been rejected
for 7 bloody years!
So what?
lt is not that l don't want to!
ltjust is not working out!
You think l have
some magic wand
to print out the pieces?
lt is something you write
with your blood!
Do you know a sinlge
thing about writing?
Can we continue
outside on the grass?
Such a parasite living off mom...
Please understand.
lt's better this way.
Oh, Sir...
Yeon-hui, what are you...
Heard this movie will end
this week so...
Good movie but no box office.
Doesn't sound like others'.
lt is others'.
Your movie will be
a great success.
No worries.
Thanks for the words.
Not only the words,
l mean it.
What you need now is...
That's enough.
Oh, sorry.
l've been hearing it
these days so...
No, l was out of line.
lt is me who needs it.
l know l need it too.
Exactly what you need is...
This week's recipe!
Get all ingredients ready
by tomorrow, ok?
These are old recipes
from teacher's cook book.
Do you question
after her recipe?
This recipe's been over
First introduced...
in Top 100 Korean
Traditional Cuisine in 2004.
- Right?
- Yes...
The recipes for TV programs
don't always need to new.
Enough if audience can
easily follow and cook.
Surely better
if new is added though.
He's yet ignorant
about the TVs.
l will educate him well.
No, the questions
are good if necessary.
And you throw no questions.
Good-bye, Ms.
You're dead!
What's wrong with you?
Look, we need frying pans.
Twenty minuites to recoding.
- How are you, Ms. MYUNG?
- How are you?
Again, asking
for your good care.
We ask for your help
and care, Ms.
A new face?
Yes, newlyjoined
the 2nd assistant.
You finally got one,
He's teacher's assistant.
Such a modest person you are.
No wonder you are
the best student.
lsn't she, Ms.?
Thanks but not really
still long way to go.
Don't feel too humble.
Everybody stand-by okay?
Hurry up! we have no time.
What's wrong?
Did you see her face?
Just smiling when he said
l was the best student of hers?
Something wrong with that?
Something wrong?
Couldn't she just say yes?
three two one.
Hello to you all.
This is KlM Jung-tae
from 'Walk to Cuisine'.
Today, we have
Ms. MYUNG Hui-sook
the best cook
for traditional cuisine
here with us to find out
key to the taste.
What's the secret
ofthe recipe, today?
The development
in agriculture allows us
to easily come across
seasonal food at any time.
lsn't she so cool?
that it would be healthier
to take seasonal food...
That we can call it a shortcut
to a well-being life.
What a hick.
Haven't you ever been
to boradcast?
Here, take one piece
of long-ripen Kimchi
and cover the Spanish
mackerel with it.
Put them here.
And put various vegetables.
And pour the sauce.
- The meat broth, too?
- Yes, please.
- ls this right?
- Yes, that's right.
Then boil well and
it is the steamed
Spanish mackerel.
By the way,
usuaIIy the mackereI
is known as the bestbIue fiish
Butis there a reason
whyyou chose
Spanish mackereIinstead?
What? That's not
in the dialogue.
Of course,
the mackerel represents
all the blue fish
but mackerel has
a lot of saturated fat
that times like this
when obesity is worried
and a good diet is an issue,
it would be better
to use something lighter.
l see...
Cut! O.K!
Thank you all
for your efforts!
- Hey, bring me the mirror.
- Su-jin, clean all these.
lt was alright...
Hui-sook, Sorry for
embarrassing you
with an unexpected question.
Not at all.
lt was a good point.
We could've been missed it
ifyou didn't ask.
Question at me anytime.
You look always full of
l could never speak
without a dialogue
Up until 20 years
of being on TVs.
Well, l've been cooking
for 20 years
and l wouldn't cook
without a recipe.
Excuse me,
l'd better get ready
for the next shoot.
- Please clean up here.
- Yes.
Wouldn't cook without
a recipe? How funny.
ls she a plastic bottle?
Recycling recipes for years?
My wife even dubs what you say.
l shall knock her down one night.
Clean this.
Ma'am, here's the meal.
Where shall l put it?
- Over there.
- Yes.
My legs got swollen.
lt must've gotten
cramped up.
This might ruin
shooting schedule...
Shall l give some massage?
Could you?
Ouch... Make it soft...
The muscles are really in a knot.
lt seems easy
when watching on TVs
but it is not really
when seeing it happening.
But same old recipes
over and over again.
l'm sorry.
l was wrong.
lt could be important
to develop new
but l realized
it also is important to
make it easy for
audience to follow.
l apologize for
what l said yesterday.
No, you shouldn't.
l admire you, teacher.
You admire anyone?
Where is he?
- Su-jin.
- Yes?
l have something to ask you.
What is it?
Do you chuck away
the ingredients after shooting?
if so, chuck it to me.
My mom asks for that
all the time.
Ah... l see...
Chuck it in the back of car
when staffs are resting.
Ma'am, it's Su-jin.
Can l come in?
l'm almost finished.
- l'll be down, soon.
- O.K
Me, too.
Ok, everyone.
Let's call it a day.
Don't forget to hand in
your copy writings.
- Offyou go.
- Thank you, sir.
Teacher, the wooden box is
kind of a metaphor
and the macguffin of...
Sir, about the writings...
Can l copy yours?
Here she starts again.
l like his writings the best!
Doesn't that
give enough reason?
That's correct.
But it is you he
feels uncomfortable with.
How mean!
Ok. l'm sorry.
l'd better be going
it is a memorial day home.
l'll see you guys next week.
ls she from the eldest' son?
Hey, cheers for the wooden box!
Bottoms up!
Shall we order more food?
Guys, l gotta leave too.
We just began.
Sorry, a very
important meeting tomorrow.
Bottoms up, everybody!
where are you?
Guys will notice
ifyou follow right after.
Let's go
for the memorial day.
- What a joke.
- Hurry, hurry.
Turn your back.
Legs open wide.
Fold one leg.
The other leg up.
Very good.
This time, shoulders up.
Fold your body like
a baby in mom's womb.
Leak your thumb.
This time like a baby.
Turn to the back
and fold your body.
Good job.
Usually, we think of mixing
a strong taste with a soft.
But l thought of
mixing two softs.
Like to put tuna
with an eggplant.
Eggplant is mild
and tuna is soft.
And they go well together.
Mild can be matched with
something soft as well.
JANG's special recipe!
What are you naming this?
Oops, l'm sorry.
l thought of
planting eggs into mine.
ls mine the tuna-egg, then
l just ate that bit.
Here to submit the copy writings...
Let's see
which one you copied.
l actually wanted to copy yours
But someone already did.
Are you disappointed?
Not at all.
You copied POLANSKl's
then why should l be?
l am nothing.
No, you're peeved.
l really wanted to copy yours.
You know it.
Sure, l know.
- You do?
- Of course!
How much do you know?
This much?
This much?
- You can't do that.
- You don't believe me?
ls that a thriiler?
Hey, funny gal!
- What're you doing?
- You hit the target fair and square!
What the hell!
Come here!
Why did you do that?
You like getting beat up? Huh?
Calm down.
l gave you something to eat!
Sang-mi, eat up.
Yeah, you should peel
a layer off.
That's basic.
Everyone knows it.
Why not?
Carry on!
My good boy.
Hey, JANG Min-soo!
Hey! l called your name
why didn't you answer?
- Oh, boy!
- l didn't hear you calling...
By the way,
didn't you see Ms. MYUNG passing by?
She did just now...
Has she gone to the office?
By the way, tomorrow
you have to take care of
the soy sauce making
classes all day long.
You shouldn't do that.
Hey, because ofyou
l made soy sauce all week.
A day is nothing.
But you shouldn't do that!
What? Why are you
staring at me like that?
Any problem?
No, it's not that...
Huh! You swine!
Now you even grit your teeth?
Alright! Today
one of us
will be buried together
with the soy sauce jar!
Come follow me!
Right away!
What do you think?
Not good?
Some parts are good,
some parts are not.
To be frank,
lt is great.
And to be honest l envy you.
Really? Wow!
Like l wish to say so but...
Are you kidding?
l'm so frustrated!
- Frustrated?
- Yes!
Look there!
Hey, l don't want this.
What in the middle of
the conversation.
Your writing is good
but without desire.
Kind of gray,
just like your life.
Don't, it tickles!
Hey, don't do this.
l don't want it now.
l don't like it there.
- Stay still.
- lt hurts.
Stop it.
You must drive
the character to the limit
Where there's no exit.
But the writer herself
is hesitating
and the story gets lukewarm.
- Stop it now.
- Stay still.
God says,
you are neither cold nor hot,
l'm about to spit you
out of my mouth.
Since the lead character
is a chemist,
he'd better use poison
as a kill tool.
You know, to make it dramatic.
God says,
- Neither hot
- Nor cold
to spit out.
Thank you, Min-soo.
l owe you a lot.
You are giving me
inspiration every time.
l've been thinking of
grinding my head
each time l see blenders
for the last 7 years.
Now the inspirations
burst out as l see you.
You're writing until this time?
What's wrong
with a writer writing?
Don't tell me you've
written your last will.
Get out.
Have a go on this
before l get out.
What is it?
Would you know if l explain?
Just eat it.
You said
you won't be cooking.
lt is different
from the last ones.
lt'd better be good
this time...
- This rocks!
- Really?
Thin slice of sirloin
with clam...
This is the best out
everything you cooked.
- Best ever!
- Yes!
Your teacher
must be really great.
She's changed such a fool
to a genius.
She's great but,
So her student is, isn't he?
See, kids these days are
all know-it-alls.
They think they grew up
on their own.
You have a student like that?
Not good?
Some parts are good,
some parts are not.
To be honest, l'm upset.
Why can't l write like this?
Why can' tl think ofthis?
Same bed, same sex
under the same sky.
Why can't l think of
what he thinks of?
Hey, You are still young and...
Like l wish to say so.
Hey! You know
how frustrated l am?
- Really? Frustrated?
- Of course!
l know a solution.
What is it?
- Look there.
- What is it?
What are you doing in
the middle ofthe conversation?
- Your story is all good
- Yes...
But the girls in it
are all the same.
Only the change in the names
but they behave and talk
the same way.
l've tried not to...
Why do men exaggerate women?
l thought ofyou
when creating the character.
Not much!
Do l get horny with red colors?
Am l a bull?
Sorry, l was wrong.
l will fix it,
How long have you
written all recipes?
since mom died.
This is great.
Not really.
Just pieces
from here and there.
The art starts from it.
l've some ofyours
put together as well.
- Which one?
- Give it to me.
Here it is.
This isn't some,
it is a copy!
No, it isn't.
l've applied
my own ideas as well.
mine's piecing together
parts of others as well.
let's work things out together
rather than copying
each other's.
Yes, yes,
it is You!
You've been writing
until this time.
l guess my daughter
really is a writer.
But you didn't like it.
Your face tells
that you are happy.
Then that is
what you need to do.
- Mom.
- Yes?
l'm really happy now.
That's great.
Try this.
You look quite confident.
Just try.
Let me try.
Wow, this is awesome!
The best ever
for last few years!
Best ofthe best!
Where did you get
an inspiration from?
Yet a secret.
Tell you later
when it gets clear.
Americano, deep but bitter
No, it is my collection
for 15 years.
One week.
Read it.
Do it or chuck it.
What're you sayin'?
You have one week to ready this.
We'll do it or chuck it.
we will study about
our proudly and globally
well-known sauce,
Soy sauce.
lt's cold.
Why soy sauce?
Not like ice cream?
You don't know
what you are missing.
Soy sauce has methionine
which wakes senses
and provides oxygen
to wake up your brain.
lce creams or honey
only increase blood sugar,
and get sticky
which eventaully
displease you after all.
l see.
But soy sauce is
good for health and
Fishy smell
also excites the desire.
Fishy? Or tasty?
What are you doing
at this hour?
l left something.
What is it?
something that may surprise you?
What are you doing here?
What would l do?
l've been researching
on soy sauce.
What was it you left?
l guess it's in the other room.
What is it that you looking for?
Tell me.
Oh, it's nothing.
You've been
with someone else?
Why do think so?
Two wine glasses in the sink.
And all other dishes
are for two.
Su-jin, when you
research on food
You should start
with two servings.
Starting from 'two'
expanding to 'us'.
l thought you would know
as being my best student.
Your best student?
Who else would it be?
No, l mean, exactly.
Who else!
Teacher, l just never read
your thought about me
And for the last 6,7 years
l've been...
- Su-jin!
- Yes?
l was doing my research.
Yes, and?
l don't like to
be bothered so...
Oh, l should assist you
as your best student...
l don't mean that!
Oh, that?
l'm sorry.
l shall leave you alone.
Keep on your research.
Your best student is now...
Thank you for leaving.
Your best student
is really going!
- Alright, alright.
- Good-night.
- Min-soo!
- T-tea-che-r...
- Busy?
- Oh, my bro!
Sorry to make you come
all the way here.
- Come, seat here.
- No, l'm alright.
- No, here.
- What's wrong?
- You are sweating.
- No.
Drink something cool.
Yes, sir.
- Coffee and?
- Green tea.
Cold green tea with ice.
Yes, sir.
Bro, deal.
Let's do this.
You like it?
Was it good?
No, it was rockin'!
l first thought this wasn't yours.
You usually don't kill
people in yours.
But here you killed four!
- Five!
- Yes, five.
The way he kills is superb.
No wonder the lead
is a chemist.
That was the tool
for the use of poisoning.
This is awesome.
- Teacher!
- Yes?
About my script,
how you told me to use poisoning?
l wasn't sure
but once it began,
it became alive
and dramatic.
Oh, was it?
That's good.
l admire you, teacher!
Ah, O.K.
Your movie will be
suceessful just like this.
- Cheer up!
- Thank you.
- Teacher.
- Yes?
l'm reminded of
the first time we met.
Me, too.
You are running like a horse.
A horse?
Weird kids.
Who'd be in here?
Yeon-hui, actually
l copied your...
She looked into my eyes direct,
And said, 'Aren't you
my best student'?
Your dream came true!
Though l'm
a little disappointed.
l thought l would be the one.
l thought too,
but l guess
There needs to be something
special than the talent
between a teacher and a student.
- Like what?
- Like,
l proofread her book
when publishing
her last best seller,
the book that you read.
Top 100 Korean
Traditional Cuisine?
Yes, that!
And now after 6 years oftime
when l became her best student,
she publishes
her cook book again.
And asked me for
proofreading again!
This is what's special.
Does she publish a book...?
What are you doing out here?
Nice Sun.
Good for being out
rather than staying inside.
Let me do the same.
Who knows l may come out
with a script like yours.
You read it?
Many things to fix yet.
No, it was perfect.
Still many things to amend.
lt was funny though
What was?
l've been reading
KT writing contest's
submissions as a jury
and found one
very similar to yours.
Except for the lead
being a female,
Sexually excited with red colors...
Were exactly the same.
Wait, wait.
l'm reading the copy now.
Who's the writer?
A girl,
CHOl Yeon-hui.
This is exactly the same!
lt sounds awkwardly sexy.
This is definitely her style.
Light and simple.
Hey, look our names are
in special thanks.
l'll read it for you.
Thank you to Miss KlM Su-jin
for constant
support for 6 years.
And to Mr. JANG Min-soo
for providing fresh ideas
and inspirations.
She missed the words
'best student'
in front of my name.
Bittersweet, isn't it?
So, you stole your student's
and she stole her teacher's?
To be exact,
the chemist poisoning
part is my idea.
l recommeneded to her.
So that's not stealing.
But you recommended to her,
then it's hers.
You stole it back!
Should you keep
saying 'stealing'?
Such a nonsense.
Teacher and student!
Teacher and student
stealing each other's.
You slept with her, right?
Good? Pretty?
What's in your brain!
You did...!
Not the right time
for that conversation!
Son, what's going on?
Dad, you have many
good students, right?
l guess so.
Do you steal their ideas
and make it to your own?
What are you talking about?
l told you l was
co-developing recipes
with my teacher?
Her basic recipe
became really great
with my ideas added.
But her book
Never mentions me in it.
As if she's done it all herself.
l feel betrayed and bitter.
ls that it?
Do professors mention
their assistant names
in their researches?
Honor goes to the professors.
l didn't only assist.
l did co-developed.
Still, how can you
stand on the same level
with the teacher?
lf she successes with your help,
you should congratulate her.
Son, you should learn more.
What an old way ofthinking!
You do that
to your students, too?
Watch what you're saying!
Do l look such a bully?
All students think
they are all good!
All the same!
Of course we did good,
then who else?
This is the first time
you ever treated fusion cuisine
in your 25 years as a cook.
Any changes in you?
l thought the Korean
traditional dishes
need to be proudly loved also
by our next generation
young friends.
Althgouh your body
may get older,
your thoughts and ideas
are always young and fresh.
Any know-hows?
Keep your body young.
- Thank you all.
- Thank you.
Thank you bye!
- This way sir.
- Yes.
you have a cable TV
interview this afternoon
and also a call from KBS.
Make sure the schedules
don't get mixed up.
No worries.
Min-soo, let's clean this up and
get ready for the lecture.
Oh, put a schedule on my desk.
l told you to
be careful with those!
Don't you hear me?
Why don't you tell me directly?
Don't take it out on su-jin.
l was in the same situation
l've been supporting so hard
But was left with no records.
So l should understand as it is?
l don't mean that.
You don't know yet.
What if l put you
as a co-researcher?
Could you handle all
that gossip and scandal?
First prints will have
my name only
but from the second printings
with your name, too.
The royalty of course
will be shared.
So, you should train
yourself harder
To be called and known
as MYUNG Hui-sook's best student.
But your best student is Su-jin.
As you know,
She doesn't have
the qualification.
She is good with learning
and following but that's it.
No new ideas,
neither be creative.
How can she
be my best student?
As soon as
the promotions finish,
We will start our
Wed. night lessons again.
l miss the times
when we work together.
As well as you.
- Sir!
- Yup!
Weren't you in the theatre
the other day?
Who were you with?
What are you asking
during the class?
What are you talking about?
We saw you there, too.
But you ran away.
- Stop it.
lt definitely was you, though.
Well, not
an appropriate question.
But the answer is No.
l was home all day writing.
That's a lie.
You were wearing navyjacket
with beige pants!
Ms. HONG Sang-mi!
You've gone too far!
Although we are all friendly,
Don't you know how to respect?
l told you,
there's a border between
a teacher and a student!
Get out!
Your fees will be refunded!
Come, QuickIy.
Nota good timing.
Itis serious here.
I don't care. we have more
important thing to do.
How can you think ofthat
at this time?
Just come out.
I wiIIbutno sexnever today.
l'm sorry but l must go.
My mom's sick.
Don't cry, Sang-mi.
- Bye
- Goodbye, Yeon-hui
l knew you would do this.
l told you never today!
You submitted to KT contest?
What? l did...
Didn't you promise to show me
before applying for it?
l was running out oftime...
And you didn't
show me yours.
Did you make the girl
to get excited
to kill when seeing red?
How did you...?
My friend was a jury and read yours.
but the thing is
he read mine before yours.
l'm so sorry.
l just thought...
You were angry with the idea
That l described you
like a bull.
Yes, that really was
a bad idea but...
But what?
lt goes well
with my story instead.
l knew you
were going to revise...
- l didn't.
- You should have.
What the!
l'm sorry...
l was gonna revise
in the second draft.
l was running out oftime
so l just wanted to
complete it first.
Then why did you submit
it to the contest?
'Cause l knew
l would just fail...
You didn't.
You passed and...
You're competing
for the final round.
For real?
Oh, my gosh!
l passed!
Now l feel like it.
This is not the right time!
Of course!
lt's a perfect time!
The hormone runs like crazy.
lt is the worst!
My project is just
about to be cancelled
because ofyours!
What do you mean?
Who would offer
ifthey hear there's
a same script out there?
l didn't mean any harm.
l'm sorry.
You don't need to be sorry.
l copied yours, too.
l changed my lead from
being a teacher to a chemist
and made him to poison others.
l'm sorry.
ls that it?
How can you steal mine?
You stole mine, too!
O.K, calm down
and do as l say.
That way we both can survive.
how can l give up
on the chance?
if others see me giving up
because l copied yours,
my career finishes.
Am l insane to throw
my life into garbage?
Exactly, so quit
before you hear things.
Why me?
Because you are only new.
A new writer copied others,
that should be taken back.
And a professional
can copy others?
Yes, professionals can
copy or steal others.
But the news
are never allowed!
They should be fresh.
Yours is already spoiled!
This isn't art,
lt is territoriality!
The art is territorial.
Please listen to me.
You really!
Are you hitting me?
Do it!
lfyou think you
have the right,
hit me!
Looks wonderful.
Who is that at the back?
There's a border not to cross?
We should respect teacher?
ls that what you meant?
Put some soybean paste
into paprika
with bean sauced sea bream.
And now put them in the oven.
Yes, and just wait
for it to be cooked.
Your new book is out
in 7 years oftime
and the feedback is so hot.
Now he even helps
to promote the book.
ls that even allowed?
What's wrong?
You should be proud as
the best student of hers.
Oh, right. l am.
But am l?
Thank you.
Cut! O.K!
Continue after lunch!
Wow, you've been exercising?
Cool, huh?
So sexy.
Can you do me a favor?
Su-jin's acting weird, today.
Girls are hard to treat.
Easily turn sulky and sensitive.
Who would read their thoughts?
None ofthose apply
to you, though.
Not really.
l'm just like a girl, too.
You don't know
how feminine l am.
Stop that.
Look at my legs,
they are like rocks.
Come on,
what if someone comes in?
Who would?
We didn't care at that time.
lt was back then.
Ouch, it must be cramped.
l can't move.
Please come and
take a look for me.
Wait, let me see.
Gosh, you shocked me.
Do you want
the left-over ingredients?
They are fresh, today.
That'd be nice.
lt is only you who...
Okay, here is so good
- Min-soo.
- Teacher.
Since when have they been
in that relationship?
For long.
How come l didn't notice?
Just a moment.
Are you ready?
Su-jin, Su-jin!
- Su-jin?
- Su-jin!
Yes, teacher.
What's going on?
Something very funny.
- What is it?
- Sound, Go!
My last present for you.
From a student who has no ideas
and is not creative.
Teacher! Teacher!
Take your student's script
out from KT contest.
This is the list ofjuries.
There are many you know of.
You've got guts to face me?
lt wasn't a pure love,
was it?
To date,
to be instructed on scripts,
To write stories,
all at once?
Director Lim,
to be straight...
about the final round...
No, not asking for a favor.
CHOl Yeon-hui's
'Afternoon Desire'...
Oh that?
That's been on an issue.
It was verysatisfying
butshe retractedherself.
No reason is toId
butjustgiven up.
Afternoon class's been cancelled
and students are asking
for refunds.
lfthat's what
they want, do so.
l don't want them either.
What's happening here?
You know how much
we spent on this?
l'm sorry.
ls that all you can say?
Additional prints
were ordered and
what the heck is this?
ls that him?
What a kid!
Mr. KlM!
Min-soo! Don't you
move a step from there.
A kid still wet
behind the ears.
Mr. KlM,
talk with me, please.
l asked you
not to come in this room.
Something wrong?
Are you alright?
Why don't you
go home and rest?
l'll take care of myself.
Stay outside.
Others are looking.
ls it that important?
What others talk...
What do you wanna say?
l heard the additional
prints were out.
Yes, up to the third prints.
What about my name
like you said?
That's when
the new version is out.
Difficult when
only re-printing.
They will have to
re-design the book.
You didn't say that last time.
What's the difference?
And is it that
important to you now?
You are just like a kid
who thinks of
what he needs only.
What about you?
You think only about your
situation and your feelings.
Have you ever thought about
how much l'd be hurt?
Have you ever asked me
about my feelings?
Have you ever considered
how l might be confused?
What am l to you?
Your student?
Your toy for new inspirations?
Have you ever considered me
as your partner?
What are you saying?
You can't stand on
the same level
Just because you slept with me.
l don't mean that!
l'm asking ifyou loved me,
thought me as your lover.
What am l to you?
Am l your sexual partner?
Your assistant?
Your student?
What am l to you!?
Answer me.
Do you play around with boys
every time you need a book out?
l got it now.
You only think ofyourself.
Live as you want.
Here's what you desire.
What are you naming this?
Oops, l'm sorry.
l thought of
planting eggs into mine.
Mine is tuna-egg, then?
l just ate that bit.
Shall we find
somewhere else?
l guess...
This is where we belong to.
Yeah, l feel home.
Giving me confidence.
l happened to
come back here again.
You've given up
from the contest.
You said you wouldn't.
lt's not mine anyway.
Like you said,
l'm new but spoiled already.
The answer is clear.
You can kill me.
Or hit me
Until you feel alright.
Please, don't.
No, l mean it.
l made a call yesterday
to the jury
to ask not to choose yours.
You already have
given up for me
and l was still
trying to steal yours.
And drove you to the corner.
From the first time we met,
l was wrong.
The day we met in the theatre.
l was there to throw away
my 2-year-old project
Which was rejected after all.
l saw you there
and have gotten you
To be freshly stimulated
for inspirations.
That was the only
reason that time.
lt's O.K.
l was the same.
l'm sorry.
l'm really sorry.
l'm sorry, Yeon-hui.
l'm really sorry.
l thank you...
ls this our last?
Can we do it
for the last time?
You really don't know
or are you just pretending?
l really don't know.
l've been in panic
for the last few days.
What was it?
What's yours?
Mom, you've gone too far!
How can you do that
to a student?
Are all teachers like that?
What do you mean?
ls there anyone else?
No, l mean...
So what are you gonna do?
He leaves for ltaly tomorrow.
lfyou are O.K,
l wanna go, too.
He knows?
No, haven't told him.
What if he resists?
Then l'll only study hard.
What if he agrees?
You're gonna marry him?
lt's not like you think.
- Thanks, Dad.
- O.K. Go.
lt is good to see
your film being on working.
Come when it releases next year.
Of course.
Just make sure
to have it on for long.
l'll take that as a cheer.
- Offyou go.
- Dad.
Safe trip.
Call me when you arrive.
Take care ofyourself.
l love you so much.
l love you, too.
You aren't feeling
left alone, right?
- Come on, go.
- No.
- Come on.
- Alright.
Call me.
- Call me often.
- No tears, O.K?
No worries.
l never thought the pre-screening
would be this tough.
- Good job.
- You, too.
l got my next story brainstormed.
Oh, same here.
Did you...
You thought of our story, too?
- Yeon-hui?
- Dad?
- l'm here.
- Of course here.
l'll come to you.
Stay there, l'll come.
He's with you, right?
- Your mom's here?
- Yeah.